POETRY A Whispering Enigma

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The Demon King ~ He/They
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
It varies. I can't promise much consistency due to my chaotic life.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
Horror, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Superpowers, Drama. Also, romance is required with me because I will get bored without it.
These are poems by me, Fluffy. Some are old, some are new. :] Some are crap, some are awesome. Compliment me, or don't. I don't really post these for criticism, just to share them. <3

If anyone's interested, I store my poetry in a blog-thing on wordpress.

Mother Bird
Beneath the golden sun
flies a regal avian

Feathers of amber,
crest of lilac,
eyes of jade;
she exhibits natural beauty

Though her song is euphoric,
her talons glisten with venom;
she defends her nest
with savage energy

The mother bird offers
endless affections with
immeasurable love
even when in grief
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This here is a TF2 love poem. xD Had it not been for this video game, I wouldn't have found my true love~ And yeah, I know it's an odd piece of work. But I loves it. (And yes, I am better at the game than he is!)

TF2 Love Poem
There exists an
odd universe
of contention
between two sides
of RED and BLU

In a race for
there sparks a flame
of endearment
and rivalry
from flamethrowers

Here, began a
tale of romance
about how a
German doctor
attracted a
brave, Ruissian hulk

Whether he is
on BLU or RED,
I am smitten
by his presence
but I remain
the champion
of Team Fortress

There's no other
with perfection
such as this one

'Tis a story
whose beginning's
yet wonderful;
for this story's
never ending
We stride somberly
upon drab soils,
where the widows mourn
beneath the looming
flock of corvidae

With no partial qualm
they proceed ahead
as if life were just
an endless foxtrot
in silver moonlight

Oh, the impetus!
The comely motions
that no single force
can ever hope to
banish to the graves

'Tis a rarity;
a bond most sacred
with a peaceful flow,
whimsical grudges
and love eternal

A foxtrot indeed;
a dance that surely
continues in the
cemetery that's
haunted by lovers
One of the weirdest poems I ever wrote. I sound like an obsessed cat lady, haha! When my pets die, though I take it really hard. v__v; Plus, my dark moods are awesome sometimes. Writing grim poetry is my favourite.

Lost Companions

Forced to persevere
without the comely
purring and screeching
of darling felines

Their phantoms haunt me
each day and each night,
in sleep and in wake
so I may mourn them

My limbs, they tremble
due to the icy
presence of their ghosts
curling around me

With no fur to stroke
and no mouth to feed,
I claw my bosom
'till my heart bleeds red

This scourge harms me so
This emptiness, too
And so I'm insane;
just a little bit

I weep for my loss,
burn for my mistakes,
stare with bitter eyes
'till the void is filled

Return to me, friends
and lick my wounds clean
Broken Promises;;

Feelings spurred,
baneful word

Spoken with
the sweetest
broken by
ego's need
to expand

Pretty lies,
heavy sighs

Wasting breath
on the soul
who trusts you;
followed by
false amends
and torture

Close your mouth;
Silence is
finer than
your foul voice
of treason
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Smoothing my fingertips
along a sleek glass neck
while bliss engulfs my thoughts

Click, inhale, bubble, blow;
'tis the smoothest flavor

My bosom quickly fills
with the mists of heaven
And then my aches are numbed

I soar with confidence
and with unending joy;
my senses are lusty

Within my clouded mind
I wish for this to last
forever and ever
I've got a case of the holiday blues. :/


In the murky wintertide
their voices carol in my ears

'Tis a symphony of woe
and delight
As they cherish my existence
but mourn my absence

I see their faces in the snowflakes
The smiles;
the weeping;
the disappointment;
the hopefulness

My heart cannot bear it

My tears freeze upon my face
while I watch the nighttime clouds
And I wonder...
Do they see what I see?

The distance is too great

Sickles of ice upon my brow
Frozen blood coating my feet
I walk, and I walk, and I walk...
'Till the winter mistress holds me;
cradles me;
whispers to me:

Sleep and you'll forget"
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Spell Breaker

In phantom disguise,
amid prosaic voices,
where I'm guarded with
divine tunes and
a cryptic gaze

Howbeit, one miss
sees through the spells
With her enchanted words,
my wicked reality shatters

In one swift moment,
a connection enacts;
a kinship is born
Then life resumes

She's a mystery
with few hints to her name
and a lovely visage

I shall find you again
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You are too sweet, Fi. ://3

One of my current roleplay characters is a poet. This is what she wrote. Or that...I wrote? As her? *confuses herself into insanity*

White Fire

'tis warmest in the winter
We sit heart cage to heart cage
to make fire in the snow

Embrace me, and keep me near
For I will freeze if you don't
Then, I will kiss the snowflakes
that sit upon your sweet face

Sit here with me, love, 'till Spring
Even though the seasons change,
our flames of passion will last
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My Weather, His Planet

My son is my weather
and I am his planet

His smile is the light,
bringing joyous warmth to
the gloom upon my face

His tears, they are my rain
I will absorb each drop
'Till his eyes lose their clouds

His voice is the wind
Sometimes it is brutal;
sometimes it is peaceful

His absence brings winter;
I feel cold, silent, dead...
And the sky weeps with snow

My son is my weather
and I am his planet

Through storms and through sunshine,
our bond will never break
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Remember, I Love You

I stare into his gaze
'till it bursts into flames
My face is scarred with burns
from the angry heat of
the orbit shaped fires

My throat is slashed by the
aggressive claws thirsting
for the blood of his foes
And so I cannot speak

He shouts until I shrink,
then roars with frustration
'cause he cannot see me

I won't come out to play
'till your rage vanishes

Remember, I love you
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Kind of just a way for me to illustrate how I feel when I'm having anxiety. Or just a bad day in general, I dunno. *feelin' melancholy* >>;

My World is Grey

The world I live in is grey
The somber faces I see
have the most grisly of frowns
I dare not meet their gazes,
for fear that I'll petrify

I can't stand the sight of them

When those unsightly lips move,
my arms are pinned to my sides,
so I can't cover my ears...

I can't hear them talking;
I can only hear them chant
Their foul voices torment me,
'till they hear my maddened cry

Time moves slowly in my world
I scream for thirty seconds,
but it feels like thirty days

So, thirty long days later,
I will return to my bed

Because I dream in color
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Harsh how the serenity
can shatter in moments

I can sense the dark magic
as it shrouds me in shadow
The sweet sugar on my tongue
turns into a foul poison
I spit it out with curse words,
each more deadly than the last

I've played right into his trap

My rage feeds the sorcerer
'till his strength rules over mine
More words are pulled from my lips
like crimson thread from a spool

An empty spool means silence;
silence means that I have lost
For the umpteenth time, I've lost

And then I pay with my blood
For the umpteenth time, I bleed
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I was digging through some poems in a blog I don't update anymore and came across this. A friend and I would exchange poetry themes to see what we came up with. If I'm not mistaken, the theme for this one was simply 'music'. So I turned it into some creepy...weird...concert-graveyard-type...thing?

I even put in rhymes, which take me a lot longer to write for.

Deathly Melody

Hearken to my anthem
For you will learn, my dear,
a true song of condemn,
passion, envy, and fear

My anger is a drum,
my sorrow is a flute
My soul is feeling numb
from pain that's most acute

Confessions for my sins
are written on my tomb
Do you hear violins?
They punctuate my doom

My somber little song
makes angels want to weep
It even makes the strong
see horrors in their sleep

I shall always haunt you
and your precious child
And when your life is through,
you will die beguiled

My fans are in the ground,
they're all phantoms like me
Do not follow the sound
of fierce melancholy
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Little Birdy

Sing, little birdy
Bring my smile back
Tweet, little birdy
'Fore the sky turns black
Peep, little birdy
I could use a friend
Coo, little birdy
Stay; don't ascend
Croon, little birdy
Wake the sun up, please
Chirp, little birdy
Bring life to the trees
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I feel happy. I dug up some of my older poems. <3

Guardian Angel

Fear not the blades
or the bullets
that threaten you

Fear not the beasts
or the shadows
that chase you

Fear not the storms
or the evils
that call you

Fear not the people
or the heroes
who abandon you

Reach for the light
for the gentle hand
for the mighty feathered wings

Reach for the chanting angel
who chases your nightmares away

Melodic Sacrifice

I would sacrifice it all
Just to laugh once more

I'll give away the songs
of happy tweeting birds
of somber howling wolves
of enchanting orca whales

I'll trade the chime of silver bells
They can take my MP3
My alarm clock sounds, just take them
I'll wake up to something else

The rock groups I adore
The techno, the country, the soundtracks
I can learn to live without them
So as long as you'll still call

I would exist in silence
Just to hear your voice

Of all the music in my life
All I need's your words
And I would give it all away
Just for one more night
Please, give me one more night
More old pieces. :3

Graceless Ballet

Dearest ballerina
though your toes are sore
you must dance forevermore

You've lost your charm
but you still have what's inside
you still have your pride

There's no audience
for a dancer like you
who stumbles at every "Boo!"

They don't hate you
it's your failure they despise
can't even win the third prize

Dust yourself off, lovely
your smile's one to keep
even when you weep

Don't stop the ballet
you'd regret it, you know
quitting on yourself is low

I'll always be your fan
you're a beautiful dame
with a beautiful name

The world needs you
a girl determined and fine
and you'll always be mine


of black and white
I have missed you so
Please return to my arms
so we may smile and laugh
Don't forget that I am waiting
You're so busy being heroic
My heart beats fast with 'pandamonium'


and passive
A stinging in my mind

and confound
My sanity left behind

and hindered
Antagonized by fear

and robust
Clinging to what's dear
Continued old poems... >.> I just can't stand having too many in a single post it looks like. lolol


A lucid utopia
An illusion
yet sublime

A radiant room
filled with chronicles
of martyrs and scoundrels
of riddles and patterns
of legacies and sacrifices

A sentimental moment
and a fantasy
Disappointingly intangible

A time I felt at home
Solaced and desired
Genuinely happy

What is happiness?

It is but a reverie
The most blissful reverie of all


"My Andromeda," he said
"My galaxy, my goddess"

I'll draw her in the sky
She'll be outlined by the stars
And be colored by sunsets

A smile so alluring
And eyes filled with shining stars
Her beauty surpasses all

Laugh for me, Andromeda
It is music to my ears
I exist to bring you joy

Stay near me, Andromeda
For if evil approaches
You will be safely guarded

He said I'm his galaxy
With a rocket of his own
He'd travel the universe

To find his Andromeda
To find his darling goddess