POETRY A Whispering Enigma

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My Light

Wandering in obscurity
No more than a fragment of map
A clue so small, so confusing

In darkness, let there be light
An untouched glow in the distance
Still bright enough to lead the way

They mean nothing, the map and clues
Merely distractions from the goal
Unwanted items of the damned

A magnificent view, this light
The most beautiful sight of all
Bravely opposing the darkness

Oh precious light, you are my key
You will unlock my fantasies
My aimless adventure ends now

With you, dreamland is so blissful
Serenades are never-ending
They're lyrics about paradise

My world is illuminated
So full of warmth and enchantment
Graced with undying affections

Truly a dream turned to real life

Amorous Discord

Ecstasy is in bloom
A luminous chrysanthemum
blossoms when our lips touch

Like vines of the jungle
Our fingers intertwine
As we soak sunlight
and taste the raindrops

Astonishing splendor
Akin to migrant petals
He is as majestic
As the oak is mighty

Alas, the roots unplanted
Ill-fated separation
At fault of the zephyr
that carried me away

The absence is sore
My contentment dwindles
and I wither
'Tis a bleeding heart
'Till we reunite


It is I
The imp
A basis of woe

Your wounds are scars
Your scars are ghastly
Cursed markings
from my claws
of wretchedness

A tainted soul
Not yours, but mine
The thought is farfetched
that I'd have a soul at all
For I am a demon

The shame
It drips from my fangs
The blood of a heart
is so bitter
Just like me

Yet I still smile
With everlasting gratitude
Because you once loved me
Do you still?
Oh, imaginably

I forlornly declare
I am unworthy
of such compassion

I'm as wicked
as I am charismatic
I detest it so
as should you

I beg of you
Suffer no longer
and abandon me
Sorry I deceived you
with my angelic disguise

Those Eyes

I'm lost in this phase
Since meeting your gaze
It leads me astray
Each and every day

A stare that is wise
With enchanting guise
And force that is sound
All threats will rebound

The look is sternest
As it is earnest
Lit by emotion
Firm with devotion

Of the darkest shade
Never are afraid
Charm and elegance
Visible balance

Victim to this stare
Should I even dare
to get lost elsewhere?

Your eyes, they are art
And they warm my heart
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Biology Love Poem

We are a covalent bond
From my electron to yours
our element is balanced

You are so tantalizing
You denature my proteins
I will never be the same

My darling, my adenine
Be mine, for I am thymine
And we can be a base pair

As one who's endothermic
I sincerely need your warmth
I cannot live without it

Prophase to metaphase to
anaphase to telophase
to the end, a growth of love

Even if you're a virus
I have plenty cells to spare
Take them, eat them and be well

We go together, my dear
Like strands of nucleotides

With every cardiac
myocyte of my being
I will love you forever


Wonderful calefaction
sparking when we touch

Heart cage upon heart cage
'Tis a harmony of pulses
with a jubilant chorus

In this utopian ambiance
The clock's hands are cursed;
frozen on the number twelve

Sinking in a plethora of bliss
We strive for immortality;
a secret that passion reveals

In this evening so comely
The stars are hypnotic
in the gaze of Andromeda

Discovered, is paramour
Desired, is calefaction

Under no condition
will our devotion fade

My Friend

Our kinship is stellar,
my friend

Sit upon my shoulders
so we may touch the sun
Drops of golden sunshine
are finer when they're shared

The obsidian sky
is glittering with lights
We'll explore the darkness
for a star of your own

Journey with me, my friend
across the vast rainbow
Hand in hand we'll find it
We'll find the very end

We will travel the Earth
and collect its treasures

The two of us

My friend

The croons of elegant fowl
The sweet chime of silver bells
An ancient, wise wolf's howl
A hatchling breaking its shell

They are wondrous songs
that remind me of you

Cool droplets upon my skin
Soft pillow beneath my skull
Lovely kisses for my grin
Ticklish flutters of my soul

They are sensational feelings
that remind me of you

I Sigh, Enchanted

Spurring thoughts so untamed
and asserting habitation
at the vicinity of my skull;
in memories, in fantasies

A spellbinding essence that
is pure, impeccable, alluring
and exhilarating

My mind becomes
A sinuous serpent;
an erratic paradigm

Suddenly powerless
with a single breath
'Tis ambrosial, this spice

With subliminal messages
comes impish motives
I am a charmed predator
in a snare

While captivating
'tis also subduing

'Tis an air that
cradles my spirit
through times of good
and times of woe

[And that concludes the collection of 2-3 year old poetry. 8D]
... I have a fucked up mind with fucked up dreams. O__O

Olen Painajainen

Sparkly eyes of amber,
perfect ivory skin;
A canvas I could paint
with the prettiest reds

Her voice sings like a flute,
beckoning me and all
ten of my cold fingers

You think that you're so fine;
you're just a little bitch
I kill bitches for fun

I trap her slender neck
between two hands guilty
of more murders than I
could ever keep track of

It's ecstasy; the sharp
crunch of her pretty bones
This is what I live for

I should have let her sing
before crushing such a
lovely little voice box

I'd kiss those ruby lips
if they weren't glossed with death

Instead, I breathe in the
fresh, alluring toxins
of the black miasma
spiraling from her throat

The burning in my lungs
shall remind me of her
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Unending Nightmares

The narrow breadth of my skull
must contain more occupants
than the maximum allows

Daily, I hear them praying;
nightly, I hear them screaming

My only rule is silence,
yet they won't ever shut up

Monsters come out in the night
to prey on innocent flesh
and to drive my mind insane

Foul crimson leaks from my ears
while my cranium rattles
with the shards of broken bones

With chilled sweat coating my skin
and fierce drumming in my chest,
I look to the stars and wish:

"Cleanse me of these toxic dreams;
grant me just one night of peace"
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Had a dream about some creepy voice tempting me into violence, but instead I kept scratching at my skin until I was nothing but bones that eventually collapsed on the ground. So here's a weird poem inspired by that. It stems from so many people pissing me off lately, and I tend to be self destructive instead of abusive to others when I feel upset. >>; (I'm an angry soul, it really is too bad. lol) Writing this poem makes me feel sort of better, haha.

To anyone who's about to read this: sorry that it's a bit graphic.

Bare Knuckles

I scratch and I claw at
an itch on my knuckles
They yearn for a meeting
with my enemy's throats

The urge speaks so loudly
that I swear I can hear
a growling in my mind;
"Sin. Sin until it hurts."

I gnaw at my digits
to spit out shreds of flesh
that got caught beneath
my bloodied fingernails

"Your left hand is itching."

With renewed longing,
I continue to scratch
'till I see the whites
of bare bone topped with red

I'm haunted by the crunch
of a fragile rib cage
that my entire foot
could kick a hole into

"Please don't make me do this,"
I beg desperately
Temptation keeps laughing
while I scrape at my toes

Anger festers inside;
sadness drips from my eyes;
then I speak my last words
before I peel the skin
off of my face cleanly:

"Just leave me alone. Please."
Poetry, you're always there for me in my darkest hours. v_v


Taken by the hand,
one we used to trust
To the sea and sand,
and an imp of lust

"Young angels, young friends"
He lures with a grin
Says that we should cleanse,
with a voice like sin

He strikes as they swim
to tear off their wings
Nothing could stop him
And Gods, does it sting

I just can't forget,
but I wish I could
The thoughts have been set,
but... they're not so good

I'll still breathe the air,
I'll still shed my tears
Still, damn, it's not fair;
living with these fears

The beauty of the rain,
I must say is arcane
Just spiral down the drain
while I'm going insane

As it drips from my mane,
I find I must abstain
from opening a vein
to mix my blood with rain

Please, wash away my bane
This anger's like a chain
My confusion, disdain
All causing so much pain

Let me be calm like rain
I'll go from Maine to Spain
to shower thirsty plains
and cleanse the world of stains

In the end, Raine will reign
It really does concern me that poetry is the most refined form of writing, and also the most under-appreciated art form on Iwaku. You write beautifully; I especially liked the Biology Love Poem. I was just shocked to see that only one other person has recognized you for your efforts.
  • Thank You
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It really does concern me that poetry is the most refined form of writing, and also the most under-appreciated art form on Iwaku. You write beautifully; I especially liked the Biology Love Poem. I was just shocked to see that only one other person has recognized you for your efforts.
Thank you for the kind words. <3 There are a few people around here who like my work, but most of my 'fans' are outside of Iwaku. I agree that poetry could use more attention around here, so I've been making some efforts to change that. :D
Thank you for the kind words. <3 There are a few people around here who like my work, but most of my 'fans' are outside of Iwaku. I agree that poetry could use more attention around here, so I've been making some efforts to change that. :D
Yes! I agree so much. I have written some poetry here, but it hasn't gotten much attention. Similarly to what you said, most of my fans are outside of Iwaku. I absolutely love your poetry challenges. You have my full support and can expect my post every week! :) If you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask.
My Brother

My friend, my soulmate,
do lend me your ear
I'll make one thing straight:
I'm so glad you're here

My twin, my side-kick,
without you, I'm lame
To me, you should stick
We're so much the same

My pal, my brother,
you're dear to my heart
Close to no other,
though we're far apart

My kin, my partner,
you're doing just fine
I hope you concur
with these words of mine
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One of the longest poems I ever wrote. Kinda tells a story about a dream I had, but also shows how much I love my shnookums: @The Butterfly. :3

The Paladin's Return

Bistre eyes gaze upon the face
of an eyeless monstrosity
who's guided by the scent of fear

A twisted form that's made of fog;
a nightmare walking on eight legs
And a maw dripping with malice

When it bites, she just holds her breath
as if she were anchored to the
bottom of the vast, dark ocean

Even though she's tangled in webs

Darker, darker still... She's fading;
suffocating in the black mist
that fiercely hungers for her soul

Then a voice of protest shakes her
The voice of him, her paladin:
"Ye cursed arachnid, begone!"

At the mercy of his hammer,
the monster returns to its realm
with promise to return for her

When that time comes, he'll be waiting

Collapsed into armored embrace,
comforted by masculine scent
She knows she is home once again

The warm glow of his healing hand
wakes his beloved from her sleep
"You're safe, my dear Andromeda."

Lips on lips, heartcage to heartcage,
all feels right with the world again
One can't live without the other

"I'll love you, paladin, always..."
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A short, sweet poem I came up with today. x3

She's Crazy

Because of him, she's crazy

Whenever he's in her sights,
it feels like her skeleton
may jump right out of her skin

His smoky, baritone voice
is always stuck in her head,
playing in an endless loop

His natural scent and warmth
are the drugs that she can't quit,
'cause they make her senses wild

From even the slightest touch,
it feels as though there are sparks
crackling through all of her limbs

Because of him, she's crazy
She'd want it no other way

@The Butterfly
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I don't 'do' poetry often. :P I'm a technical prose writer, for the most part. But... I'm not without the skill. Your poetry here has piqued curiosity; I do wonder just how rusty I am. Not just that, I do like the style and structure of many poems here. So, if you will, I'll give you a poem in response to yours:

The Sins of the Dark

"The sins of my people,"
said a soft voice; a masculine murmur.

"They are what I fight for,"
he would explain, his voice a tremor.

And although his voice was barely a whimper,
His conviction was strong; by his will it was tempered

Surrounded by those others thought greater than he,
He refused to back down from even kings and queens
Those that were respected, those that had a name
Those followed by others, empowered by fame

He rejected their notions and he would boldly stand
For the will of his people and the love of his land
For he knew of his weakness, his bolstering rage
And he knew that no one would respect his age

But he spoke anyway, and he held himself back
He knew if he yelled, he would forfeit all tact
So he waited and waited and spoke in his turn
With hopes that his words would leave intense burns

From his hot, burning passion for what he believed
And as he kept speaking, his heart felt relieved
For the sins of his people were not truly sins at all
And now he spoke with no stops and no stalls

"You calling them sins is truly what is wrong,"
he told them now boldly, his voice growing strong

"We believe what we will; you've demeaned us too long:
You've denounced us / you've trounced us.
You have denied us our due - only because we will not agree with you"

But his speech fell on deaf ears
For no soul would listen and hear
Words that came from darkness - the shallow abyss
Spoken by none other than the forlorn Prince

I had some fun writing that one. I believe I'll do another.

An exhilarating pressure bore down on her
As the touch of soft skin sparked a sweet pleasure
And the thrill of hot lips nearby one another
Thrust the two into a scene without cover

Bare and exposed, yet shivering at the thought
And shivering even more at the idea of being caught
Soon, though, things grew warm, and lips were pressed onto skin
This is what he must of meant when he promised fun along with sin

And the next morning, when she saw her friends
The fun of her night was plain to them
For he had marked her as if she was his
With dark red streaks made by his kisses

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I don't 'do' poetry often. :P I'm a technical prose writer, for the most part. But... I'm not without the skill. Your poetry here has piqued curiosity; I do wonder just how rusty I am. Not just that, I do like the style and structure of many poems here. So, if you will, I'll give you a poem in response to yours:

The Sins of the Dark

"The sins of my people,"
said a soft voice; a masculine murmur.

"They are what I fight for,"
he would explain, his voice a tremor.

And although his voice was barely a whimper,
His conviction was strong; by his will it was tempered

Surrounded by those others thought greater than he,
He refused to back down from even kings and queens
Those that were respected, those that had a name
Those followed by others, empowered by fame

He rejected their notions and he would boldly stand
For the will of his people and the love of his land
For he knew of his weakness, his bolstering rage
And he knew that no one would respect his age

But he spoke anyway, and he held himself back
He knew if he yelled, he would forfeit all tact
So he waited and waited and spoke in his turn
With hopes that his words would leave intense burns

From his hot, burning passion for what he believed
And as he kept speaking, his heart felt relieved
For the sins of his people were not truly sins at all
And now he spoke with no stops and no stalls

"You calling them sins is truly what is wrong,"
he told them now boldly, his voice growing strong

"We believe what we will; you've demeaned us too long:
You've denounced us / you've trounced us.
You have denied us our due - only because we will not agree with you"

But his speech fell on deaf ears
For no soul would listen and hear
Words that came from darkness - the shallow abyss
Spoken by none other than the forlorn Prince

I had some fun writing that one. I believe I'll do another.

An exhilarating pressure bore down on her
As the touch of soft skin sparked a sweet pleasure
And the thrill of hot lips nearby one another
Thrust the two into a scene without cover

Bare and exposed, yet shivering at the thought
And shivering even more at the idea of being caught
Soon, though, things grew warm, and lips were pressed onto skin
This is what he must of meant when he promised fun along with sin

And the next morning, when she saw her friends
The fun of her night was plain to them
For he had marked her as if she was his
With dark red streaks made by his teeth, lips and kisses

They're impressive, Prince. :] Honestly, they gave me goosebumps. I'm grateful you're sharing these with me and I'm glad my writing could pique your interest. Your poems truly were a pleasant surprise when I logged in today.
Hazy Daydreams

My senses are seduced by
the perfumed smoke of a horned
monster with copper scales and
wings that dominate the sky.

I gaze upon his long face,
entranced by the trails of smoke
flowing from both his nostrils,
creating twisted patterns
that dance around his image.

A most breath taking sight that
leaves me feeling hypnotized.
If I stare for long enough,
maybe he'll breathe fire too.

The bearded beast grins at me
like a friend he's known for years.
I can't help but wonder
where my concept of time went.
I say I've been here four hours,
but really it's been four years.

It's true, what everyone says;
he has me under his spell.
And I hope it never breaks.

@The Butterfly
A while back, I had an idea to write a poem in my son's voice, based on how I view him when I see him and his father interact. If that makes sense. >>; Anyway, finally found the right words to write.


Dad, I envy your height
And there are things I want to see
So, with all of my might,
I must climb up you like a tree

Your shoulder is my perch;
I'm a soft and hairy birdy
Now hush while I research,
and be sure my seat stays sturdy

Being tall is awesome,
because I get to see all things
Now, I'm gonna be dumb
by making my own body fling

Thanks for catching me, Dad
I didn't know falling would hurt
Of course, I still feel sad
Now let me snuggle in your shirt

@The Butterfly
I'm stoned and pissed off. Two feelings that don't really belong together. That's the only excuse I could think of for this weird rap-poem-thing I came up with.

Shake the Skies

One, two, three
Just plea after plea
This heart yearns to be free
of all this agony

I won't fall for the guise
that's hiding your lies
Shouldn't be a surprise,
since I have keen eyes

Can you not see
what this does to me?
Pain to the highest degree,
times infinity

This symptom implies
that it would be wise
to let out my cries
'till I shake the skies

I might go on a spree
of the murderous variety
There'd be no room to disagree,
since you're already killing me

But thoughts of my demise
are never to rise
So, I'll get lost in my highs
to numb the ache from your lies
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