POETRY A Whispering Enigma

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Flames of Acrimony

Cursed is the heat
that burns in my gut.

Flames of acrimony
grow stronger with each day.

The burn is agonizing,
and the smoke is poisonous.

Soon, the influence will have me.
Unless miracles do exist.

The spreading flames of rage will tempt me;
wreck, lament, harm, punish, drink, destroy...

Rage has no intention of letting go.
Not until I've satisfied her blood lust.

and traitorous.
My world is shaken
all because of these words.
I'll forgive; I always do.
But I'll never fucking forget.
There's a stitch in my soul where it ripped.
The healing process is lasting too long...
A Stupid Question

Hands trembling,
Heart racing,
Shallow breathing,

An uncontrollable urge paired with an unfortunate circumstance;
That leaves the mind hyper-aware yet lost in a trance
That leaves the heart confused and amazed like an exotic dance
That leaves the soul shattered because you feel like never had a chance

And if every moment an eternity measured by perception and our mind,
Then the silence of these moments went on for far beyond our lifetime

But the wait, it was worth it
The quakes, they were, too

Because the answer to your question
is that I still love you.​
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Oh crap, I haven't added anything new here for a while. Seems like a good time to share one of my newest pieces. (Well, actually, it's a few pieces, since they're so short.) I been exploring poetry styles that I wanna practice and I stumbled upon one called a Katauta. A 5/7/5 or 5/7/7, three line poem usually addressed to a lover. Which I also learned is half of a Sedoka. Maybe I'll transform these into that, next time I'm feeling bored and poetic.


I'll Miss You

Tighten your strong arms
so that the winds won't take me
It could take years to find you


You make my skin flare
from the moment that we touch
I can take the heat

Stars and Moon

My stars and my moon,
guiding me through the shadows
as their jaws gnash all around

All of You

My heart swells with need
for your whispers, body, soul...
Give me all of you

@The Butterfly ;3
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Reading through your poems, as you might have noticed by the sudden flurry of likes. Stopping here, though, because Millenial attention spans, and this is a really, really, really good place to stop. Anyway, really, really, really sweet poem here! A few notes, though: I know this isn't a critical forum or anything, but I really needed to respond to this, since this is so close to being perfect for me.

Hazy Daydreams (a bit irked by the title -- feels like it's dismissing a whole, very viable interpretation of the poem as a metaphor for something by labeling it all as "daydreams")

My senses are seduced by
the perfumed smoke of a horned
monster with copper scales and
wings that dominate the sky. (love this image. immediately evokes the beast, but pictures him so romantically, in a way that makes me want to kiss Behemoth)

I gaze upon his long face,
entranced by the trails of smoke
flowing from both his nostrils,
creating twisted patterns
that dance around his image.

A most breath taking sight that (moist)
leaves me feeling hypnotized. (sentence fragment -- when compared to the full sentences of the rest of the poem, it detracts. maybe "gently, a moist breath flows/ out his mouth, enchanting me."? just needs to be a complete sentence)
If I stare for long enough,
maybe he'll breathe fire too. (these two lines evoke that mixture of adult sensual attraction and childlike enrapturement perfectly)

The bearded beast grins at me
like a friend he's known for years.
I can't help but wonder
where my concept of time went.
I say I've been here four hours, (i think the play on words would be more effective, more endearing and thoughtful, if one of these fours was a for)
but really it's been four years.

It's true, what everyone says; (colon instead of semicolon here, i think)
he has me under his spell.
And I hope it never breaks.
Cool beans, River. >__> That poem is based on a marijuana-induced daydream that isn't quite like the way you interpreted it. So I'm going to go ahead and keep the title and poem as they are, thanks.

This is a gift for my step-dad, to be given on father's day. I hope he'll like it. There's been many years' worth of misunderstanding and pain between us but we've reconnected and have never been closer. Never ever thought that would happen, to be honest...

Thanks to You

Thanks to you,
dirt is only a smear
Thanks to you,
I'm stronger ev'ry year

Thanks to you,
food was always plenty
Thanks to you,
I have aged past twenty

Thanks to you,
my discipline is strict
Thanks to you,
I'm a threat to conflict

Thanks to you,
I'm cautious and I'm wise
Thanks to you,
my confidence will rise

The powers of change, hope,
and forgiveness make sense

Thanks to you
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The poem I wrote for @The Butterfly for father's day. Written from the perspective of our son because he doesn't know how to say 'My daddy loves me and is scary' yet but also I wanted to give a gift that isn't edible.

Happy Father's Day 2015

Enemies beware
of my father's glare

If you even dare
to enter his lair,
then utter a prayer
You'll fail to prepare
for the deathly scare
of his murderous stare

He's fierce like a bear
with heart full of care
Fighting for what's fair,
with wit and with flair

My father will wear
your bones in his hair
Don't breathe in his air
or he just might tear
your skull from his snare
and set it aflare

Enemies beware
of my father's glare
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Aaand this one, for my biological dad. <3 Just had to challenge myself with an etheree, it's a fun poem style.

Regal Lion

is regal
in ev'ry right
A benevolent
lord with a heart of warmth
and a roar that will command
the respect of all his subjects
Eternally my soul will hold close
the strength my father's spirit resembles
Fragile Cargo

I'll never uncurl my fingers
for fear that I may drop her heart;
and fear that I may stop feeling
the strong, warm pulse against my flesh
This, I carry like a treasured
ruby from the depths of the Earth
And no one can take it from me

If I squeeze too tight in anger,
or I grip too firmly in fear,
my palm will catch each drop of blood,
and my lips will seal all the cracks
I'll drink in each bit of the pain
until I'm gifted with the song
of tender love, and forgiveness

The rhythmic beatings of her heart
are my reassuring whispers
I cling to each and ev'ry thump,
in case it may well be the last
one I get to experience
Needless to say, her tune's the last
thing I want to hear 'fore I die

I'm no hero, I'm no treasure;
I'm really no one worth the time
What I offer is displeasure
to myself, the world, and these rhymes

My malediction spawns fire
that festers underneath my skin
It makes my systems haywire,
much to my sorrow and chagrin

Chartreuse flames rise to the surface,
but I'm the only one who burns
Do keep your distance, just in case
The smoke will make your stomach churn

As I reach down into my throat,
I feel my soul tremble with fright
It begs me for an antidote,
but the best I can do is fight

One day these flames will consume me
straight to the point of no return
'Till then, I daydream quietly
of the inner peace that I yearn
A Breath of Fresh Air

Flames of bright orange and red
dance wickedly upon
the civilization
in which I live and breathe

The angry streets are hot
against my unarmored
soles as I walk through
the storm of toxic ash

Yet I dream of showers
cooling the burns on my
skin while icy winds lent
sweet whispers to my ears,
each one devouring
the echoes of my pulse
as it steadily beats
scorch marks into my chest

Oh, how I yearned to take
in that cool, soothing air
The blackness in my lungs
would instead turn light blue;
like my lips as they kissed
to the pond of raindrops
collected in my hands

And within mere seconds
the rainfall clung to me,
splashing my face with tears
so that I wouldn't weep

'Twas a moment where I
would tremble not from fear
of the city's cruel flames,
but instead the cold
and oh so comforting sigh
scented like petrichor
I went pretty much the whole year of 2017 without adding another poem to this. loloops

But Don't Worry

Your heart and mind impel
you to give a sweet farewell
And then your cozy citadel
will start sinking into hell
But don't worry;
you're doing well

Trekking through the jungle of vines
in this land of your design
And your magnificence declines
as your feet hug the fault line
But don't worry;
you're doing fine

The skies, they've been a somber grey
ever since that hurtful day
And you hate to go away
from this wonderland of decay
But don't worry;
you're doing okay
No updates since December? I shall remedy that for all of the 0 people who pay attention to this thread. (Not that I'm asking for any attention. Just nice to post some things.) Starting with this one poem I wrote in the April:

Winter in Spring

Yearning for Winter in Spring,
is it that strange of a thing?
A cool touch to soothe the stings
brought on by everything

Just take a seat in a swing,
even though I'm shivering
Go back and forth, listening
to the voice of Winter sing

The relief that it would bring,
to be in cold so numbing


More incoming. Also for any interested, I keep my poems in a blog thingy that can be followed: A Whispering Enigma
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Cradled in Shadows

Should you feel alone, my love
take shelter from the light
Follow the scent of foxgloves,
and then you'll be all right

Step into my darkness, dear
take comfort in the shade
I promise you'll be safe here
You needn't be afraid

Lie in peace with me, my flame
and share secrets with me
We can whisper without shame,
so cozy and carefree

You'll feel cold at first, my sweet
This, I am sorry for
Just let my words bring you heat
Until you shiver no more

Be cradled in shadows, heart
This is where you belong
Whenever we are apart,
I don't feel quite as strong


You Are the Warlord

Make your move,
lift your sword
Seeking to prove
you are the warlord

Steps so faint,
voice so low
Isn't it quaint,
this place that you know?

Reach in deep;
search your soul
Then, take the leap
straight towards your goal

Target locked,
swing like hell
A spirit shocked,
and a broken shell

Conquered beast,
rescued heart
Safely released
to make a fresh start

You are strong
This, I see
It's why this song
was written by me



Making cracks in my skin
as my demons begin
to surface from within

My mind will start to spin,
the craziness sets in

And I can't help but grin
while my wounds leak with sin
Oh, how foolish I've been,
believing I could win
No Leaving This Room

Petrified in the gloom
that's leaking from her mind
It's a chilly, dark room
where hopes are left behind

A flower who won't bloom,
and is so unrefined
She hides in a costume
to make flaws hard to find

No strength to dig a tomb
in this hell she's designed,
as the voices all loom
to spout words most unkind

Though she pleads for her doom,
the request is declined
There's no leaving this room
without killing her mind


Cloak of Shadow

Hide me in your cloak of shadow,
numb me with your icy caress
The night is more dismal than you know

Demons feast on pain and woe,
and the corpse of my success
Hide me in your cloak of shadow

Like poison, the dolor will flow,
while my soul trembles with distress
The night is more dismal than you know

I'm afraid of tomorrow,
I must confess
Hide me in your cloak of shadow

Since too long ago
this heart has been a mess
The night is more dismal than you know

Just longing to feel hollow,
or at least to feel less
Hide me in your cloak of shadow,
the night is more dismal than you know



Crack her open,
paint her blue
Help her forget when
she fell in love with you

Kiss her ears,
sweeten the lies
Acquaint with her fears
so as to terrorize

Scratch her soul,
make her weep
Be the one who stole
each night of sleep

Kill her fire,
snuff the light
Feed your desire
to end this tonight


Feeble Doe

A sick insomniac,
with nowhere left to go
Just a timid maniac,
and her gun without ammo

I steered off track,
and I sank so low
This strength I lack,
I rue it so

You saw me crack
beneath my woe,
like a sneak attack
to a feeble doe

Keep to my back
so I won't know
as you paint me black
from head to toe,
and proceed to ransack
my mind 'till I'm hollow

You wishful, simple pawn
Dancing like the Black Swan
while you write regrets on
paper with a crayon

You somber, simple pawn
Wobbling there like a fawn,
looking so woebegone
This is why you're withdrawn

You pretty, simple pawn
Coldly sleeping upon
your fallen pantheon
Oh my, how far you've gone
Far from your echelon

You silly, simple pawn
Your mind's already gone
Check the streets, check the lawn,
check from dusk until dawn

You'll just have to move on