Academy at A.R.M.S (A Future Fantasy Knight Academy Roleplay)

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Reanimator Buns

Just some gal who's a necromancer
Original poster
Fantasy Romance, Scifi



Fine Day Recruit
We call upon you as a member of Civilization. You have tested positive for high levels of Prima Brain Waves, thus stating that you are capable of Magic. As a wielder of this chaos, either by birthright or by chance, we request you uphold you Civil Duties and protect your home, your family, and your fellow citizen. While we value the freedoms and liberties of our citizens, we must also inform you that with the discovery of Prima Brain Waves, you will be required to register to our list of Potential Catastrophes. You will not be treated as any less of a citizen, but in order to ensure the safety yourself and your countrymen, you will partake in mandatory monitoring and research and will be restricted from any use of "Devotions" as a citizen. That is the minimum of your Civil Duties
However, with the acknowledgement of your abilities, a new door of opportunity opens up to you. We formally invite you to attend the Academy at A.R.M.S. At the Academy, you will be trained in the ancient art of melee combat as well as "Devotions." You will recieve a sizeable stipend for yourself and assurance that you and your future family will live comfortably for as long as you serve under the Banner of the King and after 6 years of service you may retire in comfort, following the rules of other Citizens who posses the Prima Brain Waves (Albeit with more leniency).
This is a duty that asks you to go above and beyond. There is no guarantee of your safety in the fight against the Primal Titans which seek to break our city walls, but there is a guarantee that by serving and fighting, you earn the honor, glory, and respect of all the citizens, the King, and of our Protector, Ordos. In this message you will find an application. You have 8 weeks to deliberate on your decision. If you have not submitted your application by the deadline, you will be treated as having waived your invitation. You may take the entrance exams next year if you change your mind.
Signed from the Seat of King Engrem and Arch-Bishop Lucemine

Hope I can capture some interest from everyone! This is a Future Fantasy Roleplay. I'm talking knights on tron-like motorcycles fighting demons and dragons in a futuristic "utopian" city. This is NOT a cyberpunk setting, in fact its more the opposite. "Cyberprep" if you will. Though slums and more gritty places may make an appearance and your character can be from such places, the Academy at A.R.M.S is in the finer parts of Civilis City. A few lore bits for you that you may have questions about!

In this setting humanity has learned to harness a form of Energy called "Prima."
Prima is just the chaotic force of nature and the world. After a large catestrophic event nearly a century ago nearly whipped humanity to the edge of extinction, this energy was amplified beyond belief. This resulted in a few strange side-effects. Most notably was that of monsters: the Primal Titans. Dragons, Demons, Giants, Sea Monsters and the like. But one man managed to harness this energy. It was through his deep devotion to his family and fellow humans that he could channel this force of chaos and disaster into a coherent and constructive force. And soon humanity learned to convert this energy into power for their cities, dubbed the "Ordos Restraint" created by one of the first diciples of Ordos and his teachings to elevate Civilization and Humanity.

Devotions are what spells are considered, at least spells used by humanity. It is believed that magic and the power of Prima is too destructive for humans if they lack a proper place to focus their energy, and thus the bonds between man and his world around him help shape them. Though there is no science that directly supports this theory, there are some who think that the sort of thing that a person is devoted to affects how their magic manifests. A person's devotion can be to king and country, to religion, to family, to even pride or wealth. However, there is no devotion to one's self: That is because it draws upon the Id: a persons basic drives. In other words, the part of a person that is primal, and that risks the danger of that human causing a catastrophe.

Knights utilize many forms of advanced technology including heavy advanced armors, high tech communications systems, S.T.E.E.D.S which are smart motor cycles installed with an A.I. called a Squire, and while firearms and energy weapons DO exist, they frequently lack the ability to deal lethal damage to Primal Titans. Primal Titans are surprisingly resilient unless struck with a weapon forged from a special ore called Disastrite which was formed and discovered after the calamity that brought Prima to the world. Because this ore is less abundant, they are not used for Munitions for general use for fear of wasting them. However, Primal Titans are susceptible to attacks from Devotions. If one is skilled enough, they may be able to turn normal munitions into something lethal to a titan. But this is a difficult feat to accomplish, keeping a bullet enchanted after leaving contact with a person.

Any questions?
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Am here for this
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Returned from the dead to show interest.
I'd be up for this
Yoo, this looks super interesting, consider me intrigued!

Just a question; will the characters all be of a similar age range, since I presume your tested for Prima at a certain age threshold? Or do tests kind of occur at all different age brackets?
Yoo, this looks super interesting, consider me intrigued!

Just a question; will the characters all be of a similar age range, since I presume your tested for Prima at a certain age threshold? Or do tests kind of occur at all different age brackets?
Mostly same age range with very few exceptions. They would be about 18 for new recruits
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Allow me to cease my lurking for long enough to subject my interest in this. :)

A few things: It seems like this may be inspired by things like God Eater, Attack On Titan, and / or Sword Art Online: Alicization. (Can elaborate on why these in particular seem like sources of inspiration if needed, but just a hunch I get reading through that OP.)

I don't have a character I can just drop in without modification, but, depending on the finalized restrictions and guidelines that are set, I should be able to make something pretty decent for this.

I guess my only question is: How exactly is the world set up? you made mention of a main city, and it seems almost like it's city walls are the main things the 'heros' in question would be protecting, but how do other civilizations work? are there smaller groupings of people that live outside those city walls? How does governance work and relate with them if so?

Either way, I am interested, just mulling some ideas over in the interim is all. :)
Allow me to cease my lurking for long enough to subject my interest in this. :)

A few things: It seems like this may be inspired by things like God Eater, Attack On Titan, and / or Sword Art Online: Alicization. (Can elaborate on why these in particular seem like sources of inspiration if needed, but just a hunch I get reading through that OP.)

I don't have a character I can just drop in without modification, but, depending on the finalized restrictions and guidelines that are set, I should be able to make something pretty decent for this.

I guess my only question is: How exactly is the world set up? you made mention of a main city, and it seems almost like it's city walls are the main things the 'heros' in question would be protecting, but how do other civilizations work? are there smaller groupings of people that live outside those city walls? How does governance work and relate with them if so?

Either way, I am interested, just mulling some ideas over in the interim is all. :)
Hey, so I've got some answers.

First off on inspirations: I really just wanted an excuse to have knights riding motorcycles cause that's a cool aesthetic in addition to being intended as some fun Shonen stuff. The similarities to AoT likely come from the themes of devotion and nationalism which could probably be read from the letter of invitation I made (And the fact I used the word Titan, but i just wanted an umbrella catch-all for things like Dragons and Demons).

Really I'd say that Fire Force is a more apt place to start as a point of inspiration, with the use of a newfound form of Energy both being the root of the problems for humanity as well as the solution while also giving the means for supernatural super soldiers. But really you can find inspiration to just about any Shonen, and from me trying to piece things together for that "Future Fantasy" feel.

World set up would likely be limited to a few other cities that might be known about and villages scattered within the reach of the city. I'm playing on the idea of City States and the possibility of tension between them, but right now most efforts of humanity would be for defense rather than war. Civilis City is considered the most powerful of the city states thanks to it being the one with the power plant.

And while there are city walls that are hoping of being defended, certain Primal Titans don't really care. A dragon or a thunderbird raining lightning from the sky might not care about a wall.

As for civilian life, in spite of the futuristic world, a decent portion of it is class-based similar to serfdom, except that by decree of the King and the teachings of Ordism state that all citizens have basic needs that must be met(and if they chose to live outside the city walls they have essentially waived that right). So at least within the city walls no one goes hungry or untreated. They have some freedom in occupation but some occupations are reserved for those higher on the totem pole.

Then there are the Noble Families, who most people work under like serfs. These Noble Families often are looking for Knights to add to their family in order to increase their renown. These Nobles will sometimes adopt potential knights and sponsor them for their time. However, without becoming a knight or marrying into nobility, it is incredibly difficult to raise one's standing.

Basically, the government could be described as "utopic" Serfdom. Some people may love it, others may hate it, but msot agree that the City is their best chance in surviving attacks from beasts

Hope that helped explain things a bit better. I'll be working on an OOC and Sign-Ups soon!
Fair enough. :) Main reason I asked for inspiration is having watched at least a little of all three (or, all of Alicization, because it was ACTUALLY 2 seasons of SAO that weren't abysmal flops of potential) I could see themes of a similar nature in all of them, in different ways (SAO:A being the most obscure of them, but they're still there.)

As far as reserved occupations, what would be considered such? Sorry to play 20 questions with you on an Interest Check, what would some be? Doctor / Mercenary in particular? (Due to potentially crafting a backstory with hopefully believable characters to give the main important one depth, such as how some plays or shows do with characters that don't appear, and I want to avoid smushing toes in blissful ignorance.)

Can't say I'm familiar with Fire Force, I'll have to look that up when I have some time to spare.

Looking forward to it!
@FireDrake150 I suppose "Reserved" is the wrong word. It's more like certain job nobility would typically try for when they need work: Technician at the PowerPoint, Law Enforcement, Business owners, Doctors etc would be willing to hire anyone hypothetically, but the prestige of nobility means that they would be looked at by the ones hiring first, and jobs like farm hand, waste disposal, or labor in general is frequently the jobs with the most openings for non nobles.

Then there are the Military Nobles: noble families that gained their status through generations of service to the Crown and Country by taking up A.R.M.S
Showing interest. Also hi, ain't been active on this site in a while.
Cool concept. Interested.
So, it'd be possible to be from outside the walls? Is that where the slums are? Or what even is out there?
So, it'd be possible to be from outside the walls? Is that where the slums are? Or what even is out there?
There are slums and an outside the city walls which is sorta scorched earth that has begun to heal. Things will grow, but Forests are quite young.

Those who live outside the city limits are still allowed to be citizens and trade within the walls, but waive their right to security of health, food, and shelter. Because of this, most who live outside the city are there by choice or tradition. Though there are many dangers lacking in protection from beasts.
Out of curiosity, is there a seaside settlement?
Out of curiosity, is there a seaside settlement?
I'd say that the city is certainly close enough to the sea for there to be a group of people who live out there.

Not to mention the current regime under the king is seeking to expand civilization outward. So in addition to those who are not in the city, some government efforts are also moving seaward.
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I return from the dead to show interest in this RP. If there is still some room for me I would happily join! Very much love the idea of knights in shining armour on motorcycles, the whole premise gives me a kind of Final Fantasy-Magitek-ish feel and I'm here for it.
If there are any slots left, I'd love to give this a shot.
Been too long since I could find something with this vibe.