OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Thread

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Interactions: @dark @Gotham Knight Todd @Hahli Nuva @Signupname (Status - Awake) | @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

With all that said and done, Echo listened in on the Speedster's words. It was utter nonsense to her but it's the best theory they've got right now. When everyone gathered together, Echo rose her rifle up and fired a bullet into the sky, getting everyone's attention before speaking up.

"Alright. I don't like any of you and I'm sure you all don't like me either. But our priorities are clear. We need to figure out where we are, and what we can do to survive. I suggest we all stick together and follow basic protocol. How about we---"

Echo was cut off when a laser briefly passed over her face, causing her to tense up and grab her weapon. Within seconds, more lights appeared; spotting everyone that was up and moving. Wally, Sinclair, even the large and armoured man had multiple red dots lighting their chestplate. Then, several soldiers came flowing out of the nearby ruined structures; effectively raising their rifles and pointing them straight at the group with a few of them speaking to the group:

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"Ugokanaide kudasai! Anata wa kakoma rete iru! Sukoshi demo ugokeba, anata o bakuha shimasu!"
Translation: Don't move! You're surrounded! Move even a little and we'll blast you!
"Watashitachi wa sorera o mitsukemashita. Bakufu ni aizu shite, pikkuappu o okonatte iru to tsutaete kudasai."
Translation: We've found them. Signal the Shogunate, tell them we're making a pickup.
"Hai, wakarimashita."
Translation: Yes sir, I understand.

One of the unknown soldiers moved through the battle-line, leaving the remaining one outside of the line to speak directly to the newcomers, only in a language she was sure to unders

"How unfortunate for you to be in this position. Stranded in a world you do not understand. Such a shame that your lives have led you to this war-torn wasteland. But you are in luck; the Emperor has decreed that people like you should be given a chance before your Destinies are prematurely ended. Drop your weapons and surrender to the Empire of the Rising Sun, and don't try anything stupid. Or do I need to remind you that you are completely surrounded by my fellow brothers and sisters."

Without any hesitation, Echo dropped her Sniper Rifle and Knife to the ground; kicking them to the Commander.

Vorrsk can only response with nothing but anger. The sheer insolent of these ones, dares to theeatens him.

These ones seems to be military of sort, their weapons is , like everything else in this realm, unfamiliar to him. But it seems it won't be able to best Cataphracii-pattern Terminator plates.

So he response the only way an astartes would do . The Power Scythe hisses as its energy field is activated. The blade is pointed at the "Emperor of the Rising Sun" commander.

Vorrsk laughs.

" Destiny ? You dare presumed to talk the matters of Destiny with me ?"


His voice lowered.

" You know nothing, woman. You think these can stop me ? I will only say this once. Take your men and get out of our way"

He stares.

"Or none of you leaves here alive"
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@Raynar Saassin

The armored heroine was glad she was wearing her helmet, allowing her to roll her eyes. She could probably take the leader one on one but she had too many goons behind her and to make matters worse The Imagined still wasn't sure if she could trust any of these guys on her side.

So shooting her way out was off the table. Jones was always harping on about talking with her enemies instead of fighting them. Maybe he was right?

Worth a shot.

The Imagined raised a hand up to the side of her helmet and tapped it, causing the metal to retract itself into her suit to reveal her true face.


"I'm sorry, who are you?" She asked, not intimidated by the surroundings.

It wasn't the first time she had been ensnared by enemies and she was pretty sure it wouldn't be the last.
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Sinclair bit his lip and frowned remembering Lucas's murdered dad, Michael Kellan. That encounter was not a fun one and they had to stay calm and get Lucas across to the safe side of the wall since that part was now enemy territory and not everyone had the best armor to handle laser pistol gear.

Two had heavy armor, and one seemed to have some sort of suit.

He eyed Echo and frowned, and knew any blood spilled now could be costly in the long run.

"Unfortunately, we have no idea what their Commander is capable of in this world, this is no longer our world. We have to play by their rules until we find out more information."

Sinclair eyed the others and frowned, quickly.

"He looked over at the halfling spy and frowned, "Echo."

He hated giving up so easy, but they were in a world they had no choice but to play the enemy's game until they could gain an advantage.

He kicked what was supposal a weapon toward the Commander.

@Raynar Saassin
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Angelo Ryan Rose

Angelo had never been early to rise. He was the type of person that would be up until 5 in the morning and keep going until the next night. Sometimes, he did this for multiple days, so when he was knocked out just before entering Superior Industries, he wasn't among the first or even the middle of the people to arrive. He was the last. Adjusting himself, he yawned and listened into the tense scene. " Uhh- what's going on?" He asked.

@Raynar Saassin
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
The two tensed, watching the visibly older woman. Yuuji stood up, considering for a moment if he should say he himself was Japanese, but he decided against it. "I think we should be asking that. Who are you, and where even are we?" he asked, his brave facade melting away slowly as he visibly started shaking, the stress taking its toll on him. He looked up into her eyes, trying to regain his composure but failing miserably.

Kaoru stepped in front of the green haired male, knowing that even though the two probably matched up in age, the woman probably wouldn't believe them. He sighed mentally for a moment, cursing the fact he had stepped in front of Yuuji on instinct and didn't know what to do after that. His tongue felt weighted, unable to move, so he just signed. "What's the Rising Sun?" he asked, looking too serious to be joking. "Also, neither of us can be hurt, not easily, anyway." He waited for a response before turning back around to Yuuji, who was taking deep breaths. "「ねぇ、大丈夫か?」?" (hey, you doing okay?) he asked Yuuji, more comfortable to speak in Japanese, his voice rising higher with every word. He was met with a small nod, so he let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and turned back around, waiting for an answer again.

@Raynar Saassin
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The Mysterious One
Status: Combat Encounter, Peak Health
Griffon: 0% Unsummoned--> 100% Summoned
Shadow: 0% Unsummoned
Nightmare: 0% Ready
"The night was dark, no father was there, the child was wet with dew;"
- The Little Boy Lost, William Blake
@Raynar Saassin (GM)
V immediately hid himself behind one of the scattered debris as both factions came into view. The ones clad in red seemed to be superior, overwhelming the seemingly normal men on the other side. Both of them were fighting with conventional weapons.

"Looks like we're caught in some kinda Warzone, V. Never a good thing, I tell ya. Them peashooters they got can't kill normal demons, but they can definitely get you, V. And by extension, us. So, uh, we should probably just scoot on outta here." Griffon manifested himself besides V, flapping his wings, "Oh, but one of them definitely called for help with the flares, ugh...So what's the game plan here, V? Wanna play Goody Twoshoes and save some dicks?"

"...I don't see why not." V mumbled, rubbing his chin, "They do hold authority in this country. It might work to our advantage."

"Alright, Goody Twoshoes route it is! Just don't get gunned down by these assholes, alright, kid? Can't exactly protect you while I'm frying these pigs!" Griffon cackled, flying over V and approaching the Red faction, purple lightning charging throughout its body as flew near the soldiers. "BBQ TIME!" With a flap of Griffon's wings, purple lightning came down from the heavens, striking down at the Soldier's positions--hopefully some hit though others missed their marks.
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Interactions: @Signupname @dark @Hahli Nuva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gotham Knight Todd (Status - Surrounded), @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

"I told you not to do anything stupid. Did you think these were my only forces?"

At the click of her fingers, the ground a small distance in front of the circle began rumbling as several new soldiers appeared from the ground, holding rather large cannons in their hands:


At her command, the majority of them pointed their cannons to Vorrsk and she continued speaking.

"Behold the Tank Busters. Capable of ripping through even the strongest of metals, specialized in anti armor. So unless you want to trial your shell, you'll be wise and lower your weapon."

Then her eyes were drawn to the other armored woman who appeared to lower their mask, revealing a human face. She smiled at this notion that someone preferred diplomacy to open rebellion, so she indulged them.

"I am Commander Fujii Momoe, a member of the Shimada Clan, and one of the four Elite Samurai. My Emperor dispatched me here because his son; Crown Prince Tatsu, detected your presence here, the energy left behind from the ripples of reality. And we are your welcoming committee. Be glad we are the ones who found you first."

Watching Sinclair drop their weapons caused Echo to raise an eyebrow, just what was he planning? Regardless of that notion, Echo turned to Angelo without moving, as to not arise suspicion.

"Sorry you had to wake up like this, but we've ben surrounded by one of this world's militaries. It's most likely best not to do anything reckless, unless you have any tricks up your sleeves."

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Safe, for now.)

"Alright, easy now. I'm not here to hurt you. It looks like you really are lost. I'm Special Agent Tanya of the Global Defensive Alliance. I was sent here to scout out Japanese activity and spotted those Soldiers who you guys must of passed on your way here. But it looked like we're in for more trouble."

However things took a turn for the worse. As soon as she heard one of them speaking Japanese, she slowly started reaching for one of the pistols in her holsters, acting calm as if she never was going for a weapon.

"So you guys are native to them as well. Yet you aren't wearing any armor or carrying any fancy swords. Just know that this place isn't safe. Unfortunately, I can't exactly call for a pickup, Communications are constantly being jammed by them. So, mind telling me who you guys are?"

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Engaged)

As soon as that Griffon engaged the hostile forces, they panicked; running to cover quickly and trying to figure out the source of the strange lightning attacks.

"What the hell?!"
"What's causing that?! Shoot at the sky! Shoot at the sky!"

Meanwhile the Soldiers at the other camp were cheering with joy, seeing the opposite side scrambling around.

"We're saved! We're saved!"
"Wait, but where did they even come from?"
"Who cares? We can finally get a breather."

Some of them moved away from the Sandbangs and helped tend to the wounded, with one of them looking around with a pair of Thermal Binoculars, spotting the source of the aid.

"Hey, I think I see something over there. Hey! Who's there?! Come down here! We owe you our lives!"
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Interactions: @Signupname @dark @Hahli Nuva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gotham Knight Todd (Status - Surrounded), @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

"I told you not to do anything stupid. Did you think these were my only forces?"

At the click of her fingers, the ground a small distance in front of the circle began rumbling as several new soldiers appeared from the ground, holding rather large cannons in their hands:

View attachment 233276

At her command, the majority of them pointed their cannons to Vorrsk and she continued speaking.

"Behold the Tank Busters. Capable of ripping through even the strongest of metals, specialized in anti armor. So unless you want to trial your shell, you'll be wise and lower your weapon."

Then her eyes were drawn to the other armored woman who appeared to lower their mask, revealing a human face. She smiled at this notion that someone preferred diplomacy to open rebellion, so she indulged them.

"I am Commander Fujii Momoe, a member of the Shimada Clan, and one of the four Elite Samurai. My Emperor dispatched me here because his son; Crown Prince Tatsu, detected your presence here, the energy left behind from the ripples of reality. And we are your welcoming committee. Be glad we are the ones who found you first."

Watching Sinclair drop their weapons caused Echo to raise an eyebrow, just what was he planning? Regardless of that notion, Echo turned to Angelo without moving, as to not arise suspicion.

"Sorry you had to wake up like this, but we've ben surrounded by one of this world's militaries. It's most likely best not to do anything reckless, unless you have any tricks up your sleeves."

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Safe, for now.)

"Alright, easy now. I'm not here to hurt you. It looks like you really are lost. I'm Special Agent Tanya of the Global Defensive Alliance. I was sent here to scout out Japanese activity and spotted those Soldiers who you guys must of passed on your way here. But it looked like we're in for more trouble."

However things took a turn for the worse. As soon as she heard one of them speaking Japanese, she slowly started reaching for one of the pistols in her holsters, acting calm as if she never was going for a weapon.

"So you guys are native to them as well. Yet you aren't wearing any armor or carrying any fancy swords. Just know that this place isn't safe. Unfortunately, I can't exactly call for a pickup, Communications are constantly being jammed by them. So, mind telling me who you guys are?"

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Engaged)

As soon as that Griffon engaged the hostile forces, they panicked; running to cover quickly and trying to figure out the source of the strange lightning attacks.

"What the hell?!"
"What's causing that?! Shoot at the sky! Shoot at the sky!"

Meanwhile the Soldiers at the other camp were cheering with joy, seeing the opposite side scrambling around.

"We're saved! We're saved!"
"Wait, but where did they even come from?"
"Who cares? We can finally get a breather."

Some of them moved away from the Sandbangs and helped tend to the wounded, with one of them looking around with a pair of Thermal Binoculars, spotting the source of the aid.

"Hey, I think I see something over there. Hey! Who's there?! Come down here! We owe you our lives!"

The Imagined frowned and gestured to the surrounding soldiers.

"Yeah you guys really rolled out the red carpet, huh?" She mumbled sarcastically before clearing her throat.

"Nobody has to die here today, Commander. Surely we can come to a peaceful solution."
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Wally blinked at them as he was indeed surrounded. "Of course I have no clue of this imperium or anything like that." He definitely did not care for being held at gun poi like this though. He kept his hands up, for now. If worse came to worse, he could easily disarm them all using his speed powers to do so. He was not going to let them get the drop on him, that was for sure, and he sure as hell did not intend to fall to them when he was trying to work on something to save this earth. For all he knew, this Imperium was what this earth needed saving from.

However, this was his best chance to get more information. These soldiers could be of some use to him yet.

"How about you tell me what this Imperium is? And why it seems to have such an opinion on people who were randomly brought here against their will." The redhead crossed his arms. He kept his mask up and was sure not to give off any indicators that he will tell them anything he does not deem that they need to know about him. He wanted to keep most of his cards close to his chest.

"And where you unaware that it is impolite to keep your guns trained on someone who has made no threats on you and your life?" He demands to know. "I for one do not appreciate being held at gunpoint the way you currently are doing to me." His glare did not die down really, he wanted them to know why they thought they could hold someone at gunpoint and just demand they provide them labor when said people had no reason to trust their new captors so to speak.

"And what work do you speak of? Are you some sort of militarist society?" He demanded to know. He sure as hell did not want to make any sort of work for people like that. He had spent most of his life fighting villains of that nature.

"Furthermore, what gives you the right to demand anything of us when we are just now meeting. Why should I trust or want to support you and whatever freaky bosses you may or may not choose to work for? I have no intention of working or being open to conversation until my demands are answered here."

Interaction @Raynar Saassin
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma

The Mysterious One
Status: Combat Encounter, Peak Health
Griffon: 100% -> 85% [Active]
Shadow: 100% [Active]
Nightmare: [10% Ready]
"Prepare your hearts for Death's cold hand! Prepare your Souls for Flight, your bodies for the earth;"
- A War Song to Englishmen, William Blake
Crimson Cloud (Special Edit)
@Raynar Saassin (GM)
"AHAHAHAHA! Some Soldiers you lot turned out to be! Can't even hit a frickin' BIRD!" Griffon mocked as he flew around, soon shooting pellets of lightning at the soldiers firing at the sky, alternating between rows of lightning and shooting rapid fire pellets. Most of the shots missed him except for a few extremely lucky shots, which angered the bird. "Oh, NOW YOU'RE JUST ASKING FOR IT!" Griffon snarled, his body still charged with purple lightning, it divebombed towards a red soldier while spinning, aimed at a soldier's gut!

V peeked out of hiding when he realized the Soldiers managed to spot him through his hiding spot. A man clad in nothing but a black, sleeveless long coat, slacks and sandals. His entire body adorned with black tattoos, save for his face.

"I'll go down there once your men are done packing up. I assume a retreat is in order, yes?" V answered, "My associate still needs assistance keeping your enemies at bay. Repay me with your survival, at the very least. The rest are to be discussed after the battle." He answered, as what seemed to be glowing red eyes formed at the man's feet, growing into a large, mound, the tattoos on V's arm seemingly fading as the beast gained form. V began to stroke the creature's head before whispering an order. "Butcher them." He said, before the creature moved away from the man, a Panther moving out of V's hiding spot and is now headed towards the enemy camp, snarling angrily!
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Yuuji quickly whispered into Kaoru's ear, "私たちが幽霊だと彼女に言わないでください." (don't tell her we're ghosts) and turned to the woman, the two tensing up as they saw her reaching for her weapon. Kaoru frantically motioned at Yuuji, signing "That's my friend Yuuji," and pointed at himself, signing his own name as Yuuji rested his hand on his hidden knife, thinking for a moment before finally speaking. "Kaoru, I don't think she understands sign." he said, watching Kaoru shake his head disappointedly before stepping back and letting Yuuji do most of the talking.

"I'm Yuuji. Yuuji Rurikawa. My friend here is Kaoru. Kaoru Sakisaka. Now, who are the Rising Sun, and what's the Global Defensive Alliance?" he asked, confused at nearly all the words that she said.

@Raynar Saassin
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Interactions: @dark @Hahli Nuva @Gotham Knight Todd @Signupname @LuckycoolHawk9 (Status - Surrounded), @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

"Now that's something I can get behind. Someone who wants to negotiate. Of course, you're pretty foolish to think you have anything to bargain with when my men have you surrounded and outnumbered one hundred to five, not including the girl who's still out for the count."

Fujii commented, pointing her Katana towards the girl who had yet to recover from being knocked out. It was certainly strange that despite all the noise, the chatter, and the ambience, that not everyone has fully awoken. However, what the speedster had to say for himself was certainly something that made a few of the men lower their weapons out of respect. She, however, kept most of them aimed steady.

"You're also pretty brave, but considering the situation, I suppose that's warranted. Very well. Let's just say that you all aren't the first to be brought here. Some of us are still racking our brains as to what happened, and why any of this is even happening. But know this. You may have relatives or those you recognize in other parts of the world, working with some of the leading organizations or going freelance trying to survive. I already know I had to put a few down."

She then pointed to Echo who raised an eyebrow, prompting her to continue.

"I had thought I recognized your appearance."
"Excuse me? I don't know you."
"Ah, but I know of you. Your mother spoke so highly of you when we met. Unfortunately..."
"My mother... No."
"Unfortunately, she didn't seem to want to cooperate. Such a shame that you two will never meet again."

Blinded by rage, Echo ran forward and attempted to go for a punch to the Samurai, but was met with retaliation. Gripping her blade, she immediately thrust it forward and impaled the woman; her gasps for breath lasting only a few seconds before she was kicked off the blade and onto the floor.

"Guess you'll be joining her after all. There might be some room for you up there, or maybe not? Now that that's out of the way..."

Turning towards the group again, she addressed them all with a warning.

"I won't ask this again. Surrender yourselves, or, meet the same fate as her."

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Engaged)

"R-Right. You heard the man, we need to keep them suppressed. Officer, prep the Humvee. Load the injured into the back, gently. Bradford, Charlie, Jensen, give the man's companions some covering fire."

Without a moment's hesitation, three of the soldiers at the camp moved back to the sandbags, opening fire on the red soldiers whilst the Griffin and now the newly summoned Panther were distracting them. Now most of them were falling, and either staying to fight or openly retreating.

"Damn it! Retreat! We fight for Kane another day!"

Now the entirety of the troop were retreating, running towards a nearby burger shop and moving down a burrowed hole in the middle of it's front room. The others rejoiced loudly as the enemy retreated, a armored car pulling up behind them with injured being loaded on. The one in charge shouted up towards the figure once more.

"Hey, you going to show up now? We owe ya."

If V was to jump down, he'd find himself discovering just how bad the casualties of that warzone were. Towards the direction of their camp lied several bodies wearing a combination of yellow and US Army Ranger uniforms, as well as a few civilians wearing casual clothes; gripping Desert Eagle handguns. It was a nasty sight, and they were clearly trying to hold on as long as they can...

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Safe)

"Yuuji, and Kaoru. Got it."

Tanya sighed as she sat down at one of the desks, grabbing a bandage from her pocket and planting it onto a wound on her right arm. She had scrapes and bruises all over that arm, as well as on her clothing. She definitely looked worse for wear.

"I'll be brief. The Rising Sun are the Japanese Military, and they're very highly advanced. They also decided it was their "Destiny" to conquer the world. Pretty cocky bastards, the lot of them. I've only met one of their commanders and she's made of meaner stuff. As for the Global Defensive Alliance? We're trying to keep this world safe from the likes of them, one other group of terrorists and a strange crystal that's been mutating the planet. Luckily here in Warsaw, it hasn't been severe, but it's worse in other places."

"Listen, it's not safe here. What direction did you come from? Did you have friends? I was ordered to come down here to pick up a group of people who were pulled from reality. I'm going to hazard a guess that you aren't from here, are you."
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Interactions: @dark @Hahli Nuva @Gotham Knight Todd @Signupname @LuckycoolHawk9 (Status - Surrounded), @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

"Now that's something I can get behind. Someone who wants to negotiate. Of course, you're pretty foolish to think you have anything to bargain with when my men have you surrounded and outnumbered one hundred to five, not including the girl who's still out for the count."

Fujii commented, pointing her Katana towards the girl who had yet to recover from being knocked out. It was certainly strange that despite all the noise, the chatter, and the ambience, that not everyone has fully awoken. However, what the speedster had to say for himself was certainly something that made a few of the men lower their weapons out of respect. She, however, kept most of them aimed steady.

"You're also pretty brave, but considering the situation, I suppose that's warranted. Very well. Let's just say that you all aren't the first to be brought here. Some of us are still racking our brains as to what happened, and why any of this is even happening. But know this. You may have relatives or those you recognize in other parts of the world, working with some of the leading organizations or going freelance trying to survive. I already know I had to put a few down."

She then pointed to Echo who raised an eyebrow, prompting her to continue.

"I had thought I recognized your appearance."
"Excuse me? I don't know you."
"Ah, but I know of you. Your mother spoke so highly of you when we met. Unfortunately..."
"My mother... No."
"Unfortunately, she didn't seem to want to cooperate. Such a shame that you two will never meet again."

Blinded by rage, Echo ran forward and attempted to go for a punch to the Samurai, but was met with retaliation. Gripping her blade, she immediately thrust it forward and impaled the woman; her gasps for breath lasting only a few seconds before she was kicked off the blade and onto the floor.

"Guess you'll be joining her after all. There might be some room for you up there, or maybe not? Now that that's out of the way..."

Turning towards the group again, she addressed them all with a warning.

"I won't ask this again. Surrender yourselves, or, meet the same fate as her."

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Engaged)

"R-Right. You heard the man, we need to keep them suppressed. Officer, prep the Humvee. Load the injured into the back, gently. Bradford, Charlie, Jensen, give the man's companions some covering fire."

Without a moment's hesitation, three of the soldiers at the camp moved back to the sandbags, opening fire on the red soldiers whilst the Griffin and now the newly summoned Panther were distracting them. Now most of them were falling, and either staying to fight or openly retreating.

"Damn it! Retreat! We fight for Kane another day!"

Now the entirety of the troop were retreating, running towards a nearby burger shop and moving down a burrowed hole in the middle of it's front room. The others rejoiced loudly as the enemy retreated, a armored car pulling up behind them with injured being loaded on. The one in charge shouted up towards the figure once more.

"Hey, you going to show up now? We owe ya."

If V was to jump down, he'd find himself discovering just how bad the casualties of that warzone were. Towards the direction of their camp lied several bodies wearing a combination of yellow and US Army Ranger uniforms, as well as a few civilians wearing casual clothes; gripping Desert Eagle handguns. It was a nasty sight, and they were clearly trying to hold on as long as they can...

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Safe)

"Yuuji, and Kaoru. Got it."

Tanya sighed as she sat down at one of the desks, grabbing a bandage from her pocket and planting it onto a wound on her right arm. She had scrapes and bruises all over that arm, as well as on her clothing. She definitely looked worse for wear.

"I'll be brief. The Rising Sun are the Japanese Military, and they're very highly advanced. They also decided it was their "Destiny" to conquer the world. Pretty cocky bastards, the lot of them. I've only met one of their commanders and she's made of meaner stuff. As for the Global Defensive Alliance? We're trying to keep this world safe from the likes of them, one other group of terrorists and a strange crystal that's been mutating the planet. Luckily here in Warsaw, it hasn't been severe, but it's worse in other places."

"Listen, it's not safe here. What direction did you come from? Did you have friends? I was ordered to come down here to pick up a group of people who were pulled from reality. I'm going to hazard a guess that you aren't from here, are you."

After God knows how many Loops in the Zero Point, death was something that The Imagined had gotten used to seeing. But as she watched Commander Momoe impale Echo, something inside her broke.

This was different. No cards or vans were around to bring the fallen back onto the battlefield. She wasn't simply knocked down. The girl had valiantly tried to avenge her family and paid the ultimate price.

No more. The Imagined would not let another innocent person die here today. Drawing her Zero Point Sword, she put her helmet back on and pointed her blade at the Commander.

"Let's see you try that with me." She growled darkly.

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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma

Sinclair gritted his teeth, as cold as ice. The same had happened with Lucas's dad long ago, but he was shot by a Helghast not this Rising son commander. He watched as the Commander hurled insults intended at the Helghast ruling class, Echo was some sort of Princess and her mother was a VIP there somehow.

Both were now dead, and the rest of the group were going to be dead too if they didn't stop what they were doing.
Sometimes on the battlefield, enemies don't listen to reason, and this happens.

Cold reasoning was all Sinclair could think about at the moment, but he'd seen a lot more deaths out there around the wall.

This wasn't VSA vs Helghast anymore.

He wasn't sure how many were going to listen or was going to listen.

@Hahli Nuva @Ariel @Signupname @Raynar Saassin @dark
"Japanese military, huh?" Yuuji said nervously, seemingly flickering in and out of sight for a split second before going back to normal. "This isn't.. Japan, is it? Warsaw.. We came from that direction, by the way." he said, pointing from the direction they came from. "We ran the whole way."

Kaoru stepped forward, signing to Yuuji, "I don't think Sakuto came here with us. And she said 'pulled from reality', so i'm guessing this isn't Japan. Also, there are more people. Don't you think it would be better to meet with them, first? We might get some good info, and if things go wrong, we should be able to get away easily." he said, serious for once.

Yuuji thought for a little bit, considering this, before signing to Kaoru,
"Fine. I'll translate until you can speak again." After, he spoke. "Yeah, we're not from here. We just randomly woke up in one of those ruins. Nobody else was there, and we weren't sure if anyone was even here on this.. Earth. We'll come with you, but if you do anything, we're gone. Got it?" he said, the nervousness gone from his voice as he looked the taller female in the eyes. He took off his glasses, wiping the reddish tint off best he could before putting them back on, sighing when the tint came back.
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma

The Mysterious One
Status: Combat Encounter, Peak Health
Griffon: 100% -> 85% [Active]
Shadow: 100% [Active] --> 0% [Inactive]
Nightmare: [10% Ready]
"Prepare your hearts for Death's cold hand! Prepare your Souls for Flight, your bodies for the earth;"
- A War Song to Englishmen, William Blake
Crimson Cloud (Special Edit)
@Raynar Saassin (GM)​

Griffon and the Panther, whose name was Shadow were harassing the enemy units--the Panther was seemingly mystical in nature, its shadowy body growing multiple tendrils with guillotines at the ends of each tentacle, swinging around as it slid on the ground, its legs sinking onto a mound as the bladed tendrils sliced and diced some of the troops as their newfound allies open fired at the now distracted company.

Since Griffon and Shadow couldn't fully kill, their bullets certainly would. When they retreated, the shadowy panther growled at the escaping soldiers.

"Easy there, Tiger. We're done here." The bird chuckled, attempting to calm the shadow cat down as it sank into the ground, and Griffon disappeared in a puff of black mist--beckoned by V's snap before the poet dropped down from the ledge his hiding spot was, the bird reappearing for V to old onto its talons, allowing him to glide down onto the allied camp, seeing the poor state of the soldiers.

They probably were careless--and callous.

"Yeesh...Talk about a shitshow." Griffon commented as he looked at the state of the dead, "Looks like the Reds were tougher than they look. They would've been annihilated if you didn't decide to help out."

"As it is written; 'God provides for the Lion'.(Proverbs of Hell) That provision simply took the form of our arrival." V added to his bird's comment, which earned a 'HA!' from the bird. "Before anything else...Would be so kind as to tell me the current location?"

"Yeah, we're not exactly from around here." Griffon added to V's query, "V's dumbass ate raw demon meat back at Red Grave City, passed out, then the next thing you know we're in this warzone."

"...They didn't need to know about that, you know."

"Yeah, no, fuck you. You deserve to be shamed at least this much."
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Interactions: @Hahli Nuva @dark @Gotham Knight Todd @LuckycoolHawk9 @Signupname (Status - Surrounded), @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

Watching someone pull out their weapon caused the majority of the Rising Sun troops to aim theirs directly at them, but the Commander raised their hand and stepped forward to lock eyes with Imagined.

"Alright. I'll humor you. What makes you think you have any chance of winning? If I hadn't of called off my men you'd be a walking corpse. So I'd be careful who you're messing with. Unless of course, you believe it to be your divine destiny to die?"

Then she turned to everyone else with an inviting gaze.

"Go on then. Who else has the guts to try it? I dare you."

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Safe)

Tanya sat there and listened to what the two had to say. Sounds like her assumptions were true after all. They definitely were not from this place proper, not this Earth. Standing up, she checked that her guns were loaded which they were, and held them in both her hands. From the POV of the two individuals, Tanya was duel wielding Desert Eagle handguns.

"Alright. Take me to where you lot came from. Odds are you didn't appear here alone, so the more people we can save the better. I only hope the Empire hasn't reached them first..."

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Grouped with former GDI/US Soldiers)

"Yeah, well, the Brotherhood would of messed us up had you guys not shown up. Damn it... I told the civvies not to arm themselves and to stay in the camp. Guess they thought they had a chance... Damn bastards. Anyway, thanks so much for the save. Walk with me."

The soldier offered them to walk with him as he walked on regardless, assuming they followed.

"This whole situation is FUBAR. The Brotherhood of NOD has been smashing everything to pieces, the Empire of the Rising Sun has been mobilizing, and we cannot make contact with anybody. Not since they converted our radar dish into a jammer. We have our top engineer cracking it but it's going to take a while."

Image of the Humvee they were working with. Minus the mounted LMG

He stopped for a moment by the Humvee, then turned to V.

"So, what's your story? Obviously you don't live here, we'd of picked you up if we saw ya."
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Interactions: @Hahli Nuva @dark @Gotham Knight Todd @LuckycoolHawk9 @Signupname (Status - Surrounded), @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

Watching someone pull out their weapon caused the majority of the Rising Sun troops to aim theirs directly at them, but the Commander raised their hand and stepped forward to lock eyes with Imagined.

"Alright. I'll humor you. What makes you think you have any chance of winning? If I hadn't of called off my men you'd be a walking corpse. So I'd be careful who you're messing with. Unless of course, you believe it to be your divine destiny to die?"

Then she turned to everyone else with an inviting gaze.

"Go on then. Who else has the guts to try it? I dare you."

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Safe)

Tanya sat there and listened to what the two had to say. Sounds like her assumptions were true after all. They definitely were not from this place proper, not this Earth. Standing up, she checked that her guns were loaded which they were, and held them in both her hands. From the POV of the two individuals, Tanya was duel wielding Desert Eagle handguns.

"Alright. Take me to where you lot came from. Odds are you didn't appear here alone, so the more people we can save the better. I only hope the Empire hasn't reached them first..."

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Grouped with former GDI/US Soldiers)

"Yeah, well, the Brotherhood would of messed us up had you guys not shown up. Damn it... I told the civvies not to arm themselves and to stay in the camp. Guess they thought they had a chance... Damn bastards. Anyway, thanks so much for the save. Walk with me."

The soldier offered them to walk with him as he walked on regardless, assuming they followed.

"This whole situation is FUBAR. The Brotherhood of NOD has been smashing everything to pieces, the Empire of the Rising Sun has been mobilizing, and we cannot make contact with anybody. Not since they converted our radar dish into a jammer. We have our top engineer cracking it but it's going to take a while."

View attachment 233430
Image of the Humvee they were working with. Minus the mounted LMG

He stopped for a moment by the Humvee, then turned to V.

"So, what's your story? Obviously you don't live here, we'd of picked you up if we saw ya."

"And here I thought you actually had honor. Guess Japan just lets anyone be Commander these days, huh?" The Imagined spat darkly, not lowering her sword or changing her stance.

"Well? Are you going to face me?"
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
"Alright." Yuuji said, taking Kaoru's right hand in his left and beginning to lead Tanya through the spiky brush, Kaoru stifling a squeak of surprise as the cuff of his jacket around his waist tore, pulling him back slightly.
Meanwhile, Yuuji had already pulled out his knife, hacking through the brush so Tanya could follow, mumbling softly so Tanya couldn't hear. "Too bad we can't just phase through this." he said while slashing the brush.

Soon, the three arrived in the middle of the ruins where Yuuji and Kaoru had woken up in. "Yep, we're here." Kaoru finally spoke, before gasping and grabbing his throat. "YES-" he said loudly before remembering Tanya was there, falling silent again.
Yuuji grinned. "Finally!" he said happily. "Now I can annoy you-"
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma