OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Thread

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The Mysterious One
Status: Normal, Peak Healt
Griffon: 85% (Proximity Regeneration near V, heals +5% per post when not in combat) [Active]
Shadow: 0% [Inactive]
Nightmare: [10% Ready]
"Prepare your hearts for Death's cold hand! Prepare your Souls for Flight, your bodies for the earth;"
- A War Song to Englishmen, William Blake
Backside of TV
@Raynar Saassin (GM)
"...Hey, something ain't right." Griffon turned to his human handler, "NOD? Empire of The Rising Sun? Call me batshit crazy, but we've never heard of those guys before--have we, V?" Griffon pondered aloud, "Even if we ARE just a buncha braindead idiots, what the hell are those idiots doing here instead of, gee, I dunno, dealing with the current shitshow at Red Grave?!"

"...As my bird here said before, I live in a city called Red Grave. Somewhere in Britain. Where exactly, I'm not sure. I lived in the slums my entire life, after all, with nothing but my poetry book in hand." V answered the Soldier's query with a mix of truths and lies, "Currently, there is current a problem there that I need to get back to..." He paused for a bit, pondering if he should even tell him about what's going on at Red Grave City, but his current suspicions tell him that telling him this when the Qlipoth Tree invasion is at its peak and had worldwide coverage already would give him the answers he dreaded to hear. "A powerful demon had resurrected and had erected a giant, blood sucking tree at the heart of the city, flooding the town with demons...How we ended up here, my bird already told you. We have no recollection after I passed out having foolishly eaten raw demon meat after succumbing to hunger."
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Angelo Ryan Rose

Angelo would look at everything that just happened and would put two and two together that this was hardly the best situation to be in. He would finally stand up from the ground, revealing the fact that he was tall, standing at 6'7, taking the pencil out of his ear and the note pad and writing things down before he looked at her. " How is killing one of the people we awoken with to prove that you are trustworthy?" He asked her. It was a genuine question and he didn't care if it got him shot.

He was gathering facts, data. It was what he did best.

@Raynar Saassin @Surronded folks​
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Outskirts of Warsaw - Poland
Eastern Europe, Yellow Zone
19:37 Local Time​

It took the team a long time but they eventually made it into Poland; stopping outside of Warsaw. The Commando brought a team of several soldiers with him, a few vehicles and a medium tank, just to be safe.

"Alright, boys. Signal's getting stronger. Stick together, check your corners."
"What are we looking for, again?"
"An imaginary base."
"Exactly. It's too quiet."
"Recon, what's your status?"
"We're at the source of the spikes, Bingham. They're in Warsaw. We're outside and awaiting orders."
"Make your way in, fast. We need to save them before someone else does. They're better with us than anyone else."
"Yes sir. Commando out."

The small group drove into the city at full force. It was now only a matter of time before they would find the group...

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Regrouping)

Once she was led to their location from which they appeared, Tanya grabbed out a pair of Binoculars and looked around. It took her a while before she even found anything, and what she found was not good.

"Damn it. Well, looks like the Japanese found your friends. And they're surrounded. I count at least 30 Soldiers, a few Tank Busters..."

Tanya turned to the two of them, a bit concerned.

"We need to get down there, now."

Interaction: @Hahli Nuva @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark @Signupname @Gotham Knight Todd (Status - Surrounded), @Ariel (Status - Still Unconscious)

"You dare, lecture me about honor?! Know your place, wretch!"

This prompted several of the soldiers to raise their guns, specifically towards Imagined as they readied themselves; the Tank Busters readying against them as well.

"Fire on my Command!"




Within an instant, an unknown armored individual busted through one of the ruined structures and drop kicked Fujii onto the ground, causing a commotion as the soldiers prepared to open fire.

"Howdy, fellas. Don't worry, I'm not alone. Alright boys! Come on out!"

Without any hesitation, the entire area got loud. From the location of the individual's arrival bust through several armored vehicles, including a tank, and began firing at the Rising Sun soldiers; causing the area to become a warzone. One of the transport vehicles pulled up in front of the mystery group with the Commando jumping onto the gunner seat; kicking the passenger door open. Within held several seats that resemble bus seats.

"What, you guys waiting for an invitation? Get in before they get a shot in. Don't worry about your weapons, we're putting them in the other car, so get your asses in here. We're leaving. I'll explain when we're out."

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Safe)

The Soldier was confused as to what V was talking about. Demons? Giant Demons? Resurrected Demons? Confusing as hell. And not the story he was referring to, but looks like he was stuck with it. Starting him down for a moment, a soldier approached the commander.

"Sir! We just got a bunch of radar pings."
"Both. And they're over in the southern direction."
"Hey, isn't that where you came from, big guy?"
"I'm also spotting a few other dots, surrounded by a bunch of orange ones. Looks like whoever this guy is, he has friends and they're surrounded. But they've scattered, some of our guys are there. Looks like a struggle."
"Right, well looks like that's where we're going. Boi, Christen! Got the Humvee repaired?!"
"You betcha! Good to go, sir!"

The transmission kicked in and the Humvee growled and readied for action. The Commander looked to V right as he stepped in.

"Let's go save your friends, eh? Hop in, this'll probably be much faster than on foot."
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Angelo Ryan Rose

Angelo was a lot of things, but he wasn't stupid. He would head towards the van, but paused for a moment, looking at the unconcious girls and the shot ones and took a moment, grabbing both the shot one and the one the woman had pointed out and dragging both them and himself to the armored car.

@Raynar Saassin @Surrounded crew
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Yuuji looked stunned for a moment before shaking it off quickly. "Friends? Who..?" he said. 'so the Japanese here are the bad guys in this world, eh..?' he thought before turning to Kaoru, who was staring at them.

"Aight, let's go, then." Kaoru said with a slight gleam in his eye. "How are we gonna get down there?" he asked Tanya.
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Wally blinked as he listened to what this guy was doing and saying. So they where at war? Well there were always two sides to every story, but he supposed he was glad that he had managed to help this person out…But he did not think he was hearing the full story. Empire of the Rising Sun. This was giving him some very major world war 2 vibes. Not something he had ever wanted to go through himself. Something was definitely wrong here, and trusting these people would be a mistake. However, he would have to at least play along for now here.

"So I am glad we saved you, mind taking your guns off me? Otherwise I will be forced to defend myself." He made it clear that he had to treat them as they where the ones that seemed to be treating him like an enemy despite the fact that he never wanted to fight, but he was willing too if it meant defending himself or any people really. He was used to having to do it despite his pitiful pleas with various people he had tried to stop over the years that was going on in his own city.

"I don't want to hurt you, but rest assured I am capable of it. So lower the damn guns and stop treating me like an enemy." This is why he did not like these military types. They all were the same, they saw something they did not understand and they put their weapons to the perceived threat with no regard to the safety of anyone involved. He took a few deep breaths as he looked at them, hoping his posturing would maybe make them back down the threats to him as a person that he had just recieved.

Interactions @Raynar Saassin
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The Imagined blocked a few rounds with her sword as she retreated, retracting her wingspan into her suit and diving into the escape transport. Her guns were indeed missing when she checked her loadout screen on her HUD.

She kept an eye on Commander Moemoe, despite all the combat going on around them.

"This isn't over. Not by a long shot." She said darkly.
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Howdy, fellas. Don't worry, I'm not alone. Alright boys! Come on out!"

Without any hesitation, the entire area got loud. From the location of the individual's arrival bust through several armored vehicles, including a tank, and began firing at the Rising Sun soldiers; causing the area to become a warzone. One of the transport vehicles pulled up in front of the mystery group with the Commando jumping onto the gunner seat; kicking the passenger door open. Within held several seats that resemble bus seats.

"What, you guys waiting for an invitation? Get in before they get a shot in. Don't worry about your weapons, we're putting them in the other car, so get your asses in here. We're leaving. I'll explain when we're out."
The Captain remains silent, but the offers of Evacuation rankled in his mind almost as much as the arrogance of these people. He is a battle brother of the Legionnes Astartes. A warrior gene-forged by the sacred technology of the Emperor himself, and carry a legacy of the Primarch Mortarion in his vein. He will not be cowed to ran away like some whiteshield conscript .

Such is then, it is only natural for istead of taking the offer of getting in the vehicle, he s open fire with his plasma pistol at the closest Rising Sun soldier, as he charge into the fray, Manreaper in the other hand.
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The Mysterious One
Status: Normal, Peak Healt
Griffon: 90% (Proximity Regeneration near V, heals +5% per post when not in combat) [Active]
Shadow: 0% [Inactive]
Nightmare: [10% Ready]
"Prepare your hearts for Death's cold hand! Prepare your Souls for Flight, your bodies for the earth;"
- A War Song to Englishmen, William Blake
Backside of TV
@Raynar Saassin (GM)
"Oh, those bozos. Guess you were right about that lion shtick, eh, Shakesphear?" Griffon turned to V, chuckling a bit as the Commander informed V of them finding out their location. It seems that they're surrounded and in some form of struggle.

"Very well. We should make haste then." V nodded, lifting his hand up for Griffon to carry, throwing the man onto the passenger seat before Griffon landed ontop of V's head.

"...What? It's faster this way!" Griffon glanced at the Commander, telling the soldier the demon bird his reasoning for simply yeeting V onto the humvee instead of letting V climb aboard.
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Interaction: @dark @Hahli Nuva @Gotham Knight Todd @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ariel @Signupname (Status - Retreating)

The battle raged as the unknown rescuers battled the Rising Sun, knocking down Soldier after Soldier; the Tank suppressing the infantry. The Samurai looked towards The Imagined with a look that pretty much sealed their fate when the Commando stepped on their back and pointed his gun at her.

"Sorry, love. Don't even think about it. How about you go join your friends?"

They then proceeded to punt the woman towards the opposite lines just as the battle raged on. The Warhammer Captain was laying on the pain with the Japanese Soldiers, causing them to attempt a retreat. They ran and gunned at the same time, unfortunately their conventional bullets were bouncing off the Captain's armor. The Tank Busters moved to intervene when the allied Tank caused them to move away.

Everything was going well... Then all of a sudden, the Commando had an incoming transmission.

"Commando 5-12 speaking, who is this?"
"What, why? Seems that armored guy that was here is kicking their asses pretty well, and we're picking the rest of them up now."
"Forget that right now, you have incoming!"
"How many?"

The Commander jumped into the main seat of the armored convoy and pulled out a radar terminal inside; revealing exactly what the caller indicated; hundreds of red dots converging on their position. The Commander looked over to the ones who got into the vehicle, then towards the Captain.

"Hey pal! We have incoming, hundreds of enemy forces are heading here right now! Unless you want to further test your survival skills, get your ass in here or we're leaving you behind!"

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Communications restored)

"I'm not sure, but we can't give up. Just stick with me and---"
"---Acial Agent Tanya, can you hear me? Over?"

A voice was heard from the radio on Tanya's leg as she grabbed it and held it out; turning on the loudspeaker functionality.

"Tanya here."
"Tanya, good news. Whatever was jamming communications has been disabled, allowing us to gain contact with you. A Helicopter should be with you shortly."

As if on que, the sound of a Helicopter was heard behind them as it did indeed show up with them shortly. Someone dressed in US Army Ranger uniform was standing on one of the doors, holding out a hand as the Helicopter itched closer to their structure.

"Hop on, we'll take you home."
"Right on time, boys."

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Under Threat)

"Not going to complain, let's get going---"

Sounds of Static were heard inside the vehicle as the radios were going crazy. Without much warning, a tank bust through one of the ruins in front of the Humvee, turning it's turret towards it:


"Ah shit. Looks like they faked their retreat. GET OUT!"

The officer without hesitation kicked V out of the vehicle before the tank opened fire, literally, spouting a large surge of flame towards the vehicle; melting it and the officer to pieces. The tank then proceeded to point towards the camp, only for a figure to appear out of nowhere; fading in almost.


"You're coming with me. And I wouldn't try anything if I were you; more of my brothers are on their way, and I'm sure even you can't survive a wide engulf of flame from two barrels."

At the click of her fingers, a vehicle burrowed from the ground behind her and opened up a side hatch, inviting V and the unknown girl to enter:


"Hop in."
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Interaction: @dark @Hahli Nuva @Gotham Knight Todd @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ariel @Signupname (Status - Retreating)

The battle raged as the unknown rescuers battled the Rising Sun, knocking down Soldier after Soldier; the Tank suppressing the infantry. The Samurai looked towards The Imagined with a look that pretty much sealed their fate when the Commando stepped on their back and pointed his gun at her.

"Sorry, love. Don't even think about it. How about you go join your friends?"

They then proceeded to punt the woman towards the opposite lines just as the battle raged on. The Warhammer Captain was laying on the pain with the Japanese Soldiers, causing them to attempt a retreat. They ran and gunned at the same time, unfortunately their conventional bullets were bouncing off the Captain's armor. The Tank Busters moved to intervene when the allied Tank caused them to move away.

Everything was going well... Then all of a sudden, the Commando had an incoming transmission.

"Commando 5-12 speaking, who is this?"
"What, why? Seems that armored guy that was here is kicking their asses pretty well, and we're picking the rest of them up now."
"Forget that right now, you have incoming!"
"How many?"

The Commander jumped into the main seat of the armored convoy and pulled out a radar terminal inside; revealing exactly what the caller indicated; hundreds of red dots converging on their position. The Commander looked over to the ones who got into the vehicle, then towards the Captain.

"Hey pal! We have incoming, hundreds of enemy forces are heading here right now! Unless you want to further test your survival skills, get your ass in here or we're leaving you behind!"

Interaction: @Foxes81 (Status - Communications restored)

"I'm not sure, but we can't give up. Just stick with me and---"
"---Acial Agent Tanya, can you hear me? Over?"

A voice was heard from the radio on Tanya's leg as she grabbed it and held it out; turning on the loudspeaker functionality.

"Tanya here."
"Tanya, good news. Whatever was jamming communications has been disabled, allowing us to gain contact with you. A Helicopter should be with you shortly."

As if on que, the sound of a Helicopter was heard behind them as it did indeed show up with them shortly. Someone dressed in US Army Ranger uniform was standing on one of the doors, holding out a hand as the Helicopter itched closer to their structure.

"Hop on, we'll take you home."
"Right on time, boys."

Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Status - Under Threat)

"Not going to complain, let's get going---"

Sounds of Static were heard inside the vehicle as the radios were going crazy. Without much warning, a tank bust through one of the ruins in front of the Humvee, turning it's turret towards it:

View attachment 233569

"Ah shit. Looks like they faked their retreat. GET OUT!"

The officer without hesitation kicked V out of the vehicle before the tank opened fire, literally, spouting a large surge of flame towards the vehicle; melting it and the officer to pieces. The tank then proceeded to point towards the camp, only for a figure to appear out of nowhere; fading in almost.

View attachment 233570

"You're coming with me. And I wouldn't try anything if I were you; more of my brothers are on their way, and I'm sure even you can't survive a wide engulf of flame from two barrels."

At the click of her fingers, a vehicle burrowed from the ground behind her and opened up a side hatch, inviting V and the unknown girl to enter:

View attachment 233571

"Hop in."

"Screw this! That bitch is going down before she hurts anyone else!"

Zero Saber in hand, The Imagined leapt out of the transport and dove into the fray, activating her wingspan and blasting off into the air to divebomb a group of enemy soldiers, scattering them like bowling pins. She cut down a few more before setting her eyes on Commander Momoe, her HUD scanning the woman for remaining health and any shielding she could have equipped.

"No more running…" She said softly to herself as she approached her new foe.

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Yuuji and Kaoru took a step back, intimidated, but they tried not to show it.
"Where are we going now?" Kaoru asked, looking at the helicopter. "We're not goin' down there?"
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The Mysterious One
Status: Normal, Peak Healt
Griffon: 95% (Proximity Regeneration near V, heals +5% per post when not in combat) [Active]
Shadow: 0% [Inactive]
Nightmare: [10% Ready, fills up in Combat]
"Prepare your hearts for Death's cold hand! Prepare your Souls for Flight, your bodies for the earth;"
- A War Song to Englishmen, William Blake
Backside of TV
@Raynar Saassin (GM)​

"Gh..!" Before V could react to the approaching vehicle, he was kicked out of the Humvee as this bunny-looking tank shot out flame incinerating the General and his troops as V could only watch as Griffon was called out to lift him as V fell off, lifting him on his feet as the man in black could only watch in traumatic horror--a reminder of his past, a fire that consumed his home long ago.

"Hey, this looks bad." Griffon spoke nervously, "We need to get outta here, pronto!" He turned to his master, who seemed to be frozen stiff. "...V? Hey, V! Wake up, dammit!" Griffon called out, headbutting his Master in alarm, prompting the man in black to gasp and flinch in response, returning to the situation at hand.

"R-right..." V could only nod as he clutched his head with one hand, trying to compose himself before a woman in a black suit with red hair emerged from the flames, calling out to him and demanding he get in the vehicle that scorched his newfound allies.

"Not gonna lie, V...I don't think me and Shadow can't get you outta that thing's range. Even if you went on a diet before this...You saw what happened to the Crew Cut! If those flames reach us, we're FRIED! TOAST!" Griffon says, "And I doubt you have enough energy to call him in, too. Face it, bucko, we're at a Checkmate!"

"...If you insist." V scoffs, complying to the woman's demands as he gets inside of the vehicle, knowing that if he were to fight back, he would end up losing his life--and he needs to stay alive to finish what he started.
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The Next Day . . .

North America, Washington DC
GDA Central Command
Blue Zone B-2

Interactions: @dark @Hahli Nuva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ariel @Signupname

After the Warsaw situation, the majority of the multiverse group had been evacuated and returned to GDA Territory after a close call with the Empire of the Rising Sun, as well as the potential threat of incoming Brotherhood of Nod forces. However... one was not so fortunate. Separated from the group, the one known as V after "rescuing" a group of GDA Forces ended up beaten by the Brotherhood and kidnapped by one of it's Commando units. Their fate is unknown at this moment in time to the group. The two Japanese individuals were picked up by Special Agent Tanya and taken to a location away from America for the time being as Tanya believed that their Helicopter was being tracked.

Arriving at Washington DC, the central hub of GDA Operations, the group were escorted into an office building:


Once they were escorted in, the one at the desk walked up to them and introduced himself.


"You must be the new batch of anomalies that had entered our Earth. My name is Jack Granger and I'm the Chief of Staff for the Global Defensive Alliance, the group who was responsible for pulling you out of Warsaw. Albeit they cut it a bit close."
"Apologies, Sir. It was a close call due to the incoming NOD Forces and the Japanese were numerous. Whether or not they were working together is another story but my orders were clear."
"Indeed they were, Commando. Thank you. Now then. I'm sure you all have many questions about what is going on here, as well as why you were brought here. I can assure you our hospitality is more genuine then that of the previous welcoming committee that you faced down in Warsaw. Commando, leave us."
"Understood. Have fun, boys and girls."

Saluting to Jack, the Commando exited the office, leaving the visitors in the office.

"Ask away."

South Africa
Yellow Zone

Interaction: @Foxes81_of_Anime

As for the two who were not with the main group, Tanya took them to a remote location in Southern Africa. Once the Helicopter was flying over the region, Tanya grabbed a Parachute and strapped it onto her back, grabbing the two individuals and attaching them to her. Once she waited a bit for a safer ground, she reached for her pistol and shot both the pilots; then jumped off the vehicle.

Once they jumped off, Tanya pulled the cord and the three lowered to safety as the Helicopter crashed nearby. Turning her attention to the two at last, she confessed something.

"Sorry, but I couldn't take any chances. They weren't taking us home, they were taking us to a Detention Facility owned by those Nod Fanatics. I couldn't reveal my intentions until after we were far enough away from the premises. You can get angry at me later but for now, we need to reach an outpost not too far from this location. They'll keep us safe until I can call for actual help."

Unknown Location
Nod Controlled Territory
Interaction: @ThePotatoGod

Once V was picked up by the Nod Female, the Transport burrowed underground and moved to an unknown set of coordinates. Once it surfaced, V was immediately blindfolded and pushed around the complex until he was eventually stopped and placed in front of an important figure.

"Take the blindfold off and leave us."
"Yes, Messiah."

The blindfold was removed and in front of him was the figurehead of the Brotherhood; Kane.


"Ah, welcome my Child. I apologize for our forward response team when picking you up. As you can very well imagine, the situation on Earth is... delicate, for the Brotherhood. Ever since the Continuum Cataclysm event, individuals like you have been arriving on our gracious planet over the past few months. It is rather peculiar, isn't it?"
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The Mysterious One
Status: Normal, Peak Healt
Griffon: 0% [Inactive]
Shadow: 0% [Inactive]
Nightmare: [25% Ready]
"At hob-nail Dick, who griev'd the chance. But now for Blind man's Buff they call"
- Blind Man's Buff, William Blake
Enjoy The Taste of Despair ~ Mission Start, V
@Raynar Saassin (GM)​

"Continuum... Cataclysm?" V coughed, feeling his body sore from the roughhousing he received during his escort, supporting himself with his blade-like cane, which he held onto for dear life. V has never heard of such a term, but based on how the man worded it, it sounds as though he has been forced into a different sort of Earth when he passed out. "So, in other words, I simply...'Appeared' with no discernable rhyme or reason...How troubling." V rubs his chin before taking out his poetry book from his coat. Whether or not it's true, he'll have to play along for now-- "What is now proved...Was once only imagin'd...Peculiar...Is a way to describe my predicament, yes." He read a passage aloud, finally catching his breath. "I imagine...You're here to negotiate something with me? After all, outliers like I seem to be of great importance to you." He asked, closing his poetry book, looking around what he assumes to be this man's office. And if he's right, then that would mean that he must have an incentive to keep him alive. And if he's right, then V, too, would have enough motive to join.
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The Next Day . . .

North America, Washington DC
GDA Central Command
Blue Zone B-2

Interactions: @dark @Hahli Nuva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ariel @Signupname

After the Warsaw situation, the majority of the multiverse group had been evacuated and returned to GDA Territory after a close call with the Empire of the Rising Sun, as well as the potential threat of incoming Brotherhood of Nod forces. However... one was not so fortunate. Separated from the group, the one known as V after "rescuing" a group of GDA Forces ended up beaten by the Brotherhood and kidnapped by one of it's Commando units. Their fate is unknown at this moment in time to the group. The two Japanese individuals were picked up by Special Agent Tanya and taken to a location away from America for the time being as Tanya believed that their Helicopter was being tracked.

Arriving at Washington DC, the central hub of GDA Operations, the group were escorted into an office building:

View attachment 233688

Once they were escorted in, the one at the desk walked up to them and introduced himself.

View attachment 233689

"You must be the new batch of anomalies that had entered our Earth. My name is Jack Granger and I'm the Chief of Staff for the Global Defensive Alliance, the group who was responsible for pulling you out of Warsaw. Albeit they cut it a bit close."
"Apologies, Sir. It was a close call due to the incoming NOD Forces and the Japanese were numerous. Whether or not they were working together is another story but my orders were clear."
"Indeed they were, Commando. Thank you. Now then. I'm sure you all have many questions about what is going on here, as well as why you were brought here. I can assure you our hospitality is more genuine then that of the previous welcoming committee that you faced down in Warsaw. Commando, leave us."
"Understood. Have fun, boys and girls."

Saluting to Jack, the Commando exited the office, leaving the visitors in the office.

"Ask away."

"Better late than never, I suppose." The Imagined scoffed, upset at having to retreat from the battlefield before she could fight the enemy commander.

"And yeah I've got questions. For starters: What the hell happened to Earth that humanity is basically stuck in the Stone Age again?"
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"Mr. Jack Granger, is it?"

The Vektan Security Agency director would have to wait to get a word in until the other armored lady got in her question.

He looked to the side and then looked up at the Chief of Staff.

"Now that information is now true that you are on our side and the Japanese are the enemies, who's really pulling the strings here?!"

Sinclair preferred to step aside and let the Chief of Command answer his question when he got there.

@dark @Hahli Nuva @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ariel @Signupname @Raynar Saassin
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma
Yuuji shook his head. "Where are we and why-" he began, but was stopped by Kaoru, who shook his head softly, shushing him.
Kaoru opened his mouth to speak, flickering slightly, before immediately regretting it, hoping Tanya didn't notice his physical form disappearing for a split second. "Uh. Where's the outpost you were talking about?" he said, his voice rising slightly higher as he looked around, seeing nothing but grass and trees.

@Raynar Saassin
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Interaction: @ThePotatoGod

"More than you may know, my child."

The man stated as they brought up a terminal which revealed a static map of the earth, specifically pinging the location of Warsaw which flashed several times.

"As soon as you were ripped from your home, our radar picked up the signal left behind. Naturally the GDA were there to intervene, with a squad that we believe you helped rescue. It was only natural of course that in your condition, you'd pick the side that was losing the skirmish, but that was a test, you see."

Turning back to V, he had a bit of a smile on his face.

"To them, the world is in a state of destruction. With Tiberium spreading across the world, they are determined to remove it, blinded by it's effects whilst I and my brotherhood... we see the benefits of Tiberium for humanity. Our Ascension to the stars is nigh, and whilst they were allowed to intervene against us, humanity will never truly evolve."

Holding out his hand, the man appealed to V's situation a bit more.

"I know your plight, my child. Where you come from, your home is under siege. Join me and my Brotherhood. Together we will accomplish many things, including a way to get you back home."

Interactions: @Hahli Nuva @dark (Directly), @LuckycoolHawk9 @Signupname @Ariel

"I'm not an expert on the science behind what happened, I'm not even going to pretend to understand most of it."
"I can explain."

Stated a Russian voice as a Scientist walked towards Granger and looked towards the Imagined, hoping everyone else was looking towards him and paying attention.


"I'd like to introduce Doctor Gregor Zelinsky, a former Soviet Union Scientist."
"Oh no no, no, please I am not deserving of..."
"Would you please explain?"
"Of course, of course. You see, I created Time Machine, and my associates used it to go back in time. They killed Einstein, top scientist who made Allies nearly invincible. The timing of the travel coincided with GDI Ion Cannon Strike, causing a ripple in Space Time Continuum. Now we are here, two Earths became one; merging the histories together into one being."
"Thank you, Doctor."

Granger then turned to Sinclair and simply nodded his head.

"We're unsure of why this has happened, it doesn't seem possible. But there's nothing we can do at this moment in time."

Interaction: @Foxes81_of_Anime

"It's not too far away from here. Once we're there, we'll get some answers. For now though, you'll just have to trust me."

Tanya explained, not noticing that one of them turned briefly invisible. She had other things on her mind but didn't seem to take into account any potential damages until after it clicked to her head.

"You two okay? You didn't take any damage from the emergency landing, did you?"
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