OPEN SIGNUPS C&C - Melding of Alternate Futures - Thread

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The fight was swift and vicious, the humongous beast proving to be a tough opponent even with the two of them working together. As multiple crystal shards flew towards Burt, the cowboy mink leapt back, before any of the shards could reach him. The crystals punctured deeply into the ground like knives stabbing through sand, with some landing on their nearly diminishing campfire.

"Yee haw!," Burt cheered as his legs connected to the cave's wall. With one swift motion, he cocked his gun at the same moment when he launched himself into the air with another push of his strong legs. He shot towards the direction of the fiend and as soon as he was in line with his opponent, he fired another shot right through the beast's head, before his flight continued and then landed right beside Jak. "An excellent judgement partner. Now let's whoop this ugly beast's ass!," he exclaimed, before launching himself in the air once again and firing another several shots at their opponent.

@Raynar Saassin
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  • unknown.png

    The Mysterious One
    Status: Normal, Peak Health
    Griffon: 100% [Active]
    Shadow: 100% [Active]
    Nightmare: [75% Ready]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    Enjoy The Taste of Despair ~ Mission Start, V
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin (GM)​

    "From what I recall…It's a massive serpent with the ability to fly at great speeds." V explained to the Commando, "It uses its scales to produce and lay its seeds, which would grow into Chimeras–or perhaps other Lesser Demons. Its body is also capable of expanding and even splitting apart into multiple thin tendrils that could burrow on the ground." V flipped through his poetry book, as if trying to find a good passage to compare the Demon to. "Its main body is located inside its giant viper head, taking the form of a humanoid torso. Attacking that would be the only viable way to strike it. Speed, Accuracy, and perhaps superior firepower would be our greatest weapons against such a foe." V concludes, "As for locating the beast, however…I have little experience on the matter."

    "Pfft, you can't think about something THAT obvious, V?" Griffon chuckled at his master, "Obviously, we need to find a bunch of that she-viper's seeds. Then we'll know the snakey skank would be close enough." The bird explained, perching atop the Commando's shoulder, "Then again, it would be easier for us to find her if the Amazon had an activated Hell Gate lying around. She'd be circling around that glorified obelisk like a hawk!"

    "The chances of one appearing out of random is impossible without drawing the attention of the world powers." V shook his head with a sigh, "Though as soon as this 'Black Hand' group arrives, we can begin our search in the air. Manually traversing the forest for a flying serpent demon would take far too long."

  • image.png

    –Haru Okumura–
    The Rich and Beautiful Thief of Hearts
    Status: Tense, Peak Health
    Milady: [Inactive]
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @MurderousLoneWolf
    Haru managed to defend herself with her stick-turned-axe with the few blade demons that targeted her after Milady disappeared upon unloading her arsenal, synergizing her combat skills with the war machine pretty well before the bizarre fishes retreated.

    "So much for them." Haru lets out a rather exhilarated smile, as if returning to an old hobby after years of abandoning it. She soon turned to the Machine raising a mechanical arm up and an open palm. Naturally, she cheered while slapping its hand with her own with a gleeful "Yay!" After which, the flames seemed to revert her back to her usual garb, stick included. It would be an understatement if Haru wasn't confused by what just happened.

    The Metaverse no longer existed, and yet, she managed to call upon Milady, her Persona–the manifestation of her own rebellious will. This raised a lot of questions on the heiress, with the most prominent one being about her current situation, considering that she encountered creatures most similar to Shadows...Is this place even reality?

    "...Shall we move, then?" No time to question it now. Judging from their earlier encounter, this forest isn't safe. Well, not that the Amazon is the safest place to be without shark-demons.

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Angelo Rose

Angelo was relieved that his order hadn't gotten lost somewhere in translation.

He would take a moment to see if there was anything that looked weird and it didn't take long for Angelo to notice the flying creature at the same time as the soldier did and he would quietly move along to see if he could get a better view of where they were going.

"Yeah, I was about to say the same thing about perhaps heading that way, let's get a move on to the east as fast as we can but also carefully. At least back home, the ice in Antartica would sometimes break if you moved in the wrong way."

Angelo would move as quickly as carefully as he could in the direction of the fliers.

@Raynar Saassin

Colby Madden/ The Chosen One

Colby wasn't exactly a fan of the fact that the man did not answer his question, but he didn't want to directly bring this up as it seemed kind of rude. He would turn himself invisible as he would follow them.

@Raynar Saassin @dark
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Kaoru nodded before taking Tanya's hand, supporting her as they slowly began their way back to where Kaoru had first began. Looking around tentatively, Kaoru spoke, although softly. "Do you know how to get out of here? Yuuji went that way." he said as he pointed to the other corridor.
If Tanya didn't know, then he would start guiding her over to the other corridor, but if she did, he would follow her directions to get out of there.

Yuuji nodded silently, following him quickly wherever he went. He still hadn't had time to dissipate his supernatural form...

"Crap." Sakuto said before running a bit away from the fliers, careful to keep under the overhang as he studied the landscape for possible hiding places as he tucked one wing in awkwardly, holding the broken one to his side as he kept running, clenching his teeth.
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  • The man led them up a flight of stairs slowly, now beginning their way out of the underground. Every so often, he'd order the Roman to stop moving with a motion of his hand, before peaking his head past the wall to check for hostiles. However, when they got close to an intersection, he stopped him with words this time.

    "Shhhh. Stay here."

    The man moved over to the opposite end of the two, and peaked again. Three individuals were standing there:


    "Сколько еще мы должны быть здесь?" | How much longer must we be here?
    "Достаточно долго, товарищ. Фокус." | Long enough, Comrade. Focus.
    "Найдите этих выживших." | Find those survivors.

    "Those are Russians. On my signal, we take them out."

    @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

  • The beast continued it's assault towards him, allowing Jak to get more pot shots against it. The other two that camped outside ran off into the distance once they heard the sound of wincing, as eventually; the Fiend fell to the ground with a scream.

    "We did it? WE DID IT! *Ahem* I mean of course we did it! We're just that awesome."
    "Of course. Good work, Bert."

    Jak turned to him with a hand raised for a high five.


  • "A hell gate, hmm? Soldiers, did you spot anything?"
    "No, ma'am. Only those hellbats and sword things. We have no other knowledge in this regard."
    "I see. Very well then."

    Not paying any mind to the demonic bird that landed on her shoulder, the Commando turned to V with earnest.

    "Then we go on your order. Those Confessors will be arriving soon."


    "*Acknowledging Beeps.*"

    Carrying the other girl with him, the bot proceeded to scan the area for a suitable pathway. Eventually it found one, and urged Haru to follow it. The bot began leading the way, the small yellow companion flying ahead. It seemed to have formed a relationship with nature despite it's appearance. Though it didn't seem capable of speaking English.


  • "Yes sir. Alright Rangers, let's move."

    The group then trekked eastward towards Sakuto's position. The question is now if they'd get there in time.

    Meanwhile with Sakuto, in the distance he would be able to spot the new group, looking more numerous than the five Archer Maidens searching for him behind him. Time was ticking...

    @LuckycoolHawk9 @Foxes81_of_Anime

  • "Turn left here... then go straight until you reach a kitchen. Turn right and go straight until you hit a flight of stairs... Go all the way up to the roof."

    Tanya stated, coughing afterwards. She didn't look in any good shape at all...

    Time to Detonation - 15:50

    Continuing along the man's trail of destruction, he spotted an opportunity and took a diversionary route. Taking another flight of stairs, eventually they made it to the roof of the structure. There, he pulled out his radio once again.

    "Deadeye, this is Havoc. Requesting immediate pick up, now. We're on the roof of the Communications Center."

    Pulling out a hand-gun, the man took cover by the door.

    "Hope you know how to fight, kid. We're about to experience some trouble."

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Burt's furry hand met Jak in a victorious high-five, before turning his attention back to the fallen monster. "What could that monster be?," he wondered out loud, stepping closer to observe the fiend's body. He poked its crystal-filled leathery hide, keeping his senses alert in case the beast should still awaken.

"This sure is a big one. Ya think we could eat its meat?," he asked his companions, his stomach obviously growling in hunger. He stared intently at the creature, dismissing the fowl scent it started to exhume upon being prodded further by his tiny finger.

@Raynar Saassin
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma

  • unknown.png

    The Mysterious One
    Status: Normal, Peak Health
    Griffon: 100% [Active]
    Shadow: [Inactive]
    Nightmare: [75% Ready]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    Enjoy The Taste of Despair ~ Mission Start, V
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin (GM)​

    "Alrighty then. Imma go find V somethin' good to eat before those schmucks arrive." Griffon began to fly off of the Commando's shoulder, "The kid here hasn't eaten shit since he got here, so Imma make sure to grab something to shove into that gut of his." Griffon said before flying into the base proper, looking to raid the fridge for some snacks.

    "...What can you tell me about these 'Black Hand Confessors'?" V glanced at Griffon's direction before turning to the Commando, "They must pretty special to only be called into situations like this."

  • image.png

    –Haru Okumura–
    The Rich and Beautiful Thief of Hearts
    Status: Tense, Peak Health
    Milady: [Inactive]
    (I could not resist the among us reference, the track name is actually called Suspicion)
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin @MurderousLoneWolf

    "Thank you very much." Haru nodded courteously before following the robot's lead, holding onto the stick that somehow transformed into her Ax when she tapped into her Persona ability. She took note of how it's in touch with nature despite being a machine, considering its yellow avian companion. She found it rather charming of the killer robot. Perhaps it was built to protect humans in mind? Haru's unsure of it, but it's nice to be in capable company.

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{slide=Hong Kong}
Corrin watched as someone jumped out of nowhere and began cleaving through the Japanese Soldiers, scratching her head at the situation. She was confused, but this person seemed to be an ally and that's all she cared about right now. She went to contend with the one who just woke up; falling on all fours.

"Are you okay? It looks like we're being rescued. How bad are your injuries?"

Corrin asked, concerned about the one she was brought with.

@Hahli Nuva

"I... I have an Elixir in my bag...It must have fallen somewhere..." The blue haired maiden said, trying to stand. She then frantically looked around for her sword.

"My sword! Falchion, where are you!? Have you seen my sword?"


The Imagined cut down another soldier, summoning her Ranger Assault Rifle to mow down a few more. How many enemies were there?

"It's okay, I'm here. Just stay behind me!"
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Sakuto hissed, looking around at his choices. Well...on one hand, he had those weird girls behind him. On the other hand, the other group was larger and looked..interesting.
Mentally sighing, he decided to try his luck by moving towards the larger group, crossing his fingers while tucking his wings behind his back, although painfully, using the cold ice wall to steady himself.
Looking behind him one last time, he began moving toward the second group, although staying out of sight the best he could with his limp wing.

Kaoru looked at her. "Are you sure you're okay??" he asked worriedly as they moved along, although slowly.

Yuuji nodded, about to reach for one of his blades but instead opting to use his claws, tense as he waited. " better hurry up, o otherwise when I get back to our universe, I'm going to fight God." he said, half-jokingly, half-serious to himself.
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Colby Madden/ The Chosen One

Colby had silently followed and looked at the two Russians and took a moment to decide what the best course of action was. He didn't think that shaking the earth while underground would be a good idea, so he would use his super fast speed while invisible to grab their guns and push them into the nearest falling point without saying a word.

@dark @Raynar Saassin

Angelo Rose

" Yeah, exactly what he said, "
Angelo replied, moving as quickly as they could, keeping an eye to be careful. He wasn't sure how long his luck would last but he didn't want to push it.

@Foxes81_of_Anime @Raynar Saassin
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Marius Titus, 14th Legion Centurion
@Lucky @Raynar Sassian
While Colby "disappeared" out of nowhere in some sort of power of some sort, he was able to disarm the Russian soldiers and slammed them against the wall. No telling how much time Marius had to decide between a sword or a gun or both in a brief time. He grabbed the light gun and aimed at the soldier's head. If anything were like a spear or arrow, he could cover the allied soldier. He gritted his teeth, grabbing the "new black object called a gun" and made sure it had the bullets inside it. He aimed at making sure his hands were steady and shot two bullets without any other words at the Russian solider's head. He'd hoped the other man had moved far in advance.

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  • The Russians had no reaction as they were quickly disarmed and pushed towards an opening in the ground. One such soldier however wasn't lucky as they were shot by the Roman, bleeding out in the pit that the two soldiers fell into. The man who had accompanied the two watched and then quickly pushed something to cover the hole.

    "Alright, that should buy us some time. Now come on, let's move. We need to get topside and get to the Field Marshall's FoB."

    The man locked his weapon and reloaded, ensuring he had rounds inside it when he noticed the Roman holding a rifle like the way they were.

    "Admirable, but you aren't going to land many accurate shots like that. Here."

    The man took Marius's rifle and passed him a certain handgun:


    Before handing it to him, however, the man showed him how to use it and then handed it to him, letting go of the grip and allowing full access.

    "This should be better suited for a beginner like yourself. Keep it."

    @LuckycoolHawk9 @dark

  • The main group marched onwards, aiming to locate the anomalies that had arrived on Earth before the Brotherhood does. The snowy terrain remained peaceful and ominous. Sinclair and the marine would notice various types of Crystals poking out of the snowy Earth, ranging between Green, Blue and Red. Sleeping creatures were resting on open fields with the same crystals, looking like they were ripping out of their backs.

    "It's worse than we initially feared. Tiberium has completely devastated Russia. Not even the snowy landscapes were safe from it's mutation."

    In the distance, a snowy forest could be seen, but it was not normal...


    The trees were nothing more than dead husks, coated in Tiberium.

    "Even mother nature cannot survive forever against the alien mineral."

    Eventually, some smoke could be seen in the distance. One of the ZOCOM soldiers pulled out a pair of binoculars and inspected it further, revealing more smoke and a campfire in a cave.

    "I think we've found them. Let's move up!"

    Meanwhile at said cave...

    Burt's furry hand met Jak in a victorious high-five, before turning his attention back to the fallen monster. "What could that monster be?," he wondered out loud, stepping closer to observe the fiend's body. He poked its crystal-filled leathery hide, keeping his senses alert in case the beast should still awaken.

    "This sure is a big one. Ya think we could eat its meat?," he asked his companions, his stomach obviously growling in hunger. He stared intently at the creature, dismissing the fowl scent it started to exhume upon being prodded further by his tiny finger.
    "Don't know but I'm ready to chow do---"
    "Wait, Dax. Don't."

    Jak stopped Daxter from doing anything stupid as he slowly inspected the beast.

    "It doesn't look like it's edible. It looks mutated. You sure you want to eat this?"

    @dark @shinku @Signupname

  • "Black Hand Confessors are part of the Elite. They are designed to be personal bodyguards to the Black Hand's top advisors, including that of Kane himself. They are the best of the best outside of myself, they are dangerous."

    Just as the Commando finished their sentence, a helicopter flew into the outpost:


    A transport helicopter came into the base, landing on it's helipad. it was coated in a red and black trim like most Nod tech, releasing six armed soldiers:

    "The Hand becomes the Fist!"

    They lined up and readied themselves to move out, one of them approaching V.

    "Sir, whilst we were flying in, we spotted a strange stone tablet in the middle of the forest. I believe that is our target."

    The war bot and Haru would proceed through the rainforest. So far, things were quiet. Until they came across an opening. A large opening in the middle of the forest. In the distance, a giant stone tablet was there:


    It was at the far end of the opening, the border of the area surrounded by mile high trees matching that of skyscraper length and some even higher then that.


  • "I believe you're looking for this?"

    A male's voice was heard behind Lucina as they would be a familiar sight to the blue haired maiden:


    The male passed Lucina her Falchion and then wielded his own, deflecting a blow from an incoming Japanese Swordsman.

    "Our new friend is helping us, but we need to support them. Lucina, are you fit for battle?"
    "I don't know who you are, sir, but if you're with us, I think we can stand a chance against our foe."

    Corrin exclaimed as Imagined tore through man after man, rendezvousing with the group when loud footsteps could be heard from the direction of the city. The rest of the Japanese looked towards it and then turned to the group.

    "This will be the end for you, wretches. You will feel the might of Japanese Steel."

    The footsteps grew louder until something as big as the nearest skyscraper came into view:


    It's sound boomed across the area as it stared down at the group of four, it's eyes glowing a vibrant red and orange tint.

    @Hahli Nuva

  • "It's too late, sisters."
    "The enemy has found our captive."
    "It's no use."
    "We must retreat."
    "Back to the Sudden Transport."

    The five Archer Maidens returned to the transport and Sakuto would witness out of the corner of his eye that the transport shimmered into the distance, floating away. In front of them, US Army Rangers rushed over to him and inspected his damaged wing, shouting over to the group.

    "We found them. Medic, get over here!"

    A medical ranger moved over to Sakuto and pulled out a med kit, planting a tent around them with insulation, gently attending to his wounds. The main ranger turned to Angelo Rose with a smile.

    "It seems our luck has held for now, sir. We found who we were after, and we were lucky to not encounter any resistance. However his injuries look bad."

    @LuckycoolHawk9 @Foxes81_of_Anime

  • "I'll be fine, just move!"

    Tanya exclaimed, watching as Kaoru pulled her around and up the stairs towards the roof.

    Several Minutes Later . . .
    Countdown to Detonation: 5:50
    Havoc stayed on his radio as time was slowly running out. Five minutes left until the building would explode. Clenching his fists, he radioed once more.

    "Deadeye, what is taking so long, we're running out of time! ----- Hurry up."

    A knock on the door was heard as Havoc moved to the wall near it, gently opening it to reveal Kaoru and Tanya.

    "Agent Tanya."
    "Come around often?"
    "Save the talk. We got a ride out of here?"
    "It's on it's way, but we're running out of time. Less than five minutes now until this Operations Center goes boom."


North America, Washington DC

GDA Central Command

Blue Zone B-2

"Granger, sir. We're detecting some anomalies in our solar system."
"Show me."

A terminal was shown to Jack Granger, indicating that several red blips were just by Jupiter.

"They're moving fast. Scans are estimating they'll arrive in the next hour."
"Damn it. What is the status of our Ion Cannon network?"
"Finished and ready for use once more, sir. Nod sabotaged the main uplink center but we're back online."
"Excellent. Prime the Satellites for use and aim at the invaders. Fire when they come into view."
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  • unknown.png

    The Mysterious One
    Status: Normal, Peak Health
    Griffon: 100% [Active]
    Shadow: [Inactive]
    Nightmare: [75% Ready]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    Enjoy The Taste of Despair ~ Mission Start, V
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin
    "Is that so…?" V nodded as he listened to the Commando's answer, just in time for the Black Hand to show up. They would be quite formidable indeed if he were to face them head on; all things considered. The helicopter carrying them landed just as Gryffon returned with a packet of biscuit rations for V to eat, the chopper unleashing several black clad teched up soldiers, all of them brandishing a scorpion tail symbol on the chest.

    "A large Stone Tablet…"

    "Lemme guess, looks like it has buncha engravings on it? That definitely sounds like a Hell Gate alright." Griffon nodded as he perched atop of V. "Well what are we waitin' for? Christmas? Let's get going!"

    "Right." V nodded, struggling to open the ration pack as Griffon disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Managing to open it just as he reached the helicopter, clambering aboard.

  • image.png

    –Haru Okumura–
    The Rich and Beautiful Thief of Hearts
    Status: Tense, Peak Health
    Milady: [Inactive]
    Backside of TV(Inst)
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

    As the pair wandered through the forest, the young Heiress couldn't help but feel increasingly uncomfortable around this supposedly serene rainforest. The Demons that she encountered, not to mention her Persona ability being used in what she perceived to be the real world–something's wrong, and she knows it.

    As they come across a clearing, Haru's eyes widened as they gazed upon a large monolith. Tall enough to be considered to be an obelisk, yet too wide to be just that. It radiates a strange energy, too. Something irritating and vile that wants to claw against her entire being. Her Persona ability seems to be reacting to it, signaled by the black mask appearing over her eyes yet again.

    "What…Is that?" Haru asked, unsure of what it is she's staring at.

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Colby Madden/The Chosen One

Colby was amazed that even in this strange new world that he arrived in, people were still just as easy to be fooled when it came to him and his powers. Having feeling better, he decided to make him visible again, looking over at him and then tilted his head as the other man was rewarded a gun.

"Do I get anything nice for helping to take them down by doing most of the work of disarming them and making sure they couldn't get us attacked?" He asked. Sure, having powers was great, but a weapon was even cooler.

@dark @Raynar Saassin

Angelo Rose

" Yeah, it does look like our luck has held out for now and I hope that it continues to hold out, because something tells me that things aren't going to get easier from here. Perhaps we should get him healed and then decide to what to do from there."

@Raynar Saassin @Foxes81_of_Anime
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Sakuto Sakuma
Sakuto was stunned momentarily by someone grabbing him before seeing that the Archer Maidens had disappeared, turning his head to see nothing but a vast, white space, the sunlight sparkling off the frozen cliffs and on the snow innocently, leaving no trace of the Archer Maidens that had previously chased him. Through the numbness enveloping his pale skin, he could faintly feel someone moving his injured wing back and forth, testing it. He flinched away as a jolt of pain ran up his wing, shivering both from the shock and the cold as he grabbed his wing back from the medic, turning to who he assumed was the leader. "Where are we?" he asked the other male, still wary. Maybe going with the Archer Maidens would've been a good thing...​

Kaoru & Yuuji
Kaoru panted as he watched Tanya and the other man converse. The place was going to blow up soon? No wonder Tanya wanted them to move... He fidgeted with the rings on his fingers, stopping when Yuuji put his hands on Kaoru's own. "Do you think we'll be--?" he didn't finish the sentence as Yuuji nodded. "Hold on..." Yuuji muttered, turning around and pulling a shimmering string out of thin air, this time green, and wrapping it around Kaoru's arm, nodding with satisfaction as the milky white scales disappeared, concealed by transformation magic. Repeating it a few times, eventually, all the scales and fish-like traits were hidden under a heavy layer of magic as Yuuji obviously was worn out, applying one more before leaning on Kaoru, out of breath. "There..."
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A dispirited sigh left Burt's lips as he backed away from the fiend's corpse. "Well, I guess you're right," he admitted with a little bemused grin. "Though ah think we've gotta skedaddle. Pretty sure there's gotta be more of 'em here somewhere ready to ambush us anytime," he continued, turning to Jak with a sigh, his face still reeked with despair.

@Raynar Saassin
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Thomas "Piercer" Sinclair


Sinclair looked out into the distance, seeing the trees were nothing but husks. "Right, but who's there? Allies or enemies?" Sinclair was careful and on guard. He followed the Zocom soliders carefully.

@Raynar Saassin @Whatever
@shinku (?) (Coming toward)

Marius Titus, Centurion of the 14th Legion
"Huh? Thank you..." Marius looked back quickly at Colby and nodded as to say "Thanks" before learning the basics of the handgun over the regular assault rifle from the solider who was allied with both of them. The Centurion focused in and got ready in case something else popped out of nowhere.

@Raynar Saassin
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  • "Tell you what. We make it back up to the surface and reach the FoB, I'll make sure Bingham rewards you for your service to Earth."

    The man exclaimed as he looked over to Marius with a smile on his face.

    "Take good care of it. That'll save your life one day just like it did me. Now let's move."

    Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a Walkie Talkie and turned it on, attempting to contact the surface.

    "Field Marshall, come in. This is Brenner, come in!"


    "Damn it. We're still being jammed. There's a staircase over there, let's get going."

    Brenner moved over to the staircase with a pistol in hand, kicking the door open and checking for any hostiles. Then he whistled over to Marius and Colby to follow.

    @dark @LuckycoolHawk9

  • "A Hell Gate?"

    One of the Confessors muttered as they grouped up to discuss something. They then turned to the Commando who helped to keep them in line.

    "Then let's get going."

    The Commando and the Confessors entered the Helicopter, strapping themselves in as the ramp closed, their destination the large tablet.

    "*Confused Beeps*"

    The bot responded as the giant monolith came into view. It gently walked over and then all of a sudden the sound of rumbling was heard in the surrounding trees, as if something large was moving. A large green scaled creature then started moving through the open clearing, performing a figure of eight through the clearing, until it stopped and opened up; revealing a demonic entity within.


    "You dare trespass in my domain?! Killing my children?! This forest was to be our home away from home, to finally live in peace, and you dare disturb it?! You will pay for your transgressions with your lives! And then, my children shall take your bodies!"


  • "Easy, easy. You're badly wounded. Let our Medic tend to your injuries."

    One of the Rangers responded, overhearing Sakuto as they knelt beside him.

    "Those Japanese that were running away, they were going to take you away and use you to aid in their war effort. We were sent to rescue you."

    The medic turned over to Angelo.

    "Once we get him healed, we'll return to America. This area is crawling with Japanese Troops, and their Floating Island Fortress is close enough to reinforce."

    @Foxes81_of_Anime @LuckycoolHawk9

  • Countdown to Detonation: 2:30
    Havoc watched as the two of them did some magic stuff with each other, not understanding it and not wanting to. They have more important things to worry about.

    "Deadeye, it's Havoc, where the fuck are you?! ----- What?! Ah shit. Just... Try to get here, quickly!"

    Havoc then turned to Tanya.

    "My transports under attack by Tiberium creatures. Something about a Floater?"
    "We saw one when we arrived here. It can't be the same one..."
    As if on cue, several creatures then jumped up to the roof:


    Yuuji would quickly recognise that these were Visceroids; the creatures that he saw on the base's computer.

    "Great. We got company."
    "We need to hold them off."
    "I don't think you understand. We literally have only a minute left. Come on Deadeye, where the fuck are you..."

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Sakuto Sakuma
Sakuto sucked a breath in, nodding before turning the broken wing to the so-called "medic". What did he have to lose, anyway? "America...?" he mumbled to himself, thinking. "I mean, I'm technically Japanese too...would that make me an enemy? Are the Japanese enemies, that wouldn't make sense..." he muttered to himself, not noticing he was speaking aloud as he was lost in thought, wings fluttering a bit unintentionally.

Yuuji and Kaoru
Yuuji swallowed before grabbing one of his knives, and Kaoru quickly did the same. The pair looked at the other two in unison, waiting for permission. If they would get permission, Yuuji would shoot forward before trying to stab one of the things. If he didn't manage to slash it, Kaoru would dart over and try stabbing the other side, making his arc length just a little bit larger to try and cut Yuuji, who dodged it with a growl. "H-hey! Stop!" Yuuji whined. "Alright, alright!" Kaoru said playfully as they kept trying to stab the thing.
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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma

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    The Mysterious One
    Status: Normal, Peak Health
    Griffon: 100% [Active]
    Shadow: [Inactive]
    Nightmare: [75% Ready]
    "Devouring & devoured roaming on dark and desolate mountains. In forests of eternal death, shrieking in hollow trees."
    Enjoy The Taste of Despair ~ Mission Start, V
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

    As they approached the Hell Gate, V would've chewed on a few pieces of rations that Griffon stole for him before not touching the rest; probably because he didn't have much of an appetite to begin with as he silently read from his book of poems. As if calming himself before the violent storm that'll occur once they arrive at the Hell Gate. He visibly flinched as they get near the flat obelisk, eyes narrowing in a glare as if sensing a strong presence himself.

    "...Someone else is there." V noted aloud, "Try to proceed with caution." He instructed the Black Hand, unsure if what the Demon found was man nor demon.

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    –Haru Okumura–
    The Rich and Beautiful Thief of Hearts
    Status: Initiating Combat, Peak Health
    Milady: [Inactive]
    The Viper
    Interaction: @Raynar Saassin

    Instinctively, as soon as something odd emerged from the trees, her outfit changed into the attire with large black hat and a holstered grenade launcher, prompting her to take out her ax as the large viper surrounded them. Her back against the robot, the only thing she could trust at the time being as the Viper's head sprouted like a blooming flower, revealing a feminine demoness hiding within its petals made of scales, flesh and tooth.

    "Yours? Why, I don't believe anyone holds any lease on nature itself." Haru scoffs at the demon as she threatens them, revealing that the literal land sharks came from the creature's own being. The source of an unnatural infestation; like a Shadow in a Palace. "So you're merely an invasive parasite to this ecosystem…This simply won't do." She shakes her head, as if used to her life being threatened by monsters. If anything, it's more thrilling than before. Looking around, it doesn't look as if this Large Shadow's planning on letting them go anytime soon. Which means...The Beauty Thief will have to make her Encore! "Apologies, but I'll have to put off paying this due–since I'll be paying it with your head!" She retorted, drawing out her grenade launcher and letting one loose!

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Reactions: Holy R. Enigma