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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

  • ROSE
    Today was the start of a new day, and it was going typically chaotic for Rose. She slept through her alarm, which meant being jumped on by George and Luna nipping at her hands. Once she'd gotten the indoor babies fed Rose had to hurry to get herself presentable. No doubt Andrew would be by soon. Her morning feedings had attracted him over to her place and the woman didn't have the heart to scare himw with her 'just rolled out of bed look' again. She took the time to shower and brush her hair before she heard the voice from Andrew downstairs. Cussing to herself Rose ran to her closet to look for things to wear. Grabbing the first shirt she saw, a kpop concert merch t shirt, and a pair of joggets Rose slapped them on as she jogged down the stairs to the first floor. The second she opened the door Rose felt her face break into a smile.

    "Morning Andrew." She called from her porch. Whether he could hear her or not was another question as the second she stepped foot out her door the gaggle of cats started to cry for breakfast. "I was a little late getting up so everyone is really hungry." She added, jogging around the side of the house to a locked storage cabinet. She had originally kept it unlocked but after finding a few felines indulging themselves in the middle of the night (George previously, now Mr Biggs was the main offender) she bought a lock from Hiro to keep it shut. Opening the lock up with a key she pulled out a case of the wet food, their favorite, and the sheet she put the food out on.

    "I know, I know. I'm late, and you're hungry, but you can't eat the food until I've put it down." She instructed them, gently pushing off a cat who sat on top of the storage unit. Mostly the felines circled around her feet with ocasional stinkers jumping up. Rose worked fast to prepare the meal, dumping each can onto the plate and smushing any of the pate down to avoid giving full cans. After adding a bit of water she brought from the house and some fortiflora (a digestive supplement they seemed to love) she put the tray down so they could start eating. Opening the storage unit again she got out a deep dish for the dry food and another pan.

    "Here, for the dry food." She stated, passing over a bowl. "We should see if we can book in a couple more spays in the next week or so. I know, I'm keeping you busy, but I want to make sure that everyone is sterilized so we don't keep having babies show up." Rose mumbled, starting to prepare the second tray. Cats were clambering over the first one but some of the shier and more patient cats were waiting by Rose's feet as she set the tray on the porch to prepare it. "How is your grandmother this morning?"
  • ROSE

    Lennox ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥♥
    Belvedere ♥♥♥
    Li Ming ♥♥♥
    Ozmodeous ♥♥♥
    Quinzel ♥♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥♥
    Isidore ♥♥♥
    Theodora ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥♥
    Leander ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Dorothea ♥♥♥
    Corlin ♥♥♥
    Tumelun ♥♥♥
    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥♥
    Ezran ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥♥♥
    Elinor ♥♥♥
    Sebastian ♥♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

  • Luzviminda

    It was too early.

    Luzviminda Bulalacao-Calumpang loved her children. In fact, if you asked her, there was no question about it: she loved her children more than anything else in the world, more than herself. She would put their needs before her own in a heartbeat, simply because she knew that they needed her. She'd chosen to bring them into the world, she'd wanted to bring them into the world, so she was the one who had to guide them through it, especially in their tender, younger years. Okay, okay, so she'd do anything for them, right? … But that didn't mean she couldn't complain. Her eyes were narrowed, though still painted expertly done mascara and eyeliner, her lips a warm plum colour. It was way too early for a play date and much too early for her to even be awake in the first place! Not to say that she always woke up past noon (though that was indeed her preference), but she usually had a bit more alone time with her bed before she was roused and forced into her morning routine. Luz struggled not to shove her delicately manicured hands into the velvet-lined pockets of her soft, luxurious fur coat, to grab herself a cigarette, though she could feel the box burning a hole into her mind.

    Ambrosio had his favourite little froggie beanie that he'd knitted himself atop his head, a bright grin on his face. He'd always been a morning person, even as a baby, gurgling and giggling loudly to wake his nay up in the godforsaken early hours of the day. He held the straps of his backpack flush to his body, cradling the bag that was carrying his prized possessions: way too many skeins of multicoloured yarn and his favourite knitting needles. Cielo, on the other hand, was holding nothing at all, refusing to bring a bag. They'd put their hair up in little pigtails, securing them with bows like they usually liked to do. They weren't as chipper as their twin, but the excitement still lingered in the visible flush of their rounded cheeks, very pleased by the prospect of having someone else to hang out with that morning, instead of just their brother.

    They all stood on the porch of Owen's home, Ambrosio knocking once, twice, thrice, before Luz gave his hand a swift but not unkind swat. The inhabitants within, the only law enforcement on the island, Owen and his young son, Jaden, would've likely heard by the third knock. There was no need to harass them. Ambrosio pouted but relented, waiting and swaying in place to keep himself busy. Cielo only dramatically rolled their eyes and preened, observing their fingertips clumsily, mimicking the way their mother checked her own cuticles and polish ever so often.

    When the door finally opened, Luz gave the man a friendly but polite smile, though her children bustled past him immediately, squeezing in through the door to find their friend. The woman nearly felt her eye twitch. Yes, it was much too early for any of this. She longed for the softness of her canopy bed, her fluffed pillows and the scent of her freshly cleaned sheets.

    "Good morning, Owen." She greeted softly, her voice calm and measured like it always was, despite the gnawing irritation in the back of her brain, "The kids could barely sleep last night. I do hope Jaden is just as excited."


  • Luzviminda

    Odessa ♥♥
    Owen ♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥
    Teddy ♥♥♥♥
    Elinor ♥♥♥♥
    Lennox ♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Bucket of Rainbows
  • Sweet
Reactions: Kuno and Nemopedia

Maven's farm




Merriam - ♥️ ♥️

Ezeran's attitude screamed; no, tense shoulders and anxiety clear on his face. Yet he nodded and he agreed and it was all for the farmer named Maven. Edith had heard of the farmer, read up a little on the farm that had been run by the Lu family for years. How formidable of a person this Maven must be to inspire such loyalty. For all of his gruffness and build, Ezeran was surprisingly small within, inspiring a smile from Edith, a spring in her step and shoulders as she opened the door to the passenger seat.

Perhaps this island wasn't as forlorn as she thought it to be. Perhaps there was even some hope, something that she could build up and turn into something bigger, something else.

"Let's go!" She invited the man before rounding around the vehicle, one leg inside already and half bent before she rose up once more, a hand landing on the roof of her car with a proud smile.

"Germany, the home of the Volkswagen!" she announces, her hand retracting and a momentary glimpse of disappointment on her face when it was covered in sand and dust, the ruby red laque of the car dulled by the layer. It wasn't a colour meant for mud roads and places where nature ruled.

"I haven't cleaned it in a while," came the sheepish admission before quickly shifting the topic, "but it has an electric motor and emission is low, very clean. I'm fortunate that the island isn't very large, or I'd be in trouble without a loading dock."

She was proud of her car. A fancy ride that had attracted the envy of many back home. Yet, there was a pessimism that she was unable to hide, the lamentation that the island wasn't what she had expected it to be, that she had no idea why she was here. Doubt she didn't need right now, or rather didn't want to deal with. Edith hadn't thought the plan through and it was unfair to unleash that doubt at Ezeran who she had just met.

"It isn't a very practical ride here, I suppose I should be getting something more sturdy," Edith added with a laugh, brushing a curl behind her ear before turning to Ezeran, "and you?" she questioned, "what do you drive? Any recommendations?"

  • Sweet
Reactions: PavellumPendulum

Tailor shop




Lennox - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ (♥️)
Elijah - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Alanis - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Belvedere - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Rose - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Isidore - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Theodora - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Paola - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Merriam - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Ezeran - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Emrys - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Elinor - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Sebastian - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

The cats, excited to finally be fed, were crawling over each other, into his lap and pawing at him as Andrew teased the animals with bits of wet food that he pressed out of the tube. "Hungry is good," he had responded to Rose, his voice more of a low murmur as the cats distracted him, eyes twinkling and smile widening at the sight of their playfulness and friendliness.

"Thank you," he said, accepting the dry food, picking up some of the older cats that he had distracted while checking for the insides of their ears and tried to trick them into opening their mouths. "They look healthy," Andrew concluded, satisfied with how well these strays have been getting on before scratching one of them under their chin, eliciting a purr that earned a toothy smile back.

Rose was a good person, most of the islanders were seeing the amount of strays Andrew got in to spray or to treat. Though it didn't seem to help to curb the population of strays apparently, Andrew still appreciated the effort and kindness placed within the care that involved feeding them.

"I can take them in today. The shipment should come in with Elijah's return and from there I can prepare everything tomorrow. Any idea which ones you want to adopt?"

Spraying was expensive business and Andrew rather not charge anyone for it, if he could help it. Only for the ones that were sure to be adopted, even if the majority already had plenty of pets already. The rest he tried his best to find a suitable home for, though seeing the limited numbers on the island the strays often ended up off the island. A sad endeavour, Andrew found, to be so far away from the rest of all they had known and their litter.

Wiping some goop from the corner of the eyes of one of the cats Andrew finally looked into Rose's direction, "same old for my grandmothers, teaming up on me and all that," he laughs, "how is business? I heard that we have some new arrivals, have you met them yet?" his own questions followed, small talk, really, but it kept the conversation flowing.


  • Ezeran
    The car was well maintained. At times, Ez wished that he had pursued something in mechanics, if only to help him feel a little more useful and perhaps less like he was incompetent in anything that didn't involve simple manual labour. Between all the work he did and simply just trying to take care of himself mentally and physically, he found it hard nowadays to find time for academics. Learning how to read with Odessa was an ongoing process, one that he was sure would take much longer since he could not commit much time, and he was uncertain if he would ever find spare hours to learn how engines worked, or how all those parts sung together in harmony. For now, he would just have to content himself with staring down at Edith's Volkswagen, admiring the bold red shine of the vehicle, while he listened to the woman proudly speak of the details surrounding it. Ezeran didn't even mind that it was slightly dusty. It was pretty, all the same.

    He nodded thoughtfully, looking faintly pleased as he circled the car for a moment or two, getting different angles. "… It's beautiful. I like the red. Electric cars are cool." He stated, words still dripping with faint awe, but he did eventually stop ogling so that he could sit down, though he was faintly uncomfortable at first, condensing his limbs into the passenger seat. He leaned over, grunting quietly as he adjusted it so that he'd have more leg room, before settling in with the seatbelt. Safety first, after all. There was no traffic to speak of on the island, but that didn't mean that seatbelts were not important. He wondered how much this beauty had cost Edith. Cars were pricy to begin with and maybe he was being biased, but this already felt like a bit of a luxury piece.

    She asked what he drove. His expression turned sheepish, as he stared out at the dirt road. "Er. Nothing. I walk everywhere. … The island isn't that big." He didn't really see the need for a vehicle, even though he quite liked them. His financial situation didn't really scream that he needed one either. "… I'd like a Miata one day though."


  • Ezeran

    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Quinn ♥♥♥♥
    Oz ♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥
    Emrys (anonymous) ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

Maven's farm > Melanie's farm




Merriam - ♥️ ♥️

Ezeran was a big guy, and while Edith had a big car the space quickly filled itself up and Edith felt guilty for trying to squeeze the man in there. Most of her passengers weren't that big, not that she had passengers to begin with. Carpooling wasn't something she commonly did and required friendly relations. In fact, Edith wondered if this was the first time anyone ever occupied the passenger's seat at all, which was a sad thought to have, but also a realisation of what sort of existence she had led so far.

"Walking, that's fair!" Edith exclaimed in response, wondering if Ezeran had a drivers licence or not, or if this wasn't a common thing to begin with on the island. The island really wasn't of a sizable size that one needed a car anyway, it just seemed more convenient and, so the blondine later on followed in thought, she may have grown a little lazy from her city-life where technically nothing was ever far out of reach either, but the thought of walking ten minutes versus three minutes drive just meant the car was picked over.

And while Edith did drive an electric vehicle, which mentally and theoretically felt cleaner, she also realised that the most sustainable option would be kinetic energy to begin with.

"Miata!" She was quick to distract herself from the dark thoughts invading her mind, pressing the button to start the engine, "low and sleek, nice choice," she approved, though she wondered how well the convertible would do on the island, where the roads were rather muddy. Especially on a rainy day. Though, again, she reminded herself, how often would one drive around here on the island anyway. As Ezeran made clear; walking was the best option here.

"Just follow this path up ahead, right?" Edith then called, as she switched gears and slowly sped up, a bit of a pride swelling up despite her thoughts earlier just to show Ezeran how smooth the car switched between speeds as they drove off.

"If you ever want you can try a round," she boasted, deciding that this was a safer way of asking whether the good man had a licence or not. She really wasn't sure of anything anymore on the island.

Last edited:
  • Love
Reactions: PavellumPendulum

Celosia Isle may have held a small population, but it prided itself on having basic amenities to keep its residents comfortable. The General Goods shop was a key contributor to that feeling of well-rounded equilibrium; though it was no commercialized superstore, Hiro and his family did their best to keep it stocked with the majority of things the townsfolk needed.

Maven snagged a candy bar while the kid showed her what locks he had. Most of it was atypical: combination locks, padlocks, a keyed Masterlock. She eyed a few more before looking at the metal netting, her expertise showing in how quickly she scanned. Slowly, her head shook, a low hum sounding.

These weren't what she needed.

"Guess I'm headed to the blacksmith. I'm looking for more heavy duty rods," She responded. The why hung in the air, unanswered. "But I'll take this guy here."

Tapping lightly on the keyed Masterlock, Maven plucked it up and meandered away. She'd have to talk to Quinn. She couldn't quite remember if she'd seen her working on the farm that morning or not, but she was sure she was running around somewhere else. Maybe at the blacksmith, or maybe at Theo's restaurant; that girl was all about making a few dollars more, wherever they could be find.

"Your folks doing alright?"

Maven wasn't a fan of small talk, but she liked to check in on the townsfolk now and again. She looked at Hiro expectantly.

Code by Jenamos
Last edited:
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

    Merriam is... odd. She doesn't mean that in an unkind way; it's just that the mayor's enthusiastic words don't quite match up with the tension in her shoulders. It feels like her face keeps flickering, too, some unnamed hesitance possessing her for a moment before she's back to her cheerful disposition. Is it really due to that bug bite, or is there some other issue underlying her behavior? "There's no need for you to show me around all day," she assures, partly because it seems Merriam doesn't want to be her chauffer for that long and partly because she'd like the chance to explore the island on her own.

    "Well, fortunately, elbow grease is something I have plenty of," she winks. "I'd already expected it to be a bit of a mess, having been abandoned for so long and all that. But you can't go into agriculture expecting an easy time! I like being productive, anyway. There's nothing more satisfying than a job well done." If she sits idle for too long, she becomes antsy. Even as a teenager, she preferred doing chores on her parents' farm and monkeying around outside rather than staring at screens all day.

    Her face warms at the compliment, and she shrugs her shoulders with a shy smile. "Well, I sure hope I can live up to those expectations! I've always been good at making friends, so I hope I'll be able to get along with everyone. I'm sure I'll be needing their assistance for a while as I adjust to things here." Realizing that might make her come across as a moocher, she panics. "I-I mean, obviously I intend to do all of my work myself, but it's always nice to have a support network, y'know?"

    Fortunately, the farm comes into view before she can make a fool of herself, and she grins. The farmhouse is a small thing, more of a cottage, white and half-timbered. It has a simple, comfortable charm that is very reminiscent of her grandfather's warm constitution. Although they're too far away to tell for sure, it looks structurally sound and fairly undamaged for how long it has sat neglected. "It looks very homely," she enthuses, "And look at all of that land!" Although much of it is overgrown and dried, the acres seem to sprawl on into the horizon, and she can see in her minds eye how bountiful it could be under a hardworking hand. "This is all so exciting; I want to get to work right away," she laughs, "That must make me sound like a workaholic."
    Elijah Ellwood
    Isidore Badru
    Merriam Winslow
code by wren.

  • Ezeran
    He felt a bit more at ease in the car. Ez certainly felt like a stranger to all social situations, no matter how often he encountered them, but right now, he was enjoying the quiet hum of the vehicle around him, free from Edith's gaze. By now, he was sure that she didn't really mean him any harm, but he still preferred not to have her eyes on him. He could settle down a little more, watching her drive for a brief moment while she responded to him, his fingers finally finding it in themselves to manage a minute or two without fidgeting so much. Even if he was getting a bit squished with his legs tucked in like this, he was enjoying watching the familiar countryside pass him by. Still, he flushed slightly when Edith commented on his dream car, as if it were something to be embarrassed of.

    He wasn't quite sure why he was embarrassed of it anyway, it wasn't as if liking Miatas was something shameful. Perhaps he was happy that she, someone who seemed to be a fellow car-person, found his choice to be understandable. There weren't many people on Celosia who shared such an interest with him and truthfully, though he'd never really thought to seek out such a conversation, he was suddenly hit with the desire to speak more. Perhaps he'd missed it all along, despite it slipping his mind over the years, buried under all of the work and meditation.

    "Low and sleek," he echoed, staring out the window, "And the sound. That engine... Very satisfying. I heard them a couple times when I was younger, in the city and it still sticks with me." Even though he'd only said a few sentences, he already felt like he was rambling, though the desire to say more was still bubbling up in his throat, enthusiasm seeping into his words, "And uh, I always thought the headlights were cute."

    Edith asked if they were on the right track and Ezeran nodded, finally prying his eyes away from the window to glance at her again, watching the woman shift gears, driving with practiced ease. "Down there." he replied affirmatively, as the farmhouse came into view, farmland marked with fences and wooden posts. He wondered if anyone was out there, at the moment, if the supposed new farmer had already appeared and made themselves comfortable in the previously empty space.

    Still, the offer of potential letting him drive made his fingers immediately begin to fidget again, with Ez blinking rapidly, attempting to process the information. Him? Driving this? It was likely an expensive vehicle, and such a nice one at that... Edith had only met him a few minutes ago! He wanted to hide his face in his hands. "Uh- What? Really?" he stumbled over the syllables at first, "... Um, maybe someday. That, uh, sounds nice."

    It sounded better than nice.


  • Ezeran

    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Quinn ♥♥♥♥
    Oz ♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥
    Emrys (anonymous) ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: Nemopedia

    Ah yes, Tumelun. "Well, okay, so maybe it does exist. But I'm fairly sure actual witches are incredibly rare. The people you encounter are just snake oil salesmen. Also, even if magic is real, that doesn't mean spirits are." But this is ultimately a losing battle given Isidore's thick skull, so he drops the subject, instead petulantly pushing the plate back toward him in a reverse tug-of-war.

    "Theodora should mind her own," he grumbles, lifting his head and straightening his back like a mature adult. It's hard to ignore Isidore's pleas, so he grabs the other piece of bread and nibbles on it. Embarrassingly, the action makes his stomach growl rather audibly. Theodora is a wonderful cook, and although he and his father can afford to feed themselves, that doesn't mean they can afford to feed themselves well. Not to mention their shared tendency of burning half the things they cook. "Y'know, if you want to survive, you'll have to suffer through shitty reheated food to keep yourself from starving," he says around his mouthful.

    Then again, Isidore does have a mother who is practically begging to cook for him whenever he wants, so. It might not be ideal for him, eating at home with his parents who have failed him so spectacularly, but life is full of give-and-takes. "How long are you staying here, do you know?" The life of a sailor seems to have a very flexible schedule. Well, maybe not for Elijah, who has to transfer the mail back and forth each day, but for Isidore, it seems to be.
    Alanis King
    Belvedere Halloran
    Ozmodeous Green
    Quinzel Bowman
    Isidore Badru
    Theodora Tracey
    Dorothea Sparrow
    Li Ming Wen
    Leander van de Laar
    Jiang Zhao
    Emrys Jernigan
    Andrew Wu
code by wren.

Maven's farm > Melanie's farm


Merriam & Melanie


Merriam - ♥️ ♥️

'Cute' was an adjective that Edith wouldn't attach to Ezeran, and yet, when the farmer said 'cute' it perfectly suited him in that strange way that Edith could see him trying to fit into the low sleek models of a Miata with its cheeky winking headlights as he turned them up and down. Kind of like how Paddington bear wasn't supposed to be an endearing childhood figure. It brought a laugh to her chest, rumbling up and forming itself into an amused smile and a hitch in her voice.

"They are so cheeky!" she exclaimed, hoping that Ezeran didn't take her bemusement as an offence, "just going up and down, I wouldn't mind a car winking at me!" She quickly followed up, one of her hands leaving the wheel as it tried to mimic the unique feature of the Miata. Edith could allow herself that, the road easy in its turns and the car not going too fast. It showed the confidence she had as a driver as she followed up Ezeran's instructions and the farm came into sight.

A short drive, shamefully, but a good one, Edith thought to herself, glad to have a new friend as she parked in a spot somewhere at the end of the drive-in that looked suitable. "It's nice," was her first observation, blinking up at the somewhat decayed look of the whole, the maintenance of it clearly not being a priority for a long while. It was spacious, however, like farms were meant to be and Edith thought she could recognise what was a yard and a barn, which she believed were good basics to have to start a farm.

"What do you think?" She questions Ezeran, sliding out of her car slowly, her feet still searching the ground as the female still had a feeling that it was mud and manure everywhere, despite everything having proven herself otherwise, before standing up and recognising Merri's blonde bob in the distance, a relieved sigh escaping her.

"And there we have Merri!" Edith points into the direction she spotted, glad that the mayor had managed to get to the farm independently.

  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: PavellumPendulum

  • Merriam Winslow

    Melanie seemed to have enough energy in her for the both of them. Merri was thankful for that, mostly because even though her body acting up was never new, she still wanted to show the other woman a good time. Keeping the conversation going, flowing and swaying along with smiles on their faces... Well, that would be the best for both of them! Ignoring both the call of sleep pulling at her lids, the pesky veins in her head feeling like they were trying to swell until they popped, she nodded brightly at her newfound friend, admiring their work ethic openly. "I'm so excited to see what you make of the place! It needs a little love to go with that elbow grease, but I know you can do it. Everyone here will lend a hand if they can!"

    She hoped they would, at least. It was the neighbourly thing to do, though Merri knew that many of the inhabitants of the island were dealing with their own problems, with some who would likely be much more hesitant to extend a hand on farmland that desperately needed it. Oh well. She was here, right? As soon as she took a long nap and maybe a big ol' glass of water, she'd feel well enough to help out.

    "Working hard is good, Melanie! We're gonna make Celosia bloom like it never has before!" she cheered, though when hearing the slightest hint of other voices from around the barn, she popped her head around the side, seeing two familiar faces: Edith and Ezeran. Edith, she'd never seen in person until now, so it was all the more exciting! "Woah!" Merri exclaimed, pointing out the two to Melanie and sauntering over, gesturing for the new farmer to follow. "Morning, Ezeran, Edith! What are you two doing out here?" she piped, watching as Ez tried his darndest not to shrink away from her. Riiight, he didn't do well with high energy people...

    She toned it down a little, stepping back a bit and giving them both a happy smile. "I'm just showing the new farmer her home sweet home. Melanie, this is Edith, she's new too, here to work with me as the deputy mayor. And that's Ezeran, he's Maven's farmhand. Their farm is down the road, if you ever want to go see it." She pointed down said road, catching a glimpse of Edith's fancy parked car.

    Ezeran gave the two of them an awkward nod, though his eyes rarely left the muddy ground.

  • Merriam Winslow

    Edith ♥♥♥
    Ez ♥♥
    Bel ♥♥♥
    Isidore ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Emrys ♥♥
    Melanie ♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
  • Love
Reactions: Nemopedia and wren.

  • Ezeran
    The farm wasn't much to look at. Though it did look like some hands had touched it a while ago, to do some minor clearing of weeds and maintenance, the work was patchy, far and few in between. It was honestly a bit of a saddening sight, considering Ez's love for the land. They cultivated the land, yes, taking what they needed to make a living from it, but on Maven's farm, they made good use of it. This was simply land that had been scarred by farmwork, then abandoned... Though he supposed he could say the same about all of the other abandoned buildings scattered all over Celosia, since their owners had disappeared long ago, in order to protect themselves from the brutal years of failing harvests. Everyone's pockets had been scraped dry. He couldn't blame them for leaving, even if it pained them, in order to ensure that their families would have food on the table.

    Ez tested the muddy soil underneath his shoes, curious about the consistency around the barn, especially seeing how loose it was, with the roots of sprouting weeds coming unearthed immediately. Edith asked what he thought of it, going as far as saying that it looked nice. He wondered if she was trying not to insult him, contemplating whether or not to say that it did not matter to him if she liked this particular farm or not. He took great pride in Maven's farm, but no other, since he hadn't really had a hand in their progress. Celosia was his home, yes, but it wasn't as though he would blow a gasket if someone mentioned that an abandoned building on it looked lackluster.

    "... It's gonna take a lot of work to get the soil back into shape." he replied quietly, though he was immediately silenced when the blonde pointed out that Merri was on her way, around the barn with her bouncy steps, with another person in tow. Ezeran felt himself shrink, hearing the cheery mayor greet him as though they were the best of friends. Staring hard at the ground, he fumbled with the edges of his shirt once more, letting the others do the talking. He hadn't expected to be in such a lively conversation. Though he had enjoyed the ride with Edith, he was now sort of wishing that he hadn't come, since he was in no way prepared to talk to three people at the same time, especially ones that he did not know very well.

    He stared at the soil and continued to mess with it, staring at his shoes.

  • Ezeran

    Maven ♥♥♥♥
    Quinn ♥♥♥♥
    Oz ♥♥♥
    Merriam ♥♥
    Emrys (anonymous) ♥♥♥
    Jiang ♥♥♥
    Mariana ♥♥♥
    Paola ♥♥
    Odessa ♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: wren. and Nemopedia

  • Bel

    Belvedere felt his shoulders lurch up a bit at the sound of his name being called. A smile quickly found its way to his lips, brightening up his entire demeanor in a matter of seconds. He sat up and quickly hopped up to his feet, setting his rod in the rack he'd built for holding them. He turned and waved enthusiastically to Elijah and Emrys, beaming with happiness. "Always free to lend a hand, Elijah, you know that!" The younger man called back with a hearty laugh.

    After tossing his fish into his cooler, Belvedere dusted his hands off on his shorts and began a light jog over towards where the two men were standing. "I'd be happy to help." He said, standing up tall and proud. Bel would consistently find himself looking for things to do, tasks to complete, and neighbors to help. He liked to keep busy to prevent feeling anxious or lonely and even going to bed at night proved to be difficult for him. He definitely enjoyed feeling needed and it was rare for him to turn down a request of any sort.

    " Where to first?" He asked Emrys with a youthful, goofy grin.
  • NAME

    Character 1
    Character 2 ♥♥
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    Character 5 ♥♥♥♥♥
    Character 6 ♥♥♥♥♥♥
    Character 7 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Sweet
Reactions: Nemopedia and wren.

The beach

Elijah | Belvedere


Tags: @Jenamos | @o0peachie0o

Lennox - ( ♥️ ♥️ )
Elijah - ♥️ ♥️
Ozmodeous - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Quinzel - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Odessa - ♥️ ♥️
Hiroki - ( ♥️ ♥️ )
Rose - ♥️ ♥️
Isidore - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Theodora - ♥️ ♥️
Paola - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Dorothea - ♥️ ♥️
Leander - ( ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ )
Jiang - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Mariana - ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Merriam - ♥️ ♥️
Ezeran - ( ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ )

There was always a helping hand around on the island, always a known face around ready to extend a hand and with some time to spare. Belvedere wasn't a stranger, not in the way that Emrys had never seen him, or heard of him, he had. The man was a stranger in the way that Emrys knew him, who he was and knew the name attached to the face, but that didn't help the itch in his throat when the man neared and a question was asked and Emrys was expected to answer.

"Athenaeum." The response, followed by a struggling silence, came curt and strangled, but it was a response as the male started to stack up the mail and packages that had arrived and he could carry. The library wasn't open on Mondays but it was a convenient place to work from, well-located and a safe haven. Most of all, it meant not having to trouble the two figures helping him more than he already was, and it meant getting rid of the swelling in his throat.

  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: wren.
Jiang sprawled out across the floor in the grey of the early morning. He examined the chipped teal polish on his fingernails. He had left the window open and it filled the room with pleasant humidity and a lingering chill. Whatever had pulled him prematurely from his sleep remained a mystery but he was no more able to slip back to sleep than he was able to avoid waking. He spent the waning hours of the night on his floor in contemplation. Jiang spent a lot of his time that way. There was a great deal of free time to be had as a mortician on Celosia. A small population meant a year or longer without a death. Which was good. Jiang didn't want people to die. Whenever someone did it rippled grief throughout the community. Even natural deaths carried a heavy weight in such a small population and the tragedies left deep lingering grief. He was glad people were not dying but it meant he had a lot of free time and little money.

A second job was a regular reflection of his. But Celosia was not a land of business opportunities. He might have gotten a job working with Lenny and Quinn. They were both comfortable. But that was a fantasy of an idea, he knew. Jiang hadn't a hint of muscle to work with and even if he had the heat would have been unkind to him. The dark-haired youth had been around a forge enough to know he wanted to be around them the least amount possible. Perhaps he could petition Elijah to join the Amphitrite on its sails. Live a life of adventure and distant shores in delightful company. It was certainly more appealing than working in a forge. But Jiang knew it was not for them. He needed his dewy soil and old trees. He had never been away from Celosia and did not favour it. Worse his lack of coordination meant one bold wave could send him to a watery grave, lost forever beneath the sea — or worse.

Jiang sighed to himself. Someday he'd ask someone. There were plenty of other jobs which were less beyond his capabilities. But he did not want to inconvenience anyone and most of the other residence were in no better a position.

When the shone brighter Jiang decided to leave his little room behind. He rolled onto his stomach and then pushed himself to his feet to the greeting of a spell of wooziness. A protest against moving after remaining still so long, calmed quickly after a moment of standing. Jiang tucked the remnants of last night's lunch into his pocket and made for the window, stopping briefly at the sill. He glanced up at Ava. She was snuggled comfortably in the highest corner of her web with the dried husk of a fly not far off.

"Have a good day," he said to the little spider as he put his arms on either side of the window and pulled himself out. Jiang left it open behind him, as he always did. With the practice of years, he slid the short distance of the roof before dropping himself to the ground below. He landed with an unstable wobble. It was a short fall and he rarely stumbled but some days his legs still forgot to work.

As he had not fallen into the leaves Jiang saw Paola along with Luna, Leo, and Lily. Their houses were not far apart and it was common for Jiang to see the priestess or her grandchildren on any particular day. He had only spotted the group when Luna excitedly exclaimed his name. Jiang gave a small wave as the girl sprinted over. Paola and the other two were not far behind. Jiang was fond of all four of them, but Luna was a kindred spirit. More than once they had adventured through piles of dirt and leaves in search of insects.

"Good morning," he replied to Paola. "I am uncertain. Something woke me but it was gone before I knew what."

"Are you on your way to Miss Trembly?" He asked as much to the children as he did Paola. Jiang intended to smoke a cigarette but was in no great hurry. "I have no plans if you want company. It is a lovely morning."
Code by Jenamos


    Hiro wasn't surprised that he didn't have what Maven needed. She was a farmer after all, most of her needs would be fulfilled by a carpenter or a blacksmith. Hiro just sold general feed and other necessities that the town asked for. Hiro moved himself behind the counter once more, tallying up what Maven had grabbed so far. The store was small enough he remembered most of the prices by heart. The question about his folks had Hiro raising a brow.

    "My grandpa is good, got up to eat with me this morning, but he made pancakes. Said it was to celebrate the newcomers to town. Not really sure if it was just an excuse to spoil me but he's a mysterious man. He shows his love in a variety of ways, one of which is slightly burn pancakes."
    Oz ♥♥
    Alanis ♥♥
    Leander ♥♥
    Maven ♥♥♥
    Ezran ♥♥♥♥♥
Code by Jenamos
Morning came for Leander as it always did, heralded by the chime of his clock as it signalled out the fifth hour. On occasion he permitted himself a further half or two, however, he seldom found an additional hour worth the heightened anxiety. There were few tragic emergencies which transpired during Leander's employment on Celosia but that was hardly an indication of continued health among the community. Not that the greatest negatives to his patients' wellness were emergencies. That was mostly the slow indulgence of disastrous habits. Nevertheless, it was only a matter of time before something fateful occurred and Leander was not going to gamble with death.

Leander finished his next hour engrossed in his usual routine. The final imperative step of which was to depart for the clinic at six. It was far better he spent as much time available at his hospital. The walk to the clinic was brief, and Leander settled into his regular structure with practised efficiency. He set the tea to brew and started his increasingly ageing laptop; now several years out of date, it moved with the snail's pace of Celosian wifi. The doctor perused the pages of files that did not require further examination while he drank his tea, groaning infrequently at notes he'd scribbled onto several files, the markers of villagers most reluctant to treatment. Likewise, Leander started two blank files for the latest arrivals and made a note in thin cursive to contact them.

At the swing of the door, Leander perked up. He eyed the ceaselessly ticking clock on the wall. Li Ming was early. The dark-haired man had started another pot of water for her arrival, ideally, it was ready. On his way to the back room, he passed two of several closed-up rooms. The hospital was in no different condition than other Celosian buildings, however, it was one of the larger structures and the upkeep of the additional room was not worth the trouble.

Leander returned to the reception area with an extra mug for Li Ming in hand. She had settled into her place. The doctor had no idea what he'd do without her. He leaned on his hip against the desk and set one of the mugs near her.

"Here," he said, a combination of quiet and tired, "how was your night?"

Out of his periphery, Leander spotted someone passing the window. His attention snapped to the glass to see Dorothea, the accident-prone innkeeper moving to the door.

"Hold a minute," Leander interjected politely along with a raised hand. In three swift strides, he crossed the room and opened the door. The blonde was far more receptive to visiting him than some oft-injured Celosians, nevertheless, he did not trust she wouldn't decide herself troublesome and leave. Across the threshold, he could see the poor state she was in. Half of her body was in bruises and there was a swelled lump on her forehead.

"Dorothea, come in please," he said with a smile as he stepped aside. "What happened?"
Code by Jenamos

  • OWEN

    "I'm sorry. But this is how it's got to be."

    Sweat came down his brow in rivulets. He'd worked himself into a frenzy running around like this, but he'd finally caught him. His fingers came to the trigger of his gun, and he raised it to a perfect aim as he'd done hundreds of time before -- the killing shot. He clicked his tongue. He had him right where he wanted him.

    "Any last words?"

    The owlish eyes that peered at him from above the couch were as adorable as they were wickedly mischievous.

    "Got you!" His son suddenly screamed, pulling out his own water gun.

    Owen feigned shock. "Nooo!"

    Squealing, Jaden sprang from behind the couch and began squirting his father with water. Owen gave a magnificent cry and fell onto the floor, flailing for a bit before closing his eyes and sticking out his tongue. Jaden was all giggles as he ran over.

    "I got you! Dad, I got you!"

    "Yes, I know- oof," Owen wheezed as the boy suddenly fell upon him, still giggling. "You're just gonna- wow, you're just gonna keep shooting me? Is that ri- ow. Alright, that's it."

    He seized his son and began tickling him, Jaden trying but failing to wriggle out of his grasp. "I'm confiscating your weapon, bud."

    It was six am. Ordinarily, Owen would have preferred to get his day started a little later, but Jaden had been a bundle of nerves all night in excited anticipation for the day to come. To be young and full of energy like his son again! He could have used it for his morning jog.

    He'd figured an impromptu water battle would have dampened some of Jaden's overflowing energy. By the time he had been bathed, dressed, and fed, Jaden was more calm - but just barely.

    "Can I bring Eeyore?"

    "No," Owen said for what must have been the fourth time that morning. That raggedy stuffed animal was already falling apart at the seams, and Owen didn't want to have to keep tabs on that and any other guests Jaden might be inclined to bring along.

    Jaden pouted. "But I wanna show Cielo and Ambro-"

    "I said no. Now put on your shoes."

    "But- But-"

    "Put. On. Your shoes."

    Jaden stared at him in sullen silence before lacing up his shoes clumsily. Owen fought back a smile as he looked away. It was hard to admit, but Jaden looked just like his mother when he was upset. As it turned out, he and Owen shared few physical traits. His father had hoped that as the child had grown older, he would look more like him, but it was continuing to be the opposite for him.

    Ah well. At least they shared the same spirit of activity.

    By the time Luzviminda came by with her twins, Owen was all packed up. He opened the door and barely batted an eye as the twins burst past, and the ensuing cacophony of noise signaled the happy reunion behind. The sheriff smiled.

    "Morning. You're looking well."

    As always, Luzviminda was dressed to impress with a sumptuous fur coat that looked about the price of Owen's first car. He was aware of the stark contrast: her in affluent regalia and he in an outdoorsmen uniform of rain boots, cargo pants, and a sallow windbreaker. Owen scratched at his chin; had he remembered to shave that morning?

    "I was planning on taking them out fishing at the docks. You're more than welcome to join us."

    If you were prepared. His eyes drifted to her fur coat again, curious.
  • OWEN
    Character 1
    Character 2
    Character 3
    Character 4
    Character 5
    Character 6
    Character 7
Code by Jenamos

  • Luzviminda

    Owen always struck her as the poster boy for the supposed American dream. Celosia was no America, but Owen, with his harsh jawline, his slicked back hair and cargo pants... He looked like he could've been an army boy, patriotic to a fault, throwing his body at any problem that arose. Her family in the Philippines wouldn't have needed any other reasons to consider him to be the ideal white man, probably seeing him as a walking replacement father figure for her twins, pockets lined with money. The latter was untrue, she was certain, but she was glad that it was only her and her children here anyway, knowing that she would've likely been harassed to remarry as soon as they forgot about her committing the supposedly unforgivable sin of divorce.

    She could hear Ambrosio babbling to Jaden in the background, talking about the knitting projects that he'd brought, the last thing he'd learned in school, how much he liked Jaden's hair and clothes and face. Cielo, ever so stoic, thinking that being quiet meant being mature, was likely still preening. Luz sometimes wondered if that attitude of theirs stemmed directly from her own demeanor, though perhaps now wasn't really the time to contemplate that possibility...

    "You as well. Very comfortable." she remarked, perhaps coming off as a bit haughty for commenting on the extreme difference in their choice of clothing. Truthfully, she hadn't thought too much on what they were going to do that day, just assuming that it would be the same as what she normally did: craft days and make belief, with her children telling collaborative stories with the young Jaden. Indoor activities, that were easy to clean after, easy to prepare for. Seeing Owen now though and hearing his plan... Ah, fishing.

    She was taken back to the fishing market back home.

    She wasn't sure if she missed it or not, even if she felt it's absence in the back of her mind. Luz caught Owen's eyes drifting to her coat. "... If you'll have me." she said with a nod, though she'd never gone fishing in her life. Her children likely had more experience in it than she did, "And if you're willing to tolerate teaching a newcomer."

    "DIDJA HEAR THAT?" Ambrosio exclaimed aloud, shameless, "HOI! PISHING!" he was using his most stereotypical Filipino accent, reminiscent of his father. Cielo didn't respond. Luz felt herself recoil in that moment, just barely, her eyes focusing on the space behind Owen, rather than on him, before flitting back to the conversation at hand.

    "Are we leaving immediately, or is there anything that I can help you prepare before we go?"


  • Luzviminda

    Odessa ♥♥
    Owen ♥♥
    Paola ♥♥♥
    Teddy ♥♥♥♥
    Elinor ♥♥♥♥
    Lennox ♥♥
    Elijah ♥♥♥
    Andrew ♥♥
Code by Jenamos
  • Spicy
Reactions: Kuno