• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


The One True Pibbles
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male


In the heart of America lays the quaint little town of Coolsville. Established in the 1600's, the town is listed among the oldest active communities in the country and has become a popular tourist destination in recent years due in part to its historic, if not sinister, past.

Any who have heard of Coolsville, no doubt, have also heard of its long, troubled history. It seemed like whenever there was a disaster looming over the horizon, Coolsville was there to take on the full brunt of its force. Cave ins at the Breakneck Ridge Mining Town, hurricanes hitting Rocky Point Beach, wild animal attacks and disappearances in Weirdo's Woods (a misnomer since it's actually a Swamp, but nobody has bothered to change the name); all on top of the rumors that the town was founded by an occultist group who sought to resurrect an ancient demon lord to reign bloody vengeance upon the world.

Of course, the latter half was all just a bunch of silly rumors and on the one hand, they paint the history of misfortune in Coolsville as something caused by evil forces and somewhat disrespect those who died as a result of these catastrophes... But on the other; "Ghoulsville" and the supernatural allure of a town long plagued by unexplained events is great for tourism!

Now, summer has come to an end, signaled by the leaves undergoing their yearly color-alterations and accompanied by a rapidly developing chill in the air. But something is amiss; a general feeling of unease hangs over the citizens like a seasonal flu virus as they approach their annual Founders Day celebration, ironically, on Halloween.

Although nobody can quite explain this strange phenomenon of apparent dread, there is one thing that everyone can agree on: Something is not right in Coolsville. Though exactly what is wrong... Is still very much a mystery...

  • 1. No GMing. We don't want any Mary-Sues or Gary-Sues, especially in the case of characters who may or may not possess magic/supernatural abilities. Bottom line, don't try to instantly knock out twenty enemies at once or to convince someone else's character to go along with what your character wants unless you already have their approval (unless it's actually warranted in the plot, like say the Mystery Machine plowing through a horde of zombies or something).

    2. Maximum of 2 Active Characters per person. Any more needs approval by a GM.

    3. Characters have the potential to die/get killed, but please ASK somebody before you attempt to kill their character rather than just say "Your guy is dead". As GM, I will ensure that nobodies character dies ICly without sole permission from their player (or if you want to suggest it, that also works).

    4. Keep it PG-13! Sure, since this is a modern horror-inspired story, things can get pretty dark/mature (and considering the town already has a history with the occult, it's obvious that we'd be delving into some of those issues as the mystery unfolds). But especially if it comes to romantic interactions, if things progress to a point of no return, please remember the Site rules. As well; ALL CHARACTERS MUST BE AT LEAST 16 YEARS OLD (highest you can go is 18)

    5. Some scenes will be time skipped if they drag on too long/get too boring, but most of the time we will RP things through.

    6. Feel free to throw ideas at me for potential plots/character romances/alien encounters/etc, but just remember that as the GM, I have the final say on what stays and what doesn't get put into the game.

    7. Your character cannot have any GM abilities. GM abilities include: Character Manipulation (mind control/puppeteer-ing), Insta-Killing other player's Characters, etc. We all know what these are so we should be good, but if you think it might be OP; just ask and we'll figure it out together!

    8. Post at least two-three paragraphs each time (more is fantastic), but I understand that life gets in the way. If you don't think you can post for a while, but still want your character to be involved with the plot's progression, just tell a GM and we'll NPC your character for a bit until you get back. Also; try to wait 2-3 posts between replies (it helps to keep the IC less crowded with a two-way conversation). If you want to collab with people, feel free to do so.

    9. GM posts will be announced (these include plot movers, special events or even the death/introduction of a new character). I may also ask some of you to collaborate with me on a GM post, but they shouldn't interrupt the general flow of the RP (most of them are designed to show stuff happening far and away from our characters, but occasionally they'll introduce a new moment/situation that we have to get through).

    10. If you got this far, here's a Scooby-Snack :cannoli:. Also, somewhere in the "Extras" section of your sheet, be sure to include four of your favorite monsters, either from the Scooby-Doo series, or just in general. Whether or not your sheet is accepted is dependent on if you read the rules, among other things.

    11. Please make PvP combat fair. It really sucks when somebody uses a stun-gun, then proceeds to just punch the crap out of their immobile opponent. In addition, GM moves (ie. One-Hit KOs) will NOT be allowed inside PvP combat unless approved/announced in a GM event.

    12. Enjoy the RP to the best of your ability and respect your fellow Mystery Crew in the OoC!! ^^
  • Name - Player

    1.) Norville "Shaggy" Rogers - @mr_pibbs

    2.) Fred Jones - @Justin (Pending Approval)

    3.) Velma Dinkley - @King

    4.) Daphne Blake - @winnie (Pending Approval)

    5.) Dahlia Rose Vahris - @~Dark Disney~

    6.) Rose Hale - @AliceFalling (Pending Approval)


  • | Name | - First and Last. Middle name is optional, as are nicknames.

    | Date of Birth | - Date and Age (ex. September 1st | 16)

    | Gender | Pretty Straight-forwards.

    | Sexuality | - Pretty Straight-forwards.

    | Height | - Pretty Straight-forwards.

    | Weight and Body Type | - Pretty Straight-forwards.

    | Occupation | - We're all students, but let us know if your character has a part-time job.

    | Personality Traits | - Tell us a bit about your character's personality (At least 5 Positive/Negative Traits)

    | Fears | - What is your character afraid of? (At least 5).

    | Quirks/Habits | - What makes your character unique? (At least 5).

    | Skills/Talents | - What's your character good at? (At least 5).

    | Interests/Hobbies | - What kind of stuff does your character get up to on a regular basis? (At least 5).

    | Likes | - What does your character love? (At least 5).

    | Dislikes | - What does your character hate? (At least 5).

    | Backstory | - Tell us about your character! Please make this at least 3 paragraphs long, though longer is certainly encouraged!

    | Family | - Let us know a little bit about your character's expanded family. Doesn't have to be super detailed, but considering everyone knows everyone in Coolsville, it helps!

    | Extra Information | - Include any additional details about your character that you think are relevant for us to know!

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| Name |
Norville Mercy Rogers

| Date of Birth |
December 9th | 17​

| Gender |

| Sexuality |

| Height |

| Weight and Body Type |
130lbs | Athletic & Thin​

| Occupation |
High School Student | Part Time "Haunted Tour" Host​




| Personality Traits |



[*]Socially Awkward
[*]Easily Frightened

| Fears |
[*]The Supernatural/Things he can't explain
[*]Disappointing people
[*]Not accomplishing anything in his life
[*]Giraffes (their necks are too long and they could bite your head without you ever knowing).​

| Quirks/Habits |
[*]Often clears his throat when nervous.
[*]Shy's away from physical contact with people he barely knows.
[*]Has a habit of saying 'Dude', 'Like', and 'Groovy' fairly often, despite not being a Hipster/"Flower Child". (He just likes the way they sound)
[*]Often uses fake words whenever he's on-edge (though he keeps returning to "Zoinks").​

| Skills/Talents |
[*] Incredibly Focused
[*]Very Athletic/Agile
[*]Has an amazing memory
[*]Possesses a keen-eye (able to spot things others might not be able to)
[*]Expert Chef (self taught)
[*]'Extreme Multitasker' - able to do upwards of 7 tasks at the same time without breaking a sweat
[*]Possesses a strong sense of wit/dry humor.
[*]Caring for others; his heart is just as big as his stomach (and given his ability to eat, that's saying something).
[*]Great leadership skills
[*]Despite outward appearances, surprisingly strong (and more than capable of handling himself in a fight).

| Interests/Hobbies |
[*]Working Out
[*]Making/Eating Good Food
[*]Video Games
[*]Staying in isolation/away from people for long periods of time.

| Likes |
[*]Good Food
[*]His Family
[*]A Mystery to Solve.

| Dislikes |
[*]The Supernatural
[*]Vengeful People
[*]Sneaky Giraffes

| Backstory |
Growing up in New York City, Norville was an unexpected, but welcomed surprise for the young Rogers Family, who had only been together for two years before getting married and having children. From a young age, Norville was a curious little boy. Even when he was just learning how to walk, he found intrigue in the basic functions of his home, the inner-workings of his toys, and of course, he always stopped his parents from completing the end of the bedtime stories. Why? Because he wanted to piece together the ending from his own understanding of the events, then later confirm or refute his 'findings'. It was apparent that Norville has a fascination with solving 'mysteries', but his passion would only grow as he aged. Though his father, Samuel, often spent time hanging around the house taking care of both Norville and Nicole, Norville's mother, Wendy, was often out of the house due to her company sending her off on various business trips.

Although it was always a shock to his parents give his outgoing friendly nature, Norville never had many friends growing up and often preferred to be alone either reading or just trying to find a new 'case' to take on. Despite them being only a year apart, Nicole functioned as Norville's best friend for many years until, on his 7th birthday, a little black-spotted Great Dane showed up underneath the Christmas tree. From that day onward, Norville and Scooby-Doo (named after the character of one of Norville's favorite television shows when he was a baby) were practically inseparable. They did everything together; playing together, reading together, and even sleeping together (though as Scooby got larger, his position on Norville's bed was relegated further and further to the edge so they didn't bonk into each other in the night by accident).

Although Norville was a relatively happy child, things changed for the worst on October 30th, 2008.

That night, Norville had been upstairs anxiously tossing and turning in his bed. It was one of those restless sleeps, though the young man did not know why. Eventually, he came to the decision to grab a glass of milk from the fridge in the hopes that it would bring him the rest he so desired and ventured downstairs to retrieve it. But as he neared the kitchen, Norville realized that his mother was also awake and apparently speaking with somebody. The details were vague, but Norville remembers her being angry. Angrier than he had ever seen her. She tried to keep her voice down, but there was so much hatred in her tone that, to Norville, it felt like she was a completely different person. Then- the scream. A blood-curdling yell that still haunts him to this day, followed swiftly by the sound of her body hitting the floor. Little Norville rushed to see what happened, only to see a mysterious figure escaping through the kitchen window while his mother's corpse lay on the floor, cold, grey, and with a large hole gored into her chest; her heart, missing. Norville's cries combined with the previous noise woke up the rest of the family, who quickly rushed to the horrifying scene.

The investigation ruled the death as murder, though no suspects were ever convicted. Samuel, despite his numerous requests, was denied access to the case given how close he was to the victim, which drove him into a state of severe depression, though he did his best to put on a brave-face for his children. Although nobody would ever believe him, especially during the initial reports, to this day, Norville swears that the man who murdered his mother was not a man at all; but a monster.

Since that dreadful night, Norville was prone to intensive PTSD attacks and, for nearly three years after the attack, required daily medication in order to keep his panic attacks under control. Though the efforts of both Samuel and Nicole to help him through this difficult period in his life did not go unnoticed, or unfelt, Norville was never the same afterwards. He was more skittish, cautious, and reserved than ever before. Suddenly, a good mystery wasn't enough; Norville needed to have all of the answers up-front rather than taking joy in seeking them out and coming to his own unique conclusions. But he never gave up on his mother and decided that he would use his investigative skills to his advantage; he would become a journalist and seek out the truths of this cruel and twisted world, no matter what.

But not long after Wendy's passing, Samuel decided to move his family back to his hometown of Coolsville, feeling that the quaint little town would be a better fit for his children rather than continuing to live in the city and suffer through all of the dark memories it held. So, for the last seven years, the Rogers have lived in Coolsville, trying to move on with their lives.

Though, as Norville has realized, there is much more to Coolsville then initially meets the eye.​

| Family |



| Extra Information |
  • Favorite color is Lime Green
  • Favorite meal is Roast Beef with a side of Garlic Bread served with a Root Beer Float. His favorite snack, ironically enough, are the homemade 'Scooby Snacks' he feeds to the family dog, Scooby-Doo (they're meant for everyone, not just dogs, but Scooby especially likes them, hence the name)
  • During the Summer/Fall, Norville operates a haunted hot-spot tour business known as "Mystery Inc. Tours" to try and raise money for his college fund. For his 16th birthday, his Uncle Albert gave Norville his old 1969 Volkswagen Type 2 (still coated with a flower-power print from when he was part of the Free Love Movement). Norville has since given it a fresh coat of paint and dubbed it "The Mystery Machine" for use in his business.
  • Is Deathly Allergic to Alcohol in any form
  • Despite not being a fan of the supernatural, Norville would be lying if he said some of Coolsville's resident 'haunts' didn't pike his interest. His personal favorite exhibits at the Ghoulsonian Museum are the ones belonging to the Giggling Green Ghosts, The Spooky Space Kook, Captain Cutler, and the Tar Monster


Timothee Chalamet - Lime Green
  • Like
Reactions: King

|Name| - Rose Hale
|Nicknames| - Rosie, Ro, Ro-Ro
|Preferred Name| - Rose or Ro
|DOB| - 9/21 | 17
|Gender| - Female
|Sexuality| - Heterosexual
|Height| - 5' 5"
|Weight and Body Type| -
Fairly small in stature, little
muscle on body. She is fairly skinny however does have a slight muffin top and hides it with her clothing choices as she is self conscious about it. Rose is roughly 115 lbs



  • Integrity
  • Honesty
  • Captivating
  • Social Butterfly
  • Focused
  • Friendly
  • Dramatic
  • Sensitive (for herself)
  • Negative
  • Insensitive (to other people)
  • Indecisive
  • Lightning
  • Flashing lights
  • Claustrophobia
  • Being alone in a building
  • Snakes (they have no arms)
  • Crinkling nose when thinking or trying to make decisions
  • Taps pointer finger and thumb together when anxious or unsure
  • Wiggles feet when trying to sleep
  • Counts how many steps it takes in each square on the sidewalk and tries to make it even
  • Laughs when scared


  • Actually a great ghost/supernatural hunter
  • Agile, not very strong, but very flexible and fast
  • Can make a conversation with just about anyone (great for getting information)
  • Hears well (not supernatural hearing, but listens well to things in lower tones or whispers)
  • Great actress
  • Theatre, loves acting and being on stage
  • Making coffee or other fun drinks, likes to make the special designs on [cappuccinos
  • Supernatural things, stories, mysterious
  • Crossword puzzles and sudoku
  • Working, keeping busy with anything and being active in any activities possible
  • Anything with being around people
  • Spiders
  • Hearing supernatural stories
  • Gossip
  • People
  • Puzzles
  • Mysterious
  • Cats and dogs
  • Coffee
  • Sour candies
  • Men's oversized sweaters
  • Being bored
  • Chocolate
  • Bunnies
  • Tight clothing
  • 2-4 year olds
  • Her muffin top

|Backstory| :

Rose is not a native to Coolsville, in fact, she is fairly new and has only lived here for about a year. Rose has always moved around, she can't remember all the names of all the towns she has lived in. The only thing Rose can remember is how it all started, the moving around.

Rose's mother is a big believer in the supernatural and mysterious. He is an author and a reporter, and an amateur ghost hunter on top of that. She was always interested in writing and reporting on ghosts, but it wasn't until Rose's father disappeared under mysterious circumstances that really got Rose's mother into hunting and learning more about the supernatural. Rose's father was not the kind of guy to skip town or leave. He was a stay at home dad who loved and played with Rose every day. He was raising her, but it was at the age of 5 that he was just gone. Rose remembers seeing a flash of light, a couple of them, and then he was no longer there. Of course nobody believed a 5 year old girl, except for her mother. Thus began the adventure of moving all over.

It took them awhile to move to Coolsville, it has the most mystery after all. Rose's mother thought that there was no way their father's disappearance could be related to Coolsville, but something kept drawing her mother back to the town. Over and over again, a feeling, a cold feeling. Maybe it was denial, maybe it was fear, that kept them away for so long. However, they both couldn't deny the feeling any longer and together they decided to make the move.

Rose now lives in a nice little apartment, being an only child with a successful mother means that she has the means she needs. Rose also loves mysterious, even if it has a haunting experience for her. Because Rose has moved so much she has learned to be incredibly social, she loves to meet all the new people of each town she moves to. Making it a point to make cookies or other small gifts for neighbors. She makes a name for herself and still contacts many of the people from the old towns she has lived in.

Because Rose has moved so much, and she spends so much time meeting the new people, her schooling has suffered. The only real thing she would ever consider herself "bright" at would be puzzles. She loves to solve small things, just like mysterious! She isn't too good at thinking things all the way through, which leads to her indecisiveness because she knows that a decision can change your future, your fate. She always wondered if she had done something differently at 5 if her father would still be with them.

Mother|| Iris Hale || Author and Investigator || FC Melanie Papalia

|Other| -

Favorite Monsters: Ghosts, vampires, headless horseman, zombies, and scarecrow!
Favorite Color: Whatever this is
FC || Madison McLaughlin

Rose hates being called "Rosie", because that was her father's nickname for her. She still has a rose locket around her neck, on the inside it says "Rosie" and has the first family photo they ever took when Rose was 1 year old.
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𝓋𝑒𝓁𝓂𝒶 𝒹𝒾𝓃𝓀𝓁𝑒𝓎 10.30.17

𝒿𝒾𝓃𝓀𝒾𝑒𝓈 08.11.18



Name ➾ Velma Dinkley
Nicknames ➾ Velm / V

Date of Birth ➾ November 5th | 17

Gender ➾ Female

Sexuality ➾ Bisexual | female preference

Height ➾ 5ft5

Weight and Body Type ➾ 180lbs | Somewhere between muscular and curvy

Occupation ➾ High-School student | volunteer at museum



| Personality Traits |
➾ Hard-Working ➾ Intelligent ➾ Caring ➾ Sharp-Witted ➾ Introverted ➾ Competitive ➾ Secretive ➾ Sarcastic ➾ Patronizing

| Fears |
➾ Failing (Even a B is not good enough for Velma, she needs straight As to feel okay about herself)
➾ Clowns (fuck. clowns)
➾ Disappointing her
➾ Being called out for her bad behavior

| Quirks/Habits |
➾ Over explaining (She assumes people don't understand her logic.)
➾ Sarcastic comments
➾ Biting her nails
➾ Loosing her glasses (She misplaces most things, but her glasses are the worst offender)

| Skills/Talents |
➾ Problem solving ➾ Intelligence ➾ Heavy lifting ➾ Great memory ➾ Strategy ➾ Reading people ➾ Morse Code ➾ Outdoor skills

| Interests/Hobbies |
➾ Reading/Studying ➾ Mystery/Detective work ➾ Ice Hockey ➾ Working out ➾ Physics/Science

| Likes |
➾ Watching sports ➾ Studying ➾ Long books ➾ Big dogs ➾ Late nights ➾ Quiet gyms ➾ Libraries ➾

| Dislikes |
Being patronized ➾ The hospital ➾ Clowns ➾ Boring case studies ➾ Gossip ➾ Feeling inferior ➾



| Backstory |

Velma was born to Dale and Angela Dinkley on a cold November evening. The couple had been trying to conceive for a while, so Velma felt like a blessing. Her childhood revolved around education. Her parents both worked in the museum in Coolsville, and Dale had been the head Curator there for a long time. Velma grew up around artifacts and books, learning to write and read quicker than a usual child.

She went through school proving to be one of the brighter students. She got the best grades in each year, and spent her after school time in a chess club.

When her little sister was born, Velma took up the role to try to teach her as much as she could. Maddie showed to be more interested in mystical, magical things than science.

In middle school, Velma started volunteering at her families museum. She helped out by organizing the books and cleaning the glass. Her schooling was going so well, she did extra classes. She loved to study, and found interest in mysteries and detective books. Her parents noticed that their child was becoming unusually good at lying. She was able to get out of situations most people couldn't. Velma was developing a second personality of the quiet nerd, who was able to get away with small wrong-doings.

When she reached high school, Velma was beginning to juggle more things than one should. She'd wake up early and work out in her schools gym with the boys. She'd study all day, then go to the library. On her weekends she'd go to girl scouts and help teach younger kids how to use Morse code. As they were becoming important, her grades began to slip.

In her senior year, Velma was reaching a height of stress and needed to pick up her grades.

Her economics teacher, Mrs O'Connor was a particular fan of Velma's. Economics was one of her worst classes, but O'Connor saw something in Velma that was special. The two became very close, and Velma saw a chance to improve her B grade. Things progressed from Velma heavily flirting with her teacher, to them making out in her office. It didn't help that O'Connor was unhappy in her marriage, and Velma took advantage of that. Their biased relationship meant that O'connor would keep Velma's grades at an A standard, despite her lack of focus.

Now, Velma is still working out in her mornings, going to girl scouts on her weekends and spending half her life in the library. She manages to keep her relationship with her teacher under the radar. She is planning on graduating and going to apply for university to study physics.

| Family |
Dale Dinkley | Co-Owner of Coolsville Museum
Angela Dinkley | Curator at Coolsville Museum
Madelyn Dinkley | Middle schooler


| Extra Information |
➾ Favorite monsters | Miner 49er | Tar Monster |
Phantom Virus |
Theme song

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"Bad Dreams, Sisters"
images (6).jpeg
| Name | -
Dahlia Rose Vahris
More Commonly known as Dusk

| Date of Birth | -
October 31st - 18

| Gender |

| Sexuality | -
images (11).jpeg
| Height | -

| Weight and Body Type | -
143 and toned body, with curves in the right places. Pale skin and wears heavy make up around her eyes

| Occupation | -
Student,Hex girl Band drummer, part time works at a goth bar
images (5).jpeg
| Personality Traits | -
+ Quirky, smart, witty, Charming, and funny
- sarcastic, Tempermental, hot head, stubborn, and Mystical

| Fears | -
Heights, Small spaces, drowning, being burned alive, and Dark holes
images (1).jpeg
| Quirks/Habits | -
Bites lip when thinking
Grins wickedly when happy or had a idea
Plays with heher hair when flirting
Chews Gum
Bites under nails when upset or nervous

| Skills/Talents | -
Wicca Practice
Freaking people out
Very nimble and acrobatic

| Interests/Hobbies | -
Wiccan practice
And mysteries

images (7).jpeg
| Likes | -
Wicca knowledge
Mysterious happenings
Learning new languages
Working out

| Dislikes | -
People who ask to many questions
Reality tv
People who can't appreciate music
Preppy snobs
Arguments with thorn or Luna
Smell of Cinnamon

images (13).jpeg
| Backstory | -
Dahlia was born to a business Family they were all very wealthy and rich. She grew up never wanting for a thing. She was always a happy child, till her parents died. She was 8 when they were killed and that's when she bacne her dark quirky self. She got into darked things and barely spoke to her uncle. She basically raised herself after her parents died her uncle was to busy running the family business to pay much attention to her.

Dahlia spent the time doing what she loved music and drums. She would listen to her music and play around on drums or her violin. When she wasn't in school or playing her music she was hanging out with friends or reading mystery stories in the graveyard. She was ten when she got into Wicca practices and often read more about that then mysteries.

As she went through her teen years alone, she became a bit more secluded from adults, and talked to a select few friends. Her Thorn and Luna had musical talents and decided to start a band. They became well known as the Hex girls. She now drums for them part time as well as working part time at a bar.
| Family | -
Mother Zara Vahris Deceased was a wealthy noble family
Father Lysander Vahris Deceased of Wealthy Family blood lines buisness man
Uncle Braum Stoker Vahris Alive took over her fathers buisness
| Extra Information | -
knows 5 different languages : German, French, latin, English, and Russian
Seems a bit crazy
Loves to die her hair tips
Loves tattoos
Favorite colors Red and Blue
Knows how to play violin as well as drum
Is Allergic to bee stings
Likes to Drink and Vape

Sarah RavenCroft, Indian Witch Doctor, Ghost of the Red Baron, headless horseman, and Snow Beast
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general information


daphne 'daph' olivia blake

date of birth
may 11

place of birth
manhattan, new york




appearance information


emerald green

heart shaped, angular

ears pierced once

111 lbs

reddish and wavy

slim, curvy

katherine mcnamara

personal information








positive traits

negative traits

background information

father & relationship


mother & relationship

relationship with siblings



code by winnie
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general information


nicole 'nikki' meredith rogers

date of birth
july 23rd | 16

place of birth
brooklyn, new york



student | vet's assistant

appearance information


hazel brown

oval shaped

ears pierced twice

91 lbs

dark brown, slightly wavy

slim, petite


personal information








positive traits

negative traits

background information

father & relationship


mother & relationship

relationship with siblings



code by winnie
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"Bad dreams, sisters!"

| Name | - Sally McKnight, though she is more commonly known as Thorn.

| Date of Birth | - October 13th | 18

| Gender | Female.​


| Sexuality | - Bisexual, has no preference for either gender.

| Height | - 5'45

| Weight and Body Type | - Sally's body is fairly slender and is more on the lighter side of the scale, residing at a 138 lbs. Given her knack for occasional hiking, she does have a bit of muscle to her. Her body does have a few noticeable curves to it, though it's often hidden by her clothing choice of the day. Her complexion can be described a bit as having a slight tan to her, along with a light rosy hue on her cheeks. Her eyes are round and expressive, often showing off the girl's emotions. Her makeup usually consists of dark or light eye shadow and eyeliner, paired up with either red or black lipstick. Her nails are often kept short and colored red.

| Occupation | - Student, part time singer with her band The Hex Girls. She does have a small part-time gig at her father's pharmacy shop.​


| Personality Traits | -

+ Kind
+ Creative
+ Courageous
+ Eco-friendly
+ Sympathetic

- Mysterious
- Stubborn
- Determined
- Aloof
- Confident

| Fears | - What is your character afraid of? (At least 5).

| Quirks/Habits | - What makes your character unique? (At least 5).

| Skills/Talents | - Sally has an incredible talent when it comes to singing, and playing the guitar. She has a musical talent to say the least, especially when it comes to song writing. It's because of her creative talent that she recently decided to dabble with drawing and designing clothing. At first it had been something simple, but soon enough she found herself beginning to draw more and more as the days went on. While Sally won't call it a talent, she has a certain knack for medicinal Wiccan remedies.

What's your character good at? Sally is exceptional at singing, which can often be see when the singer finds herself occasionally singing whenever she's alone. There are moments she can be caught singing around her home. Surprisingly, she has a talent for medicinal Wiccan remedies. Due to her mother's teachings, she's gotten good at remembering a few of the practices herself.​


| Interests/Hobbies | - Due to her mother's initiative to teach her about Wiccan practices, Sally has grown exceptionally interested in them. Given her talent with singing, it's not too surprising to hear that it's a hobby of her's. With that hobby, there's also a growing interest in practicing a few Wicca practices on her own time. She may not seem like the type, but she's quite fond of mystery and horror movies, which often extends to novels of that genre. With how much time she spends with Luna and Dusk, it wasn't surprising that she began to venture into a couple of hiking tricks whenever the girls had some off time. It may not be something many people know, but Sally is extremely interested in keeping the environment clean.

| Likes | - It's not entirely surprising that some of Sally's likes includes, horror movies, foreign languages, spending time with her mother, dark colors, and learning new things.

| Dislikes | - Sally happens to have a dislike of having practice interrupted, including the smell of oranges, arguments with her parents, being misunderstood, and arguments with Dusk or Luna.

| Backstory | - Sally McKnight had grown up in the little town of Oakhaven, Massachusetts. Her mother, Carolina, was roughly around her life until the age of thirteen, where she began to make brief visits here and there. While she remembers a great deal of fond memories with her mother, the memories she remembers more are the moments she spent learning about Wiccan practices with her. Despite her mother still being in the picture, she is not home often due to her goals of remaining with her own coven. It was because of a few disagreements between her parents that a decision had been made when it came to their daughter. Ultimately, it had been decided that she remained with her father, who had chosen to move to Coolsville.​

Even though they had moved away from their hometown, the McKnight father and daughter duo still lived within traveling distance of her mother. It's during her visits with her mother that Sally had taken a higher initiative to learn more Wicca practices. This was how she spent the last couple years of her childhood, eagerly learning more about the practice her mother cared so much about. It wasn't long after that Sally began to practice a few of the Wicca practices on her own, due to her own desires to began her journey in the belief. When a couple of years had passed, the young raven haired girl found herself joining her mother's coven.

By the time Sally had reached the age of sixteen, she found herself meeting with Dusk and Luna. While it had not happened immediately, the three girls had quickly found themselves forming a band called The Hex Girls, due to their shared love of music. They each held exceptional talent in their respective positions, Sally taking on the guitar and the main vocals. The Hex Girls had aliases to use whenever they performed, though it had quickly become nicknames for the girls. Sally had taken on the nickname of Thorn. Occasionally, Sally can be seen helping at her father's pharmacy.
| Family | -

- Carolina McKnight, practitioner of Wicca beliefs and religion.

- Samuel McKnight, owner of the pharmacy at Coolsville.


| Extra Information | -
1. Thorn usually answers to the nickname of Thorn, unless she's around select individuals.
2. She fairly fluent Spanish and working on studying Latin.
3. Whether it shows or not, the teenager enjoys a good mystery or two.​
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