Creating a world together!~

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Creator of Worlds
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Sc-fi, Horror, Steampunk, anything really
Hello everyone! I am looking for someone to create a world with and roleplay adventures in this world. I enjoy world-building and would love to get back into roleplaying with a partner after my long hiatus. Please let me know if you want to start an adventure with me!
What kinds of things are you into?
@SavageVirtues - I really enjoy fantasy worlds the most! Science fiction isn't bad either. Places with dragons, vampires, and the like are a lot of fun for me. Stories that revolve around quests and epic tales are interesting too. I like creating mechanics that correlate to the story I am telling where possible too! I don't mind playing multiple characters in a roleplay either. What do you like to roleplay?
I have a fantasy world/setting that I've been working on that I've been thinking about getting help on, if you're interested. Here's the link if you're interested. The basic gist of it is that people's magic is based on what god the worship, and these gods can also give them additional special powers as well.

If that doesn't interest you, it seems like we have similar tastes so I'd be willing to build something from scratch too!
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I have a fantasy world/setting that I've been working on that I've been thinking about getting help on, if you're interested. Here's the link if you're interested. The basic gist of it is that people's magic is based on what god the worship, and these gods can also give them additional special powers as well.

If that doesn't interest you, it seems like we have similar tastes so I'd be willing to build something from scratch too!
I sent you a message!
Well! I'm also someone who likes creating worlds and creating new ideas! I have a science-fiction world we could re-create that could have fantasy and science fiction! I also have many plots, ideas and perhaps we could start a story based out on ideas that have been established, or start a completely new world! Unless if all the slots are taken! Well damn, that's unfortunate.

However, I'd like to ask if you have a reserve slot, unless if you can't then I apologise for the inconvinience.

In a different site I have established a world of my own we could take inspiration from: (Work in progress) -- Destroying a tyrannical government. — Roleplayer Guild

My ideas if you'd like to create a story based on these things: ALWAYS OPEN - [1x1-MXF-MXM] Looking to make a story! Let's freaking make one hell of a story together!

I'm 16, from Sweden by the way and I wish to roleplay with you but I have seen your request is filled, and that's unfortunete but if you change your mind you may tell me ^^. If there are any age barriers, you may tell me! ^^

I just thought that I may give this a reply.
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