• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


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Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
Post 1. Table of contents
Post 2. Allowed content
Post 3. Gods by Plane
Post 4. Gods by Domain
Post 5. Gods (alphabetical)
Post 6. Planes
Post 7. Churches
Post 8. Empires
Post 9. Political Entities with Lands
Post 10. Notable Locations
Post 11. Setting unique items
Post 12. Homebrew BS
Post 13+ Notable other entities.
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I allow all material from official WOTC source books, just talk to me about race and class because while the numbers are the same on the sheet, their history and creation is different. Official WOTC content for races includes the monster manual, though playing as a monster will require a talk.
I allow bloodhunter and all the subclasses.
I allow most unearthed arcana, if you do not see your favorite unearthed arcana here ask, I may not have thought of it.
I do not allow the feats that allow you to take abilities from another class. You may take them as a feat to get extras of your current class' abilities.
I allow theurgy wizard.
Third Party Content I allow:
Blood Cleric
Circle of Haze Druid
Grim Hollow
Kobold Press
Most of Griffon's Saddlebag(Run it past me first)
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Gods by Plane

Literally everywhere: Ein
Prime Material: Bill, Seraphim, Norville, Thod, Constance, Po'omaikelani, Verdi, Mycel, Mjoll, Jo, Ett, Wyrm, Timmy, Blake, Prism(Lesser), Eilistraee(Lesser), Diana(Lesser), John(Lesser), Hecatoncheires(lesser), Sunwukong(lesser)
Shadowfell: Aranae, La'anah, Dracula
Feywild: Mother, Auntie, Granny
The Neighborhood: Rogers
The Dollhouse: Parton
Happy Little Accidents: Ross
Upper gearbox: Hexa
Central Gearbox: Unus
Lower gearbox: Nulla
Marshlands: Kappa
Hell: Lucy
Corporate Office: Crowley
Abyss: Baphomet
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Gods by Domain

  • All: Rogers, Ein, Crowley, Lucy
  • Arcana: Bill, La'anah, Mother, Auntie, Granny, Ross, Unus, Nulla, Hexa, Mjoll, Jo
  • Death: Aranae, La'anah, Baphomet, Granny, Ett
  • Forge: Bill, La'anah, Seraphim, Constance, Mother, Ross, Unus, Nulla, Hexa, Mjoll, Ett
  • Grave: Bill, Seraphim, Constance, Auntie, Granny, Parton, Ross, Unus, Nulla, Hexa, Mjoll
  • Knowledge: Bill, La'anah, Norville, Thod Constance, Ross, Unus, Nulla, Hexa, Mjoll, Jo
  • Life: Bill, Mother, Auntie, Seraphim, Norville, Constance, Parton, Ross, Unus, Hexa, Po'omaikelani, Ett
  • Light: Bill, Mother, Seraphim, Norville, Parton, Ross, Hexa, Po'omaikelani
  • Nature: Bill, Mother, Auntie, Granny, Po'omaikelani, Aranae, Parton, Ross, Unus, Nulla, Hexa, Jo
  • Order: Bill, La'anah, Constance, Unus, Nulla, Hexa, Mjoll
  • Peace: Bill, Thod, Constance, Parton, Ross, Unus, Hexa
  • Tempest: Bill, Norville, Granny, Ross, Po'omaikelani, Ross, Mjoll, Jo, Ett
  • Trickery: Bill, Norville, Thod, Mother, Auntie, Granny, Ross, Jo
  • Twilight: Bill, Norville, Thod, Seraphim, Auntie, Parton, Ross, Po'omaikelani, Mjoll
  • War: Bill, Norville, Constance, Ross, Unus, Nulla, Baphomet, Po'omaikelani, Mjoll
  • Ambition: Bill, Norville, La'anah, Jo, Mother, Parton, Ross, Po'omaikelani
  • Solidarity: Bill, Norville, Constance, Thod, Mother, Auntie, Granny, Aranae, La'anah, Unus, Nulla, Hexa, Po'omaikelani
  • Strength: Bill, Norville, Thod, Mother, Auntie, Granny, Parton, Ross, Mjoll, Ett
  • Zeal: Bill, Norville, Mother, Auntie Granny, Parton, Ross, Po'omaikelani, Jo
  • Blood: Bill, Mother, Parton, Thod, Ross, Po'omaikelani, Mjoll
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Everything written here is knowledge your characters can have simply by being a member of that god's religion, no rolls required.

  1. Aranae: Goddess of the Drow, spiders and Bladesinging. Was once an elven woman. Wife to La'anah god of liches, lover of Bill.
  2. Auntie: one of the three goddesses of Hags and the Feywild, primarily concerned with maintaining the power of the trio of her and her sisters. Spontaneously formed when the Feywild was formed.
  3. Baphomet: the god of the spurned. Baphomet assisted in the creation of the Prime Material plane and for his efforts he and those who would follow him were locked in the Abyss, doomed to never truly escape.
  4. Bill: God of Love, Wizards, Monstrosities and Social Safety Nets. Bill is the greatest wizard of all time, his ultimate feat being the first mortal to ascend to godhood. His best friend is La'anah and he is Aranae's lover. He has a bathhouse in every city where all may come to clean themselves and rest.
  5. Blake: God(dess) of metallic dragons, child of Wyrm. Was born during the battle between Mjoll and Wyrm, intervening on the fight with their brother.
  6. Constance: Orderly goddess of humanoids, created gnomes, dwarves, goblinoids, had a hand in making centaurs(fey), kobolds, Goliaths, Grippli, Nagpa, Sahuagin, Leonin and Tortles.
  7. Crowley: God of Deals and Backstabbing. One of the most powerful gods simply from having his finger in every single pie. Created Yugoloths using Devils as a template to piggyback on the Devils reputation of making deals.
  8. Diana(Lesser God): goddess of strength. Was created by Parton and Rogers to protect the world from Great Heroes(Player characters). Not truly aligned with her mother and father she is free to personally intervene and stop mortals.
  9. Dracula: first of the vampires, gathered enough power to ascend before he began to turn others, allowing them to righteously attribute his power to his gift.
  10. Eilistraee: Goddess of Moonblades and Bladesinging. Daughter of Bill and Aranae. This six armed tarantula woman hunts down those who "misuse" Moonblades and takes the blade off their corpse.
  11. Ein: God of magic and the weave. Ein was once an angel of Rogers but he disliked how damaging wild magic was to the world. He sought to put order to it and ascended by transforming into infinitely thin threads spread across time and space, becoming the weave.
  12. Ett: God of Giant-kin, has one head for every race of giant kin.
  13. Granny: one of the three goddesses of Hags and the Feywild, is primarily concerned with destroying her and her sisters' enemies. Spontaneously formed when the Feywild was formed.
  14. Hexa: good goddess of order. Hexa was created by Unus in order to represent all that is Good and Orderly, ensuring that the balance of the universe is not upset.
  15. Jo: chaotic neutral god of the giants, ostensibly "lives to serve" but is clearly looking for the day he can usurp his sister, Mjoll
  16. John(Lesser God): God of Infiltration. Created by Thod and Rogers in order to protect ordinary people from Great Heroes(player characters). As he has no true worshippers he is able to fight against mortals personally.
  17. Kappa: God(dess) of chaos. When the prime material plane was created she worked with Rogers and Crowley to betray Baphomet and seal his kind in the Abyss forever.
  18. La'anah: God of Liches and Necromancy. Son of Seraphim and a human woman. Husband to Arachne. Bill's best friend.
  19. Lucy: Goddess of devils and ruler of Hell
  20. Mjoll: lawful god of the giants. Leader of all giants through the Ordning. Created Storm Giants, Cloud Giants and Fog Giants.
  21. Mother: arose with the other hag goddesses when the Feywild was formed. The "creator" of their trio, grows the power of the fey through her work. "Recruits" new people to the cause.
  22. Mycel: goddess of mushrooms. Once a druid follower of Bill when he was a mortal, she ascended shortly after he did, using his notes.
  23. Norville: chaotic neutral god of humanoids. Believes in the power of humanoids and his creations exemplify various forms of power.
  24. Nulla: Evil God(dess) of Law, was created by Unus and Lucy to help Unus keep order through the universe.
  25. Parton: neutral good goddess of celestials.
  26. Po'omaikelani: ecoterrorist goddess of animals. She encourages her followers to burn cities to the ground if the inhabitants pollute or overhunt.
  27. Prism: Lesser god of Truth and Justice. Created by Rogers and Ross to combat Great Heroes and keep them in line.
  28. Rogers: Lawful Good god of all. Rogers arose from the depths of the Far Realms with his brother Baphomet and together they made their fellow gods and the planes that they sit upon. Rogers loves all people just the way they are, but he has a firm hand for those who disallow others to be who they are.
  29. Ross: Chaotic good god of painting. Despises Lucy and the Devils
  30. Seraphim: seraphim was once a group of angels sent after Ein before he ascended. They fused into one to battle him and have simply been adding more and more souls to their form since.
  31. Thod: true neutral god of humanoids and the quiet life.
  32. Timmy: son of Wyrm, god of chromatic dragons. Was born during a battle between Mjoll and Wyrm, and was born fighting.
  33. Unus: god of law and order. Obsessive with getting the universe to run just right. Insists more gods are needed.
  34. Verdi: a druid follower of Bill before he ascended. She used his notes and ascended not long after him.
  35. Wyrm: Father of dragons, hatched Timmy and Blake while battling Mjoll. Once his children were born he made the all dragons that are not true. Had an alliance with Bill until the Francis of Wyrm incident.
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Connecting lines or touching planes indicate walkable paths.

Church of Bill: All churches of Bill are bathhouses with soup kitchens and lodgings attached. The mission of every member of the Church of Bill is to ensure that all people may enjoy the finer things in life. The church of Bill is the most powerful political entity in the world as Bill is the most powerful god that walks the Prime Material Plane.

Church of Tempest: in truth these are generally the church of Ross for his is the primary will within them, however others who worship gods of the storm may also find shrines to their gods here.
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Netheril: an empire begun by the Netherene, run by her and her clones. Using La'ana's knowledge of the old world, she hopes to restore the glory that came before.
Other political entities with land:

Singapore: an island nation founded by a vedalken that has become a powerful nation through being a free trade hub.

The Kingdom of Joachim: dwarven lords rule beneath elvish royalty, surrounded by three connected rings of stone walls. A highly wealthy city, the leading source of adamantine in the world.

Grand Coalition of Greater Liches: fourteen liches banded together and are mining adamantine in a group of islands that hold the second richest adamantine deposits in the world. The islands have frequent crossover points with the shadowfell.

BACLL: a grand academy of epic proportions, said to hold all the magical secrets of this world and the one before. Notable for its ability to safely train a student from no magical ability to a wizard of archimage ability within nine years.

Delta City: the city that borders BACLL, their economy is dependent on tourism from the various interplanar portals and passages that surround it. The infinite dungeon is just across the lake and they frequently resell equipment obtained from it.
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Notable Locations

The Infinite Dungeon: a dungeon that has smaller dungeons inside of it. The dungeons each have their own bosses and once the boss is killed the dungeons rotate like a ferris wheel. Interrogating subjects of the dungeon reveals that they come back to life with their equipment once they reach the "bottom"

The 52 Grand Bathhouses of Bill: (Bill visits these personally)
  1. The Cauldron
  2. BACLL Bathhouse
  3. Best Port in a Storm
  4. The Rum and Coke
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