Faerie troubles

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Fantasy Junkie
Original poster
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  1. Intermediate
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  1. No Preferences
The Kingdom of Ebralen has always faced troubles within it's own walls,but when illegal fight clubs and plants are being sold,what do the citizens do?
Please note this Roleplay will have violence! It is set in a medieval fantasy era
I hope that you enjoy reading this and please consider joining.
Also I apologize for any spelling are grammar errors,I was up in the wee hours of the morning making this!

The Fae Race

The basics

Faeries are similar to humans. They are around 5-6 ft (152.4-182.88 cm)tall.Their skin comes in human like colors,though they sometimes are shinier and have white freckles that glow. Most faeries have a lean build,though they can be any shape that there is. Their eye colors range from any color of the rainbow other than white and black.A faerie's eyes glow dimly in the dark,and they can see a little in the dark. Their hair is many different colors as well.

Faerie death
Faeries are immortal. As long as the earth around them is healthy, they stay alive. They can die due to injury and extreme emotions, such as grief, however. When a faerie dies, their soul returns to the Mother Tree and they are able to live forever with their passed ancestors and loved ones, though they may choose to be reborn as any of the sentient races.
Faerie reproduction
Faeries can reproduce in more then one way. They can do it the traditional way or instead, faeries who are deeply in love will both find a healthy tree and copulate underneath the branches. If their love is pure, a seed will sprout from the ground and they will be able to plant it in the faerie nursery where they will live for six months to watch over their seed and water it. The seed will then grow to a large and beautiful flower, from which a baby will be born when the flower blooms. The new parents can then take their newborn back home. Doing the latter means that the child is born much faster,but they also seem to have stronger natural gifts
Faerie Dietary
Faeries do not need to eat often. They get their most food from the sunlight and the life energies around them. They do have to drink water and sleep just like any other race, though.

Faerie aging
Faeries age differently than humans. A faerie is considered fully grown at their 100th year but does not reach full adulthood until they are 200. At their 150th year, puberty starts and they are able to reproduce. When faeries reach 1000 and onward, they start showing signs of slight aging, mostly in their hair due to the melanin fading. When they reach 5000 and onward, faeries start showing wrinkles and have their mobility slowed. Around the time of 6000 and upwards, faeries start considering rejoining the Mother Tree and being reborn.


Faerie wings are delicate and require maintenance. However, the different type of wing determines the integrity and the rate of maintenance. Every faerie wing is different, like a fingerprint, though family members tend to have similar patterns. Clear and butterfly wings cannot get wet under any circumstances, or else a faerie will be grounded until they dry.

Clear Wings

Clear wings are the most fragile and the wing that requires the most maintenance, though they aren't easily broken. They have the same integrity of a tree trunk. Clear wings come in many shapes and sizes and are often the most diverse in the patterns and formations. They often are iridescent and the color is usually the same as the fairy's eye color. Faeries with these wings fly the fastest but have low stamina.

Butterfly Wings

Butterfly wings are the second most fragile with less amount of maintenance. They have the integrity of stone. Butterfly wings come in the different shapes, sizes and colors of butterflies and moths. They aren't nearly as diverse but are not any less beautiful. The rarer the butterfly or moth, the rarer the wing. Faeries with luna moth wings are often uncommon. Faeries with these wings have balanced speed and stamina.

Feathered Wings

Feathered wings are the toughest wings out there and require little maintenance, only during molting will they require constant maintenance. They have the same integrity as bone. They come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Common patterns can be that of birds or just solid colors. Feathered wings are large and somewhat heavy and thus, faeries with these wings are often bulkier, often used for guards. They fly the slowest but have the best stamina.

Fairy Gifts

Fairy powers are often nature-based, like water and earth, though some may have more mental powers like telepathy and empath. All fairies can speak to animals and feel the life energies of those around them. Thus, they are great trackers.
All fairies can show and hide their wings at will. They can also transform into tiny versions of themselves, about the size of a postage stamp. This is very helpful for hiding from enemies. As such, many fairy homes have hidden nooks and crannies.
All fairies have some semblance of tree-shaping, an ancient art used to build their homes. This magical art speeds up the growth of trees and living things astronomically and they can be shaped in the right direction by the magic. Do it wrong, though, and the plant may die or grow out of control. Both of these can be fixed by an experienced tree-shaper and healer but it is quite a hassle to remove fallen leaves out of a new home.
Faeries tend to inherit one of their parents elements,and if they don't it could be a element that was hidden in the DNA of the parents.

Types of faerie magic
There are main elements and sub elements. The main elements of faerie magic are; Fire,Earth,Water, Light,and mental. Sub elements are related to the main elements(ex: Ice is a sub element of Water,or shadow is a sub element of light)

Main elements

The element of water is quite simple,they are able to manifest and control water if a faerie has the proper training,if not the power is extremely dangerous
The element of earth has to do with dirt and plants. A earth faerie bender has great advantages such as better tree-shaping. Earth bending faeries may also be able to manifest vines and flowers but not dirt
The element of light allows a faerie to use sunlight and/or moonlight to their advantage. Light bending faeries are able to store the light in their bodies or a weapon and then are able to release it with incredible force and heat
The element of fire is one of the rarest elements. Faeries of fire bending need very precise and critical training,or else something could go wrong.Faeries of this element can use their emotions to channel and manifest fire from thin air.Fire bending Faeries are usually warm,and become over heated easily
Faeries of the mental element are different from the others. They can feel others' emotions and even change them. Mental magic also can decline an untrained fae's mental well-being
Sub elements
Ice is a sub element of water. Ice bending faeries are usually cold to the touch and paler then others. They can manifest snow and ice if they are cold enough
Blood is a sub element to water.These faeries are not very common and can be quite dangerous when trained properly.They are one of the only elements(sub or main) that isn't able to manifest what it controls. Instead blood bending faeries can control blood,matter it in or out of a body,this can lead to a gruesome death if used right.
Stone is a sub element to earth. Stone bending faeries are usually stronger then most,and are able to lift chunks of the earth up at will. They also can't manifest their abilites either.
Shadow is a sub element of light.This element is particularly useful for scouts,being able to shift shadows to make themselves almost invisible to the untrained eye.
Telekinesis is a sub element of Mental. Faeries of this element are able to lift anyone or anything into the air just with their mind.It takes years of practice to get it right,the side effect to doing it wrong is a wicked head ache

You may make your own sub-element as long as it makes sense and is thoroughly thought through,make sure to give it pros and cons!

(0/1)Fight club owner- this is the scoundrel that set up the fight club 'Fight or Flight ' where faes fight each other using their element.
(0/?)Fighters- These are the faes in the ring,they get paid if they win,and if they lose they go home empty handed
(0/1)Innkeeper- this is the fae that allows the fight club to run in it's basement.As long as the customers pay to go down first.
(0/?)Guardsmen(woman)- These faes are responsible for city safety,it is there job to track down the club and shut it down... Or let it keep running

The character sheet!
Feel free to add anything you desire

| Character Name (First and Last!)|
| Role |


Age: (100-4000)


Skin tone:
Hair color:
Hair length:
Eye color:
Attire: (Normal style and/or casual clothes!)


Good Traits: (at least 3)
Bad Traits: (at least 3)
Neutral Traits: (at least 1)
Social: (Introvert, Extrovert or Ambivert?)
Pessimistic or Optimistic?:
Fears: (at least one)
Strengths: (at least 2)
Weaknesses: (at least 2)


Family History: (backstory on family lineage)

(can be as detailed or short as you want!)

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