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Schnee Corp Lawyer

Still not over Birthright's ending
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
  5. Primarily Prefer Female
Modern, scifi, fantasy, le romance, really anything so long as the characters within are interesting

A gentle breeze rolled through the crowd around the 188, a brief respite against the desert's heat that carried even through the shade of the overpass. It was a hectic scene, despite the NCR's efforts otherwise; barriers of sheet metal and old world signage had been erected to lead up to checkpoint manned by soldiers, where people signing up for the Flagstaff reclamation were being assessed and questioned, their belongings searched and catalogued, and either allowed through to the similar fenced off staging area to get ready to start the journey. This had been the same scene replayed over the last few days, and this was the final one before the Reclamation trail finally began. Brahmain were pulling carts filled with folks' entire worldy possessions, patrols kept around the fences with more manpower than they were actually going to have once they left, doing their best to ensure things at least started smoothly. But there was still the last day of applications to get through, and at least one person's entry wasn't going smoothly.

A woman in a brown leather jacket and a checkered shirt tied off above her midriff scrambled after another person in Ranger's gear, their helmet under their shoulder as they kept stone faced and moving forward. The woman was fit but slight, her shorter legs struggling to keep up with the walking pace of the taller ranger, with sandy brown hair pinned back in a pony-tail that spilled into curls behind her desperado hat. Despite her size she was armed to bear, a revolver in a holster on one hip, a pistol under the arm of the opposite side, and a rifle slung across her back along with a pack, and if one looked closely, they'd also see the sawed tip of a pair of shotgun barrels occasional peeking out from under the jacket. The ranger was taller, more built, their short cut and messy black hair tinged with just a few strands of grey. The lower left side of their face and what could be seen of their neck on that side looked like a dozen different people had taken a knife to it, but their calm and balanced gait left little to the idea that the scars were anything but superficial at this point. The woman finally jogged and rounded to the ranger's front,their free hand jabbing a finger into their chest as she argued her point

"I'm exactly what you're lookin for, Maeve, and you know it"

The ranger at least stopped moving and crossed their arms as they stared down at the woman.

"A problem?"

"A steady hand" Problem(?) answered, exasperated. "One that knows a bolt from a nut, a bullet from a case, an' a bot from a 'borg. Literally exactly what you're lookin for."

The ranger seemed unfazed. "Sure. All true. All useful to me. You know what isn't useful to me?" they asked as they leaned down. "Everything else you do. I'm not blowing my personnel budget for you to try to talk down some psycho raiders who run us down instead of just putting a bullet in them, or for you to get one put in you by some jealous wife. I'm not tying four thousand caps to a to-be-corpse, courier."

Courier(?) rolled her head up to look at the sky "Oh please. if that was gonna happen I'd already be swiss, darling."

"You definitely don't need any more holes. The lesser of the two problems anyways" Maeve shot back as they stopped leaning "You don't follow orders. Provenly."

That got Courier(?) to narrow her eyes "The khans left, didn't they? Just because I'm not some goose-steppin moron-"

"-Goodbye, Sally" Maeve turned on their heel and started back the other way, their eyes scanning the crowd and tuning Sally(!) out entirely. She watched them go, tapping her foot as a futile outlet for her frustration that curled her lips into a growl. This was proving harder than she thought. She just assumed the NCR would be happy to have someone help set the Mojave Express up in Flagstaff when they got there, but apparently they 'didn't want to give any of the hub companies a head start'. She had a feeling if it was anyone else starting that head they'd be having an easier time of it. The recruiter had suggested she take the standard package, the one that made her promise to stay in Flagstaff when she got there, as a settler. The word alone gave her the shivers, the idea practically made her want to heave; she didnt' do settling.

She supposed she could just go the other way; she just had to get outta Vegas, not the whole NCR. But there was something about this trip that… it itched at her, the idea of it. She'd been up and down the west, seen much most of it. East of the Colorado though, well… she'd gone, some. But not far, certainly not Flagstaff. With the fall of the legion, it was like a whole new piece of the world had opened up. She'd been born curious. She wanted to see it. Needed to, even.

Just had to figure out how the hell she was gettin there. Too bad no one needed a letter to Flagstaff. Like no one had some particularly racist uncle in the legion or somethin.


Elsewhere, there were others, more than blank faces and dreamers heading east; people with a bit of the destiny to them, the sort that came outta vaults and didn't die to the first gecko or ended up in a shallow grave that didn't quite keep. Some were already signed up, some were having an easier time than Sal, and others were having it even harder. But they were all getting ready to head the same way.
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It'd been some time since #Plant 1960 had taken over Alec Moore's body. In that time it'd learned how to exchange money for good and services/accidentally killed Alec's landlord/visited the town of Goodsprings and helped clear up their Gecko problem...and yeah, ok it may have dug up some graves for more caps, but that rent money it'd 'acquired' from the landlord wouldn't last forever. In fact it'd went about as fast as you'd expect it to. Those who saw how much money this pale weirdo who walked like he'd gone a couple of rounds with the robot over at the Atomic Wrangler and whom most were pretty sure had leaves growing out of his hair, weaseled their way into the plant's circle. Convincing it to spend caps on alcohol it wouldn't drink, prostitutes who ended up just awkwardly having a general conversation with the plant than anything sexual, food was the plant's biggest vice.

It'd order damn near everything on any given menu or buy handfuls of junk food from market stands/merchants and devour it messily in all one sitting. If it wasn't for the fact that a man by the name of Doc Mitchell (who was also just as baffled at 'Alec's strange body) convinced him that simply killing those who you felt were an inconvenience was a 'bad' thing to do, the plant may have just gone on a localized rampage. Killing anyone it could get it's hands on and taking their caps without so much as a second thought.

So, the plant, not wanting to openly invite any potential damage to itself, tried to take up the act of 'deeeploooomacey' Lest it's spores end up being released and doing who knows what kind of damage. Armed with a copy of 'Meeting People', the plant christened itself as 'Pal' and went about trying to become friends with just about anybody who'd give it the time of day. All while doing it's best to try and demonstrate that it was very much a human being and not a plant. Through it's various trials and tribulations, it'd made a couple of friends (though you'd be hard-pressed to find that said people likely even returned said feelings) in the form of a ghoul it'd 'saved' named Raul and a good dog by the name of Moe (Try as it might to best preserve Alec's brain/body in general, some things fell to the wayside. Like the exact appearance of what a 'dog' actually looked like.) and a human female named Mia. The human known as Mia was quite skilled at using projectile weaponry and explosives. Pal was glad that it hadn't done anything to turn the one known as Mia hostile towards it.

That'd be quite bad indeed.

In the meantime since all parties had gone their separate way, Pal had heard about the Enseeareeee looking for 'bodyguards/mercenaries' to help accompany a bunch of other people, likely defenseless people who needed the protection of the former. Pal didn't quite understand what it meant exactly to be a hired gun but if it:

-Got him money to buy water
-Worked like taking down Geckos (most animals wanted nothing to do with Pal. Likely due to both the radiation and that most animals could probably tell what it really was behind the skinsuit)
-It didn't have to kill anyone.
-Then it'd take the job without hesitation.

The only part that caused the plant discomfort however was needing to apparently be 'checked over.'

Sure, 'Pal' worked when talking to regular humans. Humans that didn't matter. That couldn't sic other humans on it if they didn't LIKE the fact that Pal was a plant and not REALLY the human Alec Moore. After murdering Alec's former landlord by tossing him down a flight of stairs, Pal had grabbed what he could from Alec's room (stuff that seemed important in Alec's memories like a picture of two younger humans. Pal presumed them to be the human Alec Moore's spawn/a Vault-Boy bobblehead/etc) and had a gun to defend itself with, even if it's monstrous strength would be enough. It'd also hung onto Alec's ID for situations like this. But it was still tense.

What if it slipped up and called itself 'Pal' instead of human Alec Moore? What if it gave the Enseearreee humans reason to be suspicious?? Pal shifted awkwardly from side to side as it's turn in line grew closer and closer. "Eugh....." It uncapped a bottle of water from it's backpack and took a HUGE sip. Water helped the plant get it's thoughts together. "Can do this. 'You are Alec Moore', 'You are Alec Moore...' 'You are 100% human...." Pal made sure to semi-mumble that last part.



After defeating the Legion, the NCR didn't take their foot off the gas.

Hidden Valley had been absolutely devastated. Those of whom belonged to the Brotherhood and didn't surrender/lay down their arms? Were treated just about as well as you'd expect soldiers who didn't realize they'd lost to be. For all the organization's fault, Dominik was heartbroken at how thoroughly the NCR had made an effort to crush them. Did the Brotherhood have their problems? Of course! It wasn't as though Dominik was blind to that.

But it was still their home.

The closest they'd ever had to family.

Ever since then, they've pretty much had to discard a huge chunk of their whole identity. It'd left them something of an andrenaline seeker. Taking on different wild creatures, picking fights with raiders and Fiends intentionally, starting shit with the Great Khans. You know of a band of rogues and thugs? There's a good chance that Dominik rumbled with them at some point. Disgusting as it was to them however, with the NCR's victory, they weren't going anyway anytime soon. Which meant that Dominik had a choice.

To stay here and keep throwing themselves at the toughest shit around. Hoping a little that one of them whether it's a drug addled raider or a monster born of the Wastes to finish her off.


Suck it up and go on this expedition.

Dominik chose the latter and stood off to the side with those who were already cleared to go. There were the slightest of intrusive thoughts that urged them to pull out their rifle and start trouble. Taking a good long look at one of the nearby Rangers immediately aborted that thought from ever becoming a reality.

"...could we get a move on, already?" They muttered, the picture of exasperated.



You had people come from all walks of life attend this shindig.

To travel and scout out lands freed from the Legion? It sounded, nice, at least in theory.

Get land to settle on and make a new life for yourself or your family. Without having to worry about a murdering horde descending upon you and your loved ones and sticking you to crosses.

There was a point in this man's life where he was aware of the Legion's crimes...and didn't think much of it. Might made right and if the NCR couldn't stamp out a group of degenerate thugs like the 'Powder Gangers' or whatever they called themselves? It was no wonder it took as long as it did to finally drive the Legion back. The group imploding on itself was just a result of the second defeat at the Dam being the straw that broke the camel's back.

This man wasn't here for any of that however.

He was here as a hired gun, ostensibly of course.

In reality he couldn't have cared less. About this expedition or it's goals or hell, the NCR in general. When he was younger, he'd even got into knock arounds with the men and women of the republic's military. But that'd felt practically like a lifetime ago. Whcih to some it may very well have been. You started to lose track of time if you're a ghoul or a super mutant long enough. In this case the man was the latter. He called himself 'Gotz' after his adoptive father's last words.

Gotz was sure the man meant to say 'Guts' but the blood rushing out of the stab wound to the chest probably had something to do with that. Standing in line to get cleared out, Gotz had a black cloak pulled over himself, hiding his monstrous visage from the majority of folks. The NCR seemed to accept both Ghouls and Super Mutants in their ranks which was all well and good. But the bad news was that Gotz wasn't a suckup like those men and preferred standing on his own two feet, unbeholden to any one group.

He glanced down and quietly rolled up the sleeve to his left arm. He'd been missing half of his arm up to the elbow. Some kind of demonic creature had chomped down on it and simply wouldn't let go until Gotz had broke half of it's teeth/driven the sword through the monster's closest eye. One of the nightmares had even taken out his eye, driving a claw through it in an attempt to blind him so he couldn't swing his massive sword accurately, and also so they could dogpile and overwhelm him.

The prosthetic wasn't anything too spectacular to write home about. Gotz could move it up and down but it hadn't really been designed to act as a prosthetic all it's own. Likely stemmed from the fact that it HAD been the gauntlet for an older set of Power Armor. It'd had it's servos ripped out which meant that it was about as practically more useful as a clubbing weapon all it's own rather than a straight up healthy artificial arm. However, Gotz was nothing if not creative and had built up a 'Junk Jet' in the arm, revealing it/loading the cannon by pulling a tight rope attached to the belt line on his outfit. Gauntlet swings down, Gotz lines the shot up aaaand fires. There was also a magnet hidden inside the palm of the gauntlet that allowed Gotz to continue wielding his sword as effectively as he'd had before the Catastrophe.

The gauntlet was stolen from a dead BOS Paladin. Gotz felt a pity that the shop owner he'd bought (i.e threatened) from had been having such a weekly string of bad luck. But as with all things it'd passed and here he was staring down at a 'GRANDMA LOVES YOU <3' carved into the side of the gauntlet.


He growled at anyone who drew too close. But didn't make any moves physically. Didn't need to be setting the wrong impression.

He just hoped that She had heeded his warning and stayed the hell away from him.

.... He had his doubts.




"Sally!! Honey, it's me!! Loulou!~"

A a voice so shrill and exuberant it sounded like glass in auditory form filled the air.

The courier found herself wrapped up in the briefest of hugs as Loulou swept Sally off her feet and just as quickly set her back down. The last time they'd met, they hadn't parted on the best of terms. But someone like Loulou wasn't one to let a mild setback tear down the foundations of the friendship that they'd built up.

Even if the photographer was more than a little leery of getting her nose mixed up in many adventures as her erstwhile friend and once upon a time companion, Loulou couldn't deny one thing.

The woman was insanely likeable. To a fault anyhow.

She didn't seem to find Mojo nearly as cute as Loulou did. Speaking of the little critter, Loulou had him bundled up in her arms not too long after the breakup of the initial hug. Mojo was a pig rat which by most counts were absolutely disgusting creatures and vermin to most. They'd dig holes on plantations and devour crops and even attack livestock if they were big enough and there were enough in the given area. Most tended to shy away from humans. Being beaten over the head by an improvised hammer or shot in the head with some degree of rifle did wonders at keeping their population in check.

But Mojo was different in Loulou's eyes. She'd raised him as a baby ever since she was just 'nother run of the mill Tribal back in NuOrleans. A picture of her-as young girl-holding Mojo when he was just little more than a year old was something she'd always kept on her person. Whether it was tucked away in her wallet or what have you, it never left her side. "Fancy runnin into you again, honey! I was thinkin we wasn't gonna ever cross paths again, no sir! How ya been doin, hows things been going, ehh??"


"Hahaha, Mojo says he's happy to see you again too, honey!"

Loulou glanced down and gestured to the shiny badge pinned to her Vault 21 suit (purchased from the Vault 21 Gift Shop on the Strip!). "I found it in some old pre war ruins in some place called Holywood? Somedin like that! Cleaned it up and took it! Nifty ain't it?"
It was with an almost inhuman sounding groan that Mia slowly rose from the bed, her head in almost excruciating pain from all the drinking the night before. So damn much drinking that, in one weak moment, she briefly had the thought of regret run cross her mind. That is, until she rubbed at her eyes a bit to shake the sleep out of her more, and noticed that she wasn't alone in the bed. Her head slowly turned, eyes drifting across the bed and despite the raging headache, she was silent as the grave for a few moments as she stared at Cass aside her.

".....................................................................................shit." She eventually muttered to herself in a raspy whisper. Talk about one memory you'd want to keep, and being so fuckin' drunk that there was practically zero chance of that bein' possible. In frustrated annoyance she pulled her gaze away, glancing at the window and the hint of sunlight poking through the boarded up window. Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk, she cursed in her thoughts, reckoning that she was probably more than a little late to the party. The day this convoy finally took off. She hurriedly rushed out of the bed, scrambling to get her clothes and gear back on right quick. That done, she took half a second to throw something at Cass and wake that lady the hell up to let her sort herself out, and possibly join her at this expedition(?). She had no idea, honestly. Hadn't broached the topic with her anyways. Whatever. Ball was in her court if she wanted.

Mia slipped out of the Novac room, and with reluctance and more than a fair bit of internal cursing at herself, began to speedily jog up the road to the 188.


Not bad time on that run, if she had to say so herself, all things considered. That said, doing so in her condition.......yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, Her stomach cried out, and she had to stop just at the edge of the post to take a moment as she doubled over and threw up some. Once it was all out, she stood up straight again, wipin' her mouth clean with her sleeve before continuin' on. The crowd was bustling, last minute folks rushing to get through the application process. That part she at least had the head start on, having taken care of it a couple days before. She slipped through the crowd, taking in the faces as she went, and beyond grateful for the comforting shade from the overpass and the breeze rushing through her messy blonde hair.

Gotta appreciate the little things.​
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She supposed she could just go the other way; she just had to get outta Vegas, not the whole NCR. But there was something about this trip that… it itched at her, the idea of it. She'd been up and down the west, seen much most of it. East of the Colorado though, well… she'd gone, some. But not far, certainly not Flagstaff. With the fall of the legion, it was like a whole new piece of the world had opened up. She'd been born curious. She wanted to see it. Needed to, even.

Just had to figure out how the hell she was gettin there. Too bad no one needed a letter to Flagstaff. Like no one had some particularly racist uncle in the legion or somethin.

"I too am abuzz with adrenaline for this endeavor out east, friend!" Intoned what was an weathered-blue inverted isoceles rectangle mounted on a motorized unicycle, with arms that looked like galvanized rubber hoses extending from the sides that terminated in manipulators. Which were awkwardly crossed over one another in a pantomime of an actual person crossing their arms in thought.

The Securitron was without qualms in its approach, the soft crunch of the sand blasted asphalt beneath the singular tire that was more bald than treaded announcing it.

"Anythin' can really happen and people say it's the journey that matters, not the destination, but for me personally? The destination is the singular climax I endeavor for, as I do with every job given to me!"

A sharp twist of the lower torso as the robot twisted to turn to Maeve suddenly, the act borderline violent for something of its size and mass that was surprisingly deftly managed, in a bid of acknowledgement and self-introduction, with a distorted imagery of the genteel cowboy with a bright grin-- one of many default icons stored within the data banks and perhaps familiar to maybe a few-- emblazoned upon the screen in its midsection.

"Speakin' of, the name's Job and a job given is a job well done! How do you do? And why the sour look? I might have an idea or three to brighten that, if only you ask."


"Bet I could outlast you in the wilds, you McConaughey lookin' dingbat."
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: Schnee Corp Lawyer
She supposed she could just go the other way; she just had to get outta Vegas, not the whole NCR. But there was something about this trip that… it itched at her, the idea of it. She'd been up and down the west, seen much most of it. East of the Colorado though, well… she'd gone, some. But not far, certainly not Flagstaff. With the fall of the legion, it was like a whole new piece of the world had opened up. She'd been born curious. She wanted to see it. Needed to, even.

Just had to figure out how the hell she was gettin there. Too bad no one needed a letter to Flagstaff. Like no one had some particularly racist uncle in the legion or somethin.

"I too am abuzz with adrenaline for this endeavor out east, friend!" Intoned what was an weathered-blue inverted isoceles rectangle mounted on a motorized unicycle, with arms that looked like galvanized rubber hoses extending from the sides that terminated in manipulators. Which were awkwardly crossed over one another in a pantomime of an actual person crossing their arms in thought.

The Securitron was without qualms in its approach, the soft crunch of the sand blasted asphalt beneath the singular tire that was more bald than treaded announcing it.

"Anythin' can really happen and people say it's the journey that matters, not the destination, but for me personally? The destination is the singular climax I endeavor for, as I do with every job given to me!"

A sharp twist of the lower torso as the robot twisted to turn to Maeve suddenly, the act borderline violent for something of its size and mass that was surprisingly deftly managed, in a bid of acknowledgement and self-introduction, with a distorted imagery of the genteel cowboy with a bright grin-- one of many default icons stored within the data banks and perhaps familiar to maybe a few-- emblazoned upon the screen in its midsection.

"Speakin' of, the name's Job and a job given is a job well done! How do you do? And why the sour look? I might have an idea or three to brighten that, if only you ask."
Someone in the crowd had caught Maeve's attention and they'd started to turn in that direction before Job's modulated voice cut in right next to them. They turned, calmly enough, but their hand had moved vaguely towards the pistol at their side before they saw what, exactly, was talking to them.

Their eyes gave the securiton a vaugely suspicious glare as they tried to process the... vaguely poetic wording compared to the usual stock phrases these things talked in.

"...You're pretty far from Vegas, soldier. I don't remember anyone telling us House was sparing manpower for the walk."

"Sally!! Honey, it's me!! Loulou!~"

A a voice so shrill and exuberant it sounded like glass in auditory form filled the air.

The courier found herself wrapped up in the briefest of hugs as Loulou swept Sally off her feet and just as quickly set her back down. The last time they'd met, they hadn't parted on the best of terms. But someone like Loulou wasn't one to let a mild setback tear down the foundations of the friendship that they'd built up.

Even if the photographer was more than a little leery of getting her nose mixed up in many adventures as her erstwhile friend and once upon a time companion, Loulou couldn't deny one thing.

The woman was insanely likeable. To a fault anyhow.

She didn't seem to find Mojo nearly as cute as Loulou did. Speaking of the little critter, Loulou had him bundled up in her arms not too long after the breakup of the initial hug. Mojo was a pig rat which by most counts were absolutely disgusting creatures and vermin to most. They'd dig holes on plantations and devour crops and even attack livestock if they were big enough and there were enough in the given area. Most tended to shy away from humans. Being beaten over the head by an improvised hammer or shot in the head with some degree of rifle did wonders at keeping their population in check.

But Mojo was different in Loulou's eyes. She'd raised him as a baby ever since she was just 'nother run of the mill Tribal back in NuOrleans. A picture of her-as young girl-holding Mojo when he was just little more than a year old was something she'd always kept on her person. Whether it was tucked away in her wallet or what have you, it never left her side. "Fancy runnin into you again, honey! I was thinkin we wasn't gonna ever cross paths again, no sir! How ya been doin, hows things been going, ehh??"


"Hahaha, Mojo says he's happy to see you again too, honey!"

Loulou glanced down and gestured to the shiny badge pinned to her Vault 21 suit (purchased from the Vault 21 Gift Shop on the Strip!). "I found it in some old pre war ruins in some place called Holywood? Somedin like that! Cleaned it up and took it! Nifty ain't it?"

Sally's face scrunched up slightly in recognition at the sound of the initial call, but there was a slight smile on her face by the time Loulou had released her; at least someone was happy to see her here. Plus, it looked like Ranger Donchev was unaware of just what kinda catastrophe of a conversation they were getting in line for, and she took a few steps closer to the ranger and Job just to listen in a little closer while she let Loulou shoot past her own question to show off her new find til she gave her enough space to speak.

"Mornin miss 'Lou, good to see you again." she said as she leaned against one of the 188's supports while she glanced at the photographer's proud find. "An' cute! The Hills got hit harder than most places in the West, but I've heard it got some good salvage if you're willing to dig through it. Found yourself a lil' bit of connection to your old world compatriats then, yea? What brings you back east? Plannin' to settle in Flagstaff?" she asked.
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One thing was clear as she forced herself through the crowds, takin' in some of the faces gathered here...NCR really wasn't playing around with the flyers. They really were takin' all kinds here. Rangers, yeah to be expected. Mercs, merchants and missionaries, no surprise. Robots, sure, bound to be a couple. Super Mutant, now that was an eye opener. Not that she had any problem with the muties, long as they didn't try to pick a fight with her, but well, no use pretendin' there wasn't some prejudice in the NCR ranks. And even while nursin' this headache, she didn't miss that cobbled together prosthetic it was packin'. Her eyebrow raised slightly at the sight of it. It may have been a clear DIY project compared to her own, but bein' so brazenly open 'bout it...well. Guess it didn't hurt to be a giant green guy with muscles on muscles. Gotta be real stupid to mess with somebody like that.

But hell, that wasn't even the weirdest one she noticed.

That.....thing.....from Black Mountain was here too. She sure as hell didn't know exactly what the fuck it was. To be honest, she didn't really wanna know the specifics. That thing, bumblin' around while she helped the friendly mutant with stormin' the mountain and puttin' an end to dear Tabitha. The almost dead-like look to those eyes, the way it spoke, and shit, that strange smell...even with somebody who'd lived among raiders for a long time, that smell stood out.

She could only hope the thing kept its distance.

Not that she managed to keep her own from somebody else. She stopped right in her tracks, her sheer curiosity winning out as she turned around and made her way over to the super mutant. Guy clearly wanted to be left alone, way he was actin' but she simply didn't care and stepped right up to him.​

He growled at anyone who drew too close. But didn't make any moves physically. Didn't need to be setting the wrong impression.

"Hey, big guy!" She called out as she lit up the last of her cigars. No more SF Sunlights...damn. Well. Bound to be somebody here who is sellin' more of those. She took a long drag before speaking again. "I'm curious, how'd you snag an invite to this party? I mean, sure, they're pepperin' the whole place with their flyers but what I mean is, what, they just let you through, no questions asked? No scrutinizin' looks?"
Reactions: TheVaultDweller
Sally's face scrunched up slightly in recognition at the sound of the initial call, but there was a slight smile on her face by the time Loulou had released her; at least someone was happy to see her here. Plus, it looked like Ranger Donchev was unaware of just what kinda catastrophe of a conversation they were getting in line for, and she took a few steps closer to the ranger and Job just to listen in a little closer while she let Loulou shoot past her own question to show off her new find til she gave her enough space to speak.

"Mornin miss 'Lou, good to see you again." she said as she leaned against one of the 188's supports while she glanced at the photographer's proud find. "An' cute! The Hills got hit harder than most places in the West, but I've heard it got some good salvage if you're willing to dig through it. Found yourself a lil' bit of connection to your old world compatriats then, yea? What brings you back east? Plannin' to settle in Flagstaff?" she asked.


"Eeeeeh, settle smettle. I'm of the school of thought that 'the world is an oyster' or somedin like that. The button-down, hair up, live and relax lifestyle just ain't for me. We're talkin unexplored territory, Sal! Anybody like me pokin their nose there would have either been turned into a slavc or..." Loulou winced at the thought of the Legion getting their hands on her. "...You know. But now that's all a thing of the past, honey! Or at least it WILL be. Once the Bear gets it's claws in deep on all that fresh land."

Didn't need to be a Machiavellian mastermind to tell that it was very much to the NCR's advantage to try and stake a claim on the territory as the Legion blew up and fought among themselves. "All that nastiness aside, Zion was practically like a livin paintin! Natural beauty as far as the eye could see." Now, whether or not she'd have been willing to lay down her LIFE for said beauty was another thing altogether as she and Sally had discussed at length while on their little adventure. "Imagine all the untapped potential for photographs and natural discoveries! Think about it like this, Sal. We're standing on the precipe of going out and recharting this land. Do you know what it'd do for my career if I managed to capture pictures of critters that nobody in the do all fuck all parts of California or Vegas have ever seen before??"

At the mention of her badge, Loulou glowed like a star.

"Darn right! Between you and me..." Loulou looked around. "...I actually got myself a sweet gig with the NCR folks goin on this little trip. Take some pictures here and there, make the Rangers and run of the mil grunts look good for the crowds back home in Shady Sands. 'Course I had to plead my case at first. I showed em my collection of Bighorner and Gecko pics that I took back in Zion. Couldn't care a cap for em. 'I see em all the damn time, I smell em all the damn time. Why the hell would I want pictures of the ugly bastards?', one of em said! Now, course I'm a proper lady and all but I can be pretty darn persuasive when I wanna be...and..." Loulou unzipped her Vault suit a bit. "...A couple inches off the top helps a little too. Sooo long story short, this is my big chance to try and make something of myself!"

Although she'd been absolutely elated at sharing HER reasoning for going along with all this, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"....Why are you here, honey?"

Not that she managed to keep her own from somebody else. She stopped right in her tracks, her sheer curiosity winning out as she turned around and made her way over to the super mutant. Guy clearly wanted to be left alone, way he was actin' but she simply didn't care and stepped right up to him.


Gotz tried to think positively.

Incredibly difficult as it was.

Perhaps she was just standing close out of sheer coincidence. Surely, she'd tell he'd wanted to be left alone.

"Hey, big guy!" She called out as she lit up the last of her cigars. No more SF Sunlights...damn. Well. Bound to be somebody here who is sellin' more of those. She took a long drag before speaking again. "I'm curious, how'd you snag an invite to this party? I mean, sure, they're pepperin' the whole place with their flyers but what I mean is, what, they just let you through, no questions asked? No scrutinizin' looks?"

He exhaled.

Too good to be true.

He didn't turn to look at Mia, instead hiding his prosthetic behind his cloak once more.

"Same as you and everyone else I'd imagine. Saw the flyer and walked."

As for the mentions of looks, the super mutant shrugged.

"No. When you've lived as long as I have, you don't tend to care about how someone stares at you. If they want a fight they'll make it known and if they want me dead? They'll attempt it sooner rather than later. If the NCR didn't want my kind going on this they'd tell me so. Likely with a gun in my face. Hasn't happened yet. Now then..." He turned his head and looked down at Mia with his good eye.

"Any other curious questions you've got? Or can I be left to my own devices?"
"No. When you've lived as long as I have, you don't tend to care about how someone stares at you. If they want a fight they'll make it known and if they want me dead? They'll attempt it sooner rather than later. If the NCR didn't want my kind going on this they'd tell me so. Likely with a gun in my face. Hasn't happened yet. Now then..." He turned his head and looked down at Mia with his good eye.

"Any other curious questions you've got? Or can I be left to my own devices?"

"Hrm." She grunted in response, shootin' looks both left and right. She couldn't exactly argue with that, they'd have already done somethin' or at least, said somethin' if they intended to. Still, that didn't sound wholly right, the NCR lookin' past the super mutie deal. She'd heard about the rumors with Jacobstown, whole isolated place for muties all the way up in the northwest, and a couple other mercs on the NCR payroll still made their way over there and took potshots at the community.

She wouldn't have been among them even for a bucketload of caps, but those others, well...she wasn't surprised to hear that rumor 'bout them. All that to say, there bein' no issues yet sounded uncharacteristically welcomin' for this little party. Not that the Rangers couldn't be kind, professional, even bloody heroic sometimes, but absolutely nobody with a problem against the muties, in this crowd? Seemed too good to be true...maybe the Rangers were keepin' people on a short leash.

"Well, if I were ya, I'd keep your fingers crossed nobody tries to pull some shit." She took another smoke. "Yeah, I do got 'nother question. What's your name?"
  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: TheVaultDweller
"Well, if I were ya, I'd keep your fingers crossed nobody tries to pull some shit." She took another smoke.

Gotz shrugged.

"I'll take it under advisement."

"Yeah, I do got 'nother question. What's your name?"


The mutant replied, quietly.

"Pronounced like 'gots.' Can't remember what my 'actual' name was. Was just 'boy' for a while. Then at a certain point I got called 'Gotz' and it stuck, more or less."

There was the slightest crack of a smirk on the mutant's face.

"...Still believe that the person who called me it meant to say 'Guts' but blood in their throat might have made it a bit difficult. I'm not complaining either way. The name combined with the appearance and the sword. People usually give me a wide berth. Which is fine by me."

He looked back at Mia.

"What about you? What's your name?"

The mutant replied, quietly.

"Pronounced like 'gots.' Can't remember what my 'actual' name was. Was just 'boy' for a while. Then at a certain point I got called 'Gotz' and it stuck, more or less."

There was the slightest crack of a smirk on the mutant's face.

"...Still believe that the person who called me it meant to say 'Guts' but blood in their throat might have made it a bit difficult. I'm not complaining either way. The name combined with the appearance and the sword. People usually give me a wide berth. Which is fine by me."

He looked back at Mia.

"What about you? What's your name?"

"...Somebody said guts to ya, and ya took Gotz from that?" She stared for a few seconds, expression on her face stone-faced...till she broke out laughin'. "That's gotta be..." She paused for a sec, glancin' upwards as she thought about it, goin' back mentally to the crowd she used to run with, and more. "...the third dumbest name I ever heard. Well, the name ain't dumb itself, I guess, just how ya got it." She continued to snicker, not tryin' to piss off the mutant but it was just stupidly funny. "Name's Mia."
Someone in the crowd had caught Maeve's attention and they'd started to turn in that direction before Job's modulated voice cut in right next to them. They turned, calmly enough, but their hand had moved vaguely towards the pistol at their side before they saw what, exactly, was talking to them.

Their eyes gave the securiton a vaguely suspicious glare as they tried to process the... vaguely poetic wording compared to the usual stock phrases these things talked in.

"...You're pretty far from Vegas, soldier. I don't remember anyone telling us House was sparing manpower for the walk."
There was a definite gap between the statement and the securitron's response timing wise, almost as if the machine was processing with a delay with its torso tilted ever so slightly to one side.

"Consider it goodwill extended in honor and memory of the truce maintained with the NCR!" Job finally, and suddenly, piped up, adding on more perhaps unnecessarily, "And I am a refurbished unit with exceptional programming that's been dispatched for the various odd jobs around the Mojave."

Speaking of jobs...

"Dare I say you're a courier? I may have come across you before amid a delivery! Or three; the buffer doesn't retain the job count but I don't prioritize that significantly."
Reactions: TheVaultDweller
Someone in the crowd had caught Maeve's attention and they'd started to turn in that direction before Job's modulated voice cut in right next to them. They turned, calmly enough, but their hand had moved vaguely towards the pistol at their side before they saw what, exactly, was talking to them.

Their eyes gave the securiton a vaguely suspicious glare as they tried to process the... vaguely poetic wording compared to the usual stock phrases these things talked in.

"...You're pretty far from Vegas, soldier. I don't remember anyone telling us House was sparing manpower for the walk."
There was a definite gap between the statement and the securitron's response timing wise, almost as if the machine was processing with a delay with its torso tilted ever so slightly to one side.

"Consider it goodwill extended in honor and memory of the truce maintained with the NCR!" Job finally, and suddenly, piped up, adding on more perhaps unnecessarily, "And I am a refurbished unit with exceptional programming that's been dispatched for the various odd jobs around the Mojave."

Speaking of jobs...

"Dare I say you're a courier? I may have come across you before amid a delivery! Or three; the buffer doesn't retain the job count but I don't prioritize that significantly."
Maeve's look of suspicion didn't fade even if they lowered their hand from their sidearm. "...Refurbished, huh? Okay. That still doesn't really tell me why you're here. And no. Not a courier. I'm NCR, Ranger Donchev. So with that in mind, whats a 'refurbished' securitron's operator want with this caravan?"
"Eeeeeh, settle smettle. I'm of the school of thought that 'the world is an oyster' or somedin like that. The button-down, hair up, live and relax lifestyle just ain't for me. We're talkin unexplored territory, Sal! Anybody like me pokin their nose there would have either been turned into a slavc or..." Loulou winced at the thought of the Legion getting their hands on her. "...You know. But now that's all a thing of the past, honey! Or at least it WILL be. Once the Bear gets it's claws in deep on all that fresh land."

Didn't need to be a Machiavellian mastermind to tell that it was very much to the NCR's advantage to try and stake a claim on the territory as the Legion blew up and fought among themselves. "All that nastiness aside, Zion was practically like a livin paintin! Natural beauty as far as the eye could see." Now, whether or not she'd have been willing to lay down her LIFE for said beauty was another thing altogether as she and Sally had discussed at length while on their little adventure. "Imagine all the untapped potential for photographs and natural discoveries! Think about it like this, Sal. We're standing on the precipe of going out and recharting this land. Do you know what it'd do for my career if I managed to capture pictures of critters that nobody in the do all fuck all parts of California or Vegas have ever seen before??"

At the mention of her badge, Loulou glowed like a star.

"Darn right! Between you and me..." Loulou looked around. "...I actually got myself a sweet gig with the NCR folks goin on this little trip. Take some pictures here and there, make the Rangers and run of the mil grunts look good for the crowds back home in Shady Sands. 'Course I had to plead my case at first. I showed em my collection of Bighorner and Gecko pics that I took back in Zion. Couldn't care a cap for em. 'I see em all the damn time, I smell em all the damn time. Why the hell would I want pictures of the ugly bastards?', one of em said! Now, course I'm a proper lady and all but I can be pretty darn persuasive when I wanna be...and..." Loulou unzipped her Vault suit a bit. "...A couple inches off the top helps a little too. Sooo long story short, this is my big chance to try and make something of myself!"

Although she'd been absolutely elated at sharing HER reasoning for going along with all this, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"....Why are you here, honey?"
Sally's mild enjoyment at watching Maeve deal with what they clearly didn't recognize as one of the most confounding hunks of junk in the Mojave got interrupted as her face scrunched up into bemused at Loulou being so direct about how she'd squirmed her way into the caravan. Not outta any sort of judgement, pot calling kettle black and all, just a bit of cosmic commiseration with whatever powers-may-be that she was havin trouble gettin on this train for the same reason Loulou was already on it.

"Still tryin to settle in on that miss Lou. My services are in less demand than I expected. not a lotta letters or packages goin east as it were, an' while the NCR isn't sayin I can't come along, I'm not too in their graces right now so they ain't willin to finance me taggin' along as an extra trigger finger either."

She supposed she could take a whole book outta Loulou's page, find some single guy or gal already signed up for the trip who'd be willin to make space for her on their caravan sheet for a little warmth on the trip, but while she didn't mind playin the suite of hearts every now and then for business as opposed to pleasure, she always preferred it as the rare play to smooth things over or obsfucate rather than the way to make a living. No offense meant to the lovely lads and ladies in Gomorrah, but she valued her others skills a lil' more.

"Maybe we'll see each other on the walk if I get that settled, but take care of yourself if not" She said as she gave Loulou a friendly enough pat on the back, all things zion considered, and picked her dusty suitcase back up off the ground as she walked away with her eyes roving over the crowd for someone less armed and more clean than the average settling schmuck who might want a personal triggerhand.
"...Somebody said guts to ya, and ya took Gotz from that?" She stared for a few seconds, expression on her face stone-faced...till she broke out laughin'. "That's gotta be..." She paused for a sec, glancin' upwards as she thought about it, goin' back mentally to the crowd she used to run with, and more. "...the third dumbest name I ever heard. Well, the name ain't dumb itself, I guess, just how ya got it." She continued to snicker, not tryin' to piss off the mutant

Gotz narrowed his eye.

His flesh and blood hand balled up into a fist...

He opened his mouth....and laughed as well.

"If I'm in third then at least I suppose I can take small comfort in that."

he continued to snicker, not tryin' to piss off the mutant but it was just stupidly funny. "Name's Mia."


Once the laughter had died down, the mutant continued.

"If I had to guess why you're here, you trying to earn some caps doing merc work?" He supposed it was obvious enough. He'd only just met the woman but he had his doubts she was here out of the kindness of her heart. Was rare that you ever met someone who was, at least out here in the Wasteland. "It is just a guess but somehow you didn't strike me as the settler type."

Sally's mild enjoyment at watching Maeve deal with what they clearly didn't recognize as one of the most confounding hunks of junk in the Mojave got interrupted as her face scrunched up into bemused at Loulou being so direct about how she'd squirmed her way into the caravan. Not outta any sort of judgement, pot calling kettle black and all, just a bit of cosmic commiseration with whatever powers-may-be that she was havin trouble gettin on this train for the same reason Loulou was already on it.

"Still tryin to settle in on that miss Lou. My services are in less demand than I expected. not a lotta letters or packages goin east as it were, an' while the NCR isn't sayin I can't come along, I'm not too in their graces right now so they ain't willin to finance me taggin' along as an extra trigger finger either."

She supposed she could take a whole book outta Loulou's page, find some single guy or gal already signed up for the trip who'd be willin to make space for her on their caravan sheet for a little warmth on the trip, but while she didn't mind playin the suite of hearts every now and then for business as opposed to pleasure, she always preferred it as the rare play to smooth things over or obsfucate rather than the way to make a living. No offense meant to the lovely lads and ladies in Gomorrah, but she valued her others skills a lil' more.

"Aw, well dirt in their eye! They're missin out on one of dem golden opportunities as it were!"

Loulou made sure to look around as she said that. Wanted to be supportive but not at the cost of her own mealticket.

"Maybe we'll see each other on the walk if I get that settled, but take care of yourself if not" She said as she gave Loulou a friendly enough pat on the back, all things zion considered, and picked her dusty suitcase back up off the ground as she walked away with her eyes roving over the crowd for someone less armed and more clean than the average settling schmuck who might want a personal triggerhand.

Loulou frowned.

Sure, they'd gone and had dey disagreements but shoot, nobody be all that perfect.

Still felt like a kick in the head as Sally made her way off.

"W-Well, if you ever feel up for it, you could be my assistant! Hold my equipment, take care of Mojo, that sorta deal! Think on it, honey!!" Loulou called out as Sally faded into the crowd. Mojo looked up at his owner and squeaked as Loulou placed both hands on her hips and sighed.

"Well, shoot. There went about half the fun I was hoping to have on this little 'venture. C'mon, Mojo. Let's best get to steppin, huh?"


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Someone in the crowd had caught Maeve's attention and they'd started to turn in that direction before Job's modulated voice cut in right next to them. They turned, calmly enough, but their hand had moved vaguely towards the pistol at their side before they saw what, exactly, was talking to them.

Their eyes gave the securiton a vaguely suspicious glare as they tried to process the... vaguely poetic wording compared to the usual stock phrases these things talked in.

"...You're pretty far from Vegas, soldier. I don't remember anyone telling us House was sparing manpower for the walk."
There was a definite gap between the statement and the securitron's response timing wise, almost as if the machine was processing with a delay with its torso tilted ever so slightly to one side.

"Consider it goodwill extended in honor and memory of the truce maintained with the NCR!" Job finally, and suddenly, piped up, adding on more perhaps unnecessarily, "And I am a refurbished unit with exceptional programming that's been dispatched for the various odd jobs around the Mojave."

Speaking of jobs...

"Dare I say you're a courier? I may have come across you before amid a delivery! Or three; the buffer doesn't retain the job count but I don't prioritize that significantly."
Maeve's look of suspicion didn't fade even if they lowered their hand from their sidearm. "...Refurbished, huh? Okay. That still doesn't really tell me why you're here. And no. Not a courier. I'm NCR, Ranger Donchev. So with that in mind, whats a 'refurbished' securitron's operator want with this caravan?"

Oh. Definitely mistook this person for someone else. Roll with it. Or off. Literally either way.

"I'm here to sign myself up as whatever suffices to ensure the caravan gets to where it needs to go! And to surveil the state of the outside world in the meantime. Plus I am literally programmed to see an objective through without fail."

The robot was most certainly unconvincing in its attempt to truly convey itself as another of House's securitrons, having already undermined the image from the start.

"I'll understand if you wish to turn me away but it does seem you need more bodies and a metallic one goes a long way!"
Gotz narrowed his eye.

His flesh and blood hand balled up into a fist...

He opened his mouth....and laughed as well.

"If I'm in third then at least I suppose I can take small comfort in that."



Once the laughter had died down, the mutant continued.

"If I had to guess why you're here, you trying to earn some caps doing merc work?" He supposed it was obvious enough. He'd only just met the woman but he had his doubts she was here out of the kindness of her heart. Was rare that you ever met someone who was, at least out here in the Wasteland. "It is just a guess but somehow you didn't strike me as the settler type."

She went for another smoke, cautiously watchin' the mutie and ready to act if necessary. Had to be blind to miss that fist at his side. But instead of any rash move, he just laughed too. Not quite what she expected, but she'd take that. Beat startin' a fight and drawin' a buncha NCR soldiers down on 'em both. "Reckon ya can take some there, yeah." Mia agreed. "The two above were real dumb."

Her eyebrow raised in confusion after that, but her expression was quick to turn into curiosity. "Ya know, for someone who had been givin' everybody the classic 'do not fuck with me glare', clearly wantin' to be left alone.....ya are a lot more talkative than I had figured. Hell, strangely polite too. Ya even just gave me the pleasure to meet ya bit. Not so easy to get a read on ya, at least so far." She exhaled, smoke shootin' outta her mouth.

"And yeah, somethin' like that."
She answered him.​
Her eyebrow raised in confusion after that, but her expression was quick to turn into curiosity. "Ya know, for someone who had been givin' everybody the classic 'do not fuck with me glare', clearly wantin' to be left alone.....ya are a lot more talkative than I had figured. Hell, strangely polite too. Ya even just gave me the pleasure to meet ya bit. Not so easy to get a read on ya, at least so far." She exhaled, smoke shootin' outta her mouth.

"I'm not made of stone. I think it'd be an improvement if I was." He quipped, not at all happy with his current lot in life. "Displays like that typically weed out the idiots or those who seek only to waste my time."

Then there was the obvious.

"Being a freak also helps out there. You haven't made a nuisance of yourself so nothing to be ornery about."

He paused.


Another slight pause.


"And yeah, somethin' like that." She answered him.


He reached back and adjusted the straps holding his massive sword in place. Would be a pain if it came loose and fell off while traveling or during pre-battle setup. Not that any human was strong enough to try and run off with it.

"Part of the 'benefits' besides caps is that if you help the NCR out with this little 'expedition' of theirs, they'll cut you slack for any past misdeeds."

Lord knows he had a good number of those under his belt. Even before the incident that cost him his arm and eye.

"...Not that any of it concerns me. Just a convenient excuse to go where I need to go. If it requires me to potentially crush skulls and break limbs? It's the way it goes."


Preparations had been under way since early dawn, and now the sun was fading fast behind Black Mountain peak, clear skies giving way to a hazy amber dusk. Those whose footprints regularly adorned the sands of the Mojave knew the 188 trading post to be a modest venture, little more than a smattering of huts and tents amidst the haze; founded in part out of necessity by a handful of settlers fleeing eastward from Primm, the town having been beset and transformed into a marauder's playground by a gang of escapees from the nearby NCR prison for a period during the Ganger Riots of '81. A wandering gunslinger rode into town one day and put a stop to things, so the story went; but by that time the 188 was already thriving, serving as a much-needed refuge from the scorching heat of the desert for troops moving between Camp Golf a few kilometers to the north and the Dam to the east. In time they earned enough to hire a guard, then a few, and before long more and more merchants were making regular stops in their routes along the 93 and 95, sharing the shade with the odd drifter or colorful blow-in with nowhere else to go.

But all that had been the six months prior to the Legion's defeat. The two years since had seen the 188 transform into something more closely resembling a miniature shantytown, its relative safety prompting overspill from more populous settlements to erect makeshift shelters beneath the shade of the overpass. Now it stood as a microcosm of the situation in the Mojave as a whole; a melting pot too long on the boil, too many different stripes of folk rubbing shoulders with nowhere to go. The colonists from the NCR heartlands had their choice of camping spots, to the surprise of few, brahmin barons, ranchers, miners and citizens looking to buy up land while it was cheap—those lucky enough to get in at the ground floor when the Republic settled the likes of Redding and Baja had made their grandkids' grandkids' fortunes, and more than a few young and plucky hopefuls from California were willing to roll the dice and brave 'uncivilized' lands in the hopes of securing their families' futures from poverty.

They camped together beneath the safety of the overpass, given abundant access to the merchants and trail amenities. The day prior had seen its share of friction and infighting as the convoy started to gather, the Republic settlers not taking kindly to being expected to share the overpass with the former citizens of Caesar who were beginning to arrive in their masses. Maeve and any others with a view to deescalating conflicts had seen their share of close scrapes, until a delegate from Shady Sands made the call to enact a band-aid solution before someone got killed: round up all the refugees and order them to their own, separate camp on the nearby ridge. Only the relief force the Followers sent had seen fit to kick up a fuss about it, so the diplomat politely suggested they join them there, then less politely ordered the mercenary outfit brass were subcontracting the expedition's security to to ensure compliance.

Things had been relatively peaceful since then, but none of the NCR settlers harboured any delusions that this was to be anything other than a long, bloody trail, most never too far from a trail carbine or hunting rifle of some sort. Despite that several had their families in tow, few other options for the truly desperate; those dodging drafts, fleeing debts to the Families or even uglier players back in Reno. Much like poker, polite society had winners and losers—many of the NCR's losers could be found here, furtive figures scanning the crowds with leery eyes from under loose cloaks, Flagstaff representing a new beginning for those willing to leave everything behind.

Though the encampment for NCR citizens was by far the safest, the bulk of the Ranger manpower was being used to secure the ever-expanding perimeter, and the regular troopers were plenty occupied dealing with disputes and petty theft. That left gaps in the system, and where such gaps existed one could typically find at least one group of neglected children causing trouble.

"Ewwwww! Look at this kid's clothes, Mason! Who invited him to be part of the Reclamation? And what's that thing on his head?"

One such gaggle of delinquents were currently amusing themselves in one of the darker corners under the bridge, a girl with a frilly pink dress and curls making a show of pretending to fan away stink lines as she and her cohorts surrounded a much scrawnier child sitting by himself. His movements were calm and measured, simply turning to the next page in his book, seemingly doing his best to ignore the half-dozen other kids fanned out in a loose semicircle around him and picking through his belongings. They were well-to-do types, military brats and heirs to landowners or merchant caravans, but their scorn didn't appear to trouble their target overtly.

"No one did. I live here. And it's my—"

"You don't know? Didn't your dad ever tell you? Sheesh, girls are dumb." The denim-clad boy whose shoulders the girl was hanging off like a backpack rolled his eyes, giving the metallic apparatus adorning the smaller child's head a lazy prod with his boot that prompted a wince of pain. "My neighbor Billy Madison used to wear one. This here's for kids who got 'emselves kicked by a horse or charged by a Bighorner. You know."

He dropped his voice to a sardonic, pitying hush.


The other boy shook his head. "That's not it. Don't, please."

He took his eyes off the book for the first time as the most rotund among his accosters picked up an antiquated flashbulb camera, its mechanisms long since rendered inert by rust, his fingers already sticky from inhaling the sweetroll he'd found among the younger boy's possessions.

"These are my things. They belonged to my p—"

Mason jumped on the opportunity to snatch the diary out of his hand, and both him and his hanger-on burst into shrill bouts of laughter upon rapidly leafing through its contents.

"Oh man, what'd I tell you guys? This kid's just been sitting here reading a buncha squiggly lines!"

"Freak! Mason, he's prolly dangerous. Hey weirdo, I bet you're hiding a gun somewhere in all this junk, aren't you?"

Unbeknownst to any of them, a woman in blue watched proceedings with mild interest from above, a taut frown on her face, chin slumped in her palm and legs kicking as she fiddled with some dials on her wrist and yearned for a cure to her own boredom.
Dominik chose the latter and stood off to the side with those who were already cleared to go. There were the slightest of intrusive thoughts that urged them to pull out their rifle and start trouble. Taking a good long look at one of the nearby Rangers immediately aborted that thought from ever becoming a reality.

"...could we get a move on, already?" They muttered, the picture of exasperated.​

Dominik, like many of their ilk in the Mojave Brotherhood, stood as a direct inheritor of their former elder Elijah's neurosis and paranoia, albeit out of necessity rather than choice. The former scribe had been one of the most brilliant minds to ever grace the Brotherhood, unquestionably, but his hunger to understand the secrets of the old world had quickly fallen to obsession, and ultimately brought about a reality where none of their people could ever roam the wastes without looking over their shoulder again. He knew that was the end result of his aggression, didn't care, but did his best to have his chapter of the Brotherhood trained and shaped accordingly.

Right now those teachings were both blessing and curse, because they were how Dominik knew they were being watched.

It had proven difficult to notice, at first; hooded and cloaked figures appearing on the periphery of their vision, stealing what they thought were glances at them or their rifle, then vanishing into the crowds again only for the cycle to repeat thirty minutes later. Sometimes there were two figures, sometimes three, sometimes huddled together, sometimes fanned out, features impossible to discern as they observed them from intermittent points across the outpost.

It had been coming up on two hours since their last sighting though, and the seed of doubt that the entire affair had simply been a trick of the mind was just beginning to germinate when they felt themselves shoulder checked with enough force to send them spinning, and righted themselves just in time to see their assailant: one of the hooded figures, marching determinedly away from Dom through the crowd and already beginning to meld into it.
Maeve's look of suspicion didn't fade even if they lowered their hand from their sidearm. "...Refurbished, huh? Okay. That still doesn't really tell me why you're here. And no. Not a courier. I'm NCR, Ranger Donchev. So with that in mind, whats a 'refurbished' securitron's operator want with this caravan?"

"Scoutmaster Donchev."

Of all the voices to drawl its way into an exchange between an especially odd one of House's doohickeys and an NCR ranger, a simple caravan hand was likely the last one either could have foreseen. Yet that was the voice that did, a man Donchev had seen busying himself doing menial work like loading wagons, digging latrines and hammering tent poles throughout the day lending his unsolicited two cents as he sauntered past them carrying a hay bale.

"Yeah, you NCR rightly enough. Maybe even know your stretch of desert back California-ways, 'f you can call it one. Thing is..."

He gave a light 'hup', loading the bale into the back of a truck marked by the Crimson Caravan atop a stack of several more, then turned, reaching into his mechanic jumpsuit's inner pocket as he leaned back against the truck and mopped his brow with an oil-streaked rag, eyebrows raising, mouth breaking into a crooked half-smile.

"Round these parts, out east, folk still remember what a Ranger looks like. So it's Scoutmaster Donchev."

He produced a flask of something, took a swill, spat out a mouthful of liquid and tobacco. He was a man who'd seen tenure of some kind or another, not particularly old and not particularly young, a frame lean yet muscled ending in weathered workman's hands; wispy locks once dark bleached fair by the sun, swarthy complexion glistening with the desert's dew. He paused from his labor, seemingly just to observe them, flapping the hand bearing the flask at them with an encouraging nod and spilling a bit.

"Please, continue. This tickles me."
Oh. Definitely mistook this person for someone else. Roll with it. Or off. Literally either way.

"I'm here to sign myself up as whatever suffices to ensure the caravan gets to where it needs to go! And to surveil the state of the outside world in the meantime. Plus I am literally programmed to see an objective through without fail."

The robot was most certainly unconvincing in its attempt to truly convey itself as another of House's securitrons, having already undermined the image from the start.

"I'll understand if you wish to turn me away but it does seem you need more bodies and a metallic one goes a long way!"​

Just then, a small LED screen zipped up to them on jet propellers, flitting to and fro around Job's metallic frame irritatingly as something resembling a camera lens clicked its shutter a few times. A triumphant chime sounded, and the billboard repositioned itself to float gently over the securitron's casing as several dots illuminated to spell out a troubling missive.


The words were accompanied by a blinking red arrow pointing down for the machine, and a synthetic voice crackled through the same speakers the odd little gizmo had emitted a tone through.

"Greetings! This synthetic construct is the property of: BIG. MOUNTAIN. RESEARCH. FACILITY. Its presence here may bring about: UNTOLD. CALAMITY. We at: BIG. MT. ask for your FULL cooperation while our dedicated retrieval specialist moves to retrieve this exciting glimpse into the world of tomorrow! Potential outcomes if full cooperation is not granted may include: WISTFULNESS. INFERTILITY. AND... PLAGUE."

"Well shit, I'm two for three already."
"Maybe we'll see each other on the walk if I get that settled, but take care of yourself if not" She said as she gave Loulou a friendly enough pat on the back, all things zion considered, and picked her dusty suitcase back up off the ground as she walked away with her eyes roving over the crowd for someone less armed and more clean than the average settling schmuck who might want a personal triggerhand.​

"Couriuh! I said, I said COURIUH!!!"

There were few faces more liable to be recognised up and down the west coast than a courier for the Mojave Express, no matter how much they tried to maintain a low profile. Sally, known for fucking the president's wife and not maintaining anything of the sort, probably found it little surprise when another voice cut above the chatter of the 188 in a bid to get her attention, accompanied by a waving cowboy hat and pair of impatiently clicking fingers.


"Finally! Just when I was startin' to think these soldier boy types put an embargo down on decent help. You lookin' for somethin' to do, missy?"

As employment opportunities in the wasteland went, Heck Gunderson was far from the worst, certainly preferable to his equivalents out east who traded in human livestock as opposed to cattle. He wasn't exactly the best either, his precise methodology in persuading his rivals to liquidate a relatively open secret; still, he was rich as all hell, honored his word, and as favors owed in the West went there were few weightier.

Judging from the fact that approximately half his organization seemed to be setting up for the journey he was considering his investment opportunities to the east very thoroughly, and looked to be doing everything in his power to get his foot in the door as one of the expedition's community leaders at an early stage; barbecues, merchant stalls, and even a port-a-potty gave a distinct atmosphere to his corner of the camp, one that was attracting more than its share of envious stares from the others.

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"I'm not made of stone. I think it'd be an improvement if I was." He quipped, not at all happy with his current lot in life. "Displays like that typically weed out the idiots or those who seek only to waste my time."

"I dunno, I get what ya mean, but does it really work? Ain't gonna lie, didn't step on over with any real purpose, just a whim of curiosity that won me over to ask how ya made it in without seemingly any fuss."

"Being a freak also helps out there. You haven't made a nuisance of yourself so nothing to be ornery about."

He paused.


Another slight pause.


"Ya even got jokes. Not a great one, but whatevers. Wish Neil had more jokes, woulda livened things even more back then."

He reached back and adjusted the straps holding his massive sword in place. Would be a pain if it came loose and fell off while traveling or during pre-battle setup. Not that any human was strong enough to try and run off with it.

"..." She watched quietly as he fiddled with that, a classic super mutant kinda weapon. Huge damn thing. She mighta been able to lift it, but with her frame it would just been unwieldy as hell. Stumblin' over herself just tryin' to swing it. Giant blade like that does put out quite the intimidatin' impression though.​

"Part of the 'benefits' besides caps is that if you help the NCR out with this little 'expedition' of theirs, they'll cut you slack for any past misdeeds."

Lord knows he had a good number of those under his belt. Even before the incident that cost him his arm and eye.

"...Not that any of it concerns me. Just a convenient excuse to go where I need to go. If it requires me to potentially crush skulls and break limbs? It's the way it goes."

"............" She was silent for an entirely different reason after that, eyes momentarily widening in response. "Wait, really?" Shit, I musta missed that part. She turned halfway around, eyes once again scanning the crowd...


...until it settled on a ranger. "Hey, interestin' talk and all, but I gotta go." She spoke over her shoulder towards Gotz before takin' off in a light jog towards said ranger without another word.​

Just then, a small LED screen zipped up to them on jet propellers, zipping around Job's metallic frame irritatingly as something resembling a camera lens clicked its shutter a few times. A triumphant chime sounded, and the billboard repositioned itself to float gently over the securitron's casing as several dots illuminated to spell out a troubling sentence.


The words were accompanied by a blinking red arrow pointing down for the machine, and a synthetic voice crackled through the same speakers the odd little gizmo had emitted a tone through.

"Greetings! This synthetic construct is the property of: BIG. MOUNTAIN. RESEARCH. FACILITY. Its presence here may bring about: UNTOLD. CALAMITY. We at: BIG. MT. ask for your FULL cooperation while our dedicated retrieval specialist moves to retrieve this exciting glimpse into the world of tomorrow! Potential outcomes if full cooperation is not granted may include: WISTFULNESS. INFERTILITY. AND... PLAGUE."

"Well shit, I'm two for three already."

Some kinda scene was unfoldin' by the time she got over there. The bot was bein' circled by a tiny floatin' billboard until it chose to hover just above it, and goin' on about property of BIG MT and what could happen if it was not returned...but that wasn't her concern at the moment. She just blurted out her own question almost immediately: "Eyy, ranger! I just heard part of this journey would come with some forgivin' and forgettin' of the past, there any truth to that?"
inally! Just when I was startin' to think these soldier boy types put an embargo down on decent help. You lookin' for somethin' to do, missy?"

As employment opportunities in the wasteland went, Heck Gunderson was far from the worst, certainly preferable to his equivalents out east who traded in human livestock as opposed to cattle. He wasn't exactly the best either, his precise methodology in persuading his rivals to liquidate a relatively open secret; still, he was rich as all hell, honored his word, and as favors owed in the West went there were few weightier.

Judging from the fact that approximately half his organization seemed to be setting up for the journey he was considering his investment opportunities to the east very thoroughly, and looked to be doing everything in his power to get his foot in the door as one of the expedition's community leaders at an early stage; barbecues, merchant stalls, and even a port-a-potty gave a distinct atmosphere to his corner of the camp, one that was attracting more than its share of envious stares from the others.
Sally's eyes lit up at the sound of the voice of what may have been her salvation in the form of that south NCR drawl. She turned and once she confirmed who it was she immediately started hoofing it that way with a wave of her own "Mr Gunderson! Ain't you a sight for sore eyes, cuz as a matter of fact I am. Got the itch to go east, see what's what that way and get a lay of the land for the Express. Unfortunately, due to some, ah, recent events-" she said with a scratch on the side of her cheek as she came to a stop next to the man "-the NCR ain't willin to fund me taggin along despite my steady hand. Not that I can't afford my own cart, but they got a whole registerin thing goin and I ain't plannin to stay out that way, so'd rather I be hitchin my wagon to someone else"

This wasn't Sally's first dealing Heck Gunderson, and she liked the man well enough. She wasn't harboring any delusions that he was a 'good man' or anything, but there was still a nugget of that old school farmer at the core of his being she found easy to talk to. And on occasion talk down from a more drastic measure or two in favor of her offering a lighter hand. Plus, he had stellar taste in whiskey.

"What are you lookin to get done, sir? Ted isn't rubbin elbows with cannibals again I hope?"
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