ROLEPLAY DISCUSSION favorite ship dynamics in rp

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pink-haired megane
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whether you live for a classic round of mutual pining, or have a specific soft spot for iconic relationship foundations like friends to lovers or enemies to lovers, we've all got our bulletproof faves that never miss. let's hear it, shippers!

me? i'm an absolute sucker for those frenemies who start out loathing each other to their cores, only to eventually become grudgingly respectful, then lowkey crush-harboring allies...and finally give in to that burning sexual tension. there's just something so tantalizing about finding your perfect match in your ex-sworn nemesis, you know?

but i've also got plenty of love for childhood friends turned soulmates too. that built-in history and connection is just *chef's kiss*, especially when you get those heart-melting flashbacks to them being adorably oblivious pre-teens. i'm a slut for nostalgia and "you've been by my side this whole time" realization.

maybe you're more of a classic romcom "there's been a misunderstanding but we're clearly meant for each other" kind of shipper. or you prefer hauling for the polar opposites: sunshine/grump, royalty/commoner, magical being/human. the more delicious that external conflict and chemistry, the better!

maybe you're ahead of the curve and live for shaking up traditional tropes with your otp dynamics. i'm talking polycules and power dynamics!

no pairing preferences are too niche or too mainstream. this is a safe space to thirstily gush about your otp's iconic chemistry and compatibility.

I love them all. You want me to choose favorites?! AAAAHhhhhhhhh.

Okay but, enemies to lovers is great. Whether it's just silly perceived enemy, like a school rival. Or an actual enemy like warring kingdoms. That whole process of learning to like, respect, and eventually love each other is FUN. I love a struggling dynamic.

I'm also a HUGE fan of the sweet soft girl & stoic quiet guy, or angry guy.

I also believe all love triangles should be solved by everybody banging. OT3 pairings FOR THE WIN.

What I flat out do NOT like and will not do is Abusive Relationships disguised as romance. I'll write them as something that is going to END because that main character meets their TRUE love. I cannot stand setups where the dude is a huge freaking asshole and treats the girl like his property, does physical abuse, mental etc. AND I hate abusive lady characters as well where they're just beating on the poor guy constantly. Even with my enemies to lovers setups, I like to have good reasons their enemies, but it's NOT from any sort of abuse situation. >:[
Oh man it's so hard to decide! There are so many good ones!

Can I be like Diana and say all of them! I agree though that anything abusive sucks. I love when the characters are absolute sweethearts and the only thing I'll accept that isn't is an enemies to lovers! That's not necessarily abusive so much as it's just these two people that hate one another's guts... until they realize they don't. THEN THEY CAN BE CUTE

Gods. I love love. I love writing love. I love reading love. I love all sorts of love dynamics. Aaaa.~

One of my absolute top favorite ship dynamics, though-. So, I have such a deep, deep, love for robots, specifically, but the appreciation wholeheartedly extends to any sort of humanoids? Puppets/aliens/humanoid beings that aren't made of flesh and blood/ect. They're usually detached emotionally and don't know how humans do the emotional bonding things they do.

I'm an absolute slut for the 'Teach me how to love' trope. Hands down my favorite thing ever. Gods. Bury me. :'3

Just chit-chatting about it makes me wanna write. Ugh. 💕

So, I am sure you are going to hear and read this like 100 times, but Affection is the most important part of roleplaying. Truly good characters have affection for each other, this could be love, respect, faith, or any such emotion that makes them care about the other.

My favorite trope is the Master/Apprentice. There is always something so rewarding about one character imparting their knowledge to the other ONLY to find out that the master isn't as "flawless" as they assumed. A true master learns something from their apprentice, even if it is begrudging.

I also adore the Grump and the Sunshine trope. Opposites attract and there is nothing like playing the sweetheart to wakes up the shrew, or the storm-cloud that ends up becoming the silver lining.
No favorites I quite literally love everything

If something has a good enemies-to-lovers vibe, I'll cling to that like the fiercest baby koala. I will single-handedly destroy iconic rivalries with my dumb little hands. Especially if they have some of their old banter and snark to the point where they keep outsiders guessing whether they're really in love - but holy hell if one of them is in danger, the other will go into a blind fury.

I've also grown a huge love for grump/sunshine dynamics. Attention-starved, secretly needy jerk protecting the one person that can make them smile is amazing. Bonus points if the 'sunshine' person takes the dominate side of the relationship behind closed doors.

But I also can't deny the good ol' sarcastic asshole x sarcastic asshole. Like enemies-to-lovers, they may not have the most outwardly warm relationship, yet there's no denying that they'll tear the universe apart for the other, because they're each other's favorite person. Then they'd laugh and say something wholesomely mean when it's all over, because it's not about words, it's about actions.

In the way of species related dynamics, I'm pretty much exclusively non-human/human these days. Sarcastic, kinda mean AI with a human counterpart has been my bread and butter lately.
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I may be hella late to answer this question but what'cha gonna do? Sue me? >:]

I'm one of those people that for the most part romance has to be involved in the plot in some way, shape or form for me to stay interested. I've done so many different ship dynamics during my roleplaying journey, I've lost track. I generally like them all.

From the cliche Enemies to Lovers trope where they absolutely hate each other's guts till they don't. Like, what causes them to start leaning away from the 'I hate your guts' mindset to the 'Fuck, I think I love you' mindset? So many possibilities.

To the more light hearted Friends to Lovers trope, the inner turmoil that goes on in their heads of whether or not they'll mess up their friendship is nice. And just them trying to navigate their lives going from 'this is my best friend' to 'this is the love of my life' without messing it up. Can be such a bittersweet thing sometimes, will they be able to work it out? Or is their insecurities gonna doom them?

But lately what's got a grasp on me with an iron grip, has to be exploring the more non-traditional ways characters can express their love. Are they the Old Married Couple? Do they lean away from the traditional lovey-dovey stuff and seem like they don't love each other? Call each other (non-abusive) names, don't do a whole lot of 'I love yous' nor do they express affection openly. But would actually go to the ends of the Earth for each other?

Or are there characters have something I call, the Brat and the Brat tamer trope? Which as the name suggests, is where One character (The Brat.) tries to start trouble anywhere and anytime and isn't afraid of repercussions. Until their significant other (Brat Tamer) steps in and calms them down, now don't let the name fool you! It isn't a sex thing, but from an outside view it seems like it.