PLOTS CHARACTERS Fluff's Character Crypt

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august_faceclaim.jpgName: August Jaeckel
Nicknames/Titles: The Vampire Witchboy, AJ
Age: Old/Ageless
Note: his true age depends on the time period of the roleplay, but in a modern setting he'd be at least 600 years old.
Race: Vampire
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Witch, Magic College Professor, Independent Salesman

Personality: Wise, Weird, Curious, Vigilant, Graceful, Wicked, Naughty, Optimistic, Helpful, Lonely, Cute, Introverted, Geeky, Emotional, Flirty

Random Creative Descriptors:
He Collects Vials Of Blood For Fun
He Collects Vials Of Blood For His Independent Business
He Collects Vials of Blood
"I'm Getting Too Old For This." "But you're a vampire." "Shut Up."
Lovehates Being A Professor
People Say He's A Strange But Cute Lad
Gets Bored If There's Not Enough Excitement Going On
A Rather Sophisticated Monster

~August is an experienced witch with many practices and beliefs. (It would be fitting to say he does chaos magic.) There's no limit to what he can do with his magic, however certain spells will have bigger costs than others, of course. To name a few, he can do enchantments, summonings, potion making, blessings, curses...

~Having been a witch for a long time already, he figured out how to use that to his advantage when turning into a vampire. The usual downsides to being a vampire don't affect August. He doesn't have to worry about the sun killing him, he doesn't go into violent frenzies when he's hungry (he just gets hangry and hissy until he eats), he's not weak against Holy elements/objects (and can in fact still wield that element if he wants to, because he still believes in God and he's still a witch), and he doesn't have to worry about doing a Master's bidding because he got independently turned in a ritual his coven helped him perform.

~Vampire enhancements include night vision, inhuman strength, inhuman speed, claws, fangs, super durability, immortality, flying, shapeshifting.

~August has a familiar named Grimjaw. This animal companion is a Jackalope who also happens to be a vampire. (It should be noted that Grimjaw is more violent in personality than August is. The jacaklope is well-behaved, but he'll want to do bites and throat tearing and blood slurping so badly.) August passed his vampiric curse onto the jackalope so that they could have a stronger connection through their immortality. It also assured that Grimjaw would stay by August's side forever. Whenever one of them dies, the other will do the same right beside them. <3 They are bros for life.

~Other witches can put August in his place, or worse, if he's not careful. There will always be someone out there who's either super well-seasoned or super under-seasoned when it comes to grudges against him. Both are equally capable of killing him, but one has a calculated rage while the other has an unbridled, unpredictable rage.

~There's at least a handful of demons and angels who know how to harm him. Such as knowing secrets not even he knew about his own weaknesses or having special weapons that'll just hurt anyone extremely. The same can even be said for Humans. A vampire hunter with enough vindication just might figure out the perfect way to target August. The witchboy might be hard to get close to, but it's not impossible.

~His familiar is directly connected to him, so that's a way he can be hurt or even killed. Grimjaw actively avoids the clutches of others like the sneaky bouncy rabbit he is, but some have managed to trap him before. August has no choice but to give into the demands of others if Grimjaw is ever taken hostage. Other than looking out for himself, he wants no harm coming to his little buddy.

~With the above in mind, it should be stated that August can get spiteful and vengeful when he feels wronged or when someone he cares about gets wronged. It'll activate the side of him that's more beast than man and he will set out with the intention to kill. Since he has so many magic tricks up his sleeve too, he's not afraid to mess with someone in a way that'll terrify them.

Age: August looks like a man in his early twenties because he was 22 when he was turned.
Height: 5' 11"
Build: Thin, Lean, Lightly Athletic
Skin: Snowy White
Eyes: The right eye is a red iris with a black sclera. The left eye is emerald green and still looks very human.
Hair: Short, Lazy-looking, Black
Clothes: Style depends on RP settling. But no matter the setting, he consistently has cloaks and witch hats in his wardrobe. Some are personal favorites, others are decorated according to his rank at the magical school he sometimes teaches at.
[[Will eventually get art commissioned of him.]]

Percival Nadir & Sid, friends
Varaim, friend
Vazithan, friend


In progress.
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:coffee:*~Host Club Characters~*:coffee:
(for a very special anime-style roleplay I be doing with someone)

Demon Name:

Human First Name:
Human Surname:
Ayumu is a Host at the Cozy Cappucino Host Club, where guests can enjoy a cozy bookworm-inspired atmosphere with varieties of coffee, tea, book club circles, poetry readings, musical entertainment, study zones, and more!
Playful, Whimsical, Lovable, Youthful, Social, Encouraging, Sweet, Nature-loving, Sleepy, Curious, Airy, Secretive, Reliable
Height: 5'8"
Body: Thin, Lean, Frail
Hair: White, Medium-length, Styled (but also slightly a mess)
Skin: Pale White
Eyes: An unnatural shade of red
Clothes: Ayumu has a youthful, androgynous look that is equal parts 'pretty' and 'handsome.' The outfits are widely varied and based on mood, as this lad has a huge wardrobe. Other than that, you'll see them wearing Host Club uniform.
Age: This particular identity of Varaim's is mid-20s but gets easily mistake for someone who's 17-18
CLICK HERE: This character sheet can provide more in-depth info on this and anything else about Varaim.


kenzo.pngFirst Name:
He is a working member of the Cozy Cappucino Host Club. There, he crafts beverages for the guests because it's said he makes the best coffee, hot chocolate, and tea in the house. He also makes some pretty amazing milkshakes.
Quiet, Helpful, Friendly, Lonely, Creative, Tired, Secretive, Strong, Emotional, Stolid, Passionate, Scholarly, Empathetic
Mental Health:
Kenzo has a lot of trauma he doesn't talk about very often. He deals with sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD.
Height: 6'2"
Body: Tall, Brawny, Muscled, Heavy
Hair: Short, Messy, Chestnut colored
Skin: Pale tan
Eyes: Mysteriously the same reddish color as Ayumu's eyes. They used to be brown.
Clothes: Business casual, Host Club uniforms, pants with button-up shirts and ties
As a scholarly type with some college experience, he can be of help to anyone at the Host Club who is studying, dealing with paperwork, trying to organize some numbers, and so on. He also has a healthy, athletic, and tall body type that's naturally strong. Kenzo is a balanced combination of brawn and brains. Both are strengths he knows how to use effectively.
It should be noted, as well, that he is very good with service jobs. He loves to make delicious drinks for others to enjoy and he's a warm person to conversate with. Being paid with a 'thank you' or a smile can honestly make his day.
Mental health diagnoses can get in the way of productivity. If he doesn't get enough sleep, or if he has an episode, he feels too drained to perform at his best. On those days, he's likely to make mistakes during his work, and his body will feel too tired to function beyond the minimum. It will also take him longer to calculate answers or respond to complex questions because he needs a nap. Sometimes, a cup of coffee helps, but at other times it just elevates his anxiety and makes things worse.

Bio For These Boys (which does actually manage to sound like an anime synopsis lmao):
Yasuda Kenzo is from a family where, to put things lightly, life was difficult. The only one who knows about it is Mochizuki Ayumu, who is technically a demon in human disguise. Ayumu has taken it upon themselves to be a support system for Kenzo, providing him not only with aid in his sleep but a place to belong in the community. After he was summoned, Varaim (the demon) found a place to fit himself into the picture and blend in as if he'd always belonged there. Shortly after, he brought Kenzo along with him and the two have since been essential cogs in the Host Club machine.
During the night, Varaim preys on Kenzo's nightmares, which is a symbiotic relationship like no other. Varaim gets to keep eating, and Kenzo gets to have a more peaceful sleep. Kenzo happens to have some of the most delicious nightmares ever, but on some nights, Kenzo is unable to sleep. In those times, Varaim has no choice but to either wait for the next sleep or visit someone else at the Host Club who might have a nightmare to eat.
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Sentinels Standing;;
From Friends
to Frenemies
to Enemies

Zayn Karimi
The Djinn, "Z", Big Z
Enhanced Human
Founder of Karimi Technologies, as well as The Sentinels. He is the chief overseer of both. Zayn is always working.

Personality: Energetic, Smart, Crafty, Clever, Emotionally Volatile, Bossy, Workaholic, Humorous, Stylish, Fervent, Overworked, Cranky, Friendly, Confident

Random Creative Descriptors:
Happy Energetic Puppydog Energy
Loves To Tell Jokes
Gets Cranky Real Easily
Do Not Touch His Snakes Without Asking First
Much Pain Hides Beneath That Cute Smile
Loves To Go Fast
"Am I That Hard To Love?"

Height: 5'10"
Body: Thin, Lean, Lightly Athletic
Skin: Tan
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Short-Medium length, handsomely hair-gelled, maintains the short length of his rugged beard
Clothes: Zayn goes for comfort and personal taste above all. Even on a workday, he mainly wears jeans and graphic tees (or he'll wear a t-shirt with the company logo). But if there's a nice event or a special meeting going on, he'll wear nicer clothes.

Vera Chopra, ex-fiance
Remy Saldana, friend & co-worker
Lionel Brooks/Sergeant Iron, frenemy & co-worker
Jasmine/Cyclone, friend

Super Abilities:
Technopathy: Six years ago, Zayn used himself for a science experiment alongside a colleague who was one of the most brilliant minds in the medical field. Zayn designed nano-bots with enough intelligence to enter a human body, perform their function, and then "expire" by breaking down as if they were food molecules. Each bot carries a dose of serum concocted by Dr. Wolfe, meant to 'enhance' particular aspects of the human body. Mainly the organs, blood flow, and control over certain hormones.

The experiment was successful, but at the same time, it came with unexpected side effects. As Zayn underwent the physical changes brought on by the substance, neither man predicted that the bots would be absorbed into his blood instead of getting redirected for disposal. The ending result was an ability to communicate with machines, in addition to his own physical enhancements.

He applies these powers to the battlefield in various ways. Since he's not physically the toughest, he can tap into his enhancements to help keep him safe or make him more effective in combat. Otherwise, he prefers to do surprise attacks from the shadows and to make use of his robotic allies. Zayn can also call on the help of electronics that may be in his range of thought.

Finger Wire Skeleton Key: Z has a wire hooked into his right arm that stretches all the way to his index finger. This nifty add-on allows him to access many types of machinery and databases, including old ones. It's like a skeleton key for computers.

Weaknesses/Ability Downsides:
-Physical Limitations: Although the performance limits of his body have been stretched, that's just it: he still has limits. Especially with the way he pushes himself, he can fall victim to extreme levels of fatigue in his mind and body. Despite not being a computer himself, his system will "shut down" until he's "recharged."
-Computer Viruses: They invade his body if he comes into contact with an infected machine. How he reacts to and deals with the viruses will entirely depend on what kind it is, how bad it is, and how long it's been infecting him.
-Adrenaline Addiction: Even though that's one of the hormones he's able to escalate on command, he doesn't see why he shouldn't take that even further by pumping himself with more of it. While this is helpful when he needs to do more romping and less tech-ing, it's not necessary enough that he should be hooked on it.
-EMPs: Zayn will be unable to use his technopathy, and his enhancements if an EMP strikes. Either he'll pass out, or be just a regular defenseless person. Depends on the situation.

Throughout his life, Zayn was praised for his gifted intellect. He was one of those kids who skipped a couple of grades in elementary school. Isolation didn't turn out to be a problem for the young child in the bigger grades, because his personality was always so likable. The absence of his parents eventually added some sourness to his life as he got into his early teenage years. They were having to constantly work in order to support the family. Making a secure life for their son wasn't easy, having been foreigners who entered the country with very little money, limited education, clothes on their backs, and a baby who was due in six months.

Therefore, it was baffling to learn over time that their son was such a genius. They encouraged him to succeed and do his best whenever they weren't too busy or tired to do so. Like most kids, he came to resent them for almost never being there. Of course, he wised up later on. And, as they hoped for him, he went on to do great things for the world. Companies and individuals who were impressed by his visions were happy to shovel over money so he could start the business. He lived up to the promise of having a successful brand name that people far and wide wanted a piece of. Not only did he pay back his sponsors, he was able to put his tired parents into a comfy retirement.

Now he's a top computer tech supplier to just about everywhere. From common household needs to government-level projects. Because of his ability to communicate with machines as if they were people, he's able to produce flawless equipment. He's also the founder of The Sentinels, a small group of super-beings who defend the city from threats only they're capable of handling.

Lionel Brooks
Sergeant Iron, Lion
Human Cyborg
He manages an office space at Karimi-Tech's main building. Outside of that, he fights against crimes too extreme for the local police force to handle.

Personality: Kind, Calm, Tough, Friendly, Warm, Melancholy, Compassionate, Thoughtful, Patient, Brotherly, Passionate, Caring, Protective, Loyal

Random Creative Descriptors:
Fierce And Protective Like A Lion
Good Boy In The Streets, Bad Boy In The Sheets
Just Wants To Be Good
"It's Hard To Sleep At Night..."
Sappy About His Girlfriend
Has A Big Brother Mentality
Doesn't Like To Remember The Wars
Survivors Guilt

Height: 6'1"
Body: Bulky, Strong, Athletic, Sculpted like a work of art
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Sapphire blue
Hair: Cinnamon brown, short-medium length, kept clean, maintains short length of ruggedly handsome beard (but also sometimes goes beardless)
Clothes: At work, he dresses in button up collared shirts with slacks and nice shoes. Outside of work, he dresses based on whether he's going out or not. For Remy, he might like to wear something nice if they're going on a date, otherwise, he favors comfy athletic getups like sweats, cotton pants, plain tees, tank tops, and hoodies.

Remy Saldana, girlfriend
Zayn Karimi, friend
Vera Chopra, friend
Jasmine/Cyclone, ex-girlfriend, enemy

Super Abilities:
Tough Skinned: Lionel's skin is naturally tough. Tougher than what would be considered 'natural' for a human being. To give an example: he requires a special kind of needle for vaccines, or else the needle will break.
Iron Skin: Metal will grow in place of his skin if a strike seems like it may cause severe damage. This metal is manipulatable.
Limited Shapeshifting: His right arm can transform completely into any fully functioning weapon he can imagine.
Human Powerhouse: Every trait is upgraded so he can perform at a maximum level.
Right Eye Enhancement: Since this eye was replaced during his youth, its fakeness makes it durable. The eye is also connected to his brain implant so he could use it to scan things for multiple purposes. The eye looks like just a regular eye, so few end up noticing.

Weaknesses/Ability Downsides:
Ammo Supply: Although he's able to turn his arm into a massive gun, it doesn't come with ammo. He must supply his own.
EMPs: EMPs won't make him useless, however, it will make him significantly weaker. He'll be just as vulnerable as any other plain, regular person.
Mental Health Trauma: Lionel has a severe case of PTSD that can definitely interfere with his performance. Triggers and flashbacks have a way of delaying his bionic physiology, and that's only one example of what could go terribly wrong.
Brain Implant: As much as Lionel hates to admit it, others could be capable of influencing the implant in his brain. It's hackable if someone recognizes he has one and figures out a way to access it.
Sleep: Sleep is of vital importance. So vital that if he has too much or too little, he'll be more useless in a fight than you'd like him to be.

Several days after his birth, Lionel the orphan was handed to a top-secret facility, along with three other babies. They were cared for and raised to the specifications of the scientists until their brains were developed enough for a very risky surgery. Each was meant to be a test subject for a different kind of brain implant. Lionel happened to be one of the two with the least faults. The only issue they found was him losing sight in his right eye, which could be easily replaced. So he was given a name, and labeled as a success-in-progress.

The testing didn't stop there. So he could live up to the vision of the geniuses, he was conditioned to be a healthy, strong, and fast specimen. Modifications were made to his body too so it could accommodate the bionic physiology, such as a reinforced skeleton. They educated him with anything they considered important, put him through various problem-solving scenarios, and told him when he was allowed to sleep or eat.

The abilities he developed through the conditioning, and the implant, proved to be extraordinary. He was like a product of a machine and a person with the way his flesh twisted into metal armor. In time, he could even shift his right arm into a weapon of his choosing. From there he was groomed to be the perfect super soldier, eventually climbing to the rank of sergeant. Brooks served his country well from age 18 to 27. He may still be doing so had he not retired. The reason why... Is something he prefers to not talk about.

For a long time, he was lost. All he knew was the lab, all he knew was war. Eventually, he found a home for himself and was reached out to by Zayn Karimi. He was given two jobs. One that would earn him an honest, steady pay. And another that would satisfy his need to protect innocents from harm.
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Roland "Bardawulf" Adney of The Pinewood Forest Clan
Sable, Wulf, The Blood-Fanged Phantom
*(Vampire physiology with some wolf-like characteristics)
Elder Vampire

Personality: Curious, Confident, Irritable, Mischievous, Passionate, Morbid, Attention-loving, Wily, Strong-willed, Grumpy, Somber, Playful, Tough, Snarky, Energetic

Random Creative Descriptors:
A Brat Who Wants To Be Called A "Good Boy"
Angsty Lone Wolf Mentality
Is In Total Ecstasy When He Feeds
"Don't Call Me Cute!" *Blushes from being called cute*
Sometimes Makes A Mess Of His Food So That He Can Roll In The Blood Puddles
Extremely Wants To Bite And Nibble Things
"Look Away. I'm A Monster."

Height: 5'11"
Body: Strong, Toned Muscles, Heavy, Athletically Fit
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Grey when neutral, Red when aggressive/empowered/in combat/feeding
Hair: Medium-length, Black, Unkempt
Clothes: Favors darker-toned clothes with blacks, greens, browns, and blues. Has different fashions he'll take up, from casual comfiness to tastefully sophisticated fanciness. Goes with classic combinations of pants and tops with matching outerwear.

Blood Empowerment: A rather straightforward one but Roland gets stronger when he drinks blood. The more satisfied his hunger, the greater his strength level will be. Roland has the abilities of an enhanced human who is stronger, faster, more durable...
Night Empowerment: When it's nighttime, he is stronger. The power of the moon can lend to this strength, as well.
Wolfism: Roland's vampire race has wolf-like mannerisms, features, and powers to them. For Roland particularly, he's got a dangerously good sense of smell, heightened hearing, wolf language, and a ferocious bone-breaking bite. And when it comes to shapeshifting, whether one part of himself or all of himself, it doesn't take long at all.
Natural Weaponry & Intermediate Swordsmanship: He's most experienced with the weaponry he was 'reborn' with. Roland is highly effective with his claws, teeth, skull bashes, throat-ripping, bone-breaking, natural strength, and what more he gets from being a vampire. This is how he prefers to approach combat, but he can wield a sword rather well too if it's necessary. Once upon a time, someone told him he should take up a more 'elegant fighting art.'
Animal Summons: Given that he's got enough energy for it, he can summon animals to do his bidding. Roland can call upon animals in the vicinity or he can summon them from locations he's memorized. His limits are usually at 3 dire wolves, 4-5 housecats cats, a flock of birds, a swarm of bugs, to name a few options.
Morphing: Roland can shapeshift into any animal imaginable. He can shapeshift into a different-looking person, too. However, the more complex the form, the more energy it's going to cost. Certain forms will activate faster than others too because they might be his favored ones, such as turning into a wolf or turning into a hawk. He really likes to be animals that give off a deadly or threatening aura.
Familiar: He has a werewolf familiar who is his bestest friend in all of the world and his most trusting of partners. This wolf's name is Hellebore (we call him Hel for short). This creature takes commands from him and only him. He also shares in his vampirism so that they are spiritually linked and immortally living together side-by-side. Even if they get separated for a time, Hellebore always finds his way back to Roland. The wolf can't die unless his Master dies.
Monster Form: If a monstrous situation can only be countered by another monster, Roland can provide it. Intimidation, strength, flying capabilities, bite strength, claw size, and much more, get maximized when he goes 'monster mode.' He is quite sensitive about this form though and considers it the least likable aspect of himself. He'll fall into a depressed mood after he sheds himself of the monster form.

Sensitive About Dogs/Wolves: Roland has such a sensitive spot for canine creatures that he doesn't want to hurt them. He'd rather try to reason with them first or make them run away. He gets deeply distraught if ever he's forced to harm or kill a dog or a wolf. In general, he'd rather not hurt an animal and would like to avoid it. But, lycans are the ones he consistently wants to be friendly with.
Holiness/Godliness: Holy objects, Holy magic, Holy water, Blessed items, all of it can harm him because he is an ungodly creature of the night. He gets very angry in the presence of these things because he knows they're going to sting in some way.
Limitations From Hunger: His strength needs to be at a high enough level at all times if he's to perform at his best. He won't hold shapeshift forms for long enough if he hasn't eaten since the other day, for instance. Another example would be that he has a harder time getting along with his summons or getting them to follow his commands because they can sense his weakness and crankiness.
Light Sensitivity: The sun won't straight up burn him to a crisp when he steps in it. But it can and will slowly burn him throughout the day if he's not properly shaded. It'll start as an awful burning itching sensation on his skin and over time he'll dry up and start to die.
Nervous Around Fire: Roland fears fire more than he fears the light of God. He carries trauma with him that he's still learning to cope with. If there's a fire in the vicinity, he'll think this is the day he's going to die. Even the flames of candles will make him nervous at first because what if the candle starts a full-on fire?
Rivalry With Other Vamps: Wulf has earned himself a reputation as someone who doesn't get along with others. That's especially true of his own kind. Not always does he agree with their methods or decisions, so he is known to be among those with unpopular opinions or those who will talk with their fists if talking doesn't cut it. He also has a 'lone wolf' mentality compared to his family's very family-like mentality, which isolates him and gets him made fun of or disrespected as someone who's a loner. There are also certain kinds of vampires who aren't nice to Roland's kind, the Vampwolves. To the more stuffy members of vampires, Vampwolves are just wild animals or unruly 'dogs,' which creates tension among some clans.
Feral Berserker Mode: Keeping his blood consumption levels and his emotions in check is extremely important for this reason most of all. A blind rage or blind frenzy can lead to needless damages and deaths. Roland reverts to a more feral version of himself that can only think of blood. This state of mind elevates all things that make him dangerous and he should not be allowed near anyone during these times. (Unless a blind frenzied vampire is exactly what the situation is looking for.) At the end of these blind feral rages, Roland gets very ashamed of himself and might isolate himself.

Roland is from a clan of vampires who are known as Vampwolves. They are the same as any other vampire, just with features and demeanor that resemble wolves. They also like an outdoor lifestyle away from highly advanced civilizations. When he was a younger vampire, he lived amongst them contently in the wilderness. They had a village in the middle of their own territory of forest, where it was secure and peaceful. Hunts took place in the forest, but outside as well. The Vampwolves actively used their wily charms to lure people into their territory so they could be turned into bloody meals. Roland eventually became one of those who'd venture out to find prey. During those times, he was fascinated by the world beyond his own. It made him want to explore it more and more. There was more to this long boring life than hunting and growing their clan.
Challenging the ideals of his clan, inevitably, earned him ridicule. The people he knew as family and friends were very set in their ways. Roland wasn't willing to accept that. He exiled himself from his clan in pursuit of an unlife he could decide for himself.

Lone wolfing out in the world has its ups and downs. On the upside, he felt like he could be his own person. On the downside... A good number of vampires disrespect him because of where he comes from. Why would a dirty vampwolf from the wilds want to put on fancy clothes and do fancy things? Roland didn't feel the need to prove himself to them, but he knew he would have to impress them in order to find a place among them. Getting taken seriously took some doing. He isn't even convinced that they truly respected him, they just put on a performance of respect so he'd leave them alone or so they could avoid any more confrontations. Because Roland was relentlessly sticking up for himself and demanding respect where respect was due. He was a vampire just like them, after all. He was just from a different area of the region.

After a while, he got settled in a society that was a mix of humans and vampires. The humans were mostly unaware of how many vampires were blending in with them. Roland took up many different identities over the next few hundred years while the world constantly changed around him. He'd participated in several different events and crafts, ranging from apprenticeships to war services to royal family employment. Pretending became second nature for the wild man who thirsted for blood.
Somewhere along the way, Roland earned the nickname Bardawulf because his vampire kin remembered his wolfishness so regularly. He took to it better than the demeaning terms of 'pup' or 'bloodhound.'

And then something most intriguing happened later... Vampires began an effective working relationship with Witches. Roland interacted with a handful of witches but didn't see himself following his vampire kin to the aristocratic path they were ultimately walking on. They attempted to encourage him, and then pressure him, because what more was he going to do? In their eyes, he was throwing away a prime opportunity for great success.
So, as a result... A group of the vampires that didn't agree with his choices hatched a plot to kill Roland. He knew too many of their secrets to be allowed alive, freely wandering among people who he could say anything to. They gave him the option to live in exile, but always had the intention of sending someone after him.

Fortunately for Roland, he caught onto them and then planned accordingly. With his familiar's help, he got himself chained down in a magically-sealed coffin that was carefully placed within a mausoleum. That way he wouldn't go rampaging when he got hungry. Eventually, the starvation put him into stasis so he could sleep through the nights where a bunch of his own kind wanted him dead. Knowing that all trends died at some point, he was fine to keep sleeping until a different year, or even a different century. Those noble vampires didn't want him blabbing secrets? Well, then he would be taking them to his grave, so to speak. And if he was lucky, those secrets wouldn't even matter anymore when he woke up. Meanwhile, his familiar, who is a werewolf, awaits the day his Master awakens. Routinely, he goes to check on the coffin and leaves offerings, putting on the scene of someone ordinary paying respects.
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prince marlow.jpgName:
Marlow Cliffgrove
Half-Fae, Half-Human
Prince, Magic School Student
Warm, Playful, Optimistic, Energetic, Cute, Sensitive, Compassionate, Hard-Working, Cheerful, Feminine, Protective Of Others, Whimsical, Creative, Emotional
Gardening, Flying, Rainy Weather, Fruits (especially those with softer textures), Cheese, Hanging Out With Grey, Fashion, Collecting Gems/Stones, Family

Bullies, Meat (he's vegetarian), Wearing Pants, Being Alone, The First Queen, Yelling, Sleeping Without A Light, How Easily He Cries About Things

Height: 5'5"
Body: Skinny, Fragile, Lithe
Skin: Cream
Eyes: Blue left eye, green right eye
Hair: Golden blond with green and blue highlights
Wings: Smaller than a full-fledged fae. Translucent and colorful. They are blue and green in color and are strong enough to fly him around. Building himself to that point took a lot of hard work and practice, it's considered one of his proudest achievements.
Clothes: Favors clothes with earthy colors. He also prefers that they are breathable and lightweight. Fashions range between robes/kimono/yukata types of things, dresses, and skirts. The freer the better.
Air Magic: Marlow can create, manipulate, and reshape air in varied ways. Some of those ways include blocking, attacking, flying/improving his flying, twisters, air slicing, and making breezes. In a dire or grim situation, he could suffocate someone with his air magic or concoct a deadly windstorm.
Water Magic: Water can be manipulated and reshaped similarly to air, but there needs to be a water source available. Marlow carries some water with him at all times in case he might need it for his magic. This is not just limited to water. Marlow can utilize vapors and ice/snow as well. Examples of water magic uses are tidal wave attacks, water purification, hydrokinetic flight (useful if his wings are hurt or tired), and hydrokinetic constructs.
Air + Water = Bubble Magic: When Marlow combines his elements, they become bubbles. Bubbles are useful in quite a few ways. One thing he can do is put a bubble around a person that can safely ride on the air or ride underwater. Doing this can be used as a shield, too. Another thing he can do is produce frozen bubbles that will hurt like hell when they land/pop on you (almost like getting multiple punches thrown at it). A third one worthy of mentioning is healing. It takes a lot of energy, but the half-fae can produce a healing bubble bath for someone that soothes their aches and patches their wounds up.
-Flask of water
-Magic staff
-Twin daggers
-Crossbow pistol
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CALEB (Cybernetically Advanced Lethal Electrical Bodyguard)
Human Cyborg
Hired Bodyguard

Personality: Protective, Severe, Clever, Considerate, Polite, Curious, Professional, Quiet, Shy, Good Humored, Melancholy, Lonely, Tough, Assertive

Random Creative Descriptors:
"Half Of Me Is Still Human"
Gets Angry When He's Sad
Do Not Piss Him Off
Lives For The Work He Does
Remembers Every Compliment He Ever Gets

Height: 6'4"
Body: Brawny, Athletic, Heavy
Skin: Cream
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: CALEB wears anything that's practical and comfortable. He's very plain with his fashion.

Cyber Mind: There is computer tech fused with his brain. It's been carefully placed to where he can still function like any regular human being, just with some enhancements. Benefits include accelerated reprogramming, computer interactions, GPS, scanning, database storage, and lie detecting.
Scanner Vision: CALEB's artificial eyes have built-in technology that's connected with his cyber mind. These scanners can tell him intimate details about people depending on what he manages to scan. He can also read for anything in the environment like weather changes, possible accident outcomes, and much more.
Spinal-Based Enhancement: A cybernetic spine enhancement grants CALEB enhanced speed, strength, and durability. This enhancement also provides him the ability to use psychic shields that protect him from psychic attacks.
Right Cyber Arm with Gun Transformation: The right arm is entirely metallic in appearance and designed for dramatic form changes into guns. These guns are typically heavy and loud with high ammo capacity.
Cyber legs with enhanced speed: Both of CALEB's legs are cybernetic. They are incredibly strong, making for powerful kicks and speedy sprinting.
Weapons Expert: CALEB is well-trained with guns and knives. When he picks one up, he'll most likely know exactly how to use it.

Ammunition Limits: For all of his weapons, including his built-in ones, he must provide his own ammo. He cannot generate it on his own. This can be problematic if he doesn't reload at the start of the day or if he happens to run out on the scene.
Computer-Related Vulnerabilities: CALEB doesn't get the same kinds of illnesses that humans get. Instead, he gets infected with viruses that can give him cold-like symptoms and really mess with his inner workings.
Requires Routine Maintenance: Repairs, upgrades, updates, and more, need to be routinely applied. CALEB is liable to fall apart if these routines are strictly followed.
Electromagnetic Pulses: EMPs can render him useless. They'll deactivate all his tech.
Weapon/Tool Mentality: It's really difficult for CALEB to think differently from the whole 'I am a weapon, I am a tool, use me as you will' mentality. He will sink into a deep depression if he isn't being 'used.' The tasks don't have to be violent, they just have to put him to use. He'll even mow someone's lawn if it means he can do SOMETHING.


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jonah.jpgBirth Name:
Thorn Greenfang
Legally Chosen Name:
Jonah King

Friendly, Warm, Creative, Passionate, Cheesy Sense of Humor, Self-Conscious, Polite, Anxious, Strong, Charming, Caring, Sometimes Air-Headed, Entertaining, Rebellious

Likes: Daytime laziness & Napping, Meat & Potato Meals, His Job, Reading, Evening Walks, Swimming, Camping, Star Gazing
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Spicy Food, Cigarettes, How Tired He Gets During the Day, Black Coffee, How Controlling His Family Is

Human Form:
Height: 6'
Body: Athletic, Brawny
Skin: Pale peach tone
Hair: Creamy blond, Short-Medium length, Shaves his beard but sometimes maintains stubble
Eyes: Amber
Clothing: Flannel shirts, collared button-ups, jeans, slacks, khakis, high-end sneakers
Werewolf Form:
Height: 6'10"
Body: Heavy, Burly, Strong
Hair: Primary color is creamy white, secondary color is reddish-orange, tertiary color is dark gray [He has patterns and colors similar to that of an Eastern Timber Wolf]

Wolf Form: When Jo transforms, he gains wolf perks such as the use of claws, powerful jaws, heightened hearing, and greater speed.
Acting Talents: Acting comes so naturally to him that he can use it for daily situations if necessary. It can be helpful in cases where he might need to be dishonest or display a certain feeling. He can also pretend he's somebody else entirely complete with a different voice and characteristics.
Naturally Strong: Even in human form, he is a strong individual. In fact, he might accidentally break things or knock things over if he doesn't watch himself.
Talented Sniffer: If acting doesn't pan out for him, he could make an excellent detective. His nose is good at tracking and identifying even the smallest of scented clues.

Spices: Jonah has such a high sensitivity to spices that his sense of smell can get sabotaged by it. Even just smelling someone's spicy cooking will cause it to plug up and feel swollen.
Loud Noises: Those powerful ears can be a blessing and a curse. A strong high-pitched noise, for example, can screw up his balance and emotional stability. He'll panic if he gets deafened.
"Insomnia": Jo's sleep schedule and daytime tiredness have him diagnosed as insomniac. The reality is that he's a nocturnal creature trying to operate on a daytime schedule. He can get tired and slow during those hours if he hasn't had a nap or the proper caffeine boost.
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Edgar "Animus" Madden
College Professor -- He teaches English courses 4 days a week, all in the morning and afternoon d367d421c32e11f38f8954fd88221ac6.jpg
Polite, Scholarly, Patient, Artistic, Curious, Proud, Romantic, Emotional, Dramatic, Passionate, Inspiring, Melancholy, Lonely

Height: 5' 10"
Body: Lean, Toned Muscles
Skin: Pale
Hair: Chocolatey brown
Eyes: Hazel
Clothing: Animus likes to dress in business casual clothing beneath a nice layer of outerwear like a stylish jacket or a fancy overcoat.
Werewolf Form:
Height: 7"
Body: Bulky, Heavy, Muscular
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gold and glowing
Personality: Unfriendly, Sensitive, Irritable, Sad, Untrusting of Others, Hurt, Mean, Aggressive When Angry, Affection Deprived
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Ezra Finch
Officer Finch, Ez
Police Detective, Witch Hunter

Personality: Grouchy, Depressed, Self-Loathing, Quiet, Love-Starved, Empathetic, Caring, Protective, Heroic, Harsh at times, Sad, Poetic

Mental Health:
Chronically Depressed, PTSD, Pain/Self-Harm Addiction (specifically, he goes looking for dangerous situations that will either get him hurt or killed)
Bad Habits:
Smoking cigarettes, Drinking too much

Height: 5'11"
Body: Athletic
Skin: Light tan
Hair: Medium-short, Dark brown, Oftentimes messy
Beard: Rugged handsomeness style, Stubble, Regularly maintained
Eyes: Blue
Clothing: T-Shirts, Jeans, Leather jackets, Windbreakers. Generally dresses plain but practical and has a very 'detective' aesthetic to him.

-Anti-Magic Energy: Flowing through his body is anti-magic energy. He can apply it to combat and weapons to damage magical beings.
-Magic Detection: If there is or was magic around, Ezra will be able to sense it. He can tell the difference between good magic and foul magic, too. One smells more foul than the other.
-Anti-Magic Defenses: Protective skills with anti-magic applied can guard Eztra against magical attacks.
-Immortality Curse: He can't die.

-Curse Vulnerabilities: When witches die by his hand, there's a high possibility they will curse him upon death. He has obtained many curses over the years. Some will never go away while others either have time limits or can be lifted through some type of curse manipulation.
-Haunting Curse: Ezra is haunted by ghosts of people who used to be in his life. They'll show up just about any time they want to annoy him.
-Immortality Curse: He can't die.
-Mental Inducement Curse (Despair): Ezra's depression is intensified by this curse, making him a greatly miserable person at all times.

Theme Songs:
None yet.

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  • Love
Reactions: Queen Tink
Raven Stormore
Heterosexual, Bi-Curious
Demon Summoner, Botanist

Compassionate, Self-Conscious, Bashful, Clever, Friendly, Traumatized, Patient, Knowledge-Hungry, Anxious, Playful, Depressed, Weird, Quiet

Height: 5'7"
Body: Thin, Lightweight
Skin: White as Snow
Hair: Long, Black
Eyes: Blue
Clothing: Always black, goth aesthetics

Demon Summoning: Raven's impressive summoning knowledge is applied to a grimoire she carries everywhere with her. With this, she can summon demons of varying types. They range from lesser beings to highly advanced beings, all of them requiring different rituals, incantations, and so on.

Physical Weakness: Raven relies on her demons to keep danger at a safe distance. If that danger gets too close though, she can and will get injured easily. She is not built for combat. The best she can do is dodge, run, and make use of what strength she does have to fight back.

Theme Songs:



Yang Li

Royal Bodyguard
(Formerly a Fire Nation warrior)

Personality: Mysterious, Good-Humored, Depressed, Angry, Lonely, Emotional, Damaged, Fun, Grouchy, Protective, Intense, Passionate

Height: 6'1"
Body: Lean, Athletic
Skin: Light Tan
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Chestnut
Clothes: Li dresses in Water Tribe clothing that's been specially made for him.

His favorite weapon is a Jian. He also has a bow and arrow.

-Li has practiced with a wide array of weaponry, developing basic skill levels with the majority of them. The ones he favors most and can be considered masterful at are one-handed swords, and the bow and arrow. He will, more often than not, use fire to make the weapons deadlier.

-At his core, Li is a rogue. He can be impressively charismatic, stealthy, and crafty.

-Another skill that is important and unique to Li is his ability to communicate with fire. Through the guidance of his Master, he learned how to craft fires into words by connecting a stream of fire from one hand to the other. (Essentially, it will look like he's literally holding a phrase between his two hands.) He can also communicate with pictures by creating puffs of flame that last long enough for the eye to catch, each one piecing into a message he hopes to be understood. An additional method he can use is writing on a surface with a flame he produces with his fingertip.

-Li is a highly advanced firebender who is confident in his abilities. Like most Firebenders, Li can be expected to strike first in a match against a different element. He goes in with barrages of fiery punches and kicks to needle at an opponent's defenses and balances until he sees an opening for a more devastating blow. Ideally, this would be a finisher against someone who isn't at the same level as him. Against a more advanced opponent, his kicks and punches will become more whirly in maneuver, spinning together shapes and patterns that can dazzle someone before they get stricken by the powerful force headed right toward them. That, or they must act quickly enough to dodge the human cannonball of swirling flames.
Something that will make Li extra unique along the way is he will incorporate Waterbending techniques into his bending. Since the two styles share many facets with one another, he sees the usefulness of their fluid motions and overall elegance. Against a more hot-headed opponent, he may be caught trying to use the Waterbending style, particularly the element of it that uses an enemy's momentum against them. This skill level is beginner compared to the master level Firebending he possesses and he will work his way up as he practices more.

-Being on the middle ground of strength and speed can work against him if his opponent is greater than him in either aspect. Depending on their skill level, he may be forced to fight at a different angle if he doesn't want to be quickly outdone.

-Li, being a Firebender, is heavy offense and weak defense. It isn't unusual for him to run into someone who can eventually overcome the few means of defense he has available. This comes down to him depending on his own physical might for defense, which isn't always enough.

-Since fire can be produced only when a person is driven, his bending will fail him in times he feels purposeless, or highly depressed.

-Fiercely freezing temperatures will surely slow him down, shut off his fire, and potentially immobilize him.

-In this day and age, Firebenders are encouraged to fuel themselves with anger. Even though his Master advised against it, his ruler strictly encouraged it. This created a conflict in Li of two sides constantly warring, this leading to an anger issue he sometimes cannot control. (Since separating himself from the Fire Kingdom he's from, his anger issues will gradually decline as he comes to realize the root of the problem.)

-Li has damaged vocal cords due to childhood trauma. This creates a big language hurdle that can be hard to overcome. He can use sign language and he can talk through his firebending, but not always will he be understood.
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Note: This character has Dissociative Identity Disorder. They are 2 separate beings who share the same body. I'm writing from pure experience as someone who's been diagnosed..

Delilah Anne "DD" Davidson
The Conqueress, The Tigress
Sexuality/Romantic Interest:
Homosexual, Panromantic

Entertainer, Vigilante

Personality: Warm, Friendly, Funny, Lonely, Social, Self-Destructive, Loving, Sisterly, Affectionate, Emotional, Energetic, Sensitive, Traumatized

Likes: Drawing/tagging, marijuana, skateboarding, partying, stand-up comedy shows, improv performances, horror movies
Dislikes: Her middle name, guns, sleeping alone, doctors, being angry, when Hu takes over

Height: 5'10"
Body: Athletic, Strong
Skin: White
Fur/Hair: Reddish-Orange
Eyes: Blue
Clothes: Delilah doesn't stick to a particular kind of fashion. Being homeless taught her to appreciate having any clothes in the first place. What matters most is that it's comfortable, and at least some measure of cute. Something she does consistently wear, though, are boots that can withstand the growth of Hu's feet so she can simply remove the footwear instead of it being torn to pieces.

Krav Maga: Delilah's street fighter approach made her scientists decide that Krav Maga would suit her best. This seemed more fitting than teaching her to use Hu's fighting style, especially since she can't tap into that martial art unless giving control to Hu. Giving her a fighting form would make her deadlier, and this particular one didn't stray too far from the aggressive methods of the tiger. The style is as practical as it is brutal, being designed specifically for street dangers and do-or-die situations. It also made her more effective in disarming any enemies who bring weapons. Training her in this form played well into her natural talents too, such as her awareness, flexibility, strength, and speed.

Modified Physiology: For Delilah, they involved some specially planned bio-engineering that would adapt to her physical growth. Since she would be doing a lot of hand-to-hand approaches, they saw it necessary to enhance her in ways that would reduce, if not outright prevent, the chance of getting her bones broken. They took caution in every way they could think of, which included tinkering with the codes in her DNA to better the chances of experiment compatibility. To withstand her surgeries, she would need an enhanced healing factor. This led to splicing in a trait they took from a supernatural creature so she could be gifted with heightened healing. The girl had compatible genes for it. To everyone's relief, the procedures were successful. What became of DD/Hu was an incredibly durable skeleton that carries traces of magically imbued metal. Making her bones nearly impossible to break allows her to use her tigress strength without getting seriously hurt, and she can take a good beating too.

Enhanced Senses: Hu being asleep doesn't mean DD doesn't benefit from the tiger in some ways. She doesn't need glasses anymore, for one. In fact, not only are her eyes perfect, they can see in the dark, too. She can also smell at a higher level than regular human beings, and she gets reliable gut feelings if anything dangerous enters the area. Most impressive of all is her hearing. It's the main skill a tiger uses when they're hunting, and watching out for threats. She's learned to rely on her ability to identify it when human footsteps are approaching her and her people.

Tiger Form: Either personality is capable of shifting into a massive orange, black, and white Siberian tigress.
In this form, they are (as mentioned above) the strongest version of themselves. With the major downside being that the tiger will tire toward the middle of a fight if it's lasting too long. Throwing around all that dense muscle takes a lot of energy. For this reason, they try to be thoughtful about the times they put this form to use.

Memory Gaps: When one takes over for the other, the one who was 'asleep' will not have any clue of what was going on. For example, if Hu got into a fight the night before, DD isn't going to have any memory of it. To reduce instances of confusion, one will leave notes for the other in places that both minds have memorized. This includes not just handwritten notes, but emails sent to herself, voice/video recordings, and so on. When they can, anyway. There will sadly be times when no time or tools are available for note writing.

Stamina Drop: It's worth noting that the humanoid version of DD/Hu and the tiger version of them are significantly different in speed. As a humanoid, Delilah/Hu can run at a consistent, decently fast pace for long lengths at a time. As a tiger, however, they have a drop in stamina that causes them to pursue targets in sprints of about 50 km per hour, otherwise, they have to just run at a slower more leisurely pace. Ideally, they just won't be in their tiger form if there's some kind of chasing involved. A tiger is more of an ambusher than a chaser.

Electric Attacks: Because of the metal in DD's skeleton, electric shocks tend to deal extra damage. Either she or Hu can be put down quite effectively if you jolt them badly enough. This also has a tendency to induce a panic attack if the shocks aren't well-controlled.

Noise Sensitivity: Having powerful ears doesn't come without consequences. Noises that are too loud and/or too sharp will disable her. It's in fact the key way to defeating her.


The Ferine Fury, Hu-Hu, Tiger Lily
Asexual, Panromantic

Delilah's Protector

Personality: Harsh, Unfriendly, Untrusting, Spiteful, Protective, Intimidating, Authoritative, Arrogant, Rageful, Hurting, Proud

Likes: Hunting for food, drinking tea, practicing her martial art & sparring, napping in the sun, swimming
Dislikes: Having to do 'human things,' food with too much seasoning, social events, dealing with people

Height: 9'
Body: Brawny, Nicely Toned, Strong
Fur/Hair: Reddish-Orange
Eyes: Amber
Clothes: Hu hates the fact they have to wear clothes at all. If she's controlling the body for more than a day, she tends to dress carelessly, perhaps even cluelessly. Sometimes she might forget a bra, or mistake a Halloween costume for an outfit, or she'll match a top with a jacket that completely clashes. So, to not complicate things, she likes to put on athletic getups that are comfortable and form-fitting.

Feline Physiology/Genetic Mutation: At the beginning of DD's adolescent years, the tiger features started showing up. The thing is, they only show up when Hu is the dominant personality. It's because of the supernatural healing factor that was spliced into Delilah's DNA. Having extracted it from a creature that changes from one form to another, this effect is mimicked through the switches DD and Hu experience.

Fu Jow Pai: Hu is scarily good at the Tiger style known as Fu Jow Pai (one of the styles in Five Animal Kung Fu). The martial art has become part of the tiger's spiritual essence, giving Hu the ability to fight with this form no matter what body they're put into (given that it's humanoid of course). This is a brutal hard style of Martial Art that involves clawing, ripping, and grasping motions that aim to attack vital points, not unlike the brutal methods of a tiger itself. This is where her mutation is nifty. The strength in her digits, and her claws, allow her to rip at a person's skin once she can press them in. The ways she uses her paw-like hands sometimes simulate the powerful jaw of a tiger.

Tiger Strength: The tiger is known to be one of the most powerful animals on Earth. They can lift double their body weight (DD/Hu weighs to about 380 kg as a tiger). To put it into some perspective: it takes more than 13 grown men to even closely match what a tiger can lift. Their biting power measures at about 1,000 PSI (pounds per square inch). One swing of the tiger's paw can cave in the skull of a large animal. DD and Hu can easily meet these potentials when they take on their full-grown tiger form.

Tiger Form: Either personality is capable of shifting into a massive orange, black, and white Siberian tigress.
In this form, they are (as mentioned above) the strongest version of themselves. With the major downside being that the tiger will tire toward the middle of a fight if it's lasting too long. Throwing around all that dense muscle takes a lot of energy. For this reason, they try to be thoughtful about the times they put this form to use.

Violent Anger Problem: Will go into a blind rampage if her anger gets out of control. This is where the IED diagnosis comes from. She can be stopped with a tranquilizer, or if you can trigger her using a scent or sound capable of bringing DD back out.

Independent To A Fault: This tigress does not like asking for help. Relying on others makes her feel weak, even though the reality is that others make her stronger. Hu has yet to realize this truth. She will take dangers on by herself even if the odds are against her. Getting her to accept help of any kind isn't impossible but it isn't easy, either. You have to be consistent and you have to be stern sometimes.

Hearing Sensitivity: Hu's ears are vulnerable to sound attacks. Same as DD, this is a key way to defeating her in combat. However, unlike DD, this might be one of the only ways to weaken Hu. She is a nonstop powerhouse who would require a well-planned attack in her weakest spot, which happens to be her ears.

Stamina Drop: It's worth noting that the humanoid version of DD/Hu and the tiger version of them are significantly different in speed. As a humanoid, Delilah/Hu can run at a consistent, decently fast pace for long lengths at a time. As a tiger, however, they have a drop in stamina that causes them to pursue targets in sprints of about 50 km per hour, otherwise, they have to just run at a slower more leisurely pace. Ideally, they just won't be in their tiger form if there's some kind of chasing involved. A tiger is more of an ambusher than a chaser.

Electric Attacks: Because of the metal in DD's skeleton, electric shocks tend to deal extra damage. Either she or Hu can be put down quite effectively if you jolt them badly enough. This also has a tendency to induce a panic attack if the shocks aren't well-controlled.

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Dante Romano
Superhuman Title:


Personality: Grouchy, Passionate, Bitter, Lonesome, Empathetic, Severe, Always Hungry, Resentful, Hot Tempered, Dark Humored, Outspoken

Height: 5'11"
Body: He's built like a professional running athlete
Skin: Olive
Hair: Chocolate Brown
Eyes: Brown
Clothes: Button-up collared shirts and jeans when he goes out, t-shirts and comfortable pants when he's at home.

Super Speed: Dante can run faster than any other human being. In the blink of an eye, he can be anywhere else in the world. He can run so fast that he can end up at a different point in time if he's not careful.
Speedster Physiology: Dante is physically enhanced so that his body can handle going at high speeds. He's more durable, his cardiovascular and respiratory systems are super efficient, he metabolizes fast, his brain can process information at top speed, and his muscles are designed to feel no fatigue.
Accelerated Healing: A benefit to being a speedster is being able to heal rapidly. Dante will recover from any wound or injury significantly faster than any other person.

Vulnerability to Coldness: Extremely cold temperatures could shut his body down because it'll slow down his healing ability. Cold is an opposite element of speed because going fast causes a build-up of heat. Enemies with ice powers would have a big advantage over him. He also avoids the snowier, icier parts of the world as much as possible.
Physical Demands: Maintaining his physical form is a big responsibility. He has to keep himself well-fed constantly because of his metabolism, for one. He also has to stay on top of his daily exercises and attend routine checkups with a doctor who understands his body. Neglecting these responsibilities can lead to a decline in his strength and speed.



Theme Songs:

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Felix Griffin
The Jaguar


Personality: Tough, Quiet, Solitary, Assertive, Confident, Sentimental, Hardworking, Stolid, Grumpy, Powerful, Secretive, Witty

Height: 6'1"
Body: Athletic, Well-toned
Skin: Pale, Covered with scars
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown

Mixed Martial Arts: Felix is well-trained in the arts of Aikido, Muay Thai, and Krav Maga.
Throwing Knives: All over his person, there are knives that he can rapidly throw at targets as needed. Felix is able to use these with deadly precision.
Weaponry Knowledge: Out of personal interest, and because it was recommended by his Master, Felix practiced with varied weapons. The top favorites are one-handed swords, knives of all types, and pistols. His deadliness is at its highest when he's wielding any one or any combination of these.
Languages: Felix can communicate in Japanese and Russian.

Anita Griffin, Mother (deceased)
Walter Griffin, Father (deceased)
Master Touma (Felix's Aikido and Krav Maga instructor), father figure, respects him but also secretly despises him
Master Kyong (Felix's Muay Tha instructor), father figure, on good terms with him
Master Titus (Felix's weapons instructor), best friend, one of the only people Felix trusts
Mistress Viktoriya (Felix's school teacher and language instructor), mother figure, love-hates her

The only life that Felix has ever known is the life of a fighter. A killer.

Felix lost both of his parents to a car accident when he was only six years of age. They perished in their front seats while he remained safe in the back, save for a few minor wounds. Tragically, they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. There was a high-speed pursuit in progress that led to a heavy amount of damage.

One of the names involved in the car accident was the Ishimotos. This family is known for its ability to create some of the best assassins money can buy. The majority of them are orphans such as Felix who got scooped up from the streets and put into a hardcore training program. Seeing how they were partly responsible for making Felix an orphan, the Ishimotos took him in without a second thought. They did so with great swiftness before the police had the chance to find the child and put him into the foster care program. Even though this was partly done out of pity, it was mostly done out of eagerness for the possibilities. Bringing in a new family member this young meant you had the chance to mold them however you wished.

Young Felix started out with the most basic forms of training. Exercises were specially crafted for him so that he could be constantly challenged, but not pushed to the point of breaking. This included beginner-level martial arts. As a child, he was still fragile, so they had to start small. They were activities that a six-year-old wouldn't consider fun or necessary, but he participated as a good student should. This was his new family and he should do as he was told. Although, it might not be so appropriate to call them a 'family.' From their perspective, they owned Felix. He was theirs to command.

When he got older, the training of course got more intense. He was partnered with a few different Masters who could train him in their specialized art forms, and he was handed multiple weapons to practice with. Felix was tested daily so the family could determine the type of hitman he'd be. To their pleasure, he succeeded with flying colors. He earned his black belts in impressive time and he demonstrated a knack for ranged weapons. The child also developed a love for knives. Every year on his birthday, he was gifted a new knife or set of throwing knives. As for his first pistol, that was given to him when he turned eleven.

Throughout his ages, Felix shadowed other assassins so he may learn from them. In between moments of observations, he was given opportunities to join in on the missions. Sometimes he would provide backup to his mentor, sometimes he would deliver a killing blow. Both exercises were meant to harden him over time so that it wouldn't hurt anymore when he inflicted pain or doom on others. To tell the truth, though, he isn't a man without guilt. Even though he can shut off his emotions for a job, he, later on, feels the weight of his deeds. That, of course, doesn't apply to targets who truly deserved to die. Felix drew some measure of satisfaction from offing people who did nothing but hurt others. This included an instance where he managed to intercept another hitman when he was nineteen years old. Proving to be a deadly young man already, he stood in the way of an assassin and killed him before he could finish his dirty work. The man meant to kill a mother and her daughter who happened to be from the Orlav family. Felix made sure they were safely returned home once the bloodshed was over. In return for his heroic deed, the head of the family owed him a favor that he would later cash in.

Moments such as that and others were what earned him the title of The Jaguar. Felix became a dangerous stalk-and-ambush hitman whose name started to put fear into the hearts of others. For a long time, he was all about that life. Making his Masters proud of his good work was what he lived for, especially if they had praise to offer. No matter how old he got, an inner child still craved the attention he didn't get growing up. Although he was loved, he was not nurtured, which caused him to grow into a stolid person who isn't very good with feelings. Those feelings might get ignored, but they never went away. Eventually, he was starting to feel like he wanted to get out of this life. It was taking a toll on him and he was growing wary of the family. This was not what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. By the time he reached his late twenties, he felt very done with it all.

Seeking a way out of his hitman life, Felix looked up Dominik Orlav so he could cash in on the favor owed. Dominik was willing to do whatever it took because his wife and daughter were rescued. With his help, Felix managed to get disconnected from the Ishimotos and moved into a house in the countryside.

Nathan Barnes
Nate, Mister B

Musician, Barista

Creative, Friendly, Romantic, Lyrical, Whimsical, Confident, Sweet, Protective of Others, Charming, Calm, Emotional, Frank, Quirky

Likes: His guitar, Singing & Listening to music, Cooking, Painting, Amusement parks, Concerts, Coffee
Dislikes: Cold weather, Scary movies, Math, Tea, When customers are rude at his work

Height: 6'0
Body: Thin, Tall, Strong Arms and Legs
Skin: Pale
Hair: Brown, Shoulder-length
Eyes: Brown
Clothes: Jeans, T-Shirts, Button-up shirts, Leather jackets, Stylish hats

-Musical Talents (Guitar, Singing, Piano, Songwriting)
-Retired Soccer Player
-Very personable and has good social skills

-Has a bad right knee from a soccer injury
-Thinks with his Heart more than his Head

Nathan's life was dedicated to his soccer career until he suffered a great injury at the age of 19. Even though he recovered at a decent enough rate, some of the damage was, unfortunately, permanent. The doctors suggested that he avoid the sport so that his knee won't break or get dislocated. The scholarship and plans he had for himself had to be canceled for the betterment of his body.

The following year was depressing for the young man. He did not know how to cope with the loss of his sporting career. Everyone found the skill to be so praiseworthy, he felt like he let down his parents, his friends, and his team. Be that as it was, everyone around him was encouraging and did their best to lift him up when he was down. For it was not his fault he got injured. It was a major accident, was all. But he still struggled to pull himself out of his depressive episode.

Eventually, though, he rediscovered a love for music. He remembered, as a child, he practiced playing piano every day, up until he was about sixteen. He decided to take up the art again, and he decided to learn guitar. During his recovery time, the instruments helped him find joy, passion, comfort, and purpose. By putting his sorrow into his music, he was healing himself. Over time, Nathan transformed into quite the musician. He started writing songs about his feelings, and about the people he cared about. Singing while he played piano or guitar brought him happiness that he could share with others.

Nowadays, he is feeling much stronger and more confident in himself. Nathan has no interest in becoming a big famous name, but he does record his own music at studios and he performs at local venues. This includes a coffee shop where he works at. Sometimes, he can be found playing acoustic music to entertain or soothe customers while they enjoy their coffee or study.
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Nolan Parrow

College Student, Bookstore Employee

Gentle, Scholarly, Curious, Studious, Observant, Quizzical, Shy, Polite, Pessimistic, Clever, Competitive, Fidgety, Sensitive

Likes: Reading Novels & Comic Books, Coffee & Tea, Nice Sweaters, Competitive Board Games, Swimming
Dislikes: Loud Places, Bullies, When It's Too Cold To Swim, Wearing Glasses or Contacts, Cigarettes

Height: 5'10"
Body: Has a Swimmer body with Well-Defined Muscles
Skin: Pale
Hair: Light brown, Short, and Styled, also Maintains Stubble on his Face
Eyes: Brown
Clothes: Collared Shirts, Sweaters & Sweater Vests, Slacks, Jeans, Windbreakers, Leather Jackets

-Fast & Efficient Reader. Has a lot of knowledge from the books he's read, too.
-Clever Thinker. Nolan is good at figuring out puzzles, math equations, riddles, and anything that might tease the brain.
-Good Swimmer. He has a strong core and a generally strong body, and he's fast.

-Cannot see very well without his glasses. He's basically blind without them.
-Anxiety. Nolan is a highly cautious individual who gets nervous around situations that don't seem 'right.' He is also susceptible to panic attacks.

As a child, Nolan struggled with the social aspect of school life. The world proved to be quite overstimulating, sometimes leading to emotional meltdowns that were often misunderstood. Many people believed he was an overly sensitive child who couldn't control himself, which could get him in trouble at times. Few took into consideration the possibility he was crying for help because he didn't understand why he felt so uncomfortable most of the time. Fortunately, his concerned parents thought to pursue some answers via counseling and doctor appointments. It was determined that he had ADHD. The plan from there was to put him into counseling and prescribe him medications so that he can lead a more successful life.

Even though he started feeling better about his ADHD, Nolan still felt disconnected from the world and peoples around him. The people who were closest to him were his twin sister, Helen, of course, and a nice girl named Nova. Hanging out with them was among his favorite things to do. Just as well, he found himself rarely wishing to leave Helen's side. Other than the fact they are a part of each other, he is very protective of her. When it comes to Helen, he suddenly stops being the shy quiet boy and he'll talk more so that she doesn't have to if she doesn't want to. He'll also intimidate people who make her uncomfortable, and he'll come to aid her anytime she calls for him. Helen is always there for him, too. He couldn't imagine having anyone at his side.

On his other side is where Nova stands. She gets him and his twin into a lot of trouble, but he loves her like a sister and will do just about anything for her. That includes defending her if she is standing alone against anyone or anything being unfair. Nolan is someone who finds his strength when he's around others, but when he's alone, he gets a lot more anxious about life.

Something else that's helped him cope, as well as become stronger, is swimming. The activity has done wonders for him physically and mentally, and he's even been on school swim teams.
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Cristopher Collymore
Detective Cris Collymore, Crisco

Supernatural Detective

Personality: Curious, Good-Humored, Depressed, Romantic, Sensitive, Skilled, Patient, Affectionate, Thoughtful, Friendly, Lonely

Likes: Reading, Rainy Nights, Sweet Treats, Animals (especially dogs)
Dislikes: When it's Too Hot Outside, Black Coffee, Ads for Alcohol (it feeds into his temptations), Bugs

Mental Health:
Cris suffers from a severe case of depression on account of his traumatic past, and because he used to be an alcoholic. He's very proud of his sober streak, but every day is a challenge. He's oftentimes seen eating a sweet of some kind because sugar is his new addiction.

Bio: Cristopher spent his childhood in a mysterious little city called Golden Lake. In his family, there was his mother, his father, and his brother, Noah, who was only a year younger. Cris and his brother were close and they always spent time together. No matter what happened, they could always count on one another to be there for the other. This relationship remained strong even through high school when they started considering the paths they'd want to take as adults. Noah always talked of being a musician of some sort while Cristopher considered the career of a detective. His favorite books to read were noir novels and mystery thrillers, especially if they're written from the perspective of a detective.

When Cristopher was a senior in high school, his brother went missing. That was the thing about Golden Lake... People had a tendency to randomly disappear. Cris never imagined his brother would fall victim to that fate, though. The traumatic loss threw him into a pit of despair at the time, which was awfully hard to climb out of. Were it not for his friends and family showing support where they could, he probably would have been worse off.

After he graduated, Cristopher decided he'd pursue his desire to be a detective. He also chose to move away from Golden Lake so that he could have a change of scenery. He wanted a chance to breathe, a chance to get away from the place where his brother vanished. Cris planned to someday return, but first, he needed to finish his training. He found a program to enroll in, and then he put in the work to be accepted by a local station. From there, he could work his way up to the rank of detective, which he managed to achieve in no time. Cris proved to have a knack for the line of work. Not to mention he was fiercely determined. His superiors came to truly respect him for his passion in crime fighting and mystery solving.
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mallikar.jpgName: Mallikar
Titles/Nicknames: The Crimson-Horned Lion, The Red-Horned King of Beasts, He Who Roars To The Heavens, The Lion-Toothed Swordsman, Mal, Malli
Age: Ageless
Race: Demon
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Kingly, Powerful, Romantic, Confident, Smug, Fiery, Bumptious, Flirtatious, Strong, Protective, Inquisitive, Passionate

Random Creative Descriptors:
Will Call You Darling If You'll Allow It
*Chuffs Like A Lion*
Has A Sexy Soothing Voice
Has The Wildest Hair





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Here we go on a virtual adventure....

Name: Jayden Rivera
Nicknames: Jay, Blue Jay, River
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Gender: Non-Binary
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: College Student
Personality: Quiet, Loyal, Honest, Studious, Reserved, Calm, Imaginative, Cautious, Witty, Artistic
Height: 5'9"
Body: Lean, Skinny
Skin: Tan (and covered with tattoos)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark brown
Bio: Against his parents' wishes, Jayden is attending an art college. He often gets told that art is not a 'real job,' but he defiantly pursues his goals anyway. The art forms he dabbles in are drawing & digital art, monster movie make-up, and tattoo art. Jay hasn't yet decided which one will be his career path. He's feeling out the different subjects until something feels 'right' (but he's leaning toward the movie make-up career path). The only real supporter he has for his work is his sister, Martha. Even though the two don't always get along, they do look out for each other and care for one another deeply.

In his spare time, Jayden plays a virtual reality video game called Everborn. There, he is free to live a second life where possibilities seem endless. He loves the character customization, the magic system, the weapons--everything there is to the fantasy game. The game provides him with a lot of inspiration, too. One thing he loves to do is make fanart of his character and of other people's characters. As a matter of fact, he even makes quite a bit of money through the commissions people give him. Sometimes there will be lulls in business, but when it's booming boy is it booming. The money certainly helps him with his food budget and school expenses.


Name: Arxus
Race: Tiefling
Class: Warlock
District: Northern

Race Description:
-Same sizes and builds as Humans
-Horns and tails that are devilish in appearance
-Skin colors can be just about anything imaginable, ranging between reds, blues, purples, and greens.
-Darkvision: Can see in dim light within 60 feet of themselves as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light
Hellish Resistance: They're immune to fire damage thanks to their infernal heritage.
-Fast Walking Speed of 30 MPH
Languages: Common and Infernal

Class Description:
Every warlock has a patron whom they serve. Arxus follows a patron known as The Wishmaster. Specifically, this being is known as a Noble Genie who governs an elemental plain. There's a shade of dark humor painted over this reality, though. Humans so readily bind a lesser genie to captivity, so pledging allegiance to The Genie is something of a satisfying flip of the script. Those who choose to follow The Genie must understand that they are servants to them. Quests of varying kinds must be carried out to prove your worthiness. And, along the way, you will earn favor in the form of special abilities, magical spells, and magic-imbued gifts.

Through his bond with this higher power, he has been blessed with fire magic, also known as Efreeti. Users of this element can produce fire through their own hands or through their weapons. They also gain a resistance to fire damage that improves with each level up.

The fire spells he can cast include Fireball, Fire Shield, and Scorching Ray. These spells are all useful and powerful, but are cost-heavy in terms of mana. Arxus needs time to recover if he summons too many of these spells at once. He can usually proceed after doing two, but three or more will start making him feel out of breath.

In addition to this, Arxus has been given the non-elemental ability to Create Food & Water, as well as Detect Good & Evil.

Another ability he has is Power Absorption. Creatures that are equal or lower level to him can be absorbed in the form of pure energy. This allows him to temporarily use their powers. For example, if he were to absorb a poisonous critter of some type, he'd be able to deal some poison damage for a short time.

Lastly, he has the ability to Blink. This is a common power that is given to Warlocks from the very start. Warlocks are capable of teleporting from one area to another by blinking their eyes. It, of course, has to be an area they've witnessed with their own eyes before.
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Quentin.jpgName: Quentin Beringar
Age: 20
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Prince of the Wairin Kingdom

Personality: Curious, Gentlemanly, Friendly, Warm, Thoughtful, Protective, Sensitive, Social, Calm, Honest

Likes: Walks through the gardens, Music, Animals, Sweets, Rainy days

Dislikes: Gossip, Violence, Bitter flavors, Being unable to make his own life decisions

Height: 5'10"
Body: Athletic
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Chestnut brown
Clothes: Typically dressed in colors that represent his kingdom and his royal status, which are combinations of gold, silver, reddish brown, mustard yellow, and cornflower blue
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