Grimdark Fantasy RP (MxF)

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Resident Biopunk Enthusiast
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Douche
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Fantasy, magical, medieval, scifi, romance and action!

Geez. It's been a while, hasn't it? I haven't made a good search thread in a while!

Well, i'm back from other sites, finding their Roleplaying snuff more than lacking, and now I'm back here :3 So if you've got any reservations about this site: Do not worry! This is pretty much the best you're gonna get XD

That being said! You clicked this shiny RP ad for a reason! And Hopefully what you want is mutual!

Right now, I want the grimmest of the grim RP! Think of Van Helsing level grim, but Grimmer



Seriously though. The world I'm imagining is one based in the dark ages. Of crude wrought Iron. Of near dead, barely fertile soil where people scratch out a living with bloodied, torn nails. Think of Sylvania, if you're familiar with Warhammer Fantasy. Think of extremely superstitious, extremely short lived townsfolk wearing ragged leather made from their half starved pigs and sheep. Of sickly crops just barely growing in the nearly dead soil. Of vast stretches of cold, dead land and of bogs made of the of the rotting dead being the only place where trees manage to scrounge enough sustenance to grow

Think of the dark Horrors that come out in the frozen, lightless night. Of ghouls devouring the flesh of the dead and the weak. Of starved wolves desperately laying siege to a house just to fight over whatever scraps they could find. Think of crows mobbing the weak and devouring them where they stand.

Think of merciless winters. Of bonestinging cold that could freeze a dead man within minutes. Of snowless wastes and corrupted, frozen rivers.

Yesssss.... I think you're in the right mindset.

Now, why is the lands like this? What sucked the life out of it?


I'm not talking the glitterskin Edgeboi crap from Twilight. I'm not even talking World of Darkness's nice, subtle, perfectly formed clans. I'm talking about Apex predators in a far less subtle tones. These are wild animals covered in elegant human skin. Of Grand balls with the great feast being of devouring the blood of the starved children of the humans they keep as cattle. Of cold, terrifying beauty and hypocritical refinement. Of fell necromantic magics that sustain them and their armies.

They keep these humans, leaving them in their dying lands as nothing more than cattle to feed their endless thirst for blood, and the humans keep living on in predictable stubborness.

Being forced to fend for themselves, self appointed militias rose to defend the starved villages and hamlets. Ragged, hard men and women with more resolve than strength. Of these, some humans rise up higher, being unwavering, clenched-toothed heroes of their common people. How they come to be is irrelevant, be it brain, brawn, or sheer fucking will. They act as the unofficial leaders for their respective homes, but no one ever dared opposing their vampiric masters, knowing that such a choice would lead to a slow, agonizing death.

Interested? PM me, let's see if we can't make something grimly beautiful
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Edited the thing some. Pretty much gave up on that specific RP I want, so I'm setting the world up as a setting to RP and we can hammer out what we want when you approach me
I may be interested in this, what are the chances of involving werewolves?
I may be interested in this, what are the chances of involving werewolves?
Depends on the werewolf. There's so many iterations of that thing, I don't know which one anyone's ever using
Still looking :3
Heya! I posted in your group interest check; I'd prefer to do this as a group thing. However, there's a chance I'd take up a 1x1 if that doesn't pan out. I only rarely RP with a female main, but I'd consider it.
Heya! I posted in your group interest check; I'd prefer to do this as a group thing. However, there's a chance I'd take up a 1x1 if that doesn't pan out. I only rarely RP with a female main, but I'd consider it.
I'm highly doubtful the group would pan out :<
Bloodborne aesthetic? :o
I'm down for that. PM me to discuss plots and such.
Okay, I'll bite so far you have my attention due to the fact I am getting the Van-Hellsing vibe as well as Hellsing and a few other types even Vampire Hunter D crossed my mind. So if you are still looking I am willing to give it a try. :)
Okay, I'll bite so far you have my attention due to the fact I am getting the Van-Hellsing vibe as well as Hellsing and a few other types even Vampire Hunter D crossed my mind. So if you are still looking I am willing to give it a try. :)
sure thing! I'll pm you!