• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
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Iwaku rules apply.
This extends to our Discord server.

GM word is law.
I'm happy to listen to everyone's suggestions--and many of these suggestions will certainly be implemented (and already have been)--but there will be moments where our visions will not align. In such cases, please respect my final decision.

Don't be a dick.
It's my hope for everyone to get along, but I know that's not a very realistic goal especially if our numbers grow. That doesn't mean we don't try. I ask everyone to contribute to keeping the peace: be respectful and maintain proper decorum even if you don't see eye-to-eye. Anyone who actively starts arguments or creeps on people will be swiftly removed and reported.


Posting Speed: Weekly - Biweekly
While I would like to maintain a consistent posting speed, I understand that sometimes Life Just Happens, and if things get too busy on your end, you are more than welcome to go on hiatus. All I ask is that you let me know beforehand out of courtesy to myself and other members of the role-play. There is no need to tell me your reasons. Just tell me when I can expect you to return.

That said, there is a limit to everything, including hiatuses. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis. If you are generally on-and-off even when you're not on hiatus, or you require to be away for more than three months (barring special circumstances), I may consider removing you from the role-play. This is to ensure that everything moves at a consistent pace and no characters are left behind in lingering interactions.

You may also drop the role-play but rejoin in the future when your schedule frees up again, if you so wish. In such cases, you can let me know how you'd like to arrange your character exit in a way that makes it possible for them to return. That, or you can leave it entirely up to me.

Posting Expectations: Elementary +

Posting Length: Enough to be substantial and move the RP along.


Read the lore first!

But if you're all up to speed, here are a few notes regarding character sheets:

Length: There is very little information you need to provide. This is by design! That's not to say you can't add some extra detail for whatever reason.

Artwork: Because I love consistency - if you plan on using pics for your character's appearance, please use semi-realistic portraits! Something a little more stylistic is also a-okay.

Coding: Coding is NOT REQUIRED. But if you do plan on coding your character sheet, please ensure that it's mobile-friendly and readable. When in doubt, provide a plain text version in spoilers. You are also free to use my coded version of the character sheet, provided below.

When editing the provided code, go into the /* ROOT */ and change the values as needed. I'm using variables, so you only ever have to change the values once. I also added a few comments for ease of navigation. To find the 'content' sections, hit ctrl + f on Windows and type "Enter" in the fieldbox.

If you need any help setting things up, just let me know!


You are free to remove the parts that are irrelevant to your chosen role:

-- Founding Family Surnames: Blackwood / Bloodheart / Crowthorne / Darkstone / Dreamford


-- Founding Family / Aberrant Hollow / Outsider

-- Founding Families only
-- Are they a Council Member? Heir? Perhaps a Mender?
-- You are free to elaborate upon their reputation.

[B]Birthday & Age:[/B]
-- Outsider/Wraithbanes: 18 - 23 yo
-- Heirs/Apprentices: 19 - 22 yo

-- Condense the most important details about your character into a (preferably) short elevator pitch. The backstory should essentially frame the character's motivation.
-- Bear in mind that this rp takes place in the year 1987!
-- All outsiders will have experienced a great loss - this must be mentioned and elaborated on!

-- I'd rather let the character's personality shine through their interactions, but if you really need a reference, you can use this optional section.

-- Outsiders/Wraithbanes/Heirs/Apprentices only
-- 1 elective per category. See Student Package

-- This section is for Architects, Heirs, and Council only!

> [I]Bloodletter[/I]
[*] Name / Title:
[*] Registered / Unregistered:
[*] [If registered] Created by:
[*] [If registered] Created on:
[*] [If registered] In possession of:
[*] Classification: Curio / Hollow
[*] Description: Include appearance, use cases, abilities/limitations, etc.
[*] Quirk: (Because curios never turn out exactly the way they are supposed to!)
[*] Fatal Flaw(s):

> [I]Cloak[/I]
[*] Name / Title:
[*] Registered / Unregistered:
[*] [If registered] Created by:
[*] [If registered] Created on:
[*] [If registered] In possession of:
[*] Classification: Curio / Hollow
[*] Description: Appearance is already provided. List only use cases, abilities/limitations, etc.
[*] Quirk: (Because curios never turn out exactly the way they are supposed to!)
[*] Fatal Flaw(s):

[B]Abilities & Limitations:[/B]
-- Villager, Wraithbanes & Shadowkin only
-- Between 1-2 abilities balanced out with the right amount of limitations. Must be unique so as to encourage cooperation between the Hollow characters.

[B]Fatal Flaw(s):[/B]
-- Wraithbanes & Shadowkin only
-- Your character is not aware of their fatal flaw(s)!
-- How does your fatal flaw mechanism work? What triggers it? What happens when it is triggered? Be as specific as you can.

[B]Physical Characteristics:[/B]
-- Image (semi-realistic artwork only) and/or a short description. You do not need to provide an image if you have a description, and vice versa.


-- Misc. Information goes here.

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[FONT=Port Lligat Sans]Port Lligat Sans[/FONT]

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/* ENTER FIRST NAME */]Lorem[/div][div=
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font-size: var(--h2-size);
color: var(--h2-color);
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
text-transform: uppercase;]Info[/div][B]Name:[/B] -- Founding Family Surnames: Blackwood / Bloodheart / Crowthorne / Darkstone / Dreamford
[B]Allegiance:[/B] Founding Family / Aberrant Hollow / Outsider
[B]Occupation:[/B] -- For Founding Families only: 
-- Are they a Council Member? Heir? Perhaps a Mender? 
-- You are free to elaborate upon their reputation
[B]Birthday & Age:[/B]
-- Outsider/Wraithbanes: 18 - 23 yo
-- Heirs/Apprentices: 19 - 22 yo

font-family: var(--header-font);
font-size: var(--h2-size);
color: var(--h2-color);
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
text-transform: uppercase;]Backstory[/div]-- Condense the most important details about your character into a (preferably) short elevator pitch. The backstory should essentially frame the character's motivation.
-- Bear in mind that this rp takes place in the year 1987!
-- All outsiders will have experienced a great loss - this must be mentioned and elaborated on!

font-family: var(--header-font);
font-size: var(--h2-size);
color: var(--h2-color);
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
text-transform: uppercase;]Personality[/div]-- OPTIONAL.
-- I'd rather let the character's personality shine through their interactions, but if you really need a reference, you can use this optional section.

font-family: var(--header-font);
font-size: var(--h2-size);
color: var(--h2-color);
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
text-transform: uppercase;]Electives[/div]-- Outsiders/Wraithbanes/Heirs/Apprentices only
-- 1 elective per category. See Student Package

font-family: var(--header-font);
font-size: var(--h2-size);
color: var(--h2-color);
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
text-transform: uppercase;]Curios[/div]-- This section is for Architects, Heirs, and Council only!

[*] Name / Title:
[*] Registered / Unregistered:
[*] [If registered] Created by:
[*] [If registered] Created on:
[*] [If registered] In possession of:
[*] Classification: Curio / Hollow
[*] Description: Include appearance, use cases, abilities/limitations, etc.
[*] Quirk: (Because curios never turn out exactly the way they are supposed to!)
[*] Fatal Flaw(s):

[*] Name / Title:
[*] Registered / Unregistered:
[*] [If registered] Created by:
[*] [If registered] Created on:
[*] [If registered] In possession of:
[*] Classification: Curio / Hollow
[*] Description: Appearance is already provided. List only use cases, abilities/limitations, etc.
[*] Quirk: (Because curios never turn out exactly the way they are supposed to!)
[*] Fatal Flaw(s):

font-family: var(--header-font);
font-size: var(--h2-size);
color: var(--h2-color);
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
text-transform: uppercase;]Abilities & Limitations[/div]-- Villager, Wraithbanes & Shadowkin only
-- Between 1-2 abilities balanced out with the right amount of limitations. Must be unique so as to encourage cooperation between the Hollow characters.

[B]Fatal Flaw(s):[/B]
-- Wraithbanes & Shadowkin only
-- Your character is not aware of their fatal flaw(s)
-- How does your fatal flaw mechanism work? What triggers it? What happens when it is triggered? Be as specific as you can.

font-family: var(--header-font);
font-size: var(--h2-size);
color: var(--h2-color);
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
text-transform: uppercase;]Physical Characteristics[/div]Image (semi-realistic artwork only) and/or a short description. You do not need to provide an image if you have a description, and vice versa.


/* OTHER */
font-family: var(--header-font);
font-size: var(--h2-size);
color: var(--h2-color);
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000;
text-transform: uppercase;]Other[/div]Misc. Information goes here.

height: 30px;
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/* ENTER SONG & ARTIST */]SONG - ARTIST[/div][/div][/div][/div][/div]{/slide}[/TABS][/div][/div][div=
margin-top: 5px;
font-size: 10px;
text-align: center;
opacity: 0.7;]Coded by Ardent[/div][/div]
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Header Font
[FONT=Port Lligat Sans[/FONT]
  • Nettle
    Hollow One
  • Info
    Name: Nettle Lore Briggs
    Nickname: Nettie
    Allegiance: Hollow of the Roots
    Birthday & Age: November 24th & 21

    Nettle Briggs was born into a very conservative, uptight family. Their family their entire life was adamant on being and doing the best, always holding their children of the family to high standards. Being the youngest in the family, their parents expected absolutely everything, wanted them to be everything their older siblings are and did. Until middle school, they kept high grades and seemed to be a star pupil. Then middle school came and Nettle started to rebel and get in trouble, almost always having in school suspension or morning detention. Their grades plummeted from there and their behavior seemingly worsened, especially when they made it to high school. They started to express themselves more through darker fashion and verbally expressing themselves, fighting against their parents ways and wants. Nettie was slowly becoming the black sheep of their family.

    They were opinionated, loud, made trouble wherever they went, overall a more lively and outgoing and accepting individual compared to their family. At seventeen, after they graduated from high school, Nettle came out wanting to change their name and referred to as a little more neutrally. All hell seemed to break loose in the REDACTED household at this announcement and they were promptly kicked from their home. Now a homeless teen, they spent many nights with anyone and everyone in between for the cash and a bed to sleep in. Then one day, an odd stranger approached them promising an accepting place. Grimsby.

    Arriving, they would have found it not as accepting as the stranger promised. Then there was the forest. It called to them, seemed more inviting than whatever the town was, what their family was and Nettie's curiosity got the better of them.

    Abilities & Limitations

    Abilities may include cat-like reflexes and being able to see extremely well in the dark. Very cat-esque seeming abilities.
    As for limitations, it appears that any sort of bright light shone in their direction or being out during day hours limits their functionality.
    Fatal Flaw(s): Nettle wears a gold, thick banded ring on their right ring finger at ALL times. The ring never comes off. -- A birthmark of sort sits right on the lower middle of their chest.

    Physical Characteristics
    [ CLICK HERE ]
    Height ♡♡ 5'11"
    Eyes ♡♡ Reddish brown
    Hair ♡♡ Black and red
    Scent ♡♡ Has a wet woody and mossy scent like when it has just started to rain on a hot summer day with, oddly, hints of chocolate.

    ♡♡ Really likes gold jewelry
    ♡♡ While being out in daylight for Nettle seems so be an issue, dark sunglasses can sometimes help
    ♡♡ There is a sense of security when looking down at the ring they and a gut feeling that something bad may happen to them if it gets taken off. They aren't sure why or what it is, but they've decided it's best to not question that gut feeling.

    CODE MISTAKE - CORPSE, Bring Me The Horizon
Coded by Ardent

Header Font
[FONT=Port Lligat Sans[/FONT]
  • Maureen
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Maureen Roxanne Irving
    Nickname: None
    Birthday & Age: 22, April 18

    Maureen was born into a fairly typical, albeit dysfunctional, family. She found solace from her parents' constant fighting in her friends, a rough and tumble group that expressed themselves with their fists. With no parental supervision, she soon became a loud upstart, speaking her mind regardless of the consequences and unafraid to back her words with violence.

    When Maureen was 13, her mother committed suicide. Since that day, she has suffered from severe insomnia, often going days without sleeping before crashing into a deep slumber. She's tried everything to cure it but to no avail. The lack of sleep often leaves her surly, though those that know her know to pay no mind to her grumpiness.

    Since her mother's death, Maureen's life grew more reclusive, as she had to take care of her alcoholic father. She hated this role thrust upon her but unable to hold down a job, had no choice but to remind at home as his caretaker.

    It was on the anniversary of her mother's death that a strange man showed up at her door. While initially, Maureen didn't take him seriously, she realized something very powerful was at play when the crow flew out of the mirror. Desperate for any cure for her sleeplessness and more than ready to gain independence from her father, Maureen followed the crow into the mirror it appeared from, and found herself at Grimsworth.

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5'6

    Maureen has deep dark circles under her eyes that never seem to go away.

Coded by Ardent
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Header Font
[FONT=Port Lligat Sans[/FONT]
  • Emilia
    Founding Heir
  • Info
    Name: Emilia Dreamford
    Nickname: Mel
    Allegiance: Founding Family
    Occupation: Heir
    Birthday & Age: August 11th, 21 years old


    From the moment Mel took her first breath, it was evident that her destiny as a Dreamford was already set in stone. Just because she was born a few seconds late, she had become a spare; a replacement; a backup plan to her older twin who was deemed heir.

    Mel was part of a unique set of twins. She and her sister were so identical in every aspect that to the casual observer, it seemed like they were two halves of the same person. Their parents were considered blessed, having received what many believed to be a divine gift—a perfect heir and an exact replica to safeguard the family should anything befall the firstborn.

    It wasn't a surprise that Mel struggled to find her identity at a young age. It seemed as though her life had already been lived for her, scripted by others who viewed her merely as an insurance policy. The weight of being the "spare" burdened her every step, and she longed to be seen as more than just an echo of her sister.

    As the twins received the finest education and training, Mel found herself facing an additional burden. While the expectations placed upon her older twin were already daunting, the pressure on Mel to conform to the same mold became increasingly stifling. She was working twice as hard to match the seemingly unattainable standards set by her sister.

    Yet, Mel's journey was far from a mere replication of her twin's path. She refused to let it be that way. She wanted to venture out beyond her roles and expectations. She possessed a unique set of talents and dreams that begged to be acknowledged and nurtured.

    Soon all of her efforts came to fruition. However, her triumph came at a cost. The darkness of being an heir had scarred her soul, and she carried the burden of its secrets with her.


    Bloodletter: A gold serpent bangle that gracefully coils around the wrist with its tail as sharp as a knife. The serpent's mouth is slightly open, revealing a small pearl sized black orb held securely between its fangs.

    Physical Characteristics


    Height: 5'7


    • prefers to be called by her nickname: Mel.
    • adores the Scourging
    • hates the sun

    Become the Beast - Karliene
Coded by Ardent
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Header Font
[FONT=Port Lligat Sans[/FONT]
  • Robbie
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Robert Black
    Nickname: Robbie, Rob
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Birthday & Age: 22 Born June 3


    This isn't the first time Robbie's hit rock bottom. It's the first time he's felt defeated by it, however. He's lost his chance at the scholarship to progress his career and finally making a name for himself, all thanks to a few shitty assholes and a bad rep.

    Now he's on the streets, living the life expected of him and too ashamed to go home to his ma. She's always been the one person in his corner, encouraging him, supporting him. Now he's bumming ciggies of strangers and sleeping under bridges.

    Has he had a few run-ins with the law? Definitely. Has it scared him straight? Well, that's never worked out for him in the past so why start now?

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5'9" Likes to tell people he's 6'0"


Coded by Ardent
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Header Font
[FONT=Port Lligat Sans[/FONT]
  • Taylor
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Taylor Wendell
    Nickname: Taylor
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Birthday & Age: 19 (May 29th)

    Taylor Wendell is every bit the mean girl archetype: she's blonde, bitchy, and fabulously wealthy. Her childhood brings to mind private schools, tennis, summers on a private island off the coast of Belize; whatever money could buy, she had it. And yet all the expensive dolls and pretty dresses in the world could never curb her underlying loneliness. Everybody has a motive, her parents would often say, so trust sparingly.

    In an ironic twist of fate, these words of caution only made her more vulnerable to hurt. When her parents' marriage began to show its cracks, she sought reprieve in a toxic relationship that only ended in betrayal and a broken heart. Even so, she's desperate to go back to the way things were. Better to keep this one person in her life, no matter the pain he may cause, than to be alone.

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5'4"


Coded by Ardent
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Header Font
[FONT=Port Lligat Sans[/FONT]
  • Shane
    Hollow One
  • Info
    Name: Shane Alford
    Nickname: /
    Allegiance: Hollow of the Roots
    Birthday & Age: 3rd of November, 20 years old


    A biker and a boxer, he had often been on the road, seeking ever new challenges and thrills. Match after match, race after race, adventure after adventure.

    Young and spirited, it felt like all he wanted was within reach: money, fame, glory.

    He was ambitious, yet had a certain wildness at heart. A free spirit – in the words of some, merely self-indulgent.

    Was it because of reckless fun? Carelessness? Pure misfortune? Just why had life taken his best friend away from him?

    He had survived the accident, even if injured.

    He languished in the depths of despair when he was visited by a familiar face, and told an unlikely tale. He'd thought it a fevered dream – except, he had been left with a strange mirror.

    One day, the foretold crow appeared. But he had not followed it to the end, for sweet illusions distracted him within the mirror-realm. The mirage of better days gone by and the phantom of his deceased friend beckoned him. He couldn't resist the temptation, and was led astray.

    Realizing he had been tricked, he wailed in despair. Yet, the unjust loss forced upon him, again, ignited a rage. Oh, the rage. How dared they? How dared they give him false hope? He fought, and he screamed, he even attempted to set fire to that damned forest.

    But it was futile. He was taken.

    As a hollow, all he knows is awe for his new existence. The memories of his death are confusing, but so what?

    His sacrifice might not have agreed, but it had been necessary. He was remade for the better. This body wouldn't tire, and wouldn't break. He was free of injury, free of grief. He was more focused now – this time, he wouldn't be distracted from what he wanted.

    Abilities & Limitations

    Adrenaline rush. While not entirely human in constitution, his new body has a similar function. When desperate or excited enough, he can achieve supernatural feats of strength, speed, agility, and mental focus. Due to the hollow's inability to feel pain, this may (and very likely will) result in inadvertent injuries. Also, when he's accomplished what a situation required, and gears down, he will experience both a deep exhaustion and an intense hunger.

    Blood tracing. He can gain scattered insights by tasting someone's blood. It may be a person's emotional state, their physiological condition, a brief memory, impulse, or other impression. Generally limited to the sensation the person had at the time the blood was tasted. Occasionally, he may be able to use an old blood sample to get a bearing on the person's current location or state (if they're alive), but this is very unreliable. Possible side effects include: confusion, dizziness, emotional outbursts, intrusive thoughts, compulsions, loss of sense of self.

    Fatal Flaw(s): Fire; Morphine.

    Physical Characteristics
    Height: 6'0


    Gasoline - Måneskin
Coded by Ardent

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  • Emery
    Hallow One
  • Info
    Name: Emery Nolan
    Allegiance: Hollow of the Roots
    Occupation: None
    Birthday & Age: June 27th, 18


    From the moment of his conception, Emery became a burden. His parents were too busy living life to its fullest to worry about a child. He was often pawned off onto various relatives and moved around to whoever had the goodwill to take him in. All while his contact with his parents dwindled.

    When Emery graduated, he was pushed out into the world alone. He was lost and unsure of how to navigate the real world without anyone by his side. But that was when a strange man made him an offer. It was the first time someone showed interest in him and that he had some sort of direction in life. So, he went to Grimsby.

    Abilities & Limitations
    [Hollows only]
    Emery has retractable thorns that grow up to about 1/2 long. They are thin and needle-like, breaking/peeling through his skin when willed to do so. However, they can also poke out when he is startled.

    The thorns are laced with a sedative; if they are injected into someone's bloodstream, the sedative will knock them out.

    Emery can make these thorns appear on any part of his body; however, he must be careful as the spikes make his skin peel and can draw attention. Making the thorns appear on his whole body can also take a lot of mental effort.

    When Emery uses his ability, he emits a pleasant scent, like that of a flower.
    Fatal Flaw(s): Emery has a birthmark on his chest over his heart.

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5'5

    Weight: 110lbs

    Eyes: Hazel

    Hair: Short. Dark brown

    Build: Delicate, Slim, Frail

    Complexion: Fair, Glowing, Clear

    Peircings: None


    Health Conditions
    Social Anxiety: For as long as he can remember, Emery has had difficulties in social situations. It can often feel as if he is being watched and judged, and his every move is scrutinized. Even though he logically knows this to be false, he can't seem to escape the shell that he hides inside of.

    Selective Mutism: When the anxiety reaches its limit, Emery is known to go mute. He can obviously speak and isn't impaired in any way. However, this reaction will often occur in select, overwhelming social settings.

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  • Leonard
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Leonardo Ferdinand
    Nickname: Leo
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Occupation: None
    Birthday & Age: April 11th, 19


    When Leo was born, his parents chose his name in hopes that he would have the courage and strength of a lion. It was a lot to live up to. As the child of a model and film director, they had great expectations. His parents were already signing him up for commercials and product photoshoots at only a few months old. His face was printed on a huge international diaper company product at just six months old. From there, his resume continued to grow. Leo spent most of his young life traveling with his parents all over the world. He got to experience things that most can only dream about. By the time he was ten, he had already been to almost thirty different countries.

    While his parents worked during the day, he was often left by himself for long stretches of time. When his parents returned for the night, they were usually too busy or tired to be present at the moment with him. In a desperate attempt to quell the loneliness inside himself, he acted out. On occasions that he would have a nanny or tutor watching him, he would end up running them ragged with his unending energy and mischievous tendencies. Although his childish method achieved its goal, the attention that he received was solely negative.

    Even though his parents like to say they encouraged his free spirit, being in a family that was constantly in the public eye meant that he was quickly taught how to behave. The media wanted to see a perfect family, and that is what his parents portrayed. And to break that illusion was worse than death. Over the years, he developed a better way to cope with the loneliness he felt in his heart. Instead of causing trouble, he became the clown. A person who makes others smile will never be alone. At least, that is what he thought. Yet, that feeling still persisted.

    By the time he entered his teens, the fake flawlessness that his parents constantly preached to him was suffocating. It was as if he was a puppet, never allowed to express his emotions nor make his own decisions. While with his parents, they were able to keep him in check. But, as his parents started working longer hours, leaving him home as they went overseas, his emotions finally boiled over. To fill the lonely and rebellious hole in his chest, Leo started to attend parties every night. It quickly became his routine to drink until he passed out, and he never spent a night alone. His days were filled with friends and adventures, but he still wasn't fulfilled.

    One night, a strange man approached him, telling him all about a place called Grimsby. It seemed like the perfect place to get away and start over, so in a rash decision, Leo left home.

    Physical Characteristicts

    Height: 5'7

    Weight: 130lbs

    Eyes: Blue

    Hair: Medium length. Dyed blond with dark brown roots.

    Build: Willowy, Supple,Toned

    Complexion: Tan, Smooth, Clear

    Ears: Leo has two forward helix's, three helix's, and two mid helix's, and one lower helix. He has three lobe piercings, and his tragus done.

    Face: The bridge of his right eyebrow has a ring hoop. His left nostril is pierced with a silver stud. He has his septum pierced with a silver circular barbell. The bottom lip has a pair of snake bites. His tongue has a single silver stud.

    Body: Both of his nipples are pierced with captive ring hoops. His belly button has a single piercing that typically dangles down.


    Health Conditions:

    ADHD: Leo has always had more energy than he could ever use. As a child, it was often difficult for him to sit still. As he got older, his attention difficulties became worse. Though, when something sparks his interest, he hyper-fixates on the topic.

    Depression: Even from a young age, Leo has always suffered from depression. At first, it was simply that he was unhappy. But over the years, he has steadily lost interest in hobbies, become lethargic and moody, and developed poor sleeping and eating habits.

    Addiction: As a product of his constant partying, Leo took up drinking and using drugs as a way to self-medicate. It has gotten to the point that he can't go without using them without having withdrawal symptoms.

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  • Yzra
    Hollow One
  • Info
    Name: Yzra Faust
    Nickname: Yzzy
    Allegiance: Hollow of the Roots
    Birthday & Age: 21, October 23rd


    Yzra grew up a loner with barely any friends and a family that never really understood him. Quiet by nature, he hardly ever spoke a word. Oftentimes, his parents had wondered if there was something wrong with him, but he never got behind in his learning nor had any severe language impediments. He just simply rarely ever talked unless he had something important to say. He avoided most social interactions and kept to himself. He felt more at home in silence and in empty spaces than he did in rooms full of people. People always just made him nervous.

    Growing older, he spoke up more and even gained a friend or two, but neither ever overcame that shyness and desire to just be alone. All his life, he had felt like he never really belonged anywhere, or just... really had no desire to belong in a big group of people.

    He loved nature. He loved the wilderness. He loved animals. The soft fur of a dog, the chirp of a distant bird, he liked things like that. He liked quiet moments spent tending to a cozy little garden. And he was fascinated by the woods, maybe a little too much for his own good.

    Abilities & Limitations

    A Hunter's Eyes
    Possesses an eagle eye-like vision with colors much sharper and tinier movements easier to make out. His eyes can work like a telephoto lens to hone in on and see distant objects as far away as two miles. He's able to make out movement and some finer details, though it needs a line of sight and is obviously hindered by obstacles in the way.

    Fatal Flaw(s): Has a mark almost like a faint scar across his back between his shoulder blades

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 5'9''
    Weight: 140-150lbs
    Hair: Long, stark white in color
    Eyes: Pale red, seemingly lacking in pigment
    Body: Thin, frail, pale skinned


    - Gets increasingly more uncomfortable the more people he's surrounded by
    - While he's naturally quiet and untalkative, if he has something he needs to say or something interesting to talk about, he can go on about it for hours

    Somethig Wicked - Starset
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  • Sullivan
    Founding Heir
  • Info
    Name: Sullivan Atticus Darkstone
    Nickname: "Sully"
    Allegiance: Founding Family
    Occupation: Heir
    Birthday & Age: 22 (Sept 15)

    People often say that Sully is a freak of nature, and truth be told he couldn't agree more. In this town where everybody knows everybody, the Founding Families are not only closely knit, they are practically stitched together. Sully, on the other hand, is that one stray thread. Too long, too slender, too ugly. In his childhood, he was the target of ridicule. The other kids shunned him. His own siblings taunted him. Even his mother seemed disgusted by his very presence. But as he grew older and his body took up more space, others shrank in his midst. He found that there was something delicious about their fear, and a hunger for more power brewed within him.

    And what could be more powerful, more fearsome an entity than the Provider?

    It is his great desire to one day don the black, and he has sworn to do everything in his power to get there, even if it means breaking a few rules in the process.


    Steel bands wrought in the deepest of blacks sit on each of Sullivan's fingers, each one concealing a retractable blade shaped like a claw. The blade itself is no more than an inch in length, but it cuts like obsidian–clean and precise with its perfect edge–without all the downsides that come with such a brittle material. Because the rings are themselves curios, they are near-indestructible.

    Physical Characteristics

    Height: 6'8"

    Pale and gaunt as he is, Sully is best described as a collection of bones wrapped in a suit of flesh. He is all sharp angles and crookedness: a lopsided nose, an ever-so-slightly twisted lip, a protruding ear. His dark hair, which at one point softened his features, now hangs sparsely about his skull, making more prominent that wide forehead and those hollowed out cheeks. His eyes, which could have been a warm ocean blue like his cousins', had hardened into sharp steel silver on Sullivan; always intensely bright and attentive, despite the ever-present shadows underlining them.

    Most conspicuous, however, is his height. At 6'8" Sully is tall–so tall, in fact, that his body seems to have traded much of its width for length, a great deal of which has gone into his freakishly long limbs. And though his bones are frail and those purple knees are often tender, he is by no means ungainly; instead, he exudes the quiet confidence of a creature enlightened with this simple truth: ugliness of this grotesque nature is not a flaw, but a feature, a weapon with which to sow intimidation.

    For those who are feared hold power over others.

Coded by Ardent
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Are the limited roles first come first serve?
Are the limited roles first come first serve?

Nope, I don't make reservations. I will, however, be deliberating by the 13th, so if you've got your eye on a limited role now's your chance to send in a sheet!
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  • Sylvia
  • Info
    Name: Sylvia Blackwood
    Nickname: Sylvie
    Allegiance: Founding Family
    Occupation: Heir
    Birthday & Age: 22 (April 13)


    From the moment she was born her future had been planned. She would follow her family traditions and take up her rightful position of heir to the council. That had been the easy part, she was born to be the best just like all those before her.

    What she hadn't expected however, was how demanding her new position would be. It was near impossible for her to sneak away and study her curio's, to drown herself in her notes and theories until her stomach finally reminded her to eat.

    Now the thought of indulging her passions left her stomach twisting with guilt.

    But there was no way back now, right? This was where she was meant to be, she shouldn't be questioning it.



    Name / Title: Blackwood Claw (Part of a matching set)
    Registered / Unregistered: Registered
    Created by: Victor Blackwood (Great grandfather)
    Created on: Unknown
    In possession of: Sylvia Blackwood
    Classification: Curio

    Description: A simple crow foot charm at the end of a simple silver chain. The charm remain open until pressed against a flesh surface (Preferable the palm) where it will then bury its sharp talons into the skin for consistently opened wound the avoids the clotting problem (Very uncomfortable) Generally used as a blood letter
    Quirk: When designing the curio the release mechanism was not installed quite as the rest of the design and oftentimes won't open immediately unless pulled free or run under water (It seems to confuse its functions and get it to release)
    Fatal Flaw(s): Intense heats like fires or if returned to its matching piece (A ring, current location unknown) If attached together, both pieces will fall apart.

    Physical Characteristics


    Height: 5'6"

    Generally prefers to wear longer sleeved, modest clothing with her hair tied up away from her face, though she refuses to cut the length. Her hands are covered in scars and can be a bit unsightly as well as her nails being bitten quite short (Usually only happening when she's extremely focused.


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  • Venetia
    Founding Heir
  • Info
    Name: Venetia Bloodheart
    Nickname: Ven
    Allegiance: Founding Family
    Occupation: Heiress
    Birthday & Age: October 27th, 1964 | 23

    Unlike the four consecutive generations before, the Bloodheart's have only a single child. Her parents realized she was the only heir they required, for the forest had blessed their union. There were no squabbling siblings to overcome or outdo and no guilt or jealousy to develop and discern. There was only the drive for excellence manifested.

    Venetia was doted upon, given every grace and object of her desire, as her reverence for the forest was clear in her then-brown and red ichor colored eyes. Though her eyes quickly lightened to their current hazel-green, her reverence has only grown and Venetia considers herself blessed to be the Bloodheart Heiress. It was her birthright, arrogance and all.

    She is curious beyond her exasperated outlook on babysitting the Outsiders and wonders... too many things. While viewing the act as a chivalrous duty, she also uses this as an opportunity to get fresh musings and ideas from outside the pregnant shadow of Grimsby. A part of her she refuses to acknowledge is excited for fresh, new faces.

    Bloodletter: The Bloodheart Heir has— for as long as current collective memory can recall —always held the Grimsblood Censer. It is a curios, one of two passed down from heir to heir. A perfect replica of the gothic castle the Bloodheart's so love, this delicate silver-and-steel curios is razor sharp. It is said that to wield it is to bleed for the forest. Most blood is shed while the censer is behind held, swung left and right and back and forth, for the longer one grasps the chains, the sharper they become —blood is drawn along the length of the chain to pool in the center of the castle. From there, blood is drizzled upon the ground from the bottom of the censer like a soft, spring rain.
    The image isn't perfect, but it's the closest depiction I could find!

    As with every manifestation, the Ameci Umbra was meticulously designed for current and future use and the family has documented journals dating back generations from different heirs, tracing both human and curios lineage. The ameci ("friend") evolves with each heir— the original seed and every iteration after—adapts and manifests anew while keeping the original blueprint intact. The ameci is not typically seen by others, but those who are gifted with the art of manifestation may see them swimming in the shadows of their Heirs, waiting to be summoned. They are little helpers, capable of taking care of menials tasks while the Bloodheart heir focuses on more meaningful ones. Ven often thinks about the foundling arrogance of her forefathers that allowed them to settle into a castle. She concludes it was the same arrogance that brought forth the Ameci Umbra.

    Bloodheart Censer
    Status: Registered
    Classification: Curio
    Creator: Ulysses Bloodheart II
    Creation Date: Unknown
    Fatal Flaw: Unknown
    In possession of: Venetia Bloodheart

    Ameci Umbra
    Status: Registered
    Classification: Curio
    Creator: Ulysses Bloodheart II
    Creation Date: Unknown
    Fatal Flaw: The eye between their atlas and axis.
    In possession of: Venetia Bloodheart

    Physical Characteristics
    Eyes: Portrait discrepancies: Ven's eyes are a mutable hazel color that like to shift hues between green and ruddy brown and are reminiscent of the forest floor after the Red March.
    Height/Build: Venetia loves her gowns, the swish and sway and drag of the train behind her—but at just over four feet and eleven inches, Ven is in need of constant tailoring, sewing and hemming the dresses to her slender, wispy frame. Her nightmare frolics in the forest are not kind to her antiquated style of dressing, but she wouldn't give it up for anything. After all, female Outsiders in trousers are such a tragedy.

    ➺ Ven adores dresses with long sleeves, even in the summer, as she always seems to be cold. She appreciates the relaxed neckline, however, as she doesn't like anything but necklaces wrapped around her throat.

    ➺ Even among the Founding Families, the Bloodheart line has always held a strong reverence for and resonance with the Forest. Some say they're blessed, others say they're cursed; throughout the generations Bloodhearts have made significant contributions to the two grimoires. They are known for their strict adherence to the rules, knowing very well what kind of retribution lies in wait. Once a month they request permission from the Council for the entire family to enter the forest for their monthly reverence rituals.

    ➺ Despite the blind loyalty and faith in the Council, the Provider, and the forest protectively snug around Grimsby, she is terrified to say goodbye to her father. She is dreading his Expedition.

    ➺ She's currently drafting a written proposition for the Council. Her parents believe she should switch around her priorities, as the idea seems half blasphemous to them.
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  • Meri
    Founding Heir
  • Info
    Name: Alsotromeria Crowthorne
    Nickname: Meri, Ria
    Allegiance: Founding Family
    Occupation: Heir
    Birthday & Age: 19, 1st July


    Alstroemeria, otherwise known as Meri to very few, is the youngest daughter of the current Crowthorne council member. As the youngest of four, it was not ever really expected that she would pass the trials and become the heir to her family, especially in the wake of her other siblings. Her siblings seemed to strive for the position in a manner that she would later recall to remind her of vermin fighting for mere scraps in the streets.

    Despite her never being considered for heir, Meri was treated favorably by their mother who seemed to almost coddle her youngest. She was trained strictly by her mother but given far more freedom than her siblings in many ways which seemed to make her siblings grow rather resentful of her. Not that it seemed to bother Meri much, in fact she cared very little for them.

    It was surprising however, that Meri seemed to pass her siblings in the heir trials and gain the coveted position of heir to the Crowthornes. Despite her mothers ecstatic response to the news of her youngests new position, Meri seemed rather indifferent. In fact, it quickly proceeded to become a way for Meri to act far more freely and unrestrained than before. She decided that if she had to take the position she would do her best, or so she would say, and outside of that be as unrestrained as she could be without consequences. Though consequences of course, only occur if you get caught.


    An item her mother had created for her upon becoming the Clawthorne heir. It was something her mother seemed incredibly proud to have created for Meri and that Meri seemed very happy to receive. Though in Meri's defense, her excitement was more to the idea that they could do more than simply draw her own blood. She often wondered the damage these could do. She also appreciates her mothers application of colour into its design - she still laments how boring all the dark colours around her are.

    Physical Characteristics

    Meri has a rather slim and lithe figure with large teal eyes and full lips. However, she has rather bad posture as she is often, when not working, seen slouching or even trying to nap in inappropriate places. Her arms, the middle of her torso and her upper legs are all covered in scars from various incidents, most from her trials. These all range in severity as some could be seen from a distance while others, even with the brightest light are near impossible to pinpoint without familiarity to them. However, there is one rather deep scar running from the back of her neck up until the front of her ear which was one she had long before she was involved in any trials or strife. Meri prefers brighter colours despite the tendency for darker ones their community favours and so often will wear shades that are more outlandish. Very bright colours are a lot harder to find so she often is stuck with clothes that are just more saturated that the current fashion. She has a preference for purple in her clothing too. Meri often wears her hair braided in some form with a deep purple ribbon entwined. Most commonly, her hair is braided to the back of her skull where the rest remains hanging loose, reaching down to her mid back. Her hair itself is a deep, chocolate brown but has an auburn tone to some that in the brighter daylight, makes her hair hold a more obvious reddish tone.




    • Rather enjoys cooking as a hobby and if she likes you, will attempt to feed you as much as she can. A trait that despite her rather indifference towards her own mother, is something she learned from her as their mother always made sure she was fed properly. She has grown to learn this to be her love language.
    • Has a rather strange fascination with fire. Be it on a stove, a fireplace or just even a torch, Meri seems mesmerized by the capabilities it possesses. There may have been a few unexplained incidents within her family that have seemed to involve such.
    • She loves to draw, though she is mediocre at it and a lot of papers that end up in her hands will end up with mindless doodles.
    • Meri will not speak about the scar spanning from her neck to her ear.
    • Though professionally and among the other heirs Meri seems well behaved and with perfect manners, outside of her professional settings she is seemingly a whole new person. She is often lost in daydreams with little regard to her surroundings or others and has little care for the "rules" that exist around her.
    • Meri is rather fascinated by the outsiders and their world.
    • She is ambidextrous - her bloodletter is worn on her right hand so she will often use her left when in contact with others to avoid unplanned damage.

Coded by Ardent
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  • Saoirse
    The Outsider
  • Info
    Name: Saoirse Byrne
    Nickname: Sia
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Birthday & Age:18, February 14th


    Saoirse was born into a large family, being the fifth child out of seven. With five brothers and one sister, it was rather obvious Sia would be heavily influenced by the four older brothers who helped raise her as their parents were often at work, trying to provide for them. She was a tomboy from the start. She was the type to climb fences, break into properties and start fights much to her brother's pride and parents dismay. There never seemed to be much with Sia that was feminine beyond her delicate features and long, curly red hair.

    Throughout her educational years, Sia was far from the best student. She struggled heavily with math and languages, preferring only the comfort of the more artistic subjects where she was free to be more hands on with the educational content. In fact, Sia excelled well in her art classes and would often be the pride of her teachers. Her school being quite remote in Ireland, would often run classes by locals to teach various skills. Unsurprisingly to many who knew her, Sia was the first to join the woodworking and even the mechanic classes. Her parents were of course appalled with her choices and tried to vehemently stop her but her eldest brother was quick to her defense.

    She was the oddball - always far from the daughter and young girl those in her area expected her to be. Instead, she was often called up as a troublemaker alongside the more chaotic of her brothers. In fact, Sia and two of her brothers were "arrested" briefly in their youth for a rather large brawl they initiated with another few local kids from their school. Saoirse left that with a black eye and broken wrist but she still brags about it with her brothers, remembering the broken arm she inflicted on the other boy.

    Over the years she would get herself in more trouble and spend even more time experiencing her parents disappointment. Her brothers were slowly off to work themselves and getting married till it was eventually only herself and her two younger siblings left in the house. With the absence of her brothers, Sia would often argue loudly with her parents who wanted her to take up a more "appropriate job", settle down and eventually start a family in the future. This only became a far worse situation when her eldest brother died one night, his corpse found by their river mangled the next morning.

    It was during one of these arguments Sia met a strange man. He may have told her his name or not, honestly even now, Sia fails to remember as their first meeting took place as she was angrily throwing around wood and metal sheets from the local garage she would often volunteer at. His words were able to ignite a curious spark and the idea of leaving? It was simply too sweet for her to resist. At the very least she could get away from the absolute nag that was her mother about her state of dress and life choices. She had the biggest grin when she told the stranger she was in, only for her to storm back home and ignore her family the rest of the night.

    The family never knew of her plans to leave, she simply left a note that she was safe and then was gone.

    Physical Characteristics

    Sia is rather tall as she stands around 5''8 with a curvy figure and fuller chest. She is sometimes called stocky due to her physical labor in the jobs she would often assist with so she has built up some muscle. Her hair is a bright, flaming red curls that she chopped off to her shoulders just before following the crow. With eyes a deep forest green, Sia often wears similar earthy tones as she simply believes the colours to match her most. It is not often she dresses feminine, preferring pants and a loose t-shirt above anything else.In fact, it could be counted the amount of times she wore anything resembling a dress and most were before she could even walk properly as a toddler. She has many freckles speckled across her rather tanned skin alongside a few scars here and there from her explorations and fights. Most obviously, Sia has a few scars across her arms from surgeries where she had broken bones.


    Height: 5''8


    • Saoirse loves to be outside no matter what. She always feels stifled and trapped if she spends too long indoors.
    • Leaving machinery or any building supplies around her or within the vicinity will end up with her pulling it apart or stealing for her own hobbies.
    • Much like her brothers, Sia has a rather bad temper and struggles with being able to regulate those emotions once they are triggered.
    • She is left handed.
    • Saoirse plans to have tattoos in the future if she gets the chance.
    • More often than not, Saoirse succumbs to her curiosity and gets in trouble.
    • She often struggles in any classes that require to sit, listen and focus. They are simply boring in her opinion and she would rather be doing anything - especially when it concerns math.

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  • Faolán
    Hollow One
  • Info
    Name: Faolán Brennan
    Allegiance: Hollow of the Roots
    Birthday & Age: June 30th, 21

    Faolán is plagued by the memories. He had first seen the memories of the Roots, of its desperate fight to survive and gain strength. He empathises with its desire to grow and live. If he only knew the feelings of the Roots, he would have whole-heartedly aided in its goal.

    But the sacrifice's final moments keep pushing to the forefront of his mind. His desperation as he fled, the stuttering of his heart as he stumbled on the uneven ground. The quiet acceptance at the end, an understanding that, from the moment he had so foolishly stepped into this dimension, he had sealed his fate. And as he continues to recall these memories, he cannot help but feel for him.

    Faolán is not this man. He is simply an imitation, destined to lead others to his fate. It does him no good to think about the sacrifice, and yet he cannot help but wonder what could have been, had the man not strayed from the crow's path or, perhaps, had never stepped through the mirror-portal at all. What life would he have had, had it not been ripped away and given to his clone? It is useless to think about. He knows nothing about the man besides his final moments. And yet, he finds himself lingering on these thoughts.

    Still, these thoughts are much better than the other foolish ideas that linger in his mind. He dreams, occasionally, that he truly is the man whose face he wears. Untethered from the roots, existing as himself rather than masquerading as another. He ignores these silly fantasies, pervasive as they are. Best not to dwell on them, lest the Roots realise that something is amiss.

    Abilities & Limitations
    Necrotic Venom
    If one were to study his hands, they may notice that his nails are ever so slightly more curved down than normal, and come to more of a point than the usual human nail. It is something he could easily excuse as just some strange anomaly he was born with. But they're sharp, and strong enough to easily pierce human skin. His hands, particularly the tips of his fingers, produce toxins that rapidly cause necrosis in organic matter so long he can provide a path into the organism. If used on fauna, it is an effective and rather painful way to incapacitate them. Used on flora, such as trees, and it can be used to create obstructions and traps.

    However, though he has control over the initial site of necrosis, he doesn't have control over the spread. He has to be careful when selecting the site of the scratch, taking into consideration how quickly he can bring them to the Roots. A dead human will be of no use, after all.

    Additionally, the fact that this ability requires close contact with the intended target is another drawback. He isn't particularly faster or stronger than the average human, so if he has already been registered as a threat, it would become difficult for him to use this skill. He is stealthy, but not supernaturally so.

    Fatal Flaw(s): Water. The witching hour.

    Physical Characteristics
    Height: 188 centimetres; however, he tends to slouch.
    Hair: A pale blonde, almost white, that falls in fine waves over his eyes.
    Eyes: Light blue, deepset, and downturned. Paired with the permanent dark circles under his eyes, he has a rather melancholic air to him.
    Body: Lean and long-limbed, which would give the impression that he were taller than he is if Faolán did not subconsciously try to appear smaller at all times. He is quite pale.

    - Not that it matters for him, but he burns easily in the sun.
    Sisyphus - Have A Nice Life
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  • Benji
  • Info
    Name: Benjamin Kovensky
    Nickname: Benji
    Allegiance: Outsider
    Birthday & Age: September 11; 21

    From a young age, Benji was accustomed to taking care of others. While his dad was often locked up, he was brought up by his seven aunts who took every opportunity to bully, tease and embarrass him. Due to being raised by a pack of hyenas, Benji developed a blasé mindset to defend himself from the constant jabs and emotional torment. He's got tough skin and does not allow others to easily get under it.

    Benji is not naturally gifted. He does not strike you as studious or someone credited for diligence. Rather, he seems more like the type to be found amongst a group of degenerates, bumming smokes off each other in a dimly lit parking lot. However, he is earnest and hardworking. His proudest moment was when he received a full-ride scholarship for academic excellence, alleviating the financial burden from his family.

    It had surprised him to see his father in his apartment one day. Although he had missed and loved him dearly, Benji felt his sudden arrival to be strange and unnatural. Immediately, he knew it was not his father. But he took the mirror and followed the crow anyways (he's so unserious).

    Physical Characteristics
    Dark eyes that squint and scrutinize with caution. He's built with thick and heavy muscles that by no means appear friendly. For a stranger, he may seem a surly brute. But he is quick to change first impressions. In the way he walks -- and in the way he smiles -- there is a relaxed easiness about Benji. He is no stiff, moving with an unexpected fluidity and quickness. His appearance is always kempt and clean. It is rare for him not to be cleanly shaved. Most days, he keeps his hair slicked back and away from his face.
    Height: 6'3"

    Benji finds pleasure in the mundane. Cooking and cleaning are some of his favourite pass times. He's a simple young man with a fixed routine.

    Naturally built like an ox. He trains every day but can go months without, yet still keep his body weight.

    He smells like eucalyptus.

    Swims good.

    Runs good.



    achilles come down
Coded by Ardent
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