harry potter search | wolfstar & marauder era

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Transgender
currently kicking my feet, punching the wall, rolling around on the ground, etc. because my harry potter roleplays are severely lacking. if you're interested in playing canon characters from the marauder's era, this is the thread for you!

my name is peyton (22, any pronouns)! i write in third person, past tense. i'm no stickler about it but i will always prefer at least a good paragraph or two to respond to. that being said, i tend to match length and don't mind shorter, more rapid-paced posts for dialogue scenes. i am comfortable writing in pms or on discord but never threads. i try to post at least once a week. i work and struggle with lack of energy often so i try not to push myself past that but i can occasionally post more when i'm feeling up for it! patience is always appreciated and always returned — take as long as needed to get back! i require ooc talk — even better on discord. i like to be friends with my partners! if we don't vibe ooc, chances are i'll be intimidated and therefore not want to rp, lol! i am looking for someone who is 18+, active ooc, and can handle playing multiple characters.

i'm looking for someone to play sirius while i play remus. i'd like to either divide the other marauders and others evenly amongst ourselves or share them equally. while wolfstar is my main desire i'd really like to explore the relationships amongst themselves and others like lily, marlene, mary, dorcas, etc!

i have a couple basic plot ideas and am willing to explore aus, canon divergence, and anything else of the sort! the only think i will not play are minor characters. all characters will be aged up regardless of what route we go.

if any of this sounds interesting to you shoot me a message! :-)