Iwaku Secret Santa 2023

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Hufflepuff on the streets, Slytherin in the sheets
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. One post per day
  4. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Give-No-Fucks
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Primarily Prefer Male
Romance, Yaoi, Modern, Slice of Life, Omegaverse, etc

Hello and welcome back everyone to Iwaku's Secret Santa event!
First, a little information to explain this event to everyone. It isn't an irl gifting exchange secret santa. How this event works is you'll be doing this gift exchange thru roleplay! Your character is going to be partnered up with someone else's character and you will be exchanging the gifts in a 1x1 thread. What do you get out of this event you say? Well besides an awesome trophy for participating(seriously who doesn't love those), you'll get the chance to connect to new person and have a lot of fun!

How it works
Anyone who'd like to join the event just needs to fill out the form linked below :) You'll have until Nov. 26th @ midnight Mountain Time to get your application in. Once they're all in you will receive a pm Nov. 30th sometime in the evening telling you who your partner is and who will be posting first. Dec. 1st the realm will be open so head on over there and either start your thread or wait for your partner to, depending on who is the starter. Then you just enjoy the roleplay! The realm will close at the end of the month on Dec. 31st, but fret not, if you'd like to continue your 1x1 an announcement will be made telling you who to pm and we will get the thread moved to the 1x1 area for you!

The Scenario
Your character received an invitation one day from non other than Louis Bancroft, one of the richest men alive. Why would he be sending you a letter you ask? Well to invite you to a secret santa exchange at his manor, all expenses paid. Before you knew it the next month you were stepping out of a car onto a luxurious manor and lead straight to your own room and curiously laid upon your bed is a masquerade style mask and an envelope. In the envelope is a note that explains that to retain to mystery of the secret santa exchange everyone must wear their mask while outside of their room. On Christmas night once you find your secret santa partner you are allowed to unmask. Also in the envelope is $100 dollars to be spent on your secret santa partner, along with some information on the person like hobbies, etc. if they chose to provide that information. The night of the party arrives, before leaving your room you find a pin along with a note explaining your partner will have a matching one. With your gift in hand you are strolling into the hall in search of someone with a pin like yours. Once you find them you're allowed to wander anywhere on the grounds to talk and exchange gifts if you like.

The rules
1. No smut, keep 1x1s PG-13 please
2. Your account must be at least one month old to participate
3. Fill out form as true to your preferences as possible, this is so you can be paired with someone who best matches them
4. You may enter this event as a duo, so you won't be getting a random partner. All you need to do is comment both your usernames here saying you're entering as a duo and when the realm opens just have one of you start the thread.

The Form
Iwaku Secret Santa
This sounds like a blast! I love the Scenario.
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Reactions: Mordo
Oh wow I definitely want to join this. I just need to figure out which of my characters to use first. I did have a question though. Does your character need to be a regular human or can they be a supernatural or a human with powers? Just wondering, so I can decide on who I should use.
Oh wow I definitely want to join this. I just need to figure out which of my characters to use first. I did have a question though. Does your character need to be a regular human or can they be a supernatural or a human with powers? Just wondering, so I can decide on who I should use.
Apologies for my late reply! Your character can be whatever you want :)
This should be fun. I need to play with new people.