ART CHARACTERS WRITING Jezebel’s Character Corral

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Awkward scapegoat
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. Multiple posts per week
Online Availability
Sporadically throughout the day~
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Prestige
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Female
  2. Nonbinary
  3. Transgender
  4. Agender
Romance, historical, fantasy, slice of life
Hello~ I'll be posting lil character bios here along with any WIPs or pieces I have done of my OCs. Some characters merely have a name and a blurb, while others have a number of pieces dedicated to them. These posts will probably be subject to frequent edits as I draw or finish pieces.

If you're interested in plotting an RP with any of my characters, please let me know!

All art is drawn by me, please do not steal or redistribute. Click thumbnails to see larger pieces.

Any images under a spoiler are possibly a bit more risqué, so please be advised!

Misc. Doodles & Freebies:
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Víðir Rótudóttir
Historical/Medievl Fantasy

Name: Víðir (aka "Opal" depending on timeline) Rótudóttir
Age: 32/33
Orientation: Lesbian, possibly demisexual
Pronouns: She/They interchangeable
Height: 6'2"
Familiar: A blind black tomcat named Obsidian
About: Víðir hails from the far northern country of snowy Vahallan. She is from the clan Róta, who's women were known for their fighting capabilities. The Róta are a cross between viking Valkyries and the Amazon women of Greek mythos, a clan of near-giantess women making their way across the land and sea to pillage and claim for their own. Trained in the art of war from childhood as all Róta were, Víðir was once a vicious and fearsome warrior amongst her people. After years of conquest, Víðir was cut down in battle, suffering a debilitating wound that nearly took the sight from her left eye. As tradition states, Róta who are no longer able to fight and provide for the clan should take their own life to retain their honor. Instead, Víðir abandoned her people in an act of cowardice, fleeing in the dark of the night and stowing away on a ship of foreigners. In her years of travel, she was dubbed Opal by those that could not understand her tongue.
Astrology Sign: Pisces

Archer Víðir pre leaving Vahallan (WIP):

Opal & a friend's OC:

Modern slice-of-life Opal & a friend's OC (WIP):

Character Spreadsheet (WARNING: Lots of exposed skin under the cut):
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Kathryn Reyes
Modern Slice-of-Life

Name: Kathryn "Kat" Reyes
Age: 21/22
Orientation: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'3"
About: Kat grew up an army brat, moving from state to state as her father transferred from one base to another. Her mother passed away when she was an infant, a subject her father rarely wished to speak of. Her father would eventually be killed in action in the Iraq war, leaving an already fairly independent Kat to fend for herself. She is a fairly typical college student, working towards becoming a registered nurse. Kat, however, doesn't make her money working a typical 9 to 5.
Astrology Sign: N/A

Kathryn Reyes (Warning: Mildly goofy NSFW themes, fully clothed)(WIP):
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Medieval Fantasy

Name: Nephmyra
Age: N/A
Race: Tiefling
Orientation: Straight, possibly bi-curious
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'7"
Personality Wordbank:
Feisty | Strong-willed | Independent | Self-serving | Manipulative | Stubborn
(About under cut for NSFW themes)
Nephmyra is the daughter of a prostitute, her mother having fallen ill during the pregnancy, made a pact with a devil in order to survive the ordeal. What she didn't realize, was that the baby would be brought to term and born a horrible fiendish thing. Her mother gave the child to the deal making devil, who raised Nephmyra as his own. She was taught from a very young age that her beauty could be used to her advantage, and eventually became a courtesan. Her 'father' also taught her the skill of hand to hand combat, and the art of poisons. At any time, Nephmyra typically carries at least three hidden daggers on her person, as well as an array of poisonous flora typically braided throughout her hair.
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Medieval Fantasy

Lilith (AKA Sybil of the Seven Isles if appearing in her human form)
Age: Ageless
Race: Fae (Succubus)
Orientation: Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5'2"
Personality Wordbank:
Mildly-oblivious | Sheepish yet Bold | Holier Than Thou | Rebellious | Gay AF but She Has No Idea
About: The daughter of the demon mother herself, Lilith was born into a powerful family line, full of expectations. Unfortunately, she meets almost none of them. The fae have been regarded throughout human history as gods and goddesses, but as the years roll by, Christianity has swept through the land, pushing out the pagans and druids who once worshiped them. In a time when her people are little more than forgotten history of old, Lilith is struggling to survive in a world that no longer worships her.
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Idrid Kilt'aar
Modern Fantasy

Idrid Kilt'aar
Age: 296
Race: Drow
Orientation: Mostly straight
6' even
Personality Wordbank:

Lone Wolf | Reserved | Book Worm | Techie | Hardened | Secret Lover of Romance Novels
About: Idrid is the loner type, having moved away from the Underdark and her own people to embrace a quiet life as a solitary IT worker. Silly, huh? She can come off as aggressive, given her people's nature, but for the most part it's all for show. When Idrid was younger, she began to separate from her peers, constantly wondering why. Why did she exist? Why did she choose to act the part of the evil Drow? Why was... anything, really. Eventually she began to read and research human literature, determined to think for herself and become her own person. Now, Idrid holds a quiet interest in human religions and sappy romance novels.
Plot/World: Humans have written stories of great beasts and monsters for as long as they have been able to write… but what happens when those creatures suddenly come to life? Three hundred years ago, the first fantastic beings appeared. Adult elves walked right out of the forest, orcs and goblins not far behind. Merfolk appeared in the oceans, selkies and harpies stepped on to land. Beings of lore were slowly integrated into human society. Now, some question why they are even here, while others believe they are the superior race to humans. Corruption and violence spreads throughout as these creatures struggle to find where they fit in this human realm.