Kynigos (Concise Edition)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


running on brain garbage
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
  6. Primarily Nonbinary
urban fantasy, slice of life (w/ something else), adventure, mystery, high fantasy, medieval fantasy, crime and vigilantism, pretentious nonsense


    Seafaring nomads subsisting on the aid of the stars and sea are now people of the Kynigon Coalition, a series of trading ports and seaside cities connected by the pursuit of power and political isolation. The Coalition welcomes people of all species and nations, be they ones idolizing intellect and the ghosts living beside them, rotting people living on seemingly infinite energy, pastoral people flying through the ruins of an age long past, or former colonies in caverns burning beneath the surface. In Kynigos, people of these warring nations can start over and corporate guilds. However, they are only welcome on two conditions: 1) they can afford their stay there and 2) they will cut ties with all previous allegiances. Dark guilds scheme in the background as the people of Kynigos struggle to reconcile their hopes for the future with their obligations to the past. As the war continues, the question is posed: how isolated is this Coalition, really?

    • There are absolutely no requirements or expectations regarding posting frequency.
    • OOC engagement is encouraged because worldbuilding and plot are semi-collaborative, but is also not required.
    • There is no length limit, although most players should write a minimum of a paragraph and be at an intermediate-to-adept writing level or up. These are not requirements, just preferences to give the players content to work with.
    • If you are playing a high-ranking character and think your involvement in the roleplay will be decreasing, please do contact me through PMs on either Iwaku or Discord. No explanation is required, but high-ranking characters are typically very plot-involved so I appreciate a heads-up, if not help deciding what to do with your character for the foreseeable future.

    • Always open-to-join
    • Semi-collaborative
      • Worldbuilding and plot-line ideas can be recommended to me via any OOC thread, Discord, or PMs on Iwaku or Discord. If they're not accepted, that's probably because of incompatibility with pre-existing information. After a bit of conversation, they might be implemented in the realm's canon information thread (credited to you).
      • Prior to the beginning of the RP, any player is free to create a guild. This can be done after it starts running, so long as its existence isn't incompatible with any pre-existing information. Guilds can also be built IC.
    • The world will expand as the RP continues, we are just beginning in Kynigos' 5 cities
    • Threads will be created for each main location in the RP. Though there will be some IC events where certain characters are expected at particular locations, approved characters can jump in at any time.
    • 1x1 and other private threads can be created, though I do encourage roleplaying in the open threads if your characters are in a public location
    • This roleplays's plot line will not be very expedited or controlled by myself. My main job is to focus on creating lore and hypothetical situations that will yield conflict. I also value branching out socially while roleplaying, so I might connect players joining the RP with others they may not have interacted with before (if they express interest in that). I may also play NPCs if needed.

    General rules:
    • Clearly all Iwaku rules still apply
    • Distinguish between in-character and out-of-character identities
    • Players who either exhibit poor conduct or begin unnecessary conflicts will be kicked
    • This world and story are semi-collaborative, but understand that I'm still the one with final say about those matters
    • You are not entitled to an expedited plotline or quick responses. Mild frustration is understandable, but expressing that by trying to rush or guilt others is 100% not acceptable. This realm is meant to be a safe space.
    • Only original characters
    • At the moment there are no character limits, except that starting players are only allowed 1 high-ranking character per city. High-ranking characters are indicated in bold under each location's hierarchy
    • Players with high-ranking characters may gain exclusive information OOC before the RP begins or as the story develops
    • Collaboration between players with characters who interact often is highly encouraged (e.g: players who play members of the same council, guild, etc)
    • Visual faceclaims are optional and any style is perfectly fine, because some kind of written description should be included in your character sheet anyway
    • Characters raised outside of Kynigos have slightly different required character information (listed below)
    • We love character diversity in this household! It's encouraged that players experiment with character design, occupations, orientations, cultural backgrounds, genders, neurodivergencies, etc, etc
    • A master-thread will be created where all character sheets will be posted. After a CS is confirmed to be completed, I'll check that it's compliant with previously established information. This only applies to characters that participate in public threads.
    These are all lists of required and optional information to include in character sheets.
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):

    Skill Development:

    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits

    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):
    Age of Immigration:

    Former Occupation (if notable):
    Skill Development:

    Education Level:
    Candidacy/Candidacies (if applicable):

    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits
    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):
    Age of Immigration:

    Former Occupation (if notable):
    Skill Development:


    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits
    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):
    Age of Immigration:

    Skill Development:

    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits
    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):
    Legal Name:
    Former Legal Name(s) (if applicable):
    Common Name (if different):

    Titles and Nicknames:

    Gender and Pronouns:

    Current Residence:
    Current Guild Association (if applicable):
    Former Guild Association(s) (if applicable):
    Former Social Association(s) (if applicable):
    Age of Immigration:

    Former Occupation (if notable):
    Skill Development:

    Physical description:

    • Build and height
    • Skin
    • Hair
    • Eyes
    • Typical clothing
    • Guild tattoos and miscellaneous tattoos (if applicable)
    • Species traits
    Peculiar items:




    Demeanor and Patterns:

    Miscellaneous Information (optional):
    Relationships and NPCs (if applicable/of note):

    Kynigos' Five Territories (by geography and significance)
    • Seaside cliffs: A bustling city nestled into the side of a coastal mountain. Famous for their starlight lighthouse and influential Security Guild.
    • Archipelago: A series of ten interconnected islands housing this world's center of trade and affluent Central Trading Guild.
    • Capital isle: A single circular island comprised of embassies from every nation and every territory in Kynigos. National meetings of significance and international trade deals are conducted in a meeting house in the middle of the island.
    • Cove: A residential area and reliable dock. Commune housing is very popular and lodging is cheap.
    • Bayou: A shallow wetland connected by causeways. The only traditional, authentic Hokyunigon society left in Kynigos.


    The Kynigon Coalition is mostly populated by the species Hokyunigos, originally seafaring nomads now anchored to five trading ports and seaside territories. Each city has its own system of governmentmostly voted-in councilsthough nearly no members are given power through pure means. The leaders of these cities gather every month in a different capital to discuss matters of national importance: typically international trade and neutrality. Most citizens of Kynigos are either members of guilds or reside in established cities and ports, with very few living underwater or by traditional Hokyunigon values.

    The species Hokyunigos have marine traits such as webbed fingers and toes and gills, in addition to celestial and light related abilities, usually visualized by Hokyunigon shimmery skin or bio-luminescence. Their magic is related to bodies of water and celestial bodies.


    Ruled by the leader of the Sors dynasty and the agency ministers they appoint, the Kingdom of Sors is stifling to those who inhabit it. Its educational system is ruthlessly categorical, dividing its citizens by magical ability level or "talent" when they're only ten years old, and limiting their career choices when they graduate by assigning "candidacies." However, whether a noble or apothecary, and despite being restrained by their society's expectations, most citizens are happy with their quaint lives.

    The species Moirai are often dull in color with wispy, fluid features like shifty irises and pupils, foggy hair, and partially intangible limbs. Moirai who make pacts with incorporeal entities sometimes gain physical traits associated with said entity, such as red skin, markings, pointed ears, and horns. Their magic is related to the mind and incorporeal entities (classified as OIE, sentiments, cardinal spirits, and ghosts).


    Aeoni Terminal is a paradise of a rotting, sprawling metropolis. With a nationally low life-expectancy, Aelers cope with their short lives by prioritizing self-expression, carpe diem-adjacent values, and material things. Aelers' already-fragile lives have recently become endangered by an enigmatic disease known as Fuhai. Only the chairman and those in Aeoni's deficient medical field are aware of the extent of its spread and its limitation to Aeler bodies, though they are resolved to let the populace stay ignorant.

    All Aelers have vivid physical features, with most additionally having colorful patterns on the skin and some form of bioluminescence. Their magic is related to energy and enchantment.


    Once the strongest nation in the world, Eaden is now an expanse of rolling plains, decimated structures, and the skeletons of perished megafauna. Yawariq, the people of Eaden, have only recently resurfaced, some building primitive farming settlements in the ruins, and others flying through, attempting to defend their borders or living as shepherds. Other nations attempt to eliminate these people, whilst most Yawari struggle too much living day-to-day to take note of the antagonistic forces closing in. There is no room for sentiment or constancy in the blooming forests of Eaden.

    Yawariq are connected very intimately with nature and the air, growing plants like vines, moss, and branches on or in place of limbs and sprouting wings and feathers. Though Yawariq are most connected with birds, it's common for them to adopt the appearances of other creatures. Their magic is related to flora, fauna, and air.


    Generations ago, the people of a mining colony called Machay successfully incited a revolution, freeing themselves of Eaden's influence. Small tunnels and caves have now transformed into gaping, burning caverns beneath the surface, filled by the diesel smoke of cityscapes and connected by underground paths and railways. Since attaining their freedom, there's been a vacancy open. Years later, there is still no formal organizational system, and the new, lawless nation of Ambrecreux is entirely influenced by crime rings, growing political parties, and interrelated local communities.

    Deuxa's skin is tough and enforced with either rock, metal, or gemstone, sometimes bonded with their keratin and other times protruding from or taking the place of other parts of the body. It's also common for flame to make up Deuxa's physical features. Their magic is related to the earth and heat.

  • Each species has two elemental jurisdictions, with every member of each species receiving abilities called "skills" related to said elements. Some skills are inherent, whilst others must be practiced.

    A smaller percentage of the population have powers called "specialties." Just like skills, the type of specialty developed is dependent on the jurisdiction of the species. Every specialty has its own limitations unique to the individual. Most people's specialties manifest in the first ten years of their life, though exceptions exist.

    • EXAMPLE:
      • Hokyunigos have elemental jurisdiction over bodies of water and celestial bodies. Their skills involve traits like webbed fingers and toes (inherent) and starlight rituals (requires practice). Some individuals have specialties related to Hokyunigos' elemental jurisdiction (e.g: water conjuration, light illusions).

    • Time and the Calendar
      • 12 month calendar, 31 days in the first six months, 30 in the next 5, 29 in the last
      • The year begins on the spring equinox
      • 7 days per week, 24 hours per day (every location uses 24-hour clocks), every hour is 60 minutes, 60 seconds every minute
      • No time zones, no leap years, no daylight savings time
    • Currency
      • Wavy-edged coins called dalan
        • Cobalt: 5, 15, 30, 50
        • Gold: 100, 1000, 5000
      • Dalan are typically treated as common currency when foreign nations conduct business (this always takes place on Coalition territory to avoid sparking conflict). Still, it's commonplace for traders to barter, as most territories don't allow dalan to be exchanged for national currency.
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    The Kynigon Coalition is mostly populated by the species Hokyunigos, originally seafaring nomads now anchored to five trading ports and seaside territories. Each city has its own system of government—mostly voted-in councils—though nearly no members are given power through pure means. The leaders of these cities gather every month to discuss matters of national importance: typically international trade and neutrality. Most citizens of Kynigos are either members of guilds or reside in established cities and ports, with very few living underwater or by traditional Hokyunigon values.

    As the sun rises on a new day in Kynigos, illuminating the ocean with its light, the many citizens of the Coalition wake. Some eat in their respective guild halls, sending their children to train or play by the ocean, whilst others set up in markets on the boardwalk. The sea air and winds are a constant joy and bells ring on the sides of trading ships and doors of shops, a form of prayer to the Constellation Legends of Hokyunigon nomadic past. Councils hold public meetings, traditional Hokyunigon living by the water struggle to maintain their homes, and new members of the Coalition flood in from all corners of the world.

  • Elemental Jurisdiction: Bodies of water and celestial bodies

    Species Traits: Hokyunigos are built to survive both on land and in the ocean so they typically have gills, webbed fingers and toes, and little-to-no body hair. Some Hokyungion have small scales or fins, though that feature has mostly been lost to time. They also have slightly shimmery skin, bio-luminescence, and/or tolerance to high levels of light as a result of subsisting on celestial guidance.

    • Inherent:
      • Very strong cognitive map that keeps them from getting lost
      • Locating Hokyunigos (possible by connecting with a close friend's unique stardust traces)
    • Needs to be practiced:
      • Non-conversational communication with marine life
      • Long-term underwater breathing
      • Harnessing starlight (using either secular or Legend rituals)
    Specialty Examples:
    • Marine creature shifting
    • Marine creature trait
    • Marine plant trait
    • Light manipulation
    • Illusion creation
    • Constellation Legend trait
    • Water conjuration

  • Naming Conventions
    • If born into a guild: Their last name is the name of the guild they were born into and they are given a middle name to help distinguish their identity. If they become unassociated from the guild, their middle name becomes their surname. If they join another guild, their middle name remains the same but their last name changes to match their new guild-mates.
    • If born out of a guild: They are just given a first and last name (last name is either individual to them or associated with their community). If they join a guild, their last name becomes their middle name.
    The Coalition has very clean cities with well-designed medieval-style infrastructure. They have some technology, though most are cosmetic instead of useful for manufacturing (as Kynigos is an artisan-based economy). Most of the technology in the Coalition was originally designed in Aeoni Terminal and Ambrecreux, but are now also produced in Kynigos. Cities are lit during the night by glowing algae on the water and starlight lanterns.
    • Commonly used technology includes: Clocks, pottery wheels, film cameras, glasses, and tide mills
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  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: Nemopedia


    Ruled by the leader of the Sors dynasty and the agency ministers they appoint, the Kingdom of Sors is stifling to those who inhabit it. Its educational system is ruthlessly categorical, dividing its citizens by magical ability level or "talent" when they're only ten years old, and limiting their career choices when they graduate by assigning "candidacies." However, whether a noble or apothecary, and despite being restrained by their society's expectations, most citizens are happy with their quaint lives.

    Mist hangs heavy in the air in Sors, temple bells ringing in the distance above the clattering of hooves and thuds of footsteps. Apothecaries tend to their greenhouses and communers clean up the cemeteries spread across the kingdom, whilst secondary-school students dine in dormitory halls and begin their classes of the day. Every hour the same bells ring, and a different temple's wardens and their visitors make offerings to the deities of Sors, the Original Incorporeal Entities. Though its streets are dirtied and the facades of its palace and agencies cracked, the foggy figures in this Victorian society are fairly content.

  • Elemental Jurisdiction: The mind and incorporeal entities

    Species Traits: Moirai are typically dull in color, with the least vivid individuals gaining societal favor, due to dull appearances reflecting the appearances of the Original Incorporeal Entities being seen as a sign of divine favor. Some traits like hair, eyes, and limbs are wispy or fluid. It's not uncommon for Moirai to have foggy hair that shifts in tone and irises that change shape and are never perfectly round. Fluid features like this are again seen as a sign of divine favor. If a family has a longstanding relationship with an Original Incorporeal Entity (such as being wardens of a temple) or gain their support in another way, Moirai sometimes develop physical traits that match that of their OIE, such as having red skin, horns, pointed ears, or markings and patterns.

    • Inherent:
      • Gaining some combination of intellect, energy, mana, or introspection when in close contact with incorporeal entities
    • Needs to be trained:
      • Communicating with incorporeal entities
      • Making contracts with sentient incorporeal entities, with what they gain as a result dependent on the power of the entity and nature of their contract
    The starting levels of these skills are dependent on natural talent, which is directly related to bloodline. Even if someone is untalented, they could hypothetically get on the same level as a prodigy if they train hard enough. However due to the schooling system, untalented Moirai children are almost never allocated the proper resources to pursue that.

    Specialty Examples:
    • Minimal telepathy
    • Minimal mind/sense control
    • Probable reality reading
    • Increased intellect (usually regarding a particular discipline)
    • Retrocognition
    • Making spirits tangible, controlling spirits' actions, and/or making them visible to other species
    • Temporary intangibility
    Incorporeal Entity Catalogue
    1. High-Level Entities aka the Original Incorporeal Entities (OIE)
      1. OIE are essentially deities. They reside in their own realm, only able to watch those in the world below. They can only practice their power in places of worship like temples or by forging contracts.
    2. Sentient Lower-Level Entities aka Sentiments
      1. Sentiments materialize within items of personal or spiritual importance and have their own unique soul and visual manifestation.
    3. Insentient Lower-Level Entities
      1. Cardinal spirits are classified as either fluid, energized, or conceptual
        1. Fluid spirits are typically wind or water, but they can be other fluid forms like plasma or mercury
        2. Energized spirits are typically fire, electricity, or starlight
        3. Conceptual spirits can embody different sins or virtues, philosophies, and immaterial ideas like truth
      2. Ghosts materialize if a person has left a spiritual legacy or material impact. They are always anchored to either the place of their death, an item of importance, or their primary place of residence. They are only a manifestation of the deceased's innermost wishes or unfinished business. They disappear when that business is resolved.
    All incorporeal entities(IE) aside from the OIE are incapable of affecting the world around them tangibly long-term. Their main value is in the power their presence gives Moirai and their sentience. They cannot be perceived by non-Moirai.

  • Naming Conventions
    Children take the last name of their most talented parent. Individuals are never legally able to change their first or last name whilst they live in the Kingdom of Sors. After a Moirai's specialty develops, they are given a middle name related to or inspired by said specialty. When they join a guild in Kynigos, they take the last name associated with their guild and their surname becomes a second middle name.

    Sors has very primitive infrastructure due to their reliance on archaic sites for power. The most well-developed parts of the Kingdom are typically cemeteries, as they're the only sites allowed to be quickly changed. Horses and carriages are typically used for transportation, and Sors is known to be very good with natural medicines.

    Children attend local schools for the first 10 years of their life. After they graduate, they undergo rigorous testing and interview processes and are either placed in one of four levels of secondary schools or perform too poorly to be educated. After or during their time at that level of school, they are scouted by government agencies. Once graduated, they're assigned a series of "candidacies," which are highly recommended career paths, usually in particular government agencies with suggested roles therein. It's very difficult to work in a sector you don't have a candidacy in.
    • 3% of students are in the highest level: a single school called Echelon
    • 25% are in the second highest, classified as 2nd star schools
    • 50% are in the third highest, typically treated as the "average" level, classified as 3rd star schools
    • 17% are in the lowest, classified as 4th star schools
    • 5% aren't placed into any school. These students typically decide to work in small family businesses.
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  • According to Plan
Reactions: Nemopedia


    Aeoni Terminal is a paradise of a rotting, sprawling metropolis. With a nationally low life-expectancy, Aelers cope with their short lives by prioritizing self-expression, carpe diem-adjacent values, and material things. Aelers' already-fragile lives have recently become endangered by an enigmatic disease known as Fuhai. Only the chairman and those in Aeoni's deficient medical field are aware of the extent of its spread and its limitation to Aeler bodies, though they are resolved to let the populace stay ignorant.

  • Elemental Jurisdiction: Energy and enchantment

    Species Traits: Aelers have vivid physical features, including hair, eyes, and colorful patterns on the skin. Bioluminescence is common.

    • Inherent:
      • Don't require food or sleep
      • Can absorb energy from external sources and internalize them
    • Needs to be practiced:
      • Transferring energy from one item to another, not possible without a middle stage so the individual needs to be in contact with both objects
    Specialty examples:
    • Unique combinations of energy sources and externalizations
      • E.g: gaining energy from static and externalizing it as electricity
    • Energy flow tracking
    • Item creation from energy
      • E.g: making items out of fire or light
    • Item enchantment
    • Electrokinesis
    • Pyrokinesis

  • Naming Conventions
    When married, partners choose one last name to keep, or blend together their last names. The child automatically takes the last name of their other family members. It's common for Aelers to change their first name once they've grown up.

    Aeoni Terminal is famously high-tech, with completely automated train and metro systems—in addition to some stores in the center of the country. The government's database system is very well developed, allowing for a completely no-contact form of currency and fairly low-hassle paperwork during Aelers' day-to-day. Despite that form of technological success, Aeoni Terminal is extremely inept at medical and environmental science, evidenced by the quantity of mutated creatures (sometimes sold as exotic animals in Kynigos) and the nation's response to the disease Fuhai.

    School lasts about 15 years of an Aeler's life due to Aeoni Terminal's nationally low life expectancy. They prioritize exploration, personal expression, and hands-on skills. Students typically take the train or metro to school at sunrise and stay there until about sunset (consequently making them much closer to their schoolmates than their family). They also move and join the workforce fairly early.
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  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: Nemopedia


    Once the strongest nation in the world, Eaden is now an expanse of rolling plains, decimated structures, and the skeletons of perished megafauna. Yawariq, the people of Eaden, have only recently resurfaced, some building primitive farming settlements in the ruins, and others flying through, attempting to defend their borders or living as shepherds. Other nations attempt to eliminate these people, whilst most Yawari struggle too much living day-to-day to take note of the antagonistic forces closing in. There is no room for sentiment or constancy in the blooming forests of Eaden.

  • Elemental Jurisdiction: Flora, fauna, and the air

    Species Traits: Yawariq are connected very intimately with nature and the air, growing plants like vines, moss, and branches on or in place of limbs and sprouting wings and feathers. Though Yawariq are most connected with birds, it's common for them to adopt the appearances of other creatures. Their magic is related to flora, fauna, and air.

    • Inherent:
      • Gain energy from sunlight
      • Can communicate with fauna
    • Needs to be practiced:
      • Flying
      • Expediting growth
    Specialty examples:
    • Fauna trait
    • Flora trait
    • Plant conjuration
    • Animal familiar
    • Air manipulation

  • Technology
    Eaden is extremely primitive. Most citizens live in new farming settlements on the plains and in and on top of ruins. They use their own wings or animals for transportation and are beginning to experiment with natural medicines.
  • OMG
Reactions: Nemopedia


    Generations ago, the people of a mining colony called Machay successfully incited a revolution, freeing themselves of Eaden's influence. Small tunnels and caves have now transformed into gaping, burning caverns beneath the surface, filled by the diesel smoke of cityscapes and connected by underground paths and railways. Since attaining their freedom, there's been a vacancy open. Years later, there is still no formal organizational system, and the new, lawless nation of Ambrecreux is entirely influenced by crime rings, growing political parties, and interrelated local communities.

  • Elemental Jurisdiction: Heat and earth

    Species Traits:
    Duexa are immune to most airborne diseases and forms of poisoning. Their skin is tough and enforced with either rock or gemstone, sometimes binded with their keratin and other times protruding from or taking the place of other parts of the body. Deuxa also tend to have high heat resistance and are capable of redirecting energized sources like fire and electricity, visualized by hot-red segments of ore on their bodies. Their eyes are very sensitive to light.

    • Inherent:
      • Heat absorption
      • Heat redirection
    • Needs to be practiced:
      • Echolocation
    Specialty examples:
    • Gem conjuration
    • Earth manipulation
    • Energized source manipulation
    • Pyrokinesis
  • Creative
Reactions: Nemopedia