Let's mix cliches, stereotypes and medieval fantas

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Hey there Iwaku!

I finally got away from the my painful kidney stone filled Saturday with a few ideas for rps in my head. This one is a sort of affectionate parody we'll craft together and try to make sense of until the hopeful end. Like the title said, I must warn that there would be plenty of cliches and stereotypes in the plot, but since nothing will be written in malicious intentions (a rule, people!), I hope no feelings will be hurt.

Alright! So let's get straight to the point! I want to write a pretty standard Medieval Fantasy Epic with a twist; we makes full use of both TV Tropes and the awfully cartoonish high school stereotype. What does that stuff mean? Simple, say you decide to play a Knight in Shining Armor (a trope in itself while being a character role!) you would then go about making him or her into one of the high school stereotype that would be either as standard as The Jock or as weird and potentially funny as The Valley Girl/Guy. Pretty simple, I hope!

With that, we will assign roles, plan a basic plot that everyone is happy with, and finally discuss potential character dynamics. The results? You get to play with up to four different characters of your own, the only rules being those of not being a jerk, making sure that EVERYONE is having fun, working towards the most entertaining or thought-inducing result in each scene and finally try to put some substance and plot advancement in each post. That's about it!

Is anyone interested in this idea?
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