ALWAYS OPEN Little Blackbird | Sign Up & OOC

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Minor Being of Mayhem
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Paranormal, and Horror
Little Blackbird

This is a dark gothic fantasy story based in the town of Arkley known and yet not for its odd citizens and mysterious past. The town was founded around four hundred years ago by three families - The Whitmores, the Flemings, and the Mulvahils. Each family is known for their own special brand of peculiarity - The Whitmores like outsiders a bit too much, the Flemings seem to flinch at the sight of the sun, and the Mulvahils are far too obsessed with bodies of water. The truth of the matter is that they are not human - never have been, really. Then again, few in this little town are humans and those that are were practically cast out from normal society for one reason or another.

This town of otherworldly creatures and odd little humans rarely sees travelers or tourists save for once a year. At the tail end of the autumn season, Arkley hosts a grand festival open to any and all called the Festival of Spirits. It is a magnificent three day event to honor the founding families and all those who have passed on. There is music, performances, costumes, and contests! And at the end of it all: The Whitmore Masquerade; where at the end, guests of honor are asked to bring the festival to a close by taking a candle to Maybelle's Grove and honoring the first person to die in Arkley. Most never notice the ghostly blackbird that watches them as they traverse the forest. They never notice their hosts slipping away into the shadows. And they never notice when a young girl cries in mourning. Most never make it past the first hour of the hunt.

You see, long ago a young girl named Maybelle died. Her father couldn't let her death go and made a deal with something even monsters considered abnormal. It brought her back in the form of a phantom, doomed to forever haunt the forest she died in. Its price for this boon? The man's family would forever be beholden to it. Every year on the night she died, all members of the Whitmore family past the age of sixteen must complete a sacrifice or the creature would take their souls away.

  • The Basics

    I'm fairly new to this site, but not new to running these types of groups. In fact, this is an overhaul of one of my first ever groups and actually one I had plans to turn into a book, but dropped before writing. I have a lot of information about this world and a general plot for us all to follow, but I have plans to change things around based on the characters you create and the actions they take. I would like this role play to help you explore more into your characters in a dark fantasy setting. There is going to be violence, gore, death, and so much tragedy that this will probably be incredibly edgy.

    The rules are the same general ones you'd find everywhere - No godmodding of any kind, no perfect characters, follow the site rules, and don't bully or harass people ooc. As for posting, I would like at least two paragraphs for each post and one post every two weeks at the least. A member of a founding family counts as a citizen. However, you can have up to four characters currently.

    The story is loosely planned to follow the idea of your characters, the travelers and the citizens, getting to know each other over the course of the festival. The travelers will realize that people are hiding something, but can't quite figure out what. Each traveler character will enter a raffle where a few will be selected to take the walk to Maybelle's Grove where they will be hunted by the characters of the Whitmore family. From there, they will work to get out of the forest while the others are told what is happening and try to get in to help. The citizens will either work to stop them or help them. Or, at least, that's the general idea.

    This is a dark victorian/gothic-esque fantasy setting...which was kinda based off Bloodbourne. This means that things will get dark and dreary. Know this before deciding - there is no happy ending and someone will lose. So, if you want what I'm hoping will be an emotional ride full of future emotional damage for your characters, look no further.

  • Character Info

    There are many playable roles and there should be enough founding family members for everyone to have one. The founding families all play a rather vital role and are all in on the hunt, though the Whitmores are the only ones to actively participate in it. The three families are very much designed to be morally gray or downright evil in some cases, but I encourage you to forge your own path for your character. There are NPCs that can still push the plot where it needs to go.

    Oh! Before I forget, your characters can also be supernatural creatures. I even have a list ready to go as I would like them to follow a less modernized version of the creatures. You are, of course, free to add to the list. Just give me the rundown of your idea and we'll see about getting the creature to fit into the world.

    You can have up to four characters. I will make npc's if we do not have enough people to enter the forest.

    The Founding Families:
    There are three families that built Arkley - The Whitmores, the Flemings, and the Mulvahils. Each family has their own dark history and their own curse to bear. The Whitmores are beholden to a creature called Decay that turned them into shapeshifters. There will be four roles available for this family. The Flemings are cursed with vampirism that any who join the family is infected with as it is bound not to their blood, but to their name. There will be two roles available for this family. The Mulvahils are the descendants of the last true siren making them an endangered species. There will be two roles available for this family.

    The Travelers:
    There are people born outside of Arkley who have traveled here for one reason or another. There is no limit on this role.

    The Citizens:
    These are people who were born in Arkley or came here and decided to stay. They know or suspect the truth of this festival. Some might even be in on it - this is a rather tight knit town, afterall. There is no limit on this role.

I have the lore, species, and magic systems all written out. I am working on putting it all together into something that actually looks nice. Below is the link to the google docs which has everything you need to know. I will also link the other threads here when they are up.

Song Playlists:​

All Character Roles
Below is a list of all roles and the characters filling those roles. Feel free to reserve any spots!

The Whitmore Family
Myron Whitmore | Son of Waverly Whitmore (@MissyMay)
Amarantha Withmore | Daughter of Minerva Whitmore & Forrest Monaghan (@SilverPaw)
Armand Whitmore | Son of Ambrose Whitmore & Anais Bouchard (@Bahiyya)
Majna Whitmore | Child of Serena Whitmore(@StarlightStarbright)
Horace Whitmore | Child of Waverly Whitmore (@The Lotus Archives)

The Fleming Family
Nikolas Fleming | Son of Sydney & Theresa Fleming (@cry)
Rivka Fleming | Daughter of Claude & Neil Fleming (@cowboyclown)

The Mulvahil Family
Gladiolus Mulvahil | Daughter of Lacey & Edgar Mulvahil (@Ai-in Ayan)
Nerina Mulvahil | Daughter of Lucia & Carmela Mulvahil (@Princess Rose)

Felix Fletcher | Merchant Thief (@MissyMay)
Laverne Wycliffe | Journalist's Apprentice (@MissyMay)
Penelope Albrecht | Novelist (@cry)
Jamil De Bosque | Performer/Drag Queen (@StarlightStarbright)
Mizuko Ryu | Traveling Noble (@The Lotus Archives)
Onne | Guardian (@The Lotus Archives)
Olenn Jordenson | Stable Keeper (@Luther)

Mina Delagney | Constable (@MissyMay)
Hyacinth Adventurine | Butler/Bodyguard (@Ai-in Ayan)
Amir Bijan | Owner of the Achaemenes (@The Lotus Archives)
Oleander Valcourt | School Teacher (@cry)
Baron Grady | Surgeon (@Luther)

Character Info & Sheets
You are open to make whatever type of character your wish so long as they at least loosely fit into the setting and can explain why they are the way they are. You can make a time traveler, you can make a woman literally haunted by the ghosts of her past, you can make a sarcastic man cursed to be a hairless cat. You can even make the mortal reincarnation of one of this worlds gods... though I do ask that you request something like that first. The only limit is your imagination and the world setting. If you want to add or make up a new species, please ask me and we can create some info for it. I also changed the rule so that you only have to make one character if you want to, but four is your maximum limit as of right now. My only ask is that you avoid making overpowered characters without reason or weakness.

I'm not particular about how you set up your character sheets. I only really care about a name, age, story role (traveler, citizen, founding family), a detailed backstory and the answer to the three questions. I would prefer semi-realistic art, realistic art, or real people as face claims. Below is a basic character sheet you can use.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll answer asap.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

@SilverPaw @fauxklimt @Dusk
Just in case you guys are still interested or want a look at the lore (google docs) before committing,
I also changed the rule on the character limit so you only have to make one, but can still make up to four.​
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Sorry guys, I had plans to get the IC thread up today but I got sick. It's making it really difficult to think and write. I'll hopefully have it up sometime later this week.

Aw, don't worry, just rest, and get well~

Yeah, @MissyMay ! Take the time you need to recover! We'll be waiting here for ya!
Name: Pumpkin Raider
Age: 28 physically, 18 mentally
Gender: Male
Species: An evolved form of human.(i shall explain more)
Occupation:Wanderer, defender of the multiverse.
Personality: Pumpkin Raider is a rational person, with every situation, he seems to rush into it with a plan. He is also very caring of those who seem outcasted by society, as this has to do with his origins and where he hails from. He is willing to go to his limits to help those in need, even if they betray his trust sometimes. He is a believer that everyone deserves a chance within a world, and if they dont fit into the world they are in, they can find a place within another world where they can be happy (read backstory to see why he believes this and how he accomplishes this). Dispite being accepting of people, he has not found a person like him, a person who fits everywhere and nowhere at the same time. But he is contempt with being alone in the end, as long as he can help others and have something to fight for.
Likes: helping people, travelling
Dislikes: People taking off his pumpkin head
Backstory:You dont have to read this yet. but you can. if you do you are in for a treat.
Pumpkin raider started out as a boy in the land of divigo, a place divided in half. He was different, as whenever someone looked at his face he felt an intense pain and started screaming. The people of divigos island side decided he was best off exiled. So they did just that, banishing him to the corrupted side of divigo, Oddsworld.
Oddsworld is a place where the land constantly shifts and glitches, things come from other dimensions and worlds, and dissapear too, the daylight cycle is a mess as well. These disortions, called "oddsquakes" by pumpkin raider, are very traumatic and scary to the unexperienced eye. Pumpkin raider even recalls seeing 15 different solar eclipses in 1 oddsquake.

The years went by, and he made friends with the locals. He also figured out that by wearing a pumpkin on his head, as long as it was carved, he could see through it. not just through the holes, but through it completely, with the holes looking slightly darker. To this day he has no idea why this works. Interestingly, due to him being accustomed to wearing a pumpkin for extended periods of time, He has grown used the smell of rot and decay, making him resistant to repugnant smells and having a reduced gag reflex (whether its for better or for worse). due to the oddsquakes throughout the years he also collected mysterious objects, leading him to learn how to forge after being taught by the locals of oddsworld. Leading him to craft his own armor/weapons. He found an axe the easiest for him to weild, making it his weapon of choice. He soon became the guardian and leader of oddsworld, helping rebuild after frequent oddsquakes and helping guide others when entering oddsworld.

[this is when it starts getting good]
One particular day after an oddsquake, he discovered a green crystal ball and a book in the rubble. A plane landed in oddsworld, it was the scavenger robot, his friend, who had also found a strange crystal, this one however, was blue. The robot scavenger also mentioned how it seemed to cast a protective shield over his plane, and that there was a strange mechanism in the middle of the world. Pumpkin raider told him to keep the blue crystal safe, and that he would inspect it later after he had inspected the book. The real reason pumpkin raider told the scavenger robot to keep it safe is because Pumpkin raider believed it would protect robot scavenger, as he had mentioned a protective shield.

Upon inspecting the book pumpkin raider learned of 3 types of magic, Blue, green, and orange. The green magic was used for tricks and illusions, and feats noone could do by themselves, relying on the cleverness of the user. Blue magic was used for protection and defense, relying on the will of the user. and orange magic was used for attacks and weapon summoning, relying on the power of the user.

The book also contained the method of creating a portal using the 3 magics in their crystal form, using the mechanism in the middle of the land.
Pumpkin raider quickly realized that the three crystals had been found, one was in his possesion, the second in the possession of the scavenger robot, and the third, the orange crystal, was on a landmark called "gods rock" in the island side of divigo, and had been their mysterious magic source for years, and the reason why oddsworld citizens never dared to invade. Pumpkin raider, devised a plan in order to get the orange crystal.

Pumpkin raider, after preparing, went over to gods rock, only to be stopped by Pheniox Riley, the defender of the island side of divigo. Riley was preparing to attack, pumpkin raider was surrounded by island citizens in their armor, weilding magic branded weapons and torches, all odds were against him, there was no way out, at least, not the fair way.

Pumpkin raider, as mentioned before was the guardian of the oddsworld people, and he would get them to safety, by any means nessacary. even if it meant he had to play dirty

Pumpkin raider had studied more about how to use the crystals, particulary in this case the green crystal, and he memorized 1 incantation that would help him in this exact scenario. Green Flash. A spell that would freeze everyone but the user within their place in time. Pumpkin raider decided now was the time. So he whispered the incantation. All time froze, and he took the crystal. He returned to the center, where scavenger robot was waiting with pumpkin raiders bag, which contained supplies needed for him to survive for a while, and the blue crystal. With all the crystals collected, pumpkin raider put them in the proper places in the mechanism, A ray shot out and a portal was created. Pumpkin raider bid scavenger robot farewell, till they met again. And he yelled out, "FOR ODDSWORLD, WE SHALL FIND OUR PLACES WITHIN THE MULTIVERSE. I SHALL RETURN".
He was yelling this to the oddsword citzens hiding nearby the portal, with magic of their own ready. They would stay here until pumpkin raider came back with the proper spell to place each of them in a world in which they belonged and fit in.
So with that, he jumped through the portal.

Pumpkin raider found himself in another world, he met Ri, a sorcerer/mage gifted with the three magics pumpkin raider used to get here. Pumpkin raider was in the perfect place, Divimag, A place where people were gifted with at least one magic trait, sometimes two, and as of 2 cases unnaturally, all 3.
Ri was an unexperienced sorcerer however, but he was determined. so he prepared a spell that would open a gateway back to divigo, as the one pumpkin raider used was very innefficient and required a seperate incantation for each, and only one person could go through at a time. with the other spell mutliple people could come through, and it would stay open as long as they needed.
However, Ri's determination was for naught, as the spell was botched (messed up) by a simple word being wrong.
Pumpkin raider and ri were thrown into a world known as the divine earth, where they discovered they had not been transported alone. Multiversal beings had been sent with them, alterations of Ri. Rye; a pandemic and zombie virus survivor along with his daughter elis from Earth-Nine, Rai; a warrior with his girlfriend Cara from Divinine, and on top of that there was also another Ri in the world they were in as they landed in his BACKYARD named Rhi; a technology and robotic engineering genius with his girlfriend maddie (name subject to change, i forgot what i named the character).

The 8 greeted eachother and ri explained why they had gotten here, and rhi explained that in this world theres 3 magical crystal deposits guarded by a corperation known as delta core. They devised a plan to gather "core crystals" to open a doorway back to their respective universes.

Meanwhile at delta core, the head scientist informed mr delta of an anomaly within the universe they were in. Mr delta, realizing this was a threat to his monopoly over magical substances (and by magical substances i mean magic crystals that contain the respective magics, not drugs LOL) and he sent out an assassin known as ray, a trained martial artist with cybernetic implants in his body and a powerful beam sword that could extend to an infinite length (that is, if the material didnt explode. also what the blade could cut through is determined by the power source strength. the longer the blade = the less it could cut through.)

Pumpkin raider and his accompliances raided the first base, the green crystal mine. Which was poorly maintained. They successfully got the green crystal and they celebrated shortly before moving on the the second one.
The second base was a orange crystal base, this was the first time they encountered ray. during ray and pumpkin raiders encounter, ray mentioned he looked the same as another person he knew. Pumpkin raider was confused and their fight ended in a draw.
Later, pumpkin raider asked ri about the potential of other "pumpkin raider"'s. This is when pumpkin raider was finally educated on the theory of infinite universes.

Meanwhile within the timeline a few things happen

  • ray recruited help from a mysterious assassin. as well as a mysterious figure that emerged, asking where pumpkin raider was.
  • Ri's very VERY close friend Celeste came back from a council meeting to find out Ri had used the spell she had told him NOT to try without her presence. she starts the spell to follow in his footsteps. She also notices that theres papers strewn everywhere, something ri DIDNT do.
  • Rhi starts development on Ryes SLAYER ARMOR.
  • Rai Proposes to Cara (YAY!)
  • Pumpkin Raider trains overnight. and receves the blue shoulder piece from Ri, Which gives Pumpkin raider +100 mana (within worlds that have mana points) for each type of magic he uses, as well as access to the three magics without use of a special crystal.
  • A strange being visits Mr Delta, offering to make a deal to make him stronger
  • The ANOMALY CONTAINMENT AGENCY agents, Agent Rijuy and his girlfriend Lucielle, Get involved
The Crew goes to the blue crystal mine, only to find that it has been locked down, except for the front door, which is wide open. They all go in, theres dead bodies everywhere of scientists. they go to the elevator for the mine. they go down, and suddenly all the lights go out. Down decends ray, he says that the end of the road is near for the crew. Then down decends the pumpkin raider of Divine Earth, and pheniox riley. as well as androids. Ri Starts to chant an incantation, and before he finishes he says "youve all seen the light side of magic, But you havent seen the dark side yet. i will show you my power" Ri charges up and his royal blue mage armor changes to a dark purple, and his magic changes to Purple, red, and yellow. They then begin to fight. Pumpkin raider finds himself against the other pumpkin raider, who easily downs him. but before he can make the final blow, something awakens within pumpkin raider. As the evil pumpkin raider swings down, his axe shatters against the now black and flaming white pumpkin helmet. Pumpkin raiders axe enlongates and out from the other side and the top comes a green large blade, this is his awakened form, a result from his dedication and exposure to magic. From there Pumpkin raider defeats his enemy, then goes to confront Riley.

Pumpkin raider explains his intentions, Riley believed them to be of evil. but he saw truth within pumpkin raider. deep down they were both the same, they wanted to protect their people. Riley swore he would give the oddsworld people another chance if they didnt find a world in which they belonged. and Riley started fighting on the good side.

The androids were growing stronger until celeste arrived, Using magic lightning to overload them and cause them to explode. she scolded Ri, saying that he could have gotten hurt, admitting her fear of what might have happened to him if he hadnt had any company. Ri apologizes and the two fall in love. Celeste thanks pumpkin raider for helping Ri, and they all head back to the house.

The last target they had was to claim the portal back to their respective realms. The SLAYER ARMOR was finished and Rye grew to be the strongest in the group out of brute force. They went to the gateway to find it protected by an army, its leader was Mr Delta, corrupted by a possessive virus known as the POSSESSIVE DARKNESS. Rye went to battle him, causing in an epic battle between the two while the rest of the crew fought past the army. then the battle was interuppted by Agent rijuy using his vocals to make everyone cover their ears. Rye, unaffected by this due to his armor, Landed a killing blow to Mr. Delta. But that only caused the darkness to take over Mr. Delta completely. Causing the birth of THE TITAN, Smog filled the air, and whoever touched it seemed to die instantly. But Rijuy and lucielle had a plan, But thats a different story.

They created a portal and got everyone back to their respective realms, except for pumpkin raider, who chose to go to divimag.
Within Divimag, Pumpkin raider trained, and he got his people all to their respective worlds where they lived in peace.

But pumpkin raider still lives today, Travelling the multiverse, Until.... he found this universe.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?
Yes, and he should be able to defend himself

His magic works differently than others!
Orange magic = attacking magic
Blue magic = Defense magic
Green magic: Tricks and cantips.

Powers (If your character has biotics, magic, a superpower, racial abilities, or anything that can be explained.):

Biotics: None

Magic: Has the three magic types as described above in history. to recap, orange is attack, blue is defense, and green is tricks. He has various spells he can use, which i will specify at a later date, i wont bullshit my way through any situation however, i will try and keep his mana and skill balanced as possible. His axe, when he makes it glow black, Will allow him to make several slashes within several nanoseconds

Superpower: He can shrink and grow things with a simple cantip. this only works on pumpkins and he uses this to quickly store them. Also pumpkins last longer when around him.

Racial abilities: He can see through pumpkins as if he didnt have one on his head, except for the hole parts, which appear slighty darker. any pumpkin on his head gains extended durability, meaning it wont rot for an extended time and it can withstand more attacks. The degree of this durabilty is that of a low end bullet proof vest. This ability only applies to pumpkins and the pumpkin must be carved.

Power limitations (The limitations of said powers, because nothing that will be accepted is limitless):

Biotics: Biotic implants will not work on him due to how his body works

Magic: He is limited to a certian amount of mana before being exausted. In his awakened state he has unlimited mana at the cost of the stability of his body. he cannot last more than 1 hour in this state before he has to get out of it or else he starts to die, melt, grow weaker, and turn into dust. if he were to keep up this state even after the time limit he would last about 15 more minutes before dissapating. He can use his black axe ability 5 times in a row before fainting from exaustion.

Superpower: While his cantip ability requires no mana, it only applies to pumpkins, and only uncarved pumpkins. And he can only shrink and unshrink one at a time.

Racial abilities: if the pumpkin isnt carved he cannot see through it. and it cant be too carved or else it wont work.

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)
Axe: Looks like a firemans axe. "Im not sure what its made of but it hasnt broken yet" (this axe is ordinary, its his magic that makes it do what it does. It does glitch from time to time, Each time it glitches, the target is hit with an explosion on impact. Pumpkin raider experiences knockback from this explosion but no damage ONLY FROM THE EXPLOSIONS ITSELF.)
Armor: Dark Grey "Im not sure what its made of but it hasnt broken yet" (this armor is ordinary, but glitches from time to time, during these glitches, Its as if hes not wearing armor.)
(if the chestplate and his axe glitch at the same time, he gains a small invincibility frame)

9 magic crystals: 3 Orange, 3 green, 3 Blue. each have 3 uses before they turn grey and unusable. They can be recharged with their repective magic up to 3 uses if not exausted, and any magic up to 3 uses if exausted. (like for example you can have 9 green crystals if you exaust the other 6 non green crystals.

Rations: Rice and beans with non perishable milk (it doesnt expire, has good nutrition, But tastes bad though). For a total of 10 days.

Magical Torch: Its a flashlight with flames! its powered by 1 mana per hour and the time can be stacked. it wont go out in water but emits no heat. Its used as a light only.
Name: Pumpkin Raider
Age: 28 physically, 18 mentally
Gender: Male
Species: An evolved form of human.(i shall explain more)
Occupation:Wanderer, defender of the multiverse.
Personality: Pumpkin Raider is a rational person, with every situation, he seems to rush into it with a plan. He is also very caring of those who seem outcasted by society, as this has to do with his origins and where he hails from. He is willing to go to his limits to help those in need, even if they betray his trust sometimes. He is a believer that everyone deserves a chance within a world, and if they dont fit into the world they are in, they can find a place within another world where they can be happy (read backstory to see why he believes this and how he accomplishes this). Dispite being accepting of people, he has not found a person like him, a person who fits everywhere and nowhere at the same time. But he is contempt with being alone in the end, as long as he can help others and have something to fight for.
Likes: helping people, travelling
Dislikes: People taking off his pumpkin head
Backstory:You dont have to read this yet. but you can. if you do you are in for a treat.
Pumpkin raider started out as a boy in the land of divigo, a place divided in half. He was different, as whenever someone looked at his face he felt an intense pain and started screaming. The people of divigos island side decided he was best off exiled. So they did just that, banishing him to the corrupted side of divigo, Oddsworld.
Oddsworld is a place where the land constantly shifts and glitches, things come from other dimensions and worlds, and dissapear too, the daylight cycle is a mess as well. These disortions, called "oddsquakes" by pumpkin raider, are very traumatic and scary to the unexperienced eye. Pumpkin raider even recalls seeing 15 different solar eclipses in 1 oddsquake.

The years went by, and he made friends with the locals. He also figured out that by wearing a pumpkin on his head, as long as it was carved, he could see through it. not just through the holes, but through it completely, with the holes looking slightly darker. To this day he has no idea why this works. Interestingly, due to him being accustomed to wearing a pumpkin for extended periods of time, He has grown used the smell of rot and decay, making him resistant to repugnant smells and having a reduced gag reflex (whether its for better or for worse). due to the oddsquakes throughout the years he also collected mysterious objects, leading him to learn how to forge after being taught by the locals of oddsworld. Leading him to craft his own armor/weapons. He found an axe the easiest for him to weild, making it his weapon of choice. He soon became the guardian and leader of oddsworld, helping rebuild after frequent oddsquakes and helping guide others when entering oddsworld.

[this is when it starts getting good]
One particular day after an oddsquake, he discovered a green crystal ball and a book in the rubble. A plane landed in oddsworld, it was the scavenger robot, his friend, who had also found a strange crystal, this one however, was blue. The robot scavenger also mentioned how it seemed to cast a protective shield over his plane, and that there was a strange mechanism in the middle of the world. Pumpkin raider told him to keep the blue crystal safe, and that he would inspect it later after he had inspected the book. The real reason pumpkin raider told the scavenger robot to keep it safe is because Pumpkin raider believed it would protect robot scavenger, as he had mentioned a protective shield.

Upon inspecting the book pumpkin raider learned of 3 types of magic, Blue, green, and orange. The green magic was used for tricks and illusions, and feats noone could do by themselves, relying on the cleverness of the user. Blue magic was used for protection and defense, relying on the will of the user. and orange magic was used for attacks and weapon summoning, relying on the power of the user.

The book also contained the method of creating a portal using the 3 magics in their crystal form, using the mechanism in the middle of the land.
Pumpkin raider quickly realized that the three crystals had been found, one was in his possesion, the second in the possession of the scavenger robot, and the third, the orange crystal, was on a landmark called "gods rock" in the island side of divigo, and had been their mysterious magic source for years, and the reason why oddsworld citizens never dared to invade. Pumpkin raider, devised a plan in order to get the orange crystal.

Pumpkin raider, after preparing, went over to gods rock, only to be stopped by Pheniox Riley, the defender of the island side of divigo. Riley was preparing to attack, pumpkin raider was surrounded by island citizens in their armor, weilding magic branded weapons and torches, all odds were against him, there was no way out, at least, not the fair way.

Pumpkin raider, as mentioned before was the guardian of the oddsworld people, and he would get them to safety, by any means nessacary. even if it meant he had to play dirty

Pumpkin raider had studied more about how to use the crystals, particulary in this case the green crystal, and he memorized 1 incantation that would help him in this exact scenario. Green Flash. A spell that would freeze everyone but the user within their place in time. Pumpkin raider decided now was the time. So he whispered the incantation. All time froze, and he took the crystal. He returned to the center, where scavenger robot was waiting with pumpkin raiders bag, which contained supplies needed for him to survive for a while, and the blue crystal. With all the crystals collected, pumpkin raider put them in the proper places in the mechanism, A ray shot out and a portal was created. Pumpkin raider bid scavenger robot farewell, till they met again. And he yelled out, "FOR ODDSWORLD, WE SHALL FIND OUR PLACES WITHIN THE MULTIVERSE. I SHALL RETURN".
He was yelling this to the oddsword citzens hiding nearby the portal, with magic of their own ready. They would stay here until pumpkin raider came back with the proper spell to place each of them in a world in which they belonged and fit in.
So with that, he jumped through the portal.

Pumpkin raider found himself in another world, he met Ri, a sorcerer/mage gifted with the three magics pumpkin raider used to get here. Pumpkin raider was in the perfect place, Divimag, A place where people were gifted with at least one magic trait, sometimes two, and as of 2 cases unnaturally, all 3.
Ri was an unexperienced sorcerer however, but he was determined. so he prepared a spell that would open a gateway back to divigo, as the one pumpkin raider used was very innefficient and required a seperate incantation for each, and only one person could go through at a time. with the other spell mutliple people could come through, and it would stay open as long as they needed.
However, Ri's determination was for naught, as the spell was botched (messed up) by a simple word being wrong.
Pumpkin raider and ri were thrown into a world known as the divine earth, where they discovered they had not been transported alone. Multiversal beings had been sent with them, alterations of Ri. Rye; a pandemic and zombie virus survivor along with his daughter elis from Earth-Nine, Rai; a warrior with his girlfriend Cara from Divinine, and on top of that there was also another Ri in the world they were in as they landed in his BACKYARD named Rhi; a technology and robotic engineering genius with his girlfriend maddie (name subject to change, i forgot what i named the character).

The 8 greeted eachother and ri explained why they had gotten here, and rhi explained that in this world theres 3 magical crystal deposits guarded by a corperation known as delta core. They devised a plan to gather "core crystals" to open a doorway back to their respective universes.

Meanwhile at delta core, the head scientist informed mr delta of an anomaly within the universe they were in. Mr delta, realizing this was a threat to his monopoly over magical substances (and by magical substances i mean magic crystals that contain the respective magics, not drugs LOL) and he sent out an assassin known as ray, a trained martial artist with cybernetic implants in his body and a powerful beam sword that could extend to an infinite length (that is, if the material didnt explode. also what the blade could cut through is determined by the power source strength. the longer the blade = the less it could cut through.)

Pumpkin raider and his accompliances raided the first base, the green crystal mine. Which was poorly maintained. They successfully got the green crystal and they celebrated shortly before moving on the the second one.
The second base was a orange crystal base, this was the first time they encountered ray. during ray and pumpkin raiders encounter, ray mentioned he looked the same as another person he knew. Pumpkin raider was confused and their fight ended in a draw.
Later, pumpkin raider asked ri about the potential of other "pumpkin raider"'s. This is when pumpkin raider was finally educated on the theory of infinite universes.

Meanwhile within the timeline a few things happen

  • ray recruited help from a mysterious assassin. as well as a mysterious figure that emerged, asking where pumpkin raider was.
  • Ri's very VERY close friend Celeste came back from a council meeting to find out Ri had used the spell she had told him NOT to try without her presence. she starts the spell to follow in his footsteps. She also notices that theres papers strewn everywhere, something ri DIDNT do.
  • Rhi starts development on Ryes SLAYER ARMOR.
  • Rai Proposes to Cara (YAY!)
  • Pumpkin Raider trains overnight. and receves the blue shoulder piece from Ri, Which gives Pumpkin raider +100 mana (within worlds that have mana points) for each type of magic he uses, as well as access to the three magics without use of a special crystal.
  • A strange being visits Mr Delta, offering to make a deal to make him stronger
  • The ANOMALY CONTAINMENT AGENCY agents, Agent Rijuy and his girlfriend Lucielle, Get involved
The Crew goes to the blue crystal mine, only to find that it has been locked down, except for the front door, which is wide open. They all go in, theres dead bodies everywhere of scientists. they go to the elevator for the mine. they go down, and suddenly all the lights go out. Down decends ray, he says that the end of the road is near for the crew. Then down decends the pumpkin raider of Divine Earth, and pheniox riley. as well as androids. Ri Starts to chant an incantation, and before he finishes he says "youve all seen the light side of magic, But you havent seen the dark side yet. i will show you my power" Ri charges up and his royal blue mage armor changes to a dark purple, and his magic changes to Purple, red, and yellow. They then begin to fight. Pumpkin raider finds himself against the other pumpkin raider, who easily downs him. but before he can make the final blow, something awakens within pumpkin raider. As the evil pumpkin raider swings down, his axe shatters against the now black and flaming white pumpkin helmet. Pumpkin raiders axe enlongates and out from the other side and the top comes a green large blade, this is his awakened form, a result from his dedication and exposure to magic. From there Pumpkin raider defeats his enemy, then goes to confront Riley.

Pumpkin raider explains his intentions, Riley believed them to be of evil. but he saw truth within pumpkin raider. deep down they were both the same, they wanted to protect their people. Riley swore he would give the oddsworld people another chance if they didnt find a world in which they belonged. and Riley started fighting on the good side.

The androids were growing stronger until celeste arrived, Using magic lightning to overload them and cause them to explode. she scolded Ri, saying that he could have gotten hurt, admitting her fear of what might have happened to him if he hadnt had any company. Ri apologizes and the two fall in love. Celeste thanks pumpkin raider for helping Ri, and they all head back to the house.

The last target they had was to claim the portal back to their respective realms. The SLAYER ARMOR was finished and Rye grew to be the strongest in the group out of brute force. They went to the gateway to find it protected by an army, its leader was Mr Delta, corrupted by a possessive virus known as the POSSESSIVE DARKNESS. Rye went to battle him, causing in an epic battle between the two while the rest of the crew fought past the army. then the battle was interuppted by Agent rijuy using his vocals to make everyone cover their ears. Rye, unaffected by this due to his armor, Landed a killing blow to Mr. Delta. But that only caused the darkness to take over Mr. Delta completely. Causing the birth of THE TITAN, Smog filled the air, and whoever touched it seemed to die instantly. But Rijuy and lucielle had a plan, But thats a different story.

They created a portal and got everyone back to their respective realms, except for pumpkin raider, who chose to go to divimag.
Within Divimag, Pumpkin raider trained, and he got his people all to their respective worlds where they lived in peace.

But pumpkin raider still lives today, Travelling the multiverse, Until.... he found this universe.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?
Yes, and he should be able to defend himself

His magic works differently than others!
Orange magic = attacking magic
Blue magic = Defense magic
Green magic: Tricks and cantips.

Powers (If your character has biotics, magic, a superpower, racial abilities, or anything that can be explained.):

Biotics: None

Magic: Has the three magic types as described above in history. to recap, orange is attack, blue is defense, and green is tricks. He has various spells he can use, which i will specify at a later date, i wont bullshit my way through any situation however, i will try and keep his mana and skill balanced as possible. His axe, when he makes it glow black, Will allow him to make several slashes within several nanoseconds

Superpower: He can shrink and grow things with a simple cantip. this only works on pumpkins and he uses this to quickly store them. Also pumpkins last longer when around him.

Racial abilities: He can see through pumpkins as if he didnt have one on his head, except for the hole parts, which appear slighty darker. any pumpkin on his head gains extended durability, meaning it wont rot for an extended time and it can withstand more attacks. The degree of this durabilty is that of a low end bullet proof vest. This ability only applies to pumpkins and the pumpkin must be carved.

Power limitations (The limitations of said powers, because nothing that will be accepted is limitless):

Biotics: Biotic implants will not work on him due to how his body works

Magic: He is limited to a certian amount of mana before being exausted. In his awakened state he has unlimited mana at the cost of the stability of his body. he cannot last more than 1 hour in this state before he has to get out of it or else he starts to die, melt, grow weaker, and turn into dust. if he were to keep up this state even after the time limit he would last about 15 more minutes before dissapating. He can use his black axe ability 5 times in a row before fainting from exaustion.

Superpower: While his cantip ability requires no mana, it only applies to pumpkins, and only uncarved pumpkins. And he can only shrink and unshrink one at a time.

Racial abilities: if the pumpkin isnt carved he cannot see through it. and it cant be too carved or else it wont work.

Weapon(s)/ Equipment (You may use pictures from any non-accepted fandom as a description, but all effects/abilities must be described. If it's any kind of technology, please give the specs.)
Axe: Looks like a firemans axe. "Im not sure what its made of but it hasnt broken yet" (this axe is ordinary, its his magic that makes it do what it does. It does glitch from time to time, Each time it glitches, the target is hit with an explosion on impact. Pumpkin raider experiences knockback from this explosion but no damage ONLY FROM THE EXPLOSIONS ITSELF.)
Armor: Dark Grey "Im not sure what its made of but it hasnt broken yet" (this armor is ordinary, but glitches from time to time, during these glitches, Its as if hes not wearing armor.)
(if the chestplate and his axe glitch at the same time, he gains a small invincibility frame)

9 magic crystals: 3 Orange, 3 green, 3 Blue. each have 3 uses before they turn grey and unusable. They can be recharged with their repective magic up to 3 uses if not exausted, and any magic up to 3 uses if exausted. (like for example you can have 9 green crystals if you exaust the other 6 non green crystals.

Rations: Rice and beans with non perishable milk (it doesnt expire, has good nutrition, But tastes bad though). For a total of 10 days.

Magical Torch: Its a flashlight with flames! its powered by 1 mana per hour and the time can be stacked. it wont go out in water but emits no heat. Its used as a light only.

This is…a lot? To be perfectly honest, I feel like this is way too much for a character. I also feel that this character doesn't fit the theme of this role-play at all. You heavily broke the original format of the character template, and you also didn't provide art or a picture of your character (although this last part may not be necessary.)

I would say that you should replace Pumpkin rider with a whole new character that is directly based around the world that MissyMay has so carefully designed. Pumpkin Rider could definitely work for more loosely themed roleplays, but not in Little Blackbird, I feel. Little Blackbird takes place in a Victorian-era world filled with both humans and supernatural creatures. I would heavily recommend you read the lore that MissyMay has provided

Of course, ultimately my opinion doesn't mean much. In the end, it's @MissyMay that has to chose whether to accept your character or not. I do find Pumpkin Rider's concept intriguing, I just don't think it fits here.
Hey @MissyMay . Is everything ok? Are you doing good? Just wanted to check up on you, since you said you were sick.
Hey @MissyMay . Is everything ok? Are you doing good? Just wanted to check up on you, since you said you were sick.
Yeah, everything is okay. I'm still pretty sick though. I'm hoping to be recovered by Wednesday. It's a slow recovery for me :(
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: StarlightStarbright
I am back! I still feel a little sick but I can actually comprehend words again. I'll be spending today going through the messages that were posted in my absence and setting up the ic thread.
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The IC thread is up! Here's the link.

I realized while trying to write an intro that I was not very good at it. I could write everything else just fine, but not that lol. Hopefully, what I provided was enough to get started!
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  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: StarlightStarbright
Amir Bijan
I am Cyrus- Farya Faraji

Gender: male

Species: Immortal Wendigo?

Sexuality: Unclear, most think he is bisexual. He has only dated a few people throughout his long history in the city.

Occupation:Bartender/owner of Achaemenes, the local pub.

Role:Citizen? Pub owner


Likes: A lover of plants, rare liquors, teas and books. You can find these loves in nearly every room of his home and business.

Dislikes: Bothersome people, anything and anyone that disrupts the atmosphere within the pub. Cheats.

Amir is a well known fixture with a smile as bright as the sun and a soul as pure as freshly fallen snow. His kindness is legendary amongst the citizens of Arkley. He has always opened both his home and his service to anyone who might need his help, be it a warm meal, a stiff drink, a cozy bed and book. If it is within Amir's abilities he will get it done for you.While he has an open heart and home. He is still just as mysterious now as he was when he arrived in the city of Arkley, ages ago. Some think he may be a Djinn, a rumour based on how willing he is to help people for a simple favour that he cashes in later. Few have ever witnessed him cashing in these favours but it is said they are tied to Ancient Persian magic. He keeps a book on his hip with a list of all who owe him favours. With this kind of charming nature it is easy to see why Amir is well loved in the city and while he may be a busy man he still takes time out to visit his friends who own the various shops in the city.


'If there's anything you need in Arkley, head to the pub and ask for Amir.'' -Citizen to a traveler.

Hailing from what he calls Parsa in Qatar(Iran), Amir is notably of Persian descent, and has an openly friendly and affectionate nature to all he meets. While it is unclear when he moved to Arkley, he has been in the city for as long as anyone can account. In that time he has since carved out his position in the city as a kind and generous man.While Amir may be a living embodiment of humanitarian benevolence. Only a fool would think of him as an easy mark, with a physique born of hard work and scars to match. The strange foreigner has demonstrated nothing less than a slumbering mastery in the skills of weapons and combat. Skills he has demonstrated only a handful of times throughout the long history of Arkley.

While it is unknown amongst the citizens of the city. Amir was once the son of a high ranking Persian Noble, and served as the royal Spymaster and assassin for many Shah and dynasties that followed his family's bloody crown. Once upon a time he was known as the Persian Immortal, a name that would birth the military unit that would later serve as cover for the true immortal warrior. Throughout the following ages he would continue to serve the lords of his homeland until the assassination of his lord. Having failed to stop the plot he was declared complacent to the threats and held responsible for the death of the Shah. When they tried to execute him, he resisted and escaped into the night. Years later he would appear in Arkley, a small hamlet at the time.

Arriving in Arkley long before the streets were cobbled, he built the home where he currently resides and helped build much of the city around him. Taking time to incorporate the beautiful mosaics and inner domes of his homeland with the high ceilings of the Victorian style into his own home. As the city grew around them, he bought the two neighboring plots of land when their owners passed away and expanded his home into the local Pub. He then used the subsequent years to gather his collection of rare liquors and tomes on the darker aspects of magic and monsters from around the world.

With one side of his estate dedicated as the local pub, he has transformed the home into various respites for the weary soul. With each room in the pub hall decorated in different fashions, one can find any atmosphere to suit their tastes. Should the noise in the main pub hall become too much. It is a well known fact amongst the denizens of Arkley that Amir's archive of dark or forbidden magic and relics rivals his collection of liquor, wine and spirits.

What happened to the other plot of land you ask? Well dear reader it now serves as his not so secret secret archive for the darker mysteries of the world I mentioned. While books may cover nearly every wall of Amir's home and even several rooms of the pubhall. This area is his personal library and reliquary, with knowledge on the forbidden and cursed artefacts it is obvious why access to this area is restricted to those who show Amir they hold some talent in the arts.


If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that? - He does know about the festival, he doesn't care about it, but will help the travelers. He does believe they should be warned and given the chance to fight for their lives with ample weapons and has done so when given the opportunity. While he isn't against the hunt, he does care about fairness and equality. He will do so again. He will also shelter ANYONE within his home should they ask for it.

Something no one knows about the oc? Under the enchanting appearance sits a master of a unique blood magic. His abilities allow him to shape his blood into weapons and armour. His mastery of the arcane is clear when one becomes aware of the man's immortality or the near endless enchantments upon his estate.

Mizuko Ryu
The Inu- The soul of wind
Age:Unclear, appears as a young man in his early twenties.


Species:Lung, Eastern Dragon

Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: Traveling noble for the Imperial Court, who serves as a scout for the Court. Think Marco Polo for Kublai Khan



Likes:New experiences. Strong, Kind and Honorable men. Cute animals, rare tomes and artifacts. Colognes, beautiful fabrics. Tea. Sweets.

Dislikes:Prideful or Arrogant people. The foolish, the pompous. Bitter tastes.

A quiet and soft spoken young man with a dangerously sharp wit. He is ruled by his code of honor and ethics as are all Lung. With a kind and fragile appearance he is easily mistaken for a girl, and doesn't seem bothered by the fact. Instead he takes it as a reminder of his beauty and is humbled by the compliment.


In the lands far to the east in the endless clouds of mystery and here say there is a land of a thousand Islands. With its thousands of shrines and palaces the Empire of the Islands is a realm of spirits and monsters. From helpful rice field spirits to vengeful demons and trickster foxes. Amongst these legendary creatures there are few as well regarded as the Dragons.It was here that Mizuko was born and raised, amongst the ever shifting political landscape of the imperial court and the vast palaces of the Imperial City. He grew up knowing there were few he could trust in the world, a world where mothers assassinated their sons and daughters. A realm where Emperors could be outright overthrown and murdered by their generals, where the courtesans wielded poisons and the guards could turn into assassin's at the drop of a hat. The young Mizuko would find shelter only in the palace of the Dragon King. As the nephew of the Dragon King, Mizuko grew up with the best of all that could be acquired in the empire and was taught alongside the Imperial Family and the various noble sons who lived in the city. As he grew up he showed a great skill in the art of diplomacy and espionage. He would be given the title of Imperial Scout upon becoming an adult and was sent out shortly after to scout the lands beyond his homeland. Having heard of a festival that hasn't been witnessed by the dragons, a race who prided themselves on their knowledge, he traveled to Arkley to see if it was something the court would care about.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?Yes.

Gabhaim molta brighde- Aoife Ní Fhearraigh
Age: 26

Gender: Male

Species: Faerie-Haltija

Sexuality: Demisexual

Occupation: Guardian

Role: Traveler


Likes: Anything to do with the forests, shiny things. Animals, books,

Dislikes: Artificial flavours,

A strange and aloof man, with odd tattoos and an even odder accent. Onne is detached from the world of mortals, and has a single focus that drives his path through the city. His nature is stand offish and while he may seem aggressive he has never shown blatant disrespect towards anyone.


To be born as a Haltija, amongst the Taito Väki is to be born into war, as protectors their entire lives revolve around their charges and since all Haltija that have ever been slain have been done so in combat it is said that it is the cual fate of their kind. Trapped in the endless conflicts of man Vs nature and Fae Vs Fae. The young Onne crawled over the corpses of his fellow Haltija on the path of ascension until he stood as the guardian of a grand forest, and for ages untold he remained in the forest. He has long forgotten when the Wizard came or how he made the deal with him, but he speaks fondly of the man. A man he spent several lifetimes with. Whom he taught a tomes worth of knowledge on forbidden secrets of the Fae. After the Wizards death the tome would be buried with the man that Onne loved and there it stayed for nearly a thousand years. Until it was stolen and called out to its guardian.The guardian spirit of an ancient forest Onne has come to Arkley seeking the sacred tome that was stolen and brought to the city. Bound by oath to return the tome before it can be opened or used by those unworthy. Onne will do anything to ensure the protection and well being of this sacred grimoire. He will hunt down whoever has the tome and offer them the chance to return it or face his wrath.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?


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  • Love
Reactions: MissyMay
I didn't use the format with the music player sadly because it confused me a bit- heehee. Anyways here is my character sheet!
Song inspo (Witches by Alice Phoebe Lou)

Rivka Fleming
Name: Rivka Maria Fleming
Gender:Cisgender Female
Occupation:Priestess of Time
Role:Founding Family (Daughter of Claude and Neil)

Rivka at first glance is a bit of a would think being the Priestess of Time would make one refined, poised, and perhaps calm, however, she is none of those things. She will happily smoke cigarettes and gossip with her friends all while wearing the Priestess cloaks and symbols.

Rivka has a down to earth charm to her, she loves getting to know people and likes to listen to what people have to say. Her greatest gift is patience and has a lot of grace for people when it comes to time. Rivka believes all things happen at the exact time that they need to happen so she is never in a rush... Even if she's late. The Fleming has been described as lazy and will dilly dally all day long and show up to plans 30 minutes late. She is also extremely unreliable in terms of communication and usually takes days just to reply to someone or call their family member back.

She loves to be a part of the community and has pride in her town and her family. Rivka can't stand to be alone with her own thoughts and needs to be occupied by something at ALL times, even if it's harmful. She'd rather go hang out with people she hates than have to spend time alone. The vampire tries to be nice to everyone but when you are in her inner circle- you'll know. She would walk through heaven and hell for the people she loves and her loyalty is not wavering.

While she is the life of the party she is still a Priestess. Rivka is an obedient servant to her Predecessors. She values traditions, festivals, and rituals and takes them very seriously. Rivka really hopes to inspire others to be closer to the divine. She does not like to question the Predecessors' authority or plans and feels very uncomfortable when others do so. She is by no means perfect or holy but she truly tries to do the right thing by the Predecessors.

Overall she's a whimsical priestess who is trying her best.

Likes: Swimming | Festivals | Gossipping | Flowers | Candles | Pretty Orical cards | Long dresses | Fruit or FLower flavored sweets | Weaving | Performing rituals (especially weddings) | Dentistry | Reading | Dancing | Diving for Pearls

Dislikes: New Moons | Bugs | Chocolate | Explaining herself | Writing | Crystals | Impatient people | Showers (likes baths more) | Making potions or tinctures that take up too much time | Singing in front of people

Rivka, despite having a curse on her family and name- had a relatively happy girlhood that she looks back at fondly. Her parents weren't perfect, but they were loving and would try their best to make time for her. She would spend her time looking at the stars with her father Neil or would watch her dad Claude do combat training.

It wasn't until she was around the age of twelve were Rivka's life would change forever. A group of travelers who were worshippers of Time had come and sent up a small congregation outside of town. Rivka, always nosey, decided to see what the service was about. Inside the makeshift tent, among the flowers, incense, and wine Rivka felt the presence of Time itself. It was for a brief moment that she could feel time going through her. It was beautiful. It was terrifying. It was all-encompassing. It was like being swallowed whole. It was every emotion at once. Tears streamed down her face when one of the Priests asked her if she was alright, she said in a blur, that Time had blessed her with its presence and that she wanted to feel this way forever.

Seeing that the young Fleming was gifting, the congregation brought her to her parents and told them of what happened. They recommended that she study at a temple, she was gifted in the spirit, but it needed to be refined. Claude and Neil thought it over and talked about it for months (Rivka always hiding behind the door to listen in) until finally agreeing that it was for the best.

Rivka was sent to a temple of Time in Romania at the age of thirteen. It was there where she truly started to thrive. She learned about the deputies of a Priestess- holding rituals, prayers, and performing ceremonies. The Vampire grew in her Priestesshood orgically. Where school at home was always tricky, the learning she did in the temple came naturally to her. Remembering long hymns and oracle cards was as easy as breathing something that math or language arts never did.

She grew close to a few of her peers at the temple named Yvonne and Theodora. Rivka loved the community of the temple, eating in the dining hall, praying together, and becoming closer to their Predecessor. This of course didn't mean she didn't have any fun though! After all, she was a Fleming, and Flemings brought the fun anywhere they went. She and her friends would get drunk off of temple wine and go night swimming in the Black Sea. Students of the temple would always throw the wildest parties and you could bet your bottom coin that Rivka would be there.

Once she turned 20 she made her vows and became an official Priestess of Time. While she loved her time at the temple in Romania- her heart longed for home. Knowing that she could serve there, she moved back to Arkley when she was 22.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Rivka would never dare interfere with the divine plan. If the Predecessors want to use the travelers that's their choice. Besides, festivals and traditions need to be upheld...right?

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  • Love
Reactions: MissyMay
I didn't use the format with the music player sadly because it confused me a bit- heehee. Anyways here is my character sheet!
Song inspo (Witches by Alice Phoebe Lou)

Rivka Fleming
Name: Rivka Maria Fleming
Gender:Cisgender Female
Occupation:Priestess of Time
Role:Founding Family (Daughter of Claude and Neil)

Rivka at first glance is a bit of a would think being the Priestess of Time would make one refined, poised, and perhaps calm, however, she is none of those things. She will happily smoke cigarettes and gossip with her friends all while wearing the Priestess cloaks and symbols.

Rivka has a down to earth charm to her, she loves getting to know people and likes to listen to what people have to say. Her greatest gift is patience and has a lot of grace for people when it comes to time. Rivka believes all things happen at the exact time that they need to happen so she is never in a rush... Even if she's late. The Fleming has been described as lazy and will dilly dally all day long and show up to plans 30 minutes late. She is also extremely unreliable in terms of communication and usually takes days just to reply to someone or call their family member back.

She loves to be a part of the community and has pride in her town and her family. Rivka can't stand to be alone with her own thoughts and needs to be occupied by something at ALL times, even if it's harmful. She'd rather go hang out with people she hates than have to spend time alone. The vampire tries to be nice to everyone but when you are in her inner circle- you'll know. She would walk through heaven and hell for the people she loves and her loyalty is not wavering.

While she is the life of the party she is still a Priestess. Rivka is an obedient servant to her Predecessors. She values traditions, festivals, and rituals and takes them very seriously. Rivka really hopes to inspire others to be closer to the divine. She does not like to question the Predecessors' authority or plans and feels very uncomfortable when others do so. She is by no means perfect or holy but she truly tries to do the right thing by the Predecessors.

Overall she's a whimsical priestess who is trying her best.

Likes: Swimming | Festivals | Gossipping | Flowers | Candles | Pretty Orical cards | Long dresses | Fruit or FLower flavored sweets | Weaving | Performing rituals (especially weddings) | Dentistry | Reading | Dancing | Diving for Pearls

Dislikes: New Moons | Bugs | Chocolate | Explaining herself | Writing | Crystals | Impatient people | Showers (likes baths more) | Making potions or tinctures that take up too much time | Singing in front of people

Rivka, despite having a curse on her family and name- had a relatively happy girlhood that she looks back at fondly. Her parents weren't perfect, but they were loving and would try their best to make time for her. She would spend her time looking at the stars with her father Neil or would watch her dad Claude do combat training.

It wasn't until she was around the age of twelve were Rivka's life would change forever. A group of travelers who were worshippers of Time had come and sent up a small congregation outside of town. Rivka, always nosey, decided to see what the service was about. Inside the makeshift tent, among the flowers, incense, and wine Rivka felt the presence of Time itself. It was for a brief moment that she could feel time going through her. It was beautiful. It was terrifying. It was all-encompassing. It was like being swallowed whole. It was every emotion at once. Tears streamed down her face when one of the Priests asked her if she was alright, she said in a blur, that Time had blessed her with its presence and that she wanted to feel this way forever.

Seeing that the young Fleming was gifting, the congregation brought her to her parents and told them of what happened. They recommended that she study at a temple, she was gifted in the spirit, but it needed to be refined. Claude and Neil thought it over and talked about it for months (Rivka always hiding behind the door to listen in) until finally agreeing that it was for the best.

Rivka was sent to a temple of Time in Romania at the age of thirteen. It was there where she truly started to thrive. She learned about the deputies of a Priestess- holding rituals, prayers, and performing ceremonies. The Vampire grew in her Priestesshood orgically. Where school at home was always tricky, the learning she did in the temple came naturally to her. Remembering long hymns and oracle cards was as easy as breathing something that math or language arts never did.

She grew close to a few of her peers at the temple named Yvonne and Theodora. Rivka loved the community of the temple, eating in the dining hall, praying together, and becoming closer to their Predecessor. This of course didn't mean she didn't have any fun though! After all, she was a Fleming, and Flemings brought the fun anywhere they went. She and her friends would get drunk off of temple wine and go night swimming in the Black Sea. Students of the temple would always throw the wildest parties and you could bet your bottom coin that Rivka would be there.

Once she turned 20 she made her vows and became an official Priestess of Time. While she loved her time at the temple in Romania- her heart longed for home. Knowing that she could serve there, she moved back to Arkley when she was 22.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Rivka would never dare interfere with the divine plan. If the Predecessors want to use the travelers that's their choice. Besides, festivals and traditions need to be upheld...right?
Rivka looks good! You can go ahead and add her character sheet to the Anthology of Arkley.
I would love to join this! If you would have me that is. I was looking at The Mulvahil Family and being the daughter of Lucia, but that is only if I can join. If not her then I have another character in mind.
I would love to join this! If you would have me that is. I was looking at The Mulvahil Family and being the daughter of Lucia, but that is only if I can join. If not her then I have another character in mind.
Go for it! I'll reserve the spot for you.
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: Princess Rose
I would love to join this! If you would have me that is. I was looking at The Mulvahil Family and being the daughter of Lucia, but that is only if I can join. If not her then I have another character in mind.
Go for it! I'll reserve the spot for you.
AHHH thank you thank you thank you thank you! I will get Started right away
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Reactions: MissyMay
I have a question,
for my character is she going to be their biological daughter? like was she created with Siren magic to make her biologically her mothers?
I have a question,
for my character is she going to be their biological daughter? like was she created with Siren magic to make her biologically her mothers?
That would be up to you. She could have been adopted or created with magic or had a donor father.
I think I like combing the idea of a donor father and magic.

Nerina Reider Mulvahil
Nerina Reider Mulvahil

(she looked very much like the picture with the exception her skin is more of a honey skin tone)
Nerina Reider Mulvahil
Rin, Riri, Rei
Founding Family
The Sea|| Rain|| Thunderstorms||Home-made food||SEAFOOD||Tea||Reading||Drawing||Painting||Swimming
Outsiders||Liars||Super Spicy food||Dirty Spaces||Heat||
The Heir and the Spare, that is how Nerina grew up alongside her rather rumbunctious cousin. They seemed to be nearly twins, Gladiolus being only a few days older than Nerina. They grew up together, Nerina taking heavily after her mother, Lucia, in temperament. Nerina seemed to be rather quiet and reserved and seemed as if she had not an angry bone in her body. She discovered when she was young her love and joy of painting and within her own family, she was considered a prodigy in the arts while her cousin was the musical prodigy, they both seemed to conquer the world of the arts.
Nerina unlike her cousin, grew up knowing the family secret and her family's obsession with the water seemed natural and second nature to the slightly younger of the girls. Her eleventh birthday was one of excitement and that of fear as well. She had watched her cousin go through it first which made Nerina a bit more apprehensive about the change now. The change came and so did the pain. It was a blindly horrid experience and one that she would never forget.
After transforming she felt the unbridled joy of finally feeling free, she swam for hours until it was time to come back home. At first the young girl didn't want to return but, in the end, she gave into her family and returned to shore knowing she could return anytime she wished to in the future.
It was some years later that her family discovered her aptitude for healing and helping others. She became called on for births and curing ailing children and adults alike. She became the town's renowned healer and midwife, and this started her career.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Hinder, despite her outward demeanor, Nerina is all for the hunt and likes to hinder and on occasion, participate in the hunt. She has a predatory side to her that is dark and twisted, it scares some of her family.
  • Love
Reactions: MissyMay

Nerina Reider Mulvahil
Nerina Reider Mulvahil

(she looked very much like the picture with the exception her skin is more of a honey skin tone)
Nerina Reider Mulvahil
Rin, Riri, Rei
Founding Family
The Sea|| Rain|| Thunderstorms||Home-made food||SEAFOOD||Tea||Reading||Drawing||Painting||Swimming
Outsiders||Liars||Super Spicy food||Dirty Spaces||Heat||
The Heir and the Spare, that is how Nerina grew up alongside her rather rumbunctious cousin. They seemed to be nearly twins, Gladiolus being only a few days older than Nerina. They grew up together, Nerina taking heavily after her mother, Lucia, in temperament. Nerina seemed to be rather quiet and reserved and seemed as if she had not an angry bone in her body. She discovered when she was young her love and joy of painting and within her own family, she was considered a prodigy in the arts while her cousin was the musical prodigy, they both seemed to conquer the world of the arts.
Nerina unlike her cousin, grew up knowing the family secret and her family's obsession with the water seemed natural and second nature to the slightly younger of the girls. Her eleventh birthday was one of excitement and that of fear as well. She had watched her cousin go through it first which made Nerina a bit more apprehensive about the change now. The change came and so did the pain. It was a blindly horrid experience and one that she would never forget.
After transforming she felt the unbridled joy of finally feeling free, she swam for hours until it was time to come back home. At first the young girl didn't want to return but, in the end, she gave into her family and returned to shore knowing she could return anytime she wished to in the future.
It was some years later that her family discovered her aptitude for healing and helping others. She became called on for births and curing ailing children and adults alike. She became the town's renowned healer and midwife, and this started her career.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Hinder, despite her outward demeanor, Nerina is all for the hunt and likes to hinder and on occasion, participate in the hunt. She has a predatory side to her that is dark and twisted, it scares some of her family.
She looks good! You can go ahead and add her to the Anthology of Arkley.
I am going to edit in her siren form too
Finally got around to writing in the IC thread! Hopefully what I've written is acceptable. Eagerly waiting for how everyone else introduces their characters! (Looking at @Bahiyya especially OvO.)