ADDITIONAL INFO CHARACTER INDEX Little Blackbird | The Anthology of Arkley

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Minor Being of Mayhem
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Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historical Fiction, Paranormal, and Horror
  • The town of Arkley was founded four hundred years ago by three families that owned the farmland near the eastern edge of the Hemlock Forest. Nestled in a picturesque setting, the town of Arkley exudes an air of mystique and enchantment. With cobblestone streets, ornate lamp posts, and a mix of Victorian and Gothic architecture, the town presents a rather mysterious ambiance. Surrounded by lush forests to the north and west and bordered by a wide river to the south; Arkley is a small, eerie town nestled far from the influences of the bustling cities.

    The town has a reputation for the forest which looms just beyond the town, its dense foliage veiling secrets and whispered legends. Locals warn against venturing too deep, as the forest is said to be guarded by a supernatural entity called the Blackbird. The children of the town even have a nursery rhyme called Little Blackbird that they take enjoyment in singing. However, once a year during a town festival that draws hundreds of visitors to this small town, the town people will lead several people astray with promises of a once in a life time memory and guide them into the waiting arms of the Whitmore's and that dark place.

    The townspeople of Arkley are a mix of locals who have deep roots in the town and newcomers drawn to its peculiar allure. They are an eclectic bunch, ranging from artisans, merchants, and craftsmen to scholars, occultists, and those with a penchant for the supernatural. Many individuals in Arkley are deeply aware of the town's eerie reputation and even seek to help its more… supernaturally inclined residents.

    In the evenings, the air is filled with haunting melodies from unseen musicians, drifting from open windows or echoing through the streets. Whispers of forgotten tales and there one moment, gone the next shadows linger in every corner, fostering a sense of wonder and trepidation. This little town is a place where the line between reality and the supernatural blurs, and its inhabitants navigate the intricate dance between curiosity and caution.
  • The Festival of Spirits
    The Festival of Spirits is an annual event held in Arkley that is separated into three separate days to honor the three founding families and their connection to the otherworld. It draws a crowd of hundreds from all across the country and even beyond. Traveling merchants, bards, magicians, fortune tellers, and other acts come here to show off their talents and goods. This holiday is also popular amongst scholars and students for the historical knowledge that Arkley possesses and offers freely.

    For three days, the whole town is decorated in painted paper lanterns, flowers such as roses, chrysanthemums, and water lilies litter window sills, hair, and the streets. Painted fabric and hand crafted tapestries depicting ancestors and long dead townsfolk are hung from eaves, windows, and fences. Masks and veils are passed out freely so that the dead may walk amongst the living once again without fear of being caught.

    People are expected to wear appropriate festival garb for the three days - the finest clothing one owns, gloves to cover hands, high necks to hide any skin, and paint to hide any akin that may remain with intricate patterns in vibrant colors. Hair is decorated with flowers and ribbons. A mask or veil is to be worn at all times in public.

    The Day of the Rose
    The first day of the festival and the day meant to honor the Fleming family and their ancestors. This is the day where the market is most active as most of the activities happen after sundown. Once the moon has risen, people are gathered just outside of town to be told the story of Lord Haywood and his beloved wife, Lady Geneva. They would tell of the woman Lorna and her attempts to break them apart. They would tell of Geneva's death and Haywoods grief. They would tell of a great curse that caused the Fleming family to thirst for blood cast upon them by Lorna. They would then tell of the massacre that followed. Most visitors assume this is simply a story, of course. A performance to escalate the festivities and send shivers down people's spines. Only the townsfolk know the truth and only some had family lines from the time in Arkley.
    A releasing of lanterns into the sky is done after the story is finished and people are released to do as they wish. The city square will remain active well into the night and early morning.

    The Day of the Water Lily
    The second day of the festival and the day meant to honor the Mulvahil family and their ancestors. This is the day where performances take place around every corner as most of the activities happen after sundown. As patrons of the arts, the Mulvahil hosts numerous contests throughout the day which include a painting contest, a music contest, and a dance contest. There is a showcase at the Mulvahil Mansion exhibiting the works of their ancestors ranging from paintings to books to inventions. When the sun begins to set, the participants of the festival gather at the lake docks to hear the story of Ava Carnall and her lost love. Again, must assume it is a fanciful tale perhaps written by one of the Mulvahil's long ago.

    After the story is done, flowers are placed onto the surface of the lake and people are released to do as they wished. The city square will remain active well into the night and into the dawn.

    The Day of the Chrysanthemum
    The final day of the festival and the day meant to honor the Whitmore family and their ancestors. This is the day where magic and alchemy are shown off by visitors and townsfolk alike. The Whitmore family hosts a magic competition throughout the day where three winners will be selected to be guests of honor to the masquerade ball held that night. A raffle is also held for an additional nine winners to be selected as guests of honor. Oddly, no townsfolk enter either the competition or the raffle - stating that it's for travelers and not them. As the sun goes down, people are dressed in their best and dawned in beautiful masks. The Whitmore manor is full to capacity. The Whitmore's tells of the day Arkley was founded and the day Maybelle died. They tell of Augustus and his grief and the deal he made with something not human. They tell of Maybelle being brought back as a spirit.

    The Whitmore's call forth the guests of honor and ask that they help carry the candles into the forest to Maybelle's resting place. They tell them that the spirit thing is simply a story, but Maybelle was very real.

    The Day of Mourning
    Not an official day of the festival, truthfully. Townsfolk are dressed head to toe in black for mourning. Travelers are terribly confused, but assume it is simply tradition from the festival. Some might even participate. A small shrine was created at the town square and several masks are lined up neatly. People bring flowers, sweets, jewelry, and small trinkets before moving on. The three founding families stop by to place three wreaths - one made of roses, one of water lilies, and one of chrysanthemums. Visitors ask who the masks represent, they are told that they are for those recently lost.

    No one will remember those who went into the forest and never came out. No one will realize that they left without a friend, a sibling, a parent, a mentor. The magic of that forest and of decay is too strong. They will feel the loss but know not why.

    Perhaps they will never think of Arkley again.
  • Have you heard them sing?

    It's a dreadful little rhyme - a song of horror and bad dreams. Yet every year, without fail, the children of Arkley would gather in packs of four or three and sing the tune. The old women would smile and the young men would grin for they once sang that too. It's a horrible little song, really; a tale told in a hymn. The words barely match and it carries on for far too long - a dreadful little tale of a bird that haunts the night.

    Yet the children of Arkley love that little song. Or perhaps they love to see the faces of visitors fall once they begin to listen. Maybe it's the wary glances between spouses or the pinch in the old man's brows that they love so much. Everything born in this town is a little strange to a traveler's eyes. The song is a bit too eerie. That woman's eyes are a bit too sharp. This festival is a bit too weird.

    So let me tell you of a nursery rhyme that the children of Arkley created three hundred years ago and is still recited and sung to this very day. It tells a tale of the little black bird and a single moonless night.

    In shadows deep where nightmares breed,
    There lurks a black bird and its wicked greed.
    Its feathers dark as the moonless night,
    Beware the tale of its dreadful flight.

    It perches high on the twisted bough,
    A messenger that tells of a dark vow.
    With wings of ebony, it takes to the air,
    Causing shivers and raising your hair.

    When the moon is hidden, and the stars are gone,
    The black bird sings its mournful song.
    A haunting melody fills the misty eve,
    Bringing darkness as you grieve.

    It whispers secrets in a cryptic tongue,
    Of forgotten tales and curses unsung.
    Its cawing echoes through the ancient trees,
    Unleashing horrors and a maddening disease.

    Beware the black bird's ominous calls,
    Lest it beckon you to its darkened halls.
    For if it finds you in the dead of night,
    Your dreams will turn to eternal fright.

    So close your eyes and stay in bed,
    Pray the black bird's song doesn't fill your head.
    Stay safe, stay hidden, don't make a sound,
    Lest the black bird's horrors be unbound.​
The Whitmore Family
  • The Whitmore's helped found this town four hundred years ago though it came at a grave cost that the family still pays heavily for to this day. Long ago, a man named Augustus Whitmore had four daughters with his late wife. He coddled his daughters and helped found this town so that they might have the life they all wished for - away from the loud city and unwanted suitors. He gave them everything he could, but none more so than his youngest - the sixteen year old Maybelle.

    She was a quiet girl with a love for exploration. A house by a beautiful forest with birds and foxes and so much more was everything she could ask for. But one night, she didn't come home. Her sisters ran everywhere looking for her and Augustus called the other two families to help them search. It was Augustus who found her body, but could not find what had killed her.

    Augustus fell into a depression and then into a madness. He knew magic from his mother and he knew that so long as he wanted it hard enough, his magic would draw something to answer. He wished and begged and cried and finally something answered. A figure shrouded in decaying cloth and swarmed by hundreds of moths asked him why he mourned so grievously. 'Your daughters have begun to heal,' It whispered, 'Why haven't you?'

    He told the creature that his family was always meant to stay together. He built this town so that they might stay, not leave. The creature told him he could not bring a soul back into a body already gone, but he could tie her spirit to this mortal plane. Augustus agreed and offered any boon the being might wish. 'Your daughters,' It hissed, 'And their children, and the ones after that too. Your bloodline will belong to me until the end of this world.' The founder agreed and the pact was made - Maybelle's spirit was forever tied to her bloodline, but the Whitmore's were forever tied to a creature called Decay.

    Decay demanded for every Whitmore that lived past the age of sixteen a person must be sacrificed once a year to honor the deal. Should any fail, Decay would claim their souls and drag them from the mortal realm.

  • The Blood of Decay
    The curse that the creature had placed upon them came with a boon. It knew well that it would be a challenge for some Whitmore's to make their sacrifice. A child could be born sick or a child could be born blind. Decay was not evil by nature and it did not wish to see this family fail, in truth. It favored these humans with magic in their blood, but it is bound by the deal same as they. So on the night each child is born, Decay would visit and bestow upon them a mark painted in its black ichor. The mark would never fade and could never be removed, it would remain there until death.

    This mark allowed the child to change forms into a creature made of black ichor that best suited their soul. At first it was only once a year but as they grew older they could change at will. However, much to the shock of Decay and the Whitmore's, children began to be born as prey creatures. The creature warned the Whitmore's that these children will struggle in their hunts and created an exception. Another Whitmore could make the sacrifice in their name, but the child had to witness it.

    The mark seemed to work even after death, as far as anyone could tell. The spirit of Maybelle could take a human form as well as an animal one - a ghostly little blackbird.

  • The Current Family
    The Whitmore family is currently headed by patriarch Ambrose Whitmore and his wife, Serena Whitmore. Ambrose was born the eldest of two sons and a daughter to the former matriarch, Vella Whitmore, who still lives but no longer handles any family matters. Waverly, the second son of Vella, and Minerva, the middle child and only daughter, both live at the mansion as well. Waverly remained unmarried. Minerva married her childhood sweetheart, Forrest Monaghan.

    The completed Whitmore NPC list is here.
The Fleming Family
  • The Fleming family were the ones to bring commerce and trade into Arkley when it was just a hamlet with barely built buildings and only dirt roads. Back then they were just humans who barely had a slip of magic within their blood. There was no curse for the name to bear and no uncontrollable hunger to haunt even the babies. They knew of the Whitmore's and what curse was placed upon them. Gods, they had been the ones to bring merchants and travelers that were made the first sacrifices. They had never believed they would one day be as damned as their dear friends.

    Two hundred years after the founding of Arkley, a young woman came to town in the dead of night. She had heard of the strange town that seemed to attract the otherworldly. The woman, Lorna, had found herself turned away from a full inn and told to head towards the large townhouse at the center of town. There, the Flemings made their home and occasionally would offer shelter to those that needed it. They offered Lorna a place to sleep and a warm meal, but her eyes had been set upon the married patriarch of the family, Haywood, since her arrival.

    It was love at first sight for her, but Haywood had no interest. She pursued him restlessly and even poisoned his wife when he told her that he was loyal to her. When that didn't work she became wrathful and turned to dark magic. She performed a ritual that was meant to make Haywood hunger for her - just as she did for him. The ritual worked but not in the way she wished it had. He had been turned into a creature of the night that tore her apart. In her final moment, Lorna used her desperation and misbegotten rage to curse his name - the Fleming name - so that any that carry that name would carry the curse.

    Haywood had gone on a rampage, as had his freshly turned family, leaving dozens dead. It was through the combined efforts of the Whitmore's and the Mulvahill's that finally calmed them down. The two families locked the Flemings away for quite awhile until they proved they could control themselves.

    From that night, onward, every person that was born, adopted, or married into the family would become what was eventually known as a vampire.

  • The Burden of Names
    The curse that Lorna had placed upon the family name Fleming was absolute. Nothing that anyone had found could break it. The family was doomed to become creatures of the night and be unable to walk in direct sunlight. Of course, the Flemings were a crafty bunch and found workarounds - long-sleeved clothing, gloves, large hats, hooded cloaks, parasols, and even veils. It was strange at first to many, but most quickly came to accept it as a quirk of an already strange family. The wealthy were always so odd in the commonwealths eyes.

    Unfortunately, they could not find a workaround for the thirst. They could train themselves to only need blood once every month as adults, but the children needed blood once every two weeks, and the babies once every week. They found that animal blood could work, but it left them needing more than if they simply drank for a human. It is lucky that most servants offer their blood up when the time comes or else the Whitmore's would no longer have the highest body count in the region.

  • The Current Family
    The Fleming family is currently headed by the patriarch, Samuel Fleming who had never remarried after losing his second husband, Alexander, when he was far younger. He had two children with his first spouse, Claire, but lost her to childbirth. He and Alexander married three years after her death and raised the two boys, Claude and Sydney Fleming. Claude would grow up to marry a man named Neil while Sydney would grow up to marry a woman named Theresa.

    The completed Fleming NPC list is here.
The Mulvahil Family
  • The Mulvahil family came to Arkley alongside the Whitmore's though they had long before carried a dark secret. Where the Whitmore's made a deal with an otherworldly being and the Fleming's were cursed by a mad woman's desperation; the Mulvahil's unnaturalness was born from a union between the land and the sea.

    Long ago a young woman named Ava Carnall decided to make a journey across the sea. She was caught in a horrible hurricane that destroyed her boat and drowned her crew. She thought this was her final day upon this earth the depths pulled her down under. A figure in the darkness grabbed hold of her and dragged her far away and far too fast. No matter how much she pulled or panicked, it refused to budge. Within minutes her breath gave out and water flooded her lungs.

    She woke up to sand under her arms and a man with long red hair hovering over her. He explained to her that he saved her, but that no one else had lived through the storm. She thanked him and then, reasonably, screamed when she noticed he was part fish. She screamed once again once he had left to hunt for some food for her when she noticed that she was on a relatively small island with no hope of escape.

    Over the course of several months, the two fell in love. The man, who revealed his name was Mulvah, had explained that he was the last of his kind. Time passed and Ava told him that she believed herself to be pregnant and that she was afraid. Alone on an island with no midwife, she was likely to die bringing these children into this world. Mulvah began to hunt relentlessly for wood and salvage to build a raft.

    It was impressive, really, just how fast the two of them worked. Within a month the two had set off towards the nearest landmass with people with Mulvah pulling the raft day and night. Perhaps it was poetic that a storm would blow through and destroy the raft. But it was tragic when Ava woke up alone on a beach, never to see her lover again.

    Ava claimed the name Mulvahil and gave birth to a pair of red headed twins - Percy and Emory. These twins would go on to help found the town of Arkley.

  • Child of Two Worlds
    Despite multiple generations having passed the Mulvahil retain two traits from their ancestor and namesake - the ability to transform into a siren and a predilection for hair colors thought unusual by the masses. Each child born of this bloodline has a longing within them every time they look at the river or lake that rests within Arkley. Though nothing can be done until their eleventh birthday when they undergo their first change into their siren form.

    Most of the time they are able to pass as human. They possess no desire for flesh or blood. They have made no pact with an entity from lands beyond. They are not even bound to one form or the other. They, however, cannot perform magic as the rest of the world can. The magic that their blood possesses is something far older and long forgotten. They can shape the tides, call a storm, or communicate with aquatic life. Unfortunately, their powers come and go with the lunar phases though it is strongest during the full moon.

  • The Current Family
    The Mulvahil family is currently headed by the elderly matriarch Harriett Mulvahil and her husband, Benedict Mulvahil. She has a pair of twins, both middle aged, named Lacey and Lucia Mulvahil. Lacey, the heir, married a man named Edger while Lucia, the wild child, married a woman named Carmela.

    The completed Mulvahil NPC list is here.
The Mirror

Not much is known about the mirror, in truth. Don't get me wrong there are hundreds upon thousands of books and art going back thousands of years with depictions of it, but they all never line up. One place thought it to be the afterlife; one thought it to be the birthplace of monsters. Perhaps the most true of the assumptions is that it is the home of the gods. If you want to call them gods, that is; most call them the Predecessors. There is very little proof that scholars can study beyond that of the existence of faeries and banshees (they dare not try to get close to a wendigo).

What they could find out was this: It is a mirrored version of our world. It looks so similar but so wrong. Most claim that the sky's the gateway to that realm. The rain and the fog and the clouds all come from there or perhaps go there from our realm. The Predecessors reside there alongside numerous monsters, beasts, and strange creatures people have not and will never see. Nothing can break through the veil of the mirror except the power of the first and oldest of the Predecessors - the Primeval's. Wendigos were banished from the Mirror for their crimes and Banshees were born of the earth but given powers of the Mirror.

Faeries… In all honesty, no one knows how they got through. They think it's funny to keep it a secret.
The Predecessors

Those that came before - the gods that created the Mirror and the Earth. There are many of these, though only a few are worshiped as actual gods. These beings are bodiless or shapeshifters or something of the like. They hold no steady form - shifting between any person or animal they wish to look like.
Below are a list of the Primevals typically worshiped:

Magic Fate Horror
Life Time Sorrow
Death Love Joy
Magic of The Mirror

Magic is born of the sky. With enough exposure to rain and fog and perhaps even the winds, a person may develop power within. It is up to them to harness it and draw it out into the world. This can come in control over the very elements, ability to create potions and alchemy, the ability to heal a wound, and much more. Magic is all about intention. If you possess enough power within you and you believe it or want it enough, it will happen. Some things are easier like calling forth fire or ice while some of it is near impossible, maybe even a death sentence, like summoning a Predecessor or resurrection.

Everyone has some degree of magic within them and can use it for small things, but those with wells of magic within them went through several severe storms or underwent months long rituals.

This is a rather loose magic system, I know. I want to see what you can do with it, but try not to do anything overpowered without my permission.


One can look upon a vampire for only a second and come to a single realization - This creature is, or was, human. Perhaps that is what makes them so dangerous. The monsters can look like you, your neighbor, or your friend; They can even look like your cat. There's no sign beyond the pallid nature of their skin and their intense eyes. They can smile and laugh; they can mourn and cry. They're not evil by nature, but many are by choice or by hunger. The thirst is insatiable. Perhaps one can push off feeding for a month or two, but it will eventually creep back. Their veins begin to burn and their fangs begin to itch. It's enough to drive you insane.

Common Powers: Common Weaknesses:
Enhanced Senses, Speed, & Strength Cannot Use Power in Sunlight
Shapeshifting (Typically Wolf, Bat, or Snake) Burnt by Holy Symbols
Hypnosis Cannot enter home without being invited

In truth, this creature comes with a rather broad list of options. These human looking creatures are capable of shedding their human form for that of another. This could be anywhere from a wolf to lion to a horse or an eagle. They only ever have two forms though - their human and their animal. They are strange people to be certain - retaining traits and habits from one form to the other. Too human to be an animal and too animalistic to be human. It is truly a curse to exist between two worlds when you cannot fit into either.

Common Powers: Common Weaknesses:
Ability to transform into an animal form Allergic to Silver
Enhanced Senses, Speed, or Strength Forced Transformation on Full Moon
Physical Traits Carry Over (Fangs, Venom, etc) Painful Transformations

The sight of a wendigo is the sight of a tragedy and a war within. Two souls trapped in a single body - a spirit of evil hunger and greed and a human that must combat it. Once the possession takes over, it is only a matter of time. Be it a day or a decade, the human soul will one day give into the beast within and fully transform into a monster even the most vile fear. Until then, however, the human must deal with the whisperings, the hunger, and the rage. Please note, that wendigo characters are technically fighting the wendigo and have not yet given in.

Common Powers: Common Weaknesses:
Supernatural Strength, Speed, & Smell Constant Hunger
Immunity to Cold Weakness to Fire
Near Invulnerability Random Moments of Possession

Many would feel a shiver of fright upon meeting the eyes of a banshee - they are often called the Heralds of Death, after all. They keen and wail and shriek when they feel the presence of death lingering nearby, waiting to capture the soul of the dying. Despite the fear surrounding their existence, they are just normal women. Girls and Ladies and Croons who have been blessed or cursed and brought back to life by death itself. They heed the ancient beings' call and go where they are needed, typically cloaked or veiled in white.

Common Powers: Common Weaknesses:
Supernatural Sense for Death They keen, scream, and wail uncontrollably when near death
Can see ghosts and souls Can be banished with magic (but this does not stop Death)
Cannot stay dead (until Death is done with them) Feels compelled towards areas where death lingers

A creature that looks distinctly wrong even when passing for a human. Their faces are too symmetrical, their skin smooth as granite, and their teeth a little too sharp. In their true forms, they come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some have pointed ears, some have the wings of a butterfly or moth, and some are smaller than a child. No matter their form, they are first and foremost beings of mischief and malicious trickery. They can enchant a human and lead them away into their strange realm, never to be forgotten. Remember this: Never give a faerie your name.

Common Powers: Common Weaknesses:
Hypnotism Protective Charms (Bells, Four Leaf Clovers, etc.)
Shift between a human and faerie form Allergic to Iron
Illusion and Conjuration Beholden to Any Deals Made

You can, of course, make up your own supernatural creatures for this story. I only ask that you ask me first and provide a short description and three powers and weaknesses for them. I will add any created species to the list below for everyone to use and maybe even some NPCs. I will probably refuse any new species if we somehow get ten in total.
This is the start of the NPC Collection. This will be a series of four posts. This is a working list so it may be added onto over time. To help if you are looking for a specific NPC, will link the posts just below.

The Whitmore Family
Vella Whitmore

Age: 68
Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter | Death Adder

Vella is an unkind woman with a severe, serious look on life. Whatever care for the world or for unimportant matters she once had died when she was a child. The only thing she shows even the smallest amount of care for is her grandchildren. She finds enjoyment in teaching them things, encouraging them to expand their horizons, and pushing them to be better. She is not a good woman despite this. She cares too much for image and finds no issue with the death of those in the lower class if her family stays alive and strong.


Vella was born as the only child of Adelia and Furgus Whitmore. She was spoiled beyond measure since her parents struggled to have her and they knew the likelihood of having any other children to be slim to none. Vella wanted for nothing and grew up entirely unaware of her family's dark secret. It was the night of her sixteenth that her family - in her youthful mind - ruined her life by telling her the truth. She screamed and cried and begged to stop lying and that this wasn't funny. It was only after the pain began that she fell silent as she underwent her transformation into a snake - a death adder.

Her parents rejoiced! Their only child was a venomous snake that only needed to make one bite to complete the ritual. She would live a long life and never suffer from the tragedy that had befallen many of Whitmore's before her. Vella, however, mourned. Her life as she once knew it was destroyed and she blamed her parents for refusing to give her any warning. Vella went from being all smiles to frowning constantly. She swore to never keep this a secret from her own children.

She married a man named Issac soon after her eighteenth birthday, not out of love but out of obligation. He was a kind man and he never raised his voice at her, but she could not bring herself to love him. Vella felt pity for him, mostly. He could have had a loving wife and children free from this curse had he not been born in this little town. She knew that he did not love her either, but that meant nothing so long as he gave her children.

And he did. Ambrose was born a year after her wedding, healthy and strong. Minerva was born several years after him, graceful and sharp as a whip. And Waverly was born last, sickly in body but adventurous at heart. She told them all the truth early and even put Ambrose through harsh training to defend his family. She would not have them experience the crushing grief she felt when she learned of the truth.
Ambrose Whitmore

Age: 49
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter | Grizzly Bear

Ambrose is a man of dry humor and an overly friendly demeanor to the public. It makes for a great mask to hide the calculating mind that lies behind his sharp eyes. He's protective of what he views as his and sees no issue in the hunt if it means they will all still live. He would gladly stain his hands red for the members of his family that could not themselves. Ambrose is, frankly, insane and deadly if he wishes to be. Not to mention he is rather short tempered and unyielding in his beliefs. If there is any Whitmore to truly fear it would be him.


Ambrose has never known a life outside the little town of Arkley - has never known a life without the weight of his title, his family's curse, or the blood that stained his hands. Vella was especially harsh on her oldest, telling him of his duty to the family at such an early age. She brought him into the forest to hunt before he even transformed for the first time. She taught him to wield a knife, a sword, and whatever magic his tiny body could use against those that they hunted. He was told that it would be his responsibility one day to do this for those of his family that could not.

It messed him up quite a bit, in all honesty. He was always a bubbly child despite the pressure, but that happiness turned into near hysterics after his first murder at the age of twelve. It took years to piece together a somewhat sane image for the public, but his mind never recovered.

He was in his early twenties when he found Serena and fell in love with her at first sight. He met her eyes across the ballroom and fell fast - it would have been a true fairytale ending had she not been chosen. He was the first to hunt that night and the first to strike his victim down, but he spent the rest of the night staying just out of Serena's sight. He would scare her away from the other members of his family until only she remained and he led her out of the forest. His father noticed his obsession that night, and tried to talk to him but Ambrose severely injured him in a fit of anger. His father died later that night and he doesn't feel remorse.

Ambrose spent years courting and dating Serena, but she proved to be unwilling to marry. It was then that he met another woman named Anais Bouchard. Unlike with Serena, he did not know her in one instance and loved her the next. Truthfully, she drove him mad as she would tease him at every moment they talked. They fell in love over the course of a year and, despite Ambrose being engaged to marry Serena, had a child together. Somewhere in that year, he had fallen out of love with his future wife and fallen in love with a woman that had been doomed to die bringing his firstborn into this world.

Ambrose could not bear to keep his son a secret, so he revealed him to the town and family as his eyes promised death to those that would dare question the boy's place. Serena married Ambrose not long after but he could see the hurt and anger she hid behind serene eyes. It was that anger years later that stayed his hand from tossing out a young child his wife had taken in. She had never once raised her voice at him before that night, and her voice still range in his ear even after he accepted that his wife would adopt the child.

That was one of the few moments in his life he actually felt fear.
Serena Whitmore

Age: 47
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Serena is a strange woman, to be sure. She has an obsession with the macabre and can match her husband in humor. Her mind is filled with works of poetry and song, both made by her and made by others. She's not a visibly happy woman - might even seem bored or sad to the unfamiliar eye, but she is content and loved. She is quiet and loves to hum or sing little melodies. She has a calm presence that can put most at ease when near her. She feels safe to be around, even if she's not.


Serena was born to a strange, poor couple in a city she doesn't remember the name of anymore. She knows they loved her and she loved them. She knows that they were struggling everyday for money and that her father was a tailor and her mother a minstrel. She remembers spending hours every day helping her father sew dresses or trailing after her mother as she sang for the masses. Most importantly, she remembers being loved.

Her life had been painfully normal until she was a teenager. Serena's mother had announced to her and her father that she had been able to join a traveling band. They could finally get out of this city they hated and see the world - maybe even find a new home. So, they packed up what little they owned and spent the next few years on the road.

The band found their way to Arkley just in time to perform at the Festival of Spirits. Her memory gets pretty foggy when she tries to recall this time of her life, but she knows she and her parents fell in love with the town and decided to stay. It certainly helped that she had begun to fall in love with the heir to the Whitmore estate.

Serena was reluctant to marry someone she felt she didn't know well even if she did love him. They spent quite a long time courting and dating, but then he proved unfaithful. He showed her his son that he had with another woman - a woman who had died in childbirth. She never knew Anais and couldn't help but hate the little one that had not been born her own. It was only after several years and Ambrose accidentally revealing that Anais never knew of Serena that her hatred turned from the innocent to the guilty.

After that day, Serena couldn't say she loved Ambrose anymore. She stayed out of obligation to the little boy she helped to raise. She grew unhappy though she learned to hide it well and couldn't hide the rage behind her eyes whenever she would look at her husband. That rage finally hit a boiling point one night, years later, when a young child collapsed just outside the mansion. She nursed the child back to health and grew to love them as if they were her own - one she knew she would never have with the man she loathed. Ambrose tried to toss the child back out into the wilderness and, for the first time, Serena stood her ground.

The argument was honestly a blur to her. She had never felt that amount of wrath before that moment. In the end, she only remembered two things - that she got to keep her new child and that flash of fear in her husbands eyes when she screamed at him.
Minerva Whitmore

Age: 45
Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter | Harpy Eagle

Minerva has always been the most down to earth and intelligent of her siblings. She's got quite the unique mind and is able to perfectly memorize things at only a single glance. Despite her presently serious and quiet demeanor, she's actually quite mischievous. She often understands things much quicker than others and finds her amusement in simply telling people she knows and then withholding the answer from them. She's quick to judge and is a very decisive person, but thankfully isn't too stubborn or prideful to change her mind.


Minerva probably had it the easiest of her siblings. She was not born the heir and she was born perfectly healthy. She never caused trouble or had pressure put on her. In fact, she was left to explore and do as her little heart pleased. She spent much of her childhood with her nose stuck in a book and her feet wandering the halls of every library and bookstore she was allowed into (and some she wasn't). She even knew of the curse long before her mother sat down and told her.

She was the first Whitmore in four generations to leave the town of Arkley for longer than a few months. Her thirst for knowledge brought her to a distant university to become an inventor. It was there she found Forrest Monaghan and fell in love over the course of three years. It was a slow and steady build up between them until Forrest had his... incident. She was attending a lecture when the far side of the school collapsed which is probably what saved her from being expelled through mere association. Minerva fully expected him to leave and never return but he stuck around the city for another year. It was his willingness to wait for her that finally had her agreeing to marry him. She sent off a letter to her mother and within a month of their arrival to the small town, they were wed.

About a year after her wedding, Minerva discovered she was pregnant with twins. It scared her to the point of putting down her work for the final four months. It was worth it though, to be able to hold the best things she'd ever created. That feeling of wonder died pretty quick when they proved to be trouble which only doubled after her youngest was born. She couldn't believe that her brother's got the calm children while her decided to all mutually give her a headache. She still loved her children for all that their antics probably lowered her life expectancy.

Minerva would kill to go back to those times, though. She would rather the headache from their antics than the pain of one of their absence. She had thought nothing of the hunt that night - it had been easy though she did have to help her nephew finish his hunt. Everyone had their sacrifice only a few hours into the night. She was ready to go home when the fog of decay lifted but she couldn't find her first born twins. She flew into a panic after a short while, her instincts kicking in and telling her something was wrong.

She found her sons body, soul lost to decay and realized this night had gone horribly wrong. She was near catatonic when her brother, Waverly, finally dragged her back to her rooms and into her husbands arms. She felt she was being greedy in her grief - Forrest was surely mourning too - but she simply couldn't move. Everyone else seemed to cope better than she did as far as she was aware. Her own daughter even offered to let her speak to the ghost of her son, but she simply couldn't bare the thought.

It's been years but, truthfully, she hasn't recovered.
Forrest Monaghan

Age: 46
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire

Forrest is a headstrong man with a brilliant if complicated mind. He is simultaneously the smartest and dumbest person in the room at any given moment. He's curious - taking apart objects, dissecting animals, making complex diagrams, and studying every book in the library. It's unfortunate that he's also incredibly reckless with his experiments and has nearly blown himself up on several occasions. It never seems to phase the man as he goes right back to the task at hand after cleaning up. Despite how things tend to blow up around him, he's a rather quiet and calm man. Nothing seems to scare him and nothing seems to disturb him.


Forrest was raised by his granduncle that spent his life on the road. He couldn't ever remember having a stable home for longer than a month. His granduncle, a vampire named Roland Monaghan, was not exactly paternal or wealthy. He didn't understand children let alone human children but refused to let his last living family member live on the streets.

Upon his coming of age, Forrest turned his eyes to attending a university. While they had no money, his talents and mind won him a free entry to the school. For a few years, things were calm. He quickly rose to the top of his class and showed great promise in the areas of Alchemy, Anatomy, and Biology. The professors were sure he would grow to be one of the greatest doctors that Europe would ever see. They gushed over how cute he and the new student, Minerva, got along and challenged each other academically.

Just a year before his graduation, Forrest did something insane. He performed an unsanctioned experiment that nearly killed seventy of his peers and did blow up a small portion of the school's undercroft. This caused the floors above it to collapse and the school was forced to cancel several classes. For all that he was the favorite, he was expelled on the spot and sent away in shame. He only stuck around to support Minerva as she finished her own schooling.

They traveled back to Minerva's hometown of Arkley to marry. His wedding gift from his granduncle was being turned into a creature of the night which he soon felt relieved to be. He was told of the curse and how she or their future children would die if they could not complete the sacrifice. He knew his newfound abilities would help him there and he even began an experiment still going on to this day to enhance the powers the Whitmore's were given.

Unfortunately, his experiments were in vain. He lost one of his own children to the hunt and finally realized just how awful this whole thing was. He cursed the name of a man he never knew for being unable to let go of a child so that now he's forced to. Forrest scrapped the ideas he once had and began anew. He was determined to free his wife and two remaining children from this curse even if it meant delving into darker magics.

His resolve only hardened when his daughter approached him and asked him to help her create a special, enchanted coffin to keep his son's body from decaying. He didn't ask why; he knew. She was so much like him in some ways - she would bring her brother back and he would break this curse.
Waverly Whitmore

Age: 42
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter | Transvaal Lion

Waverly is a sly man with a dark sense of humor and refined taste. He enjoys debating and arguing, especially when he can prove others wrong. He's prideful; too prideful to admit when he's wrong a lot of the time, even. To most, he's distant and will offer quick glares at those that annoy him. He's got a razor sharp tongue and a quick wit and has no problem expressing himself or his dissatisfaction. He makes it difficult to get along with as he constantly pushes everyone but his family away. In all honesty, he used to be the easiest Whitmore to befriend until his son was born and his wife vanished.


Waverly is the youngest of his siblings and, even worse, was born rather sickly. He spent his childhood being treated like he was made of porcelain on the verge of shattering. His parents kept him inside at all hours of the day and under the constant eye of his nanny or the butler. His siblings were the only highlights of his days during his early years - bringing him sweets and flowers and teas. He was pretty much trapped in the family mansion, even after his body recovered and he showed no lasting consequences of the illness.

It was only at the age of fourteen was he finally allowed out of the house to roam and explore. His brother could hardly keep up with him after that. Waverly quickly became known as the friendliest of his family and found friends everywhere he looked. Shopkeepers would offer him free goods and everyone would wave at him as he ran by. His life was truly beginning to look up.

Then he found a girl that infuriated and enraptured him - a girl named Lynley Albrecht. Every time he tried to get to know her or make her smile she would dance just out of his reach with a grin. He fell in love with her as he chased after her through the cobblestone streets. Waverly was certain that she would never have offered him a chance had it not been for his sister taking pity on his attempts and spoke to her. Somehow, Lynley agreed to one date.

He went all out for this night; flowers, candles, and the sweets he saw she would always get. He even got his brother to stay away from him for a few hours. It was all luck that she agreed to another date and another after that one. His sister relentlessly teased him that she had to be the one to get him a wife. She was right, honestly. For all his charm and kindness, he was rather bad at trying to impress the girl he likes.

After a year of courting, Lynley agreed to be his wife. Waverly remembers stumbling over his vows and nearly tripping on his way out of the venue. A year after their wedding, he cried for the first time in years as he held his son for the very first time. He thought everything was perfect, but his wife had begun to pull away from him. He tried everything to fix it - flowers, candies, taking over changing his sons diapers at night so she could sleep.

He cried for the second time when he woke up one morning and found his wife gone. There was no note and her - their - son was left without a mother. After his tears dried, he grew furious. He sent the police out to search for her and when they turned up nothing, he paid for bounty hunters to find her. They too returned empty handed. Waverly came to accept his wife had abandoned him, but something in him fears his son would disappear too.

He began to hide his son away from anyone not of his family and went from friendly to cruel. No one deserved the time of day in his eyes; he trusted and loved someone once before and look what they had done. Whatever good he had in him disappeared with his wife.

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The Fleming Family
Samuel Fleming

Age: 79
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire

Samuel is a rather irresponsible man that has a tendency to disappear for months at a time to go off doing who knows what. One could say that Lord Fleming is a creature of chaos - whenever he's around there's never a dull moment. He's quick to laugh, offer quips, and will jump at a chance to verbally spar. He wasn't always like this, of course. After the death of both of his spouses, he seemed to turn to this behavior as a way to cope. They took his name - they were supposed to be immortal just like him.


Samuel was born the only child of the former Lord Fleming - an overly cautious man that married late into his life to a woman he barely knew or cared for. It was likely the lack of love between them that Samuel remembers most about his family. Well, that and the fact that his mother left when he was five and his father left when he was eighteen. The former Lord felt burdened by his name and by his title so he decided to leave as soon as his son was old enough to take the title. In all honesty, Samuel hated his mother and father but none in Arkley could blame him.

When he was just twenty years old, Samuel met the woman he would marry - June Parlow. It took several years, but they eventually had a small ceremony and she underwent the change. He was so happy for the first time in his life. He had someone he could trust and love and live the rest of his life with. She gave birth to Claude and then Sydney a few years after that. She had no issues carrying her firstborn, but the second… It was difficult for her. Her hunger was insatiable, she had numerous fainting spells, and could not leave her bed the final month of her pregnancy. It really didn't shock Samuel when she passed away before she could hold her second born son.

He was in tatters trying to piece his life back together and also raise two young boys. He spent nights sobbing where his own sons couldn't hear him. Then, a few months after June's death, he met a man named Alexander Dwyer. He stumbled into town during a heavy storm and sought shelter under eaves of the Fleming Residence. Samuel came out and invited him in, desperate for company beyond that of his toddler and infant sons. Once they began talking, it was like they couldn't stop. They told each other their life stories and Samuel insisted that Alexander stayed if only for another few days. Those days turned into weeks and then months and then years as Alexander never left. He helped raise the two boys and eventually they stopped being friends and became lovers. They married three years after June died. Samuel was happy once more.

Then a woman who called herself Weston came to Arkley. She demanded answers from the people of the town - telling them she would keep them safe from the monster in their midst. A self-proclaimed monster hunter sent by her guild to find a vampire. Everyone kept their mouths shut, not willing to rat out neighbors or friends or family to someone they viewed as crazy for hunting a monster in a town full of them.

Unfortunately, someone must have said something for she showed up at the Fleming residence and killed Alexander without question or comment in front of Claude and Sydney. Samuel had been out to meet with Lady Whitmore and Lady Mulvahil to discuss Weston. He came home to the woman boasting and demanding payment for getting rid of the monster while his children cried, hiding in the corner.

Suffice to say, Weston did not leave Arkley and Samuel was never the same.
Claude Fleming

Age: 56
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire

Claude is described by the people of Arkley as kind and respectful but slow. He struggles with many academic things but has found passion in those that require physical movement. He's probably the physically strongest and fastest person in the region and takes joy in keeping people safe. He's truly just a big teddy bear with naught even an ounce of malice in him despite the grief that life throws at him. He's also rather good at keeping secrets as he is a man of few words.


Claude is the first born of Samuel Fleming and his late wife, June. He can honestly say that he has no memories of his mother. The paintings remain on the wall and he can see his eyes staring back at him when he views them, but that's it. He can still remember the first time his father showed him the painting and asked him if he recognized his mother. Perhaps it was the desperation in his eyes despite the steadiness of his father's voice that made him say yes. He definitely remembers the happiness bubbling inside of him when he saw his father's eyes light up in a way they so rarely do.

He also remembers Alexander and… well, he remembers the day they lost Alexander. He felt weak and worthless at that moment. Samuel repeatedly told him that it wasn't his fault, that he was just a child but it still haunts him. His brother may have pushed the memories away, but Claude never could. It was what drove him to demand that he have private instructors to teach him to fight. This wouldn't happen again on his watch. No one else in his family or that his family loved would die when he could save them.

Claude excelled in combat - a true prodigy. It made him feel like he was actually worth the blood that he took from others. He was never good at anything an heir to a wealthy family should be - he struggled with mathematics, never got a grasp on money management, and couldn't even figure out magic despite the reportedly large amount he had within him. He passed the title of Heir down to his younger brother as soon as Sydney was an adult and fully devoted himself to his passion.

It was not long after he stepped down that he actually fell in love with a man from out of town. A traveler named Isham that sought to find his place in the world. Claude gave him a place at his own side and they eventually fell in love. They spent the days training together. It was one such day that Isham fell horribly sick. No doctor could figure out what was wrong, but they did everything they could to save him. Claude was in a panic and offered to turn him or find another to turn him.

He doesn't like to recall the argument that came after, but it's hard not to when he stares at the headstone that carries his first love's name. It took years, but he eventually found another to love named Neil. He was perhaps a bit hasty to marry the man, but Claude could not - would not - risk losing another he loved.
Neil Fleming

Age: 52
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire

Neil is a rather confident man with a love for the stars. He's quite the academic and quite the workaholic. He could spend days observing the stars and recording everything he found through the lens of a telescope. He can't seem to stay still either, always on the move or muttering to himself. One could try to follow along with his words, but most get lost as they quickly think he's muttering nonsense. He is, mind you, but it sounds sane to him.


Neil was an orphan, born to a woman he doesn't even know the name of. He supposes he was lucky, really. His birth mother decided to leave him on the steps of an orphanage instead in a dark alley somewhere. He was raised under the strict, watchful eyes of the Caretakers for several years until a Professor and her husband decided to adopt him. His childhood after that was a rather nice one. He wanted for nothing and even got into a university at an early age.

He found a passion for astronomy and The Mirror at his university. He graduated in the top percentage of his class and continued to study the stars and the Mirror there under a grant. Of course, that all went up in flames rather quickly when some student blew up part of the undercroft while he was in the middle of an experiment involving the Mirror. It imploded in his face and - quite literally -left it's mark. He was able to see things from beyond the Mirror walking alongside humans from that day on.

He was fired from his career at the university for his own safety and spent the next year of his life wandering, taking recordings of stars from places all across the world. He also took notice of something strange - a small crack would sometimes show up in the sky. It was as if the very Mirror was beginning to fracture. He sent his concerns to others, but they brushed him off. His accident was well known and, while many believed he could truly view into the Mirror, they simply wrote off his concerns as a product of the human mind being unable to comprehend.

It was after this that he finally stumbled into Arkley and fell, quite literally, into the arms of his future husband. He still gets a blush just thinking about that.
Sydney Fleming

Age: 54
Gender: Male
Species: Vampire

Sydney certainly seems like a confidant, suave man with generational wealth behind him. In reality, he is a very good liar that can't help but hide his true self to the public and even his own family at times. He struggles to believe he is worthy of the title he will soon inherit, constantly placing his father and his ancestors on a pedestal. He never could see the big picture, never could see how they all struggled as he does. He needs constant validation or he fears he did something wrong.


Sydney was born to Samuel Fleming and his first wife, June. He knows she died giving him life, but he knows next to nothing else about her. His father's eyes went glassy and distant when he asked, Claude never really knew her either, and Alexander simply never met her. He wonders what his life would have turned out like had she or Alexander never died. Perhaps they would have pushed him to be better or to marry for love or to spend more time with his son.

But they're gone. He never knew his mother and Alexander died when he was just a boy. He's only really known his father as a man trapped in grief. Perhaps that is why he never attempted to know anyone enough to love, or perhaps he is simply incapable of loving another as anything more than a friend. Maybe that is why, when he met Theresa at the annual ball the Whitmore's held, he offered to marry her. It certainly wasn't love at first sight, but he knew he needed a wife and he could see it in her eyes that she wanted a way out.

They married fairly quickly, all things considered. Neither cared for a grand ceremony and Samuel bent to his son wishes for something quick. They had a son together a year or two later, though Sydney felt he wasn't ready to be a parent. He felt that he had far too many issues to expose his son to and so he left him to the care of his mother and his servants. Looking back, he wished he had made more attempts to know his son. He wished he had been there for his first words and the first time he walked, but he wasn't.

He didn't really get to know his son until the boy was an adult himself. He could recognize the grief well enough - it seemed to haunt his bloodline as sure as a curse. It had hurt his ancestors, it had hurt his father, and now it had hurt his son. He was almost glad he had never fallen in love. Theresa was a dear friend and he couldn't imagine his life without her.

Theresa Fleming

Age: 49
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire

Theresa could be described as a rather vain woman, in truth. She cares more for appearances than for feelings. Perhaps it is for this reason that she thrives in the upper echelon of society. Despite this, she tries to be a better woman than her mother ever was. She does care for her new family, but she struggles to express this in a way that most understand. She buys elaborate presents instead of offering physical comfort or caring words.


Theresa was born to a wealthy, high class family from Madrid. She was raised since she could remember to be the perfect daughter that would bring her parents great status and wealth. Theresa went along with it for most of her life, of course. She was kept isolated from her peers so she had no knowledge that what they did to her wasn't normal. Parents aren't supposed to have children only to further their status and keep said child locked away inside her own home for years.

One day when she was fifteen, her father agreed to send her off to a private school in London to 'further her horizons.' Whatever the reason, Theresa was simply glad to finally see something beyond her parents estate. Once there, she quickly realized she was different. She couldn't get along with her peers in a genuine social setting and struggled with basic communication. She spent the first year there with no friends and was widely ignored by others. It was only the arrival of another girl her age named Fia Jonsson, the daughter of a temple knight from Sweden. Her parent's wouldn't have approved of their friendship due to Fia's lower status.

And approve they did not when they somehow got word of her friendship to the girl. The year Theresa was set to graduate, she was forcefully removed from the school and brought back home where she was locked in her rooms again. Her parents punished her for her supposed rebellion and told her that she would be married within the next two years to spare them further embarrassment. It was pure luck that her family decided to go to Arkley for the annual Festival in hopes of gaining favor with one of the three families. Sydney took notice of how much she hated her parents and offered her a way out. She could marry him, knowing he would not love her, as long as she was willing to have a child with him. Theresa took that offer with little hesitation, telling him she was not looking for love.

They married to her parents approval, but she had the final laugh as she disowned them and they were kicked out of Arkley with warning to never return. Theresa did as she offered and had a child with Sydney and, true to both of their words, neither fell in love with each other. They became each others best friends and confidants. Theresa and Sydney both revealed to each other that neither had felt any sort of romantic feelings for anyone. Truthfully, she struggled with any sort of intimacy - romantic, familial or friendship wise. It made for raising a child difficult and her upbringing certainly made matters worse.

She tried not to be like her parents before her but she knows she failed in many regards. She did love her son, but the only lessons she had to pass on to him from her parents was that status meant more than love. She's glad in some way that he never listened to those.

The Mulvahil Family
Harriett Mulvahil

Age: 66
Gender: Female
Species: Siren

Harriet was once the rebellious child of her family, born with her chin raised in defiance. In some way, she still is that way though there are no others to compare her to. She makes her mark upon this world and shows no remorse for her daring nature. You'll not find a more strong-willed and resilient woman. Nothing will slow her down for long, not even her age. Despite her title as Lady Mulvahil, she's very bad with diplomacy. She's very much an act now, speak later type of person.


Harriet was born the youngest of five and never felt she fit in with them. She ran off on little adventures while her siblings - all a year apart from one another - learned to play instruments or dance or paint. She destroyed all the little dresses the maids would put her in in a matter of minutes. By the age of eight, her parents had simply resorted to buying her pants, tunics, and boots and hoped that those would at least return unscathed by nature.

They did not.

Truthfully, her parents never even attempted to tame her wild nature. They saw no harm in it as long as she stayed in near Arkley and kept whomever (typically the poor stable boys or the family butler) she dragged off with her nearby. She was never going to be Lady Mulvahil so she was given freedom to do as she pleased. When she finally started to rebel it wasn't against her parents, but against her oldest brother - Rowland.

He thought their parents were too lenient on her or perhaps too harsh on him. He was to be Lord Mulvahil. He was to be responsible for making sure the families gift remained secret no matter what. Rowland swore to any in his family that would listen that Harriet would only cause them trouble. Her nature would be revealed to outsiders because she stayed to close to the surface of the lake or she couldn't keep a secret. He blatantly lied multiple times in the hopes their parents would do something.

They did nothing, but when Harriet was eighteen, they couldn't bare to her him complain anymore and sent her off with a few servants and told her to explore until she was ready to come home. She was ecstatic - this was all she had ever wanted! She sailed to America and to Africa first, finding a love for both places but her feet itched to wander. Eventually she found her way to Constantinople. Her first day in the city resulted in a man knocking her over, gaping at her, and then asking him to marry her. She slapped him, of course, but she couldn't help but feel oddly charmed about that all later.

For some reason, her eyes no longer drifted to the horizon. She felt as if she had found the place where she belonged... and the person she was meant to be with. Harriet refused to acknowledge her feelings for months, but Benedicts persistence won out in the end. She fell for him fast and agreed to marry him after several months. She sent her servants home with the news and told them that they were released from her service.

Harriet, admittedly, cursed Benedict out when she learned she was having twins. She knew very well that they came from her side of the family, but she still felt it necessary whenever she had to push out two babies only minutes apart. She loved her daughters very much despite the pain of labor. She had actually been getting them ready for a long trip on a boat to go see her family when she got the news - she was Lady Mulvahil.

Her parents, siblings, and nephews had all perished in a fire at their vacation estate on the shores of France. She was wrecked by grief and barely remembered the trip to Arkley to host the funeral and live in a now horribly empty home. Where once there was family everywhere now there was only four.
Benedict Mulvahil

Age: 69
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Benedict is best described as steadfast and supportive. He will always be there for those that need him without hesitation and without question. He honestly has the patience of a saint to deal with his family, but he loves them more than anything. Due to his upbringing, he's a hardworking individual with a pragmatic take on life. Despite the years of living in wealth, he still balks a little when he sees just how much money his family can spend.


Benedict was born to an struggling artist and his sickly wife in the depth of London. His mother nearly died bringing him into this world and never fully recovered after having him. His father tried so hard to chase his dreams and also support his wife and son, but it wasn't enough. His paintings could never compare to that of those formally trained under masters. He had no connections, no family, and no money.

There was nothing in this city for them. No one would miss them should they simply cease to exist so the artist packed three bags - one for him, one for his wife, and one for his son - and left it all behind. What little money they had managed to get them far enough and the work the man could do would gain them a little more in each town they passed. It took years, but the little family made it to their new home in Constantinople.

In all honesty, Benedict doesn't remember London or his families time on the road. He believes that he had been born in the city of his childhood. He's only known the children that swords with sticks and older women that would pinch his cheeks and offer his bread whenever they saw him. He never knew his father once struggled to sell his paintings or that he never had a master to teach him before stepping foot in this city. He had a good childhood in his eyes. They weren't wealthy by any means, but he never knew his family to struggle.

He found a passion in magic at an early age that he honed as he grew. He was a prodigy which caught the attention of a traveling priest. The woman offered to set him up with a scholarship should he promise to serve as a priest later in life. He agreed with little hesitation and spent the next six years learning all he could. He proved to be a true master in divination magic.

Under the tutelage of the university, he learned to peer into the future and the past. It was difficult and it took much effort, but he could eventually choose what to See. It was one of these sessions that he Saw his own future. It shook him to his core; a woman he didn't recognize held a two children with hair the color of fire and eyes that looked like his. He couldn't make sense of it... or perhaps refused to.

It certainly made sense when he met the woman from his visions by knocking her over. He could only stare, mesmerized as she turned as red as her hair in anger and embarrassment. She demanded to know what he was staring at after so rudely knocking her over and not even offering to help her up. All Benedict could do was stammer and immediately ask her to marry him.

Not the smartest move on his part.

He served under the local temple as a priest as he tried to court a woman that, frankly, hated him. She never told him to leave, however, and so he kept coming back. He even used his magic to See if his future had changed but it seemed the Predecessors were laughing at him because he could See nothing. It took months to finally get her to agree to let him court her and even more for her to marry him.

They had Lacey and Lucia not long after their marriage which caused quite a few raised eyebrows, but he loved his daughters with all his heart. He left behind his life as a priest at the temple to head back home to Arkley when news came in that Harriet was the last of her family and not the Lady Mulvahil of Arkley.
Lacey Mulvahil

Age: 46
Gender: Female
Species: Siren

Lacey is best described as wild child that has since calmed down. She's unafraid of stating what is on her mind and talking to strangers making her quite the social butterfly. She's the type to have a contagious smile, often brightening a room when she enters it. Most would say she's caused a lot of headaches and heartaches in her youth but few say she still does. Where once she was loud and boisterous she is now, well, still loud but not nearly as much.


Lacey and her twin sister, Lucia, have little to no memories of her birthplace. She knows she was born in Constantinople; was told so growing up by both of her parents, but the images just don't ring a bell. It distressed her mother quite a bit to learn she only knew Arkley for reason she never knew. She had assumed, or rather inferred, that mother hated this town.

She remembers the pain and longing in mothers eyes when she spoke of her once home. It seemed she mourned more for her lost chance at freedom away from her birthplace than for her family that had died. Lacey simply couldn't understand her mothers hatred for their home. The people loved them, they had money to buy whatever they wanted, and they were all together. Why wasn't mother happy?

She probably made her mother's life far more difficult than she should have. By the age of fourteen, Lacey was offended for the town and people of Arkley that she began to scorn her mother. The woman only stared her down in silence until she eventually stopped bothering her mother and began ignoring her. Benedict tried everything to fix the growing rift between the two but they're both as stubborn as a mule. Lacey turned her anger on her father when he asked her to look at it from her mothers perspective. Her sadness was irritating in the girls mind and her mother had no reason to be so unhappy.

It was only on her and Lucia's eighteenth birthday that she slowly began to understand her mother. Benedict had told the two that they were to explore for a year or two before coming home. They were given enough money for them to live comfortably on the road, but they would not be allowed back in the house for months. Lacey was furious; she had everything she ever wanted in Arkley and was heir to the Mulvahil estate. She likely would have spent that year staying at the local inn had it not been for Edgar.

Benedict knew his child well and wrote a letter to the nearest temple to ask for one of their temple knights. The man dragged her along for a few months before she really began to view the world as a marvel to see. By the end of the year, Lacey understood the sorrow in her mothers eyes. Harriet had been born for the road but tragedy pulled her back into a gilded cage and clipped her wings. Arkley was Lacey's home and her mother's prison.

She began to write to her mother - first to apologize and then to hopefully lighten her mood with drawings of far off places and small things she could fit into envelopes. Throughout this all, Edgar remained by her side. He never once wavered in his resolve to see her journey through despite her being an absolute brat at times. As the seasons changed and they explored further and further, their relation slowly developed.

First the became friends and then they became lovers. After another few months on the road, they turned to head back. Edgar now had a new promise to keep - to marry Lacey and offer her a happy life. They married at the temple of his childhood and remained there for a year before she felt the call to return to familiar waters.

Lacey returned home to Arkley with her husband in tow despite her mother begging her to live her life elsewhere. She was the heir and it was her duty to take her mothers title when the time came. Truthfully, Lacey hoped her mother would pass the title to her so that Harriet may return to her true home and regain her happiness. Unfortunately, her mother is as stubborn as she is.
Edgar Mulvahil

Age: 50
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Edgar is often seen as the chivalrous knight of honor by the locals. While that is true to some degree, that's not the only facet of his personality. He's devoted to his faith, his family, and his duty to protect. He's used to making hard decisions that other cannot and has no issue taking the role of leader. He's a rather stoic man with a strong sense of discipline and courage. While he is teased relentlessly for his code of honor, he is also highly respected and loved by the community.


Edgar was born the eldest son of a Priest of Sorrow. His mother had been raised in the temple in London and so decided that her children will as well. His father was a farmer as far as he was aware, but the man would not leave his livelihood behind to live in a temple. It never bothered the boy growing up; he was being raised by every member of the temple just as the other children. He had many mothers and many fathers. He had dozens of siblings and not just the younger sister that his mother had birthed as well.

He was pulled aside when he was around ten by the leader of the temple knights and told that they would offer him training should he wish for it. They had noticed he lingered just at the edges of the training grounds and watched the knights train. He quickly became the best recruit in his age group. Edgar was a natural with a musket and a sword; his aim was truly unnerving. The priests actually speculated that he had enough magic in him to enhance it.

It was when he was only fifteen that his mother passed away unexpectedly. It left him reeling for months. The woman wasn't the best mother and he felt more connected to other women that helped raise him, but... that was his mother. He had never stopped to consider that she would pass away this early in his life. The others at the temple would whisper where they thought he couldn't hear that they had no idea what caused her death. She wasn't sick an there was no evidence of an attack.

Poison. That was what they found. Edgar's mother had been depressed for as long as she had been at the temple and he had never noticed. How was he supposed to tell this all to his thirteen year old sister?

It brought his progress through his training to a standstill. He couldn't concentrate and began to miss his targets almost without fail. His instructor tried his best to help him work through his grief but it never worked. It took a year for him to finally realize that if he continued down this path he would be exactly like her. He would leave his sister and his friends behind without a care in the world as to what it would do to them.

It was hard. He had fallen behind and his body was not as strong as it once was. Edgar refused to give up and worked harder than he ever had. He advanced through the training even faster than he had before and ended up being knighted by the age of nineteen. He was now able to make a vow and serve a Predecessor. At first he had thought to follow the one her mother had but look where her faith had taken her. In the end, he chose Life.

One of his first assignments was to escort a nobleman's daughter across this side of the world. The man, Benedict Mulvahil, had informed him that she would fight him and throw tantrums at ever turn but this was for the best. She had grown up in this small town and he wanted her to see what laid beyond.

The man was right. Lacey Mulvahil was a little hellion in a tiny frame and could, frankly, pack quite a punch. He almost wrote to the temple multiple times to beg for a replacement despite his attempts to remain calm and composed. She drove him insane until one day she finally calmed down. She told him of how she had always hated her mother in some way for being so sad. Harriet Mulvahil, she told him, had been forced to take the title she now understood. It wasn't the paradise to the older woman that Lacey saw it as, but a cage she could not escape. Edgar wondered if he would have hated his mother too had he noticed her sorrow.

They spent the next several months growing closer until the agreed to return to the temple of his childhood and marry. It was hard on Lacey for the year they stayed and eventually she revealed to him of her nature. She felt the call to return to the water and her body had grown uncomfortable. He packed his bags without hesitation and followed her.
Lucia Mulvahil

Age: 46
Gender: Female
Species: Siren

Lucia is often viewed as the more quiet and respectful twin between her and her sister. She's confident in her silence - a woman needing few words to make her point. She's actually quite the little adventurer and feels most at ease when wondering. Don't let her quiet nature fool you, between her and her sister, she is the one with a far more fiery temper. She's hot headed on a good day and downright explosive on a bad one. Still, most tend to refer to her as the calm sister without realizing neither are.


Lucia had always been the calmer twin between her and her sibling. She never felt that anger towards her mother that her sister did and it truthfully grew to agitate her. She felt as though Lacey had drawn all the attention towards her because she required constant placating from both parents. She didn't hate Lacey but she certainly felt upset as it never really changed.

She spent much of her early years finding more companionship in the children of servants than in her own sister. So many would mention to her how amazing it must be to have a twin sister - a friend from birth - to walk this world with. Perhaps it might have been had they actually spent more than a few hours each day together. Lucia found her joy in exploration while her sister found her love in communication. She watched as the other families seemed to have no problems with their siblings and wondered what went wrong.

Was she to only be a footnote in her own twins story?

By the time she was eighteen and her parents had asked her to travel the world on her own, she felt as those Lacey was practically a stranger. She didn't linger in the town for long after she was given her things and a horse to take her wherever she wished to go. It was hard and she found it difficult to send her letters back home with nothing to show for her time away.

Eventually, she found her way to Venice, Italy and fell in love with the city. It so was different from her home and so close to the sea. For the first time she could dive beneath the surface and just keep going further and further. On her second week there, she accidently went too far out and came across a ship. To her luck, the people on board didn't notice her when she surfaced. Well, she thought no one noticed her until she met a pair of eyes staring into her very soul. It scared her to backing down below the surface and praying to any being that would listen that the woman would simply believe Lucia to be a mere illusion.

To her misfortune, she recognized the ship in the port not even a few days later and had a feeling she would meet that woman again. She was right when she met her gaze again in the market place and saw the spark of recognition. She all but ran away, thankful that the woman seemed happy to follow her into solitude instead of loudly stating what she was for the whole world to know. The woman introduced herself as Carmela. The two began to talk and Lucia explained what she could so long as the woman promised to keep it a secret.

The woman vowed to keep it a secret for a price - a date with the siren. Lucia agreed with a red face; one date... which quickly turned into a few dozen. Carmela would go away for some months before returning to Venice and the siren. One day, she came home and asked Lucia to marry her. The siren agreed for a price - they go home to Arkley.

The couple found their way back to the familiar cobblestone streets of Lucia's childhood and married several months later. While Carmela would disappear for several months at a time, she would always come back home into the arms of her wife.
Carmela Mulvahil

Age: 42
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Carmela is a strong-willed woman with a steely resolve. Her years of experience that give her a aura of confidence and authority that tells one not to trifle with her. She is outspoken with no hesitation to stand her ground against those she probably shouldn't. It probably doesn't help that she's one of the most stubborn people this side of the world. Despite her rough and tough exterior, she's absolutely soft for her new found family.


Carmela was born to the captain of The Vittoria and his first mate during a great storm. Her mother told her with pride that she refused to wait for even a moment longer; the girl was born to the sound of rolling thunder and crashing wave. Perhaps that is way she took to the sails and life so well. She was brought onto shore every time the ship was docked, but Carmela walked her only little toddler legs back onto the deck. She fell off the gangplank a few times, actually. Gave her father a heart attack at every turn.

She grew up simply knowing what to do on ships. She never had to be taught more than a few things and even those were rather easy for her to grasp. She was a little prodigy on the sea. She was not, however, very good with a sword or musket or even a cannon. Her swings hit too weak and her shots often went wide. It took her constantly training for her entire teenage years to get any good with any of those weapons. Truthfully, she never got too good with the musket and preferred the sword. The Vittoria never saw enough battle to warrant her getting better. Pirates did show up, but her father or mother would protect her even if she was the best fighter on the ship. Such is the way of parents, she supposed.

One night, when she was around nineteen or twenty (she can't remember now), she saw a flash of red out in the water. Her mind panicked for a moment, believing the young cabin boy to have fallen off the ship. She ran over to the edge and met the eyes of a woman hiding just below the surface. She was about to call out to her and offer her a rope when the woman disappeared below the surface with a flick of her tail. Tail. Carmela's mind blanked when she comprehended what she saw. As far as she was aware, sirens were tall tales sailors told to pass the time. Yet she just saw one a few miles from Venice of all places.

She had believed it to be a figment of her imagination until she found the woman in the markets of Venice. It probably wasn't the smartest idea to chase after a creature said to lure people to their deaths before eating them but Carmela never claimed to be smart. Luckily, the woman - Lucia she said - had simply asked her to keep it a secret. Carmela immediately blurted out she would if she would go on a date with her.

Carmela felt like she wanted to crawl into her bed and never come back out. What happened to the woman that moved with confidence? To her amazement, Lucia agreed. They enjoyed many nights together despite her leaving to go on trips again and again. Eventually, she finally decided to ask Lucia to marry her.

They headed to Arkley to marry and live, though Carmela would occasionally travel to the nearest port and travel with her parents once again.

Arkley Citizens
Mayor Audra Turner

Age: 50
Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter | European Badger

Audra is a pragmatic woman well suited for running a town of people as strange as she is. She's progressive in her views and sees little problem with letting people be they wish to be. She is, surprisingly, a very religious woman and is quite devoted to the Predecessors. Perhaps that is the reason she sees no issue with the Whitmores and their deal with Decay? She's quite diplomatic and respectful to outsiders. It is due to this that she is able to easily turn outsiders attention away from the town of Arkley.


Audra was actually not born in Arkley despite popular belief. She doesn't quite remember where she was born, but she remembers the beaches and crashing waves. Her mother, a shapeshifter that could turn into a little cardinal, had lost her husband not long before heading to Arkley for the annual festival with her five year old daughter. She likely wanted to cheer her only child up after the recent loss. Audra's mother entered the raffle despite the warnings of the local doctor - a Scottish man named Dearil Bell - and died in the forest. The little girl was taken in by said doctor after realizing she had no one else to take her in.

She doesn't remember much about her mother - not her eyes, or her voice, or her smile - but she does remember the smell of her perfume. It was the smell of rosemary. That was all Audra had of her mother growing up under the caring if not absent minded hands of Doctor Bell. He was a good man but acted more like a brother than a father. Perhaps this was in part due to his young age, but he did try his best. No one else would step up and take care of the little lost girl.

Her childhood was fairly normal for someone in Arkley. The townspeople forgot over time that she wasn't born there which was certainly helped along by the fact she could transform into a little badger. She never had any problems and grew into a beloved figure. She was actually nominated to run for Mayor by the previous one.

She has spent many years caring for the town of Arkley. Audra loves this place and its people and nothing will stop her from keeping it safe.

Age: ??
Gender: Female
Species: Faerie

Morwenna is a... strange person to be sure. She's well loved and easy to get along with, but there's something not quite right about her. That should say something in a town where people live to be abnormal. Still, she's quick to laugh and offer sagely advice at the drop of a dime on all matter of topics. She seems to always know when she's needed and can almost be in two places at once. She's rather difficult to anger and is known as a bit of a free spirit. Oh, and be wary; she had a bad habit of collecting things so if you loose something, check her shop.


There is not a soul in Arkley that knows where Morwenna came from. Records state that she's been there almost as long as this town has existed. She hasn't visibly aged but neither does she avoid the sun. She is certainly a Faerie as that's the only thing that makes sense. Mind you, that is also speculation.

When people ask Morwenna about what she is, she laughs. When people ask where she is from, she laughs. When people ask where she gets some of her inventory (she has an ancient Akkadian speak, for goodness sake), she laughs. It seems to bring her genuine enjoyment to leave people guessing everything about her. The citizens of Arkley are sure she would have kept them guessing her name had she not named her shop after her.

Wait. Is the shop actually named after her?
Doctor Dacey Barnett

Age: 35
Gender: Male
Species: Wendigo

Dacey is an intelligent if eccentric man. He's very calm and well mannered despite being host to a wendigo, but this likely comes at the price of being the most intense person in the room. People tend to avoid his eyes for that reason - they hold an otherworldly power behind then and an intense hunger. Still, he's trustworthy enough to be their doctor as he hasn't given into that hunger in the whole five years he has made Arkley his home. He's actually quite the conversationalist.


Doctor Dacey Barnett is a rather mysterious man that appeared in town one summer five years ago. He claimed that he has very little memory of anything prior to a year ago when he became host to a wendigo. In his words, it is an ancient creature he share his body with and surely he must be right for the wendigo seems patient. The beast obviously hungers, but does not force control. Many wonder what it is waiting for.

Whatever the case, he was welcomed into Arkley with little hesitation when he revealed that he was a medical doctor. The town had lost their previous one a few years prior and were desperate enough to accept a man as potentially dangerous as him. Dacey never caused any problems and proved to be a very good doctor. He was capable of using healing magic, creating potions, and diagnosing numerous diseases and illnesses.

He even offered to take in an orphan left by the Festival only two years ago. Dacey treats the boy as his own and has tried to get him to train under him. But children do as children do - cause mischief and chaos for adults. The boy shows promise if only he would just stay still.
Jessie Butler

Age: 31
Gender: Non Binary
Species: Wendigo

Jessie is a loner at heart trapped on borrowed time. They do their best to distance themselves from people but can't due to their compassionate nature. They quite sweet when you get to know them for all their doom and gloom appearance. They take pride in their work and is actually quite the perfectionist. Had fate been kinder, they likely would have been an artist traveling the world or an inventor showing off their innovations. Jessie really is very smart and creative, but they can't stand to fight the hunger within them for long enough to live amongst others.


Jessie Butler was actually a human raised in Arkley. Their father was practically exiled from his home due to his inclination towards necromancy and other darker magics. He had lost Jessie and their mother to an illness. He had tried to resurrect them both, but only Jessie's soul returned. The townspeople found out and formed a mob, chasing them both out with naught but the clothing on their back.

They found their home in the town of monsters where Jessie thrived. They weren't judged for being different nor for having once been dead. The doctor of the town made sure to keep a close eye on the child, but reported that nothing seemed to be wrong with them. They had only been dead for less than half an hour when their father had preformed the spell. The doctor guessed that was why is had worked.

Truthfully, Jessie didn't notice anything different. Sure, their body ran unnaturally cold and their blood was a bit sluggish, but they were alive. They grew up rather normal and lived a normal adult life as an apprentice to a local painter. They even adopted a child seven years ago after deciding to never marry. They were happy with their career and their new daughter!

Then they woke up with a darkness creeping into their mind. Jessie felt hunger like no other, but refrained themselves from doing anything. They knew well what this was - had seen it once before in Arkley. The new doctor was a wendigo and now so were they. Jessie cut themselves off from almost everything, taking up the mantle as the graveyard keeper to keep themselves away from people. They told their daughter to stay away to keep her safe, but the stubborn girl refused. Jessie drew the line at them staying in the same house and made sure their daughter lived in a townhouse.

Life was turning very lonely out here.
Phil Jones

Age: 70
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter | Clydesdale Horse

Phil is perhaps the most friendly, talkative man you will ever meet. He can talk to anyone for hours and it's almost difficult to send him on his way once he begins a conversation. It makes him rather approachable, but very energetic despite his age. Not to mention he is quite the optimist that loves to make people see how things will turn out fine in the end. Perhaps that is why he is so good at giving advice... though he does need to learn when it is wanted or not.


Phil is was born in Arkley, raised in Arkley, and plans to die in Arkley. This always has and always will be his home no matter what happens. He imagines it's much the same for his daughter and grandchildren just as it was the same for his mother and grandfather. His family goes as far back as the town does, really. His ancestors were some of the first to settle here and work the farms for the Whitmore family. One of his own ancestors even married into the Mulvahil family!

He's truly proud of his heritage and always has been. It made growing up easy in a town like Arkley. He and his sister never had any problems and he grew up well loved by the others. Even when his mother struggled, he could go to his neighbors house to eat or visit the local inn for a free meal.

The way he sees it? This town has more than earned his and his families loyalty.
Shirley Burns

Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Shirley is known by most for being the most mature child her age. She's well loved for her calm and quiet nature but ability to empathize. All the older ladies of the town offer her proud smiles when she shows them her sketchbooks, telling her she'll go far with her talent. It took a long time for her to get comfortable enough to get close to the people of this town, but now she views them all as a big family. Her time here has really brought her out of her shell.


Shirley was born in the United States of America to many people's surprise. Her parents took her away from that all when trouble began to stir out of fear that they would somehow get caught in the crossfires. They weren't happy in London, but it was a home for them. They had plans to go back home after everything settled.

Or they had before they attended the Festival of Spirits in Arkley. Her parents both entered the raffle and won while she was left behind due to her youth. She hadn't minded at the time since it sounded boring, but then morning had come and they didn't return. She wandered around the cobblestone streets and asked where she could find them. A few locals helped her look until she revealed that they went into the forest, then they just looked at her with a bit of sadness.

It was an older lady that told her that they had left and would not be coming back. The lady held her as she cried and screamed and tried to run away before taking her in under her wings. She couldn't care for her in the long term, but she would house Shirley until a new home could be found for her. It was a local artist named Jessie that took the girl in and raised her as their own. She was hesitant at first but grew to lover her new parent and her new home. She felt like she actually belonged in this town unlike London.

When her new guardian became a wendigo, she refused to leave their side. Of course, they tried their hardest to push her away but she wouldn't lose another parent so easily.
Oliver Skidd

Age: 13
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Oliver is a pretty typical boy for his age, actually. He's friendly and would probably try to fist fight a Predecessor if he was given a change to. Not because he hated them or anything, he's do it just to see if he could. Don't be fooled by his dumb or even mischievous antics, he's incredibly smart and creative. Nothing will hold him back for long and he can rise to any challenge... so long as his guardian is nearby. He's still learning to trust that he won't be abandoned again.


Oliver did not have a very good early childhood, all things considered. His parents were very poor and they lived in a house with five other families. He became a chimney sweep at an early age to bring home money for his family since his mother was unable to work after an accident at the factory she worked at. It was a dangerous job for a child his age, but he learned to be fearless.

His father had apparently found a job at some distant city and he secured transportation for his family through a traveling performance group. The group would stop in a town called Arkley for a week before moving on to the town where the Skidd family would make their final home. The trip went well and the festival was amazing to Oliver. He got along well with a bunch of kids there and ran around playing with them from dawn till dusk.

The day after the festival rolled around and he woke up to neither parents there. He was confused and asked the performers where they were. The troupe leader told him that he had spoken to his father just an hour prior, but when Oliver asked around he found out that his father had left Arkley. Thinking maybe his dad had gone back to London to grab some things they might have forgotten, he began to search for his mother. Oliver was told by the locals that his mother took ill and had passed away the night before. The local doctor, Dacey Barnett, promised to look after him until his father returned.

Months passed and his father never returned. It dawn on the boy that he had been abandoned and that his father may have been the one that got his mother sick. He learned a lot under Doctor Barnett and knew that people don't simply fall ill and die within a matter of hours unless poison was involved.

The doctor refused to let him live on the streets and promised to look after him from now on. It was difficult for Oliver and he wakes up every day afraid that the man he views as his new father will leave him too.
Rosale Penn

Age: 73
Gender: Female
Species: Shapeshifter | Weaver Bird

Rosale is a rather no nonsense type of woman with a strong work ethic. The way she sees it - she's too old to care about appearances or lying. She'll tell you how things are in a straight-forward, honest manner. She's not one for frills or excess and has no desire to live a opulent life style. She's quite happy as she is, thank you very much. Don't think she doesn't have a sense of humor though, she absolutely does. She loves to throw dry quips out there and exchange humorous banter.


Rosale was not born in Arkley and actually only came here in her later years. She had already lived a fulfilling life designing and sewing clothing for the nobles of many cities and towns. She has never married nor has she ever had a child of her own blood. She doesn't wish to do either of these. Her legacy is not carried on by blood but by the children she trained to sew.

She settled in Arkley about a decade ago after finally accepting she has gotten too old to travel. She made her name rather quickly here by sewing beautiful costumes and outfits for the upcoming festival. It actually caught the attention of the founding families and she has spent months prior to the festival making their costumes. It makes her happy to be kept busy.

She does have an apprentice to help her too - the last one she will ever take. He is a member of one of the Fleming family and drives her up the walls sometimes. But, she is glad to have a chance to pass along her craft to one last person... even if she does have to hit him with a basket on occasion when he annoys her.

Mathias Penn

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Human (Probably)

Mathias is not what people would call a good man. Most would say he's not even an average man - he doesn't care for his family, he finds enjoyment in watching others fall for the lies he spins, and he could watch a man die with a set of eyes as cold and empty as the sea. Perhaps he wouldn't be as bad as he is if it wasn't for just how intelligent and talented he is at what he does. You'll not find a man better at getting what he wants. He's observant and adaptable and can convince you the sky is actually green. He'll do this all with a sharp glint in his eyes, a grin on his face, and a dagger behind his back. And worst of all, he has an irresistible charm to him that simply draws people in.


Mathias was born in the slums of a town called Marque - a blot on the British countryside if you ever asked him. His mother worked from dawn till dusk. His father worked from dawn till dusk. His grandfather worked from dawn till dusk. And all they could afford was a small shack with broken doors and holes in the walls that left them freezing in the winter. He had no toys, he had no friends, he had nothing - nothing but a voice and an amazing ability to sing.

He used to lay by his mother and father late at night and sing to them. Sometimes it was mindless little tunes he heard grandmothers around the slums sing; sometimes he sang of far off places and great fortunes. Eventually, he learned he could sing on the streets to bring in just a little more money. He would travel from establishment to establishment until they kicked him to the curb for being a slum rat. One day when he was seventeen he found a place where the owner took one look at him and told him that if he would sing here every night, he would give him better clothes and offer him coin for every performance.

His voice brought in dozens, maybe even hundreds, of patrons that would sit and listen for hours. The owner of the establishment took him to the side one day and told him that someone wanted to speak to him. A man dressed in a white and black suit sat at a desk when he was brought in and he spoke to Mathias of how much good he did for this little bar. He told the boy that he could do a lot more good for his friend if he only agreed. He could live in a mansion and travel beyond this town if he just said yes. The man told him of the Marque Blanche and how they could use a man with the voice of a siren. His talent could bring them fortune - he could make deals with businesses and recruit many.

Mathias told him yes. He left behind his parents and their shack and never returned - they likely never knew what even happened to their only son. He left and what the man had spoken came true. He could spin words like no other and soon the whole town fell to the Marque Blanche much to the scorn of their rivals. They waged war on the Marque Noire after he helped steal their assets and make some of their people turncoat.

His life had turned around and it was all thanks to his new family. He owed them everything and in return he would do anything - even bring their presence to such a tiny strange town as Arkley.
Haskell Bellerose

Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Human

There is something wrong with Haskell - something that should exist in his mind that doesn't. He's detached from his actions - doesn't seem to enjoy or hate the pain he brings to others. His eyes remain blank, but holds an intensity that speaks a thousand words. He can see through you and the mask you wear for others. He's remarkably quiet for such a tall man and his touch is so very gentle until he doesn't want it to be. He knows the power he holds and it shows - a quiet confidence that tells the story of his abilities with just a glance. Perhaps he was once a human with a smile that compared to the sun and perhaps he once had the best jokes and quips that made his mother giggle for hours; perhaps he was once destined to save lives, but that life is long gone now.


Haskell origins begin in a little run down cottage only a few miles from the outskirts of Versailles, France. His mother had no midwife and no family to help bring him into the world during a sudden downpour that would flood the nearby river banks. Perhaps that should have warned his mother of the misfortune he always felt he brought her. Instead she smiled and wept with tears of joy as she held her son close to her chest and named him Haskell - her little protector.

His childhood was filled with his mother teaching him as they lived too far from any school or tutor - she had apparently been a teacher herself. It was only when he was fourteen that he found out that she had taught the son of his father - a nobleman named Marius Vaugeois. She never told Haskell what happened or why she agreed to the affair, but her far away eyes told him the story without him asking. He loathed his father and the hush money his mother received every month, but at least they could afford to eat and mother didn't have to work.

One day, not long after his sixteenth birthday, his mother fell deathly ill. He grabbed every coin he could find and rode on their horse all the way to the city to find a doctor. Most turned him away no matter the money he showed them - claiming he was a meer thief and they would not help someone like him. It was a poor woman with no magic in her blood but a lot of heart and a knack for plants that took his mother in without question. She worked tirelessly to save her but, ultimately, could do nothing. Poison. She had told Haskell that his mother died to poison - one she had no antidote for. The berries of a belladonna had killed his mother which could have been an accident perhaps, but he knew better.

He snuck into his fathers estate late at night and demanded answers from the man himself. Turns out - the man's wife and son discovered the truth and demanded he get rid of the 'pests' that 'plagued' their family. He ordered seven women and nine children to die for his own hubris - and Haskell was the only to survive. The man - his so-called father - offered him a fortune if he promised to leave France behind forever. Haskell smiled with a grin as thin as ice and twice a cold and told him no.

In the aftermath, the policemen locked him away in the darkest dungeon they could find. Haskell could hear them whispering in fear around him - speaking of the atrocities he committed, the bodies he left behind, and the fire that spread to nearby houses. They called him a monster and he couldn't find that they were wrong. He expected to die down in those cells with no light and his only neighbor a rat, but then a woman dressed in a white and black dress was escorted to see him. She told him that he could be free for a price. He could live his life in the dark or he could give his life to the Marque Blanche.

Haskell found it wasn't really a choice.
Virginia Paine

Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human

She's a tenacious little menace, that's for sure. She's loud and unapologetic and has a way of somehow endearing herself to you without your consent or knowledge. She loves to make awful jokes and throw out winks with a cocky grin on her face. She's incredibly friendly at surface level, but she rarely lets anyone see under that mask of hers. She trusts rarely, but when she does she'll never abandon you. She'll die at your side should she be given the chance to.


Virginia was born on the side of some dirt road in the middle of what most would call wild country. Her mama was a runaway sixth daughter of some rich ranch owner with several dozen cattle and only two thoughts to rub together. Her daddy was an outlaw of no name or renown; abandoned to the wolves by his own parents. They came from such vastly different worlds that - for all that she loved them both - she couldn't understand how they ever fell in love.

She loved the roads she rode on as a child and those rough and tumble groups of weirdos her daddy called family. Her childhood might not have been quite as nice as some city kid and she may have never gone to school to learn how to read, but she knew more than them anyway. She understood the world in a way they never would be able to. Her daddy taught her how to survive and her mama showed her how to take care of herself.

Things went bad when she was around fifteen, she thinks. The gang got into some trouble and her daddy disappeared along with some of the other men from camp one night. They were gone for weeks and the leader of the little group was raving mad. He spoke a lot of words Virginia cares not to repeat out of respect for her mama.

Her daddy came home one night and told them to be quiet as he packed up their horses with what little they had. None of the other men seemed to have returned with him. His eyes hide something haunting as they glow in the pale moonlight and the faint glow of the dying fire. He got her and mama on the horse and with a stern frown told them to ride as he handed them a slip of paper. He said he would meet them in a faraway place called Boston - he had got them all a place on a ship to take them somewhere they could start again.

Virginia desperately wanted to say no, but mama took the reins and they were off into the night. It took weeks of constant travel, but they found their way in a city like no other she'd seen before with people that spoke funny. They had a month still until they would be on the ship, but as time passed her daddy never showed up. Her mama had this faraway look in her eyes and eventually she took Virginia in her arms and told her to get on the ship when time came.

Mama rode off that night to find daddy and a week later Virginia became a passenger on a ship heading towards France. She waited in that country for two years, heading to the port every time a ship from Boston was set to come in. Eventually, she came to understand her parents were coming back and she was alone.

Virginia decided that, no matter what, she would find her way back to that place she once called home - she just needed money first to buy her passage. She was found after a nasty fight by a former samurai - whatever that was - called Mihara Teijo who offered to care for her till she could go back to her parents.

She thinks he's a strange one, that's for sure. She likes him though, he's almost like a second papa to her.
Mihara Teijo

Age: 42
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Teijo is a remarkably reserved man of few words and stern demeanor. He's a protector at heart and will guard someone with his life should he make an oath to them. He has a storied past and is haunted by the blood that follows him. He cannot leave the life of a warrior behind, but he wishes he did. He has someone to care for now - a girl he wishes to teach peace and not war. He has nothing to offer but his blade and his protection, and so he shall always offer both to her.


Teijo was born to serve as a retainer for his clan just as his father had and his grandfather had. His bloodline could be traced back hundreds of years as a line of great, loyal warriors. He was raised to follow the way of code that many others before him had followed too. He was a prodigy with the blade - training alongside those twice his age and twice his size. His talents brought him to the forefront of his clan. He knew he was destined for greatness.

Or he should have been. His life training to protect his clan meant nothing in the end. They disbanded and the title samurai meant nothing anymore. The world as he knew it - the world he grew up in - was changing and he no longer fit in. His eyes, once proud and unwavering, turned to the gaze at the west. He no longer fit in his homeland, but perhaps he could find the place where he belonged out there.

He spent almost two decades roaming the world from Asia to Africa to Europe. He spilt the blood of men he never knew existed in the name of men he never knew the names of. He fought alongside the strangest of people and fought for things he never knew he could believe in. He has made friends and enemies with so many people.

He doesn't regret leaving his homeland behind. Especially not after finding Virginia. He could still remember finding the young girl fighting off three people with naught but a broken bottle and some creative, but non vulgar expletives. The young girl was a scrawny little thing - almost feral if you asked him. He decided right then and there that he would care for her.

They've wandered together for close to two years now, gathering money for her (and his) passage to the Americas. He thinks he'll miss the girl when she's gone.
Cordelia Flint

Age: 30
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Cordelia was born sharp in mind and tongue. She has never known how to be anything but ruthless in her words, actions, and choices. Those around her have always been and always will be worthless to her - nothing but pawns in a game she will win. She's not afraid to cheat, lie, or kill her way to victory. She's a cold calculating killer with a darkness that lurks underneath. Somehow in a town of actual monsters, she is the one you should fear.


Cordelia has never known the hardship that many faced in life - she never went hungry, she never felt winter's cold embrace, nor death lingering just out of vision. Born the only child of Lord Flint and heir to the largest criminal empire London has ever seen has left her with nothing to grieve. She was raised with the belief that she was above everyone around her. Even other nobles would be nothing but dirt beneath her feet. She took those lessons to heart.

She became involved in her father's empire at the age of fifteen when she demanded to learn how to fight. Her maid had spoken to her in a hushed voice of another servant that was violated and carried a child she hated. Cordelia would have scoffed at the thought of any attempting to do such a thing to her. She had never been some weak-willed lady destined for the life of a mother and wife. No, she refused to be brought down to that level.

Perhaps it was her destiny to be a fighter because she excelled. She learned fast and grew merciless; her aim was immaculate and her hits were fast and fierce. She was quickly recognized as the best sharpshooter in syndicate and was sent after runaways as soon as he felt comfortable doing so. She spent the next ten years hunting people down and enjoying it beyond measure. She was made to be the hunter.

She had never once failed.

She'll not stop now. Cordelia comes to Arkley to hunt down some little upstart boy that decided that a roof over his head was not enough. She could have sneered when she was given the file on him - their generosity was never enough for them. In her eyes, some of them shouldn't even be brought back to London. Her father's orders are law, however, and she will not disappoint him.
Bao, Herald of Death

Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Species: Immortal Human

Bảo is a solemn and quiet woman who seems to watch the world around with impassivity. Perhaps it is her strong connection to her Predecessor that allows her to react as though nothing matters to her. She cannot die and has witnessed death too many times to count. Her life is her vows to Death - she will not hesitate to carry out its orders. She cares not for family or friends or love when it beckons and she will always answer.


Bảo does not remember where she was born in truth. The streets of her childhood, the faces of her parents, the name of her husband - gone. Time makes all things fade, she supposes. The only part of her mortal life that still lingers is the pain that drove her to Death. Her son… gone before she could even see his face. They wouldn't let her hold the body even after she begged and pleaded on that bed. They told her that the pain would be too much.

It was already too much. Not even a week after, she broke free from a catatonic state and fled barefoot in the middle of the night. She ran and ran until her feet bleed and she could go no further. Bảo believes she would have died that night had she not found the old ruined temple - or perhaps she had and Death had brought her back. It mattered little when the voice of Death spoke up and asked her to kneel and take an oath. He was in need of a chosen knight - someone worthy and willing to leave everything behind.

Bảo had never been religious but even she could not deny the voice of a Predecessor. He beckoned her forward to an altar and welcomed her into his embrace. She could still remember the cold touch… but it was gentle and kind. Violence was not his way and it would not be her's now either.

She has spent decades or perhaps centuries carrying out his orders. She walked the mortal realm so he would not have to. It is on his orders that she has come to Arkley. Something otherworldly lingers in this strange town - something far stronger and far older than any vampire, wendigo, or fae. Her duty will be to seek it out and find out why it will not return home. Those born from beyond the Mirror should not linger amongst mortals for long.
Kholodova Valkna Petrovna

Age: 32
Gender: Female
Species: Human

Valkna is a visibly calm and calculating individual with a deeply scornful outlook on life. She rather hates the world she lives in and sees her hunting as making it a better place. She's self righteous in her ways and too stubborn to see that not every supernatural being is evil. She's quite the puzzle solver and can solve a mystery in seconds. She's quiet and unsociable, but a fierce protector with a soft spot for animals.


Valkna and Vasil were born to a family that makes their home deep in the Siberian tundra. They were taught about the existence of monsters since they were just children - how some might be good but most were not. How vampires feed on humans and fae trick the innocent; how shapeshifters turn into beasts and how banshees follow death. They were taught to always be wary and to always trust their eyes, their blades, and their magic.

The twins were born into a bloodline that was cursed - or perhaps blessed - with sight to see that which people hide. It makes hunting monsters easy. Afterall, they live in hiding amongst humans. This can also lead to finding out secrets that humans try to hide too. One is a murderer, another a runaway. The Kholodova twins deal with human monsters the same as real ones too.

They're considered wanted criminals by any city they have hunted in. Their faces are drawn in meticulous detail on wanted papers and their names are passed on by word of mouth. Some of their deeds have even reached the ears of those in Arkley.

They come to Arkley seeking answers for the disappearance of a long gone hunter named Weston. He was a dear friend of their grandfathers and came at his behest. Grandfather gave them his last letter which spoke of the belief that Arkley holds more monsters than just one vampire. They have come prepared for a great hunt.
Kholodova Vasil Petrovich

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Vasil is a carefree but ultimately hot headed individual with a fearless outlook on life. Next to his sister's unsociable nature, he proves to be charming and charismatic. He is quick to adapt and quite resourceful. Survival and wit is his strength, but he's quite the fighter too. He's known for his sense of humor - or lack thereof if you ask Valkna. She doesn't enjoy his dark quips and blasé attitude towards the dead or dying.


Valkna and Vasil were born to a family that makes their home deep in the Siberian tundra. They were taught about the existence of monsters since they were just children - how some might be good but most were not. How vampires feed on humans and fae trick the innocent; how shapeshifters turn into beasts and how banshees follow death. They were taught to always be wary and to always trust their eyes, their blades, and their magic.

The twins were born into a bloodline that was cursed - or perhaps blessed - with sight to see that which people hide. It makes hunting monsters easy. Afterall, they live in hiding amongst humans. This can also lead to finding out secrets that humans try to hide too. One is a murderer, another a runaway. The Kholodova twins deal with human monsters the same as real ones too.

They're considered wanted criminals by any city they have hunted in. Their faces are drawn in meticulous detail on wanted papers and their names are passed on by word of mouth. Some of their deeds have even reached the ears of those in Arkley.

They come to Arkley seeking answers for the disappearance of a long gone hunter named Weston. He was a dear friend of their grandfathers and came at his behest. Grandfather gave them his last letter which spoke of the belief that Arkley holds more monsters than just one vampire. They have come prepared for a great hunt.
Lorenzo Albani

Age: 45
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Lorenzo is a man of faith and righteous devotion. He is fervent in his belief and, perhaps, for good reasons - Fate itself whispers in his ears. It tells him secrets that would change the world and orders him to keep them silent until the right moment. He's constantly afraid of what he knows and what he must do, but deals with it all silently. He carries great wisdom, humility, and compassion but struggles every day to carry out his duty to Fate. His job is not an easy one.


Lorenzo was raised between the temple in Italy and the Great Temple in Egypt. He struggles to remember his upbringing - the whispers of Fate have taken much from him. He thinks he remembers his mother was a knight that always smiled and his father was a Priest of Love that never failed to offer him a hug. He… doesn't remember anything else about them. He doesn't even really remember what the temples look like either. It has been so very long since Fate has allowed him to rest.

Fate has whispered to him again recently - a secret that could change the very world. It whispers to him that something is coming and this knowledge must be taught now to later save the world. It drives Lorenzo mad… who could possibly need to know how to kill a Predecessor? Sometimes he wonders why he was chosen of all the priests in the world.

Lorenzo actually debated on defying the order of his Predecessor for the first time but… He has long since accepted that is an agent of Fate. Destiny cares not for morality only what must happen and when. If some small town in the English countryside is where his fate calls him to, he shall go.

He comes now to Arkley by the orders of Fate. It is here that he knows his destiny will end and the death of the world will begin.

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  • I'm SHOOK
Reactions: The Lotus Archives
Arkley Public Library

The Arkley Library, founded by the Mulvahil family, is a haven for knowledge seekers. Housed in a historic building with towering bookshelves, it holds a vast collection of arcane tomes, local lore, and ancient manuscripts. Scholars, researchers, and curious townspeople gather here to immerse themselves in the written words of forgotten eras.

Morwenna's Curiosities

A quaint shop tucked away on a cobblestone side street, This shop is a treasure trove of peculiar artifacts and enchanted items. From ancient talismans to trinkets, this shop caters to the fascination of collectors and those who seek to harness the power of the unknown. Morwenna, the enigmatic shopkeeper, possesses an uncanny ability to discern the true nature of her customers' desires.
The Town Square

The heart of Arkley is its bustling town square, where locals gather for various events and markets. On market days, stalls line the square, offering fresh produce, homemade goods, and peculiar trinkets. It is a vibrant meeting place for townsfolk to barter goods and experience the sense of community that binds Arkley together. This is where the yearly festival takes place.

Arkley Cemetery & Mausoleum

A solemn yet atmospheric place, nestled on a hill overlooking the town. Weathered tombstones stand as sentinels, guarding the resting places of Arkley's departed. Locals believe the cemetery holds ethereal beauty that draws visitors who come to pay respects or seek solace in the tranquil surroundings. There are three mausoleums for the three founding families.
The Silver Hart

A mysterious and renowned teahouse and inn owned by Myron Whitmore is a hub of intrigue and whispers. Its dimly lit interior, adorned with plush velvet curtains and ornate chandeliers, offers an atmosphere of intimacy and secrecy. Patrons gather here to discuss the town's mysteries over cups of aromatic tea and delicacies infused with rare herbs and spices.

Whit Pigments

A lovely little shop not far from the town square founded and owned by Armand Whitmore. It's patrons are greeted by a peaceful atmosphere and displays housing vibrant oils paints and watercolors. The sound of glass pigment bottles light clinking against one another as they are perused and soft chatter makes this small shop feel miles away from the hustle and bustle of the streets outside.
The Wild Rose

A somber flower shop located not far from the heart of the town along a quiet cobblestone street. It is owned by a solemn faerie named Katherine who sells flowers of all types though her most popular is the rose. One would think that is would be a vibrant place full of life and perhaps it is, but something sorrowful hangs in the air.

The Bloodstone Vial

A strange, quaint shop co-owned by a Master Alchemist and a Master Potioneer where anyone can find a potion or elixir for their every need. The proprietors have never spoken their names to the people of this town, leaving a rather mystique air about the little shop located in a dark allies. The halls of this store are littered with discarded towering stacks of cauldrons and the floors are littered with loose papers filled with near illegible scribbles that might be spells or a shopping list.
The Achaemenes


The Clinic of Arkley

WIP. Co-Owned by Dacey Barnett and Baron Grady.
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Myron Whitmore

Find Me by Aviators
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Shapeshifter | Red Deer
Sexuality: Demisexual
Occupation: Owner of the Silver Hart
Role: Founding Family


Likes: Nature, Botany, Tea, Wildlife, Forests, Gardens, Potions, Poisons, Sweets
Dislikes: Violence, Disrespect, Yellow, Winter, Dandelions, Snow, Cold Weather

Myron is a gentle and compassionate young man with a deep affinity for nature. His nurturing and empathetic spirit shines through his aptitude for herbalism, potion making, and healing. He has a warm demeanor and often offers a listening ear and comforting shoulder to cry on to visitors and citizens alike. The shapeshifter cherishes his family and loves every single one with his whole heart. His family is all he truthfully cares for in life, but their nature and his own still disturbs and haunts him. Still, he tries to keep a light heart and a smile for everyone he meets. He'll offer a quick joke or a little story told in soft voices; a warm, comforting embrace and a hand to hold in times of need.

He is reluctant to participate in the annual festival. He finds it rather macabre and sinister to treat this all as some great party. Perhaps he has too much empathy for those that enter the forest, or at least that is what his grandmother might tell him. She worries over him, as does his father. His other form is no deadly predator and his gentle nature makes him reluctant to act. It is a struggle for him every time this event comes around - he would much rather simply forget this all happens.


Myron was born only moments before his twin brother, Horace, to Waverly Whitmore and a woman he never learned the name of. He had always been told that she had simply left one day and wanted nothing to do with her sons. It devastated him to hear as a child but he was grateful in a way to never keep hoping she'd return. Besides, he had his brother and his father and his cousins and his aunts and uncles. He had no shortage of love in his life growing up.

Myron and Horace spent much of their early childhood side by side. It was, perhaps, his fondest memories to date. They played together, went to school together, explored the forest and the town together; they even shared a bed while they slept. One day, however, Horace just stopped. It seemed to him that his brother decided to move on without him. He spent the nights crying alone as night terrors kept him awake. It was rough for him that first year without his brother to constantly rely on. His calm and kind demeanor nearly broke a few times as depression grew in the back of his mind.

He was able to hide it from everyone for a while. He expected his brother or his father or even his aunt Minerva to discover just how upset the sudden separation caused him to be, but no - it was his grandmother. Vella spent most of her days within the manor caring for it and was the only one there at times when Myron cried or stared with empty eyes into nothing. She confessed to him that she had seen that face before on a childhood friend before her disappearance and refused to let him leave her too.

She brought him out to the gardens of the Whitmore manor and introduced him to the groundskeeper - a man named Gregor. There he learned to care for plants and, once Myron had grown older, was even given his own area to grow stuff as he pleased - the greenhouse. It became his new way of dealing with those dark dreams that haunted him and eventually became his well loved hobby. He decorated the greenhouse and separated it into three sections - a place for flowers, a place for tea, and a place for vegetables. He even set up a station where he could make potions and give them to the locals or to the doctor.

One late night while the rest of his family was asleep and the nightmares reared their heads, he grabbed a book on potions and decided to flip to a random page and make what was on it. He quickly grew confused to the purpose of the potion in front of him before realizing it wasn't a potion at it - It was poison. Quite the deadly one too if Myron understood it correctly. He nearly closed the book to go find another one but found he couldn't. He hesitated but knew that learning to make poisons may just help him one day - may save a family member or townsfolk if he could identify and make an antidote. At least, that is what he told himself as he held the finished product in an innocuous white and silver bottle. From that night onward, he would craft poisons left and right and keep them in a wood cupboard in the greenhouse locked with him and his twin brother holding the only two keys.

On the night of his sixteenth birthday, Waverly took Myron out to a clearing with his family and told him of the family curse. How in just a few moments he and his brother Horace would undergo a painful transformation. He wanted desperately to run to his twin at the moment, duck behind him and pray this would all go away, but he felt paralyzed. His pain took over and his body contorted until it took on the shape of his new form - a stag with razor sharp antlers. He doesn't remember much of that night honestly, but three things stood out to him. One, the look of sorrow and despair etched onto his fathers face. Two, his grandmother frowning in disappointment. And three, his brother finding his new form in a panther.

Myron felt weak for the first time in his life - a blot on the family name. He learned everyone else had great and powerful creatures to shift into. He was a deer… Just a deer. All that pain that he went through for a form that was meant to help him survive and he got a prey creature. He became something that humans hunted when he was supposed to become what hunted them. He spent nights researching potions that would maybe allow him to change his form. Surely some shapeshifters out there hated their beasts. In the end, he found nothing after searching every library in town and even asking Morwenna if she had anything.

He was stuck - trapped as a burden to his own family. He knew that he would not be left alone during the hunts, so he spent weeks attempting to perfect his transformation. He learned how to move faster and stronger in his new skin. He found he was able to move things in his stag skin that any normal deer shouldn't be able to do. He learned how to listen to the creatures of the forest and how to blend into the shadows that lingered there. It was during one of these nights that he heard the sounds of someone running. It piqued his curiosity and he galloped towards the sound only to skid to a stop as the form of a small child came into view. The poor thing looked dreadful and he felt his heart sink as he took in the child's appearance. He refused to leave her there and, though it took a bit, coaxed the child onto his back. He carried her as fast as he could but found himself unable to get into the mansion due to his size. Luckily, Aunt Serena had been reading in the library and saw his rapid approach. The older woman ran outside after asking the butler to fetch her husband and Waverly. He left the child - who he later learned to be named Majna - to the woman as he transformed back.


If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
He won't stop his family from doing what they must to survive, but he won't actively help either. He also actively warns people away form the raffle to save them but few listen. He's only ever helped one person leave the forest during the hunt, but he might do it again.

Mina Delagney

Disappear by Mylie Taylor
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Species: Vampire
Sexuality: Asexual
Occupation: Constable
Role: Citizen


Likes: Arkley, the townspeople, thunderstorms, nighttime, blades, wolves
Dislikes: Summer, spiders, her biological family, being ignored, ridiculous expectations, parents ignoring their children

Mina had always been a bit of a wild child, at least in her parents eyes. She would never settle down and didn't take well to instructions. She lost that fire within her as she grew up under the heavy hand of her parent's expectations. She learned to keep her thoughts and feelings to herself, told that quiet resentment was perfectly normal. She gained a determination to break free and a hatred for restrictions that her life brought. She was never a social butterfly that her parents had demanded, instead she was a silent and wrathful and unwilling to make friends. That upbringing still reflects in her personality to this day though she has slowly gained that spirit she once had.

When she was no longer bound by the constraints of her family, she learned things about herself. She was adventurous, she loved fighting and she loved to make things herself. She became resourceful from her time on the road and gained a free-spirited approach to life.


Mina was born to a rather wealthy but rigid family who saw her only as a means to an end. She was born to expand their wealth and marry someone she didn't know and didn't love. She was taught at an early age to be a proper lady and never speak out against anything done to her. She hated it - she hated her whole family. Well, not all… She had an aunt that visited only rarely that would bring her many things - daggers, maps, a compass, and pictures of far off places. Mina began to dream of what it might be like if the aunt took her away with her one day.

At the age of seventeen, Mina gathered the courage to ask after being told she would marry the next year. Her aunt told her that she couldn't take her with her on those adventures as Mina would never truly escape her family that way. Instead, her aunt gave her one last gift and told her to make her own adventure. The gift was a pack with everything she would need to make it on the road. It was already prepared and ready to go before she had even asked and Mina felt like crying at that very moment.

That night she slipped away with the help of a servant, leaving only a note telling that she had left and was not coming back. She traveled on the road for months and saw many things. One day in the middle of spring, she found her way into a little town of strange people called Arkley who saw her for what she truly was - one of them.

She was taken under the wing of the Chief of the Police and given a job as a constable. The chief became almost a mother to her and was the one to turn her into a creature of the night. Mina took her surname and if anyone asked, that was her mother.


If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?
Yes, she knows the truth and she will never betray the Whitmore's. The people of this town are more of a family to her than those that share her blood. If a few outsiders need to be sacrificed to keep a few of her family safe, then so be it. She'll carry them to their graves herself if she has to.

Felix Fletcher

The Danger by Jon Car
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Species: Faerie
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Merchant | Thief
Role: Traveler


Likes: Dangerous thrills, forests, gossip, cats, stealing, dressing up, making deals
Dislikes: Physical touch, fog, police, dancing, being ignored

Felix is a charming and affable man that wouldn't hesitate to take your jewelry with a sleight of hand and a wiry grin. He's skilled at deception and masking his emotions behind an unflappable facade. Be wary around him - he's a smooth talker fully capable of talking his way out of trouble or into it if he wishes. While he seems quite friendly and helpful, Felix is driven by self-preservation and willing to betray those who trust him. He's been called a wolf in sheep's clothing by a few, and he's inclined to agree.

That all being said, he is still just a man. Felix can form genuine connections though he actively tries not to. It makes it a lot harder to walk the path he does if he makes friends. He's not an apathetic monster out for his own gain… Well, mostly. He is out for his own gain, but he does have morals! He doesn't steal from the poor and he doesn't trick children. And he… actually, not that's really it.


Felix has genuinely no idea where he came from nor what his real name is. That should probably concern him since he can only remember as far back as his sixth birthday - or the day he was found since he doesn't know his birthday. A homeless woman was actually who found him and technically raised him. They didn't really have a mother-son relationship. She made sure he survived and taught him the skills he uses everyday - she was also the basis for his human disguise. He was a faerie the woman had told him; a natural trickster who rarely leaves the outskirts of human society. She told him he was probably a changeling child and abandoned once they realized. There was no lost love between them when she disappeared one night and never came back. She hadn't even been the one to name him, he picked the name for himself when he began to scam people and steal.

Honestly, he lived day to day just trying to survive well into his teenage years. His life turned around when he accidentally stole a small fortune from a rich man. He taught himself how to identify those who had more money and began to target them instead. Many were naive or thought themselves infallible. He failed a lot in the beginning, but eventually he began to get away with more and more. Eventually, he had enough money to live comfortably but felt the call to move around.

He took to the roads and left the city of his childhood behind, seeking more fortune or perhaps more thrills.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

Laverne Wycliffe

Born Bold by Valley of Wolves
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Apprentice Journalist
Role: Traveler


Likes: Flowers, puzzles, journals, writing, mysteries, sketching, research
Dislikes: Crowds, nighttime, knitting, dresses, staying still, make up

Laverne is a determined and inquisitive young woman. Her insatiable curiosity fuels her passion for uncovering untold stories and shedding light on hidden truths. She possesses a keen intellect, sharp wit, and a tenacious spirit that drives her relentless pursuit of the truth. With a penchant for investigation, she fearlessly delves into any mysteries she can get her hand on, unearthing secrets that could shatter the facade of even the most idyllic of settings. Nothing will stand in her way when she sets her mind on a task. She's a fearsome foe to have and a great ally to keep close.

Laverne is a trailblazer, unafraid to challenge the status quo and expose the darkness lurking beneath the surface. Her indomitable spirit is matched by her unwavering sense of justice. She possesses a strong moral compass and a deep empathy for those whose voices are silenced. Her determination to seek the truth is fueled by a desire to bring about positive change and hold those in power accountable.


Laverne is the eldest of a pair of twins born to a rather famous professor, Dr. Charles Wycliffe. She and her sister, Lavina, grew up loved but sheltered. Her parents had another child before her and her sister that disappeared one day. They had searched for years before deciding to try to have another child. Even at an early age, this made her enraged - why had the so called police done nothing to find her lost sibling. She began sneaking around trying to find any information and asking questions to the older servants. It took years but she eventually gathered actual evidence that points towards her own uncle. He kidnapped her brother to replace his own dead son that he accidently killed in a fit of rage. She brought the evidence to a constable and asked him to do something about this.

What came of it was nothing. The constable either didn't look into the evidence or a higher up didn't care. All of her work was tossed out and when she went to her mother and father they refused to believe her. They thanked her for looking into this, but they told her that her cousin looked too much like her aunt for it to be anyone but hers. Admittedly, this broke her heart at that moment. No one believed her despite all the proof she found. Even her own twin told her that she simply couldn't believe family would do that to one another. So, she remained quiet about her interest in detective work after that day

Perhaps Laverne would have become the best detective the world had ever seen had she remained on the path before her. Yet, the inaction from the constable haunted her. She wondered if he cared or if his boss took one look at the case and threw it out. She looked more into the career only to find red tape blocking true justice in so many ways. The rich could pay their way out of any crime while the poor were tossed in prison without a trial. She felt remorse for that which she loved so much until she found an old, beat up newspaper. It was dated a few months prior and in its headlines told the story of a political figure arrested for murder.

Laverne had an epiphany. If the police could do nothing, then a citizen of this nation could. She worked hard for the next few years and became an apprentice under the esteemed Journalist, Edmund Carmichael. He was almost more of a parent than her own distant ones at times. He never missed her birthday and brought her gifts after each trip. He confessed to her that he never had a child and never married because the person he loved left him at the alter. He plans to leave her his fortune and estate, even offering to adopt her to avoid any issues.

She's been thinking about that more and more lately. She might accept his offer soon.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

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Reactions: The Lotus Archives
Armand Basil Whitmore
As Grief Consumes by Peter Gundry
Age: 24
Gender: Cisgender Male
Species: Shapeshifter—Tiger
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Owner of Whit Pigments art shop // Artist
Role: Founding Family Member (First-Born to Ambrose Whitmore)


Likes: Challenges, Art, Wine (a lot of it), Travelers, Talking about Art, Pastries, Nature, The Forest, His Siblings
Dislikes: The Hunt, The Forest, Fate, Screaming, Overwhelming Smells

There is a reason for his tiger form. Armand was born a tempestuous child, but with the nurturing of his father, a warm, confident, and observant son was produced to counter his born nature. His art is where he feels the most free, and it's usually where he gets a lot of his frustrations out. While he is not a fan of the hunt, his first kill made him a believer in Fate, and he has somewhat accepted what he must do...just enough to do it. He pretends that he is not in turmoil by using his excitement for challenges as a cover—a barrier from his true feelings, if you will. The hunt is not the sort of adventure he seeks, only a necessary evil. Because of this, he has a love-hate relationship with the forest.


However unfortunate, Armand is the first-born, bastard son to Ambrose Whitmore and black Frenchwoman Anais Bouchard. Ambrose was not always faithful to Serena, and at one point, he did love Anais before she died in childbirth. He was surely loved by his father, but as for his stepmother, he grew up wondering her feelings towards his existence. And as there often is, there was a bit of pressure on Armand as the first born. His birth was a violent one, and thus he grew to be a volatile child, and it took many days, months, and years for Ambrose to shape Armand from a blunt knife to a sharp sword. He was taught to cultivate his wit, trained to defend himself, and pushed to be among the sharpest in any given room.

One of the things that Armand found for himself that helped him keep his unpredictability at bay was art. He was rather good at it at a young age, discovering his affinity for it when he was 8 years old. It stuck with him, turning into his most powerful outlet for his more rash emotions, making room for his father's teachings. His determination stemmed a lot from not wanting to disappoint Ambrose. One can imagine his relief when his other form came out to be a predator—a tiger.

His first kill was one that stuck with him and one that will stick with him until the end of days. The closer he got to having to participate in the hunt, the bigger the pit that was in his stomach. And in the beginning, he tried to resist. There was a young traveler that he got to know, Brennan. A gifted teen, Brennan was well on his way to being led to the forest for the hunt, and as Armand started to like him, panic rose. He was close to steering him away from Arkley, but his father saw what he was doing and couldn't abide his reluctance that directly put Armand's life in danger, at the mercy of Decay. It did not end for Brennan, as Ambrose put Armand in a position where he had to make a split second choice—Armand killed Brennan in the hunt. Since then, Armand has been more resigned to his fate. In order to carve himself out a piece of heaven amongst hell, he grew to create his own art shop called Whit Pigments when he was 21. It's a one-stop shop for all things art, providing the best pigments around. He also is something of a custom mask maker.


If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Armand does not like the Hunt at all, however he is resigned to Fate. He won't help the travelers, and as far as hindering them, he keeps an eye out for Travelers that he believes may deserve it, to help assuage his guilt.

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Amarantha Whitmore
Amarantha Whitmore

Name: Amarantha Whitmore

Age: 23

Gender: Cisgender female

Species: Shapeshifter - Raven

Sexuality: Heteroflexible

Occupation: Event organizer, Medium

Role: Founding Family

Personality: Clever | Wily | Resourceful | Social | Uncompromising | Protective | Refined

Amarantha had been a precocious child who grew into an intelligent young woman. When younger, she was quite playful, and had got up to far too many antics to count. However, she'd also been pragmatic enough to understand what it took for the Whitmore family to survive, and even as an adolescent, she was willing to do what was needed. After losing her younger twin three years ago, however, she's become more somber.

The once bright-eyed young lady grew into a cunning, manipulative, and merciless adult. She will do whatever it takes for her and hers to survive and thrive, no matter how harsh or tragic others may view it. She has come to view outsiders, especially humans, as lesser. Yet, only those close to her are aware of her opinions. With potential targets (or worse, traitors), Amarantha acts the proper lady and graceful host. Still, her innate curiosity and interest in new things and people does occasionally take over what she deems her sensible side.

Likes: Storms | Her namesake flower | Family | Trinkets | The piano and violin | Arkley's traditions | Magic | Theater | Flying | Gossip | Intrigue

Dislikes: Nightmares | Meddling | Excess sympathies for outsiders | Morning breath | Very sour things | Restless spirits | Wolf howls | Muggy weather | Her family or friends being maligned


Amarantha was born the first child and daughter to Minerva Whitmore and Forrest Monaghan. Shortly after, in fact, mere minutes later, her younger twin brother, Artemas was born. Handling twins for the young inexperienced couple was a challenge, especially since the twins were a rambunctious bunch. Amy was investigative and Art adventurous; the two were extremely tight-knit, though they had frightsome quarrels here and there. They always made up, however, and often acted as two parts of a whole.

When Silvanus was born, the duo easily and happily accepted him. As time passed and their parents got more of a handle on how to deal with three energetic children, they managed to reign in some of their most chaotic tendencies. As they were older, Amarantha and Artemas were the first to mature. Still, they did have fights wherein each tried to establish dominance as the leader of their group; Amy on account of her seniority, and Art due to his natural tendency.

At 16, the two were already aware of the Whitmore curse, as their parents had chosen to inform them a year prior. Even so, the first transformation was difficult, the first kill even more so. But they had each other to rely on, their parents to help – and, as the Whitmores would say, they were thankfully both predators – so, they were able to get through with it. Amy as a menacing penumbral raven, and Art as a vicious shadow wolf.

To Amarantha, it seemed Artemas was actually the more reluctant; he was a very friendly individual, able to form firm bonds quickly. However, it wasn't his kindness which was fatal, but carelessness. He and his sister had been just having a bit of fun, chasing and harassing an incredibly rude, biased traveler that anyone would be glad to see dead. However, the man had had a weapon on him, had managed to injure Artemas, and escape. Amarantha promised Art to help capture the wayward human, and yet…

Because of that one escapee, there was one person short for the hunt. Amarantha had her own under the belt, but Art? Decay was astringent with its rules, and her brother's soul was taken. That day, Amy swore she would never let another target escape, no matter what. Before he left the town, she tracked down the prejudiced hunter and murdered him in cold blood. It didn't bring back her brother, nor did it give her much satisfaction.

Even so, she offered the taken life to her now deceased brother. The sacrifice spontaneously established a brief connection to the otherworld – she was sure she could hear and feel Art thanking her. Ever since then, Amy delved deep into necromantic magic, eventually becoming a medium. She also dedicated herself to helping advertise, arrange, and host the best events, so there would never again be a shortage of travelers Whitmores could make use of.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Amarantha is very active in luring in travelers and ushering them to their doom. Not only that, she will also prevent any attempts at interference; she judges help offered to travelers harshly, and might even deem it treasonous.
Far From Home // Sam Tinnesz
Majna Whitemore

How to Disappear Completely by Radiohead
Age: 15
Gender: Systemfluid
Species: Human
Sexuality: Pluralqueer
Occupation: Assistant of The Whit Pigments Art Shop
Role: Founding Family Member (Adopted child of Serena and Ambrose Whitmore)


Collective Likes: Stars, Rain, Snow, Jellies and Jams, Gemstones and Precious Metals, Their Mother, Their Brother.
Collective Dislikes: Thunderstorms, Explosions, The Cold, Blood, Furnaces, Aggressive Shouting, Carrots, Their Father.

Majna (The Cherry Blossom) - She/Her, Demi-Polysexual.
A young maiden with medium cranberry-tinted skin, decorated with pinkish vitiligo patterns. Her long hair is a fluffy white and very curly, and her eyes are a deep teal green. On her right hand, she has a freeze brand with the stylized letters "MN" and the numbers "21151" in smaller letters underneath. As the core, Majna fronts the most. She's a shy little lady of few words, and prefers to keep to herself, willingly only choosing her mother or her brother, or any other Whitmore that doesn't hate her for company. She writes down every little thing she needs to remember in her notebook, which her headmates read through if they find themselves confused on what's going on upon assuming the front.
(Theme Song: Far Away, Yet Somewhere by Hakaisu)

Faris (The Knight) - They/Them, Aroace.

Inside the headspace: A young individual of around 16 to 17 years of age. with their flowing blonde hair, fair skin, and piercing blue eyes, they're like a holy knight straight out of a storybook. Faris fronts when there is immediate danger to the Majna's body, or towards people that Majna cares for. They also front when addressing mother. Faris is the epitome of a "knight of justice". They regularly stand up for the needy and desperate. More than anything however, they seek mother's approval.
(Theme Song: Twisted Nerve From the Kill Bill Soundtrack)

Herman (The Spitfire) - He/Him, Pansexual.

Inside the headspace: A young boy of about 12 to 13 years of age. His short coily hair, dark eyes, and deeper skintone matches Majna's new older brother: Armand. Herman often fronts when Armand is nearby, but he's also a wildcard and will kick himself into the front whenever he feels like it. Herman's a wild child of the earth, wind, and sea, and loves to roughhouse; typical young-boy behavior.
(Theme Song: #14 Crush From the Splatoon 2 Octoling Expansion Soundtrack)


Majna was born to a loving mother and father far, far away from Arkley. That's right, Majna is not a Whitmore by blood. For the first three years of her life, Majna lived out her toddlerhood with her birth parents. Such heaven did not last forever, however, and Majna's birth village was burned to the ground by a group of outlaws. Majna's mother and father were slain, but those that raided the village saw value in Majna and sold her off at the nearest city: Marque, to a crime syndicate called The Marque Noire.
Majna spent the next few years of her life up until the age of 10 performing slave labor for the Marque Noire. She, like the rest of her kidnapped colleagues, worked the mines and the forge, gathering materials and crafting weapons for the Marque Noire to utilize. Majna, the weakest of the bunch, was often singled out and beaten into working beyond her limits.
Such a life was how Faris was born within Majna; they were originally nothing more than a fragment created to protect Majna's body from danger. Faris did not have a name, or even a conscious until long after Majna's escape from the crime syndicate that chained her.
The Marque Noire eventually collapsed due to a gang war with a rival crime syndicate: The Marque Blanche. In the midst of the flames, Majna scrambled away deep into the forest. It's unknown how long or how far she ran for, but when she collapsed within Whitmore property, she was nearly on death row.
Serena Whitmore raised Majna back to health and grew attached to her quickly. Originally, Ambrose was vehemently against taking in an outsider, even a young child like Majna, but after a long and intense argument. Ambrose gave in to Serena's desires and proclaimed that "This child may now be ours, but I won't have anything to do with her." As he stomped away. It is unknown how Serena managed to get her way; maybe Ambrose felt as if he owed his wife after his affair? What is known however is that Majna never saw Ambrose in person again.
Serena and Armand Whitmore welcomed Majna with exceeding warmth. As the years went by, the nightmares that chased Majna with every waking moment dispersed, but never disappeared. The trauma would always be there, but Majna is happier than she's ever been. She especially looks up to her older brother, which her newest headmate: Herman, was born from.
Majna tries not to think about the "skeletons in the closet" that Arkley hides. She's just glad she's not being physically harmed, that she has a warm bed and a filling meal everyday, and a family that loves her…well, most of them anyways. What more could she ask for?


As a member of a founding family, would Majna and her headmates attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Majna and Faris are willing to aid travelers they develop a close friendship with. Faris might aid a traveler regardless of their relationship with said traveler if they feel the traveler is especially worthy of being aided.
Herman does not care about the travelers. He probably won't help them, but he certainly won't hinder them.

Jamil De Bosque (Faye-Boulous)

The Legendary Hurricane Katrina by Kevin JZ Prodigy
Age: 27
Gender: Genderqueer (He/She)
Species: Human
Sexuality: Uranic
Occupation: Tavern Performer/Drag Queen
Role: Traveler


Likes: Fashion, Singing, Makeup, Gossip, Art, Bars and Taverns, Balls
Dislikes: Cemeteries, Backtalk, Waking up Early, Temple Bells, Winter

Jamil, also known as the illustrious "Faye-Boulous", has brown locs, brown eyes, and a dark complexion. A small mole rests on his bottom lip. Outside of his performance and in public spaces he wears a simple white suit. When assuming the role of "Faye-Boulous" however, she wears a red and purple gown with yellow gloves.
Jamil is incredibly sassy and determined. He knows what he likes, and he has the confidence to obtain it regardless of the obstacles in his way. Regardless of what identity Jamil assumes, he is rather feminine in his physical and social mannerisms, and he doesn't take any trash for it.


Jamil was born into a patriotic family that revolved their entire reputation around birthing war-heros. Jamil, like his brothers before him, was heavily trained in self-defense and combat and marched off to the military at the ripe age of 14.
Jamil never had the opportunity to explore his inner self up until that point. He always abided by the wishes of his parents. Ironically, joining a squad of soldiers presented Jamil with more freedom to explore himself than he ever had before.
Jamil served his four years for his country and came back home "a sissy" as Jamil vividly remembered his father saying. Now disowned by his own family, Jamil struggled within the city he grew up in. He barely made it by each day on street performances until Jamil's mentor, who went by the stage-name of "May-Morable", took Jamil in and taught him the art of drag.
Jamil was given the name "Faye-Boulous" by his drag mother and flourished under the spotlight. He felt truly free to express himself at the various balls and events that May-Morable hosted. When Jamil's birth-city proved to be too easy a mark for his glory, he traveled across various towns and villages to spread his grace as far as he could.
That's how Jamil came upon Arkley: there's a stage to be filled in that shadowed villa, and Faye-Boulous is all up for the challenge of gathering the audience's attention AND wallets.


Since Jamil is a traveler, would you be okay with him entering the forest after the festival?
Yes! Jamil can pack quite a mean punch; he did serve in the military after all! It would be fun to portray this queen struggling through the forest and defending himself and others against the Whitmores.

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Nikolas "Niko" Virgil Fleming

The Answer by Smallpools
Age: Twenty-Six (26)
Gender: Cisgender Male
Species: Vampire
Sexuality: Demisexual
Occupation: Tailor
Role: Founding Family Member (Son of Sydney and Theresa Fleming)


As with most Flemings, there is a certain sense of affluence that surrounds Nikolas. As if weaved into his genetic makeup, certain nuances of everyday life he simply does not understand. He'll never fully grasp the idea of not having enough money to do with whatever he pleases. Nor will he put the ties together between those around him who see him as nothing more than another wealthy offspring whose struggles in life border on which outfit looks best on his frame in the evenings. Due to this, some social cues simply go over his head. Rarely does he realize when people are being sarcastic, nor does he know a general criticism from a pointed jab. Call him daft, if you'd like, but he is merely a product of his upbringing.

Beyond the uppity air of a rich son that most note when first interacting with Niko, he possesses a confidence that most can only strive to achieve. Even in his grandest failures, it is difficult to find the young vampire without a casual grin on his features or a delicate shrug moving his shoulders. Rarely upset, Niko finds that walking through life with a blatant disregard toward others is preferable to allowing deceit and pain to grow close. At heart, Nikolas is someone who has no idea what he wants out of life. He depends on routine and expectations to walk him through life.

Likes: Fashion Designing | Monthly Allotted Blood | Night Walks | Witty People | Gossip | Dressing Up | Jewelry | Dancing | Reading | Giving Flowers | Interesting Travelers | Expectations (in certain circumstances)

Dislikes: Swimming | His Sleep Interrupted | Early Mornings | Bitter Smells (i.e. Coffee) | Messy Individuals | Dogs | Being Creatively Blocked | Joint Pain | History Lessons | Small Spaces | Sea Creatures (such as fish, not other supernaturals) | Getting Dirty


Growing up in the heart of Arkley, he was privy to most people who made the forgotten town their home. While one of, is not the wealthiest family in school, Niko grew up with a personal nanny and private tutor. He has no doubts that his father and mother loved him, but they were busy. Sydney, head of the family or not, constantly seeks validation from the town. Theresa, in her own way, strives for personal success by holing up in the estate until the latter half of the year, during which she attends a multitude of planning gatherings for the Festival of Spirits. Thus, Niko was left to his own devices. At times, this meant forging his creativity in one of the many empty rooms of the Fleming abode amidst thread and sewing needles, other times, it meant wandering the town.

Love and strife have always been two sides to the Fleming family name. Given the integral part the Flemings play in Arkley, there have been many generations that have come before Nikolas that fall pray to the loveless bloodlust that seems to have settled in their veins. Much like his grandfather, and their patriarchal founder Lord Haywood, Nikolas found a broken love when he was quite young. At sixteen he met Brair Harrison, a citizen who had moved to Arkley at the behest of her mother. The pair were faerie, setting up a humble flower shop that they spent all of their life savings on creating. The two had next to no money or status in Arkley, but Briar was mystifying and charming, and Niko fell prey to doing whatever it was she asked.

They fell together, as young people do, but there was always something that prevented them from becoming anything other than late-night lovers. At first, he felt as if his mother was the issue. She claimed that Briar would offer Niko nothing in the long run, that the two were incompatible, and that Niko should let her go sooner rather than later. Those requests were easily ignored, but, then, Briar began to ask for large sums of money. Pleaded, on her knees clutching his coat, that he pay for her mother's lease. That she could not see her mother struggle, not when he had begun to promise her everything. He did this willingly, paying for their shop's rent for nearly two years before Briar's mother, Katherine, approached him. Katherine, out of kindness or exhaustion, revealed that Briar was sick, had been since birth, and had always tried to unburden her mother whenever the chance arose. She never blatantly said that Briar did not love Niko, but it was clear that the young fae had been more interested in a wealthy vampire son than she had in ever seeing the pair of them wed.

Briar passed away when Niko was twenty-two. He remembers the flowers that her mother had on display, and he remembers the hollowness in his chest that had been present since before she'd grown too sick to leave her bed. Still, he never mentioned what Katherine had told him, and he held her hand every night he was able before she died. In the aftermath, it was his father who sat him down and recalled the stories of their ancestors, of how their first loves are often cursed. Since Briar's death, he's grown closer to his father and finds it difficult to speak amicably with his mother. While she does not ask, Niko still buys enough flowers from Katherine's shop to cover her rent should she need them. Mostly, he fills the empty rooms of the Fleming estate with floral reminders of Briar, but he also often hands them out to people in the marketplace.

Now, four years later, Niko continues about his facade of a rich young lord who has too much money to spend and even more time on his hands. If this had been what the person he loved most wanted from him, he has no problems adhering to those expectations.


If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
The annual festival is an event that Niko cherishes dearly. It depends on the travelers in question, but he is doubtful that he would try to "help" anyone. He rather make sure the "show" happens, and for that, travelers are necessary...

Penelope Elizabeth Albrecht

buzzkill by Mothica
Age: Twenty (20)
Gender: Cisgender Female
Species: Shapeshifter (Bobcat)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Novelist
Role: Traveler


A curious young woman, Penelope has always had a quick mind and sharp tongue. Oftentimes getting her in trouble as a child, she's never been one to adhere to authority. Instead, she prefers to run through a hiking path barefoot with a peal of laughter following in her wake. The world is full of mysteries, and for whatever reason, Penelope has taken it upon herself to shoulder the duty of discovering them. There is always a question on the tip of her tongue, her body poised on tip-toes as she tries to see something she couldn't before, and a pen in her hand as she attempts to document everything. People either love or hate her nature, finding her endearingly charming or annoyingly talkative. Despite this, rarely do people's opinions of her bother her, although she does love to try to prove herself correct when someone begins to question her methods, personality, or what she believes in.

Despite her curiosity, Penelope, hypocritically, detests when people ask questions about her personal effects. A private person, she has no qualms asking someone their deepest darkest secrets and then refusing to answer those same questions in return. There is a slight disconnect in her mind between her own personal pursuits for knowledge and finding equality among herself and her peers. She does not think herself better than anyone, the opposite, in fact, but true personal connections where she feels comfortable enough to share about her worries and fears have been hard to come by. She wishes for those connections, deeply, but with so much secrecy to her life, peeling back those notions is a har process to come by in regard to Penelope.

Likes: Sending and Receiving Letters | Fragrant Smells | Writing by Hand | Warm Drinks | Lush Greenery | Friendly Get Togethers | Exploring | Nature Walks | Yoga | Curious People | Museums | Lemons

Dislikes: Her Heterochromia | Tight Clothing | Most Desserts | Young Children (Has no Experience) | Heteronormative Family Expectations | Secrets | Being Ignored | People Who Don't Take No for an Answer | Drinking | Loud Music | Her Father


One may or may not assume this from Penelope's wayward personality, but she did not have a typical nuclear family upbringing. Being raised by a single mother, the pair of them moved around quite a bit while she was a child. A few months in London, a year in Pennsylvania, a three-week stint in Thailand... Schooling and settling down roots were an afterthought to Penelope's mother Lynley. As a child, Penelope assumed their dynamic to be that of the norm. Traveling the world with only a slim income and fickle friendships to get them by, the two had only each other in the wonderment that is the world.

As Penelope entered her teens, her mother, who had never been particularly good at hiding secrets from her, began to ask incessantly about Penelope's health. Eventually, when a teenage girl can no longer stand her mother asking if she is okay, she demanded Lynley reveal what was truly wrong. At fourteen, with her mother's hands clasped in her own and the clear skies of Europe behind them, Lynley explained what her life had been like shortly before Penelope was born. How, in a small town named Arkley, Lynley married a man and gave birth to a son. Despite the shock of the story, the most vivid part of the night she remembers is the way her mother's dark eyes glittered with tears. How she had not regretted having a child, but regretted the secrets she had been privy to but had chosen to ignore. Unable to spend her life in a small town of what she dubbed, "filled with decay", she ran. Unaware that she had been pregnant with Penelope at the time, she chose to keep her daughter in hopes that she might do better with her second child.

Despite all her curiosities, Penelope never could bring herself to ask her mother for her father or brother's names. Nor, once the black mark that had encircled her wrist since birth burned bright and she fell to the floor in agony, did she question why her mother was not surprised. Her mother actually seemed to sob in relief, murmuring thanks that Penelope's soul had presented as a predator. Still, her mother did not leave her completely in the dark, and as the years progressed Penelope slowly began to learn more of what life had been like in Arkley when her mother had been young. The secrets of supernatural creatures, the owed of blood, and the cost of survival...

Little does Penelope know, but Lynley managed to kill four individuals so that her daughter may live past the age of sixteen. Random men, drawn in by a woman and too much to drink, Lynley found it almost too easy to make sacrifices in the name of her child. However, the most recent killing proved difficult, and afraid for her daughter's time-limit for a sacrifice, took her own life instead. Penelope found her mother, seemingly asleep in her bed, with two handwritten notes clutched to her chest. One read, My Daughter, and the other, My Son. At twenty, Penelope buried her mother in a small grave plot in New England.

Now, she has made plans to go to Arkley. The draw of the small town has always been there, tugging at her mind, but with the promise of her only surviving family being found there and the answers to the secrets that surround her shapeshifting, she can ignore the call no longer.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

Oleander Titus Valcourt

Afraid of the Dark by TALK
Age: Thirty-two (32)
Gender: Cisgender Male
Species: Fae
Sexuality: Androsexual
Occupation: School Teacher
Role: Citizen


The quintessential helpful gentleman, Oleander is a known face around the town of Arkley. Always there when someone needs a hand, assistance, or guidance, there is little that the Fae has not been involved in since his arrival to the small town some ten years ago now. While not one to regularly seek out leadership, there is a sense of wisdom and intellect that gathers around the man. Easy to smile and quick to laugh, it takes a lot for individuals to pick up on when Ollie is truly bothered by something. While seemingly close to many people, he does not feel as if he has been given the same privileges that he awards to others. Most view him as an easy-going, compassionate man who is always busy with something.

For those that are closer to Ollie, they know that he's just as sentimental as he is judgemental. A quick wit and pension for holding grudges lay just underneath his friendly exterior. While not expressively rude or mean-spirited, a lot of his friendly demeanor is made up of the need to please those around him. Fitting a mold of a charismatic, bright, schoolteacher is much easier than giving into the notions of his sour machinations lying in wait. At heart, the faerie loves to be right, is highly opinionated, and isn't afraid to do something solely to sate his own neverending interests.

Likes: Drinking | Reading | Collecting Small Odds and Ends | Interesting Conversations | Learning About Other Cultures | Trying New Food | Playing Harmless Tricks | Wine | Dancing | Receiving Gifts | Affection

Dislikes: People Asking for Something Last Minute | Cold Nights | Large Insects | Most Meat Options | His Fae Form | Liars | "I Can't" People | Maths | Historical Non-Fiction Novels | Idle Manipulation/Threats


Born into a Traveler group of Faeries, Oleander was named after the nearest useful plant within the vicinity of his birth. While he had his mother, Camellia, to help foster his growth, there were also always other Fae to lend a hand should his mother ever need. The Traveling group, which was nicknamed the Thicket Wisps by outsiders, was a cohesive small society. Oleander spent as much time learning how to cook by his mother's side as he did the midwife, or learning to hunt as much with the bowsman as he did the laundress. Each of them took to their duties with pride and the small fae boy loved nothing more than to learn all tips and tricks from his elders that he could.

When Oleander was still a child, he learned to be helpful in order to get the things he wanted. If he wanted an extra piece of fruit from the traveling salesman the Thicket Wisps met on the road, he'd have to promise one of the older Faerie women to do extra chores for them that night. His mother only started to humor taking him to neighboring towns once he'd proven himself responsible enough to not dart off at the first interesting thing. Life is a give and take, and Ollie learned that lesson before that of other small children. The problem with this realization, though, is it's hard to dispute when you've taken too much.

Right before adulthood, Ollie took more than what he was warranted. Thinking himself above it all, teasing the lines of power, he showed his Fae form to a group of human teenagers around his age. His human form, while ethereally symmetrical and flawless to the human eye, is notably attractive. His Fae form, on the other hand, is nearly grotesque in nature. Gone is the warm dark hue of his skin, instead replaced with a sickly dark gray that seems to be stretched taunt over his bones. Olive-green eyes turn sickly yellow, bright enough to highlight the elongated teeth that protrude from his mouth ever so slightly. His dark hair becomes a wild mess and poisonous red flowers fall brokenly from the matted waves. Any human would be terrified at the sudden change from a jovial young man to a monstrous piece of nightmarish flora.

His assumption that the humans would find his form more interesting than frightening was wrong. Soon, the Thicket Wisps were raided, and butchered, by a group of human hunters that caught them by surprise. Many of Oleander's once-family fled, never to be seen again once the fire and chaos had burned away, but more Faerie lay strewn across the forest floor at Ollie's feet. Call it irony or luck, but, for one reason or another, he managed to survive.

It took a few years of solitary travel for Oleander to come across the town of Arkley. He came during the Festival of Spirits a decade ago, young and still wild from the forest, but desperately seeking another group to call his own. While perhaps the nuances of the town didn't reveal themselves until he had established himself, years later, there is a... darkness that surrounds Arkley. Despite everything, Oleander is drawn to the town, wanting to understand the relationships that were built and continue to support the town. After about four years of doing odd jobs here and there, he took a short apprenticeship with the previous school teacher. Aging out of the career and finding Ollie to be knowledgeable in a plethora of fields, the old man spent another year transitioning the young Fae into the role. Now, surprisingly, five years later, the Fae continues to act as the school teacher while continuing to search for the hidden hearts of Arkley.


If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that?
There hasn't been someone directly coming to him and explaining the truth of the festival... but he has his suspicions. Whether he's completely right or wrong in his assumptions, he has no plans to attempt to get a confession out of anyone soon. With personal grievances against humans, Oleander could literally care less if a few travelers every year go "missing" from the festival. He prefers the travelers to be strictly human, and would purposefully lead traveling humans to enter the raffle instead of Faerie, Vampires, Shapeshifters, etc.

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Amir Bijan

I am Cyrus- Farya Faraji
Gender: male
Species: Immortal Wendigo?
Sexuality: Unclear, most think he is bisexual or Demisexual. He has only shown interest in a few people throughout his long history in the city.
Occupation:Bartender/owner of Achaemenes, the local pub.
Role:Citizen? Pub owner


Likes: A lover of plants, rare liquors, teas and books. You can find these loves in nearly every room of his home and business.

Dislikes: Bothersome people, anything and anyone that disrupts the atmosphere within the pub. Cheats.

Amir is a well known fixture with a smile as bright as the sun and a soul as pure as freshly fallen snow. His kindness is legendary amongst the citizens of Arkley. He has always opened both his home and his service to anyone who might need his help, be it a warm meal, a stiff drink, a cozy bed and book. If it is within Amir's abilities he will get it done for you.While he has an open heart and home. He is still just as mysterious now as he was when he arrived in the city of Arkley, ages ago. Some think he may be a Djinn, a rumour based on how willing he is to help people for a simple favour that he cashes in later. Few have ever witnessed him cashing in these favours but it is said they are tied to Ancient Persian magic. He keeps a book on his hip with a list of all who owe him favours. With this kind of charming nature it is easy to see why Amir is well loved in the city and while he may be a busy man he still takes time out to visit his friends who own the various shops in the city.


'If there's anything you need in Arkley, head to the pub and ask for Amir.'' -Citizen to a traveler.

Hailing from what he calls Parsa in Qatar(Iran), Amir is notably of Persian descent, and has an openly friendly and affectionate nature to all he meets. While it is unclear when he moved to Arkley, he has been in the city for as long as anyone can account. In that time he has since carved out his position in the city as a kind and generous man.While Amir may be a living embodiment of humanitarian benevolence. Only a fool would think of him as an easy mark, with a physique born of hard work and scars to match. The strange foreigner has demonstrated nothing less than a slumbering mastery in the skills of weapons and combat. Skills he has demonstrated only a handful of times throughout the long history of Arkley.

While it is unknown amongst the citizens of the city. Amir was once the son of a high ranking Persian Noble, and served as the royal Spymaster and assassin for many Shah and dynasties that followed his family's bloody crown. Once upon a time he was known as the Persian Immortal, a name that would birth the military unit that would later serve as cover for the true immortal warrior. Throughout the following ages he would continue to serve the lords of his homeland until the assassination of his lord. Having failed to stop the plot he was declared complacent to the threats and held responsible for the death of the Shah. When they tried to execute him, he resisted and escaped into the night. Years later he would appear in Arkley, a small hamlet at the time.

Arriving in Arkley long before the streets were cobbled, he built the home where he currently resides and helped build much of the city around him. Taking time to incorporate the beautiful mosaics and inner domes of his homeland with the high ceilings of the Victorian style into his own home. As the city grew around them, he bought the two neighboring plots of land when their owners passed away and expanded his home into the local Pub. He then used the subsequent years to gather his collection of rare liquors and tomes on the darker aspects of magic and monsters from around the world.

With one side of his estate dedicated as the local pub, he has transformed the home into various respites for the weary soul. With each room in the pub hall decorated in different fashions, one can find any atmosphere to suit their tastes. Should the noise in the main pub hall become too much. It is a well known fact amongst the denizens of Arkley that Amir's archive of dark or forbidden magic and relics rivals his collection of liquor, wine and spirits.

What happened to the other plot of land you ask? Well dear reader it now serves as his not so secret secret archive for the darker mysteries of the world I mentioned. While books may cover nearly every wall of Amir's home and even several rooms of the pubhall. This area is his personal library and reliquary, with knowledge on the forbidden and cursed artefacts it is obvious why access to this area is restricted to those who show Amir they hold some talent in the arts.


If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that? - He does know about the festival, he doesn't care about it, but will help the travelers. He does believe they should be warned and given the chance to fight for their lives with ample weapons and has done so when given the opportunity. While he isn't against the hunt, he does care about fairness and equality. He will do so again. He will also shelter ANYONE within his home should they ask for it.

Something no one knows about the oc? Under the enchanting appearance sits a master of a unique blood magic. His abilities allow him to shape his blood into constructs like weapons and armour. His mastery of the arcane is clear when one becomes aware of the near endless enchantments upon his estate.

Mizuko Ryu

The Inu- The soul of wind
Age:Unclear, appears as a young man in his early twenties.
Species:Lung, Eastern Dragon
Sexuality: Homosexual
Occupation: Traveling noble for the Imperial Court, who serves as a scout for the Court. Think Marco Polo for Kublai Khan


Likes:New experiences. Strong, Kind and Honorable men. Cute animals, rare tomes and artifacts. Colognes, beautiful fabrics. Tea. Sweets.

Dislikes:Prideful or Arrogant people. The foolish, the pompous. Bitter tastes. Wicked things or people. Lies.

A quiet and soft spoken young man with a dangerously sharp wit. He is ruled by his code of honor and ethics as are all Lung. With a kind and fragile appearance he is easily mistaken for a girl, and doesn't seem bothered by the fact. Instead he takes it with a courtly grace and is humbled by the compliment.


In the lands far to the east in the endless clouds of mystery and here say there is a land of a thousand Islands. With its thousands of shrines and palaces the Empire of the Islands is a realm of spirits and monsters. From helpful rice field spirits to vengeful demons and trickster foxes. Amongst these legendary creatures there are few as well regarded as the Dragons.It was here that Mizuko was born and raised, amongst the ever shifting political landscape of the imperial court and the vast palaces of the Imperial City. He grew up knowing there were few he could trust in the world, a world where mothers assassinated their sons and daughters. A realm where Emperors could be outright overthrown and murdered by their generals, where the courtesans wielded poisons and the guards could turn into assassin's at the drop of a hat. The young Mizuko would find shelter only in the palace of the Dragon King. As the nephew of the Dragon King, Mizuko grew up with the best of all that could be acquired in the empire and was taught alongside the Imperial Family and the various noble sons who lived in the city. As he grew up he showed a great skill in the art of diplomacy and espionage. He would be given the title of Imperial Scout upon becoming an adult and was sent out shortly after to scout the lands beyond his homeland. Having heard of a festival that hasn't been witnessed by the dragons, a race who prided themselves on their knowledge, he traveled to Arkley to see if it was something the court would care about.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?Yes, could you imagine the utter shenanigans and sheer chaos. Dragon hunts are notoriously challenging lmao.


Gabhaim molta brighde- Aoife Ní Fhearraigh
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Species: Faerie-Haltija
Sexuality: Demisexual
Occupation: Guardian
Role: Traveler


Likes: Anything to do with the forests, shiny things. Animals, books,

Dislikes: Artificial flavours, dogs, pants and societal trappings.

A strange and aloof man, with odd tattoos and an even odder accent. Onne is detached from the world of mortals, and has a single focus that drives his path through the city. His nature is stand offish and while he may seem aggressive he has never shown blatant disrespect towards anyone.


To be born as a Haltija, amongst the Taito Väki is to be born into war, as protectors their lives revolve around their charges and since all Haltija that have ever been slain have been done so in combat it is said that it is the cual fate of their kind. Trapped in the endless conflicts of man Vs nature and Fae Vs Fae. The young Onne crawled over the corpses of his fellow Haltija on the path of ascension until he stood as the guardian of a grand forest, and for ages untold he remained in the forest. He has long forgotten when the Wizard came or how he made the deal with him, but he speaks fondly of the man. A man he spent several lifetimes with. Whom he taught a tomes worth of knowledge on forbidden secrets of the Fae. After the Wizards death the tome would be buried with the man that Onne loved and there it stayed for nearly a thousand years. Until it was stolen and called out to its guardian and so Onne has come to Arkley seeking the sacred tome that was brought to the city. Bound by oath and blood to return the tome before it can be opened or used by those unworthy. Onne will do anything to ensure the protection and well being of this sacred grimoire. He will hunt down whoever has the tome and offer them the chance to return it or face the wrath of the forest.


If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?Yes, nough said

Horace(Horus) Whitmore
Scar- 070 shake
Gender: male
Species: Shapeshifter + Black leopard
Sexuality: Open
Occupation: Arcane researcher and biologist
Role: Founding family member

Likes- The Dark, dissecting new species, the forbidden arts such as reanimation and chimera making. His brother. (is it a complex?)

Dislikes- Children, the overly kind and affectionate, the stupid, the inname, the church, delays, small talk. His father(not openly and only behind closed doors)

Where his twin is compassionate and caring, Horace is ruthless and cruel. He isn't detached from the suffering he inflicts, no, he relishes it as it is in these moments he finds relief from the excruciating burning in his core. Finding a dark pleasure in the horrors he can inflict upon others he tempers this sickeningly sweet desire with the faint smile of a schooled gentleman and social etiquette. The depths of his depravity kept tightly hidden behind the dark allure of his nature and family history.

A secretive man even amongst members of his own family he keeps the mask of serene apathy between him and everyone except for his twin brother Myron, and the enigmatic Amir whom he has known all his life. It is with these two and only behind closed doors that the mask is taken off. Revealing a troubled young man who feels very deeply for those in his family, and while it may be a jumbled mix of hatred and love. He will do what he must to protect the one person he doesn't hate in some aspect. If that means a few broken bones or blood on his hands, he will get it done with a half smile and a lit smoke on his lips.

While quick to anger, Horace is slow to react, being tactical and cautious. He takes time to fully plan out his moves and possible outcomes before he makes a move against his foes. He is not one to show any emotions when in public and will make moves to enact his revenge subtly and only his father has seen the depths that Horace is ready to dive to in order to achieve his goals or revenge. While others only get the apathetic and monotone mask, and occasionally his wrath. Myron has never seen this side of Horace, and Horace is very careful never to reveal any hint of darkness around his brother.

He had always been an odd boy. Unafraid of the darkness and what was in it, yet deeply almost violently uneasy when separated from his twin brother, plagued early on by night terrors he would often seek refuge with his brother as a baby. As children Horace used his twin as an example of how to behave and emulated his cheerfulness while learning early to hide away his cruelty towards everyone else. His deep connection with his brother would serve as the deterrent against him falling into true psychopathy. This life vest however would not last, as he was forced to "man up"' by his father and given his own room away from his brothers. Waverly feared the boy had become too dependent on his brother for everything, after he had found out Horace was still sleeping in Myron's bed and refused to be separated from his brother in class to the point he would fight teachers and grow inconsolable before falling into a sea of dream terrors. This report from the school would spur Waverly to tell the school to keep the boys separated at school and he would do the same at home. Forced to fight his night terrors alone and isolated with his growing inner evil, the mask that he had gained thanks to emulating Myron's cheerful and positive disposition began to crack and it was not long before he became a rebellious and confrontational teen who sought the power to defy even the gods and end his nightly torment. With a rage that burned recklessly dangerous like a gas fire Horace was and still is a frightening individual who's history of being quick to temper and violence when provoked would eventually lead to him getting into a fight with his father one night in his study when his father found tomes of dark magic and dream walking with living and slain sacrifices of various animals in the young Horace's room.

As the nights became unbearable he would often slip into episodes of instability as sleep deprivation caused his night terrors to bleed into his waking hours. During these times he was too tormented to leave his room and would cloister himself off from the world, huddled in a corner surrounded by vast incoherent drawings and symbols on his walls and floor. Allowing few entry into the once elegant room now covered in the ruined remains of what once was. These episodes would grow in length and when he was thirteen, servants would come to wake the boy one morning and find Horace in his room near death with his eye gripped in his hand. He told his father and the Dr that he had been trying to escape the monsters. For the next year he would wear an eye patch and hide that side of his face from the world with his hair.

The night of his first shift was something he would always remember, the clearing surrounded by his family, the pain of the shift. The power of the beast within him revealed itself in the form of a black leopard. A powerful and majestic predator. He found comfort in it and openly embraced this new aspect of himself, and where some would find it unnerving to find out their families evil secrets, Horace found each one enlightening and wonderful. With each dark tidbit his own darkness was justified and influenced. Spurred onward he would dive into the forbidden and macabre facets of the arcane. Drawn by the power of necromancy and human Transmutation, he discovered a talent in the art of making monsters and chimeras from the living and the corpses of the dead. With a knack for biology and the arcane he began using unsuspecting travelers in secret to use as test subjects in his experiments. These experiments he would hide in the woods away from the prying eyes of his family. When he became old enough to gain access to Amir's secret archives, he would spend so much time at the Achaemenes that Amir would often call on Myron to collect his younger brother. Those nights where he didn't Amir would put the young man to bed in one of the many rooms of his home and business. This became a nearly every day occurrence for several years before Amir would simply charge him to keep a room at the Achaemenes for his use when he wished to study in private late into the night. Unknown to most when Horace slept at Amir's he found the nightmares would be shattered when they turned his dreams sour and in their place was a peaceful and quiet night of happy reminiscences. This is half of the reason Horace would push himself to study longer and longer into the night at Amir's, knowing the man would offer a room before he would ever suggest anyone walked alone through the night regardless of the person or weather. While he has yet to understand why this occurred he was determined to discover the reason and would question Amir on his origins many times only to be told the same simple excuse. ''The tale is too long, you'll be dead before I finish Aziz, come let's eat.''

When he was Eighteen Amir would grant him a replacement to his glass eye. This arcane artifact bestowed to Horace the ability to see the spirits, the arcane and true faces of people. With this newfound ability he would discover that his affliction was in fact caused by spirits drawn to a curse placed upon him and his brother in the womb. Thanks to the eye he also discovered the relief he found at the Achaemenes was due to the vast array of enchantments on the building. For the next two years he would spend even more time at Amir's and away from the family home. While he still had a room at home he used it to store his belongings that wouldn't fit in the large room he had at the Achaemenes. Under Amir's effortlessly masterful tutelage he would find a way to ward off most of the spirits that plagued him when he left the safety of Amir's enchantments. On the night of his twentieth birthday he would ask Amir if he knew that Horace had been cursed. That night Amir brought Horace to a sealed room in the Archives and revealed to Horace that he knew that and much more.

In the summer of 1578 a young sorcerer named Andrew Peterson came to Arkley and was chosen in the raffle. This man was indeed a powerful sorcerer but his ego blinded him to Amir's warnings and direct attempts to seal him in the Achaemenes. Amir explained how he still remembered the night when he died and how he had felt the curse that he had called upon fall over Arkley on its way towards the Whitmore's estate from the forest. He explained that the curse would have worked to wipe the family out by birthing a monster each generation that would attempt to slaughter their family members when they came of age to take part in the ritual. When Horace asked Amir what happened to the curse because he had never heard of anyone in his family doing that. Amir revealed that he was a sorcerer himself and explained to Horace how the curse had come with a revenant. A horrifically powerful undead specter that acted as its enforcer. Amir explained that when the curse came across the city Square he opened a sealed space and defeated the specter in an arcane duel of wills. Amir continued to explain that the revenant's core had been bound far beyond Arkley and so Amir was unable to slay it. So he blessed the Whitmore's and chained the curse to himself as well. He explained how every time a Whitmore was born the specter would come in search for the child and for as long as Amir's seal held out the revenant would come to Amir thinking he was the child, though his magic only protected children born in the estate. Amir explained that a blessing had been missed when his mother had become pregnant. When Amir learned of her pregnancy he had attempted to arrange a meeting with the woman but was turned away each time. Knowing that he could not outright tell the family of the centuries old curse without altering their view of Amir. He would approach Vella Whitmore and for the first time in her life Amir would call on her to return a favor owed to Amir by their family. With this favor he would be the first person told that Lynley had gone into labor outside of the home. Amir arrived shortly after the messenger arrived at the Achaemenes and used a secondary favor with an unknown friend to visit the boys and bless them before the curse would find them that night. In this visit he discovered Horace had inherited the curse. While his victory was nothing too troublesome as he explained it and his blessing was powerful Amir admits that he forgot how literal the old magic was sometimes. When asked to explain what he used Amir openly stated that he had blessed the twins that for as long as they were together the shadows would not find the boys and that they would be able to draw on their united strength to empower themselves. What Amir had not expected was the blessing to interpret his meaning as literally side by side. Amir mournfully explained how he had come to visit Horace when he had learned the boy was suffering from the curse and was separated from his brother but was turned away once more. He explained that the day Horace ran into him in the market after running away from school he had seen the spirits around Horace and how they tore at the boy. He explained that that night he used his magic to enter the Whitmore estate and found the boy in the midst of a nightmare brought on by a host of spirits. That night he had swept through the house and banished the lesser spirits around Horace. He had finished the first of the wards when he was interrupted by Forrest who had felt the surge of arcane energy in the estate. Not one for waiting when he thought his family was in danger he had attacked Amir's effigy, interrupting the process and banishing the effigy. Forrest would become vigilant against outward magic and anytime Amir would attempt to send an effigy Forrest would hunt it down. So Amir had to wait until Horace came to him. When he did Amir vowed to teach the boy and give him the strength to fight the curse. When he saw the boy had lost his eye trying to run away from the spirits. He hunted for an ancient relic from Egypt when it was called Kemet. This relic he wouldn't name but did tell Horace that the relic was older then Amir himself and was far more powerful than many of the relics at the Whitmore estate.

This night Horace remembers with mixed feelings, while he is grateful towards Amir, he blames his father for exasperating his condition and while Amir may have caused that condition Horace fully understands that if Amir had not done what he had. Horace would have tried to kill his brother and family when he turned for the first time and wouldn't have stopped until they had killed him. With this knowledge Horace has grown distant with his father and brother, where he once found comfort around his brother he now fears that he might one day fall victim to the curse and hurt the most important person in his life, his twin. By the time he turned twenty one Horace has grown strong enough to ward off most of the Spirits that attempt to harass him and his dreams are safe thanks to Amir. He is now thinking of leaving Arkley although Amir advises against it due to the strength he can gain when with his brother and the fact that Horace could not defeat the Revenant when it followed him to his new home. Feeling trapped he has grown bitter against his family and their yearly ritual. His hatred for them is second only to his hatred towards Decay and Maybel. He has vowed to enact his revenge on Decay and Death and free himself from his curse.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?- He finds the entire process rather beneath him but due to his curse he finds joy in the sacrifice and hunt. Although he would easily sacrifice anyone for his goals he takes up the responsibility for ensuring at least two souls are offered for himself and more importantly his brother. In his mind if he had to he would sacrifice a Whitmore for their survival. Without question, thought or pause.

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Sorry I don't know how to do the fancy character sheet on my mobile....please be patient with me I will learn and update them.

Name: Amir Bijan
View attachment 247208
(^ This but tan)


Gender: male

Species: Immortal Human? Wendigo? Who knows...

Sexuality: Unclear, most think he is bisexual. He has only dated a few people throughout his long history in the city.

Occupation:- Bartender/owner of Achaemenes, the local pub.

Role: Citizen? Pub owner

Personality: Amir is a well known fixture with a smile as bright as the sun and a soul as pure as freshly fallen snow. His kindness is legendary amongst the citizens of Arkley. He has always opened both his home and his service to anyone who might need his help, be it a warm meal, a stiff drink, a cozy bed and book. If it is within Amir's abilities he will get it done for you.
While he has an open heart and home. He is still just as mysterious now as he was when he arrived in the city of Arkley, ages ago. Some think he may be a Djinn a rumour based on how willing he is to help people for a simple favour that he cashes in later. Few have ever witnessed him cashing in these favours but it is said they are tied to Ancient Persian magic. He keeps a book on his hip with a list of all who owe him favours. With this kind of charming nature it is easy to see why Amir is well loved in the city and while he may be a busy man he still takes time out to visit his friends who own the various shops in the city.

Likes: A lover of plants, rare liquors, teas and books. You can find his loves in nearly every room of his home and business.

Dislikes: Bothersome people, anything and anyone that disrupts the atmosphere within the Bar or Library.


''If there's anything you need in Arkley, head to the pub and ask for Amir.'' -Citizen to a traveler.

Hailing from what is currently called Qajar(Iran), Amir is clearly of Persian descent. While it is unclear when he moved to Arkley, he has been in the city for as long as anyone or any record can account. In that time he has since carved out his position in the city as a kind and generous man.

While Amir may be a living embodiment of humanitarian benevolence. Only a fool would think of him as an easy mark, as the strange foreigner has demonstrated nothing less than a slumbering mastery in the skills of weapons and combat. Skills he has demonstrated only a handful of times throughout the long history of Arkley.

While it is unknown amongst the citizens of the city. Amir was once the son of a high ranking Persian Noble, and served as the royal Spymaster and assassin for many Shah and dynasties that followed his families bloody crown. Once upon a time he was known as the Persian Immortal, a name that would birth the military unit that would latter serve as cover for the true immortal warrior. Throughout the following ages he would continue to serve the lords of his homeland until the assassination of his lord. Having failed to stop the plot he was declared complacent to the threats and held responsible for the death of the Shah. When they tried to execute him, he resisted and escaped into the night. Years later he would appear in Arkley a small hamlet at the time with less then a hundred people.

Arriving in Arkley long before the streets were cobbled, he built the home where he currently resides and helped build much of the city around him. Taking time to incorporate the beautiful mosaics and inner domes of his homeland with the high ceilings of the Victorian style into his own home. As the city grew around them, he bought the two neighboring plots of land when their owners passed away and expanded his home into the local Pub. He then used the subsequent years to gather his collection of rare liquors and tomes on the darker aspects of magic and monsters from around the world.

With one side of his estate dedicated as the local pub, he has transformed the home into various respites for the weary soul. With each room in the pub hall decorated in different fashions, one can find any atmosphere to suit their tastes. Should the noise in the main pub hall become too much. It is a well known fact amongst the denizens of Arkley that Amir's archive of dark or forbidden magic and relics rivals his collection of liquor, wine and spirits.

What happened to the other plot of land you ask? Well dear reader it now serves as his not so secret secret archive for the darker mysteries of the world I mentioned. While books may cover nearly every wall of Amir's home and even several rooms of the pubhall. This area is his personal library and reliquary, with knowledge on the forbidden and cursed artefacts it is obvious why access to this area is restricted to those who show Amir they hold some talent in the arts.

If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that? - He does know about the festival, he doesn't care about it, but will help the travelers. He does believe they should be warned and given the chance to fight for their lives with ample weapons and has done so when given the opportunity. While he isn't against the hunt, he does care about fairness and equality. He will do so again. He will also shelter ANYONE within his home should they ask for it.

Something no one knows about the oc? Under the enchanting appearance sits a master of a unique blood magic. His abilities allow him to shape his blood into weapons and armour. His mastery of the arcane is clear when one becomes aware of the man's immortality or the near endless enchantments upon his estate.

Name: Mizuko Ryu
View attachment 247211

Age: Unclear, he appears as a man in his early twenties.

Gender: male

Species: Lung, Eastern Dragon

Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: Traveling noble for the Imperial Court, who serves as a scout for the Court. Think Marco Polo for Kublai Khan.

Role: Traveller.

Personality: A quiet and soft spoken young man with a dangerously sharp wit. He is ruled by his code of honor and ethics as are all Lung. With a kind and fragile appearance he is easily mistaken for a girl, and doesn't seem bothered by the fact. Instead he takes it as a reminder of his beauty and is humbled by the compliment.

Likes: New experiences. Strong, Kind and Honorable men. Cute animals, rare tomes and artifacts. Colognes, beautiful fabrics. Tea. Sweets.

Dislikes: Prideful or Arrogant people. The foolish, the pompous. Bitter tastes.

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In the lands far to the east in the endless clouds of mystery and here say there is a land of a thousand Islands. With its thousands of shrines and palaces the Empire of the Islands is a realm of spirits and monsters. From helpful rice field spirits to vengeful demons and trickster foxes. Amongst these legendary creatures there are few as well regarded as the Dragons.

It was here that Mizuko was born and raised, amongst the ever shifting political landscape of the imperial court and the vast palaces of the Imperial City. He grew up knowing there were few he could trust in the world, a world where mothers assassinated their sons and daughters. A realm where Emperors could be outright overthrown and murdered by their generals, where the courtesans wielded poisons and the guards could turn into assassin's at the drop of a hat. The young Mizuko would find shelter only in the palace of the Dragon King. As the nephew of the Dragon King, Mizuko grew up with the best of all that could be acquired in the empire and was taught alongside the Imperial Family and the various noble sons who lived in the city. As he grew up he showed a great skill in the art of diplomacy and espionage. He would be given the title of Imperial Scout upon becoming an adult and was sent out shortly after to scout the lands beyond his homeland. Having heard of a festival that hasn't been witnessed by the dragons, a race who prided themselves on their knowledge, he traveled to Arkley to see if it was something the court would care about.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

Name: Onne
View attachment 247209

Age: 26

Gender: male

Species:A Fae spirit called the Haltija , or Taito Väki (their classification) They are a race of guardians that very from guarding springs to people, and thus they are classified by what they are defending, renowned in the magical worlds as some of the finest Guardians to have by your side. They are also known to do whatever must be done to protect their charge. Naturally gifted in the Arcane and Mental arts they make for an incredibly dangerous adversary.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Guardian

Role: Traveler

Personality: A strange and aloof man, with odd tattoos and an even odder accent. Onne is detached from the world of mortals, and has a single focus that drives his path through the city. His nature is stand offish and while he may seem aggressive he has never shown blatant disrespect towards anyone.

Likes: Anything to do with the forests, shiny things. Animals, books,

Dislikes: Artificial flavours,

Backstory: To be born as a Haltija is to be born into war, as protectors their entire lives revolve around their charges and since all Haltija that have ever been slain have been done so in combat it is said that it is the cual fate of their kind. Trapped in the endless conflicts of man Vs nature and Fae Vs Fae. The young Onne crawled over the corpses of his fellow Haltija on the path of ascension until he stood as the guardian of a grand forest, and for ages untold he remained in the forest. He has long forgotten when the Wizard came or how he made the deal with him, but he speaks fondly of the man. A man he spent several lifetimes with. Whom he taught a tomes worth of knowledge on forbidden secrets of the Fae. After the Wizards death the tome would be buried with the man that Onne loved and there it stayed for nearly a thousand years. Until it was stolen and called out to its guardian.

The guardian spirit of an ancient forest Onne has come to Arkley seeking the sacred tome that was stolen and brought to the city. Bound by oath to return the tome before it can be opened or used by those unworthy. Onne will do anything to ensure the protection and well being of this sacred grimoire. He will hunt down whoever ow
ns the tome and offer them the chance to return it or face his wrath.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival? Yes.
These characters haven't been approved yet by the GM, they would go in the Sign-Up thread.
Sorry I don't know how to do the fancy character sheet on my mobile....please be patient with me I will learn and update them.

Name: Amir Bijan
View attachment 247208
(^ This but tan)


Gender: male

Species: Immortal Human? Wendigo? Who knows...

Sexuality: Unclear, most think he is bisexual. He has only dated a few people throughout his long history in the city.

Occupation:- Bartender/owner of Achaemenes, the local pub.

Role: Citizen? Pub owner

Personality: Amir is a well known fixture with a smile as bright as the sun and a soul as pure as freshly fallen snow. His kindness is legendary amongst the citizens of Arkley. He has always opened both his home and his service to anyone who might need his help, be it a warm meal, a stiff drink, a cozy bed and book. If it is within Amir's abilities he will get it done for you.
While he has an open heart and home. He is still just as mysterious now as he was when he arrived in the city of Arkley, ages ago. Some think he may be a Djinn a rumour based on how willing he is to help people for a simple favour that he cashes in later. Few have ever witnessed him cashing in these favours but it is said they are tied to Ancient Persian magic. He keeps a book on his hip with a list of all who owe him favours. With this kind of charming nature it is easy to see why Amir is well loved in the city and while he may be a busy man he still takes time out to visit his friends who own the various shops in the city.

Likes: A lover of plants, rare liquors, teas and books. You can find his loves in nearly every room of his home and business.

Dislikes: Bothersome people, anything and anyone that disrupts the atmosphere within the Bar or Library.


''If there's anything you need in Arkley, head to the pub and ask for Amir.'' -Citizen to a traveler.

Hailing from what is currently called Qajar(Iran), Amir is clearly of Persian descent. While it is unclear when he moved to Arkley, he has been in the city for as long as anyone or any record can account. In that time he has since carved out his position in the city as a kind and generous man.

While Amir may be a living embodiment of humanitarian benevolence. Only a fool would think of him as an easy mark, as the strange foreigner has demonstrated nothing less than a slumbering mastery in the skills of weapons and combat. Skills he has demonstrated only a handful of times throughout the long history of Arkley.

While it is unknown amongst the citizens of the city. Amir was once the son of a high ranking Persian Noble, and served as the royal Spymaster and assassin for many Shah and dynasties that followed his families bloody crown. Once upon a time he was known as the Persian Immortal, a name that would birth the military unit that would latter serve as cover for the true immortal warrior. Throughout the following ages he would continue to serve the lords of his homeland until the assassination of his lord. Having failed to stop the plot he was declared complacent to the threats and held responsible for the death of the Shah. When they tried to execute him, he resisted and escaped into the night. Years later he would appear in Arkley a small hamlet at the time with less then a hundred people.

Arriving in Arkley long before the streets were cobbled, he built the home where he currently resides and helped build much of the city around him. Taking time to incorporate the beautiful mosaics and inner domes of his homeland with the high ceilings of the Victorian style into his own home. As the city grew around them, he bought the two neighboring plots of land when their owners passed away and expanded his home into the local Pub. He then used the subsequent years to gather his collection of rare liquors and tomes on the darker aspects of magic and monsters from around the world.

With one side of his estate dedicated as the local pub, he has transformed the home into various respites for the weary soul. With each room in the pub hall decorated in different fashions, one can find any atmosphere to suit their tastes. Should the noise in the main pub hall become too much. It is a well known fact amongst the denizens of Arkley that Amir's archive of dark or forbidden magic and relics rivals his collection of liquor, wine and spirits.

What happened to the other plot of land you ask? Well dear reader it now serves as his not so secret secret archive for the darker mysteries of the world I mentioned. While books may cover nearly every wall of Amir's home and even several rooms of the pubhall. This area is his personal library and reliquary, with knowledge on the forbidden and cursed artefacts it is obvious why access to this area is restricted to those who show Amir they hold some talent in the arts.

If your character is a citizen, do they know the truth of the festival and how do they feel about that? - He does know about the festival, he doesn't care about it, but will help the travelers. He does believe they should be warned and given the chance to fight for their lives with ample weapons and has done so when given the opportunity. While he isn't against the hunt, he does care about fairness and equality. He will do so again. He will also shelter ANYONE within his home should they ask for it.

Something no one knows about the oc? Under the enchanting appearance sits a master of a unique blood magic. His abilities allow him to shape his blood into weapons and armour. His mastery of the arcane is clear when one becomes aware of the man's immortality or the near endless enchantments upon his estate.

Name: Mizuko Ryu
View attachment 247211

Age: Unclear, he appears as a man in his early twenties.

Gender: male

Species: Lung, Eastern Dragon

Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: Traveling noble for the Imperial Court, who serves as a scout for the Court. Think Marco Polo for Kublai Khan.

Role: Traveller.

Personality: A quiet and soft spoken young man with a dangerously sharp wit. He is ruled by his code of honor and ethics as are all Lung. With a kind and fragile appearance he is easily mistaken for a girl, and doesn't seem bothered by the fact. Instead he takes it as a reminder of his beauty and is humbled by the compliment.

Likes: New experiences. Strong, Kind and Honorable men. Cute animals, rare tomes and artifacts. Colognes, beautiful fabrics. Tea. Sweets.

Dislikes: Prideful or Arrogant people. The foolish, the pompous. Bitter tastes.

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In the lands far to the east in the endless clouds of mystery and here say there is a land of a thousand Islands. With its thousands of shrines and palaces the Empire of the Islands is a realm of spirits and monsters. From helpful rice field spirits to vengeful demons and trickster foxes. Amongst these legendary creatures there are few as well regarded as the Dragons.

It was here that Mizuko was born and raised, amongst the ever shifting political landscape of the imperial court and the vast palaces of the Imperial City. He grew up knowing there were few he could trust in the world, a world where mothers assassinated their sons and daughters. A realm where Emperors could be outright overthrown and murdered by their generals, where the courtesans wielded poisons and the guards could turn into assassin's at the drop of a hat. The young Mizuko would find shelter only in the palace of the Dragon King. As the nephew of the Dragon King, Mizuko grew up with the best of all that could be acquired in the empire and was taught alongside the Imperial Family and the various noble sons who lived in the city. As he grew up he showed a great skill in the art of diplomacy and espionage. He would be given the title of Imperial Scout upon becoming an adult and was sent out shortly after to scout the lands beyond his homeland. Having heard of a festival that hasn't been witnessed by the dragons, a race who prided themselves on their knowledge, he traveled to Arkley to see if it was something the court would care about.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival?

Name: Onne
View attachment 247209

Age: 26

Gender: male

Species:A Fae spirit called the Haltija , or Taito Väki (their classification) They are a race of guardians that very from guarding springs to people, and thus they are classified by what they are defending, renowned in the magical worlds as some of the finest Guardians to have by your side. They are also known to do whatever must be done to protect their charge. Naturally gifted in the Arcane and Mental arts they make for an incredibly dangerous adversary.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Guardian

Role: Traveler

Personality: A strange and aloof man, with odd tattoos and an even odder accent. Onne is detached from the world of mortals, and has a single focus that drives his path through the city. His nature is stand offish and while he may seem aggressive he has never shown blatant disrespect towards anyone.

Likes: Anything to do with the forests, shiny things. Animals, books,

Dislikes: Artificial flavours,

Backstory: To be born as a Haltija is to be born into war, as protectors their entire lives revolve around their charges and since all Haltija that have ever been slain have been done so in combat it is said that it is the cual fate of their kind. Trapped in the endless conflicts of man Vs nature and Fae Vs Fae. The young Onne crawled over the corpses of his fellow Haltija on the path of ascension until he stood as the guardian of a grand forest, and for ages untold he remained in the forest. He has long forgotten when the Wizard came or how he made the deal with him, but he speaks fondly of the man. A man he spent several lifetimes with. Whom he taught a tomes worth of knowledge on forbidden secrets of the Fae. After the Wizards death the tome would be buried with the man that Onne loved and there it stayed for nearly a thousand years. Until it was stolen and called out to its guardian.

The guardian spirit of an ancient forest Onne has come to Arkley seeking the sacred tome that was stolen and brought to the city. Bound by oath to return the tome before it can be opened or used by those unworthy. Onne will do anything to ensure the protection and well being of this sacred grimoire. He will hunt down whoever ow
ns the tome and offer them the chance to return it or face his wrath.

If your character is a traveler, would you be okay with them entering the forest after the festival? Yes.
These characters haven't been approved yet by the GM, they would go in the Sign-Up thread.
Opp sorry about that I was talking to GM in private and must mixed up location in the sea of tabs lol.
Song inspo (Witches by Alice Phoebe Lou)

Rivka Fleming
Name: Rivka Maria Fleming
Gender:Cisgender Female
Occupation:Priestess of Time
Role:Founding Family (Daughter of Claude and Neil)

Rivka at first glance is a bit of a would think being the Priestess of Time would make one refined, poised, and perhaps calm, however, she is none of those things. She will happily smoke cigarettes and gossip with her friends all while wearing the Priestess cloaks and symbols.

Rivka has a down to earth charm to her, she loves getting to know people and likes to listen to what people have to say. Her greatest gift is patience and has a lot of grace for people when it comes to time. Rivka believes all things happen at the exact time that they need to happen so she is never in a rush... Even if she's late. The Fleming has been described as lazy and will dilly dally all day long and show up to plans 30 minutes late. She is also extremely unreliable in terms of communication and usually takes days just to reply to someone or call their family member back.

She loves to be a part of the community and has pride in her town and her family. Rivka can't stand to be alone with her own thoughts and needs to be occupied by something at ALL times, even if it's harmful. She'd rather go hang out with people she hates than have to spend time alone. The vampire tries to be nice to everyone but when you are in her inner circle- you'll know. She would walk through heaven and hell for the people she loves and her loyalty is not wavering.

While she is the life of the party she is still a Priestess. Rivka is an obedient servant to her Predecessors. She values traditions, festivals, and rituals and takes them very seriously. Rivka really hopes to inspire others to be closer to the divine. She does not like to question the Predecessors' authority or plans and feels very uncomfortable when others do so. She is by no means perfect or holy but she truly tries to do the right thing by the Predecessors.

Overall she's a whimsical priestess who is trying her best.

Likes: Swimming | Festivals | Gossipping | Flowers | Candles | Pretty Orical cards | Long dresses | Fruit or FLower flavored sweets | Weaving | Performing rituals (especially weddings) | Dentistry | Reading | Dancing | Diving for Pearls

Dislikes: New Moons | Bugs | Chocolate | Explaining herself | Writing | Crystals | Impatient people | Showers (likes baths more) | Making potions or tinctures that take up too much time | Singing in front of people

Rivka, despite having a curse on her family and name- had a relatively happy girlhood that she looks back at fondly. Her parents weren't perfect, but they were loving and would try their best to make time for her. She would spend her time looking at the stars with her father Neil or would watch her dad Claude do combat training.

It wasn't until she was around the age of twelve were Rivka's life would change forever. A group of travelers who were worshippers of Time had come and sent up a small congregation outside of town. Rivka, always nosey, decided to see what the service was about. Inside the makeshift tent, among the flowers, incense, and wine Rivka felt the presence of Time itself. It was for a brief moment that she could feel time going through her. It was beautiful. It was terrifying. It was all-encompassing. It was like being swallowed whole. It was every emotion at once. Tears streamed down her face when one of the Priests asked her if she was alright, she said in a blur, that Time had blessed her with its presence and that she wanted to feel this way forever.

Seeing that the young Fleming was gifting, the congregation brought her to her parents and told them of what happened. They recommended that she study at a temple, she was gifted in the spirit, but it needed to be refined. Claude and Neil thought it over and talked about it for months (Rivka always hiding behind the door to listen in) until finally agreeing that it was for the best.

Rivka was sent to a temple of Time in Romania at the age of thirteen. It was there where she truly started to thrive. She learned about the deputies of a Priestess- holding rituals, prayers, and performing ceremonies. The Vampire grew in her Priestesshood orgically. Where school at home was always tricky, the learning she did in the temple came naturally to her. Remembering long hymns and oracle cards was as easy as breathing something that math or language arts never did.

She grew close to a few of her peers at the temple named Yvonne and Theodora. Rivka loved the community of the temple, eating in the dining hall, praying together, and becoming closer to their Predecessor. This of course didn't mean she didn't have any fun though! After all, she was a Fleming, and Flemings brought the fun anywhere they went. She and her friends would get drunk off of temple wine and go night swimming in the Black Sea. Students of the temple would always throw the wildest parties and you could bet your bottom coin that Rivka would be there.

Once she turned 20 she made her vows and became an official Priestess of Time. While she loved her time at the temple in Romania- her heart longed for home. Knowing that she could serve there, she moved back to Arkley when she was 22.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?

Rivka would never dare interfere with the divine plan. If the Predecessors want to use the travelers that's their choice. Besides, festivals and traditions need to be upheld...right?

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Nerina Reider Mulvahil
Nerina Reider Mulvahil

(she looked very much like the picture with the exception her skin is more of a honey skin tone)
Nerina Reider Mulvahil
Rin, Riri, Rei
Siren form

Founding Family
The Sea|| Rain|| Thunderstorms||Home-made food||SEAFOOD||Tea||Reading||Drawing||Painting||Swimming
Outsiders||Liars||Super Spicy food||Dirty Spaces||Heat||
The Heir and the Spare, that is how Nerina grew up alongside her rather rumbunctious cousin. They seemed to be nearly twins, Gladiolus being only a few days older than Nerina. They grew up together, Nerina taking heavily after her mother, Lucia, in temperament. Nerina seemed to be rather quiet and reserved and seemed as if she had not an angry bone in her body. She discovered when she was young her love and joy of painting and within her own family, she was considered a prodigy in the arts while her cousin was the musical prodigy, they both seemed to conquer the world of the arts.
Nerina unlike her cousin, grew up knowing the family secret and her family's obsession with the water seemed natural and second nature to the slightly younger of the girls. Her eleventh birthday was one of excitement and that of fear as well. She had watched her cousin go through it first which made Nerina a bit more apprehensive about the change now. The change came and so did the pain. It was a blindly horrid experience and one that she would never forget.
After transforming she felt the unbridled joy of finally feeling free, she swam for hours until it was time to come back home. At first the young girl didn't want to return but, in the end, she gave into her family and returned to shore knowing she could return anytime she wished to in the future.
It was some years later that her family discovered her aptitude for healing and helping others. She became called on for births and curing ailing children and adults alike. She became the town's renowned healer and midwife, and this started her career.

If your character is a member of a founding family, would they attempt to help or hinder the travelers?
Hinder, despite her outward demeanor, Nerina is all for the hunt and like to hinder and on occasion, participate in the hunt. She has a predatory side to her that is dark and twisted, it scares some of her family.
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