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Wyrd Sister.
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
High, low, dark, urban, historical (fantasy)
Action Adventure.
A mash up of any of the above.
Deep in the cavernous underground complex the sound of actuators hissing into action precluded the noise of the heavy metal front door groaning, reluctantly being forced to open. Two figures stood silhouetted against the greying pre dawn sky. They could hardly be more different from each other and yet one is small and soft and fleshy, to all eyes a seemingly easy target for the predators of this world. The other a towering form of metal all jutting angles and sharp edges, if it has any softness to it at all it is well hidden. Yet these two are well suited, both ferocious and full of heart, going further to help protect their kin than many others would dare to dream. They walk in step side by side, laughing and joking as old friends do, only those on the outside notice their differences.

A series of whirrs and clicks indicated the large bio-mech was about to speak, the young human woman at his side looked up .

"That was a good hunt Sil, you have adapted well to Rivets adaptations to your arm."

The synthesized voice had a masculine quality, but lacked the more subtle inflections of human speech. Behind that the constant soft clicking of a fan over a grate, as he pulled air through his respirator. The reminder that even these beings needed oxygen to keep their biological functions alive.

The woman smiled up at her companion before raising her left arm, which ended abruptly at the elbow, replaced by a basic biomech attachment , structured like a human forearm , it was a combination compounds and metal alloys the girl was unfamiliar with. She flexed the digits, rotating the limb and hand in opposing directions. Grinning broadly as she manipulated the mechanism and revealed a cleverly concealed weapon.

" The crossbow adaptation is amazing I will have to give Rivet a proper run down on how it worked out."

"No doubt that will be appreciated, I need to go and report to Esta and let her know the Stalkers have moved closer to Outpost 4. I will meet you at maintenance afterwards."

An hour and some minor adjustments later Sil was on her way towards maintenence when a siren's haunting howl echoed through the complex of tunnels. She picked up pace, it had been a long time since the alarm had sounded telling them one of the Bone Doors had activated signalling the arrival of another lost traveller.
SiL cursed under her breath, the daylight hours were the most dangerous, even for a team as experienced as her and Rakk.
As if answering her thoughts the large walking weapon rounded the corner.

"Come we won't have much time."
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Sigdom's Blade


Dawn. I walk through the corpses on the battlefield, my feet crunching the hard packed snow. My breath comes out in great plumes before freezing to my beard. Overhead, crows begin to circle, cawing in excitement at the coming feast.

As the sun casts its sickly pale glow across the land, I take my first good look at my surroundings. Thousands of bodies lay before me in various stages of death and dismemberment. Decapitated heads, gouged eyes, spilled entrails and severed limbs form a bloody, gore drenched carpet over the snow, staining it a rusty brown colour.

In the distance I see my companion Bleidd working her way through a cluster of corpses. The half elf has a keen eye and even keener hearing which allowed us to follow the army undetected across the Sordkapp Mountains until they arrived here, on this vast open plain and did battle with mutant Norsemen. The battle had raged all night, Count Vorstadt's forces fighting valiantly but ultimately suffering a crushing defeat. The survivors had retreated, chased by hordes of Norsemen back into the mountains. The screams of the captured humans being tortured and killed had pierced the night and given me goosebumps.

I gaze at one of the Norsemen. Vile, mutated, barely human creatures, the Norsemen were the product of decades of inbreeding and black magic. The one at my feet died from massive trauma to its head, the axe that split its overly large skull still embedded deep in the flesh and bone. I gaze into its face and feel the bile rise before moving on.

Corpse looters, that's what Bleidd and I were now.



Sensitive hearing is one thing , Hawk like vision is also perfect for jobs like these, however an exceptional sense of smell , is neither required nor recommended and by the 'Stalkers Blade' I wished for the dozenth time that I had no nose. Drenching my scarf in Lavender and Marjoram in an attempt to disguise the smell, of death and feces, I fought the sensation of my stomach attempting an escape. If I thought the Norsemen smelt bad alive, they were a positively other worldly dead. As my fingers swiftly tackled the buckles and fastenings of yet another half frozen corpse I had to wonder why the Hell I was here instead of taking the cushy little scouts job going South. Subconsciously my eyes scan the field until I find him, and sigh , the job South had been a one man affair. My attempts to convince the self important caravan leader that Rudiger would prove his worth should trouble arise fell on deaf ears. They wouldn't pay the extra fee, so corpse looting it was. ' The joys of having a partner.' That wasn't fair, the pro's far outweighed the cons , it was just right now I'd give our entire haul for a warm ale.

The harness sticks so out comes the skinning knife, a swift circular cut and the fastenings drop away. There are a few Items of Traditional jewellery most likely snatched from some victim of the last place they raped and pillaged their way through. Nothing worth shouting about, we didn't have long before the heat upped the stench brought the corpse eaters out.

I could maybe get through another three before we needed to decide if it was worth the extra trouble to hang on through the day.

Looking back up to Rudiger , I signal to know if we were still clear. We have worked together long enough to have established a series of hand signals to communicate over places like this so we aren't shouting and attracting the wrong kind of attention.

The fine layer of frost that had formed on my armour was just starting to defrost making everything feel damp. I stand up waiting for his reply , he's hardly a small man as it , standing up on the rise withe sun coming up he looks more akin to a bear than man. Chuckling i consider I might keep that to myself incase he doesn't appreciate the comparison.
Somewhere in the Mojave

Drawing deeply on her cigarette Tyler stared down the highway disappearing beyond the horizon.
She had pulled over to take a break and stretch her legs, driving for five hours straight was taking its toll on her body as well as her sanity.
Another long draw. Holding it deep in her lungs until when she did breathe out there was very little smoke to actually made it into the evening air.
Checking her guns for the umpteenth time. Reaching for the .44 she kept on her thigh, she now decided was to heavy and risky on this job, to much recoil and the target was too flighty. Wandering round to the trunk she popped it open, to the casual observer it looked empty except for a jack and a tyre iron.
Flipping a switch under the latch, the floor of the trunk slid back and a back board rose up sliding into a vertical position, revealing another bed of weapons beneath it. Unloading the revolver she put it to bed putting the ammo into storage. Running her fingers over her semi's , then her energy pistols, finally settling with an ELO 550 ,ideal against quick unarmored targets and vermin. Sliding the weapon into her thigh holster Tyler flicked the switch again and the backboard disappeared out of sight.
Closing the trunk, a chill ran up Tylers spine , all the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, turning to look behind her she saw...well, nothing , to start with. Squinting into the low light , she finally saw it, dust rising in the distance. Taking a final draw she threw the cigarette butt to the side and walked briskly to the drivers side.
Under no circumstances did she want to get caught out here alone and from the look of the dust there must be at least three vehicles, slavers most likely doing a 'round up'. Tyler had no intention of becoming their next meal ticket , if she was lucky she could out run them , if not.....

Vaulting over the door into the drivers seat, she eye'd the fuel gauge,..."Shit!" She hadn't passed anyone in over 100 miles , fuel was scarce out here you either brought it with you or stole it as you went. Tyler did a bit of both but a high speed escape was going to seriously eat into her reserves.
The clutch went down,she knocked it into first ,accelerate,clutch 2nd then 3rd, and after a few hundred yards 4th. Relieved she'd replaced the clutch plate when she'd the chance she felt the old american muscle car haul itself into its comfort zone, hungrily devouring the tarmac as it went.

Tyler eyes flicked to the rear view, the dust was still kicking up in the distance , they had covered an alarming amount of ground if they were slavers, since they usually travelled in trucks. There was no way she could outrun them , she just didn't have the fuel. She had to get off the road, but where?

After another mile had passed she spotted and old barn set back off the road, checking back again she tried to determine if she had enough time to get over and hide the car,and for the dust to settle. There wasn't really much of a choice , so pulling hard on the steering wheel the old quarter miler heaved itself across the rough terrain protesting loudly at having to do anything that wasn't a straight line.

The sooner she could get this job done and get back to the god damn city the better. She waited patiently for the caravan of vehicles to pass her by , it took them longer than expected , but that was good , it meant they hadn't seen her.

About 100 miles from Vegas.

Marley squinted against the low winter sun, she leaned harder against the side of the shack trying to stay in the shadow. She had been stood here for over 2hrs and as the sun rapidly began to set she hissed through her teeth.
" Fuck, not again,I am not sleeping in the fucking car, again!"
She risk a glance back at her cuda , scowling. No , she needed this done tonight. There was no way she planned to spend another night under the tarp in the back of her car.
She began charging the ELO , she began to focus again. Finally she heard voices.
" About time."
A man named Wilson exited the building first , he was Marley's informant and a bit of a all-round weasel ,but he had never let her down so she just over looked his repugnant behaviour.
He was followed by the 'mark' and the man she had been tailing for over two weeks.
Joe McCall, a grade A scum bag, not that Marley Cared , he could have been a Saint , so long as she got paid.
Blowing on her finger tips, she walked along the shack wall, staying in the shadows.
Once Wilson was well out in the open with Joe close behind she stepped out into the setting sun light.
A shot rang out. Wilson dropped, dead before he hit the floor. Joe's head snapped round as he looked for the direction of the shot his eyes wide with a mixture of indignance and fear.
He almost relaxed when he saw Marley sauntering towards him.
Marley dressed in her trade mark Hunters gear, which in her case was a cropped top , thick denim skin tight jeans, para boots and her Hunters Jacket and Badge.
Marley walked straight towards him, hips swaying slightly as she did. A Cruel smile curled Joe's lips when he saw her , " aw a little girl coming for me....hahaha" his voice was lecherous and derogatory, he was a well known mysoginist
Marley smiled sweetly, " Marley Tyler , pleased to meet you, here to serve your bounty."
This was the part of the job she hated,be cause they always fucking run.The rules said you had to get them to state their name for the record and give them the opportunity to say goodbye on record to loved ones, business partners or any significant other, if they could offer up a confession would be nice, she sighed at the ridiculousness of it but hey, she did not make up this shit.
Joe's laugh was coarse and cruel. " Hahahaha .... Your Marley Tyler....Hahah...I was.........AAARgH FUCK!"
"Thinking I was gonna be a man ,right?!... Well surprise I'm not so sit the fuck down while we get to business."
Marley had grown tired and shot him in the left knee just so she could move things along, she knew he would run so she was just saving herself someime. He tried to pull a his glock, as he funbled and it got stuck in his waistband, she shot him in the elbow.
" Agh fuck whore!...what the ,....aaaah shit !!!"
Another shot rang out as she took out his other knee.
Then putting her foot on his shin , to ensure she had his full attention.
" Look Joe I have had a very long couple of weeks and I am done..., so state your name and we will get this over with."
He was just about to tell her where to shove it when she leant her weight onto his shin twisting his blown knee , god how he screamed but when he was done her gave her his name.
" JOE McCall, Joe McCall ...please please do......."
The final shot rang out and he slumped to the ground. She looked over at the first guy she had shot.
" Wilson' ..... Wilson get up". Marley shouted at the first guy, he lifted his head out of the dirt.
" Here is 5 thousand credits now get the hell out of here, and don't came back to the city for a while." She winked at him as he scrambled to his feet and took off at a run.
Searching Joe's body she found nothing of much interest a couple of fake I.D's a couple of thousand credits on his chip. Just as she was getting up the hairs on the back of her neck stood up and she had the unmistakable feeling that someone or something was watching her.

Now she wishes she'd kept the .44 just incase.
Guns drawn she spins around.
There's a well read leaflet on the notice board at the edge of this old deserted town.

The wind sings a mournful tune through the empty uncared for buildings.







This is your last chance to leave or die out here. The land is barren the wells are dry .

What you bring with you is all you have to tell your story.

The journey will last 21 days and we leave a week from today.

Leave Y/C name on the board below. Along with item descriptions...Someone will be along to direct you to the processing point!!!

((OOC: This is as it says , a limited run RP, an opportunity to try a character and feel them out or just help tell the story of a group of ppl leaving behind the only place they have ever known.
No suprise to anyone who knows me this is a future dystopian setting. We will be travelling through barren wastes and foreboding canyons to get to civilization. The threats will be plenty.I am not gonna fill into many details here . Except that it's rough out there. I want the characters to tell this story. I will be running the Caravan leader and two of the guards….I could do with someone else to run guard duty too though not essential.))