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Left Behind
Warning: death mention, minor gore

It's said that when a person dies, if you're watching, you can see the life leave their bodies, more surely than checking for a pulse.

Elizabeth could only stare as, in the chaos of the small room, her agents fought for survival while a madman furiously worked at his side of the escape coordinating. The Councilman herself gripped Jerry's neck, holding shut a wound that she prayed wouldn't kill him.

"It's ready." Sin's voice cut through the chaos.

"Ain' everyun 'ere yet!" Poppy shouted.

The man grunted quietly, more thoughtful than acknowledging.

"Who's missing?" Bril demanded.

Rare's answer came quickly. "Bio."

A brief pause from the man, and Elizabeth began to look around. She saw the others sparing a brief glance around as well before her own eyes spotted the distant woman struggling to escape the grip of two Tritine employees. "Down the hall at our nine!" Elizabeth called, and faithful Falren turned and shot. The employees went down, and Falren returned to defending the main door.

The former empress stumbled, then yanked herself free of the dead men's hands before she began to jog, then run, then sprint.

As she grew closer, Elizabeth could make out her expression. Grim, desperate. She didn't think she'd make it in time, but she'd try.

"Sin, slow it down!" Elizabeth ordered as she turned her head to look at him.

His eyes were on Bio as he answered the Councilman. "I can't."

"What..." Elizabeth turned to look at Bio, and just as the brunette entered the room, the Councilman's vision blurred.

Two realities overlapped. Bio tripped right in front of her. The woman's pince-nez skittered forward. She lifted her head and reached forward. Her eyes dimmed and her body sagged, but remained in its position. Her head faced Sinclair, her arm hung in the air, as though interrupted while reaching forward, and her opposite hand rested on the floor, ready to use to push herself up.

Bio stared forward as she faded from view, replaced by an empty spot in a new locale, where stone walls dominated their surroundings.

They'd made their escape, but someone was missing. It was inevitable when running headlong into trouble with a large group chosen randomly by fate, but the expression on Bio's face...

It looked like when someone lost their mate.

It looked like that woman just died while remaining alive.

Elizabeth cursed quietly as her throat tightened and her hands began to shake. She couldn't help but try to imagine what was going through Bio's mind in that awful moment, and it left her feeling ill, so much that she didn't realize Dianne and Bril finished tending to Vinnie and pried Elizabeth's hands from Jerry and began to work at the bloody gash along his neck.

"Good news is it missed anything immediately vital," Dianne muttered, bringing Elizabeth to the present, "But if you hadn't kept pressure, he'd have bled out."

"He'll be alright, then...?"

"I believe so."

One spot of good news, at least...

Elizabeth nodded, then stood and forced her mask into place. It was time to be a leader—the others were going to be in chaos for a few minutes more, she felt sure.

Rare clung tight to Sin. Poppy gripped Elli's arm far too tight. Everyone seemed shaken now that they very suddenly weren't fighting for their lives.

"Sin." She looked toward him.

After a few moments of what she assumed was stewing in his own head, he turned his head toward her as she picked up the slightly-scratched eyepiece and inspected it so Sin could see it was present. When she looked back at him, his eyes were locked onto the lenses.

"Let's get some sort of shelter so we can lick our wounds before we get back to insanity," she decided aloud. If he knew of one, now was the time to say so. If not, she'd use her pause to wait for an answer as a few moments' thought and start giving orders.

In the mean time, she offered Bio's eyepiece to Sin.

A memento. Elizabeth wasn't sure if they'd rescue the woman or not, or if they could rescue her from such mind-erasing grief.
Birds of a Feather
Warning: pedophilia mention, child abduction.

Eiji stood alongside a few other Councilmen as they watched several young trainees enter through portals. This was one of the largest intakes in years, through sheer chance, and no Councilman didn't seek some form of advantage, be it through studying the homes of these new trainees or going to meet them.

They stood silent in their dark robes, faces hidden in shadow, as trainees brought in child after child and mages hurried to get portals open.

Eiji's heart skipped a beat as he saw a flash of black hair, but a quick glance at the blue-eyed trainer who brought her assured him that this girl wasn't who he wanted most to see. It was just a little Red Yao girl. Her screaming clawed at his ears and heart as she screamed in her native tongue for her mother.

This was the state of many of the arriving children. This was why Elizabeth was not present. Despicable cat she was, she had at least a deep affection for children that set her apart from other sociopaths.

A quiet voice caught Eiji's ear, uttering a tiny "Titi?" that destroyed the calm in his heart and set his eyes instantly to the infant who spoke it. Held in the arms of a trainer, he knew instantly that the winged child was the one he'd heard would arrive today.

He didn't know her name yet, but he planned to find out.

"Isn't she a bit young for you, old bird?" a voice whispered beside him, and he realized he'd turned to watch her go.

He cracked his neck and clicked his tongue. "Dung-heap. Anyone that wants a child for such use is despicable."

"Yeah? Rare looks like a child."

"She is a woman. She menstruates."

"She still has baby fat."

"So do you."

"I do not!"

"Eh? Must be the donuts, then, omaru-kun." A snarl beside him was the only warning Eiji needed before he walked toward an unfortunate trainer whose new acquisition was flailing horribly.

Eiji pushed down his hood and slipped the young one from the trainer's grasp, then held the child close against himself, taking advantage of his broad sleeves to offer gentle compression on the little one that eventually saw the little boy calmed as he stared up at the tengu.

Eiji bounced the little one gently, then looked toward the trainer. "Fool. He is overcome by too much stimulation. Compression across the majority of the body will calm a child in such a state." His gaze drifted back to the little boy. "What is your name?"

A sniffle, and silence.

"I am Nanzo Eiji. Behave now. You'll be a powerful warrior and protect people if you're good."

More silent staring from the boy, and Eiji returned the stare and the silence. "Go with your trainer now."

With that, Eiji handed the little one over, then crossed his arms and continued to watch the last of the new arrivals. He shouldn't have calmed that child, but it would have taken someone colder than him not to step in.

His gaze moved toward the place the other Councilman had been, and found him absent. Likely out spreading gossip already.

"Yare yare," he murmured, then lifted a hand and yawned. Another dangerous thing to do, but with his otokorashii stance and language, he felt he projected enough strength that it wasn't going to be a problem.

However, his mind wasn't in the present any longer. It was back in the moment he laid his eyes on the young winged girl in the lovely kimono. Her small face was burned into his mind, and he knew without a doubt he would get into a lot trouble for her sake.

Finding another Japanese person, let alone a female tengu, he knew he wouldn't be able to resist becoming her protector, as he intended to do for Rare until her colors began to show.
Dancing Feathers
Crow's Resurrection AU
Warning: death, suffocation.

She did it.

The little bird succeeded, and the dance that brought his end was stunningly beautiful.

Rather than the cold of steel, silver burned his flesh. A clean slice across his neck. He didn't bleed, but his brain would get no new oxygen, despite how his lungs worked and pulled air in and out through the cauterized slash that nearly decapitated him.

He touched his neck as his illusions faltered, revealing his true form. His feet touched the ground, and then one knee, and then his rear and one hand.

Vision began to darken as he watched a wary Kyoko approach. He had a minute or so, maybe half of that.

Exhaustion weighed at him, and he let his head fall forward until a blur came to a stop before him and solidified into a figure he knew and loved so dearly.

Her name formed on his lips, but he couldn't lift his face to look at her. She performed that task for him, and he watched her face.

"Kirei da," he tried to say, but no sound emerged, and as popping sensations filled his head and face, his vision blackened.

He no longer felt his body anymore, and as a floating sensation filled him, he thought he heard distant crying.

Alliances of Opportunity
Warning: death mention, injustice, person ownership.

Wait, that couldn't be right. Crow scowled as he looked over the review of the morning shift's case against a trainee, who'd been sent into the dungeons as a result. The supposed crime and its punishment were out of proportion, which was ridiculous given the current low swing in population. They needed all the live bodies they could muster, and the morning shift was locking up trainees?

He sighed, then closed his eyes thoughtfully.

"Rare. Get his records."

He didn't watch her go, but knew she obeyed. Several long minutes passed before he heard her re-enter his office, and he opened his eyes.

On review of the records, he found that the trainee was incredibly promising. Too useful to be given a death sentence over... what was it, again? He looked over the trial papers, then snorted derisively. A catch-all, of low enough severity that a retrial by another shift was possible. Probably someone just didn't like him.

And that someone was... Not a Councilman he cared overmuch about, honestly. Not powerful enough to go against him, at least. He weighed the politics of it, then stood. "Dismissed," he murmured to Rare before he exited his office.

A retrial would be beneficial. A reminder for the morning shift to remain humble, a chance at having another able-bodied Hunter, and possibly some personal power gain, should this trainee prove himself a useful Hunter.
A Gut Feeling
Warning: loneliness, feels.

All day, Elizabeth couldn't stop fidgeting. She clicked her pen rapidly during the shift meeting for the Council until conversations drew to a halt, and everyone stared at her. Even her shame at being caught under their scrutiny couldn't restrain her from her fidgeting.

A heavy and twisted sensation dogged her throughout the day, and finally, after tossing and turning for hours, she grabbed her phone.

One person was stuck on her mind. Last time she'd felt like this was... terrible.

The suffering was tremendous.

She dialed the number and waited. It rang a few times, and then an answer. Relief hit her like a train, leaving her silent as the answering party queried about the call. After a few moments, they hung up.

Elizabeth quickly pulled her head together and called again.

"Sorry! Sorry about that last call," she said the moment she heard a person on the other end, "I was..."

She forced a deep breath. "Surprised? ... Relieved."

"Yeah?" There was pain in his voice.

"Sorry," she apologized again. "I know I'm... supposed to be letting you go, not interfering, and..." Her voice caught, too tight to speak, and the man on the other end waited as she composed herself.

Muffled, she could hear the sound of yowling, slowly coming closer.

"A-anyways, I had a bad feeling. You know the ones... I'm worried about you." She forced a deep breath. "Keep... keep safe, pretty man."

The woman closed her eyes, feeling some relief at getting the words out as she ran her thumbnail along the inside of her forefinger.

"Whatever you're up to, Fen, please, be safe? It's a big, lonely Multiverse out there, and... if something happened to you, I can't... I don't think..."

Elizabeth forced another breath, this one shakier than the last.

"It'd be so much worse without you in it."

He began to speak after a moment, but stopped mid-word. She listened, waiting, and he finally spoke. "The hell's that noise?"

Elizabeth covered her mouth and looked toward Poppy, who'd poked her head in to yowl into the room—as a cat, of course, before moving on.

"That's... That's Poppy. She still looks for you every night."

"Christ," he muttered.

She could feel her own urge to yowl rising, but bit it back.

"Sounds heartbroken."

"She... frankly is. Acts like nothing's wrong during the day, but at night... She's not handling it well."


"I'm not trying to force you to come back," she interrupted, then flushed and looked down at her lap. "Sorry. I just... wanted you to know that I... still respect your decision to leave. I... you deserve better than what I did." A deep breath, despite a closing throat. "Just promise me, Fen, please, that you'll be safe." She wasn't sure if the last words came out all the way. Tears cut paths down her cheeks as her daughter's yowling continued down the halls of their family home—hers and Poppy's.

"I should let you go. It's... very late." The words came out in a rush, and she hung up, only to stare down at the screen.

Down the road and across the Celtic Sea, Cork City was, to a degree, rebuilt. This was the home she'd fled to with her lone surviving kitten so long ago. The home she kept for the growing Poppy, and that she never brought anyone to. Shrouded in shields of magic and patrolled by enlisted feral cats she paid in fish, it was, now that Sin wasn't present in Cork, the safest place for her young one.

And the loneliest place for both of them, with Poppy's nanny off on holiday, and Poppy's adopted biosoldier patrolling the property most hours

Elizabeth walked to her bedroom door and began to close it, holding herself together just enough to latch it before she fell with her back against the old wood and began to sob, phone gripped tight in one hand.

She'd not realized how lonely their existence was, before Falren walked through the portal from the dead city of Cork with her.
Last edited:
Families and Meetings
Warning: happy, hospital, extended medical care.

"So, you mentioned finding Noah, and he wouldn't tell you where he was from?"

Mr. Narisawa blinked at the social worker, as though he didn't expect such a strange question about his adopted son. "Yeah," he said after a moment, head bobbing once. "I couldn't just turn him out, and if he didn't want to go back where he came from, I figured he'd either change his mind given time, or something happened to make it that way, so I just took care of him, and he started calling me papa." A small smile grew on the Japanese-American's face as he recalled that moment.

A sunny morning, during breakfast. Ham, eggs, toast, broccoli, apple slices, and a choice of juice, water, or milk. It was busy, with Jikei, Gwen, Mia, and Noah all chatting more than eating. This was the family meal, moreso than dinner, where they all talked to each other and got themselves excited for the day ahead.

That particular day, Noah had been really quiet. Jikei noticed right away, but didn't push. Instead, he simply observed the boy as he listened to Mia's lackadaisical summary of how she expected her day to go. Once she finished, he looked toward the girl and grinned.

He couldn't remember what he started to say, but he remembered clearly how he heard Noah's deep breath, and then the boy's words.

"Papa? Please pass the apples?"

A glance was all it took to see the boy's uncertainty, and he remembered handing over the apples and patting the boy on the head while he squealed internally before he returned to his conversation with Mia, and Noah joined in shortly after. Gwen didn't say much that morning, but seemed pleased whenever Jikei stole a glance in her direction.

"Mister Narisawa?" the social worker asked.

Jikei pulled himself from his memories, smile still in place. "Sorry, just reminiscing a little. I miss having Noah home for family meals."

"He misses them as well, I think." The social worker nodded and flipped through a few pages on her clipboard. "All of the nurses and orderlies comment on how he chatters their ears off when they bring him meals, and he makes it hard for them to resume their jobs."

"I'm sorry!"

"It's fine. They found a way around it, without upsetting him."

"Oh? That's good." Jikei nodded, then paused and tilted his head slightly. His brows furrowed, and he pursed his lips a moment before he spoke again. "Ah, why exactly did you call me in? On the phone, you sounded really urgent."

The woman took her turn to smile this time. "Visits with the social worker don't require visitation hours, and Noah is very convincing."

Jikei must have looked confused, because the social worker burst into laughter a moment later before she called Noah into the room. He entered excitedly, pulling his IV along after himself, and Jikei lunged forward, dropping to one knee to hug the boy.

"Hi, Papa!"

"Hey, naughty kid," he greeted through a tight throat, "I missed you, too."
Medical Abduction
Warning: happy, hospital, extended medical care.

"Can you tell me your name?" the doctor asked as she shone a light into the boy's good eye.

"Noah Narisawa," he answered eagerly.

"Do you remember the date?" The woman moved to shine the light into one of his ears, and then the other while he spoke.

"It's..." he trailed off. "I know it's October, two-thousand-five. I don't remember the day number."

"That's ok," she reassured absently, "I forget which day it is sometimes, too. Open your mouth?"

He did, and she shone the light into it as he idly looked at the ceiling, gaze wandering with his thoughts as the child waited patiently.

She clicked the light off and nodded for him to close his mouth as she slipped it into her pocket. "Almost done. A few more questions is all."

"Ok," he agreed.

"Where do you live?"

"Johannesburg, Michigan."

"What is your father's name?"


"And your mother?"


"Can you tell me a little bit about your family?"

Noah's eyes brightened. "Yeah!" he exclaimed breathlessly before he launched into a quiet-but-energetic recollection.

"Papa works at a plant store. Mama helps there, but she mostly stayed home to take care of me before I had to come here. I have a big sister called Mia that Papa adopted after he saved her from a snow monster, and Papa sometimes tries to fight against Meanie Biocybera."

He paused to breathe for a few moments, and both fell silent. Finally, the doctor rose from her stool and used a leg to push it away. "Well, I'm sure your family is waiting outside the door to come see you. I'll let them in, since you're feeling healthy today."

Noah inhaled sharply, then scooted forward on the hospital bed. "They're outside? Really? Papa and Mama and Mia?"

"And... someone else, too." The doctor's hand hesitated as it rested on the door knob. "Sorry," she said suddenly before she fled out the door, revealing the mixed family—the red-haired Japanese man named Jikei, the brunette Gwen with freckled skin, and a black-haired and pale mystery named Mia. Just behind them, Jikei's enemy stood with gun in hand.

"Aah!" Noah backed up until he fell from his bed with a quiet thump, knocking over the IV stand on his way down.

"Noah!" the redhead shouted as he hurried around to his son. "Are you ok?" Calloused hands gently felt the boy's head for injury as green eyes roved just as freely.

"Ah toldja Ah should stay outta sight 'til after you told him," Biocybera grumbled from the doorway as she absently tapped her megaphone-like 'ray gun' against her bony leg.

She entered the hospital room, heels clicking on the floor as she rounded the bed and looked down at Jikei and Noah.

"Yer dad agreed ta stop attackin' me if Ah'd take over yer medical care, since Ah'm a genius.
Synaptic Shutdown
Warning: mind alteration, death mention, mind-break, brief sex inclusion.
The first two spoilers are alternative scenes, with the third as a later point in time that could apply to either.

Their arrival to Synapse's sanctum brought a gasp from Rare. She shot a horrified glance toward Sin—silently asking if her senses betrayed her.

Bio leaned against Synapse as she sat in his lap, legs parted to display their joined genitals, a helmet obscuring half of her face. Her brain, usually vibrant in Sinclair's new vision, lacked the usual flurry of electric signals, and though her levels of serotonin and norepinephrine were typically low, they were almost entirely absent now. Her heart beat slowly, and signals along her brain stem and spine traveled slowly.

Her cortizone levels were an all-time high, and sugars were low.

"Oh, they arrived!" Synapse laughed, as though it were a surprise, and his arm slid around Bio's bony shoulders. "I'd tell the empress that you're here, but she's not exactly with us right now. See, I developed a great program. It learns based on a person's chemical responses to virtual stimulus!"

He beamed.

"See, by telling the program what emotion I want it to produce, it starts creating very real simulations, and through trial and error, it finds what will produce the purest form of that emotion!"

He began to laugh, not unlike Vinnie's cackle, but purposeful and excited.

"I had to try it, you know? Everyone was always telling me it was too inhumane, that I should get rid of it, but it's really the easiest way to break someone."

He nodded, fully confident.

"The way I figure it, once the program finishes running and tells me what hell she's going through, I can use that and make her believe anything I want!"


Bio's listless gaze stared at some point low and to Synapse's side. She didn't look up at Sinclair's entrance at all, nor even acknowledge anything changed between one moment and the next as Synapse stroked her hair.

"You know, she's an ugly bitch, but her mind is great. All that genius, and breaking her emotionally was impossibly simple! Now she won't even perceive anything unless I tell her to!" He laughed, and beside Sinclair, Rare's hand came up and covered her mouth as bile rose in her throat.

"Biocybera!" Synapse suddenly snapped, tone firm, and she jerked her head up. "Two dangerous people just broke in! One of them wants to impersonate me and plans to steal you away!"

Biocybera's gun was out in a moment, and it and her eyes turned sharply towards Sinclair and Rare.

But the gun wasn't aimed at Sinclair, who stood at the front. It was aimed at Rare, at her shoulder where she'd been hit before by a Unifier's silver bullet.

Her mind moved slowly, but the spark of recognition stilled her hand from pulling the trigger.

Synapse scowled, and he shoved her off his lap. "Nevermind, I guess she's just garbage after all."

Bio laid where she landed, silent and staring unblinkingly forward as her cortisol levels rose and her heart began to struggle to beat.


As they left the earth's atmosphere behind, Bio stared down through the large window at the retreating land below.

After a few moments, she raised a single finger toward the planet as its entirety came into view.

The Sahara was massive. Few parts of the world were green anymore aside from a few dots, and manmade structures were more visible than anything natural.

The more of the world she saw, the more she hated.

Finally, she glanced toward Sinclair, then back to the retreating orb.

"Ah really, really want to blow the whole thing t'smithereens," she growled, only for her voice to catch. "Not that humans'll be able ta survive there more'n a few generations anyway. Killin' thesselves... Idjits..."

She rested her arm against the glass as her shoulders shook.

"An what kinda humanity should be allowed ta live, the kind already killin itself, and... and... what that bastard did ta me..."

She sniffed loudly. The effects remained with her. Every time she closed her eyes, she remembered too clearly.

Exhausted, but unable to sleep, she could barely function—for her, it put her mind at only the level of Bear. Sometimes, she cried from pure confusion. Sometimes from the memories.

Regardless of why she cried, she sought Sinclair each time, unable to stop herself regardless of what he might be doing, if only to be near the one who gave her hope when she was in hiding.

"Just... kill 'em all..."

To Bio, the worst part was that she knew she didn't wholly mean it. She knew she'd tell Sin to stop if he ever started on a project of that sort, and that she herself would never start it, but saying such things relieved her pain a little bit.
Rare's Demonic Description
Not really a story, just a bunch of description. Pay me no mind.
Warning: nudity I guess

She has a figure like a greyhound with an elongated spine and quadropedal-aligned hips.

Very slender and bony.

VERY small breasts (humanlike).

Slight hourglass figure.

Smooth, three meter tail (black towards the tip, then red, and orange from the middle to the base) with a black blade on the end. Emotive, but also prehensile.

Black spines along shoulders, elbows, back of neck, and upper portion of spine. None below the waist except some along the hips.

Six inch long claws are black.

Hands look semi-humanoid with black fingertips. Feet are digitigrade.

Four sets of horns: ram horns at the sides that curve back at the top, and then come forward under the ears, and three sets of horns on the forehead: a large pair at the corners of her widows' peak, a medium pair below and to the outside, and a smaller pair below and to the inside, near the point of the widows' peak.

Face is a mixture of human and canine.

Very long and very straight black hair. Side-swept bangs (will probably be shifted around thanks to horns). Please remember that hair can't go through horns and has to go around (some people forget so I've gotten used to mentioning this).

Hairline is widows' peak (think Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z, but much less extreme).

No fur.

Has red plating on forearms and lower legs that graduates to pseudo-scales further towards the torso, and the torso itself is orange with rough skin that becomes smooth on the belly, chest, and lower back. It's plated around her spines.

Face is orange and soft, with rough red skin along the hairline, cheekbones, chin, and her long, pointed ears.

Lips are red-orange and firm, but not rough-textured.

Sclera, iris, and pupils of the eyes are black. Irises glow orange.

Inside of mouth, visible part of tear ducts at corner of eyes, and other 'internals' are black.

Tongue is long and pointed, but flat.

Teeth are pointed and have barbs that face inward.

The inside of her mouth has rough ridges.

Rando Mini-Plot
Less story, more possible plot. Kind of very unfinished.
Warning: sexy tiem

She's fighting a big dude, cunning and strong, maybe some kind of orc chief/shaman, trying to protect a village from him. He's just the one guy, but he's causing major damage.

He's getting sick of how this tiny girl is so quick and strong and _persistent_ cuz all he really wants from the village is something the villagers stole from him because it would help them survive the previous winter, but they don't need it anymore, but they think they might. He's not planning to kill anyone—not from fear, but instead from a promise he made to someone in the past.

Rare pisses him off more and more in her defending, and he withdraws for a few days, planning. He sends minions to leave hints that he's still around, but for the most part, he's just plotting how best to deal with Rare without killing her, because he promised to kill nobody from the village.

He has his minions spy on Rare, also. They learn that Rare is entering a heat cycle, and catch her multiple times being distracted by men, only to become ashamed from her ogling. From the minions, he also learns that Rare does not speak for any reason, and that she's the property of a greedy and cocky man with a weakness for gambling.

The chief makes a decision and decides to wait until the height of Rare's heat, and then challenge her to a duel.

So, that's what he does. He walks boldly into town, weapon carried by a minion, and plants a flag, then demands trial by combat for his stolen artifact's return. Against expectations, Rare refuses the duel, but her owner overrides her wishes, saying that if Rare wins, the village should get something.

The chief declares that if he loses, he will cease all attempts at pursuing the item. The owner says that isn't enough, and should be a given. The chief acts taken aback, and after a few moments, he acts hesitant as he offers a year of his magic for use at bettering the village.

The owner again says it isn't enough. He says that the stolen artifact is keeping the village alive, so if the chief wins and takes it, the village will die, so he decides that if the chief loses, the chief and his tribe should enter servitude to the village.

Rare is clearly displeased, but can't go against her master, and any time she notices she's being watched, she tries to act like she's excited and happy for the coming duel and its conditions.

The chief holds up a hand and says he has no plans to kill the village by taking the artifact, and he will even replace it with a similar, but it belonged to his ancestors, and it was stolen from him. Its ability to lessen winter cold will only work once in a decade, and it was used, so can't be used again.

The villagers aren't pleased, and the master declares that the artifact was found in lands not belonging to the orcs. The chief says that it was in their burial ground, which was clearly marked.

The master still says he wants something of value, should Rare win.

The chief laughs and says he will enter servitude, and the master assumes aloud that it must mean that by owning the chief, they own his minions, too, and the chief says no, that his minions can only answer to his will, and will not be commanded by anyone else, and he will not force them to obey the will of another who they do not trust. The master really wants the power that would come from that, though, and the wealth, and he asks what it would take for the chief to put that on the line. The villagers start muttering.

The chief thinks for a time, then says that if that is going on the line, he wants Rare and two others to be arrested and to lose their claim on being from that village (exile essentially), and to be given to him as slaves. The villagers are muttering.

The master argues that he doesn't have the power to gamble away anyone except Rare, and the chief makes a show of begrudgingly accepting the offer.

They set a few more conditions: both duelists must meditate in complete isolation for three days beforehand, and they may not eat, and may only drink water during that time. The master agrees, and the minions cart Rare off while the chief leaves. The minions guard where Rare is kept, in a small shack in the village, closed off from all of the villagers, while the chief opts to sit just outside the village, while more of his minions guard him.

After three days, the two meet to duel. Rare is clearly agitated, but the chief is calm. The duel is established as allowing no magic, nor magic weapons, and is to five points—five times drawing blood or causing a surrender, each time leading to a pause and separation.

Rare earns the first two points of the duel. The Chief earns one. Rare gets another, and then the Chief, and then Rare again. The chief uses the next pause to remove his shirt and stretch. He wins the next point.

He earns another point right after, and they're tied at four. Rare is struggling to concentrate past the chief's bare torso and the scent of the herbs. When the last match is called to begin, Rare is so distracted she doesn't notice until she's told to stop dicking around. She's slow to dodge, but manages to escape without harm to her body.

She's also distracted by his manly scent, especially now that she knows he's not planning to hurt the villagers.

One of the judges suddenly calls a stop, and the two separate. A drop of blood hits the snow, and Rare looks down, then to the trail of blood, which matches a smear on the chief's knife.
Write-to-Adopt Entry
Warning: -

Her name is Sal, and most people think she's the sort of witch who knows sexy magic and learns secrets from succubi—she did when she was younger, but not anymore. These days, she's a bonds agent—a bounty hunter. However, she hasn't given up on her craft—every night she brews a potion or two that she gives as gifts to loved ones and friends. She wards homes for a few dollars an hour as well, and then does tutoring for young witches to prevent them from endangering themselves with the potent and often unpredictable force known as magic.

Of course, her days dancing with demons and making enticing enchantments aren't quiiiiite over—a woman can't be all seriousness and responsibility, after all!

A Pet Kitten
Write-to-Adopt Entry
Warning: feels

"I lost my father and sister in Cork. The investigation's ongoing, but they haven't turned up anything... No, I wasn't there. I was attending classes out of town at the time when the barrier came up. I didn't hear about what happened until the next day."

Abandoned as a kitten, a little girl named Ashley found the days-old kitten in a little box with a blanket and a note. Ashley couldn't read the note, but her father, Connor, said it was a sad note, but it said that the kitten was a girl named Rosie Leauge. A quick drive to the store, and he began to bottle-raise the tiny kitten.

As she grew up, she began to act slowly more intelligent. It became more difficult to keep her out of trouble, as she learned not only her name and a lot of words and phrases, but also how to open doors. At two years, she was still tiny, but she began to use the toilet. At four years, she turned into a human girl one night and arrived to breakfast and demanded she get to eat at the table this time. Some confusion followed, but once Connor and Ashley that Rosie the kitten was also a little girl, they began to treat her like one.

She eventually reached school age, and was enrolled. Some children teased her about her white hair, yellow eyes, and blotchy skin, and after she cried to 'Papa', he gave her a pep talk and told her she had no reason to hide her features—she was beautiful as she was.

Rosie didn't believe him, and colored her hair blue, green, and pink with markers one night, which got a great reaction from her classmates, and a sour one from Papa Connor, but he let her do as she wished, figuring that however she got her hair colored, he didn't want to find out what she'd do if he took away that method.
Based on Shelter MV.
Warning: confusion

The girl's pale brown eyes opened slowly and regarded the comfortable room around her, noticing little of the room she'd awakened in for more days than she could remember. She rolled onto her side with a quiet sigh and began to close her eyes, only to open them again to the sight of a cell phone's soft glow. She sat and lifted it.

She was expecting... something. Nothing came, though. It never did. It was important, though, so she had to keep checking.

Her eyes traveled around the room again as she debated what to do today.

This morning ritual repeated. It repeated each day, and between them, she explored an ever-changing world all her own.

Reality and dream ran together more and more as they bled together, until she no longer tried to tell the difference.

She danced with floating lights until she grew bored of that and laid among cool dew drops. She grew restless and ran through forests of sweet-smelling pine, or swam in an ocean of breathable water to explore caves filled with bioluminescent jellyfish that flitted through the strands in her long, black hair.

Never hungry, never thirsty or tired, but with a growing sense of discontent.

All was quiet, all was solitude.

And then, a light on the phone blinked red. She stared at that corner of the screen, then scrambled upright, seated on the edge of her bed as she stared at it, then slid a finger along to unlock the device.

"1 New Message", it said aloud.

A sharp intake of air, and the girl dropped it. A projection rose from its back—a series of lines. They moved as a male voice began to speak.


Something reverberated within her chest. Her eyes widened, and she stared at the lines, waiting.

"It's time. Re-entry begins shortly. Bio will fetch us once she locates us—"

Bio? Us?

"—And then we will escape."

The girl stared at the projection, brows furrowed.

She didn't understand. Was the message meant for another person? Who was Bio, and why did Rare and the speaker need to escape from her?

Before she could begin to think, the bedroom began to shake, slightly at first, but rapidly faster and harder, until she bent and covered her head, then crawled beneath the bed. The male voice continued to speak, but she couldn't hear it over a deafening roar from all around her.

A sudden gasp, and she woke somewhere unfamiliar. Strapped to a chair, nude, and unable to force her muscles to move, her eyes darted about. Lights and switches, buttons, dials, and touchpads, the sheer amount of electronic controls surrounding her at every side stupefied her. LEDs flashed and alarms rang, and the girl wanted to cover her ears, but her arms wouldn't raise.

She closed her eyes tight as a roar threatened to deafen her. Bright flashes visible through the lids burned her retinas.

The shaking grew more violent.

Her back pressed tight against her seat.

Her mouth opened, but the scream didn't emerge.


Everything rocked forward suddenly. Air whooshed from her lungs, and her eyes opened briefly, only to roll back beneath the lids.

The alarms continued, but the lights were dimmer, and the roar and shaking were gone.

When the girl woke, she remained strapped to the strange seat, and the alarms were silent. The lights were dark. She was alone in blackness, and with no idea how time passed, she merely sat in place, eyes tracing along the flashing stars that her own mind created in her vision.
My Dreams is Fucky
This is a literal dream I had.

So I was a student at a place like Hogwarts but I was my same age so like... it was weird. I was the oldest student there.

and my mom was saying oh how good this math teacher is, I should take the course!

Well, math was my last course of the day and I was so close to saying 'fuck it' after the previous three classes I had so I looked in, saw how huge the class was, and just.. skipped. Went back to my dorm room and chatted with my other class-skipping house mates.

We decided that since it was the first day, we should wander the halls, so we did, and we made some discoveries.

One of the others discovered shadow creatures roamed the grounds after dark, and when they caught someone, they froze them and used them to help them melt more of their kind out of blocks of ice. Then they ate them. The process of melting usually drowned the poor fucker. Anyway, by chance we were walking by a window, and saw one of our comrades was captured. We kinda freaked out.

One of us shone a spotlight out there, and the rest of us charged out, but right into the yard of a big monster and a trapped Carlos the Scientist (from WTNV). We got Carlos out and distracted the pet monster while the rest of us went out and saved our comrade, who was a younger Bio, enrolled in the school to escape her father.

We went back in, and a few days later, I was wandering the halls instead of going to math class, cuz fuck that noise, and I came across a smaller math class of younger students, where the teacher was actively beating and berating the students. Since I was still new, I barged in saying I was a student from a local college, there to inspect and write a piece on the local schools.

The teacher was scared straight for the rest of session and tried to bribe me, but I told him I'd be back in a few days to check again and see that he wasn't beating the kids anymore, and he apologized and tried to bribe me. I wrote a note in my notebook, and he straightened and started teaching properly, but he was internally shitting himself.

I walked out of the room and down the hall and saw those same students attending the big math class, but with empty expressions, and I suddenly understood what was happening, because the kids in the math class all looked like empty husks.

I went back and reported to the other skippers, who had become a little bit of an army, and we crowded into one dorm, where we discovered on accident a passage to a secret chamber belonging to our house's founder.

It was connected to the nearby auditorium by another secret passage.

Anyway, that's where we hung out more often than not, because it was the safest place to be. Monsters showed up now and then, but we overcame them through a combination of battle and compassion.

We got strong and good at battle, and we forged tight friendships. We put on a play to cover the sounds of our battle practice sessions. I didn't like striking blows on my allies, and they understood, and let me get away with crippling blows on their doubles rather than killing blows.

The play finished, and props printed, so I was in charge of handing them out, so I did, but after I finished (the baby of the group got a cute little knit, cat-shaped drawstring hat).

I wandered out the auditorium door in time to see two people (Cecil and Dana, from WTNV) going into the room that had the magic passage, and freaked out cuz they found it and dumped sand into it, making it unusable.

I ran back and shouted for the actors not to use the passage, and they came back and said they couldn't (they'd already tried) but it was filled with so much sand. Our secret place was lost.

Battle ensued once Cecil found us, and Dana ran off for reinforcements. Cecil used fuckin... Magic the Gathering cards to fight us??

Either way, cards summoned monsters. He ended up fucking up though by summoning a flood, and he couldn't swim. Carlos saved him, but they were both trapped under the device that Cecil used to dump sand. Carlos said if the device wasn't broken any further, he could empty the sand out, but Bio along with Morticea decided that now that it was found, it was too dangerous to use anymore.

Carlos's hand and Cecil's body were trapped under the device, but Bio, being Bio, just said "Well, nobody really cares for Cecil," and she used her laser mech to cut through the device... and Cecil's waist, and Carlos's hand.

Cecil pissed and lost consciousness, Carlos was screaming, and I freaked the fuck out saying we'd never see our friends inside of the secret place anymore.

"Oops," said Bio, "You should have learned math."

Then I woke up.
Inspired by Reconstituted Flarp
Warning: body horror

Missions were getting harder. Crow's eyes when he looked at her lacked even a shred of what warmth he once held. He looked indifferent, even annoyed as he deployed her, ever since he took Kyoko up his mountain.

Every time he came down from being with her, his irritation grew at the more mundane world below.

Rare took the brunt of it. Increased punishments, crueler missions, and more.

From the smug set of his posture, she expected not to return alive. A glance towards Elizabeth revealed only a raised hood and hands that gripped the railing so hard it splintered. The feline Councilman slipped back, disappearing into the shadows, and Rare looked away from her.

As she and Crow approached the portal in silence, Rare's leg shot suddenly to the side, and a white cat slammed it with a startled meow.

"What?" Crow began to look, and Rare kicked the cat back, into the shadows, before he could see it.

The trip through the portal, Rare went alone, and looked back in time to see a still-stunned cat staring, confused, through the portal.

Sinclair's phone rang.

Instead of the usual 'Hello,' from Elizabeth, more frantic words emanated.

"Rare has been sent on a suicide mission," followed by coordinates.

The world Sinclair arrived in had air so thick, human lungs could barely breathe. Spores danced through the air freely, and a soft hum echoed through the near-silence with a strangely familiar voice.

It rose subtly in pitch as Sinclair moved, or deepened when he went in other directions. Where it was highest, where it was loudest, a skeleton with flesh half-melted into the pink and ooze-like ground laid.

Spires of the same pink ooze-like substance rose into the air, topped by either disks or orbs, and as an orb burst and laid flat, spores flew free.

The skeleton had small barbs along arms and hips. Horns emerged over the ears and curled around, and a collar hung around the neck—a collar with a gold heart, etched with "Crow" in kanji.

The hum became a voice. "Sinclair," it breathed, and the pink ooze vibrated to create the sound.
Frozen Pipes
warning: depression

Elizabeth stared into her bathroom mirror. The pipes were frozen again, so she couldn't wash up properly unless she went to her home, but for now, that wasn't her worry as she stared at her greasy hair and unwashed face in the mirror over the sink.

She let her eyes travel over the present lines, then sighed and pulled out a jar of wrinkle-smoothing lotion and began rubbing it into face and neck. She left streaks of white across her dark skin, and left them to soak in as she watched the mirror, as though that would magically fix what age had done.

Despite her eagerness to dip her fingers back into the jar, she hesitated and let her hand rest on the side of the icy sink as she shook her head, letting it drop.

"Even if I magically get pretty, it won't matter," she snarled. With a swat, she sent her jar flying. "He's too good for me!" The shattering glass accented her words, and she glared through her curls at the mirror.

"Damn it Falren," she sighed as her shoulders sank. One of these days, she was sure he'd notice that she didn't live up to how he'd painted her in his mind. He'd realize she was just like the other members of the Council—a backstabbing, conniving rat who preyed upon others in order to further her own ideals. Even if hers were those of protecting others, she'd trod on people living and dead in the past, and she would continue to do so in the future, she knew.

On top of that, he was an honest man. A good man.

She wore dark robes anointed with blood and ordered deaths untold for faces she'd never seen and never would.

In what world were the black-cloaked and mysterious groups ever the 'good guys'? None. That niggling thought remained despite her knowledge that she served the Multiverse directly.

Ruling by fear, constantly competing among themselves, and weaving lies more easily than truths, who was to say that the ends justified the means? Elizabeth closed her eyes as she felt her chest and back grow tight, and her head sagged forward again.

Worse, her first thoughts in this bout of self-pity had been for a relationship of all things. She was getting soft. She was growing weak in her age, and yet she wasn't even that old compared to other Councilmen.

"I need to... do something," she murmured, "Something about this. Can't let it fester."

She shook her head slowly, and then rapidly before she lifted it and stared into her reflection. Her hand, slick with leftover lotion, smeared across the mirror as she snarled at her own vanity.

A towel wiped away the lotion on her face and neck, and she threw it against the mirror, uncaring as she heard it crack before she exited the bathroom, expression grim, only to pull up short as she spotted Falren entering through the passage that led to her office. Her expression softened, and some tension left her shoulders.

"Fen," she greeted, tone warm as his mere presence cheered her, and she hurried to him, wrapping her arms around him girlishly, not once thinking to try and hide the redness of her dry-scrubbed face and neck.

"Bad day?" His arms wrapped around her in turn, and she nodded against his shoulder.

"The pipes froze in the bathroom," she murmured. It was intended as a warning about the bathroom's lack of function more than a summary of her day, but the man's quiet laugh gave away his misunderstanding.
Dreams are weird.
warning: sexual stuff, zombies

I had a dream last night that I was this cubicle worker but I was miserable so I ran away one day, but the building was set up so that the exits were blockaded, but I found a way out anyway. They tried to stop me, but once I was out, they sealed that way out and stopped pursuit. I discovered then that all of the men outside the building were mindless zombies.

They tried to nom me, but I stumbled onto a place where other women had set up a refuge, and they took me in, saying women couldn't be infected, so it was safe to do so.

I got settled in and helped out with their survival stuff, and another woman arrived. She got real sweet on me, real fast, and then she did a molesting on me, and while I was exhausted from the molesting, she smeared a snowball on my face.

POV switch to a young-ish boy living in the women's refuge with his mother, and he's watching in horror as everyone is being rounded up and force-fed snow, and becoming mindless sex zombies, and his mom has forced him to hide because he's the only unturned male.


The rest of the dream got very nsfw but by the end, the boy was transformed into a futa by the power of buttsex, and was very upset when he regained his mind, and he started crying. Mostly because by regaining his mind, he stopped feeling like he was warm and safe (his mind had retreated into a safe place to preserve itself).

Anyway, the girl who first brought in the snow and overtook the refuge was there, and she comforted him by shoving a vibe into his ass and a thick dildo into his shiny new cunt, then hugged him and petted him as he humped the dildo. He never got to use his peen though. Dunno why.
Calm Sleep
Warning: blood

The war was over, and she'd won.

Elizabeth sat slowly at the foot of the tree. Her body ached, from her ankles and feet to her hips and back and shoulders and more.

Her eyes struggled to remain open as she leaned against the rough bark.

The worries that dogged her mind before this seemed to grow ever more distant as she let herself sag, and her hand fell away from the sticky and dark stain on her robes.

Blood clung to her glove, but she barely noticed anymore, thanks to the strange dual sensation of weightlessness and leaden heaviness.

She let her gaze travel along the area around her, seeing vibrant greens and lush plant life, and even noticing some wild catnip nearby.

The woman laid down slowly and let a slow breath leave her. Breathing took so much energy...

Her eyes closed, and tension eased from her body as a chill breeze danced through her curls, teasing her face with tickling strands as the sun warmed her freckled skin.

A deep breath, and she felt herself ease away.


The word jarred her, and she felt her heart start, as though it had stopped. A strong hand gripped hers, and instead of the firm ground, she felt something soft beneath her back.

"Liz, please."

It was only a whisper, but it held enough urgency that she began to fight the ache and the weariness in her body.

Her hand squeezed back after an eternity passed in her mind, and Falren's sigh beside her came with the scent of relief.

"We found you," he murmured, and she felt his calloused finger slide along her forehead, just brushing the hairline.

She didn't know where, but she found the energy, and a broken, uneven purr came from her chest. The scent of relief grew, and she wasn't sure if what she heard was a laugh or a sob.

It might have been both.

Elizabeth forced one eye open.

"Fen?" She couldn't hear herself, but from his face, he heard well enough.

Tears glistened on his cheeks and in his mustache as he leaned down toward her, holding her hand tighter. A brief kiss, and he rested his forehead against hers. His answer didn't need to be verbalized, and she didn't think either of them could handle words anymore.

Her hand tightened around his, then became loose.

Falren's eyes opened and searched her face.

Words seemed needed again now. They came out slowly as Elizabeth's tired gaze lingered on her agent and love's face.

"I'm just tired," she whispered as she closed her eyes.

Falren's hand lifted hers, and she felt his lips against its back, and the hairs of his mustache pressed firmly also.

"I love you," she slurred as she drifted towards needed rest.
  • Love
Reactions: Patch-Work
My dream this morning. Excuse any fucky stuff.
Warning: torture? death?

I woke in a canoe, and heard the call of 'everyone should be rowing,' so I did as I was told and got an oar in each hand. Through the mist-covered ocean, we went forward, and since I was at the fore, I tied us off, and we disembarked onto the ship.

I dressed in my costume, a dress-and-corset steampunk outfit that showed my legs below the knee, and then went to my job—the darkest stall. There, I led tourists through the 'haunted' interior. I enjoyed it, and got to use my appearance to gently cajole the uncertain into thinking I'd be impressed if they went all the way through.

It was fun.

As the day progressed, I came to realize that there were two or three castes of workers, and I was the lowest. My job was to work, and to do everything I could to help the upper castes and visitors. I didn't know why, but everyone had a slight fear of the upper castes, and ran about eager to do their bidding, though none of us recalled any sort of punishments delivered. None of us spoke about it overtly, either.

It was something akin to dogs who love and obey their owners, but have forgotten the events of training.

The day ended, and I woke again in a canoe. This time, I fell into the water while trying to tie it off, and the others in it went ahead of me to get ready.

An upper caste man, from the highest of the three castes, watched me, and when I finished tying, he followed me, then told me to tie a knot through a loop, and he would deduct points if I was slow, or if I used spit to control the frayed ends.

I struggled, because I was giddy with confusion, but I got it, and he simply watched me with a subtle expression of amused tolerance.

My getting ready was interrupted by a brief celebration, and I gasped in delight as I found a mask with that upper caste man, and put it on, then ran to him to show him. I could see a bit of affection in his face, and knew I did well. He informed me I was late, so I ran, mask still on, and tried to get to my station.

Someone else was manning it, though!

I was so confused, because it was mine, and so I walked by several times, trying to find it, but the one that looked right had someone else in front of it. I was very distressed.

Another person from my caste urged me to find something to do, so when I noticed a valve was dripping oil, I read it, and closed it. A second caste stopped and scolded me, saying that it has to stay open, or the cats will get into the pipes. There were a few cats sitting nearby, and she pointed, noting the white streaks on their bellies. She said every day, they got whiter and more stupid, and one day, they'd just be idiot white cats.

I thought absently of Poppy, but the thought left as easily as it came, and I asked what I should do.

"Wash up and find someone to help."

I nodded and started roaming the halls of the massive barge. The first large room I came to was very white, and they were putting up mirrors. I asked for a place to wash my hands, and did that, but by the end, they were done, and the second caste person in charge said she'd tolerate me if I came again tomorrow.

Work ended, and the other lowest-caste people in the room came to meet me. One was a fat man, and there were a few others. We began to walk back to the canoes together, but stopped when we heard barking.

We were all confused, because we'd not seen dogs on the barge before.

One brave woman stepped forward, then laughed as she was lick-attacked by medium-sized dogs with hound-like features.

I kept having the feeling that someone I knew of was past the dogs, but only saw brief glimpses of shadows moving, because there were too many dogs.

When we got through, we barely noticed the shackles on the walls, and went on, chattering with each other.

Fat guy liked pranks and big women. The dog-loved woman often stole away to snuggle animals when she had nothing she was supposed to be doing. There was one other person, but I don't recall much.

We made our way through the back halls, which weren't nearly as nice as the public halls, and were mini-barges tied to each other, each messy and rough and shabby.

Still, we had fun, and the next day, after work we snuck to the leader of our room's bedroom and outside her door, where the fat guy prepared a prank, but she woke up and interrupted us. We ran. Like fuck. The other person had a radar and informed us that she couldn't help, we were pursued too closely, and knew who we were.

Me and fatty ran. We ran hard, and the one time he looked back, she was almost in reach of grabbing him.

I jumped over a connection between barges, but he missed.

He fell into the water, and pursuit stopped dead as the upper-caste girl watched him transform into an amazonian woman in the water. She said he was lost, that there was a swarm of trans-leeches, and once they got you, their poison transformed you based on your heart.

You could see the little dots that were the leeches just below the surface.

She got mad and said he should have turned even fatter, then stormed off. I got a sudden bad feeling, and continued to flee. A few times, my foot fell into the water, but I was away from the main swarm, and only got one adult on me, that I pried off painfully and bloodily before I collapsed in tears. I knew, I somehow KNEW that Biocybera was coming, and we were all doomed.

And now the meta-knowledge parts of the dream:

The 'recruiter', the guy I'd found a mask for, convinced the owner of the entertainment barge that they should go after Generals Psiblast and Obsidian. The winning argument? "They're a pair of contrasting twins. Blond and brun," and a display of them as young teens. She ordered their acquisition, but unlike the rest of us, Psiblast was psychic, and he resisted their training methods, and helped Obsidian to do the same.

As punishment for this, the recruiter cut off Obsidian's legs, and ramped up the dampeners on Psiblast.

They escaped when the dogs were there, lick-attacking one of my friends.
The End of an Empire
Continued from Lurcolm's Usurper
Warning: death, buckets of tears, alcohol mention

And then before Tyrog, a figure appeared. She was tall and crystalline, and tears left glimmering paths down her cheeks as she glared at the being.

"You are killing me."

The words came not as the tinkling of windchimes, but a roar of deafening wind through a cavern.

"I cannot flourish in a multiverse where you reign. I will wither and die!"

Her clothes began to roll away behind her, to reveal her nude form, a sexless figure, hard as stone, and her heart, a star-shaped emerald encased in red, had ceased to glow.

The lines that powered her body no longer glowed, as well.

"These are the scars of your empire!"

She glared at him with all five of her eyes and walked closer.

She grasped his arm in an unforgiving grip and held his hand to her heart.

"Finish what you have started, Martin Chasty, and know that this is the only way for you to save existence itself from aeons of agony as you stifle and suffocate it."

Her eyes narrowed further.

"Do it! Because by killing Poppy as you have, your love will never return to you!"

She wanted those words to hurt.

"Rare also lies dead, her corpse anonymous and spirit trapped, never to re-enter the cycle. Alsoome and countless young, also."

She stepped toward him, and he felt how the stones on her surface began to crack under his hand as she held it in place, leaving him frozen before the voice of the Multiverse.

"It must begin anew," she declared as she stepped forward again. Sharp fragments dug into his wrist as his hand felt her heart only briefly before it shattered in her next step, and then pushed through her back.

"Now, the Multiverse rejoins the cycle..."

And the Multiverse howled in agony, the sound screaming into Tyrog's soul. For a moment, he saw them—each of those he killed in his war. Every Hunter, every Unifier, every civilian. He saw them, and then their lives, and then finally, it came to those dearest to him.

It showed him Rare, being fucked by a Unifier before Tyrogians burst in and destroyed both. He saw her spirit screaming in agony from her collar as it was buried in gore and rubble. He saw Poppy and Crow talking, heard Crow beg Poppy to bring Elizabeth back, before his attack began and the alarms went off. Crow sealed Poppy alone in her mother's room and left to fight, where he defended the trainees with grace as they tried to escape, and even ordered Kyoko, his beloved, to fight rather than to flee.

No children escaped, least of all Poppy, who followed Crow to find out what was happening. A feline corpse rested near a portal gone wild thanks to the mages' death.

He saw a little girl, overlaid by Elizabeth's face, who stared at a fight. A Hunter against Tyrogians. Neither knew she was there, and neither knew she died when their fight carried them through a wall in her house, until the scent of blood hit them. The Hunter's rage destroyed the Tyrogians, but he died in the process—a young, blond man with dark blue eyes, who fought like a ghost.

As he curled around the dying child, he tried to comfort her.

Hegga perished, surrounded by Tyrogians and Unifiers alike, as Tyrog's forces and those Twiggy tried to save her from both discovered the pair.

Twiggy and Eyes perished together in the same place, with his dear friend Ben to witness only moments before a great force saved him.

The glimpses continued, even showing him those of his own people whose death he brought.

And then, for a brief moment, he witnessed nothingness.

With his arm stuck in Beryl's form, he witnessed the rebirth of the Multiverse. He saw the Firstborn, and the spirits, and the creation of order from nothingness, and he watched as the Firstborn died at the hands of one of their own, whose motives were only to learn. He watched every beginning and end as time progressed, until finally, he saw again the poison on Elizabeth.

How she stubbornly didn't go to Alsoome.

How she cried while staring at her phone, crying apologies to a man who left because she slept with Martin.

And then, this time, when Kina found the woman collapsed, she left behind the phone, and Poppy appeared later.

Thanks to this, Falren returned.

Thanks to this, he knew to force her to drink a can of beer, but he had a whole six-pack he forced down her throat as he called her "Kittles," and promised he wouldn't leave again, while she slurred and promised she'd be his alone.

The weak and stammering Martin stared at them, then whimpered as Elizabeth was saved, at the cost of someone else doing it.

The corpse of Beryl smiled, then faded, but Tyrog remained to witness, unable to stop until one day when a small blonde child with large red eyes stared at him through a portal.

"Scary," she said in a quiet voice, but didn't look away, more curious than frightened of the relic of a multiverse long perished.
Emperor Repenting
Continued from Lurcolm's Relics.

The victory that should not have been, from the conqueror who should not have been, who prevented the fragmenting that should not be.

Jade knew none of this, only that impossible odds were overcome, though it brought great suffering on all sides.

"I want to go home," she murmured quietly. So many lives lost, and finally, Unifier shielding was down. Portals would work again. She could see her parents, her wife, her children. Great weariness hung on her shoulders, and she took Relic's good hand, leading him first to Alsoome's tent.

He'd been with her for years, and now, he protected her much as Ortega and Phil did—eagerly.

Rather than wander a fragmented multiverse and watch her family executed, she would live among her loved ones.

She felt numb.



After seeing so much death, the little host's scarred soul hurt.

"I need... to go somewhere."

It was a common phrase, followed often in the past by seeking solace in a lonely ocean world that brought her calm.

"Father Ortega, please round everyone up and make them go home? Weird Bug... let Doctor Alsoome tend to you."
Last edited:
Lord of the Flies
A RoSe snippet.
Warning: death, gore, bugs


Elizabeth absently swatted at a fly beside her head.


It flew away from her, course uneven in its flight, and it ran into a door jamb before it flew through.

Its course took it down a hall, to a room where a young man rested on a bed, tended to by a thin and tired woman with a squid about her shoulders and a white-haired girl who held his good hand.

It circled her, taking in the odor of her stale sweat before the back of her hand sent it flying, and she resumed carefully placing a piece of skin on the injured boy's face.

As the fly rose again and circled in the air, it heard her murmur "There, that'll help your flesh start to regrow on its own..."

The fly lapped around the room several times, always on an annoying drone at the edge of awareness, until two more flies entered.

"Damn flies!" The woman grumbled.

"Hn?" The boy asked at the same time his white-haired lover asked "Wot?"

"Someone left a window open and some flies got in."

He didn't quite understand, but there was no urgency in her voice, and he settled back into place on the large bed.

More flies entered, but this time, all movement in the room stopped save those flies, which grew to a dozen, then a score, then a hundred, and more.

A man in a suit entered and looked around, face hidden by a swarm of insects, and his gaze landed on the girl with the white hair. He stepped toward her unmoving figure, then placed a gentle hand on her stomach.

He pulled it away, bringing with it several tiny kittens, but he pushed all but one male back inside. It floated under his hand as it took it to a dresser, and then placed the kitten's heart upon it. It drew the kitten up into its cloud of flies, the little creature disappeared.

A slight twitch From Bio caught the being's attention, and it walked slowly in front of her, staring her in the face as she tried not to move.

"There you are."