My Hero Academia: Blackout

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Azurian Dream

Moonlight's Match
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
Online Availability
EST 4pm - 6PM
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Sci-fi, Fantasy, and steampunk. All are equal, and mix matching is highly enjoyable.

"The lineage of those before must be burned down to ash to pave the road for the next generation"

IC Channel

  • The legacy of heroes like All Might, and Deku are long since gone those from the past villain or hero a mere blink in time to the world these days. Japan has since had many taken the mantle of number one thriving or failing the nation here and there yet as that time fades more, and more to the back quirks have evolved more aggressively, and intensely. This has caused the hero agencies' importance to surge of course with the wave of more unique, and creative villains to arise from the ashes of the once-forgotten Villains League. The foolish rule of quirks being suppressed has been overruled and overhauled to eliminate the stress of such a foolish restriction to the people, Yet there are still safety guidelines everyone must follow to not abuse the gifts given to them. Yet even with this lenience allowed to help lower the chances of crime an event has taken place that hasn't in quite some time. The number one villain has been deemed deceased by natural causes, and their operations caught off guard by a tidal wave of arrests in captures of their hierarchy has thrown the most feared criminal organization to topple like dominoes. Though while many rejoice at this event in history... many others are aware a full-out catastrophe will soon overtake them all as the husk of the old has now paved the way for the new to take charge.

    Yet Japans survival might be attainable in a newer generation of heroes, a few years before this had started a new hero school had popped out of the blue known only as Suppression from its numerous Anti-Heroes, Night Heroes, and numerous other more aggressive arca type heroes have been recruited for the staff. Even stranger is its hostile student recruitment program that has somewhat come off as an insult to other schools. There are no opening tests for students, no entrance exams, no this school only recruits students already enrolled in-hero programs only reaching out to the third years of those very school, and offers a much more challenging experience. A different approach for sure as this school does not teach the individual hero, but instead preps them as elite teams designed for taking out massive groups of villains, and operations in one full sweep. If U.A was considered the military force of the hero world Suppression could very well be considered the special forces of the Hero world design to function militaristically yet still have the freedom of choice heroes are allowed. Also unlike the hero sidekick function Suppression has all be equals in the team format.

    From this new approach, two years of heroes have been released from Suppressions halls. More notable is that only twenty percent of students seem to even graduate its one year, and a half year program. Yet one cannot help but wonder what has caused this irregular school to appear or if it will even have any impact in the road ahead, and this my dear reader is where the story begins.


    Hello, "Students Name"

    You have been formally selected by our founding counsel, and staff board to be offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take your Hero curriculum and carrier to the highest peak. We at Suppression offer a highly qualified facility to truly test if you can go the full distance to being one of Japan's future leaders in the hero industry. Where most of our competition aims for singular concentration or your own growth we offer you the chance to go further and have you grow with a team to evolve you into a leader, and more importantly a team player. The world is ever-changing, and if hero society doesn't change with it we will start to rot, and decay at the hands of the toxic consumption created by the villain's world round. We know you have been with your current school for two whole years now, and have even probably built quite the camaraderie with your class, and current school staff. We don't expect this to be an easy decision understood by anyone around you. What we do know is our belief that you can go even further, and want to help you burst past being a simple gear in the machine to being the one leading the charge. We aim to strike at the head of the problem rather than hopefully crippling them to just potentially die out. Our methods are considered extreme, drastically competitive, yet efficient at toppling villain organizations rather than just swiping at the grunts hoping to eventually find the end goal. Our faculty is filled with high-tier heroes of various styles with a passion to push you to the brink to be prepared for all conflict... all you have to do is decide.

    Sincerely Principal,
    Hoshiko Agami

  • Well if you have made it to this point you're probably asking what the hell is this idea I imagine. Well as some might know I have been in numerous MHA rps even been in one series on Iwaku that literally lasted two years in three different parts. if your curious about seeing a long term rp which in my opinion is a good read here you go: Rising Heroes (Part 1)(By Demon Shinobi) , My Hero Academy IC (Part 2) (By Jessica), and My Hero Rising: Absolution (Part 3)(By RedArmyShogun). Now that I have revealed a little on why I want to do this rp let's get straight to it. I love using MHA universe for roleplaying its really fun, but I have noticed it dies pretty commonly around the early student life phase hence why instead of first years this is going to be third-year students. That was we can both still have the new acquittance elements/bonding/budding relations aspect yet get into the hero versus villain aspect in equal measure. If you have any questions please feel free to ask before deciding if this interests you enough to join.


  • Q: What are the post quality and expectations?
    A: At least once a week, I would love to aim for more than that but once is good enough to keep you in. Post quality is expected to be two paragraphs minimum.

    Q: Do I need to read those other RP's you mentioned, and are they canon to this AU lore?
    A: First off yes their lore is canon to the world and no you do not as it will be rarely touched on minus one element that if it's brought up will be simply noted as old history. Now elements could pop up from the past but I promise if they do they will be well detailed to catch everyone up to speed.

    Q: So if they're all third-year students I am assuming theirs a different age requirement here.
    A: Yes all students need to be aged 17 and up. If you have a unique idea though I am willing to hear it, to put it simply if UA was the Bachelor's degree program, Suppression would be the Master's Degree program.

    Q: How far can I go with my quirk
    A: I will allow most ideas to pass. I will, however, request changes if I think your power is definitely going to cause complications with others or is just pure OP, in other words, have a good con to the pro of the quirk.

    Q: PVP?
    A: Oh yes we will be beating each other up. As for the villains, they will be a mixture of mine, and my fellow co-gms.

    Q: Can I make a villain?
    A: So this is how it's going to work villain wise there will be four main story villain groups at work as far as they are concerned they will be run by me and the cogms. However, we are open to nonhead honcho type villains to appear from you the player just pm your ideas for those please before posting them here.

    Q: How many characters can I have?
    A: As many as you can control, but in practical terms say a max of two main, and two sides if you so desire. One is what you are, well required to have if you wish to RP.

    Q: Can I make a teacher for Suppression
    A: Of course just remember the staff at this school is of the more aggressive type, and anti-hero mindset of kill or be killed as in these heroes are willing to go the extra mile to take out a villain element whether it be of popular opinion does not matter to them. Though heads up Homeroom teacher and principal are taken.

    Q: What are the rules?
    A: Pretty much the usual. Take any sex scenes to black or do them on your own time, romance and relationships are fine just remember the blue star, red star rules. Cursing I don't care about, I am the ultimate law of this RP, I don't mind debate but I don't have time to deal with people's unnecessary bs. No godmodding, other Iwaku rules, gore wise I am going to say just don't go full horror genre.

    Q: What if I want to make a side character.
    A: If their just for character backstory or effect like parents you don't have to do a template for them just bring em in.

    Q: I want to make a baddie, can I?
    A: I and another have a lot planned, but I do have a template for it, DM me and we can discuss it.

    Q: My question isn't here?
    A: Use the OOC or DM me on Iwaku. Questions of note will be added to the list. If I am not available you can contact my co-gm @RedArmyShogun

  • Name:

    Hero Name:


    School Transfer(Which hero school are you coming from you can make one up if you like)

    Appearance(Anime Esque please):

    Hero Outfit:

    Gear/Tech:(If none just say N/A)






    Extra(Anything you like to add o3o?)

  • Name:

    Hero Name:


    Experience/Style(How long you been a hero, and what kind of hero were you)

    Appearance(Anime Esque please):

    Hero Outfit:

    Gear/Tech:(If none just say N/A)






    Extra(Anything you like to add o3o?)

Current Cast
Class Blackout
Agi Mizushima @Azurian Dream - Active
Ichika Monsera @Azurian Dream - Active
Suguro, Isa @RedArmyShogun - Active
Nakao, Mari @RedArmyShogun - Active
Hideki Mitsuki @timv999 - Active
Aika Yamada @Nim - Active
Kuroi Tetsuya @EmperorsChosen - Active
Amano Yubiki @Reanimator Spuds - Active
Iniji, Irokei @Cresion Breezes - Active
Haya Kimura @Moonlight - Active
Amon Deakaha @Cresion Breezes - Active
Kaizen Shinkami @TreasureSniper - Active
Goto Hayaki @Reanimator Spuds - Active
Kikyo Asuka @The Dapper Mog - Active

Ren Abiko @Moonlight - Active
Keihō Awate @Thaleko - Active
(Main Cast doing bad things)
Mitsuo Uchida @Nim - Gone Rouge... beautiful Jerk
(Officially removed Characters- Why)
Daichi Ishida @Mr.Scales ⚖ - Daichi was returned to his original class in Suppression due to Class 09 losing a member.
Vigridis Alucard @Thaleko - Returned to Shiketsu.
Vitalis Alucard @Thaleko - In ANVIL Jail now known as the villain Miasma
Katsumi Takeshi @Jessica - Quite the Hero program to chase a new lifestyle.
Yori Yubiki @Jessica - Quite the Hero Program to return to idolising.
Rosalie Yukimura @Demon Shinobi - Moved to another class
Yamoshi Saito @Demon Shinobi -Moved to another class
Hotaru Sunemizuki @EmperorsChosen -Moved to another class
Principal Hoshiko Agami - @Azurian Dream
Homeroom Teacher Nomura, Ota - @RedArmyShogun
Nurse Nyx @Moonlight
Teacher Amaris Alucard @Thaleko



Are Listed in Discord Cause Ya way to big may post defeated Villains.... eventually
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Hoshiko Agami

Hero Name

Height: 5'8

Weight: 150


29 years / first 10 years was considered a regular hero. Then a particular incident caused her to near the edge of anti-heroism logic.


Hero Outfit:(Ignore the pretty girl in the outfit XD)

Eye Color

Hair Color

Modified Riot shield

Ethereal Projection
Can produce, and concrete electromagnetic radiation to form laser beam-like attacks in the form of cutting waves from her weapons, beams from her hands or mouth, and in the form of funneling break pillars for defensive measures. At most for one attack, she can create six simultaneous beams from different directions at the furthest from her body. 7 ft the attacks themselves will go much farther, but that's the furthest starting point she can make.

Rough, hostile, and a bit too ready to fight is how she comes off. Always having a craving for the thrill of battle her words always come off ominous and threatening even when she doesn't mean them to. Low toned but with a particular hissing effect her words are known to get under anyone's skin. Teacher wise shes very strict on the subject matter, but lenient on the conversations, and debates that come from the class on the matter. She wants the students to make their own call on the matter, but adjust to being a team mentality as is the goal of the school. She seems to click well with her more violent students having potential a lot in common with their backgrounds or at least able to connect to their feelings of rage. She is very caring in a strange motherly way that if her students want to challenge her she will accept, and usually not hold anything back most of the time pummeling them pretty bad as a learning block that there is always a bigger fish, and to not rush any situation just for the heat of the moment.

From the very beginning, Hoshiko was always a troubled kid constantly getting into fights in defense of her sickly single father who was always overworked, and unable to have a normal life thanks to having his condition and his wife Hoshiko's mother simply walking out on them when she was 5. From it, Hoshiko was a real hellfire of a student, and punk had even joined a gang temporarily at one point during middle school. Yet when near her father was nothing but helpful, and kind. One of her father's favorite pass times was watching heroes' save people seeing the good deeds paid off of those who worked hard to help others. This is where Hoshiko's desire to be a hero started from a desire to make her father proud. thus in an unexpected turn, she started to clean up her act. Left her gang, became a high-grade student, and eventually made it straight into U.A. Yet her father though extremely proud would never get to see her graduate being killed by a villain activity as an unexpected casualty during her graduation. The villain involved would be long gone, and in hiding, by the time Hoshiko would find her father's body. This is when her old traits fused into her new creating a unique Hoshiko that would never go away. Extremely violent towards villains Lazarous the hero would build a rep as an anti-hero in-hero society keeping her from getting anywhere near the top ten spots even though at her time she was definitely effective enough to be a top tenner. Years would go by before she finally got wind of the villain who had killed her father. This incident would be rather unique as people were sure this would end in a bloody massacre yet in an unexpected twist Lazarus brought the villain in alive... beaten to a blood inch of his life... but alive. Her rage had come full circle, and the intense hate had disappeared seeming to be the closure she needs in her life. After this point, she was still known as a violent hero, but the villain kill count did not rise much more past that point in her career. She doesn't regret the monstrous lives she took as even then it was the only way to defuse the situation, or save a life no matter how she looked at it. Yet now she does her best to think past the kill but has no problem that being the solution is necessary.

Discussions of conflicting ideals
Protean bars
Patting people way too hard on the back when she laughs
Dancing to heavy metal music

Punk Ass Wannabe Heroes
Lazy People
Disrespectful Attitudes
People wasting their potential

She's still an active hero but is nearing retirement status to full-time her responsibilities to Suppression.


Agi Mizushima

Hero Name
Ion Storm


6 ft

350 (150 of that is his nanobots)

School Transfer
Ketsubutsu Academy High School

Appearance/Hero Oufit

Eye Color

Hair Color
Naturally Blonde (but he dies it black with a red strip with his quirk)

FireProof Cloak
Shackle bracers (Double as actual handcuffs)

Nano Cloud
Nano Storm is a condensed added layer of Agi's body granting him superhuman strength and durability. Yet when charged, and willed bursts off into a moving storm cloud that can condense into other solid forms for offensive, and defensive purposes he can form melee weapons with it, use it like a whip, or blast it off like a rocket punch. It can also grab, throw, and detain things on command either as a collective or separated into multiple clouds. The strength of the cloud is equal to when attached to Agi's body yet dispersing slowly weakens over time being easily more a nuisance over time. Both he and the cloud can tolerate aggressive temperatures, and resist fire, and electricity. However water and ice are extremely effective against the nanobytes, and even if attached to Agi Ice is still very effective in slowing him down. The cloud however can only last away from Agi's skin at most for a solid thirty minutes, and that is a passive situation. Upon aggressive combative use, the cloud can only push past 15 minutes at most. When near drained the cloud will immediately reattach itself to Agi, and proceed to drain him of the energy specifically made chemically from his blood leaving him just as winded if not careful. A full recharge takes about an hour and usually shuts off his body's strength boost to concentrate on defense during recharge. On an odd note if concentrated Agi can change the color of his nano's to change his skin color and hair color. If struck by electricity his Nanobytes burst into a hyper mode absorbing the extra energy yet this is not a hundred percent a bonus as it causes his nanobytes to get into a somewhat drunk phase causing them to not always comply with Agi's commands however with whatever ones they do hit with extra impact.

Eccentric, and very chatty sometimes so chatty that he will walk up to people while he is having his own conversation with himself expecting them to join in without any idea what he's talking about. Always raring to go without much thought to the matter most find it questioning why Agi wants to be a hero. In fact, he never really seems to talk about the profession unless someone else brings it up adding an air of mystery to his decisions. Always bursting with energy he is never had a hard time keeping up with others in daily activities and is always willing to hit up the training mat. In fact, so positive is his mentality some consider it unhealthy as even when he's knocked down, belittle, defeated, or even harmed he doesn't seem to through much mind to it usually saying "I'll learn from it aight what's next." While he points this out as just being all-around adaptable others have much concern for the guy. Hilariously enough getting under his skin is next to impossible even if one does try to attack at his weakest points or other things. He's extremely spontaneous especially when the current topic bores him to death.

Agi has a very peculiar lineage. Both his parents, and all of his grandparents were heroes, and all of them had at one time or another even had been top tenners with his Grandpa Kazuo Mizushima even being the number one hero at his peak. From this Agi has always been around hero culture, but thankfully he never went wanting for the family as his dad had retired after his birth acting as a house husband while his mother Aurora continued to work, and made time when she could to spend off with them. The youngest of three siblings hilariously ended up making him the most responsible helping out his dad and his other siblings with their chores, and work. When it was revealed what his quirk was there was no doubt that eventually, Agi would get the craving his family was well known for yearning to try the hero game. Thus with three generations of heroes behind him, Agi started training mostly with her grandmother Chitose as her quirk was very similar to his. From that training he slowly made it to the point where he knew he was ready, and thus applied to the school he felt would make the most impact Ketsubutsu Academy High School. In some strange twist of fate, he would befriend Kuroi who had a very strong lineage of the family that clashed with Agi's family. Yet the two made it off like bandits, and Agi revealed himself to be a genuine soul who could look past another lineage or past mistakes rather than judging the person at hand instead.

From his time at Ketsubutsu it was revealed that Agi had an eye for terrain usage, teamwork, and even strategy. In combat, Agi specialized in subduing opponents with a mix of his quirk, handcuffs, and martial arts. Though when placed into a scenario questioning why he went for subduing he gave a unique answer. "Killing is easy when compared to capturing an opponent that's unwilling to give up, and I honestly prefer the rougher of two roads. Yet I am no fool if it risks others to capture I will instead go for the kill." As he neared the end of his second year he got a rather unexpected letter offer him a role in the new school Suppression. Knowing the world was changing as was the way conflict was being handled he decided to take a big chance to change his own route smiling at the opportunity to push himself to the limit.

Star fruit
Dragon Fruit
Rock n Roll
His nanobytes

Selfish Attitudes

Extra(Anything you like to add o3o?)
His hero suits black skin appearance is actually his nanobytes turning black
He's actually a blonde he has his nanobytes turn his hair black though

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Hideki Mitsuki
Hero Name:
School Transfer
UA Class 1-A
Hideki stands at 6 feet tall and weights 180 pounds.
Hero Outfit:
Do not worry about any of the writing or anything on this photo besides the hero outfit.
Flash Bangs
Bracers on his arms that have holes on the front and the back. This way he can shoot flames out of any of those holes. (Look up Endeavors Bracers for an example)
Iron Sole Boots

Flame Control
Hideki can create and control Blue Fire, which is stronger and hotter than regular fire. He can also extinguish his own flames. The blue fire he creates can become stronger by using regular fire as a sort of fuel. The problem is this takes a small amount of time for him to gain control of the regular fire. Once he does though it becomes blue like his fire and he can use it to strengthen his own blue fire. The blue fire when at full power is much more powerful than regular fire. He can also extinguish his own flames that he creates.

Hideki is a strong and motivated individual, he wants to be the very best and will do whatever he can to become it. He is very goal oriented and wants to do everything he can to achieve them. He can be kinda distant and closed off sometimes. Also can be self-centerd and arrogant sometimes. He can show a lighthearted side to himself but after what happened to his parents that side doesn't come out often, only after getting close with people. Hideki has matured these past 2 years at UA and has grown out of his shell. He is much more interactive now and is not so closed off. The good lighthearted side of him comes out more then it did when he first entered UA

Hideki came from a superhero family. His father and mother were both superheroes, so was his grandparents and aunts and uncles on both sides of the family so needless to say that was what was expected of him too. The husband and wife hero team of Hiruzen Mitsuki and Sakura Mitsuki. His father Hiruzen controlled fire and his mother Sakura controlled water. They were a very formidable team and had taken down plenty of villains and criminals as well as save plenty of people from danger and natural disasters. His parents had met when they were in Hero academy together and quickly formed a strong relationship and strong team. They both took their hero names from Japanese folklore. His father's hero name was Itsumade which basically means fire breathing monster, while his mother's hero name was Mizuchi which means water like dragon. Together they were the heavenly beast. Many people all around Japan knew who they were as heroes. His parents had always told him that his quirk was like a combination of theirs, being able to use heat with water. Like how his father controlled fire and heat and his mother controlled water. Hideki's quirk is a combination from his parents but not in a way you would expect. He got the fire from his father, and then from his mother he got the blue color. She controlled water which is blue and thus gave Hideki's flames the blue color.

When Hideki was 12 years old his parents were out patrolling the city, thats when the worst day of his life unfolded. His parents were strong, but they were both killed by a strong villain. Hideki was devastated. He loved his parents and just like that they were gone, they were trying to help people and just like that a person took them down. Hideki was devastated, the happy energetic kid quickly changed into a depressed quiet 12 year old. For a while after that he hated his quirk, It was a constant reminder of his parents. Hideki refused to use it and gave up his dream of being a hero. As time went by Hideki started to change, after talks with his grandparents Hideki decided to start using his quirk again and to try and become a hero again, but now he was different, the sweet kind young boy had now changed into a more arrogant and self-centered person. He wanted to be the best, because he thought to be able to stay alive thats who you had to be. That kind side that wants to help people is still in there though and comes out every once in a while.

Hideki got into UA two years ago as a 15 year old, and ever since then he has only grown in power and as a person. He was put in class 1A and he really excelled there. At first his only focus was being the best, and he did do that. He was one of the top students in the class constantly. Those two years at UA also changed him as a person, especially emotionally. Hideki was able to move on from what happened to his parents when he was a kid. His teachers and classmates at UA were able to bring out a different side of Hideki, one that he really hadn't shown since his parents were killed. Besides becoming a great hero, Hideki really became a better person which was what his grandparents were hoping was going to happen to him when he went to UA. Now going into his third and final year of school Hideki has decided to take on a new challenge. After discussing with the UA staff, the UA administration and his grandparents, Hideki has decided to leave UA and go to Suppression. Hideki wants to take down villains in bigger waves instead of just chipping away one villain at a time.

Steak dinners
Hot Showers
Video Games
Working out

Letting people down

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"Welcome to the Land of Ashen White. This is a divine realm, where desires and hopes of humans come to die. It is a peaceful place, and my home. You'd do well to not rouse a ruckus here, I am warning you."

  • Name: Vigridis Alucard

    Hero Name:
    current names for consideration: Felwinter, Chillescent, Lumen, Radiance, Dazzle, Auraglow, Aurachill, Phospherescent
    (will be decided upon depending on Vigridis' arc in rp)

    Age: 18
    Height: 5'10''

    School Transfer: Shiketsu

    Hero Outfit: featured above
    Known officially after its creation as Egret's Alabaster Plume Vestment, though due to their propensity to sensationalize the media simply calls it The Snow Queen's Raiment

    Created by one of the smartest Hero Supporters (or perhaps Villain Supporter) out there, her first-rate suit is made with a unique molecular ionized polymer that is capable of absorbing her Emitted quirk. Despite its porcelain appearance and fine quality, when absorbing her Light Force or Soul Energy it strengthens her suit to an exceptional degree. When energized by her quirk the fibers tensile strength hardens and becomes tougher than any metal yet is "breathable" and flexible for her to move in. It isn't actually flexible but Vigridis can control the fibers of her suit to a fine enough level by using the energy of her quirk coursing through her outfit, allowing herself the freedom of movement she requires despite how hardened the suit becomes. In other words, this particular outfit and armor-making would not work for anyone other than Vigridis. (Though perhaps something similar would work for similar-like quirks out there.)

  • Mutation-Emitter

    Alucard's lineage

    The Alucards dating back to her Great Grandfather Julius have a genetic quirk that would strike you as very similar to the traditional perception of vampires. Although Vigridis, in particular, has unique aspects of even her mutation that seemingly only she possesses.

    Vigridis's body is tougher, stronger, and nimbler than regular humans, but is on the weak end for an Alucard (hence her need for her hero outfit), and this mutation isn't as strong as "Strengthening"-type quirks. Also, her senses are heightened. The Life Force of Alucards is also incredibly strong, meaning they age with grace, and can live much longer than the average person, while retaining "youth". This particular aspect of the quirk is especially so for Vigridis who will perhaps look this age for hundreds of years. She'll likely be indistinguishable whether she's 19 or 1019.

    She is a carnivore, requiring meat and blood. She has 4 extendable sharp fangs (can extend 3 inches) that have tiny hollowed tubes within, capable of sucking the blood she requires. Her jaw can unhinge in a way to allow her to bite using her extended fangs. Her bite is currently capable of cracking stone before her own teeth start taking damage/feeling pain. Though Vigridis has not trained her bite like most Alucards, so it is technically weaker than the others'. She's practically allergic to vegetables and fruits; only some she is capable of consuming.

    Though this may technically be the case, Vigridis is unlike her other Alucards and, more or less, does not require consuming meat or blood. In fact, she hasn't been seen eating a single morsel of food for 10 years. Hence the lack of bite-training.

    Following suit with the differences Vigridis has to the common Alucard, unlike the rest of her family, sunlight does nothing to her. It does not bother or or harm her in any way. A fact Julius found astounding, and found to be the next evolution in Alucard quirk power.

    Lastly, Vigridis has largely gotten the signature Alucard-hissing under control, and rarely does it, if ever. Likely it takes effort to not hiss, so it probably happens only when Vigridis is not considering her speech. Speaking of which, Vigridis is similar to her second cousin Vitalis. She, too, has a strange, unique speech that seemingly comes from "some other place." Except Vigridis' is more refined. It even has a soothing and calming cadence. It sounds less like Abyssal speak and more like Divine words.

    The Emitter part of her quirk is perhaps closer to Julius' than any other Alucard. Except even more "divine" -it can be called. While Julius controls "Lifeblood", Ramiris and Vitalis somewhat control "Life Energy", Vigridis can be said to see, feel, and control "Light Force" and/or "Soul Energy".

    For the record:
    • Lifeblood - an essence of life that is within all creatures, closely resembles blood, and typically travels along in the bloodstream. Essentially blood but of a grander concept.​
    • Life Energy - the pure willpower of all living things that keeps those living things alive. When one's Life Energy runs out, that is when death occurs.​

    Like Vitalis, when being conceived Vigridis' quirk manifested. Unlike her, Vigridis' quirk did much the opposite of what Vitalis' did to Amaris. Vigridis' mother instead was flooded with energy to the extreme and began to literally glow. Initially Julius thought this was some for of Life Energy quirk, however that would be determined to not be the case. What truly happened was Vigridis flooded her mother with Soul Energy and effectively made her a half-Alucard, granting her mother youth and an extended life span.

    Soul Energy is of a different concept to Life Energy. Life Energy is connected to the physical, where as Soul Energy is the metaphysical -the spiritual. While conceiving Vigridis, her mother was inundated with amassing Soul Energy and now may have a greater Life Force than most Alucards. Of which Julius has granted the woman the true name of Alucard, fully accepting her into the family.

    Vigridis' quirk is now called


    Vigridis can see, feel, and freely manipulate Soul Energy and Light Force. As Soul Energy essentially becomes Light Force when brought into the physical world, Light Force and Soul Energy can be said to be the same thing, but Vigridis asserts they are not. Light Force is a unique quality she has been "allowed" to manipulate as a byproduct of her connection to Soul Energy. Whereas Soul Energy tends to be unmalleable, and typically imperceivable, though there are past quirks that have definitely dealt with it.

    • Light Force: A searing energy that is a physical byproduct of Soul Energy.​
    • Soul Energy: The spiritual force of a living thing, existing in a space beyond the physical.​

    Vigridis' control of Light Force essentially allows her to make unique constructs of raw "light", though it is closer to raw spiritual energy than light as you and I know it. She usually uses this energy to make stronger punches, kicks, or Light Force swords, and rarely does anything beyond that.

    The Soul Realm
    "Welcome to the Land of Ashen White."

    Through her training, unbeknownst to her fellow Alucards, Vigridis is capable of entering a unique domain she calls "the Land of Ashen White", or Soul Realm. This is a uniquely perceived area that only Vigridis is capable of observing. Actually, it may be possible for Vigridis to "bring" people to it. -That is something she is still working on. But yes, she physically disappears from what you could call "the real world" for the time she enters the Soul Realm. She considers it her home and where she truly belongs. To enter the Soul Realm Vigridis must expend some of her Soul Energy to construct a gate. It isn't usually difficult to do so, and can be done usually at anytime, anywhere, however in the midst of combat when expending a lot of her energy under duress it can be difficult to be given the opportunity.

    The Soul Realm is practically all-white, and is essentially a fuzzy filter cast across the entire world. Though there are unique "areas" in the Soul Realm that do not appear in the real world. One, in particular, she calls The Cathedral, which she considers her actual home. It isn't clear if the Soul Realm exists, or if it is simply a manifestation of her quirk. Though it does change with her mood. Typically the Soul Realm feels inviting. It feels calming and gentle when in it, and due to that, Vigridis often goes there to calm down. However, it can feel quite chilly should she wish. Through anger or irritation or hate she can make the entirety of the Land of White take on a chilly sensation or a hot sensation. Similarly, her Light Force constructs can take on a heat, or a chill, or just be "painful/harmful" to the touch. Or even soothing if she makes like a blanket or something similar.

    The Soul Realm is in a constant flux.

    Within the Soul Realm Vigridis is capable of a few things.

    First, she can view the Souls (or Soul Energy) of others. This allows her to view things she normally wouldn't be able to. Soul Energy is typically stronger -or more "precise"- than the rest of the Soul Realm, so it allows her to spot beings even beyond the physical eye. That is to say, she can see entities -or people- through walls. However it isn't clear, so she still has to infer personally some things. And in crowds it can be overwhelming.

    Still, Soul Energy reveals a lot about a person, so Vigridis is able to discern a lot about people. First off, Soul Energy can reveal the physical state of someone. If someone is ill, or has a hidden, horrible disease, Vigridis can see that in their Soul Energy. It will appear greenish, or even close to black. -Black tends to be someone horrifically ailed, perhaps close to death. In fact, someone may have cancer without knowing it, but Vigridis can essentially see that. It can even be as precise as only a blot of black within their Soul Energy, indicating the onset of cancer.

    Soul Energy will also convey mental or even emotional states of people. While this is a bit harder to understand -especially for Vigridis, she has been able to understand it somewhat. Agitated people will have "wild" Soul Energy. And people in hectic mental states will have Soul Energy that is even more sporadic and chaotic. Highly chaotic Soul Energy can indicate a truly unstable person. Someone perhaps even with a mental illness, as she has seen many strange oddities within the Soul Realm that she has yet to fully grasp.

    Emotional changes are equally hard, yet possibly easy, to see. For instance, someone who is sad or depressed -it is cliche, but may be "colored" blue or purple. Someone close to offing themselves, thinking dark thoughts, may have heavy clouds mixing within their Soul Energy. On the opposite end of the spectrum, those who are happy may have very bright Soul Energy, shining with white, or perhaps even orange light. She finds those tough to "look at". Lust can also be viewed as someone's Soul Energy may be pink or pink-red in color. Lust, love, infatuation, are all very difficult to distinguish from one another, though.

    Now, nothing (so far, anyway) has been able to harm or even touch Vigridis within the Soul Realm. While it feels bizarre for her (and the person it happens to) to walk through someone's Soul Energy, nothing of note other than goosebumps or a queer sensation has been noted. Some don't even notice, but some might, if they have an inclination towards that sorta thing. Though they won't know anything beyond "what on earth was that strange feeling?" There are perhaps other things she may observe which requires more scrutiny and observation and understanding.

    However, Vigridis is capable of manipulating this Soul Energy of people within the Soul Realm. She can do it altruistically if she so wishes. For instance, if she sees someone who has depressed Soul Energy, then Vigridis can attempt to manipulate the Soul Energy, attempting to remove those "negative feelings" to leave only a normal Soul Energy behind or even fill it with "good feelings", essentially helping to brighten up someone's day. She can flood someone with soul energy to rejuvenate their spirit and energy, like she did to her mother when being conceived. She can do it negatively by manipulating the Soul Energy of someone to make them drained of physical energy and make them physically exhausted. However, this will wear off after they take the necessary rest they require and doesn't have any long-lasting effects. Stronger people with stronger Soul Energy and stronger wills are much more difficult to manipulate, and either require a much lengthier time to do so, or require the person to be physically weakened through something like battle.

    Finally, Vigridis must enter the Soul Realm in order to "Recharge" as she doesn't generate Light Force. Only by absorbing Soul Energy is she able to use any Soul Energy or Light Force-related abilities. It can take upwards to half a day to fully recharge. After charging, Vigridis is capable of using Light Force. And depending on how firmly she uses her quirk the charge may only last for a half day or somewhere around 6 hours before needing to recharge. Within the Soul Realm proper she is essentially invincible.

    In fact, this is why Vigridis has not needed to feed on meat and blood at all. Instead, Vigridis fuels her body by consuming soul essence that the Soul Realm generates daily. It is also why her own personal Life Force is so strong and why she may outlive even fellow Alucard by miles. Or perhaps indefinitely. As she simply eats Soul Energy which grants her numerous effects: longer life, youth, strength, vitality, poison-cleansing, rejuvenation effects.

    Vigridis also can use Soul Energy on a smaller scale. She can essentially peer at peoples' souls in front of her if she so wishes, to discern things about them that she would see within the Soul Realm.

    Lastly, Vigridis can only re-enter the real world (exit the Soul Realm) at the gate she used to enter in. Example: if she enters the Soul Realm in the bathroom in Suppression, then that's where she'll reappear when returning to the real world.

    That being said, all of her quirk is wildly misunderstood to the rest of the world, as her constructs seem to have "flakes of light" coming off them her ability is misunderstood as either light constructs, or constructs of some strange snow.

  • TLDR:
    The gist of Vigridis's quirk is that she can enter a realm called "The Land of Ashen White" - or Soul Realm. Here she absorbs Soul Energy and recovers or calms down. In the real world her Soul Energy or SE becomes Light Force or LF and with that she can use attacks or make constructs. Vigridis consumes SE instead of meat/blood to live, and it grants her a longer life and youth.

    Vigridis must recharge in the SR after expending all of her SE when she uses her quirk/fights.

    Using SE she can view the SE of others and determine things about them like mental state, emotional state, or other perhaps more mysterious factors that may be hard to discern.

  • Personality:
    A woman with a queenly presence; her regal demeanor may intimidate some. She has very little time for nonsense, but does tend to find amusement in the actions of others, in the same way a queen humors herself watching a court jester. Vigridis has a high opinion of herself, and fellow Alucards, except perhaps, maybe Vitalis, who she is a bit cautious of. She views others as much more incompetent than they probably are. However, she tends to reign herself in, carrying herself with dignity. So while she may talk down to others, she doesn't tend to do it in a malicious or aggressive way. She may be vain, but not quite petty.

    Unlike Vitalis, Ramiris, and Amaris, Vigridis is pretty conditioned under her great grandfather's mindset. Yet she hasn't fully taken to his way of thinking as of yet. She thinks so highly of herself that she thinks it is impossible for others to have all the answers, and wishes to find stuff out for herself. Still, it is hard for the girl to shake Julius' teachings and design.

    She is not entirely monotone -at least not monotone like Amaris was, yet she rarely has any expressions. Negative or embarrassed emotions are foreign to her, so if she does or says something that is technically embarrassing or goofy she will more than likely fail to notice.

    The Adonis-side of the family tends to have a rivalry with the Ramiris-side and this extends to Vigridis as well. She doesn't think too highly of Ramiris or her offspring for "abandoning" the family and choosing hero work -despite hypocritically going into it herself. The Adonis-side and Ramiris-side tend to have some animosity towards one another.

    The esteemed Alucard family are pretty well-known by now. Every generation produces people with very potent and dominant quirks. And every quirk is a further mutation of the previous, starting all the way back to Julius Orpheus Alucard. The Patriarch of the Alucard family is a well known figurehead in Europe and has the powerful quirk of controlling Life Force or Life Energy, which tend to be interchangeable, hence why he consumes flesh, and can bolster his power and own life force, living seemingly indefinitely. The family itself is from Romania, and Julius's estate is there. He's one of the richest men on the planet. There is a lot of mystery, intrigue, and suspicion revolving around him. But he is particularly good at what he does, and thus far, has been able to continue his enterprises. Although, beneath the table, he is a Criminal Mastermind, and head of some secret underground criminal organizations that have wide-reaching influence. Hence where all of his wealth comes from.

    A daughter of Anestis, who is the son of Adonis, Ramiris's older brother and first born to Julius. Anestis is his son, and was in the same generation as Amaris, Vitalis's mother, who was known as the Hero Shadow Mistress until birthing Vitalis took her out of commission for quite some time. Vigridis is just one of many in Anestis's brood.

    Julius believes in "Quirk Supremacy". He wants to rule what he can with his own force of super-powered family members. He is always seeking to train and increase the power of his family members, and attempts to pull them into the family business using coercion and "familial ties". It is unclear as of right now if he is successful as Ramiris and Amaris were known as heroes. Still, Ramiris has since disappeared, and Amaris is in critical condition. However, with Adonis and Anestis, he is very much successful, both men working close to their father and grandfather. Like father like sons it appears.

    Vigridis herself was brought up under Julius' watchful eye, and trained under his strict direction. Her father was particularly tough on her, but this worked in her favor, as the girl's skill in her quirk grew. Grew remarkably. To the point that she is capable of things that not even her fellow Alucards know. Not even her father knows, though she suspects Julius may know. Or at least has his suspicions of her quirk's evolution, as she always sees him watching her with a gleam in his irritating red eyes. And it was he who had her outfitted for the Egret's Alabaster Plume Vestment.

    Her training was harsh, even sometimes cruel, but Vigridis never thought anything of it, nor complained. It was all she knew, being much more sheltered than Ramiris or Amaris even. For her own private tutors -which taught her everything from decorum, to language, to piano and cello, to tennis, to fencing- Julius handpicked them to make sure he kept his Starchild on a short leash.

    Even though she was trained heavily under Julius, Anestis and Adonis, the girl still sought something more. So she eventually left, following in the footsteps of Ramiris and Amaris and even Vitalis. She joined a Hero school. Julius was not a fan of her choosing this at all, seeing it as a terrible loss in his forces as her ability is really respected. In fact, he considers her his Starchild, as her powers are very impressive and she never really had any sort of rebellious phase like others of his children. He has never been fond of Ramiris's or Amaris's choice of "playing hero." And he is even less fond of it when it comes to Vigridis, as she has revealed her strengths to him.

    Vigridis attended Shiketsu while Vitalis went to UA. However, when offered to go to Suppression, Vigridis jumped at the offer. She figured it was simply the next step in finding her path.

    "My grandfather wishes me to use my power to help him rule, I am here to see if there is another path for me."


    Tragically Vigridis really does not have anything she truly "likes" as such a concept was not even allowed for her when being raised.
    She perhaps "likes" her outfit as it suits her needs. She likes the Land of Ashen White.

    Annoying personalities.
    Time squanderers or wasters.

    Unlike her siblings, Vigridis left home with just essentials. She doesn't call "daddy" for money handouts, preferring to do things on her own, and make her own way. So while the Alucards are rich, she technically doesn't make use of the wealth.

    "Hmph! Pathetic, not so much a drop of sweat! Wasn't even worth the effort." sword swipe flourish
    "Hmph." standing with her back to the defeated enemies, folds her arms
    "You were foolish to even step forth before me." makes a sheathing sword construct and turns her back

    Easy win/Perfect
    "As expected. My training, and my power far exceed yours."
    "Na uun' us. O' leh na mehta. There, a prayer for your unfortunate soul."
    "Unfortunate soul. In life and in death."
    sighs "Another pitiable creature will wander the chalk wastes for an eternity."
    sighs "More souls to get lost in that Land of White. Don't worry, I will see you soon."
    "Do I really want more company..? Ah, sighs too late now, I'll see you soon."

    Vigridis and ally
    "Wow, Vigridis, you did amazing!"
    "Huh? Oh, uh" turns away "simple for one with my training."
    "Hmph. places arms on hips I was just trying to give you a compliment."
    Vigridis still holds looking away

    Vigridis and Iniji
    "Well done, Iniji. Optimal and with little injuries for our side."
    "Please don't compliment me, this is the least I am suppose to do."
    "My mistake. Very well, never again." faces forward

    Vigridis and Vitalis
    "Hm, surprising. I did not expect this level of skill from Ramiris's brood. Good job today.. sister."
    Vitalis: sideeyes away from Vigridis and lowers her head "Shisssea 'ahyna'ket a menat'ssshnnke."
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Vitalis Alucard

  • Hero Name: Shadow Mist or perhaps Miasma

    Weight: 88 lbs
    Height: 4'8''

    DOB: Oct 31st
    Birthsign: Scorpio
    Nationality and Language: Romanian and Japanese, English, French, "Vitaliese"

    School Transfer: UA

    Hero Outfit:
    The Gloom Dress

    The Gloom Dress is nothing special and is just an adorable wrap dress with straps around the arms leaving the shoulders bare, detailed in a gothic design made out of loose fibers that better allow for her mist to "breathe" through. A pair of bat-like wings are affixed to the back, and Vitalis wears a gothic veil with it. She also wears a pair of earrings with it. The earrings alternate from bat wings, to webs and spiders, to fangs, to crosses, or upside down crosses, etc.

    A pair of High Density Ultra-light Carbon Fiber fans called Murk and Myst. Used to fan her mist around. And strong and durable enough to be used as efficient weapons, while doubling as a shield when combined together. The fans and shield can also be thrown and returned to her using fancy mist-quirk control.

    A few throwable bottles that break upon impact, that have some of her mist bottled within. Only mist capable of being bottled is within these bottles. Their use is when or if Vitalis is too weak to use her own quirk. Or to initiate without using her quirk.

  • Mutation-Emitter


    The Alucards dating back to her Great Grandfather Julius have a genetic quirk that would strike you as very similar to the traditional perception of vampires.

    Vitalis's body is tougher, stronger, and nimbler than regular humans, but is on the weak end for an Alucard, and this mutation isn't as strong as "Strengthening"-type quirks. Also, her senses are heightened. The Life Force of Alucards is also incredibly strong, meaning they age with grace, and can live much longer than the average person, while retaining "youth".

    She is a carnivore, requiring meat and blood. She has 4 extendable sharp fangs (can extend 3 inches) that have tiny hollowed tubes within, capable of sucking the blood she requires. Her jaw can unhinge in a way to allow her to bite using her extended fangs. Her bite is currently capable of cracking stone before her own teeth start taking damage/feeling pain. She's practically allergic to vegetables and fruits; only some she is capable of consuming.

    Like the rest of her family, sunlight burns her skin, and sharp lights can cause her issues. But she wears a specially produced sunscreen, allowing her to walk in sunlight.

    Lastly, she has a hissing cadence while speaking, though one that isn't as pronounced as her mother. Plus, she speaks from something that sounds "beyond the veil", making her sound distant, staticy, and like she's speaking an entirely different language. Though, it isn't quite clear what this language is supposed to be, or the meaning behind the words. And Vitalis never really explains it. And since she speaks Japanese, too, it really seems like she's speaking another language entirely.

    Though, after a few years, Vitalis has gotten a better hang of when she speaks in Vitaliese, and can usually control it. Sometimes she slips back into it, and its as embarrassing as ever. But often she purposefully speaks in Vitaliese to deter people from continuing the current conversation.


    Vitalis can emit a mist from small imperceivable glands all over her body. At its weakest, this mist causes muscle relaxation and dysfunction. Causes fatigue. Causes impairment, and numbs the senses. After about a minute in the mist, then it en-weakens the target, where even their quirk-control becomes suspect.

    After a couple years, Vitalis has learned to "toughen/temper/stregthen" her mist. This causes it to turn caustic. This toxic mist will act like acid and poison in one, turning those afflicted ill, and by burning skin and eroding clothing, metal, armors. Though the mist is required to temper even further to continue the damage increase. After an extended tempering the mist will become so toxic that the sickness it causes is amongst the worst illnesses known. With symptoms not necessarily limited to coughing, gagging, vomiting, suffocation, eye burning, watering, and blindage, skin forming ulcers and boils, to ultimately organ failure.

    It will look like this

    Muscle relaxation, fatigue -> impairment, numb senses -> physically and quirk enweakening -> light toxicity and acidic quality -> heavy corrosive quality -> sickness affliction -> terrible sickness that requires a hospital

    However to get to the worst aspects of the mist, it requires a very lengthy time for the mist to turn that nasty. Like hours. Vitalis can willfully make her mist worse, but it requires Life Energy to do so, and will fatigue her very fast. While she isn't susceptible to the mist's negative effects, allies are, so it isn't the most viable strategy or use of her quirk most of the time.

    Vitalis' mist causes all this by absorbing "Life Energy" from targets within it.

    She can also exude a more concentrated version of this mist from her fangs and her mouth. This concentrated mist can act as a smokescreen, while having some of the similar effects mentioned before. The concentrated mist will act quicker, but again, requires more Life Energy.

    Vitalis absorbs Life Energy that is necessary for her most potent techniques by re-absorbing her mist. It looks like this: release mist -> afflict target in mist -> mist absorbs Life Energy from targets -> mist returns to Vitalis -> Vitalis absorbs the Life Energy.

    Once the mist returns to Vitalis with this "Life Energy", she can fuse/absorb this Life Energy into herself. After which, she can form her body into this mist. This accumulated Life Energy allows her to take wounds in places that would be very bad normally, but for her, her afflicted body part will just become mist (such as being shot, or having a limb cut off). But this shapeshifting mist ability depletes the absorbed Life Energy quickly, requiring her to siphon more from others. This mist-body also lacks the aforementioned en-weakening effect. Only the mist she exudes from her body has that effect. But Vitalis will keep enough Life Energy within herself to make use of this mist shape-shifting ability. Like when she forms into a "mist bat" for flight and maneuverability.

    Vitalis herself always has Life Energy of her own, which she can use for this effect, if need be. But that can be dangerous, as it is her own Life Energy.

  • Personality:
    Vitalis is not the outgoing type. But isn't against speaking her mind. Often this leads to confusion, as she speaks in that weird "other tongue" of hers, resulting it her target not understanding what she's saying. Due to this, Vitalis has become rather quiet, as it is frustrating that people often cannot understand her. Why she speaks in a way that people cannot understand, then gets annoyed when they do not understand, is unclear.

    Much like her mother, Vitalis is very bright. Things come to her quickly, whether its academics, or athletics. Even though she's never spoken with or her heard mother speak, they share a lot of similarities. Vitalis has the mentality that "if it needs being done, then get it done." Anything that gets in the way of that is useless and a detriment. She sees no reason to indulge flights of fancy or laziness, she's much like her cousin Vigridis in this manner.

    There is one aspect of her life that is tough. Relationships. Vitalis believes it is tough to make friends. So she doesn't go out of her way to do so. She'll find it embarrassing to even try. Things that don't have immediate apparent effect tend to confuse her, like people. With that said, not so deep down, Vitalis cares a great deal about others. Basically all she does is for others.

    After a few years, Vitalis has learned to open up. Her ability to converse without slipping into Vitaliese has improved as well. Still, if she ever feels like withdrawing from a conversation she will fall back into old ways and use Vitaliese to purposefully end convos. Vitalis has improved quirk control over the years, has watched others do it, but still can't shake her hate of quirks. Deep down she loathes them and wishes to eradicate quirks from the world - for the sake of others. She cares a great deal about people and wants them "freed" from the oppressive nature of quirks. To that end, she views herself as the only true "Hero" around.

    The esteemed Alucard family are pretty well-known by now. Every generation is a powerful Hero. Ramiris, her Grandmother, known as the Queen of the Night was a well-known Hero who could control her very blood. Amaris, her daughter and Vitalis's mother, was known as the Hero Shadow Mistress. Julius, her Great Grandfather is a well known figurehead in Europe and has the powerful quirk of controlling Life Force or Life Energy which tend to be interchangeable. The family itself is from Romania, and Julius's estate is there. He's one of the richest men on the planet. There is a lot of mystery, intrigue, and suspicion revolving around him. But so far, has been allowed to continue his enterprises.

    Although, beneath the table, he is a Criminal Mastermind, and head of some secret underground criminal organizations that have wide-reaching influence. Hence where all of his wealth comes from.

    Julius believes in "Quirk Supremacy". He wants to rule what he can with his own force of super-powered family members. He is always seeking to train and increase the power of his family members, and attempts to pull them into the family business using coercion and "familial ties". It is unclear as of right now, if he is successful as Ramiris and Amaris were known as heroes. Still, Ramiris has since disappeared, and Amaris is in critical condition.

    Much like Ramiris and her mother had complications during pregnancy, so did Amaris carrying Vitalis. Turns out the whole "Life Force" part of Julius's genetic quirk can be very volatile. Ramiris sucked all the Life Force out of her mother, resulting in her mother's death when she was born. Something similar has happened with Amaris. In the womb, Vitalis's en-weakening quirk manifested. And for the duration of the pregnancy she flooded Amaris with her Life Energy-siphoning weakening mist. Resulting in her mother being hospitalized, on the verge of death. Where she remains to this day, still struggling to become stronger when her very core was corroded away. Even the doctor who delivered her felt his muscles straining, making his arms weak, trembling as he pulled her from the womb. It may sound gross, but out from Vitalis's mother smoky mist flooded the office.

    Also, Vitalis was supposed to be a twin, which was a godsend to Julius. However, in the womb, Vitalis's mist weakened her sibling to the point of death. And out popped a shriveled raisin of a baby. Julius was furious at Vitalis for killing her twin, and leaving her mother hospitalized. But ultimately, Julius sees great potential in Vitalis's quirk.

    Due to this, Vitalis struggles with caring for her own quirk, or quirks in general. And she is disillusioned with her great grandfather's wishes and ideals. Though that doesn't stop him from speaking to her and trying to sway her when he can. She loathes him and someday wants to end his heinous empire and Quirk Supremacy movement. Regardless, Vitalis figured her best bet was to join UA where she could learn to control her heinous quirk. Until she decided to go to Suppression once offered. She appears to be doing it altruistically, like everything she does, except in reality, it will help her watch what the others, and Suppression has planned.

    While her hate for quirks remains her underlying motivation, it is still a secret. And hasn't yet revealed itself. However, there have been minor hints through the years. She has definitely said a few things to her "minor" dislike of some of the issues quirks cause. And she has definitely never presented as enthusiastic about Heroing or quirk-learning as other students. Still, with how academic she is, this was never an issue in her schoolwork.

    Cute, innocent things.
    Black, white.
    Jewelry, emo shit.

    Quirks -- HATES HATES HATES them, especially her own.
    Vigridis' side of the family. And Julius in general.
    People abusing others
    Quirks being used for those things.
    "Heroes" - or people who call themselves such, but are actually hypocrites and vain.

    As a secret motivation, Vitalis has sworn to someday end quirks. Eradicate them from the world. "Free" people from quirks.

    "We did it.. I guesss. Yay." peeking from behind others
    "I did it.. I supposse. Whoo." peeking from behind others, a bit pink
    "Hmm.. Ishha ny'aann mehb'etahr."

    Easy win/Perfect
    "The misst will eventually conssume all."
    "Underessstimate the misst, and thiss is what you get." standing in front glaring down at the defeated enemies with glowing eyes
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Hello! The concept looks interesting to me, so I figured I'd toss my hat in and hopefully get in this!

Aika Yamada


"Got a problem with me?"

  • Hero Name:

    18, Born 9th June

    1.8m / 5"9

    65 kg / 143 lbs

    School Transfer:
    Shinketsu High

    Appearance/Hero Outfit:
  • Quirk:
    ~ Diamond-Skin ~
    Aika is capable of transforming her skin around her body into a material that is as tough and sharp as diamond can be. It also gains a bluish hue to it whenever she transforms her skin, making for a subtle change in her appearance. She can remove bits of her skin, but it will leave her in intense pain and with that part of the body exposed, as the skin was ripped off. Her sharp skin is capable of tearing through any material that is weaker than diamond, but will become weaker the more she uses it. Her skin is also rather vulnerable against sounds.
    She is capable of taking on a 'Pure diamond' form, which makes her skin much tougher than usual, but it also makes her much slower. This form also takes a lot more out of her, and usage of it will normally cause her to to revert to normal afterwards.

    ~ Her outfit ~
    Due to the nature of her quirk, Aika had instances in the past where her quirk caused her outfits, both school and regular, to rip as she used them. So a solution was found in her hair. Her current outfit, which she utilizes both as her everyday and hero outfit, was made over time by using her hair, which is capable of being just as tough as Aika's skin, thus explaining why she never went bald from any single usage. Since the outfit was made, an additional everyday outfit was made for her, and more hair was gathered in case additional outfits need to be made.

    ~ Drill Gauntlet ~
    Due to how sharp her skin is, Aika decided she wanted to try and utilize it to break into places. However, it proved a bit more problematic to do with her regular fists, as it would normally exhaust her by the time she broke through. So a special gauntlet was made for her: The gauntlet would take shavings from her skin over time, ensuring she doesn't lose her skin in the process, and when activated, allow her to pull out small drills from the fingertips of the gauntlets. These drills will wear out faster than her skin, as they are made from compressed shavings of her skin, and not proper diamonds.
  • E1Bk_JBVkAosk8M

    The first impression most people will get from Aika is that she is a bit of a punk. Rude to people she just met, lack of respect towards them too, and a lack of will to spend time with people. She won't go against teachers or parents, but she won't make an effort to be a good student beyond what she deems is 'just right'.
    Looking past her initial image, one will see that Aika is a bit more of a loner. She keeps to herself and appear to try and spend as little time as she could with others, coming to school as late as she can without being late, and leave as early as possible. This may very much contradict what the Suppression High is looking for, but it may suggest that Aika accepted it for a reason.

    Once a person does get past the ruder and somewhat cold exterior, they will find Aika has a neck for singing, a love of all things music, and that she is actually a rather chill person. She won't really delve into her own problems on her own accord, but she won't oppose talking about them with her close friends if the topics are brought up.

    Aika was born to a wealthy family in Japan, one which made its fortune by utilizing the quirk from Aika's father side of the family, which was the same one she inherited. Her grandfather, who saw the quirk for more than its combat capabilities, managed to create a business from selling diamond shavings to business and people all around Japan, and even beyond. He inherited this business to his oldest son, and that son had Aika as his firstborn. Upon seeing Aika had inherited his quirk, her father, Shoji, had began making plans for her to inherit the business from him.

    Only for Shoji's life to be taken when Aika was 5 years old. In what many initially considered to be a freak accident, the shaving machine had suddenly pierced further into Shoji's chest than it was programmed to, and he ended up bleeding to death. Upon further investigation by the police, it was discovered that the machine was tempered with by an employee, who believed that Shoji was lying about only the skin being made of diamond, and wanted to acquire an actual diamond heart. The employee was taken into custody, and Aika was now left in the care of her mother and with a large fortune to inherit when she came of age.

    Her mother had a difficult job raising Aika, as the child was deemed to be problematic from a young age. Not only did her quirk make her untouchable at times, it also caused others to prevent their children from coming close to Aika. No one wanted their child to get injured by playing with such a dangerous quirk in a child. This made Aika's attitude towards others start to be more angry and resentful. While Aika's mother, Rei, tried her best to make things better for Aika at home, it only made Aika feel worse overall.

    As she attended primary and middle-school, Aika put herself at more of a distant from others. She didnt try to make friends and acted towards everyone. She even gave harsh attitude to the teachers, who ended up punishing her more than once. Only after Rei had a talk with Aika did Aika's attitude towards teachers start to become a bit better. Or at least, more neutral. Aika seemed to not want to cause her mother anymore trouble. When the signups for highschool were occurring, Aika immediately enlisted to the Hero course in the closest highschool to her home, being Shinketsu high. She also made it clear to her mother than even if she does inherit the money, she had no desire to go down the path her dad set for her.

    At Shinketsu high, her quirk allowed Aika to shine as a prime candidate to become a top hero, especially as she seemed to understand and comprehand well how to utlilize her own quirks and even others during team trainings. Although she seemed anti-social, she still seemed to pay close attention to everyone else, something her teachers noted time and time again. She was also noted to not pay much mind to how her opponents end up as, especially when she came up against villains during her Hero Work-Studies, as long as she managed to get things done.
    It was around this time that Aika had recieved the offer from Suppression. She had contemplated things, and eventually decided to take up on that offer. She informed her mother of her decision, and while Rei was initially against the idea, she realized she did not have much say anymore. Aika was practically an adult by then. So Aika informed the heads of the Shinketsu Highschool of her decision, and then went on to go to Supression, waiting to see what more can they do to help her take a step in the direction she desired to go at.

    Music (Any)
    Beating up people
    Observing others
    Her diamond skin

    Touching others (Handshakes, hugs, social gestures)
    Being the Center of attention
    People getting rich off their quirks

    Due to reaching the age of 18, she has gained access to her inheritance, but doesn't do much with it due to how it was gained.
    Aika has started colouring her hair pink since she was 15. Her natural colour is black.
Name: Suguro, Isa

Hero Name: Oni Meetsu

Age: 18

School Transfer: Shiketsu High School


Height: 5'10

Hero Outfit:


Gear/Tech: n/a

Quirk: Oni Up, Oni Down

Possessing a combination of her mother's and father's quirk, Isa's could be said to be more of an upgrade to the former in some meansm Bleeding Fury and Oni Physiology. With super charged and mutated blood, Isa's body produces a lot of heat and the corrupting influence of the blood, much like her mother. Her Father's quirk provided an unexpected safety control, her horns. The horns act much like fuel rods in a reactor, connected to her blood vessels and akin to new bones atop the skull, these allow her to "bleed" out the excess power that would drive her mother and grandmother into a blood rage fueled frenzy. Simply with the act of breathing or living her blood constantly promotes a sense of rage within her body, working it's way into various cells and muscles, healing her body. She also has two "forms" of the Oni quirk's mutation into this power. Shape shifting her tissues and horns a little bit to compensate, her hair also grows rapidly. Form shifting is not instantaneous from one to the next. Her physical endurance and "armor" is as impressive as her strength, allowing her to withstand smallarms fire.

Form one, Red Oni: Isa turns into more of a physical power house, with her muscles becoming more dense and temporarily larger, if only slightly. Her hair grows more strands of red, her disposition becomes more violent, though not in a berserk rush like her Mother and Grandmother. Her horns grown larger and her teeth more sharp with a wide grin.

Blue Oni: trades the power giving effects of the blood from Strength to Speed and finess, while not as fully powerful as Red Oni, she is able to keep up with or surpass any that does not have a purposed speed quirk. Her muscles seem to relax, and the horns temporarily grow out more widely as her body allows the blood to rush at a rapid rate, fueling other aspects of her body and making it easier to move, react and observe. The hair tends to grow more strands of white hair and the skin takes on a lighter tone.

Though there are some weaknesses to all of these, her regenerative factor isn't instant and can take some time to heal depending on how serious the wound, her body also prioritizes some areas more than others. Cold can slow her down in some regard. Currently as Red Oni, Isa is able to tip over or throw most vehicles and in her blue form her speed and reactions can be placed at Enhanced level. As a result she tends to use the Red Oni form more, when things return to normal, extra horn falls away after time into white chunks as a new normal horn roots in place below, Isa cuts her hair on purpose as the quirk could easily put her hair on the floor, the hair is formed by the cooling and depletion of the Blood Fury.

Personality: Isa is a rather provocative sort that speaks frankly and can be a bit rude and crass. But she is also easy going and a fun person, she is at least pretty sociable. True to her quirk she isn't too clever and rather spiteful. Not taking care of her appearance all that much, her multitoned hair is kept short and messy, her manner of dress tends to be equally unkempt. Something of a Tomboy her upbringing was rather strange.

She tends to like her family and gets along somewhat well with them all, including her three other siblings, two older and one younger, two boys and one girl in that order Making her the third child. a middle child with another..

Her time in Shiketsu was a drag to her and she didn't much like it, is very brave and confrontational person if challenged. A bit like her mother, she always has a smile or smirk to her face. Tends to prefer metal and rock music, knows a huge amount of cultural things thanks to her mother, but isn't as "into it" as she was. Trying to scare or intimate her normally leads to a snarky if not violent reaction. At heart she is chaotic good and rarely brings up who her family is, deciding her worth as a person, or her ability to defend herself isn't the job of a name. Rather good natured and friendly most of the time, if not a tad bit loud and intimidating. She will defend her family fiercely if it comes up.

She also respects and fears her mother, being around the woman tends to subdue her personality more than a bit. It is unknown if she holds the same "courting ritual" as her mother. She also is rather prone to getting embarrassed over compliments when she does dress up nicely and clean pressed.

Bio: The third child born to Infamous ANVIL Senior Warrant Officer Suguro, Kanna and ANVIL Training Sergeant Suguro, Taka, had a somewhat difficult life given the peculiarities of her family and the training by her Grandmother, Isa like her other family had a body that was strong, too strong early on and a sense of constant aggression she could never fully understand. But it wasn't as bad as the case she seen out of her mother, and her horns that came from her father were a great "radiator" to release pinned in energy and the "aura" as her Grandmother was given to calling it.

Given all of this, Isa was more on good terms with her Father and Grandfather on her mother's side, given they would coddle her and were typically nice. She also found the religious studies and rites of Shinto to be painfully boring but learned rather quickly how her mother would react if she fell asleep or clowned around too much. Those lessons sunk into Isa in more ways than one and in spite of her seemingly bad attitude towards them, she still goes to shrines fairly often and helps out the family shrine time to time in pure white and elaborate robes with red trim.

Later in life Isa would get in trouble with school staff fairly often for fighting, though rarely because she started them and wore her title as a Devil with pride. Later on she was enrolled by her mother into Shiketsu High School, in the belief a new setting like that may help mellow her out. It never really did, she was too much like her mother, with the mouth of her father. Over the course of her studies she took on the name Oni Meetsu, which was her being a smart ass and cracking her fingers while gripping her fist just to say "Oni Meets You." in English. While underperforming in grades, it was proof enough that she actually did pay attention to some things. She also did earn some notice for her interest in sporting events and over time the school did manage to break her into working with a team.

Thus she stuck out even there and when the offer to join Suppression came, Isa jumped at the chance to be a little free. Though she isn't so sure if this "hero thing" will work, she may join ANVIL or just go do some other work, for now her motivation is just seeing how far she can go, she loves her quirk, she loves to fight and she's happy to just go along with it.

Helping out the weak
Being straight to the point
Metal and Rock Music
Strength training
Video Games
(Secretly the Shrine and things to do with it)

Lots of rules and regs
people that complain about her hair or unkempt clothes
Clever people
Sour foods
Very cold days
The Weak willed

Extra: May eventually reach a point where her aging slows considerably like her mother.


Name: Nomura, Ota

Hero Name: Doesn't have one. ANVIL Instructor. Known as the Ice Prince.

Age: 28

Experience/Style: Seven Years of active duty service, primarily concerned with subjugation, intelligence work and interrogations.

Height: 5'8"
Hero Outfit: Service Uniformed Pictured

Gear/Tech: Basic communications gear.


Ice Armory: Can spawn and form ice into ultra-dense formations to make weapons and fortifications. He is rather skilled with this ability and has a dragon like tail which emits a white fog which forms by his will seemingly. While being used physically, he is able to move his ice weapons within the fog and has been shown to control. His fortifications are often in the form of walls and he has even be known to make enclosed spaces. Typical range of his fog is about 8 meters, but his melee constructs tend to operate within one to two meters. He has been known to have some influence over his icy fog to make ice fields.

Personality: A bit sly and witty, he has a sarcastic streak a kilometer long and a gentlemanly attitude to match. Some would say overly clever in his dealings. Unlike the Principle or even many of the teachers, Ota prefers to use as little force as possible. More of a diplomatic sort than a battle crazed person, even his interrogation techniques are largely peaceful and a hearts and minds approach. One should not mistake civility for passivity however. Ota can be hard on others when he needs to be and has a form and function mindset to all things.

Speaks in a refined matter.

Bio: Born Ota Nomura, he had a rather normal middleclass lifestyle and was noted for being a clever young boy with good manners and a respect for the law and order. With a bit of a wise tongue and a peaceful approach to things, he had an appreciation for history, which led to his life decisions in the long run. Joining ANVIL rather than any of the Hero Academy institutions, he attended Law Enforcement training and officer school, minoring in a general education degree. His unique approach to some situations and powerful quirk gained him the attention of Senior Command, a promotion to Captain and a new mission.

Officially he was a Liaison from ANVIL assigned to work with HA's new Suppression school, where he would be a homeroom teacher for one of the principle classes. Given its own history and legal responsibilities, ANVIL is very wary of the new program fearing too much excess on its part will lead to the old conflicts that nearly resulted in Civil War between the two Defenders of Japan. A sentiment that Ota shares. Having talked to his boss, she reminds him of an NCO that even he had to half salute given her Seniority. With this secret mission in mind, he strives to do his official duties as an instructor, while attempting to contain the Principles excess. A not so enviable task.

Well liked by his peers, the Ice Prince lives up to the title as best as he can and hopefully he can help temper the class into fine steel, rather than a lump of burning slag. A task he cannot do alone.

Trading barbs with the Principle
Investigating others
"Ancient" Films
Classical Music

Those who escalate violence out of joy.
Those who like to give but not take barbs of smartassery.
Those who see themselves as center of the world
"Saints" who offer Salvation
Those who show no willingness to learn

Extra: ANVIL after the events around a conspiracy by high ministers would find its role in regards to Hero Society, changed. ANVIL is now an Elite Anti-Terrorism and Security force with a uniformed code. ANVIL is rarely see on the streets now days minus to resolve situations concerning the Japanese Government, conflicts that the HA Requests their aid for and around strategic resources and government buildings. Currently they maintain a few liaisons with Hero Society and the once more expanded hero training schools to prevent incidents that almost snowballed out of control till General Inspector Daichi went into the current HA headquarters to have discussions with the former hero Surge Alloy.
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Name: Kuroi Tetsuya

Hero Name: Lifeblood

Age: 18

School Transfer: Ketsubutsu Academy

Hero Outfit: Kuroi's outfit resembles more of an ANVIL specialist's uniform. Due to his quirk, an outfit that covers too much would just need to be stitched later. The bottom layer of his costume is a black and gray bodysuit that covers his torso down to his thighs, some black cargo shorts for bottoms and black running shoes.

Gear/Tech: N/A

Quirk: Lifeblood

Kuroi's quirk is a variant of his father's, albeit in some ways more limited. Unlike Kiyoshi who controls the blood of those he ingests, Kuroi only has control over his own. However, there isn't a time limit nor a trigger, and the boy's blood is in some ways more malleable. The only requirement is that the blood doesn't separate and maintains a connection to his person. If the connection is maintained, then Kuroi can freely alter it, creating crimson blades protruding from his arms and legs, claws from his fingers or tendrils from his back as examples, and the blood can even retract back into his body afterwards.

However, if the connection is severed, the blood will spill like any other. This means you can bleed Kuroi, though it's an endurance you would spend a while chipping away at since he can minimize his blood loss between the manipulation and congealing.

Kuroi can also shoot his blood out from a point of protrusion, however unlike his father who can manipulate blood at an immeasurable distance, once the boy shoots out the blood it obeys the same laws as per the severed connection rule.

Personality: A blend of his parents for any that knew them. Kuroi wears an almost constant deadpan, seemingly as disinterested and unmoved by his surroundings as his mother was. He responds to most things with little effort and energy, and doesn't seem to be easily irked or irritated. Walking through life with an inherent apathy, few things move him or garner an extreme emotional response. Even the act of killing or enduring physical abuse elicits barely a grimace, if that. However, even desensitized as he is, Kuroi has a larger range of emotions than his mother and has been shown to smile, laugh, or even feel guilt in certain circumstances.

Thankfully, all the boy seems to have gotten from his father is a variant of his quirk and his ability to sass others. Kuroi is rather blatant and uncaring of the opinions of others. Paired with a sharp tongue and his bloodline, first impressions typically aren't positive. Though this is where he seems to differ with his father. He isn't that interested in others and isn't rude to garner a reaction or "observe". He just responds how he believes is fair. This means that if treated with some decency or even kindness, Kuroi is more likely to behave himself a tad, as can be seen with the differences in interaction with Ayame and Kanna.

Bio: Kuroi was born as one of the middle children to notorious villains Chuya Kura and Kiyoshi Tetsuya. After the leader of the terrorist group, Akio, was killed, Chuya escaped custody while Kiyoshi was imprisoned. However, during a transfer, Kiyoshi was broken out by Chuya and the two went into hiding, evading custody for a time.

By the time old "friends" caught up with them, the two had started a family. Rather than go through the bloodshed of bringing them in or eliminating them, and considering that they had remained "well-behaved" and docile, a deal was struck similar to the one Kanna's mother was offered. In exchange for their "freedom", the family would be under the surveillance of ANVIL for the rest of their time.

Kuroi grew up mostly taught by his mother, albeit for high school chose one of the hero schools, though it wasn't for any ambition of his. He didn't like normal school, found typical subjects boring, and thanks to Chuya was already fairly familiar with how to fight and control his work. His motivations, while not heroic, could be seen as selfless.

Even though the children were more or less able to do as they pleased, they were still constantly under watch, visited, and they had to be careful revealing too much about their family or quirks. His family all had a few screws loose, but most of them deserved to be able to live easily, and Kuroi figured by going through the system and maybe joining ANVIL after, he could erase some of his parents' crimes.

Unfortunately, Kuroi's attitude was rather poor, but he was surprisingly effective during practical exams, though it was obvious he was more suited to combat than rescue or support. Still, his high marks in that regard, seemed to gather attention from certain people, leading to his invitation to Suppression. He had planned on entering into ANVIL after graduating, but this new "school" seemed like an even better step turning a new leaf.

Likes: Coffee drinks, Games, His family, Hoodies,

Dislikes: Busy work, His dad, Bossy people, Mess and clutter

  • Due to his quirk and training often resulting in damaged clothes, Kuroi learned to sew and mend from his mother
  • Doesn't suffer from the same iron requirement as his father, but still drinks about as much caffeine and coffee
  • His irises are normally black, but glow crimson when he activates his quirk
Amano Yubiki
Hero Name: Diva Vu


Gender: Female
Age: 18
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Pink
Height: 5'8
Weight: 131
Sign: Taurus
School Transfer: UA
Hex Code: #FAC3F8

Mnemonic Ooze
In Depth Look at Quirk


Amano is able to manifest a strange greyish pink slime from her sinuses (typically done through her ear) that possesses its own memory. Currently she is capable of producing a total of 5 liters worth of slime. That said, the slime can grow by absorbing organic material. This does take some time, and it will not absorb a living animal (Mostly reserved to plants and food). The slime remembers any sensations it experiences as well as the directions it moves.

Perhaps the most impressive thing the slime is capable of doing however, is recreating certain properties that it remembers. If the Ooze experiences an electric shock or a change in temperature, it can replicate that, allowing it to shock or burn whatever it is engulfing.

The ooze isn't particularly fast in its ooze form, but so far is capable of replicating very primitive locomotive types, such as stumpy legs.

The greatest drawback that the Ooze has is the fact that it can lose parts of its memories by being split. If split, the two pieces can try to reform and it is nearly indestructible. But if its not able to reform for some reason, it loses part of its memory. Furthermore, it shares some of its memory with Amano when it returns to her. Amano basically has two versions of her memory: her own personal memory, and the memory of the slime. This means that she can potentially forget something she had previously known due to the fact that it was experienced by her slime.

Gear and Equipment
Currently, Amano's greatest asset is spying and investigation. As such, her gear is typically designed for getting her ooze to secretly and subtly attach itself to her target so she can track them down after they arrive at their destination. She has a launcher in her equipment which can fire small prepared vials of her slime at the target.

Since she isn't the most fit for a fight, her gear for combat is more designed for deterrence and restraint. Her ooze is a fine partner in a fight, capable of being an extra body, able to turn a 1v1 into a 2v1. She has a shock baton, not wanting to directly injure her enemies.

Amano is silently eccentric. At first glance she seems quite normal and sane, but the more time you spend with her the more you realize just how slightly unhinged she is. For example, if there is something she wants to experience again for the first time, she can easily do so by literally removing that memory from her slime. And quite frequently she will do just that. Sometimes she might take it a step further and hold on to that memory in some slime in one jar and more slime in another. So she might hold an entire conversation with two different versions of herself who had differing thoughts about a book or movie they read. Her adventure seeking can lead to her getting in more trouble than need be, but her plans are always extravagant and crazy in the perfect way, thinking up solutions that aren't immediately obvious.

She loves dressing very fancily, keeping up with latest fashion trends, but often times will only wear comfortable clothes in casual settings. Getting dressed up is something she only does when she feels like it. But she goes all out when she does.

With people she is kind but blunt. She will say exactly what she means, but if it may offend, she can simply refuse to answer a question, simply saying "Oh I forgot what we were talking about," while tossing aside whatever she was going to say originally quite literally out the window. Amano is witty and snarky though. While she typically reserves this for teasing her brother, she is not against using it when appropriate.

As for her desire to become a hero, it started because she just wants to see what it was like. She grew up with both parents in love with the profession, but they never seemed to suggest this life for her family. Add on to that, her own desire to experience everything there is to experience. After all, she can quite literally bottle up memories to relive them again. After several years, she's now far more invested in the 'Saving Lives' part though. She is a little more reluctant to admit it, but she looks up to her father and mother's career lives immensely. She lets her slime do a lot of the grunt study work, as she spends more time thinking up plans and strategies.

Creative Writing

She came out first. It was exactly 637 seconds before her little brother was born. But as the practically youngest as well as the only daughter to the Yubiki family, she was forever assigned the role of "Baby Sister." But growing up in such a large family was already quite a handful, however when your mother and father were both major voices in the HA Reform, it made things very... unique. Actually, unique doesn't begin to describe what life was like for Amano and her twin brother.

Typically when a the child to a hero, it isn't uncommon for them to want to become one themselves. But for Amano's 4 older brothers, they weren't interested. Perhaps this was because of the climate that they had to live in, with heroes being in a state upset, and many of the previous schools either closed or severely slowed while the issues were being fixed. To add on top of that, Gold Finger and Corvidae's focus on doing what they wanted, while an incredibly important part of their life, it wasn't the path they were being forced into.

Her eldest brother moved off and decided to become a businessman. Boring. Debatably respectable. The next oldest sought after carrying on the Yubiki family business of Spa treatment (of which his father gave him far more intense training than necessary). The 3rd joined as a member of ANVIL. He wanted to make a difference in the world, but the ideologies between him and his father differed. As for the 4th, well he's currently in between jobs, and has been staying with his current girlfriend. Somewhat of a mess loved him all the same.

In regards to this idea of the future, Amano had always imagined her twin in it. I mean, when you grow up right beside someone, and remember every little thing that the two of you have done together, it's hard not to just take their presence for granted. In fact, while growing up she actually took charge most of the time. She led them on all their expeditions as an ever curious girl. Also having a brother who could fly made it a lot easier to get in to trouble. He actually used to listen to her about being the older sister, taking her seniority quite seriously. This started changing as they grew up though, particularly towards the start of middle school.

Amano still tried her best to drag him along to do her things, but he was reluctant. Now they were playfully bickering more than adventuring. But that didn't matter. She had her brother still, even if he was more of a pain in the ass now than before. Of course, Yori, had different plans for a while. It was clear he had inherited their mother's voice. Strong and powerful. Before middle school ended, he was picked up and left their family. Amano was somewhat hurt by this and felt a little lost for a bit. It was then she decided that she wanted to experience as much as she could and looked towards what her parents had done: Heroes.

Something that would give her more direction. She stayed at UA for two years, and made lots of friends whom she loved and wanted to work with in the future. But around the end of their 3rd year, they were being given an opportunity to join a new School. One that really pushed the boundaries of what a hero should do. They had some good philosophies, namely the idea of a focus on working in Teams. UA wasn't against it, and had team battles, but a lot of heroes still pushed for their own face to show up first. That was something Amano wasn't too concerned with. However her father was always speaking on how their attitude on neutralizing situations and such a focus on villain hunting was a major point of issue with him.

Amano wasn't sure if she should say anything about it... She was nervous to even bring up the recruitment... And she was even more nervous to mention that she was even considering it... But during dinner that night, sitting at the table, she spoke up. In that moment, there was some silence at the table. Yosuke asked for a moment alone. He pulled up a chair in front of his daughter, his only daughter whom he doted on relentlessly. The fact that she had asked him was an honor enough to him.

"Amano, you're brilliant in so many ways. You've always been that way. With you and Yori, you two were always getting in to trouble, but they were always your plans. I used to call you a-"

"-A little mastermind. I remember."

"Haha, of course you do. Look, Amano, I like to think you share my ideals. I know your mom has done her best to do so."

She was going to say she did, and she opened her mouth to speak up, but he placed an pointed finger against her lips, stopping her from speaking.

"C'mon let your old man have this... *Ahem* Anyway, I also know you're free to make your own choices. And you would make an amazing leader. The brains of the operations. You are more than qualified to call the shots, to take the reigns, and I encourage you to do it."

That conversation ended with no more words, but just a hug from her father. She left, determined to guide and protect. It just so happened that her brother had also come to a similar conclusion.

She keeps a journal often, just in case she forgets something important
She has reread her favorite book 20 times so far
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"Irokei Iniji. I will always strive to employ the more efficient methods to neutralize the situation, please leave it to me."

Iniji Irokei
(色系 異虹 - Irokei Iniji)

Hero Name:
Officially, "Skycolor". Though he rarely responds to this and prefers to be called by name.


5ft 7in / 171cm

School Transfer:
None, but officially is listed with a private obscure hero school

Hero Outfit:
None, usually wears an issued uniform. The only difference between casual and "hero" outfits is whether or not his weapons holster and utility belt are present.

Gear/Tech (Arc 1):
Fluid Trigger - Bright Luminary
A bladed tonfa/sickle with inner mechanisms that allows the launching of liquid projectiles. It is connected to an "ammunition tank" that contains a variously and brightly colored dye, which is highly adhering to nearly all material. There are two varieties of the dye that sacrifices the adhesion for other results: a neurotoxin that paralyzes and slows the target's movements, and a corrosive acid. He had toned down the potency of both chemicals since his entrance into Suppression. Iniji also keeps small amounts of these liquids in vials designed for throwing if launching them from his weapon is not an optimal choice.

Refraction Grenade
Similar to a flashbang, but instead projects rainbow-hued incandescent light in the surrounding area. It is the basis for one of Iniji's special moves "Refracting Light: Whirlwind".

Chroma Cards
Brightly colored high-grade plastic cards. These are Iniji's medium for using his special attack mode "Autosuggestion: Linear Divider".

Refraction Switchbox (Prototype)
The upgraded form of refraction grenades, now contains various compartments with an incandescent surface that allows Iniji to trigger a chosen effect. It is still capable of projecting multicoloured light, but also other effects such as releasing chemical compounds.

Variant Blade
A switchblade that is capable of extending into a short sword, while functionally a normal blade, the entirety of the blade is of an unusual colour. A slider on the handle allows the blade to change colours at the user's will.

Ampoule Gun
A pistol specialized for launching brightly dyed chemicals that come in glass vial ammunition, which includes various chemicals that Iniji previously used, such as mild neurotoxins and acids. Sedatives and tranquilzing ammunition are also avaliable. The weapon itself has a "keychain" that holds coloured cards, as well as creases that can hold up those cards.


Heterogeneous Execution

Iniji's quirk allows him to deliver ranged slashes along the boundaries of two different colors anywhere within visual range. This ability also granted him a special form of vision that allows him to determine these trajectories more easily.

The strength of the slashes are determined by three things:
1. The contrast between the two colors, the greater the contrast, the more powerful the force will be.
2. The clarity of the boundary. A clean and easily distinguishable boundary will produce the strongest force, a gradient or murky one will dampen the effects.
3. The motion of the target. Objects that move at high speeds have their colors blurred, thus hindering the effects.

After his years of grueling combat, Iniji has developed ways to expand on his quirk, both of which require some level of focus and energy depending on the extent it was used. The first being the ability to send slashes along boundaries outside of his visual range, by surveying the surroundings extremely quickly and sending attacks out nearly simultaneously. This is used in his ability "Refracting Light: Whirlwind", in which projected colored lights are used to damage the surrounding area. The second is the ability to use colored boundaries that are not on the same surface, but have a difference in depth between them, this requires more focus in which Iniji puts himself into an autosuggestive state. His high power wind-up skill "Autosuggestion: Linear Divider" functions on this principle, in which he covers up half of his field of vision with a contrasting color to send a high-powered slash wave in front of him.


"Within every crossfire lies a place of tragedy, I hope they are able to understand this."

While he used to be an air-headed, slightly solemn, and lonely boy who just seemed intimidating and broody, Iniji's experiences in the past years have actualized those qualities in him. He is somewhat quiet and enjoys reading or making small papercrafts with his quirk, but inevitably carries an unsettling aura due to his strangely colored eyes patchwork of scars - which he had stopped hiding long ago. Though if one does attempt to interact with him, they would find no issue on the surface level: Iniji is very polite to the point of being unnaturally formal. He always retains a calm demeanor, never using any form of insult: straightforward, backhanded, or sarcastic, and will never refute or show negative emotions at any insult or accusation thrown at him either. In his day-to-day life, he shows great humility and attempts to show kindness in an awkward fashion to others.

Somewhat strangely for a hero under Suppression, Iniji treats the usage of violence in a fashion that can be described as "pious", with a near-religious reverence. Oftentimes he seems absent-minded in training drills, and dislikes those who relate violence to joy or uses it as a callous joke in a casual fashion. But in combat, situations that are not training drills, Iniji displays a level of ruthlessness and efficiency beyond what most think of as "heroes''. So in many ways, he also does fit in with Suppression and ANVIL's style. Although this ruthlessness isn't limited to his enemies, it's also reflected in how he treats himself. He has a tendency to employ extreme, even self-destructive tactics during battles, and is fiercely protective despite his apathetic demeanor.

It is nearly impossible for others to get him to open up about his past, or anything beyond the most currently at-hand situation.


"May this river of blood swallow my delusions whole."

The Irokei family never had any pro heroes, most likely because their quirks, though flashy, aren't too useful in combat. Iniji's parents were a florist and a fireworks technician, whose first two children inherited their gentle, artistic personalities, and quirks. His older sister, Aniji became a popular pop singer, while his brother, Ryniji hosts a children's television show. When Iniji was young, he was a bit quiet and socially awkward, but he looked up to his older siblings and always tried his best.

Iniji never expected to have a dangerous quirk, neither did his family. When his quirk first awakened, he sent two deep gashes around his lip that remained permanently scarred. Due to his injury, Iniji couldn't talk much and was often bullied in grade and middle school. He was ostracized by rumors that he can't control his quirk and "can slit the throat of anyone wearing the high collar uniform", or having "the quirk of a villain". Iniji understood that it would be difficult for him to live a life free from those judgments, so decided to work towards becoming a pro hero by applying to various hero schools.

At his U.A entrance exam, Iniji did his best to damage the simulated enemies of the exam, but he went overboard with one of his focused attacks, and drew human blood for the first time since his quirk's awakening. It was reported that he had injured 5 other students in his examination bracket, 2 of which suffered major injuries and even needed reconstruction surgery. Iniji himself suffered injuries from debris and ricochets after going into shock about what he's done.

While he was hospitalized, Iniji overheard his family being berated by the families of the injured students, and many rumours around the hospital about the entrance exam incident. He grew up being bullied about his quirk, believing that it could do nothing but hurt himself and others, now that he steeled his will and tried to walk the path of a hero, this was the result that awaited him. Iniji would go missing from the hospital soon after, no one other than himself would know where he had gone to.

After running away from everything in his own life, his personal failures included, Iniji was left lost with nothing to his name and nowhere to go. He wandered the streets for a while before resorting to small crimes to make ends meet, until he heard from some drifters and junkmen about a place that someone "with a quirk like his" could go.

It was, some sort of organization, Iniji was skeptical at first, but it was a place with others like him: those who've been outcasted and berated due to their quirks. They called themselves "The Forgotten" because of this, and followed someone who could supposedly predict the future, and carried out actions based on those predictions. Iniji was younger at the time and didn't think much of it, all he really wanted was a place that he was accepted by. He met other people that helped him master the usage of his quirk, and quickly became a strong and effective agent to carry out "the will" that stemmed from the predictions. It started out smaller, but soon escalated to assassinations as Iniji's quirk proficiency grew. He believed that whatever lives he took were a necessary sacrifice to ensure some sort of vague, better future, and for the first time in his life felt that he and his quirk had some purpose.

This was until one of his assignments went south, he was ordered to dispose of the wife of a wealthy company executive, but mistakenly critically wounded one of her housemaids instead. The wife herself saw the injured maid and began to make a panicked phone all, which alerted Iniji as he thought she was alerting law enforcement or heroes. He quickly finished the job, but was forced to get into close quarters due to the women's attire that day. Going to cut off the phone call Iniji noticed that instead of the police or a hero, it was a call to paramedics services. The call was picked up as he was hesitating, and an operator asked "what is your emergency?". Iniji looked at the wounded housemaid, the paramedic logo on the phone screen, the corpse near him, and without knowing why, he reported the maid's injuries and tried to stop her bleeding while an ambulance arrived. At that point, he could feel the body getting cold. When the paramedics asked what happened, he told them to call the police and turned himself in.

He had a breakdown and revealed everything he had known about whom he worked for after being informed that everyone he's harmed in the past was innocent, unrelated people like the housemaid. It took him a while, but he eventually understood that he was indoctrinated into a cult when he was young. Iniji himself was devastated by this, he hated his quirk, wanted to be a hero, wanted to have a purpose, but in the end, he did the exact opposite of that. He would've had no issue with being thrown in jail or even put to death, but ANVIL got involved and offered him something else: a rehabilitation opportunity at Suppression.

It would be three years later that Iniji finally decided to walk the path of being a hero again, where he entered Suppression via some untold connections and dealings with ANVIL. He understands that this path would be a difficult one, and perhaps a short one as well, but it was the only one that would shed some light onto his fate, and perhaps the last chance for his life of torrenting mistakes to have some purpose.

The Sound of Rain
Making Paper Crafts with his Quirk
His own quirk, in some twisted way. Although it caused him so much misfortune, he acknowledges it as an irreplaceable part of himself, and that his life would be even more empty without it.

Those who are rejoiced with violence
Those who want to forgive him

Those are not strong feelings, in some way, Iniji believes that he's lost the right to "dislike" things.

- He refers to the teachers and other staff at Suppression as "-dono", or "lord".
- The colored portions and chemicals within his weapons glow in the dark, hence the name "Bright Luminary".
- The hazard warning stickers on his weapons were put there by law enforcement when they were confiscated after his arrest, he never thought about removing them.
- His "hero name" and hero schooling history were all forged as a cover story for his entrance into Suppression.

Color Code [#c8a4ee]
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Name: Kisaragi Mika

Hero Name: Violet Lightning / Shiden / 紫電

Age: 18

School Transfer: Yuuei



Hero Outfit:

Gear/Tech: Throwing daggers/kunai
Mark 2 Mod 14 Hypervelocity Coilguns
Bag of ball bearings
Smartwatch and tablet

Quirk: Spectrum - Mika is able to sense, generate and manipulate electromagnetic fields. The most dramatic application of this ability is her "Left-hand Shot", named for how she literally uses Fleming's Left-hand Rule and induced Lorenz forces to accelerate a small ferrous projectile to velocities in the vicinity of 2,500 m/s (approximately Mach 8, or hypersonic). She carries a little bag of ball bearings for this purpose, which she can also use for other applications, including as a simple sap. When she wants to go more subtle though, she is also capable of reading and controlling electrical signals, for example those of RFID or credit card mag strips. She also gets great mobile reception and never wants for wi-fi.

With a couple of years' training and experience under her belt, Mika has also developed several other applications for her Quirk. By touching her opponent either directly or through a conductive material, she can deliver a stunning taser-type shock; in combat, she uses her kunai, which are connected to her wristbands with fine steel cable, to do so. She has also worked with ANVIL to develop hand-held automatic coilguns powered by her Quirk. They make the use of her Left-hand Shot much more efficient and reliable, as well as being rather more intimidating to behold.

Personality: Mika's demeanour is greatly changed from before. She is no longer a bubbly bright spark, and has become a brisk, professional, somewhat chilly person. Those who know her from before wonder what might have happened to her to cause such a great change. Nevertheless, some elements of her personality have remained unchanged - once you break through her reserve, she is still disarmingly kind and generous; and she still has no time for pomposity or pretences.

Bio: Something did happen to change Mika, and she doesn't talk about it much. It's public knowledge that she did an internship with the Wild, Wild Pussycats team. At some point during this training, while she was away from home, her parents were killed in an apparently unrelated supervillain incident. While she wasn't particularly fond of their painful normie-ness and slavish devotion to social standing and fitting in, she still loved them dearly - and their deaths brought home to her how it wasn't enough to simply be constantly reacting to threats. You had to actively root out evil before it caused any harm, and to do that you had to learn how the bad guys thought, how they worked.

Unsurprisingly, this path led her to ANVIL and Suppression.

Bubble tea
Chuka ("Chinese") food
Kawaii metal and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Conformity for conformity's sake
Harm to innocents
Name: Nakao, Mari

Hero Name: Kalico Kid

Age: 18

School Transfer: UA Class 1A



Hero Outfit:

Gear/Tech: Special High-Speed suit, specially crafted foot pads/shoes, general purpose class communications PC, energy capacitors.

Lightning Flash Cat

Mari has a compound or dual quirk, with her obvious mutation features, she has enhanced speed, agility, hearing and night vision. Her fingernails while a little odd shaped and long, could not be termed as claws and are not suitable for climbing or defense, they are just normal fingernails by most account. However what is key is her enhanced speed, which is fairly impressive, though not to the level of a hero that purely specializes in speed.

Skipping some traits of her parents and compounding others, at a cellular level she is able to produce friction with her skin, hair and fur. Harnessing this energy into a direct current Mari is able to produce electrical shocks around her immediate vicinity, intermixing them into her melee attacks or to boost her movement. While not a true electrical based quirk it is still useful, the bells she wears helps to focus her hearing upon the jingles and to better channel her shocks with the conductive properties of the metal.

Over her studies she has learned to envelope her body with an electrical field for lighting based movements and strikes, improving her electrical shocks with her suit and movements to generate visible fields. These fields can be conducted alone her bells to produce a limited ranged attack similar to a taser, because of how many calories she burns in keeping up constant movement or collecting spare energy into her capacitors for later use, she leads a rather active life and still prefers meat. She has also improved her defensive capabilities to use EM waves and electrical pulses to turn bullets away from her in a few cases.

Personality: Still a bit of an Ironic cat girl, she still even now hates being expected to do kitty things for Otaku and other weirdo's and isn't above sharing this opinion. Though for photo-ops or when she wishes to do so, she is not against doing poses like the money greeting cats. She believes in the law and in the new Japan holds close to the ideas of the Current Anvil, while she tries hard, its not as she wants to be a hero. She is aiming for more, to advance from here into anvil and from there to the National Legislature. While she does want to help people and will put herself at risk, she always seems to be aiming for a bigger picture.

Because of this she is very meticulous and studious person that upholds law and order. Given her upbringing, Mari knows how to behave in high society and can conceal her true emotions and play her part till she no longer needs to. Though she mellowed out a bit from UA, seeing that while she has her own honor, that things may not always be so simple.. She also started being more honest with herself and stopped forcing a smile all the time, being less machine in her actions, though more Authoritarian and upholding to her position, she is rather suitable to the role she has declared she would take, no more and no less, though she tries to talk matters through than rely purely on her position in the old class...mostly because there was little other choice.

Mari was born to a rather average midclass family of quirk users with the same or even stronger feline features than she has, a calico pattern to her fur she always stood out a bit, even among her own. Her mother was a political aid and her father a businessman, it was under such conditions that she learned about the "public face" as it were. With no siblings, Mari mostly had cousins to play with at least.

Early on her rapid speed was noticed by her parents and peers, though just how fast and the fact she could charge up small zaps of static electricity was noteworthy, the new quirk laws allowed her talent to blossom and be put in practice and she had a high respect for some aspects of HA and ANVIL, especially from the stores she heard of the troubles and how far and how much they had changed, using their power wisely and as it should be. But for such a young age, she had grand ambitions, to rise up at first as a hero, but for its fame, then into Anvil for its connections, and if promotions were wanting there, into the Legislation. Not purely for her own ambitions but as she had an actual and deep love and sense of honor for oder, and for the Law, but understood one had to hide some truths.

A popular student that helped enforce the rule of law she had very few issues on her school record. Though it was noteworthy that she possessed a nasty disposition towards those that would pick on or expect special antics because of her appearance. A model student with a Prima donna mindset, she was noticed early on by UA Talent scouts and her family could easily afford the costs, so she tried out and got in as the scouts were sure she would. From there she would be a student in the Prestigious 1A. Early on she just barely got the position of Class Rep, and tried to carry on as she had, with a false smile and kind, if strained words... The class ultimately drove her up the wall enough to break this and she lowered her mask, showing a girl that was driven and order demanding, but also one who would watch out for them, who was coming to terms with not all being so simply black and white.

This proved to be a major growth for her and she would use spare energy and her mote tactical approach to combat to limitedly coordinated and support her classmates, things were looking up. Then she got the transfer notice to Suppression. Mari is conflicted over if this is a punishment or a way forward.


fake smiles
cat girl fanatic's
Unclean people/rooms

Extra A song later maybe
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"I don't work with losers and peasants. You seem just smart enough to figure out which you are, so I'll save my breath."

Name: Katsumi Takeshi

Hero Name: Voltess

Age: 18

School Transfer: Shiketsu

Hero Outfit:

A white short kimono dress with a blue band around the waist. A blue lightning pattern goes down from the left shoulder to the ends of the skirt. She wears white ruffles underneath and dark blue leggings that double as low pump combat boots. Tied to the band is her belt where the scabbard of her sword is attached. Katsumi's costume is reinforced with highly defensive material to protect her against bullets and superhuman blows. The costume also comes with a hardened white kitsune mask decorated with dark blue and gold patterns.


Sword Whip - Katsumi carries a blade that can break down into a whip able to reach 50 feet. The blade itself is pure white in color and when broken shows hints of dark gray. The sword itself is highly conductive, allowing Katsumi to use it as another way to guide her quirk's abilities. The sword itself is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures and superhuman strength, and can become a small shield if Katsumi twirls the whirl around herself. Considering how many heroes rely on their physical strength, her father thought ahead to have a weapon made that Katsumi could rely on.


Electric Conductor - Katsumi is able to freely manipulate blue electricity from her own body. From charging her nerves and body to increase her speed, to strengthening her blows, or from shooting the electricity straight out of her fingertips, Katsumi's quirk is a more powerful, intense version of her father's. She is able to fire electricity from any part of her body, though she cannot telepathically control where the lightning goes (basically aim and fire). She is also able to pulse an area at a distance of 50 feet.


A spoiled brat with a bit of an ego and superiority complex, Katsumi carries herself much like a princess would. Though her attitude needs work, Katsumi does have a bit of a soft side that shows in its own way when she grows to care for someone. She feels that with her quirk and her skill, becoming a hero just like her father is her duty. Katsumi, like her father, has a shorter patience for people she deems not worth it and is more willing to talk and work with people she thinks are strong.

To her, loved ones will always come first and she will prioritize them if they need her help. If loved ones are not present in the situation, then the weak will get priority only so they can remember who their great savior was.

Unbeknownst to many, Katsumi picked up her mother's fanfiction reading habits as well as something shameful that she would rather die than admit. She likes to ship people and imagine what they might be like as a couple. Should anyone find this out, Katsumi would deny it regardless of how much proof is brought to her attention.


Katsumi was born to Tadashi and Ino Takeshi, loving parents who showed their affection in vastly different ways. Ino would provide her plenty of hugs and kisses. She would be the one to stop her father if he was about to push her too hard, and tend to her wounds after a particularly taxing training session. Katsumi would go to her mother for soothing words and warmth. Her father trained her harshly, putting her through the most painful experience she's ever had throughout childhood. At first she hated him and the training, but Ino explained to her that her father just wanted her to succeed. He pushed her so hard because villains would do their damnedest to see someone like her spill blood. He wasn't trying to hurt her; he just wanted to make sure she would be better than everyone else.

With this words in mind, Katsumi saw the training in a different light. She worked harder under her father's guidance, and as she succeeded, she was rewarded with whatever luxuries she wanted. The more training partners she beat, and the more she was rewarded, the more her ego and superiority complex grew. If someone as great a warrior as her father could recognize just how brilliant she was, then she absolutely was brilliant!

During her downtime, Katsumi raided some of her mother's old belongings to see what Ino was like when she was younger. Curiosity got the better of her, and she wanted to learn more about Ino.

Well, she came across the fanfiction that her mother used to read, all dusty and unused. Katsumi opened it to discover fanfiction between the heroes "Nova Master," "Nimbus," and "Surge Alloy."

She was disgusted…

But intrigued. And so she searched for more.

This was when she discovered the world of fanfictions; one she will keep a secret even on her deathbed.

Nowadays, Katsumi is pursuing the career as a hero.


~Her family
~Cute things
~Regal/Lolita clothing
~Anything sparkly


~Stooping lower than her current level for any reason
~Desperate degenerates
~Fake people
~Fake jewelry


~Katsumi is terrified of failure

Ichika Monsera

Hero Name


190 (30 of that's her tail)


School Transfer
Seiai Academy

(She has a four-foot-long lizard-like tail, and claws on both her hands and feet. She also has shark-like teeth.)

Hair Color

Eye Color
Greyish green

Hero Outfit
(Minus the heels for obvious reasons)

Sugar packs
Dual Tonfa's

Candy Dragon
While she has the physical aspects of her father's traits with her horns, claws, and lizard tail the main aspect of her quirk comes from her mother's. Her body is literally a candy factory taking the massive amount of sugar her body creates to create numerous secretions techniques. Her skin can grow rock candy on her skin acting like armor though not the most effective armor as it acts like actual rock candy bursting off with a heavy enough hit. Though a step further then her mother Ichika can control the form of the rock candy crystals shaping them to a denser concentration to cut things. Her saliva can create a unique gum-like product that when blown into a bubble can act as a bonding agent catching enemies in a sticky substance rather hard to escape that acts like rubber. The sweat on her palms, when introduced to oxygen, crystalizes into dust that when blown onto someone can be triggered to cause a chain reaction like pop-rock candy creating an intense feeling of immense pain on an opponent's skin. Hilariously this attack is not actually damaging physically but causes a flooding sensation of pain triggering the opponent's mind to be overwhelmed. A big flaw to this quirk is while her body creates enough sugar for regular life when she starts using it aggressively she starts draining her body's sugar level requiring her to consume Sugar on the fly to keep up with long term fights or face the wrath of extreme fatigue. Also, the more density concentrated into her rock candy armor the harder it is to keep it attached to her skin.

Unemotional, lethargic, and rather stoic at first glance as she never seems to smile, but keeps a blank look on her face. Though once you talk to her you realize that's just how she looks. Upon interaction, she's revealed to be rather kind, and friendly offering homemade sweets. Ichika primarily acts this way cause she is honestly awkward at making friends, and doesn't really do much outside of training, reading, or cooking. For the most part, she keeps to herself, but when she's on a mission she is completely capable to string out commands, and take them as well offering intel as a recon fitting her silent personality, and able to strike silently as well.

The daughter of one of the first Anvil/Hero couples to have ever existed Ichika had an interesting childhood seeing the conflicts of both lifestyles trying to exist under one roof. Thankfully her parents cared more about family than careers as upon the boiling point as Anvil started to change gears they agreed to retire from their respective lives to run a sweet bakery. Her older sister being definitely the better baker has taken over the bakery, and while Ichika loved working their part-time, and baking she slowly realized she was growing a yearning for something else as if unfulfilled with her current life. Thus she came to the conclusion to try her parent's route, and attempt to see if being a hero was her calling.

Her mother was rather concerned first, but as Ichikas Quirk came to life it was clear she wouldn't convince her otherwise. Her father also respected his child's desire to flesh out their life with different experiences, and thus helped her prep for hero training. Upon looking through suitable schools she chose Seiai Academy feeling it was the best choice at the time. Though as time past she felt a little restricted, and while a top mark student still didn't feel fulfilled with how things were going. Thats when she received her invitation to Suppression a school that was a mix of hero and anvil methods. Seeing another shot at finding whatever she was missing she immediately accepted, and prepared for the rough road ahead.

Baking sweet
Fruit candy is her favorite
Pet bats or lizards

People who hate sweets
people who are cruel to animals

Extra(Anything you like to add o3o?)


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"Let's see how well you do against my wings."

Name: Yori Yubiki

Hero Name: Corvus

Age: 18

School Transfer: Ketsubutsu Academy

Hero Outfit:

Yori wears a black kung fu inspired outfit with silver wing shaped buttons to hold the shirt together and combat boots. He also has a white coat with silver wings lined into it as a subtle nod to his father. The fabric is reinforced to resist superhuman strength blows and bladed weapons, though it can only take so many hits before it gives in.

He keeps his hair down for quirk reasons.


He has some belts that hold pouches for medical supplies and a knife for emergency situations.


Living Crow - Yori's long hair can turn into two large purple wings. The wings themselves are very strong and durable, making it much more difficult to cut than regular hair. The wings can help Yori move at great speeds, fly, provide excellent defense (against blades, strength, and extreme temperatures), and the hair can be flung like needles against his opponents. One strand of hair creates 16 needles and can be directed/controlled midair. The hair can only take so much damage before it caves in, breaks, or burns.

A passive of this quirk is that Yori's hair grows very quickly, strong, and thick. The closest thing to a haircut that he can get is flinging strands of hair.


Yori is composed, well-mannered, and quite outgoing with an air of cool about him that he perfected during his years of touring. He tends to treat everyone with the same amount of respect until the person does something that he deems immoral or distasteful. Yori is not shy about his feelings, and will be open about who he finds idiotic and who he finds attractive. His mother and father encouraged him to be himself, and Yori took this teaching to heart. He lives by these words and encourages others to not hide who they are.

Yori, like his mother, enjoys talking to new people and learning their stories. He finds each person interesting in their own way. Yori also has a fondness for making memories and will take photos of the moment if the timing allows it.


Yori was born to two loving parents, Octavia (hero name Corvidae) and Yosuke Yubiki (Golden Finger). He was part of a set of fraternal twins with his sister Amano, making him the youngest of six children.

His childhood was about as normal as one with a big family could have. Something was always going on within the household, and when his parents were busy trying to keep things under control, he and his twin would sneak out and cause some trouble. The two were always seen together, with his big sister taking charge and leading them to some sort of new adventure. He loved her and his family to bits, and they adored him in turn.

Growing up, Yori would often visit the Yubiki spa business where Yosuke would teach him the ins and outs of acupuncture. Not just because it would be useful with Yori's quirk, but because Yosuke wanted to ensure that his son would know all about the muscles in and out of combat. This valuable piece of information was kept in mind when Octavia taught him self-defense. When his quirk developed, his mother made sure to teach him how to fly.

His parents had both agreed that they didn't want to take any chances with their children not being able to defend themselves. After everything that happened at UA, it eased Octavia's worries if her children know how to fight. So, she and her husband taught them as much as they could and hoped that it would protect them in the future.

During their downtime, Yori showed an interest in many things. The first was the spa business, but after getting more information about it and seeing how the job was up close, he decided against it. The next was taking care of animals, but he realized that he didn't really like them enough to be a veterinarian. Sure he found them cute, but birds like Fosc were what had a soft spot in his heart. And last he checked, ornithologists didn't have an easy time getting jobs. He wasn't competitive enough for sports, nor driven enough to pursue piano or composing.

What did catch his attention was two things; singing, and heroing.

Bed time stories were replaced with tales of his parents' hero days when they were younger. He learned about Akio Kura, about Chuya, about the yakuza, about the hero fanatic girl who nearly killed his mother, and about the slime boy that taken control of her body and forced her to fight his father. Octavia shared everything with him, with each story portraying as much grandeur as it did fear.

Yori liked helping people, but was he really cut out for that kind of work?

In the end, he chose the "somewhat" safer option of singing, which his mother was happy to support.

The lessons began, and Octavia was quick to see that her son held as much if not more potential than she did when she was in her prime. Yori's voice was soothing and melodious, calming once he let himself flow with the music. She knew he could make it big in the music industry, and since her mother knew just the right people, got everything started for Yori.

Yori's voice was love at first listen for his new manager, Rika. Rika wasted no time with his debut, which ended up being a huge success. Yori was quickly becoming popular with young girls and older women. Songs were written, shows organized, and gradually, Yori's name was becoming more and more known.

At the young age of 14, Yori was given the opportunity to start touring Japan, parts of Europe, and parts of America to sing in English. Octavia was unsure of this at first given how young her son was, but Yori pleaded with her to let him go. To let him "spread his wings." Octavia herself knew what it was like to travel at such a young age. She completely understood, since she had been an opera singer. Aside from that, she didn't have the heart to leave Yosuke alone with 5 children. So, with the promise that he would call her at least once a day, Yori was set off to become a rising idol.

Days turned to weeks, which turned to months, which quickly approached years. Yori spent the good majority of his teenage years traveling to get his name out there. Though he was more popular in Japan, having people know his name in different countries meant upping the chances that he would become a worldwide celebrity. At the time, he believed this was meant to be his end goal. He thought his singing was what he was born to share, and thus, forgot about heroing for a while.

At the age of 16, there was an accident during one of his concerts. Something with the stage's lighting gave out and was going to fall on one of the backup dancers. Cheers turned to horrified screams, and before Yori himself knew it, his body reacted. His wings sprouted and he quickly flew, grabbing the dancer and moving him out of the way just in time for the lights to crash into the stage floor.

Yori didn't understand what had happened at the time, but with a few choice words and adding some drama, they were able to convince the audience that it was all part of the show. Or at least, have a good chunk of them believing so. The other portion were still speculating whether what happened was actually an act or not.

The act of heroism boosted Yori's popularity and was uploaded on the internet by someone who'd been in the audience at the time. Yori watched that video multiple times, trying to accept that he had in fact moved and rescued someone before his mind could catch up. He called his mother and told her all about what happened, much to her pride, and sought advice from her.

She told him that he had a gift for both heroing and for singing. Octavia told him that acting before thinking when someone needed help was a common trait shared by heroes, and if he wanted to put his heart into his, he would make a great hero. She asked him what he enjoyed more, helping others or singing.

He said both.

With a laugh, Octavia offered the suggestion, "If you think you can handle it, why not try being both?"

With this in mind, he decided to try and start pursuing a hero career much to the annoyance of his manager. She tried to convince him otherwise, but Yori's mind had been made up. Rika relented, saying that they could try and use his hero persona as a means to boost his idol career as well. People would be more willing to spend money on an idol who was also a hero, right?

Regardless for her reason, Yori took her yes and ran with it. His touring was soon over and he returned to Japan, but did not go home. Instead, he applied for Ketsubutsu Academy and was given an audition, where he succeeded. As he was in school, he kept his idol career part-time, only traveling within Japan and having his concerts on the weekends. Octavia had made it very clear that if Rika messed with his current work-life balance that she would be fired. Rika, not wanting to lose her best client, begrudgingly agreed.

Now, Yori is an idol hero, currently transferring with two other students.


~Massages/Spa treatments
~Birds, specifically crows
~Making memories
~Learning about others
~Helping people


~Obsessive fans
~Having his "cool" image messed up


~Yori keeps specially crafted scissors that let him cut and maintain his hair.


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"Huh, do you want a midnight snack? Oh right, I'm Amon, Deakaha Amon, do you need someone for close quarters support?"

Amon Deakaha
(出赤刃 アモン, - Deakaha Ah-mon)

Hero Name:


5"10' (Height) / 11"5' (Tail Length)

School Transfer:
Ketsubutsu Academy

Hero Outfit:
His spontaneous nature and little reliance on gear often lead to "casual heroing" despite having a hero outfit.
Ties hair up in a ponytail when in combat.

Tail Amour - A lightweight flexible covering that extends over most of his tail, serces as protection and can be used to parry some attacks. It is styled somewhat like a dragon skeleton.

Misc. Supplies - Small belt pouches that hold things like basic first aid supplies, communicators etc.


[Demon Blade]

A combination quirk that fuses the Deakaha clan's hereditary quirk "Kenki Manifestation", which allows the creation of sword waves and edged constructs, and his mother's "Demonic Manticore", which gave her enhanced physical capacities, and the ability to secret poisons from her demon-like tail. His father's quirk gave Amon the ability to manifest near-weightless energy constructs from the tip of his tail, while his mother's simultaneously gave him enhanced durability and speed to optimize the usage of those constructs.

The constructs' strength is dependent on the dedication to them, and can be launched as short distant, shockwave-like projectiles. While he was only taught how to manifest bladed weapons in his childhood, Amon became much more versatile after studying. He is able to do various things with these constructs, such as ensnaring, burrowing, and defending.

The size of the constructs are roughly inversely proportional to how strong they are, though by dedicating more focus and energy to it, the durability can be enhanced. Creating these constructs uses a great deal of energy, it's the reason why Amon seems to be constantly eating. Demon Blade is an extremely versatile and effective quirk for melee combat, but struggles in mid to far ranged encounters. While the constructs are capable of extending, the further they extend out, the frailer they become.

-Moleclaws, narrow but powerful blades that burrow through objects for surprise attacks
-Shields, there are focus shields (smaller) and spread shields (bigger), the bigger the frailer
-Devour form, a mawl like form that can capture and do damage
-Birdcage, spreading out multiple strains to create a cage-like effect



"Haha, I know I know, it's too easy to make me happy."

Despite his appearance, lineage, quirk, and hero persona, Amon is in fact, a very nice person. He developed a positive and lively personality that contradicts every assumption about someone in his situation. Spontaneous, energetic, sometimes capricious, he's a free spirit who is determined to be the master of his own fate. He is capable of showing great conviction and openness when confronting his own problems, though he often employs this sentiment to trivial or outright stupid things, like skipping class to travel to the next city over for some limited time salted egg yolk matcha red bean crepes.

He doesn't avoid talking about his past or parents, but has a tendency to overdramatize things to the point where others think he's making it up. It's not that he doesn't feel melancholy or sadness over it, but he is able to always reassure himself and never displays any of his personal problems for people around him. Has a tendency to use humor to downplay most things, often seeming like an idiot, but is capable of offering surprising bits of advice sometimes.

Amon usually claims that he's doing hero work for pocket money to buy more snacks, but it's clear from his disposition that he does have other motives. He often tries to 'borrow' money from his classmates, they usually stop falling for it after the third time.


"Hmm...There are some unpleasant people in my life, but I think they were just look'in out for themselves."

Amon was the product of a one-night stand his father had with a foreign escort, and was dumped on his father soon after. His father was a lowlife that was chased out of the family - a prestigious traditional Japanese clan that prided themselves on using their quirk to enhances their swordsmanship, and resorted to using the child to commit welfare fraud. Although this changed after the boy's quirk manifested. His estranged mother possessed a high-end physical enhancement type quirk that synergized extremely well with his father's clan's quirks. As a result of this, Amon's father "sold" him back into the clan in exchange for financial security, hoping the child could be useful if raised as a political tool in hero society. During his childhood, Amon was looked at with envy and hatred from those bitter about the outsider, the mistake of the family drawing the winning ticket in the quirk lottery. But those were the facts of life.

The boy was trained in his family in a strict and old-fashioned way, but his free-spirited personaility didn't really conform to the norms of his clan. Despite proving himself to be skilled, he was still teased and berated for those eccentricities. Later, when Amon was given recommendations to various hero schools from distant relatives working in the government and hero industry, he tore the documents up and attended the regular exams instead. He disliked the hypocrisy and backward values of his family and kept his distance ever since, often joking about "doing something stupid" just to bring shame to his family.

Despite what he says, Amon did take his hero work and courses seriously. All seemed well, until a serious injury put him out of commission during his third year: in a battle where he found out that his estranged mother was a villain. It ended with his victory, as he used the reveal of "being her child" to distract the villain and arrested her. The woman cursed him afterward, telling him that she should've aborted him or strangled him in his crib if she knew he would become a hero. He wanted to speak to his mother more, but security protocols forbid a student like him to interact with villains of such caliber.

The whole event motivated Amon to join up with Suppression with ANVIL as an end goal, despite claiming he has no knack for politics.

Flavoured Milk
Wafer Bars
Taiwan Style Baked Garlic Sausage
Traditional Japanese Holidays
Trying New Things

Sushi Soysauce with too much Wasabi
"When food comes out of packaging all weirdly shaped."
Complicated Vending Machines
Old-Fashioned People

- Grew up in a traditional Japanese household, and had little understanding of technology until high school. This is the main reason he lacks any support equipment.
- Eats a lot, like, a lot.
- Has a huge scar from shoulder blade to thigh on the left side of his body, with a reattachment scar on his left arm, it usually doesn't show.

- Color Code: [#FF4E5E]
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Name: Kaizen Shinkami

Hero Name: Apex Bugster
Age: 17

School Transfer: UA

First Form: 6ft 5inch

A fairly balanced form, giving it's user the ability to fly, strong muscles for enhanced strength and movement and a thick exoskeleton for protection capable of deflecting small arms fire. Aside from that, this farm is also armed with claws for burrowing into the ground for escape or hit and run tactics. While still faster than normal humans, this is easily his most "sluggish" form. However, the true purpose of this form is to exhaust enemies' stamina by forcing them to crack it's tough armor. Once the armor is sufficiently damaged and the enemy is exhausted, Kaizen will shed the large exoskeleton in favor of a much nimbler form, while he retains strength, he is significantly less durable in this form due to it's main focus on maneuverability and offense.​

Second form: 6 ft

Partial transformations augment
Partial transformations augments (PTA) allows the user to augment their current form with desired traits of another insect.

-Bombardier augment
Creates the bombardier beetle organ in his arms, legs and back. Used for close to medium range attacks and air maneuverability.

-Spider augment
Creates web producing organs that allow the user to shoot out strands of web from his fingertips or palm depending on the desired coverage. Also provides the user with 6 extra sub arms for support.

-Mantis Augments
Adds various retractable razor sharp blades on the arms and legs of the user.

"Final" Form: "Avatar of War' 7ft 5inch

The strongest form Kaizen is currently capable of achieving. This form possesses the greatest raw strength of any of his forms while retaining its mobility due its strong legs and wings. With his multiple arms, he is able to land a flurry of blows within a few seconds.
Notable Traits:
-Compact eyes
These forms possess compact eyes which give the user greater field of vision and a smaller blind spot.
- Prehensile Stinger Antenna
His antenna doubles as prehensile stingers which can grab hold of objects or deliver a paralyzing toxin.
-Plasma spit
He is able to shoot high velocity plasma from his mouth that impacts its target with strong kinetic force.
-Web creation
Each of his arms possess an organ that allows it to shoot strands of web from his palms.

-Long metamorphosis time

Takes an hour for Kaizen to transform into this form.​

-Insatiable Hunger & Bloodlust
The user always feels hungry for both sustenance and battle in this form which may affect his judgment.

-Post transformation trauma
Shortens the lifespan of the user when used excessively

Hero Outfit: None. His bug forms are his hero "outfit"

Gear/Tech: None
Quirk: Transformation/ Mutation
A quirk shared throughout the Shinkami family. It allows its user to assume the traits of specific types of animals depending on their metamorphosis.

The length of metamorphosis depends on how different the current body is to the desired body. Once transformation is complete it is semi-permanent. The only way to return to a previous form or his normal form is through the process of another metamorphosis. Full body transformations are generally a lengthy and time consuming process. However, the process can be accelerated by eating the animals with the desired traits. However, changing forms is not without its drawbacks. Oftentimes, it takes time for the user to get used to their new body structure. Besides that, there is also the issue of dietary needs of new bodies. Larger bodies may be stronger but they would also require a proportionate increase in their diets. Additionally, the durability and functionality of new body parts largely depend on how long it is allowed to grow and form. While Kaizen is able to create new body parts and organs rapidly, they won't last long and will break down after only a few uses. As such, it is important for him to choose to transform before a confrontation.


Although born into an aristocratic family, Kaizen showed a great distaste for high society as a whole since his childhood. His character was neither refined nor prudent, but blunt, rebellious and daredevil. However, over the years he had developed a more mature attitude that made it easier for people to get along with him. These days he is polite, courteous, and can be considered even charming, but he can be very serious about his work, which makes him seem cold-hearted to those who don't know him personally.

He also seems to care about people he knows. Kaizen isn't the type of person to just accept things as they are and believe what everyone says; he is known to be very fastidious and will get down to the truth using what he's got. He takes great pride in his combat abilities and always strives to find something he can improve in.

He seems conflicted when it comes forming bonds with other people as he feels that such relationships can eventually lead to moments of weakness. And yet, he does find genuine enjoyment and happiness with their company. For now at least, he tries to keep everyone at an arm's length, even if this facade of aloofness is easily seen through by most of his friends. That being said, till this day, none of his friends have seen his true face, so most still think he just looks like a large bug.

As someone who enjoys fighting, Kaizen is no stranger to violence. To a certain extent some small part of him even enjoys it which he finds incredibly disturbing. During his rampage in his Avatar of War form, he had grievously injured numerous assailants involved, some of them are still in the hospital. How much of this could be blamed by the bloodlust of the form remains to be seen.​

Animilia Syndicate

Kaizen Shinkami was a member of the Insect clan of the Animalia Syndicate, a large group made up of various clans which each represented different Phyla of the animal kingdom. In the past, the Animalia Syndicate was renowned for its large influence on the economy of certain regions of Japan due to many of it's families owning many different companies in various industries. This also includes the hero industry whereby they send a representative from each clan on a yearly basis. However, the time has passed as with each generation, their wealth is stretched thinner and thinner. Today, only a few of the families are living luxury, while others are more focused on making ends meet.

The Animilia Syndicate are very careful in choosing which families are in the public eye, ensuring that the "unfavored" ones are kept under lock and keep. Suffice to say, some amount of nepotism exists when choosing which family is featured more during public events and meetings. Additionally, not everyone is treated with the same respect as there are many unwritten rules with regards inter-clan interaction. Unfortunately, the insect clan often drew the short end of stick in most regards, often being regulated to what is perceived to be low-skill work. However, they couldn't complain much since their lives were still fairly comfortable.

Kaizen Shinkami, was the eldest of the latest generation of the insect clan. Unlike his peers, he wasn't afraid to challenge outdated traditions, in fact he actively calls out the disproportionate treatment of his clan. While some found this amusing and endearing, the majority of the other clan members including his own brethren were not pleased by his apparent lack of respect for tradition and norms of the clans.

Eventually, the young man did learn how to put on a mask of obedience and eloquence in front of most of the individuals he deemed a nuisance. Over the years, he bottled up such feelings, hiding them from friends and family, waiting for the right time to exact justice. He worked hard to strengthen himself in both body and mind, studying the history of the clans intently, desperately trying to discover any information that could give him an edge. While he didn't find much dirt on the other families, he did learn the history regarding the "Avatar of War" a form assumed by the members of his people during times of war and desperation. Unfortunately, the details of how to achieve such a transformation are lost in time.

Although he was frustrated by his apparent lack of progress, he continued to hone himself for the upcoming trials, a selection process that decides which representatives will be chosen for the to have a chance to enroll themselves into various hero training programs. The trials were just as tough as they were before, but against all odds, Kaizen managed to secure a spot for his clan. For the first time in years, the insect clan finally had a successful representative from their clan. Kaizen however was not in the mood for celebrations and was more focused on finding the proper hero school that would allow him to soar to new heights and eventually return the Animilia Syndicate to true equilibrium.

While he was rather aloof at first towards just about everyone in his class, he did eventually warm up to them. The first two years went by, for the first time in his life, he was genuinely happy, having people that treated him as an equal and more importantly having people he could call friends. At certain times, he would even forget his original intentions and purpose for joining the hero program. However, in his third year, he would soon be reminded of this. During his internship, he managed to apprehend criminals that had ties to the Animilia Syndicate. Had finally got what he wanted, potentially damaging evidence that he could use for leverage. The timing couldn't be more perfect since he was about to return home for a coming of age ritual. But he knew that there would be long standing consequences and briefly pondered on an alternate course of action.

"I see you all well enough, without your prodding. I have pretended not to see any of you all this time... If I hadn't rejected you and the others, I could never have moved forward... Whenever I found myself around any of you, all of the ambitions that I'd harbored my whole life seemed to waver. So I looked away…" - Kaizen Shinkami, forcing himself to abandon his friendships.

The coming of age ritual came in the form of a tournament where the previously chosen representative of the clans would battle each other for an opportunity to win the favor of the elders and in certain cases ask for specific reward should they perform well enough. Armed with his experience from UA and greater mastery over his powers, Kaizen managed to secure victory over his peers. When it came time to accept praise from his elders, the young man took this opportunity to share his findings and openly accused certain families for involvement with illegal activities. While his evidence and arguments were compelling, the disrespect he had shown towards his traditions would not be left unanswered. The elders agreed to investigate the matter under the condition that Kaizen would be exiled for his earlier impertinence should they not find anything substantial, a term Kaizen gladly accepted.

Unfortunately for Kaizen, he had underestimated the opposing family's cunning abilities and connections. The investigation yielded nothing and the young man was swiftly exiled as per the terms. However, shortly after this exile, one of the elders seemed sympathetic towards his plight and hinted that there was another opportunity to catch them in the act. Kaizen, in his desperation, trusted the elder and followed him to the designated location only to be ambushed. He fought to the best of his abilities, severely injuring the majority of the group. He was beaten within an inch of his life and was promptly left for dead in a warehouse that was scheduled for an "accident.' That night was the night Kaizen Shinkami died… or at least part of him did. Out of instinct, he began cocooning himself for a metamorphosis unlike any other he had previously done.

In the morning, a clean up crew was sent to investigate the remains of the warehouse only to find a large opened cocoon in the middle of the burned building. During the previous night, a large flying creature was reported to have attacked a cargo ship full of illegal goods.​

"I, the exile of the Shinkami, shall put an end to this treachery myself! REJOICE IN THE GLORY OF BATTLE!" -Kaizen Shinkami, announcing his intentions to the crew before beginning his assault.

Kaizen returned to Elder's estate with righteous indignation, dragging a few henchmen of the corrupted family members as well as undeniable evidence to their involvement. A short scuffle ensued but eventually the corrupt elder was restrained, exiled and sent over to the relevant authorities. The remaining elders offered to welcome back Kaizen for exposing such treachery, although some of them were still not happy with how he presented himself but nonetheless acknowledged his deeds. But Kaizen refused, in his eyes, the Animilia Syndicate and his clan had failed him on all accounts.

"I refuse... Each and everyone of you has failed not only me but yourselves. But most importantly you have failed people that you were supposed to protect…We were meant for more than this. But if our precious traditions bind you all to in action, then I will not longer stand with this family and clan."

And with that, the young man left, the clan vowing never to return again. However, before he left, his family bestowed to him a parting gift, the blades used by the heroes of the insect clan which he reluctantly accepted. He returned to his school dorms, unsure of what to do next. That was until he received a "life-changing" letter.​

His fellow bug people
Bug Puns

Outdated Traditions
Bug Haters
Injustice to his people

"Bugster" was a derogatory term used by the other families to call members of the insect clan. Kaizen included it in his hero name to show that even a "bugster" can be a hero.
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She doesn't look for trouble, but she will stop it if she sees it.


  • Eclipse
    When she was going through school to become a hero, she seems to change from night to day as she fought. It became clear that when she was in costume she was not the same sweet girl that would show up to class to learn. It became clear to her professors that she had some mental issues that were easier for her to work through and show in costume. When it came to picking a name, she was given Eclipse, because in costume she was calm and relaxed one moment and a monster of darkness another.
  • Eclipse was released out into the word in training, but her career began when she was 19. She counts this as the start of her career and will claim this as the start of her experience. Even though she has been at saving people since she was 15, she has had only 29 years of experience and a lot less experience working with others. When it comes to being a hero she is not someone that works well in teams.
  • 5d1688082bacec9a3a04ff2836067b81.jpg
  • Eclipse's quirk limits her ability to attack with it and has more limits than she allows herself. So she took the extra mile and learned ways to use it when she needs to, and making sure she doesn't need it. Her favorite long-range weapon is a Bow and Arrow and Chakram. But she also has Vigil, a gun she received as a metal for her first rescue from an officer of the law; and Dante, who she took from a criminal that would no longer need it.
  • Nyx was found by an officer on his night rounds, which is how she got her name. Without any way to help her, the officer took her to a local orphanage and this is where Nyx's story begins. She was an orphan that was found in the dead of night and was hoped, because she was so small, that someone would adopt quickly. But that was not the case, the home that she was left at, had her until she was about five years old. After that, she was placed with a foster family that treated her like a paycheck, using their quirks against her when they were bored and it got so bad that she would have to be hospitalized on several occasions. She had met a girl while staying with them, she was sweet and innocent, but was killed shortly after they became very good friends, in order to keep her alive for her sanity, Nyx took on her persona. It wasn't until she was about 11, that the abuse put her in the hospital. And the investigation was put into the system. Before her foster family would lie their way around the truth and Nyx would not have the confidence to tell anyone anything different. But this time, she was hospitalized for a head injury.

    After her visit to the hospital, she was placed in the care of a foster family that lived far from her first and that is when she found herself experience delusions. Something was out of order in her head, which is how the doctors described her. She learned quickly that to be safe she would have to hide the truth about herself. At this time, she was starting to understand that what she was seeing was not because of her brain, but because she was developing her quirk in a way that her foster family could not understand. It slowly became clear that she would have to fall into herself and hid in a way that no one could tell who she was.

    To avoid being forced to leave and deal with a foster family that she didn't know, she ran away from the home that she had found some peace and lived on the streets for a short time. In her time, she had developed some peace and found kindness and a welcoming family that she had never known. They were better to her, having nothing, than those that had homes and family. She loved her place in the streets, but before she turned 16, she found herself faced with a choice. Witnessing a victim of a crime, she used her quirk to stop the criminal from getting away. But when she did that, she was arrested for using her quirk against someone else. A form of assault. But the victim understood what she was doing and with the help of the judge, they helped her make a choice. Be in prison for her violation of assaulting another as a villain or to join a hero academy and be certified to help others.

    In school, Nyx was given many options in what to do. She learned about her quirk and how to use it. But more importantly, she understood the dangers of her quirk and decided to take extra classes in combat and weaponry. She specialized in the bow and arrow and throwing knives. But she also took her vacation time to spend with the officer that arrested her. It was a surprise the first time he offered, but after time, it was like having a father figure that could help her with her new path. So, she took great pride when he gave her his favorite weapon as a metal for becoming certified, after graduation and for taking the step in the right direction.

    From that moment on, she fought against everything that would threaten the people of the streets and she was happy to be with the family that took her in. She traveled from city to city to help others out. In school, she had found that she could lt herself come out best behind her mask. Although she did not wear one, the persona that she could take on, was herself in the outfit that she had selected to be her hero costume. The anger from her past and the joy of her current persona outside of costume merged in a way that allowed her to stay hidden. It helped that she traveled a lot, but at the same time, she did return back to the cities that she had been in before.
  • Nyx
    She is a sweet and understanding person that likes to get to know others and what they can do. She believes that everyone has a side to them that they should show and another side of them that should be feared. She likes to hear their stories and to make sure that she understands their point of the world. She is a blunt character, with some difficulty in controlling what she says or thinking much about it. But she likes to be honest and wants everyone to be honest with her. But she can get overly dramatic, and completely stop when she is asked to slow down.
    She is like night and day. On one hand, she is relaxed and calm. She can be playful with her enemies and sometimes it comes off as a crazy, twisted game. She likes to play with them, as if they were training, but say the wrong thing, challenge her ability, or hit her somewhere she doesn't like, she turns into a monster. This is the side of her that is why she is not good in groups. She forgets whose side she is on, and focuses on the attack. She loses control of her temper and attacks any and everything in her path, big, small, or innocent. She has managed to stay away from victims and actual innocents when this has happened, but she attacks everything in a rampage, including teammates when she loses herself in her fury.
  • Nyx was born on December 7th, 48 years ago
  • Helping others
    Learning about others
    All kinds of music
  • Pineapples
    Self-Centered people
    One-Sided Ideas
  • Chi Ki Qi
    The manipulation and manifestation of Chi/Ki/Qi, the life force of energy that surrounds others and allows them to move and motivate themselves in action.
  • Chi =The ability to enhance one's own body with one's life force
    Ki = The ability to see the life force of another and manipulate
    Qi = The ability to gather life force from the surrounding area into an energy blast
  • In Combat, Chi can enhance the reflex, strength, speed, and overall function of the body. Allowing her to put some power in her attacks and avoid attacks better. Her speed allows her to move faster and with her relaxation and accuracy at its best, it becomes difficult for others to hit her. There is also a quick recovery stage, but when this ability is used, her body takes on a lot of pressure and demand. As she wends down from using this ability she starts to feel the pressure and sometimes will experience a long period of weakness and sometimes even blackout.

    Ki is when she manipulates the energy of another to fight. It allows her to see the life energy that is in front of her and manipulate it in a way that represses it, lowing her enemy's ability to make a push, but a lot of force behind their attack, or to hold the energy to move. This can only be used when Chi is not being used but does not stop her enemies from attacking completely. She can use this ability to see her enemy's life force and see how much is left before the enemy is KO.

    Qi allows her to use her life force as an energy blast but also allows her to use it in a way that bounces her own life energy with another that has been weakened. It forces a push-back effect over a damaging energy blast. It helps to preserve the life energy that she herself has, to be used for Chi or Ki. This ability can not be used with Chi but can be used with Ki at the same time in an effect to also pull back some energy from her enemy to help recharge herself for a short time.
  • Healing allows her to use her own Chi to heal others. She takes on the damage that is healed from others, but it is easier for her to heal herself from damage. It is dangerous for her to do this without being in full health, but it is not possible for her to die from this if there is a life force that she is near.

    Ki is a healing power that allows her to move one life energy to another. She can transfer life energy from one person to another to heal their body and energy. She becomes a link between the two life forces and shares between herself the ability of energy and health.

    Qi is the healing ability that allows her to draw the life force from the surrounding area of others within a mile of her location. This does not draw from any of the Ki or Chi ability but having so much energy moving through hers, she uses Chi to protect herself from being hurt from the overpowering energy. It allows her to heal a group as small as 3 and as big as 7 at once but is dangerous for her to do even without being in combat. The body can only handle so much life force at once and her own life force can only protect her from so much.

    She is not able to use any Combat ability when she heals. She either Heals or is in Combat, if she is Healing, she is open to any attack, she is in the greatest danger because of this fact.

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The Pursuit Hero
- Name -
Goto Hayaki
- Age -
School Transfer:
Ketsubutsu Academdy

- Gear and Outfit -

The most technologically advanced piece of gear that Goto uses are a pair of shoes that resemble roller blades. However, instead, these shoes possess a set of rotary propellers which create an air current strong enough for Goto to ride. They have multiple speeds, but they can only get him to about 60 mph at max speed.

His fists are covered with an additional rotary device set to provide him with horizontal and rotational movement, often for evasive maneuvers or complex strikes.

- Quirk -
Current Rider

Goto is able to ride along wind currents at high speeds. Though his speed isn't limited to the wind speed, his stability is greatly affected. If there is only a light breeze, he can theoretically still travel at max speed, just as if he was travelling around in a hurricane. The issue comes from the "coupling." The stronger the wind current the stronger the "coupling." If he theoretically attempted to move at top speed on a light breeze, he would lose control and rocket off, potentially dealing significant damage to himself or his surroundings. However, in strong winds, his connection is so strong, he can move at max speed with no concern for his own safety.

To Goto, wind currents are almost like "rails" or "poles." this means he needs to almost grab on to them, or grind on them in order to move along them.

- Personality -
Goto is always on the move. Everything is a step forward and the only step backwards is doing nothing. He is loud and cocky and unshatteringly confident that he can do anything. When faced with a challenge, Goto gives way more than he really should, potentially wearing himself out before he reaches the end. But even if he's been bested, he will not stop until he is physically incapable of moving forward.

In his arrogance and self-idolation, he can disregard others, sometimes not even really caring what they think of him. And if someone is trying to get him to slow down or take a break, he will not hesitate to let them know that trying to hold him back goes against everything he believes. And if they continue, he may start to cut ties.

As for his studies, Goto is actually incredibly diligent!... He's just a complete idiot. He tried his best to pay attention, he listens to his lectures, he takes notes, he tries so hard. But he just can not pass a test in any way other than barely. But to regret what happens will get you nowhere. Everyone makes mistakes. Trying to fix them can slow you down. To Goto, a mistake is a reminder to never make it again in the future, not a project to be fixed.

- Biography -
"Don't Stop. Don't look back."

Those were the words that first greeted him from the page.

"Sometimes in life people can slow you down. Don't let me be one."

If that was a false truth, then his father was a liar and a bad man. Why else would he leave him and mom alone?

Goto always had a hard time standing still even from an early age. He was crawling at 2 months, running at 5, and floating by 6. Needless to say, his mother was constantly worried for his safety. His father however saw something marvelous in it. Though his mother tried her best to keep him out of trouble and danger, Goto's father wanted to help him learn. Goto was taught that failure wasn't a bad thing, but something to learn from. He may have broken a bone more times than necessary, but each time that happened, he learned a new lesson: Don't do that again. All of this helped Goto to forge a strong bond with his father

His father was a fire fighter, a hero in his own way. He may not have been in a colorful outfit, but he was a reason lives were saved. Goto looked up to him and aspired to be just like him one day. But he was always putting himself in the line of danger for the sake of others. His mom was always arguing with him about this. He wasn't a hero, but he took risks far too extreme for a normal fireman. She felt as if something was wrong. She wanted him to quit. She worked a stable job that could support their family. He didn't need to keep this up. But that didn't stop him.

It came out of nowhere. A fire blazed in an old apartment building set for demolition. Heroes were on their way, but there were a lot of people trapped inside on the top floors. Mr. Hayaki was already nearby. He ran in to save lives, and managed to bring out a few people out. And Soon he ran back inside and didn't return.

Later that night, Goto found a letter waiting for him on his bed. "We all have made mistakes. And unfortunately mine are quite impactful. I couldn't keep on living with the knowledge of everything that happened. So Goto, don't let your mistakes control your life. Don't slow down. Don't look back. Sometimes in life people can slow you down. Don't let me be one."

The news from that night was telling of what happened. Despite the intensity of the fire, no one was severely harmed, but one person was missing. One Mado Hayaki. They didn't find his body in the rubble of the fire. But given the extreme heat of the flames, and how quickly it spread, it was clear what the cause was: Arson.

He was going to become a Hero. Clearly his dad was framed, or forced to do this. His mom begged him not to, forbidding him. But relented when he showed her his fathers letter to him, as he tried to fight back tears. "He said people would try and slow me down... So I won't let you! It's what he wanted me to do!"

And so off to Ketsubetsu Academy he went, much to his mother's chagrin.
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