Number of Roleplays

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What is your ideal number of roleplays to have?

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the eye of the beholder
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
  2. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. Multiple posts per week
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Most days, most hours
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Advanced
  5. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Nonbinary
  4. Agender
  5. Primarily Prefer Male
  6. No Preferences
Adventure. Angels and demons. Apocalyptic. Arthurian. Comedy. Dystopian. Fantasy. Historical. Horror. Post-apocalyptic. Romance. Science fiction. Supernatural.
I have an insatiable urge to start new roleplays, even when it's a bad idea, and I am currently resisting putting up a new interest check. I know other people who are the same way, and others who just can't turn down a good plot even if they have a lot going on already. So I got curious, and I wanted to make a thread to talk about it. What's your ideal number of roleplays? How many do you actually have going on? Are you also someone who can't resist those sweet story temptations, or are you good at not overreaching?

Personally, I'm not sure what is my idea number of roleplays. It further depends on the speed and activity of my partners, and whether any of them are groups or stories where I'm playing multiple characters. Currently, I have 14. Some of those are groups where I am playing multiple (or many) characters, and two of them are stories I GM. I have several more in the plotting phase, too. I don't think it's an unreasonable place for me to be at, since the majority of my partners don't mind waiting. When they're in good rotation (some replied to and some in need of a reply) it a comfy place, but it does get overwhelming sometimes when I owe the majority of posts. Despite that, I still want more. Someone send help.
-swiftly tries to bury all her threads-

Jeez between group rps, one on ones, PM rps, and discord rps, I don't actually know the number off the top of my head, but it's a LOT. I am a filthy rp spammer and I know it and am proud of it!

I am constantly coming up with more ideas for more rps and I feel like I'll never be satisfied! 🤣
I'm fortunate that all of my partners are patient not to get mad if I get a little slow on rping in general or simply take a bit longer to post for some over others; when the mood strikes me for a certain story or when a certain character is harder to post for than another and some are a loooot slowly than others. When you have a bajillion rps, obviously you can't post for every single one every single day do matter how fast you type and how determined you are!
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I can never have enough, even when I'm staring at my list and going "Good lord where do I even start?" xD
So many I owe....adds more to my roleplay list
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i have 50+ rps if i count my discord ones— and honestly? i got several ideas i been itchin to scratch. im so slow tho— so i need patient partners. and the ones i have (including those in my group rps) are godsends. im the type who rarely ever loses interest in an rp, but rather i get in my own head when RL gets too stressful and have a hard time enjoying the things i enjoy. i tend to stress myself out and go, "well if i cant write a good reply, why attempt at all?" its definitely stupid LMAO— and working on just throwing out replies when im capable/have the time and energy.

i think it was @PavellumPendulum who once said smth along the lines of "ima be a menace, bad or not my partners gunna get this reply" and by god thats been so inspiring to me. been tryna channel that lately and just respond.

i think it was @PavellumPendulum who once said smth along the lines of "ima be a menace, bad or not my partners gunna get this reply" and by god thats been so inspiring to me. been tryna channel that lately and just respond.
Be a menace in owl central while eating your berries in the forum.

I don't have a ton of RPs as I tend to do group RPs and play outliers so there's not a lot of them I even fit in. I try not to take up more than I can handle though.
Depends on my mood and who i can jive with. Usually 12 or so rps is my limit. I am looking to maybe open more but xmas time sucks so lol we will seeeeee
Holy shit, y'all. I counted 33 RPs. 😂 And I know for a fact it isn't gonna stop at that because I always want more.
I'm usually running around 10. Probably my ideal. I'm too busy these days to manage more (and lord knows that some of my partners suffer while I get through school). Though, honestly, like half of them are probably double-ups with people I adore writing with. I do want some new partners but its like a drought out there right now, either no one applies or people dip ASAP so, maybe I'd have more if that wasn't the case xD
i have 50+ rps if i count my discord ones— and honestly? i got several ideas i been itchin to scratch. im so slow tho— so i need patient partners. and the ones i have (including those in my group rps) are godsends. im the type who rarely ever loses interest in an rp, but rather i get in my own head when RL gets too stressful and have a hard time enjoying the things i enjoy. i tend to stress myself out and go, "well if i cant write a good reply, why attempt at all?" its definitely stupid LMAO— and working on just throwing out replies when im capable/have the time and energy.

i think it was @PavellumPendulum who once said smth along the lines of "ima be a menace, bad or not my partners gunna get this reply" and by god thats been so inspiring to me. been tryna channel that lately and just respond.

Miss thing! I have been waiting months for us to do that criminal minds one. xD
Holy shit, y'all. I counted 33 RPs. 😂 And I know for a fact it isn't gonna stop at that because I always want more.
lmfao Lyri and I take up 14 of that list of yours xD
I finally did a count earlier today of mine and, between the group rps and one on ones, pm rps, and off-site discord rps, I have 53 total.
Many of which are rather slow going or currently on hiatus, but I counted them anyway because they haven't been officially dropped (as far as I'm aware)! So they get to be included.

.....I still want more. There is never enough. Send help. Or send rps
i always want more rps!! i don't care if i have too many and it's overwhelming, i can never say no toa good rp idea 👀 even if it takes me 5 kazillion years to respond
It honestly depends. I'm always down to pursue new ideas, but I put limits on myself so that I don't get overwhelmed. Nothing makes me feel guiltier than when I don't reply to a rp in a reasonable amount of time, no matter how patient my partners are. So I typically TRY to limit my rps to 12 (groups and 1x1s combined). I try to.

I try.
I'm on that constant edge of too much and MORE. It is like chocolate, I can't get enough of it until I do and by then I feel sick. It is very impulsive and very easily persuaded and frequently overwhelmed when it is too late to regret.

But do I learn? No, I don't, I just convince myself that my posts are hostages and my fingers are negotiating with my brain.
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i think it was @PavellumPendulum who once said smth along the lines of "ima be a menace, bad or not my partners gunna get this reply" and by god thats been so inspiring to me. been tryna channel that lately and just respond.
the exact quote was along the lines of "i dont really worry about the quality of my writing. even if i think the post is bad i win anyway bc i get to force yall to read my shit"

my friends get the highest quality post that i can write at the current moment :thumbsup: it is much better to just post than to never post and regret that the rp died in the future when you had a good thing going.
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Ope, the dreaded temptation of more RP's ~ how awful. I think it helps when you have an array of RP's going that have different posting speeds. Not that I planned this I'm not smart enough to do that, but it seems to be going well for me regardless! People have a muse at different times. It's always fun to get the volleys going, but life always happens. I think that's why I have more than what I realized. It keeps me content with doing a couple posts each day. But not 16 posts a day, that's too crazy for me!

I'm always tempted by a good plot though. It's not fair. Or when I come across a thread where I feel like the person and I would jive with similar interests and writing expectations. Or we happen to be passionate about a particular genre of story! The list goes on... and I will likely continue to nab RP's that I don't need added to my lineup just like everyone else lol!
  • Haha
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I currently have seven here and want more. It's like drooling from the mouth for more, and while I haven't replied in a century to the ones I have now, I still want more. I am filled with new ideas every single day. 😭
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