POSITIVITY One Good Thing About Today - Every Day!

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Was not injured in the car crash.
OMG! Are you okay though? 😱
Yes I am. Thank you for asking. It was overwhelming but I'm good.
hey there, im real sorry to hear that happened. not sure how bad it was, but hopefully everyone involved walked away. glad you did. i was in a pretty rough one myself recently and that kind of thing leaves trauma... so, hopefully im not presuming too much with your situation but like, healing from something like that (emotionally speaking) can take a lot of time. and its totally fine if that takes longer than others might expect. but im glad youre okay

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i had a pretty solid day today! was feeling pretty beat down about the world given some recent events and that wasnt doing me any good, so i managed to psyche myself up, get past the agoraphobia, and walk around the city. its just nice getting some exercise and vibing around a bustling place in clothes that make you feel good. also found a baller coffee shop with great blt so like. that was pretty cool, y'know?
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Was not injured in the car crash.
OMG! Are you okay though? 😱
Yes I am. Thank you for asking. It was overwhelming but I'm good.
hey there, im real sorry to hear that happened. not sure how bad it was, but hopefully everyone involved walked away. glad you did. i was in a pretty rough one myself recently and that kind of thing leaves trauma... so, hopefully im not presuming too much with your situation but like, healing from something like that (emotionally speaking) can take a lot of time. and its totally fine if that takes longer than others might expect. but im glad youre okay

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i had a pretty solid day today! was feeling pretty beat down about the world given some recent events and that wasnt doing me any good, so i managed to psyche myself up, get past the agoraphobia, and walk around the city. its just nice getting some exercise and vibing around a bustling place in clothes that make you feel good. also found a baller coffee shop with great blt so like. that was pretty cool, y'know?
Thank you. The person hit me from behind. We both were okay thankfully. I kind of am on edge about driving now. But I'll be fine no doubt.
I am so sorry that that happened to you. I hope you are doing okay. *Sending virtual hugs to you*
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I found this on YouTube. Can't stop watching. So this brings me joy!

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Got the new strawberry shortcake mcflurry, happy times ❤️
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I got a supervisor for my undergraduate thesis!! It's two days before the deadline and everyone else ghosted me lol, he was going to say no because his lab has a lot of students already but he happened to like my experience (I'm currently doing an internship in a lab) so he said he'd take me 😭😭 Rly got lucky there
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Today I went out to eat with my partner and his mom. We had a lovely time. Great meal and drinks!
Hey peeps! Hope you're having a great May. It'll be June already next Thursday! Not looking forward to the super HOT summer weather. It gets way too hot where I am. It's been a little warm lately but we ain't seen nothing yet!

I'm getting a new mattress this weekend!
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I woke up well rested today, which is something that doesn't often happen. So I'm feeling great and thankful for that! :veryhappy:
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I'm having a great time with my friends in a Discord server. They're truly the best, I enjoy everything from crack roleplay to jokes to fandom shenanigans with them. I don't know what I would've done without their community support
I'm finally healthier! And free!
This cold has been a brat to deal with, but since I couldn't sleep much because of it, I had a lot of time to think about something that has been on my mind for a while.
Enjoying a day off.
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My cat's ears look like Doritos and I think that's nice. 🥹 Just precious lil triangular chippies.
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Right now im so glad to be alive. Went through being sick twice and felt like I wasn't going to make it. But here I am to tell the tale.
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Hi all, hows it going? Hope you're having a great weekend! I hope the week ahead is great for you as well. :D
Had a nice day with my mom.
I'm really happy with the results of some of my creative projects today. It's a shame I have to be so hush about it for now! Oh well.