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Paradise, a name generally agreed on for the world, though for different reasons, irony for most.

These will be talking about the world in a specific time frame for the world, referencing the past at some points. The time frame is an alliance between a human kingdom and an alliance of Orc chieftains. Medieval-ish times.

Edits will happen as writing goes on, this is not the final version of this world. If you have criticism or recommendations, you can PM me, please keep this thread uncluttered by not responding to it.

Gods, Demons, and other such creatures of great magic: Any title differentiation is made by the being itself. They are for all intents and purposes the same species, creatures of pure magic that formed consciousness and chose some way to work their power on the physical world. There can be argued magnitudes of power, and they could also be argued to be seperated based on what they choose to associate with, but it's semantics like our ideas of race, only matters for paperwork and not too accurate for most purposes.

Dragons: Dragons are much like the known lizards in writings around the world, and there are various kinds just as there are various kinds of birds, bats, and various other creatures that we can narrowly relate to each other. A few general statements can be made about them, they are all lizard like but their legs go directly below their bodies rather than being splayed out to the side. They generally have four legs and wings, and they either specialize in the air or on the ground, indicated by whether their tail is like a bird's or like a land animal's. They socialize like dogs, packs based in family groupings.

Orcs: Orcs are large humanoids, 221 cm (Seven feet, three inches), heavily muscled stronger than humans. Other than their size, the primary seperator between the appearance of orcs and humans are the two tusks of the orcs that begin growing in puberty. They live in large clans and compete with each other for territory, but with much smaller groups and much quicker rotation rate than humans. Their tactics are less secretive as strength is definitely what is intended to rule rather than subterfuge.

Moriaus: Moriaus are larger horses with six legs instead of four. They come in two varieties, looking similar either to a Clidesdale or Warlander. They socially behave similarly to horses, but are predatorial and eat meat. They stay far to the north in the cold. They are able to run greater distances than horses, able to use energy in a unique way to allow them to run tirelessly.

Centaurs: Centaurs are just that, a creature with the body of a horse and upper body of a man. They are often confused with Moritaurs, whose primary physical difference is that they are larger and six legged. Centaurs stay in family groups similar to horses, though they take a human approach to agriculture and settlements. They often produce proud warriors, prosperous farmers and grand philosophers. All in egalitarian democratic systems.

Moritaur: Moritaurs are much larger than their centaurs, being as big to them as orcs are to humans. The strength of their humanoid half is more likened to an orc than a human as a result.

Elves: Elves are like slightly smaller humans, slighter of frame but with comparable strength, this allows them to be longer distance runners than normal humans. They form egalitarian societies focused on arts, preferring only to fight when threatened.

Dwarves: Dwarves are like small stocky humans, forming egalitarian societies focused on artianal pursuits, an aggressive society against outlanders.

Unialfen: Unialfen are a mixture of humans and elves, slighter than humans, but bigger than elves. They have elven grace and vision, but human tactical abilities. They formed as a result of an ages old war that forced elves and humans to retreat into a Wild forest. Their cooperation caused their descendants to be a mix of human and elves, having extreme longevity but aging all the same.