CHARACTERS ✾ petal booklet {character index}

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terrified to be known, desperate to be understood
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
romance. angst. drama. modern. fantasy. supernatural. adventure. crime. period pieces.

Oliver Bakker {Leather and Cotton}

No Longer in Use

Cassia Blossoms { The Fault in our Stars } (On temporary break)
Jason Grizzly { The Fault in our Stars } (On temporary break)
Lilac Morrison { The Fault in our Stars } (On temporary break)

Joseph Cobain { manhattan reflections }
Alice Thatcher { manhattan reflections }
Embry Ashford { Bittersweet }
Lucas Remington-Brooks { Bittersweet }
Mason Wagner { Bittersweet }
Owen Grayson { laws of attraction }
Ana Sofia De Luca { It's Complicated. }
Zachary Lewis { It's Complicated. }
Edison Marceau { Toxic Waste. }
Lillian Rosehope { elkwood } - Temporary
Sebastian Schafer-Addington { elkwood }
Matthew Blackwood { elkwood }
James Stefan { guns and roses }
Constance Holly { guns and roses}
Elizabeth Wolf { The Ties that Bind Us }
Lysander Colborn {The City Never Sleeps}
Basil "Bailey" Langdon { The City Never Sleeps }
Magdalena Moore { Eclipse }
Gabriella Ruiz { Eclipse }
Florence "Rose" Mallory { The Coven }
Benjamin Clarke { The Coven }
Ava Dillinger { Window to the Soul }
Hollis Darcy { Then, Now, Forever }
Yuuto Akimyama {Demon's bride}
Theodore Belanger (an anthem for sad kids)
Annabeth Fawn (an anthem for sad kids)


r o s e




Florence Erin-Rose Mallory
Vampire - Royal Gethin
May 13th
50% British (Paternal)
25% French | 25% American (Maternal)
Struggling Artist


HAIR: Rose's hair is fiery red, depending on the lighting it appears lighter. It's thick and long reching down to her mid back. Most times she has styled it in loose wavy curls and occasionally wears it up.
EYES: She has beautiful sky blue eyes.
HEIGHT: She is, in fact, a tall woman, but not too tall. Because she's so slim some people mistake her to be a bit taller when he only stands 5'7.
WEIGHT: She is a healthy weight and size, slimly built, though lacks some curves. She weighs about 119 lbs.
PIERCINGS: She only has one piercing on each earlobe and only on special occasions does she ever wear earrings.
TATTOOS: None, she thinks tattoos are cool ... on other people.
SCARS: She has been the target of many "pranks" and ultimately violent acts by humans and sometimes silvers. So, yes, she has scars but she hides them well.

Friendly | Sarcastic | Humorous | Goofy | Kind | Generous | Teasing | Hot-tempered | Impulsive | Eccentric | Intelligent | Dorky | Intellectual | Adventurous |Creative
Arts & Crafts | Painting | Sketching | Sewing | Crocheting | Cats | Trying new foods | Music | Dancing | Laughing | Movies | Photography | Popcorn | Fizzy drinks | Baked goods | Harry Potter | Merlin
Tragic endings | Discrimination of any kind | Hypocrites | Her weaknesses | Being pushed around | Vampire Hunters | The heat | Sunny days | Garlic based foods


Telekinesis: The ability to manipulate and control objects/matter with the mind. This ability is without a doubt Rose's strongest field, she had been manipulating matter as a toddler and has nearly perfected now.
Telepathy: The power to read/sense another person's thoughts, communicate with them mentally and/or control/manipulate their minds/thoughts. Though she is almost as powerful with this ability as she is with telekinesis, she rarely uses this power, fearing it. Twisting one's mind is not something to take easily, she had been taught. She's especially good at mind control and telepathic communication.
Clairvoyance: The power to visually perceive events that are taking place elsewhere or sense places that are not in view. Not her strongest ability but she knows how to use it fairly.
Telekinesis: True, telekinesis is her strongest power everything has a weakness.
For starters, it physically and mentally strains her to use he ability at an extreme. Manipulating several things at once is tiring. Lifting heavy objects and/or people she is physically unable to lift is especially hard on her. Sometimes she'll go unconscious because of it.
Her emotions(sometimes dreams and thoughts) are linked to her powers and as a hot-head it doesn't help. Her powers go out of control when she's angry, poltergeist type. It's nearly impossible for her to control.
Tiredness, lack of focus and fear can weaken her psychic strength too.
Telepathy: Though, she is almost as strong in this ability her weaknesses are bigger.
In order to mind control or manipulate a person, she has to look them in the eyes. She has not reached a level where she can do so without looking them in eyes.
She can control no more than five people at once and even that puts a strain on her, giving her headaches and nosebleeds if she does it too long.
She has a hard time focusing on one person's thoughts in the middle of a crowd. Too many thoughts can be overwhelming for her. The more intense the thought, the louder it is.
Distorting and/or implanting thoughts or hallucinations in one's head leaves her drained. She hates doing this to others, so rarely does she do it.
Clairvoyance: Using this ability takes concentration.
Her mother is Seraphine Mallory
FC: Deborah Ann Woll


b e n j a m i n





Benjamin "Benji or Ben" Hale Clark
Vampire - Silver
November 1st
25% German | 25% Bristsh (Maternal)
25% British | Swedish (Paternal)

Journalist (He actually only does grunt work)


Ben's hair is dark brown and usually kept short. His hair is thick and usually tousled with slight curls. He tries to keep his hair combed, but it's difficult to do so when he works so much.
EYES: He has bright blue eyes, quite mesmerizing really.
HEIGHT: He is one tall lad standing 6'4 max. He looks down on most people, literally.
WEIGHT: He's a healthy weigh and is perfectly in shape. he weighs about 175 lbs.
PIERCINGS: None, he finds no need for them.
TATTOOS: Surprisingly, he does. He has one on his left arm which he always hides.
SCARS: He has very few scars but he rather not talk about them.

Quiet | Reserved | Cold | Distant | Inexpressive |Rude | Sardonic | Cynical | Realistic | Straightforward| Sly | Arrogant yet - Thoughtful | Warm-hearted | Gentle | Caring | Intelligent | Chivalrous | Loyal | Awkward
Writing | Books | Paintings | Reading | Birds | Gardens | Origami | Coffee | Puzzles | Doodling | Peppermints
Socializing | Parties | Dancing | Loud environments |Royals | Humans | Laws against vampires | Existing hunters | Being a Silver | Most Animals
Suffers from symptoms of Asperger Syndrome | Dyslexia | Nicotine Addict


Unnatural Senses: To have uncanny senses. Better sight, smell, hearing, taste, and sense of touch than any human. As it is rare for a silver to have an ability, he has honed to the best he possibly could. This power of his kicked in his teen years.
Enhanced Senses: When he focuses in on one sense his other senses dull considerably. Not to mention drugs can turn off his ability or any type of intoxication like alcohol. Or sometimes, it'll get his senses out of control.
He hides his abilities in fear of rejection from other Silvers
He hates both humans and Royals with a passion


Ava Lorelei Dillinger

October 3rd

Place of birth
Whitby, England





Auburn, almost brown, dark red hair, fine and usually wavy, but kept short above the shoulders​

Dark brown​
Fair, pink toned​
5'6 (168 cm)​

126 lbs (57 kg)​

Ava's build is considered voluptuous and slender build, shaped liked an hour glass. Her curves are obvious, what with her thighs and breast. Her hips are wide, shoulders broad and legs are long. She isn't very petite exactly, but she is in shape mostly.​
Ava's style is a mix between grunge and rocker. She likes some pastel colors, but she never wears it without something dark to go along with it. Most times she can be caught wearing black, shirts too large for her, netted tights and combat boots. And she is almost always wearing a beanie hate over her red head and sunglasses on her face.​

Ava has a few scars, most of them being self-inflicted. She has them on her thighs and stomach. She also had light freckles dusting her body.​

Ava pronounces herself to be dead inside. Which, could be true but isn't entirely. Most times, she hardly feels any good emotions. So, she can be rather grim to be around as she is a bit on the sardonic side. But her feelings aren't absent as she tries so hard to pretend they are. And it's easy to tell because Ava is the type of person who wears her heart on her sleeve for all to see even when she doesn't want them too.​
She is sensitive. Something that gets by people because of how tough and aggressive she can tend to be. Yes, her personality is fierce and she can be rather distant and disconnected, but she has a heart and it's bigger than she'd care to admit. Ava is more compassionate that she lets on and is loving and affectionate towards the people she gets close to. Not to mention very protective of them. Just as she is truly a sweetheart, she can be a bitch when the time calls for it.​
The problem is that Ava lies to herself so much she can barely recognize her own feelings and truths about herself. While she can interpret others, she has a hard time reacting to and accepting genuine sweetness from others. The somber curtains hides the girl she still is deep down inside. Adventurous, compassionate, loving, witty and joyous. These parts of herself seem to peek through every once and while though.​
alternative music; dancing; guitar; forest; photography; flowers; smoking; sunglasses; hats; tea; comic books; animals; kind spirits;​

Graveyards; centipedes; silence; being alone; dying; mean spirits; bullies; bigots; large bodies of water​
Photography, Guitar, Listening to Music, Scrapbooking​

Ava has a horrible couple of habits, the worst being inflicting harm on herself. She keeps it to herself and claims that she simply needs to feel something because most times she can't. She also smokes, enough said. And slips away and out of situations whenever she can. You'd have to hold her hand to make her stay.​
Drowning, living forever, closed spaces​
Photography, Guitar​
Ava doesn't have many insecurities except for never being in a proper relationship and being loved. And lastly, never living a proper life.​
Ava suffers horribly from major depression. Ever day she has to find one reason just to get out of bed no matter how little the reason. Because really, even if she wanted to, and she has on many occasions, she can't die.​



Louise Dillinger ; Mother ; Deceased​
Ava had been very close to her mother when she was alive. The woman was the first person and only person, outside of her brother, to believe that she saw what others couldn't. Unfortunately, she died saving Ava and Ava has never forgive herself for it.​
John Dillinger ; Father ; Deceased​
Ava's relationship with her father had never been a good one. He thought her abnormal the moment she claimed to see the dead and tried to have her sent to a mental institution, but her mother wouldn't have it. She convinced him it'd be bad for their family. Whatever little love he had for his daughter faded the moment her mother passed. And when he selled her off to marry an abusive mad far off from him, she came to despise him too.​
Harry Dillinger ; Brother ; Deceased​
Harry and Ava had always been close. He was the second person to believe in her sight for the supernatural. When her husband passed and she returned home, he took care of her.​
Taylor and Amelia Dillinger; see friends.

Taylor Dillinger ; 34 ; alive​
Ava and Taylor are close. She met hadn't met until he was in his teen years. He's her lots of great something nephew. They have been close since they met and Taylor has been protective of her, treating her as his own daughter.​
Amelia Dillinger ; 32 ; alive​
Wife of Taylor, Amelia is one of the living people who isn't related to her that knows Ava's secret. They became close the moment they meant. If Ava is like her father figure, Amelia is her mother figure who could also fit into being her big sister.​
Katherine ; deceased ; ghost​
Ava found the girl years ago, ever since the ghost girl hasn't left her alone.​
Alexander Hunt ; deceased​
Ava feared him more than anything. He was the American man her father married her off to. Every moment she spent with him was nightmarish, she sustained nothing but abuse both physically and mentally. Ultimately, he was what led her into becoming an immortal being after nearly killing her.​
Thomas Clancy ; alive​
It was more of a fling, they were business partners, using her ability to earn cash together. But Ava fell in love with him and the began to date only for her to discover that he didn't have any real feelings for her and was only using her. So, she left.​
Anyone who crosses her path the wrong way is her enemy.​



Ava has always been classified as the village kook. She was born into a wealthy family within the countryside of England, but that did not prevent others from bullying her. Her father even held some disdain toward her. The only people believed she had sight was her mother and younger brother. And her mother was the only reason she hadn't been immediately shipped off to a mental institution. Her friends consisted of spirits and ghost alike, and by the time she learned she should keep her "gift" -- as her mother called it -- a secret she had already been labeled the crazy little Dillinger girl.​
One day, a treacherous bunch of water spirits pulled her into teh water when she was out playing at the beach. Her mother jumped in and saved her life at the cost of her own. Ever since that day, her father came to hate her and she decided to ignore the undead. But when she reached the age of sixteen, her father married her off to wealthy American man who became fascinated by her. She hated her father for throwing her away to live in New York. Alexander turned out to be an abusive husband -- if you could call him that at all. He surely did not treat her as if she was his wife, bringing in other women every other day.​
Eventually, he had beat her so bad she was on her deathbed. A spirit that pitied her gave her immortality, though, the only way to be rid of it was to kill a descendant of hers. Unfortunately, remaining alive meant continuing to sustain abuse by Alexander until he died in an accident on the street. All of his wealth was transferred to her. And she moved home where she learned her father passed away and her brother and his family cared for her.​
The longer the years went by and she had to move around in order not to be found out, Ava learned that immortality was more of a curse than a gift. She moves every now and then to keep her secret and find this descendant in order to be given a mortal life once again.​




"To me, you're beautiful no matter what they say."

Oliver "Ollie" Bakker



Pansexual Demiromantic

Ollie is very sensitive about his looks, especially his height. He feels he inherited the worst genes from his parents and came out a weird mix of the two. He stands only 5'4 to his great annoyance. And his size isn't very big either, he's sort of thin, though he is not skin and bones, he has muscle mass and his body is in great shape as he worked very hard to get the form he has now. His hair is blonde though kept short. And then there are his eyes, one dark brown and the other blue. It used to be hidden behind his glasses, but now he wears contacts, a colored one to hide his one blue eye. Then there is his skin, it's fair and otherwise would have been perfect if it wasn't for the scars that marred his body. Most of them are hidden though. And he does has his ears pierced, twice on both lobes.

Ollie is very shy and awkward, it's hard for him to become comfortable with others and be assertive. Most times he would let himself get pushed over just because it's easier than actually saying and doing what he wants half the time. Yes, he is a big pushover with people, because of it many people ask him for favors knowing he won't be able to refuse. He is also what they call a scaredy cat, nor can he really hide it as he has an open heart, wearing it on his sleeve. People can easily see how kind he is and most times they take advantage of that too. However, once he feels comfortable around a person he won't be all stutters, mumbles, and blushes. Okay, yes, he'll probably still blush because he's easily made flustered. But, when he is comfortable with a person that is when he becomes more assertive. Some would go even as far to say bossy and constantly nagging. It's true, but it's only because he cares. Many call him a mother figure because he's always trying to take care of his friends. He's really a lively and even a little dorky. Last but not least, he is very affectionate with his friends and family. Hugs and hand holding is a common thing with him.

Rap; guitar; jogging; cotton candy; reading; hand-holding; baked goods; cooking; plants; flowers; dancing; listening to music; cats; puppies; berries; sketching

rude people; being perceived as weak; his height; his father; horror movies (uh, he'll die); spiders; mice; the dark; closed spaces; bullies; bigots; sexist;

Born to a Korean mother and Dutch-American father was Oliver Baker. If you think Oliver is shy scaredy cat now, then you would be blown if you had meant him years ago. His father was an abusive alcoholic who took out his frustrations and anger on his wife and child. Honestly, Oliver could recount many horror stories regarding the man including starving him, which resulted in malnutrition and that stunted his height and made his immune system weak. Unfortunately, all of it played a big part in shaping who he is now. The only solace and freedom that he and his mother shared when was he left for days on end without a word. When he was fifteen, his mother learned that she pregnant but sadly miscarried after receiving a horrible beating from her husband. It was then that Oliver tried to fight back to protect his mother despite being scrawny and weak, a nearly died in the process. That was when his mother finally decided to act. When his father left again, so did they. They skipped town as far as possible. His mother picked up a job as soon as possible and used the saving that she hid to rent them an apartment. With just the two of them, things started to get better slowly but surely. Oliver was able to act like a normal teenager. He himself picked up a job a year later to help support and stabilize them. Now, he wants his mother to find someone and even though it's a selfish wish, he want a younger sibling or two.

Elizabeth Angelica Wolf

Eliza | Betsey | Angie

31. female. Heterosexual. August 2nd.


Chicago Illinois

Co-producer/Actress (wannabe playwright)

❥ the most dangerous lover is one who greets pain with a smile ♡




Eliza's hair is dark brown, almost black in some lightings, and kept shoulder length. It is tyhick and naturally straight, and easy to grow out. She has to trim it often if she wants to keep it short. Most times it is an unkempt nest.


Doe eyes. She has doe eyes. They are large, brown, soft and expressive. It is a very attractive trait but also gives off an innocence.


She has a slender hourglass figure, having broad shoulders and slightly wide hips.


Fair and mostly flawless except for a few scars.


Eliza is a fairly tall women standing at 5' 7¾ feet (170.18) with long legs.


She maintains a healthy weight of 130 lbs (59 kg).


Eliza has a few scars, most of them faded over time and are barely noticeable.


Eliza is a very casual dresser, sporting jeans and t-shirts with no problem. Still, she is a bit of a fashionista, mainly enjoying to dress up when she can, which is rare. As a mom who runs around a lot, she'd rather be clothed comfortable rather than fancy and uncomfortable. Besides, she always wears some sort of funny t-shirt.







Regardless of being a woman in her early thirties with two kids, Eliza is known to be quite lively and even childish to a degree. People often wonder about how she raises her children with her excited and quirky nature. Because of this playful nature of hers, she radiates a sort of innocence, especially to strangers. In reality, they couldn't be further from the truth. She is a very mischevious person, enjoying the thrill of creating mischief and teasing others often. She is extraordinarily witty and her comments often sarcastic. To add to it, she is as clever as she is intelligent and won't take being treated as less than she is. Not everyone can keep up with her pace, but she usually acts like a laid-back adult when with those who cannot.

While she can be rude and mean, she still has a warm heart and is absolutely lovely to those she cares about. She is typically friendly and fair. Most of all honest, she hates lying, but in its stead will avoid the truth until telling it when the moment has presented itself.

Then there is the fact that she is very stubborn and tenacious, but still exercising patience. Eliza is smarter than to just rush ahead without calculating first. However, her biggest flaw is her independence as it may be her best quality too. She is almost always rejecting help from others even when she needs it most. She considers it embarrassing and weakening. Then there is her temper, it takes a while to come out, but once it is about ... there is no wrath like Eliza Wolf's.


dancing; teasing others; banter; singing; theatre; music; dogs; cats; holidays; baked goods; children; wine; chocolate; challenges; snow; sunglasses; 80's aesthetic; writing;


being belittled; drunks/being drunk; cigarettes; mice; being left behind; reality tv; canned meals


Rolling her eyes. Talking to herself, and most time inanimate objects (mostly complaining and grumbling and blaming them.) Also, cracking jokes at people when at parties.


Playing with her kids; dancing; baking; writing


Baking; writing; dancing; singing; rapping (surprisingly)


Her limited college education along with being a single mom.




Never accomplishing her goals and dreams

Being alone and leftbehind





Cecelia Wolf - Mother - 54 - Alive - Retired Event Planner

Gilbert Wolf - Father - 57 - Alive - Campaign Manager

David Wolf - Brother - 29 - Alive - Reporter

Theresa Wolf - Sister - 18 - Alive - Self-proclaimed Party Queen

Christopher Wolf - Brother - 17 - Alive - Surving Highschooler

Felix August Ash - Son - 14 - Highschooler

Anastasia "Annie" Bambi Ash - Daughter - 7 - Grade Schooler


Jordyn Black - 30 - Best Friend - Animal Shelter Manager

Phillipa "Pippa" Cadwell - 31 - Best Friend - Chocolatier

Thomas Hollington - 31 - Media Strategist Assistant

Lucas Black - 29 - Actor


None in particular.


She has a few but only two matter.

Damon Ash - 31 - R&D manager

Jeffrey Fall - 33 - Wine Specialist



Eliza was, without a doubt, a theatre kid. However, she was far from the typical, stereotyped theatre teenagers who walked the schools halls. She was beautiful, magnetic, intelligent, cunning and a troublemaker. To be honest, that much hasn't changed about her. Eliza had even been this way from a young age. To put it in one simple word, she was popular. She was invited to every party and went to every party, went on dates with anyone who attracted her but was careful on who her boyfriends were. While her friends weren't all too popular, they were hers and no one dared to anger Eliza wolf. Not to mention, she was talented with a clear future ahead of her. Though her dreams were big and grandeur, not a single soul doubted she'd accomplish them. After all, she had already caught the eyes and attention of many who worked in the line of field she was interested in.

This all changed some time after meeting Damon Ash. She was immediately smitten with the boy as half the girls and even some men in their school had been. They became fast friends, falling deeper for the other which each passing day until they decided to stop playing around and just go out with each other. He wasn't just loved by her but her family too. That may have changed slightly when she got knocked up. The tides changed for her immensely. Damon stayed with her through it all, and her family helped the best they all could.

Instead of going off to her dream college, she stayed in Illinois to be in her child's life and only went to school part time as well as work part time. She could only go to school for so long until she graduated with a bachelor's and moved in with Damon who was still going to school. Then came along little Annie. After she was born, things shifted for the worst between her and her boyfriend and they broke it off, resulting in Eliza moving back in with her parents for a year or two before standing on her feet by herself.



general information


name & pronunciation
owen frances grayson
oh - w uh n / f r -an - s iss / g r ai s uh n

date of birth
july 10th


average american

his parents are american born but his mother is of dutch and french decent and his father of irish

wenn| common
o dog| not particular fond of it, but everyone knows him by it




student/grocery store stocker

appearance information


dark brown and usually a mess but always cut short.

square shaped face with a defined jawline.


a couple of moles on the right side of his face and behind his ear. he has a couple of scars here and there on his body from getting into fights, he claims.

150 lbs

owen's eyes are light brown and typically reminds one of autumn.

athletic and very fit.


potrayed by dylan o'brien

personal information


ice skating | panic! at the disco | guitar | jokes | flirting | chocolate cereal | chinese food | summer | challenges | hockey | naps

ice skating | playing guitar and singing | hockey | surprisingly he can cook | making people laugh

playing guitar | ice skating | playing ball games | watching cartoons |

wet blankets | know it alls | sad movies | studying | being treated like an idiot | abuse of any kind | his parents |

owen's biggest fear is being abandoned by his loved ones and being completely useless. Also, he is bit afraid of the dark.

spacing out | drifting off to sleep when bored

owen is a goofball, a loveable one at that. Something about him attracts others as he is totally magnetic. It's rare that a person will come to hate him, he is the type of person that just grows on you. Owen is outspoken, playful and teasing. He never seems to filter what ever comes out of his mouth, it can be both be a bad and good thing. Because of his mouth he can come off as rude or sweet or both.That doesn't mean he can't be sarcastic either though, because he can though rarely cynical. He's a silly and excitable puppy with a quippy and energetic personality. His main flaws mainly consist of arrogance and sensitive personality. Yes, he is very in touch with his feelings. And he acts on those feelings.

mental ailments
owen has suffered from adhd from a young age.

memorable quotes
"i try not to laugh at my own jokes but we all know i'm hilarious."
"it's hard to find a friend who's cute, loving, sexy, caring and smart. my advice to ya'll is don't lose me."
"kissing burns 6.4 calories, wanna work out?"

background information

father & relationship
jack nolan grayson | alive | the current relationship owen shares with his father is a toxic one. he would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid of the alcoholic man, because he does. but he loves him still. he is his father even if he is a deadbeat who has stopped earning real money and as a result stopped caring for his children as he should and in fact hurts them.

quinn jordan grayson | alive

mother & relationship
tabitha marie grayson | alive | owen's mother ran out on her family when owen was only eight years old. she had gotten sick of his father and had an affair which resulted in her fighting with his father and leaving. owen begged her not to go to no avail. after becoming sick of missing her, he began to hate her for leaving him and his brother behind.

relationship with siblings
owen is very close with his brother as well as protective of him. he has taken the mother and father role too with his brother because of his parents absence in their lifes.

as a young child, owen grew up in a nice home. he had been close friends with the daughter of his mother's bestfriend. even as a child he couldn't sit still and was all over the place, getting into trouble and hurting himself constantly. he attracted other kids being as adventurous as he was. after his mother took off, things took a huge turn. his father had always had a drinking problem but it grew worse, more so after he was laid off from work. they had to sell their house and moved into a more poor side of town. despite things being bad at home, he grew in popularity at school when he started to play sports.

owen is a senior in high school but his grades aren't the best. he's focusing on getting a scholarship through his hockey playing, taking care of his family and working. he's saving up so that he can move out with his brother as soon as he turns eighteen.

he was dumped by his long term girlfriend naomi chandler in the beginning of the school year
his brother quinn has a disability that requires him to use a crutch to walk

code by winnie

Joseph Damian Cobain





Joseph Damian Cobain

jo | it's a common name he's called by just about anyone
jojo | only his family members call him by this name and he'd rather keep it that way
johnny | the nickname his best friend calls him by

twenty two

birth place
las vegas, nevada, he loves it more than any other city.

sexual orientation


height & weight
joseph stands a decent height of 5'11 and weighs much less than he should, only being 147 lbs.

hair & eyes
his hair is a deep dark and rich brown, perfectly fine and almost always a mess but always kept short with a slight wave pattern. joseph's eyes are a pale stormy blue and in most cases brooding, they draw attention more so because of the occasional bags underneath them.

face & body
joseph's face is angular but he has a perfectly square jaw, high cheekbones and two dimples, one on each side of his cheek. his body is slim and while his arms are slightly muscular, he isn't very shaped in general being on the lanky side.

piercings & tattoos & markings
he has one nose piercing on his right nostril and one on his left earlobe. only a few scars from getting into fights. he has more tattoos than anything else on his body.


brief bio
joseph had been born to parents who barely gave him the time of the day. they neglected him from a young age. as a result, he began to act out just gain their attention and boy did it work. as he grew older the trouble he involved himself in became more and more dangerous. soon enough he was hooked on drugs and stuck in place he wanted nothing to do with. after being arrested for possession of drugs, his parents barely got him out. they sent him to leave with his uncle to clean up and all but get rid of him. his uncle tom was the first person to ever care about him. and for the first time he wanted to clean up his act in order to be a better person, son and most of all nephew.

joseph is has been sober for over six months. he's also a lot smarter than he looks being a computer programmer and having done hacking favors for friends in high school.

Alice Naomi Thatcher





Alice Naomi Thatcher

ally | it is her most common nickname and everyone calls her by this
lime/limi | she gained this nickname from her parents because of her often sour attitude

twenty one

birth place
queens, new york

sexual orientation
bisexual heteromantic


height & weight
alice stands at an average height of 5'6. she weighs a healthy weight of 121 lbs.

hair & eyes
alice's hair is naturally thick and wavy, a dark brown shade and long enough to pass her shoulders. her eyes are wide and an even darker brown than her hair.

face & body
alice has a diamond shaped face and a pointed chin. her body is slim with feminine curves, sporting an hourglass figure with broad shoulders, ample breast, wide hips, and long legs.

piercings & tattoos & markings
alice has had her ear peirced three times on both ears. two on the lobes and once on the helix. she has no tattoos but a few scars to hide.


brief bio
alice was born to a chinese mother and caucasian american father in queens. she was the eldest of the two children that her parents birthed and probably the least responsible once she hit her senior years. the girl had had a happy and normal family life until she got involved with a troublemaker at school. she had almost immediately fell in love with him. once they graduated they had gotten married at the age of eighteen against her parents will and moved into manhattan. at first things seemed just fine as alice worked hard to support them both and encouraged him to pursue his passion in art. but after a while they fought day and night and he because abusive to an extent. her relationship with her family was no longer there as she had cut them off when she left with him but she found herself wanting to go back. eventually, she heard news of her father's passing and was too ashamed to return having missed his last breath and funeral. she and her husband got a divorce after she caught him cheating on her. she lived alone for a while until meeting with an old high school friend and allowing her to live with her.

she works as a makeup artist and is saving up her money for her family and the future family she'll make.


general information


name + pronunciation
lysander maxwell colborn
lye - san - dur || m - ae - k s - w - ehl || cole - h - or -n

date of birth
july 15th


average american with hunts of a typical new yorker

manhattan, new york, new york, usa


lys || the most basic nickname many call him by and he detests it. call him by his full name or he won't answer.
puck || given to him by his sister as she says he relates to that character in a midsummer's night dream more
max-cakes || only his mother calls him this and only she is allowed to


✘ heterosexual heteromantic

paternal || 25% swiss, 25% caucasian american
maternal || 25% finnish, 25% italian


high school student
also has been working as a model since he was a child

I was the king of this hologram
where there's no such thing as getting out of hand

physical information

lysander's hair is raven black but rich and thick, the sides of it are usually cut short but he has a long head of hairs on top. most times he combs it for occasions, but for school he lets it loose and wild.

6'2 ft (187.96 cm)

face + skin
there is no denying that lysander has a pretty angular face with high cheek bones
lysander's skin is fair but far from being flawless


lysander has a few scars, most of them being his own fault and others from surgeries. he also has a beauty mark underneath his right eye.

lysander's eyes are a pale and speak nothing but mischief, still, occasionally there's a vulnerability that can be seen in them

132 lbs (60 kg)

body + dress
lysander is tall and lanky and does not carry much in the muscular department. he's a skinny thing and knows that he could stand to gain a few more pounds himself.
bad boy or not, lysander is a model and almost always dresses well for the right occasion. for stupid, socialite, business and whatever the like, parties he dresses in tuxedos and suits and he knows he looks good in them. but for everything else he sports a more causal look t-shirts, some button ups with designs, jean and leather jackets, dirty sneakers. and he is quite often wearing sweaters as he gets cold easily.

lysander has a one piercing on each of his earlobes and a single nose piercing on his right nostril

ash stymest
if long hair and tattoos are what attract you
baby, then you're in luck

personal information


his car || alcohol || smoking || cereal || piano music || laughter || parties || girls || sex || berries || photography || trouble || modeling || flirting || getting what he wants || witty banter || his sister || the sun || dogs || art

playing piano || modeling || flirting || sketching || winning people over and getting what he wants || ballroom dancing

playing piano || photography || flirting || sketching

his health issues || hospitals || being sick || rain || the cold || not getting what he wants || constrictions || being stuck indoors || cauliflower || diets

being stuck in a hospital || becoming deathly sick || mice

cleaning any mess he sees, even if it is not his own (lysander is a bit of a clean freak) || running his fingers through his hair

from a young age to the present, lysander has been nothing but spoiled and doted on by his parents, family members and others alike. it doesn't help that he was spotted to be a model from a very young age. naturally, he has some unrefined qualities. like his huge ego that can't seem to take much of blow no matter how much one insults him. he has confidence in himself and why shouldn't he? unlike some unfortunate others he has money, a pretty face and more than most. and yet, this knowledge also makes him rather sympathetic with just about everyone. and he never seems to complain, because he's aware that others have it worst than him and he could be doing a lot worst.

he's surprisingly not a rotten person. his older sister constantly beat not only basic human traits but admirable ones into him too. like how incredibly friendly and gregarious he is as well as energetic. he's always the first to hop aboard some train of fun or danger. most cases, it is danger for the likes of sickly lysander. he tries not to let his illnesses hold him back from experiencing the world and he sure as hell won't let people hold him back or walk over him or the people he cares about. he doesn't take shit from anyone and is frankly very harshly blunt with people who are rude or simply assholes.

many different types of people surround lysander, he is charismatic specimen and one who is generous and helpful to his friends. his loyalty knows no bounds for his truest of friends. and even though he's a bit of a whore who gets around, he always choose bros(whether these bros are female or male) before hoes. bonds between friends is something he values dearly as they are more like a family to him than his own parents are. and he knows he can be himself with them despite being a slightly obnoxious and witty boy. they know this about him and so does he, he's able to shed any coat and allow them to see his vulnerable side. and damn is he vulnerable on the inside.

mental ailments
lysander suffers from a mild case of ocd, he is a bit of a germaphobe. he has the insatiable urge to clean any mess before him or anything that looks covered in germs in fear of getting sick. and because of it he sometimes experiences panic attacks and bouts of depression.

memorable quotes
"i'm in my bed, you're in your bed ... one of us is in the wrong place."
"penelope delacroix, you are very attractive and therefore i shall stare at you now and then."
"i walk around like everything is fine, but deep down, inside my shoe, my sock is sliding off."

"excuse me, sir? have you not seen me in this years vogue? no? neither have i."
i want to live, not just survive

background information

father & relationship
david colborn | 49 | alive | owner of of colborn corporations (also known as cole), one of the top automobile companies in western/european countries and even some asian countries. the relationship that lysander has with his father is nearly non-existent. whenever the man is home they have pleasant talk, but they are not close. his father has expressed a want fro him to clean up his act but has yet to force anything on him.

viola colborn | 26 | alive

lysander has had one to three girlfriends, none of which were serious. he has had plenty of flings too. he gets around.

lysander has a lot of friends, many which are nearly as bad as him or worst. but ironically, his closest friends are not as wealthy and don't attend his school.
basil langdon | 18 | they had been best friends since babyhood, practically brothers and always had each other's back. whenever bailey returned from boarding school they got into trouble together. even when basicly lost everything he remained by his side. they are best friends.

mother & relationship
laura colborn (née stefano) | 46 | alive | lysander has a soft spot for his mother who is an actress and producer. unlike his father, she actually makes attempts to spare her time for her children. and they get to work together since he entered modeling.

relationship with siblings
lysander absolutely loves his sister, he turns into a complete puppy when his around her. unlike the rest of his family, she not only scolds him but beats him up when he does wrong instead of dote on him. hell, she beats him up even when she just feels like it. the two are very close and similar, but they haven't been able to see each other as much since she started to work.

lysander doesn't view many people as an enemy, except for those who mess with his friends.

other relations
he has a rather interesting relationship with embry ashford, they go to the same school but the met through bailey. they have battles of the wit every time they meet and pick on each other every chance they can get. while they're not exactly friends they are ell on their way.
penelope delacroix detest lysander, but he holds no negative feelings for her. in fact, he flirts with her every now and then when he sees her, but has obviously no intentions to actually pursue her. he thinks her dislike for him amusing in spite of their parents being friends.

lysander has been in and out hospitals since the day he was born. because his family felt so guilty giving birth to a sickly child and not having enough time to spare for him, they've done nothing but spoil him and let him do whatever he pleased. the only one who put him in line and saved him from being rotten was his older sister. he especially loved her because she saw past his weaknesses and treated him like a normal sibling. he had very few friends when he was little and rarely got to go out much but as he got older he became stronger and even began modeling when one of his mother's fashion friends met him.

nowadays lysander attends school to keep his parents somewhat happy but spends most of his time partying and drinking with friends. truth be told, he is predominantly on the wrong side of town just to hang out with bailey. he doesn't have much aspiration in anything his father suggest to him but he's considering going into arts like his mother.

lysander suffers from a somewhat weak immune system, epilepsy, von Willebrand disease and a mild osteogenesis imperfecta. he is in out of the hospital a few times a year.
the only other language he knows is italian, and that's simply because it is his mother's native language.
shockingly, the only times he has missed days of school is when he is in the hospital

satisfaction feels like a distant memory

code by winnie


general information


name + pronunciation
basil parker langdon
b - ae - z - uhl || p - ark - er || l - ae - ng - d uh n

date of birth
march 6th


average american with slight hints of an English accent

staten island, new york, new york, usa



bailey || a nickname that might as well be his name as everyone calls him by it, it derived from the nickname "bay leaf"
bazz || very common and by far his favorite
tiger || not many at school know him by this name, it came from the girls(escorts) he works with


bisexual heteromantic

paternal || 25% english, 25% caucasian american
maternal || 12.5% welsh || 12.5% swedish || caucasian american

dual citizenship in america and the uk

barely a high school student
he does bodyguard work for an escort service a branch of notorious gang in ny

Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space

physical information

bailey's hair is thick and a beautiful shade of golden brown. he could use a haircut but combs it back in spite of strands of it often falling in his face.

6'4 ft (193.04 cm)

face + skin
bailey's face is angular and can go from being sweet and innocent to devilish and flirty.
bailey's skin is pale with pink tones and would otherwise be flawless if it wasn't for his many scars and the way he is almost always wearing bruises.

. x .

bailey has more scars than he can count from too many fights to remember. including a small one on his left cheek.

bailey's eyes are large, round, green and reported to be very romantic, holding stories to be told.

187 lbs (85 kg)

body + dress
bailey's build is somewhat athletic, carrying obvious muscle shape but also slim and slightly lanky.
bailey doesn't particularly have a style. he simply throws on whatever is in his closet and most times they consist of raggedy jeans and t-shirts of solid colors. most of his clothes, shirts specifically, are double his size and look baggy on him. he tries to wear his best for special occasions or jobs. and literally only has one suit in his closet.


bill skarsgard
i'm a goner
somebody catch my breath

personal information


reading || silly jokes ( that may or may not be lame) || rom-coms || music || hot beverages || beer || smoking || hugs || music || peace and quiet || cats || cheesecake || people with a sense of humor || pain || food || cooking || cooking for other people || musicals || children || plants

fighting || playing guitar || cooking || good with kids

wandering the city streets || cooking || collecting rocks for his garden || cooking || dressing up his cat (don't like it, fight him)


abuse to weaker people || bigots || food that has gone cold || being lied to || being left alone || school || early mornings || letting down people

being abandoned/ left alone || the dark

clicking his tongue || touching stuff with his face and smelling it, it could be a hat or an ipad, doesn't matter || talking to his plants

for a giant with a long and violent history, bailey is probably the most mild-tempered person you'll ever come across. and to put it simply, he is a total sweetheart. while he will admit he does like to fight, he isn't a dark person in general. he much rather hang out with his friends cracking stupid jokes and huddling up together while drinking hot tea. he's an affectionate person, both a lover and a fighter.

most find it surprisingly how gentle he can be as well as a bit of a weirdo. he laughs at the lamest jokes and smiles at the cheesiest things. he's almost like a child, but a quiet one and smarter than what most can assume. and he could care less of what people think of him, he only cares about the people in his life now whom he loves. he is a fiercely protective person and while his patience is typically huge, he can snap real quick if you're an asshole.

a lot of traits in bailey has changed since the sudden fall his family went through, but he's been through the ringer so many times in came out both tough and vulnerable because of it. he does what he does to make money and because honestly he knows the girls and how much they need him. and truth be told, bailey wants to be needed again,to be a part of a family despite how toxic it may be. and he hates to let people down, he's done too much of that already.

mental ailments
bailey's has been depressed since the day he lost his father and it only got worse from there. it's bad enough that he harms himself just to feel and get a move on. insomnia is common issue he suffers from too.

memorable quotes
"em, i know you said it has glitter on it. but that doesn't mean it is not edible. can't i just have one bite?'
"i want to sleep until i feel better."
"do i play basket ball? do you play mini golf?"
"of course i am on your side, lysander. that's a 100 an hour."

Help me, it's like the walls are caving in
Sometimes I feel like giving up
No medicine is strong enough
Someone help me

background information

father & relationship
thomas langdon || 43 || deceased || bailey's father was a lawyer and a damn good one at that, all the wealthiest family's hired him and his firm to handle any of their issues. bailey loved his father as they were similar and thick as leaves. he even supported his son when he said he wanted to be a chef instead of a lawyer. but when his father was arrested for false charges, bailey began to hate him for tearing their family and refused to visit him. he only came to regret it when his father died of a heart attack.


bailey has had a few flings and even girlfriends but only one he very truly loved.
sadie wolff || 19 || deceased || she was one of the daughters of the escorts he worked with. she thanked him for looking after her mother by always bearing some kind of gift. they started to date and were practically inseparable, the one thing that took her away from him was cancer. she refused to make her mother work more to pay for the treatment, and for bailey to pay with his own money. sadie died in her sleep next to him.

bailey has a few friends, many dealing in funny business. a lot of them are escorts.
lysander colborn || the boy has been his best friend since before they could talk. they watch each other's backs like brothers. the dark haired boy had stuck with him even throughout his hardest times, so he holds a special place in bailey's heart.
erika wang || she had gotten him his job and has been close to him ever since he saved her from getting beat to death by one of her clients. he also lives with her.
embry ashford || she might as well be his baby sister and yet somehow his older sister and mother too. he saved her from some creep trying to force himself on her and ever since she has been looking after him and he for her. also, he enjoys her stupid jokes. she gives him the gift of laughter.


mother & relationship
elsa langdon (née johansson) || 42 || deceased || bailey was just as close with his mother as he was with his father. she was a housewife, or at least claimed to be, but she worked as an event planner on the side. she visited him the most while he was in boarding school. when his father was put in prison and no one wanted to work with her any longer, she began scrubbing floors for a living. not long after after the news of thomas's demise reached them bailey found her in the bath filled with her own blood and a letter on the kitchen table.

relationship with siblings

assholes who beat up women or forces themselves upon them || anyone who hurts his friends || his own negative/guilty thoughts

other relations
harmonica wolff || sadie's mother who also looked after bailey when he was around.

born with a silver spoon in his mouth and given loving parents who involved themselves in his life, bailey had it all. he was sent to an elite boarding school in the uk once hit reached the age of ten. he had decided that he wanted to be a chef at the age of 13. however, you could imagine the huge shift in his world when had had to return at 14 after his father was arrested. he lost both his parents and was forced to live with his deadbeat uncle who neglected him and eventually found a job working for an escort service as a bodyguard.

in spite of being intelligent, bailey rarely ever goes to school. he spends his time working and hanging out with his friends as well as babysitting the children of his escort friends. he still has some dreams but he feels to guilty and scared to pursue any of them. so, he stays in his place because at least he knows where he stands there.

bailey is fluent in swedish and knows some italian.
he has a pet cat named roses, he found her on the streets injured and nursed her to health. she wouldn't leave him ever since.
he likes children and often babysits the kids of his escort friends, they all love him to death.

If I'm lost then how can I find myself?

code by winnie

  • lillian rosehope
    panromantic pansexual
    coding by winnie


    name & pronunciation
    lillian hayley rosehope
    l ill - ee - un || h ai l ee || r oh z || h oh p

    date of birth
    may 22nd

    general american accent, mainly. but there are hints of french and even swedish.

    senior in high school

    lillie || it might as well be her real name as it is what she prefers to be called by
    crazy || most common name of them all she had been given

    place of birth
    kaysersberg, france

    her mother is a swedish woman while her father is of danish and french decent despite having lived in france most of his life.

    she works part time at her family's herb shop and the animal shelter


    5'1 ft (154.94 cm)

    lillie's hair is an ashy blonde, thick and reaching down her back. but is naturally curly and most times tangled. it takes too long to straighten it, so more often than not she leaves it curly and sometimes frizzy.

    her face is square shaped with round cheeks, high cheek bones and a pointed chin. she has very soft and features.

    one on her right forearm.

    she has gained a few from her adventures of exploring.

    108 lbs (49 kg)

    forest green eyes always full of wonder and curiosity and quite frankly innocence

    her body is slim and petite, carrying nice curves with her small waist and thick thighs

    she has both her earlobes pierced one and her left nostril

    lillian rosehope is potrayed by the indie princess juno temple


    animals | nature | the woods | plants | dancing | magic | reading | discovering new things | rabbits | exploring | reading | blueberries | peaceful resolves | music

    gardening | flower arranging | sketching (anything but people) | making medicine | singing | befriending animals | weirding people out

    exploring the woods | gardening | daydreaming | reading | playing with her rabbit |

    bigots | unnecessary violence | close-mindedness | deception | black magic (aka dark arts) | cruelty towards others | being told to not ask questions | being forced to sit still | the dark

    her magic hurting someone | remaining alone | the dark

    asking questions (her curiosity is endless) | daydreaming (also spacing out) | singing/talking to herself | trailing off, speaking incomplete thoughts

    truth be told, lillie is, in fact, as strange as she comes off as. her mind tends to wander off every now and then, making others wonder where on earth lillian rosehope's mind has gone. as if to add to her peculiar character, she blurts out the strangest things without a care in the world. the girl is blunt and straightforward, though, she will be soft when the time calls for it. all of this and more makes her out to be weird and overall crazy. as malicious as the teasing can be, she doesn't seem to mind being called names.

    her surface often obscures on what's on the inside. lillian is perhaps the softest person one will ever meet. her heart is made of gold and worn on her sleeve for all to see. she loves to help out those in need of it and sharing with others. she's an optimistic person who prefers to see the best in people. most people assume she isn't a talker as she can be quiet, but lillian enjoys conversation with others. how could an intellectual like herself not want to befriend others just to speak.

    lillian's patience is also very high. in fact, it seems like nothing can piss her off. and on that note, she's almost always never afraid of anything. naturally, she denies these claims. it is simply that she doesn't let her fear rule her decisions. she's a brave, smart and kind-hearted girl. and nothing anyone says about her will change that.

    mental ailments
    lillie had been diagnosed with delirium at the young age of nine. she has gotten a lot better since she was a child, but it's still there.

    memorable quotes
    "you're just as sane as i am."
    "sometimes i pretend to be normal. but then it gets boring, so i go back to being me."
    "he, who angers you, conquers you."


    father & relationship
    silas rosehope | wizard | deceased | when her father was alive, lillie had been very close to the man. he encouraged her curiosity and gentle thirst for knowledge. he also taught her almost everything she knows about magic aside from her own mother. they were as thick as leaves. one could only imagine the devastation she felt when losing him.

    hugo rosehope | wizard | older half-brother | alive

    mother & relationship
    sara rosehope | witch | deceased | lillie hardly remembers her own mother as she was very little when the woman died from illness. that was what her father told her anyway. but she remembers the valuable little moments ever now and again and knew that she had been a wonderful woman

    relationship with siblings
    hugo didn't actually live with his father and sister, sol they weren't as close as two siblings should have been. but she loves him dearly and he her. after their father died they had gotten closer, but they rarely get to see each other since she was put in the custody of her mother's brother.


    inherited traits
    like most standard wizarding kind, lillian appears every bit human. her physiology isn't very different from them either. of course, her appearance may change depending on what spells or magic she uses.

    magic. it is such a varied power, but there are only few spells that lillian knows by heart, which is why she keeps her spellbook on her almost at all times. however, she does have inborn abilities such as speaking with animals and telekinesis of the sort. everything else is straight of the book and most times takes time to perform. and for certain spells, ingredients. but in truth, she's a harmless soul.

    lillian was born in her father's hometown of kayserberg, france. her mother had went there to work as an au pair. she met silas rosehope, a cursed wizard. in spite of knowing he had only a limited time of living and had been married before with a child, they married. not long after, lillian came to be. she was every bit loved by her parents and taught how to use her magic and hide it both. sadly, her mother mysteriously died when she was only the young age of three. her father had been devastated, but he held himself together to raise his only child, but was always in the pure state of melancholic. when she reached the age of eight, he decided to take her to live in her mother's hometown in sweden, where she could get to know learn more about her mother and where she grew up. and at the age of eleven, she found her father dead from the curse on their living room floor.

    she was in the care of a foster home for nearly half a year before her uncle oscar johanssson finally found her. he came to retrieve her and brought her with him to live in his home in the town of elkwood. it had been a difficult time for her as she did not know the language and was picked on for being so strange. but she loved working with her uncle and his wife lauren at their herb shop. and she immediately learned that working with herbs wasn't all that her uncle did, he studied magical and supernatural creatures and elkwood was home to many of them.

    lillie is spending her last year in high school very finely, though, she is disappointed that she hasn't made any close friends.on the other note, she is passing all of her classes with the best scores. and exploring the woods of elkwood.

    lillie has a rabbit familiar named flower, who is actually very sassy
    she is a pesco vegetarian by choice
    lillie is also knows three languages; english, french and swedish

  • sebastian schäfer-addington
    heteromantic heterosexual
    coding by winnie


    name & pronunciation
    sebastian gray schäfer-addington
    s uh - b ae s - ch uh n || g r ai || sh ai f uh r - ae - d ih ng - t uh n

    date of birth
    march 7th

    posh and refined oxford english accent

    senior in high school

    sebby/seb || is what he is called most often besides his full name
    gray || he is very fond of his middle name

    place of birth
    yorkshire, england

    his mother is a german woman and his father an english man.

    he doesn't have a need to work, but plays his music part time for a little cash


    6'1 ft (185.42 cm)

    seb's hair is fine, soft and medium length, carrying a slight wave pattern to it and golden blonde

    his face is angular with a defined jawline and hollowed cheeks

    he has quite a few pieces on his body here and there.

    he has very few, otherwise his fair skin is flawless.

    165 lbs (75 kg)

    he has clear blue eyes the color of the sky, but all romantic

    he his thin with a somewhat athletic build, his chest is toned and he most definitely has defined abs. he keeps in shape.

    he has a peircing on his left nostril and two on his right earlobe

    sebastian schäfer-addington is potrayed by the hot and adorable jamie campbell bower


    piano | guitar | classical music | rock | dancing | singing | parties | girls | polaroids | blood | adventure | laughter | champagne | cookies | witty banter | art | fashion

    he has a musical talent, knowing how to play more than one instrument and his voice is beautiful | writing songs | charming people | dancing | skateboarding

    playing piano | writing songs | skateboarding | reading

    idiots | bullies | rejection | failing | being forced to work | beans | being underestimated | stuck ups | judgmental people | documentaries | generic mindless pop music | crying |

    succumbing to all his vampire side | killing anyone

    smoking | clicking his tongue | sings

    if his twin sister skylar is considered the queen, then sebastian is the king. he is naturally charming and magnetic. he attracts just about anyone and just as easily gets them to like him. and he knows this about himself. he has money, looks, and talent. the boy practically has it all and he knows it, which also makes him a bit on the arrogant side. he's sebastian schäfer-addington after all, and you'll be sure to know it. his confidence has no boundaries and his insecurities few, if there are any. insults roll off his back like water on a ducks back. there are few things that trulyget him upset.

    obviously, because of his popular status, he can be an intimidating figure to approach. but once one gets to know him they'll find that he's more relaxed and laid back than he appears to be at first. he's a very humorous gentleman with a sharp and smart tongue but respectful to those who deserves it. he is a kind and friendly person, enjoying the company of those with a personality traits.

    and because he's such a lovely person and it takes a lot to anger him, one can only imagine how bad his anger can be. sebastian is the last person one would want to anger. he isn't necessarily violent first when he is made upset, no, he's one who likes to use his brains over bronzes. yes, he is a mischievous and conniving young lad when he wants to be. and no, he has no qualms against punching some douchebag in the face if it is ever need.

    sebby is a great friends to have when it comes down to it.

    mental ailments
    sebby suffer no mental illnesses.

    memorable quotes
    "dude, i'm sebastian schäfer-addington. I'm sure even americans know what that means."
    "if you wanted to rip my clothes off, you could have just asked."
    "oh dear."


    father & relationship
    gerard schäfer-addington | alive | lawyer | sebby has a very loving and healthy relationship with his father. he admires and looks up to the man and he has never had any other reason not to.

    skylar schäfer-addington | twin sister | dhampir | alive

    mother & relationship
    eloise schäfer-addington | alive | actress | as surprising as it may be, sebby is a total mama's boy. he absolutely adores his mother and the woman has done nothing but loved and pampered him.

    relationship with siblings
    sebastian is closer to his twin than he is with his own parents. he'd give up the world for her if she asked.

    dhampir | half human, half vampire

    inherited traits
    being half mortal and half vampire, sebastian is naturally beautiful and charming being. and he looks otherwise human except for his retractable fangs and nails that grow long in his bloodlust. and even in that state, he is gorgeous.

    being a dhampir, sebby has super strength, speed and senses. being a half breed, he can survive on food and blood. though, he has had a steady feeding of human blood. he has unique ability of his own, metal manipulation. he has mastered this ability very well.

    see the first paragraph of skylar's past.

    a fact that is unknown to his parents and even his twin sister is that he has been feeding steadily on human blood. feeding usually came hand in hand with his partners and girls. he has been feeding so steadily on it that it came as a surprise when his sister had her accident. he became more secretive about it and tried to feed more on animal blood instead.

    as of now, sebastian is passing school with excellent grades. and honestly, his feeding hasn't stopped on the human kind. it has gotten better since he became older and started mixing his feeding with even sex. however, he is scared that his vampire side is starting to take over more and more.

    sebastian has made appearance on tv shows and movies thanks to his mother. he is a bit of a socialite but with a hundred times more talent.

  • matthew blackwood
    heteromantic heterosexual
    salamander/necromancer hybrid
    coding by winnie


    name & pronunciation
    matthew dean blackwood
    m AE th ew || d ee n || b l ae k - w uu d

    date of birth
    november 27th

    average american

    senior in high school

    matty/matt || very common and preferred, never matthew
    firebug || a nickname he had been given by his father affectionately but the kids at school call him it very maliciously
    freak || may as well be his real name

    place of birth
    elkwood, oregon

    while his father is ukrainian and dutch, his mother is a spanish-romanian woman.

    he does part time work at a bookstore


    6'0 ft (183 cm)

    his hair is thick and full and a deep dark brown shade that may as well be raven

    matty's face is squarish and round and handsome in general


    he has quite a few scars and beauty marks and moles on his face and down his necks

    181 lbs (82 kg)

    matty's eyes are jade green, reflecting his edgy humor

    his build is fit, athletic even, he used to play sports but found other ways to keep in shape


    matthew blackwood s potrayed by the always gorgeous cole sprouse


    rock music | indie music | dark colors | black and white aesthetic | sarcasm | donuts | fighting | dogs | hats | old films | vintage items | the sun | warm weather

    fighting (he's studied a lot if martial arts) | photography and filming

    playing video games | listening to music | photography | practice fighting

    most people | ignorant people | bigots | cold weather | broccoli | spring | most pop songs | his own sickness | his father

    hurting someone with his powers | going mad

    wiping underneath his nose | rolling his eyes | using sarcasm all of the time

    matthew blackwood is perhaps the hardest person to approach. he gives off a sort of "don't fuck with me" type of aura. not to mention, most people perceive him as a danger and a freak at his school. and they are right about him being dangerous, he could knock anyone on their ass flat in but a split second. of course, his first resort is not violence, it his cutting and sharp sarcasm. he can make almost anyone who rubs him the wrong way look like a fool. so, he's sort of reserved and even a bit of jerk. he doesn't trust people, having a cynical view on most things.

    his sarcasm and sass is what gets him through the day. and honestly, while it can be mean it is also very humorous. which goes into how he can actually be a very likeable person. he's nicer than he comes off to be half of the time. matty isn't someone who acts kind for show, he's thoughtful and does most things quietly. why? simply because he hates attention. and he's a lot softer than he'll ever come to admit.

    he's a witty and kind specimen and fiercely protective of those he's closest to. which might also explain why he can be possessive of his friends and family. he hates the thought of losing them to anyone else or letting them down. while he doesn't usually care what most people think of him, he does care about how they think of him.

    mental ailments
    matthew suffers from a minor case of anxiety. he tries hard to not let it rule him.

    memorable quotes
    "i don't care what they say about me, i just want to eat."
    "there is no need for you to repeat yourself. i ignored you just fine the first time."
    "my brain has too many open tabs."


    father & relationship
    oleksander blackwood | alive | necromancer | novelist/professor | matty's relationship with his father is a complicated one. the moment his family discovered he had shared both his parents powers, greatness was expected of him. his father pushed him and pushed him to work on it, but also hardly treated him as a father should treat their son. because of it, he became angry with his father but also desperate to seek his attention and love.

    avelina blackwood | older sister | alive | necromancer
    violetta blackwood | older sister | alive | salamander

    mother & relationship
    camila blackwood | mother | alive | salamander | artist | she is perhaps the one he is closest to aside from his own sisters. she has done nothing but cared for and loved matty. sadly, most days she was confined to her bed due to being weak with sickness. she is the only redeeming qualitiy about his father, as the man always makes time for her, at least.

    relationship with siblings
    matty has always been close with his sister. instead of him being the one to look out and protect them, they did that for him. even when he learned that he possesed both his parents powers unlike them, they remained sweet and loyal to him. there was some jealousy, but seeing how it made their fathe treat him, they tried to replace that missing love in his life.

    a hybrid of salamander and necromancer

    inherited traits
    matty appears to be otherwise human, except when his powers activate. his green eyes flicker an orange like the flames that he uses. and occasionally, the tips of his fingers goes black as well as his eyes when performing necromancy. he can be a scary sight.

    since he reached the age of five, matty possessed the ability to produce and manipulated fire and even heat. but his abilities don't stop there. he also has a power involving death. he can communicate with the dead, raise them, control them and scariest trait of it all is that he could cause death with a simple touch if wanted.

    the blackwood's origin started when his parents met in spain and married in elkwood. before matty came his two older sisters. they each only possessed only one of their parents abilities. and matty came to have gained them both. his father was proud and infatuated with this fact and wanted to train so that he could be possibly the most powerful one of them all.

    from the strained and complicated relationship with his father to the training and hiding his ability, the stress took a toll on him. and one day while he was out with his friends, exploring a rumored haunted house, he accidentally burned it down. ever since, he had been known as the firebug of their school and town.

    since his friends had abandoned him, he had gotten into more fights and generally stopped caring.

    matty skips school a lot and he hasn't been getting into as many fights. it probably has to do with the fact that most kids are too scared to approach him.

    he is fluent in spanish
    matty suffers from hemophilia


james stefan
aka jessie
heteromantic heterosexual
coding by winnie


full name & pronunciation
james ian stefan
[ j AI m z // EE - uh n // s t EH - f ah n ]

date of birth
may 18th

a refined and educated english accent with some hints of cockney

james somehow made it threw high school and got a three year bachelor degree

jessie || he will not accept being called james, and therefore is called this
jamie || a name of affection he is called by his loved ones teasingly

place of birth
greenwhich, london, england

james is of spanish and romanian blood

journalist for greenwood's local newspaper


5'10 ft (178 cm)

jessie's hair is naturally curly, thick and dark brown, bordering on black. it's surpass his ears slightly and usually very unkempt

his face is obviously very handsome, but can also pull off adorable. it's oval shaped and angular with a pointed chin and lightly dusted with freckles.

he has a few. X. X. X.

he has scars scattered across his body from one too many altercations

161lbs (73 kg)

jessie's eyes are a romantic dark brown and usually very somber

his figure is lanky, being that he is tall, but also lean. he is toned and it's obvious to see.

he has one on his left earlobe but hardly ever uses it

bob morley


reading | writing | poetry | contemporary r&b | throwing darts | card games | mystery novels | nature | the quiet | animals | motorcycles | hot chocolate (with wine) | playing bass guitar

writing | throwing knives | hand-to-and combat | telling people no | remembering things

going on walks | reading | listening to music | writing in his journal

unnecessary violence | bullies | dumb questions | bigots | cold weather | people who hurt animals | being told what to do | doing things he hates | people taking advantage of others weaknesses

hurting people he cares about || while it seems like he isn't afraid of anything, the idea of hurting people he loves scares him beyond reason

professional eye roller | he has a dry sarcastic comment for everything that comes out without his permission | tuning people out

jessie is a man that you can not bullshit no matter how much you try. he sees right through people without even trying. most people mistake him to be total grump and therefore it can be difficult for anyone to get along with him. for that reason and the other that he rarely ever agrees to do favors for people. with all that many also see him as a scary jerk roaming the earth, frowning upon and looking down on people.

none of this is true about jessie. as aforementioned, he just has no time for bullshit and he's not going to do something that he doesn't want to unless it is a necessary. he has as many colors to his personality as any other person. he has sarcastic response to everything and that is the one thing that he can'ts top from coming about. his sense of humor is dry and he often says funny things without meaning to.

he also happens to be very kind with people. jessie is especially soft-hearted to people has become fond of, children and weaker people in general. he has a warm heart in spite of looking serious all the time. what most don't know about him is how much of a sweetheart he truly is, always caring and thoughtful. most of his good deeds are done in the shadows because he hate's being in the spotlight.

and he does smile, it's just that most of the human race garners an annoyed look from him. but when he does smile, it's obvious how adorable he too can be. though, he rather be thought as an intimidating figure rather than anything else. and because he's perceived as asshole, he'd rather keep it that way too.

mental ailments
jessie has eidetic memory. it's gift as much as it is a curse.

memorable quotes
"my alone time is sometimes for your safety."
"i'm an asshole, darling."


father & relationship
adrian alexander stefan | unknown | jessie's relationship with his father had been a very distant one. the man neglected him until one day when jessie was ten, he ran out on him, his mother and baby sister. he saw him once again when he was a teen and found out the man started a new family. he has never seen him since.

ana-maria natalie stefan | alive

mother & relationship
sophia elena martinez | alive | jessie had always been close to his mother and wanted nothing more than to help her out. and he did that and protect her the best he could. however, when she found out he was part of a gang, she asked him to quit and he refused. eventually, she left with his sister and they only talk once in a while. he still sends them money.

relationship with siblings
ana-maria is one of the only people in the world who knows jessie. the two were very close and still talk to each other on the phone a lot. he is not only her big brother but a sort of father figure as she was very young when their dad walked out on them.

jessie had a crappy childhood, but it built him up as a person. he was the product of two foolish teens who decided to stay together after coming to make him as an accident. his father rarely paid him any attention. but his mother loved and cared for him despite having to work all the time. he was left him alone a lot until his baby sister came along. She was just a baby when his fathe suddenly walked out them without so much as a goodbye.

without the influence of a good father figure, jessie got into more trouble as he grew older. he started to sell drugs when his mother started to work more jobs, some more unwholesome than the others. but when he officially joined the gang he began to make even more money. eventually, his mother found out about this. she asked him to quit, he refused and so she left with his sister.

all he had left was his gang life and through that he met a girl who he had fallen in love with. it didn't end very well when her family was killed and she was put away as a result. his life felt as if it was crumbling around him, so he left.

jessie has been living in the small town of greenwood since he left the gang. he had gotten a bachelor degree before and started working as a journalist in the small town. he wants out of the city and away from the gang life. he's trying his hand at a "normal life" and wants to win the trust of his family again.

he is fluent in spanish and knows some romanian.

constance holly
aka connie
biromantic bisexual
coding by winnie


full name & pronunciation
constance elodie holly
[ k AA n s t un s // eh l oh d ee // h AH - l ee ]

date of birth
june 25th

she has a surprisingly pretty and educated accent

she dropped out of her last year in high school, but has a GED

connie || it is her only nickname and most beloved. she prefers to be called this over her real name
mare || short for "nightmare" because she is someone to be feared. it is her gang name

place of birth
westminster, london, england

connie is of french and russian descent

she used to work as a bartender in a gentleman's club but recently has joined a gang


5'2 ft (157 cm)

her hair is naturally light blonde, pale and ashy like it is now, but she dyes oit quite often. it is fine, straight and long, almost reaching her waist.

connie's face is undeniably pretty, heart-shaped with a pointed chin and an angelic smile

connie actually has a few tattoos. X. X. X. X. X.

connie's skin is mostly flawless except for the faw scars she has earned due to fights and some to self-harm

117 lbs (53 kg)

her eyes are a beautiful and playful green, round and mischievous

despite being tough as nails, she is petite and slim and very dainty. she has a feminine figure thanks to her thick thighs and bottom even if there isn't a lot up top to write home about.

both of her earlobes are pierced once and she has a nose piercing that she hardly ever uses

hayley williams


dogs | candy | dancing | alternative music | rock | vodka | singing | playing ukulele/piano | rap | fighting | harry potter | sleeping | winning | challenges

singing | hand-to-hand combat | scaring others | playing piano | dancing

listening to music | singing | playing with her dog | writing songs

being told no | losing | sitting still | her loved ones being hurt | crying | racist | mindless generic pop music | lightening and thunder | long car rides

losing people she loves | being alone | lightening and thunder | driving for too long

giggling when feeling awkward or embarrassed | smacking her head against objects or her hand | biting her thumb | she has a bit of a potty mouth

connie is a beautifully vivacious woman. she can't hide her energy nor can she keep her brazen attitude under wraps, it makes her quite the interesting person. she is completely comfortable in her own skin and being herself. no one can change her attitude, behavior or make her feel bad about herself unless she gives them that power. and that rarely happens. she is very unapologetically herself. it means you either like her or you hate her. there is no gray with connie and makes sure of that.

it's in her nature to be teasing and quite frankly adorkable. she gets excited and happy over the simplest things. she loves to have a good time with her friends and has a outgoing personality. she can be both easy and hard to approach because of this. but once you become her friend you will have the best protective, fierce and affectionate friend ever. though, she can be a little sardonic.

however, she is not to be mistaken as ditsy and effervescent blonde. connie has a temper and it switches on pretty fast in the right situations. she knows how to fight and has taken down men twice her size before. she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and hurt people who've hurt her. there is no hesitation in her actions and she knows how to scare the hell out of people.

connie is not to be taken lightly.

mental ailments
connie suffers from mild manic depression and post traumatic stress disorder.

memorable quotes
"one man's trash is another tiny little petite human's treasure."
"i'm sorry, i don't take orders. i barely take suggestions."
"don't take yourself so seriously. no one else does."


father & relationship
louis joel holly | deceased | gang leader | when louis was a live, he had been very close to his daughter. he often indulged and spoiled her with no limits, but he also taught her morals. he tried to keep her away from his dangerous life as best as he could. after all, he wanted a life for his children outside of the gang.

adriane victor holly | older brother | deceased
aleksei antoine holly | younger brother | alive

mother & relationship
natasha alice holly | mother | deceased | connie was almost as close with her mother as she was with her father. the woman supported and encouraged her daughter's musical talent until her very last breath.

relationship with siblings
adriane | he had been connie's best friend. they had a band together along with their friends and he had always been there for her when she was alive. it killed her when she learned she had lost him too.
aleksei | they never quite saw eye to eye, but were protective and loving of one another. and when they lost their family, they protected and cherished each other like crazy. yet, they were separated and wanted different things.

connie lived a beautiful and well off life with her family who were close and loving. they were aware that their father was a gang member but he wanted something else for his family. and this was fine with the. connie did get a little involved by dating one of the enemy gang members and it angered her father for more than one reason.

this happiness she had felt broke when they had gotten into a car accident. the very same rival gang of her lovers knocked into their car on a stormy night and killed the entire family except for the youngest two. it only got worse from there.

aleksei was sent to a foster home and connie was put in a mental institution. when she got out, she began working any job she could to survive and recruit her brother to avenge their family. but he wanted out. so, they went their seperate ways but check in on each other every once in a while.

connie has finally and officially been recruited by the devil's renegade. honestly, she doesn't care that much about gang business, she just wants to get revenge on the ones who killed her family. and that means working with the gang and working her way up.

she has a pet dog named daisy.


Embry Ashford



scars left on my heart
formed patterns in my


General Information

➳ Embry Marceline Ashford​
➳ eh - m - b r ee // mar - seh - leen // ae sh - f er d​
➳ Em/Emmy || the two are interchangeable and used as affection for those whom she is on friendly terms with.​
➳ Bree/Bee || used only within family and close friends only.​
➳ November 26th, 2000​
➳ 18​
➳ Sagittarius​
➳ Female​
➳ Biromantic Bisexual​
➳ Manhattan, New York, New York, USA​
➳ Embry has the average american accent. However, the way she pronounces some words is equal to that of an upper class English person, all thanks to her father's influence.​
➳ Paternal || 50% English​
➳ Maternal || 25% Russian, 12.5% Dutch, 12.5% Swedish​
➳ American​
➳Embry doesn't need to work as her family is well off, but her father thought it'd be nice life learning experience. Therefore, she works part time at the ice skating rink and plays gigs with her band.​

Physical Information

➳ Embry's hair is naturally soft, fine and wavy. Added that her pale, ashy, blonde hair is very long, reaching past her waist, she frequently puts it in pigtails, a ponytail or a bun to keep it from tangling itself.​
➳ Embry's eyes are a gray blue with long eyelashes. While they are round and frankly very doe, they can also kill.​
➳ 5'7 ft (170.18 cm)​
➳ 118 lbs (53.52 kg)​
➳ Embry's skin is a fair shade of rosy-pale and despite looking unblemished, it is not. She has a few markings to show.​
➳ While Embry is a beauty with makeup, she practically looks like a sweet and innocent angel when she's bare faced and not wearing dark lipstick and eye shadow. She has soft girlish features with a heart-shaped face and the cutest smile that melts hearts.​
➳ Embry is a petite, slender girl and admittedly a little on the skinny side. But with her slim shoulders, ample breasts, small waist, slightly wide hips and thighs, she still carried curves in all the right places. Though, her most distinguishing feature is her long legs.​
➳ Embry's wardrobe is an aesthetic mix of rocker and grunge fashion and even pastels. She wears a lot of black, dark clothing and plaid and pastel colors. She likes fashion and puts outfits together very well.​
X. X . X. X.​
➳ On her right ear, she has piercings lined up from her lobe to her helix and two on her tragus. Her left ear only has two on her earlobe. Embry also has one on her belly button she hardly uses.​
➳ Embry has very few scars, most of them in places hidden by clothing. She has one on her neck hidden by her hair from being hit with a beer bottle, it's faded over time but still there.​
➳ She has a few mole here and there. There is a tiny beauty mark directly above her lips on the right and one her collarbone just below her neck.​
➳Taylor Momsen​

Personal Information

➳ Embry is likely one of the chillest people you will ever come across. While she is no doubt a beauty and may look pretty hard, she radiates a softness and sweetness as he true nature isn't the attitude she often finds herself giving a lot of people. Because, in truth, she's kind of a dork. Yes, Embry the rocker in a band who is a bit of a rebel -- is a dork. She makes lame jokes and witty, sarcastic comments in an instant. Hell, sarcasm is practically her language. No one is ever bored when hanging out with her and remaining on her good side. She loves to see the ones she loves smile and engage in funny conversation.​
Still, it is not to be mistaken that she can be pissed off. It only takes just enough pushing before she either blows up or breaks down. By nature she is aggressive, so you'll most likely receive a punch in a face if you make her that angry. Though, she is often seen playfully punching friends in the shoulder, her hits still hurt very much. But it is likely you'll get her to break down more as she is more sensitive than she lets on.​
Embry is shown as what they call a "tough cookie" in some instance. Her heart is a little more delicate because of tenderhearteness. She gives the people she loves many chances and open to listening and understanding them. Even if they hurt her. Her kindness is both a strength and a weakness. One thing is for sure, it certainly makes her the best friend as she is also protective.​
Her vulnerability, insecurity and hurt is something she'd rather hide (usually behind drugs or a drink) rather than open about it to anyone. It's hard to see behind her outspoken and feisty and seemingly confident personality.​
➳ horror movies || tim burton movies || music || singing || guitar || piano || dancing || performing || sarcasm || origami || jewelry || clothes || makeup || dark colors || pastel colors || ice skating || meaningful lyrics || rap || witty banter || cats || tarot cards || chocolate || tea || sunglasses || winnie the pooh || Halloween || parties || sex || the high feeling || rain ||​

➳ "perfect girls" || generic mindless pop music || being touched without permission || judgmental people || bigots || drugs ( though she dabbles in them and hates herself for it) || others tugging her hair || disrespectful people || reality tv || being alone || betrayal || bullies || humid weather || needles || anything medical related ||​
➳ music || origami || dancing || ice skating​
➳ biting her lip || singing to inanimate objects​
➳ singing || a couple of instruments (guitar, ukulele, piano and violin) || ice skating​
➳ being abandoned || needles (which is why her tattoos are limited as well as piercings) || not being enough​
➳ Substance Abuse || Embry uses marijuana regularly and dabbles in cocaine and ecstasy(mainly at parties). She claims she can stop, but has not have any drive or motivation to as she keeps addiction to it a secret. And if she can't get a hold of a drug, then she'll drink her self silly and stay out until sober.​
➳ Depression || Truth be told, it is an on and off battle for Embry. A lot of times she is faking her energy and happiness as she sees it as a sign of weakness.​
➳ "I am way too sober for this."​
➳ "Abracadabra! Nope, you're still a bitch."​
➳ "Fight, me."​

Background Information

Richard Ashford || Alive || 43 || Music Conductor/Teacher || They have a somewhat strained relationship because of Embry's choice in music and rebellion. But they love each other dearly and he is incredibly protective of his daughter. Embry has been catering to him too because of his heart.​
Vanessa Ashford (nee Patrov) || Alive || 44 || Professional Violinist/Fashion Designer || Embry and Vanessa have a loving and affectionate relationship. Though, he mother is more strict than her father in some areas and lenient in others. But Embry has gotten her understanding side from.​
Clarissa Ashford || Younger Sister || Alive || 9 || Elementary School Student/Ballerina || They girls love each other to death as well as have each other's back. However, they also find joy in terrorizing each other. Clary is the only one she feels she can talk to about anything. As he sister loves her unconditionally.​
Eadlyn Jones || Best Friend || Lead Guitarist and Backing vocals of Insanity Not Sound​
Isaac Winston || Best Friend || Bassist of Insanity Not Sound​
Orion Wright || Best Friend || Drummer of Insanity Not Sound​
Eric Monreau || 21 || They started dating during a lonely period for Embry and he was the worst influence possible. He got her into drugs and their relationship made her need them just to survive. It was toxic and they broke it off after she got into an accident thanks to him. She still sees him to purchase drugs.​
➳ She doesn't declare anyone as an enemy except for the drugs and herself.​
Cocao || Husky Golden Retriever Puppy || she and her sister share the sweet pup​
➳ Born to the famous classical Ashford family in New York city, Embry was not only very well-off but put in the spotlight of her family. They expected great things of her and she did turn out to be a music prodigy who could also sing, really well. She had gone to play violin once or twice with her parents on stage. Her life was predetermine despite her not being certain she even wanted to do classical music.​
But after an incident -- where it came out as one of her private music instructors molested and nearly raped her -- her father had a heart attack. After they were certain the man was thrown into jail, the family moved to a small town of Illinois to avoid the pestering media and have a nice change of scenery as her father's heart conditions had worsened and they wanted Embry, twelve at the time, to not have to worry about anything. Being the new girl who as also a city girl in a smalltown meant worrying about everything though.​
She had loved and lost so many times with friends, most of them were fake and the genuine ones betrayed her out of jealousy. Eventually, she came across the music room and found a group of boys playing rock music. It was where she made loyal friends and her love for rock music. It quite frankly was the one thing that saved her life and made her see a future far ahead from where she is now.​
➳ Embry is fluent in Russian and Dutch.​
➳There is an on running joke that Embry has with her friends about being a witch/mystic, a descendant of Baba Yaga. She truly can read hands and tarot cards and things of the like(thanks to the internet), but she mainly just trolls around with it.​
➳ Her deepest secret is that she has a Winnie the Pooh teddy who she still has conversations with .​

Lucas Remington-Brooks



if you hurt me that's okay
baby only words bleed


General Information

➳ Lucas Bryce Remington-Brooks​
➳ L OO k uh s // b r YE s // r EH m ih ng t uh n - b r UU k s​
➳ Luke || it's standard, but he's fond of it​
➳ Luca || a name of endearment, obviously for those he shares an intimate relationship with​
➳ August 18th, 2001​
➳ 17​
➳ Leo​
➳ Male​
➳ Biromantic Bisexual​
➳ Portland, Maine, USA​
➳ Lucas's accent the average american accent. He has a nice and warm voice but not many people get to hear it.​
➳ Paternal || 50% German-American​
➳ Maternal || 25% English, 25% French​
➳ American​
➳High School Student but also works part time in the library​

Physical Information

➳ Lucas's hair is a light golden brown and usually kept short. It's thick and straight, but does have a slight wave pattern to it, it's hardly noticeable as he keeps it cropped short and usually combed.​
➳ Lucas's eyes are warm dark brown, like melted chocolate. They reflect a certain kind and gentle nature in them and smile when his mouth doe​
➳ 5'11 ft (180.34)​
➳ 143 lbs (65 kg)​
➳ Lucas's skin is fair with complimenting pink tones and nearly perfect. He has been blessed relatively with acne free skin.​
➳ Lucas has an oval, triangular face with a defined jawline and kind features such as his eyes. His smile brightens up his whole face an reported to be the sweetest, sunniest, smile.​
➳ Lucas has a somewhat athletic build and defined muscles thanks to eating right and riding his bicycle practically everywhere. Though, he isn't buff, he certainly isn't scrawny.​
➳ Lucas is a very casual dresser. His sense of style includes simplicity and whatever the hell in within his closet. Somehow, that in itself is a style. Jeans, T-shirst, hoodies and sneakers. He's practically the dorky boy next door.​
➳ He has one to cover up his worst scar. X.​
➳ None.​
➳ He has a few scars lined up on his forearms from cutting himself in the past, but the worst in on his right wrist, hidden by a tattoo.​
➳ One on his knee from falling off his bike.​
➳ Lucas has a few freckles dusted onto his skin along with moles. Though, the freckles are only very obvious underneath the sun.​
➳Callan Mcauliffe.​

Personal Information

➳ To most of his peers, Lucas is a mysterious, quiet and reserved freak. A freak because he is ill and has had an episode or two within his school.And because of it he had been bullied and put on the bottom of the school hierarchy. This has actually made him quiet and slow to show his feelings, but still very observant. Because of the way he had been treated, he has started to take everything with a grain of salt just in case it could backfire.​
But despite him being thought of as a danger, he is the exact opposite. He's is quite frankly almost too good for this world. He is a warm and kind person regardless of being a loner. He can't help but have a heart and not only feel for people but help them when he can. Why? Because it's simply something that he'd wish someone else would do for him. He's thoughtful, but he'd rather keep his acts of kindness secretive so he will not gather any attention.​
He hates having the spotlight on him, it makes him nervous. Well, he's easily made jumpy anyway, but it's even worse when one too many people are paying attention to him. Some mistake it for social anxiety, but it isn't that sever because he does enjoy company with great people. Lucas is simply too self-conscious, but it doesn't stop him from being himself.​
Of course, when he is comfortable and cracked open you will find that he is not only a patient, sympathetic and well-mannered young man but an adorable dork. It becomes very apparent. Because his personality is as sweet as his smile. He may be kind, but he can also be cheeky and sarcastic in a loveable way.​
His biggest weakness is his secretiveness and that he has so much independence that it can be counted as a fault.​
➳ photography || classic films || 50's musicals || video games || star wars || reading || seasons of the year || sour fruit || rock music || landscape || coconut ice cream || pizza || french cuisine || nintendo games || animals || laughter || poetry || the countryside || his mother || making new friends || snow || plants || nature || painting​
➳ bigots || homophobes || bullies || people who take advantage of others || asparagus || being put in the spotlight || excessive drinking || being pushed around || large bodies of water || getting into fights || abusive people || his illness || a lot of times his father​
➳ photography || reading || playing video games​
➳ spacing out || rambling, blabbering on, simply ongoing sentences with no obvious stop​
➳ photography || reading people​
➳ large bodies of water || drowning || his illness defining him​
➳ Schizophrenia || He has experienced small hallucinations, some symptoms of anxiety and resulted in him harming himself. It's not as nearly bad as it used to before he was given the proper help he needed. He no longer cuts himself and rarely ever sees things.​
➳"I'm pretty sure my soulmate is this bag of sour gummy worms."​
➳"I have no idea what I am doing but I know I'm doing it really, really well."​
➳"Can't we just lay here and do absolutely nothing?"​

Background Information

Alexander Brooks || Alive || 45 || Heart Surgeon || Lucas hasn't had a real conversation with his father yet alone see him since he and his mother moved to Illinois. Their relationship had been rocky since the death of his brother and he knows his mother hates when he even brings the man up.​
Amalie Remington || Alive || 45 || Book Publisher || Amalie is super affectionate and communicative with her son. They are very close and it's obvious where Lucas gets most of his personality from, except she is more energetic and bit more of a dork than him.​
Newton Remington-Brooks || Older Brother || Deceased || Newt and Lucas had been inseparable when the boy was alive. However, he drowned when they were out playing in the water after saving Lucas despite being unable to swim himself. It tore Lucas apart as well as his family.​
➳ Lucas doesn't have any friends of his own, unless you count his mom and he certainly doesn't. But he spends time with his partner and the friends around them.​
➳ n/a​
➳ If you count all the jerks who continuously pester him, then he could give you a list. But he doesn't care about them so much to call them enemies.​
Tigger || Calico Cat || His mother's pet​
Mistletoe || Maltese Dog || his mother's pet​
➳Lucas was born a relatively happy family, with loving parents and a caring older brother. The pleasant family they had was broken when his brother, Newt, died. It all effected them heavily. Lucas was already a little unstable but it began to increase after his brother's death. His mother couldn't bare to be in their home and his father resorted to heavy drinking. And they stayed like that for a while until in his father, in his drunken stupor, yelled and blamed Lucas for it all.​
His mother mother found out, filed for divorce and took Lucas away with her. He had difficulty adjusting to a new town and freaked out once or twice which gained him the title of "freak". Only when his mother found Lucas bleeding out because he had cut himself too deeply did he start getting the help he needed.​
After that, he had become a lot better and held himself up well in spite of his circumstances. He had gotten into photography which was not only a passion but a therapy.​
➳ Lucas has an instagram account where post his pictures. It has over a million followers but keeps his identity secret and uses an alias instead.​
➳ He's not only a fan of Beautiful Pain, but Insanity Not Sound.​

Mason Wagner



i don't care what's in your hair
i just wanna know what's on your mind


General Information

➳ Mason Peter Wagner​
➳ M AI s uh n // P EE t er // v AA g n er​
➳ Mace || he's not fond of it, but it's the first thing that people jump to in a hurry​
➳ Sunny || very common among his friends and family​
➳ July 2nd, 1999​
➳ Nineteen​
➳ Cancer​
➳ Male​
➳ Panromantic Pansexual​
➳ London, England​
➳ Mason's accent is a very posh upperclass and educated English accent. Though, a little bit of cockney is mixed in there when he's completely comfortable.​
➳ Paternal || 25% English, 25% German​
➳ Maternal || 25% Scottish, 25% English​
➳ He holds a dual citizenship with both the US and UK​
➳he's a barista at a music cafe that he also sometimes plays at.​

Physical Information

➳ Mason's hair is a mess. It is dirty blonde, fine and curly. Since he rarely ever does anything with it, including cropping it, it's generally ear length. Most times you will see him wearing a hat because he doesn't touch his hair except to wash it and get it out of his face.​
➳ Mason has large round eyes full of life, or at least they appear to be. They are green with flecks of gold and holds the attention of anyone looking.​
➳ 6'1 ft (185.42)​
➳ 165 lbs (75 kgs)​
➳ Mason's skin is light fair, slightly tanned due to hanging out in the sun every so often. It's practically flawless as he rarely ever has acne.​
➳ Mason's has a square face with a square jaw and devilish deep dimples. He is able to give a look of devilishly handsome or mischievously adorable.​
➳ Mason has rectangular and slightly athletic frame all thanks to swimming so very often and playing drums also happens to be a work out. Though he doesn't deem it something to boast about, he has a decently toned chest and abs.​
➳ Mason has a weird compound style of alternative, artsy with hints of hip hop. He is most often seen wearing hoodies, ripped jeans and generally dark colors. Though something bright will make it's way into his outfit somehow.​
X. X. X.​
➳ He has one on his left nostril and another on his lip.​
➳ Mason has on a few scars, mainly from playing rough as a young child. None that look too nasty or would require him to hide.​
➳ None.​
➳ Nearsighted || Nyctalopia​
➳Ashton Irwin​

Personal Information

➳ Mason Wagner has been reported to be a puppy on several occasions. These reports are not very far from the truth at all. He is a very lively and friendly young man who loves to please the ones he loves as well as make them happy. Seeing that he can help contribute to their happiness makes him feel happy. Of course, this means he is also very generous, always bearing gifts to his friends and family when he can. It's a wonderful trait but it has made him an object to just be used before by some people.​
But like a puppy, he has a sort of resilience, making him bounce back quickly after he got a good cry out. He isn't as sensitive as some may perceive him to be. Mason wears his heart on his sleeve most of the time. He is a very open person, speaking his mind and being frank. Which means he can be a rude person or a very flattering person. He has no filter.​
Since he apparently doesn't care what people think of him (lies) he is also very openly affectionate. His touchy-feely actions can make the reserved uncomfortable at times, but he's only this way with close friends and family. And if your his partner, god, you will receive random attacks of hugs and kisses at any minute.​
He acts on impulse most times. That can both be a good and bad thing because he suffers from anxiety. So, he has done a few things he has come to regret but he tries not to let it rule him. If anything, every day, Mason is trying to become a better person.​
➳ music || drums || guitar || piano || parties || food || traveling || dancing || watching movies || england || Ferris wheels || cuddles || napping || singing || women || men || hats || fairy tales || his sister || swimming || sunny days || warm weather || intimacy || stressing out​
➳ bullies || necessary violence || closed minds || pessimist (despite being one himself at times) || most, if not every vegetable || getting up early || letting others down || being lied to || boredom​
➳ swimming || music || watching comedy shows​
➳ he's messy, hardly cleans up after himself​
➳ singing/rapping || drums || guitar || charming people​
➳ being abandoned and left behind​
➳ Anxiety || it's not obvious to most, but he has written a few songs about it to help him. There's always something that seems to stress him out and make it hard for him to find time to sleep.​
➳ "I'm a gentleman, chivalry is what I do. I'll open the door, pull out your chair, buy you drinks, I'll even go down first."​
➳ "Just chillin' like a penguin."​
➳ "I'm a gentleman, I don't kiss and tell but this hickey speaks for itself."​

Background Information

James Wagner || Alive || 50 || Wealthy winemaker || His relationship with his dad has been distant since the day his mother left and even more so because James's leaves for work all of the time. Still, he does love his children and indulges their hobbies and passions.​
Miranda Muller || Alive || 50 || Mason had been close with his mother until she moved out and separated with his father. The last time he saw her, she had a new family of her own.​
Margaret Wagner || Alive || 25 || Margeret is practically his mother since his mother left when he but a child. She still takes care of him the best she can despite having moved out and living with her fiance.​
Theodore Brooklyn || Best Friend || His music partner to their two duo band Turbulence​
Karoline Vivaldi || 18 || Their relationship had started out nice, but went sour the moment she realized how easy it was to take advantage of him. They ended up splitting because some lines could not be crossed, such as he trying to cut off his ties with his friends.​
➳ n/a​
➳ n/a​
Diana Wagner || Alive || 38 || Housewife || His father's wife. She was the reason of his parents divorce because she had been the mistress. Honestly, she is a sweet woman, but Mason cannot bring himself to like her.​
➳ Mason spent the first few years of his life, living in comfort and the city London. He had a large amount of friends and a loving family, well, his sister and mother at least. But it came out that his father was cheating on their mother, she left without so much as a goodbye. Not long after James married his mistress, Diana. Margaret hated her, so Mason did too, though he couldn't bring himself to truly dislike her.​
Somewhere down the road, Mason began to act out. He lacked a proper parental figure and care. After a while, his father became annoyed with his behavior and decided a change of scenery would help get him together. For the most part, the man was right. He left behind everything he knew, all the troubles but friends too.​
In the states, he found a passion in making music and collaborated with his new found friend to form a duo band. They joked about it all, but they became sort of popular among the younger people within their town.​
➳ Mason speaks some German.​
➳ Mason volunteers at the animal shelter.​


Magdalena Moore


I had a dream I was fine
I wasn't crazy
I was divine


General Information

➳ Magdalena Kateryna Moore​
➳ m AH g - d uh - l EH - n ah // k ae t er ee n ah // m AW r​
➳ Lena || because her full name can be a mouthful sometimes, her name is often shortened by acquaintances and superiors alike using this name in particular.​
➳ Maggie || in most circumstances, she'd give anyone a dirty look for calling her this, but she is perfectly fine with those she considers friends calling her by it. It was what her family called her by.​
➳ July 16, 2000​
➳ 18​
➳ Cancer​
➳ Female​
➳ Heteromantic Bisexual​
➳ Berlin, Germany​
➳ Lena's accent, though clear and comprehensible, is a somewhat thick and pretty german accent. It blends very well with her modulated voice.​
➳ Paternal || 25% German 25% English​
➳ Maternal || 25% Ukranian 25% Norwegian​
➳ Born a German citizen but holds dual citizenship in Germany and England​
➳ She has worked as an antique store cashier while going to school​

Physical Information

➳ Lena's hair is the shade of bright auburn. It's naturally shiny, thick and slightly wavy, Lena never lets it get tangled. She keeps it long but never lets it surpass her waist either.​
➳ Lena's eyes are a mesmerizing and light sky blue, drawing the attention of many. They're practically jewels.​
➳ 5'7 ft (170 cm)​
➳ 137 lbs (62 kg)​
➳ Lena's skin is nearly flawless and free of any blemishes. It's fair with obvious pink undertones.​
➳ Lena is beautiful without question. Her face is somewhat squarish with her high cheekbones and prominent jawline, but her chin is pointed. It isn't the typical heart-shaped small face, but she is undoubtedly gorgeous.​
➳ Lena's build is slim, but she is by no means a toothpick. She is not exactly skinny, it may not be a lot of weight but it has gone to the best places such as her breast and thighs. Though her training and missions have given her a tony belly and muscles even if it's not very clear to see.​
➳ When it comes to clothes, Lena dresses casually. It isn't frumpy dressing no, she just likes to keep her style relatively simple with one splash of a designer. But occasionally, she will dress up a little more elegantly. It doesn't take much for her to appear elegantly at all. Even if she does prefer jeans and a T, she does appreciate elegance.​
➳ None.​
➳ Lena has three piercings on each of her ears, starting from her lob going up.​
➳ Lena has a few small scars, most of them have faded over time and none of them stand out.​
➳ There is a mole underneath her jaw and one on her neck.​
➳ None.​
➳Sophie Turner​

Personal Information

➳ Lena breaks just about every redhead stereotype, except soul stealing. She could likely do that with her powers. But no, she is generally the calmest and most sensible person. Just about everyone calls her the old woman, the mom. And she can't fight it, because out of almost everyone around her, she is the most responsible and so naturally nurturing. Her sympathetic side is often always shown even if she looks hard to approach at first, Lena is actually pretty chill.​
Her patience almost knows no bounds. However, Lena can very well get angry regardless of cool attitude. Her temper is not a fiery on, no it is an icy one. And that is arguably more terrifying. She is a smart and front person, and the last person you want to get on the wrong side with. She will not result to violence but her other methods aren't much nicer either. Because she does have a sensitive soul regardless of how cool she is most of the time.​
But she can hardly be taken advantage of, Lena takes just about zero bullshit and finds it easy to shut people down. And she has done this countless times. She's quick-witted and very sarcastic half the time. Her sense of humor is dry but enjoyable. She is far from being as boring as most people mistake her to be.​
And for a realist, she's pretty optimistic. Mainly because she has a somber attitude so much and depressed alone. But she can't stand the idea of being so unhappy and wants to do anything she can to get out of this state. Lena believes with effort and hard work, results will come out of it. Including getting out of Eclipse and her accursed powers.​
➳the beach || reading || baked goods || her parents || laughter || witty banter || comedy films || music || piano || singing || history || poetry || rabbits || geneaolgy || dart throwing || noodles || musems || candles || jiu jitsu ||​
➳ stuck up people || self-piteous people || bullies || loud noises || fire || nightmares || her powers || sad endings || bigots || unnecessary violence || the visions she gets || fake people || assholes​
➳ reading || playing piano​
➳ digging her nails into the palms of her hands​
➳ her knowledge of history is impressive || piano || throwing darts/knives (her aim is always steady.)​
➳ losing herself to her supernatural side || fire and smoke​
➳ Mild Depression || it comes and goes, but does her best to never let it conquer her even if it does a lot.​
➳ "Please ... don't touch that, Gabby."​
➳ "Well, aren't you a little ray of pitch black."​
➳ "And remember, if I'm harsh with you it's only because you're doing it wrong."​

Supernatural Information

➳ Witch​
➳Having the blood of a witch in her, Lena is one of the most dangerous creations of Eclipse. It took her a lot of training to get where she is at now with her powers, and even then she still lacks some control, so she never uses her abilities to the fullest. Her powers mainly consist of the mind and in turn can be become a terrifying thing.​
Her telekinesis is the one she uses the most because it doesn't naturally harm or invades other people unless she uses it too. She can control and manipulate objects with her mind. Then there is her telepathy, the ability that is more terrifying than even her telekinesis at it's fullest. Because this allows her to not only read and project thoughts onto others but manipulate their minds. It takes control of other against their will, deludes them or even goes as far to drive them crazy. It's a broad power, one she hates to use.​
➳ telekinesis​
➳ telepathy​
➳ Her telepathy does not work on mindless objects​
➳ fire and smoke​
➳ overwhelmed by too many thoughts​
➳ she can only control so many people at once and she has to see the person in order to control them​
➳ if she uses her powers to stronger levels she has a harder time controlling them​
➳ lifting heavy objects with her telekinesis exhaust her both physically and mentally​

Background Information

Peter Moore || 47 || Fire Fighter || Alive || Peter and Lena were as thick as leaves, even when he could hardly be around for her because he had to work, they still loved each other and hung when they could. Her father was her best friend.​
Julia Moore || Waitress || Deceased || When Julia was alive, she had been a loving and constantly fussing mother. Lena was devasted when she died in a terrible car accident.​
➳ None.​
➳ Lena had a lot of friends from her high school and even outside of it.​
➳ At Eclipse, she still has a number of friends, especially Gabriella, she feels the need to watch over the small girl.​
➳ Lena has had a few boyfriends and has dated a few girls before realizing she wasn't interested in them romantically. She liked all of them, but only two of her relationships were serious.​
➳ Her own demons and the witch instinct within her.​
➳ She had a york chocolate cat back at home named Mila.​
➳ n/a​
➳ Lena hadn't lived the most extravagant life back at home, but she lived a good one. It was only herself and her father. They took care of each other the best they could and hung out when he was off work. She had learned to care for herself from the moment she had lost her mother. So, she studied hard so that she'd be able to take care of them both and he wouldn't have to work any longer.​
That had all been spoiled when her father was injured rescuing a person from a burning building. He was hurt so bad he was in the state of comatose and Lena had to work hard to pay the hospital bills and care for him. It was then that Eclipse swooped in and took her away. They wanted her for her knowledge of history, including of that of supernatural background that she was unaware of. she could recognize objects and she was strong in her mind, therefore, she could take the host of witch blood that drove so many others crazy.​
Her powers made her believe she was better suited to stay with Eclipse for now, at least until she got full control. And not long after she was promoted to second in command of her team.​
➳ Lena can read tarrot cards.​
➳ Lena is a master in jiu jitsu.​

Gabriella Ruiz



I know the worlds a broken bone
but melt your headaches, call it home


General Information

➳ Gabriella Sofia Ruiz​
➳ G AE b - r ee - EH - l uh // s oh - F EE - uh // r oo - EE z​
➳ Gabby || she has quite a few nicknames, but this by far is the most common. She is fond of it, but she's also fond of all her nicknames.​
➳ Bubble || it is short for Bubblehead. Gabby isn't an idiot, but it is true she's not the sharpest tool in the shed. But because of this and her eccentric nature, most people view her as a fool.​
➳ Sunflower || it was given to her by her family, but her friends often call her it as well as an affectionate name.​
➳ May 21st, 2001​
➳ 17​
➳ Gemini​
➳ Female​
➳ Panromantic Pansexual​
➳ Benasque, Spain​
➳ Gabby's accent is beautifully rich and pleasant to the ears, being from a romantic language, her accent is obviously Spanish. There are only hints of Cuban within it, but hardly noticeable.​
➳ Paternal || 25% Spanish 25% Mexican​
➳ Maternal || 25% Afro-Cuban 25% Italian​
➳ She is a full-fledged Spanish citizen​
➳ She didn't work nor did she have any plans for school​

Physical Information

➳ Gabby's hair is dark brown and medium length. Most obviously, it is curly. The curls often get tangled in each other in spite of them being somewhat loose. But it is beautifully fine and gets frizzy in humid weather.​
➳ Gabby's eyes are a sparkling and sweet light brown. They arent's large and round, but they do remind people of deer eyes.​
➳ 5'0 ft (152 cm)​
➳ 95 lbs (43 kg)​
➳ Gabby's skin is far from flawless but is beautiful nonetheless. Her skin shade is tawny and glowing with slight undertones of pink.​
➳ gabby exudes an ethereal beauty. With her face bare and natural is pretty in itself regardless of her having the classic heart-shaped, angular face. Her face is dusted with freckles over her nose and to her cheeks. He features are soft and feminine.​
➳ Like her height and weight, Gabby is small in build. She's a petite and dainty thing with not very obvious muscle. She still does carry some curves, however, with a small waist.​
➳ Gabby has always enjoyed simple clothing, but her style is undoubtedly girly and feminine. She loves dresses and skirts, anything soft, romantic, with lace, flowers, hearts and pale colors. Her style is often vintage like, but she will wear pants occasionally with a pale pretty top. It fits her well.​
➳ None.​
➳ Gabby's earlobes are pierced once each.​
➳ Gabby has quite a few little scars scattered across her body due to her rough playing as a child.​
➳ There is one jagged and long scar on her side from an accident in the past. She had fallen out of a tree and cut by a branch.​
➳ Gabby has freckles on her face, they are most obvious underneath the sun.​
➳ Hypoglycemia || It isn't as serious as it used to be before Eclipse took her, but she still gets dizzy and often confused when she hasn't been given enough sugar.​
➳ Tashi Rodriguez​

Personal Information

➳ Gabby is wide-eyed and bubbly. She brings cheer and enthusiasm almost everywhere she goes like a ray of sunshine. It's hard not to be somewhat happy when she's around, she's bright, but not annoyingly so. Which makes her a little optimistic, but she knows when to be somber and serious even if she doesn't always act it. She hates those grim feelings and has a hard time embracing and accepting them, it's more painful than anything else. So, she tries to stay upbeat no matter what the day brings and she sees fun where others see disaster.​
Besides Gabby has a childlike innocence that added to her airheaded-ness makes her easy to be taken advantage of. She gained the name Bubblehead due to this and it annoys her to great lengths but she doesn't defend herself. She knows she isn't the sharpest tool, but she didn't an idiot either. Gabby is surprisingly very crafty and dexterous, it's just often overshadowed by missing knowledge of other things and gullible attitude.​
And she is undeniably charming. It's not just her looks that draw people in but her personality. While some are annoyed with her air-headedness, some find it to be quite cute. And is cute without even realizing it. Likely to do with her compassionate and gentle nature. She's naturally affectionate and friendly, easy to approach. She's very loyal and always full of wonder. People not only like her but trust her too. She has an honest soul.​
Gabby does have a bit of a temper though, it's a bit an aggressive one. But she's hardly taken seriously. She's a five-foot airhead and it annoys her greatly that is what most people see when they see her. But in spite of being small and not a genius, she can still cause one pain. Being on her bad sad is the last thing someone would want.​
➳ flowers || pastel colors || dancing || forest || the great outdoors || warm weather || homemade hot food || adventure || cooking || baking || sketching || gymnastics || animals || lullabys || plants || horseback riding || the open sky​
➳ humid weather || iron || close spaces || being forced to sit still | black and white films || being lied to || being called a fool || being taken lightly || fighting || not being able to see her family​
➳ cooking || baking || stargazing || sketching || gardening || listening to music || dancing​
➳ speaking without thinking || biting her lip​
➳ cooking || baking || sketching || singing || charming people || huitar || dancing​
➳ not being worth anything || small spaces in the dark​
➳ ADHD || it hasn't gotten any better since she was taken in by Eclipse. She fidgets and she's impulsive and it's hard for her to concentrate on one thing unless she's really trying.​
➳ "Oh my god. I want to touch it ... I need to touch it. Can I please touch it, Maggie?"​
➳ "Relax and accept the crazy."​
➳ "Call me short one more time and I'll chop your legs."​

Supernatural Information

➳ Faerie​
➳ Gabby had never been one to hurt others or fight, which is why it was a plus the abilities she had been given were all almost the exact opposite. She is the most supporting and sneaky teammate. She is a healer. The girl is able to heal any sort of injury, wound or sickness with the touch of her hand. Her power is so great she has been able to bring back nearly dead plants and small animals. as long as there's a hint of life, she can fix it.​
However, she also possesses the power of flight when she manifests her fairy wings. And lastly, she can become intangible, passing through almost any physical matter. That added to her being naturally tricksy, nimble and small, Gabby is one of the best spying type experiments of Eclipse.​
➳ healing​
➳ flying​
➳ intangibility​
➳ iron​
➳ healing enormous damage or too many people exhaust her and even causes pain​

Background Information

Adrián Ruiz || Deceased || Gabby had never known her real father. He died before she was born, but she has seen pictures of him before as well as heard tales about him from both her mother and older brother.​
Daniela Balderas || 43 || Alive || Housewife/Part Time Domestic helper || Gabby had gained most of her wondrous personality from her mother, they had been very close. Their relationship had grown a little more distant when her mother remarried.​
Elian Ruiz || 24 || Older Paternal Half-brother || The two were nearly inseparable. He had visited her often until he moved out of the country. They still wrote each other and when possible, he'd visit, though it was scarce and always short.​
➳ Gabby is an incredibly friendly person, but she doesn't have any friends unless you count animals. Most of the children and teens had thought her dirty and strange, and they weren't wrong. Besides, she had closed herself off a bit when she became a teen.​
Matias Alverez || 18 || Ex-boyfriend || It was shortlived and false, but it was nice while it lasted. He took her for granted and left her when he was done with her. She had been broken up about it for a while but moved on with new scars.​
➳ Gabby doesn't consider herself to have any enemies currently.​
➳ Gabby had quite a few secret pets, a border collie named Kipper, an adorable rabbit named Juice, and a fox named Lucian. They're not true pets exactly, but she has smuggled some into the house and fed them constantly.​
Emilliano Balderas || 50 || Stepfather || Unknown || everything about him terrified her, he was always either drunk or high and always mean and abusive. He treated her as his child and his property, but she tried her best to avoid him which was easy because he was hardly home.​
➳ Gabby spent the first six years of her life with her poor but hardworking mother. Her brother would come by and help as much as he could. Regardless of their tough conditions, she grew up happy and sweet. Then her mother got remarried. At first, it was strange to be in the family with this new man, but it quickly went sour when he became abusive. And all they got out of it was a little more money.​
Gabby struggled in school and at home, so she retreated to the woods surrounding their town. Every moment spent there was a moment of bliss, but she always returned home to help up because her mother couldn't do everything. When one day was particularly horrible at home, she went out into the woods, climbed a tree and fell from a great height. How she survived? She didn't know it then, but it was the interference of a supernatural being.​
Not long after, Eclipse approached her and asked if she wanted to be taken away. She said yes, anything to escape what she had back at home.​
➳ Gabby is fluent in both Spanish and English.​


Cassia Blossoms

"i'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain"


[ Name ]
> Cassia Birdie Illyssa Blossoms

[ Nicknames ]
> Cassie
> Cass

[ Date of Birth ]
> May 16th

[ Age ]
> Twentythree

[ Gender ]
> Female

[ Sexuality ]
> Heteromantic Heterosexual

[ Hometown ]
> Brooklyn, New York, New York

[ Occupation ]
> Actress, Singer, Songwriter


[ Hair ]
> Naturally, Cassia's hair is the shade of dark brown, the texture curly in loose ringlets, thick and in most cases bushy. It reaches past her shoulders. Though, she straightens her hair frequently so that it reaches her mid back. And she often adds natural colored highlights and occasionally dyes it.

[ Eyes ]
> Cassia's eyes are a pretty sparkling soft chocolate brown.

[ Body ]
> Her frame is petite and she is small in size, but she still does carry some feminine curves due to her somewhat thick thighs.

[ Height ]
> Standing only 5'2 ft (157 cm), Cassia is shorter than average.

[ Weight ]
> Cassia is a lightweight singer, only weighing 105 lbs (47 kg).

[ Piercings ]
> She only has one piercing on each ear lobe.

[ Markings ]
> Her skin is next to flawless if it wasn't for the long scar on her stomach she received from a surgery long ago and the tattoo on her back.

[ Health/Mental Ailments ]
> Mild Bulimia || this illness Cassia had mostly conquered, though, when incredibly stressed or made upset she has relapsed into not eating enough and worse cases, puking up her meals.
> Nearsighted || if she's not wearing glasses or contact lenses, Cassia is practically blind. It also ties into her night blindness.


[ Personality ]
> Dorky | Awkward | Easygoing | Friendly | Playful | Stubborn | Soft-hearted | Humorous | Thoughtful | Affectionate | Bossy | Spunky | Excitable | Flirty

[ Likes ]
> Mexican Cuisine | Strawberries | Animals | Fun Movies | Musicals | Baked Goods | Dancing | Cartoons | Fashion | Makeup | Singing | Piano | Rock Music | Contemporary R&B | Social Media | Connecting with fans | Challenges | Spending time with friends | Laughter | Traveling

[ Dislikes ]
> The dark | Cleaning up | Judgmental People | Binge eating | Being alone | Losing | Body Shaming | Bigots | Mindless Screamo | Being told no | Asparagus | Canned food | Humidity

[ In-Character Questions ]
Do they leave their clothes on the floor or the chair?

"Everywhere. I leave my clothes everywhere. Floor, chair, doesn't matter where as long as I see it first."

Do they get work done straight away or wait until the last minute?
"Haha, I always try to get my work done in a timely manner. Occasionally, I may be done at the very last minute. Occasionally being every other week. I did say 'I try' not that I do."

How do they feel about personal space?
"I tend to invade the personal space of friends and I typically don't mind being open and affectionate with others. I am naturally this way and am always ready to hug."

Are they stoic or melodramatic about being injured?
"I don't do well with pain. I could get a paper cut and be convinced that I am on my deathbed."

Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them?
"Not really. I've rarely ever felt anything near spite for another person."

Do they tend to make decisions based on instincts or "gut feelings," or do they rely more on logic and careful consideration?
"I'm impulsive, I see, I act and there is rarely ever any thinking involved. Sometimes it leads to good fortune, others times it leads to ridiculous articles about me on the web. Thanks, TMZ."

Do they sleep with the bedroom door open or closed?
"Open. I leave the bathroom light on and I need to see to get there ..."


[ Past && description ]
> Born and raised in the city where dreams come true, Cassia had the seeds of a star planted from the very beginning. As a child, she often sang around the house, school plays and eventually her parents allowed her to audition for Broadway. She was able to hop on board almost instantly with her talent. Though, she didn't want to stick to the stage and the scene of New York only.

Not long after she was scouted by an agent. She wanted to head into pure singing immediately but instead jumped into acting first. She was first put in front of a camera of children/teen channel's sitcom where she was able to display her acting and singing abilities. Her character was so loved that she starred in another show when it ended and became a total teen idol. She made an appearance in other series, but after the end of her second show, she went into singing.

Instead of going solo, her agent had her join a girl group. While the group was successful, it was the hardest years of her life though they were few. When she finally decided to take more control of her career she went solo and was an almost instant hit. As a solo artist, she had more freedom to do what she wanted. It did better for her mental health too.

[ Family ]
> Matías Blossoms || Father || Alive
> Bethany Blossoms || Mother || Alive
> Justin Blossoms || Older Brother || Alive

[ Friends]
> Chelsea Tate

&: Cassia has a black male pug named Poe.
&: Cassia is fluent in both Spanish and English.
&: Cassia is of Mexican/Puerto Rican descent on her father's side and African American on her mother's.

Jason Grizzly

"Hope when you take that jump, you don't fear the fall"


[ Name ]
> Jason Zak Grizzly

[ Nicknames ]
> Jace
> Grizzly
> Griz Bear

[ Date of Birth ]
> September 23rd

[ Age ]
> Twentynine

[ Gender ]
> Male

[ Sexuality ]
> Heteromantic Heterosexual

[ Hometown ]
> Phoenix, Arizona

[ Occupation ]
> Screenwriter, Author, Producer


[ Hair ]
> Jason's hair is thick and deep dark brown shade, might as well be black. He usually keeps it above his shoulders at the most. However, most times it's unkempt and tousled, wavy strand over wavy strand. He doesn't comb it often, just as he doesn't shave often. He has stubble and when he really doesn't groom it, he has a small beard.

[ Eyes ]
> The color of his eyes are a simple brown.

[ Body ]
> He may be tall but is in no way lanky or skinny. He's stockily and athletically built, looking as healthy as ever. It's clear he works out.

[ Height ]
> Jason is a giant, looking down on most people as he stands 6'4 ft (193 cm).

[ Weight ]
> He is a healthy weight, 184 lbs (83 kg)s to be exact.

[ Piercings ]
> None.

[ Markings ]
> If you look closely, you'll notice he has a few small moles on his face. And he has a birthmark on his left arm.

[ Health/Mental Ailments ]
> Nicotine Addict || he's a smoker, but he's trying to quit.


[ Personality ]
> Snarky | Observant | Laid back | Scatter-brained | Intellectual | Sympathetic | Teasing | Quirky | Hard-working | Playful | Candid | Creative | Childish | Disorganized

[ Likes ]
> Writing | Plays | Musicals | Lord of the Rings | Fries| Music | Dancing | Food | Dogs | Exercise | Food | Taco Bell | John Hugh | 80's music | Arizona | Light up Sneakers | Spicy food | Comedy shows | Swimming | Naps | Sunny days

[ Dislikes ]
> Being lied to | Plagiarism | Injustice | Abuse | Eggplant | Centipedes | Frigid weather | Rainy days | Permissions | Colds | Being rushed | Belittlement | Losing time of the day

[ In-Character Questions ]
Do they leave their clothes on the floor or the chair?

"Both? I hardly know where my mind is half the time and you can bet I don't know where my clothes end aside from my body."

Do they get work done straight away or wait until the last minute?
"I'm all over the place. I would like to get things done timely, but I am very disorganized."

How do they feel about personal space?
"I like space when I'm working, I hate when people look at my unfinished things without permission. Besides that, I don't really care."

Are they stoic or melodramatic about being injured?
"Only babies cry. But I may crawl up into a tiny ball and wait for it to be over. Melodramatic it is. What's to be expected of an artist?"

Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them?
"No, not really. I don't have the time nor the spite."

Do they tend to make decisions based on instincts or "gut feelings," or do they rely more on logic and careful consideration?
"I am a guy who runs on instinct and gut feelings. I have to in order to bring my creations about. In fact, I get paid for it."

> Do they sleep with the bedroom door open or closed?
"Closed. You never know what may crawl in, like my dogs. They like to sleep on me, and they're heavy."


[ Past && description ]
> Becoming a screenwriter and producer wasn't at all in Jace's plan. He had always enjoyed writing since he had been old enough to do so. Most of his works were left unfinished as he moved on to something new. However, when his father, his main supporter, grew ill, he began working on a piece for him. And after he passed away, Jace published it. His career shot off from the moment and he was only fifteen. It was an immediate bestseller and only a year later did his book received a movie adaption. That too was a hit. But more importantly, Jace was able to observe how screenwriting and producing was done.

He was inspired to enter the field and expand his world of writing. His creativity had never died down so he continued to work alongside many like artist as well as shoot off his own projects. He has had quite a few successful films and shows that hehe played a huge part of in production, few of his own. Jace made a name for himself but his fame was the least of his concern. He simply liked sharing his work and seeing it come to life. And he has a lot of works he has yet to finish. He is never not busy.

[ Family ]
> Nathaniel Grizzly || Father || Deceased
> Natalia Grizzly || Mother || Alive
> Jade Grizzly || Older Sister || Alive
> Emma Garland || Niece || Alive

[ Friends]
> Osbourne Finch
> Plenty of friends from high school

&: Jason has two pet dogs, a Flat-coated Retriever named Beetle and a Great Pyrenees named Skittles.
&: Whenever he has a moment of genius or an idea, he drops everything he was doing just to get it down on paper.

Lilac Morrison

"I'd love you to stay but that's simply insane"


[ Name ]
> Lilac Grace Morrison

[ Nicknames ]
> Lila
> Lillie
> Cold Bitch
> Snow Queen

[ Date of Birth ]
> December 25th

[ Age ]
> Twentysix

[ Gender ]
> Female

[ Sexuality ]
> Biromantic Bisexual

[ Hometown ]
> Chicago, Illinois

[ Occupation ]
> Actress, Producer


[ Hair ]
> Lilac's hair is thick and a rich dark brown, though practically appears raven depending on the lighting. It reaches her down to her midback and is naturally somewhat wavy. It's never seen unkempt and in most cases straightened.

[ Eyes ]
> Her eyes are a gorgeous glossy, bright blue color, but from afar they can look a little green.

[ Body ]
> Lilac is in healthy shape, slim and slender with a few curves, but all in the right places. Her shoulders are broad, her waist a little small and her hips wide. She exercises regularly to keep her shape.

[ Height ]
> Lilac is a little above average height, standing 5'6 (167 cm). Her long legs make her appear taller.

[ Weight ]
> She maintains a mostly healthy weight, weighing 121 lbs (55 kg).

[ Piercings ]
> Lilac has both her earlobes pierced twice and once on her right ear's helix.

[ Markings ]
> Lilac has light freckles on her face and scattered across other places on her body. She also has a few scars, but they are faded and hardly noticeable.

[ Health/Mental Ailments ]
> Nicotine Addict || She is a smoker and has shown no intentions of quitting.
> Mild Anxiety || It's hardly noticeable thanks to her confident and cool demeanor, but she does fall into the symptoms alone. It ties into her insomnia.


[ Personality ]
> Cold | Distant | Straightforward | Inexpressive | Honest | Insensitive | Sardonic | Sarcastic --- yet Warm-hearted | Teasing | Kind | Gentle | Possessive | Daring | Intelligent |

[ Likes ]
> Books | Classical piano | Alternative Music | Fashion | Theaters | Poetry | Painting | Rain | Snow | Hot beverages | Flowers | Slow Dancing | Guitar | Jogging | Acting | Italian Ice | French Food | Animals | Cats | Candles

[ Dislikes ]
> Most people | Idiots | Dubstep | Being bothered | Most Parties | Strong Smells | Getting Drunk | Overly Rambunctious people | People who don't work anything | Insincerity | Slapstick Comedy |

[ In-Character Questions ]
Do they leave their clothes on the floor or the chair?

"The chair, so I know where it is and I can walk on my floor without ruining any of my clothes. My house will not be turning into a pigsty."

Do they get work done straight away or wait until the last minute?
"Straight away. I like to think I am a punctual woman. And I hate to procrastinate, it makes me anxious."

How do they feel about personal space?
"It's called PERSONAL SPACE. What do people not understand about it? If you invade mine, I can't guarantee I won't bite."

Are they stoic or melodramatic about being injured?
"Stoic. It's a mere flesh wound. I've got no time to whine about it. Not to mention, it only makes things worse."

Would they do the exact opposite of what someone says just to spite them?
"I won't lie ... I can be petty. I do it to a lot of people, who's to say they don't deserve it?"

Do they tend to make decisions based on instincts or "gut feelings," or do they rely more on logic and careful consideration?
"I think before I act. Most times. I try to follow the wise words of 'thinking before speaking or acting'. If I don't, I do dumb things like fall in love and stay in love and love."

Do they sleep with the bedroom door open or closed?
"Open. I feel unsettled with it open, but my cat likes to come and go. Since my cat is deaf I need to make her feel at ease."


[ Past && description ]
> Truth be told, Lilac didn't have much of a childhood or much that she enjoyed. Her parents had settled down young in the states and both worked to support their small family. Their money problems were solved almost completely when a photographer spotted a young Lilac. She was only seven then, but she became a sweetheart in the modeling world. It gladdened her to know she could help her family out even though it was hard work.

Her father eventually suggested she go into acting against her mother's will. Lilac enjoyed acting more than she did modeling, winning some awards and being nominated numerous times, in spite of her mother's somewhat disapproval. So, she continued to model and act until her parents divorced. After that, she had more control over her career. At twenty-two, she quit modeling and replaced it with producing.

[ Family ]
> Antony Morrison || Father || Alive
> Clara Blake || Mother || Alive
> Jonas Blake || Stepfather || Alive
> Marceau Morrison || Younger Brother || Alive
> Brielle Blake || Younger Half Sister || Alive

[ Friends]
> Osbourne Finch. It's complicated.

&: Lilac is of French descent, her mother being from Toulouse and her father of French parentage but originating from England.
&: She has a white deaf fluffy cat she has named Marshmallow.
&: She is fluent in both French and English.
&: She has zero intentions of going into the music industry, but Lilac as a pretty voice and can play both piano and guitar.

Last edited:

Hollis Darcy






Hollis Elizabeth Darcy

Holly || so common, it's practically her birth name


birth place
Pasadena, California, USA

sexual orientation
Heteromantic Heterosexual


height & weight
Holly is a little taller than average, standing at 5'6 ft (168 cm) and weighing a healthy weight of 110 lbs (50 kg)

hair & eyes
Naturally, Holly's hair is a golden blonde shade, but she dyes it often to platinum and other cases pink. It goes well with her large and round blue eyes.

face & body
Holly's face is angular and and heart-shaped and her body slender with few curves.

piercings & tattoos & markings
Holly has both pf her earlobes pierced once. She has one tattoo on her left hand. And she has light freckles scattered across her body, including her face.


brief bio
Holly was born and raised in Pasadena as the middle child with no particular talent and decent enough looking, according to those around her. She was constantly outshine by her elder sister who became an actress and her younger twin brother who studied to be a writer. But she tried not to let that get her down, so she skipped town to study at Juliard after getting accepted. She majored in dance and minored in art. She graduated, but still didn't stick out. So, she moved to LA and began teaching younger girls ballet and music and working part time at a flower shop.

Holly is fluent in German.​


Ana Sofia De Luca



"and I'm sad to the core. every day is a chore."


General Information

name & pronounciation
➳ Ana Sofia Eloise Francine De Luca
ah n ah --- s oh - F EE - uh // EH L - oh - ee z // f r ae n s EE n // d EE --- l OO - kah

➳ ana | "ana, i love you, but there is no way i'm doing that" | those who are close to the princess of endovar call her by this and rarely ever her full name. it's just shorter and sweeter. and she hates being called by her full name.
➳ sofie | "sofie, sofie let's play!" | again, only those who are close to her call her this. usually, as a name of affection when they get soft with her.

birthday & age
➳ June 21st
➳ twenty

gender & sexuality
➳ female
➳ heterosexual

➳ valensole, endovar

Physical Information

height & weight
➳ 5'5 ft (165 cm)
➳ 105 lbs (47 kg)

hair & eyes
➳ ana has pretty, thick, and glossy brown hair. It reaches past down to the length of her waist.
➳ ana's eyes are a bright and piercing sky blue.

face & body
➳ ana's face is almost squarish with a defined jawline and high cheekbones. She is an undeniable beauty.
➳ ana is a slender figure with a small waist and slightly thick thighs giving her curves. She is in healthy shape due to martial arts practice and yoga.

scars & markings
➳ regarding scars and markings both, ana is all but flawless except for one on her knee where she skinned it as a child.

tattoos & piercings
➳ zero tattoos.
➳ both of her earlobes are pierced twice and her left ear helix is as well.

Background Information

brief bio
➳ ana was born as the second born child out of the five royal children in the De Luca family in the country of endovar. so, obviously, being born a princess, she never had to want for anything. whatever she demanded, she got, most of the time. her parents still instructed her to be kind and raised her the best they could as an upstanding model princess. however, she was still spoiled and a bit snobbish, she knew how to put on a public face. what helped her was gaining siblings and befriending the other children that lived in the palace. she hated to admit it, but she got lonely easily. when she was old enough, she started going out more and more undercover and truthfully got on the front page of many gossip magazines for her stunts she sometimes pulled. though, she is loved along with her family almost more than the royal family in england and the Kardashians a like. the media seems most interested in her serious relationship with her boyfriend, zachary lewis.

➳ ana is fluent in english, spanish, french and greek. She is also talented at dancing and playing the piano. she writes her own songs from time to time.

Zachary Lewis



"my heart is like a stallion. they love it more when it's broken."


General Information

name & pronounciation
➳ Zachary Jamie Lewis
➳ z AE - k er - ee // j AI - m ee // l UU - ih s

➳ Zack | "zaaaaack, i'm bored" | it's his most common nickname and apparently, people are too damn lazy to call him by his full name. therefore, he is most often than not called zack, but he doesn't mind

birthday & age
➳ December 11th
➳ twentythree

gender & sexuality
➳ male
➳ heterosexual

➳ liverpool, england

Physical Information

height & weight
➳ 6'1 ft (185 cm)
➳ 150 lbs (68 kg)

hair & eyes
➳ Zack's hair is a thick, curly, tousled mess of blonde hair that is usually cut just above his shoulders but sometimes grows out longer.
➳ Zack's eyes are a mesmerizing deep and dark icy blue.

face & body
➳ Zack's face is a rectangle with a sharp jawline and a damn pretty face in general.
➳ Zack isn't buff, but he does carry a somewhat wiry frame. He does workout and has something to show for it.

scars & markings
➳ He barely carries any scars, but he has a few from accidents and playing around as a child.
➳ He has a few moles scattered throughout his body.

tattoos & piercings
➳ He has a few tattoos to show, most he keeps under wraps when out with his girlfriend. X.
➳ He has both his earlobes pierced once, but only ever wears small rings or studs in them.

Background Information

brief bio
➳ zack was born and raised the first couple of years of his life in liverpool. his parents had divorced when he was very young and he ended up living with his mother. his father was an active and popular politician who he often saw on television but rarely in his life. he was mostly neglected by his mother so he spent most of his time losing himself in his art, photography and painting. He had a talent for it, but couldn't pursue it the way he wished he could due to lack of money. eventually, his father discovered his mother was on drugs after she overdoses and nearly died. as a result, he took away zack with him when he moved to work for the endovar government. only a few years, he met the princess and was smitten by her. they began to date and his face has been kind of everywhere since.

➳ he's a smoker.
➳ besides english, he can also speak spanish and some french.

Edison Marceau



i'm looking through you
while you're looking through your phone

something general


name & pronunciation
→ Edison James Marceu
→ EH - d ih - s uh n // j AI m z // M AH R - s oh
→ Mars || "Yo, Mars! Have you got any candy?" || Just about everyone calls him this, and prefers it much better to his other nicknames. He gained it because of how hot-tempered he can get.
→ Edie || "Edie, play with me, please!" || a name of dear affection, only his baby sister is allowed to call him this. Everyone else will die if they try.
→ Eddy/Ed|| "Ed, don't make me kick your ass!" || his friends only call him nicknames from his first name.
→ Marcy || "Marcy, I love you." || another name of affection that only his friends get away with.
→ Boy Wonder || "Boy Wonder strikes again." || he likes comics and because Robin from Batman is one of his favorite hero, he gets teased by friends.
age & birthday
→ seventeen
→ january 14th, 2002
gender & sexuality
→ male
→ biromantic bisexual
place of birth
→ queens, new york, new york
accent & ethnicity
→ Ed's accent is very clearly an average American accent with just a hint of a typical New Yorker's accent.
→ Paternal || 25% Italian-American, 25% French
→ Maternal || 50% French
→ Junior year high school student || Drug dealer || Other (illegal) odd jobs

about appearances


height & weight
→ 6'1 ft (185 cm)
→ 140 lbs (64 kg)
hair & eyes
→ Eddy's hair is a shoulder length, fine, curly mess. He hardly cuts his hair let alone combs it. The shade is a beautiful dark brow sometimes appearing black in certain lightings.
→ His eyes are hazel, a mix of blue and green with flecks of gold and when they aren't sparkling with mischevy, they are quite pensive.
body & face
→ Tall and lanky, Eddy isn't very huge and scarcely carried any muscular form, at least nothing obvious. His face is undeniable gorgeous with strong and diamond cut bone structure.
scars & markings
→ He has more scars than he can count, all from altercations, self harm and more.
→ Eddy has a few moles on his fair skin.
tattoos & piercings
→ Surprisingly, he only has one tattoo (X).
→ No piercings.
→ When it comes to style, Eddy is a bit of a grungy, alternative dresser. Though, he doesn't have many clothes, so you'll find him wearing the same holey, worn out and oversized things often. ripped jeans, combat boots, and black is usually always a part of his daily attire. He doesn't always purposely fressed this way, but it is all he has.
health ailments
→ Hemophilia || It isn't so severe, but it's quite obvious when you hang around him long enough, random nose blood happen very often.
→ Smoker || Eddy has a terrible smoking habit and has made no effort to quit.
→ Timothee Chalamet

getting personal


→ Eddy is far from being a nice guy, in fact, he calls himself a total asshole. Which is a lie. He can be a jerk, but he isn't one in nature. He says things that gets underneath people's skin and very often offends others. This is simply because he is a sardonic, sarcastic and brutally honest person who doesn't care whose feelings get hurt by facts. And while he always acts as if he doesn't care, he does. A lot of the kind things Eddy does are in private and when he's wrong he will apologize. But most times, one will find him confident and bitter. There are more components to his personality than just being an asshole, however. Such as being a total nerd, most people only know him as a know it all, but he's incredibly smart. A genius. And he gets excited over simple things. But lately, nothing has been raising his spirits.
likes & dislikes
→ likes: comic books | cocaine | parties | alcohol | music | strawberries | his baby sister | reading | piano | stars
→ dislikes: idiots | dumb questions | foster homes | school | bullies | soft boys |
→ Biting the inside of his cheek.
→ piano | holding his drink | scaring people | having the answers
→ never being able to see his sister again | his father getting out of jail and finding him | being abandoned again
mental ailments
→ Substance Abuse | Eddy is a cocaine addict. He can't survive without a supply of it and will freak out if you try to take it from him.
→ Depression | most days, it's just hard for Eddy to feel anything which makes him go on hurting himself. But he hasn't hurt with his own hands in a long time, most days he just gets into fights on purpose.
memorable quotes
→ "I may look calm, but in my mind I've already killed you three times."
→ "Fuck me."
→ "I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending that I don't exist."

her/his story


father & relationship
Anthony Marceau | alive | ex-mafia/convict | the relationship that Eddy shared with his father was never a good one. the man had always been obvious to every member of his family and expected the world from Eddy, in particular, his firstborn was his favorite. but after he was caught and put away with the testimony of his own son, Eddy never saw him again.
mother & relationship
Clara Marceau | unknown | Eddy had always adored his mother, she was loving but also incredibly fearful of her husband. their relationship deteriorated when a child Eddy testified against him. after she suddenly ran out on him and his sister, he has been looking for her.
sibling(s) & relationship(s)
Danielle Marceau | alive | Baby sister (10) | Eddy and Dani are as thick as leaves. The two had always been close. Eddy positively adores his sister and would do anything for her and Dani idolize her brother. They don't get to see each other often due to their different homes, but Eddy goes to see her every weekend.
other relationships
Lyla Durand | deceased | aunt | his mother's sister took Eddy and his sister in when their mother ran out on them. but she was depressed and an alcoholic. it was terrible, but not long after she took her own life.
→ the son of an abusive mafia member, Eddy had a very trapped and suffocating life. despite his father kicking the shit out of him nearly every chance he got, Eddy was his favorite. after all, he was incredibly smart and they could use a member like that in the mafia. joining the gang was the last thing that he wanted to do, but he always promised his father he would to get him off his and his mother's back. when his sister was born, he started going against his father more to protect her and his mother and take their share of the beatings.
eventually, his father was caught by the police. and to keep the man as far away from him as possible, he testified against him and even pointed the police to prove. his father was locked away and he was finally safe with his mother and sister. or at least that was what he believed. his mother wasn't mentally well and working jobs put even more stress on her. Eddy did his best to care for her, but she only cursed him and pushed him away, blaming him for their hard life now. they weren't doing well financially and people knew about their connection to Anthony
then one day, she up and left. eddy had been home alone with his sister for over two weeks before he went out to try and steal some food so they wouldn't starve. the last thing he wanted to do was go to foster care and he seriously believed his mother would return for them. but he was caught and the police found out about their situation. they were sent to live with his aunt who continued the abuse on them until she took her own life with a handgun one night.
his worst fears came true and they were sent to live in a foster home. while it wasn't long before Dani was adopted, Eddy was still stuck in foster care. he cared not about his potential to do something and feel into terrible habits and dangerous business.
→ eddie is bilingual, he speaks both English and French.



"Today, again today seems to be unchanging."



> Yuuto Akiyama

> Over 100, appears to be in his early twenties

> Demiromantic Heterosexual

> Unknown

> Half Human, half inu yokai



> As a human, Yuuto is an undeniably good looking young man. His body is fit and in good shape, though not buff, he does carry muscles, a toned chest, and even shaped abs. He also, surprisingly for a demon, has a soft, delicate and handsome face. His eyes are dark brown, appearing to be black orbs at times and his face is slightly angular. The only thing ruining it is the x shaped scar on his left cheek. He has more than that one scar, but it is the only one out in the open. His hair is dark brown, slightly auburnish and long. He has prettier hair than most girls. And truth be told, he is also lighter than most demons but stands at a decent height of 5'10. His skin is slightly olive due to being out in the sun for long periods of time.

> A ravenous and terrifying large dog creature, resembling a wolf, with red eyes fur the color of his hair and sharp claws and a white lotus symbol on his forehead. Though, sometimes he only half transforms, only taking on the ears, tail, claws, eyes and the lotus symbol. When in his full mode, he hardly has any control.



> Reserved | Thoughtful | Sarcastic | Dryly Humorous | Naive | Sassy | Demanding | Strong-willed | Confident | Mild-tempered

> Autumn | Music | Sword fighting | Gardens | Animals | Being treated with respect |

> Most humans | Most demons | Ignorance | Idiots | Loudmouths | Being Disrespected | His human side | Disruption of Nature |



> Half Human, half Inuyokai (dog demon)

> Yuuto possesses many abilities. Super strength, super speed, enhanced senses, durability and stamina. This is only the power he knows about as well, there is more he has yet to unlock.

> Yuuto was trained to be a warrior from a young age. He knows how to use the sword very well and even has a magical sword he was given by his deceased father. He is a fast and strategic thinker, a formidable opponent and a good leader.

> With super sense also comes vulnerability to his hearing and nose and the like. He is also very bad at social interactions, he isn't good at making friends and understanding others emotionally.



> Yuuto remembers his childhood quite vividly in spite of them being many years ago. His father was a powerful Inuyokai known throughout the yokai and human communities both, he also happened to be the leader of the strong Akiyama clan. For years their bloodline had been kept clean. That was until his father fell in love and married a human woman. Then entered the next in line heir of the clan, Yuuto. It was an outrage to the entire clan, but there was nothing they could do as they believed in the purity of the higher bloodline. Not to mention their clan leader was more powerful than them all.

Sadly, his father died in battle and a young Yuuto was left to be raised and protected by his single mother. And she too eventually was killed by her own fellow villagers. So, from a young age, Yuuto was made the clan leader. And that was when Yuuto made the decree that his clan was allowed to attack that same village annually. This made them happier, but they still don't see him as particularly worthy of being the best clan leader with blood being tainted with human blood.

Years later, his advisor suggested that he marry. Yuuto is, after all, a very young man in the yokai years, and therefore is not respected very much by other clans. And no other yokai female would dare become his mate. His advisor had the bright idea of making a peace deal with Harata village. If they gave him a bride, they would leave their village be.

Yuuto is not particularly fond of this plan but will do what's best for his clan. Including, marrying a human woman.

> Unlike most of his peers, he likes his meat cooked.



i been through some bad shit
i should be a sad bitch


➳ Theodore Jules Belanger​
➳ th EE - uh - d aw r || j ew uh l || bai - lang - szai​
➳ Theo || used by everyone, family friends and others. he dislikes being called by his full name​
➳ Teddy || don't ever call him this, only his family and few exceptions are allowed to call him by this name​
➳ Kitty (Chat) || Theo is ninety percent sass and sarcasm, he gained the nickname because of that and the joke that his friends and family would make cat sounds whenever he sassed or was in a sour mood​
➳ July 24th, 1999​
➳ 19​
➳ Leo​
➳ Male​
➳ Bisexual || he's not quiet or secretive about his sexuality. He has been interested in both males and females for as long he could remember even though he's been with more females than males.​
➳ Marseille, France​
➳ Theo speaks with a soft and light, but clearly evident, French accent and not the type from the region he was born in. Still, there is no denying how sweet and smooth his voice sounds when he speaks.​
➳ 25% French, 25% Italian || Paternal​
➳ 50% French || Maternal​
➳ Theo has dual citizenship between France and England.​
➳ He works part-time at his mother's boutique and does music gigs on the side.​

➳ Light brown and thick is how Theo's hair could be described as. His thick locks have a slight wave and curl pattern and generally always a mess and yet he still looks good.​
➳ As his mother claims, Theo's eyes are a national treasure. They are very expressive and the color of bright blue, drawing people in with one look.​
➳ 6'0" (183 cm)​
➳ 160 lbs (73 kg)​
➳ Theo's skin is fair, warm color with a tannish pigment to his skin. It's far from flawless because of the moles and scars across his body.​
➳ The features on Theo's face are sharper than a knife. He has a chiseled jaw and hollowed cheeks and is undeniably handsome, something he is aware of.​
➳ He doesn't work out on a regular basis, but Theo has a somewhat athletic build. His muscles are beautifully shaped even if he doesn't have a whole six pack and huge guns. In fact, though wiry built, he's a little on the thin side.​
➳ Despite being from a wealthy background with a fashionista mother and sister, Theo is a rather causal dresser. He feels comfortable in jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, and things of that nature. There are hints of alternative in his style, mainly because he likes wearing dark colors or anything that's not too bright. The only designer clothes he wears are gifts from his family and friends.​
➳ One his right hand.​
➳ None.​
➳ He has quite a few, most of them have faded over time. He's gained one on his left knee after scraping it terribly, a long one on his left form arm, a burn on his chest and scars around both his wrist, though they're usually hidden underneath the long sleeves of his shirt.​
➳ He has a couple of small beauty marks on his face and jaw.​
➳ Pollen Allergy || Spring and summer are the worst times of the year for Theo. And his allergies can get pretty bad. He's had many asthma attacks before because of them and stayed in bed due to hayfever for weeks in a row.​
➳ Maxence Danet-Fauvel​


➳ Sass master level 1000. Theo is ninety percent sass and sarcasm according to his friends and family. The boy is sharp-tongued, quick-witted and brutal when it comes to the truth. Which is exactly how he got the nickname "Kitty", by being such a feisty cat. That and the fact that he is as cool as a cat. All of those traits add to what makes him so likable. The boy is naturally a charmer and he knows it, it doesn't help that he also knows he's handsome and it's gone to his head a little. Confidence is not something that Theo so often lacks, he's generally very-self-confident and outspoken.​
He had a teasing and flirty side. Truth be told, Theo generally has such good chemistry with everyone, he unconsciously flirts and is unconsciously seductive with certain people. He isn't dumb, he is by far one of the most clever people you will ever come to meet. But when it comes to himself, he's a little bit of an idiot. Things resolving around himself has to be spelled out most times.​
There are occasions where Theo can be shy too, though. This happens when it comes to people who respect or looks up to. He feels smaller with those people, people he deems better than himself. Because he likes himself, but not as much as he should. He always believes there's room for improvement in himself and others. Something he has no problem vocalizing whether anyone would want to hear it or not. He's a witty and sweet young man and that's not hard to discover when you get to know him.​
In fact, one of his best traits is his loyalty and caring nature. He is always giving constant support and allegiance to the people he loves and cares about even if it may hurt him too. But he doesn't care because he'd rather live in pain with a clear conscience than with a guilty conscience. And while he cares for the people he loves, his sassy and sometimes sour attitude doesn't stop him from wanting to strangling them when they piss him off.​
➳ espressos || guitar || waffles || dark colors || music || animals || small towns || parties || napping || snow || movies || an occasional beer || girls || boys || being complimented || winning || comedy films || 80's culture || bass || some bugs || summer || writing || poetry​
➳ being wrong || apologizing || small spaces || the dark || clowns || the color yellow || salty foods || combing his hair || bitter coffee || being dirty || pollen || bigots || being bossed around || losing || traveling || bullies​
➳ Playing Guitar and Piano || Writing in his journal || Watching films || Listening to music || Reading​
➳ Biting his lower bottom lip || Rubbing his neck with both hands when nervous​
➳ Guitar || Piano || Writing || Singing​
➳ Closed spaces || The dark​
➳ Nicotine Addict || Theo has done drugs before and drinks occasionally, but the only thing he's addicted to is smoking.​
➳ PTSD || It has gotten much better over the years, but Theo has been suffering from Post Traumatic Disorder from a young age. It has to do with the traumatic and difficult experiences he has faced over the course of his life.​
➳ "I do a thing called what I want."​
➳ "I hope karma slaps you in the face before I do."​
➳ "You're kinda, sorta, basically, pretty much always on my mind."​


Leo Belanger || 47 || Ex-Mafia member, current entrepreneur || Alive || Theo shares a complicated relationship with his father. He loves the man, but he can't help but be angry at him for not caring for his family and being there the way he should have been for them. But he also understands why and he loves his old man anyway.​
Camille Belanger (nee Dupont) || 45 || Alive || Camille is a loving mother toward her children and even if Theo thinks she's a bit spoiled and snobbish, he still loves her. If his mother asks him to do something, he does no questions asked. After all, she has always been there for him.​
Trinette Belanger || Twin Sister || 19 || Alive || Theo and Trinette are as thick as leaves. They had grown up as each other's best friends and even as they gained interest in different things, they're still very close. He would fight anyone for her, knowing she'd do the same. They argue like crazy as siblings do though.​
➳ Theo has friends in France, in Australia, in Italy and the states. He's moved so many times he's never had a chance to get truly close to many people at all. His closest friends are back in Paris, many who have moved on with their lives without him. And he has a hard time making some in the small town his family had moved into, the townspeople are pretty abrasive toward outsiders, he has one friend in town though.​
Annabeth Fawn || Theo and Betsey have known each other since they were children, they're mothers are bestfriends. He, his sister and Betsey was the golden trio. Sadly the only got to see each once or twice a year as Theo's family was always moving. And even though they aren't as close as they used to be anymore, he still views her as a little sister and good friend.​
➳ Theo has have had flings here and there. Serious partners and not so serious partners. But none that he would truly write home about.​
➳ None of that matter anymore.​
Summer || Female || a golden retriever and husky mix. she's the sweetest thing alive and follows Theo everywhere.​
➳ None.​
➳ Theo was born into a wealthy lifestyle, wanting for not. His parents always gave him what he'd asked for and taught him the best they could. Naturally, he grew up a little spoiled, but having a sister helped balance that out a bit. He wasn't completely aware of what his father did as a job. He knew that it was dangerous and important, but not completely clocked in on it. His father was a member of the mafia. And he discovered this the day he was first kidnapped for ransom. Of course, they got him back. But he had witnessed and experienced things no child should have to.​
And it wasn't the last time he had been kidnapped. He would be held for days, sometimes weeks, abused and mistreated by his captors and witnessing violence after violence after violence. It was because of this reason his family moved so much and it didn't help him at all. When he reached his teen years, he was a troublemaker in school, causing trouble and fights everywhere he went. Theo had been expelled from at least two schools and yet somehow he graduated one.​
It didn't help that his father wasn't around the way they needed him to be. It was only after his father finally quit the mafia lifestyle that Theo started to mellow and his anger decrease. He became a businessman and sadly that meant he still wasn't around the way Theo wanted him to be. Still, he calmed down that year and the next thing he knew, his father opened a boutique for Theo's mother in small-town where a close friend lived. They just moved in and the townspeople aren't that kind to him, but word on the street is because of a missing girl who returned home after years. All Theo wants to do is settle down.​
➳ Theo is fluent in French, Italian and English.​
➳ Theo can do a really convincing American accent.​
➳ When they were kids, he, Betsey and Trinette had their own band called Animal Sounds.

full of love


i'm always sad and I'm always lonely
but I can't tell you that I'm breaking slowly


➳ Annabeth Luna Claire Fawn​
➳ AE n - uh - b eh th || L OO - n ah || k l - ai r || f - ON​
➳ Betsey || hardly anyone calls her by her first name. Betsey has stuck since she was a child and so all her friends call her by this name.​
➳ Betts || a cute little name was given to her by her best friend. something someone calls her when they're either trying to act cut, too lazy or in most cases want something from her.​
➳ Bambi || because as her friends say, she is like a deer​
➳ June 21st, 2000​
➳ 18​
➳ Gemini​
➳ Female​
➳ Bisexual || Betsey isn't very open about her sexuality, most people are under the impression that she's straight and it doesn't bother her. She has held an interest in and been with girls before. Admittedly, she does have a preference for males. Emotional and romantic attachment always win over everything else for her though.​
➳ Dublin, Ireland, UK​
➳ Betsey's accent is a bit of a mess, though, that's what some people find endearing about it. Her accent is predominantly Dublin Irish because of where she was born and raised in her early years, which she hates because of how badly irish are treated in England, but has been given heavy influence from her mother's French accent and the Northern English accents. She pronounces many words different from those all three of those accents.​
➳ 50% Irish | Paternal​
➳ 25% French, 25% Dutch | Maternal​
➳ Betsey has citizenship within both England and Ireland.​
➳ While going to a popular art school in their town, Betsey also works part-time at a cafe/bakery and babysits the children of her mother's friends (basically the richer woman and men of their town.).​


➳ A natural blonde. Betsey's hair is fine, soft and long, past her shoulders and nearly reaching past mid-back with a slight wave pattern. The shade of it is an ashy yellow, caramel-color, though looks paler in some lighting. Most times, she wears it down, but when working she either ties it into a ponytail or a messy bun.​
➳ Betsey has what are called doe eyes. Big, soft and a bright sea of blue. While they give off an innocent and vulnerable look, they can also be cheerful, full of light and stern.​
➳ 5'3 ft (160 cm)​
➳ 112 lbs (51 kg)​
➳ Her skin is very fair, though is slightly pinkish, especially in the heat or cold weather. It's nearly flawless too.​
➳ Like everything else about Betsey, the features of her face are soft, feminine and pretty. She attracts more people to her than she'd liked because of her kind face and actions.​
➳ Slender and petite. Betsey has always been small in both height and weight, but her body still carries some curves with slim broad shoulders and slightly wide hips. She has a small hourglass-like figure.​
➳ Betsey's style could be considered a mix of Girly and Girl Next Door type. Simplicity and cuteness, often a lot of vintage type of clothing as well. She will mostly be seen wearing pale colors and almost casual. She isn't one to wear anything sexy, though she has one too many times before because of the crowd she hangs around.​
➳ None.​
➳ Both of her earlobes are pierced once.​
➳ Betsey's skin is nearly flawless, but she has a few scars, most of them in hidden places. Most of her scars are associated with painful memories she'd rather bury than acknowledge.​
➳ None.​
➳ None.​
➳ Emily Kinney​


➳ Annabeth Fawn has quite an interesting persona. To almost everyone, she's perceived as the sweet and innocent perfect girl, with the perfect wealthy family, with the perfect rich and popular friends, loved by nearly everyone. She's just nothing but a bright and sweet ball of goodness who knows when to put her foot down. But oh how wrong they are. Though, no one is to blame as she puts this face on because she herself half believes this because often lies to herself fakes everything until she makes it. She doesn't make it, she'd never made it.​
For starters, the biggest truth is that Betsey doesn't know when to put her foot down. Sometimes, she does, but it really means nothing as she is a huge pushover. The people closest to her and most involved with her use her until she's worn out and broken, but she always brushes it aside along with her feelings to please the person in question. Which is why they view her as resilient. She's really not, she's just forgiving and generous even when she shouldn't be.​
And she's sensitive and awkward and shy. She isn't the best with social interactions, making the things she does and says a bit silly. She's constantly scared that she's annoying people. Which contributes to why she holds back on her own personal feelings. What good would they be?​
But everything Betsey pretends to be isn't unnecessarily true. She is a sweet person, to a fault really. She's kind and gentle and that bites for the type of people she's surrounded by. And she can be a bright, in fact, she is when she's happy and excited. The truth is, Betsey is a soft person full of love to give even if she doesn't receive it return nor does she know exactly what love is. This doesn't mean she can't get upset, she does, her feelings overflow from time to time and when they explode, she scares everyone around her. And she can hold quite a grudge and cries a lot at home.​
Of course, she doesn't realize that this should be okay. She's too busy playing a part to recognize that, even if it's killing her. No worries though, she's always been good at bearing the pain.​
➳ music || art || dancing || winter || baked goods || chocolate || ukulele || acoustic || birds || cats || sketching || paint || scented candles || quiet || harry potter || pillows || aesthetics || laughter || blankets || her baby brother || photography || hot beverages || Reading || 50s - 60's music​
➳ bigots || screamo || being lied to || crying || sudden noises || lightning and thunder || being left behind || her own self more than half of the time || being the center of attention || failing expectations || letting people down || her stepfather || bullies || horror movies​
➳ Sketching/Painting || Photography || Baking || Scrapbooking || Birdwatching || Jogging || Ukulele and Guitar​
➳ Pacing || Repeating her words || Going on a tangent || Smacking and banging her hand against her hand or other hard objects​
➳ Sketching/Painting || Baking || Ukulele || Singing​
➳ Being abandoned || Turning out to be a bad person || Failing everyone || Everything​
➳ Minor symptoms of Autism || overtime, she learned to hide them better and just be "normal". But she still has them. And she hates that part about herself.​
➳ Anxiety || It's pretty bad. She had been hospitalized for it before and while it didn't go away, she learned to hide it better. The smallest most particular things can trigger her and completely stop her breathing pattern. In those situations, she tends to run away.​
➳ Drug Abuse || No, Annabeth is not addicted to drugs like cocaine or heroin. She has an addiction to Adderall, Valium and sleeping pills.​
➳ PTSD || she simply cannot forget the scariest parts of her life, especially the day she was almost taken far away​
➳ "I don't like to talk when I have nothing meaningful to say ..."​
➳ "Kindness is free. You shouldn't be so stingy with it."​
➳ "Awkward is my specialty."​

Brodie Fawn || 45 || Alive || Betsey hasn't seen her father in years. According to her mother, he abandoned them, which is pretty believable since he never said goodbye to her when they had been so close. Needless to say, it has left her with some daddy issues.

Joan Amherst || 44 || Alive || Betsey and her mother have always have had a rough relationship and she blames herself for it as her mother had had post-Partum depression for a long time when she had Betsey. The woman talks down to her and so controlling it becomes hard to breathe at times, but there are moments where she's ... motherly and kind. And she's certain that Joan loves her, she never left Betsey behind, not long her father did.

➳ Frederick "Freddie" Amherst || not even one || Alive || Betsey is more of a mother to him than their actual mother is. she adores him like crazy and cares for him and because of that, he's attached to her just as she is to him.

Cassie Brooks || 14 || Deceased || the first friend Betsey had made within her time at the mental word. The girls were similar and bonded, quickly growing on each other. Betsey was pulled out before her and her mother wouldn't let her contact Cassie. When Betsey heard she was released from the hospital, she secretly went out to meet her and found that she had taken her own life in her own home. She blames herself for the incident.
Jessica "Jesse" Cullen || 18 || They're "best Friends", but their relationship is as unhealthy as the one Betsey has with her own boyfriend. Jesse, aside from her Betsey's own mother, has the most control over Betsey's life. They met after Betsey was released from the hospital and the girl quickly befriended her and protected her, gaining Betsey's trust and, in turn, they shared secrets. Her mother approved of the relationship as Jesse was not only popular and of the richer crowd in their town, but her mother was also friends with Betsey's. Still, slowly but surely she became pretty possessive of the blonde, treating her more like her own pet than rather than a friend. So, she hangs out with Jesse and her crowd, making Annabeth popular even when she hates being put on the spot.
Oliver Black || 19 || a friend and common partner at art school. they do a lot of projects together and talk frequently. he's one of the most genuine people she has ever met and someone who treats her as her own person. which is why she only gets to hang out with at art school or when they have projects to do outside of school. Jesse and Ellis don't like him.
Theodore and Trinette Belanger || They're like siblings, though, they aren't as close as they once were. See; Theodore.

➳ Betsey has only ever had one boyfriend. She has had brief relations with others, but they never lasted because while she wanted something serious they did not.

➳ She claims she has none when really her enemies are the ones closest to her. There might be one who's closet tobe an enemy.
William Amherst || Stepfather || Businessman || Alive || Betsey's stepfather has always been cruel to her, expressing to her that she should just disappear from the family when her mother wasn't around. He also makes her feel very uncomfortable when they're in the same room as he has gotten too touchy since she started developing into a woman. Whenever her mother notices, it causes her to be callous towards Betsey and detached.

Mika || Mika is a white coated kitten who's deaf but beautiful all the same.

Ellis Woods || 19 || Alive || Betsey's on and off boyfriend, but even when they're off they are still on. They are the definition of a toxic relationship. Everyone sees them as the perfect couple who truly loves each other and will end up getting married, the good girl and the jock, how sweet, right? Nope. They started off sweet but Ellis is pretty abusive, he has anger issues that stem from his father, which Betsey understands, but he takes it out on her and then apologizes later. She doesn't completely realize how wrong it is, because he needs her and so she needs him, and that's love. It has to be since no one's ever truly wanted her before.

➳ Betsey had been a mistake from the beginning. Her mother never wanted to have children but she decided to have one because she knew her husband wanted one so much. A boy in particular. But, Betsey was a girl. Her mother suffered from Post-partum depression and separated herself from the girl at the get-go. Her father had practically raised her as a single parent for a long time and loved her nonetheless. t was only when she started showing concerning symptoms did he take her to the hospital and she was diagnosed with just symptoms of autism, but it stuck out as clear as day.

They decided to move into her father's hometown, hoping it would quell their anger with a new change of scenery. It did not. The issue of Betsey's mental illness amongst many others caused her parents to fight day and night. her father had even left the home to sleep at the bakery he owned for weeks on end. She couldn't even voice her concerns to her parents about things going on in her life. One fateful day when Betsey's parents were late to pick her up, she was walking on her own home when she had nearly been picked up by a predator. He hurt her bad, she still has the scar to this day. But the only reason she escaped because another girl was around and saw it all. He went after her next and during that brief moment, Betsey had escaped and hid until he left, watching as he drove away with the poor girl. But not without warning her to keep her mouth shut.

She hurried home and wanted to tell her parents but they were just arguing so bad again, screaming and yelling, so she went to her room and kept it to herself in fear of her own life. the guilt along with the ss of everything in her life took a toll on her. She had panick attacks often and finally when she was eleven she freaked out so bad that her parents had no choice but submit her into the mental health ward. It did her good. But when she was around thirteen, her mother pulled her out the moment her doctor said she could go. A lot had changed since she had been there. Her parents divorced and her father was nowhere around. And her mother had remarried a much wealthier man.

It was a lot for her to adapt to, but she did. And she thought she was doing well to survive, that was until the girl who had gotten kidnapped suddenly came back.

➳ Betsey is fluent in French, Dutch and English.
➳ Betsey used to do ballet, it was one of her mother's many commands.
➳ Betsey likes to run/jogging, especially when she's stressed. In fact, she does it so much that's frankly obsessive and unhealthy.



"Sometimes I pretend to be normal. But it gets boring so I go back to being me."


Basic Information

➳ Alexis Gasper Emille Silva
➳ aa l EE k s ee s || g AE s p er || eh M EE L || SILL-vah

➳ Alex || Extremely common, no one really calls him by his first full name unless they're addressing him as the prince he is, his siblings and friends when they're trying to annoy him or his mother when he's in trouble.
➳ Lexi || Only his family is and closest friends have called him by this nickname. It is intimate and too affectionate for anyone else to call him.

➳ Alex was born in the capital city of his country Saunrenzo, Biaania city. Hew as born in the royal palace with the assistant of wetnurses and a doctor.

➳ Alex has a smooth and charming Saurenzoian accent (Brazilian).

➳ Paternal || 50% Saurenzoian deep roots of Spanish, Portuguese, and Amazonian
➳ Maternal || 25% Chinese, 25% African roots from Ghana and Nigeria

➳ Alex is a citizen of Saurenzo.

➳ Alex started his studies at a young age with tutors and learning instructors. When he was fifteen, he was sent abroad to study for a few years and returned to study more in his home country and learn more about the people. He was accepted into an Ivy League school but stayed to study within the best school in Saurenzo. He has majored in criminal law and international affairs.

➳ Alex is the second born Prince of Saurenzo and as such has been given more free time than the firstborn. However, he has royal duties all the same in helping the people and attending meetings.

Physical Information

➳ Alex's hair is naturally a raven color, silky in feel, but curly in texture. He always has hair cut nicely and it's hardly ever seen out of place. He has a fade and not one bog, loopy curl is misplaced.


➳ Alex's eyes have a gravitational pull when looking t them, their dark pretty things with a hint of mischief. Their true color is dark and rich brown but appear black from a distance.

➳ 6'0 ft (182.88 cm)

➳ 180 lbs (82kg)

➳ Alex's skin is an almost flawless golden caramel brown. Aside from a few markings and scars, it appears practically untouched and true beauty goals.

➳ One look at Alex and it is clear to anyone that he works out, his body is lean nd wiry with a slender frame. But his muscles are defined and well tone without him looking too bulky.

➳ Alex has an almost square face with aa pointed when and a jaw with an edge that could cut diamonds. A killer smile managing to be charming and magnetic and pretty dark eyes.

➳ As a prince of Saurenzo, when on official duty, he is to wear traditionally tailored suits. It usually means neutral-colored slacks and colorful blazers with intricate embroidery design. However, he is often seen on the front page of magazines in casual designer clothing. Or wearing no shirt at all.

➳ Alex has a single piercing on his left ear and not traditionally, he has a septum piercing.

➳ He isn't supposed to have any, but he has a few hidden tattoo pieces on his upper left arm and right shoulder blade.

➳ Alex has a few little scars here and there on his bod from getting into trouble as a kid.

➳ His silky curly hair and dimples.

➳ Alex is very healthy.

➳ Reece King

Personal Information

➳ You know what they about the younger children, spoiled rotten to the roots. And spoiled Alex was. He was the second born child of the Silva family and therefore his responsibilities and expectations would never amount to the same as the firstborn child. He had been given more freedom and because of it, his mother stuck him right next to her side at all times. The women around him made adored him and loved him, from a young age he was a charmer unintentionally with a colorful and vibrant personality and an adorable face. They said he was sure to be a looker, and that went to his head.

Alex grew up to be mesmerizing in appearance and on the tongue. He knows his way around not just women, but people in general. Quick wit and a silver tongue. He gets himself in trouble quite often with how blunt he can be, but just as fast as he gets himself into it, he gets himself out of it with words alone most times. The man is too arrogant, his ego is as it is shown, big. He may look like the storybook prince and talk like the storybook prince, but he is every bit a man in the 21st century.

Being dubbed the "bad boy" of the royal family has never bothered him. More so since it is true, Alex gets into trouble on the regular. He is daring and adventurous, exciting to try new things, and tire up some trouble to make fun. He gets easily bored, never able to sit still. In some cases, people describe him to be manic. He has started fights and he's a fighter, a good one.

He's not a bad person, however, far from it. Alex has the compassion and passion of too many hearts and while he can be an ass, he is honest about his feelings. Being close to his mother he has easy access to his sensitive side and is honest no matter how embarrassing or painful things are. And he's no fool, as can be seen even he acts like one. He's a free spirit, a kind, and unpredictable spirit.

➳ Dancing || Festivals || Music || His country || Designer clothes || Women || Animals || Dogs || Sports || Football || Alcohol || Photography || Cinema || Red || Color gold || Swimming || Affection || Being praised || Laughter || Jokes || Trying new foods || Cooking || Annoying his sisters || Guitar || Carbaret || Summer || Hanging out with friends || Working with other people || Children

➳ Sitting still for too long || Cold weather || mental ailments || Racism || Homophobia || Sexism || Boring scenes || Controlling people || Feeling restricted || Disregard for innocent people || Too much responsibility || Quiet || His mania || Being looked down on || Liars || Hypocrites || Being told what to do || Too restrictive rules

➳ Partying || Flirting || Guitar || Football || Dancing

➳ When he's bit sitting for too long or trying to suppress his mania he tends to bounce his foot and/or fidget with his hands. He also does this when nervous.

➳ Dancing || Guitar || People || Math

➳ Not having in control or freedom in his life || Failing expectations || Seriously hurting someone with his ailments

➳ Food: Barbecue
➳ Music: Latin, Jazz and hip hop
➳ Movie: The Mask of Zorro
➳ Way to relax: Playing guitar
➳ Alcohol: Beer
➳ Animal: Dogs
➳ Colour: Gold

ADHD: It is not public information, but he does have a serious enough case that he has to take medication and see a therapist. The problem makes it hard for him to sit still in meetings for long and requires more effort for him to stay focused.
Manic Disorder: Unfortunately his ADHD is not where the end of his problems, his manic disorder is by far bigger concern. And he hates it, it makes him feel like he's crazy and he knows it makes him dangerous he does get violent from time to time. His parents had to cover up several issues that concerned him get out control.

Kingdom Information

Pre-1000 AD - Marajoara culture on the island of Marajó flourishes as an Amazonian ceramic center.
1492 - European voyages arrive to the land, including the Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch. The Amazonians were killed and enslaved and settlements were made.
1539–1542 The first African slaves were brought over.
1549 -The first city Bahia was established and many wars were fought between colonizers, including the Anglo-Spanish war. Portugese came out on top.
1807The Portuguese Queen Maria I and the Court embark at Lisbon bound for Saurenzo. Rio de Janeiro becomes the Portuguese capital.
1808 - 1815The Bragança Portuguese Royal Family arrives in Brazil, fleeing from the French army. The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves is established under Queen Mary I. Brazil is elevated from the status of Portuguese colony to a constituent country of the united kingdom.
1822–1825 War of Independence for Saurenzo. On the 9th of January in 1822 Saurenzo declared Independence.
1824 - The United States becomes the first country to recognize the independence of Saurenzo.
1883 Slavery is abolished.
1902 The absolute monarchy is reformed into a modified constitutional monarch.

➳ Saurenzo's monarch is a modernized constitutional monarchy. They have the royal family and the parliament. While the royal family always remains in place, the parliament, including the prime minister is voted in. There are twenty-seven members, including the Prime Minister. They represent the people and assist in the ruling of the country. All of the ceremonial duties are strictly the royal family's responsibilities along with pleasing the people and foreign affairs. The Queen/King holds the most power, but it is not absolute. The Queen and Prime Minister must sign off on laws and the like however and they have the power to repeal a bill and send it back to the parliament. They have meetings on the regular as everything must be discussed before final decisions are made.

The firstborn child of the ruler is the next to ascend the throne regardless of gender. It has been this way since the 1700's.

Politics Saurenzo is a very mixed country in politics, they are just as much liberal as they are conservative with so many people of different backgrounds and races. They are very friendly to outsiders and others, while a lot of the laws and bilsl passed are liberal friendly, half of the people are still conservative while the other half is very liberal. When it comes to voting, it has always been about who they can trust more than whatever politician they are.
➳ They are a secular state, but most of the population is Catholic. However, they welcome people of all races, religions, sexualities, and genders. In some areas more than others.
➳ They are a very green country, hence they're big and great amazon forest.

➳ Saurenzo's economy is the 8th largest in the world. It survived the financial crisis but suffers from some recession and stagflation.
➳ The royal family has been heavily involved in the programs set up to solve these problems and the country is nearly flourishing with the help.
➳ Saurenzo is one of the world's giants of mining, agriculture, and manufacturing, and it has a strong and rapidly growing service sector.

➳ Saurenzo would be considered a liberal country considering all the rights and progression that it has made for the left. However, government aside, the people are rather mixed in liberalism and conservatism. They welcome most, if not all peoples, but in some places more than others.
➳ The state is secular, but the country is predominantly catholic, whether you're a religious catholic or not.
➳ Race or gender has never really mattered with the people of Saurenzo and it hasn't in centuries. They are very diverse and free people, and it is seen in their freedom and fun that they have.

➳ Saurenzo is a land that is Brazil in the real world. It a very green country with a part of the rainforest and lots of water. It encompasses half of South America. It's a typical humid and hot place.

➳ Queen Cristiana || First Queen of Saurenzo
➳ King Fausto || First King of Saurenzo
➳ Prime Minister Jaime || First Prime Minister of Saurenzo

Saurozrenoians have several festivals, they love parties and any reason to celebrate. They have many holidays relating to religions and more. But the top 4 are listed below.
Carnival: The largest celebration in Saurenzo. The carnival is known worldwide for its non-stop one week of partying. Weeks leading up to the official carnival have andom street parades and parties known as blocks, the weeks after have some post-carnival parties to ease off the end of carnival blues. Each bloco has its own theme and music with two of the most popular in the capital being 'Cordão do Bolo Preto' and 'Sargento Pimenta', the latter having The Beatles theme. The official carnival has large parades of samba with flamboyant costumes and break-neck speed dancing with the major cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Recife having the biggest parades and parties.

Festa Junina: Throught all of June, Festa Junina is celebrated. It celebrates rural life with typical clothes, food and dances inside an arraial: a large tent made of raw materials. In big cities, the arraial is usually a building with decorations such as colored flags, checkered table cloths and balloons. The most common clothes are checkered shirts and straw hats with painted freckles on the face, mostly on children. The dance is like square dancing and the food is one of the best parts of the party; canjica, corn, pé-de-moleque and cake are common with drinks including mulled cachaça and wine.

Parintins Folklore Festival: The annual festival held in Parintins in Amazonas, a state in the north of the country, is the second largest in Brazil after carnival. It goes over a period of three days at the end of June and celebrates the Amazonian legend of a resurrected ox. The main attraction of the festival is the competition between the two teams Garantido and Caprichoso that compete to retell the story of the ox through a compelling mix of dances and singing, as well as lively parades. The festival is mostly dedicated to Amazonas folklore and indigenous culture, which is why it is concentrated only in one place. It is also known as Festival do Boi Bumba or as Bumba Meu Boi.

Oktoberfest: The Germanic roots of the south of Saurenzo brought this traditionally German festival to Brazil, where it has become one of the most popular beer festivals in the country. Held in the middle of October every year in Blumenau in the state Santa Catarina, it celebrates typical German cuisine and plenty of beer. There are also traditional folk costumes that most people wear with great enthusiasm and lots of singing, dancing and street parties. One highlight is the beauty pageant that searches for the Queen of Oktoberfest as well as the runner-ups that are crowned the Princesses of Oktoberfest.

(Source: Top Five Brazil Festivals

National Animal: Jaguar
National Flower: Ipê-amarelo or Tecoma chrysostricha
National Languages: Portugese, Spanish, English

Background Information

King Lucas of Saurenzo || Father || 55 || There is no mistaking the love between father and son, and the clear similarities. Both of them are approachable and kind men with a fun attitude behind the doors. King Lucas has been loved before he ascended the throne and well after. He has a warm energy and but a strong will and immovable attitude. He went easy on Alex when he was young, but as he got older and more into trouble the more he tried to rein his son in and scold him for his misbehaving. He's loving parent, but a tough cookie. There was no weaseling his way out of trouble with his father and Alex respects him the most out of everyone in his life.

Queen Camilla Silva || Mother || 51 || Camilla unlike her husband does not immediately give off kind energy, perhaps it is because she has more walls up at first. She is a pious woman and cold on the exterior, practical, thoughtful, and no-nonsense, she isn't a fool and not to be taken for granted. But when has been around her they quickly find out that their children don't get their boisterous personality from their father. She's daring and funny, loving and affectionate. She has spoiled her children, again and again, especially Alexis. Out of his parent, he is closer to her. She can be just as stern, however, he does not fear her, knowing he can get her to cave and go easy on him. However, he hates disappointing his mother more than anyone.

Crown Prince Gael Silva || Older Brother || 27 || Out of the two, Gael is definitely the more serious one and like his father wants his brother to take on more responsibility. He scolds him and acts like a third parent, they have gotten into many disputes and arguments. But they have also gotten into many adventures and trouble together. They fight hard because they love hard.

Princess Sabrina Silva || Younger Sister || 22 || Truth be told, Alex didn't like his sister when she was first born because the spotlight had switched onto her and along with it the attention. But he quickly learned to love her even if she annoyed him, the girl followed him around learned from him like she was his pupil. He picks on her often and annoys her. And she calls him names and moron, but they end up smirking and laughing. It's just how they are.

Princess Bianca Silva || Younger Sister || 18 || Alex absolutely adores Bianca, she is far younger and yet they had a very close relationship. She comes to him for advice and gives it, being around her and their mother makes him calm. He is fiercely protective of her.

➳ Alex has many friends, nobles, and normal civilians alike. He cannot say all of them are a good company but they make things interesting.

➳ Alex has a few, all of which he can count one hand, and only one that had been serious. The woman he loved ended up dumping him and immigrating to America, though. He was depressed for some time and has been dating around since.

➳ Any enemies of his country or the people he loves.

➳ Alex has a dog, well, a dog he shares with his siblings, names Paulo. He's a Cane Corso pup that they adopted after he rescued the poor thing and nursed him to health.

➳ N/A

➳ Alex is fluent in Portugese, Spanish, Englis, French, Latin, Velladorian, and Mandarin.
➳ Alex's middle name Gaspar is his grandfather's name.

Prince Alexis Silva

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam cursus, nibh nec ultrices pharetra, lacus erat viverra orci, nec tempor felis nibh vel nibh. Cras vel vulputate dui. Aliquam tincidunt ipsum et quam ornare, quis ultrices lectus ultricies. Cras bibendum tincidunt accumsan. Donec elementum odio lectus, nec scelerisque dui aliquet eget. Pellentesque pharetra vulputate lectus quis dapibus. Maecenas et tellus in ligula finibus vestibulum pretium sed ante. Quisque ut lorem eu leo dapibus porta. Nam malesuada lacinia venenatis. Etiam diam dolor, ultricies ac tristique vel, aliquet sed nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis imperdiet, velit nec bibendum iaculis, mauris dolor rutrum lacus, eget feugiat mauris odio nec lacus.

Morbi ut dignissim nunc. Donec fermentum libero in est accumsan, sed scelerisque augue aliquam. Sed ut erat nibh. Nam maximus varius lacus non iaculis. Proin lobortis condimentum pharetra. Fusce lobortis purus semper vehicula faucibus. Nulla auctor rhoncus diam sed pretium. Nam at nunc eget dui venenatis tempus in at purus. Nullam faucibus vitae leo vel porttitor. Pellentesque tristique mauris vitae erat placerat, id egestas erat mattis. Etiam sem lectus, scelerisque ut sodales non, blandit eget nulla.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque lobortis neque at metus rutrum, et commodo mi porta. Maecenas ullamcorper urna lorem, sit amet efficitur odio mollis eu. Donec a felis imperdiet, pulvinar elit eget, pulvinar neque. Morbi venenatis eu ipsum in imperdiet. Suspendisse ac mauris purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at ullamcorper purus. Phasellus turpis ante, auctor sit amet tempus eu, pharetra sed augue. Aliquam ultricies iaculis blandit. Cras pulvinar blandit nisl quis tristique. Donec nisl sem, hendrerit a sem ut, suscipit tempor tortor. Phasellus elementum volutpat justo, et varius odio tincidunt eleifend. Aliquam aliquam ipsum quam, id molestie mauris varius sit amet. Mauris tortor elit, consequat sed iaculis eu, hendrerit in ligula. Fusce commodo turpis non felis fringilla, vel consequat ex rhoncus.

Donec a tincidunt turpis, sed feugiat est. Cras efficitur mi nisi, eget elementum erat consequat sit amet. Nam in risus efficitur, pharetra nulla a, porttitor libero. Proin ut est ultricies, viverra augue quis, vulputate neque. Fusce feugiat vitae lacus vel iaculis. Ut in tellus sed tortor blandit mattis. Aliquam egestas condimentum faucibus. Aenean nec volutpat diam. Proin aliquam neque dui. Aenean ultricies at magna a porta. Sed tellus nunc, iaculis sed viverra sit amet, scelerisque feugiat neque.

Aliquam ut laoreet lorem. Donec elementum libero vel lobortis congue. Nulla facilisi. Nam gravida erat accumsan lacinia rhoncus. Quisque nec metus sed elit accumsan iaculis. Aenean eget fringilla risus, in imperdiet leo. Suspendisse ut volutpat sapien, at luctus libero. Cras non blandit neque. Nulla pharetra sit amet mauris sit amet molestie. Etiam sollicitudin elit eu ipsum blandit, maximus pellentesque elit ullamcorper. Cras tristique tempor egestas. Pellentesque ipsum ipsum, suscipit ut odio et, lacinia venenatis diam. Donec congue nibh vitae luctus blandit. Nulla eget mi ultricies, eleifend dui in, facilisis nulla. Duis convallis pretium consequat. Maecenas eget nisi mi.

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"Ghosted in October. How festive."


Basic Information

➳ Christine Lyla Park
➳ k r ih s - t EE n || l AY - l uh || p AH r k

➳ Christie || Family and friends both affectionately call her by this nickname. Sometimes more than her full name.
➳ Twinkle Toes || Christies's best friends have called her this since the beginning because of her dancing skills.
➳ Tinker Bell || Another cute nickname, though, this one has come from her parents.

➳ New York, New York City, USA

➳ Christie has the average American accent with hints of a Seul South Korean accent here and there.

➳ Paternal || 50% South Korean
➳ Maternal || 25% South Korean, 25% Japanese

➳ Christie has dual citizenship with the United States of America and South Korea.

➳ Christie has spent most of her life going to private schools once she was 12 and focusing on her academic studies. But her focus was more poured into dancing and soon she was accepted into a good school in Pennsylvania.

➳ Christie is a college student majoring in dance and biology and minoring in art. She works part-time in the school library.

Physical Information

➳ Christie's hair is naturally a dark brown, from a distance or wets it looks to be raven black. It's thick and full mid-back length. She usually wears it down with its natural wave pattern.


➳ Christie has almond eyes, a pretty dark brown, they are sharp and romantic.

➳ 5'2 ft (157.48 cm)

➳ 100 lbs (45 kg)

➳ Christie's skin is natural and healthy fair color, her she's are often rosy when overexerting herself or in the cold. It has a slight pink pigmentation to it.

➳ Her body is that of a dancer, slender, lithe, and dainty. But her muscles are well toned and she's a bit curvy with a little waist thanks to her bust and thighs.

➳ Christie is an unmistakable beauty, pretty eyes, and mouth with a heartshaped face and pointed jaw. She draws attention.

➳ Christie does not limit herself to one color, she wears pastel colors to dark neutral colors. The girl predominatly likes skirts and dresses over jeans most times, its a casual, girly and elegant style.

➳ One on each ear lobe.

➳ N/A

➳ She has a few from falling and dancing, on her knees, legs and some even on her foot.

➳ Her dark hair and skin, she looks like a Snow White.

➳ She has a pollen allergy.

➳ Irene (Bae Joo-hyun)

Personal Information

➳ One look at Christine and the automatic assumption about her is that she's the perfect cookie-cut girl. You know, that she's from a good family background, a wealthy and educated one, that's she herself is educated and has future ahead of her that she planned and paved the way for. And truth be told, that assumption isn't too far off from the truth. And yet, at the same time, it is wrong. She's not perfect, she may pretend that she is that perfect girl, but she's just as flawed and complex as anyone else. She certainly doesn't pretend to be the image that most make her out to be, but she doesn't correct it either. She just acts like herself. And who might that be?

A very sarcastic, sassy and charming girl who loves the color pink. Yeah, shocker. She looks prim and "proper" and no-nonsense. But she's cute and funny and loveable, it's hard to see because she has to be around a person long enough to slip naturally into her personality. Or be around people that she knows when with strangers. She is a little shy and cautious of others, it's never stopped her from withholding her tongue, however.

She has a strong sense of justice, which has gained her the nickname Wonderwoman. Also due to her stubborn attitude, admitting she's wrong is difficult for her. One of her more annoying traits is always having to be right and it kills her to be wrong and admit. But she will. She's a bit naive and these traits may make her seem stuck up, but she isn't.

Her softer side is clear in how gentle, compassionate, empathetic, and sympathetic she is with others. She easily tears up fro other people and some call her sensitive for it but it's just how she is. On that note, she hates violence under every circumstance and will not tolerate it.

➳ Dancing || Ballet || Dresses || Pink || Being on Stage || Classical Music || Fairy Tales || Books || Art || Lanterns || Flowers || Playing around with friends || Cooking || Singing || Being Right || Winning || Challenges || Myths and legends || Organization || Parties || Her friends || Running || Traveling || Yoga || Polaroid || Photography

➳ Fighting || Violence || Being wrong || Losing || Failure || Assholes || Sexism || Injustice || Bullies || Squash || Cigarettes || Poor writing || Messes || Bigots || Belittlement || Backbiting || Racism || Disappointing her parents || Not being good enough || Alergies || Nuts || Being bad at things || Science studies(she's terrible at it)

➳ Reading || Dancing || Sewing and crocheting || Cooking || Piano || Taking Polaroid pictures

➳ Playing with her hair when nervous or awkward, whether it be pushing it back behind her ear, running her fingers through it or even twirling it around her finger.

➳ Ballet || Singing || Stubborn as a mule

➳ Not making it as a ballet dancer || Failure || Violence || The dark

➳ Food || Tteok-bokki (stir fried rice cakes)
➳ Music || Classical and R&B Contemporary
➳ Movie || Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs
➳ Way to relax || Reading in her bed
➳ Alcohol || White wine
➳ Animal || Cats
➳ Colour || Pink

PTSD: When Christie was 14, she went through a traumatic event of witnessing her father get beaten to a bloody pulp by thugs robbing them on their way home. She had been a hit couple of times too. She hasn't quite recovered since. When in the face violence and extreme conflict she freezes and starts tearing up and sometimes has a full-blown panic attack. She has been taking medication for her anxiety and continues to see a shrink.

Background Information

Ji-Cheol (Jeremy) Park || Father || 49 || Neurologist/Medical professor ||Jeremy is a tough businessman with an impenetrable fortress and merciless attitude, all except with his daughters. He crumbles at the sight of his girls and adores and spoils them. Regardless, he wants to see them exceed and succeed in life. He was skeptical about Christie going into dancing, but he allowed it and supported it when he saw her talent. She's sometimes intimidated by her father but loves him more.

Eun-Hye (Sara) Park (née Lin) || Mother || 49 || Housewife/Event Planner || Christie loses her mother, but she is more expectant and doubtful of her choices than her own father is. She wants her daughter to study medicine like her genius and prodigy of a father and not be a failed dancer. they love each other but have big disagreements.

Amy Park || Younger Sister || 11 || It seems that Amy's one sole purpose in life is to annoy, tease, make fun of and get under Christie's skin. the two often get into their fights as immature they are, but they're also very affectionate with one another, cuddling and hanging out together and being protective of each other. They are sisters after all.

➳ Christie doesn't have too many friends. But she has enough and a best friend named Kayla Brown. She is extremely social, a gossiper and is Christie's roommate who has helped her settle in and make connections.

➳ Christie hasn't been in a lot of relationships. in fact, she has only ever been on a date with two guys and out of those two guys, only one of them became her boyfriend. And now he's her ex-boyfriend, Cole Andrews. They broke up after he let her down one too many times, and truth be told she was hurt when she saw how fast he moved on.

➳ n/a

➳ n/a

➳ n/a

➳ Christie is fluent in English, Korean and Japanese.
➳ She really wants a pet cat.

Christine Park

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam cursus, nibh nec ultrices pharetra, lacus erat viverra orci, nec tempor felis nibh vel nibh. Cras vel vulputate dui. Aliquam tincidunt ipsum et quam ornare, quis ultrices lectus ultricies. Cras bibendum tincidunt accumsan. Donec elementum odio lectus, nec scelerisque dui aliquet eget. Pellentesque pharetra vulputate lectus quis dapibus. Maecenas et tellus in ligula finibus vestibulum pretium sed ante. Quisque ut lorem eu leo dapibus porta. Nam malesuada lacinia venenatis. Etiam diam dolor, ultricies ac tristique vel, aliquet sed nunc. Aliquam erat volutpat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis imperdiet, velit nec bibendum iaculis, mauris dolor rutrum lacus, eget feugiat mauris odio nec lacus.

Morbi ut dignissim nunc. Donec fermentum libero in est accumsan, sed scelerisque augue aliquam. Sed ut erat nibh. Nam maximus varius lacus non iaculis. Proin lobortis condimentum pharetra. Fusce lobortis purus semper vehicula faucibus. Nulla auctor rhoncus diam sed pretium. Nam at nunc eget dui venenatis tempus in at purus. Nullam faucibus vitae leo vel porttitor. Pellentesque tristique mauris vitae erat placerat, id egestas erat mattis. Etiam sem lectus, scelerisque ut sodales non, blandit eget nulla.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque lobortis neque at metus rutrum, et commodo mi porta. Maecenas ullamcorper urna lorem, sit amet efficitur odio mollis eu. Donec a felis imperdiet, pulvinar elit eget, pulvinar neque. Morbi venenatis eu ipsum in imperdiet. Suspendisse ac mauris purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut at ullamcorper purus. Phasellus turpis ante, auctor sit amet tempus eu, pharetra sed augue. Aliquam ultricies iaculis blandit. Cras pulvinar blandit nisl quis tristique. Donec nisl sem, hendrerit a sem ut, suscipit tempor tortor. Phasellus elementum volutpat justo, et varius odio tincidunt eleifend. Aliquam aliquam ipsum quam, id molestie mauris varius sit amet. Mauris tortor elit, consequat sed iaculis eu, hendrerit in ligula. Fusce commodo turpis non felis fringilla, vel consequat ex rhoncus.

Donec a tincidunt turpis, sed feugiat est. Cras efficitur mi nisi, eget elementum erat consequat sit amet. Nam in risus efficitur, pharetra nulla a, porttitor libero. Proin ut est ultricies, viverra augue quis, vulputate neque. Fusce feugiat vitae lacus vel iaculis. Ut in tellus sed tortor blandit mattis. Aliquam egestas condimentum faucibus. Aenean nec volutpat diam. Proin aliquam neque dui. Aenean ultricies at magna a porta. Sed tellus nunc, iaculis sed viverra sit amet, scelerisque feugiat neque.

Aliquam ut laoreet lorem. Donec elementum libero vel lobortis congue. Nulla facilisi. Nam gravida erat accumsan lacinia rhoncus. Quisque nec metus sed elit accumsan iaculis. Aenean eget fringilla risus, in imperdiet leo. Suspendisse ut volutpat sapien, at luctus libero. Cras non blandit neque. Nulla pharetra sit amet mauris sit amet molestie. Etiam sollicitudin elit eu ipsum blandit, maximus pellentesque elit ullamcorper. Cras tristique tempor egestas. Pellentesque ipsum ipsum, suscipit ut odio et, lacinia venenatis diam. Donec congue nibh vitae luctus blandit. Nulla eget mi ultricies, eleifend dui in, facilisis nulla. Duis convallis pretium consequat. Maecenas eget nisi mi.

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