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Alicia ever the quiet crew member simply stood close to the captain when the Pirate Lord approached. She didn't move nor convey any emotion as the tense moment built between them, the swordswoman merely shifting slightly with a subtle tell that only the crew would be aware of. The kind of movement that meant she was ready to sweep half the island in a moments notice if everything went south.

Of course she didn't expect it to, after all the conditions of the island had been explained and while a heated arguement could have been on the cards she had her doubts about whether or not it'd come to blows this early on. "Of course." she commented quietly upon witnessing Ru's usual fearless charm in the face of such potential danger, the corner of her mouth lifting into a small smile before she shook her head and took a few steps away.

The Feian hadn't really mixed much such their arrival, content to wonder and observe for the most part while exchanging polite greetings here and there. She did feel a little rude for having not taken it upon herself to greet those who she'd consider to be on friendly terms with, but she couldn't help but be a little thrown by the expected social ettiquette which felt far from what she was normally used to. No doubt once she was a little more settled she'd feel more comfortable integrating into the conversations.



Time: Day 3 - Evening
Location: Skull Island

The energy the Stardusk brought was fun and vibrant. It had been awhile since there had been "new Worst Gen" and even longer that she had the pleasure of being a show off. It was fun sometimes.
Nani couldn't help but stare at Luro for a bit, noticing that peculiar 'desire' to fight. It sparked her interest, she was curious, but she didn't reciprocate the same desire. Mostly because of the doctor that fretted in between them and also because she had just gotten home and wanted to relax. Besides, they'd have the rest of the week for friendly sparring if they really wanted to.

When Jack slipped off, she acknowledged him with a nod of her head. At some point, she had gone back to standing so she could get a good look at all of the Stardusk, and more specifically Luro and Zilia who started to speak next.
Honeymoons certainly weren't what she expected to be asked about and the way her eyebrow quirked showed just that, but the longer she watched Zilia and Luro interact the more she realized the latter was… eccentric. To be nice. Maybe his head was too far in the clouds for how tall he was… To be nice, of course.
The joke went unspoken but her smile remained. "Apologies Carpenter, your doctor said no. And she looks like the type that means it." A chuckle followed. "But congrats on your soon to be honeymoon," Her gaze flickered over towards Runali. "And with your captain, no less. How cute."

Being called 'cute' wasn't one of the things Runali expected to be called by the Pirate Lord and it showed by… just how quiet she was- unsure of how to respond. "Uh… thanks." The captain eventually managed before shifting back into her previous curiosity.

"Doctor," Nani's voice was no less amused. "These two do have a sense of danger." She pointed her bottle over at Luro. "Especially that one. I could tell the moment he looked at me. I imagine they think it's more of an invitation than a threat however." Before she could confirm it with the Stardusk captain, suddenly Zilia, with book in hand, began to spill a myriad of questions at her. The suddenness of it made her lean back a little in surprise. "Ah, there it is. The questions. Uh, let's see…"

There were a few beats of silence as Nani processed the questions, giving Runali enough time to quickly slide closer to Zilia in wide eyed curiosity. She gave an appreciative shoulder pat, happy that her crew had been more prepared with questions than she was.

"Well for starters, the Pirate Lord title isn't anything I was setting out to get. I just caused enough trouble and the Navy so kindly gave me that title. I keep doing what I'm doing because I don't see the need for them. And I have all this influence, might as well use it for the better. Y'know, do some good in this world while I'm in it. Relatively speaking though. I'm no saint and I don't plan to be. I also didn't really know any previous pirate with the title. They weren't important enough for me to remember but uh, I believe Alton knew the one before me." Nani couldn't help but give a sheepish laugh, not realizing some of these questions would be some form of pseudo test of knowledge. "My daily routine? Well, I put my pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else. 'Cept one handed. A weird question to ask, Doctor. What am I s'pose to say, what I eat for breakfast? Well actually- if anyone's really wanting to make a breakfast feast tomorrow that'd be great. I won't say no to that. I do love a good breakfast feast." She waved it away and carried on, playfully scoffing.

"You can't just ask a woman how she lost an arm. That's personal! What if I started crying?" It was obvious she wasn't serious. "I didn't go asking why your Captain was missing an eye."

A laugh followed from Runali, "I got into a fight with an old mentor. They're trying to kill me now. Only difference is, my eye is still in my head." She flipped her eyepatch upwards as proof.

"Hm… Was hoping the Reaper's Eye rumor was true…" Nani mumbled as she looked into Runali's blind eye. Although, after a moment, her brow furrowed ever so slightly. "...Maybe it is…?" Her mumbling didn't last too long as Runali flipped the mask back down. "Alright, alright. If you must know, it was back in my youth. I lost it fighting a raging sea serpent trying to eat-"

"Lyin' ain't gonna make it true captain!"

A group of Sterling pirates erupted into laughter that made Nani fail to suppress her own. Quickly, she waved them into silence. "It woulda been a good story if you bastards knew how to keep quiet." She rolled her eyes. "I was born this way." She lifted her stunted arm to give the doctor a better look. "The gods decided I couldn't have it, so I decided I didn't need it."

Runali didn't know what it was, but those particular words made her straighten up a bit. There was something… commanding? Powerful even, about it. They felt like words to live by and it was certainly something she'd remember.

"You know how hard it is coming up with names for a pirate crew?" The answering continued, now with more audience from some of the Worst Gen. The Court had planned to get rest, but a good story always pulled them back to their seats. The Reds just had nothing better to do. "Sterling Pirates was just quick and easy, and it's my name. You know what you're getting. Me." She winked at that. "The crown, well, that was just for the flair." As if to prove it, Nani tilted her head a bit to let her hair fall and have her gold earrings shine in the light of the fire. "I like to look pretty."
At the question about her island, Nani paused in visible thought. "Hmmmm, so I got lost at sea a long, long time ago. Before I had the fancy title. And she found me. To this day, I don't know why she decided to save me, but we've been friends ever since and now she lets me run the place." Her tone had drifted into reminiscent and cheery, but that shattered when Alcinoe called over.

"You'll have to explain to the new folks what you're talking about, Sterling! You sound like a crazy person."

"Huh? Oh, right!" Nani chuckled and tapped the ground with her foot. "This is Nimona. She's not just an island, but also a giant turtle… emphasis on giant. She's been carrying this island for hundreds of years, if not longer. It's why no one can ever find this place, she's always moving. And that's why I'd appreciate it if you don't damage the island part. I'd like to keep it nice for her since she works so hard." Nani followed it with a harder heel stamp into the ground. "Also why the ground here is harder to crack, if you haven't noticed. Dig deep enough, you're just gonna hit her shell and that's stronger than any haki I've ever seen. Stronger than mine too." Judging by the surprised looks, it was safe to say the Reds, the Court, and of course, the Stardusk didn't know that information. "She's a little shy and takes time warming up to people, but maybe I'll introduce you all to her sometime."
And with that incredulous information given, she pressed on as if it was no big deal. "Oh yeah, I'll sign your book sometime before you leave this week. I have to think of a cool, memorable quote."
At this point, it was more impressive to Runali that she remembered all of the questions. "My past… not sure what you're expecting from me there. A sob story?" She tapped her cheek in thought. "It was fine for the most part. Dad was a navy soldier until he got killed. Mom was a pirate. I took after her, obviously. To the chef's concern, when I first started, I had a 'crew' in the traditional sense. But we had our differences… and by differences I mean they tried to kill me, so that didn't end very well. Other than that," For a moment she looked as curious as Runali as if she wasn't the one that was supposed to answer the questions. "I dunno… I've fought sea monsters before. Most of the stories you hear about me are true. Wild feats, daring adventures, general problem causing. Can't say my past will give you much insight on anything but, if you're tryin' to pick my brain you'll have to ask more specific questions."

Her grin became a little mischievous as she leaned just a bit closer to Zilia to the point of breaching her personal space. She noticed a subtle but quick change in Runali's stance to something more readily protective, and she couldn't help but admire it for that brief moment. However, she stayed and kept her attention on the doctor. "And you're asking about my type? Why? Don't tell me that lil ole' me has caught your eye? You sure you're not the one missing that sense of danger, doctor?" Nani's eyes very obviously flickered from Runali to Luro as he wandered off. "Dunno about that, it seems like you have your hands full already." She straightened back up and pushed hair out of her own face, then decided she had been standing too long and sat back on the log the rest were sitting on prior. "You're very cute, Zilia, and I admire your boldness. However, you're much too young for me." Just to be playful, she casually blew the doctor a kiss.
"I don't plan on settling down anymore. I've done it once." Nani's smile felt a little more solemn as she fiddled with two rings looped around a necklace that she was wearing. "Now, my type is whoever catches my eye, so long as they know it'll more than likely be for a night."

Nani winked and pressed forward. "When you yourself are a weapon, you don't need blades or guns. Those are just extra. But," She unhooked what looked like a baton off her belt and with a casual twirl, it extended into a golden staff. "This comes in handy sometimes." There was a button in the center that shortened it once more and it was placed back on her hip. "Weapons are for showing off, not that I don't do that often enough. But I know every haki out there. I also can tell who does and doesn't have haki." Nani shrugged. "It's all about practice, you know? Just as you hone those doctor skills, I honed my fighting skills. I've just got more years under my belt than you do." This time, she looked at Runali in curiosity, almost in examination. She didn't say anything about it though, simply nodding in her own confirmation of something. "Nothing really special. If you train, you get better. Just like how you trained and now you're the second of the Worst Gen. People always want the secret or a puzzle to solve, but really it's just about putting in the work."
All the talking was making her parched, so she downed the rest of what was in her bottle before tossing it behind her for one of her crew to catch. With her hand free, she pointed past the nice little town set up and off in the distance. "There's an entire personal library of books I've collected over the years. All the ones in there are ones I consider a favorite. And others are books I stole from the Navy because it has useful info. Feel free to peruse through 'em all. But all of them stay in my library." The last part was direct. It was a rule to follow. Her personal belongings weren't to be stolen.

"Oh, that leaves the full moon question. Well, they certainly are pretty. Heh, if you're looking for good date recommendations, it's always the best time for a nice boat trip or a midnight swim, ah well, watching someone swim at least. Can't have you sinking like a rock the moment you get in water." Nani said, acknowledging that Zilia was a devil fruit user and couldn't freely do that. Finally, she slumped back into a more relaxed position. "Phew! Alright you've gotten all those words outta me. Surely you've got what you're looking for? Though, if you want to keep digging I won't stop you." Her eyes were half lidded as she relaxed, but it was obvious she was still very aware of her surroundings. "It's late and I missed all the spar competitions, so I've got nothin' better to do besides sleeping until the sun comes up."


While Alton had been half listening to Nani and the other half gathering the Junkers under his arm, Robin was sketching in a notebook. By the lack of places she had to keep a notebook on her person, it was probably Caleb's. Her concentration didn't break as Luro walked towards them or while Caleb and Seliria tried convincing her. "I'm glad you have friends, love." There was a strong motherly tone in her voice, very out of place for people she called crew- not that they weren't used to it. "But you know I'm not letting anyone tinker with commission work. Especially not for Nani." Still looking down, she poked Caleb's cheek with the pen. "Make a second one. Nani needs a back up anyway. There's very little that can withstand her when she's being destructive. You can use the same schematics even- and also put the extras in that one with Luro. That way you can have your share of secrets as well." With her all too bright smile, now directed at Luro, Caleb, and Seliria she added, "How's that sound?"


"Hey Lev," Nani looked on lazily as she yawned. The younger captain seemed like she had a million things to say and yet nothing at all after Nani's entire spill.

"Yes?" Runali was definitely surprised by it to say the least. After all these years of wanting to meet the Pirate Lord, now she had nothing she wanted to say- after declaring that she'd be taking the title. She felt like she got everything she needed to know out of the woman in front of her… and yet somehow got nothing at all. On one hand she was brimming with energy and excitement about the possibilities and on the other hand, the party's now soothing tone had her relaxed. Maybe all of the partying was finally wearing her down…

"You're the first Worst Gen I've met not in the throes of some battle. So I've only heard about what you guys can do." She tilted her head back as she looked at the StarDusk captain. "Tomorrow afternoon, we'll spar. Haven't had anyone declare they'd take my title in a while so I want to know what you're capable of."

What calm Runali did have burned away like a wildfire. She quickly realized she had nothing to say because she didn't want to say anything. The feeling of wanting to see the other's capabilities was mutual, but Nani saying it gave Runali the 'ok' to express it outwardly instead of becoming a ticking time bomb of energy. The spark relit in Runali's one eye and she grinned. "I can't wait." That ended their conversation as quick as it started because Runali was turning in a furor to the two of her crew that hadn't wandered off just yet. And what excitement Runali didn't get from Zilia and Alicia, she turned to look for Luro, knowing he'd match her energy about it.


"Hear that, Captain? Lev is going to spar the Pirate Lord." Rin's voice came out lazy and uncaring, but he clicked his tongue in disappointment.

"Well someone's gotta knock the girl off her pedestal if she thinks she can just waltz in and claim titles." Stella had an amused look, still leaning over Rin until he was annoyed enough to push her off onto a passing Sterling pirate. As he expected, her attention shifted near immediately as she decided to flirt with him instead. Will said nothing to either of them, grimacing on after dealing with Adelaide and Jack.

Off to another side, Sergei adjusted the bone mask on his face, looking between Cecilia and his captains. "...Sounds like-"

"A show!"
"No, no, a performance!"
Twin captains practically sparkled, and with one of their illusory abilities, it was visible. "We'll have to make sure every pirate is around!" Paris proclaimed.
"We'll set the stage. I can see it now. Oh! We'll be the announcers!" Pierre chimed in.
"Yes, perfect! Cecilia, Sergei, we need some banners."

Sergei sighed, letting his original statement get lost in the wind. "Aye, aye captains." Turning to Cecilia, he nodded. It was knowing enough that she knew he'd follow her orders on what to get.

And at a calmer side of the bonfire, Alcinoe leaned over to whisper something to Alton, making him chuckle. He did the same to Robin, who finally broke from her concentration and looked up in surprise. "Oh? Commissions will be on pause till tomorrow evening then." This was directed towards Caleb, knowing it was harder to stop him than getting him to work. "This is something I'd love to see."
Saff had heard the news and had promptly scribbled a note on a loose sheet of paper that was tucked in one of her many pockets.


Nani observed Runali's excitement as she beamed over at Zilia and Alicia, only to chuckle. It felt like a similar but more contained energy as Luro's, she noticed, and couldn't help but wonder how often those two stressed out the doctor. Though by Zilia's reaction, she could guess that it was often. "Don't worry doctor, I won't break your captain." But in the moment of silence, Nani gave a pointed look at the first mate who had remained quiet and vigilant since she had gotten there. It was vaguely familiar and almost expected after meeting Runali. She gave a respectful nod, either acknowledging the Feian's origin or Alicia's title, and proceeded to smirk again. "Same sentiment towards you, first mate. Your… attentiveness is noted. Although, there's no need to be so stiff, I make sure rules are followed on my island."

It seemed Nani was finished saying her piece to all of them and stretched out to relax. It also seemed to be the cue that others waded in just a bit closer, also asking her questions or goading her into telling a story about the latest conquest. That story in particular had tales of cutting ships in half and staking claim to a navy ridden country. It sounded similar to the Circle, and if Zilia was listening, she could have mistaken the two places as the same had Nani's excursion not been on a different side of the hemisphere.

And the music continued to drift, filling the air with a peace not typically given to pirates up until the last one decided they'd been up long enough and decided to find the nearest bed to lay in.














Time: Day 3 - Evening
Location: On the...turtle

Luro pouted a little at not getting his information but ultimately smiled at Nani's congratulations, offering the pirate lord a grin he raised a hand to her. He didn't disagree that Zilia meant it, there weren't a lot of things he was careful about but upsetting Zilia was one of the very few.
"Thanks Head person. I won't be like Jack I'll tell you all about it."
"Luro no," Zilia said looking over at him.
Zilia's eyes moved back to the Pirate Lord as she spoke to her, she listened intently looking back over at Luro, she couldn't deny that they did have some kind of sense, and the invitation part hit harder than she'd like. Luro did dodge attacks that came from nowhere after all, she just wished that 'sense of danger' made them take a step back instead of forward.

She put that notion aside however as her questions were being answered, she wrote the answers in her notebook offering a nod as Nani continued, she made a mental note to talk to Alton later about it, surprised he knew who they were, that man was full of all manners of mystery. She let go of the daily routine question, it was an open one anyway. At the notion of her missing arm Zilia's eyebrows arched a bit but as she didn't retract the question, still determined to know.
She smiled a little as Runali gave her a rough picture of her own story before she listened as a sea serpent came up. The only reason she didn't put the pen to paper was she got 'Luro vibes' in her answer which her crew seemed to clarify. Zilia's eyelids lowered a bit at the actual answer before she started writing taking a closer look at the arm. It didn't take more than a glance for her to believe the woman, she had met people of similar circumstances in her travels, but the way Nani approached it caused Zillia to nod.
"I like the way you look at that, I'll make a note of it thank you," Zilia said as she wrote the information down.

Zilia had numerous opinions about the naming of a pirate crew, her eyes moving over to Runali for a moment as 'Stardusk' came to mind before looking back at Nani as her response made sense, at the mention of the crown Zilia offered a small nod. She understood that at least a little, her gaze moving to Luro who messed with his own golden earrings, grinning a little seeing Nani's.
Her confusion at the following question was thankfully resolved by Alcinoe, the information caused her to jump a bit before she stared wide eyed at the ground.
"W-we're on a moving turtle!"
She stared at the ground for a long moment not sure how to feel about it, but wrote it down nonetheless, she'd have to walk to the edges of the island and take a good look later.
"…that's why it felt…off…" Zilia mumbled.
Luro knelt down and gently pat the soil with a grin.
"Sorry about that Nimona, I'll be more careful next time," the redhead said before standing up again.

The first smile towards the woman that came during the questioning was Nani's acceptance of signing her Chronicle, she looked over at Runali at this, as if she wanted to say something but left it alone for the time being focusing back on Nani who continued to answer. She had thrown a fair amount of questions at the woman but she continued to respond to each one, which the doctor appreciated.
Zilia had an intense interest in the 'forbidden love' angle of her parents story but left it alone not wanting to pry too much into that during a first meeting. At the mention of her first crew trying to kill her, the doctor's eyebrows furrowed a bit, she felt a little bad pressing the matter realizing that but remained silent on it.
"You too?" Luro questioned. "I've lost track how many have tried to kill me, it's fun at first but then they poison the drink and make it taste funny."
"You stayed?" Zilia said looking over at him.
"Well they failed and saw no reason to leave. Ultimately had to kill em though."
"…we're just going to put aside your attempt at killing us right?"
"I only tried to kill you and Captain."
"…with intricate plans to kill the others."
"Well I didn't act on them Z."
"This is our carpenter Captain, I want to remind you of that."
Putting that notion aside she looked back at Nani offering a nod about specific questions, she would take the time to write more particular ones later now that most of the broad ones had been answered.

Zilia leaned back a little at the sudden closeness in distance, perhaps to avoid danger or some sense of rebellion who knew but she made sure not to break eye contact with the woman, tempting as it was at the mention of her 'type'. She almost seemed offended at the inclination she didn't have a sense of danger, her mouth hanging agape for a moment before shutting as she continued speaking.
Not wanting to miss this opportunity she merely kept her mouth shut, that and she was no longer within perceived dodging range, not that she had much confidence where she was at before.
She flinched a bit at being called cute and on instinct, thanks to Noram, she ended up leaning away from the blown kiss only for her eyes to twitch realizing what she'd done.
"…I will…be more careful with my future questions," Zilia said simply. "Thank you for answering it though."
"You can't have Z she's ours," Luro said raising a hand.
Zilia was surprised Luro had returned but responded not wanting him to make a thing about it later.
"I'm not going anywhere Luro."
The carpenter beamed at this causing Zilia to turn back around, that smile was contagious and she was embarrassed enough by what just happened, what she said didn't help matters.

What the woman said next was probably what resonated the most with her, enough that it caused her hand to stop for a moment. 'Putting in the work' carried a weight to it the doctor knew all too well. Her eyes went to her gloved hand for a moment, memories of their past and her mentor flooding through her mind; over the last two years she watched the efforts her crew and recalled the times her own body would scream at her to stop but she'd keep moving. It was this moment that she fully acknowledged Nani, she recognized the woman's strength, and didn't doubt her given position, but it was those words that made her recognize Nani Sterling, not just the Pirate Lord. Anyone who understood that simple fact of life was someone who deserved recognition.
"…Understood. You're right…making the effort really does-"

Zilia cut herself off hearing the word 'library' her eyes widening as she looked back up at Sterling. The mention of books gathered over the years caused Zilia's mouth to hang open, when she got to books she stole form the navy Luro had to walk over and wipe her mouth with a handkerchief, which seemed to pull her back to reality. She thanked him and with a red tint to her cheeks wiped away the remaining drool herself as he wandered off again.
"N-noted. I can write key information in a blank book of my own correct? I won't copy the whole thing."

The sinking line brought her back to reality a bit as she had tried to ignore the date recommendations, she didn't try to keep her Devil Fruit a terrible secret but she tried not to make it incredibly obvious either, she was reminded this woman probably had more eyes around then expected.
"Hmmm I think that's enough I've taken plenty of your time already," Zilia said. "Thank you for indulging me Miss Nani. Though at some point I'd like to hear your impressions of the other Worst Gen's, no rush mind, even a first one will suffice."



Seliria brows arched ever so slightly at Robin's response but it made sense, she closed her eyes realizing she let a bit of her own emotions slip out there. Resting her hands on her hips she waved a hand in front of her face.
"I'd call them close acquaintances not friends, especially-"
Seliria cut herself off as Zilia stared wide eyed at her from a distance, for a moment it seemed tears stung the edge of the doctor's eyes, Seliria's eyebrows furrowed a bit and she waved her hand towards her, a wordless conversation passing between them before Zilia smiled and turned back to what she was doing.
"…is age making me soft?' Seliria mumbled bringing a hand to her face. "Fair enough Captain, I understand."

Caleb was brought back to reality as Robin poked his cheek and offered an alternative, one that made sense and offered a benefit to all parties, Luro beamed at this offering a nod showing he was fine with it. Caleb looked over at Seliria who offered a shrug causing him to nod as well.
"That is sufficient Captain, we'll go with that."
Caleb looked over at Luro.
"I'm curious about the new generators you're working with as well, even if I'll only understand a few words of your explanation."
Seliria looked over at the two before reaching over and smacking both of them upside their heads, Caleb stumbled but caught himself and Luro hit the ground face first causing the woman to sigh and help Luro back up.
"Least you didn't go flying this time," she said brushing off part of his shirt. "Save the fancy talk for later, Robin gave the okay so you'll share the story while you're working, I'll sit in long enough to hear it out before leaving you two to…whatever it is you're going to do."


Zilia was writing in her notebook when Nani challenged Runali to a spar, the book fell out of her hand landing in the sand at her feet, the pen still gripped tightly in her hand as her mind played back what was just said. She quickly turned towards Runali opening her mouth to try and plead her to reconsider but it was too late, Runali responded without hesitation and Zilia fell to her hands and knees. She knew it was going to happen, knew she didn't have the power to stop it but for a moment she had hope and it was shattered yet again.
She hung her head a low groan escaping from her, and of course she could hear footsteps quickly approaching.
"Yeah! This is going to be great Captain! Make sure you hit Head lady with the 'Stardusk Upper cut' like whoosh!"
Luro imitated an uppercut before throwing out a few jabs a bright grin on his face, which caused Zilia to climb back to her feet.
"What is the 'Stardusk uppercut?!' And why are you excited?!"
"It's stronger than a normal uppercut," Luro responded simply "Why wouldn't I be? Head lady is strong, why not fight her?"
Zilia brought her hand to her face pushing up her glasses in the process with a low groan.

Caleb seemed a little sad at having to pause his work but from the smile on his face he didn't seem to mind all too much, all the more rare was the one that rested on Seliria's face as well as she watched the scene herself, for a moment the nasty aura surrounding the woman seemed to fade watching the crew's reactions.
"Good. Be greedier Stardusk."
That was all she said before the smile left her face as fast as it came and her general demeanor returned.
"Aye Captains' it'll be…fascinating to observe," Caleb responded. "Maybe I'll gain some extra inspiration from it."
"For once we agree on something," Seliria responded. "It will be interesting to watch."


Nani's words only brought a small bit of comfort to Zlia, at the very least she didn't have to worry too much about the Captain's life but it was everything else that bothered her. With a heavy sigh she pat herself for a moment before removing her glasses.
"I'm going to have to get more medical supplies from the ship…"
Zilia mumbled this before noticing people had moved to speak with Nani, she caught a few of the stories, the one that reminded her of the Circle especially stood out but realizing it was different and something to ask about later she turned to Runali.
"…well as always just be careful Captain," Zilia said. "Though I expect the same ending as usual."
Zilia said this before placing her glasses back on and holding up her notebook.
"One pirate lord's signature is fantastic and all I could ask for…however…"
Zilia trailed off offering a smile to her.
"I am a pirate and quite greedy, so I'd like two in my book. Give it your best."
"Yep!" Luro said pumping his fist in the air. "Then the 'Stardusk Breaker' like bam!"
"Stop making up names of moves using us!"
"Then the Zilia drop kick, and the Alicia groin kick."
"Don't use our names either and apologize to Alicia for that!"



Time Day 2 - Evening
Location: Edge of Nimona (though that's no known yet).

Luro had wandered off to the edges of the island, where the scent of people was minimal at best, his eyes resting on the distance orange horizon as he watched the sea with a small smile. Watching the ocean waves always gave him a quiet comfort, he was a little sad it wasn't with Runali or one of the crew but listening to the song of the waves sometimes made his mind quiet, if only for a little while.
"Rare to see you not attached to someone."
The voice pulled Luro from his daydreaming his gaze moving over to Mia who approached offering him a small nod, he returned it before the two focused back on the sea.
"Everyone's off doing something, I was going to join but…"
"Seeing me brought up questions right?"
Luro offered a nod before Mia smiled a little, Luro had given her look to speak to him later, she supposed this was the 'later' when she didn't see him with Stardusk.
Raising his hand the air around the two of them seemed to shift slightly, as if being pushed away then pulled back in, and in that moment Mia felt something invisible surround the two of them, she didn't have to pay close attention to know what Luro had just done.
"Making sure no one can hear us? Aren't we being extra cautious?" Mia said glancing at him.
Luro offered a grin before lowering his hand.
"Plenty of people around and Ali's here too, it'd probably be hard to pick up the conversation with the noise behind us but still…I'd rather it stay between us."
Luro's smile shrunk a little.
"I mean I could just ask them not to listen but I don't wanna go find them just to tell them that. This makes it easier."
Mia stared at Luro for a long moment as she knew what he wanted to discuss if he was going to such lengths, she closed her eye taking a moment to observe the area around them, they were clear of people within earshot, as to be expected.
"It'll look weird if we're talking and no words are coming out though, so I imagine anyone approaches we stop talking."
Luro offered a nod and Mia offered a shrug before turning back towards the sea.
"You could just tell them."
"I intend too," Luro said offering a nod. "I don't wanna kept secrets from them after all."
Luro's eyebrows lowered a little bit.
"They're really nice people though…and I love that about them, but right now I just wanna let things play out. I owe her that."
"They'd understand."
"I know they would, but still-"
Luro trailed off and Mia went silent understanding what he meant, Luro knew his crew would get it, he had full faith in them, but he'd also be asking at the very least a few of them to do something harsh. Understanding that Mia sighed and decided to give an update, Luro was the type that liked to surprise too and she admitted this would be a surprise.

"Fair enough then. Well on the matter you asked me to keep an eye on, some pun intended…everything is stable…but just as you expected things have shifted."
Mia's eye narrowed a bit at this.
"I have eyes constantly on the situation and I go to check myself periodically. My name is known there now and I'm trusted among the people."
"What merchant name did you go with?"
Mia brought a finger to her lips indicating she wasn't going to share that part and continued.
"You called it though, I expect things may get complicated in the future, but for the time being things are as well as can be."
"No actions should be taken yet, it'll take time to get things set up to cover himself. That's just how he works," Luro said. "A few lies here, a few casual comments there. From the information you've been giving me he's just started the slander so it'll be a bit longer."
"I agree…but are you sure about this?"
"I am. If we act too soon…it'll just create another. I have it all planned out Mia."
Mia offered a nod to him before crossing her arms.
"You could have asked Jack this by the way. He's got eyes in most places, well except that area. If I wasn't a previous Raven I wouldn't be able to elude his many eyes you know. Guy's pretty good."
"Haha Jack is good but I know he doesn't have eyes there, nothing in that place will give him anything he can work with, it's why that place is still unknown. Still once it's all over I'll probably ask him to put a pair there."
Luro rested his hands on his hips.
"If this had the smallest potential to reach Stardusk I'd tell them in heartbeat…but it won't. If left alone this matter would fade away into nothing with no one ever knowing."
"Save me who knew your sister and thus that part of your life."
"And Zilia who asked Lina about it."
Luro lowered his hands back to his sides.
"Please keep an eye on it Mia, I know it'll end badly. It's only a matter of time…but I owe her that, and this will save them in the end, but we'll have to be observers a bit longer."
"Understood Luro," Mia said. "Stardusk is going to be surprised when you do reveal it."
"Hahaha I know, the Captain especially," Luro said grinning. "It'll be fun at least. I'll apologize if they're upset then."
"Of course, if things change you'll be the first to know. I'll hold things down until you can get there."
"My thanks Mia."
Luro waved his hand and the air around them shifted again, their voices carrying into the wind once more.
"All right let's get something to drink!" Luro said throwing his arms up with his normal fervor.
"You just finished drinking….but all right let's get another! One more Misery Barnacle!" Mia said pumping her fist as well.
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Time: Day 4, Morning
Location: Well....

As the sun crowned the horizon the following morning, Adelaide was there to greet it. She languished in an open window as her corporeal form twisted and weaved in the air. A mirage on the early mist; beatific and ethereal. Jack couldn't help sneak glances at her as he flipped through paperwork, and she sipped a cup of tea.

"Knowing this is a turtle, it makes sense. I felt the wind blow strangely when we first arrived like the island was moving," said Adelaide mildly. She watched as below their room, Cecilia Pennyworth was up and out early, bellowing her lungs out.


Adelaide smirked. "Who knew what a hustler that woman was?"

"You did. You worked on their ship for months," Jack replied without looking up from his sheets.

Behind him, a person leaned over his shoulder and pointed at a sheet. "I need your signature there," they said in a sharp, businesslike voice. "And there. And there. Confirmation that these jobs are complete and payments can be issued to your spies."

"I see it, Jyrrah. I'm not blind." Jack waved them off.

"Sir. You're squinting."


"You forgot your glasses."

They held out a pair of glasses at the same moment Jack swiveled around, squinting at them. "Remind me why I made you my secretary?"

"Sir. I think your exact words were: 'You're the only who makes a lick of sense on this whole goddamn island.' The island being Finnigan, of course."

"I remember where I was, Jyrrah! I'm not senile."

"If you say so, sir."

Grumbling, Jack snatched the glasses from them, put the pair on, and make a small 'hmmph' as the lettering on his paperwork sharpened into clarity.

Adelaide chortled from the window. "I like you. Are you sure you wouldn't want to join us for an evening in bed?"

Jyrrah stiffened in their place in the morning shadows. "Ma'am. No."

"Adelaide, wife, please don't make my employees uncomfortable," Jack said as he started scratching his signature on the various papers. If I knew being a spymaster was all about wasting parchment, I'd quit before I made my promise to Runali.

"Gotta keep them on their toes," was the mild reply. Adelaide leered at Jyrrah, who impossibly straightened up even farther, before returning her attention to the activity below. The island-turtle abuzzed with the coming spar between Runali Lev and the Pirate Lord. No doubt it'd be a spectacle, one Jack planned to cash out on.

"Everyone's bet will be on the Pirate Lord but mine's always on Runali," he'd said last night. Adelaide let him believe that. She was less certain. Nani carried a natural grace of power, much like Charlotte du Vontiago once did. It only came from years of fighting -- and defeating all those who dared to try to stop her. Adelaide made a small smile and raised her cup to her lips. She had to admit, if Runali was the one to beat her, it'd certainly be the start of a new legend.

Cecilia continued yelling in the courtyard as Jack came to join Adelaide. She solidified her form a little more in greeting, handing her tea over to him, while glancing back into the room. Jyrrah the spy secretary had, quite literally, disappeared into the shadows. "Aw. Our plaything gone already?"

Jack rolled his eyes. "They don't like pirates. After the whole 'Tankers took over our island' thing."

"Now they work for you?'


"Ever going to spill how you made that happen?" Adelaide quirked an eyebrow up.

"I could... but then what would I surprise you with?" Jack winked at her, causing his spouse to mimic his eye roll. She reached up and pulled on his dreadlocks until he bent over and kissed her.

When Adelaide released him, she patted his cheek, and then threw her legs over the window. "I'm going to wake up your crew. I assume you're going to commandeer this tavern's kitchen?"

"I would never. I might just peek in, see what their setup is like... Adelaide, whatever you do, don't spook any of them--"

A wisp of wind and hollow laughter swept Jack's wife out of the window, into nothingness. He sighed. "-- awake. She's going to find Alicia first-- Amaiya. Damn it."

Muttering to himself, Jack went to get dressed and venture downstairs, likely to commandeer the kitchen.
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Time: Day 4 - Early Afternoon
Location: Skull Island

"I feel like I'm gonna explode." An exhale followed. "<Or pass out.>" The second part came out as a soft mumble. It was a surprise that the Stardusk captain even slept.

Morning came and went for Runali. She opted to sleep on her ship, deeming it much more comfortable than being around pirates she didn't know. But that didn't mean she wasn't going to stumble to where breakfast was being offered by Jack. Grant it, at one of those points she was almost sure Adelaide was around when she woke, but brushed it aside as the airy woman drifted like a ghost- a friendly one at least.

The moment she had slipped into her clothes and ate breakfast, she began to buzz in excitement about the afternoon to come. There was no containing the energy and excitement she had about the spar she'd finally get to have after years and years of waiting.

It was growing warmer with the rising sun and her captain's coat ended up tied around her waist as she paced circles on her ship. Being on her ship felt a little more grounding than being on the island while she was in the state she was in.
She wasn't saying anything, but it was clear to her crew that she wasn't nervous. Far from it actually. For once, Runali seemed to have too much excitement that she couldn't contain, like a pot boiling over. At some point, when she finally did speak it was quick and out loud to no one in particular, switching between her home language and the one everyone could easily understand.
"I can hear my own heartbeat. I'm gonna combust into flames like Coral did the one time, I just know it."

Offended or annoyed that Runali wouldn't sit still long enough for her to perch, Coral chirped back in response. Instead, she decided on the next best perch: Luro.

It was hard to say whether it was the sound of the pirates on the island or the fact that her crew had started to gather that stopped her in her tracks, but either way similar to Coral, she found reprieve in Luro by leaning face first into him in some half hearted hug. But after a few seconds of 'calm breathing' she eventually visibly relaxed. And then after another moment, she straightened up. "Okay! Alright. I'm good. Crisis averted. I'm not gonna explode." She gave Luro an appreciative pat and 'thank you'.

She reached up to pet Coral, pausing to look at her hand. "Ah, maybe I should use the gloves for the spar…" There was little thought put there as she scratched under Coral's cheek. She blinked and brought a hand up to her face. "Ah. I forgot my eyepatch too. I need that." Runali didn't bother with trying to retrieve either of those things, knowing at least one of them was with Luro or Jack and instead turned her attention to the rest of her crew.

"Monsieur spy- and the Missus, any news from the underground? Something I can use for the big fight?" It was spoken in jest, light hearted as ever, not really expecting an answer. It went the same for Alicia as she slinked over, full of familiar mischief before looping an arm around her first mate's. "And you, dragon princess? Any sage advice from the best first mate to sail these seas?"

Each was met with its own response, a typical thing from Runali, showing that she was attentive to each of her crew's words as much as she was quick to tease and be silly. But the sun was rising and soon there'd be a show. Even she could hear Cecilia from where she stood.

Had she not been trained, her excitement would have knocked her off her feet as she hurried off the ship. Zilia was closest in her descent so much to the doctor's misfortune, she was the one being pulled along by Runali. It was a miracle she didn't just pick her up in the process as she hurried the rest off the ship with excited calls.


"How in… heaven's name did they manage to get this decorated so fast?"
"More importantly, how'd they do all this without waking up majority of the island?"
"...Did Nani okay this?"

While the island had its fair share of festive decor, it felt like something brand new and fresh the moment waking pirates had stepped back onto it. Banners with different Worst Gen names were hoisted up alongside Sterling banners- the more attentive would notice that Sterling's were always higher than the rest. Streamers dangled from high places and every now and then from some unknown source, confetti would fly and promptly disappear as it hit the ground. Everything that was decorated golden seemed to shimmer just a little brighter as if it was new or even actual gold. Pirates ran from shocked to mesmerized by it all, many even confused by it. Considering it looked as though a month's worth of preparation and decorating happened over night, it was fair to be confused.

Any time the Court was given the chance to decorate, it was almost expected of them to go overboard. And well, maybe even that was an understatement this time.

The original sparring field, mostly empty space for fights and miniature stadium seats for the crowds, had been given a makeover as well. The space was remarked, showing various lines and indications as if for a sporting event. The 'stadium' seats where they were broken were now fixed and decorations were added there as well to make it look nice. And to top it all off, there was now a new box area, specifically for the new announcers to dictate the show.

There was… no way a group of four could have done all of this on their own. But there was no time to ask as they were swept into their self appointed jobs.

To say the least, the refreshed look aided in building the energy and excitement that swept the island. It had been lighthearted before, mostly to stretch and exercise (give or take those that tried to be sneaky) but the air of competition had gotten contagious. Gambles had begun.
Not too many of the Worst Gen participated in brawls, but many found their own entertainment in different forms of competition.

Oz and Stella went head to head in a marksman competition. Both well trained, but where Stella was boisterous and cocky, Oz was quiet and held an air of confidence that matched her skill. The duo went through a set of guns, hitting bullseyes each time- until the end when the Red's sniper lost by two perfect and clean bullseyes.

Robin had been in a festive dance, a group both admiring and cheering her on. Somehow, Sergei had been pulled in as well, but unlike Robin's giddiness, it was obvious he was just waiting for Cecilia to come around and be his scapegoat.

However that came as a loud announcement that echoed in the island. It was the first indication that new Brass Cape radio tech was installed around the island, had none of them noticed before.

"Welcome one and all!"
"The highlight of this festival is about to begin!"
"Gather and get comfortable because this is something you don't want to miss!"

The sudden fanfare, courtesy of a few musician's and the Court captains' directions, played loud and beckoned everyone to the new arena. There was no need for Runali to ask anyone about when she'd be sparring because the Court was doing a great job at that. The Stardusk captain bounced on her feet, shuffling her captain's coat onto Zilia's shoulders. "That's my cue! Wish me luck!" She gave her crew their respective goodbyes, from salutes to quick hugs before she ran off.

"And now for the main event!" Paris called.
"First we have the new rise to fame!" Pierre fell right in line.
"Second Worst Gen!"
"The Wielder of the Reaper's Eye!"
"Captain Runali Lev of the Stardusk Pirates!"

The crowd went wild. Runali, in her best dramatics as she made her way to center stage, made a sweeping bow.

"And her opponent!"
"A woman who needs no title! The Pirate Lord herself!"
"The Golden Empress!"
"Oh that's actually a good title."
"Thank you, thank you."
"Miss Nani Sterling!"

Indiscriminately, the crowd continued to cheer, all here for a good fight. Nani walked forward from the opposite side of the arena, tossing her coat to the nearest that would take it. She seemed to be a little distracted by all the new decor, but eventually shook her head and focused on the Runali with a calm and pleasant smile.

"You're not nervous. That's good." Nani chuckled and rolled her shoulders. "Have a feeling you're gonna make me work."

"Nervous? I've been waiting for this day forever, you can't fathom how excited I am right now." Runali shook Nani's hand, courteous before the fight before they separated a few feet.

"You really want to win, huh?" Nani didn't move out of her relaxed posture.

"I mean, who wouldn't?" Runali laughed. "But, I guess it's not my first goal right now. I've just been wanting to see what you're capable of. If I'm gonna take your title, I need to know how much more I gotta work to get there." She nodded and slid her foot back into a readied stance.

This caught Nani by surprise. "Huh, well, I s'pose I can't disappoint then."

There was a minute pause from the announcer box, only for Sergei's less excitable and more soothing voice rang out. "Now the rules are a little different. Nani's allowing Captain Lev to use any weapons of her choosing… A rather coy way of making it fair. But the rest of the rules are the same. It's a friendly spar. No killing, no maiming. You lose if you yield or if you're knocked out." When both women raised a thumbs up in acknowledgement, he continued. "Let the spar commence."

In the years that Runali trained, not only with her crew but with others, she learned and developed her own style. With Jack's prowess, she learned how to be quiet and training with Zilia's ability, she learned how to be quicker. It was a deadly combination for someone like Runali who centered the majority of her attacks on fiery 'burst' strikes. That didn't stop her flair, however. If she learned anything from Alicia, it was definitely how to make things look effortless and graceful- because who didn't like showing off every now and then.

And Nani, well, Nani was the Pirate Lord. She stood in her one spot, idle but watching. Even though she didn't seem like she was in a fight, she did look impressed. While Runali was fast, she was never quite fast enough to land a hit. Nani would always take a step backwards, or duck under- always two steps ahead of her. With one step to the side, Nani effortlessly grabbed Runali and flipped her on her back. "You're good. Real good even." She watched with an amused look as Runali's expression turned from surprise from being on the ground to being thoroughly impressed by it. "Not good enough tho-" Nani yanked backwards as heat rose from Runali's gloved palms. Fire chased after the Pirate Lord in the shape of a pouncing tiger, forcing Nani on the defensive. She was still composed, but she was actively being distanced.

"Don't get cocky, we just started!" Runali called out, back on her feet. There was an all too familiar grin that the Stardusk would recognize. She could tell Nani was tough. It was a challenge. But it was fun.

Nani's laughter echoed. "Alright kid. Show me what you got!"

Flames scattered around the arena, keeping Nani weary while Runali used the coverage to disappear and reappear. At one point, in her hiding, she checked the gloves. And much to her delight, they were the multi gloves Jack usually had. She didn't find much use out of every element, but there was something she wanted to try.

The moment Nani spotted her in the flames, Runali made a motion similar to the exact one that casted said flames, making Nani brace her haki for the impact. What she didn't expect was the air to suddenly funnel and pull her directly to Runali as if she lassoed her closer. She was pulled closer and with Runali's free hand, fiery armament met Nani's own, colliding true.

There was a standstill that forced a hush over the crowd in anticipation. Worst Gen leaned forward, some against railings, others at the edge of their seats.

With a rather forceful shove, an obvious amount of exertion Nani hadn't had to put in yet, she sent Runali careening back to edge of the arena. "Alright, I'll admit," Nani shook out her arm, whisking the remnants of flames out. "That hurt a bit!" She stretched out her arm in examination. "Huh." It wouldn't have been obvious to most, but those more attuned to haki and how it worked- and those with good enough eyesight would realize that the armored exterior, the haki that covered her arm had cracked from the impact before the armament completely disappeared.

Runali was on the ground for a moment, with the wind knocked out of her. She stared at the sky, listening to the uproar around her but not quite understanding what happened. For all she knew, Nani repelled her attack yet again. Her laying there didn't last long, because she jumped up and once again was ready for the fight. Fire and dual chakram were tossed, showing refined tactics that the more attentive ones would start to notice. Others would only see reckless attacks in hopes to get closer and closer.

"You're persistent!" Nani spoke in between deflecting attacks. Her grinned widened at the mix of frustration and determination in Runali's one eye. "This has been the most fun I've had in a bit!" Nani used her freehand to stop Runali's chakram mid swing, the slight surprise at how close it was to her face not missed. The moment Nani had the chance to switch to the offensive, she twisted the blade out of Runali's grasp. Before the Stardusk captain had a chance to protect herself, a too quick strike to her chest caused Runali to gasp.

The Stardusk captain staggered back a few steps, obviously struggling to stand. "Wh-"

Nani only needed one solid hit to stop her in her tracks. And in the next moment, before Runali could collapse forward, Nani caught her and gently set her on the ground. "You're not too bad, kid. You've got the skill." Nani stood to her feet and nodded over, first to the Court captains, and then to the Stardusk crew, indicating that the fight was over and they should collect their captain.

"What a show!"
"A spectacular of the ages!"
There was a quick shove and Sergei was back, "And that's that, folks. Pirate Lord Nani Sterling is an undefeated champion of the sparring match. Though, the Stardusk Captain gave an impressive fight."


Robin and Alton shared looks, the former with a brimming excitement in her eyes. Alton cracked a smirk, sharing a mental conversation that was only meant for the two. Alcinoe was next to them, chuckling as she watched. "Not bad." Was all she offered before getting up to file out with the rest.
Whispers rose among the uproar of cheering. Pirates began to shuffle off as they shared both their amazement at the outcome and also their bemusement of Nani's own reactions to the fight.

The moment the Stardusk crew came to aid their captain, she gave a pleasant smile and held her hand up in mock surrender. "She's fine, I promise. Just rattled her a little. Give her maybe… ten minutes. Or splash her with some water. Careful of the whiplash though." Nani gave a polite bow. "If you're as strong as your captain, it's going to be fun the next time we have to go head to head." She gave a wink before turning away, letting them do what they wanted while she found a place to relax her feet. And as she did, they'd see her once again shaking out her arm just a bit.














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Putting aside the awakening she had received earlier, one that almost made her blow a hole in the ship thinking they were being attacked, Zilia wasn't exactly excited about today, unlike her Captain who seemed to be a ball of energy. She was surprised Luro wasn't jumping around himself but upon seeing Coral on his shoulder realized why he wasn't moving, the wide grin on his face showed just how excited he was alongside Runali, but to keep from bothering Coral he chose not to jump around himself.

Seeing Runali so excited filled Luro with newfound energy, he had a nice meal thanks to Jack, even though he teared up from the scent of Zilia's spices next to him, got to see his other sister-in-law first thing in the morning and Runali was about to fight one of the strongest people to roam the seas and was beyond overjoyed, today was already a start to a great day. When Runali leaned into him he raised both his arms and hugged her back in response, only raising them when she stepped away.
"Anytime Captain," he said grinning at her. "Always ready."
Digging in his sleeve Luro held an eyepatch out to Runali giving her a thumbs up.
"Got ya the fancy one today."
"You were going to wear it weren't you?" Zilia questioned moving her bag to her side.
"Only if Captain didn't want it."

Zilia went silent choosing to go over her supplies again, digging in her bag she started going through what medicine she still had on her, pulling things out and looking up at Runali before checking for more things. Though she clearly had plenty of supplies the doctor's shoulders still remained slumped as she rummaged through her items.
"Z it's gonna be fine. This is a good thing, why are you all worried?" Luro questioned looking over at her.
"I support the Captain's fight, this is her end goal after all so as she supports my ambition it should go without saying I will support her own."
"Then what's the problem?"
"The problem is I'm the doctor of this ship and our Captain is about to fight the Pirate Lord, a woman with an aura that exudes strength, and not boastingly, naturally."
"S'okay, the Captain will win so what's it matter?"
Zilia just sighed and shook her head, ultimately she was pulled from her own thoughts as Runali pulled her along almost causing her to fall as she stumbled after her.

Zilia ended up almost freezing at all the decorations shocked at how much had actually been done in the span of a night, they had started yesterday in the evening, a full day hadn't even passed. Luro marveled at them without thinking too much on how they had done so much and Zilia wasn't sure how to explain it to him without understanding how it happened in the first place, so she just let it go. They stared death in the face figuratively and literally, she decided things needed to just be accepted at times.

Zilia watched the dancing from a distance smiling a little watching Robin go, Luro had stepped away for a moment just to see Oz and Stella shoot, he let out a loud cheer at Oz's victory, whistling and loudly applauding.
"Yeah! Go Oz! That's why you're top five! You did good too Stella but you still lost, also tell Rin I'm visiting him later!"
Whatever he meant by top five was left to the wind as he didn't stay separated from everyone for too long and Zilia not wanting to lose Runali in the crowd didn't watch Robin dance for too long. She tended to visit the Nova's often to check on Seliria's health so her pause was more for nostalgia than curiosity. Soon it was time for Runali's departure.

"Don't need luck Captain! You got this!"
Luro waved to Runali as she ran off, Zilia adjusting the coat around her shoulders with a sigh as everyone went to take their seats. Luro's gaze moved over to see Seliria was seated nearby with Caleb, the latter had his notebook out and seemed focused on the fight. Seliria merely sat straight up, arms crossed, the same irritable look on her face as always.
"Looking for inspiration," Luro said waving to the two.
"Stardusk," Caleb greeted with a small nod. "Indeed, I feel this clash will offer interesting inspiration for a project I'm working on."
"I'm just here to check her progress," Seliria said simply. "I don't expect her to win personally."
"…you still put money down on her though."
Seliria eyes twitched and her eyes glanced at Caleb who looked away, the woman sighed and focused back on the arena
"Robin and Anton like her for some reason."
"I like her too."
"Like I said the two people on this crew who actually matter like her, I'm trying to see what they see. That and…"
The cook paused for a moment her eyelids lowered a bit.
"I like it when the perceived underdog wins. So I'm rooting for her."
"Seliria…." Zilia said smiling at the Nova cook.
"Still we'll see what happens, fantasy and reality are two different things after all. Either way I'll get what I came for so it won't be a waste of time."
"I could tell you the mathematical chances of her success and failure if you'd like Stardusk."
"Don't. It'll help nobody. Sides' math don't mean much in a brawl and this is a sparring match."

Aria appeared as well to watch the fight as everything began, Luro was unable to sit still in his seat smiling from ear to ear as the fight was about to begin. In the midst of somewhat silently celebrating Luro's eyes widened and he turned around for a moment, Zilia doing the same. The two's eyes scanned the crowd only for them to turn back around as Paris called for the main event.
"….you felt that too," Zilia said.
"Yeah…but let's focus on the Captain for now. It's not a dangerous scent."
Zilia nodded and focused her attention forward listening to the exchange of the two women, which was a little hard to hear over all the cheering, especially the redhead next to her standing up, shouting at the top of his lungs.
"Captain! Do the Kadi Dropkick too! Also the Jack falling elbow!"
"Wait why is Alicia groin kick, and Kadi is the drop kick?"
Luro looked over at Zilia his eyebrows lowering a bit, the doctor felt her eye twitch meeting a look that seemed to be asking if she was serious.
"Z that's pretty obvious…"
Zilia didn't have time to press the matter as the fight was already starting, the two turned their attention back to the fight at hand.

Calling the fight explosive would be an understatement.
The clash of the two lit a fire in both Zilia and Luro, their collisions, the back and forth, push and pull of both fighters filled the air with an unseen energy that infected the two; even when Runali was knocked down how she was back up and at it without losing a trace of her fervor was an inspiration, and another reminder why she was their leader.
The moment the fight had started and the first hits went through Zilia's eyes narrowed, her lips pressing together as her expression went rigid. For the doctor's worry she was leaning awfully forward in her seat during the fight. Luro who would normally be continuously cheering was actually watching in silence.
Luro treated every ambition of his friends as if they were his own, perhaps out of some sense of respect for Runali getting to come face to face with hers he tried not to be too distracting, it could also have been the energy of the fight drew him in, either way the redhead only watched with a bright grin, which only grew wider as flames erupted from Runali.

When Nani was pulled towards Runali Luro's eyes shot wide open and Zilia's jaw dropped, once the silence was broken a laugh escaped from Luro as he leaned forward even more closing both hands into fists as his body trembled.
Even Seliria brought a hand to her chin, though she didn't show her surprise she seemed to have a renewed focus.
"My calculations may have been off."
Seliria glanced at Caleb, seeing the smile on his face it was clear he wasn't bothered by it, he liked being proven wrong in situations like this anyway.
"You seem excited," he added.
"I'm not and I'd say you're the one excited."
Seliria motioned to his hand which had stopped writing notes mid fight, the Nova carpenter clearly pulled into the bout himself.
She tried not to look at Aria who bouncing in her seat making punching motions.

Luro's eyes went to Nani for a moment at the flame coated hit and with a toothy grin he looked over at Zilia then back at the others, Zilia nodded understanding what he saw.
"Yeah I saw it Luro…she cracked it," Zilia said. "That's our Captain."
Watching Runali rise and tactically approach the Pirate Lord caused Zilia to nod slightly, it showed she wasn't just flailing without purpose, which brought a comfort to the doctor, she worried in her excitement she might forget the basics. Runali had been surprised at least twice during this fight after all, but Nani was the same.
"It's over."
Luro spoke the words before Nani's final attack connected, a red glow left his eyes and his shoulders drooped a bit, his smile shrinking a little as Runali was knocked out.
Though the strange look in his eyes lasted for a moment, Luro made sure to cheer at the fight's conclusion for both fighters.
"I'll rejoin the Captain's," Caleb said as the fight concluded. "That was-"
"We'll discuss it later."
Seliria's words cut him off but he offered a nod and wandered off on his own.

Luro leapt off the stands once they could approach and knelt down next to Runali, poking her in the forehead a few times he offered a nod as a confirmation that she was fine.
With a small 'hup', he lifted Runali into his arms before turning back to everyone.
"I'll take Captain back to her room, and I'll sit with her till she wakes up. Though if anyone wants to watch her sleep too I'll keep an extra seat nearby."
"Luro again phrase your words properly. Watching the Captain sleep is not the way to say watch over her."
"….she's adorable when she sleeps though, also awake but also while sleeping."
"Just take her back to the ship."
Luro offered a shrug to Zilia before turning to Nani.
"I look forward to it Sterling lady," Luro said grinning at the woman. "Hehe she's really strong guys, this is gonna be fun."
With that Luro turned and walked away heading back toward Lady Luck with Runali.

Mia passed Stardusk tossing a bag of gold to Alicia offering the First Mate a smile.
"Consolation prize, I enjoyed the fight."
"...you didn't bet on Runali?" Zilia asked.
"Nah I did. Doesn't matter whether she wins or loses, that's my sister-in-law, I always put bets on her. What kind of sister would I be if I didn't support her? Sides she's my patch buddy, you too Kadi."
Mia raised a hand to the group.
"Buy her something nice with that, don't worry about how I got it, it was technically legal and she earned it."
"...Mia what did you do?"
"Nothing that would make you feel guilty. I assure you that money is something Runali earned with that display, just get her something nice or give it to her, I leave it to you Miss First Mate."
With a wave Mia turned and vanished into the crowd not entertaining any further questions.

Zilia stayed behind a moment longer, she intended on following to double check on Runali, but she found her gaze moving to Nani for a moment as she sat down.
Zilia understood the difference between them the moment the fight truly began.
It was hard to see at first given Nani's general demeanor but her movements showed her actual form, her balance and she knew Runali's, even holding back against them she understood where her Captain was at.
In this fight Nani had the advantage and though she didn't say it, Zilia was proud of Runali, to do this much to a stronger opponent was impressive….but she was also infuriated.
Her gloved hand closed into a fist unconsciously at this.
She wanted Runali to win, her instincts told her she wouldn't as she watched the fight but she wanted an upset, she wanted more. She knew Luro did too, he just didn't show it. Doing so would be insulting to the effort Runali had put in, but still she wanted her victory.

A hand rested on Zilia's shoulder and seeing Seliria, her eyes widened a little. The nova chef reached up and ruffled her hair causing Zilia's hand to open and her body to relax slightly.
"She did good, nothing to be upset about," the woman said removing her hand. "Long as you're still breathing doesn't matter if you lost, get stronger and get em' next time."
Seliria sighed a little at this.
"Don't know what it is and people thinking winning all the time is a good thing. Makes you lax."
Zilia stared at Seliria and smiled seeing she was trying in her own way to cheer her up.
"You're not upset at losing your bet?"
"80% of it was Caleb's stash, I can take a 20% loss for that kind of entertainment," Seliria said with a shrug. "Anyway I'm going now. I just stepped over as you seem like you could crush walnuts with how tense you were."

Seliria turned and walked away with a raised hand.
"Oh right Aria wants to fight your Captain now, she respected her strength. Let her know when she wakes up and deal with that however you want."
Stopping she turned and motioned to the group.
"I'll make Runali something for her attempt later, Jack you can help if you want, you know her taste better than I do, a good snack is handy for times like these."
The woman rarely cooked for anyone outside the Nova's and she felt that was enough of a silent gesture, there were no 'right words' for times like this in her opinion.
Zilia watched the woman turn around and walk away, and with a small sigh Zilia looked at the others.
"I'm going to go double check on her…and make sure Luro doesn't do…Luro things…like steal Alicia's cushions to make her more comfy, along with some of her herbs and random things that won't really help but he thinks will because their 'fancy'."

Luro set Runali in her hammock once he entered her room, resting her on all the cushions he could find in Alicia's room and adjusting the ones behind her head. He offered a nod, before dropping random objects in the hammock that he found in Alicia's room. They seemed like they would help the Captain's recovery, like herbs and weirdly shaped objects.
Munching on nuts he stole from the kitchen he set one of Kadi's compasses in the hammock as well before taking a seat next to her bed, seating an extra chair next to him.
"Ya did pretty good Captain," Luro smiled and brushing his hands off set the now empty bowl to the side.
He stared at Runali for a moment, his head tilting to the side lightly, his mouth turned up a little.
Turning he glanced behind him towards the closed door before looking back at Runali, the bandages around his hands came undone by themselves as he stood up.

Leaning over the hammock, his shadow covering Runali his uncovered hand reached towards her, the air around the redhead shifted as as his hair fluttered, canines forming as his mouth opened and he leaned closer, bringing his face closer to her as as the wood around them almost seemed to rot slightly.
"Captain…" The words came in a whisper as his outstretched hand reached her.
Luro brushed a bang out of her face as the air around him returned to normal, the canines vanishing as he grinned at the slumbering Runali, the strange decomposition of the room leaving as it returned to normal.
"If you look that defenseless it's hard to hold back ya know. Wake up soon okay?"
Luro sat back in his chair and grabbing one of Zilia's books opened it.
"Oh good one with pictures."

~"She moved with such grace that even the flowers turned away in shame"~

Alicia wore a small smile as she watched Ru become a ball of dangerous excitement filled with enthusiasm, standing with her hands behind her back as she watched her bounce around with what appeared to be a dire need to release a lot of energy. The swordswoman didn't seem worried or even anxious about the upcoming fight, having grown over the previous years to become more relaxed and take things a little less seriously. The Feian now often displayed a more relaxed calm that exhaled gently from her aura, even Luro could sometimes pull a soft chuckle from her when he was being silly around her.

Of course it came in no small part due to those who lived around her, the crew who would have her witness their incredible feats of strength time and time again during their journeys which inevitably wore away her worries over time. Of course that wasn't to say you couldn't hear a dull thump every so often out at sea where Alicia had struck Luro for messing with her things or saying something inappropriate to her. Nevetheless she'd certainly matured from the quiet brooding girl she'd once been way back during her initial inception at Utsukushī.

Alicia gave a small amused laugh when Ru bounced over and wrapped around her arm, asking for a little advice which had the Feian bring an exagerated finger from her opposing hand against her cheek as if she were taking a moment to think about it. "Hmm, I suppose this is when I would say something seemingly profound and frustratingly vague, no?" she replied as her expression transitioned into a slightly widening grin. "How about this- ... 'Just have fun'" she replied, taking her finger from her cheek to poke it against Ru's forehead. "Also, once again... not a dragon or a princess."

Those words had become so common to pass from her lips at this point that it'd become somewhat of an inside joke within the crew at this point. Well, at least for Alicia anyway... there was every chance that both her and Luro actually did believe she was those things. Though the swordswoman was long past trying to convince them otherwise at this point.


Seeing the decorations had Alicia in awe as she looked around, also unsure how they had managed to do so much in so little time and with such finnesse. It reminded her of the events held back home during the holidays making her a little homesick before the feeling passed as she heared the announcement call out to collect the crowds towards the arena which was equally as impressive considering the arranged seating that allowed everyone to spectate comfortably.

When Ru bid her short farewells Alicia allowed herself to give the captain a small embrace before waving her off as she made her way with the others towards Seliria and Caleb, offering a small smile towards the purple haired woman before taking up her seat after smoothing down the lower half of her attire, resting her hands neatly into her lap before waiting for things to get started. She watched Ru and Nani step towards each other, eyes of silver looking between them as they readied for what was sure to be a spectacular event.

Alicia beamed as the fight erupted, of course she didn't cheer or jump up and down like some of the many others in the audience but she wore a smile the entire time with subtle changes to her expression ranging from surprise and awe all the way to slight confusion where she lacked a little understanding of some of the abilities used between them which only had her enjoying the display even more as it continued further towards it's inevitible conclusion. "It's fin-" she stopped short noticing she'd spoke at the same time Luro did, casting an amused glance towards him.

Picking herself up from her seat she followed after the others once more to approach Ru, glad to see she'd be alright as Luro picked her up and mentioned taking her back to the ship to prepare for what she guessed would be one hell of a headache to wake up to. "Thank you." she replied towards Nani before seeing her head off, turning her attention back towards the others just in time to catch the bag of coin tossed her way. "Oh, well I'm sure we can collectively think of something. Maybe not an eyepatch this time though.... we should probably get a little more creative with our gifts." she half joked.

The swordswoman tossed the sack of coin in her hand before she'd look towards the various stalls in the distance selling various items, turning towards Zilia. "I'll go see if I can't find something nice for the captain, I'll catch up with the rest of you as soon as I can." she said, looking from Zilia to Jack as she spoke before lifting her hand in a short wave as she took her leave to see what the stalls had to offer. Of course if there wasn't anything decent she'd just give Ru the coin bag, but she thought something with meaning to mark the ocassion would make for a better momento if she could find one.


Alicia returned to the ship in just under an hour later with a wrapped gift under her arm, making her way towards the captains room where she'd assume Luro would bring her, of course knocking and awaiting a response before entering into the space beyond. "Sorry, that took a little longer than I thought it wou-." she spoke as she placed the wrapped item onto a table before approaching, cutting herself off as she noticed the cushions along with several other items from her room. "I think I may just try out that groin kick move you mentioned... " she half murmered towards the redheaded giant before exhaling away her frustration as she looked towards Zilia. "How is she doing?" she asked, more as a formality since she knew the captain couldn't be in better hands and even more so considering her injury wasn't anything serious.

Time: Day 4
Location: Skull Island

With the reverie of sparring over, the Court took their opportunity to wrap the crowds in a show. They had their fair share of spectacles and performances, but one particular song made Nani, who was happily watching the show with her feet propped up, stand to her feet and take over.

"Two cans of beer a day and that's your bleeding lot
Now we get an extra one because they've stopped the tot
So we'll put on our civie clothes and find a pub ashore
A sailor's still a sailor just like he was before"

Nani danced and sang along in reverie and joy, pulling others along onto the makeshift stage. "If you see a sailing ship it might be your last!" The Court, never ones to be outdone, joined in and kept the party going. And just as the previous days, the party would continue into the night.

But this time, Nani decided not to stay throughout it all. She decided to wander the forest, a thing most were allowed to do, but many found hesitance in doing so, in fear of overstepping their welcome. It didn't matter to her. She enjoyed the serenity of the forest and the life that resided on this large, large shell. Eventually, she started to follow a particular path, memorized through years of trekking and exploration. It'd take her the better part of a day and a half but eventually, she'd get to the very edge of the island where ground met hardened shell. With normal eyes, she couldn't see clearly in the darkening waters but with Observation, she could make out the outline of a neck and then a massive head in the depths below. Nimona was probably finding food, Nani imagined, so she decided to enjoy the peace of it all, whistling a tune she knew the turtle enjoyed.



Rewinding back to the afternoon

Music filled the makeshift town but farther out towards the docked ships it was more of a rhythmic pulse.

Nani was right. It only took about ten minutes for Runali to come to, but she never mentioned the headache or the vertigo that would follow.

Runali's hand went up to her forehead before her eyes opened. She pushed her eyepatch up and let out a sigh she didn't know she was holding. It was… quiet. The sounds of cheering weren't there any more and the ocean's waves seemed just a little louder. Her senses start to flood in, a little too fast for her, making her eyes pop open. When she was looking at the familiar wooden boards of her ship, she sat up too quickly. "-What?!" It was a finished question to… something that happened she swore was only moments ago.

The movement itself caused the hammock to tilt and random items began to hit the ground. Though, despite both a headache and the vertigo, her reflex made her catch the shinier of things, like Kadi's compass and a teacup that would surely break if it fell. Runali nearly fell out herself, but sea legs helped her keep her balance.

And then she realized Luro was sitting across from her.

It didn't take very long for Runali's mind to catch up. The ship, the trinkets, the shared look between her and Luro… Runali couldn't help but make a disappointed face and flop back into the hammock. "Aw really…" She wallowed for a few seconds before relenting and sitting up. She gestured for Luro to help her up, and when she was sure the worst of it had faded she examined Luro's dragon hoard of 'feel better' items. "At least tell me it wasn't an embarrassing loss…" There was no hiding the pout in her voice or expression. As much as her goal was to test her strength against the Pirate Lord, there definitely was a part of her that wanted to win. It was a bold declaration that she'd take the title, but if she was as far behind Sterling as she thought… she couldn't help the slight… sway of confidence.

Runali carefully lined all the trinkets on her desk, leaving Alicia's pillows in the hammock, knowing she'd want those back later. But eventually, she found herself sitting on the floor.
















Somewhere… else


Fingers wrapped impatiently on a desk. Tension and annoyance crashed like the waves hitting the sides of the ship. "How much longer until we find it?"

"Based o-on your research, we should be able to find it soon. Less than three days, ideally."

"And what of the weapon?"

"With all of Brass Cape's intel, we've got it up and running. The girl we took managed to get it working, but she can't stabilize it. The schematics aren't hers. She says the only ones that would know how to stabilize something of that caliber are the Nov-"

The glint of a knife flashed and pierced itself in the man's shoulder. "I hate to repeat myself. But… just this once, I will. What. Of. The weapon?"

"W-We'll have it ready, sir."


"W-When… Before we get there."

"Good boy. Now. This ship better be there by the end of the day."

"Yes sir."


Now, you'll have to take my word here but things get a little hazy. Even for me! It all happens so fast that everyone that was there has a different version of it. But each version has its own… charm to it, if you will. It's the funny thing about stories. Everyone has their own version of it, some adding more, some with less. But if you track them all down and piece them together, you truly do get something beautiful.

But! Enough of my rambling. Keep your eyes open and your ears attentive because like I said, this is where… The fun part begins.


Day: ????

The island was silent. Cloudy skies kept everyone on land, and with the instruction of Nani, Worst Gen ships- with the exclusion of The Court's, as they had hitched a ride with the Cutthroats, - were docked on the farther right side of the island. It was mostly to make room for other ships. Should the weather threaten them, there'd be less chance the jostling would damage ones next to each other.

But at that moment. The island was silent and still. Where the pirates were, on the island, was up to their discretion. Some loitered in private rooms, others quietly conversed in the taverns, others were out in the open either playing cards, chatting, or dozing off. It was a unanimous agreement that unlike the days before, it was a day of rest.

The weather only enforced it.


Then the weather got worse.

And worse.


Something akin to lightning struck the ground, dead center of town, hard enough to crack the very shell that Nani mentioned was much too hard to break.

And then a powerful explosion- no it was much too focused- it was more like a beam that hit and shred the town to pieces. It killed handfuls of pirates on impact. The sudden powerful, destructive force caused the island to shudder and quake.

The next hit tore the skull-like mountain asunder.


Pirates scattered, finding their captains, searching for who would give them the proper order.

Searching for who to fight.


Fog surrounded the edges of the island as pirates went into an uproar. No person could be seen to fight against, and the foolhardy died from rushing into the fog. The flash of that familiar explosion was the indication of the horror they faced.

The pirates' numbers dwindled faster than they could react.

And that's when they saw the Navy insignia flapping in the distance. An armada of ships, with one man of war leading the fight. None of them stepped foot on the island.

None of them had to.


In rapid succession, as fog roiled through the island , captains began to disappear.

Will Carabis was first. Stella stood at his back and Rin at his side, the former barking orders to the crew while the latter searched for anything that would leave a clue. The air compressed near them and something grabbed Carabis. But Rin was fast and grabbed his captain's hand, using all his might to pull back. Stella shot around the places the compression manifested. But just like Will, her bullets disappeared.

Alcinoe was next. She put up a fight. A hard stomp seemingly freed her, with Oz emptying two guns into that same compressed air. But whatever that grabbed Will, had a hold on Alcinoe's foot and dragged her in. The lines in the dirt from her nails dragging were all that's left. Saffron screamed.

The Court captains had the advantage of illusion. They disappeared.
They tried to disappear. But when one was grabbed, the other couldn't bear to hide. Cecilia and Sergei tried to keep their one remaining captain, but something hit them both and took the second. The impact split Sergei's mask in two.

The Novas met the same fate. Robin was grabbed first, after yanking Caleb out of the way of another destructive blast. He wouldn't have been fast enough. She was… But not fast enough as Alton watched his wife disappear. The attacks focused on them for a moment, forcing them to stay defensive. He ended up throwing the Junkers into Seliria and Caleb. His voice bellowed louder than the chaos around. "Keep them safe!" One of the Junkers skates had broken, another their goggles had been ripped off. It was the first time anyone would ever realize they were just teens. And then Alton was gone.


Even with the elements at Runali and Jack's disposal… Even with Luro's and Kadi's eagle-eyed view, Alicia's strength, and Zilia's power….


Runali had a hold of someone's hand. Luro's? Jack's?

She remembered someone yelling "Don't let go!"

Her hand tightened. She didn't want to. There was also an indescribable pain and she didn't know where it was coming from.

And then it went black.


"That's enough!"

A familiar golden staff struck the air, shattering what felt like space itself. Whatever the impact hit, it released Runali. The Stardusk captain coughed up blood- too much of it- before collapsing to the ground.

Nani's golden eyes glowed in anger. She hadn't been there earlier, but she was soaking wet with new injuries. The staff dragged behind her as she walked towards the docks. Ship debris scattered everywhere, but she walked as far as she could. The destruction ceased.

Their mistake.

With another powerful swing, a near reality splitting hit, the fog began to retreat and some of the smaller navy ships to broke upon invisible impact.

But the navy got what they wanted.
The fog covered the armada. And when it faded, they were gone.

The skies cleared.

The island was silent.


"Report." Nani's eyes remained out at sea, despite the army being gone for more than five minutes. She bristled with a palpable anger, but slowly calmed. Enough for those around to approach.

A Sterling pirate, recently patched, reported. "Eleven of our sixteen ships were destroyed. We're down to a little over a third of Sterling pirates." She paused when Nani squinted. "A lot of top side damage. Nimona is fine, but we made sure to keep everyone off badly damaged areas. Patching and getting her closer to land will be easy. We just need you to direct her."

Nani raised her hand, indicating that the pirate was dismissed. "All focus goes to helping the injured. No one leaves. Not yet." She turned away from the sea. "Saffron!' Her call was met with silence but before she could repeat herself, the first mate of the Cutthroat pirates walked up, shoving some debris out of her path. Oz was using her as a crutch while wearing Saffron's goggles. It was obvious the both of them were seething, but both remained quiet. "How many?"

"All of them."

"Except Stardusk."

This made Saffron's eyes widen just a little, but she pressed on. "Worst Gen ships are accounted for, except the Court's. Theirs didn't survive the crash. The rest need some repairs. Red's the most.

"Keep everyone here. Focus on the injured." Nani turned to walk off. "I'm changing course. I'll be back." The staff tapped along the ground in a foreboding manner. "You're in charge until Stardusk wakes and until I get back. Relay the message."

"...Yes ma'am…"

"We will get them back."

The skies were clear and once again, the island was silent.
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Shortly after the fight

Zilia made her way back to Lady Luck still worried about what Luro would get into if left alone. He didn't show it outwardly but when it came to Runali there was something....else there compared to his normal attitude. She didn't know how to put it into words, it wasn't so much worry he believed in her and had little reason to doubt she'd make it through whatever lie in front of her. It was something different, he always remained nearby in case she needed someone to catch her in the rare case she fell, supportive in his own way but lacking an outward showing of concern. At the same time there was an alteration in his behavior, subtle but still there. It was something she only noticed due to her close observations of his mental state over the years, it was akin to someone blinking twice instead of three times when they're nervous, a minor thing like that.
"...thankfully everything resolved peacefully...but I'd better get back just in case."

Though she wanted to hurry back Zilia ended up pausing while returning, her body tensing for a moment before she looked around.
Her eyes narrowed a bit before her body relaxed and she straightened up slightly.
"I thought I felt your presence...you can come out now."
When she spoke the words the ground next to her seem to shift slightly, and in the next moment a form exploded out from it as if it was hiding in the sand itself, a pair of arms wrapped around Zilia's neck as someone embraced her.
Isari had appeared out of what seemed to be the earth itself and hugged Zilia tightly, the doctor smiled and returned the hug before gently moving her away.
"I had a feeling it was you...Luro and I felt your presence back at the fight."
"Yeah I took a break to watch Miss Captain! I'm surprised she lost but she was really strong though!"
Isari offered a bright grin to Zilia who let out a soft chuckle before reaching up and brushing some of the sand out of her hair.
"What are you doing here...why are you here?"
"What do you mean why? I'm an honorary member of Stardusk, why wouldn't I be here?"
Zilia cut herself off as a certain windy woman flashed in her mind causing her to shut her eyes.
"You know what never mind, that makes sense."

"For what I'm doing here, boss sent me here to gather information since I was allowed to come. I've already met Miss Pirate Lord and introduced myself and the group. Sorry I couldn't say hi to everyone but I had to work before I could do anything else, it took a few days to finish."
Zilia waved a hand indicating it was fine, they were all occupied anyway.
Isari had become and integral part of the Prophets, and generally acted as a go-between especially when it came to Stardusk. It wasn't uncommon to see her if Kaim was unavailable or she was closer. Her power also made it easy to communicate over far distances, while Zilia's strength had grown Isari hadn't been sitting still, evidenced by her ability to hide in plain sight for days on end.
In a weird way she was the 'Jack' of the Prophets, trained by Ria and Tari, though she still paled in comparison to her original mentor Ria, and Tari's humbleness made it hard to tell if she had surpassed her, something that upset the young lady still to Tari's silent delight.
"I'm sure you still have work to do so find me later."
"I will! Tell Miss Captain and everyone I said hi."
Zilia nodded and looked away for a moment, she turned to say something back to Isari but she was already gone.

In the Captain's Cabin

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"I'd rather not treat two patients so let's hold back on the groin kick Alicia," Zilia said. "At least wait until we're off the island."
"Why am I getting special moved?" Luro asked looking between the two women.
Ignoring him Zilia answered Alicia's question taking a small step away from Runali and putting a few of the items back in her bag.
"She's thankfully okay, it seems Miss Sterling really did hold back. The blow purposefully avoided anything that could be damaging, there won't even be a bruise, I've seen worst from drunken scuffles or one of her 'outings', she'll be fine once she wakes up. Well physically, mentally and emotionally are a whole other affair."

It didn't seem there would be much time for a extended discussion on the matter as Runali woke up, Luro helping her up just before her gesture. At their Captain's question Luro and Zilia looked at each other then back at Alicia before looking back at Runali as she sat on the floor. Luro moved over to her first and sitting next to her reached over and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a light hug.
"You did great Captain. It was a really good fight even without the Alicia Groin Kick."
"That's right Captain," Zilia said putting her bag to the side. "That's not just Luro being Luro. You really did do very well, much better than you think. We all saw it, you broke through Miss Sterling's armament, that alone is an achievement."
Zilia said this with a nod before smiling.
"Seliria even said you did good, and you know how impossible it is for her to openly admit to someone doing 'well', it's normally 'okay but be better' generally. Ah please don't mention I said that though, I've just got on her good side after all these years."
"See you did great! Alicia thinks so too! Shower her with praise Alicia! Also smile Captain! I'll make all the sadness go away somehow!"
"If you don't want a giant teddy bear attached to you for the rest of the day then I'd cheer up Captain. I assure you no respect is loss here....and Luro seems to be trying to mentally give you affection along with physically."
Luro had his eyes shut tight and seemed to be genuinely trying to manifest affection, Zilia decided not to comment on it and just motioned to him.

The Incident

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Zilia hated how fragile peace was.
There was barely time to register what had happened before she was on her feet trying to move, Luro was already up rifle in hand but it was already too late. The chaos washed over them, taking breath away, suffocating and gripping them with fingers that chilled to the bone. A firm grip on her shoulder was the only thing that brought Zilia back to reality, her eyes moving to the owner to see Isari next to her, with Aria right beside her.
She swallowed pushing down the emotion that threatened to surface and offered a nod to the two, first step was finding everyone.

Luro was already in the process his gaze moving looking for each member of Stardusk while keeping an eye to the sky for that strange beam, he almost stepped into the fog himself but something in him made him pull back, his instincts screamed at him to stop and within seconds he witnessed the fate of those who ran in.

Moments before he had been joking with the man whose body lay a few feet away from him, he could barely recognize him now but he had a nice smile, and laughed at horrible jokes...he never even got his name. The woman a few feet away had taught him a new drinking song, one they both sang off key with a mug in each hand, now she lay broken unable to teach him the other song she promised. Luro focused with all he had to try and find who had done this, and as his gaze landed on the insignia flying in the distance, his lips curved upwards into a grin. He wasn't a person who killed out of revenge, or some sense of duty but he'd happily kill over the death of a good person, and knowing who to point his gun out filled him with childlike glee.

There was barely time to contemplate what was happening for anyone, Caleb his mind screaming facts at him caused him to pause, a pause that almost killed him if not for Robin. Thanks to this he was given a front row seat to the kidnapping of one of his Captain's, his hand reaching forward only to grasp at the air, his eyes widening as he watched her be pulled away. There was no time to react to Robin's disappearance as a sudden onslaught came at them, his gauntlets immediately covered his wrists and hands and he moved as quickly as he could, Seliria doing the same, fading in and out of view her eyes narrowing as she tried to find an opening, any opening to do something but that was difficult with the fog and her own allies around her. She managed to catch sigh of the navy ships and just as she considered rushing forward, Alton's orders ended that notion quickly and her full attention went to the Junkers, Caleb joining her to help corral them together and keep them safe.
The two's movement immediately synched up to follow their Captain's orders ensuring the Junkers remained safe during the assault.


Luro's hand grasped Runali's the moment he was able to reach her, he heard someone scream but wasn't sure who, they spoke the words before he could. Whatever force was pulling her was dragging him along as well, his feet dragging in the sand. The redhead was fully prepared to with her wherever they were trying to drag her to but thankfully Nani put an end to the attempt. He fell as Runali was released, hitting the ground hard, enough to dizzy himself but he staggered back to his feet and over to Runali, before he could even yell for Zilia she was already at her side.


Luro knew he could trust Zilia to take care of Runali, he wanted to be by her side and for a moment he did sit with Zilia but something about what happened ate at him. It led him to wander a bit; his first act was finding Alicia and informing her he and Zilia was fine and that Zilia was already taking care of Runali along with where she was. He didn't linger long as he went to check on Oz seeing she had gotten injured and was worried about Saffron as well, he also wanted to see what happened to the other Worst Gen's, they were their friends after all. He didn't linger longer than need be, mostly just confirmation and ensuring they were okay. The Court...was a complicated matter and he made a note to come back later but the last group he visited was the Nova's, mainly because he had to get his thoughts in order.

He found Caleb standing a few feet from Seliria, staring out at the sea where the ships had gone, Seliria was nearby treating the Junkers wounds and repairing what she could of their gear in silence, something Luro was surprised Caleb wasn't doing. When he approached his gaze went to Seliria who offered a small nod.
"Is your Captain..."
"She's okay," Luro said nodding. "Zil's got her right now."
"Ha...that woman has the devil's luck I swear," Seliria said.
She scoffed but there was relief in her eyes neither men chose to comment on, Caleb did offer a nod to Luro but offered no verbal greeting.
After a small moment of silence Caleb spoke up.
"Seliria...I'm sorry. If I had been paying more attention I-"
A loud slap reverberated through the area, Luro's flinched at how hard Seliria had brought her hand across Caleb's Cheek. The inventor held his now red and stinging cheek as Seliria brought her hands to her hips.
"We don't have time for some self-pity nonsense, regrets aren't bringing them back any faster. If you got time to whine you got time to think. That's what you're good at, and you got more patience than I do for all that planning crap. Take a breath, put your balls back on, and use the only good thing about you to figure out what's going on. I need you to tell me where the opening is so I can break through it, like always."

Caleb blinked a few times but closing his eyes he took a deep breath in and let it out, he looked down at himself before giving a thumbs up to Seliria. She took a look at him and he seemed essentially back to normal, leading the woman to sigh and make a shooing motion towards him.
"Good. Now hurry up so you can apologize to Robin and I can stop babysitting these brats."
Her words clearly didn't match her actions as she held one of the Junkers close, her hand on the side of their head but she was clearly too tired to even attempt being menacing right now. Annoying as they were the woman had a soft spot for children and this was a rare moment she'd show it, especially given it was a direct order.

Luro's voice drew Caleb's attention to him, he offered a nod to the redhead both as an acknowledgement and a sign to continue.
"Was that energy...."
Luro trailed off as Caleb raised a hand to him, his gaze moving over to Seliria who looked at Luro before looking back at Caleb and offering a nod. Comfortable with the consensus of the only present senior member Caleb answered the question he knew Luro wanted to ask.

"The energy source we've been studying is derived from a certain material's chemical reaction...and that beam...is what happens when it's harnessed incorrectly."
Caleb motioned to a part of the island that had been hit.
"Well harnessed incorrectly on a much larger scale. Cap...Robin always had smaller experiments done but it's an extremely volatile substance, we're still studying how to harness it without all the backlash. The few failures made something like that beam but much smaller...while it was hitting the area around us I recognized it and froze up, Robin probably recognized it too but I stopped to think and that's when I-"
Caleb trailed off but raising his hand slapped himself hard where Seliria had forcing those thoughts away before continuing.
"I don't know what the weapon is but that energy is definitely what we've been studying, without a doubt."
"So that weird beam thing is like a broken version of your guy's use of the energy."
"Yes," Caleb said. "However it doesn't make any sense."

Caleb paused for a moment and started pacing bringing a hand to his chin.
"Even if they acquired the material there's no way they'd be able to harness it, even we figured it out by accident. You would need to know the exact measurements, how much to add and how to add it along with a slew of other things; one mix up and it'd blow up in the person's face. Even if they managed to find the exact chemical to bond with, it would be next to-"
Caleb paused his eyes widening, Luro's head tilted as he noticed his friend's entire body stiffen. Emotions rarely showed on Caleb's face, a smile here or there, a shoulder droop at disappointment or sadness but this was the first time he had seen him actually looked worried.
"....Risa told me the navy had gone to Brass Cape for something....Luro...we were all here...the only person outside the crew that could even get close to figuring out the component would be you...or Risa."
Luro's eyes widened at this and Caleb turned to face Luro.
"You think they took Risa?" Luro questioned.
"...there's no way they could get it to work like that any other way, much less consistently. It's not just a matter of knowledge but understanding...it's the only possibility...and the timing is too perfect....I didn't think too much when I didn't get a response back sooner, I figured she was busy but..."
Caleb trailed off his hands closing into fists as she stared back where the ships had gone.
Caleb spoke keeping his back to Luro who continued to stare at him, he heard tinge of emotion normally lacking in his voice.
"I care very much about my apprentice."
"I know Caleb," Luro said nodding. "I care about Risa too."
"She never gives herself enough credit, she has potential that many have overlooked. She's a good person who also wants to help others with her inventions."
"That sounds about right, Risa is a really nice person. I always enjoy our conversations."
"As do I. Her smile is a comfort and gives me hope, serving as a reminder of the others out there trying to do a little extra good. I know I'm not the most tolerable person a times, and I'm aware of my own eccentricities...the last thing I expected was to be asked for an apprenticeship....it made me very happy, so much I didn't know how to show it at the time."
Caleb recalled the day, he merely tilted his head and offered a nod.
Luro remained silent and watched as Caleb turn around to face him, and for the first time he saw pure unbridled rage in the eyes of his fellow shipwright, his mouth a thin line and his normal expression adorned his face, but his desire for savagery was easily felt, like it was trying to escape from it's captivity, barely being held back by an invisible lid.

"I will ensure as many die as possible for stealing my precious assistant Luro."
Luro offered a firm nod and pat Caleb on the shoulder.
"I'm with you. Risa's one of the five, let's make some widows and orphan's today Caleb."
"Horrible way to put it but you're not wrong," Seliria said approaching the two. "You already know I'm helping out. I'm in the mood to kill as much as you two. If they stepped up with all this then they can't complain at the retaliation."
Seliria slammed her hand into her fist before her shoulders dropped slightly.
"Is what I would like to say but we have our orders Caleb, if we find someone who can protect the brats then we can rampage. No babysitter, no murder."
"...Seliria that's not fair," Caleb said his normal calm seeming to return.
"I don't care, orders are orders. I'll ask Isari or someone we can trust if they can watch them, but if they can't we gotta do it. If that happens-"
Seliria looked over at Luro.
"I expect you to kill as many as possible in our stead, since you're not on babysitting duty."
"Aye Seliria," Luro said grinning at the woman. "Though can I borrow Caleb, I think everyone should hear about the energy thing."
"Sure I can handle things here," Seliria said. "Caleb go with him and explain things to Stardusk, knowing Jack he may already have an idea himself, even if they don't know more information isn't a bad thing and imagine we'll be creating a plan of action relatively soon."
With a nod Luro left with Caleb returning to the others to share what they knew.


Zilia's Banner Finished.jpg
Isari's Banner Final.jpg
Also Aria​

Zilia observed Runali checking a few spots here and there, looking for telltale signs of what was ailing her. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed very particular signs. She was so focused on her tasks she didn't notice Isari's and Aria's approach until they were right next to her.
She didn't have time to immediately acknowledge them as she was already digging in her bag, working on the cure.
Runali had been given an extremely annoying poison, one she had thankfully dealt with before. It was because of this however she understood that she had to cure it as quickly as possible.
"Do you know what it is Zil? Isari asked seeing Zilia acknowledge them with a nod finally.
"It's Ler'hola's Venom" Zilia said. "Otherwise known as Red Branches."
"Red Branches?" Aria questioned.
Zilia grabbed Runali's shirt and pulled it down slightly revealing red veins running up her torso towards her neck before pulling it back up, Isari covered her mouth at the sight and Aria swallowed heavily.
"It's a painful poison that slowly deteriorates the insides if not dealt with fast enough and it's very painful so getting rid of it sooner rather than later is the goal. The problem is...it's slow acting if the person is calm...fast acting if they're nervous, anxious, or in pain, anything that would make the adrenaline pump and thus make the poison run through the body quicker...so now."
"Can we help in anyway?" Isari questioned causing Aria to nod.
"Run to the nearby forest Isari and get me Tali'as plants you know what they look like. Aria please find my crew and tell them to bring me clean water, bandages, ointment and some of the Captain's clean blood. All of that is on the ship. If they're too busy to grab it please grab it yourself."
"Of course," Aria said. "...but blood?"
"I make a habit of drawing blood from everyone at random intervals, in case something like this happens. Trick from my Mentor and watching Luro walk on the ship leaking blood from most orifices, ironically thanks to Luro and his weird inventions I can keep it fresher for longer."
Zilia spoke already going through the steps needed to deal with the poison, slowing it was possible but getting rid of it would require the ingredients.
"Thankfully I drew some before we came, I wasn't sure how a 'pirate party' worked."
Aria nodded and ran off to find any member of Stardusk willing to help as Zilia raised a barrier and hid the inside from view as she got to work, she knew any member of her crew would recognize it from a distance and both Isari and Aria knew where she was.

Luro ran over to Zilia to see her lying on her back in the stand staring up at the sky, dried blood rested on her outfit and gloves and she remained eerily still, eyes focused on the sky above them.
"Z?" Luro questioned.
He looked over at Runali to see she didn't seem to be in pain like before, his shoulders lowered a bit as he relaxed seeing she was clearly better. Zilia sat up before climbing to her feet brushing the dust off her outfit, holding her hand out, Luro dug in his sleeve and tossed her a fresh pair of gloves. The Doctor removed her bloody ones and replaced them with new ones, the dirty ones fading somewhere into the endless abyss that was Luro.
"She's okay now, poison is neutralized. It's going to be painful of course but it'll fade soon, the venom can't do anything to her but it'll take a moment for the poison to completely leave her system."
She watched as Luro took a seat next to Runali and with a nod motioned to her.
"Inform her of that when she wakes up. It can't do anything to her anymore, it's just going to be painful. Her body should naturally deal with it relatively soon now. Now if you'll excuse me."
"Where are you going?" Luro questioned.
"Captain was a priority but now that she's okay I'm surrounded by patients, the other WG's along with a random assortment of fellow pirates. I sent Isari and Aria around to help while I finished up so I'm going to join them."
Zilia walked away from Luro adjusting her gloves.
"Whistle and I'll rejoin everyone," she said. "Let the others know what I'm doing. The sooner we get ourselves back on her feet the sooner we can fight back."
"Got ya, good luck Z!"


Consciousness slammed into Jack with the air that pushed into his lungs. He coughed and sputtered, blinking around. He couldn't see anything – wait, was his eyesight gone again?0

No, no… he was in a dark place. A large weight pinned him down.

"Adelaide?" Jack felt around for her. Pieces of memory returned – they'd been in a tavern, gambling with Cutthroats. And then… some sort of explosion… right outside…

Panic rose up. Jack made to move, but the rubble on top of him was too heavy. Teeth bared, he summoned up his haki and punched his way to freedom. He witnessed the gray, tortured sky first and then –


Buildings shattered, the streets covered in fog and fire, pirates running about. He looked around, but didn't see her. "Adelaide!"

"It's about time you woke up."

Relief exploded into his chest as Adelaide formed in front of him. Unsurprisingly, she was unscathed. A wicked smile came with the hand she offered him. She helped him to stand. "You're missing all the fun."


"They're taking the captains."


Jack cursed. His eyes were dragged back to the courtyard they stood in… what was left of it. We must have been in the initial blast radius. His face hardened. "I doubt we can stop them now."


They climbed down from the tavern's remnants. From a dead pirate's hands, Adelaide pried a rifle free and handed it to Jack. "But we can hurt them before they're gone."


"Pierre! Hold on! Pierre!"

Jack skidded to a halt, seeing Cecilia and Sergi desperately holding onto their captain – the only one left. Cecilia was screaming, both hands on Pierre's arm, as Sergi held onto her waist.

"Let go!" Jack shouted at them, sprinting forward. "Let go, or they'll take you too!"

The fog parted, looking ready to encircle all three of them. Jack charged – haki up – and tackled Cecilia and Sergi. He heard Sergi's mask crack as they hit the ground. Cecilia let out an anguished wail as she was torn away from Pierre, the fog swallowing him up.


The Navy accomplished its goal. Jack watched their armada turning away from the cliff edge he laid on with the looted gun perched on his shoulder. Purple lightning sparked all around him. His haki gloves were active and primed. He could hit one… two… maybe three of the smaller ships. At least weaken their forces… hurt them just a little…

Jack held his position until the ship sailed out of his range. His finger slipped off the trigger.

Adelaide's admonishment heated his ear. "You should have taken the shot."

"The captains could be on one of those ships," whispered Jack.

"Runali isn't. She's safe."

That made Jack relax. He wiped at his face and felt water come away on his hand, even though it'd stop raining. He pulled the gun away, letting his armament drain away and the lightning dissipated. "We don't know about the others, though. Attacking those ships might lead to retaliation on captives."

Adelaide hummed low on the winds. "Not wreak vengeance?"

Jack rolled onto his back. All he saw was the sky and tree tops, but his eyes roamed as if he could see her. "No, not that."

"You've changed."

"Haven't we all?"

"Well. I'm not going to sit and do nothing."

The winds whirling around him suddenly tornadoed upwards, heading in the direction of the Navy's ships. Jack scrambled to his feet. "Make sure you follow them from a distance!" Jack shouted after her. A small smirk on his face faded away as the air grew still. "Come back to me soon."
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Shortly after things settled and after his conversation with Caleb, Luro went in pursuit of Jack with Caleb following behind. Zilia was already taking care of Runali and Luro was sure Alicia had already updated them, even if she hadn't he'd at least inform Jack and he felt better knowing she was aware they were all okay. Zilia had her barrier up to avoid needless interruptions so he decided to speak with Jack while she worked. He didn't want to be glared at by looking over her shoulder anyway when he couldn't help.

It took him a moment but he found Jack and offered him a smile as Caleb approached offering a stoic nod.
"I'm glad you're okay Jack, did Alicia tell you about stuff?" Luro questioned.
"Seliria sent us over to you figuring we should start sharing information on what we know. We'll end up making a plan of action sooner rather than later, so the more we know the easier it'll be to adjust said plan."
Caleb looked over at Luro who nodded and motioned to Caleb.
"I got info and stuff about that weird beam and where it came from thanks to Caleb."
"Which I'll explain if need be since I know Luro's explanations tend to be gibberish."
"Seliria said you may have ideas yourself, I think we should all share."
"If you would like of course," Caleb added. "I'm not a spy nor do I pretend to be one so I don't know all the steps or necessities of them, either way I'll provide what I was able to figure out."

Jack was found at the initial point of destruction: where the navy's weapon first hit. He walked the edge of the impact, observing the charred ground and nosing debris with a long-barreled rifle. Some survivors congregated among the rubble – Cecilia and Sergi among them. Huddled together, the Court's first mate clutched a blanket around her shoulders as she rocked back and forth. The occasional foreign phrases that left her mouth could be heard across the destroyed courtyard. Shaken as she appeared, her eyes tracked Jack ceaselessly. It made the base of his neck twitch.

He heard Luro before he saw the pair approach. Tucking the rifle against his shoulder, Jack nodded to Caleb and quickly surveyed their injuries, his shoulders lowering a bit when he found nothing life-threatening. His own were superficial, though his back hurt like hell.

At Luro, Jack shook his head. "I haven't spoken to Alicia yet. I wanted to take a closer look at this damage, see if I–"

His attention zeroed on Caleb. "I need you to tell me everything that you know," Jack said. To Caleb, he appeared focused and serious, but Luro may have picked up a waft of fear changing his natural scent.

Caleb offered a small nod to Jack before looking over at Luro realizing he hadn't spoken to Alicia. Luro's eyes had been focused on Jack but feeling Caleb's gaze he smiled at him before speaking to Jack.
"Stardusk is okay, Captain was injured during the attempted kidnapping but Z's already treating her, nothing life-threatening," Luro said filling in the blanks as quickly as possible. "Go ahead Caleb."

With a nod Caleb looked at Jack and filled in the blanks with, he told about the energy they had been studying, that the beam was a by-product of it's failed utilization, Risa being the only reason the Navy could use it and a bit about the materials used he had explained while walking with Luro.
"I don't know what they're using the fire it but it is without a doubt the failed manifestation of energy they fired at us," Caleb said. "I've seen it enough times on a smaller scale."
"Basically they're not using the thing right so this isn't even the completed form of the energy," Luro added. "Only reason it hasn't blown up their ship is Risa's doing the fancy math."
"It is still extremely volatile though, well-"

Caleb trailed off looking into the hole then back at Jack.
"That's abundantly clear, that's most of the information on it. If you need more information on what the actual component is and the calculations I can share that, it really is just a collection of materials put together incorrectly in a very precise manner."
"…which wouldn't be possible without Risa," Luro said crossing his arms.
"Indeed, still so long as they have the materials and Risa they can fire it again when they please. The material is destroyed in the creation of the energy however so whatever their firing it from would need to have new materials thrown in with each shot, carefully measured of course."
"One mix up and boom, goodbye ship," Luro said nodding.
"…because of that I think she's safe for now but…I worry what my apprentice will do if she realizes what's happening."

Caleb's eyebrows lowered a bit.
"I don't think she'd go that far but…she has a good heart…if she realizes how many lives are being taken…"
Caleb trailed off and shut his eyes deciding not to allow that possibility to go through his mind.
"There you are Jack Kunal, hopefully that helps."

Jack's eyes tracked the conversation and then drifted off between them. "It does… and doesn't. It sounds like we have a way to destroy the weapon, if we come into contact with it. I can't believe the Navy completed it."

He refocused on the pair. "I've… heard rumors. The Navy's trying to build a weapon that could wipe out an entire country in one blow. But only rumors. Nothing to substantiate that they'd begun production or could even complete it."

Rubbing a hand over his mouth, Jack turned back to the blast radius. Now his worry became evident. What was the point of hiding it?

"This is a declaration of war. One they might've won in a single shot– oh no." The latter escaped under his breath as he saw Cecilia approach them, a crazy look in her eyes.

He raised both hands as she shoved her way past Luro and Caleb. "Cecilia, wait, I can explain–"

Cecilia slapped him with her bare hand. Jack's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell sideways. She threw herself at him, screaming profanities. "We could have saved them! Blackguard! You stopped us from saving our captains, how could you?!"

"…there tends to be some truth in rumors…" Caleb mumbled looking back at the hole. "…I had no idea about any weapon being developed but I wouldn't put it pass them…still a whole country."
Caleb's eyes narrowed at the very idea, the Navy having a weapon like that would be the end of any kind of resistance, it'd be the equivalent of putting a gun against every person's head there. The scenery around them was a prime example as Jack was correct about a quick end, a few good clean shots and that would have been the end of the Worst Gen's.
"…indeed it is, Jack what can you share about-"
Caleb cut himself off seeing Cecilia approach and the two men barely had time to register what was happening before the woman was screaming at Jack.
Luro moved over to them and slipping his arms under her pulled her away putting her in a light full nelson, though due to his height he ended up lifting her off the ground in the process.

"Ceclia please calm yourself," Caleb said. "Passing blame isn't going to help anyone, this isn't the time to go at each other throats."
"Yeah Cel," Luro said. "Punching won't bring people back, I've done it enough times to know."
Caleb's eyes narrowed a bit at this.
"I'm not sure what this…Blackguard is but let's put all our information together than make a decision. I wish my Captain's return as well. Please breathe…or whatever process you use for calming down."

Cecilia didn't listen to any of them, still struggling, tears streaming down her face. Her writing, petite frame twisted enough for her gloveless palm to meet Luro's cheek. Two things happened: Luro suddenly knew everything there was to know about a famous Lendrian painter, Archibald Knight, and as soon as he knew that, he got a splitting headache.

Jack groaned as he picked himself off the ground, gingerly. He cradled his head and winced, having received a similar experience to Luro's. Except Jack was a newfound expert on the phycodurus eques. He thought, Now I know how the Knowledge Devil Fruit feels. Adelaide did warn me…

Staggering to his feet, he waved at Luro to Cecilia down. "It's… alright. She's a right to be angry. I interfered when Pierre was taken… ow." He gripped his head again.

Sergi came up, ready to take Cecilia back under his care. She slumped against her remaining crewmate, lost and broken. "You don't understand. They're all we have left… all that's left…"

Jack glanced at Luro and Caleb, wondering what she meant. The Court pirates turned before he stepped forward. "Sergi… I am sorry. They couldn't be saved then but we will get them back. All of them. Cecilia's powers could come in handy…"

Sergi merely offered a nod. Jack let his arm fall, his features twisted between rage and empathy. He played with the earrings on his ear, the ones with Cedric's aetheriums in them. He was still staring at Cecilia when he finally answered Caleb.

"There's little information on the weapon's design. Only the rumor of it reached our ears. But… this strike, it obviously came from above. And affected weather patterns before it hit. That might have been caused by this energy you speak of. How did they manage such a strike from a sea-based vessel, though?" His voice trailed off in thought.

Luro's eyebrows twitched as memories flooded into his head, a headache quickly followed causing his mouth to twitch a bit. He wasn't sure what that was, but having memories of someone, especially a stranger put in his head was nothing new. Imposter replayed the lives of people in his skull constantly, but this felt different for some reason. He didn't linger too long on it as he released Cecilia at Jack's request.

Luro offered a shake of his head at Cecilia's words and Caleb merely remained silent. He couldn't blame her, if not for Seliria's tough love he'd still be wallowing himself.
He watched the two go unable to offer any words to Cecilia or Sergei, at this point the better option would be to retrieve their Captains, that would mean more than pretty words at this point, especially seeing Cecilia so downtrodden.
His attention was pulled back to the conversation as Jack continued leading Caleb to nod.

"There's a chance. It is a large fluctuation of energy, which would mean an abundance of excess would be released in the process but we never used it on this scale so I can't confirm it. We believed it was too dangerous. It would be nice if that was the case, at least it'd be a telltale sign."

At the mention of the weapon type Luro rubbed the side of his head.
"Maybe a giant gun?" Luro questioned.
"…a mortar of some sort, some ships posses them." Caleb added.
"Hmmm…what about a kind of lighting rod but it's backwards," Luro threw in.
"Whatever it is just knowing they were working on a weapon is a good thing. That's more information…and it's something that can fit on a ship…"
Caleb trailed off bringing a hand to his chin, there were an abundance of possibilities but his mind kept drifting to Risa, causing him to squeeze the bridge of his nose.

They stood awkwardly for a few minutes, Jack trying to rub the pain out of his head with no success, until they heard a sardonic sigh all around them. "Are you lost, little boys? Maybe I can offer some assistance."

Adelaide walked up, winds whipping around them as she pulled herself into solid form. She stopped in front of Jack.

He frowned. "You're back sooner than I anticipated. Did you find out where the Navy went?"

"No. I could only follow them a couple of miles," replied Adelaide, fixing his collar and hair.

"Then why–"

"-- You stopped breathing for a moment."

"That was just Cecilia. Her power did something –" Jack stopped. His brow furrowed at her. "You can track my breathing?"

Smirking, Adelaide tweaked his nose and then turned to face Caleb and Luro. Jack's face broke into a dumb and admiring grin as his wife took center stage.

"I was on my way back before then. Lucky that I was, too. I wouldn't have spotted this weapon that you speak of."

"You did?" Jack moved to stand next to her. "It wasn't with the fleet? Don't tell me it's still on the island."

Adelaide let him talk himself into silence, her smile growing more mocking. She relished in drawing out the tension with knowledge she had but they didn't. "No. You're not thinking high enough."

She pointed up and Jack's eyes followed. All the way to the sky. "They have an air ship?"

"They do," Adelaide replied, almost giddily. "I can sketch it out, if someone has paper I can use. I didn't get a good look at the weapon. There's parts visible on the deck but it appears to extend into the ship's belly. I spotted cargo doors on the bottom. Most likely they open those to aim the weapon straight down and use the corrupted weather as cover. It's clever."

Luro and Caleb looked at each other after Adelaide's appearance, both men pat their bodies before looking back at the two.
"We're hardly little, especially me I'm taller than Caleb," Luro said.
"Perhaps that's what she meant, though there was usage of the plural form so she clearly meant multiple. Perhaps it was towards Jack and myself, we are shorter than you, unless our heights are added together."
"That'd mean you were taller then."
"True…and combining us together would clearly mean our height is greater dismissing the concept of 'little', also we are adults not boys and wholly aware where we are."
"I don't know where we are," Luro said with a shrug. "Minus on a giant floating turtle whose very nice."
"Well now I'm confused, the plural tense must apply to the concept of being 'lost' as well."

Luro and Caleb's conversation was only cut short by the revelation that Adelaide had noticed the weapons, Caleb's eyebrows arched and Luro grinned at the good news.
"Haha just what I'd expect from Ali," Luro said throwing his arms up. "Caleb this is good news."
"Indeed, allow me to reevaluate my initial observations of Miss Adelaide."
Caleb immediately took out his notebook and erasing his previous notes started making new ones, Luro peered over his shoulders to look at the notes as they waited for the news, the two only pulled back as Adelaide explained where exactly the ship was.

"It's in the air?" Luro said looking up.
"Of course," Caleb said. "The simplest answer is sometimes the best one."
Caleb eyes narrowed a bit and ripping out a few pages from his notebook he held them out towards Adelaide along with his pen.
"Use this to sketch what you saw. Any details no matter how minor will suffice. With luck I'll work out a weakness in the design, or at least a better understanding."
Luro crossed his arms and looked back up at the sky.
"Hmmm I'm surprised we didn't sense it though."
"Observation is meaningless without focus," Caleb said returning to his notes. "We were hardly focusing while being bombarded by light from the sky, even so we would sense the people not the ship. Adelaide's information is invaluable, just knowing they have a flying ship is worthwhile."

Caleb watched as Luro lowered his gaze from the sky, arching a brow seeing Luro head tilt a little as a thought came to mind.
"Another flying ship though…I mean I knew it was gonna happen but it was kinda nice it was just ours," Luro said grinning at Caleb.
"It was inevitable. We were the original but you figured out a way to keep your ship afloat. The Navy visits Brass Cape they either figured it out or took schematics that told them how. Vexing as they are they have their hands in more places then you'd expect."
Caleb said this lowering his notebook.
"Still keeping a ship afloat requires energy or some force. Disrupt that and it'll plummet…if their using the excess energy from the reaction…it wouldn't be enough to keep them afloat for long periods of time."
"Because it's unstable."
"Because it's unstable," Caleb repeated before looking at Adelaide. "Once again thank you Miss Adelaide, this information will help immensely. I now know where my apprentice is, which means I'll feel more at east damaging any grounded ships"
"Yeah great job Ali! When I kill every navy officer on that ship I'll bring back a souveneir as thanks, maybe something shiny. Oh wait except one, I want him to report back what I do to his friends. Especially Samuel."
Luro grinned at this before looking at Jack.
"We should tell the others about this too," Luro added. "Alicia and Captain especially."

"They might be using seastone, somehow," Jack thought aloud. "Not in the weapon. Protecting the ship. They wouldn't create something that could be taken out by… well." He made a sweeping gesture, referring to the many haki and Devil Fruit users currently on the island.

"That's a lot of weight keeping to the clouds," Adelaide remarked from her invisible perch. She sat in midair and cross-legged as she worked on her sketch.

Jack sighed, ran a hand down his dreadlocks again. A cigarillo came out shortly after. "I know. I'm working on it. Either way Luro is right – we need to get with everyone else. Captain Nani included… somebody should ask if the turtle we're standing on is okay…"

Muttering to himself, Jack started wandering back toward where the rest of Stardusk were.

Adelaide handed her sketches to Caleb. "I'll be there when you take the ship," she told the remaining men. Her lips pressed thinly, holding back feral notions. "You'll need me."

This is the airship Adelaide sketched. Recapped info is below, most of it hypothetical.

- Created to house and utilize the Navy's weapon
- Powered by an energy originally developed by Caleb and the Novas; very volatile and still in development stages
- Risa, Caleb's apprentice, has likely been kidnapped and is forced to help the Navy use this energy. She's may be a captive on the ship
- This weapon theoretically can destroy a whole country in one hit, according to Jack's spies
- Caleb hypotheses: Excess gases from the energy may be keeping the ship afloat. It puts out a lot of heat; would need a coolant system. The energy would need to be in a safe place, undisturbed, due to its volatility.
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Her heartbeat thumped inside her head as she sailed through the air, landing painfully before skidding along the dirt. She eventually came to a stop a good distance from where the blast had landed and while she hadn't been in the direct blast, she'd been close enough that she'd been launched like a ragdoll. Nausea set in as her vision blurred, the sound of her own breathing deafening as the sounds of screams and shouts rang numb as if they were supressed by a veil of water lodged inside her ears. She raised a hand in front of her, trying to recompose herself before she saw her hand blur with movement causing it to appear as if she had multiple limbs.

Then after a breif close of her eyes sound erupted back into her ears, her vision starting to clear allowing her to roll onto her knees and pick herself up slowly. Fortunately she'd been mostly unharmed, all her parts accounted for with only some scratches to show from her impact against the ground. Despite having regained full conciousness she couldn't make heads nor tails or what was going on, silver eyes moving between the groups of scattered pirates as her expression contorted into a frown. 'I must find the others' she thought to herself, making it a priority to ensure they were safe before then looking for the answers to what had happened.

A moment later she ascended herself, kicking from the ground to propel herself into the air which allowed her a better view of the situation from above. Anyone trying to find her or know of her status would easily be able to pick her out from below as she circled the devestatation, Alicia noticing the 'island' was walled in by fog which she thought could be due to the explosion even if it's behaviour was rather... off. Eventually she'd pick out the others, Luro's red hair being something of a beacon that humourously came in handy for situations such as this. Alicia made her way down, landing a few feet away before descended as she approached towards them.

"What happened? are you all alright?" she asked firstly as she looked between them, brow furrowed before her expression softened in relief noticing that they also seemed unharmed for the most part. The information she'd sought following this revelation came as she listened to Luro and Caleb exchange words, though really she wasn't able to understand much save for that it seemed to be some kind of weapon created by the Navy. "... I should have seen this coming." she commented as he brows furrowed once again. Alicia was often on top of the Navy's movements but she'd heard nothing about an imminent attack. Then again she'd heard nothing from her contact at all since they had seemingly withdrew.
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Time: Late Evening - clearer skies
Location: Skull Island/Docked next to an actual island

Everyone picked themselves up. Some strengthened their resolve while others fell into despair. Those that lost, grieved. First mates without captains spoke in their place. The dead were given proper sea burials, while those that needed to be treated gathered in designated spots so doctors could work easier. Not many words were exchanged, save for a few orders here and there, or someone going to Saff to update her about who and what was left.

The entire island rumbled like a small inoffensive earthquake for a moment too long, putting a few on high alert again, but they relaxed when nothing else happened. While no one could see it due to sheer size, it was easy to guess that Nani had changed Nimona's course. And with how large this moving island was, plenty of sea was covered and it wouldn't be long before they were 'docked' next to the nearest solid piece of land.
When the Sterling Pirates were sure that they had 'landed', they began to separate into groups with unheard orders as if they knew procedures to follow already. And with how much of an orderly system Nani ran her crew, it wasn't far from possible. Those with useful devil fruits and those that weren't terribly injured began to till large chunks of earth and transfer it to Nimona. They used the new soil as makeshift patches, covering the destroyed ground. On its own time, it would heal, but this was a quick fix and quicker protection to the deeper craters where the giant turtle shell was exposed and cracked.

Saffron made her rounds, counting the pirate crews and checking in on each Worst Gen. Without ready captains and as the first of the WG first mates, she was in charge of corralling the group. The way she handled it made it clear that being a 'captain' was never a job she really wanted- or thought about often. So when Luro checked in on them, she was admittedly surprised- and without her goggles, he could see that surprise before she directed him to Oz. The Cutthroat gunner waved a dismissive hand, grumbling and frustrated, but offered , "I'm fine, Luro. Was just too close to one of those blasts and couldn't see for a bit." She tapped the goggles over her eyes. "Saff's goggles are tinted. Helped with adjusting." Besides her leg being wrapped, it was safe to say that most of the damage had been her pride and a few scratches.

Luro got a similar reaction from the Reds. Rin masked his surprise with a simple nod, turning his attention back to his crew. A wolf sat at his feet, its head tilted outward towards the sea as if looking for something- someone in fact. But as Stella walked past with a group to fix their ship, the wolf whined and followed her.


Around the time everyone began to gather after sharing bits and pieces of information here and there, there was little they could do except wait. Sterling pirates, after mending people went around to cleaning up debris and salvaging what they could from the remains.

Runali came to with a harsh cough. To avoid gasping for air she forced herself into a sitting position. The moment she moved, her body froze in place, reacting to the searing pain that had knocked her unconscious. Her nails dug into the ground and she grit her teeth, counting slow seconds until she could muster up the strength to bear it. It took a moment, but she heaved a shaky sigh and opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was the blood on her clothes. The next was a familiar bird, sitting between her legs and staring up at her. "Coral…" Runali leaned forward slightly, biting back the dizziness to let Coral press her head against hers. There was a comfort in the bird's magma warmth. When her hands finally relaxed, she brushed against something close by and the rest of her senses started to follow suit. There were murmured voices talking with each other, the smell of burning wood was faint, and she pushed her eyepatch up as her vision cleared.

As much as she wanted to, her body forced her to slow her movements. Coral sitting in between her legs seemed to enforce that as well. Runali's gaze followed Coral's as the bird turned her head. Familiar robes and then red hair made her sigh again. The little strength she had seemingly vanished as she collapsed into Luro. "You're okay…" Runali slowly found her voice and then bit by bit, her strength as she focused on her crew and what was around her. The less her own pain was in the forefront of her thoughts, the more she could endure it. And if that meant making sure her crew was okay despite feeling like she had shattered into a million pieces and was slowly picking them back up, so be it. Runali became more and more aware of their surroundings, remembering the losing battle before blacking out from something. Her brow creased in worry. "...What's the damage?"

She hated the idea of something worse happening while she was unconscious.

But her crew started to come into vision and seeing them all standing made her relax a bit. However, hearing the news and getting caught up with everything didn't make her feel too great. Not sickly like the poison caused, but frustration that would have bubbled into anger if she had the energy.


Minutes that dragged into hours…

Runali sat at a table outside, staring down into a half empty cup of tea. She hadn't said much after the explanation and after she had mustered up the energy to move. The rest of the pirates lingered about, while Sterling pirates designated themselves as lookouts. They knew the island better than the rest.

Nani walked into the center of the bonfire, with Saffron by her side. While Nani's facial expression was unreadable, Saffron was lost in thought. At their appearance, everyone silently shifted closer, waiting for orders. Nani straightened up and looked at the sea of faces before making her way to the table Runali was sitting at. The two exchanged silent glances, something unspoken being shared between the two, but it made the Stardusk captain sit up and down the last of her tea.

"Went on land to do some snooping around. Recruited your windy pirate." Nani sat on the opposite side of the table addressing the Stardusk captain even though everyone close enough could hear. "Got some good news and bad news." Nani looked a little tired and less calm than when they first met her. There was a serious look on her face that Runali knew all too well. It was a look of a captain running through dozens of plans, preparing the next move and figuring out just how to do it.

Runali raised a brow and looked down at the newspaper Nani tossed in front of her. The title carried an ominous and haunting air to it. While the news itself was no good, the headline was reminiscent of one Alicia had seen once before:

World Government Cleans the Ocean Once More


Far and wide this headline travelled.

Royals with the Waterdeep symbol gasped in shock. A man, once a pirate, and now a bodyguard- protector of this home frowned at the news.

Lendrian troops rushed the news to their captain, amidst a finally calming war. His hands grew cold and the newspaper froze and shattered.

A mysterious fortune teller, still floating along the ocean, would catch the news too.

Satia and the Feian army would learn the news too.

Prophets, scattered amongst their tasks, would reconvene and find it. Maybe faster since one of their own was in range.

It landed in the hands of two parents, both feeling the dread and weight of it. They were oceans away, many were. And they could only hope.

But the news created a buzz. Something… shifted in the air.

But what that was… who's to say.


"This has been set up from the start." Nani pointed at the date and sure enough, it was the exact same day. "They prepared for this… News doesn't travel that fast. Not even the new radios would have gotten this out in the same day." Her brow furrowed and she turned the page.

The next headline read:

Worst Gen To Be Beheaded and Eradicated

"At what point did you plan on sharing good news?" Rin had stepped forward this time, staring down at the papers to get a good look.

This time, Saffron pointed farther down the article. "Pirate beheadings take place in front of an audience. This isn't on Kane'Artem. This'll be on land." She pointed to a name. "Belfield. It's Navy country. One of their biggest homebases. The outer ring is regular townsfolk. The inner ring is all navy. From ensign to Admiral. They're making a show of it." She looked over as Oz put a hand on her shoulder and gave her goggles back to her. "Means we know where they are."

"How much time do we have?"

That's when Saffron frowned. "They planned this, but the article says seven captains… They only have six." She looked over at Runali. "Belfield from here is about a week trip on small boats. A man of war like theirs? And without knowing the power of their ships? Could be less. But the beheading is in two weeks. A week to get there and a week to prep." Saffron placed the goggles on her head. "Hard to say if they'll stick to their plan or come back for round two in order to collect the captain they missed. But that means our captains will be holed up in a jail cell until then."

Rin scoffed. "It'd be far too risky to come back knowing we're ready for a fight. Sterling said it herself, they planned this and they'll stick to that plan. We need to go to them and burn them to the ground."

"We go there now and all we're doing is giving ourselves over right to them." Nani spoke up, silencing the first mates before they could continue. "It's not an island. It's an entire country. We wouldn't be able to get within a twenty mile radius without holes being put in our ships and sinking us straight to the bottom. You're in your feelings, don't let them get you killed."

Rin's jaw set but he remained silent, slinking back some to wait for the rest. For once, he didn't nudge Stella off of him when she put a hand on his shoulder. Everyone looked to Nani, waiting for a plan.

"We've got three Worst Gen ships, around fifty different pirate groups and half their ships, plus five of my remaining ones." Nani went over information in her head. "Your captains know how dangerous it'd be to storm through there. It's why you're all here now." She looked over at Caleb and then at Cecilia before her gaze went to the rest. "And for them to have this… weapon of mass destruction, there's no telling what any of us would be rushing into."

The pirates, with Nani as the leading voice, spoke back and forth about trying to come up with plans or shooting them down. Every plan was suicide and every angle was near impossible, even for those like Caleb and Luro who challenged impossible. The only one that hadn't spoken was Runali. Her eyes were closed and she tapped on the table, quietly in thought. Every plan was a bad one, but there was one thing they had yet to consider. It made her open her eyes.

"We'll just give them what they want." All eyes turned to her and without missing a beat, she pointed to herself. "Me."

Before the others could protest, because it was on the tips of multiple tongues, Nani held a hand up. "You think giving them the opportunity to kill all seven captains of the Worst Gen is a good idea? That's a plan that'd singlehandedly shatter piracy as we know it." She squinted, staring into Runali's one eye to find the punchline.

"They'll kill you the moment you enter their territory." Stella chimed in and with reluctance a few other Worst Gen agreed.

"No. They want my head. They'd tie me up, throw me in a cell with the rest, and wait till the day they announced. It's all there. They want to make a show of it." She tapped the newspaper that had eventually made its way back to the table. There were a few more who turned it down and Runali sighed and stood to her feet, pulling everyone's attention on her. Nani watched with a slightly amused gleam to those that cared to notice. "Nani, you know how to get into Belfield I imagine?"


Runali didn't ask how, but she could only assume it was because of the library she amassed. "We've got two problems here. The captains and the weapon. Splitting our forces in two won't do anything but kill us... But they misjudged. Announcing to the world that they were going to kill us was a mistake. Now people know… now allies know."

"There's no guarantee anyone will get here in the two weeks it takes for this to happen. And what good are reinforcements you're not sure you even have?" Saffron looked confused and apprehensive. This sounded like another suicide plan.

"Oh, I can't guarantee all. But some will. We only need a few. And we don't need them there immediately. When they show up-"

"It'll be a statement." Nani had a wider grin and she stood to her feet. She made a motion that caused a few Sterling pirates to prepare to move. "No, no it'll be a message. And the threat of war." She snapped her fingers, the gears turning in her brain with a new excitement. "And I know just who should hear that directly.. Saffron, if my library hasn't been damaged too bad there's a map. One's Belfield. Grab it and bring it for the captain. She'll need it." With another motion, a few of her crew began to file out, grabbing things and heading to one ship. "I'm going to get a headstart. There's something I'm going to do. When you all get there, before the trial begins, before you start a war- wait for my signal."

Runali looked a little confused at Nani's new found confidence. "And what'll that be?"

"You're a captain! You'll know when I give it. I'll be heading towards you and picking up a few things, a few people. You have my crew at your command." As she hurried off, she turned back to Runali and yelled. "You better make sure that plan of yours works!"

And then she was off.
Runali was going to correct her and say that she didn't have a full plan but suddenly, she was left in charge. She blinked and looked at the dozens of eyes on her and then at her own crew. There was warmth in familiarity and a small bubbling confidence despite her hesitation. She stood on the table to get a good look around.

But of course, it was never easy.

The moment Nani left, Rin grimaced. "And what? I'm supposed to listen to you because you got lucky? We're wasting time here! It's foolish of you to even think they'd wait to kill them." It was the catalyst for an uproar. It started with the Worst Gen and it became a domino effect of anger and fear. Because if the Worst Gen faltered, what could other pirates do?

"By all means, I'd happily put a bullet to your head if it means you'll stop yapping. Never liked you or your crew anyway."
"I'd like to see you try it. You won't have a captain to miss if you're dead."
"The captains'll… they'll be okay right? Caleb? Seliria?"
"We ain't got a wager in this battle, I ain't signing up to die!"
"They killed our crews, our friends and you'd run with your tail between your legs!?"

Runali watched as they bickered and fought. Her hand pressed against her temple. She wasn't sure if it was the last of the poison making its way out of her system or frustration that boiled. "If all of you would listen-" She went ignored, once, twice, and then after the third time she raised her voice. "That's ENOUGH!"

A powerful force of energy crashed over everyone from the Stardusk to the pirates that backed away. It put a few surprised ones on their knees, but it silenced everyone. Conqueror's haki lingered, sending chills down spines, even Coral, although not quite in fear (because that frustration wasn't directed at her) but in surprise, tucked closer to Luro. Runali sighed and spoke again. "The navy has stolen from us. Captains, friends, family. ..Attacking us at our most vulnerable, they've tried to weaken and sever us. Fear is what they want from us. We can't- we're not going to let them win. We have three Worst Gen ships and enough of the rest to make a small army. We may have lost today but I don't plan on keeping it that way." She looked down at Rin, before crouching down to meet him at his eye level. "The longer you fight me, the closer Will is to death. Do you want that on your conscience or will you shut up and listen?" She watched him narrow his eyes, seemingly ready to grab his gun and fire. But he faltered, no doubt from the haki, and broke eye contact, silently standing there. "Thought so." She stood again and looked around. "In a few days we'll be surrounded by navy soldiers, more than likely outgunned and outmanned. It's nothing new, a pirate always is up against the odds." Her gaze flickered over to Jack for a brief moment before she continued. "And all of these problems… all of these complications, well, they're just opportunities that haven't presented themselves yet." Runali cleared her throat. " So does anyone else have a problem or do you plan on jumping ship and going down in history as the pirate who ran?"

The silence carried on for a few heartbeats as her words rang out impacting everyone in their own way.
Saffron adjusted her goggles and nodded. "You have the Cutthroats."
Then the Court followed.
And then the Reds.
And then other pirates began to raise their weapons, yelling in some new found reverie.

The Stardusk would notice how Runali's shoulders sagged just a little. She was truly making it up as she went and was only hoping it'd work.

"Good. Focus on gathering what we can from the wreck and from the island. Make sure the boats are ready. Saff, bring those blueprints back here and we can properly plan."

She hopped down, holding a hand up for the rest of the Worst Gen to wait as she walked over to where she noticed Cecilia and Sergei. The latter was quietly holding Cecilia by her shoulders. He hadn't said a word since the incident. The two had been distant, save for Cecila's outburst towards Jack. Runali didn't say anything at first, simply crouching in front of them, waiting for them to speak, but when they didn't, she did.

"They're still out there. We're going to get them back."

"...I've seen the maps. None of your plans will work." Cecilia whispered, her hands tightening on her dress.

Runali placed a hand on her knee, waiting for both of them to look up. "...You don't have to let the navy take your family a second time." Both Court pirates looked up in surprise. "They… showed me what happened when we met. But I figured it out mostly… The illusions may look real, but they're …empty." She looked over at Sergei. "The masks are too… There's nothing that can replace the crew you lost. I would know… But you're not alone this time." She held her hand out. "And I promise, I will get them out of there. But you have to trust me."

The two stared at each other for a moment, sharing a quiet exchange. Sergei closed his eyes for a moment, frowning and a little unnerved about not having a mask to cover his face. With the false protection gone, he was forced to feel and be. He wasn't sure if he remembered who his real self was… But… he took Runali's hand.

"I trust you."


With everyone running around with new found instructions, Runali took a moment to sit at the table and slouch down. Her crew were still around, the only ones that hadn't gotten orders from her. It was on purpose, she hadn't had much of a moment to check in with all of them. So with a tired smile, she asked,

"Don't suppose you guys want to join my insane war crusade?"















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Of course Alicia remained close to Runali as everyone gathered, not for fear that something might happen but mostly out of habbit in case there was something the captain needed from her. She didn't mention it but she was also concerned despite Zilia's treatment, something seemed not quite right with Ru since everything happened and while she hadn't questioned it directly she got the impression there was much on her mind she wasn't yet sharing openly.

During the aftermath Alicia had once again taken to patrolling the skies around the giant sea turtle, using her vantage to pick out missed bodies and bring them back for proper burial. She'd started losing count of how many she'd brought back, not all of them in one piece as those who had been unfortunate enough to be too close to the explosion had been torn apart in various ways. Regardless Alicia had brought as many back as she could find, whether it was little more than an arm or more.

"For whom weeps the storm." she spoke for the first time in the last few hours, turning towards Ru with a small smile on her features, her smile fading when she turned towards the arrival of Nani and Saffron, straightening her posture as she prepared to hear what was going to happen next. She'd have been surprised by the headline of the newspaper had she not already known that headline already and those who coined it, her brows furrowing before her gaze shifted onto Ru once again.

She said nothing as the conversation continued, looking between those who began to give their opinions before coming to flinch slightly as Ru spoke with the proposition of turning herself over to their enemy. Of course she couldn't help but dislike the idea immediately, though as the converstion moved onward she saw a little more of the reasoning behind it and even Nani seemed to be on board once Ru had clarified her intention with a little more detail.

Alicia turned her attention towards the other pirate crews who began to raise their voices in opposition and she were about to give her own voice against them before a wave of words washed out over them all causing the swordwoman to stagger slightly before turning to face towards the source, eyebrows raising slightly upon realising the aura had been cast by Ru herself. Alicia wasn't well versed in the understanding of Haki and more so than most was caught in confusion with what had happened.

Regardless she settled and witheld her voice as Ru went on to quell the opposition with more words. Though she wore a small smile as she noticed those shoulders drop, placing her hands on her hips as she shook her head slightly. About now would be when she might give words of encouragement and support, though at this point she liked to think Ru knew she was at her back regardless of the situation and how potentially suicidal it might be. Yet still she posed a question that couldn't rightly be left unanswered.

"You mean to tell me we've had a choice this whole time?" she replied as she brought a small smirk to her features. "You can rest assured I'll be right beside you."

Meanwhile in Yula Fei. Port Hurasai.

"Admiral Tashigi!"

A man dressed in a Feian officers uniform jogged across the deck of the Kyojin, a Dragon class warship in the Yula Imperial Navy. Standing at the bridge of the massive vessel looking over shipping manifests was a silver haired woman with two swords straped at her waist, her stern gaze turning towards the man as he approached. "You need to see this... " he warned, passing Satia a newspaper before taking a step back to wait patiently.

Alicia's younger sister read the headline, her brow furrowing further the more she read before flipping the page to continue reading. "I see." she replied before inclining her head towards the officer who saluted before excusing himself back to his duties. Satia closed the newspaper soon after his departure before turning to the closest senior officers. "Prepare a transport to shore and send word to the Empress that I must convene with her on a matter of great importance. Asahi has authority in my abscense."

The officers saluted and disbanded to fulfil their orders as Satia turned and strode from the room, carrying the newspaper neatly under her arm. "What have you gotten yourselves into this time..." she muttered as multiple soldiers on the deck below moved to lower a smaller boat from the deck to the water down beside the ship, orders being relayed and called as she descended the bridge towards the lower levels.
Collab w/ @Mizos since... gestures to all the characters




Location: Nimona/Skull island - Docked next to a nondescript island

"Miss Captain."
Isari stood near Runali and bringing her heels together brought a hand to her chest.
"You have the support of the Prophets. Nikos said he would bill you later. All you need to do is acknowledge the contract. Which Nikos informed me I should explain in explicit detail should you ask about it and ensure Jack, Alicia or Zil are nearby to explain it later."
"Forgot how quick ya'll act. I'm reminded why I hire you on occasion," Seliria said looking over at Isari.
The young woman offered a bright smile to Seliria before turning back to Runali.
"He has all the information on what's happened, I barely finished explaining when he informed me we would be aiding you."

Alicia's declaration made her tired smile grow a little more. "You know I'd never make you do anything you didn't want to. S'been your choice to follow me to hell and back, but I'm certainly glad you have, first mate."
"Oh," She saluted Isari and chuckled. "To be so blind, he sure does have his ears everywhere." She grinned. "Compensating I suppose." The mention of a contract, she idly waved her hand in front of her face. "Aye, aye of course. He's always got business behind it. Of course I agree and whatever I shouldn't agree to, Alicia and Jack can say otherwise. He knows that already." Looking over at Seliria, she nodded in agreement. "Very useful friends to have in a pinch that's for sure." Before she could fully dismiss it, she snapped her fingers. "Wait, he can't add business behind it if he offered. My request was to the pirates here, he offered." She grinned a little wider. "No charge if he's volunteering, isn't that how it goes?"

"We aim to be among the top if not greatest mercenary outfit. Information is key to that Miss Captain," Isari said with a small smile.
At the waved hand Isari let out a small giggle but offered a nod.
"I'll save you his speech but you've known him for years, the highlights are, rise to Pirate Lord, top Mercenaries, the end of our dreams, a battle when we've achieved everything."
"Sounds about right," Luro said grinning. "He can't just admit he's worried."
"Kaim openly admitted he wanted to help as always," Isari added. "Stipulations have already been added to the contract for accountancy for those two, we've done business before after all. Tari's already prepared the subsequent documents to fill in for Alicia's records."

Seliria seemed to have a particular comment on the notion of friends but the conversation moved forward so the woman let it go. Though at Runali's mention of 'free help' Isari reached up and scratched her cheek.
"Actually…I spoke with Miss Pirate Lord a few days ago. We've encountered her people before after all but wanted to form a formal relationship, as such we agreed to do business should a need arise in which assistance is required, especially involving the Stardusk Pirates in any capacity. Basically…'Should Runali or any subsequent Worst Gen need help the Prophets will assist under contract of the Pirate Lord as a display of prowess, professionalism and willingness to aid in future endeavors and to establish positive relations."

Luro stared at Isari as she repeated the contract terms, his head tilting to the side.
"I know…it's all complicated business stuff," Isari said causing Zilia to step forward.
"Essentially Nikos fully expected us to get into trouble in the near future and prepared accordingly b," Zilia said. "...he really does know us. He even mentioned Runali."
Isari offered a nod before motioning to Runali.
"You are acting pirate lord and agreed to the contract so…regretfully we have to charge you. Had you not been yes it would be considered volunteering as it would be an offer to Stardusk not the Lord herself."
"That man could gyp Jones with that level of preparation," Seliria said sighing.
"You didn't hear this from me but…Nikos expected Runali to win. Thus why he made such a contract in the first place, though she's not the permanent pirate lord, acting is still good enough, consider it…lucky I suppose…well for us."
"Never underestimate Nikos' absolute preparation," Zilia muttered.

'Acting pirate lord' felt a little too real in the moment, making her quiet down just a bit. It was definitely something she aimed to be and that never wavered, but she had always imagined the circumstances to be… less distress and more of a declaration. But, there was nothing she could do about that, offering a smile. "Aye, of course he's prepared. He's probably gonna charge more for this, but tell him it's nice to know he cares." It was in earnest, though she couldn't help but find it all amusing. "Careful Sel, he probably already has a plan for him too. He'll go down in history as the man who put Jones in debt and I'm absolutely gonna be there to see it."
Fiddling with her eyepatch, she fell into thought, adding the Prophets to the slowly churning plans in her head. "They'll be useful… I'll let you know what I need from them- all of you, as soon as I can straighten out a detail… or multiple." She mumbled the last part before carrying on. "For now, just tell Nikos to look alive. I think… Well, I have a feeling I know what Sterling is up to. Prophets may have to cut off some navy channels when the time comes, to prevent them from calling for backup. But not yet, it would be too suspicious to do it so soon."

"He will...absolutely deny that but I will pass the message along," Isari said with a smile.
Seliria offered a small shrug in response to the comment on Nikos, she had made peace with the annoying nickname at this point so her ignorance of it was common now.
"I won't deny seeing something like that might actually be amusing," Seliria responded, crossing her arms. "Let's not visit him too soon though."
Isari offered a firm nod in agreement before looking over at Runali watching her sort through her thoughts, she offered a nod and brought her hand to her chest again at her suggestion.

"Of course Miss Captain, you need merely point where you need us when you need us. To my knowledge Emil is already speaking with merchants to gather supplies and Aira is gathering some of her crew. We presently have two ships available."
"Four ships."
Mia stepped out of the shadows and offered a grin to those gathered.
"It should go without saying the Lupus Noctis are getting in on this. I've worked with the Prophets before, I know their tactics, hell I taught them some of em'. If the Pirate Lord desires me there of course."
Mia said this with a grand bow before raising her body and smiling.
"I can get two of my ships here relatively quickly, if I send a coded letter out my First Mate can have our main ship back within the week as well."
Isari offered a bright smile to Mia who slammed her hand into her fist.
"Takes me back to the Circle, keeping Relias' ships off you guys with the Prophets. Fond memories…what limitation has he allowed to be released by the way Isari."
"Nikos has permitted third limitation removal from the get go, four is allowed if need be."
"Wow he's really showing off," Mia said.
"How many limitations are there again?" Zilia questioned looking at the two.
"More than four, that's all I can share. For this job four is good enough trust me," Mia said. "Especially if Nina's coming. So there you are Pirate Lord. You got four ships and walking disasters at your disposal."
"I can give you an army too if need be," Isari added raising a hand. "My golems can sail ships as well if we need distractions or just extra hands. That can help limit the amount of lives lost if things get complicated."

While the others began to converse, Runali pulled Zilia just a little closer, lowering her voice. "I'll need you close by when things get chaotic.. maybe not in the front lines but close." There was an unspoken apprehension in her eyes, a part of the plan that she couldn't get around. "I've lived in this type of prison before… the things they do aren't pretty. I can only guess how they'll treat a group of captains that are on death row. So just… be ready for anything."

Zilia arched a brow at being pulled but leaned towards Runali a bit to hear her, the words caused her brows to furrow but the small nod she gave revealed she understood.
She didn't speak of it often but she had the 'pleasure' of serving as a doctor for wars, she had prisoners brought to her, some who didn't want to be saved.
"Of course Captain, I'll do all I can. I swear it," Zilia said back in a whisper.

To Seliria, she nodded in agreement. Runali had enough of seeing Jones just for his 'casual' visits, the last thing she wanted was to make a formal one. Mia's entrance pushed the thoughts to the side and she reached out to shake Mia's hand. "Glad I can count on you. We'll definitely need the extra hands." Isari's mention of golems made her look up in realization. "Ah, right. Wait, that changes a few things actually. Anything that keeps us standing will be better…" Runali was going on a visible overload of information, too many plans were turning in her brain and eventually she had to hold her hand up, silencing everyone. "Alright. Time to be a captain." Runali muttered under her breath as people began to return to the table.

"Of course what are sisters for," Mia said with a smile before looking over at Isa who offered a firm nod in response to being able to assist. "Besides this could be our Kane'Artem, can't pass this up."
The group fell quiet as Runali held her hand up, Zilia didn't speak until a few moments had passed.
"...I'm still not excited at you being in this but I know stopping you isn't an option either," Zilia said sighing.
"If you're going then I'm going Zil," Isari responded her brows lowering. "Seliria is going too and if I now Mia she'll be there."
Zilia brought a hand to her face not wanting to think about that possibility but she knew it was a losing battle, Mia was without a doubt going to show up.
"She's going to get demoted again if not outright fired…anyway just…be careful."
"I'll be on the job, I'll be a professional Isa."

Saffron spread a tattered map across the table that was labeled 'Belfield Country' and then another, that was taped back together that was labeled 'Belfield - Navy Headquarters'. She looked over all who gathered then gave a small salute to Runali. "What's the plan, captain?"

Runali ran her hands across her face and through her hair. "Never thought I'd be breaking into a high security navy-ridden place after being broken out of one." She huffed, finding an empty amusement out of it but focused her attention on the maps, becoming just a little more serious than before. The navy headquarters was a large city, expanding into three rings.

"No one in their right mind would take such action…so better chance they won't see it coming," Zilia said.
"Right, it's just the right amount of excitement," Luro said grinning. "A step below considering using Shusui as a back scratcher with Alicia nearby."

The first ring followed the majority of the lining of the country itself being port and trade territory. It was where ships came in or went out. While it was possible to enter the city through either side of this 'ring', there was only one real entrance that would get them into the next two rings- at least, with ease.
The second ring was the town itself. It was where the civilians and all of their homes and stores resided. It was anyone's guess whether or not these civilians were duty bound by the navy or simply there because it was convenient and safe for them. Either way it went, they were a risk and she wasn't sure if she could balance crowd control alongside the chaos she was about to cause. She'd try to avoid them as much as possible.
And then there was the third ring. This would be the center of it all. By the dimensions on the map, the stone building -with a scribbled note that it was seastone- that took up the very center was large and there were five levels. It made Runali pause for a second, reliving Kane'Artem just for a moment before she continued her look through. Their main focus would be on the bottom level: the prison, and the third level. The notes made it out to be some sort of work area, but following Nani's notes, there was probably a station on the side of the headquarters where an airship could dock. She'd have to discuss it with the Novas. They were the most well versed with those. She tapped a spot that looked like a courtyard in front of the headquarters, by her guess, it'd be where the beheadings would take place.

When Runali was satisfied with her look through, she let out a sigh and began to speak. "We can't make any moves until there's three days left." She could feel the surprised eyes on her. There were protests in the way some shifted, but Runali kept her eye on the maps. "For this to work, we can't give them time, which means we have to sacrifice our own." She pointed towards the map of the country, trailing outward into the sea. "We'll sail to the outskirts of the country, just out of range so they can't see us. Day 1, I'll take a small boat to land and they'll arrest me. But they'll be on high alert. They won't believe that I'm out on my own, so they'll be expecting an ambush. But you all will wait and stay hidden." She looked pointedly at each of them, making sure they knew it was an order and not a request. "They'll more than likely do a sweep of the place but if they don't find anything, they'll relax. Don't let them find anything."

Seliria and Zilia seemed like they wanted to say something but both remained silent, the former understanding Runali's decision and the latter knowing danger was part of the plan.

She gestured to Jack. "Day two. Jack, Ade, and Cecilia. You two are the sneakiest and Cecilia can gather the most information. Things will calm down and I need you three to be ghosts. Get as much information about their ships as you can. Find at least two navy ships enroute to leave that same day. Three if you're lucky. I'll need you to change their routes and have them go towards our group of ships. It has to be done before the day ends." Runali scanned the group again, this time pointing at Alicia. "If we can manage it in the same day or at least early into day three, you'll lead the next charge with Sergei and Seliria. I need you to be quick and steal their ships. And it's gotta be done before they have the chance to signal distress. Fast and quiet is the game." Remembering Seliria and Caleb's duty to the Junkers, she gestured to them and they immediately pulled closer to their guardians. "The Junkers will stay on the Stardusk ship. It'll be the safest place they can be. Kadi can watch them since he'll be keeping the ship ready to go at a moment's notice."

Runali tapped her fingers on the table, finding her place back in the plan again. "Each of you, Alicia, Sergei, and Seliria will -with a group of your own- man those boats and sail them to either side of the ports, far as you can without being noticed. On day three, at the height of the beheading," She checked the time of it in the newspaper. "Maybe 30 minutes before… it'll have to be timed just right. All of the captains- all of us will have to be out of the prison cells already so it's one less step… Either way, that's when you'll signal both or all three distress signals. It'll cause the navy forces to scatter away from the entrance… and if we're lucky, there'll be enough warning to get people into their homes for safety."

"Pff, who cares about a bunch of extra people? Casualties are casualties. They should've prepared for it when they took the captains."

Runali didn't grace the comment with a response. On one hand, she did agree that this was the navy's fault to begin with, but on the other hand, she wasn't about to slaughter innocent lives when her goal was to get the Worst Gen captains out. Runali pressed on and looked at Luro this time. "When the navy scatters and leaves to see why there's distress signals, I need you, Caleb, and Mia to destroy every navy boat at the docks to give our ships the upper hand. And to stop them before they can fire back."

She sat back down, still regaining some of her energy from the poison before. "Once the ships dock, everyone will be able to get inland. Isari, I'll need a few golems to protect the ships because we'll need all of them to remain floating… I can't tell you who'll stop you at that point, but you'll be on a countdown. Ideally, with the distress signals it'll give you just a bit more time. But, by then the hard part will be done, you'll be on land." She tapped on the spaces she imagined an airship would be. "Caleb, your priority will be the weapon. You'll take… Oz, Cecilia, Mia. I don't know how fast you can clear your way to the inner circle, Seliria, but you'll be on that team too. If you can't make it, focus on your captains. Oz and Mia, you'll be focusing on the heavy lifting and defending so Caleb can focus on everything else." She didn't know what that weapon entailed and the only ones that did were the Novas, so if he had less to worry about Runali figured he'd be able to work twice as fast. "Cecilia, you'll grab anything that looks important. Schematics, notes, you name it. If you can't take it, memorize it. Destroy everything that you can and don't let them have anything. We can't afford to try to study what they've been up to. Anything useful, just transfer it to Caleb. He's better off knowing it."

"And the rest of you? The captains. Keeping each other safe. Fall in line, get in and out of the chaos as quick as you can." It was an insane three day plan that had no real guarantee of working in their favor, but Runali didn't show that in her expression, she only nodded. "Our priorities are to retrieve what we need and to get rid of that weapon. We fight if we have to, but we aren't here for a war. This is just a statement- a promise that if they try it again, it'd be their last." The threat hung in the air for a few moments before she leaned forward to rest on her hand.

"And what of the allies that you say will be there? What if they somehow get their first?" Saffron watched, slightly intrigued by this new plan. She had her own reservations about it, but the fact that Runali seemed so sure made her stay quiet about them.

Attention turned as Runali let out a soft whistle and Coral flew to the center of the table. "We're closer to Belfield than anyone, we'll definitely get there first, but," She scratched Coral's feathers. "She'll be the messenger. Coral will either lead them to the group or be their signal to wait." To the unsure faces, Coral lifted her head proudly as Runali pushed a few feathers to the side to reveal the Stardusk emblem tied to a makeshift collar. "When they see her, they'll know."

Those involved with the plans remained silent, listening and making sure to memorize their objectives, Isari was eyeing the map, talking quietly to herself as she ran her finger along the map, but looked up when addressed and offered a nod to show she understood.
Seliria had a hand on one of the Junker's heads and Caleb quietly adjusted the goggles on the head of another, knowing they'd be on the ship would be a comfort, and meant they could join the fight.
"I'll put a golem on the ship too," Isari said looking at the two. "I can share my senses with them, It'll serve as a lookout and extra muscle. If anything changes you'll be the first to know."
Isari held her finger out and a crystal bird formed on her finger before taking the form of a normal bird, minus the crystal under its wings.
"That'll be a comfort, with an extra guardian and Kadi I can fight without the Captain getting upset I didn't watch the brats," Seliria said ruffling the hair of one of them. "I'll feel better too."
Seliria looked over at Alicia after saying this.
"I can say with certainty I didn't expect I'd be following behind a Tashigi again," Seliria said with a small shake of her head. "It seems I was wrong though Alicia. Depending on where you are you may see Rina today, at least three of her faces at least."

Seliria looked back at Runali.
"I'll make it to the inner circle. I may have to cut through a few Captain's to get there but I'll reunite with them. I'll only move towards my Captain's if I'm positive those three are clear."
"...are you sure you'll be able to sneak?" Caleb asked looking at her. "Stealing ships quietly…when you yell over a spoon out of place…"
"You do remember I was an assassin among other things before joining you all right? My job was killing people quickly and quietly before anyone knew…also the things in my kitchen are right where I want them. Your first job is simple, destroy ships with those two."
She motioned to Luro and Mia, the former wearing an eyepatch courtesy of the latter.
"...I'd be worried if I didn't know your penchant for destruction," Seliria said resting a hand on her hip.
Luro offered a grin at this and pat his chest as he puffed it out slightly.
"Destroy everything in front of me-"
"Except Caleb and me," Mia added.
"Except Caleb and Mia, I got one of the most fun jobs!" Luro exclaimed grinning. "Consider it done Captain!"
"...I did have new explosives I wanted to try…." Caleb mumbled. "Clearing the docks will be a simple matter."


Zilia looked over at Isari who had shut her eyes, she patiently waited for her to open them before the young woman looked back at Runali.
"I'll ensure every Prophet knows the plan as well," Isari said. "We'll be on standby once our specified job is done so move us if you need anything else."
"Will you be okay Isa?" Zilia questioned. "I know you can hold your own but…"
"I'll be fine Zil, there will be plenty of materials to make Golem's around me. I'll have a mini army at the docks ready to stop anyone who shows up. Miss Captain is right, the hardest part is over once I'm on land."
Zilia offered a small nod, Isari was the most dangerous on land surrounded by buildable materials especially sand, her watching the ships made plenty of sense.
She had to remind herself the woman in front of her had blood on her hands now, and chose a thorny road of her own accord, she had to focus on her own tasks, Isari would be fine.

"Oh almost forgot," Luro dug in his sleeve and tossed a bracelet to Seliria who caught it.
She eyed the gems within it before nodding and taking each one out slipped it into the bracelet on her wrist; they went into open slots that matched the gems exactly.
"I don't need the extra help but I won't turn down your weird Devil Fruit imitator."
Luro pointed over at Jack.
"Jack can show you a trick with the wind one, if you use an infusion on the bottom of your shoes and create a thin layer of wind it separates your footsteps from the ground, it's like walking on air. Hides the sound of your footsteps, even while running, and makes it easier to run on sand too. He's better at it then I am…and I think he came up with it…that or Ali did…I don't remember anymore."
"Really?" Seliria said looking over at Jack. "I'd like to test that today if you have a moment, Jack. Any other tricks come to mind, feel free to share them as well. I like more efficiency."
Luro looked over at Caleb and he adjusted the goggles on his head eliciting a nod from Luro as the two shared an unspoken confirmation.
"Show me that gun trick later too," Seliria said.
Luro held his hand out and grabbing at the air gripped his rifle which manifested at his touch; resting it against his shoulder he smiled and offered a nod.


Caleb's eyes moved over to his future team, his eyelids lowered a bit. He couldn't recall working too often with them, at least in the field. Taking a step towards them he spoke, deciding to voice a thought that came forward.
"Miss Mia you-"
"Mia's fine Caleb,' Mia said turning towards him. "Not like I've never run into you all before. What's up?"
The man paused for a moment staring at the woman's smile, whatever he seemed to want to say remained unsaid, instead he offered a small nod.
"...I'll be in your care," Caleb said nodding. "You as well Cecilia and Oz."
Mia offered a grin as the Nova offered a small nod to the other two before crossing her arms.
"You'll be safe with us Caleb, as soon as your Captains are okay and we get the info, we go rescue the damsel in distress right? If an opportunity doesn't come before."
"Aye…" Caleb said. "The Captain's and as per the Pirate Lord's orders information…then as Luro so eloquently put it, we will make many widows and orphans today. No war, just a message."
"...forgot how heartless you get when mad," Mia said turning towards Oz seeing Luro had walked over to her.
"Here Oz," Luro said handing her a pair of the gloves.
Given she had helped in making the newest model in the past they needed no explanation.
"Ya don't gotta use em but I'll feel better knowing you got them just in case. No getting hurt anymore okay, I only got so many mistresses after all."
Luro grinned at Oz and Zilia brought a hand to her face.
"Two years…two years and you still don't…never mind," Zilia said before lowering her hand. "Captain I know you have your gloves, do you have the bracelet too with the gems in case they take that? The one Luro had made for you?"

Oz looked up when her name was called by Caleb and gave him a nod. "Like Lev said, we'll take care of the heavy lifting. You don't have anything to worry about." She reached out, examining the gloves Luro gave to her and put them on, testing the feel. "Relax, it was a cheap shot the first time. I don't plan on letting them get a second… But… thanks." Despite Zilia's exasperation, after two years Oz didn't seem too phased at once again being called a mistress. In fact, she barely acknowledged it. Saffron, on the other hand, looked over at Zilia a little confused but not expecting an answer.

Runali, remembering the gloves on her, handed them to Luro while looking at Zilia. "Oh, I can't take these with me. Probably not the bracelet either." She had an almost sheepish and apologetic smile towards the doctor. "They may not know what they do, but I can guarantee they'll take whatever's not the clothes on my back." Even then she wasn't sure if they'd put her in some uncomfortable prison clothes. "I'm going in empty handed so it's believable. Sacrificing myself so the navy doesn't hunt down my crew. Y'know, a sob story of defeat." She examined the bracelet she had before handing that off too. "So, Luro, you'll just have to bring these back to me when you get there."


Seliria looked over at Alicia and rested her hands on her hips.
"You gonna be okay keeping to the dark Alicia?" Seliria questioned. "You'll be stabbing a lot of people in the back, people who won't have time to draw their blades much less know you're there. Once we're out there mercy won't be an option, at least I won't be showing any."

Sergei cleared his throat, leaving Cecila's side to shift a little closer to Alicia and Seliria. "If I may," He didn't carry as much of his grandiose mystery without the mask on, since there was little need for presentation, but with nothing hiding his face there was still a reserved charm about him. "You two are more powerful than myself, but I do possess the… ability of influence." He straightened up a little. "Devil fruit. A siren song is the easiest explanation. It'd stop the majority to give you two the chance to do what you must."


Luro leaned over and looked at the map, he ended up removing the eyepatch to get a better look and staring at it he tapped the second ring.
"If civilians get involved we could poison them," Luro said. "We can use Alicia kill method number 26, without the killing."
"....Alicia what now," Zilia said looking at Luro.
"Alicia kill method number 26 Z," Luro said, continuing to stare at the map. "Didn't I tell you guys how I planned to kill you in horrific ways years ago."
"...well yes it's come up in conversation more times than necessary but I didn't know there were 26."
"Oh there were more than that, I can't think of a nicer name so I just kept the old ones. Anyway I can prepare a poison fog if the non fighter people become a problem Captain, it'll act as numbing agent causing them to lose control of most of their muscles it won't kill, like the one that one lady used."
"...Charlotte," Zilia said crossing her arms.
"Yeah her," Luro said snapping his fingers. "I was inspired while twitching on the ground back then, learned how to do that by studying and borrowing your medicine. If they decide to get violent it may be a way to deal with them.."
Zilia brought a hand to her chin before looking back at Luro.
"...what was 25?"
"Z there are children nearby," Luro said motioning to the Junkers. "Read the room."
Zilia's eyes twitched but she sighed.
"How are you going to spread the fog towards the people if we have too without hitting our own people. We're already running on a time constraint here."
Luro held up his hand and snapping his fingers a gust of wind formed over his hand, dismissing the wind he then pointed at Alicia, Adelaide, then Jack.
"...fair point," Zilia said. "Well it's up to the Captain."
"It'll probably work on the navy too. I can have a few batches prepared by tomorrow, there's poison plants on Miss Turtle. Say the word if you feel the need Captain."

Runali slumped a little more onto the table. "Do what you think works. If it keeps people out of the way, then I'd say go for it." She began to fizzle out from all the talking and planning. With a raised hand, she got everyone's attention again. "Alright, we'll be here all night going back and forth. Go over the plan amongst yourselves. Saff and Rin divide the rest of the pirates into groups. Make sure everyone has some kind of back up. If there's any other questions, save 'em till morning. For now, make sure everything is set to leave and rest up as much as possible. You've got two days to prepare." She dismissed the group and then ended up leaning on Luro again. "Jack, if I pass out before you make food please don't let them eat it all."

Luro adjusted slightly to ensure Runali was as comfy as possible, before he exhuded his unnatural warmth as the others broke off.
"Let's do our best right," Luro said grinning. "All we can really do."
"No Luro," Zilia said adjusting her glasses. "We'll do better than that. Stardusk makes the impossible possible right? Good time to prove that theory."















Before Sterling's Departure.

Luro's Banner.jpg
Zilia's Banner Finished.jpg
Isari's Banner Final 2.jpg
Also Aria
Mia ended up assisting with Doctor duties and borrowing a pair of gloves from Luro aided with helping Nimona, Isari joined her summoning golems to help fill in spots where people needed help. She sent one group to help carry bodies either to the doctors or preparation for burial, Aria stepped in to move bodies alongside the golems.
Zilia had joined the other doctors in assisting patients and helped where she was able. Some swore they saw two of her in different spots with how often she was moving around.
Luro meanwhile was making his rounds and seemed to only offer a smile to Saffron at her surprise, seeing Oz okay was a bit of good news.
"Haha I expected as much, it'll take more than that to get ya Oz."
The Worst Gen were his friends, they were fellow pirates, making sure they were okay made sense. Even if he wanted one of Rin's eyes, both if he offered, he still preferred them alive then dead.

He was glad to return to Runali before she woke up, and if he had the option he would have held her for a bit longer, just seeing her wake up relaxed him a bit. When she posed her question on the damage however that was enough to bring him back.
He wasn't sure where to start so he just whistled in response, Zilia returned with the rest of the crew hearing the call and the doctor offering a smile to Runali joined the others in filling in the blanks, with Luro adding where he was able.


Bad News time

The bad news pulled Zilia away from Isari and Seliria, and caused Luro and Caleb to look up from his generator even pulling Aria away from her curiosity of the strange device.
Mia stayed where she was filling her mug back up but her one eye glanced in the direction of the news showing she was paying more attention than she seemed.
Calling it bad news was putting it lightly, Zilia's jaw clenched eyeing the words on the page, her hands closing into fists.

Animosity seemed to roll off the Nova cook in waves, to a point it was sending chills down the back of anyone unfortunate enough to be near her, realizing some were trembling near her Seliria took a small breath and calmed herself down. Her eyes moved to Caleb, his hand moving over his mouth as he stared at the paper. There was the smallest furrow in his brow, almost impossible to catch that revealed his feelings towards the news.
Zilia silently trembled until she felt something touch her glove, she looked over to see Isari was gripping her trembling fist with both hands.
A hand on her shoulder from Luro along with a small pat on her back from Aria seemed to be enough to pull her back, the doctor muttering a small 'thank you' before Luro and Aria removed their hands, though Isari lingered.

What could be considered a rare occurrence Seliria actually fully agreed with Rin, she wanted the good news that apparently came with this and hearing it her brows arched a bit.
"Belfield…that's a uh…certain kind of place," Mia said finally joining the group.
She didn't say anything further but there was enough there showing she apparently knew the place and Seliria seemed to be of like mind.
The next few moments was a bunch of back and forth between the others on what should be done, Luro tilted his head not sure what to contribute to the conversation, he was fine with just rushing in but apparently that was a bad idea. Zilia tried to look at the situation from different angles but nothing was really working. She was reminded of when they stormed the Last Bastion, how many lives were lost just to get close, at least in that situation they had people from the inside to help, that wasn't the case here, what information they had wasn't enough for a solid plan, that was the cold hard truth.

Seliria only opened her mouth to shoot down idiotic ideas that offered nothing to the table, she motioned to Caleb at the idea of another plan, the man scribbling in his notebook only to crumple up the paper and toss it to the side.
"We're at least thinking and not throwing needless stuff out there."
That was the general response if questioned.

Isari and Aria had nothing, the Crys-Crys fruit user wasn't the strategist of the group, and still a youngling in tactical warfare and Aria was technically an exiled noble who knew how to…punch things, she was on the 'rush them' squad.
Mia didn't really provide anything, she refilled her cup listening to the various conversations and sipping from her mug.
Her furrowed brow did show she was thinking more about it than she was showing.
That was when Runali threw out utter insanity.

Zilia's mouth was already open to object, but was paused by the others stepping up to speak.
Seliria's eyes narrowed a little seeing the look in Nani's eyes but she only sighed realizing it was better than the rest of the stuff she was hearing.
Caleb stopped writing to hear the plan and immediately he turned a page and started writing again as more and more of the plan was revealed.
While Isari smiled seeing a plan coming together Zilia was unable to hide her disdain at handing over Runali, but with no other plan she remained silent to listen. Her gaze moved to Luro who was merely watching Runali, a sparkle in his eyes. Not the smallest hesitation or distrust in her judgement, she sighed a little almost envious of him.

"Here it comes-" Seliria said bringing a hand to her face.
Mia seemed to grinned catching where this was going and in the next moment Runali had become the Acting Pirate Lord.
"The Captain's aren't going to believe this," Seliria mumbled shaking her head slightly.
Luro offered a bright grin to Runali pumping his fist in the air, Zilia rubbed the side of her head clearly bothered but seeing Runali look at her, she offered her a small smile. She knew her Captain by now.


During the dispute

Seliria felt her hand open and close the moment Rin opened his mouth, if not for Caleb grabbing her arm she would have ripped his tongue out of his skull. The armament around her fist faded and she calmed down crossing her arms under her chest and closing her eyes.
While Caleb understood her sentiment it would be an awkward thing to explain if she did that again.
Isari looked around frantically, trying to calm down the few who were in an uproar, it was during this she noticed Mia counting the extra coins in her hands, courtesy of the pirates not paying attention to the world around them.
She seemed to only take from the ones openly insulting Runali, which made it hard to comment.

Luro was tapping his rifle on his shoulder wondering if he was going to have to kill his new friends today, a look from Zilia gave him the answer causing the rifle to vanish and him to pout. The few bandages around his arm that came undone immediately wrapped back around his arm.
Aria was trying to shout over the crowd with very little luck and Seliria didn't offer much of a response to the questions posed to her.
"Don't know," she said simply.
She had little patience for this conversation and Caleb only offered a small shake of his head indicating he wasn't sure either as he continued writing.
Luro looked over at Runali as she tried to speak, and in the next moment something crashed into everyone.
Zilia felt her legs shake but she managed to remain standing, Luro's trembling hand shut tight as he managed to shake off the feeling that passed over him, from the grin on his face he didn't seem to bothered by it.
Caleb had stumbled backward slightly his head dizzy, but a hand on his back stopped him from stumbling further back, Seliria glanced over at him and lowered her hand back to her side.
"Good job not falling to your knees, first time is always dizzying," she said before focusing forward.
Isari somehow managed not to fall to her knees but Aria wasn't so lucky, Mia ultimately pulled her to her feet offering her a smile.
"…that was…"
"Conquerer's yes," Mia said.
"…I wanna fight her so bad."
"Save it for later," Mia said brushing the sand off the woman. "It's serious time right now. Right Luro?"
"Right," Luro said giving Mia a thumbs up before he gently pet Coral.

The moment there was a chance of the First Mate attacking Runali there was a subtle shift in certain parts of the crowd. Luro's eyes had locked on the man, a toothy grin on his face as his hand opened and closed, a soft blue glow pulsating near him as Zilia's hand let off a subtle sigh of her power.
When the man backed down she let the glow fade and Luro's body relaxed as he pouted a bit.
Zilia noticed crystal had grown in the sand but sunk back down when the possibility of a threat passed, she noticed Isari lower her hand and smiled a little at her.
She chose not to look directly at the Nova's, as Seliria stance had shifted extremely slightly and Caleb had paused writing only to start again.

During the silence Zilia was sure she noticed the smallest smile on the the cold woman's expression, but looking directly at her she saw only the same irritable face, though Caleb's lips had curved up slightly.
"I shouldn't have to say it," Seliria said closing her eyes. "We were ready from the get go."
"I've already considered multiple possibilities that increase our odds significantly as a group. It moved over a whole decimal point, to the right which is good."
"I'm little more than a drifter but you have my support as well!" Aria exclaimed.


After the Dispute

Zilia stood with her face in her hands, for years this was a recurring theme. She would think that Runali can't get involved in worse trouble than the last time, especially with the amount of things they went through and somehow she managed to prove her wrong every single time.
It was hard not to be impressed in a way, that she possessed such an annoying skill.
At her question Zilia slowly lowered her hands from her face, eyes narrowed at Runali.

Luro grinned and pounded his chest.
"Wouldn't make sense to promise to be by your side till the end and go somewhere now. Of course I'll be there Captain."
Luro opened his hand leaving it on his chest as he grinned at Runali.
"Just as always Captain you need only let me know how much I need to hold back."
Zilia reached up and removed her glasses, she squeezed the bridge of her nose withholding her opinion as she tried to process everything that had happened.
"…you ask that when you're clearly winging this as you always do," Zilia said sighing. "Rush into a crusade without a proper plan surrounded on all sides by enemies and a country destroying weapon."
Zilia reached up adjusted her glasses.
"Of course I'm coming. I can't leave you all to some other doctor at this point and someone has to be there to reprimand you when this is all over."
Zilia said this before her gaze softened and her shoulders dropped a little.
"Somhow you manage to one up the last crazy thing we're pulled into…"
Zilia trailed off smiling a little.
"When we succeed it will certainly be a story for the Chronicle. I'm positive even my Mentor hasn't done something like this. I need to be there in person to record every moment."


On the Scarlet Crow









A newspaper was tossed on the table for all those gathered to see, Nikos rested his hands on the table as everyone's gazes moved to the words on the paper.
There was a tension in the air that kept the others from speaking up, even Kaim held back on his normal jokes.
It was a rarity but every member of the Vermillion Prophets were gathered on their ship, in their makeshift living room, Ria and Nina had gotten off the sofa and approached the moment Nikos walked into the room, Kara was even called back en route to her mission and Emil and Aria happened to be returning to the ship at just the right time. Kaim was as always hiding getting out of work and even he stepped forward, partially thanks to Tari as he was hiding in her office to her surprise when she opened the door.
The only exception was Isari but Nikos had contact with her and he heard all he needed from her until the next report.

"I gathered everyone back here to decide a course of action. We confirmed it with a few of our connections and Isari has been providing updates on the situation."
Tapping the paper he spoke again.
"Let's review the information."
"Right a summary of the situation then," Kaim said. "Rather not have Nikos go on a half-hour explanation.
Kaim ignored the glare from his leader and rubbed the side of his head before a sigh escaped from him.
"The Navy have a floating airship with a strange weapon with the potential to destroy countries," Kaim said. "Which is bad the end."
"S' bout what I expect from ya Kaim," Aira said glancing at him. "So when we attacking?"
"We can't just rush to assist. Attacking carries risk," Tari said holding up hand. "We've worked with the navy and have a relationship with them. This is a big moment for them and if we play a part in it on the opposing side, there will be repercussions."
"For obvious reasons we've kept our business relationship with Stardusk a decent secret, didn't leave paper trails, whatever was necessary," Nikos added. "We're mercenaries so working with pirates isn't a big deal, we'd lose a few customers sure but not all of them."

Kara picked up the paper and flipped it open, she took notice that the paper said seven instead of six and closing it handed it to Ria who had held a hand out for it.
"If we show up and mess up their big show though it'll look bad for them, a lot of the higher-ups will cut ties with us, in short…" Kara said trailing off
"We only lose in this situation," Nikos added. "We'd lose multiple clients, be on the navy's hit least for a while and lose a few of our connections. We lose far more than we gain by helping them."
"That's why we're here to talk," Nina added as Ria handed her the paper.
"Isn't the decision easy then," Emil said offering a shrug. "If we lose more than gain the choice isn't that hard."
"Agreed," Nikos said. "We only lose by helping Stardusk, we've worked for years and put our lives on the line to establish relations with many influential people…we would be making a lot of those people look bad by helping, we'd burn a lot of bridges and honestly wouldn't be able to repair all of them."
Nikos leaned off the table and made a motion to his crew.
"We'll put it to a vote then, majority wins. If you believe we should aid Stardusk say aye and raise your hand, other wise keep your hand lowered and remain silent….ready."
Emil rolled his eyes but made a shooing motion with his hand.

"Okay….should we help Stardu-"
Nikos froze and stared at the Prophets, every single one had their hand raised, determination in their eyes as they stared at Nikos. The leader let out a chuckle and raised his own hand.
"Aye…just what I expected," he said.
"….Jack….needs help….have to…help." Ria said lowering her hand. "…also…want to…ask…if he…liked….wedding gift…"
"Hanako would be upset if anything happened to Alicia," Emil added before shaking his head. "I mean we get along well enough with them, and they pay well, no reason not to aid them."
"…so adorable…" Kara said staring at Emil before looking back at Nikos. "Annoying as that woman is letting her go out like this won't sit well with me so I'm for it."
"Kadi's head is two percent bigger…I want to see it grow further," Nina added. "Also they're nice."
"Perhaps it's being an ex-pirate myself but…I don't like the idea of piracy ending like this," Aira said patting her chest. "I'm always willing to kill some pissant navy officers."
Nikos looked at Tari who lowered her hand before speaking.
"…..Rising to the top won't be as fun if Stardusk isn't there,"
"Agreed," Nikos responded with a smile. "We're aiming for the top of our own volition…but it would be nice to stand there with the Stardusk Pirates. I can tolerate taking more jobs from them to fill the void with the navy, least till things return to normal. Besides, I still have business with Runali, her dream is to become the Pirate Lord and we chose to support each other dreams. No pirates, no pirate lord and I can't allow that, for a day will come when-"

"We're in agreement then," Kaim said interrupting Nikos. "I'm not letting those guys have all the fun and Luro still owes me an old fashioned brawl!"
"Isari already agreed, I told her to establish a contract," Nikos said lowering his hand.
"Oi you didn't ask us first…" Kaim mumbled.
"Didn't feel I had too. Our fates for some reason ended up tied to the Stardusk Pirates. They aided us with the Ravens back then…it's about time we returned that favor in full. Prophets prepare for the mission at hand! I'll contact a few of the False Leaders and Lily, I know at the very least Rasa is free."


Somewhere at sea


Within a small floating tent a traveling fortune teller stared at the paper in his hands.
He had seen the headlines peering through the in-between but some part of him wanted to hold the proof in his own hands, a strange concept to the say the least, he knew the outcome yet felt a need to confirm it. Little emotion showed on Vai's face as he calmly folded the newspaper and set it to the side.

He sat within his tent as he always did, peering into the world around him, observing the fates of others and waiting for his next customer, a gentle flowery scent filled his tent, a gift from his last visitor, the mini whales danced around the flowers, melding with the white smoke around him, fading in and out of existence. He could tell they were nervous, they were only this playful when something was on their minds.
His hand dug down into green sand, scooping it out of the bowl next to him he raised it to his face and taking a breath started to exhale to peer into the what would come of this venture with Stardusk.

He stopped however as Stardusks' face flashed in his mind, Zilia's lingering for a moment.
His eyes moved to the sand and in one motion he turned his hand over letting it fall back into a nearby bowl.

Climbing to his feet he took a few steps forward and stepped out of his tent.
It was morning outside, the sun high in the sky and endless blue as far as he could see, both above and below. Not a single trace of land to be found, but this was normal for him.
"…there is no need to peer into this future," Vai said walking over to his sail.
He adjusted it to the side ever so slightly changing direction.
"I will make an exception and ensure a particular future."


In a mansion in a somewhat simple town.


A woman walked towards her front door with a somewhat faster gait than usual, she adjusted what could be considered her battle outfit and slipped both her gloves on as she drew closer to the door. Her eyes widened slightly seeing a young woman standing near her exit causing her to stop waking.
Mary's eyes moved over to Lily and with a smile she held her blades out towards her, Lily took them returning the smile before placing them on her waist.
"You must be in a hurry not to bring your spare blades," Mary said. "Ramis is waiting at the docks for you Mother."
"Thank you Mary."
Lily looked over at the the young woman staring up at her, a small smile resting on her face she reached over and ruffled her hair.
"I'll be back soon."
"…Is Luro going to be okay," Mary said causing Lily to pause as she walked past her.
A small chuckle escaped from her and she gave a small shrug turning back to Mary.
"If there's one thing Luro's good at it's not dying, and I doubt Runali was captured as the papers say…mainly because the Prophets informed when they contacted me."

Mary's shoulders seemed to relax at the news but Lily could still pick up a bit of apprehension in her gaze, she could guess what it was but said nothing letting her speak her mind.
"Make sure to stay safe okay?"
"I will and I promise I'll be fine. I'm not going alone and apparently the Second Quill will be there."
"The second Quill? From the Ravens?"
"He's apparently a historian now…but yeah…the sole guardian of the Last Bastion who abandnoned his duties…he's on a whole other level according to the reports and I've seen his handiwork to believe it. There was a reason the Prophets as strong as they were at the time didn't want to encounter him that day. He's on our side, that with the Prophets behind me and Rasa I'll have plenty of back up so don't worry. I'l be home soon."
Mary offered a nod before looking over at the door.
"I wish I could go with you…"
"You're still learning which way of the sword is pointy, I assure you Stardusk will get in more trouble in the future. Keep training and I'll bring you another time."
Lily rested a hand on Mary's cheek and smiled at her before turning toward the door, lowering her hand.
"…I caused them a lot of trouble…this won't do a lot to pay back what I did and I'm not seeking any kind of redemption…but if I can help them I will. I'll go in with all I have."

A pair of footsteps caused Lily to turn and Moura handed her a small wrapped bundle.
"A lunch for the trip, be safe Miss Lily," the woman said. "Mary back to your training."
"Yes Ma'am. I'll see you soon Mother."
Mary kissed Lily on the cheek and the two walked off, Lily smiled at them before turning and making her way to the ship.

"There's ma favorite lass," Ramis said holding his arms out.
Lily dodged his hug causing the old man to chuckle as he made motion with his hand the ship leaving the docks.
"We're heading towards Belfield ya? Though I put my piratin' days behind me the navy sure haven't so I can only get you so close."
"That's fine Ramis. I'll be meeting friends and we'll go the rest of the way together. While I'm gone keep an eye on the Ravens movements for me."
"Aye Lass, by the way wha' did Moura say about me?"
"I think you're actually softening her up, she only had three bad things to say about you rather than the five."
"That's what I'm talkin' about, all right Lads! I want full sail! We may not be roamin' the seas with the black flag but it's still in our blood! Time to cause a ruckus!"
The entire ship cheered and Lily adjusted the blades on her waist staring into the horizon.
"I won't stand still. I'll reach out to you this time Luro."


Within the Circle






"Oh that rumor was true. Look at that."
"Why are you so calm, this is awful!"
Mari eyed Sor who was eating a small chocolate cake, Yora stood nearby offering silent condolences towards Mari for her boss' behavior. She didn't have to heart to tell her he probably knew about it in some aspect, he was just taking joy in her reactions at this point.
Mari's fist slammed into the table causing the plate to jump up as she narrowed her eyes at Sor, who used his fork to gently move the cake back to the center of the plate.
The paper with the headline rested between them, acting as a barrier to her anger nearly boiled over. Her eyes moved back to it, grimacing again at the worlds plastered on it.

"Those bastards…this isn't the way too-" Mari grit her teeth unable to finish the sentence.
"They're making a show of it to make themselves look good, isn't stuff like this what you're fighting against?" Sor questioned pointing his fork at her. "You're on an interesting side there."
"…I'm well aware the Navy isn't perfect, I didn't get to Captain ignoring what was in front of me…but this is…disgusting. I swear if Ira's involved in this…"
Yora wanted to speak but a knock came at the door, walking over she opened it causing Noram and Relias to enter, a strange duo but not an uncommon sight nowadays.
"Ah Relias right on time. How are the ships coming?" Sor asked a fork hanging out of his mouth.
"I've gathered five of my own, the men are prepared for whatever comes," Relias said before glancing at Mari.
The two shared unspoken words before his eyes focused back on Sor.
"Mariiiiii! Is it true! Is Zilia in danger! I have to go and cheer her on…from a respectable distance" Noram said clinging to the Navy Captain.

Mari pried Noram off her before looking back over at Relias.
Thanks to the treaty things were calmer in the circle but the past wasn't so easily forgotten, Relias offered no real apology for his actions, but for the betterment of the circle acknowledged and respected the treaty, they had spoken more than once at her base and he met with Sor and the other mercenaries often. She never imagined something like this two years ago but that was the power of Stardusk and Sor's handiwork, that being said she did have questions.

"Wait why is Relias here?" Mari questioned looking at Sor.
"Why else, I'm sending him as aid to Stardusk, not Noram though he stays."
"What?! Oh come on Sor!"
"The other mercenaries honor the treaty but they're not going to just ignore Relias being gone for a bit, the agreement was you'd watch his forces. I wanted to send a few of them too but they're being quite stubborn, rules of the circle is equality after all. Relias here is the only one that 'owes' Stardusk for all that trouble he caused."
Noram grumbled to himself as Mari walked over to the Sor standing next to him as he arched a brow at her.
"…you're really sending them aid?"
"Of course I am, they're my business partners. They pay on time and they helped me out before, only makes sense I help now. That and I don't like the idea of the navy with a giant country destroying ship. They leave us alone but that could easily change with that thing."
Mari opened her mouth but closed it, she disliked being strung along but she couldn't deny Sor offering assistance was a comfort.

"I've also called the Historian's…surprisingly enough they responded so that's nice too. Now…what are you going to do Mari? You managed to 'escape' the Circle, your main base is here but you're free to wander the sea's, bring change to the organization and all that fun stuff."
Sor offered a grin at her before finishing off the last of his cake.
"If you help Stardusk even with all your connections you're going to be demoted and punished again. I imagine thrown right back in here with no aid, living off scraps. You're awfully close to Rear Admiral too if I remember correctly."
"I'm going."
The lack of hesitation caused Sor's brows to arch, Yora set his tea down in front of him and picking up the cup he turned it upside down letting the nails in it fall out. Handing it back to her for an actual cup he folded his hands on the table.
The Circle informant's eyes lowered slightly, and for a brief moment the man feared and respected throughout the Circle and to those who chose to stand against him stared at her, the act sent a small chill up her spine.

This was the man who made the Circle what it was, a place not even the World Government could approach without heavy consequences, this 'Sor' only spoke when he had too, during times of great duress, and his words always carried a weight to it.
"Are you sure Mari? There will be no coming back from this. What you're doing is a step away from defection."
"I'm sure," Mari responded. "My feelings towards criminals and our treatment of them isn't exactly a secret. I believe not all pirates are the scourge of the seas. Say what you will the Worst Generation have helped people, Stardusk have helped people. I swore to stand tall in the face of adversity, to not avert my eyes at the corruption before me and to face it no matter the consequences. I swore to create a world not free of pirates, but one of harmonious balance."
Mari held her hand out before bringing it towards her pounding her chest.
"If I back down from this, forget making the Navy better I'll dishonor my friends, my fallen comrades and myself from my cowardice."

Sor eyed Mari for a moment, his eyelids lowering slightly before his eyes shut.
"I see."
When they opened again the easygoing man had returned and with a laugh he offered light applause.
"A fantastic speech. All I needed to hear, Relias do what what we agreed on."
"Of course," Relias said before turning towards Mari. "You'll be taking command of the third ship. The men already know."
"Wha-" Mari said before looking at Sor.
The man held up a hand up to her as he was handed his actual tea.
"I can't go myself so do an extra bit of damage for me. I like to give the Navy a nice reminder why leaving us alone is a good idea. Don't worry I'll do what I can to keep you from getting kicked out too, but I can't stop the demotion that's going to happen."
"Be safe Mari," Yora said.
"Tell Zilia she's my one and only," Noram said raising a hand to her. "I also have this love poem-"
"Thank you Sor, Yora and surprisingly enough Relias…I will protect my friends and do all I can to ensure Piracy continues for just a bit longer…until we can deal with it properly with respect and dignity.

"…please don't ignore me."


On a dirt road somewhere



A horse drawn carriage made its way down a long road devoid of people, a scenic route taken by the two aboard the vehicle. One of the two inhabitants was guiding the horses, humming a small tune to herself as she took in the morning sun, minus the news they received today, it was a perfect day. The woman's gaze went to the back where a man sat reading the paper, his wolf-like mask sitting on the floor next to him, from his furrowed brow she could guess what he was reading.
"…Is that about the supposed 'clean up' Maka," Yuli said glancing over her shoulder.
"Regretfully," Maka said setting the paper down.
"What's the call then?" Yuli said. "We trade with the navy as well so making an enemy out of them will cut off some of the cash flow for a bit. I know we can't ignore this either though."
"The navy are cheapskates anyway," Maka said climbing to the front of the carriage and taking a seat next to Yuli. "Our losses will be minimal not doing business with them for some time.'

Yuli offered a smile expecting that response from him. Some of their best clients were pirates, it wasn't difficult to see who he'd choose, that and Stardusk were involved.
Somehow by some miracle the two had resolved their differences with Stardusk and even Yuli considered Zilia a close friend.
She knew it was partially due to the trouble they had caused them in the past but she wanted to do something, and Maka felt the same.
"We can't leave Zilia to deal with this on her own either," Maka said. "She'll never let it go."
"Agreed…it'll be horrible. I'll make some comment and she'll always have a response. 'Oh well where were you when we were destroying that weapon' or something like that."
"It'll be the end of any fun we have," Maka added. "I also like Stardusk owing us one."
"Absolutely. There's something I want to look into and having Jack keep an ear out would speed up the process…so let's go assist Stardusk then."





"Is this real?"
"It would appear so."
There was a small uncomfortable shuffle from the seated travelers, two people eyed the paper currently in the taller one's hand. Unable to believe what they reading, the idea of Runali Lev being caught much less Stardusk being taken out was a difficult concept to consider. Taking the paper the shorter one took a good look at it again.
"…we have to check into this," they said looking over at their tall companion.
"I'll ask around and gather what information I can, I'll send one of the others out as well to confirm a few things."
"Good idea, I'm sure Nikos will have information as well so let's speak with him."
The taller companion offered a nod and the two stood up and headed forward hoping to reach the next town and subsequently docks sooner.


Someplace not important....probably


Imposter climbed up the cliffside she had probably gone up at least a hundred times by now, to see the woman that always seemed to be at the top of it. Upon reaching her destination Ashia was there and clearly reading something, that answered one of the few questions she had before her approach.
"Ashia," Imposter said.
"Imposter…good to see you again. You're becoming quite the frequent visitor. You no longer have to bring gifts upon seeing me."
"…I've never brought gifts."
"That's why I'm calling it out, but I'll just consider you yourself the gift."
"Well thank you."
"You're very welcome, a shoddy gift is better than no gift."
Imposter arched a brow but Ashia kept her back to her, more interested in the paper in her hands. Imposter figured that was probably for the best as she was sure she made a face at her unconsciously.

This world carried its same shape as always but she noticed the violet sea below was now a dull orange instead, she thought it a cause of one of the three suns but as none of them were orange today that idea went out the window. It was always evening when she came to this place and today was no different, this made her wonder if Ashia held an affinity for the time of day but knowing her it was probably merely to 'set the mood'.
"Is that the paper on what's occurring?"
"Indeed I was just discussing it."
"With who? I'm the only one who comes here."
A hand reached over and pulled the paper towards them as another person stood next to Ashia, or rather another Ashia stood next to the current Ashia.

"Wow that seems bad."
"Very much so."
Imposter eyed the two women who looked at the paper, conversing amongst themselves.
"Really…" Imposter said motioning to the copy. "Yourself."
"She's a great conversational partner."
"Right back at you beautiful," the other Ashia said.
"Oh stop…keep going."

Imposter stared at the two tapping her forehead, she refused to be the Zilia to her Luro, that wasn't happening. She came her to check one thing, allowing herself to be distracted by her antics wasn't an option. For some reason this woman always threw her off, normally that'd be delightful but for some reason it wasn't.
"What's your take on it. This…'clean up' thing."
"I think Human's are interesting," Ashia said as her counterpart walked away. "They're so fun to watch, only humans would do something this entertaining you know."
"I don't disagree of course," Imposter said with a shrug. "I meant your opinion though."
"Opinion?" Ashia said looking back at Imposter for the first time. "I just told you, humans are interesting."

Imposter blinked a few times and Ashia turned back around looking at the paper.
A silence fell between them and that seemed to be enough for Ashia to fill the void as she turned the pages of the paper.
"Hey Imposter tell me…what is one thing common in the mortal world?"
Ashia shook her head at the answer that had no trace of thought or hesitation.
"That's a very Imposter answer," Ashia said sighing. "It's balance."
Ashia closed the paper and held it out to Imposter who took it and opened it up, her eyes widening noticing the headline had changed her gaze moving back up too Ashia who stared back out at the sea.
"Is this-" Imposter started to asked but Ashia spoke cutting her off.
"Let's use simple terms and say there is order and chaos, as an Imposter it is a natural desire to be the chaotic element, some of us have even tried order, but that there is the problem… we're only ever 'one' of them. Humans have the capacity to be both."

Ashia held up a finger at this.
"Generations from now there will be a new order, and a new chaos. One may be born from the other, both may be born at the same time, any number of possibilities lie ahead. We'll live long enough to see the world shift and return back to it's natural state of this back and forth. Understanding this most 'gods' would consider this dispute tiresome, annoying, or not worth their time….but I disagree."
Ashia glanced back at Imposter, a glow to the woman's eyes as she grinned at her.
"I love watching humanity's cycle very much. In fact I may get a front row seat for this one."

Imposter's eyes widened and Ashia turned back around.
"I mean I can't manifest in that world for multiple reasons but I can watch through other means without revealing myself. This battle will cause a shift in the order of things no matter it's ending, it's moments like this that humanity shows it's true potential, this nail-biting, conflict of ideals and values colliding into one…seeing humans so desperate, clawing at what they believe is the right choice, stepping over the bodies of others to achieve it…that is one of life's raptures."

Imposter stared down at the headline, clearly a manipulation of the woman herself. Did she already know how the conflict would end, was she guessing, was this what she desired. She didn't know and knew there would be no answer so she didn't speak it.

"Let us enjoy the story to the end okay. We're not the protagonists or antagonists of this particular tale. Enjoy the play as a captivated audience, we owe the actors that much right?" Ashia questioned offering a smile to Imposter.
"You sound like the Court. Wait have you been imitating them this whole time!"
"I very much like their style, so grandiose, so flashy and now I'm bored with it so back to normal. Long spiels aren't my thing you know...thinking about it I wasn't really trying to imitate them was I? I may have too much free time."
Ashia brought a clawed hand to her chin but shrugged and looked back towards the vast sea in front of her, waving her hand over it, the color returned to it's normal violet.
"Next time you come Imposter bring a gift."
"Wha- but you just said I didn't have too!"
"Well not for me for her," Ashia said pointing at the other who waved at her from her hammock nearby. "When you return this conflict will be over, I very much would like to hear your thoughts on it. I'll be back before then, I want to look at the other actors who are on their way as well….ugh yeah I can't, no more actor stuff but I am curious."
Last edited:

~"We didn't know it yet, but we were about to make history. I wonder if they still remember."~

Alicia closed her eyes breifly and inclined her head towards Ru in response, a display of thanks in response to her kind comment. She looked between the others as they conversed, each seeming to be readying themselves in their own way while weaving strategy within solitary minds. When the time came for Ru to detail her plan and delegate roles she paid close attention, raising her eyebrows slightly at some of the key points before furrowing slightly at others that seemed more of a gamble. When the explaination was over she couldn't say that she was entirely without her doubts, but she trusted her captain and her friend and to this day had never put them on a path they couldn't find their way out from.

She nodded in response to her part of the plan, inspecting the map a little closer to see what route she might take that would offer them the most efficient and quickest path to their objective. There wasn't a lot of time for her to sit down and contemplate it in depth so for now her focus was to simply comit the plan and the map to memory so that she could at the very least have an optimal chance at completing her task once she hit the ground. She didn't particularly like the idea of being on a ship away from the fighting, though she imagined it'd be due to her attacks being somewhat devestating that she might be a difficult person to deploy when the overarching objective was to leave as fast as possible with fewer engagements. "I'll see it done." she replied, looking towards the others as they were given their own tasks.

The mention of it being another Kane'Artem made her cough slightly, shifting on her feet as she looked away. To have it mentioned in such esteem paid it as a compliment and Alicia was never one to handle such social interactions well. "Hopefully this will go a lot better than that." she spoke before the conversation began to move on gradually towards other points and topics. She'd perk her eyebrow towards Seliria at her mention of following behind her, hands moving to her hips before she allowed a small smile to grace her features. "Well then how about following beside a friend instead?" she replied before continuing at the mention of the older womans sword. "I'll try not to be too impressed." she grinned, offering nothing more on the subject for the time being. While she'd certainly enjoy seeing it for herself, she couldn't allow it to distract her from the task at hand.


Alicia was standing with her hands resting on the table as she looked down at the map, running through the plan over and over in her head as she kept making minor notes of the locations and where everything sat geographically. Seliria's comment pulled her attention from it, the younger swordswoman standing straight as she looked towards the cook. "I'll be fine Selly." she reassured.

"They set out the rules of engagement clearly when they attacked without warning, from a distance and from within cover. So by rights I'm free to respond in kind with my honor in tact." she replied before she smiled. "... Is what I would have said a few years ago. Believe it or not I've since learned that the world isn't always going to bend to tolerate such notions as honor. For the sake of others there will be times where I'll have to be more flexible... and in those times I'll strike from the shadows if I must."

She turned her attention towards Sergei when he approached and explained his strength before nodding. "Your skill will be most helpful I'm sure, between the three of us I have no doubt we'll get ourselves to where we need to be. So let's look after each other out there and bring our friends home." she looked back towards Seliria. "And who knows we might even get a smile out of this one when this is over."


Meanwhile in Yula Fei's capital city of Higane.

"Please, all be seated."

Men and women sat themselves into seats around a large long table after the Empress spoke, Kiyomi Omoiyari herself sitting at the head while looking upon the collection of Admirals, Generals and Daimyo who had answered her urgent summons. "Let me first thank you all for making your way here on such short notice. At the request of Admiral Tashigi we've gathered to discuss a most unsettling developement set in motion by the self proclaimed World Government." she looked towards Satia before giving her a nod.

Satia returned the nod before she stood up and laid down the newspaper in the middle of the table. "It would appear they have managed a successful attack against the Worst Gen pirates who we all know operate under a modicum of guidance from Nani Sterling of the Sterling Pirates. They intend to stage an execution of multiple Worst Gen captains three days from now."

"And why should we care? they're criminals." another woman spoke up, her long purple hair tied into a neat ponytail. She had a piercing stare from hard features that many would find unnerving, her eyes on Satia for an answer. "I happen to agree, this doesn't seem like bad news unless I'm missing something here." this time a man spoke up, large and burly with a long bushy beard who adressed the table as he looked around.

Satia returned to her seat before she exhaled through her nose. "If they're permitted to carry out the execution the World Government will be left unchallenged to extend their control over the different territories as they have done in the past. Criminals or not the world of piracy provides a balance to prevent such events from occurring." after she spoke the table fell quiet as they each considered the validity of her words.

"Come now you expect us to believe that this isn't anything more than worry for what may happen to your older sister?" another man, younger around Satia's age sat with folded arms and furrowed brows, looking up towards her. "I suspect you would have us provide recourse to their situation, but I won't be fooled into believing this is for some ideology over the greater good."

"That isn't fair Seto, the Tashigi have always protected our nation and her interests. By memory It was not your house that stood against Odyn and his ships." a thin older man spoke, his tired gaunt features carrying a small smile much to the younger mans rising frustration towards his words.

"By memory it was thanks to the Stardusk that the conflict was won, not house Tashigi." Seto replied as his irritation grew slightly within his tone. The older man simply gave a small chuckle. "And the Starduk are pirates, no? and forgetting that Alicia is among them Satia's house was the one who prevented Odyn's first initial attack... though I suspect you may be too young to remember."

Seto ever the hot headed young man gave a small 'Tch' in response, waving his hand before he sat up in his seat. "I still fail to see a reason to send aid. We repaid our debt when our forces were sent to liberate Stardusk from Kane'Artem, an event that saw a dramatic rise in tension between us and the World Government. If we were to send warships to their capital we are inviting a war."

There was some murmuring among those who were gathered around the table. Kiyomi who had been silent during the exchange simply listened to gather insight onto the opinions of her council. Satia shook her head slightly in response. "If we do nothing war will find us anyway. Bereft of challenge how long do you think they'll continue to ask for our submission to their laws before they get ideas of forcing it onto us?" she replied.

"Are you implying that we owe our autonomy to pirates? to speak such words in front of the Empress boarders on treason." another member of the collected council members spoke causing Satia to ball her fist. She was about to rebuttle before Kiyomi herself raised her hand to quiet the conversation.

"Actually we do. Nani Sterling herself is a friend to our nation and has seen to it that we're left undisturbed for quite some time. While she isn't held to such duties her actions haven't gone without appreciation and esteem. Meanwhile the World Government has made no such effort, in fact it was through one of their territories that Odyn sailed to reach our shores." she spoke much to the surprise of those present.

"I believe Satia is quite right, unchecked the Navy would indeed run rampant and lay claim to much of the world left untouched and I see no benefit from such a situation should it be allowed to come to pass. By throwing our support behind Nani we oppose our enemies and bolster our allies, never has our nation turned away from a threat nor have we ever failed to repay the kindness shown towards us however small it might be."

"Be that as it may your highness, we are talking about going to war. We have tremendous military might, among the largest in the world but we can't withstand a full retaliation from a force that large and well funded, at least we won't withstand it for long." the large burly man from before spoke up with concerns, valid ones all things considered.

The Empress released a sigh, taking a moment to consider the options before her. "All the more reason to support the pirates in their ventures. Considering the alternative I would stand in favor of sending our fleet to Belfield along with a message that the World Government will not have their way." she looked to the faces around her. "Do any of you oppose me in this venture? does any of you have an answer to this threat?" none of her generals and admirals spoke, the Daimyo remained silent.

"If this is how it must be, but who would we even send and in what capacity?" the purple haired woman spoke up finally, looking to Kiyomi for an answer. The many in the room shifted in their seats as they listened for the words of their Empress. She considered going herself and wanted to but the unfortunate fact was that she'd be too much of a target if the Navy knew of her presence.

"Satia, Tekami, Seto and Numa will head the fleet towards Belfield. Capital warships Kyojin and her sister ship Kaiju will join with the fourth and fith to sail and meet up with Nani's milita. However our fleet will retain autonomy and sail at the command of our own, which will require Nani to share her plan with us, if this is not acceptable terms you'll withdraw and return home. Though I consider Nani a friend I can not put our fleet in her hands, we will work together or not at all... that is my order."

"As you wish, we will see it done." Satia replied standing as she bowed her head respectfully. "This at least ought to be interesting... " Seto spoke as he collected himself. Numa, the burly Admiral chuckled and slapped him on the back so hard the younger man almost fell over. "You worry to much for a man your age, we have a job to do." the purple haired woman named Tekami stood and walked around them. "... You're both already irritating me."

"Thank you all and please be safe, this is a big step for our nation. The future of our world may very well be built on the decisions made in the next few days. Let us confront it as one and reject that which would seek our subjugation ." The Empress spoke after standing, calling an end to the short meeting. Ordinarily a meeting and decision wouldn't be so short, but then again three days was not a lot of time. "I pray you are well my friends." she said in a lower softer tone, her thoughts on the pirate crew that'd saved them from ruin.

Within twelve hours the mighty fleet of Yula Fei began to sail towards Belfield. Yula Fei had answered the call.
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The Quiet Before the Storm (Sometime After Runali Lays Down the Plan)
Location: Beach of Nondescript Island

Chaos and Jackie mewed pathetically in his arms, and Jack did his best to soothe them. "You can't come with me, not this time. This is risky enough as it -- what if I'm captured and the Navy takes your stones? They know what aetheriums are now. Don't ask me to loose you too."

"You'd have to loose yourself before that happens. Are you sure this is a good idea?" Lily Rose, master of the Guild of Thieves and one of Jack's mothers, sat next to him on the beach. Her frown was fierce, the lines in her face deep and disapproving. Age had become pronounced on her in last two years since she took over Lazarus's position. Jack could tell simply from the number of gray streaks in her hair. Despite her reservations, in her palm she held protectively the two aetherium earrings Jack wore.

"I am," Jack sighed. He was resolute and didn't bother to hide how unhappy that made him. He couldn't risk the only thing he had left of Cedric falling into enemy hands.

After much consoling, snuggling, and kissing their furry heads, Jack finally convinced the kittens to retreat into their stones. Lily pocketed them gently and pulled him into a rough hug. "If the bandits in Norja weren't..."

"I know, Ma. It's alright. We'll get through this, I promise. Keep the others safe, okay?"

Wet smiles and hugged-out goodbyes, and then his mother transformed and flew off, leaving him alone on a beach Jack had no name for. If his hometown, and his family, weren't dealing with their own issues, he knew they'd find a way to Belfield. As it is, he'd have to count on their other allies to help see them through this insane plan. If they reach us in time.

Or maybe they'd be alone in the end.

The sun set just behind Nimona. It was eerie how well the landturtle blended in, like it was just another part of this island. Jack watched the first stars wink into existence when Adelaide joined him in the sand.

"Did you finish teaching Seliria?" Jack asked as she folded into his arms.

He sensed more than saw her smirking. "She's a quick learner but I think I made it difficult enough to challenge her." Adelaide fidgeted into a more comfortable position. "When this is over, I'm going to have to talk to djal about how he's handling my power."

"It's just an imitation; no one could use it defeat you."

"Hmmm." Adelaide faked uncertainty, but her ego was placated -- for now.

They went silent for a time before Jack's eye turned onto the turtle. "The dead have started to come out," he whispered. Sometime ago, he learned to switch this curse of his on and off, but occasionally, the so-called "ghost eyes" worked their nightmare. He noticed it first when Amaiya collected the dead. Their spirits came after Runali dismissed the Worst Gen, agonizing over the bodies they were no longer attached to. Despite his phobia, he pitied them, and then he started to feel angry for them.

"I think we're going to win."

"Oh?" Adelaide scoffed. "Sneaking into the heart of Navy territory, captainless, rushed, with little time against numbers that could be double or tripled our own. Oh yes, victory is assured. Where's Jack and what have you done with him, djal?"

Jack rolled his eyes and flicked her nose in admonition. That earned him a gust of sand in the face. "Augh! Pleh, really?"

"Don't do that again," she smiled impishly.

"Jeez... ugh. I'm sorry, okay? I was being serious though." Jack brushed what was left of the sand out of his glasses. Adelaide settled again. "You're thinking about more than just the captains. Aren't you?" Jack nodded. He looked back up at the sky. "I think... pirates, as a species, will one day go extinct. This life is... temporary at best. Deadly at worst. When the day comes when Brass Cape's invention are universal, and politics and ways of living change beyond our scope of understanding, there will be no place for us. It's a future we may not live to see, hopefully... but only if we succeed in these coming days."

"The difference between annihilation now or later." Jack nodded again. "That weapon they have, the airship? It's... putting things in perspective for me. I didn't really care much about the future, what comes next, other than where Stardusk went and what we did. I do things to protect them, and us, but I saw what that weapon did. I saw our deaths in it. And I realized... I want more out of this life. So much more."

Adelaide began looking away. He caught her hand, held it tight. "Are you open to that?"

Her face went blank, her expression more barren than the salt flats of Arbirae. "I am no parent, Jack Kunal."

"I think you could be. Just... think about it. After we survive the coming days."

"If we do."

"See, the Adelaide I know is open to any odds." It was his turn to be coy. The slightest quirk in her eyebrow gave away her amusement.

"Yes, well... your captain has come up with stupider plans."

"See? We're already heading off to victory."
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Time: Day 1 - Dawn
Location: Belfield

Runali was typically a laid back person. She had her bouts of silliness, moments of excitement, and even a thrill for the unknown. However, today, Runali was silent and focused. She had been in many battles and on many adventures. She had risked her life countless times and had her crew with her for nearly each one.

But this was different.

This was a threat to piracy as a whole. The weight of more than one crews' life was on her shoulders. They were capable, but they were under her leadership. They were strong, but she was leading them right into what could easily be the worst day in history. She bowed to no god but a part of her still hoped that luck was on her side. Not for her, no. Runali may have grown, but her self preservation never outweighed her sense of duty and care to her crew. Her family. And today would be no different. If luck was on her side, she wanted to give it to everyone else that decided she was worth following.

She wondered if the actual Pirate Lord felt something similar.

Her fingers tapped over and over on the edge of the Stardusk ship, indicating her own nerves just below the surface. She could barely see it, but she could make out a tall imposing building in the far distance. That's where she'd end up soon.

Her mind wandered.
She remembered the two fishermen that pulled her from the sea after Stardusk capsized, and the tales she told them when she gained her strength. "They can do anything! They could easily handle the ocean." And her mind continued to wander as she thought about when she was captured and dragged to Kane'Artem. They did their best to break her. First her body- they did that with ease. Runali shuddered a bit. Torture was… far from what she wanted to think about. Her mind and spirit lasted longer, but even then her resolve weakened.

But that was years ago and this was now. Three days would be nothing for her. Her crew knew where she was going and she wouldn't be there long. Looking up at the sky, she sighed in slight contentment. It was early, but there were signs that it'd be a nice day. That'd be good for Coral since she hated flying in the rain.
Speaking of the bird, she looked down at Coral perched next to her and smiled. Quietly and only to her, Runali whispered something and slipped a note in between her feathers and makeshift harness. The two shared a gentle headbutt, a 'be safe' towards the other, before Coral leapt over the edge and soared into the air going the opposite way of Belfield. Runali watched her for a moment, knowing she'd find the Prophets first, they were quick about things, and then her gaze went out to the ships lining up near and behind Lady Luck, all waiting for their proper orders. They were in the cover of large, jagged stones that jutted from the ocean. Their origins were unknown. Whether they were parts of an island or mountain at one point was no one's concern, it just made coverage a bit easier.
Seeing the small unassuming boat ready to go, she looked back at each of her crew as they filed near, knowing she was about to leave.

There were words that she wished to say but something told her they weren't words that her crew would want to hear, so she held those words close and gave a patented, reassuring smile. She let them say what they wanted- or needed to say, offering what she could. But in the end, her smile softened and she took a step into the boat, giving them all a salute. "See you on the other side."


The boat ride was quiet save for her soft humming. It was a song she had learned as a child, something comforting during a bad storm.

When she crossed the threshold, she silently cursed to herself as the bad idea had firmly cemented itself and it was far too late to go back. She stayed completely still, as frozen as Isa's crystal golems as an alarm went off, signaling the navy ensigns on the docks that they had recognized the figure in the boat. She caught sight of the dual towers keeping a lookout on either side of the dock, but she remained still. Those weren't in the blueprints. The crews would have to get rid of those or the people inside before they charged. It was too late to let them know now.

The boat floated closer, on its own, and she tensed up when the sudden explosion of a cannon missed her. The boat lurched, but she stayed afloat and held her hands up in surrender. 'Appeal to their… worry. Open… and vulnerable.'

The next few moments were quick. At one point, she was pulled underwater in the chaos. Her eyes stayed closed for most of it until she was dragged inland. Navy began yelling orders and signals and the news that Runali Lev was captured -willingly at that- spread like a wildfire. There were more yells about checking the area as everyone had gone on high alert. They needed to be sure no one else was around and this wasn't a trick. Runali never looked back, never indicating that there was a chance someone could be out there.

Heavy seastone cuffs bound her wrists behind her. The weight of her arms pulling behind her made it a little awkward to walk and she was almost sure she'd dislocate her shoulder if she jerked too hard. Even though it looked like she wasn't paying attention, she let the weight lean her out of the way of one of them trying to take a cheap shot at her with the back of his rifle. The ruckus blurred into white noise for the most part until another set of heavy seastone chains put on her nearly dragged her to the ground. "Y'know, dunkin' me in the water was probably warranted… Figured you'd at least let me walk to the prison on my own." Her fists flexed to test her strength, but she knew she was at a disadvantage no matter what she attempted. Another didn't like her back talk and a messy swipe of a blade nearly cost her her blind eye had she not leaned back. Instead, it cut her red eye patch in half and it fell to the ground. "Oi, that was a gift!" She was a second away from complaining that it would've been smarter to cut her seeing eye but remembered she wasn't here for fights- nor did she want to navigate the world more blind than she was.

"Consider a quick death all the gift you need."

"Where's the others?!"

Runali raised a brow, tilting her head a bit. "Pardon?"

"Your pirates. The other pirates."

"Oh! No idea. I didn't tell 'em I'd be heading out here. It's a little too governmental if you know what I mean." She cracked a smirk even as she was faced with the barrel of a rifle. "Mm, I've met scary. And your bosses probably don't want you killing me. I hear I'm a special guest and all."

She could tell she was poking a sleeping bear (a metaphor she remembered hearing from Luro… or Zil… maybe Alicia at one point). They were getting angry and she was supposed to be playing the part of being surrendered. So, she clamped her mouth shut, ideally hoping to avoid any more cheap shots they threw while she was chained down because she was tempted to just fight back.

'Stick to the plan you made, Captain. Can't have things going wrong so soon.'


Day one of the plan was in motion. Everyone watched Runali's small boat drift closer and closer into enemy territory. Those that had spy glasses and those that had some version of eagle eyes could see the moment the boat breached enemy water. Everyone could hear the echo of the alarms and see the ripples and waves from cannon fire. Those that could see it, saw Runali's small boat get swarmed and decimated, but they pulled her to shore. And then she disappeared from their view.

It was now or never. The Stardusk captain, the acting Pirate Lord, was officially in the jaws of Belfield. The rest was up to them.

Just as Runali expected, navy ships patrolled outward to the far reaches of their outlined perimeter. It lasted for about seven full hours, in hopes to be thorough. As the pirates finally began to relax seeing ships start to turn back, danger rose as two ships lingered and floated dangerously close to discovering the pirate ships hidden. It was Sergei's quick thinking with the help of some quick maneuvering from Oz that managed to divert the ship's attention.

With radio in hand, after the frequency and transmitter were fiddled with, he cleared his throat and spoke into it. Cecilia made a quick motion to those in hearing distance to cover their ears -or at least to not pay too close attention- to muffle the sound. "Rear admiral to all patrolling ships, return back to the docks. Coast is clear." Watching Sergei, his voice never changed nor did his demeanor so it was a surprise to a few to hear the unquestioning voices respond.

"Aye, aye! We're turning back now!"
"Thought we saw something but it was just the rocks."

When Oz turned off the radio, Saffron gave an amused clap. "Impressive."

Sergei gave a small, mock bow.

"Alright crew, we're on the acting Pirate Lord's plans. She's on the island. The rest is up to us." Saffron said before nodding to Alicia. "Your captain's the one that set this up, so you're the next in charge." Her gaze fell onto Jack. "Figure out how you plan on getting over here?"















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Jack's eyes lingered on the sea's horizon long after Runali disappeared beyond it. In her absence, grey clouds crawled forth from the far distance, brooding. It'll be a big storm by tomorrow, Jack thought. It'd make good over for when they infiltrated the Navy town. Jack's expression was all sly smiles when he turned to face Saffron.

"Oh. We have a few plans."


Day 2, Early Evening
On Lady Luck
It's Storming Out There

"It went about 33% according to plan," Adelaide pronounced from her perch on a barrel in Jack's kitchen. She kicked a leg nonchalantly, dry to the bone and still in her stolen navy uniform, while an extremely drenched, disheveled Cecilia wrote fiercely on the countertop. The Court's first mate hadn't paused to change into dryer clothes before beginning to copy all that she'd accumulated during their mission. With something constructive to focus on, parts of her old self returned. She hummed and jigged in one place as she worked.

All those who needed and wanted to be there for Adelaide's report, were. Except for one.

Adelaide continued, relishing her audience's attention at the expense of her absent partner. "We set out at dawn, as you all know, in navy uniforms Jack and I scrounged up a year back. We took a dinghy to the beach perpendicular to the Navy's docks -- the one's closest to us. There's another on the southeast side."

"The southeastern dock connects with the first ring of Belfield; mostly for civilians," Cecilia added. "Merchants, dignitaries, tourists, yada-yada. Sailing a 'distressed' navy ship there may raise alarms early but it'll still divert their forces, according to their protocols. Except more heavy resistance. Which, speaking of... the map, Adelaide?"

"Hmm. I suppose that'd be useful."

Hopping down, Adelaide started unbuttoning her shirt in front of everyone. She caught Alicia's eye, winked, and slowly pulled out a large parchment roll. She then unfurled it on the floor. She pinned three corners with various objects, the fourth with Luro's foot, and waved everyone closer. It was a map of the sea surrounding Belfield, covered in various hued lines leading in and out of the island, which could only be ship routes. Adelaide stole a pencil from Zilia and marked two of them with an X.

"From the west beach, we managed to sneak into the Navy's docks under the cover of the storm. Got lucky with a guard change happening too."

Adelaide briskly described their infiltration. They encountered fewer guards than anticipated, but she marked the patrols she saw on the map and noted most were likely stationed more inland, closer to the tower of seastone at Belfield's heart.

"These western docks are directly connected with the third ring and give straight access to that tower. If Runali's plan works, we won't have to go into it. Even so -- it's powerful."

Cecilia at her countertop broke the pencil she'd been using in a shaking grip. She saw all eyes turned on her, and blushed. "We had to be a couple miles away from the tower, but we could... still feel its effects. You experience a groggy sensation and using powers is... hard." She flexed a hand, recalling that sick feeling she experienced whenever utilizing the Knowledge Fruit. It'd been difficult to do it at the docks -- she couldn't imagine how oppressing it'd be beneath the tower's shadow. Or inside it.

Adelaide, by contrast, smiled a demon's smile -- sharp and sanguineous -- delighted at the challenge the tower presented. "Best not rely on your more special abilities, everyone. Bullets and steel may win the day."

The trio eventually discovered the harbormaster's office. It was in their luck that it held most of the information they needed, like the map Adelaide confiscated. Everything else was absorbed by Cecilia, who now distributed copies of her knowledge to Alicia and the rest of the de facto pirate leaders. It included guard routines for the island, land routes between the docks and the seastone tower, and a provisions list for the Navy's airship.

"The airship docks at the seastone tower," Adelaide said, leaning back on her heels. She could see questions percolating between the pirates. She held out a hand to stall them. "This is where the juiciest part happens."

"She means, it's where things started going downhill," Cecilia clarified. She moved to stand near Adelaide.

"Hah, always dramatic. But yes. We managed to forge and reroute two ships to our position. I'll mark them on this map. But then--"

"The Harbormaster caught us!" Cecilia burst out, practically bouncing on her toes. Adelaide paused, then decided to let this happen as the first mate went on, "He totally thought we were three cadets making out in the office, but when he saw Jack's captain uniform he was real quick to stand at attention. You should have seen Jack -- he barely blinked before assuming command, demanding where the harbormaster had been, like he'd stomping allover in the storm looking for him! 'How dare you leave your post, don't you know we're on high alert with the Worst Gen captures?'"

Cecilia made a poor imitation of Jack, resulting in some chuckles around from their audience. Adelaide cleared her throat, indicating that Cecilia move on. "Right, sorry. Anyways, the Harbormaster was stupendously flabbergasted! He stumbled over his apologies, blubbering on and on, and eventually Jack got us out of there. I was so scared we'd be caught dead that even I missed what the Harbormaster let slip. Can you believe that, Sergei? What a tragedy I am!"

Throwing a hand up to her forehead, she fell back into her navigator's waiting arms, a performance move they likely did on the daily. Adelaide rolled her eyes, and was ready to regain control of the narrative when--

"Lady Luck, are you there?" The initial burst of static out of Stardusk's communication device covered up the voice and words, but on the second time, he came through more clearly.

Cecilia ran for the communique. "Jack! Thank the gods, what took you so long?"

Jack was broken up by heavy static. "Well, I'm glad all's forgiven. Did you -- make it back in one piece?"

"Indeed, although a very drenched piece. I will say it's exhilarating to be carried by mere wind--"

Adelaide pushed the first mate aside. "Hello, husband. I trust you're in a safe space?"

"Relatively," was the dry reply. "Stealing the communique was harder than I thought. The Harbormaster has become suspicious of our presence in his office. I told you we shouldn't have-- nevermind. I took care of that issue. Is Alicia there?"

"They're all here."

"Good. Al-- Amaiya, we got the two seaships rerouted to your current position but the--" Static cut Jack off. Adelaide fiddled with the device, slapping Cecilia's hand away, until Jack came back in a rush, "--storm's too fierce. The navy ship -- not docked at the seastone tower. It's not here. I repeat, the airship is gone."

"Did you find out anything more?" Adelaide asked.

"Negative. But they'll be sailing above the storm so -- you, the armada, won't be detected for now. That's assuming the airship even went in your direction -- it wouldn't have gone far... Whatever information there is about their weapon, it's likely in that fucking tower. I might be able to sneak in but -- it'd be risky."

Through the communique, Jack sighed. "I stayed behind to gather more information and help whichever landing party comes to the Navy's dock. I can also clear paths in the town to make it easier to reach the tower when you get here. I'm -- safe. I could go to the tower but... it's your call, Amaiya."
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