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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Brother Wolf
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
  4. Primarily Prefer Female
Action/ Adventure, Romance, and Fantasy
Not really a new arrival but it's been 4 years since I last posted or even looked at the site due to personal issues. A lot has changed since then, and I'm working on a webcomic now so I'd like to have a space for all the excess creative energy to go. This worked for me then, hopefully it'll work for me now. So here goes.

Heya! I'm Oni. (Onii like brother but also the demon is pretty cool too.)
I'm not the best writer, but I think I'm still at a pretty intermediate level and enjoy taking the lead in advancing the plot. That said, the fluff and middling stuff is fun and interesting too when done right. So long as you have fun, I believe we'll get along well when writing. I don't like to take things too seriously, and RP shouldn't be treated like a job with rules and stuff unless you've agreed to them.

I'm an Artist, and a creative. Mainly playing female characters, but I have a few males and anthro's too, mainly making new characters per RP depending on what I'm doing and the amount of effort needed.

I love action and adventure based RP's with no real preference on setting or time period. I excel in Fantasy and Sci-fi settings, so long as I can throw some fireballs and do anime BS (within reason) I think we'll have a great time.

I also enjoy jumping into established worlds I'm familiar with, (i.e. Known Anime, or Video Game worlds like Bleach, Naruto, Final Fantasy etc.) but I don't like to play characters within the IP. Custom Characters will need to be the main focus; if you intend to have Naruto show up, he's gonna have to be a BG character or mentor, not someone we actively need for the plot.

Blood and Gore are OK with me within reason, and romantic themes are fine too.

I look forward to writing with you!
Welcome back to Iwaku! Hope you have fun here again!
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Hello, welcome back to the site!