CHARACTERS ᴛᴄɴɪᴄ's ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs.

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trash gremlin
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Advanced
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
~~just a fun lil place to store my bbs~~
round icon
full name ; blh blh blh
nickname(s) ; blh blh blh
age; blh blh blh
date of birth ; blh blh blh
sexual orientation ; blh blh blh
gender & pronouns ; blh blh blh
spoken languages ; blh blh blh
religion ; blh blh blh
verse ; blh blh blh
faceclaim ; blh blh blh [ if applicable ]
species ; blh blh blh [ if applicable ]
secondary gender ; blh blh blh [ if applicable ]

height ; blh blh blh
weight ; blh blh blh
hair color ; blh blh blh
hair type ; blh blh blh
eye color ; blh blh blh
body type ; endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph
unique features ; blh blh blh
? medical issues ? ; blh blh blh
habits ; smoking, drinking, other drugs ?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus pulvinar iaculis finibus. Ut vitae dapibus nisl, non mollis odio. Sed suscipit euismod nibh, vel interdum arcu pulvinar sed. Morbi eget luctus augue. Mauris maximus lacus sit amet enim ullamcorper, vitae ornare lorem ornare. Nam eget pellentesque sem. Aenean ultrices porta augue in cursus.

Duis ut metus id quam rhoncus convallis sagittis ac ante. Donec vitae quam nulla. Fusce auctor neque vel lectus molestie rhoncus vel vitae ipsum. Maecenas iaculis tortor vitae lorem volutpat, vel egestas nisl egestas. Mauris ultricies blandit scelerisque. Sed eu facilisis lectus. Proin condimentum est sed erat pellentesque egestas. Suspendisse vel vehicula ipsum.
Duis ut metus id quam rhoncus convallis sagittis ac ante. Donec vitae quam nulla. Fusce auctor neque vel lectus molestie rhoncus vel vitae ipsum. Maecenas iaculis tortor vitae lorem volutpat, vel egestas nisl egestas. Mauris ultricies blandit scelerisque. Sed eu facilisis lectus. Proin condimentum est sed erat pellentesque egestas. Suspendisse vel vehicula ipsum.

  • italic
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  • strike through
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Osiris Conifer
full name ; osiris quade conifer
nickname(s) ; none thus far
age ; 15 [ in current timeline ]
sexual orientation ; pansexual
gender & pronouns ; cismale / he/him
spoken languages ; english, turkish
blood status ; halfblood
faceclaim ; deaken bluman
house ; ravenclaw

special abilities ; mental shields, transfiguration, communication & care of magical creatures

height ; [ current ] 5'6" [ future ] 6'2"
hair color ; dark brown
hair type ; loose curls/waves, often times frizzy due to his inability to style it
eye color ; light brown
unique features ; osiris has a scar through his left eyebrow from hitting his head as a child, it becomes more noticeable when he frowns and/or scrunches his forehead. he has a burn scar that mangled the better part of his upper right thigh, though he won't discuss how that happened.
? medical issues ? ; osiris suffers from extreme migraines at times. one may speculate its due to the mental shields he never lets down. he also has a terrible case of night terrors, due to past trauma.
habits ; [ current ] none [ future ] drinks, smokes, and occasionally dabbles in hallucinogenics.

personality traits ; [ 1 ] empathetic ─ osiris feels for others more deeply and with more care than he puts towards himself. despite his aloof, somewhat quiet nature he'd drop the shirt off his back if he thought someone needed it more than him.
[ 2 ] assertive ─ when osiris speaks, he does it with a certain air of authority, although it's often just an act to get people to listen. he doesn't care who he is talking to or about what, but when he says something he means it.
[ 3 ] enigmatic ─ osiris only shares personal details about his past and himself with a select few who have been around long enough to earn his trust. to anyone outside of those people, he is mysterious and withdrawn and wouldn't even share his favorite color with them, worrying they might use any information to pull one over on him.
[ 4 ] indulgent ─ osiris frequently gives people he cares for more lead way than he should, always looking for the small glimmer of hope in even the darkest of souls. he will enable behavior until it becomes borderline dangerous and only then will he say something.

history ; Osiris' years prior to the orphanage were filled with nothing but light and joy. His mother, the witch of the family, was a brilliant woman with an affinity for all things involving magical creatures, as well as the natural talent for herbology. She was a peaceful, kind woman with bright eyes and long, red hair. His father was a banker in the muggle world, a man who the fates had brought to his mother for one reason or another. He enjoyed spending time with his younger siblings, two sisters, and cherished them more than he could ever put into words. Osiris learned early on in life that nothing would ever stay the way he wanted it to, the evidence of that being the death of every single member of his family, aside from him. He wished greatly that he had perished in the fires that killed his family, so he wouldn't have to live in their shadows and carry on the legacy they had tried to make. It haunts him every waking moment, evident by the dark bags under his eyes and the screams that come from him at night.

Once a happy, boisterous boy, Osiris withdrew from the world as they shoved him into an orphanage, hiding the evidence of the tragedy that had befallen his family due to the war. It took years before the s/icidal ideations left him and he was able to think clearly, no longer a catatonic husk but working towards regaining parts of the personality he had lost watching his home go up into flames. It was around that time that he was approached by a member of the Hogwarts staff, offering him a place to stay away from the damp and dreary orphanage that he'd tried to convince himself was home. At first, Osiris was unwilling. Despite the obvious magic the boy possessed, he simply did not want to be a part of any sort of magical institution after seeing the damage that could be caused from learning and expanding on one's magical ability. In the end, he reluctantly agreed and was toted off to the school.

Though, not clearly as gifted as his mother, Osiris quickly picked up on the studies offered at Hogwarts. He was particularly interested in transfiguration and excelled beyond his peers with light and consistent studying. He found himself decent at most other forms of magic, but has a particular soft spot for herbology and anything having to do with magical creatures. Most species he's encountered have been able to communicate with him, even if just a bit, and he's dove head first into the studies of how to make communication easier between himself and the creatures.

Osiris' social life at Hogwarts is sparse, his inability to grow close to others in fear of losing them making it nearly impossible for him to establish connections within his house and classes. He avoids the Slytherin and Gryffindor houses specifically, finding most of the individuals to be pompous and arrogant, traits he doesn't admire. He prefers the company of the much calmer Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws if he must interact with anyone.

Osiris wouldn't consider himself to be happy, but he's not nearly as miserable as he was in years past.

headcanons ; [ 1 ] appearance ─ osiris always looks an absolute mess. his hair is always in disarray, his shirt tucked halfway into his pants, and his tie is never done in the correct way, leading to many professors fussing over his appearance.
[ 2 ] wishes ─ osiris hopes that one day he cane come across the mirror of erised, if only to see his family for a few fleeting moments.
[ 3 ] habits ─ osiris chews on the ends of any and all pens, and has a terrible habit of biting his fingernails until they bleed. he makes his bed every single morning, a habit instilled in him by his mother, and keeps his belongings in perfect order, despite his frequently disheveled appearance.
[ 4 ] walks ─ osiris frequently takes walks in the areas surrounding hogwarts, always looking for secluded and private spots where he won't have to interact with people if he simply wants to read or study magical creatures he happens upon without the noise of others to distract him.
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Elijah Avery
full name ; elijah garrett avery
age ; 15 [ in current timeline ]
gender & pronouns ; cismale / he/him
spoken languages ; english
blood status ; fullblood
faceclaim ; yuri park
house ; slytherin

personality traits ; [ 1 ] meek ─ [ 2 ] nonconfrontational ─ [ 3 ] greatly ashamed due to his family's falling from their status ─ [ 4 ] has irrational bouts of anger ─ [ 5 ] enables any and all behavior from his slytherin peers, regardless of how cruel

history ; the avery family, once powerful and influential in all ways a pureblood wizarding family could be, fell from their pedestal just after their youngest son, Elijah, turned six. The family bore the brunt of the cruelty brought about from their political undoing, and all suffered in more ways than one. While his elder siblings had become quickly established into other parts of the world, no longer wishing to be known as an Avery, Elijah was made to endure every public and private call-out, despite the fact he had been but a child when his family was disgraced, and there was no way he had had any part in their unraveling. He was hopeful when going to Hogwarts that people there wouldn't know or simply wouldn't care, but his hopes were dashed when he arrived and was sorted into the Slytherin household, the one most known for its pureblood politics and gossip.

Avery quickly searched for a group to implement himself into, hoping for some sort of protection from his crueler peers, and found himself following Erasmus LeStrange, a former playmate from his childhood, around like a decrepit stray. He was willing to drop everything and anything for Erasmus, Cygnus, and Tom, even if it meant that he would be the one indirectly affected by the deeds they wanted fulfilled. All it took was a snap of their fingers and Elijah was on it, desperate for some semblance of acceptance and comradery after feeling like an outcast for the majority of his life.

Despite being the groups doormat, Elijah does show great promise with magic, though he doesn't have the confidence like Tom or the status like Erasmus to show it off. He studies alone and quietly, opting to practice in private and failing to perform when asked to do so in class. Part of his subconscious simply doesn't want him to succeed, as he's been told his entire life that he no longer has a place, whether he can wield magic or not.
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cygnus black
full name ; cygnus black III
age ; 15 [ in current timeline ]
gender & pronouns ; cismale / he/him
spoken languages ; english
blood status ; fullblood
faceclaim ; toni mahfud
house ; slytherin

personality traits ; [ 1 ] arrogant ─ [ 2 ] inappropriate ─ [ 3 ] abrasive ─ [ 4 ] self-indulgent ─ [ 5 ] egocentric ─ [ 5 ] spoiled [ will get what he wants one way or another ]

history ; Cygnus was born with a silver wand in hand and a silver spoon in his mouth. The long lineage and history of the Black family gave him all he wanted and more, creating a spoiled-rotten monster who simply refused to understand the word 'no.' From a young age he was coddled and told over and over again that he would be one of the greats, just like those with his name had been before. It entirely went to the young child's head, leading him to believe he was in fact the most important person to ever grace the earth and nobody could tell him otherwise.

When he arrived at Hogwarts, it wasn't any different. He walked the halls as if he owned the place and when he was placed into Slytherin, something that surprised absolutely no one, he took it upon himself to begin striking fear into all of those he deemed as 'lesser.' Cygnus is known heavily for his streak of cruel pranks, inappropriate behavior in and out of class, and taking what he wants when he wants it and not a moment later. the only person he's met who he hasn't dared pushed any of this behavior onto is Tom Riddle, as he'd witnessed the event of Tom knocking Erasmus clean out with little more than a thought. That was the first time Cygnus knew not to mess with someone, and instead he made it his mission to befriend the orphaned boy, though a part of him sneered at the thought. Tom was only a half-blood, after all, and he still holds that prejudice against the boy, though silently.

Cygnus is particularly gifted in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, though it's all a front. He spends most of his time attempting to learn the dark arts portrayed in class and how to conjure them, rather than studying how to defend against them. Cygnus, at all times, must be the one wielding power, and not the one who is so weak as to only defend against it.

Cygnus treats Avery like his little errand boy, making him fetch things from the restricted part of the library for the most part, and takes no blame when Avery inevitably receives punishment for his actions. He has taken an interest in Osiris, because despite how cruel Cygnus is to him, Osiris simply blinks at him blankly, before walking away. Cygnus is not a fan of those that don't cower at his name alone.
Cassian Asquith
full name ; cassian avery asquith
age ; 26
sexual orientation ; heterosexual
gender & pronouns ; cismale | he / him
faceclaim ; paing takhon

height ; 6'3"
weight ; 200lbs
hair color ; cassian's hair is a deep, chestnut brown with red undertones to it, from his mother's side.
hair type ; long and wavy, cassian prefers to keep it tied back and out of his face. it generally falls past his shoulders, but he cut it back so as not to be so easily identified.
eye color ; dark brown enough that many people would consider them to be black.
unique features ; cassian's face and body are absolutely riddled with freckles, he bears several scars from skirmishes when he was a boy.

personality traits ; [ 1 ] charming ─ cassian has a natural ease about him that lures people in: his crooked smile, quick-witted jokes, and flirtatious attitude make him a magnet of a social butterfly. though, he's only charming when he wants/needs to be.
[ 2 ] dauntless ─ cassian will dive head-first into any and all situations, whether he knows the full-scale of what he's doing or not. his bravery and belief that he's untouchable have gotten him into many precarious situations.
[ 3 ] abrasive ─ when the charm turns off, cassian is willing to say things that others would find needlessly cruel. especially when in situations that he can't foresee himself getting out of, he will go for an adversaries throat.
[ 4 ] pretentious ─ due to his life as royalty, cassian absolutely sees himself as better than most. though, he would never say it outright to the people he deems below him, in a company of confidence he has no problem stating what he views his position as in the world.

history ; Cassian's family has ruled the kingdom of itheatopia for centuries. A humid, tropical area of the continent with fine spices, silks, and books of knowledge passed down that aren't found anywhere else in the world. It hosts the largest trading square in the region and thus, the economy is lush and the people under the Asquith rule remain happy and comfortable. The only problem seemed to be their distant neighbors, who they had been feuding with for almost as long as their rule had been established. Cassian was born into his kingdom during one of the greatest wars that had ever taken place, and has still yet to simmer and burn out.

cassian's interests as a child lied solely in violence and fighting, something his older warrior brother enabled by training him and keeping him educated on modern battle tactics, weapons, and the weaknesses of their enemies. he dove head first into training with various weapons, though spears and atgeirs remain his favorite of them all. his brother died when he was 16, a tragic loss that tore their family apart briefly. the war had taken another member of their family and it was at this point that cassian knew it all needed to end. however, after their loss his family refused to allow him to join the military in the march for their homelands. frustrated, but not yet willing to defy his parents he continued to train, all while learning what it would take for him to eventually run his own kingdom when his parents relented their titles.

when cassian turned 26, his mother and father began making arrangements for a betrothal, something he absolutely refused to take part in. they were growing older and worried for the security of their kingdom and wanted their son to wed someone who would further secure his place in the family's lineage of rulers. angered by their actions, cassian altered his appearance and joined the military under a false name, finally able to do what he's wanted to since his brother's untimely demise. currently, he is heading an operation to kill the new fiance of their war foe, so they do not establish more power within the fiance's kingdom, who is also at odds with the itheatopia rulers.

headcanons ; [ 1 ] ─ cassian absolutely adores anything having to do with water; whether it be an ocean, river, lake, he will gleefully throw himself in and have the time of his life.
[ 2 ] ─ you know he's up to trouble when a half smile/smirk rises to his face. beware.
[ 3 ]─ definitely thinks he can fight anyone, even if they weigh hundreds of pounds more than he. this lanky boy isn't afraid of anything.
[ 4 ]─ back at home, he feeds all of the stray cats he can find and often times sneaks them into the palace so they have a decent place to sleep. his family is not a fan.
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full name ; aras [ his mother gave him no surname ]
age ; 27 [ ? ]
sexual orientation ; pansexual
gender & pronouns ; cismale | he/him
spoken languages ; pnateesh, isari, and english
religion ; though his people starkly believe in the Old Gods, aras has no proof that they exist and thus, does not believe the same as his tribe-mates.
species ; though, he should be part dark elf from his mother's heritage, aras possesses none of the trademark features [ pointed ears, grey-toned skin, etc. ] though, he does possess heightened senses that beat out any pure-blood elf.

height ; 6'3"
weight ; 240 lbs
hair color ; aras' hair is predominantly black, with a white streak through the center, that shows even when he has facial hair. it is assumed to be a birth mark by his mother.
hair type ; aras' hair is straight as a board and he keeps it as styled as he possibly can, as he cares far too much about what others think.
eye color ; aras' eyes are considered to be his most striking feature, the bright golden hue startling others often due to his seemingly human state, despite other species possessing similar eye colors. they almost appear to glow at times.
body type ; mesomorph
unique features ; aras' eyes and hair are unique features worth mentioning, though his body is riddled with others. he has what appear to be vitiligo patches covering most of his body, though he has a sense that that's not what they are at all. they seem to shift across his skin if he pays attention long enough and he swears they will, at times, morph into runes that belonged to the Old Gods. aside from that, his skin is remarkably smooth and without scars, due to his mother's protective nature growing up.
medical conditions ; aras has blacked out frequently since he was a child, often at the most inopportune times. no healer has ever been able to tell him the cause, and it is simply something he manages. as an adult the fainting has diminished slightly, though it still happens too often for his liking.

personality traits ; [ 1 ] dependable ─ aras was raised in a group setting of elves and despite his odd appearance, every member of the group helped to raise him as if he were their own. he was taught from an early age to keep his promises and that his word was the most important thing if he wanted to establish himself as a good person in the world. and thus, aras is always there if he says he will be and will accomplish any task set forth by others.
[ 2 ] childish ─ aras has gone through minimal struggles in his life and due to his lack of setting forth on his own still possesses a child-like whimsy that strangers can often times find intolerable. he sees the good in everything and everyone and often makes jokes at inappropriate times.
[ 3 ] cautious ─ despite his child-like behavior, aras was taught from a young age that he shouldn't trust anyone, his mother repeating those phrases over and over to him time and time again. he doesn't particularly understand her fear of the world, but he follows his mother's wise words regardless. though he may see the good in everything, he would never allow someone to put him in an unsafe position. [ until now smh ]
[ 4 ] skillful ─ though not the most talented brawler, aras makes up for it with his knowledge of healing, weapon-crafting, and his quick-thinking mind which helps him assess threats before he must face them. he is incredibly knowledgeable about the creatures within the world and can point out distinct behaviors that often-times lead to an exact behavior that he has predicted.

history ; Aras's mother was a well-respected woman amidst the elven community within the city of Nyl Edhil. When she fell pregnant it was a shock to most that knew her, as they had never seen her with a man who she seemed to fancy, despite the many that had tried to take her hand over the years. When questioned, she would deny the existence of such a man, stating that the Old Gods must have blessed her through their own means. Though many regarded her as crazy for such a claim, it was nearer to the truth than they thought. Despite the mysterious circumstances surrounding his conception, Aras was accepted and doted on by others of their tribe and he grew up in a place that made him feel warm and loved.

He spent his childhood gardening with his mother and was never out of her sight for even a moment, something that became irritating for Aras as a teenager who wanted to explore the world without his palm in his mother's. Aras had tried for ages to convince her he could handle the knowledge of his father, but when she denied him time and time again, he attempted to take matters into his own hands. In the end he failed and received a good scolding from his mother, who once again forbid him from ever seeking out the truth of the past.

as he aged, he became more and more interested in the studies of all the races, as well as spending a good chunk of his time working with the local blacksmith, who was a master at shaping elven tools. he was training as an apprentice when his mother suddenly vanished, seeming to have dropped off the face of the world. she left him a note with a simple 'i'm sorry. do not search for me. i love you' transcribed inside the folded piece of paper. despite her message, aras has been on the hunt for the woman for nearly two years, which is how he ended up in his current situation.

headcanons[ 1 ] sweets ─ as a child within an elven community, aras only ate the healthiest bounty that nature had to offer. after exploring a nearby city for the first time, he was introduced to sweets that he hadn't even known existed. now, he's a force to be reckoned with when dessert delights are set before him.
[ 2 ] warm ─ aras' body is constantly sitting at a higher temperature than others, which aids him when the snowy season has come around. he was often the one children sought out back at home when their hands would freeze in their makeshift gloves.
[ 2 ] slight of hand ─ though honest and trustworthy in most catagories, aras learned early on that he could play nearly anybody for a fool due to his heightened sense, reaction time, and his distinct knowledge of those around him. as a teenager he could often times be found in the market, showing others how easily he could steal from them if he wanted to, though he never took anything home that he had stolen. he is also excellent at card games.
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