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Remember, Remember, the 5th of November
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Spirit Fae

Goth - Sidewalks and Skeletons
Oberon Drakos
Jockey, Spark, Wingless, Useless, Opal.
Cis Male
October 13
Neu Kingdom
Black City


High Society, 3rd Son of a Wealthy Fae.
Jockey, Model
After a fatal attack with iron, he lost his left wing.
He also struggles with sleep since that attack, Nightmares of the attack pledge his dreams.

Intangibility: They can move through solid objects and ignore most objects in their way.
LIMITATIONS (Regarding their special ability)
Flight: unable to fly now that he lost one of his wings.
Living Things: unable to Go threw living things, people or animals.
Stuck/Phasing: Out of fear or any extreme/intense emotion, Oberon has been known for falling threw items he is sitting on, he phase threw knobs or doors, even floors. It manifested after the attack, he used to be very good at controlling his gift now not so much.

Lean, with strong
Long pitch black hair that reaches about mid thigh, he tends to keep it up in a high ponytail or in a messy bun when working Or reading
he has piercing red eye, an odd trait in his family.
Smooth slightly tan skin, with light concealer to hid his freckles that litter his cheek and over his nose.
He has a nasty scar on his back where his wing was cut off. He is also known for wearing glasses when he read.

Generous | Kind(?) | Honest | Open Minded | Loyal | Sensitive | Private | Obedient | Sarcastic | Blunt | a Bit Gloomy
Sweets | Coffee (With lots of Sugar) | Reading | Animals | Horse Back Riding | Modelling | Rain | Jazz Music | Winter
Bitter Taste | Summer | Being Wet | Sunny Days | Cliffhangers In Novels | Abused Animals | History | Diet Plans
Good With Animals | Eidetic Memory
Flight | Socially Awkward

Drakos Is a old bloodline of Spirit Fae, who were extremely loyal to the vampires during the war. They aided in many things and were made mainly into spies. Though Oberon doesn't believe the family does this anymore, but there has been a few rumours that the family still practices these traits. Now the Family of Drakos are known for their Modelling company and Acting company, aiding people into getting their foot in the industry.

Oberon is the 3rd son of Veronica and Richard Drakos. He is the youngest of the 3 siblings, and the last child as his parents had no desire to have anymore. He is close with his older brothers and have a very loving relationship with his parents. Oberon had always loved animals as a young child, and had asked his parents for a horse at one point. Which his parents given him which started his love for horseback riding and Equitation, he was very skilled in it. He wasn't the smartest kid but has always tried his best to keep at least a B in classes.

On Oberon 17th birthday he had been attacked by a rival company, they had sent someone to attack his eldest brother, as he was going to take over of his fathers role as CEO, but Oberon had noticed and quickly jumped in the way but was hit in his brothers place. His wing was harmed in protecting his sibling, the other Fae around were unable to heal it since the weapon used was made out of Iron.

After that the family dynamic shifted slightly, as his older brother blames himself, and his family can't help but look at him with so much pain. It hurt Oberon being in the room sometimes, he slowly started to distance himself from his family, unable to take the looks from everyone.

It took a while but he slowly got back to as normal, or as normal he can be. He personality slightly changed a bit as he got older and more people looked his way, he started to hide his wings, something he was once proud of now he can barely look at. His mother had started to notice this and tried to help him, trying to get him out of his shell of self hatred. She did everything in her power. His mother was really his only support after a while, as the males in the family couldn't stop looking at him like they failed him in some way or hold shame In their eyes. Oberon always thought it was at him, unaware it was at themselves.

His mother got him a job as a model along side her and after a few years knew the home wasn't… the best for him anymore. So decided to send him away to try and make new friends or maybe lover. Since he didn't need to be here for his job, Oberon was actually excited about that. A new place means away from his siblings and father, and maybe try to prove himself, he wasn't useless or a leech like the people around him would say behind his and his families back.

Father calls his sons by the gem of their birth month, thats why one of Oberon nickname is Opral. the father also follows the Traditional Birthstone list.
His older brothers are Sardonyx and Emerald.
Oberon is very close to his older siblings.
Theme Song:
Voice Claim:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie dolor diam, malesuada consectetur sem eleifend in. Sed sed elementum felis, in lacinia erat. Maecenas fermentum auctor nibh, quis consectetur dolor ultricies vel. Maecenas nec tristique purus, sit amet ornare dui. Donec tincidunt luctus justo, non porta odio pulvinar eget. Vestibulum pellentesque libero a arcu suscipit, ac congue dolor dignissim. Maecenas porttitor orci urna, nec ultrices sem imperdiet at. Nam mattis magna sed mauris aliquet pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce blandit tincidunt egestas. Praesent libero nisl, luctus sit amet mauris sed, ornare tempor est.

Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
Reactions: MaryGold
Redblood Vampir
Ivaylo Dimitrova.
December 25
Neu Kingdom (Varna, Bulgaria)


Noble/Upper Class
- Slight Limp
- Scars
- Glasses for Reading
- Night terrors

POWER (only for Redbloods)
LIMITATIONS (only for Redbloods)
- Vampir Limitation.
- Unable to Heal Himself.

Straight, medium length. dark brown hair, with white and gray peppered around his side burns.
Bright Blue
Smoout skin, slightly wrinkled,
- Pierced Tongue, Eyebrow, Noise and Ear.
- Nasty Scar on his knee.
- Scarred body

Compassionate | Forgetful | Confident | Fair | Faithful | Man of His Word | Honest | Hard working | Curious | Open Minded | Humble | Protective | Possessive | Casual | Out Spoken | Loud | Aloof | Calculating | Disorganized
Children | A Good Fight | writing | Tea | Travelling | Spring | Sunsets | Spicy Food | Indian Food | Forest/Nature | Animals (Cats) | Novels (Romance and Mystery) | Music | Learning New Things
Cleaning | Forgetting Things | Summer | Thunderstorms | Guns | Murder | His Family | Smell of Blood
- Combat
- Planning
- His Left Knee
- Socializing

Ivaylo when he was young used to travel all the time with his parents, he and his little sister lived a happy life. What he didn't know was at the time the traveling was to keep him and his family safe, and sadly the past caught up to them, His Father was a son of the Dimitrova Head and was supposed to take over before he ran away with his lower class lover. He knew that his father would be hunting him down and probably heard of him having children.

At 8 years old Ivaylo life turned upside down when he went back to his house with his sister and found something not right, he quickly rushed him and his sister out of there, they both ran and when they thought they were safe, his sister was shot from behind. Dying instantly in front of him, it scared the young boy, especially when the man who did it grabbed him and began dragging him to the car.

The last thing he heard from the man is, "you'll thank me later for that." He was clueless of what he meant, that was till he was brought to the house. That is when he met his Grandfather and hated him the second he saw him. He planned to murder this man, he slowly started to realize what the man ment as he learned what would have happened if his sister was brought instead of him and felt disgust. His grandfather decided to turn him into a bodyguard, and sent him to be tortured practically.

The man who killed his sister taught him everything, learned the man was being used by the grandfather and was bound to the man, not by loyalty but by chains of his own making as he is in a large debt. He was bullied, abused (
mentally, Physically, and sexuall
) and trained to be the perfect killer and guard. He was taken with his grandfather, forced to act like the perfect Nephew in front of people when in reality he was a killer.

His cousins hated him, his aunt's and uncles as well, since his grandfather kept him close. Especially when he is the disowned heirs son, he didn't care he just wanted to survive and leave this house, he didn't care to have a title, or own anything in this family. He just planned and grabbed evidence, was careful to hide everything and knew where to put it especially as he grew older.

As he grew older he was sent out to do things for his grandfather, that always made him feel disgusting. Killing never tasted good to him, the smell of blood too, he started hating the smell of his own food. Slowly as years past, he was getting close to his goal and then he needed to wait for the old man to kneel over and die.

The day his Grandfather died, he wasn't surprised. He knew who did it, he was keeping an eye, he knew it was his cousin who did it, wanting to be the heir. He told him straight to his face that he knew, and that since he killed his owner he no longer had a leash to this family. He happily handed over the family legacy to his cousin, with the price of an allowance and the freedom to travel, and he won't bother them any more. He hinted that he had evidence stashed somewhere if anything bad happened to him.

His cousin was happy to accept the deal, and Ivaylo hasn't looked back, avoiding his family like the pledge out of respect of his deal. Though he was a bit sad he can never travel to that country he gets to explore other countries and places and he gets to experience his own childish wonder and childhood dreams before he too finally
kneels over.

- Will Never have Children of His own.
- Has a Letter waiting if anything happens to him.
- He forgets where he puts things sometimes (all the times) it drives him up a wall.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse molestie dolor diam, malesuada consectetur sem eleifend in. Sed sed elementum felis, in lacinia erat. Maecenas fermentum auctor nibh, quis consectetur dolor ultricies vel. Maecenas nec tristique purus, sit amet ornare dui. Donec tincidunt luctus justo, non porta odio pulvinar eget. Vestibulum pellentesque libero a arcu suscipit, ac congue dolor dignissim. Maecenas porttitor orci urna, nec ultrices sem imperdiet at. Nam mattis magna sed mauris aliquet pulvinar. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Fusce blandit tincidunt egestas. Praesent libero nisl, luctus sit amet mauris sed, ornare tempor est.

Proin fermentum, neque quis rhoncus blandit, nulla augue condimentum sapien, vel luctus ante sem vel orci. Fusce quis nunc scelerisque, facilisis urna et, lacinia erat. In commodo interdum turpis, ut viverra leo aliquet id. Donec sed diam faucibus, finibus tellus eu, pulvinar arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam malesuada porttitor luctus. Mauris feugiat lectus eget sapien congue congue. Proin nec massa ex. Nunc leo nibh, aliquet nec quam eget, lacinia pretium libero. Cras quis porta tortor, ac sagittis tellus. Aliquam pellentesque auctor ipsum, id consectetur turpis semper eu. Praesent sit amet massa non velit egestas luctus vel vitae nibh. Curabitur id orci accumsan, blandit sem a, mollis enim.

Donec sit amet ultricies quam. In varius luctus ornare. Phasellus tincidunt fringilla eros vitae rhoncus. Vivamus posuere velit sed rhoncus molestie. Suspendisse potenti. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque est neque, aliquet non viverra et, ultrices id tellus. Mauris faucibus luctus elit a sodales. In bibendum vestibulum auctor. Phasellus augue dui, lacinia vitae purus eu, commodo posuere est. Duis vehicula varius molestie. Quisque non laoreet magna, vel gravida nisl. Ut dapibus condimentum consectetur. Proin nunc leo, hendrerit in lorem faucibus, volutpat egestas orci. Nam nec tortor a dui porta efficitur eleifend quis risus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur vel dignissim lorem, vitae faucibus arcu. Fusce molestie dolor ipsum, et fringilla sem feugiat ut. Phasellus nec accumsan velit. Proin eros velit, semper ac odio a, commodo venenatis enim. Nunc quis vulputate metus, sit amet blandit nisl. Sed egestas sodales nulla, eu consectetur mi.
「 #Vempir, #SadBitchJuice 」
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NAME: Amosis
AGE: 30s
ROLE: Uncle

SPECIES: Ghoul/Were Snow Leopard
POWERS: All Were Abilities, and Only Consumption Healing and Pain Supression.
LIMITATIONS: All Demon/Were Limitations and weekness

APPEARANCE: 5'10, long black hair that reches mid back when loose but he tends to keep it in a messy bun. Muscular frame, with tattoos he gottenbin his youth.

PERSONALITY: Tired AF | Done With People Shit | Calm | Stubborn | Judgy | Sarcastic
FEARS/PHOBIAS: Complete Dark, Being Buried Alive.
Lack sleep

A well known horror author, he enjoys dread and impending doom, all of his novels have never had a survivor. As if they do survive they go insane from what they witness. He has never writen a happy ending, but many seem to enjoy the bleek endings of his novels as he tends to write well writen characters and their slow decent into madness and insanity.

- No liking kids, hates the niece and nephew.
- Cool with sister.
- Thinks the husband is too short for his sister.
- but is feed by him so he keeps his options to himself.
  • According to Plan
Reactions: MaryGold
Seasonal Character - Whispering Woods
AGE: 20s

SPECIES: Vampire (Silver Blood)
POWERS: Baeic Sliver Blood Powers
LIMITATIONS: All Silver Blood Limiation

APPEARANCE: 5'7 with shaggy black hair, and dull red eyes. Lean with a bit if muscles. Dresses fancy.

PERSONALITY: Goofy | Scary Cat | Calm | Caring | Acts Tough (not actually tough)
FEARS/PHOBIAS: being drained, stranglation, Hanging

BRIEF BACKGROUND: Rue was raised in a orhange, and stuggled a lot as a child. His Parents had abandoned him there, he has tired leaving early but was to much if a coward to do so. Luckily his friends had helped him... and alcohol. He works hard to better himself, and struggles to see any worthin himself.

EXTRA: (Optional. However, you may ad things like majors or any important info that is specific to the RP they are part of)
  • According to Plan
Reactions: MaryGold