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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern

Myths and legends. Heroes and monsters. Where do they all come from? Where did it all begin?

Our history books say it all began in the Endless, that unfathomably infinite space which our mere mortal eyes cannot see. There, everything everywhere was birthed into existence. And when all the stars fade, when the sun swallows the earth and our bones explode into dust, that is where everything will return.

Here in Scythe and Wraith, we practice the art of bridging the gap between our mortal world and the Endless, for a place full of infinite possibilities can make us do great things. Impossible things. Godlike things. But it is a source of power that only few can access, for something so great should also be secret, lest it fall into the wrong hands…
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Raven Cross
Raven Cross

Thoroughly embarrassed, Raven accepted the box of tissues, turning her face away from him as she wiped at her cheeks and eyes.

This wasn't how she'd planned for her night to go. Talking about her dead mother to her best friend's brother, who she barely knew except through Reagan's stories.

"No," she mumbled, sniffling slightly, trying to gather herself back together.

"Wait…how did you know?" She turned back to him, frowning as she rubbed as her cheek with her jacket sleeve.

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"You didn't mention seeing anything out on the porch, so that was my biggest clue. But really, it's just a matter of statistics. Traumatic incidents are known to awaken other Numbers. Sometimes this awakening is permanent, especially if the trauma recurs in quick succession. But that's a hit or miss. Most of the time, an awakening is temporary," I explained. "Theoretically, a One could become a Five or even a Six if they put themselves in enough traumatic situations. But as you can probably guess, most people give up after the first try. You've got to be a certain kind of crazy to deliberately put yourself through unimaginable hell."

Hopping off the armchair, I extended a hand towards Raven. "Speaking of unimaginable hell, I think that's enough questions. Let me give you a tour through actual hell." I gestured towards the fireplace with one grand sweep of my hand and smiled broadly.

"You're going to love it."

Sawyer Kurosawa
Sawyer Kurosawa
"You didn't mention seeing anything out on the porch, so that was my biggest clue. But really, it's just a matter of statistics. Traumatic incidents are known to awaken other Numbers. Sometimes this awakening is permanent, especially if the trauma recurs in quick succession. But that's a hit or miss. Most of the time, an awakening is temporary," I explained. "Theoretically, a One could become a Five or even a Six if they put themselves in enough traumatic situations. But as you can probably guess, most people give up after the first try. You've got to be a certain kind of crazy to deliberately put yourself through unimaginable hell."

Hopping off the armchair, I extended a hand towards Raven. "Speaking of unimaginable hell, I think that's enough questions. Let me give you a tour through actual hell." I gestured towards the fireplace with one grand sweep of my hand and smiled broadly.

"You're going to love it."

@Ghostly Boo
  • Nice Execution!
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Raven Cross
Raven Cross

Raven hadn't learnt anywhere near enough from her aunt. Sawyer sprouted numbers with knowledge backing him, that far exceeded her own. She felt assessed in a way she hadn't expected, not after everything she'd just spilled.

She gave her cheek one last rub before accepting his hand and rising to her feet. She could at least indulge his creepy fireplace tour, learn what she could.

"If this is a tour of hell, then what's that make you?"


The door gave a delicate little trill as Raven shoved it open, the scent of coffee and warm pastries a welcome assault to her senses.

Her morning had been flat-out, with her rushing all over campus in an attempt to get herself organized and make it to the cafe on time to meet Regan. She accomplished neither.

She was ten minutes late and still had things she needed to get.

"Sorry, sorry," she breathed, sliding into the chair across from her friend and dumping her bag on the ground with a heavy thud.

"God, this thing weighs a ton. Did you get something to eat? It smells devine in here."
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  • Nice Execution!
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Reagan Kurosawa
Reagan Kurosawa
It was a good soul-sucking minute before Reagan finally acknowledged Raven's existence.

"So you finally came. You're late." she said in between sips of her mocha frappuccino, gaze still fixed on her freshly battered copy of the Ashmore University Student Handbook--a handbook that, apparently, nobody but Reagan had bothered to read. It was only last night that she'd heard wind of Raven's betrayal and her reaction, inevitably, was to hurl the handbook across the room and stomp on it for good measure. Eleanor, her new roommate, was shocked into silence. Bless her good soft heart, but this was just as well. Everybody should know she was not a force to be messed with.

Clearly, Raven had forgotten.

"And what exactly took you so long? You weren't seeing my brother behind my back, were you? Because that would be a seriously shitty thing to do."

@Ghostly Boo
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Raven Cross
Raven Cross

Raven was in desperate need of a coffee and maybe even a slice of cake before she even thought about dealing with this. Not that she knew where to start, she hadn't exactly been prepared for her friend to be aware of her chance meeting with Sawyer already.

"I have no idea what you're on about. I've been running around campus all morning, not exactly time to have a secret meet up with your psycho brother."

It wasn't exactly a lie, she wasn't sneaking around with her brother, one chance meeting doesn't count right? Even if she ended up spilling her guts to him. A fact that still made her cringe internally.

"I'm grabbing a coffee. Bite my head off for being late in a minute," She said with a sigh.

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Reagan Kurosawa
Reagan Kurosawa
"Oh, so you're lying now?" She yelled across the room, paying no mind to the nosy customers who'd turned their heads in her direction. "Everybody saw you two together, Raven. And you know how I feel about him. You know how much I--"

Realizing that her hands were shaking, she put the frappuccino down and vigorously wiped the tears that had sprung from her eyes. She hoped that nobody, least of all Raven, had noticed.

"It's like you forgot. It's like you don't even care."

@Ghostly Boo
  • Nice Execution!
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Raven Cross
Raven Cross

Raven was beginning to find it hard to make eye contact with anyone else in the cafe, her skin feeling flushed and too tight. It was beginning to feel like a messy breakup. "Iced mocha please,." She slid her money across the counter with a quick mutter of keeping the change before quickly returning to their table.

Instead of returning to her seat across the table, she dragged it around to drop in beside her friend. "Listen, okay?"

She grasped her arm, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I haven't forgotten. I'm not sneaking around with him. We briefly met at the party. Just, try and calm down a little, okay? I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Maybe she had made a mistake, Reagan had been consistent with her dislike towards her brother for years, and had taken every opportunity to remind Raven that he was good for nothing.

Sawyer definitely hadn't seemed that bad, had even been nice. But she had a feeling that wasn't something that would go down well with Reagan right now.

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Reagan Kurosawa
Reagan Kurosawa
"Okay, I forgive you." Reagan wiped her tears away with a handkerchief. "Trust me, this is for your own good too. Sawyer's not the perfect guy he pretends to be… oh great, my make-up's ruined."

She sighed, pulling away from Raven's grip. "I'm going to the bathroom. Watch my bag for me? Thanks, babes."

@Ghostly Boo
  • Nice Execution!
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