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"Then, do they at least make vehicles for people my size, since walking's pretty much out of the question?" Aiden asked.

" Going to be quite honest, I don't think there is actually anyone as small as you at the school. There are like cars and buses, but none doll sized..... to my knowledge."

"Then, I guess I could either take the bus or have a car modified," Aiden replied.

" That might be the smarter option for you, to be fair, the human thing is an option to help with the city blending. I personally never liked it. Though-"
He pulled out a laptop. " I do like to occassionally mess with the custom options they make online."

"I think I'll just go with public transportation...if it's free. I have no money," Aiden said.

" The academy itself doesn't have public transportation- but there are teleporters to all the rooms in the school."

"Noted," Aiden said, then frowned. "Then...if it takes days to get to different places here, how can I do it without transportation?"

Orion offered a shrug. " Most people in the city have fast ways to get places, either through friends or superpowers. And that's estimate is more sine you are a small doll."

"Oh," Aiden frowned, deep in thought. "I'd hate to put that burden on you. Guess I'll have to figure out how to use the teleporters. Are they in every place?"

" It's also why Dorothy was pushing that Superior Industry stuff on you. I know a lot of the people who do that keep their like base form. But yeah, teleporters are all over the city."

"Good," Aiden gave a relieved sigh. At least there was an alternative. Changing the subject, he asked, "So...after this, where should we go?"

"Yeah, it is really good for you, I mean, once we see our room- what else do you want to see? The city has a ton of things. Actually, I am getting hungry, maybe head to the dinning hall. Wait- do you eat?"

"I can't, but I'm more than happy to join you," Aiden grinned.

" I mean, I never did ask. What exactly can you do as a living doll besides talk?"
He asked. Orion was genuinely curious.

"I can do just about anything a human can do. The only differences are my size and the fact I have no bones, blood, or heart. So, I guess I'm immortal," Aiden said.

" Most of the humans I know can eat and sleep and it doesn't sound like you are able to do either of those things. Though eating is actually new to me, I love my cold foods though. Oh, immortality is very common here,"
Orion added with a smile.

"I can sleep," Aiden said.

" Oh, you do sleep, that's good to know,"
he replied back to him.

"If I want to," Aiden said.

Orion raised an eyebrow, incredibly confused by what Aiden just said. " What do you mean by that?" He asked.
