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"Oh...never mind," Aiden said.

" No, I genuinely don't understand what you mean, can you explain it for me?"
He asked.

"I don't have to sleep if I don't want to," Aiden explained. "But, I'm still doing because, like I said, I want to live like people do."

" Well, okay that makes a lot more sense. Though, I am a little confused something. If you want to live like people do, why do you keep saying you don't want to do the experiment that would make you have a human form?"
He asked.

"I'm not letting what I am prevent me from living a good, productive life. I want to hopefully get a job and a nice place to live," Aiden replied.

" I think you are a really cool thing as you are. I'm still learning how to live a good life myself. It's still a very big learning curve for me, but most things in life are."

"That's definitely true, and it's a little scary. To be honest, I was scared to escape that hospital, because I was afraid of being caught. I'm glad I ended up here, though," Aiden said.

" Though, I am kin of curious, I know you don't want to look like a human, but how would you want to look if you did?"
He asked him with a curious look. " I'm glad you ended up here as well."

"Um...Tall and lean with short blonde hair and brown eyes," Aiden said.

" Wow, you just nearly described one of the heroes in our city, well minus the eye color thing,"
he replied, as he pulled out his phone. " So something like this? He asked, showing him a picture.


Aiden glanced, eyes narrowed. Sure enough, the picture matched his description, minus the eyes. He had o admit, that guy looked good. "Who is this?"

Orion shrugged. " Just one of those pictures you find on the internet. I don't really know the person, but I figured they would look good. I actually was just messing around with the Superior Industries site and it's one of their almost default appearances>"

Aiden quirked a nonexistent brow. "Superior industries?"

" There's the company that does the human transformation. There's a 50/50 on if they are evil or not.. Some say yes and others say no,"
He added.

"With that, I'm not even giving them a chance," Aiden said. "I'd rather go through something like that knowing for sure they're 100% good."

Orion would smile and nod. He understood that there were risks if they didn't know which that was. " I actually heard there is someone who does the same thing as SI and he's not that bad of a guy from what I heard in rumors."

"Well...that's good, I guess," Aiden said with a bit of uncertainty. "Human disguise or not, I wouldn't want people like handing me something. It could have been hacked for all I know."

" It's better than nothing to be fair. The place has been better on allowing others to have safer ways to go. Yeah, it is a dangerous process. I never went through it. I got human by a whole bunch of magic that I still don't understand."

@Cinnamon (Sorry for the two month wait)
(OOC: No worries, life happens.)
"Although...I wouldn't mind having a mini teleporter," a thoughtful grin graced Aiden's furry features. "I could enter my destination, and boom, I'm there."
Skylar & Cystal Booker

Alias: Cypher & DragonVines


Siblings were leaving their dorm, or Cystal was leaving her brother's dorm room. The younger sibling never slept in her own dorm as she was supposed to, as she much preferred to be in her brother's out of habit, really, as they once shared a room back in their hometown. Standing outside of his door Cystal rolled eyes after she stretched when Skylar was nagging her, as usual, about something they had down the other night. "How many times have you to stop before you get yourself hurt?" He locked the door then turned to her. "You need to listen to me bef--Cystal!" He continued before snapping his fingers in front of his little sister's face to get her attention and see she wasn't listening to him anymore. " Ugh, what?" She said, moving his hand from her face and adding annoyance.

"Look, I said, I was sorry, but at least we were able to finish.." She explained as they walked down the hall. He adjusted his bag before following her with the annoyance of his own. Only Cystal can under his skin as much as she does. Usually, he would let things go, walk away, and continue on the day, but that is with other people.

"Well, look," the small girl stopped in the middle of the hall and turned to her brother, and pointed at his chest, " let's not talk about this again while we are in school, ok?" she turned back on her heel to continue walking with a smile on her face and flipped her bright hair over her shoulder. Her brother, this time rolling his own eyes, pat her on the head as he caught up to her and said.

"Fine, but don't think I'm done because something you are going to learn you can't run off to places on your own. "