OPEN SIGNUPS Strange New Arrivals In Remnant (rp thread)

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Clint flashes a rock and roll sign when he ends up in a picture with Yang, an easy going smile on his face. He gets up once the show's over. "Food sounds good. Pizza sounds better." He flashes a teasing grin at Lady. He checks his scroll, provided by the Atlesian military under orders from the general himself to remain available in case of further questioning. Sure enough, there was a locker number and code for him and he follows the good lady's lead to the locker room. He unhooks his own weapon from his back, but removes the blades of his shovel head and stows them in his boots, not willing to go completely defenseless in unknown territory. Catching a glance of familiar weaponry as Lady puts her stuff away, he realizes he's not the only person from Earth attending this academy.

It had him worried. Coincidences did not exist in his line of work and he wasn't so sure this wasn't a setup of some kind. Two people in positions of power had taken an interest in him and he'd been acting within the norms of this place. He'd play this close to the chest until he had something more substantial to work with. It wasn't every day that he walked off a fall that had every right to kill him and wake up twenty years younger in another world. Something had to be going on here.

He shuts his locker and forces his mind back to their current goal. Getting some grub and chilling out for the rest of the night. "So where's the dining hall at?" He asks as more of a rhetorical question as he waits for the rest of the gang to finish up here. He seemed more attentive to the weapons being stowed now, looking for anything else in the realm of familiarity.

clint barton

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And so the general consensus among the small group seems to be for food, seems to be for noodles. She can get down with that. Yang pushes herself out of her seat, kind of hopping as she does so. She taps the screen of her scroll a few more times, and makes note of the locker information and the schedule. "Ah, her name's Ruby. She goes to Signal Academy now." She says with a smile when she looks towards Lady. Then she motions to Cayde as she continues "Well Lady's a good name AND good nickname." She nods in agreement with herself.

She walks with the group to the locker room, that smile and good attitude never seeming to fade. And as they enter, Yang deviates from the others. Her locker is in another section, it seems. But once she locates it… she taps the keypad with the unlock code. She waits a moment…. and does it again. She lets out an audible growl, taking out her scroll and looking up the locker information. Rolling her eyes she slips her scroll back into her pocket, now typing in a new set of numbers. "I'm an idiot." She says softly. She takes a step back, the locker door automatically opening for her. As it does, she is in the process of removing the gold colored bracelets she wears. They do seem, of course, a bit bulky to be just bracelets, or just for fashion sense. Simple and triangular in shape. Closer to the size of a man's watch, really. Her left hand reaches to her right, and she twists the bracelet while depressing a small hidden switch. The bracelet opens and disengages from her right wrist, and she mirrors the motion with her other arm. With the sound of clacking metal she puts her bracelets into the locker, making sure they are securely fastened to the weapon holders within. Her hands brush together and she closes the locker door with her foot. "Yeah, we're goin for noodles" She exclaims, in case she needed to lay to rest any doubts on this point. As she grins, she looks to Clint and rolls her eyes "Hey your first meal should NOT be in the school cafeteria. I know an awesome place in the city for noodles. Just oodles and oodles of noodles!" She exclaims proudly, thrusting a fist into the air.

Now, while some of them may think this little group will remain together through the story… Yang has no such thoughts. To her, they are all simply some new kids she met on the first day as a student at Beacon. Unaware of subtle strings being pulled and tied in another place.

Now Yang would lead them out of the front entrance of Beacon, and now they would find themselves on 'Main Avenue', the main walkway that leads from Beacon to the city proper. As they walk, Yang would look to each of them. "Soooo you new kids've been kinda mum on where ya came from. C'mon, I wanna hear about you guys!" She says in a chipper tone, motioning to each of them.

And unbeknownst to any… a blackbird has began to follow the small group. Perching high above, high above notice. It's red eyes stare down at the group from it's high perch..
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Mecha Sonic
Mec pulled out a quite old looking scroll, mostly due to his home conditions. His locker number and location was saved to his databanks as he followed the others. When he got to his locker he stared for a second after unlocking it. He didnt know what to put into it..might empty his arm guns ammo. So he held his arm up and the fore arm and hand flipped around revealing a machine gun barrel. It looked a bit newer than the arm but still rusty, he knocked it against the wall locker allowing a small box to drop out of his arm. He also put his bag into it with a few clinks but removed a watering can from it and hooked it on a strap on his cloak.

Mec listened to the others talk and let out a kind chuckle at the words. It felt nice to be in a group again. "Never had either, usually had...mostly vegetables" he said only partially lying. He had used his neighbours vegetables to burn as fuel when he got damgerously low on power. He followed to the msin avenue admittedly excited to see this city.

He rubbed his hidden crab arm with his normal one at Yangs request. "Time in Menagerie was normal, lived in my cave and helped these lovely neighbours out, helped with my sunflower" he answered looking down at the container he was holding.​
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Cayde chuckled as she gave Lady some finger guns happily. "I gotta agree Lady is a fine nickname or name heh" He followed the gang with a almost skip in his step. He was excited to be around interesting folks, people he met here otherwise had been buzzkills or a bit boring to be honest. "Gotta say both are good options though Clint i gotta say i definitely prefer noodles, spicy ones especially"

He let out a whistle as he saw the others weapons. "Man those arms are mighty fine, looks to be some well made tools" he joked with a thumbs up as he opened his locker.
He quickly removed Ace from the holster on his hip. He spun it on his finger and looked at it fondly. "Ok Ace thisll be ya home for a bit" he muttered giving it another spin and put it into his locker alongside a couple knives he picked up before coming here. Just in case afterall.

He spun from his locker and followed Yang out giving a fist pump aswell. "Well i cant wait to see this noodle place, though hard to beat my favourite cus mmm it was good" he joked before putting a hand to his chin at her question "well ive wandered for a while, just my flow honestly, though i must say i spent my time practicing my skills with Ace or honestly trying so many food places" he responded as he spun atound to look at anyone behind him "though im still excited to stay here"​

Indeed, Clint had made no error in puzzling out his classmate's identity, to an extent. The trademarks on the side of the handguns were unmistakable: "MODEL 75; Cal. 9 Para; Made in Czechoslovakia." He had likely seen similar guns—albeit not as heavily customized—in the hands of his fellow Avenger, Natasha Romanov. Unaware he knew anything, Lady simply proceeded with storing her weapons in the locker and sealing it tightly.

Her ears twitched when Yang began to pry about her home. She didn't turn to look directly at the blonde. "I've lived on my own for a while now. Been doing odd jobs and the occasional motorcycle race. Nothing too crazy," she answered vaguely, silently hoping that would sate any immediate curiosity. It seemed the others thus far were equally vague, with one just being some masked wanderer with a fancy custom revolver and the other allegedly being a literal cave dweller... with a mechanical prosthetic arm. It was too early to say for sure, but the devil hunter couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about this group she had befriended so suddenly.

Interactions: @Camleen
Mentions: @AshenAngel @Cyberelite2k
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Clint wasn't too surprised by the prosthetic Mec sports, having seen some much like it on a few of the miners back in Mantle. However, it didn't look like one of Doctor Polendina's designs. As they walk off campus a little part of him unwinds. He wasn't used to so many teenagers in one place, armed to the teeth to boot. He isn't surprised by the question that finally circled around back to him, but somehow the delivery of the story he'd thought up had gotten jumbled along the way. "I came here from Mantle. I, uh. Heh," he rubs the back of his neck, "I wasn't exactly a good fit for the school up in Atlas." He decides on. He shrugs lightly. "Their loss." The fact that Cayde sort of skirts the question doesn't slip his notice, nor does Lady's non-answer.

He lets it slide for now, at least having Lady made. A masked wanderer fell under suspect too but he just didn't have enough information to build on. He looks down the main drag they were walking along, seeing something that resembled a noodle joint a ways down the road. "Wok and Roll, really? Is that the place?" He asks with a little laugh, reading the sign from a considerable distance. A worry creeps up on him as he considers his moderately abysmal bank account. "Hope this place isn't too expensive..."

clint barton

Her hands fold behind her head as she walks with the odd little group. A smile remains on her lips as they move together through the city. The streets are busy, normal citizens going about their various businesses. A few street peddlers selling a wide variety of wares. She takes in what they all put forth in regards to their places of origins. "Well all that's not toooo suspicious." She says in a joking tone, looking towards Lady and Cayde. Clearly being playful. The fact Lady mentions motorcycle racing does catch her attention, of course. And as for Clint, she can see him being the 'bad boy' of class. She isn't exactly sure why she thinks that, it's just a sense she gets from him. She slows down a little to walk now next to Mec. She pats him lightly on the back as she gives him something of a friendly smile. "Okay, well no more living in caves… or any cave like structures." She says with a soft chuckle. She did pause a moment when she spoke.. suddenly becoming aware of his build when she patted his back. She makes no indication of thought, but it feels like he's wearing armor.

Pretty hefty armor, just by the lack of give to it.
She's pounded enough holes in armor to have a feel as to how different kinds of armor can feel.

Once more her sassy stride slows and she reaches back into her back pocket. Pulling out a thin billfold, she holds it up proudly. "Wow, if I wasn't here you guys would be lost AND hungry!" She laughs delightfully once more, tucking her billfold back into her pocket. "I can loan ya'll a meal. We'll prolly see each 'round the Academy, ya'll can pay me back then."
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Mecha Sonic
Mec listened to everyones answer. Cayde was odd but he understood the desire to just keep wandering. Lady seemed to have a interesting time, especially the racing. Clint was from Mantle, seemed interesting, definitely Atlas' loss as he seemed nice. He looked around at the streets making sure to adjust his hood to cover his head more. He almost jumped when Yang patted his back.

He turned his head to her as she talked to him. She seemed to be just..being kind to him, felt nice. Though when she paused internally he was worried, did she figure something out. Better divert attention from that. "It was a nice cave, lots of nice plants" he joked giving Yang a thumbs up.

He looked at the restaurant and tilted his head. A pun name was interesting. Amusing honestly. As yang pulled out some money he reached into a pouch on his cloak and pulled out some bills. "You sure Yang, i have currency i can contribute" he said honestly unsure on the exact way to say it.​
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Cayde laughed at the conversation and gave a shrug at Clints answer. "Thats right, big loss for those bozos, i mean you seem like a good guy" he said as he put his hands behind his head. The masked guy seemed very relaxed. He whistled at Lady's answer, honestly he always wondered if riding one of those motorcycles was like riding a sparrow, wish he could test. "Lady thats a cool backstory, those bikes always seem just...hmm lovely" he joked giving a nod.

As they reached the joint he ended up laughing at the name. "I gotta say they already got my interest, people with humour are like magnets to me" he joked noticeably excited. He just really loved noodles no matter the place. Though nothing beat those on the tower. Man their spice was just superb. And the atmosphere.

The exo patted his pockets, he had a few of them on his outfit, even one on his cloak. Sadly no money on him. He had some but that was in an account he got set up. Though he didnt have a easy way to access it yet. He could order online luckily. Colonel's successor would be found soon...hopefully. "ill have to take you on that offer Yangy, especially since youre very high up on my current actually pay off debt list, cool gal afterall"​

Lady took a moment to appreciate the restaurant's pun name, snickering faintly. Another crucial matter came up, though: money. She knew not to pull out her wallet right now, as the money inside would remove all doubt she was misplaced here. Shit... She'd have to figure out how she'd even pay a debt to Yang. "This is awkward. Normally, I'm the one people owe money," she sighed, resting her hands on her hips.

With the others joking and exchanging remarks on each other's stories, Lady remained fairly quiet. How was she going to substantiate any claims she made? It seemed the whole web of lies would come crashing down soon enough... but in the meantime, they had noodles. "Well? Waiting for a written invitation? C'mon, let's eat." With that wisecrack out of her system, she proceeded through the front door. Once inside, she called out, "Hello? Can I get a table for five?"

Interactions: @Camleen @AshenAngel @Cyberelite2k

"Hey, you don't have to do that. I can make it work." Clint says as he realizes just how many people in their group didn't have any funds together. Lady, he was pretty sure he knew why. Cayde, he had his suspicions but nothing to prove them with. He'd scaped together some money selling scrap metal from the mines and taking care of some problematic grimm back in Mantle. He'd be fine... probably. He just needed to be a little careful with how much he spends until he finds another source of income.

As they head into the noodle shop and are shown to a table, he claims the seat with the best sight lines on instinct. He reads over the menu, gaze flicking over the menu to find the least expensive things. Most of the sides and whatnots have pun names. "Anyone know what the professors are like here?" He asks curiously after putting in his order. Yang probably had some inside information, but Mec had apparently gotten in on a recommendation or something like that... Probably not the same sort of recommendation Clint got. The guy seemed a little too stiff to go pissing off Atlesian military folks. There were entrance exams and all that, maybe the others had a better picture of what they'd be in for.

"I've never really been great at the whole... schooling part of school, just the combat side of things." He finds himself sharing. The actual educational aspect ahead of him felt a little more daunting than he wanted to give it credit for. He'd skipped class more often than he went, back when he was... well. Back during his troubled youth. New world, new leaf? Or so he hoped anyways. He needed to find his answers somehow.

clint barton

To their credit, each of them voices objections of one sort or another as Yang would offer to pay. The pretty blond would wave off each with a wide smile. "Ah, it's my treat. Guess it can be part of a welcome to Beacon thing… that.. you're gonna pay me back for." She says the last few words with a soft chuckle.

With the others she moves to the table, plopping down and picking up one of the menus. "Ah, seems they haaaaaave… noodles!" Of course. Now she leans back in her chair, the menu raised up to read and resting on the table. One by one she looks towards the others of her group. "I can't say I know all the professors. I met a few, but never real had convos. Friends of my dad'n all." She says with a nod. And even if she did know the professors… how the hell would you describe them?!

She watches Clint as he speaks, and still with a smile on her lips her purple colored eyes look towards the menu. "I'm not such a fan of classroom booky stuff either. But it's kind of needed." She remembers her dad over and over telling her that a fight has as much with your brain as your fists. "But look at it this way, manno." The menu lowers as she looks to Clint, and then the others. "Class won't be the best thing about Beacon.. but you'll be in it with your team. Whoever they turn out to be. So you'll be surrounded by your pals."
Stephen Strange
Strange was so focused on trying to find Clint and leave that he hadn't thought about trying to learn anything about the world he would be staying in for a long time. It hadn't yet occurred to him that he was probably never going to leave this universe. The culture shock he was expected to feel a week ago started to set in as a result of the airship finally landing at Beacon Academy.

Strange was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he was the only person remained in the airship after everyone else had left. He jumped up and grabbed his backpack (Which had the Eye of Agamotto, Cloak of Levitation and the Book of the Vishanti), ignoring the nagging ideas behind him and telling himself that he would deal with his existential dilemma later. A crowd of people Stephen's age greeted him as he exited the airship, albeit they most likely weren't there for the same reason.

His attempt to blend in as much as possible was evident in his simple denim jacket and jeans outfit. The majority of those in his immediate vicinity were either as clueless as he was or were meeting their peers to begin the school year together. As he had anticipated, his search for Clint among the sea of people was unsuccessful because it would be difficult to spot him there. Although he could astral project and peer through the crowd, his body would be helpless.

Nearby, a speaker that was mounted on a pillar abruptly roared a message directing everyone to the auditorium. Stephen took it as a cue to carry on when everyone else started moving in the same way. He wasn't sure where he was headed, but he assumed it was toward that large building, which he assumed to be the auditorium.

The majority of the seats in the auditorium were already taken when he walked in, so he moved across to one at the end of the row before they were all gone. Stephen was already silent and lost in thought when the ceremony started, so he missed most of what was said. However, when it was over, he caught the final few words and got to his feet. He hid his scroll in his backpack with the intention of checking it later for his schedule of classes.

He know he should've given up trying to find a way out days ago but he's the type of person to never give up, so he focused on the very thing he came here for, finding Clint. When Stephen got the news that Clint disappeared, he worked for days without rest. Clint was a very dear friend of Strange and while he may be a pain in the ass, he meant much to him. Stephen managed to tap into a forbidden form of magic so ancient and dread, it traveled the borders of known and unknown realities beyond his own.

However, when he did use it to travel to this reality, most of his magic was cut off and the laws of this reality were imposed on his being, it recognized him as foreign and this world "corrected" what existential flaws he had. Which must be why he's 18 instead of his actual age. So now he's stuck here and his home world left defenseless against the mystical threats that sought to harm it.

The revelation disturbed him, as you may imagine, and he still hasn't found Clint. As he got up and left the auditorium with the crowd, he needed a place to sit alone so he could look through the Book of the Vishanti in privacy for a spell he could use to find Clint. Strange was aware that he needed to put his belongings away in the locker room, but he decided against it, he'll do it later. As he made his way down the main walkway that led to the city core, he could feel the Cloak of Levitation shifting inside his backpack. He hoped the city core had a cafe or library where he could relax and come up with a plan of staying here.

Soon after, Strange would pass by a noodle shop while debating whether or not to get anything to eat. Due to all the walking, he was becoming hungry and exhausted.
Take the risk or lose the chance
Code by Jenamos

@Camleen @AshenAngel @Cyberelite2k @Goonfire

Strange was so focused on trying to find Clint and leave that he hadn't thought about trying to learn anything about the world he would be staying in for a long time. It hadn't yet occurred to him that he was probably never going to leave this universe. The culture shock he was expected to feel a week ago started to set in as a result of the airship finally landing at Beacon Academy.

Strange was so preoccupied with his thoughts that he was the only person remained in the airship after everyone else had left. He jumped up and grabbed his backpack (Which had the Eye of Agamotto, Cloak of Levitation and the Book of the Vishanti), ignoring the nagging ideas behind him and telling himself that he would deal with his existential dilemma later. A crowd of people Stephen's age greeted him as he exited the airship, albeit they most likely weren't there for the same reason.

His attempt to blend in as much as possible was evident in his simple denim jacket and jeans outfit. The majority of those in his immediate vicinity were either as clueless as he was or were meeting their peers to begin the school year together. As he had anticipated, his search for Clint among the sea of people was unsuccessful because it would be difficult to spot him there. Although he could astral project and peer through the crowd, his body would be helpless.

Nearby, a speaker that was mounted on a pillar abruptly roared a message directing everyone to the auditorium. Stephen took it as a cue to carry on when everyone else started moving in the same way. He wasn't sure where he was headed, but he assumed it was toward that large building, which he assumed to be the auditorium.

The majority of the seats in the auditorium were already taken when he walked in, so he moved across to one at the end of the row before they were all gone. Stephen was already silent and lost in thought when the ceremony started, so he missed most of what was said. However, when it was over, he caught the final few words and got to his feet. He hid his scroll in his backpack with the intention of checking it later for his schedule of classes.

He know he should've given up trying to find a way out days ago but he's the type of person to never give up, so he focused on the very thing he came here for, finding Clint. When Stephen got the news that Clint disappeared, he worked for days without rest. Clint was a very dear friend of Strange and while he may be a pain in the ass, he meant much to him. Stephen managed to tap into a forbidden form of magic so ancient and dread, it traveled the borders of known and unknown realities beyond his own.

However, when he did use it to travel to this reality, most of his magic was cut off and the laws of this reality were imposed on his being, it recognized him as foreign and this world "corrected" what existential flaws he had. Which must be why he's 18 instead of his actual age. So now he's stuck here and his home world left defenseless against the mystical threats that sought to harm it.

The revelation disturbed him, as you may imagine, and he still hasn't found Clint. As he got up and left the auditorium with the crowd, he needed a place to sit alone so he could look through the Book of the Vishanti in privacy for a spell he could use to find Clint. Strange was aware that he needed to put his belongings away in the locker room, but he decided against it, he'll do it later. As he made his way down the main walkway that led to the city core, he could feel the Cloak of Levitation shifting inside his backpack. He hoped the city core had a cafe or library where he could relax and come up with a plan of staying here.

Soon after, Strange would pass by a noodle shop while debating whether or not to get anything to eat. Due to all the walking, he was becoming hungry and exhausted.
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Mecha Sonic
Mec paused for a second at Yangs answer and pocketed his money. He didnt use it for much other than plant caring supplies. He followed Clint to some seats, his chair creaked when he sat his admitted worry. He was heavier than most due to his metal body. He picked up a menu with his hand, lots of pun named items and various noodle dishes. Hopefully his internal fuel system can take it.

He turned his head at Clints question as he passed his menu to Cayde, the masked man seemed excited to try this food. "Hit hard, but seemed overall nice" he said simply, the one he fought had managed to send him into a wall during their brief scuffle. He still felt bad for jumping the gun. "Understood my...paranoia, human among faunus, worried for neighbours" he added

He listened to Yangs words and nodded. Her words made sense. Education would be invaluable in his eyes alongside the combat training. Then again he was programmed by a mad 'genius', probable bias. "Little education but like to learn, i do like fighting a bit better however" he joked with a shrug​
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Cayde nodded as he walked over to the seats. "oh trust me i will definitely pay ya back, anyone who treats me to glorious noodles, well theyre a good one" he joked as he sat down leaning back on the chair. He wasnt lying, some folks around the tower had joked he cpuld be recruited for stuff if given enough noodles or loot but...ok yeah it was kinds true when he started. He accepted the menu from Mec with a whistle as he looked through it. "well if the grubs good this place might get a regular....ha!" He had laughed at a especially nice pun in the sides.

He shrugged at Clints question "i have no clue on the staff, i did this test in a town i was staying in, folks apparently requested a test for me due to trouble getting me there, passed and now boom in here" he said putting his hands behind his head. Probably cus those kind folks saw his face and didnt want their rescuer to be in a whole bunch of trouble. Nice folks. "Pops friends of professors huh Yangy, not gonna lie quite cool, you know anything Lady" he asked trying to get to know the group better, he was stuck here so might aswell.

Cayde snorted at the education talk. "yeah its important but also usually boring as paint, though with the way folks seem around here i bet the teachers will make ot fun...if not my team will" he joked playing with the menu in his hands, spinning it on his finger. "any clue how we get our teams, we choose or is it random?"​
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Clint listens to Yang's lack of intel, understanding how that could be the case. Grownups rarely show their true colors to kids and he figured that they'd probably watch what they talked about around her. Apparently Mec fought one of them, it wasn't exactly what he was expecting. Hey, it beat having the headmaster bail you out of Atlas. As Yang continued on, he kept in mind that she meant well with her words. It still felt like a knife twisting in his gut. "Here's hoping they'll be as chill as you guys." He says with a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes this time. The chatter on how teams were selected was barely registered.

His team wasn't here. They were off in a world without a broken moon. That's if this wasn't some post-mortem hallucination, because he knows he couldn't have walked off what put him here. Just like… No. Not today, Barton. We are not revisiting that one right now. These people were here trying to have a good time. He seems distracted for a long moment, looking out the front window as he tried getting his head back on straight.

"... Is that?" His eyes weren't playing tricks on him, were they? "I'll be right back, sorry!" He scrambles out of his seat and bolts out the front door, more than likely losing favor with the restaurant owner but he'd make up for it with the tip later. He could recognize those stressed grays anywhere, he just hoped his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.

Since when did the Sorcerer Supreme wear denim on denim? "Stephen!" He calls after him as he lightly jogs to catch up to the taller guy. "I'm so glad to see you right now, you don't even kno- Oh man, you look like shit… Are you okay?" Worry is clear on Clint's face as he sees the darker circles under Strange's eyes and that little exhausted hunch that threatened his perfect posture. And the bandage on Clint's nose and his knuckles suggested that this might be a pot versus kettle situation. He'd seen his fellow Avenger's problem solving in action a time or two, and understood that he tended to latch onto things with a singular focus that rarely included physical needs - despite him being a damn good doctor prior to his studies in the mystical mess who should know better.

So to see Strange without all his usual pretense was, well, strange. It meant that there was something very wrong on a level that Clint wasn't the most well versed in. Clint gets down to business. "We have a lot to catch up on, in private. Did you end up enrolling at the Academy here?" He asks, though he suspects the answer. Some rest and some food always worked wonders in the meantime. "Listen, I've got a couple classmates waiting on me back at the noodle shop. There's a couple… interesting… ones. You wanna join us?"

clint barton

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Reactions: Xen6n
Yang seems to intently study the menu, as if trying to figure out quantum physics. She was hungry… she usually is. But she hadn't had anything this day yet. She was just to darn nervous to eat this morning.
She smiles with Mec's answer. The back of her fist lightly bumps his shoulder as she speaks "There ya go. Exercise them brains, too!" She shifts in her seat, once more noting the feel of the apparent armor under his cloak. Why is he wearing such heavy armor? Moreso… why keep it hidden under the cloak? What is he hiding? Is this something she needs to be on the lookout for? Surely he isn't planning anything sinister..
She gets a blank look on her face as Clint runs out… and she shrugs a little as she looks between Mec, Cayde and Lady. "Hey hey more for us if he doesn't come back, AmIRight?" But when Cayde asks his question, she does indeed look at him strangely. She thought everyone knew about the team selection system. But Cayde is weird, so he deserves some leeway. "Well here at Beacon… we're launched into Emerald Forest. I think we look for some… ruins or… something… And that's about all I know. It sounds like a blast!" She says as she pumps a fist in the air.

Lady seemed awfully quiet as she sat at the table with her head resting on the table. She couldn't help feeling something wasn't quite right among this group. The thought chewed at her nerves. She wanted to say something, but what would happen if she was wrong? The old saying went, 'when you assume things, you make an ass of u and me.' In other words, she'd better get her facts straight before confronting them.

"Huh?" Lady snapped out of it when asked about the professors. "I dunno. Haven't really talked to them much," she admitted. "I'm used to doing my own thing, so I rarely even do stuff like this." She gestured around the table, indicating 'this' was getting out with friends, simply going to dinner.

The devil hunter's eyes snapped over to the man wandering outside, who seemed so odd to her. He appeared young-ish, yet showed signs of aging and stress. Clint's reaction to his presence here made her think he wasn't expecting that stranger to be in this town. "Ruins? They're using them like a waypoint?" she questioned as Yang told what she knew.

Interactions: @Cyberelite2k @Camleen
Mentions: @AshenAngel @Xen6n
Stephen Strange

In the end, Strange made the decision to eat later and only have a sip of water. As the Sorcerer Supreme, Strange frequently went days without eating or drinking because he was so preoccupied with his job. Stephen has a naturally altruistic nature and will go tremendous measures to safeguard others and the entire cosmos. But all of this keeps Strange considerably too busy to care for himself, and as a result, he sometimes suffers. He stresses out a lot, as evidenced by the dark circles under his eyes and the creases over his brow.

He continued walking when he saw something in the corner of his sight, "By the Vishanti-". Strange vigorously massaged his eyes as though attempting to clear them since he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Up until Clint said his name, he was questioning his sanity; then the reality hit him. Strange asked, still dubious of himself, "Clint...?"

He was not surprised by the remark regarding his health because he hadn't slept or had a good meal since arriving here. "Yeah, I know; I've looked everywhere for you. I tracked you here by using forbidden magic to get here, and now I'm stuck. Our universe is without a Sorcerer Supreme and unguarded against mystical and metaphysical threats." After that outburst, Strange was probably about to have a panic attack but, being the doctor that he is, he calmed himself down and collected his thoughts. "Strange, pull yourself together", he told himself.

"I did, indeed. Since I de-aged into an 18 year old when i arrived here, I would have assumed you would as well. At this age, there is nothing else to do but attend school. Its practically useless, I'm a doctor and a neurosurgeon. We do, however, need to catch up." Strange was fascinated by this universe, both favorably and badly. Despite the clear necessity to return home, he couldn't shake the notion that he needed to stay; he could sense that something wasn't right.

"Sure! Lead the way. I haven't eaten in days," he remarked, feeling his hunger strike once more and vowing not to ignore it this time. Clint and Stephen were from a world where the weird was a norm for them, so Stephen was absolutely ready to meet them. He was also eager in getting to know these "interesting" folks.
Take the risk or lose the chance


"Dude, what part of in private… Listen, the universe talk isn't safe for public, and when you look eighteen people aren't going to believe you're a doctor." Clint says quietly, unfortunately not a stranger to seeing Strange get rattled from the aspects of handling all the magical universal weird stuff. "This school's got a little more to it than health classes and biology. I know things look bad right now. But we'll figure something out." The doctor was good at getting his game face back on, he'd give him that. He takes a quick stock of their surroundings, making sure no one was in earshot.

"... We're not the only outsiders here. I've got one made already. It feels like there's something big is going on here. I'm pretty sure two people in pretty high up spots are keeping tabs on me with the way things are lining up." He shares before starting to lead the way back to the noodle shop. That was the only big news he had to share, aside from what he'd quickly learned to be the constants of this world. Knowledge of the creatures of Grimm, and the ability for people here to use their own personal superpower in situations of extreme duress seemed to be pretty widespread, so he was hoping that he wouldn't have to catch Strange up too much on that front. He'd gotten into this school, so he had to know about it. "These guys think I'm from Mantle. I'm gonna say you're an old friend that moved away. Roll with it for now, we'll just see how things play out." He advises before they head inside, an easy going grin sliding across his face to keep up appearances.

He steps inside and walks back to the table with an apologetic little grin on his face. "Sorry about that. I haven't seen this guy in forever. Mind if he joins us? I'll foot the bill for him." He tacks on the last bit with a glance at Yang. "This is my old friend Stephen. Stephen, this is Yang, Lady, Cayde, and Mec." He gestures to each of them in turn. He reclaims his seat and skootches over to make room for Stephen at the table, at least a little bit more upbeat. His teammate found a way here, so there had to be a way back home somewhere. Doors opened from both sides, after all.

clint barton

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