OPEN SIGNUPS Strange new arrivals in remnant (rwby multifandom crossover roleplay) sign ups

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Fluff lord
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Remant is a odd world, sometimes old magic is involved and occasionally albiet rarely beings from other worlds are brought to it. For various reasons ranging from saving them from death to accidents occuring these entities are brought to the planet.

They will have to adapt to the new world, its customs and people. Some will have difficulty but with help from each other and their other teammates they'll learn to deal with the difficulty.

It's time for Remnant to deal with these new beings and hope they decide to help out.

Hi anyone looking at this, this RP is simply about a various characters from various fandoms appearing in the RWBY world, both OCs and canon. They will go through Beacon at first normally until people and creatures from their home worlds arrive and start causing mayhem alongside Salem's plot. Along the way they will bond with each other and with their help they'll learn to come over their personal difficulties and the threats they face. I apologize for the simplicity and oddness, I wanted to get this out of my head and it could be potentially fun.

Character Roster
Mecha Sonic/Mec (cyberelite2k)
Noir (Raynar Saassin)
Uni (Raynar Saassin)
Clinton Francis Barton (AshenAngel)
Yang Xiao Long (Camleen)
Cayde-6 (cyberelite2k)
Mary Ann Arkham, a.k.a. Lady (Goonfire)
Stephen Strange (Xen6n)
Ruby Rose (Camleen)
Victor Zeyan (AshenAngel)
Cereza (Goonfire)
Kazuma Kiryu (cyberelite2k)
HUNK (Goonfire)


Voice ref:


Weapon name:
Weapon description:

Semblance/Power name:
Semblance/Power info:



Physical and Mental Troubles:



My form
Name:Mecha Sonic/Mec
Title: The Scrapper
Pronouns:doesnt care but usually he/him or they/them
Voice ref:Andrew Chandler as Cooler in dragonball fighterz

Sexuality:Asexual Aromantic

Weapon name:Scrap built body
Weapon description:
His body despite its eternally rusty and beat up condition is his main weapon, especially the hidden machine gun in his left arm, the crab claw arm and the sharp wheel on the left leg.

Semblance/Power name:High speed scrapper
Semblance/Power info:
Mec's robotic body allows him to reach speeds that allow him to zoom past cars using the jet turbine in his back.
Can curl into a buzzsaw like ball that he can spin in to cut through metal and grimm.
Has high strength and durability though both have been effected by his rusty beaten up state.
Can fly temporarily by overcharging his jet turbine which alllws him to fly at high speeds for a few minutes and has to wait for his turbine to cool down before using it at all.

Color:Rust brown
Logo:A sawblade like symbol
Fandom: IDW sonic


Physical and Mental Troubles: Mec has multiple rusted old parts reducing his old speed and durability and the missing chunks on his head give him various weak points. Has glitches that lead to him becoming more like his old self briefly often lashing out against anyone nearby

Despite his past Mec is currently best described as a gentle giant, he will often try to protect those smaller or weaker than him albiet violently. Hes kind of obsessed with caring for his sunflower often reactivating at night to check if its doing well. Is very very quiet often either remaining silent or speaking in short sentences, unless when mad where he chooses to speak fuller sentences.
When angered shows off a high level of violence and single minded focus on letting it out.
Mec doesnt know how he ended up in Remnant but he woke up after a flash on the planet. He awoke on Menagerie in his state while living on scrapnik island. Luckily for him he discovered his sunflower still in its container nearby. The scrapnik picked it up before he began to wander.

Eventually he came across a group of faunus merchants being attacked by grimm. He decided to get involved and used his abilities to tear through the creatures. As thanks he was told about a nearby settlement. However when he got close to it he didn't enter. As far as he could tell his type of machine wasnt common. So he made his home in a cave nearby, only leaving to get water from a nearby source for his flower and to defend nearby civilians from the grimm. He became a rumoured guard due to this.

Eventually his peaceful existence was interrupted by a professor from Beacon, they heard the reports about a odd rusty guardian and decided to investigate. Mec out of both a desire to protect his home and in case the human threatened his faunus neighbours briefly fought them. Eventually the professor calmed the situation and after seeing Mecs abilities offered a spot in the academy saying it would help him learn how to guard his new home better and to deal with grimm better. The scrapnik accepted making sure to use his tattered cloak as he travelled to guve himself peace and quiet
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Ooh, I'm interested in this! What sort of Power Level limitations have you got in place?
Uhh just try to stick it to the show, maybe a bit higher, its mostly for fun so just dint go over the top bud ^^
Just one more question, can we submit a duo?
Sure ^^ i allow peeps to have quite a few characters
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I've been anxious to once again play Yang heh
  • What a TWIST
Reactions: Raynar Saassin
Okay I'm gonna make a application for Yang. If you don't dig it you can turn it down. Maybe some others we attract could round out the team!
Im definitely happy to see yang being plsyed, shes awesome

  • " No matter who my opponent is, I'll mow them down! "

    Name: Noire
    Title: CPU of Lastation
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: Immortal, appearance suggests young adult.
    Race: CPU/Goddess
    Voice ref: Erica Mendez - Wikipedia

    Sexuality: Bi
    Crush/Relationship: Neptune (Neptunia)

    Weapon name: Code Black
    Weapon description: A double-edged, one-handed sword developed in Lastation. It's large handguard also doubles as a small shield.

    Semblance/Power name: Hard Drive Divinity
    Semblance/Power info: As a CPU of the nation of Lastation from her home of Gamindustri, Noire possesses the ability to activate Hard Drive Divinity, which allows her to transform into her Goddess persona; Black Heart. In this state for a limited amount of time, Noire gains increased physical and magical power, physical durability, increased speed and agility, the ability to fly, and access to one of her most powerful abilities: Rampage Shot; a physical attack which she releases two quick thrusts of her blade before jumping up and diving into the ground in front of her opponent with a moderate explosion.

    Color: Black

    Human Form:

    Hard Drive Divinity Form:

    Physical and Mental Troubles: She's constantly teased about "not having any friends" primarily by Neptune due to her extreme work ethic and Tsundere attitude.

    Personality/Persona: Noire is in short a Tsundere Workaholic. She values her position as the CPU of Lastation very highly to the point where she hardly socializes with others outside of her sister, Uni, and even then she's stuck working. She also sports a competitive nature, often using anything as a way to brag about Lastation's tech. Outside of this, she cares deeply for her friends and family, disregarding her own thoughts in order to protect the world from danger, even putting up with Neptune's shenanigans and constant teasing.

    Notes: Noire is the Personification of the PlayStation Console line, developed by Sony.

    History: Out of nowhere whilst performing their duties for Lastation, Noire and Uni were flung into the world of Remnant side by side on the ground. Waking up to discover that the moon was partially destroyed and that they were in a strange forest, they garnered their surroundings. Still had their weapons for some reason, and that their connection to Share Energy wasn't depleted, more like held. Then they heard a scream, the sound of innocents in trouble. Both of them transformed into Black Heart and Black Sister, rushing towards the source of the issue; wild Grimm attacking a travelling merchant.

    Despite entering a new dimension, they were able to hold off the Grimm until a Huntress Professor assisted in defeating the Grimm. After confronting the pair, they revealed they weren't from this world, but are willing to help them with these creatures. The Professor suggested enrolling into Beacon Academy.

    So they did. And now they were ready to help save this world however they could.

  • " Automatic weapons are useful in a utilitarian sense, but single-action guns are slick, neat, and stylish. "

    Name: Uni
    Title: CPU Candidate of Lastation
    Gender: Female
    Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: Immortal, appearance suggests young teen.
    Race: CPU/Goddess
    Voice ref: Sarah Anne Williams - Wikipedia

    Sexuality: Bi
    Crush/Relationship: Nepgear

    Weapon name: Unigunov
    Weapon description: A Sniper Rifle designed model from the PCV-1000 series. Since Uni designed it, it carries Uni's name.

    Semblance/Power name: Hard Drive Divinity
    Semblance/Power info: As a CPU Candidate of the nation of Lastation from her home of Gamindustri, Uni possesses the ability to activate Hard Drive Divinity, which allows her to transform into her Goddess persona; Black Sister. In this state for a limited amount of time, Uni gains increased physical and magical power, physical durability, increased speed and agility, the ability to fly, and access to one of her most powerful abilities: Brave Burst; a physical attack which she cocks her rifle ad fires three beams of energy, before causing an explosion on a fourth hit, causing moderate damage.

    Color: Black

    Human Form:

    Hard Drive Divinity Form:

    Physical and Mental Troubles: Like her sister, Noire, she's also a Tsundere. She also has an inferiority complex, often trying to be as good as her sister as a CPU, which can lead to her overthinking certain situations. It has tone down over time, but never left her core.

    Personality/Persona: Uni is similar to Noire in personality, primarily being a Tsundere. Overall, however, Uni is more friendlier and a lot less arrogant than Noire due to the inferiority complex she has from striving to be just as flawless as her older sister.

    History: Uni is the Personification of the PlayStation Portable or Vita.

    History: Out of nowhere whilst performing their duties for Lastation, Noire and Uni were flung into the world of Remnant side by side on the ground. Waking up to discover that the moon was partially destroyed and that they were in a strange forest, they garnered their surroundings. Still had their weapons for some reason, and that their connection to Share Energy wasn't depleted, more like held. Then they heard a scream, the sound of innocents in trouble. Both of them transformed into Black Heart and Black Sister, rushing towards the source of the issue; wild Grimm attacking a travelling merchant.

    Despite entering a new dimension, they were able to hold off the Grimm until a Huntress Professor assisted in defeating the Grimm. After confronting the pair, they revealed they weren't from this world, but are willing to help them with these creatures. The Professor suggested enrolling into Beacon Academy.

    So they did. And now they were ready to help save this world however they could.
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Reactions: Seniornabbit
Both accepted the duo seems cool ^^
Both accepted the duo seems cool ^^
Awesome! Also just to clarify, by "Immortal" I mean they don't age. I put that in the Age section specifically. They can still die and have done in a few route splits of the storyline, but they don't age at all.
I understand bud ^^ now hopefully more join
If I may... just when in Remnant history will this story take place?
And yes I hope more join. Would loooooooove Blake to RP with.
This rp starts during the start of volume 1 and same ngl
So basically as RWBY starts
Name: Clinton Francis Barton
Title: Hawkeye
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 18
Race: Human
Crush/Relationship: Open
Voice ref: Troy Baker as Hawkeye in Avengers Assemble

Weapon name: Soulstring | Weapon description: A crossbow capable of firing dust cartridge infused bolts and transforming into a bladed shovel for close combat and encampment needs.

Semblance/Power name: Target Acquired
Semblance/Power info: Enables Clint to mark a target and track it once it's well out of sight. He is able to 'see' his target through walls, see from longer distances, as well as their internal organs while his semblance is active. He can also use it to give his crossbow bolts a homing effect.
Color: Purple
Logo: Purple bullseye
Fandom: Hawkeye Comics by Matt Fraction, Marvel

Clint has straw blond hair in some typical unkept state, and sharp sky blue eyes. His usual style can be described in one word- lazy. He usually doesn't put too much effort into his appearance and generally settles for whatever's quick and easy to put on, resulting in a typical look of wrinkled tshirts and a mix of sweatpants and beat up jeans. He frequently has bandages on him. His most notable items, aside from his weapon Soulstring and a coffee thermos, are a pair of purple hearing aids.

Physical and Mental Troubles:

Clint is hearing impaired and he wears hearing aids to make up for this. He's self-depreciating, prone to addictive behaviors, and has a tendency of practicing to the point of breaking. He doesn't have a lot of faith in people or plans. He's given up before and it could happen again.

Clint is a fairly quiet guy with a sharp sense of humor when he feels like showing it. He often plays the fool, and sometimes has bouts of clumsiness that serve to either endear him or at least make others aware that he is a disaster of a human being operating under the guise of a functional one. He's intelligent and logical, with a very niche interest in fashioning dust infused trick bolts for his crossbow. He doesn't forget the people that end up doing him wrong and can hold a grudge like nobody's business. He can also be a bit cocky, often doing things to show off and prove a point, following the Rule of Cool whenever he can. What people don't see is the probably way too high number of hours he puts in honing his skills in order to pull off everything he does, or his struggles with not being good enough.

Clint Barton grew up in an abusive household with his older brother. He was hit hard enough that his hearing became impaired, though not totally lost. His father and mother died in a car crash after his father chose to drive after drinking. Barney and him spent six years in an orphanage before they ran away and joined the circus. He was trained to do archery tricks and pickpocket on the side in order to keep some food in his belly. When he found that his archery mentor was embezzling money from the circus, he made a plan to turn him in to the authorities, but was discovered and beaten within an inch of his life. He grew up into becoming a SHIELD Asset under Special Agent Phil Coulson, proving his worth and earning his keep with a bow while fighting alongside the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes. A... let's call it an incident, occurred during a mission and he woke up twenty years younger in a world with a broken moon.
He's making the best out of a shitty situation, and slipped into the guise of a huntsman. However, as it turns out, being some kind of monster fighter calls for a license. Which he did not happen to have when he got busted by Atlas police after assisting in warding off a grimm attack outside Mantle. He'd had his fill of juvenile military indoctrination when Clover had tried to get him to join the academy in Atlas, and for his unruly behavior, he earned himself a meeting with General Ironwood and Professor Ozpin. He was shipped out of Atlas with the condition that he would stay in school.