CHARACTERS Tari's Character Dump

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カンザキイオリ - 不器用な男
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Horror, Scifi, Fantasy
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Name: Emrin Carth



Emrin stands at just barely above 4'11" and weighs 95 lbs. Her eyes are a light grey. She has thick, black hair that reaches her lower back but is usually kept in two neat braids that shorten it to her mid back. She has a tattoo of an owl behind her left ear, but it is not enchanted. She almost always wears her cloak, and simple brown pants and a white shirt underneath. For shoes, she prefers simple short leather boots.

School and Class of Magic:
Conjouring - Summoner - somewhere in between intermediate and beginner

Climbing - Emrin often climbed around the rooftop of her home and church to escape her parents and certain events. She has also hidden in trees a few times to avoid punishment.
Lying - After she began to question her beliefs, she learned to lie to her parents and preachers to avoid punishment and avoid being labeled as a dissenter.
Near perfect memory - Emrin will never forget anything she doesn't want to. Her memory allows her to learn things quickly. However, things can occasionally get jumbled and once they do, it's hard for her to forget the wrong facts and replace them with the correct ones.

Magic Skills:
Summon - Emrin's summon takes the form of an owl. Although she is an intermediate summoner, it still doesn't listen to her very well, but she can summon him for about 45 min at a time
Enhanced hearing - Emrin can use her magic to enhance her hearing. She can't quite make it as good as an owl's but it's usually good enough for eavesdropping.
Silence - Emrin has been working on using her magic to make her movement completely silent, the same way an owl has an almost silent flight. It's a work in progress.

Night owl - using her magic during the day makes her very sleepy, while using her abilities in the evening make it hard for her to sleep
No eye movement - when using her magic she can't move her eyes. She must turn her entire head the same way an owl does
Magic weakness - both her and her summon are weak to geomany, flora and energy magic.

Magic staff (and her Summon - I need name suggestions)

A cloak enchanted to keep the wearer warm in the cold and cool in the heat
A small bag of dried meat for her summon

Many call her a pessimist. Emrin, however, considers herself to be a realist. She is a very logical person and always thinks her choices through. Often sarcastic and not afraid to tell people what she thinks. Slow to trust, but once you earn it, it's hard to lose. She is a fiercely loyal friend will not hesitate to trade her life and lie for those she cares about. Betray that trust though, and you will never earn it back. Emrin is stubborn and doesn't like to back down from an argument, which often gets her in trouble. She can be fairly close-minded, although this has gotten better since learning that many of her beliefs were wrong and leaving Providence. She loves to learn and ask questions. She has a bad habit of rolling her eyes and raising her eyebrow at almost everything, which can make it seem like she's always looking down on her.

Emrin was born in Providence. Her father was one of the best enchanters in the city, and because of this, they were very wealthy. They were also known to be one of the most devout couples and Emrin was raised believing their teachings. Because of her family's wealth, Emrin grew up with the best education, magical training, and enchanted items. Emrin's parents had expected her to take over the family business if she had magic, but she was an only child and didn't get along with the others. So, when she first discovered she had magic, she, of course, turned to summoning. Her parents were furious. Not only did she go against their wishes, but she had also summoned an owl. A creature of the night that was certainly not holy. Luckily though, her mother still believed that her powers should be trained and hired a private tutor for her, though her magic was kept a secret from most of the family friends.

Despite her parents' beliefs though, she never cared much for the religion and was considered a troublesome child. Sure she believed the teachings and did her daily prayers, but she often skipped large worships and other related events, often climbing onto rooftops and into trees to escape and hide. She preferred to spend time practicing her magic and studying the things that actually interested her, such as history, magical theory, and math. As she grew older she became curious about the other cities and began asking the wrong questions. What did they do to deserve to be attacked by the monsters? Is being a non-believer really such a bad thing as long as you were a good person? How could the Johnson's on the other side of the city be killed in the last attack when they were more devoted than the Smiths who lived right next door to them? Surely it couldn't be possible for everyone outside of heretic to be deserving of punishment. It didn't take her long to learn to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to avoid beatings or being branded a heretic. The older she got, the more she began to question the Church. Funnily though, to an outsider it would look like she grew out of being a troublesome child and into a proper devout worshipper.

When she was 13 Emrin's mother was killed in an attack. Despite her mother's devotion in life, once she was killed everyone treated her as a heretic. Even Emrin's own father became appalled with his. Any pictures of her were burned and her possessions destroyed. 2 months later, her father was already engaged to another woman. Soon after, Emrin stole of some her father's enchanted items and used them to pay a trader to take her to Breez.To Emrin, who had hardly never gone farther from her home than the church, leaving the city was like entering an entirely new world. It was terrifying, full of people who lived in constant fear of each other and monsters. And yet, at the same time, it was amazing. There was so much to learn and see, and Emrin couldn't get enough. Life in Breez was difficult at first. She had grown up wealthy and privileged, with access to anything she could have ever wanted. She had no idea how the trade system worked or what the artifacts she brought with her were worth, leading to everything except her cloak and staff getting essentially scammed away. About 4 months after arriving in Breez, she discovered a book shop that allowed her to spend the day inside reading. Eventually, the owner gave her job there and taught her how to earn her keep and trade properly. When the owner died 2 years later, she took over ownership of the shop.

Logan Russo - She used to play with his daughter before her mother sold his family out to the inquisitors.


  • Nyx

    Gender: Female
    Age: 23

    Appearance: Nyx is just over 5'4", but her long legs can make her seem taller at times. Her skin is a tan color. Her dark hair is usually kept in two tight French braids that start at the crown of her head and end at the nape of her neck. Her eyes are narrow and light gray in color. Her body is well-toned and covered in various scars from her time at the Colosseum.
  • Nyx was known for her voracious curiosity when she was a child. It often got her in trouble, as she wandered away from the safety of the village to explore. When she wasn't training or attending to chores, she was learning. She learned everything she could, in every subject. Her quick tongue and short temper often got her beatings, but they never seemed to deter her. Nyx was always blunt and never afraid to say what was on her mind, calling respected elders in the tribe "wrinkly old men." She held grudges. Those who slighted her would never be forgiven, but she was also fiercely loyal to her friends and those she trusted and would not hesitate to lay down her life to those who were closest to her.
  • Nyx grew up in the desert. Her tribe made their home in the sides of a narrow ravine. Despite being called Desert "Nomads" her tribe only traveled for supplies due to the secure nature of their home. She was trained at a young age. Every member of the tribe was expected to help hunt for food and defend their home and family from hunters and foreign tribes. Their strength lay not only in their intense early training but also their ability to work as a group and trickery. They were known as one of the more aggressive tribes and many were warned to never attack them unless you somehow managed to catch a tribe member alone. The day Nyx was captured she was 15. She had gotten into an argument with her parents, and in her anger, and left the safety of the ravine and wandered out into the desert alone. She was found by a group of hunters and was quickly taken captive.

    The trek to the city was grueling. She and the other nomads that been captured with her were all chained together and were forced to walk with bare feet on the hot sand with very little food and water. Walking too slowly resulted in being whipped or beat. Many died along the way, their bodies dragged along the sand by those who survived. The hunters made the journey slow on purpose, and while they stopped often, the desertmen were never allowed to stop walking, even during the night. Every time they stopped, they were forced to walk in slow circles, watching as their captors ate and drank and slept in front of them. The slower they traveled, the more time they had to break them in before selling them to the mines. After a week, Nyx decided she had had enough. The first things Nyx did, was kill the person next to her and eat their portion of food. The hunters said nothing. They didn't care too much how many of them died. There were no druids in their group after all. After killing the one, she was able to threaten another to give her their portion as well. Then, she waited.

    That evening, Nyx attacked one of the guards that had been watching over their walking. He hadn't been expecting it so she had surprise on her side. The dead bodies that had rotted and fallen out of the chains gave her more leeway to work with. She managed to sweep the guard's feet from under him as she walked past. The other slaves cried in surprise as they were unexpectedly dragged along. The commotion woke the other hunters, but by the time she had been subdued, Nyx had already strangled the one guard to death. In a way, Nyx got lucky. Ordinarily, she would have been killed on the spot. However, the leader of this particular group of hunters was a big fan of the Colosseum, and he was the one who decided to send her there.

    Nyx saw the Colosseum as a blessing. At least here, she had a chance, though small, to go home. So she trained. She became known as "The Lynx" because of the way she pounced at her enemies like the cat. She was known for outsmarting her opponents for victory, making up for what she lacked in strength in speed and wit. After 4 long years, and careful tracking, she finally reached her 100 victories. However, when she went to the Colosseum master to ask for freedom he only laughed, telling her "You're not even halfway there." She stood there numbly, half listening to him tell her that many of the fights she had, despite that fact that she and her opponent had been fighting to the death, were not officially, "fights to the death." That was when she knew everything was a lie. She was stuck here. Forever. Still, she fought, she survived, until of course, she died.
  • Enchanting

Miri Vaunea
Horned/Human | 23 | Wyndfel

Miri Vaunea


Half human, half horned


Home Territory:


Silk merchant/Drug Dealer Psychedelic Fungi Seller on the side


Miri, like all half-breeds, takes after her mother, a human. She keeps her red, curly hair cut short to just below her chin because if she lets it grow longer, it tends to get out of control. She has light, freckled skin and wears large round glasses. From her father, she inherited two small horns that grow straight back from her temples, curling slightly upwards at the ends and blue eyes. Although her father was average height for a horned, her mother was fairly short. Miri is somewhere in between them around 5.5". She has 7 total ear piercings, 2 in each of her lobes, 2 in her left helix and an industrial in her right. Her body is covered in tattoos of various plants and animals, mostly on her back and legs. Most of them are kept covered except for a small tattoo of a mushroom on her left wrist and an opium poppy on her right.


Miri somehow has an amazing memory and is extremely forgetful at the same time. She can recite a book word for word after reading it only a couple times but forgets things like appointments and important dates regularly. She gets distracted very easily and is extremely curious. Things about fungi pique her interest the most, but she loves learning about just about everything. In her free time, she enjoys cultivating her collection of fungi and drawing detailed diagrams. Cheerful and friendly, she tends to be overly talkative. Miri isn't afraid to say what's on her mind and can be very blunt. She is a very straightforward person and can have a hard time understanding people who are sarcastic and is a bit gullible.


Miri's mother was the daughter of a wealthy silk merchant from Tumana. Her family often went on vacation in the Wyndel mountains near Tórlinn in the winter, which is where she meat Miri's father. She attended the Magisteria Academy, specializing in Runic enchantments and warding. After graduating, she turned down an apprenticeship and settled down with her horned lover in Wyndfel. The two of them love children. Miri has 9 younger siblings and the twelve of them all work together to keep their family business of selling enchanted armor, clothes and wards afloat. Miri proved to be horrible at both silk making and her father's trades of smithing and leatherworking. She did, however, have a talent in enchantments and wards. After finishing her work, Miri would often wander into the mountains around their home to avoid babysitting duty. She often spent several days at a time in them and soon, grew a special fascination for the fungi that lived there. Miri began cultivating her own mushrooms and soon became notorious among the community for selling psychedelics. Although she grew poppy, she never sold opiates. She only grew it because she found it fascinating that such an innocent-looking flower could produce such a powerful drug.

As rumors of rebellion began, Miri's mother received a letter from an old classmate, asking for her help. Initially reluctant, she and her husband began secretly supplying the rebellion with enchanted items after seeing the effects of the crystals' removal on their home. After Kiernan's arrest, however, Miri's mother cut off all contact with the rebellion, afraid of putting their family and young children at risk. Her father reluctantly agreed and left the letter he received a year later on his desk unopened, where Miri found it. It was the first time she had ever heard anything about her family being involved in the rebellion. Curiosity got the better of her and she made the split-second decision to leave her home and join.


Runic - warding and enchantment

Her poppy tattoo is a ward against subliminal magic. It doesn't make her immune but does help make her more resistant. Her mushroom tattoo is a ward against poisons. Unfortunately, she messed it up when making it and it also prevents her from getting high and drunk. Although she can do both enchantment and warding, her specialty is in wards.


  • Mountain survival skills
  • Growing and identifying fungi
  • Photographic memory


  • Learns quickly
  • Skilled at Warding
  • Patient


  • No combat experience
  • Easily Distracted
  • Can be forgetful



[div=margin: 0 2%;
border: 8px solid #145E5F;
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font-family: Times New Roman;
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line-height: 19px;]
[div=background-color: #f7eedc;
border: 4px solid #145E5F;
margin: 0 auto 20px;
color: black;
padding: 10px;
display: inline-block;]Miri Vaunea
Horned/Human | 23 | Wyndfel[/div]
[div=background-color: #f7eedc;
border: 4px solid #145E5F;
margin: auto;
color: black;
padding: 10px;][div=height: 500px;
overflow: auto;
padding-right: 3px;][div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Name:[/div] Miri Vaunea

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Nickname:[/div] None

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Race:[/div] Half human, half horned

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Age:[/div] 23

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Home Territory:[/div]

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Profession:[/div] Silk merchant/Drug Dealer  Psychedelic Fungi Seller on the side

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Description:[/div]
Miri, like all half-breeds, takes after her mother, a human.  She keeps her red, curly hair cut short to just below her chin because if she lets it grow longer, it tends to get out of control. She has light, freckled skin and wears large round glasses. From her father, she inherited two small horns that grow straight back from her temples, curling slightly upwards at the ends and blue eyes. Although her father was average height for a horned, her mother was fairly short. Miri is somewhere in between them around 5.5". She has 7 total ear piercings, 2 in each of her lobes, 2 in her left helix and an industrial in her right. Her body is covered in tattoos of various plants and animals, mostly on her back and legs. Most of them are kept covered except for a small tattoo of a mushroom on her left wrist and an opium poppy on her right.

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Personality:[/div]
Miri somehow has an amazing memory and is extremely forgetful at the same time. She can recite a book word for word after reading it only a couple times but forgets things like appointments and important dates regularly. She gets distracted very easily and is extremely curious. Things about fungi pique her interest the most, but she loves learning about just about everything. In her free time, she enjoys cultivating her collection of fungi and drawing detailed diagrams. Cheerful and friendly, she tends to be overly talkative. Miri isn't afraid to say what's on her mind and can be very blunt. She is a very straightforward person and can have a hard time understanding people who are sarcastic and is a bit gullible.

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Bio:[/div]
Miri's mother was the daughter of a wealthy silk merchant from Tumana. Her family often went on vacation in the Wyndel mountains near Tórlinn in the winter, which is where she meat Miri's father. She attended the Magisteria Academy, specializing in Runic enchantments and warding. After graduating, she turned down an apprenticeship and settled down with her horned lover in Wyndfel.  The two of them love children. Miri has 9 younger siblings and the twelve of them all work together to keep their family business of selling enchanted armor, clothes and wards afloat. Miri proved to be horrible at both silk making and her father's trades of smithing and leatherworking. She did, however, have a talent in enchantments and wards. After finishing her work, Miri would often wander into the mountains around their home to avoid babysitting duty. She often spent several days at a time in them and soon, grew a special fascination for the fungi that lived there. Miri began cultivating her own mushrooms and soon became notorious among the community for selling psychedelics. Although she grew poppy, she never sold opiates. She only grew it because she found it fascinating that such an innocent-looking flower could produce such a powerful drug.

As rumors of rebellion began, Miri's mother received a letter from an old classmate, asking for her help. Initially reluctant, she and her husband began secretly supplying the rebellion with enchanted items after seeing the effects of the crystals' removal on their home. After Kiernan's arrest, however, Miri's mother cut off all contact with the rebellion, afraid of putting their family and young children at risk. Her father reluctantly agreed and left the letter he received a year later on his desk unopened, where Miri found it. It was the first time she had ever heard anything about her family being involved in the rebellion. Curiosity got the better of her and she made the split-second decision to leave her home and join.

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Magic:[/div]

Runic - warding and enchantment

Her poppy tattoo is a ward against subliminal magic. It doesn't make her immune but does help make her more resistant. Her mushroom tattoo is a ward against poisons. Unfortunately, she messed it up when making it and it also prevents her from getting high and drunk. Although she can do both enchantment and warding, her specialty is in wards.

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Skills:[/div]
[*]Mountain survival skills
[*]Growing and identifying fungi
[*]Photographic memory

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Strengths:[/div]
[/div][/div][/div][div=margin: 0 2%;
border: 8px solid #145E5F;
background: url( repeat center fixed;
padding: 20px 5%;
font-family: Times New Roman;
font-size: 15px;
line-height: 19px;][div=background-color: #f7eedc;
border: 4px solid #145E5F;
margin: auto;
color: black;
padding: 10px;][div=height: 500px;
overflow: auto;
padding-right: 3px;]
[*]Learns quickly
[*]Skilled at Warding

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Weaknesses:[/div]
[*]No combat experience
[*]Easily Distracted
[*]Can be forgetful

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Romanceable:[/div] Yes

[div=display: inline-block; font-weight: bold; color: #000000;]Artist:[/div] NA

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  • Name : Alexandra "Sasha" Petrovna

    Gender/Sex : Female

    Age : 22

    Physique :
    Sasha is 5'8" and 130lbs. She has a well muscled body. Her hair is dark and cut short into a messy bob (without the long bits and messier than in the picture). Her birthmark is large and starts on her stomach and wraps around and up her back. In addition she has several tattoos on her body she can use with her magic: One knife on both arms, a solid black circle on her left palm, a lockpick behind her right ear, and a rope that wraps around her right leg.

    Background :
    For her whole life, Sasha has only known war. She was born in Aepia to anarchists and grew up fighting in the civil war. Her parents were extremists and taught her and her two older siblings from an early age that her life belonged not to her, but the future of Aepia and that they were tools meant to help win the war. Despite receiving little affection from her parents, she was very close to her siblings, her oldest sister Elena and her older brother Peter. The three were constantly getting into mischief much to the chagrin of their parents. Sasha and her siblings were trained mainly as an espionage unit. Sasha and Peter usually acted as the "guards'" for Elena while she infiltrated enemy camps to gather information. At first, she found the fighting exciting, as it always gave her something to do. As the years passed though, she soon found her routine monotonous. Yes, there was fighting, but it was always the same, and even the pranks she played with her siblings couldn't occupy her mind long enough. She also tired of her parents' constant preaching about sacrificing herself for the future of Aepia. She also found her parents controlling and suffocating.
    When she was 17, both of her siblings were killed in a raid gone wrong. Realizing there was nothing left tying her to her parents and Aepian cause, she left and stowed away on a pirate ship. She didn't really have a plan when she snuck on the ship. Her only thought was that she wanted to leave her current life behind. The captain put her to work and she eventually joined the crew after proving herself useful with her Sopia and magic. She was among the captured during an ambush.

    Affiliation :
    Aepian Anarchists (former)
    The Galley of the Drowned

    Personality and Character Questions :
    Sasha can never sit still and is always looking for something to do. Despite her upbringing, she has an extremely cheery personality and is a chatterbox. She's friendly to everyone she meets. However, this doesn't mean she is naive or that she has strong attachments to others. Betray her trust and she will throw you to the side without thinking twice. She has a hard time listening to directions and gets distracted easily. She can also be rather impulsive. She has a strong dislike for nobility, thinking them spoiled, ignorant, and often naive. Sasha has little regard for her own life and will jump headfirst into danger without thinking. She is very indifferent to death, both hers and others. She did not even mourn her siblings when they died. She values her freedom above all else.

    You had a horrible nightmare last night where your greatest fears came to fruition. Who did you see in that dream?
    In Sasha's dream she sees her parents. They hold her with chains and tell her that she will never escape and fight for them for them until she dies. They control her and no matter what she does, she can't break free.​
    While you were at the tavern last night, a pair of drunk patrons knocked over your table while fighting each other. What do you do?
    Join the fight.​
    You and another player character (your choice) had an argument. What was it about?
    Sasha argues with Omen. Most of the time about her not following directions. The end result was the same, so Sasha doesn't see the problem (even if it put her or others in more danger than necessary). She was just having a bit of fun.​

  • Physical Prowess :
    Fine Weaponry: 4 (specifically knives)
    Acrobatics: 3
    Sleight of Hand: 3

    Mental and Social Prowess:
    Insight: 4
    Perception: 4
    Deception: 2

  • Schools of Magic :
    Spatial: 5

    Sopia :
    Active - Octopus. Grows 8 tentacles from her waist. They can each be moved independently. They are fairly tough, but can still be cut off. She can regrow them but it takes time.
    Inactive - Cat. Gives her a tail, ears, and better night vision. Allows to climb better and more quietly.

    Spells and Aspects :
    School of Magic:
    Spatial (Conjuration)​
    Spell Type:
    Casting Methods:
    Somatic (must make contact with the drawing)​
    Max 2 hours​
    Sasha's magic allows her to bring the things she draws into the real world. The drawing must be "put back" or destroyed before she can take out another. If the drawing is destroyed she can reuse the paper. Drawing do not have to be put back on the same surface they were drawn on. (For example, she can draw something on paper, take it out, and then put it back on her skin). She can only create inanimate, solid objects. For example, if she drew fire, when manifested it would just be a solid object that looked like a fire, not an actual fire. The largest object she can create is about the size of a 2x2x2ft wood crate. However, things like weight and density can affect how big of an object she can make. The size of the item is not limited by the size of the drawing. Her magic also depends on her creativity. For example, a solid circle could be manifested as a shield, a disc, or even a pillar (if she imagines it as the top or cross-section).​
    Max number conjurations is 3​

    Canvas Parade​
    School of Magic:
    Spatial (Conjuration)​
    Spell Type:
    Casting Methods:
    Max 1 hour​
    Cast on a drawing of a small animal (e.g. mice, bugs, small fish), allows Sasha to conjure multiple (about 15-20) of the animals. They can be directed to move to certain locations, but don't have any intelligence of their own. At the end of the cast, they explode. The explosion of one individual isn't large but all of them together is enough to blow a sizable hole in a ship. The explosions, though small, are very loud. She mostly uses them as a distraction​
    50 square feet.​

    Fast Draw​
    School of Magic:
    Allows Sasha to draw very quickly.​

  • Gear :
    A belt that holds an assortment of paper scraps and scrolls, pens, brushes and ink. She also keeps pre-drawn pictures in small hidden pockets sewn into her clothes for easy access.

    Other :
    Color code: #ff0000; rgb(255, 0, 0)

    Relationships :
    Omen - Omen is her captain but she treats him more like an uncle. She's a thorn in his side.
    Silbur - Sasha would often act as a messenger for Omen to communicate with her
    Willow and Theo - Sasha became friendly with them after they came aboard the ship.



Age: 20
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Occupation: Mechanic/Engineer

God Program Name: Stopwatch
Compatibility Rate: 90%
God Program Type: self augmentation
Apotheosis Fluid Color: #B2D1F0

God Program Ability:
Zuzen's god program allows him to change his perception of time for a couple seconds at at time. Basically he can see things in slow-mo. Using it multiple times in a row puts a strain on his body.

Weapons and Equipment:
Toolbag - Zu almost always has his backpack with him which is filled with various tools for doing maintenance work around the Solaris
Handgun - for self defense
Knife - also for self defense but also useful for many other things
Radio - for communication

Zuzen is known for being rather lazy. He always does the bare minimum of whatever is asked of him and hates to do extra work. However, he can be a bit of a pushover, especially when it comes to his friends. It is generally fairly easy to convince to help him with a an extra project or two as long as sufficient compensation is provided. Although it can be difficult to get him to do work and he will most likely complain the whole time, he is efficient and very good at what he does. He doesn't enjoy maintenance work too much, and dislikes GPO work even more, but he knows his job and will do it (although with much complaining.)

When he is not working, he can be found in his room making random machines and robots, some useful most not. He is slightly notorious for sneaking various parts from around the Solaris and the shell to tinker with back in his room.

Zuzen's father was also a mechanic and from a young age, he would take Zuzen with him to work and taught him how to work with machines. Zuzen learned quickly and soon became known as one of the most reliable and efficient mechanics on the Solaris despite his young age. Although Zuzen found the maintenance work rather tedious, he loved to build things. Weapons, robots, appliances. Anything he could think of. Initial testing found that Zuzen woud likely have a high compatibility rate, and he was encouraged to undergo the procedure when he was 15 by his parents.

At first he liked being able to go out of the Solaris and scavenge for unique parts. These days though, he much prefers to be in his rooms tinkering with his machines.

Miscellaneous Info:
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note: before leaving she had long hair that reached her waist

Character Info
Name: Saskia (SAH-skee-uh), some people call her Sasi (though she doesn't like it)
Age: 22
Quiet and introverted, doesn't like loud places
Likes to talk about the things she is passionate about,
eases her friends.
The only meat she eats is chicken and fish.

Village Background:
- Growing up, spent most of her time reading, learning, solving puzzles or drawing
- Only close to a few people
- Most people knew her as the weird kid who talked little and studied a lot.
- Became notorious after beating up an older child with a stick
- She had her coming of age ceremony when she was 16 and left the year after.
- Keeps a scarf with her that was made and given to her by her late grandmother.

Bloodline Info
Family Name: Saxon
Family Mark: Floral facial marking (everyone in her bloodline has a facial marking related to plants. The those who belong to the Saxon branch have flowers)
Ability on Record: Her bloodline is known as the master of blades. Swordplay is taught to all their children. Most of the time the ability manifested as the ability to magically summon a sword of some sort. Saskia comes from the branch family that specializes in rapiers. (main family specializes in classic European long swords)
Ability status: Dormant

Uskir Lazlow one of the few people she was close to. Often calls him Usi or deer boy. (Uskir comes from Oscar which means deer lover) Got a 5-day punishment after beating someone up for teasing him.
Akseli Ranta – Her family often took care of him when his grandparents couldn't. She used to think he was annoying and stupid but they get along fine now.
Frey Ywan - she once borrowed a book on birds from him. It got integrated into her personal library. Doesn't even remember she took it. He can have it back if he wants it though.
Jay Valdislauv - She gave him a pretty harsh and humiliating beating for making fun of Uskir
PM me for relationships, but just keep in mind because of her personality I might say no to being friends


Character Info:
Name: Amitola (Ami)
Age: 25
Likes kids

Village Background:
- As a kid, was known as a prankster.
- As she got older became known as someone who helped around the village and everyone liked

- Stayed in the village and became a teacher.
- Has a brother (no ability) in the patrol
- Her family is known for being very loyal to the clan

Bloodline Info
Family Name:
Family Mark: White Hair
Ability on Record: Water Manipulation

Ability status: Dormant
Wolf (Akira) Nakano - Their families, especially their fathers, didn't get along. Wolf's father was often outspoken about his criticisms of the clan, leading to a rift between the Nakano family and the Spiegel family who are well known for their loyalty
Vikentije Rona - they know each other through her older brother
Rper Name: Itarichan

Character Name: Sekani

Appearance: Image
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 93lbs
They can manipulate 3 things at once as long as the third object is small and light​
Like all Arenosians, Sekani can see better in the dark than most​

Staff combat skills

Physical - veteran
Mental - human
Magic - trained

Staff (carried on their back)
2 Bone knives (with sharpening tools)
Travel pack with bedroll, water canteen, rations, bowl
Long red ribbon hung around their neck
Sekani was born mute and uses the ribbon to make shapes and words to communicate​
Various stolen trinkets
These change depending on what they've stolen and dropped after getting bored of them but can include (but is not limited to): small knives, gems, coins, pouches, small toys/puzzles, jewelry​
Hand carved and painted; made of wood​
They alternate between playing pleasant sounding tunes and making random noise in an attempt to annoy people​

Background: Sekani was born to a nomadic tribe of Arenosians which survived by raiding other desert settlements for supplies. Sekani is a thrill seeker and joined the raids from an early age for the excitement. However, they soon became bored with performing the same daily routine over and over. The raids became monotonous to them and soon Sekani would wander away from the tribe for days at a time looking for something to feed their adrenaline addiction. Sekani met the treasure hunters after attempting to rob their camp. After escaping capture they tailed the group for the next few days for fun and then eventually joined. They've stayed with them since, enjoying the thrill that comes with being the group and has decided to stay as long as they remain entertained by the group's adventures. They can be unnecessarily cruel to other living things for their own amusement as long as others in the group don't stop them, and is a kleptomaniac, stealing from group members and random passersby's.
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Name: Moira Rettig
Gender: Female

Species: Human

Height: 155cm
Weight: 49 kg

Magic concept: Air manipulation
Magic limits: Moira can manipulate air and can use it to change the trajectory of things in motion, and for defense. She can't use it to fly/make a person float but she can slow down/break falls or give them a small boost.
Magic backfire risk: Overusing her magic will cause her magic to pull air directly out of her lungs, putting her at risk of suffocating herself

Acrobatics, specializing in trapeze
Horse riding
Knife throwing

Previous occupation(s):
Circus Acrobat, specializing in trapeze and knife throwing
Slave smuggler

Pel/Ana/Inti - dad/mom/twin brother
Elora - leader of her circus troupe

Moira was born and raised as part of the famous circus troupe, Monter. The troupe has traveled around the entire continent and has even performed for royalty. She and her brother were both trained from a young age. Moira originally started as a knife thrower, but later switched to aerial acrobatics, specializing in trapeze. She still hangs out and trains with the knife throwers for fun, but doesn't perform the act anymore. Recently her parents and brother, as well as a few other troupe members went missing in the Hinterlands. The troupe secretly smuggles slaves out of the continent and into one of the small independent countries in the northeast during their travels. Due to Edfield's expanding influence on the continent, one of their old safe routes has become harder and harder to use. Her famly and other troupe members attempted to avoid detection by the empire on their latest attempt of transporting slaves by going around through the Hinterlands and disappeared.

Reason(s) for joining:
To find her family

Likes: Birds, food (especially sweets), traveling, trapeze, heights, the circus
Dislikes: fish, annyoing customers
Equipment: Set of throwing knives, chalk powder (for grip),
Personality: Quiet, shy, observant, stubborn
Fears: claustrophobia
Motivations: family, adventure
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Wang Zi Rui

Zi Rui 子睿: clever

AGE: 17

Gender: Male

Race/Nationality: Human/Talki

Occupation: Silk Merchant

Zi Rui is a stickler for rules and is known for having a serious personality. He is honest to a fault, which has resulted in him being robbed more than once. Despite this, he's good at what he does and his honesty has earned him a good reputation among other traders. He's a coward but always willing to try new things.

Zi Rui is the youngest son of a large silk merchant family. He grew up in center of Huang-Shi and has travelled the Silk Road many times with his family to peddle luxury fabrics. Despite his skill as a merchant, as the youngest child in a large family, he knew he would inherit nothing from the family business and left to find his own fortune. He has spent the last two years selling luxury jewelry and rare jewels and metals.

He joined the expedition as a guide due to his experience traveling the Silk Road in hopes of being the first to gain access to new mines in unexplored territory.

Abilities: None

Other: (any additional information can be placed here)
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Nation Number and Name: 5, Sor Kal

Capital City: En Mar

System of Government: A royal family does exist in Sor Kal, however, their main job is to faciliate international and domestic trade. Their lawmaking and enforcement powers are mostly limited to En Mar, as every city/town will have their own traditions, leaders, and laws. The farther north you go, the smaller influence the royal family has, and those on the farthest tip will identify more with their individual tribes than the country itself. Titles and blood lines are not seen as important in Sor Kal, so it's not uncommon for the current ruler to be addressed by simply their name. Heirs are given no title at all. If the current monarch was to die without leaving an heir, a suitable and well known member would be chosen among the citizens. Most often, this is a close advisor of the late monarch.

Basic Terrain and Weather: The country is covered in a mix of coniferous mountains and permafrost. Summers are short and mild and winters are harsh. The country is covered in snow for about eight to nine months of the year, but Sor Kal does it's best to keep the roads to En Mar clear for at least half of the year. The other half the year, the country is only accessible by dog sled.

Trade Specialization: Because the country is snowed in and nearly inaccessible such a large part of the year, Sor Kal has a mostly self sustaining economy. Most of their exports are considered luxury goods. The majority of their exports is made of expensive furs and hides. They are also famous for their high quality long bows. Ice is also exported to their nearby neighbors. Other exports include whale oil and fish, but these are not as important.

Sor Kal prides themselves on their highly trained sled dogs and wolf-dogs, which are used for hunting. However, they are infamous for being difficult to obtain for outsiders. Wolf dogs in particular are illegal to trade outside of Sor Kal.

Notable or Interesting Facts: Although horses are used in the summer, dog sledding is the most used method of transportation.

Wolves and Orca are considered sacred animals.

Family and loyalty are some of the most important values In Sor Kal. All residents of a city will use the same surname, as they see each other as one large family that needs to support one another.

During the coldest months, families will all sleep together in the living room, in front or on top of large stone stoves.

Name: Moira En Mar

Age: 26

Appearance: Artist: Amber Ye
As pictured. The dress was made specifically for The Unification. Usually she wears the seal skins and furs common among her people.

Her grandmother was the heir from Fairlea from the previous Unification, making Moira second cousin to Echo and Ether

Occupation: Queen

Her parents recently recently passed in a snowstorm, forcing her to take the throne. The news of her parents' passing hasn't been made public knowledge.

Nationality: Sor Kal

Formal Title: Queen Moira En Mar of Sor Kal

Five Words That Describe Your Character: Playful, stubborn, adventurous, loyal, friendly

Notable Skills:

Hunting and Ice fishing
- Moira grew up learning how to hunt and fish for survival. She is skilled with a bow and knife.

Dog sledding - Dog sledding is an integral part of life in Sor Kal and Moira is a skilled musher. She owns a team a small team of 4 sled dogs and two large wolf dogs.

Whistling - All dogs are trained to follow whistle commands, but Moira is also proficient at whistling songs. She is well known for her bird-like trills.


From the sun came Huran, from the moon, Yvor. The two made the earth and the sky, and thus Merus and Kohali were born.

The sun, the moon, the sky the earth, and yet the land demanded more. So Varca filled the seas, and Eumira shaped the mountains

From Huran came Aralin, balanced by Hadria from Yvor. Aralin for all things living, Hadria for those who have passed

Yvor made the soul, Huran, the mind. Hadria shaped the vessel, and Aralin breath filled it. From the four, life was formed

From their Divinity Ka'arteum was born
NOTE: all images come from Peter Mohrbacher's Angelarium. To see more of their work, click here

  • Lorem Ipsum

  • Ka'arteum is a land created by gods. For the people that live there, worship is a daily part of their lives. Worship is most commonly done through offerings, which can be left at a shrine or temple or giving the offering to a sacred animal. Depending on the god, offerings can also be given to a god by 'putting it in their domain' (e.g. burying something to offer to Merus, god of Earth, throwing in the ocean to offer to Varca, god of the Sea). Offerings can be anything, but the most common items are food, animals, blood, and other belongings. Although there are many gods, people will generally only worship one god regularly. The god they worship can depend on a variety of factors such as their job, values, or social status. Offerings will also be given to gods in order to receive good fortune for specific events. For example, a family traveling by sea may leave an offering for Varca, or a student may give an offering to Aleymuna, god of scholars, before an exam.

  • In exchange for worship, each god will gift all of their followers a piece of their Divinity. With Divinity, humans can manipulate the world around them. Each god's divinity presents itself in a different form. The strength of your Divinity is dependent on your level of worship. Those who are more devoted to their god will have stronger Divinity. Those who do not worship at all will be scorned by the gods and given nothing. Individuals will only be able to use the Divinity of a single god, even if they regularly worship more. The exception is those who have been deemed worthy enough to be Blessed by Huron, who may hold both their's and their original god's Divinity. Divinity is channeled through the body, most often the hands, but those with particularly strong skills may use a single finger.
    If a person does something that displays exceptional devotion to their god they may receive a Blessing. The gods are vain and don't care for human morals, and thus, the method you use to show your faith does not matter. This can come in the form of a special item or a physical buff, and can vary in strength. All blessings will be marked with the God's symbol (either on the item or on the body). It is possible to receive a Blessing from more than one god and receive more than one Blessing from a single god. A god can also choose to take away a Blessing if they feel you are abusing it.
    Some examples of actions that might get you a Blessing
    • Participating in the defense of a temple
    • Rescuing an injured Sacred Animal
    • Working in a temple
    • High quality offerings
    Blessings can include but are not limited to:
    • Weapon with magical properties
    • Item or tool with magical properties
    • Increased strength
    • Enhanced senses
      • ]This can be something obvious such as enhanced hearing or sight, but can also be something extremely subtle. For example, Yvor may give a trader the ability to instinctively know how to make the best offers, or Varca may give you an instinctual sense of direction so you never get lost at sea.
    If a person does something to show they value their god over their own life, they become Blessed. Blessed can call upon the power of their god and strengthen their divinity. Blessed also have the ability to give up their life force to their god in exchange for even stronger Divinity. Becoming Blessed also means that you are allowing your God to possess your body if they choose, though this has only happened a couple times in history. Those who are blessed will be marked in one eye with that god's mark and are blinded in that eye. It is considered insulting to your god to hide the fact that you are Blessed, so Blessed never wear eyepatches or similar to cover their mark.
    Although being Blessed strengthens your Divinity, performing such extreme feats puts a huge amount of strain on the human body. Typically, one will be able to use their full abilities as a Blessed for anywhere between 5 to 20 min depending on the individual, before fainting. Overusing your abilities, will cause you to bleed from your nose, eyes, and mouth, and cause seizures and extreme pain. However, an individual cannot die from using their powers as a Blessed, as their god will protect them. After using their abilities, a Blessed will need to sleep/rest for about 1 hour. A Blessed who uses their magic to the point of fainting will remain completely unconscious for 3-5 hours. Repeatedly using your abilities can shorten the time you can use your full powers and increase the amount of rest needed to recover.

    There are no prerequisites to becoming Blessed (you do not have to receive a Blessing first), the only requirement is that you perform an act that shows you value your god over yourself. Just like with Blessings, it is possible for you a god to un-Bless you should you do something to offend them.. It is possible to become Blessed by more than one god, however this has only happened once in history. Just like with Blessings, it can be harder or easier to become Blessed depending on the personality of the god.

    Divine Protection
    Those who are Blessed are also given Divine Protection, as long as certain conditions are met. Those who have Divine Protection can only be killed by another Blessed.
    Examples of conditions:
    • Carrying a certain object given to you by the god
    • A certain time of day, month, or year (morning, night, spring fall etc.)
    • In contact with certain things, such as earth for Merus or water for Varca
    A god does not give the same conditions to every person they Bless. Some conditions are harder to meet than others. The exception to this would be Huran, since they only Bless one person at a time. Those Blessed by Huran always have Divine Protection in the sun.
    If a person does something to severely offend a god, they may be Condemned by that god. An individual can be condemned by any god, not just the god they worship. Those who are Condemned by the god they worship will lose their Divinity. Condemned receive a punishment that must live with the rest of their lives. It is possible to be Condemned by one god and Blessed by another. A god may also give someone who has been Condemned a particularly powerful Blessing that cancels out their punishment, or lessens its severity. Condemned are marked by a pure black eye. They are blind in that eye. It is possible to earn back a god's favor after they have Condemned you and gain back their Divinity. However, repairing a relationship with a god after being cursed by them can take many years of devoting your life to that god.
    Examples of actions that could get you Condemned:
    • Destroying a Temple
    • Killing a large amount of Sacred Animals
    • Speaking poorly of a god
    • Desecrating a shrine
    Examples of punishments:
    • Merus
      • Never set foot on land again
      • Touching fertile ground causes it to turn to sand
    • Varca
      • Always feel thirsty
      • Unable to drink water - can only drink soup, tea etc
      • Unable to travel by water
    Sacred animals
    Each god is represented by a Sacred Animal, and these animals are the gods main way of communication with humans. Not every animal is a Sacred animal; they are specially raised and blessed at temples. Some sacred animals are easier to obtain than others and each god has their own method on how to properly bless them. Some gods allow any animal to be blessed, so if you wanted, you could find/buy the animal from the market and then take it to a temple to be blessed. Others only allow specially selected animals to be blessed. In this case, you would have to go to a temple to request a sacred animal.

    • Gods of Creation

      The Gods of Creation are the four gods who created life. They are the most powerful of the gods.
      For a TLDR of all the gods, see the chart below

      Huran - God of sun and nobility

      Huran is only worshiped by those in the nobility. Their Divinity allows their worshippers to manipulate the body. This allows the user to manipulate their enemies' bodies and internal organs. This can be used to do things such as changing the speed of their heartbeat (either slower into unconsciousness or to dangerous speeds), induce heart attacks, manipulate blood flow, and stop someone's heart or help it beat. Body Manipulation magic does require your target to remain in your line of sight and use of your hands but other than this, it does not have any real counters. Especially skilled users can use it on as many as ten people at once. It can be used offensively or as a way to help accelerate the body's natural healing abilities. Those who are Blessed can control a person like a puppet and instantly shut down body functions.

      Their sacred animal is the Phoenix. There have only been 10 blessed phoenixes in history. One for the monarch, and one for each noble household. The Sacred Phoenixes are all hundreds of years old and have been reborn many times. No one knows what would happen should one die, and no one wants to be the one to find out. The phoenix is a symbol of power and are furiously protective of their noble family. They may also help in making important and difficult decisions.

      Huran is known to be strict in his punishments but generous with his gifts. It is rare to find a noble without a Blessing, and some even have multiple, though they vary in strength. Unlike the other gods, Huran will only Bless one person at a time, who then receives the right to rule the country. Those who become Condemned by Huran are exiled from nobility.

      Yvor - God of the Moon and trade

      Yvor is most often worshiped by merchants, laborers, and business owners. He represents free trade, wealth, and hard work. Their Divinity manipulates emotions. You cannot make someone feel an emotion out of nowhere, only manipulate the emotions they are already feeling, either amplifying or dampening them. However, the most skilled users know how to bring out certain emotions by dampening and amplifying the correct emotions. For example, an extremely skilled magic user knows how to manipulate someone's feelings of shame to drive them to either be aggressive or to hide themselves. Manipulating someone's emotions is much harder if someone is aware that you are using magic on them. Because of how common this magic is, many people will train themselves to resist it. Some users will specialize in precise control on one person, while others will specialize in general manipulation of large crowds. Those who are blessed are essentially able to mind control someone by using their emotions and planting intrusive thoughts.

      Yvor's sacred animal is the dragon. Unlike other sacred animals, all dragons are considered to be sacred animals of Yvor and it is forbidden to hunt them. Most people will seek guidance/communication from Yvor at temples or shrines since it is so difficult and dangerous to seek out a dragon. Dragons are revered as the protectors of Ka'arteum.

      They are considered to be the god of the common people. This makes them especially popular among those who are unhappy with the nobility. They generally do not Bless, or give Blessings and are quite aloof. He is the hardest god to get in contact with.

      Hadria - god of death

      Hadria is worshiped by those who work closely with death. This usually means assassins, though there are some mercenaries and soldiers who worship them too. God of Death. Their Divinity allows one to manipulate shadows. Shadow can be used to conceal yourself, for travel and as a weapon. Some use their shadow directly, others will create weapons or animals from them. Unless you are Blessed, you can only manipulate their own shadow. However, it is possible to use other objects and light to manipulate the size of your shadow. The Temple of Hadria is difficult to reach, but it is said that all who are able to locate it and leave an offering to Hadria there will receive a Blessing.

      Hadria's sacred animal is the black widow. They can be used for assassination and reconnaisence. Those who follow Hadria will dedicate their kills to them, allowing their sacred animal to take some of their blood as an offering to Hadria. Hadria's followers generally have a very close relationship to their god. Daily and regular worship is normal, and Hadria communicates often with their followers. As a result, they have a higher than average number of Blessed. However, those Blessed by Hadria tend to be slightly weaker than those Blessed by other gods.

      Aralin - God of Life

      Aralin is most often worshiped by healers, but they are also worshiped by those who have a deep connection or understanding with plant life. Their Divinity allows one to control all plants and fungi, helping them grow, killing them and increasing or decreasing the potency of any chemical compounds they create. Unless you are Blessed, plants cannot be created out of nothing, and plants or seeds have to already be present. However, dead or dried plants can be used.
      Their scared animal is the badger, which can be used to help one find missing ingredients and/or especially high quality plants. Like Hadria, Aralin communicates with their followers often, and has higher than average number of Blessed that are slightly weaker than average

    • For a TLDR of all the gods, see the chart below


    • For a TLDR of all the gods, see the chart below




  • Lorem Ipsum