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your blood on my teeth
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
  4. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
Horror, Dark Fantasy, Modern
- Plot -
It was a time of magic, a time where chaos and beauty coexisted and collided, stirring otherworldly beings into existence. It was the age of enlightenment, but also of darkness, for with magic came the evil forces that threatened to use it for destructive purposes.

For that reason, as legend goes, the gods walked among men in the form of shape-shifting giants, spurred by an intrinsic desire to guard the world from those who would wish to harm it. They bestowed upon men power beyond anything they could imagine. With it, evil was forced back from whence they came, and the world thrived for many centuries in peace.

But cowardice and greed grew within the fickle hearts of men. They turned to the evil forces stirring in the shadows, trading their souls for a kind of magic so powerful that even the gods could not withstand it. Defeated, the gods deserted the world and turned into stone.

They slept for countless of years. As the gods faded from existence, so did they fade from memory—reduced into mere legend as history was passed on to future generations. Meanwhile, evil stretched its dark hand over the world, the people now unable to control the power that threatened to consume their home.

Kingdoms fell apart overnight. Wars were waged. And deep in the shadows, monsters of unknown origins stirred. They yearned blood, flesh, and most of all, terror. Any time now, the people said, the gods would wake from their long slumber.

Any time now...
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Port Lligat Slab
- The Ancient Races -
THE GIANTS (Extinct)
The giants are said to be the most ancient of all races. Due to their mysterious origins and mystical abilities, they are considered to be deities by many.

Much of what is known about the giants can now be found in songs and folklore. However, many remain skeptical that these creatures of old even existed.
The treefolk are tiny creatures and are often no bigger than a fly. They reside deep in the ancient forests, undisturbed and isolated from the rest of the world. It is said that the forests in which they reside are in their power, thus they are able to control the earth and trees within it. Territorial in nature, the treefolk are known to make elaborate mazes in order to deceive and trap trespassers.
Like the treefolk, the Light Elves make their home in the forests. However, they live a relatively peaceful existence and are not usually antagonistic towards other races. Light Elves are lovers of art, music, and poetry. They are good on their feet, deft and skilled with a bow, and possess the Sight—or the ability to see into the future. However, they can only see good omens.

Light Elves are known for their haughty and self-involved nature, and as such don't mingle around much outside of their own race.
There was a time when the Dark Elves and the Light Elves lived in harmony, but that was many years ago… long before the Great War. It was at that time that the Dark Elves took up their arms and sided with Men, though in the end they were betrayed and left to die in the battlefield.

Though rumored to be a dead race, a dwindling population still roam about near the rivers, especially amidst rocky areas. Many avoid them, however, for they are rumored to be traitors and servants of evil.

Dark Elves have much the same constitution as Light Elves and also possess the Sight. However, unlike their relatives, they can only see dark omens. This further outcasts them from society.
The dwarves were a mighty, sturdy race that dwelt in the mountains and in the earth. Masters of the underworld, the dwarves were known for their exquisite weapons, craftsmanship, and kingdoms built underground.

To this day, their kingdoms remain intact and few of their weapons can still be found, though the dwarves themselves have long ceased to exist.
Grotesque creatures, typically with sickly green skin, known to reside within hollows in the Earth or underneath boulders. The earth rots in their presence, and for that reason they are considered evil. They are also mischievous--sometimes even malicious--creatures that like to trick humans and steal their belongings, typically jewelry or anything that glints under sunlight.

Though quick and stealthy, goblins aren't the brightest of creatures. They are also notoriously known for their lack of magical prowess and are often easily encumbered by the Treefolk, who make it their mission to protect their lush forests from the goblins' corruption and mistreatment.
- The New Race : Men -
The Motherhood is a matriarchal cult where women are classed based on their number of children. This means infertile women are treated with hostility, as they are considered a liability, if not accursed. Often, they are sent away or enslaved. Meanwhile, men, who have no other primary purpose other than to assist in the procreation process, are considered second-rate members and are usually relegated to farm work.

Because of the secluded nature of these people, the Motherhood is a close-knit society who are in one way or another related to each other. Incest is common here, if not the norm. It's a matter eliciting grave distaste among outsiders, whereas the members themselves don't so much as blink an eye.

The cult is presided by the Mother, widely revered and whose words are considered gospel. She holds autocratic power, though many doubt her existence, for it has been more than three hundred years since the Mother was last seen in public.
Because most magical creatures are rather independent, forming a connection with them is very rare. For this reason, the Rangers, who have wild beasts for almas, are widely revered.

Rangers are nomadic, dark of skin and possess a deep understanding of how the earth works--a knowledge lost to the common folk.
The red markings on their skin easily distinguish them from the common folk. They abide by a dark religion and are regarded as malicious beings.

Savages are beast-tamers, pillagers, and consume the flesh of their victims alive. They take refuge in the Hives: tall, man-made boulders that bear great resemblance to its namesake.
Part-elf, part-human. Because of their curious appearance, and the fact that they are neither men nor elf, they keep to themselves. Halflings are nomadic like the rangers and are often looked down upon by men and elves alike.

Despite generally considered as outcasts, Halflings make up a rather important part of society. They dwell in lands least traversed and are responsible for keeping the kingdoms safe from wild beasts and other malicious creatures, such as ghouls and goblins.
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