OPEN SIGNUPS The Knights Arcane: Wardens of the Crystal [OOC]

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Science Fiction, Fantasy, Science Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Historical, Shounen-ai and Shoujo-ai, Psychological, Steampunk and... well, I'm actually up for most kinds of role plays.


The Knights Arcane:
Wardens of the crystal

In the dawn of ancient times, the Aetherian empire rose to a technological providence that was unmatched by all. Their mastery over innovation and advancement knew no bounds, yet within the grandeur of their achievements lurked an insatiable thirst for greater knowledge and power. In their hubris they sought to overthrow divinity itself, bringing the wrath of the gods themselves upon the emprire. The gods responded with divine retribution, unleashing a horrible blight upon the lands.

The entire continent of Ethrys was plunged into darkness as the blight corrupted everything it touched, twisting the very essence of life into a grotesque shadow of its former self. Fields turned to ash, the rivers ran dry, and from the scorched earth creatures so grotesque they defied comprehension began to rise. Humanity teetered on the very brink of annihilation, and in their desperation, our ancestors turned to the heavens, seeking forgiveness.

Yet where the gods would not hear them, the Crystals responded to their desperate prayer, bestowing on some the sacred ability to wield the power that dwelled within them. Their eyes came aglow, and their veins began to pulse with magical energy. In their radiance these chosen heralds became the beacons of hope that would guide humanity out of an era of desolation. Their divine gifts restored fertility to the land, creating safe havens where the twisted abominations created by the blight could not reach us.

Even now, they remain our protectors, safeguarding our lands and granting us a chance to prosper once more.


The Blessed

The Blessed possess the ability to draw upon the magical aether stored within the crystals without becoming corrupted by the sheer concentration of raw, magical energy. This in turn enables them to perform feats of magic, such as healing, elemental manipulation, or other extraordinary abilities. The ability is largely hereditary, which is why power has remained consolidated amongst those whose heritages are believed to trace back to those chosen by the crystals. To prevent the blessed bloodlines from becoming diluted unions between nobility and the common folk are generally frowned upon. Of course, they still happen, and in the case that the subsequent offspring should display signs of being blessed, they are typically brought into the fold of the Crystaline Dominion's primary religious institution.

One of the most distinct and defining features of the Blessed is their eyes. They radiate a subtle luminescence, exhibiting vibrant colors that can range from brilliant hues of blues, greens, pinks and purples, and even shimmering shades of gold or silver. Additionally, in the presence of charged crystals, glowing vein-like patterns manifest on their skin.

Their abilities are essential for maintaining and managing the purification of the blighted lands, and because of this they hold esteemed positions within the hierarchy of the Crystalline Dominion and some other territories where they have come to be revered. However, it is important to note that the blessed are not looked upon so favorably everywhere. In regions relatively untouched by the blight, they are often treated with suspicion and mistrust. This has become particularly pertinent since the rise of the Crystalline Dominion, and led to more than just a couple of conflicts.



The CrystalLine Dominion

The continent of Ethrys is a realm divided. Large swathes of the land are still heavily affected by the blight, and traversal between the purified towns and villages is fraught with danger. This has made the maintenance of anything larger than petty kingdoms and smaller, independent territories challenging, though not for lack of trying. The most ambitious, and so far successful attempt at unification has been that of the Crystalline Dominion. Their collaborative rule has enabled the Dominion to pool resources, manage the extraction of crystals, and navigate the challenges posed by the blight while maintaining a semblance of order and progress within its controlled territories.

✧ The Luminary Council ✧

The Luminary Council stands as the apex of governance within the Crystalline Dominion, wielding considerable influence and authority over the realm. Composed of representatives from each major noble house, this council acts as the governing body responsible for policy-making, law enforcement, and decision-making at the highest echelons of power. The Luminary Council also arbitrates disputes between noble houses, ensuring fairness and adherence to Dominion-wide laws.

Beyond that, the Luminary Council engages in diplomatic negotiations and manages relationships with neighboring regions or entities. They oversee trade agreements, alliances, and territorial disputes, safeguarding the Dominion's interests across Ethrys. However, despite the Dominion's relative success, tensions persist. Internal rivalries, territorial disputes, and differing ambitions among noble houses serve as a constant threat to the Council's unity.

✧ The Order of The Crystal ✧
christian-dimitrov-throneroom-2500.jpgThe Order of The Crystal acts as the bedrock of faith and moral guidance within the Crystalline Dominion, interweaving religious beliefs deeply into the fabric of daily life, governance, and societal norms. Operating under a hierarchical structure led by high-ranking clergy, the order consists of a network of priests, priestesses, and religious scholars who disseminate religious teachings, administer sacraments, conducts rituals, and serves as spiritual advisors and healers within local communities. The Order of the Crystal has representatives within the Luminary Council, which offers it significant influence over government and policy decisions.

It is not uncommon for noble families to commit at least one of their children to the order. They view this as a form of dedication to divine service, portraying their contribution to the Dominion's spiritual well-being as an extension of their duty and status. Simultaneously, it offers a means for these families to exert their influence beyond political corridors. For the Order, the inclusion of noble-born individuals within its ranks reinforces its connections to the ruling class, ensuring a mutual exchange of support and guidance between the realms of faith and governance.

✧ Social Hierarchy ✧

The Blessed Nobility

As the ruling elite, the Blessed Nobility occupy the highest echelons of society. They wield significant political power, comprising the Luminary Council that governs the Crystalline Dominion. They typically enjoy immense wealth, influence, and prestige, residing in grand estates, palaces, or fortified manors to showcase their status and authority.

The Blessed have a responsibility to lead, protect, and govern the Dominion. They are expected to maintain order, ensure prosperity, and defend against external threats or blighted incursions. From a young age, they receive rigorous training to harness and control their powers, often guided by mentors, family elders, or the Order. In addition to political duties, they oversee matters related to magical education, training, and the purification of the lands, which is essential for the Dominion's sustenance and survival.

There are both lesser and major noble houses. The major houses enjoy significantly more power and influence, and are also the ones that primarily occupy seats on the Luminary Council.

Religious Elite

Individuals serving the Order of the Crystal hold esteemed positions within society, guiding spiritual beliefs and enforcing religious doctrines. They provide moral guidance, education, and wield considerable influence over societal norms and values. Many, though not all within their ranks are blessed, and they commonly utilize their abilities to purify and heal. Others become members of the Knights Arcane.

Blessed Commoners

Though it is rare, it happens that a commoner is born with the blessing of the crystal. They do not enjoy quite the elevated status that is granted to the members of the noble houses, but are looked up to and revered nonetheless. Normally upon being discovered they are brought into the fold of the Order of the Crystal, where they are taken care of and given the opportunity to hone their abilities. Some become members of the clergy, while others end up joining the Knights Arcane.

In some rare cases, blessed commoners are taken in as wards by noble houses. This can be done for any number of reasons, but the most common one is that the child is a bastard who is taken in by their noble parent. In other cases the family may choose to do it as an act of charity, or because they have been unable to produce viable heirs of their own.


The commoners within the Crystalline Dominion form the bulk of the population, encompassing various occupations, social standings, and daily livelihoods. The majority of work in agriculture, tending to crops on the purified lands surrounding towns and villages. They cultivate essential produce and rear livestock to sustain the Dominion's food supply. Laborers often work in mines or construction, performing physically demanding tasks. Meanwhile merchants and artisans constitute the backbone of commerce and trade, operating shops, markets, and guilds. Merchants engage in local and long-distance trade, while artisans practice crafts such as blacksmithing, weaving, carpentry, and pottery.

Indentured Servants

Some individuals might choose indentured labor to settle debts, gain passage to a different region, or as a means of survival in times of financial hardship. Others might find themselves in this position due to coercion, exploitation, or as punishment for a crime committed.

Indentured servants work under stringent conditions outlined in their contracts, often enduring long hours, low wages, limited freedoms, and sometimes inadequate living conditions. Many face restrictions on movement or personal autonomy until the contractual period concludes. Upon fulfilling their contractual obligations, indentured servants might be released from their servitude, receiving compensation or a degree of freedom. Some might choose to assimilate into commoner society, while others re-enter indenture due to ongoing financial constraints.

Prisoners that have been condemned to working the crystal mines technically count as indentured servants.


Individuals affected by the blight are often ostracized. Seen as a danger to society they are marginalized and forced to dwell in remote and undesirable areas.



The Knights Arcane

The Knights Arcane are a specialized military organization with close ties to both the Order of the Crystal and the Luminary Council. Comprised entierly of blessed individuals, they are renowned across the realm for their exceptional magical abilities and unwavering dedication. During times of war, the Knights Arcane rise as stalwart defenders, utilizing their arcane abilities to combat external threats and repel invaders. In times of peace, they assume a more multifaceted role. Apart from their military duties, they play vital roles in maintaining internal stability and order within the Dominion.

Clad in resplendent armor adorned with crystals, their presence instills a sense of security while their mastery of the arcane ensures they remain a cornerstone of the Dominion's strength and prestige. For blessed individuals without a clear noble lineage, the Knights Arcane provides an opportunity to gain fame and fortune, as well as opening a path to ascent within the social hierarchy of the Crystalline Dominion.

The Knights Arcane consists of eight classes that each specialize in specific arcane disciplines, allowing them to fulfill unique combat roles and strategic objectives.

✧ Arcane Disciplines ✧

✧ The Path of the Flamewielder: Flamewielders harness the power of fire, manipulating flames to their will. They can conjure, control, and extinguish fire, shape it into various forms, and even resist its heat. Their abilities range from creating fiery projectiles to generating protective barriers or heating objects.

✧ The Path of the Watersinger: Those who follow the Path of the Watersinger command mastery over the element of water. They have the ability to manipulate bodies of water, control currents, create water-based constructs. Watersingers are often revered for their ability to purify water.

✧ The Path of the Windancer: Windancers are skilled in the manipulation of air and wind currents. They have the capability to create gusts, powerful gales, and control the movement of the air around them. Windcallers can utilize their abilities for transportation, creating barriers, and even fly for short durations.

✧ The Path of the Earthbringer: Earthbringers have command over the earth and minerals. They can shape stone, manipulate soil, and control seismic forces to a limited extent. This discipline includes abilities to create barriers, launch rock projectiles, or cause small tremors.

✧ The Path of the Thunderlord: The Thunderlord embodies mastery over lightning and storms. With aetheric control over electricity, they can summon and direct lightning bolts and generate electric shields. They can infuse weapons with lightning strikes, channel electricity through their bodies for enhanced speed and agility, or create blinding flashes to disorient adversaries.

✧ The Path of the Frostbinder: The Path of the Frostbinder specializes in wielding the power of ice and cold. Practitioners of this discipline command frozen elements, manipulating and generating ice in various forms. They can create barriers, freeze objects, conjure chilling blasts, and sometimes even manipulate the moisture in the air to form icy constructs.

✧ The Path of the Shadowmancer: Those who tread the path of the Shadowmancer harness the power of shadows. They cloak themselves in darkness, create shadowy constructs, and even manipulate the perceptions of others. Shadowmancers tend to excel in stealth and deception.

✧ The Path of the Lightweaver: The Path of the Lightweaver harnesses the radiant essence of aether, wielding it as a versatile source of power. Capable of emitting blinding light, crafting shimmering shields, or channeling intense beams that pierce through darkness, they use their radiant gifts to illuminate the world around them and dispel the most malevolent forces.

✧ The Path of the Mindbender: Mindbenders have telepathic abilities, allowing them to read minds, communicate telepathically, and influence the thoughts or emotions of others. Their powers also extend to mental defense, psychic barriers, and in some ways, illusions. However, while the illusionist can conjure illusions in the physical world, a mindbender creates illusions by influencing the mind.

✧ The Path of the Lifewrought: Lifewroughts tap into the essence of life itself, understanding the intricate connection between rejuvenation and devastation. They can knit flesh together to heal grievous injuries, cleanse maladies, or harness that same life force to inflict debilitating agony upon their adversaries.

✧ The Path of the Illusionist: Illusionists have the ability to create lifelike illusions that deceive the senses. They manipulate perception, creating illusions of sight, sound, touch, and even taste.

✧ The Path of the Oracle: Followers of the Path of the Oracle are seer who have visions of the future. Their prophetic insight enables them to interpret signs, predict events, or uncover hidden knowledge that might influence the destiny of others.

✧ The Path of the Enchanter: Enchanters imbue objects with aetheric energy, enchanting them with magical properties or enhancements. They infuse items with protective charms, augment their properties, or bestow them with unique abilities. Enchanters are highly sought after for their ability to empower various objects.

✧ The Path of the Transmuter: Transmuters specialize in altering the properties of objects or substances. They can transform one substance into another, temporarily change shapes or properties of objects, and perform minor alterations in their physical structure.

✧ The Path of the Necromancer: Necromancers manipulate death and the undead, communing with spirits, reanimating corpses, and wielding necrotic energies for offensive or defensive purposes.

✧ Classes ✧


Primary Discipline:
Path of the Enchanter
Secondary Discipline Suggestions: Any elemental path, Path of the Lightweaver
Description: Runemasters have learned the art of imbuing their armour and weaponry with magical aether through intricate runes and enchantments. They typically excell at a combination of close quarter melee combat and enchantment magic, which they combine with their secondary discipline to enhance their arsenal and combat versatility. Most commonly they tend to choose one of the elemental paths, or the path of the lightweaver as their secondary discipline, but it is entierly possible to choose one of the others for a more unique build. The Runemaster ability to seamlessly fuse martial prowess and arcane mastery grants them a distinct advantage in battle, enabling them to adapt to various adversaries and situations on the battlefield.


Primary Discipline:
Path of the Shadowmancer
Secondary Discipline Suggestions: Path of the Mindbender, Path of the Illusionist, Path of the Lifewrought
Description: Voidstalkers are adept at navigating the shadows, slipping through darkness with an eerie grace. Proficient in stealth and subterfuge, they use the abilities granted to them by the Path of the Shadowmancer to blend in with the shadows and conceal their presence. Some Voidstalkers delve into the Path of the Mindbender, allowing them to peak into the thoughts and emotions of others. Others explore the Path of the Illusionist, heightening their skills in creating complex and convincing diversions or concealing their movements in darkness. Meanwhile the Path of the Lifewrought, with its duality of rejuvenation and devastation, can aid Voidstalkers by offering the ability to heal injuries, purify maladies, or inflict debilitating agony on adversaries. Voidstalkers primarily serve as clandestine operatives, scouts, or infiltrators, utilizing their mastery over shadows to gather intelligence, carry out covert missions, or navigate dangerous territories unseen.


Primary Discipline:
Path of the Windancer
Secondary Discipline Suggestions: Any elemental path
Description: Stormcallers are formidable wielders of the tempest's fury. Specializing in the Path of the Windancer they command the might of the skies, manipulating air currents and channeling the elements to create intense storms. The selection of their secondary discipline determines the nature of the storms they conjure—whether they manifest as electrical storms through the Path of the Thunderlord, raging fire storms with the Path of the Flamewielder, or torrential downpours by mastering the Path of the Watersinger. They often serve as strategic combatants, manipulating weather phenomena to thwart adversaries or control the battlefield, turning nature's fury into a powerful ally.


Primary Discipline:
Path of the Lightweaver
Secondary Discipline Suggestions: Path of the Enchanter, Path of the Oracle, Path of the Lifewrought
Description: Radiants epitomize the embodiment of lght and purity within the Knights Arcane. Their mastery of the Path of the Lightweaver allows them to harness luminescent aether, manifesting as radiant energy. These knights channel radiant aether in combat, projecting beams or bursts of searing light to smite adversaries. Their abilities are enhanced through the secondary disciplines they adopt, such as imbuing their radiant powers into enchanted objects with the Path of the Enchanter, healing their allies with the Path of the Lifewrought or gaining heightened foresight through divination with the Path of the Oracle.


Primary Discipline:
The Path of the Lifewrought
Secondary Discipline Suggestions: Path of the Necromancer, Path of the Mindbender, Path of the Transmuter
Description: Liferenders are revered for their unparalleled mastery over restorative magic and the arts of healing. Proficient in the Path of the Lifewrought, they possess extensive knowledge of anatomy, aecane manipulation for mending wounds, and restoring vitality. Through secondary disciplines, they expand their healing prowess. Some delve into the Path of the Necromancer to understand the intricacies of life and death, deepening their knowledge of healing. Others embrace the Path of the Mindbender, using mental abilities to amplify their healing powers. Others yet choose to explore the Path of the Transmuter, allowing innovative approaches to healing methods or substances. Liferender's typically serve as healers, but depending on their choice of secondary discipline, they can combine that role with other functions.


Primary Discipline:
Path of the Earthbringer
Secondary Discipline Suggestions: Path of the Lightweaver, Path of the Transmuter, Path of the Enchanter
Description: Sentinels are guardians trained in the art of defense and protection, rooted in the Path of the Earthbringer. They harness the elemental powers of the earth, shaping rock and stone to fortify positions and shield allies. Known for their unwavering resilience, Sentinels can create sturdy barriers, fortifications, and construct defenses to safeguard their allies from harm. Their connection with the earth enables them to sense seismic movements, allowing them to predict and mitigate incoming threats.. Additionally, some Sentinels delve into the Path of the Lightweaver, enhancing their defensive capabilities with radiant energy, or the Path of the Enchanter, imbuing defensive structures or equipment with protective aetheric enhancements. Others yet delve into the Path of the Transmuter, allowing them to alter the composition of the earth, solidifying loose ground, shaping cover, or creating barriers infused with certain properties. All of these options make Sentinels formidable protectors capable of withstanding and shaping the battlefield to their advantage.


Primary Discipline:
Any elemental path
Secondary Discipline Suggestions: Path of the Shadowmancer, Path of the Lightweaver, Path of the Transmuter, Any elemental Path
Description: Spellslingers are skilled at long-range combat and precision spellcasting. Their primary focus is on elemental manipulation, specializing in one of the elemental paths to harness the raw power of fire, water, wind, earth, ice or lightning. To complement their ranged prowess, some Spellslingers also delve into the Path of the Shadowmancer, enhancing their stealth abilities. Others may explore the Path of the Transmuter, manipulating the battlefield by altering the elemental properties of objects to their advantage. Some also just choose to specialize in a secondary elemental Path, or the Path of the Lightweaver, broadening their arsenal of attacks.


Primary Discipline: Path of the Oracle
Secondary Discipline Suggestions:
Path of the Mindbender, Path of the Enchanter, Path of the Necromancer
Description: Diviners are masters of divination and vision, capable of using their abilities to interpret signs, unravel cryptic messages, and foresee forthcoming events. While primarily focused on the Path of the Oracle, some Diviners delve into the Path of the Mindbender, honing their mental prowess to influence the thoughts and emotions of others or create psychic defenses. Others explore the Path of the Enchanter, enchanting objects with precognitive charms or imbuing their divining implements with unique aetheric enhancements. A few may even venture into the Path of the Necromancer, seeking knowledge from the deceased. Diviners serve as advisors, seers, and guardians of arcane secrets, wielding their knowledge and insight to guide others and protect the balance of fate within the realm.

✧ Knight Ranks ✧

Recruit: Initiates or novices who have just begun their training within the order. They undergo rigorous instruction to familiarize themselves with arcane manipulation and combat techniques.

Squire: After initial training, recruits may become squires, assisting higher-ranked knights in their duties. They continue their education and start honing specific arcane abilities.

Knight: The core rank within the order, comprising the majority of active members. They possess formidable arcane capabilities and combat skills, assigned various tasks to protect and serve the Dominion. Knights typically specialize in two arcane disciplines.

Elite Knight: Knights recognized for their exceptional skills, leadership, or accomplishments. They might lead squads, undertake critical missions, or train younger members. Elite Knights have truly mastered their primary discipline of arcane manipulation, and are at least adept at their secondary choice. Some have even start to dabble in a third discipline.

Commander: Leaders of divisions or specialized units within the Knights Arcane. They are responsible for overseeing operations, organizing deployments, and managing the overall strategies of the order.

✧ High Commander: The highest-ranking member, leading the Knights Arcane as a whole. They sit on the Luminary Council, representing the order's interests and advising on matters of security, defense, and governance.

✧ Divine Champion of the Crystal: A rare and prestigious rank reserved for the most exceptional and legendary knights in history. Divine Champions of the Crystal are renowned across the Dominion and are honored for their unparalleled valor and service.



Questions & Answers

Q: What will be the primary focus of the role play?
A: For the sake of simplicity, the role play will primarily focus on a squad within the knight's arcane.

Q: How will the role play be structured?
A: To start off I want to make clear that this will not be a sandbox. I am planning to run this somewhat like you would a tabletop RPG, which means that I will primarily be controlling the NPC's and world around you, slowly ushering you towards a set finish line. However, that does not mean you will have no influence over what happens. What story beats we hit and how I design the overarching plot will largely depend on the characters you create, and what you want to do with them. So please don't be afraid of telling me your thoughts and ideas! As the GM, it is my job to make them happen.

Q: How many characters am I allowed to make?
A: Multiple characters will be allowed, but please be responsible about it. Don't bite off more than you can chew!

Q: How often will I be required to post?
A: At least once every one to two weeks. If you have multiple characters, you only need to post the ones that are or are about to be involved with other characters. If you won't be able to meet the deadline, contact me! There will be opportunities for you to have your characters opt-out of a chapter, but I need to know what's going on so that I can plan for it. Inactivity is a disease that spreads among role plays like wildfire – and just so happens to be the most common cause for role play deaths. To prevent this from happening I reserve the right to remove you from the roleplay if your inactivity ends up putting a strain on the flow of the story or the other players. If you don't think you'll be able to post frequently, don't join.

There is no limit on how often you may post.

Q: Should my character have pre-established connections to other player characters?

A: That is up to you. Since the primary focus of the RP is going to be on the Knights Arcane, it is entirely plausible that your character would have a shared history with some of their comrades. That said, the Crystaline Dominion is large, and depending on how long they have been with this squad, where they were trained and how they ended up in the Knights Arcane, they may also not yet know anyone.

Beyond connections to player characters, I do encourage that you come up with and write about some of your characters' connections to NPC's. It could be a childhood friend, family members or a lifelong rival. Who knows? Some of them might eventually show up in the story. ;)

Q: What are your expectations in regards to post length?

A: This will be a semi-literate to literate role play, so I will expect at least 2 - 3 good-sized paragraphs. That said, don't fret too much over post size. I would honestly prefer that you write short posts and post frequently, rather than that you write extremely long and detailed posts but only reply once a month. That is not to say that you aren't allowed to write long posts, however! All posts are welcome, provided they add something to the role play.

Q: I feel stuck and don't know what to do with my character. What do I do?
A: Contact me! We can work something out together. Some of the people joining may already know each other, other players will be brand new to the group, but I want everyone to feel welcome and included. If you're unsure about how your character fits into everything, please don't hesitate talking to me.

Q: Will smut be allowed?
A: Yes, I will allow it. However, in accordance with the site rules, players may only write sexual content with members in their own age group. Furthermore, I request that these scenes are written in collaboration posts so that when they are posted they can be put into a clearly labeled spoiler tab. This way anyone who wants to avoid sexual content can do so, and the rest are equally free to partake in it.

Q: I want to make a character who is not a part of the Knights Arcane. Would that be allowed?
A: The short answer is yes. The long answer is yes but I would recommend that you in this case also create a character that is member of the Knights Arcane, since depending on what sort of character you make, they may not become relevant for some time. It entirely depends on the idea you have, though, so don't hesitate to pitch it to me. We can definitely work something out!

Q: In order to make for example a Runeblade, does my character's primary discipline have to be the Path of the Enchanter?

A: Yes. All of the primary disciplines are more or less set in stone. The reason for this is that the classes were built on the use of those specific abilities. That said, the secondary discipline is flexible, and you don't have to combine your character's primary discipline with one of the suggestions. They are just that — suggestions.

Q: Does that mean that I could potentially make a Liferender who's secondary discipline is the Path of the Shadowmancer? Or a Runeblade who's secondary discipline is the Path of the Mindbender?
A: Absolutely! The suggestions I made are just some combinations I figured would work well together, but I'm sure there are many other really interesting options out there. When you decide on your secondary discipline, consider how the two types of magic can be combined or otherwise complement each other. The world is your oyster, so don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild!

Q: What rank should my character have?

A: For now I will only allow knights and squires.

Q: I don't want to play a human. Can I make an elf or dwarf?
A: Unfortunately not. This setting only has human characters.

Q: How technologically advanced is the world of Ethrys?
A: Think medieval fantasy. It's a little more complicated than that, but this is what applies for now.

Q: What were your sources of inspiration for this RP?
A: Funny that you should ask! As I'm sure some of you have already noticed, this setting was heavily inspired by various Final Fantasy entries (16 perhaps being the most prominent) as well as Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn and Stormlight Archives.



Character Sheet


Full Name:
Class: (See 'Classes' section)
Rank: (Knight or Squire)


Hair Colour:
Eye Colour:
Body Type:


Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
Brief Personality Description:
Motivations: (What is it that drives your character to action? Power? Friendship? Money? Why is your character motivated by this specifically? How does it tie into their personality and background? This is really important, so take some time to think about it.)


Hometown: (Feel free to make one up! The more you tell me about it, the more I will have to work with. Though do remember that the vast majority of the Crystalline Dominion still consists of wastelands. Only the areas surrounding towns, cities and villages have generally been purified. Additionally, every town, city or village is presided over by a noble family that has the responsibility to maintain the land. It is also possible for them to have come to the Dominion from elsewhere. If that is the case, consider where and what drove them to migrate).
Marital Status:
Other Relationships: (Feel free to make up characters here! Who knows? They may show up somewhere in the story. ^^)

Powers & Abilities

Primary Discipline: (This is based on your class. See the 'classes' section for more info).
Secondary Discipline: (Entierly up to you! I have made suggestions, but feel free to combine your primary class with something else! As for right now, you may only choose one secondary discipline.)
Arcane Abilities Description: (Describe in a fair amount of detail what your character is capable of doing with their abilities. While you do it, consider how your secondary discipline interacts with your primary discipline and class).
Weapons of Choice:
Skills of Note:

Anything else you might want to add!

Last edited:
Reserved for map and locations
Reserved for character list
Reserved for logbook, beastiary and NPC list

Kazamir Grimm
"Memento Mori."

Full Name: Kazamir Morpheus Grimm.
Nickname(s): Kaz, Grimm, Reaper.
Age: 34
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Runemaster.
Rank: Elite Knight.


Hair Colour: Ebony.
Eye Colour: A muted mix between yellow and orange.
Height(cm): 206.
Body Type: Lean and muscular; battle-ready and battle-worn,
Scars: His skin is adorned in several here and there but the most noticeable one is a lengthy scar beneath his chin that stretches almost from ear to ear. It is covered up mostly.
Tattoos/Piercings: He has the name "Arden" written in runes on the inside of his left forearm.


Positive Traits: He is very in control of himself and doesn't let his emotions control his actions. Kazamir is very clear in his resolve and desires. If his loyalty lies with you it is eternal and unwavering.

Negative Traits: His resolve might often be referred to as stubbornness. As much as he is in control of his emotions, he shares very little of them; Notoriously secretive. He appears to have very little respect for life and the subjects he animates.

Brief Personality Description: For those who are acquainted with him on a daily basis, Kazamir will come off as a kind and helpful person. Scratch beneath the surface and some might find it forced or empty. He's prone to laughter and more or less has a smile plastered on his features constantly. Generally seems like a cheerful character, dedicated to his squad. However, truer colors are visible when Grimm grazes a battlefield, making it all too clear that he enjoys snuffing out lights with enthusiasm.

Behind the cheerful mask, there is a nihilistic man who's slowly changing his worldview. If you've already lost everything, does anything matter?

Fears: Being powerless, losing those he has sworn to protect.
Motivations: Power to undo what has been done. As much as Kazamir has started to disconnect from his kin, his desire to gain more knowledge and power has trifolded ever since the passing of his spouse.


Hometown: Draeke - A coastal city, only purged within the last two decades or so. Before that, Kazamir and his parents traveled from town to city.

Marital Status: Widower.

Family: Danica Grimm (mother), Morpheus Grimm (Father) - His mother succumbed to the curse many years ago and he hasn't spoken with his father since he was recruited by the Knight Arcane.
Arden Grimm (spouse - deceased.)

Other Relationships: Arden's parents are still alive but the family had a falling out with Kazamir after discovering that they buried an empty casket.

Background: Kazamir's early life was that of travels, with his parents both being a member of the clergy they had taken on positions of missionaries that led them to travel the Crystalline Dominion to ensure order and deliver their religious doctrine to the masses. Much of his youth was spent like this. When his parents settled in Draeke, Kazamir was already in his teens and the town had barely been purged of the shadows. Yet settle they did, and while not all were susceptible to the teachings of the Dominion, the majority found comfort in their saviors. But the curse was unforgiving and soon Danica felt herself taken by the blight as a terrible sickness hit. While her body remained strong; Her mind did not and eventually she succumbed to the madness. While she turned, Morpheus fell into despair and ultimately Kazamir was left to slay her as the first casualty against the blight that would be the bane of his career forward as a Knight Arcane.

Kazamir excelled fast amongst the knights, and although his methods and combat style had garnered both critics and skeptics, they had also made him known and admired. Amongst those admirers, Kazamir found companionship and romance with his fellow knight Arden Licht - A Radiant with the powers of light and life. The two were inseparable and married no more than a year later after their first encounter to be wed for almost a decade. But as fate would have it, Arden was lost three years ago as Kazamir fell on the battlefield, and on the brink of death Arden poured their life force into him; thus ending Arden and saving Kazamir. The necromancer woke with a changed eye color from emerald to citrine - And with the love of his life dead in his arms.

For a long while Kazamir was a shell of what he once was, blaming himself for the loss of his partner and so he became a recluse - A shut-in. After a failed suicide attempt, his captain dragged him out of his self-enforced solitude, begging him to return to life to which Kazamir slowly has been integrating back into a more social personality.

If Kazamir is still blaming himself, if he's still grief-stricken, if he's still planning on meeting Arden again soon... it is hard to tell.


Primary Discipline: Path of the Enchanter.
Secondary Discipline: Path of the Necromancer.

Arcane Abilities Description: He imbues his weapons with necrotic energy, once struck the rot will start to spread and death eventually becomes you. His entire body is enchanted with necrotic energy and while touching him won't affect you, his presence is felt. He uses the energy within him to drain certain lifeforces and when he disposes of it, he does so by animating the dead. His punches and strikes have a surge of energy behind it, functioning as an extra power boost and sometimes as a shield. He has mastered both his first discipline and secondary discipline. Like most necromancers, he can commune with and manipulate the deceased.

Weapons of Choice: A heavy war scythe in black metal. If not, his bare hands will do (he wears special enchanted gloves for this purpose.)

Skills of Note:
» To wield his top-heavy weapon, Kazamir had to become very physically strong but dexterous and it shows.
» Great analytical skills but he, himself, remains silent.
» He is martially adept, wielding most weapons with prowess but prefers the reaper.
» He spins the reaper into a shield of necrotic energy that saps the life/force out of the incoming blows.


» Surprisingly good at wood carving and making furniture.
» May or may not have kept his spouse's remains.
» Laughs and smiles at inappropriate times, terrible bearer of bad news.

Fighting style (but with necrotic energy instead of lightning)

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  • Love
Reactions: Gladis

Adonis Proteus


Full Name: Adonis Proteus

Nickname(s): Don, Doni, Ade

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Spellslinger

Rank: Knight


Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Deep purple

Height(cm): 167

Body Type: Slender, but with some muscular definition

Scars: Three large claw marks spanning the entirety of his back

Tattoos/Piercings: None as of yet


Positive Traits: Adonis makes it a point to always be very cautious both in the wild and relative safety of civilization. He also tries to keep an eye on people, and his surrounding environment. Adonis is also decently vocal, and will always try to debate and talk through things to get a better outcome.

Negative Traits: As Adonis is a blessed commoner, he is often looked down upon by those higher in the social hierarchy than him. This causes him to have an ego about his social status, and easily takes offense when people look down on him or think he's not as intelligent. This can, and often has caused unnecessary conflicts. He is also not the most socially aware.

Brief Personality: While Adonis is mature, but still has a lot to learn. Overall, he is a kind a very kind person whose opinion is easily turned. It only takes a small slight for him to change his mind about a person and take offense, but will eventually come around. He hasn't had the best experience with people since his coming to the Knights Arcane and isn't always the best in social situations and it shows. He is quick to make smart remarks, but can also read the room and understands tact. Outside of the classroom and put in the wild, Adonis is quite different, and takes a more serious and calculated approach to things. He doesn't like to take chances, and makes safety one of the highest priorities.

: One of the main creatures that decimated his previous village and killed his mother was a large bear shaped creature with incredible claws. Not only did it kill his mother, it created the scars he carries on his back every day.

Motivations: Adonis' home village was lost to the blight when he was still a young teenager. Not only did he lose his hometown and basically everyone he knew, his mother was killed in the process as well. With nothing left, Adonis wants to reclaim his home village to finally put his mother to rest.


Hometown: Draeke - Reznik. Reznik is a border city which fell to the blight a decade ago. The encroaching blight decimated the villages economy, and finally made the land uninhabitable. The surviving villagers were forced further into the kingdom becoming refugees.

Marital Status: Single

Family: Danica Elizabeth Proteus [Mother - deceased]

Other Relationships: Iyo Nadaye [ Female - childhood friend - Unknown ] Fredrik Linius [ Male - childhood friend - Unknown ]


For the vast majority of Adonis' life, it was quiet solitude in the village he was born in with his mother and two best friends. His village, known as Reznik, was on the outskirts of the kingdom near the border between the Dominion and the Blighted Lands so conflict and losing fathers and husbands was not so uncommon. Adonis was always told his father fell to an attack before he was born, and nobody in the village contradicted his story. He spend most of his childhood with Iyo and Fredrik exploring the area around the village, despite the danger of the nearby blight.

Not long after becoming a teenager, he awoke one morning with glowing eyes of bright violet and their veins were pulsing with an ominous dark purple glow. It turned out a crystal had made his way to the village, and Adonis reacted. His mother found him, and told him the truth about his father. Adonis' father was a part of the nobility, and Adonis had been born a bastard. Not willing to shame himself, he distanced himself from his mother before Adonis was born. It wasn't long upon learning this did the Blight encroach on the village for the last time. The attack took his mother and his home and forced him into a refugee. Shortly after this, he was found by the authorities as someone who was blessed, and shoved into The Knights Arcane.

For the next few years, he spent his time as a squire under a fellow Order of the Thunderlord Spellslinger. He learned not only how to survive, but how to use his abilities to thrive in the unforgiving Blighted Lands. Through countless missions and the hardship of years of combat and training, he finally became a Knight of The Knights Arcane. While Adonis hopes to climb the ranks of the Knights and become stronger, his goal in life is to purge Reznik of the Blight, in honor and in memory of his mother.


Primary Discipline: Path of the Thunderlord.

Secondary Discipline: Path of the Watersinger.

Arcane Abilities Description:

Adaptive Lightning Bolts: Can focus or unfocus his lightning bolts to change the their form. Adonis can unfocus his lightning bolts to create a larger and more widespread bolt, but heavily afflicts it's range. On the other side, he can hyper focus a lightning bolt to create a long range precision weapon, but has absolutely no piercing or aoe damage.

Electrical Currents: As a user of both paths of the Thunderlord and Watersinger, Adonis is able to direct lightning through water, extending his reach and utility as he can also control water and it's currents. This can be used on existing bodies of water, or water generated through Adonis' spells showing a high promise for ambush or control tactics.

Chain Lightning: Adonis can gather lightning in his wand and compress it into a ball. After throwing the ball, it decompressses and releases the wild lightning, striking multiple targets on it's way to the initial target. This ability can't be controlled so care is taken to avoid collateral damage.

Lightning Constructs: With the natural ability of the Watersinger Adonis can create water constructs. After this, he can use lightning to change the properties of the construct. Despite their new abilities, they are still quite weak.

Weapons of Choice: A duel set of black wood wands. One of them is adorned with purple Crystals attuned to the Path of the Thunderlord, and the other wand with blue Crystals for the Path of the Watersinger.

Skills of Note:
  • Adonis is a very good cook
  • Adonis has a logistical and cautious mindset, and attempts to be overprepared for adventures
  • He can purify water, making it suitable for drinking or bathing

  • Love
Reactions: Gladis



Eleonora Micelli
"Those who stare at the past have their backs turned to the future."


Full Name:
Eleonora Micelli
Nickname(s): Ellie
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Class: Diviner
Rank: Knight


Hair Colour:
Eye Colour: Gold
Height(cm): 151
Body Type: Stocky
Scars: Some minor scars from training, mainly on the arms.
Tattoos/Piercings: A tattoo of a rosemary flower on the back of her neck.


Positive Traits:
Driven, loyal, friendly, hard working.
Negative Traits: Guarded, deceptive.

Brief Personality Description: She is dedicated to the people she loves and driven to accomplish her goals. She is careful not to make unnecessary enemies and is therefore friendly to pretty much everyone. It can make her seem very open but it's actually the opposite, she doesn't let people in easily and she can be deceptive. While she doesn't tend to lie for no reason she is used to going with the flow, or pretending to, as needed to accomplish her goals and won't correct people when they draw their own (sometimes very wrong) conclusions if it's in her favor to let them do so.

Fears: Losing her loved ones, her sister in particular. Getting a vision of her loved ones being in danger but being too late to help them.

Motivations: Eleonora's adopted family have sent one of their children to the Order of the Crystal to become one of the Knights Arcane for generations and consider it their duty to continue to do so. Unfortunately their eldest daughter, Lucia, is wheelchair bound and when it became clear that Lucia would be unable to ever become a knight they adopted a child that could take up that duty. Lucia and Eleonora grew up together as sisters and are very close. Eleonora doesn't begrudge her adoptive parents sending her to be a knight since chances are she would have ended up there anyway as a blessed commoner but she has no great love for them and rebelled a bit by choosing non-combat related arcane disciplines. She does bear them some gratitude for how they brought her together with Lucia but she also dislikes them for how they treat her sister. They see Lucia as a burden and were very relieved when their second child was born so they could name him heir and wouldn't have to leave the family in her hands. Eleonora's goal is to gather enough clout, allies and information to support her sister's claim to take over the family.


Solaris - a relatively large city presided over by the Micelli family who live in a mansion on the outskirts.

Marital Status: Single

Aureliano Lucian Micelli - adoptive father (55 years old) - lightweaver
Thea Micelli (née Calimeris) - adoptive mother (50 years old) - enchanter
Lucia Rosmarin Micelli - adoptive older sister (28 years old) - lightweaver/mindbender
Benito Aureliano Micelli - adoptive younger brother (13 years old) - lightweaver
Unknown biological family
Other Relationships:
Levi Cohen - tutor - lightweaver/oracle
Sandra Schalk - Lucia's primary caretaker/maid
Auren Volance Farkis - Lucia's betrothed

Eleonora was adopted by the Micelli family when she was 3 years old with the purpose of sending her to the Order of the Crystal and having her become a knight in place of their disabled daughter Lucia. She does not remember anything concrete about her biological parents and has never felt at liberty to ask her adopted parents about them.

Up until she was sent to the Order when she was 12 she grew up together with Lucia. They did everything together, including taking their first steps into the arcane when their parents hired Levi, a former Radiant Elite Knight, to teach them. The Micelli family has produced Radiant knights for generations. Unfortunately Eleonora was much more interested in Levi's secondary discipline, the Path of the Oracle, and he agreed to teach her that instead while Lucia learned lightweaving.

When Eleonora was sent to the Order and later to the Knights Arcane she and Lucia exchanged letters frequently and with her new outside perspective she could see how poorly their parents treated Lucia. They bought her dresses of the finest quality and hired the best tutors for her in every facet of her education, everything that would be expected of a noble family to provide for their daughter but not smidge more. When Eleonora was living with them they were mostly distant but would occasionally make comments that made their disappointment known and they were. When their second child was born shortly after Eleonora was sent away they no longer needed Lucia as an heir and they became more openly condescending and more distant from her. Levi was eventually reassigned to teach her little brother instead as her parents thought she had achieved the bare minimum level of competency expected of her and if she wanted to continue learning she had to find a new teacher on her own.

All this led to Lucia vowing to prove her worth, forcing her parents to acknowledge her and taking over the family while Eleonora vowed to support her in this endeavor by gaining prestige, allies and information to help her sister along the way.


Primary Discipline
: The Path of the Oracle
Secondary Discipline: The Path of the Mindbender

Arcane Abilities Description:
Scrying - She can cast her sight to places and people she's familiar with that are far away to see what is currently happening to them.
Visions - She can get glimpses of possible futures.
Mind reading - She can skim the minds of other people and hear their surface thoughts.
Telepathy - She can talk telepathically with people she can see, she can combine this with her scrying to communicate with people she's familiar with when they're far away.
Empathy - She can feel and influence the emotions of other people.

Weapons of Choice: A short sword and shield.

Skills of Note: While she's not a frontline fighter she was given combat training to prepare her for joining the knights. She is proficient enough to defend herself and knows how to use a sword, shield and daggers.
She can play the violin.

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beautiful stuff!! idk if i should stretch myself any thinner at the moment, but ahhhhhh thsi is gorgeous
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uren Farkis - Dancing Tempest


Full Name:
Auren Volance Farkis
Nickname(s): Aurie
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Stormcaller
Rank: Squire

Hair Colour: Auren has wavy silver hair that is often tousled and drifts in the wind even when the air around him seems still.
Eye Colour: Orange eyes that become more pale when they glow
Height: 186 cm or 6'1"
Body Type: Auren has a lithe dancer's body. He is constantly moving, and he has trouble sitting still. He's incredibly flexible.
Scars: Missing Arm replaced with an ornate magically powered arm,

Tattoos/Piercings: He has an array of ear piercings but often only uses the ones in the lobes now that he is a knight.
Auren has an impeccable posture. He carries himself in such a way that it would be hard to mistake him for anything other than the upper crust of the blessed. He has not had to do a single hard day of labor in his life. His skin has a pristine complexion, his veins glowing orange when he dresses up dripping with the gems that the Farkis family mines and refines. He often wears custom-tailored clothes that embrace some measure of asymmetry. He favors blacks, brass, deep reds, and deep gem tones. He loves sheer fabric or anything with elaborate embroidery or beading. He usually wears one glove longer than the other to disguise the prosthetic portion of his right arm.
The arm has a porcelain shell that has removable panels. Within is a design that accommodates his unique skills with transmutation. It is a mixture of cogs/gears, bimetallic strips, springs, magnets, and vacuum tubes. He subtly and severely changes the properties of each of these components to dexterously manipulate the limb in a manner similar to the one he had lost, with added inhuman flexibility.
Positive Traits: Curious, Charismatic, Flirtatious, Inventive
Negative Traits: Two-faced, Liar, Elitist, Brash, hesitant to be violent, irresponsible, seemingly a poor magician

Brief Personality Description:
Auren has two distinct modes of being. His private life is very quiet. He spends his time with his nose in a book or with massive magnification loops hanging from the same nose as he tinkers with his inventions. He lives alone, without any servants, so his home, the parts he actually lives in, is an organized chaos of tools, alchemical materials, and books.
The other person that Auren becomes is a carefully crafted mask, something that he has shaped carefully over the years. He lets himself slip into it to escape from his own fears and insecurity. He becomes a shameless partying glitterati. He flirts with almost everyone and overindulges in all that parties have to offer. Sobriety is his enemy in social functions. His favorite thing to do is dance or engage in competitive feats of acrobatics.
His lack of responsibility has devolved to such a point that his father chose to pledge him to the order much later in life than usual.

Fears: Being overtaken by the blight. Becoming an outcast, losing his position, Actual genuine connections
Motivations: Auren wishes to circumvent the ill effects his use of the crystals has on his body. Part of him knows that his problems with his abilities are rooted in lies about his true lineage, but there is no place in the world for him if he is not heir to the Farkis family.


Clarglow is a larger, more metropolitan city that the Farkis family plays a hand in protecting. It has a gorgeous, dreamlike architecture that fans out with buildings and streets far above the ground, twisting in on themselves with lush terraced parkways, noble townhouses, and high walls to keep out the horrors of the wastelands beyond. It overlooks a lake that glows with arcane light, illuminating part of the city that overlooks its shores. The city is known for the arts, music, and the crystals it mines. People come from far away to visit its massive festivals. Often, there are noble parties in the parks. Roads wind out from the city to the mines the Farkis family cares for and provides the Crystalline Dominion. Wastrels, prisoners, and indentured work in their mines. The divide between the rich and the poor in Clarglow is oppressive. It is a constant reminder to Auren how much he has to lose.
Auren's personal home is a townhouse overlooking a vast winding park. That snakes down to one of the city's many amphitheaters. He lives there completely alone without any servants attending lavish parties and concerts. Or at least he did until his father pledged him to the knighthood to teach his only son responsibility.
Marital Status: He is currently in an Arranged Betrothal with Lucia Rosmarin Micelli, who is waiting for him to prove himself in the order. He has still yet to become a knight.
Family: The Divine Farkis Family
Father - 58- Volance Farkis - A long-standing head of the Farkis family, and in his time, he was a famed Stormcaller who could make even the calmest skies twist to his will. He is terrifying on the battlefield but has since retired to manage his Noble responsibilities. He expects no less than the same path from his son.
Mother - 51- Calamis Farkis Nee Orlova - The wife of Volance Farkis. She is skilled with embroidery and transmutation. Prior to his death, she worked with Ivis Nerene to create elaborate works of art using malleable metals and crystals. She is protective of her son but can do nothing to soothe Volance's innumerable frustrations with him.
Biological Father - Ivis Nerene -Deceased - Gemologist and Jewler who was overcome by the gems he worked with so closely. He loved Calamis, but her family forbade their union due to their long-standing arrangement with Volance. He died alone and disgraced, overcome by something monstrous.
Sister -Aurilla Farkis -23- The firstborn of the twins and one of the most eligible maidens in the city. She is the epitome of what blessed nobles should be
Sister - Audrey Farkis- 23- Taking after her older brother, Audrey is a bit of a trouble maker.
Sister - Aven Farkis - 19 - Always seen with her friends at her shoulder, Aven is a social butterfly who always has the best gossip to share. She is not terribly fond of the shadow Auren has cast upon her family and her social life.
Pet Luminary Snake - Edgar - 11 - The only other living thing that stays in Auren's Townhouse. His patterned obsidian body glows faintly when he is in the presence of crystals. He is currently under the care of Arilla while he is away.
Other Relationships:
Lucia Rosmarin Micelli -His betrothed and Eldest Daughter of the Micelli family.
Meline Octavia (Mel) - 32- Lesser Noble, who is one of Auren's oldest friends.
Ryu - a long-running friendship? Ryu attended all of his parent's festivals, and Auren did the same for his parents. They've had a mixture of friendly antagonism, usually involving an intoxicated Auren playfully flirting with Ryu. When he lost his arm, he came to Ryu for help, knowing where he could find him at the crowded festival.
Kaz- Auren's Knight He has been working under him for five years. He knew the man before he lost his partner. He is the only one who knows/Suspects his secret. He has an unrequited crush on Kaz, which has led to a mistake that has made things awkward for him.
Auren was born into wealth. it was not just a silver spoon in his mouth but a gem-encrusted one. He looks much like his mother, but they say that some of his stubbornness must come from Volance. He was always dragged to lavish functions held by his parents, and most of his friendships were formed with others who attended them.
He manifested his abilities later than expected. But once he had gained confidence in utilizing the gems, he frequently showed off at parties, using them to perform impossible feats of acrobatics.
When he was 19, he went cliff diving at a luminary festival hosted on the shores of Lake Clarglow. He climbed high atop the city walls and launched himself high into the air. Using the wind to propel himself into something approximating flight as he twisted and pushed himself skyward, enjoying the euphoric freedom it brought him, he felt an itching cold creep up his right arm from his ring finger. He usually wore a massive red crystal ring that looked like a glowing snake. His fingernails split and elongated, a searing pain ripping through him. A rippling of feathers, scales, and monstrous shapes began to coil up his arm, brilliant orange overtaking him. He plummeted into the lake below, out of sight, onlookers completely unaware of his situation. It may have been minutes later, it could have been hours; he emerged from the woods gravely wounded, his arm butchered and missing at the elbow. It was a wonder he was mobile at all. He found his way to Ryu, revealing the mess beneath his water-logged cloak.
After the accident, he sequestered himself in his townhouse, working alone. When he did go out, he was reckless and self-destructive at parties. He earned himself a reputation among the nobility for being a cad with loose morals who couldn't keep himself together to his father's utter embarrassment.
He was forced into the Knighthood five years ago, his father's last attempt to mold Auren into someone worthy of respect. This venture has been a failure. While he is no longer partying he has been a squire exceedingly long. He has yet to prove himself a proper Stormcaller.

Powers & Abilities
Primary Discipline: Path of the Winddancer
Secondary Discipline: The Path of the Transmuter
Arcane Abilities Description:
Auren moves like the wind itself. His feet skirt the ground like a dancer in a grand ball. He honed his primary skills during grand parties, weaving through the crowds ever agile. His abilities are not flashy, but he can knock foes off balance with a sudden gust or run short stints up walls with the aid of a vigorous upward gust. He carries dust and lightweight razor-sharp daggers that he can manipulate into a shape that will catch the wind and create a hailstorm of light armaments.
In a pinch, he can twist the sounds of his instrument into a deafening pitch that can deafen a foe for a short period of time; the problem is the sound can do the same for himself and his friends unless they are covering their ears.
He primarily uses his secondary discipline to manipulate the digits of his prosthetic, aided by the mechanical design to limit the necessity of strenuous spellwork. He prefers working with carefully crafted tools rather than brute forcing his transmutations.
Weapons of Choice: Windswept daggers, Blinding sands, Scimitar, chalumeau
Skills of Note: Can lie without any telling. Swift, graceful movement, Amazing dancer, Plays a chalumeau but likes experimenting with all musical instruments. He has been persuaded to sing in the past, Usually while drunk, because it makes him nervous.
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Ryu Vaylin

Full Name: Ryu Vaylin

Nickname(s): Prefers Ryu

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Class: Liferender

Rank: Knight


Hair Colour: Brown, but with a large swath of white on the right side

Eye Colour: Light Blue

Height(cm): 170

Body Type: Very toned, but slightly underweight

Scars: None

Tattoos/Piercings: Both of his ears are pierced


Positive Traits:
  • Disciplined
  • Loyal
  • Efficient
  • Honest
  • Intelligent

Negative Traits:
  • Has an ego, and thinks he's better than most other people. This is specifically referring towards very minor nobles and commoners
  • Blunt. Ryu is often seen as rude or abrasive, regardless of the validity of what he says
  • Pessimist
  • Stubborn

Brief Personality: Ryu is a complex man. While he is loyal and honest, there are some conditions to that. A good example is he's honest, but completely blunt no matter the context. This is exacerbated when talking to people of commoner descent. He's also loyal, but only to other major noble houses and even then it's a shaky loyalty at best depending on the house. His noble lineage granted him an unfortunate chip on his shoulder and an ego to match. He's pessimistic about life in general, but despite these negative traits there is still some good. He's disciplined and efficient. This especially helps when he's a liferender, an occupation which literally holds life and death in their palms. Ryu is a stickler for details as well. He's also intelligent, allowing Ryu to not only pick up the path of the lifewrought quickly but allowed him to excel in arcane medicine. Lastly, he's very composed and professional from an outset but his mouth constantly contradicts this demeanor.

Fears: Making a mistake that costs a person their life. Since Ryu is a Liferender, losing patients is something that they will have to get used to. There is only so much a person can do, and magic can only achieve so much. Without the right knowledge, or without the correct spell application people die needlessly. Ryu fears making a mistake, and not being a good enough Liferender to save someone.

Motivations: To get better than his mentor. To Ryu, his status among nobles and his status as an advanced Liferender is everything. To have someone better than himself, irritates Ryu to no end and will stop at nothing to be the best Liferender.


Hometown: Lavium - Lavium is a large city set between two extremely large geographical obstacles, making it both a prosperous city but also a formidable strategic location. Most notably, the Vaylin family focuses on producing blessed children. Due to the strategic location of the city and the status of the Vaylin family, children born here typically have an easier time not only training but moving up in the social and military hierarchy.

Marital Status: Single

Family: Theressa Vaylin (Mother - Alive) Kaito Vaylin (Father - Alive)

Other Relationships: Auren (It's complicated - Alive)


When Ryu was born, his parents made sure to bring a crystal into the room to see if he was blessed. It was their dream to have a child blessed by the Crystals. And it was so. Ever since then Ryu had it all. This included but wasn't limited to tutors of all kinds, but the most of those significant was his magic tutor. At first, his parents didn't hire one as they were not sure what he would like to practice. This meant he took normal classes about the details of nobility and commonly learned education such as math and literature, but Ryu became bored and distant. He excelled in a plethora of topics, but it was as if he wasn't there. And if he was there, he surely didn't show it. To help combat this, and his newly found dreadful outlook about everything they took it upon themselves to hire a Liferender to teach him magic.

Ryu assumed that his teacher would be like the others. Plain and boring. They did a good job, but it made life drag on as if it was a grinding hell. At first there was resistance, and even rebellion to the magical tutors teachings but the Liferender was persistent to no end. He wore Ryu down enough to finally teach him something. One spell became two, and Ryu was almost immediately enraptured. He found something he was not only good at, but something he could get even better. It was something enjoyable no less. Despite the medical nature of his spellcasting, he would frequently try to have competitions with his mentor. He would ask this as often as he could, regardless of the fact he never won. Not even once. Ryu has never seen a Liferender as good as him yet. He influenced Ryu to join the Order of the Crystal a year early, where he eventually met Auren. Most notably, he helped Auren during a certain situation when they were much younger, and even though they dont have the best relationship Ryu still has some loyalty towards Auren.


Primary Discipline: Path of the Lifewrought

Secondary Discipline: Path of the Necromancer

Arcane Abilities Description:

Mass Heal: Ryu can heal multiple people at once, granted they are within a few meters. This ability is limited to healing minor injuries and surface wounds.

Restoration: Can heal all manner of injuries. The cost of restoration greatly increases the more severe the injury is or becomes.

Cure: Ryu is able to cure base level poisions, diseases, or illnesses. Due to also training in Path of the Necromancer, this ability can work against necrotic energies.

Plague Touch: Plague touch is the ability to touch someone, inserting necrotic energy into them. This energy spreads inside the body, but can also jump to other enemies via direct contact with the infected. If this is used on the reanimated, the necrotic energy repairs the target.

Weapons of Choice: Large Spear

Skills of Note:
  • Can read and write very proficiently. He used to write short stories in his spare time.
  • Has knowledge of healing outside of the arcane. He is able to find and spot common herbs that can be used as medicine.
  • Good with the spear, but hopeless with other weapons

Miscellaneous Information
  • Despite saying he's good at everything, Ryu can NOT cook for his life. He has tried, and failed numerous times and despite even the guidance nobility can give you he is hopeless.
  • Hates travelling by water, and often gets seasick

I finally came across/read this. Is it still-born?!
I finally came across/read this. Is it still-born?!

Hi there!
Sorry for the late reply. This RP was technically kind of dead-ish, but since I have more time on my hands now, I've decided to give it another shot. Would you still be interested in joining?

On that note, I will be accepting 1 - 3 more players, and then we'll be good, I think.
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