The Lost Soul

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"Oh no," he replied, his voice flat. "Please don't tell me you magicked this food?"
Raine laughed lightly. "Of course not. It's just ordinary food, I'm just good at cooking."
"I will be the judge of that," he replied, not even bothering to put food on his plate, but forked it and brought it straight to his mouth. It was a little hot.
Raine chuckled and shook her head as she started to eat.
He had to breathe from his mouth in order to keep it from burning his tongue.
Raine laughed lightly at seeing this.
"What?" He demanded, eventually just swallowing the bite. "I'm not used to hot food, okay?"
Raine tilted her head. "What do you mean? You never got hot food?"
He shrugged. "Dunno. All I know is that I'm not used to putting hot food in my mouth."
Raine frowned a little. "Maybe you were super poor before."
He took another bite, fully chewing this one before replying, "I wasn't."
Raine's head tilted further. "You know that for a fact?"
He nodded, putting more food in his mouth.
Raine hummed, eating slowly. "I see."
He remained quiet, and he kept eating.
Raine ate slowly.
He finished a lot faster than she did. "You're slow."
Raine chuckled. "Yup."
He put his head on his fisted hand as he watched her. "Got any plans for today, witch?"
Raine shook her head. "Not really, no."