The Lost Soul

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He sighed, slowly laying back down. He had his back to where she last was. He put his arm under the pillow again and just…stared into the darkness for a little. He thought she was so full of it. She probably needed sleep more than he did.
Once he settled down, and Raine thought he might have fallen asleep, she lay down next to him.
This surprised him even more, but he didn't move. His head hurt too much for him to comment on it, but…he didn't really want her to move, either. He might mention it in the morning, depending on how he felt. For now, he just tried to go back to sleep.
After a while, soft breathing was heard from Raine. She had fallen asleep.
Eventually, he fell asleep as well. This time, there were no dreams. Well, no memory-dreams.
There was the sounds of birds, but no light. It wasn't until a loud meow was heard that Raine stirred.
He groaned, flinging an arm over his eyes despite the lack of light. "Five more minutes," he grumbled.
Raine yawned and sat up, waving her hand so the candles lit.
Despite having his arm over his eyes, he seemed to notice the shift in light. "...That's a no to the five more minutes, then?"
Raine yawned again. "You can keep sleeping, I'm hungry though." She got up, groaning as she did so.
"Nope. Can't. I'm up now. How'd the floor treat you?"
Raine huffed. "Awful. Did you get some sleep after your sudden wake up?"
"I…yeah. Did you get any sleep after I suddenly woke you up?"
Raine nodded. "I did."
He sat up, raising his eyebrows, acting surprised. "You did?"
Raine nodded. "I guess so."
"Huh. Was it a good sleep?"
Raine shrugged. "I feel rested, so it was alright I suppose."
"You know," he said as he stood and stretched, his shirt lifting to reveal a sliver of skin before his back popped, and he stopped stretching. "For not having slept as good as you claim to have last night, you sure are downplaying it."
Raine raised an eyebrow. "What is that supposed to mean?"