ALWAYS OPEN The Only Way To Go Is Up ~ Story Proper~

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"Name's Blitz! Nice to meet'cha. I'm shit-tastic by the way, thanks for asking. Don't know what a yo-kai is but it sounds like something I'd probably f@!# if it had two legs. Aaaaand, you wouldn't by any chance have something to eat, wouldja? Getting my world ended really worked up a doozy of an appetite."

Burt managed a small, awkward smile, simply letting Retsujo into the cuddle. At least the situation calmed down, he thought. "My pleasure, I guess," he uttered, in response to Shujinko's remark of his sister taking a liking of Burt. As Shujinko's focus turned to the demon, Burt simply observed further around while he's awkwardly caught in the arms of the boy's sister. "There sure are a number of us here. I wonder who brought us in or what it needs from us," he muttered aimlessly, more like a thought materialized to words.


  • "Sorry, don't got any on me nor my sister. I hope you don't mind starving to death until we find something that is remotely edible." Shujinko answered Blitz' question before turning to the others, some have already awakened while the others have yet to open their eyes and see the new world around them. "I think it's time we start moving, look for clues and maybe a way out. With this many of us, I think the wisest thing is to split into groups to cover more ground. From the looks of it, this place is vast, full of paths that could lead us to basically anywhere. Retsujo, would you-"

    *bang!* *bang!* *bang!*


    *bang!* *bang!*


    *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!* *bang!*

    From completely out of nowhere, Retsujo started blasting her gun towards the sky as a way both wake the others up and get their attention. Shujinko was taken aback by this. "There, I think we woke the others up and got our attention." Retsujo said with a bit of a sly smile on her face. "I didn't ask you to fire your gun wildly you dumbass!" Shujinko angrily spoke. "But the last I've done it, we got the attention that we wanted, right?" Retsujo asked as she tried to defend herself. "Yeah, you did, FROM THE COPS!" Shujinko yelled "And that's because you had to report a robbery at that time!"

    "But at least I've told them that it was the robbers and not me, I had my gun completely concealed." Retsujo replied, but Shujinko wasn't having all of it. Looks like they'll have some explaining to do once the other have caught on with the stupidity that Retsujo caused.

    @Gotham Knight Todd

  • Exploration

    --Nahida || Jax--
    Interaction: @SorryTM @Ori
    The path slowly became more lush and green as the pair moved along the northern path. Though the mossy green walls and the marble floors remained an integral part of the architecture–there's just more grass and fauna growing among them. Roots begin to peek out of the marble the more they traveled through it, as if they're reaching the place which a large tree or the like would've grown. Though the leaves that grew out of these roots weren't ordinary, as the green came in a myriad of colors instead. Hard and sharp like shards of glass. Luckily, the grass wasn't as hard.

    Looking up the skies for a hint of Celestia or any celestial object, they would find that the sky instead had an eerie aurora that covered the entire sky like a blanket. It had cubes as stars, circling around them like the eye of a hurricane. What a strange phenomena.

    However, that wasn't the strangest thing that occurred in this place. Suddenly, from the cracks of one of the marble, thick black smoke began to spew out; the smoke began to grow eyes as it began to shape and form, turning into liquid as it began to take solid form. There were 3 of them. One was a rather imposing looking lion automaton with a spiked wheel for a body, the other was a mass of thick, black slime with eyes all over it, and the last one was a bird with an eye in it's abdomen carrying a burning lantern.

    They're blocking the way, slowly encroaching on our heroes.
    Total Enemy Count: 3

    - -{[Racing Leo]} - -
    HP: 5
    Enemy Count: 1

    - -{[Incomplete Soul]} - -
    HP: 3
    Enemy Count: 1

    - -{[Nightlight Raven]} - -
    HP: 3
    Enemy Count: 1

  • --{[Ruby Rose]}--
    Interaction: @Topless (Yuri Yaoi) @Midle1998 ("Rust" The Rusted Knight) @NyxieRina (Poco) @SorryTM (Childe) @Kirie98 (Jeanne d'Arc) @Foxes81_of_Anime (Mono)

    "Yuri Yaoi…Hehe. What a funny sounding name." Ruby let out an innocent sounding giggle as she spoke the maid's name aloud. It sounded rather silly to her, especially due to it being in some comics she'd read during her time at Signal. The same goes with Childe's name, but what's stranger is the fact that their names aren't exactly color based. The same held true with Poco and the others. Soon, a knight with a broken sword and rusted armor approached her and introduced himself as The Rusted Knight. Looking at the emblem on his shield, Ruby couldn't help but feel a sense of deja vu when it came to him. But she can't figure out why. "Nice to meet you, Sir Knight? Rust? May I call you Rust?" Ruby couldn't figure out what to call this Rusted Knight, knowing his title is a wee bit too much of a mouthful. Though it's safe to say that she didn't recognize Jaune in this state–since she hadn't met him before. He can tell that she's a bit worried about his safety due to the state of his equipment, but Ruby can't deny the air of an experienced Veteran. It was probably more than a coincidence that they're both assigned to the same exploration team by Childe.

    "I don't know how much of this place has Grim, but let's do our best, Poco! Rust!" Ruby beamed, attempting to boost morale. Especially Jaune's somewhat low morale, something she noticed when he introduced himself to her. She doesn't know why he looked at her that way, but even she can tell something's on his mind.

    The paths leading East and South were ones paved with stone roads instead of simply dug dirt, thankfully. As it meant they don't have to thread on any more roses. Though one concern was raised against splitting up, proving how difficult it might be to rendezvous unless it's all the way back to the corner.

    "We'll figure something out." Ruby said quite confidently, "I mean, the two teams might meet up along the way, so there shouldn't be a problem then. Right?" Now it's just borderline naive.

  • --{[Aijo Kiirome]}--
    Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd (Josuke) @FactionParadox (Saburo) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Ben, Prometheus) @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @Kirie98 @shinku @Goonfire

    "How sweet." Aijo couldn't help but comment as Josuke reassured his boyfriend. It reminded her that she doesn't have a lover herself, but it's still a sweet sentiment that one could put into song. They say that some Northern Lights brought them here and knocked them out. Aijo couldn't tell herself, but the same thing probably happened to her. Her vision turned into a mess right before getting conked out after all. She couldn't really see, so she doesn't really know what the northern lights look like.

    "I'm Aijo. Kiirome Aijo. I'm a music producer for an American Record company in California." Aijo introduced herself, taking out what seems to be a well made business card with her name on it–with a portion of it written in braille. "I'd love to, Higashikata, Katagiri." Aijo nodded at the proposal of becoming a traveling companion. She needs all the help she can get. After all, there might be some things even her [YELLOW] couldn't let her see. Though before any more progress were made.

    "...!!!" An echoing volley of bullets rang across the heavens, causing Aijo to flinch and cover her ears in pain as it went on and on and on. Her vision was now all orange after it ended, directing her sight to the source that was a young lady, no older than 17 from the looks of it. Her ears still ringing from the bullets, she stood up wobbling, disoriented by the loud and rapid cluster of noises. "A-are we in danger?" She asked, her 'vision' slowly returning to normal as she spoke.

    Ben would discover that there are two paths available to them. One leading west, the other south.

  • --{[Ben Tennyson]}--
    Interaction: @NyxieRina (Flora) @Crow (Green Ben) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Greener Ben) @Kirie98 (Misaka) @Goonfire (Veso-R) @PolikShadowbliss (Cpt. Jack Sparrow) @Ori (Teruzi) @Bixir (Samus)

    "Some kinda alien world, probably." The Pink Ben deduced, looking over at the stone field ruins the trio woke up on. "If we could find some of the locals, maybe we can figure out what exactly this is…Well, as long as they're not hostile, that is." He says, right before their discussion was interrupted by what looks to be a large, majestic red lizard with a feather like headdress with twintail antennae along with wheel-like lumps on its chest and maybe its tail walking into the group and began sniffing the Greener Ben. Just as he was about to ask whose dog it was, a young girl approached them with the lizard. Clad in an orange sweatshirt, patterned shorts and gloves. She was roughly their age, a few years younger than him but a year younger than the other bens for sure.

    "We're figuring it out. Sort of." The Pink Ben explained, "All I remember was a flash of light then suddenly, I'm here." He recounted, turning to the other Bens. "How about you two?" He asked, wondering if they share the experiences. As he did, The Pink Ben noticed the face of his watch flashing green for a bit, as if registering some unknown DNA into its own database. He glanced down at his Omnitrix, figuring that whatever this doggo is has got to be an intelligent alien; one way or another.

    I, the writer, neglected to say this before, but there are two paths that can be explored; a totally useless archway with no walls leading north, and another leading east. So go ham if you wanna explore.

    • Combat

      As the cubes' sides began to spin more and more, the Masked Rider leapt towards the one in front of him with a balled up fist, kicking up the stray leaves as his foot propelled him towards one of them in a sudden burst of speed, and throwing the punch with its momentum. When it landed, the cube was thrown back, knocking off a few of its pieces and exposing its mushy, gassy core that leaked smoke as it bumped against its comrade. Upon landing, he wasted no time to return to position, performing a backflip right as the other two Cubes seemed to focus on Rider, attempting to grind him with its rapidly spinning sides like a buzzsaw.

      "What are these, some kinda wild brain in a cube?" Hayato deduced, landing back to the initial position and sustaining a jagged scraping cut on his left leg, caught by one of the spinning cubes as he was leaping back. His pant leg nearly being ripped apart cuz of it. "It's made out of rocks, but it has a mushy interior–it's like a freaky spinning oyster!" As he got back up to adjust his wrist, the cube at the back of the formation began to slide its cubes to the sides, like opening a set of subway doors and unveiling a ball of condensed gas with lips. It began to mutter softly to itself as the sky suddenly darkened–and from it, large bolts of lightning began to fall towards both our combatants–as well as the bushes where Touma and Richie are!

      Fortunately, the lightning missed Richie, though.

      Kirby would rush north and would find himself turning a corner, with Dedede behind him, the puffball duo will find the commotion happening in the distance involving four cubes, two men, a hiding writer, and one kid.

      Enemies Left: 4

      - -{[TOWER GENE A]} - -

      HP: [X][O][O]

      - -{[TOWER GENE B]} - -

      HP: [O][O][O]

      - -{[TOWER GENE C]} - -

      HP: [O][O][O]

      - -{[TOWER GENE D]} - -

      HP: [O][O][O]

    • Exploration

      Interaction: @noob13241
      (background color is primary color)
      The chest's lid was surprisingly loose, prompting Ken to fall off of the chest as it opened. After recovering from his fall, the dog child would discover what's inside of the chest was a small hand of golden cards with a symbol of a gray fist on them. Ken could feel dormant magic within those cards, waiting to be triggered by someone capable of activating them.

      >KEN received 5x Hitto Spellcards

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Reactions: Sun_Lord

  • Poco
    Interaction: @SorryTM (Childe), @ThePotatoGod (Ruby), @Midle1998 (Rust)

    Poco's permanent grin turned sheepish as he held out his hands in apology to Childe. That wasn't what he meant regarding Yuri, but saying it like that... yeah he wasn't thinking all that straight.

    He could sense the somberness from 'Rust' concerning Ruby, but he didn't comment on it. Perhaps the man behind the suit was tired or in mourning. It wasn't his place to judge. Though it was his place to help boost morale.

    "Right with you, Ruby." Poco cheered. "There's always a bright spot in every situation, I'm sure we'll find it. And if not? We can make and find our own light in the dark." He strummed a few happy-sounding chords on his guitar as an extra flourish and wish for hope.

    "If we had a way to communicate between us it could work." He mused out loud. "But I don't have a phone or anything for long-distance communication." He said. As the others would talk about a solution, he continued to play on his guitar. He wasn't playing any song in particular, just filling the dead air with some soulful guitar tunes.

  • Trainer Flora
    Interaction: @ThePotatoGod (Ben Pink), @Crow (Ben Green), @LuckycoolHawk9 (Ben Grass)

    "That... sounds nicer than what happened to me..."
    Flora looked down. "I was with my friends when the light appeared. It took them. I thought they were gone. I couldn't save them. I tried to run away with Meatball but we weren't fast enough and-" She gasped, trying to control her emotions before she started crying again. "But, I'm here. I'm still here. Me and Meatball and all my other Pokemon are still here and standing, so that must mean that it isn't too bad?" She rambled, which surprised even her. But maybe the stress of everything was catching up to her.

    She paused. "Ah, I think I forgot something." She toyed with her side ponytail for some comfort. "My name is Flora Escarlatta, I'm a student at Naranja Academy in Paldea. My Pokemon over there is Meatball. He's a Koraidon, and one of my closest team members." She introduced herself and her partner. A small part of her hoped that any of them would recognize the name of the school or the region, given how prestigious it was. She... wasn't sure what she'd do if nobody knew where she was coming from.

    "Kor?" [Yes?] Meatball looked up on hearing his nickname. Seeing that he wasn't being called, he did his version of a shrug. He then inspected the other green boy. His trainer seemed to be doing her own inspection of the pink one, so he didn't feel the need to check on that one.

  • King Dedede
    Interaction: @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kirby), @ThePotatoGod (Hayato), @Gotham Knight Todd (Jason and Richie Todd), @Mr_Meekins

    King Dedede chased Kirby through the weird forest. It wasn't hard to see him, since his bright pink stood out like a sore thumb, but he was ridiculously fast and nimble for his small size. Which was totally unfair to Dedede. He had the bigger stride, he should have overtaken the puff by now! This was just like their Gourmet Races, but instead of grabbing snacks through a brightly lit race track, it was just plain chasing through a creepy forest.

    But as they turned the corner, Dedede would find himself in a new weird level of creepy.

    There was a bunch of humans that vaguely looked like the humans from the place he woke up at. He couldn't really tell since some humans just kinda blend into one another's looks and he wasn't paying attention- but that wasn't the point. The REAL freaky stuff was whatever the heck they were fighting. It looked like the amalgam child of a Boxy, a Kissy, Marx, and Miracle Matter.

    Hm. That thought just made it worse!

    Those things seemed really aggressive, hurling all those lightning bolts and even firing off into that random bush! Hold on, was that a kid down there?!

    That settled it.

    It was intimidating. But at the same time, he felt like he needed to help. It was four against two, and he and Kirbs can help even the odds. He was a hero too! Plus, if he tried to help, maybe he can recruit these fellas into working with him to figure out what the heck happened around here.

    "Looks like we're gonna have ta fight Kirby." He commented jovially, to lighten up some of the tension he was feeling. He reached into his hammerspace and pulled out his spare hammer. Normally at this distance, he'd pull out his Gordos and bat them all like tennis balls, but he didn't feel like eating spiked ball today with all that spinning so hammer it was.

    He threw the hammer as hard as he could, hoping to bean one of the cubes in one of its many eyes.
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Reactions: Sun_Lord

  • It's the familiarity of danger that keeps the novelist from panicking, merely watching the fight as his mind works by habit, trying to find some semblance of sense out of everything in his way.

    What drags him out of that caution, however, is one sight many are...woefully familiar with in stories. A child in danger. The man's senses would always be as sharp as ever, and while he's not, particularly in danger of dodging the lightning, the fact that the kid is being aimed at is enough to throw him into action.

    Instincts kick in as both a hero and once a father rushes to the side of the kid. An arm would be grabbed, and the boy would find himself beneath a loose coat.
    Much to many's luck though, Touma would find the lightning missing its mark...and he'd feel a little embarrassed at his unneeded action. Lifting his coat that he tossed over Rickie as an immediate shield (He is also shielding the kid, he just put the coat over just in case he's too late to pull himself over), Touma tries to shoo the kid off.

    "Go back around the bend, they can't break the trees." A guess, but one backed by his experience and the distinct lack of burned/shattered glass in the area. A sign that if they're this trigger happy and lacking debris of trees, then they can't do so. He hopes so at least, but it's better than here.

    Once/if the kid gets going, Touma will follow him for a bit and look a bit for danger around that area before he makes his return. (He'd ask if Richie wants him to stay, but I'm assuming that question is gonna be met with an "I'm fine" and caution against him. He wouldn't force it)
    He dislikes leaving the kid alone unattended, but he can't just leave the battlefield, even as a noncombatent.
    Participants: @ThePotatoGod @Gotham Knight Todd @Mr_Meekins @NyxieRina @LuckycoolHawk9

  • It's a brief glance at the cards that Ken squints at the surprisingly sparse info he could glean from them.

    Regardless, his work here is done, and so he backtracks round to the earlier crossroad and makes his way north.
  • }
    The gun shots ringing out left a ringing I. Josuke's own ears. Great, so stand users where not the only potential threat in this hellish place. Gun fire, that could only mean that there was some sort of threat not even he could understand. He hadn't even really had a chance to answer the kind man who had spoken to them, safety in numbers, and four was definitely a greater number than two. He needed to try and keep their group this much closer together now, because who knew what the person firing the gun was thinking, or feeling.

    "That is quite the interesting Job Aijo, you will have to tell me all about it later." He gave Saburo a reassuring hand squeeze before standing up and turning to the other man. He seemed older than them by a few years at the very least. How interesting, he could definitely deal with what was happening though. It was a relief to know that maybe he would have at least three people to help him with decision making here. At least he hoped Aijo would help when she managed to pull herself back together. He had to hold onto that hope.

    "It seems we have two potential paths out of here." Josuke spoke having seen both from the corners of his eye as he stood up to try and get a better look at the situation. "One path will take us to the west. The other seems to head further south, whichever way we go, the four of us should stick together as best we can. Whatever is going on in this place is definitely not safe. Meaning we need to work together, and based on those sounds from earlier, we need to work together to even have a chance of surviving."

    He looked between everyone. "I know this is scary, but we should all try and focus on what is happening. And what way we go. I say the only fair way to determine which way we are heading is a democratic vote. Who's with me?" Josuke looked to the older man that was there, hoping he would back him up. The young man did not know if he could take being the leader of this little group. He had barely survived having to lead the Hagishikatas and Yasuho through the problems with the rock humans. He could not shoulder that alone again.

    Interactions @LuckycoolHawk9, @ThePotatoGod & @FactionParadox

  • "RICHIE MOVE!!" Jason barely managed to shout before the lighting came down. He was relieved that two things happened then, one, a gentleman used his cloak as a way to try and guard Richie from the lighting that had just come on down and struck. Two, the lighting had just barely missed its target. Now, Jason was steaming pissed. He would be having his revenge on these monsters, and with absolutely no mercy in his heart as he prepared to slaughter them with his own rain of bullets.

    However, first things would come first. He had to get Richie the fuck out of there. "Do what the nice man said! Get back around the bend! Don't come back until I tell you it is safe too! That is a direct order!" Jason barked from under his Redhood too the boy. This was not the way he wanted this to go, but he would have to trust that this stranger had no ill intentions for his son. Needless to say if that wound up not being true, the man would die a horrible and painful death. "Run Richie! Run!"

    "Yes daddy!" With that, the boy not needing to be told twice, took his bear, his sippy cup, and then made a mad dash for the around the bend where he would be safe from the scary monster attack.

    Jason now turned to the monsters. "You will really regret trying to harm my son." He assured them and cocked his guns now. "Get ready to taste led. It is the only thing you will be able to when I finish!" With that, Jason pulled off quite the feet, he jumped backwards and twirled some in the air as he pulled his triggers and started to fire, bullets leaving at an extraordinary pace from the guns.

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @noob13241 @LuckycoolHawk9 @NyxieRina & @Mr_Meekins
  • Love
Reactions: Sun_Lord

  • Aya woke abruptly to a commotion nearby and what she believed was gunfire far in the distance. Last she recalled, she had just went home, escorted by Daniel and Maeda in the early morning of December 30th. The Ultimate Being had died in the naval cruiser explosion, and the ordeal was over... but life had a funny way of throwing people into a new situation without giving them a moment to breathe.

    Aya rose to her feet and followed the noise—loud impacts, shouting, and crackling electricity—until she found a group of people... and cartoonish creatures? It felt like a fever dream, but there she was, in the midst of it all. They were under attack by monsters that reminded her of those doodles of 'biblically-accurate angels'—eyes all over their surface, a strange artificial element to them, reminiscent of a Rubik's cube. "What the..." she started before drawing her handgun to defend the threatened civilians and child.

    Even with an assassin soaring through the air with his guns blazing in an acrobatic marvel, Aya didn't miss a beat. "POLICE! GET DOWN!" The detective took aim and fired two shots into the damaged cube, aiming for its exposed internals. With the wounded man in her peripheral vision, she felt her body temperature rising quickly. Her mitochondria... What were they trying to tell her?

    @ThePotatoGod @noob13241 @Sun_Lord @Gotham Knight Todd @PolikShadowbliss @Mr_Meekins @LuckycoolHawk9 @NyxieRina

  • "Sorry, Leon. Hand it over." Ada pointed the loaded gun at the back of the Secret Service agent's head.

    "Ada... You do know what this is," he stressed as he put his hands up, the dominant Plaga's vial in one of them.

    Ada plucked the container from between his fingers and audibly hummed in acknowledgement. She then took off sprinting and dove over the edge. The helicopter was waiting by the foot of the cliff mere feet below. Before she could board the chopper, bright lights filled the skies and the rock on which she landed tore like tissue paper. She opened her mouth in breathless agony before everything went dark.

    Ada sat up to loud gunfire what felt like seconds later. She was in a forest with a handful of raucous characters in colorful regalia. She didn't remember her ass hitting the ground, or having the rifle at her side. Glancing around, the sample was nowhere to be found... but there were a couple of loudmouths bickering, one holding the smoking guns that made all that damned noise.


    A single shot hit the ground between the two. A trail of smoke drifted from Ada's pistol. "Is there any danger of you two shutting up?" she reprimanded them while rising and donning her sunglasses. "You know, when you wake up in a strange place, the first step is to listen and scout for threats, not to bring all of them to you at once." Her tone was stern, yet carried a hint of sophistication. The vibrant red dot of her laser sight drifted back and forth between Retsujo and Shujinko.

    @ThePotatoGod @Gotham Knight Todd @FactionParadox @Foxes81_of_Anime @Ori @Topless @Kirie98 @shinku @LuckycoolHawk9

  • "Fleet control... Firing sync reengaged. Authorization: Corpus Tech First Class Veso-R. Take your shot. For Profit!"

    Veso stared at the Sentient Murex ship that floated mere meters in front of his Corpus battleship. The cannon in front of him charged up for a killing shot... one that would destroy him and the Murex altogether. The bright blue energy suddenly took on a variegated appearance. No... It was the space around them! This wasn't the Tenno; their Citrine warframes couldn't operate in this environment, nor did they have this kind of range.

    The cannon fired, but as the fireball erupted from the exploding Murex, he felt himself being pulled through the windshield of the ship, the vacuum of space, and the very fabric of reality, all at once. Then, darkness.

    Veso found himself in a bush when he awoke. 'Eugh... Nature!' he thought as he bolted up and picked the twigs and leaves out of his suit. He hummed, his eye catching a glint of something just next to where he was lying. "A shield osprey? The Void giveth...!" he said aloud, still comically ignorant of the creeps and crusaders right by him. That was when he turned around and shuddered. Three of one man, all slightly varied in age and outfit, and quite chatty. "Uhhh... UHHH...!" was all he could manage in his shocked state. They and a few of the younger characters reminded him vaguely of the Tenno. Were they going to vaporize him with their hoodoo powers...?

    @ThePotatoGod @Crow @LuckycoolHawk9 @Foxes81_of_Anime @NyxieRina @Kirie98 @PolikShadowbliss @dark @Ori @Bixir

  • It seems like everyone is still trying to gather their bearings. However, a look of bewilderment hit her as she saw a large, red lizard among the group. Its design reminded her of that monster-catching game. Those monsters usually had some sort of special ability. She wondered if it breathed fire, given the bright red on its scales.

    As she stood around, she noted the two open paths leading north and another heading towards the east. Maybe before the group moves ahead, she can do a little recon. Closing her eyes, Misaka began to focus, sending out electromagnetic waves outward to both directions. It's a bit too open, but it can give them an early-warning on one path if she detects movement.

    Misaka - #54ACD2

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Reverser
    @Goonfire as Veso-R
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
    @PolikShadowbliss as Cpt. Jack Sparrow
    @dark as Dante Alighieri
    @Ori as Teruzi
    @Bixir as Samus Aran

  • "Hah.."

    Well, this was quite a lively bunch. He's not even sure what to say. Should he even butt in? They're getting quite rowd- holy shit, is that a gun? And it looks like a custom one too. Should he do something about it? Do guns even work on devils? He remembered some series where guns were supplied with anti-supernatural bullets, but that was only within their world. The rules and natures change from world to world.

    Thinking on that, how effective is his magic here? He hasn't tested it yet either.

    Instinctively, Rudeus covered his ears as soon as he spied the girl of the duo raise her gun, and begin shooting off into the sky. His mouth hung slightly ajar in disappointing bewilderment at her choice of action. Wow. Brilliant. Wonderful. Does she even have any concern for the fact that she may end up hitting someone, or something. What if she ends up pissing off a giant monster not too far from here. Oh, the hot chick in the red dress is up, and she has a gun too.

    Welp, time to do something about the situation, before it gets worse. Raising his staff, he began to materialize two small balls of water. It doesn't need to be too strong, since he's not trying to destroy their guns, just strong enough to knock them out of their hands. Within half a minute of conjuring them, he launched both, aiming them at the two drawn handguns to wrest them from their owner's hands. Looks like his magic works fine without issue.

    "Alright! Everyone, listen up! Let's be friends, okay?" Rudeus calls out. Being a mediator wasn't his specialty, but it didn't seem like anyone here was capable of acting fast enough to prevent conflict. "I'm not sure how we all got here, but let's not start doing the irrational. How about we try to find a way out, like the Sailor guy is suggesting?"

    Rudeus - #E25041

    @ThePotatoGod as Aijo Kiirome
    @Gotham Knight Todd as Josuke Higashikata
    @FactionParadox as Saburo Katagiri
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Jin
    @Ori as Blitzo
    @Goonfire as Ada Wong
    @Topless as Shujinko and Resujou Kanou
    @Kirie98 as Rudeus Greyrat
    @shinku as Burt Vaughn, 'The White Devil'
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben, The Prometheus

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    Just as Leonidas felt he would lead the charge to the left, the girls looked at him funny. "My name is Leonidas, yes but I don't know what a "Holy Grail war" or a "Counter Force.". Instead, I fight in a tournament for the humans against many Gods. I was just about to fight Apollo too.

    "But my fight remains the same. I still fought the Persian army with 300 Spartans, yes."

    "Malenia, huh? Looks like you are capable of fighting yourself, I'll gladly have you along my side for fighting.

    The strange small woman looked like she was forced on this ride. "I'm sure all of us can fight in some degree."

    @dark (Leonidas)
    @Crow (Wizard)
    @Havoccultist (Malenia)
    (Group heading left)



    [USER=31589]@Topless[/USER] (Yoai Yaoi)
    @Midle1998 (Rusted Knight)
    @ThePotatoGod (GM)

    (Maybe going left?)

  • View attachment 249488

    Not only was those three Bens confusing but in different colors, they knew each other.
    "Excuse me, Bens, but should we get moving now?)

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The pain in his head was waning, thank god. Felt like a construction crew was trying to dig out his hypothalamus with a jackhammer... Feeling his partner's warm hand on his face, he took it with his own and sighed. No matter where they'd gone, at least they were still together. If only Yasuho was here, she'd know what to do. She was clever, but they'd just have to make the best of it, wouldn't they? Dusting off his dark blue top, he looked around.

"It doesn't fit with what we know of Wonder of You's ability, no. Based on my look around the area, I think we've been transported somewhere. Not sure why, or by whom, or for what purpose, but something intended to bring us here." Saburo nodded, looking around and jumping. "Gravity's Earth Standard, or there about. No real way to tell how much time has passed between our abduction and our regaining consciousness." He mused.

"Thank you for the assurance that he was okay. As for your question, I am sorry to say that I do not know where we are. We just woke up here after some sort of Northern Lightsesque attack on us. I am Hagishikata Josuke. This is my boyfriend Katagiri Saburo. We were in Morioh Japan at the summer festival, taking a break from our college studies to have a little fun and enjoy the sun and company of our fellow citizens. Then poof, here we are." He offered a hand out to the person who had been helping them.

"Josuke's report is accurate. We have no idea why we'd have been transported to this place. The ability he mentioned is from an enemy we defeated a couple months ago, I highly doubt it's him or anyone else. It is good to meet you, though." He promised, offering a hand to Aijo and one of his warmer smiles now that he knew Josuke was safe, for the time being at least. Aijo gave him a familiar feeling, was she... Another Stand User? If she was, then it'd explain why here. They were drawn to each other, which would imply fate existed in this place too. Noticing something, he touched his glasses and used them to zoom in, their properties altered by his own Stand as he crouched over them, revealing boot prints. "Man Friday, would you believe?" He asked Josuke.

"I think we should stick together, until- Saburo's words were deafened by gunshots overhead, turning to them. "What the hell do you think you're doing, you damned fools?!" He shouted in a stern and sharp tone, angry. "We've no idea about this place, are you trying to get yourselves killed!" Saburo snapped angrily, rainbow stand energy rippling around him as a humanoid figure, blurry and not entirely coherent appeared, his ability manifesting in response to his anger. "Apologies, my dear." He told Aijo quickly, turning to her. "My temper got the better of me. Due to an ability of mine, my glasses are somewhat enhanced. Down this southern path, I've detected human life signals. I'm willing to lead an expedition down it to find them, they might know more about this place and what's going on than we do. Might be native to wherever this is and know how brought us here, that kind of thing." He explained, his free hand playing with the lapel of his red velvet jacket.

"I agree with Josuke on the vote about a leader. If I do lead a separate expedition, Josuke and I do have a way of maintaining contact." His Stand then manifested fully, a woman with a heart-shaped helmet covering her eyes, she appeared to be made entirely from segmented mirrors as light played across her form, more of that rainbow energy building up as Alice Through The Looking Glass grabbed Saburo's iPhone and Josuke. "Magia!" She declared, the rainbow energy entering the phones as they beeped, making a dial tone as text appeared on screen:

[Sub-Stand Ability Activated - Touch-Tone Telephone]

"Now, even if this world prohibits or deactivates normal cellular communication, my phone and Josuke's are now linked and should be able to call. text, even video chat. If we form into two groups, we might be able to cover more ground more quickly."

@Gotham Knight Todd @Topless @ThePotatoGod

  • It looks like some people were fast awake from the gunshots fired from Retsujo's gun. The woman in red in particular shot a bullet between the siblings and has her sight switching back and forth between the two. Shujinko really wanted to diffuse the situation, but Retsujo was more focused on the gun she has. "Sorry about that. You see, I was just going to ask my sister if she would allow me to wake the others up, but her impulsiveness got the better of her and for that, I do apologize." He said with a bow. On the other hand, Retsujo said "Nice gun you have there. Must be worth thousands for it, customized too. But mine is better; you see I've built this myself. What's special about is that it can-"

    But before she could go on further, a young mage threw water balls onto the gunslingers' hands, knocking both of their guns off their hands. "Hey!" Retsujo yelled "What was that for?! It's not like we're about to go on a shootout!" Shujinko grabbed her shoulder and said "Enough. Now, let me do the talking from here on out. He's right though; we need to find our way out of here and the best course of action is indeed split up." He looked at the gathered group and said to them "Before we move out, I believe introductions are an order first so we can get to know each other. I'll start; my name is Shujinko Kanou, and this is my sister Retsujo Kanou." He turned to his side, only to find that his sister was no longer there.

    "Holy shit! A ghost!" Retsujo yelled as she pointed out Saburo's Stand manifested. Shujinko doesn't care about, seeing it as another "Ghost Liner" as he went over to his sister and grabbed her by the ear. "Ow! What the fuck?!" Retsujo angrily yelled as she felt the pain of having her ear pinched and stretched. "Don't you walk off like that. I don't know where in the world would you end up in if you disappeared." Shujinko told. "Alright fine! Just let go of my ear already!" Retsujo pleaded and Shujinko complied.

    "Now then, shall we continue with the introductions?" He asked everybody.

    @Gotham Knight Todd
Interaction: @ThePotatoGod @NyxieRina @LuckycoolHawk9 @Gotham Knight Todd

It was rather uneventful walk, until they were rudely interrupted by floating boxes who wanted to pick a fight with the lot of them.
A few more characters joined in on their expedition to the north, and the man was more than amused at the sight of it.
He was able to follow it seems without being noticed which was more than welcome for him, and it gave him time to look at people he might have to deal with.

A father, desperately searching for a loved one with his child... A fat penguin and a fat chewy piece of bubblegum... And the funny man who appeared to be more experienced than the others.

"Yep. I've seen weirder."

A fight broke out, and it was rather entertaining! The funny man led the charge as he punched a box SQUARE in the face.
Heh, still got it.

He was definitely one for theatrics. A little over-the-top, but he can respect a performer.
The others too readied to fight, but he ... was just going to enjoy the show.

He didn't have to do anything yet so he won't.
Though he was slightly concerned about the father's child... but that was none of his business.
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  • "Ah. I do apologize. It's just that there is something ominous about you. Perhaps you may have resurrected here for this purpose." Yuri spoke once they know that Leonaidas isn't a Servant. They would then turn to the little witch girl and asked "Hmm, I don't supposed you have introduced yourself, little one. Do you have a name?"

    Once the witch would have answered, Yuri would then say "I believe we should get going as soon as possible. May the Lord bless us with strength and wisdom in our journey. To God be the glory."

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It was very surprising that Kirby had managed to catch up with the rest of the group, but he liked to see what was going on in the area. He had been so far ahead of King DeDeDe, that he didn't even realize that there was a turn until he was nearly upon it. Thankfully, he managed to turn around with the right speed and would see that a fight had started already. He caught the bush be struck and noticed the boy and would wave happily with a "Haiiiii."

Kirby would nod. " Help beat bad things," he replied, pulling out a hammer out of thin air and would go and jump and attack one of the boxes.

@ThePotatoGod @NyxieRina @Gotham Knight Todd @Mr_Meekins @noob13241 @Box Fight

Ben, The Promotheus

Ben would take a deep breath, trying his best not to scream at all of these idiots for shooting at people that they didn't know. He had to be the bigger person, but boy, it was hard. There was a small part of him that want to take the guns away from them, because it was clear to him that none of those people knew how to use them properly.

If I may kindly make a suggestion to all three of you, it might be a good idea to NOT shoot at the area we are in. We have no clue what is around here and for that matter, what dangers we could attract by doing that. So, if everyone would kindly put their weapons away for now, that would be great. If you continue to be *Stupid* with them, I am not above taking them away from you."

He would turn to Josuke. " I think putting it to a vote might be a good idea, but I also think in this case, it might be a good idea to split up. We can cover more ground that way and that way, we might be able to figure out which way will lead to more answers. I'm thinking half of us should head south and half of us should head west. I'm heading down the south path," Ben replied.

@ThePotatoGod @Gotham Knight Todd @FactionParadox @Foxes81_of_Anime @Ori @Topless @Kirie98 @shinku @Goonfire

Ben Tennyson ( Grass)

Ben's omnitrix would also react to Korradion, scanning it, but it seemed that it didn't generate a new alien for now. He wasn't sure what was up with his watch, but it had been acting buggy then usual recently. He would have to figure out the mystery of that later, it wasn't important right now. "Well.... you are a big thing. I have no clue what you are, but you certainly seem friendly," he replied, feeling a lot calmer with this beast thing around strangely.

Ben knew some Spanish from some Spanish courses he took in college, so listening to Flora, he was doing his best to surpress a grin, because it was kind of funny to hear about how a girl named Flower Scarlet went to Orange Academy. It sounded like a really bad punchline to a joke, and hearing her name did somewhat make him forgot about the panic that he was having. "I'm not sure what a Korraidon is, but why did you name it Meatball?" He asked. "So, I guess, hi Meataball. I'm Benjamin Kirby Tennyson, but most of my friends can be Ben or sometimes Benji. I wonder if ...." he replied. He was about to check the omnitrix when the other Ben asked a question. "....I don't want to talk about it."

He would walk over to the arc. " We probably should start exploring. Something tells me that this way might be interesting," Ben replied, changing the topic and pointing to the North... waiting to see if anyone would follow him that way.

Interaction: @NyxieRina (Flora) @Crow (Green Ben) @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 (Misaka) @Goonfire (Veso-R) @PolikShadowbliss (Cpt. Jack Sparrow) @Ori (Teruzi) @Bixir (Samus)
  • Love
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Not an actual Child, Child

<<Team 1: Left Pathway>>

@ThePotatoGod , @NyxieRina , @Kirie98 , @Midle1998

"It seems that you're in charge, at least from what I gathered from just waking moments ago." Jeanne says. "How long have I been asleep? I'm assuming much like me, you must be from elsewhere too? If I may ask, wouldn't it be better to stick together in this unfamiliar place? I understand splitting up to cover more ground, but we're walking on ground that's unmapped. It'd be difficult to assemble again unless we backtrack to here."

"Ah, I'm not really in command here- just putting out my thoughts on this situation. And correct, we all seem to be from different locations- And splitting up is a risk I believe we have to take- if we find a dead end on a path, it's easier for one group to come back and wait then for all of us to having to walk back and forth. Besides, most of us appear strong enough to handle any threats with us, and I think that we have a mostly even dividing of power... after all, you seem rather capable."
"We'll figure something out." Ruby said quite confidently, "I mean, the two teams might meet up along the way, so there shouldn't be a problem then. Right?" Now it's just borderline naive.

"Considering the completely differing pathways.... Likely not, unless the left and right pathways have turns to connect with the center one. So if you're going left and more pathways appear, take a mixture of dead straight and right. Vice-versa if you're taking the right. With any luck, maybe we can reconnect if needed that way. If one turns out to be a dead end, quickly come back and join a different team.

There, at the least he had a fix for that issue.

"Let head out now- the sooner we're out of this mess, the better. "

Saying that, he began to walk in the decided direction of left, with (hopefully) Ruby, Jaunce, Poco, and Jeanne following behind.

Meanwhile, Malenia, Leonidas, Nobeta, Yuri Yaoi, Kyle, and Mono should be going to the right.


She Only Looks Like a Child, Nahida

@Ori @ThePotatoGod

"Not that it's any of my business, but do you have any idea where that thing's been? You know, besides the puddle of... gross... red stuff it was sitting in? You know, do you even know where you're going?"

For the Archon of Wisdom, the words of the strange blue man managed to calm her down and turn her run into a walk... that and the feeling of tiredness from running so fast.

"Hah... I'm sorry from running away from you, mister... ah, what's your name? I was just surprised by that unnerving room."

At the mention of the box, she looked surprised to see that she had it in her hands. Turning it over, her eyes widened in surprise at the energy she could feel within... alongside a shudder at the realization of that exactly this box was made of.

"I... I'm not quite sure? Although, a box isn't an apt name for this construct. It's more akin to a... container, or a cage. One that holds som- !!?!!" The energy within the cube was rising rapidly! Had she somehow triggered its opening???


Gojo Satoru nonchalantly stretched his arms upwards with his fingers crosslinked, as they had been feeling a little stiff. Lying on a horde of skeletons tends to do that to you. First thing after killing the bastard who had taken over Sugurus body, he was going to make the jackets at Jujutsu High anti-skeleton-bones digging-into-your-back at bare minimum. The wait wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't have to deal with those knuckles-bones.

And with that happy thought, Gojo Satoru settled into his wait outside time once more.


After a solid ten seconds of holding the box as if it were an active bomb, Nahida finally relaxed "Ah, the energy receded back... I wonder what it was that triggered it, however... Oh wait a second, did I never introduce myself? My name is Nahida! I might look like a child, but don-"

Unfortunately for the young goddess, she wouldn't get the change the introduce herself properly before the arrival of three unique beings. One was a wheel with a lions head, Another that seemed to have the appearance of a slime... but colored black, and the last was a bird with an eye on its torso.

She was hesitant however, to use force against them. Despite their dark appearance, perhaps she could reach out to them. Closing her eyes, Nahida attempted to reach for their minds, offering a soothing and singular message.
"What's your name?"
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Burt winced at the sudden barrage of gunfire, his sensitive ears not quite prepared for the impromptu wake-up call. The proximity to Retsujo only heightened the discomfort, and he instinctively covered his ears with his paws, trying to shield himself from the loud noise.

"Whoa, easy there! We're not yet storming a battlefield, I believe," Burt remarked, his voice slightly strained as he attempted to maintain composure. He shot Retsujo a bemused look, his ears still ringing from the unexpected gunfire. "Next time, maybe just a warning or something?"

To his surprise, two small small balls of water launched at both Shinjuko and Retsujo, all while he's still recovering from the unexpected gunfire. As the caster suddenly suggested friendship and finding a way of out of there, he couldn't help but just nod in agreement. "Yeah, finding a way out sounds like a plan. Let's focus on that instead of... you know, discharging firearms randomly."

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  • Combat

    --{[Nahida || Jax]}--
    Interaction: @Ori @SorryTM

    The moment Nahida reached out to them with a mental link, the beings stopped dead in its tracks. Like an old server buffering slightly after something new connects to them. Soon, a garbled mess of noise began to pour onto Nahida's mind after she sent the message, the beings using the message to hijack Nahida's own mind with messages of their own; if the message is nothing more than garbled noise, growls and snarls for a few seconds.

    '̵͓̱͓̖̙̣̄̈́͝Ȉ̷̻̏̓͆͝͠ń̴̨̟͇̪͍̹͑̑̎̌̋t̸͖͗̓̍̚͜r̴̬͂́̐̎͊ư̴̥̮̈́̀d̵͍͉̝̩̞̏̂e̸͚͓̻͊͂͋͌r̸̫̤̘͖̄̒̎̀s̶͉̠̘̣͙͐͌̐̃̈̒.̶̺̂̃ ̶̢͖̦̟̪͌͐̑͋͐̉Ē̷̢̺͙ͅl̷̢̤̲̠̂͆i̸͖̖͖̦̓m̵̲̘͚̠̖̝̀͠i̸͎̻͖͈̓̎̎̄̓̔n̶̰̬͐̑̊a̷͕͔̔ţ̶̝̫̝̾̾̔͌ḛ̵͒̒̈́ͅ.̴̰͓̙̫̺̀͌͛͗'̵̧̛̟̟̺͇́̔̽̎̀ͅ '̷͚͈͔̫̯͊̒̂̕I̶̡̦̼̖͇͠ņ̶̬͎̭͌͛̑t̶͖̩͌ȓ̴͎̟͓̟͕ụ̴̜͋̀̑d̵̠̰̰̭̓̇͗͐͜e̴͚͙̤̭̭̒̓̽r̸̡̢̼̝͂́̕͠͠s̸̰̣͚̙͠.̴̡̧̗̌ ̷͖̪̾̓̂̚E̸̟̮̟͋̎̋l̷̩̯̖͚̂̿͗̅́ͅí̴̺̬̼͛̆ḿ̴̢̬̥̰̤͝i̷̟͓̥͇͂͒͠n̴̫̯̋̋́á̸̰̤̖͂̾̓͘ţ̵̩̭͂ĕ̶̻͈̪͎͔̚.̵̢̯͙̈́̇̍̓'̸͈̟͕̔̆̃͌'̵̦̆̿͗̕Ḯ̴̬̲̭̒̏͘n̶̮̻̋t̴̩̠͝r̶̢̊̈ṵ̶̡̠̓͗d̷̜̔̉̃̌è̷̞͉̣̝̌̾͝r̴͕͑s̷̬͒.̸̥̮̱̇̓ ̶̟̺͉̗͐Ĕ̴͖̱͇͓̾͋l̴̗͝ͅí̷̡͖̈͒͜ͅm̶͖̤̙̯͗͌i̵̜͒͐̊ņ̶͓͎̲͐͋̓͝ā̷̞́͜ͅt̷̫̟͝ͅĕ̶̼̞̄̅͝.̵̛͕͔͕̆͒͝'̶̡͔̫͓̃͐͆

    Though thankfully, Nahida is smart enough to realize its encryption and is able to make a decent translation.

    'Intruders. Eliminate.'

    After which, the Racing Lion's wheel began to rev up and grind against the marble, before shooting straight towards Nahida, intent on running her over!

    Enemies Left: 3

    - -{[Racing Leo]} - -
    - -
    - -

    - -
    HP: [O][O][O][O][O]

    - -{[Incomplete Soul]} - -
    - -
    - -

    - -
    HP: [O][O][O] (Enemy's HP Values)

    - -{[Nightlight Raven]} - -
    - -
    - -

    - -
    HP: [O][O][O] (Enemy's HP Values)

    • Exploration

      --Ruby Rose--
      Interaction: @SorryTM @Kirie98 @Midle1998 @NyxieRina
      "We'll think of something when we find something big. I mean, it can't be that big, right?" Ruby concluded with a nod as she noticed the old Huntsman with the large shield taking the south path. "Looks like we're setting off–let's go team!" This prompted Ruby to take initiative and take the only remaining path–east, going ahead in a burst of rose petals. Her particles seem to match the environment, at least.

      If they choose to follow Ruby, they'd find the path to be lined with hedges with roses on them. Almost as if this section was meant to be someone's rose garden of some sort. The roses have the same glass like texture as the leaves from the trees, though they appear more gem-like with a slight glow to them. Their path was found to be obstructed by a large glass tree. Thick enough to meld onto the other trees surrounding the place–almost like an actual wall. Fortunately, the path here curves south.

    • Exploration

      --Leonidas || Milena || Nobeta || Yuri Yaoi--
      Interaction: @dark @Topless @Crow @Havoccultist
      The south appears to be lined with more hedges and roses, the ones that are closed appearing to be more like actual plants than the hardy gemstones that were in full bloom. Though strangely enough, there was a certain point in the continuing hedge where the roses all appear to be in bloom, forming a zigzag on a 2x5 pattern, whereas the others do not have such a pattern and were entirely random.

  • Exploration

    Thankfully, the commotion with the chaotic twins is promptly being dealt with by the other people who we were just waking up. Including a lady in a chinese dress, who acts like some kind of super spy, the other was a young robed mage who splashed water on the two. Saburo, too, activated a rather colorful Stand Ability in his moment of anger at the twins. Which begs the question if Josuke, too, was a Stand user. It did something to Josuke's phone, as it, too, became yellow in her eyes after it dissipated. Did it move towards the phone? Or did it awaken something in it? Aijo's not sure what to make of it, but with it, they can now communicate with one another, thankfully.

    "Then should we split up?" Aijo asked, having fully recovered from the loud barrage of noise. "Katagiri leading the way south while Josuke and a few others keep an eye on Retsujou's gun?" She suggested not trusting the Kanou twins, even after the older brother's apology. "I'm Kiirome Aijo." She introduced herself with a meek looking nod, slightly glaring her eyes at the twins as a sign of distrust.

  • Exploration

    "...I'm sorry." The Pink Ben could only apologize, hearing what had happened to the girl's friends. Loss is something Ben has experienced a lot, especially in his youth when he first got the Omnitrix–though he can't help but wonder if what brought them here was truly the same phenomenon as the Annihilarg? Something was off. And Ben knew that the answer lies somewhere in this place–perhaps, along with the exit. The girl then introduced herself as Flora Escarlatta–a 'Pokemon' Trainer from Paldea. The giant lizard dog sniffing Greener Ben was a Koraidon, one of the Pokemon she trains. The Koraidon perked up when he heard the nickname, soon shrugging as he probably found the call to be nothing of note. They're pretty similar in that regard, 'Trainers' of strange and wonderful creatures. The Pokemon themselves are probably alien in nature, too; as the Omnitrix seemed to be scanning something in the near vicinity once Flora came to him, which was completed with an audible 'be-beep'.

    It was around this time that Dante approached the group and asked if they should embark already.

    Right. We might run into trouble if we stay huddled up together any longer." The Pink Ben nodded, turning to the other Bens. "Let's split up, gang. I'll go north with Green Jacket here, and you go east." He said as he walked over to the northern archway. "I'll take anyone who wants to come with me. After we clear the way, of course." He says with absolute confidence, proceeding to flash his watch, whose papillon emblem glows softly as if acknowledging Ben's words before going ahead, as if to clear the path before any innocents come along with him.

    Misaka's pulse allowed her to get something of a rough feel of the upcoming two paths. The north one, where the Pink and the Green Jacket Ben went, appears to curve east, while the eastern path seems to continue on. When she did this, nothing appeared on her radar. For now, at least.

  • Combat

    The two cubes began to reposition themselves, intent on approaching the two men that remained at the front of the position as their spinning sides changed from horizontal to vertical ones, revving them up for their attack later.

    King Dedede's Hammer managed to land straight on the lightning spewing cube, which now got caught on closing side, preventing it from covering up its mushy core. Seeing this, Hayato saw this as his moment and leapt into the sky, taking off his trench coat as he left the ground.

    As the Rider maintained air time by tucking and rolling on the air, suspended by some sort of glittering energy, The Red Hood seemingly followed suit as he leapt above the cubes and delivered a rain of bullets at the cubes, each shot landing on their surprisingly brittle shells as bits and pieces of the cubes began to break off. After the Hood landed, the energy stored by the Rider was released, launching drop kick that's almost as fast as Jason's bullet, his sole landing square on Dedede's hammer and forcing it to land with him on the ground with a loud crunch, its stone cube parts scattering as the mass of black has been smeared on the ground a couple of meters away from the fight. Along with it, Hayato discovers a branching path southbound.

    Aya's shots landed squarely on the initially damaged cube's core, causing it to explode into black blood, its parts strewn about. (Gene A dead)

    Kirbo attempts to strike one of the Genes, but his loose grip on the hammer manages to knock it off of the puffball's lump-like hand.

    Ken would arrive to see the intense commotion caused by four cube-like monsters. Should the doog interfere?

    Enemies Left: 2


    - -{[TOWER GENE A]} - -
    - -
    - -

    - -
    HP: [X][X][X]

    - -{[TOWER GENE B]} - -
    - -
    - -

    - -
    HP: [O][O][X]

    - -{[TOWER GENE C]} - -
    - -
    - -

    - -
    HP: [O][O][X]


    - -{[TOWER GENE D]} - -
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    HP: [X][X][X]
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  • Josuke sighed. Yes they really should have had a vote, and hopefully they still would. However, it seemed everyone else was definitely hell bent on splitting up. He hated that they were planning to do such a thing, but he understood what they meant, the sooner they learned where they were, the sooner they could figure out what was going on and hopefully solve this mystery of where they all were now. At least he hoped that was the case. It was really a very difficult thing to have to come to terms with, but staying in this large of a group would be more determinental to their goals.

    "I understand. Splitting up definitely has its merits. I don't like the idea, but we might have to." He turned directly to Saburo. "We might need to split up for the time being. We can use our phones and words to keep in touch. That can help the two groups to coordinate, now the question is, who is in what group?" He asked as he eyed the people who had been firing their own weapons and had been firing just to fire. They would need to be careful with them.

    "Saburo and I each go with a different group if we are to coordinate. One goes to the south, the other towards the west. That way we can cover the ground you are all talking about." He sighed. "I suppose I can take the trigger twins in my group. Who else will travel with us? And what do we do it we run into hostile problems? We have to be very careful here. No one knows where or when we are. Let alone if it is safe. Be ready to fight if you must just don't let your guard down."

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @FactionParadox @LuckycoolHawk9 @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @Kirie98 @shinku & @Goonfire

  • Richie paused for a moment. Now safe from the enemies behind the bed, he could see the pink puff. "Kirby! Haaiiii!" He happily waved back at him. He recognized his favorite cartoon character, but why did it feel he had been able to actually meet Kirby before? That couldn't be, Kirby didn't exist in Gotham, but they were not in Gotham, and he had never been out of Gotham before…..Had he? He knew Kirby did not feel like a stranger, that was for sure there.

    "An unlikely Calvary seems to have arrived." Jason tried not to ask if he was dreaming. Cartoon characters from his son's favorite cartoon were helping them now, and thankfully they had managed to get rid of one of the flying things together, excellent, they could take this quite well. He took a few deep breaths as he watched the final thing fall down dead in front of them. There was still two more of those things though. They would have to fight a lot that was going on here. He looked to his compatriots in this fight.

    "Excellent work everyone. Seems we have two enemies left." He took a few deep breaths as he looked at the enemies before them. Those things were tough, so they had to work together, fine, he would tolerate that for now. He spun his own guns again as he looked between them. "Let's give them hell. Make sure they don't survive. Whatever they are. They have no plans to negotiate with us. Not at all. So let's send them straight to hell!" He shouted as he got ready to attack them with no mercy in store for them.

    He aimed one gun on each robot, and then started to fire once again at them. Hoping to take them down.

    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @LuckycoolHawk9 @Mr_Meekins @Goonfire @noob13241 @NyxieRina
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Reactions: Sun_Lord

  • Regardless of the worries about another repeat of lightning striking again, the cubes seemed to be dealt with in quick form just fine.
    Not to mention with more people(?) coming in to help meant that what was a sketchy unknown situation would turn to their favor heavily.

    Enough of a leniency that he...why is there a knife thrown over every- okay there's just a child running past.
    Thoughts of chasing the kid down would trace his mind, but in all honesty, he's very unsure about stopping a kid when they seem like they know what they're doing.

    Blocking their habits rarely goes well, let alone something they're confident about doing.

  • The doog does not interfere in the combat as one glance at the cubes being on the ropes and another at the number of people around is quick to discourage him from joining in.

    So, he proceeds to take on a quick running start, before tossing his knife straight up over the group, clanking against glass branches that grew to stop him from skipping, before landing on the other side as Ken makes his way northward past everybody.