ALWAYS OPEN The Only Way To Go Is Up ~ Story Proper~

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  • "Have Faith? Have faith. What a ridiculous notion to cling to." Kyle thought to himself. Especially when it appeared some force beyond his control had not only cut Kyle off from all his Red Lantern powers but prevented him from feeling the emotion that powered his ring entirely. Further no one here had answered any of his questions at all meaning they all likely knew as little about this terrible fake tower as he did and no one here had any idea where anyone else was either. Both these truths combined normally would make the idea of keeping any faith in anyone or anything besides his Master during these uncertain times and in this unknown and maliciously constructed tower disgustingly asinine to Kyle. Yet for whatever reason the small and Christian maid's sole commandment to have faith seemed to be guiding the now powerless Red Lantern and serving as his only reassurance now that Jason and Ritchie had been forcefully separated from him.

    "Ah yes. Your egg. Listen I promise to hold onto the egg for you small maid and protect it with my life if you promise to find my Master Red Hood and our son as soon as possible." Kyle bargained with the maid as he stood straight as his mind was finally released from the grip of panic and began to work again.

    "Not you Little Red Riding Huntress. I was referring to the Little Witch Academia girl over there looking like she is either cosplaying or going trick or treating soon or something." Kyle quickly waved away any indignation this huntress or the girl dressed as a witch showed at their attire being insulted. "I must confess you seen like the most normal person out of all of us here. Though I suppose if you are trained to properly use that scythe you have at your side you probably the best equipped out of all of us to survive in this horrible and dangerous place. Maybe you can help defend this egg along with my Rapier." Kyle offered to the huntress gesturing to thin red sword at his side.

    "I don't need to calm down I have done so now that my mind is clearing my fear is subsiding. I need this egg to give my life purpose once more until I can reunite with Master again." Kyle clarified his needs to the Huntress sounding indignant at being told he needed to calm down still by her.

    "What the fuck was that?!" Kyle swore As he jumped into action, grabbed his sword, and readied himself for a surprise attack right after the ground began shaking beneath all of them.
    @Topless as Yuki Yaoi
    @ThePotatoGod as
    Ruby Rose

  • By this point Rex's Nanites had healed his hear just enough for his ears to no longer be ringing so loud that they hurt him. Still even by the time he had finished introducing himself to everyone some partial deafness still remained as now that the ringing had died down all the noise surrounding sounded weird and distorted like it was coming from underwater.

    "What's that Capucha Roja?! (Red Hood) I can't understand a word you are saying amigo (friend)! My Nanites have healed mis oidos (my ears) enough that their ringing no longer hurts me, but everything sounds like it's bajo el agua, (under water) tiene una mala conexion, (has a bad connection) or is muy lejos (really far away)! So since I still can't read lips very well, are you telling me to be more carefree because all these people are very trusting? I am not sure that is our best move right now!" Rex said both very confused and in a very loud voice showing that he still couldn't hear himself or any other sound fully or properly at all.

    Meanwhile Richie was frowning with his hands over his ears. It was obvious the little boy was getting overwhelmed with Rex's shouting due to hearing loss.

    Rex gave a very startled stare to the woman who seemingly came out of nowhere and randomly tapped him on the shoulder. Still he remained quiet due to her silent visual cue of a request. Though the Mexican-Latino man couldn't stop himself from starring in shock and amazement as this new woman conjured golden light from nowhere to spin around them both. Strangely enough well the golden light spiraled around them it felt like a very pleasurable warm water was sloshing about inside his damaged ears. At least until the golden light vanished as quickly as it appeared.

    "Woah! Wait…I can hear myself! How did that happen?! What did you do?! What was all that?! It felt like some sort of magia curativa! (healing magic) Mejor. Gracias." (Better. Thank You.)mRex said no longer in high volume because he could fully hear himself again but still very surprised and grateful for what this healer had just done for him.

    "¿Una puerta en un árbol? (A door in a tree?) Is it fake? Where do you think it supposed to go? Direction wise at least? I am starting to believe this place isn't a verdadero bosque. (real forest) Does anyone know what carajo (the fuck) this place is? Or especially where it is? I thought my trones amigos (jerk friends) just led and left me here as una broma." (a prank) Rex questioned as the Spanish speaking heroic healer grew more and more suspicious of the environment around them.

    "I have a better path than Norte, mi señorita. (North, my lady) Up." Rex said dramatically showing his booster fans for effect. Ever since the healer's golden light magic Rex found that all his Nanites were one hundred percent fully functional again.
    @Gotham Knight Todd as Jason Todd/Red Hood
    @Goonfire as Aya Brea
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  • 'Magia curativa...?' Though she worked in one of the most diverse cities in America, Aya's Spanish was still a bit shaky. Breaking down the words, she was able to determine Rex thought she was some magic healer, as if from a video game. "De nada. I guess you could call it that," she replied to his questions with a slight shrug. She seemed unsure what to make of it, herself. "I don't think this is a prank. No one from my Earth could pull off something like this. Feels like one of those movies in which the lead gets whisked away to some fantasy world. Heroes and magic and skulls—Oh my..." Her final musing carried more than a hint of sarcasm.

    The sudden tremor made the detective drop to one knee. "What was that...!?" Clearly, it was too brief to be an earthquake. Perhaps something enormous hit the forest floor elsewhere.

    @Sun_Lord @Gotham Knight Todd
  • Ada braced against the giant tree trunk to stop herself from falling over. After straightening up, she continued: "Shujinko raised a fair point," she mentioned, glancing between the door and the siblings, who were chasing the child. "There are creatures in these woods, supposedly. They might have something to do with this door. I don't have any way of saying for certain, but that tremor could've also had some correlation." Ada pointed to the sudden green light to prove her point.

    Given the huge commotion following the child reappearing, Ada knew things could get ugly. A horribly familiar mechanical roar just down the southern trail diverted her attention from the conversation at hand. "Chainsaw..." she murmured before bringing her rifle to bear. The spy worried what may be coming around the end in the trail as she peered through the scope.

  • Veso awkwardly nibbled at the foods from the party's impromptu picnic as he stepped over the rubble. The rich flavors were so foreign to him; a lot of the food he ate was best described as utilitarian. The lower ranks enjoyed very little luxury, having to be both frugal and machine-like in their pursuit of wealth.

    "Who is Azmuth again...?" Veso questioned, not familiar with the history these two seemed to share. They had dropped a lot of names in the past couple hours, none of which rang any bells.

    "I have many objections to being stalked like this," the engineer added awkwardly after the pink Ben demanded the strange aspect-reversing boy show himself. "Is there even a point in hiding...?"

    @ThePotatoGod @Foxes81_of_Anime
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  • The ground suddenly shook, taken everyone by surprise. Retsujo quickly cling herself onto Shujinko, much to his annoyance. "Holy crap! What was that? Did somebody dropped a bomb or something?" She spoke out. "Looks like someone must've done something to trigger it. And I doubt it would have been Yuri." Shujinko said "Also, get your hands off of me. You're squeezing the life out of me the more you hug me."

    "But I'm scared~ and hugging you like this makes me less scared." Retsujo teased with puppy dog eyes.

    "Well you're making me more scared if you keep this up. NOW GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF ME!!!" Shujinko angered and Retsujo complied with dismay.

    @Gotham Knight Todd

  • Yuri had felt the quake, just like the rest. Something must have happened somewhere. "Oh dear, I hope my masters are alright." They spoke out of worry "Let us continue onwards then. We cannot afford to stay for long. There, this way!" They pointed down the southern path and they went on, expecting the rest to follow.


  • Gohan was shocked to see how the trees never seemed to end. Then. He heard the sounds. Were they….stretching!?! And why did he feel so many ki signatures. They were everywhere, wait…the trees? Was it the trees?

    He didn't have long to wait for his answer. The glass leafs started to shoot at him. He barely managed to dodge them all on the way down.

    "Okay, so on foot it is." He started walking south again in the maze, ready to run as fast as he could if there was further trouble.

    Something about this place was truly unnatural. In ways he had never experienced before. He couldn't sense his mother, or any of the Z-Fighters. Sadly that means he is alone for now. He furrowed his brow.

    "How did I get here, what is this place?" The boy mused as he walked and tried to think hard. He had never even read about a place like this.

    In what world was he in? This was stressful and confusing to him. He sighed and kept walking, hoping to find a way out soon.

    He hated walking through all of this shaking, and dodging falling glass leaves, but he had to keep moving.
    Interactions @ThePotatoGod

  • Josuke's eyes widened when nothing. He sighed and shook his head some. He should have known that. He saw the way the penguin was trying to get in. He was shocked to see it. This place was beyond weird. And he meant beyond weird. He shook his head some.

    He was just about to use Soft & Wet's bubble theft on the tree, and that is when the ground started shaking. His eyes widened as he tried to keep himself standing up, he used Soft & Wet to stay standing. He was frustrated but managed to work up his voice.

    "Soft & Wet steal the friction from the tree!" He managed to call to the stand that then sent out a bubble heading directly for the tree. That much was pretty cool there.

    He was still trying to stay standing, and to not fall down. He grunted as he tried to hold down the stomach acids that so badly wanted to come up. He hated it so badly.

    This absolutely sucked as he desperately tried to stay standing.
    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @Kirie98 @Topless @shinku @Foxes81_of_Anime @NyxieRina

  • Jason's eyes widened as he looked at the way the woman healed Rex's ears. He rocked Richie some while still trying to stay standing. "Shh. Richie…shh. It's okay, it is okay." He tried to keep himself standing up. This was not his idea of a good time. He was trying to keep himself from vomiting.

    "Prank? Rex you are being far too generous in your assessment. This is some psycho who thinks they are Jigsaw's work." He grunted and felt his blood boiling. Whoever was behind this, he would have to kill. That much was for sure. He had scared Richie out of his mind. Separated him and Richie from Kyle in this hellish tower, not to mention seemingly destroyed their earth. He would make this person regret doing what they had done. In more ways than one, they would feel pain before they died.

    "Going North may be a good idea. But let's get our balance back first." He looked to the newcomer interested in her. It seemed that she could heal with just thoughts and other powers. He offered a gentle smile, deciding for now it was best to at least feign friendliness, until he reached Kyle, then he could be more so himself. He didn't like most people. That was for sure.

    "But I am nervous about that tree too. Should we stick around to see what is in it?" He furrowed his brows at the thought.

    "Mommy!" Richie huffed in annoyance as he looked at Jason.

    "We'll get to him when we can. Stop acting like such a brat Richard Todd." Jason glared at the boy and he shrank just a little.

    "Sorry daddy."

    Jason sighed and rocked the boy again. "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have snapped like that. We'll get to your mom soon." He looked to his traveling companions now. "What do you guys think?"
    Interactions @ThePotatoGod @Sun_Lord @Goonfire

The boy yelped and crouched instinctively whilst hanging onto the crystal wall, waiting for the vibration to subside. Was the Signal Tower collapsing again? He closed his eyes momentarily, hoping that was the case. But when he opened his eyes wasn't the familiar bluish tint of the Forest he always appeared in with every single Loop. He sighed and patiently waited for the others to recover before huffing and holding out his hands again, trying once more to Tune the Transmission to try and break the wall.

Static crackled around his hands but fizzled off as he tried again, seemingly angering the small boy as he stamped his foot. Damn it. Looks like he'd have to go through this manually--which meant a lot of walking. Whelp. Here we go...

The demon watched the others before the Tower rumbled, "Uh- earthquake-?!" the demon yelped out as they adjusted their foot position to stay standing. Although, anyone looking closely would notice the demon was instead hovering slightly to stay balanced.

Once the tremor stopped, Jin looked around, ears drooping, "that was so un-fun!" they complained, "can we go home now already? I wanna see Raaayyy!" they complained, playful demeanour dropping. "Do we really hafta go find more of those mana-whatevers?? I'm bored!" they whined, tail swishing back and forth.

The man huffed before patiently coming out from his position behind the tree, plastering on a cocky smirk, "Took ya long enough to notice me~" the dual-coloured boy hummed.

"Yanno, I was floating right behind you pretty much the whole time. D'ya like your weapon?" he asked, being careful not to say or do anything that would offend them as he stayed on his guard. He wasn't looking for a fight, after all.
  • Poco

    "Not an animatronic..." Poco mumbles, too soft to hear against the music he was playing. He couldn't blame the man for thinking that, but at the same time, he didnt think he should properly correct him. With how distressed he seemed, it might be worse for his mental health. He might be a healer but he was far out of his depth in that scenario.

    The ground shook and Poco ended up crashing to thr ground in a rattle of bones and guitar strings. Luckily he wasn't too hurt and nothing came apart in the process. "Is everyone alright?" He asked afterwards, playing a healing song for both himself and the others around him. Some healing notes might even go to Yuri's egg.
  • Flora

    "Meatball, go into Apex Form. Let your Orichalcum Pulse shine." Flora commanded. After what happened to Flambe before it was caught, she didn't wanna risk anything weird happening to Meatball.

    Meatball crooned then flexed. It was subtle, but something about the way he carried himself seemed to have changed, and it only got more pronounced as he stood up. He now towered over everyone, even without his head feathers fanning out into a massive crest. As he did, a bright light appeared above them, mimicking intense sunlight and making his scales shimmer with both power and the shiny sparkles.

    "Okay, looks like everythings normal..." Flora mused looking between her transformed steed and her phones pokedex. "So it is just cosmetics... I wonder if it will go way on its own or not. But it is pretty cool."

    "Korai!" [I feel pretty cool!] Meatball rumbled, sounding much more intimidating it his battle form.

    Just at that moment, an earthquake shook ground beneath them! Flora wobbled at the unstable ground, and Meatball reached out with his claws to help steady her. "Thanks Meatball. What was-"


    Flambe cried out as the earthquake occurred. But it wasn't the earthquake that hurt it, it was something else entirely.

    "Chiii! [Sibling! I'm coming!] The transformed manaspawn cried out as it followed its bretherens cry. It ran/swam/flew through the hole that was recently made, aiming to find wherever the other lay.

    "Flambe?!" Flora exclaimed as she noticed her newest capture speeding away, which was boosted by the Orichalcum sun beating down on them. It was so fast that Flora had no time to pull out its pokeball andsend it back in. "Everyone return! Meatball after it!"

    "Kor!" [Right away!] He agreed. But instead of reverting back into his more mobile limited build, he stayed in his apex build, simply picking up his trainer like a ragdoll and making haste for the escaping fish.

    In between all of that the picnic had been sorted and repacked, and all of Floras other Pokemon returned themselves to their balls. All but one.

    Pretzel was still growling suspiciously at Reverser. He seemed far too keen on keeping an eye on what the monochrome boy did to even hear his trainer's command.
  • King Dedede

    As with most magic doors, the door didnt bulge even with teh force of his mighty swing. Unfortunately the same couldnt be said for Dedede. He shook like a cartoon character from the rebound effect of his hammer. To the point where he didn't even notice the earthquake, thinking it was an extent of his hammer swing.

    "Ugh, wheres a Maxim Tomato when you need one?" He was fine, but a lil pick me up from his favorite vegetable couldnt hurt. But then he noticed the light that now appeared on the door. "Heh, guess that must have done somethin. Thing I should take another swing at it?"
Abelgard Müller - The Lone Kleinhammer

Current Location: ???

Having walked close enough to the large crystalline tree, he had noticed the strange outline of a door on the tree as well as the worried murmuring of what seemed to be the residents of the town within the tree, worried as if something was going to end their very existence. This… sapience… he was rather certain that only humans were capable of creating a proper society and town. And the fact that he wasn't being immediately attacked made it seem as if they were more of a sort of passive and even afraid of some others. Although, he wasn't entirely convinced that whatever was within the tree was fully harmless… if anything, the only thing that was keeping them from fighting as a last resort was the very door to the tree. And as much as he would've attempted to destroy the door right then and there to get answers, he likely wouldn't get anything, either food or information, due to his 'handling' of the wall that he encountered earlier.

But just when he was about to settle on a action, the Kleinhammer was surprised by the shaking of the ground, as if the very Earth itself had been upsetted, Abelgard barely managing to maintain his footing and had to rely on his large hammer to push his body upwards against the vibrating ground. But just as suddenly as it had arrived, it was now gone as well, leaving the Inquisitor confused and concerned as to what had occurred and why it had happened. Nonetheless, it seems like there was one thing he was now certain about… he wasn't going to waste his time here, the faster he could spend trying to make his way out of this place, the less he would have to worry about such as any further earthquakes. And so, the N Corp Inquisitor began to make his journey through the only other exit to this place that wasn't recently made by him, still being careful as to not step on the various mushroom homes and continued forth. Hopefully he'll be able to find something of use to him sooner or later…
Kirby was very confused on how there was another wall up from the route that he had came back from. "So many new walls to look at every time I come back," he replied, and noticing that there was a crack in it. "Kirby knows what to do." Kirby would pull out another of his new toys and throw it against the wall, happy that he had a place to play with it, he still didn't know it exploded things but he was about to find that out. He did feel the ground shake and looked confused on what could be causing that as well.


Ben, The Prometheus

Ben was surprised that the creature was more intelligent than it looked when it came to the counter attack he had planned and noticed that the creature had read him going to punch but hadn't noticed that he had been more interested in stomping the crystal. It seemed that things were going to be interesting when he saw that the crystal was planted into the ground with a ton of force and that shook the forest. It seemed that he had picked the right thing to do for once in his goshdarn life.

The ground was glowing and Ben had to assume that was a good thing, especially the fact that it had caused something to happen. He wondered if this was why the creature was imprisoned. Had the fairy creatures been afraid of the power or was this some other thing? Ben didn't have long with that thought as he would be interupted by the creature.

It seemed the thing was beyond mad that he parted it from it crystal and had lunged to bash its head against his. Ben didn't even blink twice as he would butt the head just as hard back at the creature whenever it tried to do that. He could do this all day.... even if he would have a headache later.


Ben "Benji" Tennyson
"I think it's time to go and see what our new pokemon is reacting too. Maybe there is some other fight that we can get too because I don't think another one of those things is going to appear here," he replied, taking a deep breath, getting ready to slam his watch down when he noticed the Omnitrix was acting weird. "I'm sure that is nothing," he mumbled, slamming his wrist down and changing into.....

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"It's about time I was out of that watch," Ben replied, his demeanor changing to be more ... darker. Both Bens would probably recogonize this alien as Eon..... "Well, I'm heading towards the roar, not sure about the rest of you." Eon would rush off without looking back once and heading towards the center.

@NyxieRina @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime

  • Exploration

    "Right. Sorry…" Ruby sheepishly nodded, not meaning to offend the man, but clearly had done so. He'd even brandished a rapier to prove his point, complimenting her scythe in the process. "Of course I do–I made her myself, after all!" She practically boasted, flourishing her scythe as she compressed it back to its smaller rifle mode to stow away under her cloak right before feeling the brief quake that shook the entire forest, prompting the crystal petals to fall off of the hedges. with Yuri leading the group south, they'd find that this single hedge lined path leads eastward. The hedges appear to come to a full stop, yet there are still red roses, appearing to increase in number in this path, some had even begun growing on the ground. Still on the ground.

    It's still a ways to go, but at least it's safe.

    "There's a lot of roses around here, huh…" Ruby took note aloud, attempting to strike a conversation as they continued ahead.

  • Exploration

    Interaction: @Gotham Knight Todd
    Though muddled by the strange air of the place, Gohan could actually sense some people nearby. They're not his people, for sure, but it's reassuring to know that he's not alone in this endeavor. As he proceeded southward, the path became less rosy and moreso akin to a regular forest at fall–except for all the glistening gemstones that make up the greenery.

    At the same time, however, he could hear some creature roaring in the distance–this roar appeared to be loud, yet muffled by bubbles, sounding as though it was drowning somewhere. It came further south–the very path he's trekking on.

    • Exploration

      Interaction: @Birb-With-Gun
      The Kleinhammer would walk through a hallway like area, where most paths were blocked by tiny fragile wooden walls once both leading north and south. At this point, the Kleinhammer would hear something of a roar along with the disturbed echoes of the wind coming northeast his direction. It sounds as though someone agitated a creature in this forest. Though would he be curious enough to find out what it is?

    • Combat

      Interaction: @LuckycoolHawk9
      The collision between two hardened foreheads didn't seem to faze neither skull and demigod. Sparks seemingly fly as the massive foreheads grinded against one another, the air sharp with tension as green gust began to whirl around the pair. Insisting on busting through, the Manaspawn used this wind to bolster his momentum; attempting to push Ben away with bursts of wind blowing from its back, propelling itself into an already practically immovable force. If it broke free, the Manaspawn wouldn't relent and continued to tackle Ben away from the crystal, albeit attached. Although it seemed to be veering itself to face south–the way Ben came, almost as if it's trying to make an escape.

      Enemies Left: 1

      - -{[MAGICIAN'S MANASPAWN]} - -
      - -

      - -

      - -
      HP: [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X][X][X] (Enemy's HP Values)

  • Exploration

    As The Inquisitor raised his chainsaw, its mechanical screeches caused the wall to react, rippling with spikes as though one had sensitive ears. Though the wall wasn't made to withstand, it was easily dispatched of, crumbling and practically fading into the very air like light itself with a pitched echo of his chainsaw's roar. To anyone with eyes, it's almost mystifying the way [Yellow]'s light wall blended onto the Inquisitor's entrance, as though divine light is shining down his path. Though that's nothing more than his ego trip. The same sort of light show happened when Touma cracked the wall eastbound, now blown to bits by Kirbo's bomb. Both explosions didn't leave any shards behind.

    As if to respond to the recent quake and Jin's complaints,a curious blue sludge begins to leak out of the crack of the door, glowing etherealy as though to match the glistening colors of an ocean. To anyone, it would appear to be like slime, like water. But magic specialists would be quick to realize how off the color is.

    "?!" Being the first to notice the sludge, The Rider turned to the others and called out to the ones hanging around the stairs. "EVERYONE, MOVE!" He leapt off of the entryway just as the sludge practically burst out of the door with a loud wave like crash, the sludge coalescing together in a twirling motion, a jawless skull of a bull forming from inside of the sludge, letting out a bubbling roar as spiked tendrils formed around the water bubble, sparkling with yellow electricity. The drowning scream echoed as Josuke's Plunder Bubble took effect, practically forcing everyone off of the staircase to avoid getting electrocuted by the creature.

    "What are the chances THIS is one of them Manaspawns you keep yappin about?" Hayato asked, noticing the bull skull inside of the water bubble, cracking his knuckles as his belt roared to life, supplying his suit with prana once more as it began to rain around the center.

    Could the quake have called this thing out from the door?


    HP: 10
    Enemy Count: 1

  • Exploration

    "Hey, don't blame me. I'm used to having people jump at me last minute instead of the whole stalker angle." Ben chuckled at the reverser's comment. Getting a good look at him, Ben's feeling a lot more disappointed in himself for not noticing this schmuck earlier. He's literally the textbook definition of tackiness. He's got the camouflage of a Lady Gaga Costume–loud and contrasting to the colors of this forest. "I'm just glad it's something I've seen before in movies. Well, I've seen most weapons in movies, but I'm not all into DnD. You feel me?" Ben sighs, nodding as he planted part of the bow on the ground, leaning on it like a makeshift cane. "So, do you have a name we can call you, or should I call you Inverser?" He asked, curious on what the being's name is. He could at least sort it out before heading off into the unknowingly getting close enough.

    Ben seemed to lose a bit of balance as the quake came and went, though this agitated the now pacified Manaspawn, heading out on its own eastward, along with a newly transformed Ben with a rather sinister purple aura–whoever this transformation was supposed to be, Ben didn't like it one bit–and he doesn't know why.

    "Isn't this just great…Guess break's over then. Let's move." Ben clicked his tongue, lifting his bow and spinning it onto his hand. He chased after the fleeing part, reacting to what sounds like an obvious bait. Then again, with 3 Bens on the team, no trap's too hard.

    >move to East Tab

  • Exploration

    Following the Chi Yu, the gang would emerge from the stone ruins into a more leisure forest. Almost like a clearing, but there were still wall-like trees stopping them from maneuvering around to catch up to the Chi-Yu, which took the southern path leading eastward. Its eyes reacting, pulsating blue instead of its usual magenta. To the Pokemon, especially Meatball, the Chi Yu sounded as though it was desperate to return to its family, as predated by its mention of sibling earlier–but now, it mentioned how its 'father' was close.

    "Are you sure your Pokemon can fight another one of those?" Ben asked, slightly concerned for Flora's Pokemon, judging by his own experience, it sounds as though more trouble is ahead. His Chaquetrix isn't done recharging, but at least with him, he could run DPS now that he has a bow instead of a walking stick.

    To Eon, the same path the Chi Yu took would be where the Nanites that awakened him would lead toward; like a moth to a flame. He would also sense HUGE amounts of temporal energy where he's going, too. Must be that funny giant tree that everyone could see from the fork in the road. The leaves this time reminding them of the aurora that they saw before waking up here.

    Could that be the source?

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  • The blocks that were once there suddenly vanished thanks to the efforts of two people; a man in military uniform and some pink rotund creature. Retsujo immediately drew out her gun, aimed back and forth between the newcomers and yelled "ENEMIES!!!" But then Hayato yelled out something that told those within the doors vicinity to move out as something liquid burst out and formed itself into a creature of water and lightning. And then it started raining.

    "Oh crap! We're gonna get soaked!" Retsujo exclaimed.

    "Our clothes are only the least of our worries. Right now, we got something to deal with." Shujinko spoke as he drew out his sword and dragged his finger along the side, magic circles appearing along as it went. When it's done, the magic circles would absorb any prana throughout the surroundings, empowering it.

    "Retsujo, I'm gonna need some covering fire. Think you can do that for me?" He asked as he glanced over to his sister.

    "You bet I am, Shujinko. I've been itching for some action for quite some time now. If only Yuri were to be here..." Retsujo answered as she shifted her gun into its rifle mode and the sibling began to make haste towards the Manaspawn.

    During this time, Retsujo had begun to take shots at monster to distract it while Shujinko attempts to get himself close to it. When he does, magic circles would appear beneath his feet and leapt high above the Manaspawn. He would then swing his sword to release the prana stored in it to unleash a magical slash onto the creature.

    @Gotham Knight Todd

  • As they went south, they would notice the path goes east, and so they took it. Yuri would also take note of the roses continuing to grow the more further they go, but still, they have a lot ground to cover and a lot of time to make up.

    They wouldn't care if somebody stopped for a moment as they still need to go.

  • The crashing sound of both walls breaking would stun Touma for a bit, reflexively holding Ken behind him from whatever rubble might've come from those booms (Which would be none as they turned into light instead).
    Still, he looks to those who arrive out of the destroyed walls...and finds one familiar and one unfamiliar face.

    Kirby and a much more serious man. Clean coat but clearly showing signs of inevitable wear, not from just living, but living harshly. (@Signupname)
    A soldier of some sort, only reaffirmed by the sight of medals beneath. And judging by the look and many, one of high standing.

    The Inquisitor would watch the journalist-looking fellow's stance shift with his arrival. The glance he'd catch before both notice each other would've shown a look akin to a parent trying to calm their child, but the man who stands before him would be on equal terms with him.

    Even without proper adornments or weaponry, Korvin can recognize a soldier (Lacking in clear respect, so likely someone more akin to guerilla fighters than someone to command).

    "Who are-" It's about then that the crashing wave by the center would roar out. Touma's eyes would glance to the commotion, but his body remains facing the inquisitor.

    "Look, I will make some assumptions for the sake of lacking time. Unknown forest where you woke up unaware of how or why you're here. Others are also here, but we're not from the same worlds. Not even the same realities going by my instincts, so assume you're common sense to clash with others."

    With that preliminary info quickly spat out, he points to the commotion beginning to pick up. "Only lead we've found is trying to open a door over there."

    And one glance to Kirby (@LuckycoolHawk9), Touma would set down the kid and address them both. "Look, you've been traveling fine through the maze, so I want you both to promise me this. Stay out of trouble, and try to go to the center sometime later once things calm down. Alright?"

    Ken gives a silent nod, and assuming Kirby gives a similar affirmation, Touma looks to Korvin. "I apologize for my rushed-ness, but I'm going to try to help with the commotion, so I would respect your aid if you can provide and I'll try to give a better explanation after." With that, he goes to join the mess in the center

  • Being released by the strange man, Ken would look to Kirby and the lack of things. The fact he's back here means..."Dead end?"

    Agitation from the many dead ends is clear in him, but there's little else he can do about it. Still, there's also little else they can do besides try to explore around further. Or join the thing going on in the center, but there are too many people there, so he doesn't wanna.

    So, Ken goes South, slipping by the formally dressed chainsaw man to go explore downwards.
  • Despite the low, chaotic hum around her, Ada remained focused with her ears open for any signs of an attack. As soon as the gasp escaped Hayato's mouth, Ada glanced back to see the water pouring out from under the door. She had never seen any liquid like this—viscous, colorful... unnatural.

    As Hayato shouted, Ada somersaulted off the staircase, landing gracefully on the ground of the clearing. "Perhaps! Why don't you ask him?" she retorted to his snarky question before firing multiple shots from her rifle—some aimed at the 'body', some at the skull. For a change, she was glad Retsujo was putting her weapon to use, as well.

    @ThePotatoGod @Topless
  • Aya hummed at Red Hood's remark. "Who's Jigsaw?" she asked, having not been acquainted with such an unsavory-sounding character.

    The way Richie shrank at the cross tone gave Aya the impression his father was a real disciplinarian. After he turned back to her and Rex to discuss their next course of action, the cop heard the shouting as something burst forth from the door in the tree. Immediately, she drew her Beretta. Its blue-tinted gelatinous reminded her vaguely of the Ultimate being she had fought and killed mere hours ago. "You should find your husband," she told the assassin, her tone indicating worry about this encounter.

    "Here, for good measure..." Aya paused and took a deep breath before a pentagon of orange light appeared at Richie's feet. The energy rose to envelop him before seemingly fading. "Barrier," she explained prior to interposing herself between the pair and their adversary. Whether Jason chose to stay or go, his son was especially safe for a moment.

    @Gotham Knight Todd @Sun_Lord
  • "I think it was pretty obvious we were being followed," Veso started to lecture the odd and vaguely menacing lad on his lack of subtlety. He would have continued, but one of the three guys named 'Ben' transformed into a more menacing character and Chi Yu headed up the road. "By the Void... No time to lose! Let's follow them!" he urged the party before rushing after them, his Osprey close behind him. Profit favored the swift, more often than not.

    @ThePotatoGod @LuckycoolHawk9 @NyxieRina
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Jaune arc, The Rusted Knight

(Magical Forest>>>Northwest)
"Yeah, seems like this place is filled with them," Jaune remarked, glancing around at the abundance of red roses lining their path. He adjusted his grip on his shield, feeling a sense of unease despite the apparent safety of their current surroundings.

"It's strange, though. I don't remember seeing this many roses before. Makes you wonder what kind of place we've stumbled into," he mused, his mind drifting to the mysteries of their current situation.

Despite the oddity of their surroundings, Jaune remained vigilant, keeping an eye out for any signs of danger as they continued their journey.
Ben, The Prometheus

Ben never really thought of himself as hard-headed, but it seemed that was the case when he would clash with the monster. He took a deep breath, happy that he was immune to magic due to his relationship on how humanity got theirs back on his home world. The demigod would hold his ground and refused to be pushed by the wind, moving forward and not letting the creature tackle him away from the creature. He almost didn't catch the detail that the creature had turned around and was heading back the way he came. "Oh no, we are not doing that," he replied, understanding what it was trying to do and would tackle the creature towards the ground and pin, attempting to land a swing or two.



Kirby had every intention to join the fight, but between the puppy running away from and the other man saying that it was safer to stay away from it, he would look a little confused. The puffball would look over at the other man and would hand him two of the toys he had gotten. "Throw and go boom. I will keep puppy safe and come to center later," he replied, hoping that was going to help them in the fight.

Kirby would follow after the dog, wondering if the dog didn't want to fight or if there were other things he had left behind in the other area as well.

@ThePotatoGod @noob13241

Eon (Benji Is currently unable to answer the phone)

Eon would notice that the creature that his other counterpart had seen was also running this way. It seemed that there was a lot that he didn't understand about the weird area it was. But yet, he felt something familiar. Those little bug things that Ben's friend was so fond of him. He was nearby. Eon would be quiet and stop for a second...... Was it wise towards that man, not knowing what danger he might pose to him or any plans? It seemed that his question was answered when he sensed the temporal energy. "Well, that's as good as reason as any to head there. Hopefully, nobody notices me," he mumbled. He would head towards the tree, seeing if he could absorb some of the temporal energy to use as his own as he would get closer. It felt familiar, but Eon couldn't quite place why.... and didn't think much about it either.

@ThePotatoGod @Heading to the Tree
  • Interaction: @Topless @dark @Midle1998 @Kirie98 @ThePotatoGod @Crow @FactionParadox @SorryTM

    "Indeed," Poco commented. "It reminds me of our Biodome on Valentine's Day. But with even more roses around." He came upon a small realization. "Actually, what was the last day you guys remembered before waking up here? I think it was.... November 11?" He said, trying to recall the exact date.

    As he did, he bent down to pluck some roses and put them on the brim of his sombrero. They were really pretty and there was plenty of them anyways.
  • Interaction: @Crow @Goonfire @Kirie98 @LuckycoolHawk9 @Ori @Foxes81_of_Anime
    There was a reason Meatball stuck to his Limited Build when traversing Paldea. Meatball wasnt as fast on two legs as he was on four, and he couldnt go too fast lest he hurt his trainer while she was basically being cradled in his arms.But even then, the Chi Yu was wicked fast, no doubt fueled y whatever the noise was.

    "What is it saying Meatball?" Flora asked, despite knowing that she couldnt understand his answer.

    "Kor-don." [Something about family, and them being hurt.] Meatball growled anyways, his voice seemingly on edge to those who could understand him.

    But Meatball must have been going slower than normal, as soon Pink Ben caught up to them and asked her a question.

    "We'll be fine! My Pokemon barely tired themselves against Flambe, and that picnic should perk them right up. We'll be ready for anything!." She reassured him. Though it might have not been so convincing with Flambe still screaming and Meatball wincing at the sound.
  • @Signupname @noob13241 @Kirie98 @shinku @Ori @Gotham Knight Todd @Foxes81_of_Anime @Topless @ThePotatoGod @LuckycoolHawk9

    "Whazhuh?" King Dedede asked, before noticing something was wrong with the door. "Woah!" He cried, using a jumping then floating to get away right before any weird substances can get on his kingly robes.

    Not that help as it started to rain. "Aw come on. I don't got any Dry Cleaner Waddle Dees here y'know?" He complained for the sake of complaining. His robe was tougher than that, but it was the principle of the thing!

    "A boss, I shoulda known-" He tsked as he got a look at the thing. He cant say hes seen anything like it. that sure seems to be water, or perhaps poison, surrounding the skull. Many an elemental in his world could get hurt by touching the non-physical and more power-y stuff.

    Well, he aint gonna know til he tries.

    Attatching the weird explodey thing to one of his gordos, the king hefted the spikey iron ball and hit it like a baseball into the creatures face. Thats gotta hurt!

  • The blocks that were once there suddenly vanished thanks to the efforts of two people; a man in military uniform and some pink rotund creature. Retsujo immediately drew out her gun, aimed back and forth between the newcomers and yelled "ENEMIES!!!" But then Hayato yelled out something that told those within the doors vicinity to move out as something liquid burst out and formed itself into a creature of water and lightning. And then it started raining.

    "Oh crap! We're gonna get soaked!" Retsujo exclaimed.

    "Our clothes are only the least of our worries. Right now, we got something to deal with." Shujinko spoke as he drew out his sword and dragged his finger along the side, magic circles appearing along as it went. When it's done, the magic circles would absorb any prana throughout the surroundings, empowering it.

    "Retsujo, I'm gonna need some covering fire. Think you can do that for me?" He asked as he glanced over to his sister.

    "You bet I am, Shujinko. I've been itching for some action for quite some time now. If only Yuri were to be here..." Retsujo answered as she shifted her gun into its rifle mode and the sibling began to make haste towards the Manaspawn.

    During this time, Retsujo had begun to take shots at monster to distract it while Shujinko attempts to get himself close to it. When he does, magic circles would appear beneath his feet and leapt high above the Manaspawn. He would then swing his sword to release the prana stored in it to unleash a magical slash onto the creature.

    @Gotham Knight Todd

  • As they went south, they would notice the path goes east, and so they took it. Yuri would also take note of the roses continuing to grow the more further they go, but still, they have a lot ground to cover and a lot of time to make up.

    They wouldn't care if somebody stopped for a moment as they still need to go.


--Aijo Kiirome || Hayato Ichimonji--
'Blood is blood. It exists to be spilled. Choosing when and where to spill it? Well, that's what separates us from the beasts.'

– Commissar Furzon Grall, during the repression of the uprising on Jhental VII​

As the wall crumbled, he steps forward finally, closer to the roots of the trees.
People. People . Finally. Something other than ruins and crystals. It means more than merely him has been ejected into this false-Agriworld.

He dusted himself off. THe rubble from the wall that was no matcch for the adamantium blade of a chainsword still coat a faint layer of powder on his person. He looks around. The boy was gone, running somewhere else.

He saw people in strange outfuts. Some humans carrying bizarre oversized weapons. And a couple of Xeno he has no knowledge of - a diminutive pink...think, and a large flightless bird wearing a crown and carries a large hammer.

THe later makes him narrows his eyes for a brief moment

He is not one of those...unsubtle of his colleagues who might just already prepare a pyre right now , screaming condemnation all the way, but it's does help to be careful and


He hear the yell, looking at the direction, he saw some youngster vaguely gesture their weapons at his general direction. He is about to reply, but before he managed, it appears.

"By the Emperor!" He muttered.

Coalescing in the midle of them is a torrent of sludge. Ble in color, it concentrates around the skull of some horned beast. Quickly taking form, spiked tendrils "grows out" of the masses, as crackling electricity start to wreathed its body.

The creature roars. The voice bubbling with liquid, reminiscing him of a drowning herbivore screams in hopeless defiance as floodwater sunk its lungs.

Let the introduction for later then. He signals with his mind, sheething his chainblade.

One of the Cherub-drone fawstly descent. A bulky weapon in its arms presented to him to grab in the pose of a squire giving a blade to his charge, even if this weapon is anything but.

Bulky and in timidating, its depictions is seen on every Cathedral in the Emperor's Realm across the Galaxy. THe sacred weapon of the Angels of Deat , a component of the Holy Trinity of the Adepta Sororitas.

Even in the minimised form of it for usage of the unaugmented, it is still a spitter of death in the form of heavy caliber rocket assisted ordnances.

THe Inquisitor quickly grab his bolter, and with his skills formed in the harsh training regimes of his late mentor, tempered in the bloody battlefield all over the galaxy, he steadied his aim and fire.


Brass casing spat out the side, .75 caliber rocket propelled high explosive bolt rounds exited the barrels of hiis weapon, and slammed into the form of the creature as mass reactive tips acknowledge impacts and finally detonates across the 'skins' of the attacker
Abelgard Müller - The Lone Kleinhammer

Current Location: ???

After making his way out of the area with the large tree, the Inquisitor was now left heading down a path filled with various walls and barriers similar in size and structure to the one that he destroyed earlier. As much as it would've been easier to travel about if he were to destroy such structures, he much rather not give the small glowing sapient creatures any more reason to try and potentially attack him instead. He was pretty certain he couldn't even hit something that small if he were to get into a fight, so he rather not risk his own life for something he can easily avoid. Continuing to stumble his way down the hall, and other than the very earth shaking quake earlier, there wasn't much else that had occurred. If anything, moving away from the tree made things… quiet again, only his very thoughts and the beautiful forest around him. With no other sign of life, the N. Corp member was a bit unsure as to whether or not he should make his way back instead to try and see if he can talk to the fairies only to start to hear something… strange.

It was something all too family to him, the sounds of battle… of conflict. And the rush of… wind? Wait, could such be a potential escape? Already, a burst of energy began to course through his body. The chance of escape, a way out, he must grip this chance before it leaves him. Even if there was the sounds of fighting nearby, he was more than fine with fighting off anything that would try and hold him back from this chance of freedom. And so, revigorated with the possibility to try and make his way out of this strange location, Abel had started to move his way North East instead, no longer stumbling and even moving into a small but constant jog as the possibility of escape lingered within his mind and motivating him to keep going.

  • As Misaka headed out the path, she felt something funny. There's like a really, really strong surge up ahead. Something was just crackling and overloaded with electrical power. "I don't know what that is.. but it's bad!"

    Whatever it was, Misaka wasn't going to walk there idly. She picked up her pace, running up ahead before that entity got any stronger!

    Misaka - #54ACD2

    @ThePotatoGod as Ben Tennyson(Pink)
    @Crow as Ben Tennyson(Green)
    @LuckycoolHawk9 as Ben Tennyson(Grass)
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Reverser
    @NyxieRina as Flora Escarlate
    @Kirie98 as Misaka Mikoto
    @Ori as Teruzi

  • "Hm?"

    Rudeus turned to see what the Kamen Rider was shouting about. Something was coming out of the door. Something..

    His eyes widened, as an almost nauseating amount of mana suddenly surged in the area. Whatever that thing was, it was oozing in it! It came out with a roaring crash, letting out a terrifying cry as spikes jutted out from the bubble forming its body. To top it off, it crackled with energy as electricity ran through its body! A notable feature was the skull in the middle of its shape, well protected and held deep within that bubbling shapeless form of its.

    "I guess it is!" Rudeus replied to the man. This must've been the creature that they heard earlier. It was probably already aware of their presence the moment they came, like a dungeon boss of sorts. Plans formed in Rudeus's mind, as he aimed his staff at the monster. Already, several party members were attacking it. There wasn't much of a strategy, so he'll have to refrain from using more destructive spells least they get caught within the attack. Given that the monster's main body was mostly water coursing with electricity, it was probably a given that using water spells wouldn't do much. Hitting it with a strong enough concentration of fire could weaken it significantly.

    "I'm going to freeze it!" Rudeus called out, warning those around him as he began to conjure the wind around him, rapidly chilling the rain water as little droplets of snow and ice, as he concentrated the make-shift freezing spell onto the Manaspawn!

    Rudeus - #E25041

    @ThePotatoGod as Aijo, Hayato Ichimonji
    @Gotham Knight Todd as Josuke Higashikata
    @Foxes81_of_Anime as Jin
    @Ori as Blitzo
    @Topless as Shujinko and Resujou Kanou
    @Kirie98 as Rudeus Greyrat
    @shinku as Burt Vaughn, 'The White Devil'
    @NyxieRina as King Dedede

  • Something shook the ground, as though a giant had laid its foot upon the earth. Though, as they stood around, Jeanne felt a sudden surge somewhere within this place. Mana was flowing freely and excessively, radiating outward from the position to their left. "We should be cautious." She spoke up, "Something, or someone, is expending an enormous amount of mana."

    It certainly didn't help that as they moved, that flowing surge of mana became more and more prominent. A Servant, perhaps? There isn't a mage she can think of that could output this much.

    Jeanne - #F7DA64

    @ThePotatoGod as Ruby Rose
    @Midle1998 as Jaune Arc
    @SorryTM as Tartaglia
    @NyxieRina as Poco
    @Kirie98 as Jeanne D'Arc
    @Topless as Yuri Yaoi
    @FactionParadox as Saburo Katagiri
    @Crow as Nobeta
    @Sun_Lord as Kyle Rayner
    @dark as Leonidas


The boy yelped and crouched instinctively whilst hanging onto the crystal wall, waiting for the vibration to subside. Was the Signal Tower collapsing again? He closed his eyes momentarily, hoping that was the case. But when he opened his eyes wasn't the familiar bluish tint of the Forest he always appeared in with every single Loop. He hated that place-but even those familiar surroundings would be better. He sighed and patiently waited for the others to recover before huffing and holding out his hands again, trying once more to Tune the Transmission to try and break the wall.

Static crackled around his hands but fizzled off as he tried again, seemingly angering the small boy as he stamped his foot. Damn it. Looks like he'd have to go through this manually--which meant a lot of walking. Whelp. Here we go...

"W-wah!" the demon immediately backed up from the explosion, falling on their back. "Did I do tha-?!" they didn't finish their sentence as they hopped back up, "Ne-nevermind. Wuh oh, looking like we're in a bit of trouble here..." they pouted, "The more the merrier, though--! Let's hurry up and defeat it~ defeat it~" they hummed before cracking their knuckles and stretching.

Their tail did a little twitch as magic crackled around their fingertips. Showy. Very, very showy. With a burst of cartoony dust and confetti that ended up raining down on the battlefield-although disappearing before it ever hit anything- there was what looked to be another person standing there. They had black short hair tied into a low ponytail and were wearing a long blue coat, with a red velvet vest and a white button-up underneath it all.

"Rayray!" they said cheerily to the shorter boy- no, copy of Ray. "Left left, right, down." they instructed the copy, who silently nodded before Jin came closer to the Manaspawn, claws outstretched. "Mm...water...water...what defeats water again? Rocks? Or could you like...drink it?" they tapped their foot thoughtfully before pulling out a card from seemingly nowhere- a Joker- and throwing it at the Manaspawn deftly, trying to see what would happen.

Rev smirked at the man's words before the quake hit. He let out an "Ack-" as he nearly fell off his hoverboard before righting himself quickly. "I'm-" he was cut off again as one of the Bens ran off. Damn, looks like the universe really doesn't want him to introduce himself to these people.

He watched them run before flying after them, wondering what was up ahead.