CHARACTERS The Queen's Minions

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Name: Dayanara "Daya" Moldova
Image Source: Ali Pazani Photographer
Age: 28
Weight: 130lbs
Height: 5'6"

Brief Bio: "My name is Dayanara but all my friends call me Daya." Daya is fun, energetic and a lover of life and adventure. She was raised by a single mother and has one younger sister she adores and also helped to raise. Mia, 10, is the spitting image of a younger Daya and they couldn't be closer. Daya currently resides in the big apple, NYC, where she lives with her mother and sister. She loves the life and electricity of the city. Everything is exciting and there is always something to do there. She is always on the go and looking for the next thing to do. She just isn't one to stay still for too long. She is fiercely independent and doesn't like to be told what to do. But she is a person who loves deeply and will be loyal until the very end.

Name: Alandra Averill
Image Source: Yael Shelbia
Age: 22
Weight: 125lbs
Height: 5'5"

Brief Bio: Alandra is descended from a long line of nobility that dates back to the knights of the round table in the great King Arthur's own court. Her family is well known in the kingdom and Lord Baylin Averill himself has been seen from time to time in Castle Camelot. The Averill family has always been known for their loyalty to the crown, their discretion and their humility. Though they can trace members of their family to the knights that surrounded the great king, they don't flaunt it. Such was the way that Alandra was also raised. She was raised to revere the crown and the kingdom and hold it with the utmost respect and regard. She is very well educated and well versed in the history of the kingdom. She loves to read but most notably Alandra has a voice like an angel. She can sing in a way that soothes the soul with notes that echo deep within. She can also dance in ways that are fun and pleasing though secretly she has also practiced how to dance to entice and seduce... saving those particular moves for a more private moment. She did not initially wish to join the King's contest, finding it to be some glorified beauty contest but her father convinced her that it was the best way to protect the king. For if Alandra became queen, she would do all she could to not only support her husband and king but would protect his very soul with all she had.


Name: Cecilia Alwyn
Image Source: Unknown
Age: 21
Weight: 130lbs
Height: 5'6"

Brief Bio: Cecilia is a high born woman of noble birth. She is the daughter of Lord Tomer Alwyn. Cecilia sees herself as worthy of all she has due to her status and place in the land. It is only fitting that she join the contest for the new queen. She is the best fit to be queen of course. Any man would be lucky to have a woman like Cecilia on his arm. She knows exactly how to behave in court and what to do. She had been trained since birth on how to be the perfect woman of nobility. She is surely to win the king's contest. He was just going through the motions but Cecilia was sure he would pick her. She was the most logical choice after all. She is very well educated and knows quite a bit of history. She is quite literate and excellent in mathematics and will often find excuses to demonstrate her skills and be the center of attention.


Name: Sabina Nordane
Image Source: MihaelaNorocPhoto
Age: 20
Weight: 120lbs
Height: 5'3"

Brief Bio: Sabina is also of noble birth though she is from a more distant land than the other girls. She is the daughter of Lord Lainor Nordane who is seeking an alliance with the new king of Camelot and seeking marriage as a way to unite and tie the two kingdoms together. Having found the king's contest as the perfect way to introduce his daughter, Sabina, he quickly ensured she was selected to be brought before the king. The Lord Nordane spared no expense when it came to Sabina and he lined a few pockets to ensure she was part of the king's new harem. Sabina follows what her father instructs and knows the importance of such an alliance for her lands and family. She is well educated and reads often. She can also be found writing poetry and occasionally painting various works of art.

Name: Arthur Van Courtland
Gender: Male
Image Source: Unknown
Age: 69

Personality: Calculated is probably the best word to describe Arthur. He doesn't make any decisions without running every possible scenario first which, despite his age, is done rather quickly. He is a man that prides himself in having the best of the best from the clothes he wears, to the drinks he drinks, to the cigars he smokes, to the faction of the hotel he has run for close to thirty years. He doesn't buckle under pressure and is one of the most trusted Sanctus members with close ties to The Triad. It is rumored that he may know exactly who they are though there isn't anyone that could break that secret from him if true. He is well versed in all the workings of the Sanctuary and the will of The Triad and is ruthless with its rules. Nothing slides when it comes to Arthur. He will not hesitate to eliminate one that has lost Sanctus status. No one is a friend.

His level of clearance within the organization gives him a plethora of knowledge and resources at his disposal that he uses to further his needs and that of the Triad. He is highly discreet and any information given is on a need to know basis. If Arthur does not want you to know something, you wont. He is also a man of his word. If Arthur says he will do something, it is a guarantee and his word is law.

Background: Arthur has been the manager of his faction of The Sanctuary hotels for almost thirty years. Not much is known about his background or where he originally came from but it is told that he was once a very skilled assassin that worked directly with the Triad. There was no middle man giving orders, Arthur was the one who received the direct instructions from the actual members and apparently still did. It is said that the Triad thought his prowess and expertise was better suited as a manager and gave him one of the Sanctuaries to run after the previous manager was Arthur himself. The Sanctuary under Arthur's management is one of the strongest and most well known of all the hotels. It receives the most visitors per year and has assisted in supporting various Sanctus members.

Arthur has no friends and is rumored to have no family. His family is The Sanctuary and the Triad and he is at their complete beck and call. He follows his orders to the Tee and does not waver in his resolve. Many have tried to garner his secrets and none have been able to gather any useful information. He is loyal to the Triad and is willing to die for it if he has to. No matter the cost.

Name: Santa De La Vega
Gender: Female
Image Source: Unknown
Age: 36

Personality: Santa is very detail-oriented and it is why Arthur recruited her to work for him. There isn't a minuscule detail that she will miss. Her work is sheer perfection and in the six years she has worked for Arthur, she has had no complaints launched against her nor has an error been made. She is highly intelligent and fluent in six languages. She is a skilled weapons master. She is trained to recognize almost every type of weapon and its corresponding ammunition. She is knowledgeable of each weapon's capacity, range and durability. She is also trained in cartography and has a near photographic memory which enables her to do her work with precision and no errors.

She is highly efficient at her work and knows how to anticipate Arthur's needs and those of the Sanctus members. There isn't a task too small for Santa. Like Arthur, she devotes herself to the Sanctuary only and has a permanent room at the hotel where she stays so she can always be available when needed. Though she does allow more indulgences than Arthur, occasionally allowing herself to have some company in the lonely hours of the night when the hotel is particularly quiet.

Background: Santa was recruited by Arthur from another Sanctuary hotel. With Arthur's pull within the Triad, it was a simple transfer for him. Arthur only wanted the best for his hotel and Santa was the best. She works very closely with Arthur and knows quite a bit about him though, like Arthur, secrets die with her. Santa is devoted to the Sanctuary and especially to Arthur. The two always work hand in hand and wherever Arthur is, Santa isn't too far behind. Whether it be to take down his dictation, to follow through with a request or to be the one that carries out an execution, Santa can be relied upon. She can be found at the front desk or at Arthur's side, wherever she is needed the most. Little is known about Santa's actual upbringing or childhood. Arthur does not want anyone knowing her background and Santa has complied. The less others know about her, the better. Arthur is jealous when it comes to Santa and though there has never been any romantic involvement between the two, their relationship can be described as a father and his daughter. Arthur has no family, neither does Santa. All they have is each other. Though Santa is well aware that if Arthur had to chose between her and The Sanctuary, the Sanctuary would always win.

Main Characters

Name: Miles Thatcher
Gender: Male
Image Source: Unknown
Age: 30

Personality: Hot head is probably the best way to describe Miles. He is quick tempered and is quick to pull a gun from its holster. He is loud and slightly obnoxious. The bigger the bang the better it is for him. He isn't one for discreetness. He is one to go in guns blazing, bombs bursting and all around having a grand ol' time doing it all. He is rude and doesn't have much of a filter. He will tell you exactly what is on his mind in the moment he thinks it. He can be impulsive at times and can make decisions without thinking them through in their entirety. He isn't shy in the slightest and will often be the first to speak and approach another.

He isn't summoned for jobs that require high levels of discretion. He is summoned when the Triad wishes to make a spectacle and an example. Although loud and rather grandiose with his presence, Miles does have a softer side. When his life has gotten to be too much for him and he needs a breather from all the death, he can found playing his guitar to quiet the demons. He doesn't get to play much but when he does it helps to soothe him.

Background: Miles always said that he didn't look for the crime life, the crime life forced itself on him. He grew up in a house of seven boys and one girl and always found himself in some tussle or another. It started as boys being boys but as the circumstances of his upbringing grew worse and his family was just short of homelessness in their poverty, his tussles turned into full blown fights. Miles was quick to knock in heads especially when the other kids began to poke fun at his family and their situation. He landed in one too many fights growing up until one day it sent him into the penitentiary after stabbing someone fatally at the age of 17 when that man tried to rape his youngest and only sister. The Penn was no better and Miles found himself having to fight for his life more than he could count.

His circumstances changed when he met a man by the name of Toran Tulane. Miles wasn't sure if that was his real name but that was what he was told was his name. Toran saw something in Miles and introduced him to The Triad and the Sanctuary. The way Toran described it, Miles saw the Triad as a way to free his family, to climb out of his shitty situation and find himself on the other side of the mess that was his life. It wasn't long before Miles was on his way to completing his three trials which he did from inside the penitentiary. He was branded right inside his cell and one day, his case made it to the front of the line and a judge signed his order of release. It seemed the weapon Miles used had gone missing in police lockup and so had the video footage. There was nothing to implicate Miles anymore so he was released.

Once outside, Miles received his first Sanctuary coin and Toran led the way to what would become Miles' new life. He did eventually get his family out of their situation but he knew he could never really go back to them. He was in too deep now and life was too dangerous for him to bring any of that home. So he set them up and left to solely pursue the life the Triad had laid out for him. He could still be his loud self, he could still knock in heads and make lots of noise doing it all but he had to do it for them now. He didn't have another option.

Name: Vincent Moretti
Gender: Male
Image Source: Mario Moyano Collection
Age: 29

Personality: Vincent was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He was raised with the best of the best and wanted for absolutely nothing which created a rather egotistical narcissist with a superiority complex. Vincent looks down at others he deems less than him or from a lower class. He descends from a long line of Morettis, one of the most prolific and wealthiest crime families under the protection and guidance of the Triad. They are known loyalists with every member of the family required to serve in some capacity.

Although he deems himself above others, he is at least polite and isn't one to draw much attention to himself. Vincent has received the nickname of "the shadow" as he is difficult to track and you only know he's there when he's already upon you. He moves in silence and prefers weapons that make little to no noise. His guns have silencers, he uses various knives but he prefers, and can often be found, behind the scope of a sniper rifle for ease of escape.

Background: Vincent was raised very wealthy. He went to only the best private schools growing up, had a personal tutor and his meals prepped by his chef. He also attended one of the Ivy Leagues fully paid by his father, the head of the Moretti family and a generous donor to the school. The Moretti family raised their children to treat the Triad and The Sanctuary almost like gods. They were devoted to the life and instructed all its family members to serve in one capacity or another. It was no exception for Vincent who was trained from very young to become a skilled assassin.

He was trained with various weapons though Vincent showed a penchant for the more subtle and quieter choices. He continued his training in martial arts and received his black belt and learned various other forms of hand to hand combat but it was the sniper that truly drew his attention. It allowed him to see his target but not be close enough to be seen himself. He could slip back into the shadows when done and none would be the wiser.

The Morettis gather from time to time and indulge in lavish dinners and parties that only the best of the best are invited to. Vincent can be often seen at the gatherings when not on mission, schmoozing with the other high powered family members and forming alliances were he can. It is during these gatherings that he is his most social though he still prefers the solace of solitude.
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Name: Myla Saxton
Image Source: Rhea Chakraborty
Age: 30
Weight: 130lbs
Height: 5'6"

Brief Bio: Myla is your regular small town girl on the hunt for a new adventure. She was raised in a small town where everyone basically knows everyone. There wasn't much Myla could get away with growing up and was raised with overbearing parents and two younger siblings. When it was time for college, Myla took advantage and went as far away as she could for school. And although she had lots of new experiences, there was only so much she could do on the budget of a teen. She unfortunately had to return to that small town for a few years once school was over. She had renounced that she'd be stuck in that little town for the rest of her life but as luck would have it, she found a job in a big city and was finally able to move away. She made enough money and is now off of a big vacation and a quest to explore all the world has to offer.