ALWAYS OPEN ThunderMoon's Apocalypse RP

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Early Morning
Sunny with a breeze

Alexander Hathorn - 52 - Leader - Location: Base(Personal Office) - James
Alexander frowned, as he stared over the list of members they had, on top of the supplies. Out of everything they were running lowest on medical supplies. He was fairly sure that the closest gas station had already been picked clean by their runners. He could send them on a run to the hospital, but that would be a trip that could take days. A risky trip he wasn't sure he wanted to try. He sighed, "But getting some actual medicine and bandages would probably be better...If I talked to the other leaders about this, we'd need to send out at least one medic, a few runners, and fighters...I can only imagine the amount of zombies between here and there..." He groaned when he heard a knock at his door, "Come in..." "Hey dad...I'd gladly be one of the runners to go on this. If anything we can fully take our time to hit the market that's on the way. Perhaps even send a few more runners to bring back what we find there and then the rest of us move on to head for the hospital." Alex glared at his son, "How many times have I told you not to eavesdrop?"

James Hathorn - 19 - Watcher - Location: Base(Father's Office) - Alexander
"Sorry, but I had knocked beforehand, you were so lost in thought you didn't hear me." Alexander nodded, "Sorry...I'm just on edge, there is no sign that these zombies will just die out...and every time we send people out we almost always lose someone..." James moved to his father's side, rubbing his shoulders, "That may be true, but at least we have given people a place to hold at least a bit of hope... Father before this, I'm sure half the people here would have torn into each other like mad dogs." Alexander shook his head, "Could you hold a bit more faith in them." James shrugged, "Hard to do when this all started thanks to two warring packs!" James said before stepping back and looking out a window, "Do you think mom is proud of us?" "Who knows...but I'd like to think she is smiling down on us." The two of them stayed there in silence thinking about Leslie.

Adam Torren - 21 - Runner - Location: Base(Outside) - Open
There was a gentle breeze that swept through the area and it was a clear morning. The last couple of mornings had been rainy and cloudy, making runs harder. They also had raked through the nearest places already so each run had them moving further and further outward. Making trips last longer, but it wasn't something as simple as picking up and moving their entire group. This place was 'safe' as long as everyone worked together, kept their eyes peeled, and did their best not to turn greedy. However, when someone did start becoming greedy it made for pleasant entertainment, especially if they did something foolish and got kicked out...or locked up. If he were to admit it though, watching someone beg or get angry about getting thrown out of this 'safe' haven was much more fun than watching the leaders lock someone up. But things had been on the quiet side for the last few days and he was starting to get bored once again. "I wonder when they will send us on a longer run...they are almost out of choices..." He pulled a folded piece of paper from his pants looking over the buildings and houses marked with X's meaning they were bone dry... There were a few still left that they could check but none of the close remaining ones had good stuff. It was mainly just water, or blankets left in those houses.

Amy Wells - 19 - Scout - Location: Base(Her Room) - Julius
Amy was still lying in her bed, she had to admit when she first joined this base she had thought she wouldn't fit in well. Even now, she still felt sort of out of place. But that was simply because it had only ever been her mom and her brother in her life... "I wish you were both still here..." She didn't have time to think about her family for long before her door flew up. "Get up lazybones! I think we should go out and doing some scouting!" She jumped at Julius' voice, "W-what do you think you are doing!" Julius chuckled, "Getting a scout to come making you do you job?"

Julius Hades - 26 - Fighter - Location: Base(Amy's Room) - Amy
"Get out!" She growled and he only chuckled, "Then get up, how can our scout be so lazy when we have to rely on you." "I wasn't being lazy! The morning has just barely arrived!" He waved off her complaints, "Yeah, and it's a bright sunny day, good for scouting you should get your ass in gear and get to scouting thanks to the rains we have had the last few days." Amy grabbed her pillow throwing it in Julius' face, "YOU AREN'T MY BOSS NOW GET OUT!!!" She hadn't thought about who she just chucked a pillow at. Julius was known for being a bit cruel perhaps because he came from ThunderMoon. But still, that didn't mean he needed to barge into her room acting like her boss. She had always feared him, because he was just scary to her. Much to her relief he simply smirked, throwing the pillow back onto her bed, "I won't be so nice next time. Get ready, because I wasn't joking." and then he left, leaving Amy feeling rather upset.

Helen River - 29 - Fighter - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Emma, Clare
Helen frowned down at Emma, she really hadn't meant to put her niece into a coma... She also hadn't expected to find her niece in a crazed state. "I'm a horrible aunt..." She muttered as she sat next to Emma's bed, holding her hand. At least now Emma's skin looked much healthier than it had. She was cleaned up, and the bruises that had been on her body were healed. The only thing was the fact she wasn't waking up, and that made Helen worry even more than if she had been awake complaining about her pain. Or even blaming Helen for not stopping her sister from doing the stupid things she had done. Helen groaned, "I should have been there for you...instead...or maybe I should have been your mother."

Clare Brooks - 20 - Medic - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Helen, Emma
"Hovering over her like that isn't going to wake her up any sooner Helen." Helen glanced over at Clare as she organized a few things. "I know, but what if she never wakes up...what if I..." Clare frowned before moving over to Helen's side, grabbing her hand, and pressing it to Emma's throat, "You feel this? Emma's pulse is strong and much more steady than when you first came charging in here. Give her time, from what you said she was put through hell. It's not even a matter of you having accidentally hurt her when she attacked you... For all we know she may not be waking up because she is not mentally ready." Helen frowned, "Not mentally ready?" Clare nodded going back over to the herbs that she had been organizing. "Sometimes when a person has gone through a lot of trauma, especially at a young age, such as herself, their minds can simply shut down...It can take a bit for them to start functioning again." Helen sighed, "So if she does wake up what can she do? She is way too young to be a scout or runner and they'd have to send her out over my dead body! I can't let anything else happen to her..." Clare laughed softly, "You do know she'll have to go outside these walls one day...right?" Helen sighed, "I mean...yeah but..." Clare paused glancing towards her, "A medic...what if I take her under my wing to train as a medic?" "Would you?" Clare nodded a soft expression on her face, "It's the safer option, and she can adjust to blood and gore as she learns more about healing. Besides, the leaders aren't so heartless to cast away a nine-year-old."

Derek Caren - 24 - Loner - Location: Lowest Gas Station in ThunderMoon
He stared outside the windows of the rundown gas station. He had made sure to clear the place out and barricade the front doors at least while he had slept for the evening. He was just happy to see the sun instead of rain and clouds. "At least this place still had some food and drinks left...I thought I was going to die of thirst..." He stretched slightly, "I have to admit that was the best sleep, I've had in a while."

Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena
Kelly watched her child as she slept in the only bed that hadn't been torn to shreds. Ever since she had found her daughter she had been sleeping a lot. Kelly had even taken notice, that the amount of zombies trying to get them had decreased. A part of her had hoped that meant they were solely dying off for good. She knew about the safe haven in RedFall...but she was scared to go there... After all, it was thanks to her mate that zombies became a thing...though she wasn't really sure if everyone knew that or not. It was a fear that haunted her. That if she and her daughter joined others they would be punished for something she hadn't even known was going on because she had come to hate her mate and had been so busy hunting for their daughter! She sighed brushing at some of Sheena's hair, her sweet daughter...what had she gone through... Kelly felt like a failed mother, but now that she had her daughter back she would be damned if she ever let Sheena out of her sight again!

Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Open
Ariel sighed as she stood on top of a tree branch looking down at the zombies that circled the tree before glancing towards the building that was within jumping reach as long as she wanted to risk forcing her weight on the tree branch. She jumped slightly, feeling her weight make the branch crake slightly. She sighed, "Okay...if I'm to do this I can not mess up..." She thought about all the time she and her siblings had played in trees. They had made it a game to see who could jump the furthest from a tree branch into the lake that was under it. It had been such fun, and they had all ended up with more than a few bumps and bruises. "I can do this..." She crouched down, before launching forward, her back legs tensed sending her off the branch as it made a loud cracking noise and she hit the roof of the building, rolling on it before coming to a stop. "Thank god..."

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith
"Are you sure this is the location of this person with medicines and such?" Lilith nodded, "I know it is. That was what was said across one of the radios." Hailey frowned as they hid in a house, "Okay...but wouldn't this person have a better handle on keeping zombies away?" "Not if he is alone. Besides, shouldn't you be out there taking them down?" Hailey groaned, "Yeah, if I had a death wish, that's a rather large horde of zombies and you know the zombies stuck in wolf form are stronger and faster than those stuck in their human form."

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey
Lilith sighed, "Whatever...just seems cowardly of you to hide. I did hire you to keep me safe." A low growl came from Hailey, "That's what I'm doing, or do you want me dead?" Lilith shrugged, "Not really, but if you can't do your job." "Woman....seriously, even those I protected before the world went to shit weren't this disrespectful to me. I get you were once some high-end wolf once, but that doesn't apply in this world anymore. I could leave you stranded, but I enjoy having someone to protect. Not to mention the food you can make isn't half bad and I've always been a horrid cook." Lilith huffed, watching the zombies pass by, "Whatever..." Hailey groaned, "Fine I'll head out and see if I can't magically spot this place you so badly want to find. But I swear if I get bitten I'm going to come back to eat you first!!!" Lilith rolled her eyes as Hailey waited a bit before darting out the door of the house and the jogging along the side of the house to peek around the corner. Thankfully the zombies were heading for something, though she didn't know what. She weaved through the area, before spotting a building with a ladder up the side of it. As she climbed a ladder, she got a better view of the area. She noticed a few structures not to far from them that could possibly hold the place Lilith had been looking for. She didn't have the chance to get a better look when the rung of the ladder she was standing on snapped sending her to he ground with a thud, "Ouch...crap..."

@kroyote @ShyTexanGamer @Luther @perytonfeathers (It shall begin!)​
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Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena
Erik Holt - 17 - Loner

Erik almost never left what was once Frozenmoon's territory. But with the onslaught of zombies, it was growing harder and harder to find food away from them.
So the young wolven hunter found themself on the move, hungry and angry. The very thought of something like a rabbit sounded wonderful, so upon approaching the old house, they almost began to salivate upon hearing what sounded like breathing- and with no reason to suspect a fellow lycan was present, after all this area has been abandoned for some time, to go in the hunt was a reasonable reaction for a hungry young wolf. Suppressing that dog like instinct, they drew their bow, knocked an arrow and slowly approached the broken window before hopping through it, bow drawn at the ready and pointed toward-
Eh...? A woman and... Blue eyes slowly moved toward the small child, and they relaxed their bow slowly. ".... My apologies. I did not expect..." Their voice held a decently thick accent- their words fluent but certainly not their first language.
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His Own Base

The dogs caught the scent of two people and became aggravated, so they started to run really fast to where the smell is, the dogs surround the girl and the man, and out of the shadows comes Hidalgo with two Uzi's on his hips. The dogs snarl for a couple of minutes, then he claps his hands twice, and they stop. He stares at the two of them and then says, "What the fuck are you doing near my factory and home? and sneaking around like rats, no less". His eyes are as cold as ice, and he gives off an aura that screams death and destruction. He takes one of his uiz's and switches the mode to burst, then points it at the boy first daring him to give him a reason to pump him full of holes. He hasn't slept in the last two days and this is the last thing he wanted to deal with'.
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Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena, Erik
Kelly instantly put her body between the stranger and her daughter. Ready to be killed and kill if she had to. But thankfully the young werewolf. "I'm sorry as well...have you been staying in this house...I just brought my daughter here because she is in need of a lot of rest at this time. If you've been staying here I will gladly move to the next house to not bother you." Even though she didn't like the idea, it would be rude of her to take over someone else's living space. Even in this screwed-up world she was still a decent person and would remain so for as long as she could. Sheena awoke for a moment, before drifting back to sleep, grabbing Kelly's hand for reassurance as she slept.

Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Open(closing in on Hidalgo, Hailey & Lilith
Ariel grew still as she heard someone's voice shouting at someone else. Had she just walked into bad territory? Her parents had warned her that there were some bad wolves out there that wouldn't hesitate to kill her...was that one of these places? She guessed it could be the case after all she had just used a tree to jump a fence to get on top of a roof. Would she be able to approach them in a none threatening way? She crawled slowly across the roof, keeping her body pressed against it for fear she might be shot right away.

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
Hailey held her hands up, but felt rather pissed about being compared to a rat, "I wasn't sneaking around like vermin, my employer was looking for a man with a factory. For some reason and all she knew was it was around this area. I take it you are that person. Though if you are someone who generally helps by selling things your attitude is kind of shit. " Hailey usually wasn't one to get on the talk-back wagon with a stranger. Escpailly one holding a gun ready to fire, but his words just rubbed her wrong and she and Lilith had already been on edge with each other since they hadn't slept much. Lilith stepped out of the building with a small frown, "Why do you always seem to land us into trouble Hailey." Hailey growled, "Well, maybe if you knew exactly where we were supposed to go I wouldn't have landed us into trouble!"

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith stepped forward, "Hidalgo I presume?" She seemed rather at ease for having someone aiming uzi's in her direction. "Are you crazy..." Lilith ignored Hailey though, "Sorry to barge into your territory, but I was in search for a man by the name of Hidalgo. I had a very important matter to speak with him about and unfortunately, I only got the general location and not an exact one." Lilith crossed her arms over her chest, "I need a lab, I'm a scientist trying to find a cure. I can of course provide you with things in exchange for a place to work in. But if you are a decent man, then finding the cure to these blasted zombies should be something you are up for." Hailey was baffled at how calm and collected Lilith was at this moment when she usually would run and hide from zombies. It rubbed her a bit wrong, but she wouldn't question it for the time being as there was a possibly worse threat before her.

(If it helps, since I have so many characters. Ones who are in a conversation or general area with whoever I'm interacting with will be separated by the above lines.)
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Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena, Erik
Kelly instantly put her body between the stranger and her daughter. Ready to be killed and kill if she had to. But thankfully the young werewolf. "I'm sorry as well...have you been staying in this house...I just brought my daughter here because she is in need of a lot of rest at this time. If you've been staying here I will gladly move to the next house to not bother you." Even though she didn't like the idea, it would be rude of her to take over someone else's living space. Even in this screwed-up world she was still a decent person and would remain so for as long as she could. Sheena awoke for a moment, before drifting back to sleep, grabbing Kelly's hand for reassurance as she slept.

Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Open(closing in on Hidalgo, Hailey & Lilith
Ariel grew still as she heard someone's voice shouting at someone else. Had she just walked into bad territory? Her parents had warned her that there were some bad wolves out there that wouldn't hesitate to kill her...was that one of these places? She guessed it could be the case after all she had just used a tree to jump a fence to get on top of a roof. Would she be able to approach them in a none threatening way? She crawled slowly across the roof, keeping her body pressed against it for fear she might be shot right away.

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
Hailey held her hands up, but felt rather pissed about being compared to a rat, "I wasn't sneaking around like vermin, my employer was looking for a man with a factory. For some reason and all she knew was it was around this area. I take it you are that person. Though if you are someone who generally helps by selling things your attitude is kind of shit. " Hailey usually wasn't one to get on the talk-back wagon with a stranger. Escpailly one holding a gun ready to fire, but his words just rubbed her wrong and she and Lilith had already been on edge with each other since they hadn't slept much. Lilith stepped out of the building with a small frown, "Why do you always seem to land us into trouble Hailey." Hailey growled, "Well, maybe if you knew exactly where we were supposed to go I wouldn't have landed us into trouble!"

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith stepped forward, "Hidalgo I presume?" She seemed rather at ease for having someone aiming uzi's in her direction. "Are you crazy..." Lilith ignored Hailey though, "Sorry to barge into your territory, but I was in search for a man by the name of Hidalgo. I had a very important matter to speak with him about and unfortunately, I only got the general location and not an exact one." Lilith crossed her arms over her chest, "I need a lab, I'm a scientist trying to find a cure. I can of course provide you with things in exchange for a place to work in. But if you are a decent man, then finding the cure to these blasted zombies should be something you are up for." Hailey was baffled at how calm and collected Lilith was at this moment when she usually would run and hide from zombies. It rubbed her a bit wrong, but she wouldn't question it for the time being as there was a possibly worse threat before her.

(If it helps, since I have so many characters. Ones who are in a conversation or general area with whoever I'm interacting with will be separated by the above lines.)
Hidalgo tsked then says" that's me and keep your worker closer, I often shoot on site"
He scans lilith over then says" don't give me a bunch of bullshit you reek of chaos and chemicals that's not how a normal doctor should smell like".
" Next time you lie to me I'll aim one of my knives at your leg". He pauses for a few moments then says" hmm I don't mind playing along I could do with some stronger and faster zombies to guard the place there was a raid on my place recently and I haven't slept for two days now".

" It could also be interesting having two around one really clueless to your true nature but kind and you the mad scientist". " Oh before I forget given things I will be over seeing your projects, I don't trust easy anymore". One of the zombie dogs jumps on the roof smelling something he didn't recognise and starts looking for what ever it is".
Hidalgo rubs his temples several times as he can feel a nasty headache coming on. After a few minutes he stops turns around and starts to head back to his base. The guards would be here soon so he wasn't worried about someone trying to kill him afterall he's far to use to it by now.
He smirked at the idea of not being decent and then says" I hate to break it to ya but when someone tries to kill you as much as they have me, survival mode is priority and all else goes out of the window most of the time".
" I don't expect you to like me you won't be the first or the last". He pauses for several moments then says" I honor my contracts and I will give you a good place to stay as long as you pull your weight". " There's a ladies shop for what ever you'll need should you choose to stay here". " if not that's fine I'll drive you back to the safe zone not very far from the factory and my house, are you ok with that"?
Emma 9 base medic (medic room(

Emma had heard some voices as she was holding onto her antie hand while she was asleep holding onto her hand she started to moan as her antie felt her heartbeat her body was ready to wake up and don't know how long it has been since she was brought into the medic room she just moans while she opened her eyes while she looked around seeing the woman that she attacked she thought it was her mother it wasn't" antie Helen" she asked weakly she saw another woman there but she had got scared she started to cry a bit scared and scared that her mother would come back to hurt her" will mommy come back I'm scared" she say looking straight at her aunt

Sheena Triven 15 loner

Sheena had woken up just for a few she saw someone and her mother" mum" she say as she was holding her hand she was so confused what was going on she just fell back asleep she been so tired lately she had felt her mother had brush some of her hair out of her face she just hugged her mouth hearing what the other people talking she was a little hungry but all she wanted was just to sleep she didn't knywhy she wanted was to sleep

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Erik steps back, huffing. "No- I do not reside here. Ordinarily, I am further south, but the... Accursed ones have driven me north in search for food. I'm sure you understand, Miss." They dip their head respectfully- almost apologetically. "I must apologize. I did not intend to disturb you or your young one." The young hunter places their arrow back in its quiver and allows their bow to rest at their side- in their hand but in a far more relaxed manner.
Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith grinned wickedly at his words, "Now, now when did I ever say I was a doctor? I did in fact call myself a scientist from the get-go." She nodded as he said he would oversee her experiments, "As someone with zombie hounds I am very curious how you have them trained. It could help with my studies on them. That is if you don't mind lending me a perhaps untrained one if you have it." Lilith watched him for a moment the man looked like he hadn't slept well in ages. Thanks to Hailey's watchful eye she had been resting well until they took this longer trek. Lilith glanced at Hailey before staring back over to Hidalgo, "What is I gave you Hailey in exchange for the lab?" A growl rumbled from Hailey's throat, "Excuse you? I was only hired by you to keep you safe, I'm not some object you can hand off!" Lilith chuckled, "Well I have a feeling I'll be quite safe here. Besides, once I start working I likely won't leave the lab for months."

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
Perhaps it was due to Hailey's lack of sleep but she wanted to rip out Lilith's throat for trying to hand her over to some random man! "Did you clearly listen to his words? If something happens he will not for a second glance your way." "Well then you would of course protect me then." Hailey growled, "Lilith you must be out of your damn mind." Hailey turned towards Hidalgo, "If I start working for you, I will not bat a single eye towards her, should she need to be saved. That is unless you wish for me to save her. If someone hires me as a guard I am by their side and follow their command. As long as I'm not treated like their property." "Hey now..." Lilith glared at Hailey, "What isn't that what you wanted trying to hand me over to him like you own me!" Lilith fell silent, perhaps pissing off the woman who had been guarding her till this point wasn't the best idea, but she still wouldn't say sorry. "I only suggested it because it looks as if he hasn't rested in weeks and when you were by my side I was able to sleep soundly... You have a very reassuring presence about you." Hailey was a tad surprised, "Oh..."

Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo, Lilith
Ariel froze when she heard claws scrapping along the top of the roof she was on. She glanced towards it, seeing a zombie dog marching her way. "Crap..." She scooted towards the edge, before dropping down unknowingly doing so within sight of Hidalgo and the girls he was talking to. "Crap..." She said once again, the sound of claws on the roof got closer and she sucked in a breath before walking towards them in a rushed manner, "There is a zombie in here!!! Hounds to be exact!!!!" She froze when she noticed one of the hounds was actually sitting near the guy. She hadn't run into a lot of other werewolves since having lost her family. "Y-you..." She was utterly confused as to how a zombie hound wasn't attacking the man and it honestly terrified her. "Man, I think you could use Hailey's skills you have a lot of people wandering around your place."

Helen River - 29 - Fighter - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Emma, Clare
Helen was shocked and happy when she heard Emma's voice. "Emma!!!" She smiled softly at her niece, "N-no your mother will not be bothering you again... it's a bit unfortunate, but she is dead. Then again even if she were alive I'd make sure she didn't come near you..."

Clare Brooks - 20 - Medic - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Helen, Emma
Clare came into view, "Hello little one, your aunt and I were just talking about you. She was worried about what you could do for the pack and I suggested becoming a medic like me. Just some food for thought, but first let me check you over and make sure you are alright. I imagine you will be tired for a little while."


Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena
Kelly smiled at her daughter softly before turning to look at the young man, "It's daughter has been through a lot since all of this even before bastard of a mate..." She growled low in her throat before shaking her head, " are more than welcome to stay here and rest if needed. There is actually some food that hadn't been found in this house. Not to mention it is in better shape than the other houses. I can see why it would catch your eye. Either way, I more than welcome some company while my daughter rests..." It was hard for her, she had been a pack for so long that having others around her seemed only natural. But living like a loner was for her daughter's sake...
@ShyTexanGamer @perytonfeathers
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Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith grinned wickedly at his words, "Now, now when did I ever say I was a doctor? I did in fact call myself a scientist from the get-go." She nodded as he said he would oversee her experiments, "As someone with zombie hounds I am very curious how you have them trained. It could help with my studies on them. That is if you don't mind lending me a perhaps untrained one if you have it." Lilith watched him for a moment the man looked like he hadn't slept well in ages. Thanks to Hailey's watchful eye she had been resting well until they took this longer trek. Lilith glanced at Hailey before staring back over to Hidalgo, "What is I gave you Hailey in exchange for the lab?" A growl rumbled from Hailey's throat, "Excuse you? I was only hired by you to keep you safe, I'm not some object you can hand off!" Lilith chuckled, "Well I have a feeling I'll be quite safe here. Besides, once I start working I likely won't leave the lab for months."

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
Perhaps it was due to Hailey's lack of sleep but she wanted to rip out Lilith's throat for trying to hand her over to some random man! "Did you clearly listen to his words? If something happens he will not for a second glance your way." "Well then you would of course protect me then." Hailey growled, "Lilith you must be out of your damn mind." Hailey turned towards Hidalgo, "If I start working for you, I will not bat a single eye towards her, should she need to be saved. That is unless you wish for me to save her. If someone hires me as a guard I am by their side and follow their command. As long as I'm not treated like their property." "Hey now..." Lilith glared at Hailey, "What isn't that what you wanted trying to hand me over to him like you own me!" Lilith fell silent, perhaps pissing off the woman who had been guarding her till this point wasn't the best idea, but she still wouldn't say sorry. "I only suggested it because it looks as if he hasn't rested in weeks and when you were by my side I was able to sleep soundly... You have a very reassuring presence about you." Hailey was a tad surprised, "Oh..."

Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo, Lilith
Ariel froze when she heard claws scrapping along the top of the roof she was on. She glanced towards it, seeing a zombie dog marching her way. "Crap..." She scooted towards the edge, before dropping down unknowingly doing so within sight of Hidalgo and the girls he was talking to. "Crap..." She said once again, the sound of claws on the roof got closer and she sucked in a breath before walking towards them in a rushed manner, "There is a zombie in here!!! Hounds to be exact!!!!" She froze when she noticed one of the hounds was actually sitting near the guy. She hadn't run into a lot of other werewolves since having lost her family. "Y-you..." She was utterly confused as to how a zombie hound wasn't attacking the man and it honestly terrified her. "Man, I think you could use Hailey's skills you have a lot of people wandering around your place."

Helen River - 29 - Fighter - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Emma, Clare
Helen was shocked and happy when she heard Emma's voice. "Emma!!!" She smiled softly at her niece, "N-no your mother will not be bothering you again... it's a bit unfortunate, but she is dead. Then again even if she were alive I'd make sure she didn't come near you..."

Clare Brooks - 20 - Medic - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Helen, Emma
Clare came into view, "Hello little one, your aunt and I were just talking about you. She was worried about what you could do for the pack and I suggested becoming a medic like me. Just some food for thought, but first let me check you over and make sure you are alright. I imagine you will be tired for a little while."

Kelly Triven - 36 - Loner - Location: Random House in Redfall near FrozenMoon - Sheena
Kelly smiled at her daughter softly before turning to look at the young man, "It's daughter has been through a lot since all of this even before bastard of a mate..." She growled low in her throat before shaking her head, " are more than welcome to stay here and rest if needed. There is actually some food that hadn't been found in this house. Not to mention it is in better shape than the other houses. I can see why it would catch your eye. Either way, I more than welcome some company while my daughter rests..." It was hard for her, she had been a pack for so long that having others around her seemed only natural. But living like a loner was for her daughter's sake...
@ShyTexanGamer @perytonfeathers
Hidalgo thinks for a few moments then says" there are two Rune and Ark, but they are much bigger , and meaner and so on but if you want to try your luck by all means, but I will not help you if you choose this path".
He gently strokes sapphires head and then says" Ido please come down here". Ido smirks then comes to hidalgos side.

Hidalgo says" oh it's not just about commands and such, but I can't just give away my secrets now". He pauses for a minute then says" hmm I'll hire you as a guard and just maybe I might decide to be nice and let you save Lilith but if your too late by some chance I'll just chop her up after she's dead and use her for food". " If she survives on her own well consider me intrigued".
Ido rubs his head against hidalgos leg and Hidalgo reaches down and starts to gently stratch under his chin and ido wags his tail.
Grady-55-Medic- Location: ThunderMoon base, Medical Room, Near Helen, Clare. Emma

The older Medic had fallen asleep at his desk a few hours ago, having spent the greater part of the evening inventorying their supplies. It wasn't good. The list was roughly scratched in black ink into a journal under his hand, a feverish desperation shown in his handwriting. He snored quietly now, his head resting on his arms as his glasses lay crooked on his face, nearly ready to slip off onto the table. It hadn't been easy the last few days. They were running out of places to search, and their patrols would have to reach further and further away from the base. He had seen friends disappear and never return, and their recent Excursions nearly had him raising a fuss with the leader of their pack.
Preston Andler- 28- Runner- Location: ThunderMoon Base.

Preston was sitting in the center of the base against a few boxes, glaring around at thise who passed. He seemed to be just waiting for someone to call for a patrol or even a meeting. He rolled his eyes and flipped his pocket knife between his hands, tracing designs into the dirt between his boots. He had been itching to get out of camp, feeling cooped up and irritated.
Olenn Jordenson-48-Fighter- Location: His room, Thundermoon barracks

The nightmare progressed in his skull as he lay sprawled out on his bed. The blanket had became tangled up around his limbs as he twitched and moaned out. He gripped his hands into the fabric, sweat beading at his neck and forehead as he relived the terrible night his wife was murdered. He whispered her name in his sleep, reaching upward as if he would pull her ghost to safety. He cried out as the vision of her being dragged to the floor by a warped creature flooded his brain, thrashing a bit in his bed as he couldn't seem to wake himself up.

Emma 9 base medic (medic room)

Emma just looked at her aunt" Hi Auntie Helen" she said as she heard what her aunt had said" Mommy died I don't have to sleep in the cage anymore" she said having a sad look on her eyes she hated her parents for what they had done to her never loving her" she..... she......she locked me up I thought I was bad" she said as she held onto her aunt's hand" I'm sorry I'm sorry for attacking you" she said as she was crying for the first time in forever she felt safe. Emma just looked at the lady there" Hi there oh you and Auntie Helen were talking about me" she said as she bit her lip" A medic but..... i don't do too well with blood" she said as she rubbed her stomach she was very hungry" food sounds good right now i don't remember the last time I ate" she says as she yawned.​
Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
Hailey sighed, "She keeps up the attitude and I'll have no problems with you chopping her up into little pieces..." Hailey glanced at the newest girl, "If I am being hired on to be a guard here what do you want me to do with her?" Hailey watched the girl with dark red hair and bright green eyes, she truly did seem to be scared and confused. Then again anyone would be scared of watching some dude pet zombie hounds like they were normal pups. Lilith on the other hand was already bored of the whole situation it seemed.

Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo, Lilith
Ariel held up her hands, "I wasn't wandering around I simply jumped from a tree onto a roof to get away from zombies! I didn't know I was entering private property! I swear..." She honestly didn't have much sense of direction out of her family's little forest, they hadn't let her venture about. But of course, she'd have to go into the property with crazy people on it! She bit her lip trying to think about how to escape if they planned to try and kill her.

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo, Ariel
"Kill her? Or better yet she could be captured as one of the ones for my experiments! Either way I'm tired and would like to get some rest before I start my work." She said crossing her arms and staring at the zombie hounds with curiosity. She truly did wonder what his secret was, if she could figure it out then she could use it to help her gain control of other zombies. Then she'd truly be able to rule the world! Even if only a few people were actually left alive.

Clare Brooks - 20 - Medic - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Helen, Emma
Clare smiled softly, "That's fine, there are other things that you can do as a medic. See sometimes our hands are so full with things and we try to get others to get the herbs or stuff we need but they don't know what it is. What I would want you to do is be our herbalist of sorts. You would learn about the plants and medicines that can be mixed together along with other things while Grady and I do the actual work on the wounded. I wouldn't expect someone your age to be able to withstand such gruesome sights."

Helen River - 29 - Fighter - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Emma, Clare
Helen nodded. "That doesn't sound too bad to me and it would keep you from having to try and fight zombies." Clare nodded, "Yes, now as you were to get older if you felt more courageous you could even start doing runs with the runners. You would know exactly what to look for should Gardy and I be unable to get it or go look for it. Though that would still be some time away from now." "You're smarter than I thought you would be. No offense you just seem young." "Well in a sense I am, I'm only 20 but I learn things quickly."

Alexander Hathorn - 52 - Leader - Location: Base - James, Preston
Alexander sighed before heading down to talk to the others about his plan. He didn't like it, it was risky. They'd been sending people out to try and find a decent amount of supplies. But there was always a high risk with that. His son followed behind him, and he spotted Preston, "Preston!" He called out to the hunter, "Come with me, I've got a mission planned and it's going to be a long one. James can you go find Adam, Helen, and Olenn?" "Sure thing, anyone else?" Alex shook his head, "Not at the moment I want trusted people to know about the plan first."

James Hathorn - 19 - Runner - Location: Base - Alexander, Preston
James paused for a moment, "Do you not trust Julius?" Alexander nodded, "There have been a few oddities with the happens around that boy...So for now on such an important mission...I will not trust him." James sighed, "What about Amy, shouldn't we take her with us so she can map everything down that has changed in the areas? Mainly zombie wise?" Alexander shook his head, "Too risky at the moment, just got get those people and bring them here please." "Okay." James said before heading off and leaving Alexander to sigh.
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He deeply sighs then says" I'll have the head guard Nio bring the other girl back to the safe zone". " As for you lilith that's fine I'm a reasonable man, but you are restricted to areas a b c which are going to your lab abs they happen to be near the pound and women's quarters". A medium blond man comes up and looks to the women in question then says" very well sir I'll take her back to the safe zone".
He gently motions her to follow him so that he can take her back.
At this point hidalgo turns and starts to head back to the factory. He playfully then says" I think we'll get along just fine haily you and I have some similar ways of thinking".
Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo, Lilith, Guard
Ariel takes in a deep breath, hoping that it isn't some sort of trap and this dude is going to show her to a safe zone. Then again she should just be happy her face wasn't eaten by a zombie hound at this point. Though the man who ran this place seemed scary, he did seem fair in his own way. "Thank you." She muttered before following behind the stranger. If it was a trap she'd figure it out when the time came!

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith clearly wanted to protest his words about her being allowed on in certain areas, but her eyes looked towards the zombie hounds and she refrained. "Fine..." She muttered somewhat bitterly. Perhaps as she worked here, she could gain a bit of his trust and get more freedom to roam around. Her first goal was to check out the lab and see what she had...maybe should could bribe one of the guards.

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
Hailey watched the girl leave, "Something tells me she lived a rather sheltered life...." before her gaze turned back to Hidalgo. She wasn't sure if she should feel proud about the guy's comment or not. "Should I follow you? Or will you have one of your guards show me around? I'd like to know the ins and outs of this place. I take my job seriously, I mean I've dealt with her long enough that should at least tell you how serious I am about taking on a job."
Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo, Lilith, Guard
Ariel takes in a deep breath, hoping that it isn't some sort of trap and this dude is going to show her to a safe zone. Then again she should just be happy her face wasn't eaten by a zombie hound at this point. Though the man who ran this place seemed scary, he did seem fair in his own way. "Thank you." She muttered before following behind the stranger. If it was a trap she'd figure it out when the time came!

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
Lilith clearly wanted to protest his words about her being allowed on in certain areas, but her eyes looked towards the zombie hounds and she refrained. "Fine..." She muttered somewhat bitterly. Perhaps as she worked here, she could gain a bit of his trust and get more freedom to roam around. Her first goal was to check out the lab and see what she had...maybe should could bribe one of the guards.

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
Hailey watched the girl leave, "Something tells me she lived a rather sheltered life...." before her gaze turned back to Hidalgo. She wasn't sure if she should feel proud about the guy's comment or not. "Should I follow you? Or will you have one of your guards show me around? I'd like to know the ins and outs of this place. I take my job seriously, I mean I've dealt with her long enough that should at least tell you how serious I am about taking on a job."
Hidalgo grins then says" i'm going to show you to your rooms and such first it wouldn't look good if i was overly snobby after all". He pauses for a minute then says" I won't deny that, which is why i'm giving her the benefit of the doubt, and she doesn't seem to be the type to lie and such either". He then says" sure i'll get you an all areas pass and have your retinal and finger and voice added into the security system". " Also i don't trust Lilith there's something in me that tells me to be very careful around her". " I apologize in advance for the long drawn out processes you'll have to go through but i had to ramp up security given things".

Nio gently smiles then says" you should be more careful young lady, and it's a good job you were honest with him because he wouldn't have treated you the way he did if you lied to him". " I've worked with him for ten years now and i can tell you this much he's a complex man but he hates needless bloodshed apart when he snaps which isn't often". It's not long before they get to the armour jeep and he says" Oh before i forget which safe zone to you want me to drop you at".
Grady rested for a moment longer. A quiet snore suddenly jolting him awake. He groaned as his round rimmed glasses slipped off of his nose, landing on the table in front of him. He ribbed his eyes with his fingertips, Rolling his shoulders that had grown sore from the position he had been sitting in. He heard voices and perked up, readjusting his glasses before slowly standing. "Is she awake?" He asked to no one in particular, moving slowly as to not fall over in his sleepy state.

Preston jolted a bit as his name was called, immediately standing as if called to attention by a general. He narrowed his eyes when he saw Alexander motioning to him. He glanced over at James before making his way toward them, tucking the blade back into his pocket and out of sight. "A mission?" He tilted his head slightly.
Finally, he would get to see some action. Anything would be better than sitting around all day.

Olenn rolled onto his side and gripped onto his pillow. His eyes sprang open as the nightmare finally began to subside. He felt exhausted and winded from the visions, rolling onto his back to stare up at the ceiling of the barracks. He could bear his pack mates outside, but couldn't will himself to move, his arms moving to wrap around his chest as he tried to slow his breathing.

Ariel Lukens - 25 - Loner - Location: Near Hidalgo's Factory - Nio
Ariel sighed, "I don't care that the world has gone to mother and father raised me to tell the truth and I really was never one to lie about things." She thought on his words, she really didn't know there were safe zones, besides hearing things about one big place in RedFall Territory. Was that the one he spoke up, though he had said safe zones? So there was more than one? She frowned, "I don't know...the only safe place I've heard about is the one in RedFall's Territory...I don't tend to join places with a lot of people though..." Clear fear on her face, should she just have him escort her out of Hidalgo's territory?

Lilith Rave - 29 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Hailey, Hidalgo
"About time we get to go to our rooms, thought I might pass out here from exhaustion..." Lilith stated in a dramatic manner, not even paying mind to Hidalgo and Hailey as they walked in front of her. Right now her brain was busy trying to think about what she should start with in her lab, pretending to try and make a cure. Perhaps...but if she really did focus on trying to cure the zombies then she could keep it a secret and use it to her advantage. Either way, she was happy she'd finally be getting a lab to work in once again.

Hailey Coles - 28 - Loner - Location: House near Hidalgo's Factory - Lilith, Hidalgo
"Sounds good, also I don't mind the process. It's what has kept your place safe and running. So it's clearly a well-done process." She glanced towards Lilith who was lost in her thoughts as they walked with Hidalgo. "Yes...there had been a few moments she acted strange, but I had simply brushed it off. I really just wanted someone to protect again and it didn't matter at the time who it was. I thought she was similar to my previous boss, but I think I was wrong."


Clare Brooks - 20 - Medic - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Helen, Emma, Grady, James
Clare glanced towards Grady as he woke up, he was half awake right now but still could hear her. "Yes, she is awake finally." Knowing fully well he didn't actually need or probably even want an answer, but she'd give him one anyway. Clare turned when the door to the room opened and she smiled as James walked in. "What can we do for you, James?"

James Hathorn - 19 - Watcher - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Helen, Clare, Grady, Emma
"I need to borrow Helen for a bit. My father has a plan he needs to discuss with some of our people. Trying to get a better run of supplies and such." He looked at Helen noticing the girl was finally awake. At least this way Helen would be a lot more willing to come help them on the run. The last time she had almost baled on them because the kid had twitched in her sleep and she didn't want to miss her niece awakening. Though he understood how important is was to Helen for her only remaining family to awake, the entire base meant more than that.

Helen River - 29 - Fighter - Location: Base(Medic Room) - Emma, Clare, Gardy, James
Helen frowned, "Let me guess he has some long mission planned out and we have to go..." James nodded, "That's the plan, though some of the group are going to be heading back sooner than the other part. So I'm sure if you talked to my dad he'd allow you to be part of the group that heads back sooner." "We'll see about that..." She glanced at Emma, "I'll be back after this meeting I promise."

Alexander Hathorn - 52 - Leader - Location: Base - Preston
Alexander nodded, "Yes, as you know our supplies are getting lower with each passing day. To keep it simple so I don't have to explain it all again. This is going to be a bit of a long mission for some of those I send out." He sighed, "Long and dangerous and I honestly hate the idea of it, but it will have to happen one day."
Nio nods and thinks for several moments then says" Then why not work as a gardener at hidalgo place there's not many people here". " I wouldn't work for him if he wasn't a great boss, I've worked for a lot of people and hated most of them even with the money".

Hidalgo then says" wow you switch gears fast, well now things are getting clearer up I'll speed this along".

Mini ff to their rooms
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Grady could sense the apprehension in Helen's voice. He frowned deeply, hating to see the family members separated just as they were reunited. He cleared his throat before taking a step forward. "If I may, I would also like to attend this meeting. I'm interested in what this mission entails... and quite frankly I'd be willing to take Helen's place if at all possible. I mean... given our circumstances..." He trailed off, making a face of slight frustration. "...I'd like to hear what the leader has to say."

Preston stood face to face with Alexander, "I don't care if it's a long mission. I can handle it. I've been waiting for a chance to prove myself. I can feel my blood burning even now. I'm more ready for this than you could ever know." He had a slight sound of malice in his voice, almost a rough growl as he clenched his fists at his sides.
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Emma 9 Medic- Location Base (medic Room) Helen, Clara, Grady, James

Emma was looking around the room her chest was hurting she was freaking out holding onto her shirt she was feeling overwhelmed she just closed her eyes clutching her shirt" Don't..... leave...... me" she said tears in her eyes" Like... Mommy" she said looking at her arm that had a cast on it she looked between everyone in the room" you come back" she asked as she looked at everyone in the room" too many people in the room" she said closing her eyes trying to calm her mind but it wasn't working she was scared and overwhelmed she felt tears coming down her face"

Sheena 16 Location Random house in Redfall
Sheena just yawned while she was stretching on her mother she opened her eyes while she yawned she didn't know how long she was asleep " mom who are you talking to" she asked as she sat up wheel she rubbed her eyes trying to get sleep out of her eyes as she saw the stranger" who are you" she asked as she looked at her mom confused did her mom know him she was a bit confused since she had been asleep the last thing she remembered was her mother finding her she was scared and hungry she heard her stomach growling for hood" I'm hungry mom" she say as she rubbed her stomach​