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boom boom i love pretty girls
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per week
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  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
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  1. No Preferences
Modern, Modern-Fantasy, Magical Girls

welcome to victory's valhalla! this is where i'll store a bunch of random ocs for potential 1x1 or group roleplays!

each character will have their name, gender, default age, faceclaim, and the setting their bio is for specifically. within their posts, i will note if they are a wip or just a placeholder. <3

the links for the placeholders are all simply a funny video

remember i deal exclusively in anime style face claims <3! if you have any ideas or plots or want to rp with these characters, dm me!

Male, He/Him
X-Men Universe

Female, She/Her
Jean Gunhildr
Rune Factory Universe

Male, He/Him
Stellar Caster / Celestia
X-Men Universe

Female, She/Her
Kurisu Makise
X-Men Universe

Female, She/Her
Nene Momosuzu
X-Men Universe

Male, He/Him
Aster Arcadia
Idol School Universe

Female, She/Her
Uruha Rushia
Idol School Universe

Male, He/Him
Idol School Universe

Female, She/Her
Idol School Universe

Male, He/Him
Izumi Miyamura
Idol School Universe

Male, He/Him
Modern Universe

Female, She/Her
Modern Universe

Female, She/Her
Modern Universe

Male, He/Him
Modern Universe

Cis-Female, She/Her
Emma Verde
Genshin Impact Universe

???-Male, He/Him
Mikaela Hyakuya
Modern Fantasy Universe

Origin RP/Verse

Origin RP/Verse

Origin RP/Verse

Origin RP/Verse

coded by @AnemoVictorious
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    Name: Nero Taylor Aeros
    Nicknames: Ner, Nene, Roro, Neroro, Ronnie
    Alias: None (Currently) Goldenhound (Future)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Cis-Male, He/Him
    Birthday: September 5th
    Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
    Alignment: Neutral, eventually aligned with Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters
    Birthplace: Memphis, Tennessee

    Height: 5 feet, 7 inches
    Weight: 134 pounds
    Hair Color: Caramel
    Eye Color: Blue
    Face Claim: Gorou from Genshin Impact
    Voice Claim: Gorou from Genshin Impact (JP dub)
    Physical Impairments: Mildly allergic to cats
    Mutant Ability: Nero's mutant ability gives him ears and a tail and allows him to shift into a canine resembling a shiba inu, as well as heightening his sense of smell, hearing, and taste. While he is stronger when transforming during full moons, it isn't completely limited to only being during that part of the moon cycle. Rather, his ability reacts with his emotions. Strong negative emotions can cause him to shift and lose control of himself. While his ability is very powerful, it's dangerous to both him and others if he isn't able to keep himself feeling safe. This is part of the reason he tends to push people away, out of fear of hurting them due to his inability to control his emotions.

    Positive Traits: Energetic, Courageous, Determined, Alert, Brave, Focused, Independent, Persistent, Active, Comical, Humorous, Affectionate
    Neutral Traits: Cautious, Quirky, Careful, Instinctive
    Negative Traits: Pessimistic, Bashful, Brooding, Impulsive, Aggressive, Insecure, Complicated, Indiscreet
    Blurb: Nero, at first glance, appears to be a very impulsive person. He acts on instinct and will run straight into danger bravely with no qualms about getting hurt. However, he isn't quite sure how to interact with others, resulting in him pushing them away and often getting physical if unwanted attention persists. He's incredibly good at picking things up at just a glance and is quite good at observing and memorizing things, despite one may think based on his impulsive behavior. Nero is somewhat shy as well, preferring to be left to his own devices, but when he becomes close to someone, he becomes quite affectionate. He is deeply insecure about his abilities and inability to deal with others, resulting in him pulling away even more. When there's nothing he feels the need to rush into, he'll be very careful and meticulous with what he does in general. Nero also has some kleptomaniac tendencies.
    Likes: Solitude, sports, headpats, soft pillows and blankets, mild foods.
    Dislikes: Persistent attempts to talk to him when he clearly just wants to be left alone, his inability to communicate well, loud noises, foods with strong flavors
    Hobbies and Skills: Playing sports, talking walks, spending time outside, searching for things.
    From the start, Nero had never been dealt the best cards in life. He was quickly abandoned after his birth and placed into an orphanage that didn't care for him all too much. An event involving his mutant ability solidified this disdain for him, as he accidentally hurt one of the other children who had been tormenting and bullying him. The boy was Arche 'Arc' Umbriel who was soon adopted into a well-off family, leaving Nero unable to apologize for the accident. He was then thrown around from foster home to foster home. Regardless of how much his caretakers tried to help him, he pushed them all away, his desire to keep himself safe in a bubble of solitude overtaking his desire for affection. This resulted in him adopting slightly more childish behavior, as well as many of his fears.
    Currently, he lives with a small group of other homeless kids in New York after running away from his latest foster home, but he tends to keep to himself more often than not, afraid of hurting them like he did with Arc. He believes himself solely responsible for his inability to control his ability - rather than Arc's torment being the catalyst - and as a result refuses to forgive himself for the incident.
    - Theme Color: Persimmon #ED5800
    - Note: If you want to rp X-Men with me, I know nothing about it actually, I just joined an RP once, only because one of my friends was in it and I was intrigued, but it never took off. However, I am willing to learn! I just posted this version of Nero here because he has a backstory and his lycanthropic abilities are a major part of his history. Another version of Nero has him living with three others that have similar abilities, his adoptive uncle and aunt, the sibling duo Kayden and Rainie Lucchesi, and Rainie's daughter Maylie. Rainie's husband Dave passed away while he was living with them as well. Arc is a villain in his life, and as such, in RPs where darker plots are discussed, he will be more on edge because Arc actively seeks to hurt him in an act of revenge.

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  • Lumina Rayos

    Name: Lumina Marie Rayos
    Nicknames: Lumi, Captain Lumina, Captain Rayos, Captain, Mina, Lulu
    Age: 25
    Gender: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Birthday: Summer 12th
    Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic
    Position: SEED Field Captain & Acting Mayor of Marthal
    Current Residence: SEED Outpost Captain's Quarters

    Height: 5 feet, 10 inches
    Weight: 148 pounds
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Eye Color: Blue
    Face Claim: Jean Gunhildr from Genshin Impact
    Voice Claim: Jean Gunhildr from Genshin Impact (JP dub)
    Physical Impairments: N/A
    Element: Light
    Weapon Class: Sword
  • Lumina Rayos

    Positive Traits: Honest, Dedicated, Hard-Working, Polite, Kind, Thoughtful, Compassionate, Respectful, Intelligent, Generous, Inspiring, Trustworthy, Accepting, Mature
    Neutral Traits: Mellow, Stern, Calm, Composed, Protective
    Negative Traits: Strict, Bossy, Overbearing, Workaholic, Self-Neglectful, Distant
    Blurb: Lumina was selected for the head of the city for a reason. She has a very calm yet warm exterior, and is a very pleasant person to be around. She works hard, she cares for the people, and she's always looking for ways to help. However, her desire to keep things organized has led to her being a bit strict when it comes to the rules. She also is a bit of a workaholic, an hates putting things off even if she can afford to or it would be beneficial for her health. This sometimes lands her in the clinic. She oftentimes doesn't have time for casual outings, but her work and the wellbeing of the people of Marthal are above all else in priority, including being above herself.
    Likes: Organizing things, working, sweet foods, vegtables
    Dislikes: Disorganization, rule-breakers, not having anything to do, fish.
    Hobbies and Skills: When she isn't working, she enjoys painting from time to time, but that tends to be very rarely.
    Favorite Gifts: Colored grasses, Flowers, Fruits, Fruit Sandwich, Baked Apple, Pancake
    Hated Gifts: Trash, Any fish dish, Wine, Grape 'Liqueur', Failed Dish, Disastrous Dish
  • Lumina Rayos
    Lumina, from a young age, was destined to do something great - in her parents' eyes. They pushed her to do things, and she complied, which likely led to her dependency on work needing to be done and for herself to be busy. It was no surprise when she joined and quickly rose through the ranks of SEED, yet she still remained unaware of Gideon's true intentions. After it all came forward, though, Lumina struggled to figure out what she wanted to do - remain in SEED or forge a new path. However, the assignment to found Marthal was something she just couldn't refuse, as she believed it honored the wishes her parents had for her. She has vowed to do her best as the acting mayor and field captain.
  • Lumina Rayos
    - Theme Color: Milk Punch #FFF6D4
    - Lumina was an important character to a Rune Factory RP I tried to start once, the plot being that she was someone appointed to build and lead a new town, thus why her backstory involves that rather than just a normal Rune Factory one.
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    Name: Arche 'Arc' Deimos Umbriel
    Nicknames: Arc, Archie, Moonboy
    Alias: None (Currently), Incandescence(Future)
    Age: 20
    Gender: Cis-Male, He/Him
    Birthday: October 13th
    Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
    Alignment: Neutral, leaning heavily towards Brotherhood
    Birthplace: Virginia Beach, Virginia

    Height: 5 feet, 11 inches
    Weight: 173 pounds
    Hair Color: Midnight Blue
    Eye Color: Blue-Gray + Gold
    Face Claim: Noah Ebalon (Stellar Caster and Celestia) from Elsword
    Voice Claim: Scaramouche/Wanderer from Genshin Impact (JP dub)
    Physical Impairments: N/A
    Mutant Ability: Arc's ability gives him the ability to resonate with the light of the moon, depending on how visible it is, including both the moon phases and if it is covered by clouds of the like. The more moonlight that touches him, the more his body is enhanced. This, however, has made him totally reliant on the night as he cannot store the boosts he gains once the sun rises - when the moon is no longer in the sky, his enhancements fade. It also makes him somewhat lethargic during the day, and as a result he operates on a nocturnal cycle whenever he is able to. Depending on the amount of moonlight visible during the night, his eyes may change to a pale gold color. More commonly it's just his left eye, but during full moons where the sky his clear, they both are yellow in color.

    Positive Traits: Charismatic, Smart, Honest, Confident, Captivating, Organized, Determined, Assertive, Precise, Strong, Neat, Intelligent, Tidy, Perfectionist
    Neutral Traits: Stubborn, Stylish, Playful, Composed, Enigmatic
    Negative Traits: Arrogant, Egotistical, Cruel, Defiant, Inconsiderate, Threatening, Mean-Spirited, Selfish, Self-Absorbed, Bossy, Spiteful, Rude, Patronizing
    Blurb: Arc is, to put it simply, a selfish and vain person. He's incredibly overconfident and has a huge ego, and this is not complimented very nicely with the fact he is quite anger and lash out. He has a very good memory and holds grudges very, very well. He hates letting things go and will seek out what he deems suitable revenge for those who have wronged him, even if it really wasn't that person's fault. He's cocky, but his ego does have a foundation. He is very skilled and he is very smart. He, unfortunately, is somewhat sadistic and will go out of his way to put someone else down in order to make himself look better.
    Likes: Moonlight, the nighttime, cold foods, sour foods, being better than others, astronomy
    Dislikes: Intense sunlight, getting sunburnt, hot weather, light pollution, overly spicy and overly sweet foods, Nero, dogs
    Hobbies and Skills: Stargazing/astronomy, astrology, taking long naps, combat, swimming - but only at night or indoors.
    While Nero was placed into an orphanage voluntarily, Arc's parents sadly were not given a choice, or even a chance to live the rest of their lives. They unfortunately perished, and he had no living relatives to go to, so he was sent to the orphanage. He was treated much better than Nero and was charismatic. However, he was also a bully, and enjoyed tormenting others, especially Nero, who he treated as if he truly were a dog. However, by cornering the younger boy, he triggered a transformation in Nero, who then proceeded to go wild. Arc wasn't hurt very badly, but this caused his intense hatered of Nero to grow. Eventually, however, he ended up being adopted by a well off family, and left the orphanage.
    Now, Arc lives what is presumably a normal life, save for the fact he mostly acts at nighttime. He is the source of petty crimes in the place he lives, near his birthplace in Virginia. He doesn't have a goal in mind, other than making himself stronger and better than everyone else.
    - Theme Color: Regalia #522D80
    - Note: If you want to rp X-Men with me, I know nothing about it actually, I just joined an RP once, only because one of my friends was in it and I was intrigued, but it never took off. However, I am willing to learn!
    - Arc is strictly a villainous character, he does not want redemption and, as a result, would only be a side character or villain. Sometimes I regret giving him a pretty face claim because, well, he is pretty but it's too late for that

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    Name: Sango Shinomura
    Nicknames: Shinono, Sango
    Alias: Melodica
    Age: 19
    Gender: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Birthday: June 1st
    Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic
    Alignment: Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters
    Birthplace: Ikebukuro, Japan

    Height: 5 feet, 9 inches
    Weight: 142 pounds
    Hair Color: Crimson
    Eye Color: Blue-Violet
    Face Claim: Kurisu Makise from Steins;Gate
    Voice Claim: Kuki Shinobu from Genshin Impact (JP dub)
    Physical Impairments: N/A
    Mutant Ability: Sango is capable of manipulating all types of sound, as well as being able to see soundwaves. She can make soundwaves into physical forces, she can hear things from far away, and she can produce a sonic scream. However, she's very sensitive to sounds and often has to wear noise-cancelling headphones and listen to music to avoid being overloaded. The fact that she can hear even the little things and she can see soundwaves is quite distracting for her and often impacts her life negatively as she cannot focus when too much is going on. She also struggles with controlling her sonic screams and as a result, she often speaks very quietly on purpose as to not harm both her own ears or others'.

    Positive Traits: Resourceful, Honest, Polite, Disciplined, Independent, Imaginative, Adaptable, Flexible, Humble, Sensible, Articulate, Graceful
    Neutral Traits: Creative, Artistic, Quiet, Unathletic, Reserved, Shy, Mellow
    Negative Traits: Aloof, Blunt, Easily Distracted, Sarcastic, Defensive, Avoidant
    Blurb: Sango, at first glance, seems to be an aloof and cold character, oftentimes listening to music and seemingly ignoring others trying to talk to her. However, she does want to reach out, she just doesn't like talking to people if she doesn't have to as a precaution. She's a very laid-back and quiet person, and a bit shy. She is, however, somewhat blunt and doesn't sugarcoat things. She speaks before thinking, but she thinks before she acts, as she tries to calculate the best way to reach an end goal. Sango is incredibly resourceful and creative as well, and spends her time in solitude exercising her creative muscles.
    Likes: Music, quiet sounds, headphones, peacetime, Japanese cuisine, soups.
    Dislikes: Loud noises, crowds, arguments, salmon.
    Hobbies and Skills: Listening to music, writing poetry and stories, drawing, nature walks.
    Sango's story isn't very exciting - it's boring, in her eyes. Her parents loved her and her siblings, she had a good upbringing. When her mutant powers started to manifest, Sango began to struggle with noise levels, especially since they lived in a city area. Sango then became homeschooled by her uncle. Her uncle was a quiet person to begin with, and so she valued the times she was able to have peace and quiet instead of the bustling city and the chaotic life with her many siblings. Eventually, Sango discovered Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters. Encouraged by her family, Sango made the decision to become a student and potentially learn how to manage her struggles with her mutant ability
    - Theme Color: Chestnut Rose #D05357
    - Note: If you want to rp X-Men with me, I know nothing about it actually, I just joined an RP once, only because one of my friends was in it and I was intrigued, but it never took off. However, I am willing to learn!
    -Unlike Arc and Nero's intertwined stories, Sango has no major connections with anyone in this thread.

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    Name: Rosalie Mayline Maryam
    Nicknames: Rosie, Rose
    Alias: Brightblossom
    Age: 16
    Gender: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Birthday: May 31st
    Orientation: Heterosexual Heteroromantic
    Alignment: Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters
    Birthplace: Brampton, Ontario

    Height: 5 feet, 3 inches
    Weight: 136 pounds
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Eye Color: Green
    Face Claim: Nene Momosuzu from Hololive
    Voice Claim: Gummy from Arknights
    Physical Impairments: N/A
    Mutant Ability: Rosalie has the ability to create and manipulate plant life, including creating objects out of it. It takes a lot of energy when she isn't in the sunlight, and because she burns easily she tends to use quite a lot of energy. She can also set symbols for where she wants plant life to come into being and activate them at will. She cannot have too many symbols active, nor can she choose which will be activated; it's all of them or none of them.

    Positive Traits: Friendly, Cheerful, Happy-Go-Lucky, Energetic, Sincere, Kind, Compassionate, Humorous, Entertaining, Silly, Sociable, Optimistic, Accepting, Big-Hearted, Merciful, Eager, Helpful
    Neutral Traits: Loud, Touchy, Carefree
    Negative Traits: Cowardly, Dense, Inattentive, Messy, Unpunctual, Scatterbrained, Inquisitive, Overbearing, Crybaby, Unreliable, Naïve, Vulnerable, Compulsive, Oblivious
    Blurb: Rosalie is a very cheerful girl, but it's also her fault. she's quite naïve and easily manipulated. She's also somewhat of a coward and tends to run away when things get rough. She's loud and talkative and automatically assumes the best of everyone when she meets them. She's big on physical contact and loves giving hugs, however she can be a little overbearing. and doesn't quite understand what an inside voice or personal bubble is. Despite this, she genuinely means well and just wants everyone to get along.
    Likes: Gardening, fresh fruits and vegetables, candy and other sweets, spending time with friends
    Dislikes: Persistent attempts to talk to him when he clearly just wants to be left alone, his inability to communicate well, loud noises, foods with strong flavors
    Hobbies and Skills: Gardening, cooking, playing fun games with friends, chatting, singing
    Raised in a wealthy family, Rosalie was coddled her entire life. Her parents did everything for her and never reprimanded her. However, her family's maids and butlers were able to sanctify this somewhat, helping her realize wrong from right. As a result, Rosalie does struggle with many things, but she does know what kinds of behaviors are acceptable and easily takes things to heart due to the gentle nature of her tutors and servants.

    One day, Rosalie's parents proposed to her that she began to attend Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Rosalie was ecstatic to make new friends, and her goal is not to master her mutant ability but to befriend every single other student!
    - Theme Color: Pastel Green #77DD77

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    Name: Mio Kiriyama
    Nicknames: Mimi, Mi-Chan
    Age: 15
    Gender: Cis-Male, He/Him
    Birthday: May 8th
    Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic
    Ethnicity: Japanese
    Area of Study: 1st Year, Art Course, Idol
    Clubs: Art Club
    Unit: TBD

    Face Claim: Aster Arcadia from Nijisanji
    Voice Claim: Akehoshi Subaru from Ensemble Stars [Tetsuya Kakihara]
    Image Color: Bright Lavender #BF94E4
    Blurb: Standing at 5 feet and 8 inches and weighing 147 pounds, Mio has naturally purple hair alongside dyed yellow hair. His hair is messily style, and he has a braid on the left side of his head. He has purple and yellow heterochromia and very gentle facial features.

    Positive Traits: Charismatic, Charming, Creative, Confident, Go-Getter, Friendly, Good-Natured, Inspiring, Virtuous, Supportive, Motivated, Big-Hearted
    Neutral Traits: Naïve, Childish, Clumsy, Playful, Daring
    Negative Traits: Messy, Disorganized, Impulsive, Unproductive, Lazy
    Blurb: Mio is a very energetic young man. He's always cheerful and carefree, and loves to make new friends. He's very creative and will often think outside the box for solutions. He acts before he thinks, however, and he can a little dense. He isn't the smartest, but he certainly makes up for it with his energy. However, even then, he's a bit of a slacker and a procrastinator. Mio is also very easily swayed, and easily manipulated. It does also take him longer to master dance moves due to his clumsiness.
    Likes: All types of art, close-contact, idol work.
    Dislikes: Being ignored, being alone, tight spaces.
    Hobbies and Skills: Drawing, sculpting, photography, dancing.
    Mio is the son of popular idol group, DIAMOND*DAZE's, producer. Starstruck by their performances, Mio decided that he too wanted to attend Hoshigayume Internatural Academy. and become an idol too! However, he was never the best at studying, so it took a lot of effort to pass all his classes so he could enroll in the art course. Miraculously, he was able to pass all of his classes and enroll, and excitedly awaits the start of the school year.
    - Mio's favorite form of art is painting.
    - Mio's blood type is A negative.

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    Name: Irida Andreas
    Nicknames: Rida
    Age: 16
    Gender: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Birthday: October 24th
    Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
    Ethnicity: Greek
    Area of Study: 2nd Year, General Curriculum Course, Idol
    Clubs: Sewing Club
    Unit: Solo Idol

    Face Claim: Uruha Rushia from Hololive
    Voice Claim: Seta Kaoru from Bang Dream [Tadokoro Azusa]
    Image Color: Caribbean Green #00CC99
    Blurb: Standing at 5 feet and 9 inches and weighing 147 pounds, Irida is a bit taller than average. She has piercing red eyes, and green hair that is usually tied up in buns. Her face oftentimes is settled into a scowl, and her general demeanor tends to scare people off.

    Positive Traits: Intelligent, Calculating, Articulate, Independent, Analytical
    Neutral Traits: Shy, Introverted, Pessimistic, Serious
    Negative Traits: Blunt, Dismissive, Aloof, Aggressive, Stubborn
    Blurb: Irida is a very cold person off-stage. She's good at formulating thoughts and planning things out, and can be a bit of a perfectionist. She's very much a loner and prefers to keep to herself, as she struggles to talk to people. She can be quite aggressive when it comes to people trying to become friends with her. She's a very pessimistic person. On stage, she has a fierce persona and performs as if she were a dark lord.
    Likes: Solitude, fashion
    Dislikes: Persistent socializers, energetic and touchy people bothering her, bad grades
    Hobbies and Skills: Sewing, reading, writing
    As a child, Irida struggled to make friends. As a result, she created her own fantasy world where she was a dark lord, practicing the art of dark magic and still being a just and heroic ruler. She eventually grew out of this, for the most part, however, but the memories and stories she weaved still lingered in her mind.
    Irida's grades were impressive, and so when she was about to go into high school, she received an offer to become a student at Hoshigayume. She decided to accept the offer, and during her first year, she started doing idol work. She plans to transfer courses once she finds out what she wants to do this year, but she still has no clue what she wants to do.
    - Irida is an only child.
    - Irida calls her fans her 'denizens'.
    - Irida's blood type is B negative.

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    Name: Marius Lynn Courcelles
    Nicknames: Mari, Mar-Mar, Rius
    Age: 15
    Gender: Cis-Male, He/Him
    Birthday: August 4th
    Orientation: Demi-Bisexual, Demi-Biromantic
    Ethnicity: French
    Area of Study: 1st Year, Music Course, Producer
    Clubs: Art Club, Sewing Club
    Unit: TBD

    Face Claim: Aether / Traveller (M) from Genshin Impact
    Voice Claim: Tenshouin Eichi from Ensemble Stars [Tetsuya Kakihara]
    Image Color: Harvest Gold #DA9100
    Blurb: Standing at 5 feet and 5 inches and weighing 112 pounds, Marius has a smaller build. His facial features are round, sweet, and somewhat childlike. He has bright orange eyes that oftentimes look like they glitter in amazement, and blond hair that goes down his back in a long braid.

    Positive Traits: Caring, Kind, Compassionate, Generous, Empathetic
    Neutral Traits: Shy, Sensitive, Optimistic, Trusting, Naïve
    Negative Traits: Crybaby, Dependent, Coward, Finicky, Timid, Bashful, Insecure, Slow
    Blurb: Marius is, all things considered, very childish when it comes to the nature of the world. He's very shy and easily startled, and struggles to make connections, especially due to his weak Japanese skills. He's sensitive and a crybaby, and even the slightest thing can make him tear up. He depends on his sister a lot, and tends to hide behind her. He isn't the smarted when it comes to his studies, but he does care a lot for his peers and tries to show it in unique ways. He's a good-natured person, like Mio, but he lacks the energy and fast pace the other has, and instead takes things slow.
    Likes: Music, spending time with his sister, plushies
    Dislikes: Loud noises, being left alone, crowds, monsters
    Hobbies and Skills: Playing video games, composing, singing, watching ASMR videos, designing clothes
    The history of the Courcelles twins is not a happy one.
    Though they were born into a rich and influential family, their mother abandoned them after birth, sending them both to an orphanage and only telling their father after the fact. The rest of their families were fed the lie that the twins sadly passed after birth, and as a result, none of them knew that they were, in fact, alive and in a less than ideal situation, as the orphanage was run by a cruel woman.
    Fleurette was forced to do household chores as she grew older to curb stomp the habits of aggression she was building, as they were deemed too unladylike. Marius was pushed to become stronger so he could do heavy lifting, however all he wanted to do was play with toys and stay inside. This resulted in him being bullied by the other boys, and Fleurette had to step in to stop them, further building her protective nature. Fleurette even grew protective over a child named Christelle, who was about half their age.
    However, good things come to people who wait.
    On his deathbed, their biological father confessed to his brother, Emile, that the twins were alive. He begged him to go see if they were still there, and if they were, give them a better life. Emile agreed, angry at his sister in law for doing such a thing. He then set out to the orphanage and found the twins, 10 years old, and began to process to adopt them, fighting against the cruel caretaker. However, the twins begged Emile for something, too: take Christelle and adopt her as well, as they cared for her and viewed her as their younger sister. Emile accepted, and the single, rich man was now a father of three, and he was ready to relish in it.
    The children expressed an interest in music, so Emile arranged lessons for them. The twins showed signs of being gifted composers, and they loved every second of making music. Christelle, however, was a skilled singer and dancer, and decided that she wanted to be an idol. The young girl discovered Hoshigayume Academy one day, when the twins were 14 and she was 9. She excitedly told them they should go to Hoshigayume, and the twins researched the school as well. They eventually decided that they did indeed what to go there and produce music for idols.
    - Marius's blood type is A positive.
    - Marius would love to be an idol, but Fleurette didn't seem interested in dancing and he's too shy to do it without her..
    - Marius struggles with spoken Japanese. As a result, he stumbles over his words, which is conveyed by simple misspellings in his dialogue. [EX: fou instead of you]
    - While he gets good grades in electives and perfect marks in music classes, Marius's math and Japanese skills are far behind.

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    Name: Fleurette Marie Courcelles
    Nicknames: Fleur
    Age: 15
    Gender: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Birthday: August 4th
    Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic
    Ethnicity: French
    Area of Study: 1st Year, Music Course, Producer
    Clubs: Light Music Club
    Unit: TBD

    Face Claim: Lumine / Traveller (F) from Genshin Impact
    Voice Claim: TBD
    Image Color: Peach Puff #FFADB9
    Blurb: Standing at 5 feet and 5 inches and weighing 112 pounds, Fleurette is a slightly more muscular build than her brother. Her facial features are round and sweet, but her eyes often are a lot more critical of her surroundings. She has bright orange eyes that hold a certain intelligence to them, and blond hair that reaches just past her neck and barely reaches it in the back.

    Blurb: Fleurette is a clever and athletic young lady with a fiery spirit. She's intensely protective of her brother because of his more timid personality, and is not afraid to get her hands dirty. She is more pessimistic than he is as well. Fleurette follows her gut feelings when it comes to trusting people, and if her gut feeling about you is wrongly bad, it will take a long while before she warms up to you...
    Likes: Music, spending time with her brother, sports
    Dislikes: Playboys, chores, bossy people, bullies
    Hobbies and Skills: Volleyball, composing, playing instruments
    The history of the Courcelles twins is not a happy one.
    Though they were born into a rich and influential family, their mother abandoned them after birth, sending them both to an orphanage and only telling their father after the fact. The rest of their families were fed the lie that the twins sadly passed after birth, and as a result, none of them knew that they were, in fact, alive and in a less than ideal situation, as the orphanage was run by a cruel woman.
    Fleurette was forced to do household chores as she grew older to curb stomp the habits of aggression she was building, as they were deemed too unladylike. Marius was pushed to become stronger so he could do heavy lifting, however all he wanted to do was play with toys and stay inside. This resulted in him being bullied by the other boys, and Fleurette had to step in to stop them, further building her protective nature. Fleurette even grew protective over a child named Christelle, who was about half their age.
    However, good things come to people who wait.
    On his deathbed, their biological father confessed to his brother, Emile, that the twins were alive. He begged him to go see if they were still there, and if they were, give them a better life. Emile agreed, angry at his sister in law for doing such a thing. He then set out to the orphanage and found the twins, 10 years old, and began to process to adopt them, fighting against the cruel caretaker. However, the twins begged Emile for something, too: take Christelle and adopt her as well, as they cared for her and viewed her as their younger sister. Emile accepted, and the single, rich man was now a father of three, and he was ready to relish in it.
    The children expressed an interest in music, so Emile arranged lessons for them. The twins showed signs of being gifted composers, and they loved every second of making music. Christelle, however, was a skilled singer and dancer, and decided that she wanted to be an idol. The young girl discovered Hoshigayume Academy one day, when the twins were 14 and she was 9. She excitedly told them they should go to Hoshigayume, and the twins researched the school as well. They eventually decided that they did indeed what to go there and produce music for idols.
    - Fleurette's blood type is A positive.
    - Marius struggles with spoken Japanese. As a result, she tends to come off as very blunt and will often omit words.
    - Fleurette is good with written Japanese despite this, but tends to simplify things.
    -Fleurette and Kieran's forms were never completed, however I have a soft spot for Kieran and she and her brother are a set. This is why they have condensed personalities.

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    Name: Kieran Jay Leblanc
    Nicknames: Kiki, Kier, Mom
    Age: 17
    Gender: Cis-Male, He/Him
    Birthday: December 23rd
    Orientation: Demi-Panromantic, Demi-Pansexual
    Ethnicity: Canadian
    Area of Study: 3rd Year, General Curriculum Course, Idol
    Clubs: Cooking Club and Disicplinary Committee
    Unit: TBD

    Face Claim: Izumi Miyamura from Horimiya
    Voice Claim: TBD
    Image Color: Summer Sky #38B0DE
    Blurb: Standing at 5 feet and 8 inches and weighing 117 pounds, Kieran's a lanky fellow with soft features. His eyes are round and he usually seems like he's thinking. His eyes are blue and his hair is black, short, and slightly messy..

    Blurb: Kieran is a reserved young man, but he's also a people pleaser. He puts others before himself, and often is described as a mom friend, even being called 'Mom' by Marius. He's kind, but he's also a stickler for the rules. He's also self concious and unsure about what he wants to do with his life.
    Likes: Making people smile, sweets, kids
    Dislikes: Headaches, awkward situations, his own mistakes
    Hobbies and Skills: Cooking, housework chores, photography
    Kieran claims he's probably the most boring person who attends Hoshigayume International Academy. He grew up as the oldest of many siblings, and cared greatly about them, helping his parents as much as he could. When it came down to his choice to attend the school, it was simply because his grades were good and it's a prestigous school. He wanted to make his parents proud, but unfortunately instead of signing up for their producer course, he ended up signing up to be an idol instead. Nevertheless, he became grateful for his mistake as he enjoys his idol work.
    - Kieran's blood type is AB negative.
    - Kieran suffers from migraines and needs glasses, though he usually wears contacts.
    - Fleurette and Kieran's forms were never completed, however I have a soft spot for Kieran and she and her brother are a set. This is why they have condensed personalities.

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    Name: Quincy Damaris
    Nicknames: Quince, Quinn, Sammy Sandwich
    Age: 18
    Gender: Cis-Male, He/Him
    Birthday: September 15th
    Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
    Occupation: Freshman Culinary Arts Major, Part-Time Sandwich Shop Worker

    Height: 5 feet, 10 inches
    Weight: 171 pounds
    Hair Color: Dirty Blond and Brown
    Eye Color: Light Blue
    Face Claim: Arven from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
    Voice Claim: TBA
    Blood Type: B-
    Physical Impairments: N/A

    Blurb: On the surface, Quincy is a goofy and kindhearted young man. He tends to crack jokes and cares greatly for other people, always making sure they have a nice meal and treating them with kindness, no matter what. He can be a bit clumsy and he's not the greatest with academics, but he certainly can turn a frown upside down! ...That is, if it's not his own...
    Deep down, Quincy struggles with loneliness and abandonment issues, as well as dealing with things that cause him stress. He's very much the type to bottle things up and only tell his dog, Titan, the things that are bugging him. He's deathly afraid all his friends will leave him and that he'll eventually be all alone, as well as being self-conscious about the way he acts. He never wants to let this side of him show to other people, though only time will tell if the façade will break down and he'll find someone he can share his feelings with.
    Likes: Cooking, dogs and animals in general, different flavors of foods, picnics, gardening.
    Dislikes: Loneliness, bugs, poorly presented meals, working in customer service, his parents' jobs.
    Quincy is an only child, born to two workaholic researchers, Bethany and Brandon Damaris. They were fairly distant, always focused on their jobs, leaving Quincy in the care of various baby-sitters. But they would still come home every night, and they would spend time with him when they could. Bethany taught him to cook and garden, and Brandon kickstarted his love for animals.
    When he turned 14, they got him a dog, who he named Titan, and then they started coming home later and later, if even at all. They showed up to Quincy's graduation ceremonies and they still texted him, but he never saw them in person, not really. They are paying for his college tuition and the house, but Quincy thinks it's much too big for just Titan and himself. He decided to get a job at a sandwich shop, and though he hates customer service, he enjoys the work.
    - Theme Color: #FBEA8C
    - Misc.

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    Name: Cherith Noelle Dalloway
    Nicknames: Cherry, Cher
    Age: 19
    Gender: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Birthday: December 23rd
    Orientation: Pansexual Panromantic
    Occupation: Sophomore Ceramic Arts Major, Artist and Online Seller

    Height: 5 feet, 6 inches
    Weight: 112 pounds
    Hair Color: Light Blue
    Eye Color: Mint Green
    Face Claim: Faruzan from Genshin Impact
    Voice Claim: TBD
    Blood Type: AB+
    Physical Impairments: N/A

    Blurb: To most, Cherith is a dedicated and quiet artist, preferring to keep to herself and work as hard as she can. She is talented in all forms of art, but her favorite is pottery. However, her talents have given her a boastful personality. She's hard-working, and prideful, and doesn't handle criticism well.
    She's also stubborn, and she's always reluctant to give up. She's also a perfectionist, so sometimes she will scrap a passable piece that a customer wouldn't see a problem with just to remake it. Her mystery bags sell quite well because of this, since most consumers can't notice the mistakes and view them simply as random high quality items, like pins and ceramic plates, for a low price.
    The satisfaction of others also motivates her to keep improving as an artist. It's what she loves doing, and though she can be a bit full of herself, she always delivers the quality she boasts about.
    Likes: Creating art, being recognized for her hard work, praise
    Dislikes: Mistakes, criticism, giving up
    Cherith grew up as the young lady of a prominent rich household, however she quickly realized she wanted to make her own path in life instead of relying on the Dalloway's name. She picked up art early on and steadily improved, especially in pottery and sculpting. Her parents considered her a genius because of this, always showering her in praise.
    As she grew older, she decided to start selling products on a website for small artists and businesses to set up a shop. Her popularity skyrocketed and now she must balance her work with school. However, she's developed a bit of an ego and perfectionist tendencies...
    - Theme Colors: Ripetide #8BE6D8 and Paradiso #317D82

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    Name: Gracia Marie Adair
    Nicknames: Grace, Gracie
    Age: 18
    Gender: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Birthday: June 15th
    Orientation: Demi-Bisexual Demi-Biromantic
    Occupation: Freshman Undeclared Major, Part-Time Baker

    Height: 5 feet 4 inches
    Weight: 120 pounds
    Hair Color: Red
    Eye Color: Blue
    Face Claim: Nilou from Genshin Impact
    Voice Claim: Nilou from Genshin Impact (JP Dub)
    Blood Type: A+
    Physical Impairments: N/A

    Blurb: Gracia is a very gentle young lady, she's kind and sweet. She's fairly graceful and people tend to put her on a pedestal due to seeing her as perfect. She tends to run away from people at first, as she's easily startled. Deep down, she's very insecure and shy, though some people believe she is stuck up and doesn't care to give them the time of day. She wants to blossom into a better person, but she's not sure how...
    Likes: Dancing, sweets, family, baking and cooking, music, singing
    Dislikes: Her own cowardice, overwhelming situations, sour foods
    Gracia's life is fairly simple. From a young age, she loved to dance and she loved music. She desired to learn all different types of dances, a goal she still is actively seeking out today. She is also the middle child, and she loves her siblings very much.
    She still isn't sure what she wants to do in life, as she's not sure she could do dancing as a career, plus she's already struggling with people...
    - Theme Colors: Cardinal #C41E3A and Paprika #8D0226
    - Her personality was unintentionally based off of Amu Hinamori from Shugo Chara.

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    Name: Raven Cathal Curran
    Nicknames: Rav, Ven
    Age: 19
    Gender: Cis-Male, He/Him
    Birthday: October 1st
    Orientation: Homosexual Homoromantic
    Occupation: Sophomore History Major, Part Time Coffee Shop Barista

    Height: 5 feet 5 inches
    Weight: 135 pounds
    Hair Color: Gray
    Eye Color: Red
    Face Claim: Cyno from Genshin Impact
    Voice Claim: Cyno from Genshin Impact (JP Dub)
    Blood Type: O-
    Physical Impairments: N/A

    Blurb: Raven is fairly intelligent, but considered an enigma to most. He pops up out of nowhere sometimes. Some people say that's he's a myth or he's some sort of supernatural creature, but he honestly just walks very quietly and despite his animal-eared hoods and hats that he is often seen wearing, he tends to blend into the crowd. He likes cracking jokes and has scared people by surprising them and alerting them to his presence just by cracking a dumb joke. He's not funny, and never will be. He also really is interest in the occult and he tells people his goal in life is to summon a demon prince and become his husband. Whether or not that's a joke or he actually believes in it remains to be seen...
    Likes: Occult, history, funny jokes, reading, card games
    Dislikes: Getting smacked for bad jokes or starling people, when people don't understand his jokes, people messing with his brother of friends
    Raven and his twin brother, Lark, were born and raised in a city with a librarian for a mother. Because of this, the two spent time at her work space and began to read, resulting in Raven developing an interest in history and fantasy elements.
    Nowadays, he is a simple college student living a simple life, there's nothing more to be said. However, Lark is a little awkward and if anyone dares to insult his brother, Raven will not hesitate to hunt them down...
    - Theme Colors: Gigas #523C94 and Martinique #363050

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    Name: Cecelia Simon
    Epithet: Lakeside Garden
    Age: 18
    Gender: Cis-Female, She/Her
    Birthday: June 14th
    Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
    Region: Mondstadt
    Affiliation: Watergrove Flower Shop
    Vision: Hydro

    Height: 5 feet 3 inches
    Weight: 118 pounds
    Hair Color: Reddish-Brown
    Eye Color: Cyan
    Face Claim: Emma Verde from Love Live
    Voice Claim: TBD
    Physical Impairments: N/A
    Blurb: Standing at 5 foot 3 inches at age 18, Cecelia has a fairly youthful appearance. Her fair skin is dotted with freckles, and she has wide blue eyes that oftentimes sparkle. Her reddish-brown hair is tied into two braids and goes just past her shoulders. Cecelia can oftentimes be seen with a smile on her face.
    Cecelia wears a dress that has a white blouse-like top and a blue skirt, decorated with green vines and white flowers. Her vision is attached to a necklace chain she wears around her neck, and she wears darker blue boots and gloves that go just past her wrist. She wears a flower crown atop her head.

    Blurb: Cecelia is a kind-hearted young lady with a passion for flowers. Optimistic at heart, she often puts others before herself and tries to see the best in people. Her happiness is contagious, and she's always looking for anyone who needs help. Cecelia also likes to give other people flowers to cheer them up, and is well-versed in their meanings.
    However, she's prone to getting hurt for the sake of others, and can be quite naïve. She's gullible and, though she doesn't realize it, somewhat self-neglectant if there's someone she thinks that she must help. She's also fairly stubborn, and can't say no to people at all. Overall, she's a well-meaning person, but she can sometimes try too hard to be helpful.
    Likes: TBD
    Dislikes: TBD
    As a young girl in Mondstadt, Cecelia had always been intrigued by flowers. They were fascinating to her, so pretty, so sweet, and they meant a lot of different things.
    Normal Attack
    Performs up to 5 consecutive shots with a bow.

    Charged Attack
    Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
    While aiming, Hydro energy will accumulate on the arrowhead. A fully charged arrow will deal Hydro DMG.

    Plunging Attack
    Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.





    Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Mondstadt on the mini-map.

    Varunada Lazurite Sliver - x1
    Varunada Lazurite Fragment - x9
    Varunada Lazurite Chunk - x9
    Varunada Lazurite Gemstone - x6
    Cleansing Heart (Oceanid) - x46
    Cecelia - x168
    Firm Arrowhead- x18
    Sharp Arrowhead - x30
    Weathered Arrowhead - x36

    Teachings of Ballad - x9
    Guide to Ballad - x63
    Philosophies of Ballad - x114
    Firm Arrowhead - x18
    Sharp Arrowhead - x66
    Weathered Arrowhead - x93
    Dvalin's Sigh (Dvalin) - x18
    Crown of Insight - x3

    Base Dish: Answer



    Increases the Level of Elemental Skill by 3.
    Maximum upgrade level is 15.


    Increases the Level of Elemental Burst by 3.
    Maximum upgrade level is 15.



    Name: Vesper Callidora
    Nicknames: Ves, Vesp, Cal, Callie
    Age: TBD
    Species: Vampire
    Gender: ???-Male, He/Hlim
    Birthday: TBD
    Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
    Occupation: TBD

    Height: TBD
    Weight: TBD
    Hair Color: Blond
    Eye Color: Red/Blue
    Face Claim: Mikaela Hyakuya form Seraph of the End
    Voice Claim: TBD
    Physical Impairments: TBD

    Blurb: TBD
    Likes: TBD
    Dislikes: TBD
    - Theme Color: Mandy #E25465

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